God and Natural Disasters

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==== ==== ¿Qué es una catástrofe natural? Las catástrofes naturales son la consecuencia de un fenómeno natural, extremo o no, cuando produce daños materiales o económicos de una dimensión tal que afectan a la vida normal de una población. Acerca de las catástrofes naturales, terremotos, huracanes, tsunamis: http://www.ingeniero-de-caminos.com/2011/07/catastrofes-naturales.html ==== ====

Who is responsible for natural disasters and misfortunes? Through out scriptures, we understand that there are two realms, Heaven and Earth. God is sovereign over Heaven and Man over the Earth (Psalms 115:16). The will of God is forever established in Heaven, but it takes the cooperation of men with God, to establish upon the Earth what God has already established in Heaven (Matt. 16:19). Natural disasters are not divine retribution or an act of God as many have termed it. They resulted from the fall of Adam. The Church has received authority over everything on Earth. We know that Christ, as a manifested Son of God, had control over the elements of nature. It will take the manifestation of the Sons of God to subject even creation to the will of God. Jesus Christ, the truth of God commented concerning superstitious beliefs concerning natural disasters and misfortunes (Luke 13:1-5). The disciples believed that victims of natural disasters were sinners and Christ told them that except they change their mind (repent: Greek "metanoia" which means to change the state of your mind and not confess your sins and cease from sinning), because they hold such erroneous points of view, they will experience the same. A man is subject to his fears. Most accidents and catastrophes happen as a result of the neglect of men. They have nothing to do with God (God is absolutely good, James 1:17). God Himself does not have the right to intervene as and when He likes in human affairs. He did so for all men as Christ on the cross. The believer in Christ nonetheless is preserved as long as he walks in the plan of God for his life. God's preservation is found in His purpose for your life, not elsewhere. Most regions of the world where natural disasters abound, abound as a result of the state of mind of the inhabitants of such localities. Fear is a very strong mental and emotional factor. God has set angels in the four corners of the Earth to preserve and protect planet Earth from disasters, but in regions where the people are living in insecurity and fear, these angels cannot adequately fulfill their divine assignment. It is the same for areas where there is a great prevalence of negative speech, people always complaining and cursing. All theses things create the right atmosphere for natural disasters to abound. Why can't God prevent natural disasters? God has principles which bind even Him God. Why isn't everyone saved though it is God's will that all may be saved and come to the knowledge of His Son (1 Tim. 2:4). Why doesn't He heal every

sick person, though it is His will that all may walk in health? Why is God omnipresent but His manifest presence is not felt everywhere? Men's will must come in cooperation with the will of God, for the condition of Heaven to manifest on Earth. Natural disasters and accidents are a manifestation of the sin of Adam, through which all creation fell. But where sin abounds grace super abounds. The Grace of God was made manifest to counteract and annihilate the effects of sin, but it is a progressive process. God does it through His Gospel. He raises mature believers by His Gospel, who will superimpose Heaven on Earth. The will of God, contrary to what many think, is not always done (). If not, Jesus would not have asked His disciples to pray the will of God into fulfillment. God Himself told Abraham that Israel will remain in Egypt for four hundred years, but when the time came they stayed another thirty years. Did God lie to Abraham? Certainly not! When God announces His will concerning a specific thing in your life, it is your responsibility to watch through prayers that it should come to pass. Paul told Timothy to attend to the prophesies that had gone ahead of him (1 Tim 1:18), lest they fail to come to pass.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ferdinand_D_Galabe

==== ==== ¿Qué es una catástrofe natural? Las catástrofes naturales son la consecuencia de un fenómeno natural, extremo o no, cuando produce daños materiales o económicos de una dimensión tal que afectan a la vida normal de una población. Acerca de las catástrofes naturales, terremotos, huracanes, tsunamis: http://www.ingeniero-de-caminos.com/2011/07/catastrofes-naturales.html ==== ====

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