Waste Recycling

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==== ==== Acerca de la gesti贸n de residuos y su reciclaje: http://www.ingeniero-de-caminos.com/2011/03/reciclaje-residuos.html ==== ====

What constitutes waste and how can different types of waste be reduced, reused or recycled? After all, remember the proverb "one man's rubbish is another man's treasure." Perhaps our forefathers had more wisdom than possessions needing reusing or recycling, but I do know they made the best use of everything they had; looked after everything they owned and still had time to think of wise ideas to hand down to today's generations. The problem is, that from their thriftiness, their children and grandchildren benefited so greatly that many of us today have too much and don't value the things we do own enough. Our throw-away society has caused us to become value-less. If we are to succeed at waste recycling we have to start to value physical material things more. Even enough to reuse some possessions in different ways; either that or not need to use them at all. Multi-functionality of physical possessions will help us to reduce our need for material products and stop filling up our landfills. Reduction of 'needed' possessions is a preferred option but reusing what we already own is also necessary to cut-down on things we think we need. If we all become a little more innovative, I think we will all find many things in existence today that can be used in many other ways. Let's use car tires for example. Do you know how hard they are to dispose of? Car tires are used for mine fills for disused mine shafts; stored in huge paddocks or, eventually, burned. This burning causes black smoke to pollute the surrounding areas for miles. Considering how difficult tires are to dispose of makes a person wonder why more has never been done to reduce their use. Or at best how to reuse them in their existing form. Yet their disposal can be recycled and used for our roads because they make excellent material for making smoother, longer-lasting roads. The tires are recycled by first being shredded into small chunks, any wiring etc is removed, and the rubber is melted and added to asphalt mix. Have you occasionally noticed how a newly paved road you are traveling on is suddenly so quiet and smooth? Chances are that it's a road surface containing a percentage of rubber in the asphalt recycled from used car tires. Gives a whole new meaning to the saying "where the rubber hits the road", doesn't it?

Waste recycling is everyone's problem, not just our civil authorities. So let's all get "mean and green." Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jan_Smith

==== ==== Acerca de la gesti贸n de residuos y su reciclaje: http://www.ingeniero-de-caminos.com/2011/03/reciclaje-residuos.html ==== ====

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