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Sale of All Blinds
20 February 2015
Beware of cellphone scammers >> Residents urged to delete all suspicious messages
ELLPHONE technology, and its cheap availability, has made a huge difference in the way society communicates and the speed with which one can get and stay in touch. However, this provides a lucrative channel for scammers and snoopers, who use the technology to steal money, identities, and even to track movements and listen to conversations. Irate residents of the Upper Highway community are complaining of these SMSes and calls. Kloof resident Robert Young said that his wife received an SMS that she won R50 000 in a competition and when she contacted the company which was mentioned in the SMS, she was told this was fake.
He said the later that same day he received an SMS that he won R250 000 in an OMO competition and whenhecalledthenumber intheSMS to claim his prize he was told he can fly to Port Elizabeth to collect the winnings or provide his banking details for it to be deposited. Young says that these scams are getting out of hand and he wants to warn others to always delete these types of SMS and not fall victim to it. Hillcrest resident Mrs M Peters says she received an SMS for a ‘Weekend Away’ scam. “I received a call from a person claiming to be from MTNandinformingmethethatIhave won a weekend away to an unnamed resort located on the KwaZulu-Natal North Coast or any other place.
Cellphone scammers prey on Upper Highway residents. PHOTO: KALISHA NAICKER
Oxford Village
EMERGENCY Hillcrest SAPS..........031 765 9116/9103 Kloof Police Station. . . . .031 764 2334 Fire.......................................031 361 0000 Gillitts Metro........................031 767 1222 Rescuetech KZN................086 167 2226 Together SA CAN Community Incident Management Centre: ................ 08 616 SA CAN / 08 616 72226
ANIMAL RESCUE Kloof & Highway SPCA: 031 764 1212/3 Monkey Helpline...........................................: 082 411 5444 or 082 659 4711 COUNSELLING Life Line...............................033 394 4444 Open Door Crisis Centre: 031 709 2679 Jes Foord Foundation: 031 765 4559 Careline Crisis Centre: 031 765 1314 or 082 787 6452
AMBULANCE ER 24: 084 124 Netcare 911: 082 911 VEMA: 083 630 0000 Ambulance & Emergency Medical Centre: 10177
20 February 2015
TELEPHONE: 031 533 7600 FAX 031 533 7972 (News) and (Classifieds)
Two killed in xenophobic attacks K
WAZULU-NATAL MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison, Willies Mchunu, has welcomed the recent arrests of two suspects in connection with the recent murders of two foreign business owners in Inchanga. Following an intensive investigation,thePinetownClusterTaskTeam traced and arrested two suspects aged19and27onThursday(12February). On Monday (9 February), the bodies of two Ethiopian nationals were discovered at their store in Inchanga. It is alleged that they were at-
tacked by a group of suspects who shot and killed them before fleeing with the victims’ bakkie. Mchunu welcomed these arrests, saying they would send a strong and clear message to perpetrators “who attack, rob and murder foreign business owners that the long arm of the law would always catch up to them.” “Again and again, as the government, we have condemned the attacks on foreign owned shops. We continuetoleadnegationsforamicableresolutionstoendthesesenseless attacks. “These two arrests are strongly welcomedandweurgetheinvestiga-
Willies Mchunu. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
tors to carefully and diligently work on this matter so that the perpetrators can be sent to jail. “We also applaud the gallant efforts by the police task team who toiled tirelessly to execute these cru-
cial arrests in such a short period. “We would like to encourage the communities to continue working closely with the police to isolate and remove criminals from society,” said Mchunu.
Two appear in court for animal cruelty KALISHA NAICKER
A juvenile Staffordshire Bull Terrier with a skin condition also suffering from a hook worm infestation.
Kalisha.Naicker@media24.com TWO Escombe residents appeared in the Pinetown Magistrate’s Court last week facing 18 counts of animal cruelty after the Kloof and Highway SPCA confiscated 17 dogs, four cats, two pigs, two rats, two snakes and one mouse from their home in November. These animals were removed in terms of the Animals Protection Act. According to SPCA inspectorate manager Cheri Cooke, on the 5 November 2014 the Kloof and Highway SPCA confiscated 28 animals in Escombe. She said the animals were found to be living in dirty and parasitic conditions. They had no access to water, the dogs and cats were infested with external and internal parasites and a number of the animals were in urgent need of veterinary attention. “StaffmembersoftheKloofandHighway SPCA were appalled and shocked at the living conditions in which the animals were kept inside the small rented house.
Some animals were kept in closed rooms and the two pigs were found under a chair covered with dirty laundry in a bedroom,” she said. “The inspectors immediately gave all theanimalswater.Whenthelandlordwas contacted he told us that the occupant of the property is Dianne Ingram, the same person who is currently being prosecuted by the Durban and Coast SPCA for cruelty
to animals. The Durban and Coast SPCA confiscated 25 animals from a property occupied by Dianne Ingram in November 2013.” Cooke said that in May 2013 the Kloof and Highway SPCA removed 20 animals from a property Dianne Ingram was residing at in Drummond. The same contraventions of the Animals Protection Act were cited in both
Wanted suspects nabbed KALISHA NAICKER
Kalisha.Naicker@media24.com THE Shongweni K9 unit and PI Heinrich SchwarzfromEventusInvestigationshaveacted on a tip-off and arrested two of the most wanted suspects in the Hillcrest area last week. According to Hillcrest SAPS communications officer constable N Manqele, constable Khwela, captain Neil Thaver, warrant officer Collin Buckthorp, constable Masango and Shwarz acted on information received regardingthespateofhousebreak-insintheSummerveld area. “They proceeded to the location during the early hours of the morning, however, on arrival the man managed to flee. “A search of the property was conducted and police discovered goods to the value of
R150 000,” he said. “These goods ranged from cameras to laptops and other hi-tech equipment. The home owner was arrested.” Manqele said later the same day police got word of the “runaway suspect’s” whereabouts and preceded the location. The man tried to flee again, but after a long chasehewastackledbyConstableKhwela'sK9 and the man was arrested. Both the men have been charged and will appear in court soon. The KwaZulu-Natal provincial commissioner, Lieutenant General Mmamonnye Ngobeni, commended the members for the arrest of the house owner. “Theseoperationswillbeongoingandcriminals need to know that police can pounce on them at any time. We also plead with the community not to buy stolen items,” she said.
Are you on the pulse of what’s happening in your community? Write for us and get published using the Citizen Journalism tool at www.hillcrestfever.co.za
>> MEC welcomes the arrest of the duo linked to the murder FEVER REPORTER
cases. However at the court case last week, Ingram appointed a new attorney and she asked for time to review the case. The other accused John Slabbert asked for legal aid to be appointed for himself and this will be done on 6 March 2015. The state advised the court that an up to date schedule of costs incurred by the Kloof and Highway SPCA will be presented on 6 March 2015. Barbara Patrick thanked the communityfortheirsupportandensuredthatjustice will be served. Cooke added: “As the SPCA we will do anything to prevent any more animals suffering at the hands of Dianne Ingram. I appeal to members of the public to report cases of animal hoarding and cruelty to animals to the SPCA. She also thanked the community for their assistance. “I would like to thank members of the public who make a difference to animal’s lives by reporting cruelty to the SPCA, all complaints are investigated and kept anonymous,” she added.
Delete hoax messages - says police “They request that I redeem the prize before a certain period. The caller also said that the prize can be exchanged for a cash payment in the amount of R 20 000, however first I need to purchase two R 180 MTN airtime vouchers. I then contacted my service provider who informed me it is a scam.” In another incident Mary Flemming says she received an SMS stating that she won car via an SMS competition,whichwasheldbyNokiaand MTN. The SMS read, “Congratulations dear MTN valued customer you have won a new car. Nokia and MTN are giving away eight brand new cars to valuedcustomers.YourMTNnumber is among the eight selected.” Flemming said that the SMS requested her to send her ID to a fax number and for any queries she must contact an email address. When she contacted MTN to confirm this, she was told that there was no such competition. Hillcrest police spokesperson constable N Manqele says he is aware of the scam SMSes doing its rounds. He says that if residents receive such SMSes, they should just delete it as these are hoaxes. “If service providers are running competitions it will be advertised in the mass media first,” he added. OMO is also advising those that received the SMS to not respond. A messageonthecompanywebsite read: “We are concerned to hear that there are criminals sending fake messagestosomeofourcustomerssaying that they have won money from OMO.” In addition OMO said that the company will never ask customers to pay money into any bank account in order to claim a prize. “Please do not reply to these messages. In the meantime, OMO is cooperating with authorities in investigating this matter,” read the message. To report any scam messages, contact the Hillcrest police on 031 765 9116.
20 February 2015
Dr Anthony Zambelli Inanda Veterinary Hospital & Specialist Referrals www.inandavets.com 15 Howick Drive Waterfall 031 762 1816
Stomach torsion in dogs ONE of the common emergencies seen at veterinary hospitals is bloating - with an abdomen-tummy so big the dog will battle to breathe or can even be collapsed or dead when the owners bring them in. One of possible causes for bloating is a condition called dilated gastric volvulus. What happens is the stomach is so fill with gas or food that it enlarges and actually twists around its
own axis. When this happens, the blood supply to many organs are occluded, as well as the outlet for the food or gas in the stomach- resulting in even more bloating occurring. Over a short time period the dog can go into toxic shock and die. The underlying causes for bloating are mainly dietary related, as well as certain breeds that are more susceptible - the so-called deep-chested
breedssuchasGreatDanes,Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Basset Hounds, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Weimeraners, St Bernards. Tips and hints to avoid GDV:• Feed your pet twice per day instead of once- to reduce the amount of food in the stomach at one time • Feed only good quality dog food and not the leftovers from dinner which Fidomaynotbeabletodigest–thefer-
Keeping fit at any age >> Gogolympics offers respite for grannies FEVER REPORTER
FTER years of struggle Martha Mabuza - a grandmother of five - found solace by joining one of Hillcrest Aids Centre’s many ‘gogo’ groups. With the help and support of the group, the 74-year-old was able to find a way to help support those she holds dear, ensuring that they are always fed, clothed and have a roof over their head. When her daughter-in-law died, shesteppedupasthesoleproviderfor her family. Her only source of income was a government grant and even though her grandchildren insisted on trying to find jobs, the money she received was not enough to fund their trips to hand out their CVs. A KwaNyuswa granny support group member noticed how stressed
Mabuza was and suggested she join the group. “I am so happy to be with other grannies because we share ideas and secrets, pray together and advise each other. Being involved in the group has allowed me to earn an extra income from selling vegetables to our neighbours and it contributes to buying clothes and paying school fees,” she said. At a recent training session for the Gogolympics,Mabuzaexplainedhow excited she was to be taking part in her fourth HACT sporting event. She said: “The Gogolympics provides an opportunity to meet other grannies and playing together helps us forget everything else that is going on in our lives.” The day of friendly sporting competition is part of HACT’s Granny Group Project, which facilitates 43 granny support groups with 2000 grandmothers across seven different
communities. The granny groups meet regularly to aid and encourage each other in their plight as care-givers for their grandchildren orphaned by HIV/ AIDS,aswellasotherissuesconfronting the community. The groups engage in stress-alleviation, skills-development and income generating activities including sewing training, vegetable gardening, chicken and egg projects, homebaking projects, literacy training and first aid training. For Mabuza, the Gogolympics has become the highlight in her annual calendarandencouragesallHighway community members to join in on the celebration of health and wellbeing on Friday 13 March at the KwaNyuswa Sports Grounds. Donations of food, drink, prizes for the winners and sports equipment are greatly welcomed.
To be part of this exciting day, contact the Centre’s fundraising and marketing coordinator, Lloyd Mackenzie at marketing@hillaids.org.za. Martha Mabuza, a grandmother of five, will be participating in her fourth gogo olympics. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
mentation in stomach will produce gas • Never exercise or allow your dog to be active after a meal • Consider preventative surgery to prevent the stomach twisting in the deep chested breeds- called gastropexy • Seek veterinary assistance immediately - these pets can die with or without treatment.
20 February 2015
Madeleines Patisserie opens in style
during SONA 2015
k e e w s Thi
>> PICTURE GALLERY: Kloof Rotary’s red carpet glamour hillcrest fever
e n i l n o
Five years of culinary excellence
Chef Helen Michaelides. PHOTO: KALISHA NAICKER
>> Local chef shares her story KALISHA NAICKER
ILLCREST Chef Helen Michaelides is proof that’s dreams can come true with hard work and determination. Michaelides followed her childhood dream of being a chef and today boast a successful career cooking just about anything her clients order working at Madeleines Patisserie at the Oxford Centre in Hillcrest. Chatting to Fever she said, “I've alwayswantedtobeachef.Beinganonlychild,Icanrememberwakingupon
Sunday mornings, creeping through to the lounge. Leaving my parents to sleepinandIwouldbemorethencontent to sit and watch cooking programmes, rather than cartoons or regular television,” she said. “I'm actually still like that today. I love watching the food channels for inspiration. However, now we are, far more spoilt for choice, from the humble beginnings of Delia Smith.” As a teenager Michaelides spent many hours in the kitchen cooking up a storm for her parents. She always got the thumbs-up from them and took critiques with a
smile. AtschoolMichaelidessaidthatshe was always the designated baker or cook for fundraisers or cake sales. “AndIenjoyedeverymomentshowing off my culinary talent,” she chuckled. In 2003 Michaelides graduated from Christina Martin School of Food and Wine having done the culinary course, it also included baking and pastry work. Shortly after she joined the Madeleines kitchens and never looked back. “I've been working with Janet
Sawkins, the owner of Madeleines, for over five years, who, as it happens was my practical lecturer at cooking school. From "our" humble beginnings at her home, to our new journey that awaits us with our new, beautiful shop. It goes without saying, together we have come far,” she said. “Jan has taught me so much through the years and for that I'm tru-
ly grateful. I am also blessed to have the most amazing, supportive family that inspire me every day.” Michaelides’ message to the youth is to always follow your dreams. “Rememberifyoudowhatyoulove,you'll never work a day in your life. Success comes with determination. So I urge everyone to follow their dreams and make it a reality,” she said.
Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage
July to September 2014: 19950
CLASSIFIEDS ADS: Lynne Mathiesen: 031 533 7601 lynne.mathiesen@media24.com
PHONE: 031 533 7600
Ombudsman of Hillcrest Fever
PUBLISHER: Neil Tapinos neil.tapinos@expressmedia.co.za
According to the editorial policy of the Hillcrest Fever, readers are invited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 or e-mail to press-ombudsman@ombudsman.org.za
20 February 2015
PRINTING: Paarl Coldset, PMB.
EDITOR: Valene Govender valene.govender@media24.com REPORTER: Kalisha Naicker kalisha.naicker@media24.com
COPYRIGHT: Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Hillcrest Fever and may not be used without the permission of Media24 News in writing.
SALES REP: Sarah Brauns: 0836574427 sarah.brauns@media24.com
DISTRIBUTION: For all distribution queries, please contact Mpume Sithole at 031 533 7614
Optimism is a leader's choice
PTIMISTS are happier and more successful in life, work and relationships. We're talking realistic or credible optimism here, not wild optimism, nor realism. Have you heard the statement "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist"? This is not optimism - it's another word for pessimism, in my book. It's clear how incredibly powerful the combination of credulity and optimism that Steve Jobs had is. He was a leader in his field because he was always asking how things could be done
better. He was excitedly, creatively driven towards an ideal he had in mind. It's an attractive quality to be around. This is the self-leadership behaviour prevalent in entrepreneurs, successful leaders of families, teams and communities. Wouldn't you rather follow someone who had a well thought through vision of hope? It's a habit that is born out of daily choices. What are we choosing to think and do right now? A quiz - how optimistic are you? Score between no, sort of, yes 1. Do I have a long term goal and why? 2. Is my first thought on waking positive or affirming? 3. I feel that I always have options when dealing with a problem. 4. Do I help my circle of influence see the bright side? 5. Do I have a healthy strategy for dealing with stress or down days (eg. exercise, time with a friend, an inspiring book). 6. People like to spend time with me.
7. I rate my physical health really good. 8. I am grateful for so much. 9. I take time to help others (eg. boosting them with positive words, serving them) 10. I do not feel like a victim. I choose to frame my tough experiences as temporary and learning opportunities. Scoring: Five or more "no" score: you are a pessimist Five or more "yes" score: you are an optimist. Action plan Lookatyourquiz.Pickonethingthat you believe you can change or build on in the month ahead. In the words of Gary Keller (author of The One Thing): "What one thing can I do that will make everything easier or irrelevant?" Each day add to that reservoir of positivity for emotional strength. Problems will feel temporary. We will feel more empowered and life becomes easier to handle. And people will seek us out to hang with or work for.
Can’t blame apartheid
E were incredulous when President Jacob Zuma stated that the current blackouts are due to apartheid. We thought the CEO of Eskom Tshediso Matona probably got it right when he said in no uncertain a manner that Eskom’s failings were due to a lack of maintenance over the years. We were disconcerted when possibly the most effective communicator of recent years, Andrew Etzinger, had his tongue stilled because his fluent explanations became unacceptable to the ruling party. At a time when our daily visits of stage two blackouts are punctuated by an incident when Eskom passed through the threshold of third stage blackouts, how worried should we be by the bland assurance from the utility that there is not the slightest possibility of a total blackout. If our figures are correct Eskom has a generating capacity of about 9000 megawatts. When stage three is reached the utility has lost 4000 megawatts and when it is breached a national blackout is not far down the road. The five years’ delays in the commissioning of Medupi and Kusile Power Stations has seen the original budget of R150 billion jump up to R326 billion. Together with the monthly cost of R2 billion for diesel this will push Eskom’s interest payments into the stratosphere. A piece of legislation which would bring immediate relief and which would enable independentpowerproducerstostrengthenthena-
Small-screen viewing options dismal IS it just me or am I full of it, but is DStv once again showing a load of repeats? And where have the brilliant English comedies disappeared to.
tional grid has been rejected by the NEC of the ANC where political will eats away the ability of the economy to grow. This ruling from Luthuli House has been duly accepted by the bloated top brass of the utility, many of whom owe their positions to being well connected politically, rather than knowing much about management and the generation of electricity. On the one side there is an impossibly high wage bill where the average yearly income of some 46 000 employees if R633 000 a year or R53 000 a month. Who would not like to work at Eskom with the retired CEO, Brian Dames, taking home R22 million last year. On the other side there is a patent inability to generate income by selling its product. The eight metros, seven of which are run down by the ANC, owe Eskom R53 billion. The total figure for all municipalities runs at R93 billion. Soweto alone owes Eskom R4 billion, but the ANC is unlikely to take any action with the metro and municipal elections taking place early next year with their position faltering badly already. When the weak and failing president of a sharply divided ANC drives to parliament on Thursdaynighthewillbegreetedwitha21-gun salute. However, as he enters he will not know whetherthelightswillgoout,orwhetherhewill be allowed to address the nation without interruption. Dave Snashall
I thought with the start of the new year a new season of everything would be forthcoming, considering I understand, that a new contract with our international supplier is signed every year (I do however, stand corrected). Not so it seems as our options are really sad at the moment. Sally Lipswich,
Letters to the Editor must be received by no later than Monday 4pm. Letters and e-mails should be addressed to The Editor and e-mailed to valene.govender@media24.com.. While pseudonyms are allowed, writers must still include their full names and contact details (which will not be published) or letters will not be printed. The Editor reserves the right to not run letters or to alter letters so they are legible.
Golden Paws at SPCA FEVER REPORTER THIS month at the Golden Paw Society SPCA had a presentation by Janice Van Eck of the Durban Bee Club on the important role bees play in our environment. Guests were also addressed by key SPCA staff members who discussed our latest news, activities and events including some new interesting success stories and an update on the chaos they experienced over the New Year with fireworks.
The Kloof and Highway SPCA extend an open invitation to all supporters and members in the community who care about welfare of animals and who would like to become more actively involved with the society to join the Golden Paw Society. They host a morning tea every month, on the last Thursday of the month. For more information, contact Barbara Laubscher on fundraising@kloofspca.co.za or on 031 764 1212/3. Seen at the January Golden Paws were‌
20 February 2015
<< Mandla Dlamini, Janice Van Ek of the Durban Bee Club and Barbara Patrick.
>> Lindsay Gray and Tersia Taskes. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Supporting Talk Sign Day
Tammy Reddy, Pippa Sharatt Coote, Vishwani Khoon and Beaulah Govender of Sprout Consulting.
>> Businesses learn sign language KALISHA NAICKER
PPER Highway corporates are going all out to support the 2015 Talk Sign campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to promote South African Sign Language as well as raise money, through the sale of stickers, to assist with the education and job placement of people who are Deaf. Stickers are R10 each and the KZN Blind and Deaf Society encourages everyone to buy a sticker and wear it on Talk Sign Day - Friday, 13 March. For more information or to order your stickers, contact Ellisha on ellisha@talksign.co.za or 031 3094991. More pictures can be viewed on www.hillcrestfever.co.za.
Natalie Wilcox, Alice Leah, Wendy Offer, Tercia Schick with Ross Leah support the 2015 Talk Sign Campaign.
Enertec Batteries
(Pty) Ltd.
Funda FEVER mahhala amakilasi ka-ABET eThousand Hills ISIZULU
20 February 2015
>>nosipho.mkhize@media24.com KUMENYWA abantu abadala abafisa ukuqhubeka nezifundo zabo noma abafisa ukuqeqeshelwa imisebenzi ethile, esikoleni eWinston Park Primary School, kusukela ngoMsombuluko kuya kuLwesihlanu, ngo-4 kuya ku-6 ntambama, lesi sikole sigqugquzelwe yinhlangano ye-Keep Hillcrest Beautiful, ukuthi befundiswe mahhala kuso. Okhulumela le nhlangano uNks Marge Mitchell, uthe lesi sikolesizofundisaabantuabayeesikoleni nabagcina emabangeni aphansi. Uthe: “Lesi sikole sabantu abadalasizofundisaabantungaphanISITHOMBE: SITHUNYELWE
Abasebenzi abaqeqeshwa inhlangano ye-Keep Hillcrest Beautiful
dle kokukhokha isenti, sizo fundisa wonke amakilasi awo wonke amabanga. Kumenywa abangakaze bafunde nhlobo kuze kube owagcina emabangeni aphezuluphecelezi u-level 1 kuya ku- 5. Sifundisa ngisho umatikuletsheni,” kusho yena. Uqhube wathi “Ungasali kuleli thuba lokufunda mahhala, lezi zifundo zisemthethweni futhi zigunyazwe uMnyango wezeMfundo KwaZulu-Natal. ” Uma uthanda ukwazi kabanzi ngalama kilasi ungaxhumana noNks Marge Mitchell enombolweni ethi: 031 765 1046 noma ku083 419 3807 noma uxhumane noNks Buyi Mngwengwe enombolweni ethi: 073 3954 701.
I-DCC igubhe iminyaka engama-35 NOSIPHO MKHIZE
EKUBUTHENE amabandla ehlukahlukene, enkonzweni yokubungaza ibandla lase-Durban Cristian Centre, e-Jesus Dome, eliholwa uMfu Fred noNellie Roberts, elineminyaka engama-35 lasungulwa. Lo mcimbi ubuhanjelwa abantu abangama-6000. Labashadikazi baqala ukushumayela nokubhabhadisa abazalwane emzaweni ase-Afrika kubalwa eZambia, abathikwakungelulaukubangabaholi kule minyaka engama-60 baqala ukubangabantwanaabasebenzelauNkulunkulu. Kulo mcimbi bekuhlangene wonke amabandla angaphansi kwe-DCC kubalwa iHillcrest, iPhoenix,iLamontville, iKwaMashu,iBluff neBerea. Bathe baneminyaka engama-60 beshadile futhi bengabafundisi, bathole ukuhlonishwa ngesitifiketi seDoctrate kwezokholo, benikwa ngabakwa-Transworld Accrediting Commission International, abasuka phesheya kwezilwandle eColumbia, e-United States of America (USA). ngokwesitatimende esithunyelelwe iFever, laba shadikazi bathe babengazi ukuthi uhambo lwabo luzophelelaphi ngesikhathi belibhekise ezweni lase-Zambia ngo-1954. Njengobabebesandakushadafuthi beneminyaka emibili bephothule ekoliji labefundisi e-Assemblies of God ezweni lase-Britain. Bathe babengenakho ukwesaba ngesikhathi befika ezweni lase-Zambia ngoba konke babekwenza kanye noNkulunkulu, behambe beshumayela ezindaweni ezahlukene khona. Bathe kwakunzima uma kumele kuyobhabhadiswa abazalwane emfuleni wase-Zambezi owaziwa ngokuba nezingwenya, kodwa konke kwakwenzeka ngomusa kaJehova. UMnuz Roberts, uqhube wathi impilo yayimnandi besase nyuvesi yabefundisi. Emva kokuphothula umsebenzi wabo nowakwakhe, babuyela eNingizimu Afrika, bavula ibandla lamaDCC, e-Escort osekuyibandla elidlala indima enkulu ekusizeni umphakathi wakuyo lendawo yaKwaZulu-Natal. Ngokuhamba kwesikhathi baboniswa ukuthi beyokwenza umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu eThekwini, lapho bathola indawo abayiphendula yaba yisonto, isikole, nekhaya lezintandane. Ngesikhathi bese-Thekwini bavula ibandla eMalvern, lapho babemema izingane ukuba zize kusonto sikole
UNkk Nellie noMnuz Fred Roberts abangabefundisi base-DCC, abebe gubha iminyaka engama-35 basungula leli bandla kanye neminyaka engama-60 beshadile
LELI BANDLA SELINAMAGATSHA AMAHLANU, LIBE NESIKOLE ESIFUNDISA IBHAYIBHELI, ESINEMINYAKA EYI-25 SASUNGULWA. ELINYE LAMA GATSHA ALO LELI BANDLA ELAZIWA NGEDURBAN CHRISTIAN CENTRE, ELISE NKABENI YEDOLOBA LILEKELA ABANTU ABAPHILA NESIFO SESANDULELA NGCULAZI, LIBAQEQESHE NGEMPILO NANGO KUNYE OKUPHATHELENE NASO. ukuze nabazali balandele lapho izingane zabo zikhonza khona. Uthe nakuba besungule ibandla elise-Malvern, babona kuyinselelo ukuthi babuyise iningi labantu ekukhonzeni uNkulunkulu. Ngakho bashiya ibandla lase-Malvern selivuthiwe. Emva kweminyaka engama31 beholwa umoya oyingcwele nesibonakaliso, basungula ibandla lama-DCC eselikhule ngamandla njengoba linamagatsha amaningi KwaZulu-Natal. Bathe i-DCC yaqala nabazalwane abangama-200 njalo ngesonto, kusontelwa eAlhambra Theatre, lapho kwakuhlangana zonke izinhlanga zizokhonza uNkulunkulu laze labizwa ngenkonzo ‘ yabo bonke abantu’. Bathe ngo-1999, indawo ekwakukhonzelwakuyobay-
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Personal supervision * Raising * Repairs * Razor wire Ron Nightscales. TEL: 031 7010290 • CELL: 084 653 6705 chron@abasamail.co.za
ithenga ngokusemthethweni ukuze yenelewonkeumuntuozokhonzakhona, nokuyilapo eyaqanjwa ngokuthi yiJesus Dome, eyamukela abazalwane abangama-5500, yanikezwa igama elithi : “House of prayer for all nations” Leli bandla selinamagatsha amahlanu, libe nesikole esifundisa iBhayibheli, esineminyaka eyi-25 sasungulwa. Elinye lama gatsha alo leli bandla elaziwa nge-Durban Christian Centre, elise nkabeni yedoloba lilekela abantu abaphila nesifo sesandulela ngculazi, libaqeqeshe ngempilo nango kunye okuphathelene naso. Uma kukhona othanda ukwazi kabanzi nge-Durban Christian Church, Jesus Dome namanye amabandla angaphansi kwayo ashayele inombolo ethi: 031 242 5000 noma uvakashele iwesite ethi www.durbanchristiancentre.com.
Unalo ugqozi lokuba yintatheli? Sithumelele izindaba ezizoshicilelwa kwi-Citizen Journalism ekhelini elithi:www.hillcrestfever.co.za
20 February 2015
Education Feature
Spreading the Love
The Wykeham Collegiate The Wykeham Collegiate girls watching Sue Tasker, principal, dissecting an eye in the life sciences laboratory. From left: Bianca Mairs, Olwethu Mtshemla, Isabella Clarke, Siddhi Purmasir and in the foreground, Georgina Harries.
Nathan Coyne.
ILLCREST Primary School pupils were a bright and cheerful sight as they all came to school dressed in red and white for Valentine’s Day. As a special treat the rest of the school andaspartoftheir EMS(economics and management science), the Grade 7 pupils had to plan, make and sell Valentine’s inspired goodies to the rest of the school.
Grace Lahner.
Shiya Moodley and Morgan Payne.
THE Wykeham Collegiate (TWC) in Pietermaritzburg is one of South Africa's leading independent schools for girls from Grade RR to Grade 12. Not only does TWC give its pupils an excellent academic education it prepares them for life in the fast-changing adult world. TWC keeps abreast of world trends and provides its pupils with the opportunity to fullfil their dreams. The school provides a top-quality, progressive education-based on sound Christian values, while striving to instil in its girls a strong sense of individual worth, as well as honesty, integrity, responsibility and respect for others. The school's boarding establishment
(BE) is a home away from home for many girls from South Africa, neighbouring African states. The BE provides a friendly, caring environment for girls from Grade 4 to Grade 12 and teaches the girls to be independent, tolerant and to value others' personal and cultural diversity. The school caters for both weekly and full boarders. TWC boasts a wide variety of amenities including an Information technology centre, sporting facilities, art complex, media centre, sports science school and a comprehensive music School. Visit www.twc.org.za for more information. OPEN DAY: Saturday 28 February, 8.30am - Come and see for yourself!
An education at The Wykeham Collegiate offers girls more than an exceptional educational experience. Through being taught resilience, persistence and clarity of purpose, each girl develops into a unique woman equipped to find her life’s path in the world.
ADMISSIONS 2016 Closing date for all applications:
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR 2016: Grade 8 : Academic, Sports and Music Grade 10 : Mathematics
Education Feature
Pupils lend a helping hand
FEVER Louise Patterson, Lisa Gadd of the Kloof and Highway SPCA, Kwenzo Zungu and Jarod Mc Gray. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
>> Love and support from the full Kloof circle KALISHA NAICKER
outreach programme continue.” Kloof Junior Primary School have also taken up the challenge of filling change cans and HE Kloof and Highway SPCA is sur- contributing towards the worthy outreach rounded by a loving and supportive programme, and at the same time teaching the pupils the importance of sterilisation and community. It all begins with tiny tots being taught the caring of animals. The Kloof and Highway SPCA recently gave firststepsinlearningcompassiontowardsana 2015 calendar to all the imals. teachers in the commuKloof Pre-Primary nity and a newsletter inSchool have joined the ALL FUNDS COLLECTED forming them of all the Kloof and Highway SPCA change can campaign. ARE USED TO STERILISE latest developments, projects and fundraising The aim is to fill the pink change cans with AND TREAT ANIMALS FROM the SPCA is doing and appealed to them and spare change. THE PREVIOUSLY their pupils to get inAll these little coins contribute towards a DISADVANTAGED AREAS IN volved in making a difference to the welfare of very worthy cause - that THE COMMUNITY animals within the comis the Kloof and Highway munity. SPCA outreach proKloof Senior Primary School gladly acceptgramme. All funds collected are used to sterilise and ed the free calendars and letters, but chaltreat animals from the previously disadvan- lenged teachers to make a “donation” for their calendar gift. taged areas in the community. The calendars are displayed in each classLisaGaddoutreachofficeroftheSPCAsaid, “We rely on you, our community, to help our room, reminding pupils of the importance of
20 February 2015
kindness and care towards animals. Kloof High School were delighted with their gifts of 2015 calendars and were actually the school who initiated the challenge to teachers to make a “donation” towards a worthy cause. It is vital to educate pupils at all levels about animal welfare and the prevention of animal cruelty. The Kloof and Highway SPCA thanks all schools involved for their generosity and support.
Turone McDonald, Tristn Morris, Tersia Taskes of the Kloof and Highway SPCA and Lorraine Bekker. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Education Feature
Riding for glory >> CURRO pupils shine
HREE pupils from CURRO Hillcrest Christian Academy participated in the SANESA equestrian qualifier in Treverton over the weekend. The girls excelled in their respective fields. Rachel Day represented HCA at the SouthAfricanNationalSchoolsEquestrian Association (SANESA). She received: 1st place in Working Rider (level 3), 3rd place in Equitation (level 2); 4th place in Ideal timeJumping(level2),4thposition inPerformance riding (level 3).
20 February 2015
Visual art pupils shines at Hillcrest High
Taylor Ross represented HCA at SANESA. Ross had a 1st for dressage and a 4th place for 80/90cm show jumping. Jordan Clinton represented HCA at SANESA.
A delighted art teacher Bronwyn Nicholas with (left) Monique Culbert who achieved 92% for her final exam and Maxine Brooks who achieved 93%.
OUTof30HillcrestHighSchoolpupils who took visual arts as a matric subject, 23 pupils received a distinction in the matric exams. Teacher, Bronwyn Nicholas, said
she was extremely proud of all of her pupils. She said that the pupils had worked exceptionally hard to receive those outstanding results and she was especially delighted with the excellent results.
FEVER finance
20 February 2015
The best industrial park in the Highway area >> DanCor- a solution to every business need
HETHER you need a business unit, warehousing or custom build DanCor has the ideal space for your company.
DanCor is proud to introduce Acacia Business Park, a world-class development in the Upper Highway area. DanCor Properties is a family
owned business established by Danie Van Den Heever in 1972 and is founded on a basis of honesty and excellence. Danie is ably supported by his son Rudi and son-in-law Anthony. DanCor Properties believes in the importance of social responsibility
and giving back to the community. It was from a deep desire to give back to communities, that Danie and his wife Judy established Focus on iThemba in 2003 (http://www.focusonithemba.org/). Focus on iThemba is an accredited non-profit, public
Acacia Business Park, a world-class development. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
13 benefit organisation that focuses on restoring hope in people's lives and developing leaders for the future. DanCor is delighted to add Acacia Business Park on D819 street to their portfolio. This world-class development has easy access to the M13 and N3andisconvenientlysituatedinWaterfall, behind Cotswold Downs, backing onto the new Watercrest Mall which is ideal for businesses in the Upper Highway area. This business park with a view is fully serviced, has 24 hour security and consists of upmarket business units, ranging between 250msq to 1000msq. Each individual unit consists of a reception area, a spacious modern office, three phase electricity, roller shutter doors, toilet facilities and amazing views. Each unit is well lit, with plenty of parking and driveway space allowing ample room for vehicle movement. Acacia Business Park is able to accommodate anything from mini factories to warehousing and logistics. With another 35T000msq still to be developed in the future phases, businesses can custom order the factories to suit their needs. DanCor’s impressive portfolio also includes the Inanda Business Park at105BrakenhillRoad,StorTownself storage parks in both Durban, Hillcrest and soon Durban North and now their impressive industrial development, Acacia Business park. Contact DanCor Properties today to securespaceinoneoftheUpperHighway’s premier business parks.
Recharge and stay connected
Dennis Ellerman - the man behind the netVendor solution.
Kalisha.Naicker@media24.com NETVENDOR is the ultimate internet based prepaid water and electricity token system which is taking the Upper Highway Area by storm. Started in 2004 this “electricity and water revenue management and vending solution”, isthebrainchildof46yearoldHillcrestresident Dennis Ellerman. “I worked in the prepaid electricity industry for over 25 years, and in 2004 I decided to launch my own ‘brand’,” said Ellerman. He said that netVendor ultimately is an internet-based, prepaid electricity and water revenue management and vending solution that manages the financial switching of funds, the distribution of top up vouchers and meter related information. “This ultimately allows tenants or whomever is using the water and electricity to, buy pre-
paid water and electricity tokens through a variety of avenues: on their cell phone, via the internet, through ATMs, or physically at EasyPay outlets like Pick n Pay, Shoprite Checkers as well as Unipin outlets such as Spar,” he said. He said that as users purchase tokens, bank switching takes place where netVendor receives funds and then transfers these to the relevant body corporate at the end of each month to settle the municipal bill. Ellerman says that in this day and age, prepaid electricity is the way to go and has been successful country-wide. “People can be more interactive with their usage and know how much electricity or water they are using for the month.” Other benefits that Ellerman pointed out are: “For landlords, it avoids tenants running upcostlybillsandleavingthelandlordswithexorbitant arrears to deal with. Furthermore the supply of electricity to the tenants can be controlled,” he said. He said that if the tenant does not pay their rental, their next token purchase will be “restricted” - “This is a legal process and we have attorneys to back us up on such cases,” he said. Ellerman said that the benefits for the tenantsarethattheyarenotbeingoverchargedfor electricity as they are able to monitor their consumption by checking the easy-to-read monitor and adjusting their consumption accordingly. They are also able to budget in advance so that there are no surprise bills at the end of the month. The father of three says that netVendor is passionate about what they do and ways in which they can help the community. He enjoys helping those in need and attends a local church in Hillcrest. “It is not about what we do, it is about how we do it,” he said. Ellerman also enjoys flying and is vying for his helicopter licence this year. To find out more about the netVendor solution, or ways to save electricity, contact 086 1116 199 or email them at sales@netvendor.co.za More information can also be found on their facebook page as well as on their website: www.netvendor.co.za
netVendor is a company in the forefront of providing an entire Smart & Prepaid Utility Metering Solution for the Residential, Commercial and Industrial sectors!
SMART Metering: One of the first companies in our industry to have Time of Use (TOU); Currency Based; STS Compliant Electricity Meter that can function in either a post-paid or prepaid mode together with a management system that facilitates this technology Landlords/Body Corporates: Should a tenant fail to pay rent, we are able to “restrict” the purchasing of their electricity token up until they do so! Effective Management: Tamper Detection, Accurate Reporting:- Consumption, Purchasing & Balances / Arrears Collection / National Call Centre Purchasing Options: Cell phone (10 seconds), internet, EFT, PnP, Checkers, Spar, Garages, Banks or Point of sale device Homeowners Use the same solution to monitor estimated billing, control your usage and budget better - we settle your electricity bill directly with the municipality Affordable Meters from R583 (ex vat)
For more information on our innovative product and services, contact us: The Colony, Standard Bank Building 1st Floor, Unit 4, 3 Inanda Road, HILLCREST, KZN 0861 116 199 or sales@netvendor.co.za
20 February 2015
PLACE AN ADVERT BY CONTACTING OUR CLASSIFIEDS SALES REPS: Lynne : 031 533 7601 lynnem@witness.co.za Fax: 031 533 7939/72
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20 February2015
Hillcrest Fever
Page 15
• Warranties & Service Plans offered • We will facilitate the entire transaction 33 Old Main Rd, Gillitts 031 764 3414 We are situated at the Caltex Service Station, Winston Park
Nissan goes Stealth: NP200 LTD for SA N
ISSAN is celebrating its NP200 as a market leader in South Africa’s sub one-ton segment with a special-edition bakkie called Stealth. As its name suggests, the Stealth has a black theme with dark decals and cosmetic enhancements throughout. It’s being put together at Nissan’s Rosslyn factory in Gauteng. The bakkie has aircon, anti-lock brakes, two air bags, dark-grey paint, a black grille bar and a flush-fitting loadbed cover. It has black alloy rims with red accents, dark side and rear Stealth decals and tinted smashand-grab film on the windows. There’s also daytime
>> A SUV to suit every drivers need
Nissan Stealth NP200. PHOTO: SOURCED
Hyundai SA opens first vehicle factory SOUTH Korean automaker Hyundai has started production at its first assembly factory in South Africa, initially building medium-sized commercial trucks, reports the automaker. Hyundai SA’s general manager of corporate communications, Deon Sonnekus, said its factory in Benoni, Gauteng has been assembling trucks since July 2014, ahead of a formal launch in September 2014. Sonnekus said: “This is the first time that Hyundai has set up an assembly plant in South Africa.” He adds that the automaker expects to also assemble pick-up trucks in 2015. “The opening of this assembly plant forms an ideal platform from which to strengthen our business strategy, both in terms of commercial market growth and sustainability, as well as an increasing commitment and investment in the South African economy,” says Wade Griffin, director of commercial vehicles at Hyundai Automotive SA. “We believe that there are strong oppor-
running lights and central locking. An Alpine radio, with Bluetooth and USB connectivity, is standard, along with leather seats with contrast stitching and Stealth-embroidered logos. The logo is repeated on the carpet. Nissan celebrated its NP200’s best year yet in 2014 with 17 412 units sold, reports the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers. A spokesman said:“In2014theNP200LoadedSpecial
Edition was a big success but for 2015 we challenged our design and engineering team to push the boundaries. “The result is the NP200 Stealth, a pick-upwebelievewillbeevenmoresuccessful, especially because it represents significant value and the quality of factory fitment.” TheNP200LimitedEditionisoffered at R168 000 with a six-year or 150 000km warranty. – Wheels24.
Sales Representative
Hillcrest Fever
Media24 Local News KZN is looking to appoint a permanent Sales Representative based in Hillcrest. Key Responsibilities • Daily generation of new business through sales of display advertisements • Liaison with clients with regard to the design, make up and placing of advertisements • Stimulating the market by creating new opportunities to satisfy clients advertising needs • Client service by visiting new clients • Reaching of monthly sales target imperative Requirements • The ideal candidate is regarded as a self-starter • Ability to work productively in a team and within a competitive environment • Good communication and interpersonal skills • The ability to think outside the box and work under pressure • Must live in the Hillcrest Fever catchment area Qualification • Grade 12 • Post-matric marketing qualification advantageous Experience • 3 years sales experience with traceable references • Experience in the Media Industry will be an advantage
Production line at Hyundai SA. tunities through investment and local assemblytocapitaliseonforourbusiness.This substantial investment will also help to improve local skills and to create jobs in an economy that is in dire need of such opportunities.” South Africa is the continent’s leading
automotive manufacturer and aims to build 1.2 million vehicles by 2020. However, labour strikes and slowing economic growth in recent months have curbed output at the local factories of some of the world’s top automakers including Ford, Toyota and BMW. – Wheels24.
Media24 is committed to Employment Equity, and is under no obligation to fill this vacancy. Applications and CVs must be sent by email to fever-vacancies@media24.com, clearly indicating ‘Sales Representative – Hillcrest Fever’ in the subject line. Closing date is the 23rd February 2015. Candidates who have not received feedback by 6th March 2015 must accept that their application was unsuccessful.
Advertise in our new weekly motoring section
375 000 copies
across 14 local papers every week
Sarah Brauns Cell: 083 657 4427 Email: Sarah.Brauns@media24.com Debbie Williams Cell: 083 313 9000 Email: Debbie.Williams@Media24.com
February 20, 2015
hillcrest FEVER
PAGE 16 CONTACT US>> E-mail all local news to Kalisha Naicker at kalisha@ witness.co.za or contact her at 031 533 7657
Contact Sarah Brauns: 083 657 4427
A ‘relay For life’
Support CANSA in this fundraising event.
>> CANSA Mkhuhla 2015
LL of South Africa can help fight cancer by supporting the Cancer Association of South Africa's (CANSA) Relay For Life Mkhuhla event on 21 February at Pitlochry Senior Primary School, 49 Pitlochry Road, Westville. CANSA Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that engages communities throughout South Africa to celebrate survivors, rememberlovedoneslost,committofightbackthrough healthy lifestyle changes and raise money for the fight against cancer. The funds raised through the event helps CANSA achieve their mission and deliver their servicestoallcancerpatients.Allproceedsfrom this relay will go to the CANSA Mkhuhla Care Home, which is situated at 619 Umbilo Road, Durban. “At the CANSA Mkhuhla Care Home, we provide residence to about 25 cancer patients, while they undergo treatment, for an average of six weeks - including three meals a day. Patients usually come from the rural and surrounding
areas of the Durban central business district. “We offer transport to and from treatment centres at no cost whatsoever. In order to provide this service, we need funds and we are grateful to the community who helps us raise these funds, by supporting the Relay programme,” said Lorraine Govender, CANSA national manager: facility care and support. CANSA Relay For Life takes place overnight and the community is encouraged to walk the track for the entire night. The relay starts with the Survivors’ Lap, where all the cancer survivors are celebrated and acknowledged for their fight against cancer. This is followed by a Caregivers’ Lap, made up of the community, doctors, psychologist, social workers and families, who assist cancer patients during their cancer journey and they are honoured for their personal continued support to cancer patients. ThereisalsoaLuminariaCeremony(candle light), which is held in remembrance of those who have lost the fight against cancer. Participants walk the track from the evening till the next morning to symbolise the pain of
Team Expand a Sign’s completes Midmar FEVER REPORTER EXPAND a Sign have entered a team into the Midmar Mile every year since 2006 and this year marked their tenth consecutive swim. Team Expand a Sign entered the company relay event, event three, at this year’s aQuelle Midmar Mile and each of the five participants successfully completed the race. Les Harrison was first home in time of 00:29:19, followed by Wade Bartlett
(00:34:48), Leo Aberdein (00:43:35), Kent Brink (00:47:20) and novice, Natasha Mkhize, completed the race in a time of 00:52:39. “I am so proud of our team for taking part in a sporting event of this magnitude. We had different levels of fitness and the team all worked together, stuck it out and finished the race. Well done to everyone for taking on, and conquering our tenth Midmar Mile,” said Kirsty Fonzari, Expand a Sign marketing manager.”
acancerpatientintheir experiencewithcancer. “We invite the community to enter a team for the CANSA Relay For Life Mkhuhla. Invite your friends, colleagues, family and community to enter a team. Teams are made up no more than 15 people. Normal team registration fees are set at R600 and corporate teams can enter at
R1 500, including a tent, table and chairs. Entertainment is provided for the entire night, so come and join in the fun,” added Govender. For more information, contact Rakesh Ramduth, event chairperson, on 082 562 33 94 or Lorraine Govender, national manager and staff partner on 031 205 95 25.
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No matter how small. We draw on our flexibility and vast experience to guarantee the success of every event we undertake. We are commited to high standards in both the quality of our foods, our product and the effeciency of our service.
Team Expand a Sign. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
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