Five Things to Know About Recycling Waste

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I am sure as a child you heard your mother or grandmother say "Waste not want not." In this day of environmental concerns and the desire to save energy and money, the saying rings truer than ever. But first, what is waste recycling? Most commonly used it can stand for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and encompasses all of our trash and garbage that is picked up by the trash disposal crews and dumped in land fills or on barges to be sent out to sea. Therefore, everything is waste and a vast majority of it can be recycled if it is set aside and separated. The second thing to know is that there are methods for utilizing compacted waste as building materials, insulation and packing cushioning. It may sound bizarre, but your banana peel from breakfast just may end up down the road as part of the insulation in someone's house someday soon. Thirdly, a form of waste recycling is called source reduction. It is taking the scraps and/or used products and using them again thus reducing the need to produce more new materials. This not only saves a company money and time, it also emits less toxicity into the environment and uses up a lot less energy. The fourth thing is that not all of our trash ends up in the landfills or on a barge floating out to sea (which always reminded me of sweeping dirt under the rugs- it doesn't eliminate the problem, just hides it a while and makes it someone else's job to clean up). There is a relatively new method in the history of recycling called combusting. This does involve the incineration of garbage instead of recycling it, but the energy derived from the combustion process can be harnessed to provide electricity for factories Recently developed emission control methods to keep the toxins from escaping into the air during the combustion process have made this option more and more attractive. The fifth and final thing is more and more technologies are being discovered to make almost every waste transformed into reusable materials. The technology is resulting in increasingly more nontoxic and environmentally safer methods to handle our MSW. As the world either runs low on natural resources or realizes it is just not economically feasible to use new resources every time the manufacturing of a product is demanded, recycling our everyday waste will become more and more commonplace, create jobs and help preserve our nature for future generations. RecycleAbility will continue to support these efforts. We hope you will as well. Article Source:

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