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16 January 2015
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K9 unit sniffs out crime and drugs >> Members fight criminals headon PHOTO: KALISHA NAICKER
Constable Musa Khwela and his fourlegged partners Ayaza and Johnny.
Sale of All Blinds
HE Shongweni K9 Unit made more than 10 arrests for narcotics and trio crimes (house break-ins,armedrobberyandhijacking) in the Upper Highway area thanks to Constable Musa Khwela and his four-legged partners Ayaza and Johnny. Khwela said the unit is taking a zero tolerance approach in the Upper Highway area. He said these arrests are just the tip of the iceberg. Kwela and his partners arrested four suspects for narcotics in Hillcrest, and six for house break-ins, armed robbery and hijacking in Drummond, Kwadebeka and Hillcrest. “We are against all forms of crime and together with our furry partners we will bring down crime, at all cost,” he said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
EMERGENCY Hillcrest SAPS..........031 765 9116/9103 Kloof Police Station. . . . .031 764 2334 Fire.......................................031 361 0000 Gillitts Metro........................031 767 1222 Rescuetech KZN................086 167 2226 Together SA CAN Community Incident Management Centre: ................ 08 616 SA CAN / 08 616 72226
MEC condemns vandalism FEVER REPORTER THE KwaZuluNatal MEC for Trans port, Community Safety and Liaison Willies Mchunu, has strongly con demned violence that led to the burn ingofeThekwiniMunicipalproperty,in cluding a building, tractors, vehicles and building material in KwaNdengezi, near the Upper Highway area last week. Mchunu said that this practice by locals, which is becoming regular, must come to an immediate end. He learnt with shock and disap pointmentthatthebuilding,acontain er, with building material and a tractor were torched and vandalised, alleg edly by people demanding service de livery. Thisisnot thefirsttimethatmunic ipal property had been vandalised and destroyed in KwaNdengezi by service delivery protesters. In October 2014 a public protest in KwaNdengezi degenerated into vio lence, resulting in the torching of three municipal vehicles, with other munici pal property ,such as computers, being stolen during the protest. Mchunu said,“We are, therefore, ex tremely disappointed about the de struction of municipal property, espe cially in such a short space of time in this community. “We consider these acts as criminal and it should be totally condemned,” said Mchunu. Alsoofconcernwasthatthematter of the likely attack on municipal prop erty had been reported to the local po lice before it took place. “Police management needs to get to the bottom of this. We need to find out what measures were taken to pre vent this act of criminality once it had been reported to the police,” said Mc hunu. He urged stakeholders to rather en gage in meaningful dialogue with a view of resolving their concerns amica bly. He also called on anyone with infor mation of this latest and last year’s in cidents to report it to the police imme diately so the perpetrators can face the long arm of the law.
Housebreak-in syndicate in the dock KALISHA NAICKER MEMBERS of Hillcrest Crime Preven tion, in conjunction with Hillcrest De tectives and the members of Pinetown Cluster Crime Intelligence held an intel ligencedriven operation last week, clamping down on crime that is occur ring in the Summerveld area of Hill crest. Members identified a crime pattern which was carried out by the suspects and four men were arrested for numer ous case of housebreaking in Sum merveld. According to Constable N. Manqele, the communications officer for Hill crest SAPS: “Following the arrest nu merous items were recovered — a plas ma TV, laptops and computers — with the value of about R75 000,” he said. The suspects are under police cus tody for further investigation and will appear in Pinetown Court soon.
ANIMAL RESCUE Kloof & Highway SPCA: 031 764 1212/3 Monkey Helpline...........................................: 082 411 5444 or 082 659 4711 COUNSELLING Life Line...............................033 394 4444 Open Door Crisis Centre: 031 709 2679 Jes Foord Foundation: 031 765 4559 Careline Crisis Centre: 031 765 1314 or 082 787 6452
AMBULANCE ER 24: 084 124 Netcare 911: 082 911 VEMA: 083 630 0000 Ambulance & Emergency Medical Centre: 10177
16 January 2015
TELEPHONE: 031 533 7600 FAX 031 533 7972 (News) and (Classifieds)
Dogs trained to track and attack
>> Police urge residents to be vigilant FEVER REPORTER
University fees hiked KHANYISANI DLOMO INFLATION and the rising cost of providing quality tertiary education has forced some KwaZuluNataluniversitiestodriveupfees beyond 10%. University of KwaZuluNatal increased both tuition and accommodation fees by 12% this year, and the sharp rise will see parents forking out onceoff registration payments of R3 750 for courses and an ad ditional R2 750 fee for students requiring accommodation. University spokesperson Lesiba Ses hoka said the increment was inspired by careful consideration of the social circum stances of students and wider consulta tion with university stakeholders. “Inflation has negatively affected the allocation to the university from the state, makingthecurrenttuitionfeespaidbystu dents inadequate,” she said. “It is imperative that adequate finan cial resources are available to ensure that our degrees remain highly competitive and respected globally.” The institution received more than 90 000 applications for the 8 400 availa ble spaces in the undergraduate academic programmes. It provides accommodation for 12 086 students at oncampus and offcampus residences. “Each year there is always more de mand than supply for oncampus accom modation.Tohelpcurbthematter,theuni versity makes use of private accommoda
Would-be copper thieves caught SCALATING prices for metals, especially copper, have made what was once a minor nuisance into a major problem in the Upper Highway area. Pipes, wires, cables and gutters arebeingstolenforillegalresaleinthe area. Communication officer for Hillcrest SAPS Colonel N. Manqele said the police have been inundated with complaints of copper theft during 2014 and he is urging residents to be vigilant this year. In an incident last week two would-be thieves were apprehended in Maryvale Road. The pair, who had in their possessionseveraltoolsusedincoppertheft, were apprehended on a property by ADT security guard Mncedisi Maphini and have been detained in police custody. “Copper is the new underground currency and this is the way certain addicts feed their habit,” said Manqele. “We urge the public to report all suspicious characters hanging around fiddling with electricity poles or copper pipes. We are also sending a stern message to scrap metal dealers to not purchase stolen copper pipes or metal.” He said that if one buys stolen goods from thieves, they support
ADT security guard Mncedisi Maphini apprehended the criminals. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
their habit which encourages them to continue with this crime. “Buying stolen goods is just as good as stealing the goods oneself. If caught one could be fined or arrested,” he added. Martin Kriel, managing director of ADT Security’s East Coast region, commended officer Maphini and had thisreminderforresidents:“Regularly check your perimeter fencing and ensure that windows and doors are
properly closed when you are not home. “As an extra security measure, consider installing outdoor beams; if you already have them ensure that they are also activated during the night and when your home is unoccupied.” To report copper theft, contact Telkom’s toll-free crime report line 0800 124 000 or the Hillcrest SAPS on 031 765 9124.
tion in and around our campuses.” Fees at the Durban University of Tech nology (DUT) increased by 10% for both tuition and accommodation, and Mango suthu University of Technology (MUT) in creased its fees by nine percent for tuition alone. DUT’s registration fee has gone up to R3 420 for annual students and R2 100 for semester students. If prospective students seek university accommodation, they will need to double the registration fee. University registrar Profes sor Thenjiwe Meyiwa said the institution re ceived 81 518 ap plications for just 7 200 spaces availableforfirst year students. Meyiwa said the institution leases private buildings for stu dent accommo dation. “Fees charged for accommoda tion in these buildings [leased] and range from R20 000 to R24 000 per an num. In the Dur ban Centre, DUT has 4 956 beds. In the Midlands Centre, we have
2 897 beds. These include leased beds.” The MUT registration fee remains R2 000 for annual students and R1 000 for semester students. Spokesperson Lan Mzimela said they received over 20 000 applications for 2 000 spaces available. “We are ready for registration as we started preparing as early as September. We have moved to a bigger venue [for reg istration] and our systems are set up,” he
he K9 Unit operates in the areas between Westville and Cato Ridge and boasts many successful arrests since it began operating in the area in January 2012. “Our furry, four-legged members are crucial in the fight against crime. We’ve come to learn over the years that criminals are crafty when it comes to hiding their contraband,soweneedthedogstoliterally sniff the drugs out,” said Khewla. “If we don’t have the dogs, we might not find the drugs.” Khwela said it takes about four to five months to properly train a police dog. “It is a tiresome process, but very rewarding in the end. The dogs become like family and if somethinghappenstothemwe are heartbroken,” he added. “We train them to track and attack.” He said that in order for one to be in the K9 Unit one needs a passion for the job, a passion for dogs and ultimately they need to work smartly. Captain Neil Thaver of the K9 Unit commended Khwela for the arrests and urged the public to support the unit. To find out more about the Shongweni K9 Unit or to assist in anyway visit them at Kassier Road, Hillcrest.
said. Unisa spokesperson Martin Ramotshe la said they received 168 400 applications last year, made up of 93 739 new appli cants, and 74 661 returning students. “From applications received, 89 046 met the minimum requirements. All these applicants will be accommodated during the current registration period, provided they still satisfy the admission require ments.”.
16 January 2015
Spot the alien
Kalisha.Naicker@media24.com THEHillcrestConservancyisappealingtoresidents to remove all species of Lantana camara - which is an invasive plant - from their gardens. According to George Victor of the conservancytheLantanacamaraisaspreadingshrub or untidy scrambler growing up to two metres or higher. “The stems usually covered with short, stiff hairs and recurved thorns. They are dark green, rough, hairy leaves which are paler below and smell strongly when crushed. The flowers are pink, red, crimson, orange, yellow orwhiteflowers incompact,flat-toppedheads, often with several colours in one head. They bear glossy green fruits which turn purplishblack and are poisonous,” he said. Victor said that the Lantana is a problem as it competes with and replaces indigenous species. “Allelopathic suppression of indigenous
species interrupts regeneration processes and reduces biodiversity of natural ecosystems. Dense stands in plantations obstruct access and utilisation,” he said. “It is also poisonous to humans and animals andresponsibleforlivestockmortalities.Italso reduces the grazing potential of the land.” Victor urged the public to pull out these plants from their properties or verges before the seeds start spreading. “The flowers are presently in bloom so the plants are easily identified and with the soft soil they can be removed with minimal effort,” he added. “Theplantingofthehybridtypesshouldalso be discouraged as they soon revert back to the natural species.” Victor added, “Our endangered grasslands are being affected by this, and we need to preserve these wherever we can. Natural grasslands take hundreds of thousands of years to become established and are also most impossible to replace once lost.”
Irresponsible and inconsiderate dumping continues >> Dropoff centre is not a dump site
Hillcrest Con servancy vol unteer Inno cent Khanyile can be seen holding a typi cal plant.
Sindi Ndlovu with the illegally dumped waste.
sponsible, there are still some who are spoiling it for everyone,” she said. “I am urging the community to use the cenESPITE numerous appeals and signage therearestillmanyresidentsinHillcrest tre responsibly.” Mitchell said that the KHBA has to spend who continue to use the drop-off centre money to remove the refuse and this impacts in Delamor Road as their private dump site. The latest in a long list of refuse brought to severely on the wages of the staff Sindi Ndlovu the site include a pool pump cover, broken of- and Welcome Ngcobo, and compromises the fice chair, tyres, house hold waste, garden re- sustainability of the site. “I appeal to the public – please respect the fuse, a broken car and house hold equipment. AccordingtoMargeMitchelloftheKeepHill- recycling site and use it only for recyclables. This is not a rubbish dump,” crest Beautiful Association she added. (KHBA) the drop-off centre “I APPEAL TO THE “There are other options was established in August PUBLIC – PLEASE available for residents to 2008 when Rosanne Grifdump rubbish.” fin and Petra Coetzer from RESPECT THE She said that the site will eThekwini Municipality gave permission for the asRECYCLING SITE AND soonhavesurveillancecameras and it is expected that sociation to manage the site USE IT ONLY FOR there will be some follow up on behalf of the municipality. RECYCLABLES. THIS IS of illegal dumpsters in the near future. “Weonlycollectglassbot“I do hope this article is tles, paper, cardboard, cans, NOT A RUBBISH DUMP,” not only read by the ‘conand polystyrene at the site,” verted’ and that it reaches she said, Mitchell urged residents not to bring wind- those who continue to abuse this public service screens,plateglass,crockery,tyres,hosepipes, provided by an NGO run by volunteers for the paint cans, garden refuse as those belong at the benefit of the community, and the environment,” she concluded. Shongweni Landfill Site. Ifanyonewitnessesdumpingtakingplaceat “Some individuals are using the Hillcrest Recycling Centre as a dumping ground for their therecyclingcentre, pleaserecordtheregistraunwantedrubbish. Whilemostpeoplewhovis- tion number of the vehicle and contact it the recycling centre are committed and re- 083 419 3807.
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Determination led to success
16 January 2015 Are you on the pulse of what’s happening in your community? Write for us and get published using the Citizen Journalism tool at www.hillcrestfever.co.za
Make way for horror
>> It’s all about hard work for local author KALISHA NAICKER
T was a lifelong dream come true for Gillitts author Alex Dube when helaunchedhisdebutbookPayNo Tax Get More Money, the Spiral of Property Wealth, at his home town recently. Dube’s road to success began when he was just a boy and had dreams of being an engineer and making a difference. He has since qualified as a civil engineer, registered with the engineering council of South Africa. His passion for property and investments started from the time he graduated from university. Dubeenteredtherealestateindustry in 1995 by initially acquiring residential properties in Pietermaritzburg where he added value to newly acquired assets by renovating and subdividing them. As his residential property portfolio grew he started investing in commercial real estate. Today Dube has grown his portfolio to millions of rands and has since diversified geographically and in his tenant base. His experience in property has been hands-on because he built his portfolio from nothing.Over15yearshis achievements have been remarkable and he has acquired the skill and insight to
find and create value from real estate. Thepushtowritethisbookcamefrom both strangers and friends asking Dube how he had grown his wealth and how he had achieved so much from very little. “My book is about finding and creating value in property. ‘No tax free money’ is money that you access from banks and other sources for which you do not pay tax and ultimately the tenant(s), by paying rent, pay this money back,” he said. “A lot of people do not understand or appreciate the power that property hasincreatingwealth.Itgivesyouunparalleled access to finance and the ability to keep reinvesting again and again as you grow your spiral of property wealth.” Describing himself as hardworking Dube said his proudest moments in life are the birth of his children. He follows in the footsteps of innovators, inventors, and people who push boundaries — Elon Musk (Pay Pal, Space X), Garrett Morgan (black inventor of the gas mask, traffic signal and hair relaxer), Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. His message to the youth is: “Improvement and better performance comes through focus and hard work.” To find out more about Dube or to buy his book, contact 031 769 2 897.
Bernard Curgenven’s horror releases.
Kalisha.Naicker@media24.com LOCAL author and poet Bernard Harold Curgenven’s life revolves around writing. He has six Facebook groups where he continues to aspire other authors to follow their passion and dreams. Curgenven writes all forms of poetry, and novels, specialising in comedy, horror and science fiction. Hismostfavouritethemeiscomedy, “as it generally eases the personal pains and ales of the reader,” he said. “I started writing at a very young age - in junior school - and received awards. I believe that English litera-
ture lives on through authors. Our fight is against the extinction of our unique language!” “One of my favorite novels was ‘The KGB Directive’, written by
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Richard Cox,” he said. Curgenven said he published his first poetry book in the year 2000. “It was a paperback version, and had taken me approximately 11 years to complete. Many years later I felt the need to start writing full time,asIhadfinallygainedfullconfidence in my writing ability,” he said. “Bythistimeelectronicbookshad flooded the market and seemed more profitable, being cheaper to produce and easier to distribute and sell.” “I have also created videos of my bookimages,bookcoversandpoetry with Youtube. I have author profiles with google, amazon, and bookrix (my publisher),” he said. To date Curgenven has published 32 books and his latest series of horrors can also be found on Amazon. To find out more about Bernard Harold Curgenven books, contact bernardharoldcurgenven@live.com.
Alex Dube
Ombudsman Ombudsman ofof Hillcrest Hillcrest Fever Fever
Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage
July to September 2014: 19950
According to the editorial policy of the Hillcrest Fever, readers are invited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information about correc tion of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 or email to pressombudsman@ombudsman.org.za
PHONE: 031 533 7600 PUBLISHER: Neil Tapinos neil.tapinos@expressmedia.co.za
16 January 2015
Is it really worth it?
EDITOR: Valene Govender valene.govender@media24.com REPORTER: Kalisha Naicker kalisha.naicker@media24.com SALES REP: Sarah Brauns: 0836574427 sarah.brauns@media24.com
Lynne Mathiesen: 031 533 7601 lynne.mathiesen@media24.com PRINTING: Paarl Coldset, PMB. COPYRIGHT: Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Hill crest Fever and may not be used without the permission of Media24 News in writing. DISTRIBUTION: For all distribution queries, please contact Mpume Sithole at 031 533 7614
Supporting the cause Barbara Patrick of the Kloof and Highway SPCA and Rob Thunder of Car Go Auto Sales with Dolce.
The matric cheaters now face harsh sanctions and uncertain futures
HEN I was in matric, the thought of cheating during the exams didn’t even cross my mind. Firstly,Iwastoomuchofanervouswreck to cheat and I knew that should I get caught, I would get a serious whipping from my mother. I also knew that I would be subjected to endless family meetings and counselling. Not only would it be recorded in the De partment of Education’s history books, but my mother would make sure that it was in my obituary and on my tombstone too, and I definitely didn’t want that. A friend of mine cheated in his matric tri al exam. Even though I don’t promote cheating, I must say the modus operandi was pretty impressive. During a technical drawing trial exam, my friend and a mate sitting in from of him literally switched boards the minute the invigilator turned his back on them. They didn’t get caught. On top of that, they both got 80% for the exam. Wait, I have my own cheating story to share. Icheatedinaclasstestinprimaryschool.
I was in Grade 3 at Richards Bay Christian School. I know, the irony. My best friend Kate and I were sharing notes in an English test and my auburn haired English teacher, Mrs Walker, walked between us while I was whispering answers to Kate. Before she could even say anything, tears started rolling down my cheeks; I knew it was the end — we got caught. I can’t quite remember what the punish ment was, but I know that I never repeated the action because the feeling of that lump inyourthroatasyou’reusheredtotheprinci pal’s office is not a good feeling. When the matric cheating scandal broke last week, I thought to myself, is it really worth it? I didn’t do well in all of my matric sub jects, but I was satisfied with my results be cause I had put in the hard work. During the late nights and the weekends at the munici pallibrary,wemadesurethatweputinextra workbecausethethoughtofnotseeingyour name in the newspaper was just depressing. When the results finally came out and I saw my name in the newspaper, I was chuffed with myself. I was proud when I re ceived my matric certificate because I knew that I had worked hard and I deserved the results I received. When I heard that 39 exam centres in KwaZuluNatal have been implicated in a cheating scandal, I thought of young peo ple’s futures gone to waste. KZN Department of Education spokes person Muzi Mahlambi made it clear that the department does not take kindly to cheaters. He told the media that pupils have been found cheating in the past and that
the sanctions were harsh. They have includ ed a suspension from writing a matric exam for a period of one to five years. Teachers don’t earn much, so why would you risk putting bread on the table to ruin a child’s future? I ask myself how these children will cope at university, having been accepted into the institutions with faux marks. Mahlambi made an interesting point when he said that children will always be children. He said pupils are so honest that they will tell you that “the teacher gave them the answers or that their parents came home with the paper”. I was absolutely gobsmacked about the fact that parents can come home with a matric exam answer script and make their child memorise the answers. As a parent, what are you teaching your child? That cheating is right? That they can take short cuts to get further in life? Having cheated and learnt my lesson, I hope these children will repent and refrain from cheating in future. It would be a sad indictment on society if some of these chil dren get ahead in life through cheating. Perhaps the department should go back to the basics. I believe that if teachers had equipped the pupils adequately and made sure that they went into the exam with con fidence that they would do well, then there wouldn’t be a need to cheat. But then again, I believe there are so many cracks in our education system that thecheatingscandalisjustthetipoftheice berg.
THE Kloof and Highway SPCA would like to thank CAR GO Auto Sales in Gillitts for supporting the Kloof SPCA in its own way. CAR GO Auto Sales have been doing their bit of spreading the work of what the SPCA does by giving customers of CAR GO Auto
Sales and CAR Pro, a complimentary gift of the exquisite 2015 Kloof and Highway SPCA Calendar – “In celebration of dogs”. The Kloof and Highway SPCA would like to thank CAR Go Auto Sales for their support. - Supplied
Citizen journalism the way to go THE Hillcrest Fever citizen journalist tool is such a wonderful concept. It is quick and easy to register and uploading stories and photos is equally uncomplicated. Using this tool you can submit stories and they will be published online within four working hours. In addition they are submitted
to the news editor to be considered for publication in the next print edition. What a clever notion to open up your scope of resources by allowing fellow citizens the opportunity to share their stories and events with their local community. Emma Dunk
16 January 2015
Hillcrest High congratulates matrics >> Hard work and dedication pays off FEVER REPORTER
Rebecca Hill obtained five dis tinctions.
ILLCRESTHighSchoolwasdelightedto learn that one of their top matric pupils Markus Filter obtained eight distinctions, including German. Deputy principal Denise Knight congratulated the pupils on some “very pleasing results”. Amy Russel achieved six distinctions, Rebecca Hill, Luke Janus, Anesca Singh and Hillcrest High Michelle de Ol iveira, Stepha nie Burnett, Georgina Daw son and Thobi si Mkhize were all smiles after receiving their results.
Shanice Singh, achieved five distinctions.
head prefect, Shanice Singh, each achieved five distinctions. Maxine Brooks, Kendall Buchanan, Shanique Coetzee, Monique Clubert, Sheyenne du Plooy,JaretFoster,KaylaHaycock,HoneyNkomo and Fantasia van Staden each achieved four distinctions. Knight thanked the hardworking and dedicated staff, the supportive parents and the pupils for achieving such fine results.
Kloof's high flyers
FEVER REPORTER KLOOF High School congratulates the matric class of 2014, and particularly its top achievers, for a fine set of results. The principal and staff of Kloof are particularly proud of Nicola Fryer, the head girl and Dux for 2014, who achieved eight distinctions, her lowest mark being 89%. Jessica Barraclough, Megan Fryer, Louise Hadden and Jason Phillips all achieved seven distinctions while Steven Howieson, Kreesan Moodley and Sizwe Sithole each achieved 6 As. Over 86% of Kloof High pupils achieved Bachelor passes. "Well done for taking our Kloof High challenge seriously and being 'the best that I can be,'" said Kloof's Highs Janet Broodey. Nicola Fryer showing off her results. PHOTO: SUP PLIED
Are you on the pulse of what’s happening in your community? Write for us and get published using the Citizen Journalism tool at www.hillcrestfever.co.za
16 January 2015
Overall Hearing are leaders in the market >> ‘Think affordability, reliability and comfort, think Overall Hearing Systems.’
O you have a hearing impairment? Are you looking for the best audio logical services, hearing aid technology and hearing systems at affordable rates? Introducing a hearing aid company that suits all your hearing needs... Overall Hearing Clinic is now in the Highway area. Overall Hearing Systems has 20 years of hearing aid experience, concentrating on affordability and durability in hearing aid technology and ear mould designs, that suit most hearing aid applications. Sean Overall has worked with many hearing aid manufactures around the world with a view to supply affordability, quality and comfort in hearing aid supply. With this in mind Overall Hearing Systems are launching new concepts to hearing.
Thencertainlettersoundsbecome They are proud to be the supplier around your mid to late 30s is recomof the new comfy smart eight channel mended. This allows you to know if harder to detect. It may seem like people are mumyour hearing range changes over digital nano hearing aid. bling, that your phone isn't clear or Thishearingaidisoneofthesmall- time. Why get your hearing tested? that background noise has become est most powerful and digital hearing processes in the world, fitted into a Changes in your hearing are often so more problematic when conversing. Having your hearing soft comfortable fitting with a volume control OVERALL HEARING SYSTEMS HAS 20 YEARS tested can tell you if your hearing abilities have and tap program for OF HEARING AID EXPERIENCE, changed so that you can easy use. look at bringing these Think affordability, CONCENTRATING ON AFFORDABILITY AND sounds back into your reliability and comfort, DURABILITY IN HEARING AID TECHNOLOGY hearing range. think Overall Hearing reasons for hearSystems. They have AND EAR MOULD DESIGNS, THAT SUIT MOST Other ing tests your best interest at . As an occupational heart. HEARING AID APPLICATIONS requirement So who should get . To check for changes in hearing their hearing tested? The short an- gradual that they aren't initially noafter illness or injury ticed. swer is everyone should. . As a precaution when working in High frequencies (like the voices of Hearing testing should be as routine as getting your eyes checked at women and children) tend to be the noisy environments . For concerns regarding hearing the optometrist or your teeth checked first to move beyond a person's hearrange reduction at the dentist. Having a baseline test ing range.
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Uphilela ukuphepha komphakathi NOSIPHO MKHIZE
KUPHEPHA nokuvikeleka komphakathi yikho okusemqoka kumlisa waseHillcrest, uMnuzStevenKing,onguMxhumanisi wenhlangano yomphakathi esebenzisana namaphoyisa phecelezi, i-Hillcrest Community Policing Forum (CPF). Ngesikhathi intatheli yeFEVER ivakashele uMnuz King ehhovisini lakhe eHillcrest, uthe udabuka eMgungundlovu kodwa uneminyaka eyi-16 ehlala eWaterfall. Uthe ukuvikela umphakthi ezigebengwiniyintoesegazinikuye,njengoba waqala ukusebenza emasosheni esemncane. Uthe: “Ukuba yisosha kwangenza ngabanothando lokuvikela umphakathi engihlala kuwo, yingakho ngabona kukuhle ukuba yingxenye yezinhlangano ezivikela umphakathi nezixhumene namaphoyisa. Njengamanje ngingaphansi kwe-CPF yase-Hillcrest, ngiphinde ngibe yilungu le-Secure Link neSouth African Community Crime Watch.” Uthe: “Kulezi zinhlangano senza imikhankaso yokuqwashisa umphakathi ngobugebengu, sisungule izindlela zokuwuvikela nezindlela zokuthi umphakathi ukwazi ukuxhumana nathi uma kukhona inkinga edinga ukubikwa emaphoyiseni, umsebenzi wethu-ke lapho wukuthi thina sixhu-
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UMnuz Steven King onguMxhumanisi we Hillcrest Community Policing Forum
manise umphakathi namaphoyisa,” kusho uMnuz King. Uqhube wathi basebenze kanzima ngesikhathi kunyuka isibalo sobugebengu eHillcrest, lapho izigebengu zingenela umphakathi ezindlini, zintshontshe ziphinde zibulale amalungu omndeni. Uthe: “Bekuyisikhathiesinzimakithinasonke,njengoba umphakathi ubusuhlalele ovalweni.Sisunguleizindlelazokuthiumphakathi uxhumane nalezi zinhlangano kwikhasi le-Facebook
nakwi-Blackberry messenger eyaziwa ngikuthi yi-BBM, lapho sigqugquzela ukuthi umphakathi ube nezinhlangano ezincane ezibhekelela izinkinga zobugebengu,” kusho yena. Uqhube wathi okujabulisayo wukuthi maningi amalungu omphakathi asebhalisele ukuba yingxenye yalezi zinhlangano ezilwisana nobugebengu kubalwa eBothas Hill naseWaterfall. Uthe lokhu kwenza kuqine ukuphepha komphakathi futhi kuleke-
lela amaphoyisa ekubopheni izigegebengu. Ugqugquzele umphakathi ohlala emalokishi nasezindaweni ezise makhaya ezisondelene neHillcrest ukuthi besungule lezi zihlangano ukuze bevikeleke. Uthe: “Lezi nhlangano akusizo ezasendaweni zesilungu kuphela, kodwa nginxusa umphakathi osezindaweni ezise malokishini ukuthi beqale imikhankaso yokusungula ama-CPF basungule nezinhlanano ezincane ezizoba ngaphansi kwe-CPF. Ziningi
16 January 2015
izindlela abantu abangaxhumana ngazo uma sezisunguliwe lezi zinhlangano, kubalwa iFacebook, yiWhatsapp ne-BBM, okuyindela elula yokuthumela imiyalezo kumakhalekhukhwini,” kusho yena. Uthe umphakathi kumele ulekele izinhlangano ukuze kuzophela ubugebengu, akumele bafihle izigebengu uma zenze icala futhi kumele balibike icala emaphoyiseni kuse nesikhathi ukuze kuboshwe abantu abahlalisa umphakathi lubhojozi. Uthe: “Lo nyaka kumele kube wunyaka onoshintsho emphakathini, sidinga umphakathi ulekelele amaphoyisa emsebenzini abawenzayo, buningi ubugebengu obenzakala emphakathini kodwa lawo macala awafikiemaphoyiseningenxayokuthiabantu bayesaba ukubika. U-2015 kumele kube unyaka wokubambisana emphakathini, okuhle wukuthi kunesiteshi esincane esisanda kuvulwa eMolweni, lapho abantu bengaya khona beyobika ngobugebengu. Singamalungue-CPF,sifunaukuqeda izigilamkhuba emphakathini ukuze sihlale sikhululekile emakhaya ethu,” kusho uMnuz King. Uma kukhona othanda ukwazi kabanzi nge-CPF noma othanda ukusungula inhlangano esebenzisana namaphoyisa emphakathini angaxhunama noMnuz Steven King enombolweni ethi: 082 920 5799.
16 January 2015
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Defender’s last hurrah >> Land Rover’s African Edition Defender arrives in South Africa — only 50 units available PHOTOS: SOURCED
Land Rover’s African Edition Defender.
Cool cars for SA this year FOLLOWING a busy period of newmodel launches in South Africa last year, 2015 shows no sign of slowing down with many allnew vehicles and upgrades headed our way. Here are some of the highlights: Sports cars Wellheeled highperformance enthu siasts have several pulsequickening cars to look forward to, including the new two seater MercedesAMG GT which arrives in May to replace the SLS. In March the much awaitedC63AMGwillmakeitslocaldebut, and competing with it for the attention of hotblooded petrol heads will be the high performance Lexus RCF, flagship of the new RC coupé range arriving later this year. Another notable sports car headed here around November is Ford’s Mustang. Also on the possible radar for 2015 is Por sche’s venomous 911 GT3 RS. Honda’s Civic TypeR will give boyrac ers something to get excited about when it lands in the third quarter of this year
sporting a powerful new turbo engine, while Mini’s rapid John Cooper Works, Audi’s hot RS3 and thirdgeneration TT are also on the 2015 launch list. Mazda’s MX5 and the Spider version of Al fa’s stunning 4C give convertible fans something to look forward to. City cars At the more modestly powered and priced end of the market, several new af fordable smallcar ranges are headed our way, starting with the Asegment Suzuki Celerio hatch later this month to replace the Alto. It will be followed in February by VW’snewUp!threedoorhatch,asmallcar with big ambitions. Other upcoming city cars are the new Toyota Aygo arriving around midyear, and a safetyupgraded Datsun Go (with ABS and airbags). Daimler’s Smart Fortwo city car gets here in December followed by the Forfour a few months later.
Citroën C4 Cactus.
Compact cars Moving up to slightly bigger hatch backs, Opel’s Adam has just landed in SA to compete with the likes of the Fiat 500 and Honda’s new Jazz arrives later this month. BMW’s first frontwheeldrive car, the 2 Series Active Tourer, goes on sale later this month. March sees the launch of Cit roën’soutlandishlystyledC4Cactusalong
ANDRover’smosticonicmodel, the Defender, has become even more geared for the great African outdoors courtesy of a new “Africa Edition”, says the automaker. The Africa Edition, says Land Rover, builds on the legend that is Defender, and “gives the faithful the opportunity to own a vehicle that not only has a unique look but also an array of features that enhance its workmanlike persona.” The limited edition rolls nearly 70 years of “hard-core, 4x4ing capability into one unmistakeable package”. Just 50 are available, of which 30 are 110 station wagons with the balance built on the 90” platform. All carry a Defender Africa logo on the sides and rear. It’s equipped with black Sawtooth alloys shod with 235/85/16 Goodyear Wrangler MTR dual-purpose tyres and has a distinctive red roof. It’s only available in black with colour-coded wheel arches. Interior highlights include a set of Melvill and Moon seat covers in black canvas with red leather piping, red contrast stitching and a unique Africa map tag. A CD-tuner with MP3 compatibili-
with the new Peu geot 308 hatch. Sedans Ford’s Fusion, the re place ment for the mid sized Mondeo arrives in local showrooms in the next couple of months, to be followed by the new Volkswagen Passat around midyear. TowardstheendoftheyearJaguar’sXE sedan heads here to take on the likes of the BMW 3 Series. The facelifted VW Jetta has just hit town (see story elsewhere in this issue). Luxury cars The swoopy coupé version of the Mer cedes SClass will be in local showrooms by the end of this month, featuring a Curve Tilt function that leans the car’s body into a bend — much like a biker or skier would
ty includes an auxiliary input and Bluetooth interface. It’s powered by a 90kW/360Nm 2.2-litre turbodiesel. A range of optional extras are available. Prices: Land Rover Defender 90 Africa Edition — R523 00 Land Rover Defender 90 Africa Edition 110 — R562 000. Due to government and safety regulations, the venerable Defender line will be chopped. Land Rover announced it will cease production of its iconic 4x4 in 2015. Land Rover design director Gerry McGovern said: “Replacing the iconic Defender is one of the biggest challenges in the automotive design world; it is a car that inspires people worldwide.” According to the automaker: “Defender production in its current format will stop at the end of 2015. “A replacement will join the Land Rover model range but we have announced neither the name nor details of the new product.” - Wheels 24
— to reduce lateral forces on the driver and passengers. SUVs Buyers seeking big cabin space and a generous ride height will have lots to choose from this year. BMW’s secondgen eration X6, the Land Rover Discovery Sport (which replaces the Freelander), the new Kia Sorento, the retrostyled Jeep Rene gade, the Subaru Outback, the X3rivalling new Lexus NX, and the new Infiniti QX80 will all cruise in during the first half of the year. The second half will usher in Audi’s new Q7, Merc’s GLE Coupé, Volvo’s XC90 and Foton’s Toplander. New compact crossovers will be the Opel Mokka, Fiat 500X, Mazda CX3 and Hyundai ix25. Commercials With Toyota’s new Hilux only arriving in 2016, there isn’t much news on the bakkie front in 2015, except for some upgrades to Isuzu’s KB range. GWM’s Steed 6 range has just been unveiled alongside the older Steed 5 which continues as a more value based workhorse, while plugging the gap is the more leisureoriented Steed 5E.
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Change a Life target juniors for Dusi 2015 >> It’s about getting fit for Shongweni teens FEVER REPORTER
RECENT shift in focus to ‘tomorrow’s stars’ at Martin Dreyer’s Computershare Change a Life Academy ahead of the 2015 Dusi Canoe Marathon has the Dusi Duke enthusiastic about his charges’hopesofastrongpresencein the junior ranks come February’s iconic clash. Since his successful Dusi pairing with Thulani Mbanjwa in the 2007 Non Stop Dusi Canoe Marathon and
2008 Dusi, Dreyer’s name has been synonymous with development paddling in South Africa. Having guided Sbonelo Khwela to victory in 2014’s K2 Dusi and nurtured dozens of other talents from the Valley of a Thousand Hills to Dusi top 10 finishes and beyond, Dreyer has now changed tact slightly and hopes his crop of new young hopefuls will fly the flag just as high, if not higher, than his senior charges. “The seniors are now all well experienced and know what is required of
Computershare Change a Life Academy juniors Mpilo Zondi (front), Siyanda Gwamanda (middle right) and Msawenkosi Mtolo (back) will look to learn from the mistakes they made in the buildup races when they tackle the 2015 Dusi Canoe Marathon in February.
them,” said Dreyer. “While we obviously continue to back them one hundred percent, our attention is more on the juniors now as we look to bring the next generation of Computershare Change a Lifers through the system. “This added attention has really seen the guys raise the bar and is an excitingtimeforourjuniors,”headds. With the Change a Life initiative having recently extended from its base at Nagle Dam into the areas surrounding Shongweni and Inanda Dams as well, Dreyer is confident the widercastingofthenetwillreapnotable rewards even as soon as next year’s Dusi. “It’s all about getting our guys mentally prepared,” said Dreyer. Mpilo Zondi and the Gwamanda twins, Siyanda and Jabulani, are two more eager young Change a Lifers readying themselves for February’s assignment and Dreyer believes apart from the challenge of their own team mates, Michaelhouse’s Alan Houston is one junior to watch come next year’s Dusi. “Alan (Houston) is going really nicely at the moment and will definitely be a top contender come Dusi. “Apart from trying to beat guys like Alan and a few others, our guys are also very aware of where they come within the Change a Life setup and there is healthy internal competition amongst our juniors which I’m sure willdriveacoupleofourguysoncome race day.” The 64th edition of the Dusi Canoe Marathon takes place from Camps Drift in Pietermaritzburg to Blue Lagoon in Durban from Thursday 19 to Saturday 21 February 2015. More information can be found atwww.dusi.co.za.
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91-year-old Cochrane aims to extend her Midmar Mile record Lorna Co chrane plans to extend her record as the oldest swimmer in the Midmar Mile when the 2015 Midmar Mile takes place on 7 and 8 February 2015. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
FEVER REPORTER AFTER raising the record for the oldest ever finisher of the aQuellé Midmar Mile to 90 years of age in 2014, Lorna Cochran will return in 2015 to improve on that mark, as part of "Lorna's Gang" - 11 family members covering an incredible four generations. While Cochran was born in 1923, the youngest member of Lorna'sGang,Jessie-Clare,wasbornin 2006 and will be eight years old when she takes to the water. "That little one, she has been swimming very well," Cochran, the youngest sounding 91-year-old one could imagine, said. "She has a very good coach and he has apparently had her swimming a thousand metres in training every day. That's a lot of swimming!" Lorna Cochran's participation in the Midmar Mile began at the opposite end of the scale, at the age of 74. It came about when she was looking for a new challenge after she was dropped from the second to the third team at her tennis club, despite the fact that she had beaten the playerpromotedinherplaceinboth singles and doubles.
When she first took on the Midmar Mile in 1998, it was the first time she had swum competitively sinceshewasinschool60yearsearlier.Hertraininghadbegunwithher swimmingabout50metresatatime before having to float and rest on her back. Since then, she has completed 16 consecutive Midmar Miles. An inspirational figure, Cochran's achievements were recognisedin2013whenshewasnominated by the World Open Water Swimming Association (WOWSA) for its Woman of the Year Award. Cochran admitted that her buildup to the 2015 Midmar Mile has not been without a few bumps in the road. "I've had a few health problems. They've given me all sorts of funny medication, which doesn't really agree with me. Apart from that, I am perfectly well and things seem to have settled down. "At 91 years old, you don't say I am going to do this and I am going to do that. It's a bit ridiculous, but I will give it my best shot." The event takes place at Midmar Dam, just outside of Howick in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, on 7 and 8 February.