Successfully Surviving a Natural Disaster

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==== ==== ¿Qué es una catástrofe natural? Las catástrofes naturales son la consecuencia de un fenómeno natural, extremo o no, cuando produce daños materiales o económicos de una dimensión tal que afectan a la vida normal de una población. Acerca de las catástrofes naturales, terremotos, huracanes, tsunamis: ==== ====

Almost everyone in one way or another has experienced some sort of natural disaster. It may have been a tornado, hurricane, tsunami, earthquake, or any other form of a life threatening event created by nature. We can almost assume that no one is really prepared for such events especially if we are caught off guard by them. The basic premise for surviving such events comes down to keeping your composure. Remember that the only thing to fear is fear itself. You may be thinking, that's easier said then done. In fact, it is easier said then done. If panic sets in during a natural disaster it could be detrimental to your survival and maybe to others around you as well. It's hard to be prepared for any disaster if you did all your disaster planning with the notion that you will be in one particular place during such an event. Chances are you could be away from home when disaster strikes. Don't put all your eggs into one basket. Taking survival items with you on your travels is recommended especially if you're headed to a place known to be a hazardous area. A successful way of being prepared for any disaster is to become familiar with the event itself. There are a lot of articles and news stories both on the internet and the television. A really good example is to watch the Discovery Channel or The Weather Channel on Cable or Satellite TV. Imagine yourself being in imbedded in the same situations. Think about what you would do. If you can't think about how you would handle theses kinds of situations here's a few pointers that may offer some help. Mental Preparation This is probably the most important thing you will need to help survive a disaster. First get the idea out of your head that it can't, or never will happen to you. If you live in a particular area that is prone to certain natural events such as tornados for instance then do as much research as you can on this topic. Read stories about people who survived a tornado. Don't read about people who did not survive one as its counter productive. Watch The Discovery Channel or The Weather Channel when there is a show on tornados. Expect that you may not be at home when one strikes. Maybe you're visiting with a relative or neighbor. Ask your relative, or neighbor what they have planned in case such events were to happen. If you ever have the chance to actually see a tornado from a safe distance I would

recommend doing so. This may help in overcoming some fears you may have of them. Developing your common sense is critical. Your common sense is what you're going to have to rely on. Common sense is derived from knowledge, beliefs, and experience you have. Getting the knowledge is easy. Acquiring the experience is not. That's why you will need to read, or view stories about people who have survived a disaster. Then imagine yourself in their place. Doing what they did to survive. This will help to develop your common sense. You will need to do this a few times on a regular basis till it's imbedded into your subconscious mind. Your beliefs should change from thinking that you're going to die to believing that you will survive. Physical Preparation: This comes in three parts. The first part is being physically prepared yourself. Being healthy is very important. Get exercise such as jogging, swimming, or riding a bike. Eat healthy food, and try to lose weight if you're overweight. If you're weak, can't run or unable to lift heavy objects then you need to get in better shape. Of course some people can't do these things because of disabilities or age. If you fit into one of those categories then make sure someone who can do those things can come to your help if needed. Take a course in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). There are many places which give this training for free. If you have several members of your family living with you, have them take the training also. The second most important thing is to keep within reach items that can assist in helping you during an emergency. A cell phone, 2 way radio, flashlight, and first aid kit are good examples. If you're away from home keeping these items in your car would be beneficial. If you don't have a car, or are a good distance from it, consider a small backpack, or purse that can hold these items. Third, stay informed of current and pending weather conditions before you do any traveling, even short distances. Do a quick look on the internet, or The Weather Channel. It will only take a few minutes of your time. Prepare a written plan and make sure your family is aware of it. Within this plan include a place where everyone can meet incase they get separated from each other. A primary location and a secondary location would be a good idea. If the natural disaster is large, where a whole State is affected, then created a location in another State where everyone can meet. Conclusion Remember that you are only helpless if you believe you're helpless. Successful preparation is a key to surviving any disaster. Stay Informed. Article Source:

==== ==== ¿Qué es una catástrofe natural? Las catástrofes naturales son la consecuencia de un fenómeno natural, extremo o no, cuando produce daños materiales o económicos de una dimensión tal que

afectan a la vida normal de una poblaci贸n. Acerca de las cat谩strofes naturales, terremotos, huracanes, tsunamis: ==== ====

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