Hillcrest fever 01 10 2013

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@Hillcrest Fever

Hillcrest Fever

Assagay | Botha’s Hill | Crestholme | Everton | Forest Hills | Gillitts | Kloof | Waterfall | Winston Park

KALISHA NAICKER kalisha@witness.co.za Blurb: GILLITTS Primary School turns 60 this year and to commemorate this his­ toric event, the school will be hosting a jubilee on 12 October at Hillcrest High commencing at 5pm. See full story on page 7..


FEVER Your 24/7 local connection

October 4, 2013

HIP HIP HOORAY! >> 60 years of schooling success for Gillitts Primary

GILLITTS Primary School turns 60 this year and to commemorate this historic event, the school will be hosting a jubilee on 12 October at Hillcrest High, starting at 5pm. Pictured are pupils and staff celebrating the milestone. See full story on page 7 PHOTO: KALISHA NAICKER

In case there’s an



Crime Stop: 086 001 0111

EMERGENCY Hillcrest SAPS................................031 765 9116/9103 Kloof Police Station..............................031 764 2334 Fire.............................................................031 361 0000 Gillitts Metro.............................................031 767 1222 Rescuetech KZN.....................................086 167 2226 ANIMAL RESCUE Kloof & Highway SPCA......................031 764 1212/3 Monkey Helpline....082 411 5444 or 082 659 4711

COUNSELLING Life Line....033 394 4444 Open Door Crisis Centre... ...................... 031 709 2679 Jes Foord Foundation....... ...................... 031 765 4559 Careline Crisis Centre......... ........................031 765 1314 ................ or 082 787 6452

The crash that claimed another life on Fields Hill

ANOTHER fatality on Fields Hill >> One dead as driver loses control of car KALISHA NAICKER



MAN was killed and a woman seriously injured when a driver lost control of his vehicle while travelling along the M13 on Fields Hill, Saturday afternoon. According to ER24’s Vanessa Jackson, it is alleged that the driver lost control of his vehicle, crossed over the centre median and collided with two other vehicles that were travelling west bound. “Sadly the driver had suffered fatal injuries and there was no more that could be done to save his life,” said Jackson. “He was found trapped in the wreckage of his vehicle, which had come to rest against the roadside embankment.” Jackson said that a woman who was travelling alone in her vehicle when the other vehicle crashed into it, was found trapped in the drivers seat and suffered a broken arm as a result of the impact. “She was treated for her injuries and was transported to Hillcrest Private Hospital under advanced life support care,” she added. “Fortunately the occupants of the third vehicle that was hit suffered no injuries and they left the scene privately.” The matter is still under investigation.




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October 4, 2013





CONTACT THE FEVER TELEPHONE: 031 533 7600 FAX 031 533 7972 (News) and (Classifieds)



October 4, 2013



Dr Anthony Zambelli Inanda Veterinary Hospital & Specialist Referrals www.inandavets.com 15 Howick Drive Waterfall 031 762 1816

How does snuffles kill? SNUFFLES, or feline viral rhinotracheitis, is any infection of the nasal cavities, lar­ ynx (voice box) or upper airways (tra­ chea). The three most common causes are Feline Herpes Virus 1 (FHV­1), Feline Calici Virus (FCV) and occasionally an organism called Chalmydophilia psittaci (a type of bacteria). The incubation for FHV and FCV is short – under five days – and can spread like wildfire, especially in a cattery. This is why catteries and your vets

If it doesn’t eat proteins in sufficient amounts every day, it can suffer a sec­ ondary form of liver failure called Feline Hepatic Lipidosis (FHL) which is fatal in 50% of cases. Cats respond well to antibiotics, neb­ ulisation with saline, sometimes anti­in­ flammatories and sometimes decongest­ ants. Cortisone is CONTRA­INDICATED as it permits FHV (herpes) in particular, to go absolutely bonkers, which can cause per­ manent and serious eye damage. A little story: my girlfriend’s cat went

require that cats, even indoor cats, be vac­ cinated annually. The vaccine is effective, but only lasts about 12 months. Feline snuffles results in copious nasal discharge ­ so much so that the cat can no longer smell. Cats have a very poor sense of taste – only six per cent as good as humans – but their sense of smell is excellent. It’s wha t food smells and feels like that is important to palatability and ac­ ceptability. If a cat cannot smell, it may not eat.

to the vet for kidney treatment and she took his brother, Mowgli, in for his jabs. Thevetsaid“Mowglistaysindoorsand he’s fully vaccinated for 11 years now – there’s no need to vaccinate him any more”. As a result, Benji brought some FHV home, and Mowgli got it. Two years later, Mowglihaspermanenteyedamage,takes R250 of special eye medication and an­ other R300 of antivirals a month. The moral of the story – keep vaccinations up, life­long!

There is life after rape >> Jess Foord uses her horrifying experience to help others KALISHA NAICKER


HE name Jes Foord is associated with hope. This brave rape survivor uses her horrific ordeal to help others. The 27-year-old established The Jes Foord Foundation (JFF) following her traumatic gang rape by four men a few years ago. Speaking to the Hillcrest Fever, Foord said that her journey to opening the foundation began on a hot Sunday afternoon in March 2008. “My dad and I went to Shongweni Dam to walk our dogs. However, this peaceful walk turned into a nightmare when a group of men appeared. “They beat and tied my dad up before forcing him to watch my brutal

gang rape,” she explained. “My life changed forever.” However, Foord said, she realised that she had a choice: to let the incident destroy her, or to become a survivor. She remembers thinking, “You have taken my body, you are NOT taking the rest of my life”. From this point, Foord decided to speak out rather than hide away in shame. She chose to transform her negative experience into a positive one by establishing the foundation. “I formed the foundation to help restore lives after rape by way of a number of initiatives and activities designed to change rape victims into rape survivors. I want to educate people and help them realise that

there is life after rape,” said Foord. Foord works full-time at the foundation. She gives motivational talks to schools and organisations, and improves education about rape to all - men, women, boys and girls. Her ultimate goal is to set up special care centres for survivors where they can get the medical, psychological and legal attention they need under one roof. “It will be a safe, comforting, clean environment staffed with highlytrained, supportive people. These facilities are not always accessible at present,” she explains. The Jes Foord Foundation relies on donations from companies and individuals who have the urge to bring hope to hundreds of people going

through the harrowing aftermath of rape. “When you give of your time or money to the Jes Foord Foundation, you are not only helping us to educate people about the very real problems of rape, you are also helping to revolutionise the way rape victims are treated, a revolution that is long overdue if they are to become rape survivors,” added Foord. “You help them regain something priceless, their dignity and self-esteem.” To assist the Jess Foord foundation contact, 031 765 4559. Jess Foord


Pupils encouraged to recycle Khanyisile Mkhwanazi, Grade R teacher, with her pupils



DAWEDE Primary School in Molweni went on an exciting excursion to visit the Hillcrest Dropoff Centre last week. About 30 grade R pupils were encouraged to take responsibility for the environment by “reducing, reusing and recycling.” Dawn Brown, the public relations officer for the “Keep Hillcrest Beautiful Association” (KHBA), which spearheaded the opening of the drop-off centre (recycling centre), explained the importance of recycling to the pupils. Brown said that the site is meant to meet a need in the community and is extremely well

supported. “The site only collects glass bottles, paper, cardboard, cans and polystyrene. And all other non recyclable materials belong at the Shongweni Landfill Site.” KhanyisileMkhwanazi,the grade Rteacher on the trip, said her pupils where extremely excited to learn about recycling. “A lot of the pupils did not know the benefits of recycling; with assistance of the KHBA, they now know what materials can be reused,” she said. “Now that the pupils know the benefits of recycling, they can pass the knowledge down to their families.” To find out more about the centre, contact 083 419 3807 or 082 895 0540.

Crash on Botha’s Hill A MAN believed to be in his 30s was seriously injured this morning after a head on collision on Old Main Road in Botha’s Hill, near Hillcrest. The man was trapped in the wreck­ age of his car for some time while the jaws of life had to be used to free him. He sustained serious injuries and was treated at the scene before being

airlifted to a hospital in the area. The driver of the second vehicle, a woman in her 20s, sustained mild to moderate injuries. She was transported by road ambu­ lance to hospital. The road had to be closed for some time to facilitate the landing of the medical helicopter.

Ward committee to host public meeting KALISHA NAICKER THE Ward 10 committee is urging resi­ dents to attend a public meeting on Wednesday 2 October, 6pm at the Kloof Town Hall. According to Ward 10 (Kloof, Gillitts, Everton, Winston Park, Stockville and

October 4, 2013


Hillcrest) councillor Rick Crouch, the meeting is twofold. “We want to introduce the communi­ ty to their ward committee and secondly to give the community an opportunity to engage with the committee,” he said. “The ward committee is a non­polit­ ical bipartisan committee, its members







PPER Highway residents have joined hands to pledge their support for the victims of the Fields Hill accident, which claimed the lives of 23 people recently. According to Sharon Ackermann, The Fields Hill Accident Fund isaimed at comforting the families of the deceased and the survivors. “We are collecting food, blankets, clothes and financial support for the victims,” she explained. Ackermann said that Woolworths in Kloof, Pick n’ Pay in Pinecrest, Pinetown and Spar in Waterfall have trolleys placed in the stores where residents can make their donations. “More stores will be added to the list as the pleas for assistance increase,” she said. “Our ultimate aim is to help those that were affected by the accident in some way.” Ackerman said that the incident has shaken the community as many use the road on a daily basis. She said the commu-

Waterfall Spar staff, Maria Dlamini, Rajay Kamal, Lungiswa Nondabula and Cynthia Phungula with some of the collect­ ed items.


are from various political parties and we work for what is best for the community we serve.” For more information, contact ward committee secretary, Nikki Mohlmann, on 082 308 0072 or nixm@polka.co.za.

Donations pour in for accident victims nity has shown great willingness to help. “Our hearts go out to all those who lost their lives. To those who have survived, we wish them a speedy recovery,” she said. “I urge the community to assist us in any way they can. All donations will be greatly appreciated.” Trolleys will be indicated by the banner with the name “The Fields Hill Accident Fund”. Des Quin, manager of Spar in Waterfall, said that his store is proud to be part of the Fund. “Every second day we are managing to hand over two full trolleys of goods sponsored by our customers. “It is so heartwarming to see the community coming together in this way,” he said. “On behalf of the Spar family, I would like to extend sympathies to those who wereaffectedbytheaccident,andcontinue to pledge my support towards the cause.” For more information, or to make donations, follow “The Fields Hill Accident Fund”onFacebook or e-mail thefields-hillaccidentfund@gmail.com. The fund is willing to collect donations.


THE Pinetown Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Of­ fences Unit is looking for the suspect in con­ nection with the alleged rape of a 14­year­old girl in Inchanga recently. According to KZN police spokesperson Vincent Mdunge, the victim was on her way to school at Ehlanzeni area, Inchanga, when she was approached by an unknown male who allegedly forced her into the nearby bushes on Monday 15 July at approximately 8am. “The victim was threatened with the knife and eventually raped by the suspect. The victim reported the matter to the po­ lice and gave a description of the suspect,” he said. Anyone with information on the where­ abouts of the suspect may contact the in­ vestigating officer, warrant fficer Xulu, on 031 235 5178/5002 or 082 752 4369.

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October 4, 2013



Meet the Hillcrest Fever team Left and right PETER DAVIS

Tout for votes TOUTING is the thing that politicians do. We tout for votes, we tout for funds to fight elections, we tout for emergency supplies after a disaster, we tout for handouts to give to the poor (of which there are too many), we tout for a share of budgets to ensure some

Musings of a poor lass

STEPH MCLENNAN steph@expressmedia.co.za



IF all SMSes are to be believed, this would be my last column in this newspaper. It would, in fact, be my last day of doing anything that didn’t involve sipping cocktails in Hawaii. According to SMSes I have received this week, I have won R1.2 bajillion in various fake lotteries and associated scams initiated by largely illiterate people with names like Mr Matthew, Mr Mark, Mr Luke, and Mr John. Not being a trust fund kid, and not being in possession of an obscenely wealthy spouse or the drive to make millions myself, I am forced to think

Valene Govender ­ news editor ­ 083 395 5156

Guy Vezi ­ IsiZulu editor ­ 082 594 2090

sort of delivery. But, with the national election due in May next year, the focus at present is to get people registered to vote and – can you believe – that’s no easy task. In Australia citizens are forced to votebylawwhichmeansthatthoseeligiblehavetoregisterandarriveatthe polling station. They can spoil their vote,buttheyhavetogointothebooth and do something. In this country while it is everybody’s right to vote, it is equally their right not to vote or even register to vote–andthatisaflawintheConstitution, as far as I am concerned. Touting for people to register at shopping malls or the Shongweni Market, it never ceases to amaze me how many people snarl something

Justin Watson ­ sales manager ­ 082 762 0175

like “I don’t vote!” or, worse, “What’s the point?” and hurry on before I can answer the question. Centuries ago, Greek philosopher Socrates had the answer. He said: “He who takes no part in the government of his city (state) is either a god or a mugwump.” Well, there seem to be a lot of these mugwump things around for there are tens of thousands of people in KZN who have either not registered or not re-registered having moved from their previous address. The fact is, if you do not register, there are no options – you don’t vote, period! However, if you do register, you have the power to make things happen. There are a host of political parties for whom you can vote and then demand that they answer to you

about their policies or, if so inclined, you can withhold your vote. The thing is, we have come far in the past 20 years, but we could have been so much further. And we can still get there if we use our vote as a starting point. When we vote, we choose a government. Your vote gives you the power to hire or fire your government.Thisisthemostimportantpower there is in a democracy. So every voter must realise: Without a caring, clean government, it is impossible to achieve a better life for all. Voting is about putting a governmentinplaceforthefuture–agovernment that uses tax money for the benefit of all in a responsible manner. Thisiswhyregisteringtovoteissoimportant. Because it is a simple rule:

WHILE IT’S NOT TRUE THAT THE AD­ VENT OF THE INTERNET HAS PUN­ ISHED LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, I WILL BET MY BAJILLIONS THAT THE PORN IN­ DUSTRY HAS SUFFERED out of the box when it comes to future financial security. As soon as someone teaches me how to build a website, I am going to start my own religion on the internet. All it will take is one rich idiot to buy into the Gospel of Steph, which will proclaim that upon proof of the deposit of your worldly funds into my account, enlightenment, eternal life and a whole bunch of virgins shall be yours. One of the indisputable facts of life is that sex sells. People have made millions. Prostitutes. The advertising industry.HughHefner.Sluttyclothing stores. The list is endless. However, I will bet my bajillions that the porn industry has suffered. Gone are the days when the dirtyminded among us had to sneak into illicit stores to purchase, at iniquitous prices, magazines which would soon become dog-eared and torn. It’s all available freely on a screen at the click of a button. I wish I had been the one to come up with internet pornography, be-

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fore some idiot made heaps of it freely available. All I’d have needed was some fat chicks and Photoshop, and I could have been richer than Bill Gates himself. Starting a fake charity seems a little morally repugnant, even to me. I am, however, working hard at squashing my scruples in this area, and it will be, as usual, a means of preying on the meek and the stupid. My tag line may be “New lungs for sick fish”, “Send a previously disadvantaged child to Hogwarts” or “Save the Woolly Mammoth from extinction”. Someone, somewhere will buy into my soon-to-be-fabricated pamphlets about these issues, downloadable from www.thegospelofsteph.com. The alternative to all of this is putting my nose to the grindstone for the next 30 years, making a valuable contribution to society and retiring on the fruits of my labour. Screw it. I’ll email you from Hawaii.

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Kalisha Naicker ­ journalist ­ 072 111 9635

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you can’t vote if you are not registered. On the weekend of November 9 and 10 this year every polling station will be open for you to register. And if you can’t make it that weekend, youcangotoanymunicipalSizakhala centre with you ID book and it takes five minutes to get yourself registered as a voter. Your role in our democracy does not end with your vote. It begins with your vote. That is the power you start with, that makes much else possible. Freedom is just the starting point. But it only changes your life if you use it. Your vote is the start, not the end of your journey. And the end of that journey should be to leave South Africa a better country for your children and grandchildren.

Self­regulation does not work with road traffic safety


ELF­REGULATION saves lives, money, and environmental degra­ dation and is at the heart of good corporate governance. Although demanded by legislation, in particular for public entities and members of the JSE, self­regulation ap­ pears to remain imprudent for road traf­ fic safety. I despair at the thought of both na­ tional and metro policing having, de­ spite numerous campaigns, shown mini­ mal ability to reduce road carnage across South Africa. Even less, city planners have taken no notice of reports of special planning studies and the need for strategic de­ velopment of road infrastructure. Pro­ vincial and local government condone the misuse of existing roads and the road user suffers the consequent deteri­ oration and worse. The answer to our road traffic safety dilemma does not lie solely with any of these individual stakeholders. Instead it lies in the strategic ap­ proach promoted by the United Nations and embodied by ISO 39001:2012 ­ a standard that demands inclusion of all stakeholders, consignors, consignees, in­ surers as well as those already men­

tioned and many others. Instead of focusing only on kicking tyres and checking tail­lights, the stand­ ard fundamentally drives good govern­ ance, using management of strategic and operational risks relevant to each of the individual stakeholders. Why will any organisation be inter­ ested? Quite simply, to stay in business, or power, or to prove their role as an ac­ countable official. The concept relies on the collective of big business and the public demand­ ing conformity to the standard. Compli­ ance and safety performance verifica­ tion are then spread beyond basic polic­ ing to that of national and internationally accredited certification bodies. Self­regulation, by way of ISO 39001:2012, may not be perfect but it is being used throughout the world to overcome the same dilemma. There is local evidence of success in other government departments with far fewer resources, so why then, has self­ regulation been ignored to manage road traffic safety in South Africa? Tony Cunningham

Oh come on! I AM responding to the front page of last week’s Hillcrest Fever, where residents are now resorting to putting up banners to have trucks banned on Fields Hill. Banning trucks on this hill is not going to solve the problem,and those that are screaming for the trucks to be banned, are going to be the first to complain when there are no supplies in their favourite stores like Pick n Pay, Checkers or Spar. I do agree it sounds like a good idea but not very practical. Alltrucksmustbemaintainedifthisisgoing to be the desired route of truck drivers, and truck owners must know at all times where their trucks are, and which route the drivers are taking. To blame just the driver in any given accident is not fair. All parties must be held responsible, and if this is not going to work then we have to go back to the way it was in the old days...trains. Amanda Crestholme

Kalisha Naicker kalisha@witness.co.za SALES MANAGER: Justin Watson justinw@express media.co.za 082 762 0175 SALES EXECUTIVE: Mandy Bersma 082 293 9717 mandy.bergsma@ expressmedia.co.za Louise Maxwell 083 399 3907 louise@witness.co.za CLASSIFIEDS ADS: Lynne Mathiesen

031 533 7601 lynnem@witness.co.za PRINTING : Paarl Coldset, PMB. COPYRIGHT: Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Hillcrest Fever and may not be used without the permission of Media24 News in writing. DISTRIBUTION: For all distribution queries, please contact Mpume Sithole at 031 533 7614



PHONE: 031 533 7600 PUBLISHER Neil Tapinos neil.tapinos@ expressmedia.co.za GROUP EDITOR Desiree Erasmus desiree.erasmus@ witness.co.za EDITOR: Valene Govender valene.govender@ witness.co.za 031 533 7600 ZULU EDITOR: Guy Vezi guy@umafrika.co.za 031 533 7600 REPORTER:

October 4, 2013

Ombudsman of Hillcrest Fever





According to the editorial policy of the Hillcrest Fever, readers are invited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information about correc­ tion of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 or e­mail to press­ombudsman@ombudsman.org.za

Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage

April to June 2013: 19950

Hillcrest’s award winning wine taster


URSUING a life of passion and purpose, Hillcrest-based wine educator NkuluMkhwanazi’sdaysareanything but ordinary. In the short span of his career, the 32year-old has already obtained numerous accolades. He chaired the University of Cape Town Wine Society in 2005 and has commenced studies for his Cape Wine Master qualification. In 2009 he founded the 031WineSocieties, aimed at younger professionals and entrepreneurs. In 2010 he founded the Shamase Wine Corp (a marketing, education and training company), and the Johannesburg Wine Series (monthly-themed tastings). Mkhwanazi obtained a Certificate of Competence with distinction from the Michael

Fridjhon Wine Judging Academy and was an associate judge for the Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show in 2011. Mkhwanazi said that his passion has always been in the wine industry. “Ever since I was a boy I used to look at wine as something phenomenal and I always dreamt of owning my own winery someday,” he explained. “Learning everything I could about the industry is the way I am working towards achieving my goal.” As a qualified wine taster, Mkhwanazi said he has tasted some of the most exquisite wines. “2013 has been phenomenal in terms of wines I have tasted. 1985 Cheval Blanc, 1982 Marguax, 1986 Chateau Latour, 1982 Pichon, 1989 Domaine Huet and 1983 Echezeaux stand out,” he said. “Tasting these wines and being associated with such high calibre of class has always inspired me to be the best I can be.” Describing himself as patient, Mkhwa-

nazi said his role models will always be his parents. “I am blessed to have my parents. They are wonderful people who inspire me every day. I can never thank them enough as a son. I am also inspired by the likes of Michael Fridjhon and Marilyn Cooper, the outgoing managing director of the Cape Wine Academy and founding director of Soweto Wine Festival.” Mkhwanazi said his greatest achievement in life is the progress he has made and pursuing his dreams through wine and staying the course during tough times. “This was not an easy ride and I had to work hard to achieve my goals. Every day is a learning experience and every day I have to push a little harder to get where I want to be,” he said. “My message to the youth out there is to take education seriously. One must always have faith and believe in the beauty of their dreams. Stay the course, be focusedanddon’tgiveupon the road ahead even if it is filled with potholes,” he said.

Nkulu Mkhwanazi

Gillitts Primary turns 60 KALISHA NAICKER

>>kalisha@witness.co.za GILLITTS Primary School , one of the first state aided Indian primary schools in the Stockville area, turns 60 this year. The school’s doors were officially open to the public in 1953 when resident VN Naik donated land for the building of the school. Over the years the school faced many challenges, but continued to strive for academic excellence. Today, the school boasts 378 devoted pupils from the neighboring Valley of 1000 Hills as they travel by train at 5.30am every morning to get to school on time. In addition, the principal and staff at the school go beyond the call of duty to ensure that the pupils’ nutritional, educational and emotional needs are met on a daily basis. The school provides hot meals to all pupils, and has extra classes for children whose second language is English. Principal of the school, Ms A Jadoo, said no day at Gillitts Primary is meaningless or wasted. “There is always that one story or child that continues to motivate us to achieve our best,” she said. Jadoo said that over the years they faced many challenges at the school to get to this point. “We had no fencing, security, computers and the greatest challenge was teaching hungry pupils.” Jadoo said that after visits and meetings with MY Baig (student governing body chair-

person) and the late SA Xaba (senior education manager), the school feeding programme was approved this year. “It brings tears to my eyes watching our children enjoying healthy hot meals daily. For some, it is the only meal they will have for the day,” she said. With schools having to be self-reliant and self-funded, fund-raising forms an integral part of the school’s functioning as the nonpayment of school fees creates great challenges in meeting the needs and demands of the school. Due to the perseverance of the principal and teachers and with the generous sponsorships from donors, Gillitts Primary has raised R450 000 for a school make-over. “I can, with great pride and conviction, state that together with the trustees, committed members of our governing body, my dedicated staff, department officials, parents, pupils, community leaders, organisations and neighbouring schools, we have to strive for excellence and achieve great success given our various challenges,” said Jadoo. Jadoo said her vision for the school is for it to be one of spirituality, teaching pupils good values, morals and life skills in a peaceful, safe, clean, happy and aesthetically pleasing environment conducive to effective teaching and learning. “My gratitude extends to our committed school governing body, our dedicated educators sponsors, parents and all those who have contributed towards the successful functioning of the school during the past 60 years,” she said.

Saddle up dem boots, cowboy THE Sunflower Fund’s annual Big Ban­ dana Bash will be held at the Heritage Theatre in Hillcrest, Friday 11 October, in country style. Tickets to this fun event, which takes place on National Bandana Day, are R250 each and include a delicious two course meal and a Sunflower bandana. “An auction and a raffle will form part of the evening so prizes and vouchers of any value would be greatly appreciated,” said Sunflower Fund KZN spokesperson, Janine le Roux. To sponsor a prize or a seat or a table of six, eight, 10 or 12, contact 082 336 1112 or email kzn@sunflowerfund.org.za


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October 4, 2013



Rotary Anns host Open Gardens 2013


David Ter­ blanche ’s gar­ den will be open to the public

THE Kloof Rotary Anns will be hosting Open Gardens from 5 to 6 October at 9.30am in the Kloof,HillcrestandBotha’sHill areas. Gardening enthusiasts will have the opportunity to walk through five different gardens. Garden one, by Dave and Edith Richardson, is at 2 Victoria Close, 21 Park Lane Kloof. Gar-

den two, by Leon and Helen Schoeman, at 15 Lynwood Road, Kloof. Garden three, by Rene and Marion Schreiner, is on 3 McFarlane Drive, Gillitts. Garden four, by David Terblanche,ison10TunziniRoad, Hillcrest. And garden five, by Miles and Michelle Steenhuisen, is at 4 David Road, West Riding, Hillcrest. Tickets are available at each garden and also at Kloof Village Mall Super Spar.

Art from the heart

>> ...to paint or create with heart and passion...is a whole different ball­game KALISHA NAICKER

Highway artist Sue Edgar.


F it has to do with creativity, Highway’s Sue Edgar is probably good at it. Renowned for her impressive artworks, Edgar’s career began in the 1980s at Rhodes University where she qualified as a fine artist. After completing her studies, she returned to her hometown to work as a graphic designer. She opened her own business, Wild@Heart,wherecustom-madeart is sold, shortly afterwards. “I am, and always have been, hugely inspired by colour and emotion. My pay off line for Wild@Heart is ‘We create a heART space where flights of fancy take shape and grow wings,’” she said. Mad about recycling, this modern day artist also spends her days look-


ing for new ways to up-cycle discarded objects. She says that she has always loved art, “I was probably born with a paint brush in hand, as I love mak-

ing and creating art,” she said. Describing herself as passionate, Edgar said her role model is Richard Branson. “To me he is someone who has

triumphed over what could have been major hindrances in life, to build an incredible business empire and he had fun in doing it. “He takes chances, and his work

ethic is good,” she said. Edgar said that the most important aspect for one to become a good artist is having a love for it. “One definitely needs the “heart” for it. These days with all the art courses on offer, it is not hugely difficult to become a technically skilled artist, but to paint or create with heart and passion, now that is a whole different ball-game,” she said. Her message to budding artists is, “Never be swayed by common consensus, we are all unique, with unique and valuable giftings and personalities. I would say embrace those gifts and run with them.” “We all have something useful and unique to offer in this crazy world. “Be generous with your gifts and talents.” To find out more about Edgar, email, sooedgar@gmail.com. .



October 4, 2013



WHAT’S ON 4 October Durban artist Rowan Stuart will be return­ ing to one of South Africa’s most treasured acoustic venues: the inimitable Bluestock­ ings, for an intimate acoustic performance on Friday 4 October at 7pm. The evening will include a special guest performance by talented singer and gui­ tarist Lester de Freitas, who is well­known to audiences in the Highway area.

Welcome to Boekenhoutskloof Boekenhout is an indigenous Cape Beech tree greatly prized for making fine furniture. The Boekenhoutskloof label features seven chairs; amongst them the country­style split splat chair made in the neo­classical style with a shoul­ dered top rail and thonged seat from the late 18th century. Then there's the Sandveld chair that has two back rails and a thonged seat which made its appearance in the second quarter of the 19th century. The transitional Tulbagh chair was made in the late 18th century, it has a plain back and a shaped top rail with half­round opening. The chairs on the wine label all pay tribute to the skills of the 18th century craftsmen and their achievements in creating beauty from natural sources, just like the pursuit of fine wine­making.

Syrah 2011 The nose is laced with copious amounts of blueberry, white pepper and meaty undertones which follows through onto the palate. This is a sensational vintage with re­ markable freshness, complexity and purity. The firm structure and seamless acidity will easily take this wine into the 2020s. It has an intense red colour with opu­ lent red fruit flavours and hints of pep­ per; a silky full bodied texture with soft tannins and integrated wood. Rich and powerful dark fruit flavours with loads of pepper and violets. Well structured palate with smooth tannins and lingering mouth feel. Judicious use of oak adds to the profile without over­ powering the fruit. Good density with a delicious aftertaste.

Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 Pungentflavoursofdarkfruit,plum and cedar box, typical to the cultivar. A me­ dium body wine with lots of complexity and lingering palate. Well integrated wood and approachable tannin struc­ ture. At first blackberries, mulberries, musk and eucalyptus with floral under­ tones. Tobacco, vanilla, strawberries & cream and an unmistakable minerality develops in the glass. This vineyard pro­ duced a wine with an endless backbone of acidity on the palate which is lined with a core of firm ripe tannins.

Call Narene on 083 659 3628 to reserve your seat, and for the address and direc­ tions to the venue. Booking ahead is essen­ tial. Tickets are R80 per person. Rowan’s CDs will be on sale for R100. 5 October The Hillcrest Methodist Church Women’s Auxiliary will be hosting a tea garden and bazaar on Saturday 5 October from 9am to 11a at the church. For more information contact, Jeanette Barr 082 735 6266. 10 October In recognition of the 100th anniversary of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, the theme of this year’s annual New Music Indaba, to be held at the UKZN Howard College campus

from 10 to 13 October, is “The Riot of Spring”. The festival aims to showcase South African composers and performers, encour­ age young performers through the institu­ tion of a cadet programme. It also provides opportunities for devel­ oping composers to receive instruction and feedback on their work through master classes with leading South African com­ posers. For more information, contact tozerkg@iafrica.com/0728227988/web­ site www.newmusicsa.org.za The New Music Indaba is supported by NAC (the National Arts Council), SAMRO, the UniversityofKZN;BusinessandArtsSAand the KZN Performing Arts Trust.

A glamorous

AFFAIR >> Holistic approach is key to ageing gracefully KALISHA NAICKER SKIN Renewal at Brigit Filmer Spa on Thursday saw 70 invited guests taking a “tour” of the first skin and body renewal branch in KwaZulu Natal. The clinic offers anti-ageing, skin and body treatments which complement the treatments offeredby BrigitFilmer Spa. For more information on skin, body and health renewal, phone 031 767 0564 or visit www.skinrenewal.co.za.

Bryne Kietzmann, Jeanette Thorpe, Rainie and Man­ da Kietzmann.

Victor Snyders, Maureen Allem and Dr Xen Ludick.

Tanya Haslam, Brigit Filmer and Don­ na Short.

Bronwyn Jones, Brigit Filmer, Catherine Long, Mia Acutt.

Springing into action at Kloof Pre Primary KLOOF Pre-Primary celebrated Spring in style this month when little pupils dressed in flowered hats, and floral outfits.

The pupils paraded their hats and planted indigenous plants at the school garden. The day ended with novelty races

Kloof Pre Primary pupils enjoying Spring Day

and competitions, and everyone enjoyed a picnic in the school garden. Great fun was had by all.

Ezemigubho yosuku lwamaSiko

October 4, 2013




Abafundi ba­ sezikoleni ezi­ zungeze iTheku abasanganise izihlwele ngen­ dlamu emgubh­ weni wamasiko eDurban Exhibi­ tion Centre




Omama Boxolo baseNdwedwe abawine inkomo emncintiswaneni weZulu 200 eKing Shaka Airport.


kaSuperspar eWaterfall

>>Akusensuku zatshwala kuvulwe inkunzimalanga yenxanxathela yezitolo zakwaSpar ezizokwaziwa ngeWatercrest Mall

INGXENYE entsha yenx­ anxathela yezitolo za­ kwaSpar and Tops ezovulwa ISITHOMBE: SITHUNYELWE




KUSENSUKU zatshwala kuvulwe inkunzimalanga yenxanxathela yezitolo zakwaSuperspar and Tops ezizokwaziwa ngeWatercrest Mall, eWaterfall entshonalanga yeTheku. Le nxanxathela yezitolo izokwenza indawo yaseWaterfall nase-Upper Highway ibukeke kabusha. Kumanje nje isigaba sokuqala seWatercrest Mall esisemhlabeni olinganiselwa kuma-7000 square metres, sesiya ngasemaphethelweni kanti ngokwezinhlelo, kulindeleke sivulwe kuyo le nyanga mhla zingama-24 kuMfumfu (October) 2013. UMnuz Des Quin ongumnikazi wale nxanxathela yezitolo, uthe benze isiqiniseko sokuthi ukwakhiwa kwaso kuhambisana nobuchwepheshe besimanje nemigomo yokonga imvelo namandla kagesi kangangoba esikhundleni sokusebenzisa ama-geyser (ithangi elikhipha amanzi ashisayo), kuzosetshenziswa amanzi aphuma emshinini ofaka amandla emafrijini (compressors), kanti ngaphakathi kwesitolo kuzohlothiswa ngempahla egaywekabusha(recycled material). Lokhu kuchaza uku-

thi ayikho into ezolahlwa ngoba kuthiwa isisebenzile. Abathengikufanelebalindeleizinga eliphezulu kakhulu lokunakekelwa kulezi zitolo zakwaSpar, ezivele zaziwa ngokuphatha kahle amakhasimende azo, okuwenza azizwe eyingxenye yomndeni wakwaSpar. UMnuz Quin, ongomnikazi walenxanxathela yezitolo ezintsha uthe amakhasimende akazuphazamiseka ngoba noma ngabe kusakhiwa njengoba isitolo sinwetshwa, ngeke sivalwe lesi esivele sisebenza. Uthe ezinhlelweni ezintsha, kuzobanengxenyeokuzodayiswakuyo-

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na ama ‘Grocery Combo’ nama ‘Freshproducecombo’.Ama‘combo’ wuhlelo lokuhlanganisa konke ukudla namaveje okuhambisanayo. Uthe kuzoba khona nengxenye yesilaha ezogxila ekuhlizekeni inyama eningi kanyekanye, abafuna ukuthenga inyama yangaphakathi nezingxenye zenkukhu ezibizwa ngamaIndividually Quick Frozen (IQF) chicken portions. Konke lokhu uthe kuzobiza amanani aphansi angezukuwesinda amakhasimende. Abahola imali yempesheni nezinye izibonelelo zikaHulumeni, basazoqhubeka nokuhola khona kwaSp-



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ar. Umphakathi uyanxuswa ukuthi ungaphuthelwa yiHillcrest Fever ukuze uthole zonke izipesheli okuzovulwa ngazo ngomhla ka-7 kuLwezi (November) 2013. “Sibonga wonke amakhasimende

ethu abe nathi kulesi sikhathi esinzima. Yinina makhasimede ethu enisingethe impilo nemisebenzi yabasebenzi bethu. Sinethulela isigqoko,” kuphetha uMnuz Quin esitatimendeni asithumelele iFever.



October 4, 2013



inhlelo zzokuqeda okuqeda Izzinhlelo

ubugebengu eThekwini namaphethelo >> I­Hillcrest isifake amakhamera emigwaqweni NOSIPHO MKHIZE



MPHAKATHI wase-Hillcrest entshonalanga yeTheku, usufake amakhamera emigwaqweni eyehlukene, ngendlela ubugebengu osebudlange ngayo kulendawo naseThekwini jikelele. Lamakhamera azosiza ekunciphiseni ubugebengu, alekelele namaphoyisa ekutholeni izigebengu ngokushesha. UNkk Nikki Mohlmann ohlala eKloof noyilungu lenhlangano yomphakathi esebenzisana namaphoyisa, uthe loluhlelo ufisa lungenelele nakwezinye izindawo zaseThekwini ngoba ubugebengu bugcwele yonke indawo, hhayi eHillcrest kuphela. Uthe:“Sizosebenzisanane-Enforce okuyinkampani yonogada ezoqapha konke okwenzekayo emphakathini kuwo lama khamera. “Sifisa neminye imiphakathi yaseThekwini ingenelele kulolu hlelo, ihlangane namaphoyisa nayo lenkampani ukuze kugxunyekwe amakhamera emigwaqeni ngoba ngikholwa wukuthi kuzo sizakala abaningi ngalo.” Uthe lama khamera afakwe emakhoneni emigwaqo ngobunono ngoba acishe afane nogesi wase mgwaqeni. “Okwamanje asafakwe eHillcrest, eGillitts, eWaterfall, eMerrivale, eWillington, eRidge, eAbelia nase Everton.” Uthe ukholelwa wukuthi lama khameraazonciphisaizigebenguezihlezi zitanasa kulemigwaqo. Uqhube wathi: “Okuhle ngalama khamera akwazi ukuthwebula konke okwenzekayo emgwaqweni futhi anohlobo lomsakazo odonsa emahhovisini akwa-Enforce. Lomsakazo uzoba nombhobho ozwakala kuwo wonke umgwaqo, okuzosiza onogada bakwazi ukuxosha izigebengu naban-

tu abatanasa emgwaqeni singekho isidingo,” usho kanje. Uthe sekunxuswa amalungu omphakathi ukuthi anikele ngemali ukwenza lomsebenzi ube yimpumelelo. Le mali izosiza ekuxhumeni amanye ama khamera nakwezinye izindawo. UMnuz Dalisu Mngoma, osebenzela enye inkampani ese Hillcrest uthe uyaluthokozela lolu hlelo ngoba ngeke lusize abahlali baseHillcrest kuphela kodwa luzosiza nabantu abasebenza kuyo lendawo abasuka ngaphandle kwase Hillcrest. Uthe: “Ngisebenza khona eHillcrest kodwa ngihamba ngesitimela saseChatsworth. Ngihlezi ngisaba ngoba ngihamba ibanga elide ngezinyawo uma sengiya emsebenzini futhi ubugebengu buhlezi bukhona kulendawo. Kunabantu abahlale beskhuthuza uma siya emsebenzini. Ngiyethemba ukuthi lokhu sekuzo shintsha ngenxa yalolu hlelo,” kusho uMnuz Mngoma. Inhlangano yomphakathi waseHillcrest esebenzisana nama phoyisa inxusa wonke amalungu omphakathi ukuba abe yingenxye yalolu hlelo ukuze konke kube yimpumelelo. “Sicela amalungu omphakathi anikele ngemali ezosiza ukapteni wasesiteshini samaphoyisa eHillcrest ukuba abe namathuluzi azomsiza ukuba abe yingxenye yalolu hlelo. Lemali izolekelela ekuthengeni i-computer, i-laptop, izintambo zokudonsa amakhamera ezibizwa ‘nge-wireless device’ ukuze ukapteni ezobona konke okwenzekayo kulemigwaqo enama khamera bese ehlaba umkhosi uma kukhona okushaya amanzi. UNkk Mohlmann uthe umphakathi kumele wazi ukuthi konke lokhu bakwenzela ukuphephisa wona, ngakho uxhaso lwawo lubalule- kile. Uthe uma kukhona onothando lokuxhasaloluhlelolokugxumekaama khamera, angashayela uNkk Nikki Mohlmannenombolweniethi:031764 7069.

UNkk Rachel Davis osenze­ la i­Enforce, uthishanhloko wase Kloof Junior Primary uNkk Colleen Phillips, uNkk Roxannes Perryer nabafundi ISITHOMBE: KALISHA NAICKER

Uklonyeliswe ngegalelo kwezamabhi zinisi UNKK Pinky Mkhize ongumengameli wenhlangano yabahwebi iNational African Federated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Nafcoc) KwaZulu-Natal, abuye abe ngumgcinimafa wenhlangano yesizwe sakwaMkhize esibizwa ngoBumbano lwaBaMbo, wemukela umklomelo okuthiwa yiSibiside kuDkt Bandile Mkhize oyilungu lekomidi yoBumbano lwaBambo. ISibiside Award yemukeliswa labo ababambe iqhaza ekuthuthukisweni komphakathi.


UNkk Pinky Mkhize wemukela umklomelo wokuthuthukisa ezomnotho kuDkt Bandile Mkhize


UDkt Zweli Mkhize nomkakhe uDkt May Mashego­Mkhize bavaleliswe ngodumo eCoastlands Ho­ tel eMhlanga ngeledlule

Successful fund­raising at little school

Ryan Dick­ ens and Caitlin Hall

October 4, 2013





>> Fun fashion show assists charity


VERY year, Happy Days Pre Primary School in Kloof hosts a fun fashion show for parents and grandparents. Tickets are sold and all proceeds go to a chosencharity.Thisyear,Celamandla Community Centre, an orphanage in Molweni, was the deserving beneficiary. All Happy Days’ pupils, from age two and a half to six-years-old, participate as it is a fantastic opportunity for the children to work together and grow in confidence. For more information on the orphanage or to provide support, contact Sylvia Fikile Cele on 072 225 5305.

Above: Milla Doug­ las, Georgia Short and Shiloh Reddy

Left: Dikgabiso Mohlakoane, Molly Ogilby and Qhawekazi Chonco

Back: Kiara Wentzel, Amy Keulder. Front: Mikayla Low, Rebecca Chennells, Olivia Sivewright



October 4, 2013



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The Fever is giving away ten tickets to Pecanwood Oktoberfest! • Beer • Cider • German cuisine • craft village • boat races • dodgeball • beer pong • music


Send an email to sharmaine.reuter@witness. co.za with HF Oktoberfest in the subject line


SALES REPRESENTATIVE (REF: DNF4) The Witness Local Newspaper Division is looking to appoint a Sales Representative to the Ballito Fever. The position will be based in Durban, and will report to the Sales Supervisor. Key Responsibilities (The primary tasks, functions and deliverables of the role) • Daily generation of new business through sales of display advertisements • Liaison with clients with regard to the design, make up and placing of advertisements • Stimulating the market by creating new opportunities to satisfy clients advertising needs • Client service by visiting new clients • Reaching of monthly sales target imperative. Requirements • The ideal candidate is regarded as a self starter • Ability to work productively in a team and within a competitive environment • Good communication and interpersonal skills • The ability to think outside the box and work under pressure. • A valid driver’s license and own reliable transport Qualification • Grade12 Experience • 3 years sales experience and a proven record as an excellent salesperson • Experience in Media Industry Prior Knowledge • Proficiency in relevant software packages and applications • Knowledge of sales strategies and concepts Applications must be sent by email to hr@witness.co.za Closing date: 11 October 2013. Please note, applicants must clearly indicate which post they are applying for. Candidates who have not received feedback by 18 October 2013 must accept that their application was unsuccessful.





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Tel: 031 764 1212/3 A/H Emergency: 073 335 9322 29 Village Road, Kloof

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Classified advertising works

Sudoku Solution 121

WINNER 121: Sandra Channell, Hillcrest Closing Date: October 31, 2013

Submit your entry into the Hillcrest Fever box situated inside the Keg & Trout. The first correct entry drawn will win a R150 voucher. Only one entry per person per week. No registered letters or faxed entries. Prize will alternate weekly between Crossword and Sudoku.

Crossword Solution 121

Across 1 Radio, 4 Cast off, 8 Peg, 9 Do­gooders, 10 Trainee, 11 Ruddy, 13 Deduct, 15 Height, 18 Begin, 19 Cla­ mour, 21 Dog collar, 23 Win, 24 Entreat, 25 Worry Down 1 Reputed, 2 Dog eat dog, 3 Olden, 4 Cygnet, 5 Scourge, 6 Owe, 7 Fussy, 12 Dogs of War, 14 Con­ done, 16 Tyranny, 17 Oce­ lot, 18 Budge, 20 Arrow, 22 Get

KEG & TROUT 031 765 2070 Shop 16 Heritage Market, Old Main Rd


October 4, 2013





make their mark

Juniors excel at KZN competition

a Sharks Rugby Experience



for you and your family!

You and your family stand a chance to

to the

ABOVE: (L­R) Alex­ andra Gibson, Stephanie Cotterill, Kai Stewart, and James Gibson. LEFT: (L­R)Aaron Smith, Alec Steyn, Blake Stuart and Karl Berger art (Roseway Waldorff) scooped the top spot from James Gibson (Winston Park Primary School) while Stephanie Cotterill (St Mary’s DSG) and Alexandra Gibson (Hillcrest High School) were placed joint third in this event. Hillcrest fencing club hosts training

sessions every Tuesday and Thursday evening between 5.30pm and 7.30pm at the Centenary Hall at Highbury Preparatory School. All are welcome to attend. For more information, log on to www.fencingkzn.co.za.


The lucky family will meet Sharks players after the game and receive a signed rugby ball. *Meals and drinks are included

ships in Margate in July – and she was chosen for the iLembe U13 Hockey team. Diana is a member of the SEALS Swimming Club, and has represented KZN swimming for the past four years. Diana Weaver This year she outdid herself and qualified to swim for KZN SEALS at the Level 2 Championships in March.

The gala clashed with the KZN Netball tour to Cape Town, however, so she did not take part. Diana’s school sporting achievements are also impressive. She won the Girls Open Victrix Ludorum in March this year for swimming and was elected as School Swimming Captain and House Captain 2013. Diana is a member of the school swimming and tennis team, and she is in the hockey and netball first teams. Diana has been awarded a Sports Scholarship at St. Mary’s DSG for 2014 in recognition of her sporting achievements. Our star lives with her family at Seaforth Farm in Umhlali.

Rules: Judges decision is final. Entry cut-off is 12pm on Sunday 6th October 2013. The winner will be contacted via telephone. The winner must be available to attend the game. Tickets are not transferable. This competition includes tickets for a family of four.

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Lenny Naidoo 16.08.13

NORTH Coast gal and sporting all rounder Diana Weaver is the Supersport Let’s Play Star for September. The Umhlali Preparatory grade 7 pupil has many netball, hockey and swimming achievements to her name. As district and provincial achievements, Diana was selected for ILembe U13 Netball 2013 team and the U13 KZN Indoor Netball team – for which she participated in the Provincial Championships in Cape Town in March. She was also selected for U13 KZN Outdoor Netball 2013 – for which she took part in the Provincial Champion-

match on 12 October 2013 at Growthpoint Kingspark!

To enter, simply email your full name and contact number to sharmaine.reuter@ witness.co.za by Sunday 6 October 2013.

A jolly good sport SHANNON HOPKINS

Western Province vs Sharks

DBN 25419 E&OE

HE Hillcrest Fencing Club hosted a KwaZulu- Natal closed fencing competition at Hillcrest High School this month. Entrants were from the province’ s two clubs, namely University of KZN and Hillcrest. The event was well attended with 29 competitors ranging in age from 10 to 66, the majority of whom were from the recently established Hillcrest Fencing Club. While there was some great fencing in the senior men’s and ladies sabre and epee events, the highlight of the competition was the talent displayed by the younger fencers who participated in two highly contested junior categories. First place in the under 11 epee went to Aaron Smith (Highbury Preparatory School) with second place going to Alec Steyn (Hillcrest Primary School). Joint third place went to Blake Stuart (Highbury Preparatory School) and Karl Berger (Tree Tops School). Fen Stewart and Nimai Naidoo, both from Roseway Waldorf, also competed in the U11 epee and showed remarkable improvement during the course of the competition. In the cadet epee event, Kai Stew-


(031) 308 8400

October 4, 2013

hillcrest FEVER

SPORT Andrew Mclean

Lap basis for race

>> Mclean to strengthen field at Msunduzi 2013


HE Msunduzi Road Challenge 2013 has received a huge boost as Upper Highway cycling personality Andrew Mclean has entered. He will be hoping to qualify for the 2014 UCI World Cycling Tour Final when the race takes place on October 26 and 27. “The major pull for riders has got to be the fact that they can qualify for a world cycling final,” said Mclean. “Even if they aren’t going to compete in the final, just knowing that you were able to qualify is an achievement in itself,” he said. The decision to take part in the race came when Mclean realised that the trip would be beneficial for him in two ways. “I am really hoping to qualify for the finals next year, which is the one reason, but it also gives me a chance to come down and visit my son at Hilton College,”the UWCT silver medallist said. The race has been given a new route and will bypass Wartburg in order to keep participants

away from traffic. The course this year is being used on a lap basis and Mclean believes that this will be beneficial from a spectator point of view as well as keeping the course constant. “The course, from what I can remember, is a fair course. It isn’t too hilly or too flat which means that there is something for all the riders. “Lap racing also works out perfectly for the riders and all the riders will be out there in Wartburg from the start. “Having the race outside of Pietermaritzburg will also lessen the effects of traffic on the roads. “The idea to use the lap format is a lot better from a spectators’ point of view because they have the chance of seeing riders on a couple of occasions ,” added Mclean. The 2013 Msunduzi Road Challenge takes place on 26 and 27 October 2013, based in Noodsburg outside Pietermaritzburg. More information can be found at www.msunduziroadchallenge.co.za

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You make them. We share them. www.hillcrestfever.co.za | www.hillcrestfever.mobi News. Events. Schools. Groups. Directories. Your guide to everything local

PAGE 16 CONTACT US>> E­mail all local news to Kalisha Naicker at kalisha@ witness.co.za or contact her at 031 533 7600

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