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December 6, 2013
War waged over primates NSPCA and the local SPCA are not happy with Monkey Helpline caging vervet monkeys (above).
NSPECTORSoftheNationalCouncil of SPCAs (NSPCA) Wildlife Protection Unit and the Kloof and
Highway SPCA have locked horns with non-profit organisation Monkey Helpline, after allegations of animal crueltymadeagainsttheprimateprotection group. According to Sister Ainsley Hay,
manager of the NSPCA’s Wildlife Protection Unit, the organisation received a tip-off of animal cruelty and proceeded to the Monkey Helpline premises in Westville. “Upon arrival we discovered that
>> SPCA issues warning to monkey protection organisation more than 200 vervet monkeys and some parrots were found to be without food and water and kept in filthy, cramped cages in a residential property,” she explained. Hay alleges that the owner of Mon-
keyHelpline,SteveSmit,hasnospace tocreatemorecagesoutsidetheproperty and is now caging the monkeys inside the property. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
December 6, 2013
Meet the Hillcrest Fever team
Valene Govender - news editor - 083 395 5156
Guy Vezi - IsiZulu editor 082 594 2090
Justin Watson - sales manager - 082 762 0175
Kalisha Naicker journalist - 072 111 9635
War waged over primates CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “A warning in terms of the Animals ProtectionActNo71of1962wasissued immediately,” she said. “Serious welfare issues are to be corrected immediately and major improvements to facilities are to be effected over the next three months.” However, Smit said that Monkey Helpline is appalled by the decision of the National Council of SPCA’s (NSPCA). “We believe that the NSPCA has acted in bad faith and view this action on their part as a deliberate and retaliatory attempt to undermine the integrity of Monkey Helpline. This, after we recently criticized their primate euthanasia ruling publicly on their Facebook page, and challenged them to convene provincial meetings for all interested and affected parties to address the crisis facing indigenous primates in South Africa,”said Smit. “Needless to say the NSPCA has not responded to our call for the holding of these meetings.” He said
that it is the Monkey Helpline’s considered opinion that the entire exercise had nothing to do with a socalled public complaint rather, Smit said, this was a “typically phobic response” by the NSPCA to being publicly challenged. “It is important to realise that all the monkeys in the care of Monkey Helpline have been rescued by us from extremely dire situations and are severely compromised,” said Smit. “Every one of these monkeys would have suffered and died had we not intervened and provided life-saving treatment and recovery care where possible and desirable. Monkey Helpline responds to over 1000 rescue call-outs every year, rescuing an average of three monkeys every day throughout most of the year.” Smit said that he and the organisation wholly rejects the NSPCA claim. “Allegations of vervet monkeys and some parrots being found to be without food and water and kept in filthy, cramped cages, are sensa-
Mandy Bergsma sales - 082 293 9717
Warning from Hillcrest SAPS KALISHA NAICKER
The caged monkeys tionalised and subjective,”said Smit. “Monkey Helpline will not be gagged by the NSPCA when we feel criticismoftheiractions,orattimes lack thereof, is justified.” He said that Monkey Helpline
will act in accordance with the organisation’s objectives and will continue to hold their heads high and display Monkey Helpline branding with pride. To comment on this story, email kalisha@witness.co.za.
HILLCREST SAPS communications officer, Lieutenant France Mkhize has indicated that the station recently received a report of a suspicious incident that occurred outside one of the area’s primary schools, which for legal reasons, cannot be named. Aman,approximately30yearsoldisalleged to have been calling pupils at the end of the school day and trying to lure them into a white car with the promise of a cell phone upgrade. The school called its security company, but when a patrol vehicle arrived, the suspect was nowhere to be seen. Security around the school has subsequently been tightened. “We have recently received reports of rape and human trafficking in the upper Highway area. We therefore advise residents to be pro-active. Children must be taught the value of vigilance and not to communicate with strangers in any way,” Mkhize added. The community is urged to contact police immediately regarding any incidents of this nature.
In case there’s an
Crime Stop: 086 001 0111
EMERGENCY Hillcrest SAPS...................................031 765 116/9103 Kloof Police Station..............................031 764 2334 Fire.............................................................031 361 0000 Gillitts Metro.............................................031 767 1222 Rescuetech KZN.....................................086 167 2226 ANIMAL RESCUE Kloof & Highway SPCA......................031 764 1212/3 Monkey Helpline....082 411 5444 or 082 659 4711
COUNSELLING Life Line....033 394 4444 Open Door Crisis Centre... ...................... 031 709 2679 Jes Foord Foundation....... ...................... 031 765 4559 Careline Crisis Centre......... ........................031 765 1314 ................ or 082 787 6452
Be cautious when hiring domestics >> Elderly easily made victims by unscrupulous few
Nikki Mohlmann and Captain Bheki Mapungose PHOTO: KALISHA NAICKER
LOOF’s Community Police Forum is warning residents in the Upper Highway Area to be alert when hiring domestic workers from agencies. The warning comes after a pensioner was robbed at home in Kloof by his domestic worker last week. According to CPF project coordinator Nikki Mohlmann, the unsuspecting pensioner hired a domestic to clean his house for the day. “Once the domestic had completed her duties and left, the pensioner noticed his cellphone was missing. He called the agency and after investigation, they admitted the domestic had stolen the phone, however she could not be fired or charged, and only a warning letter was issued,” said Mohlmann. She said that many pensioners and frail people use the agencies on a once-off basis and they could unknowingly be inviting a criminal into the home. “The CPF wants to warn residents, especially pensioners, to always use reputable agencies [and workers with traceable references]. “Never assume that someone from an agency is safe to be left alone cleaning your home.Bealert,beawareandalwaysbesafe,” she said. Kloof sector commander, captain Bheki Mapungose, also warned residents to be
vigilant and ask for references before hiring. “We need to practice safety at all times,” he added. For more information or to report a similar crime, contact the Kloof CPF on 031 764 7069.
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SECURE LINK SAFETY TIP: Having a house sitter while you are away to look after your property is beneficial. However, make sure you use an accredited company and advise your security company of your plans.
December 6, 2013
CONTACT THE FEVER TELEPHONE: 031 533 7600 FAX 031 533 7972 (News) and (Classifieds)
December 6, 2013
Dr Anthony Zambelli Inanda Veterinary Hospital & Specialist Referrals www.inandavets.com 15 Howick Drive Waterfall 031 762 1816
What's in a scan? DR ANTHONY ZAMBELLI Ultrasound scanners are becoming more widespread these days in veterinary practices. An US machine is a complicated computer that creates an ultrasonic sound (i.e. one beyond the range of hearing) that travels through tissues. The echoes that bounce back are received by the "probe" and portrayed as greyscale images on the screen. Different machines
and probes have different strengths. For example some machines are best for gynecological scans. These are the ones most familiar to people. Other machines, typically the most advanced, are optimal for cardiac scans. To do a good, diagnostic scan requires intensive theoretical and practical training, overseen by a specialist radiologist. A good machine - typically costing over R350,000 - and appropriate probes -
each about R60,000 - is required. Abdominal US is the most common performed by general practitioners. An US can find evidence of tumours, fluid, foreign objects and describe organs in ways that are complementary to radiographs and physical examination. It can also be used for pregnancy confirmation. Scans of tendons and particularly of the heart are best left to specialists. They are full of pitfalls and require years of ex-
perienceanda knowledgeofthediseases and equipment limitations before making a diagnosis. For example a heart scan MUST be done with a concurrent ECG. One of the biggest problems of US scans is that one vet cannot reliably look at images from another vet and draw the same conclusions as with a radiograph. This means that patients referred to a specialist with scan snapshots often require a rescan at the client's cost.
19 nabbed in drug raid >> SAPS National Crime Intelligence uncovers yet another major drug lab KALISHA NAICKER
N a national Crime Intelligence driven operation, the SAPS Counter Narcotics team uncovered a major drug lab in Alexander Drive, in Gillitts on Sunday. According to provincial police spokesperson, Lieutenant General Solomon Makgale, the team followed up on intelligence of the manufacture ofheroinstrawswhichledthemtothe property in Gillitts. "The 19 men arrested are all foreignnationalsofagesbetween18and 37 years," he said. "They are likely to face charges of possession and dealing in drugs. The entire operation, we estimate, has a street value of more than R41 million which consists of R21.4 million worth of heroin straws, R4.1 million of man-
drax tablets, R15 million of heroin powder and equipment." Makgale said that the narcotics team has no doubt that an operation of this magnitude is the work of a syndicate and they believe that they are making great inroads in bringing these major drug syndicates to its knees. "While we applaud our crime intelligence unit for a job well done, we certainly don't lose sight of the enormous role communities are playing to complement our efforts to minimise the scourge of drugs and the ill effects it has on our societies," he added. Ward 10 councillor Rick Crouch said that the house had been rented by the same individual for the past two and a half years, and believes that this drug manufacturing lab has been operating for some time. "It illus-
trates the importance of neighbours being aware of who lives next door to them and taking note of any suspicious activities in their neighbourhood," he said. "It is also a wakeup call for the municipality that they cannot simply ignore the complaints of residents regarding unkempt, rundown or abandoned properties. Properties in this condition are an indication that something is not right and they are like a magnet for criminals." Residents are urged to report any nuisanceorabandonedpropertieson his website at www.ward10.co.za/ vacant_land_Results.asp. "Residents must also report these properties to SAPS so that they are aware of them. Finally, well done to SAPS Hillcrest for the great job done in this case," added Crouch
The drug lab
December 6, 2013
THE anticipated annual Cafe Society Awards for the KwaZulu-Natal region took place recently. The event honours the top coffee establishments and baristas in various areas around the province. This year's awards were particularly exciting thanks to the presence of the South African barista champion, Craig Charity from Hillcrest, who will represent South Africa at the world championships in Italy next year. Peter Winter from Bean Green in Berea was placed third, Craig Charity and Greg Clelland from Stretta Cafe in Hillcrest were second and first place went to Sarah Fraser and Danielle Carrilho from The Factory Cafe.
Barista competition creates a stir
Hillcrest’s master quilter KALISHA NAICKER
A HILLCREST quilting teacher and quilter at So Many Things in Oxford Village has been named master quilter in the freestyle category of the South African Quilters’ Guild. Sue Cameron said she is extremely excited with the award and is looking forward to the future. “Every second year a festival is hosted by one of the larger regional guilds on behalf of the South African Quilters’ Guild – and in July 2015 this will take place in Hillcrest,” she said. “A committee of dedicated quilters is workinghardtoensure that the Creative Energy 2015 Quilt Festival is a memorable one – with classes to inspire, a
Sue Cameron
quilt exhibition to blow your mind, shopping opportunities to blow your budget, a venue to calm your soul and accommodation to rest your weary bones… what more could a quilter desire?” The South African Quilters’ Guild (SAQG) was founded in 1989 at the third national quilt festival held in Bloemfontein and has been the governing body for quilting in South Africa since. SAQG is a non-profit organisation with 12 affiliated guilds. The SAQG mission is to foster an environment where South Africans can reach their full potential in quilt making and related textile art. To find out more about Sue Cameron or quilting, contact Sew Many Things on 031 765 4715.
Darrell de Wet, Craig Charity and Phillida Ellis.
Gaining freedom and independence
>> Organisation improves mental, physical and social well-being if disabled
Keemaya Naidoo having a wonderful stretch along Jolly Jammer's, with instructor Sue Stokoe and volunteer Pam Schulz assisting.
HE South African Riding for the Disabled (SARDA) held a very special Open Morning on 16 November at the SARDA Centre in Assagay where children, within the SARDA 'therapy in motion' programme offered to schools for children with specialneeds,wereabletoshowtheirfamilies their amazing skills. SARDA provides care for children andyoungadultswhoarementallyand physically disabled. The association gives disabled people the opportunity to experience ther-
apeutic and recreational horse riding lessons which assist in improving mental,physicalandsocialwell-being. One of the parents who attended the event commented, “Nothing will stop mychildgoingtoschoolwhenitsriding day and he always comes home happy, calm and focused, a different child,” they said. Apart from showing off their riding ability, the children were able to share cool drinks and ice creams with their brothers and sisters which were willingly provided by Richdens Superspar, Hillcrest Kwikspar and Waterfall Superspar. Equipment donations were
gratefully received from Edukidz and Carmen’s Community collection. Instructor Sue Stokoe explained that riding therapy provides the opportunity to improve the quality of life for children with special needs through physical, cognitive, social and emotional benefits. “This unique therapy helps the child develop balance, independence and co-ordination as well as memory, concentration, posture, motor skills and self-confidence," she said. “The instructors and volunteers willingly give their knowledge, time and energy to the programme.” Instructors are qualified to international standards and training of volunteers is on-going throughout each school year. “Pony care is expensive and fund raising has become a huge challenge in today’sdifficulteconomytosustainour organisation as no charge is made to the various schools for the riding therapy classes,” said Stokoe. The community can assist in different ways and enquiries are welcome at durban@sarda.co.za from businesses and individuals interested in the Sponsor a Pony plan, or becoming a Friend of SARDA, volunteering or joining in the fun at the Trivia Christmas Quiz at The Keg & Trout on 5 December at 7pm, proceeds to SARDA. Donations of raffle prizes are also welcome.
Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage
April to June 2013: 19950
Time for reflection THE month of December is generally a time for reflection on the year that was and the year to come. Intermsofheadlines,there are a number of stories that South Africans might be thinking about. Guptagate, Nkandla, the collapse of the Tongaat Mall, and the list goes on. The news does seem a bit bleak for the government of the day and it might seem a bit depressing and negative at a glance. However this provides the perfect platform for the Elections 2014. Local councillors say they are pleased with the number of new and younger voters who took time (some during the exams) to register. This, definitely, is a positive as quite afewconsideryouthtobeapathetic. Many are saying 2014 is going to be the year of change - after all, there are many who believed 2013 would bring the end of the world. A reader, who called in last week, believes that 2013 is the end - for corruption. He said he is “fed up” with the government of the day constantly making “headlines for all the wrong reasons” and he hopes others feel the same way. We would love to know what you will be reflecting on this year. Share your highlights and lows and stories that stand out in your memory. Email valene. govender@witness.co.za
PHONE: 031 533 7600 PUBLISHER Neil Tapinos neil.tapinos@ expressmedia.co.za GROUP EDITOR Desiree Erasmus desiree.erasmus@ witness.co.za EDITOR: Valene Govender valene.govender@ witness.co.za 031 533 7600 ZULU EDITOR: Guy Vezi guy@umafrika.co.za 031 533 7600 REPORTER:
Kalisha Naicker kalisha@witness.co.za SALES MANAGER: Justin Watson justinw@express media.co.za 082 762 0175 SALES EXECUTIVE: Mandy Bergsma 082 293 9717 mandy.bergsma@ expressmedia.co.za Louise Maxwell 083 399 3907 louise@witness.co.za CLASSIFIEDS ADS: Lynne Mathiesen
031 533 7601 lynnem@witness.co.za PRINTING : Paarl Coldset, PMB. COPYRIGHT: Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Hillcrest Fever and may not be used without the permission of Media24 News in writing. DISTRIBUTION: For all distribution queries, please contact Mpume Sithole at 031 533 7614
Ombudsman of Hillcrest Fever
December 6, 2013
According to the editorial policy of the Hillcrest Fever, readers are invited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 or e-mail to press-ombudsman@ombudsman.org.za
Letters to the Editor must be received by Thursday evening, 3pm, in order to be included in the Tuesday edition of the paper. Letters should be addressed to The Editor and emailed to hillcrestletters@expressmedia.co.za or faxed to 031 533 7972. Letters must be a maximum of 400 words long and must relate to the topic at hand. While pseudonyms are allowed, writers must still include their full names and contact details (which will not be printed) or letters will not be published. The Editor reserves the right to not run letters or to alter letters so that they are legible.
Step in the right direction but does not go far enough
N Thursday 28 November MEC Willies Mchunu tabled his long awaited report and proposal for Fields Hill. Short term proposal includes: 1. The existing carrying capacity of trucks will be reduced from 25 tons to 16 tons. 2. 16 ton trucks will be restricted from passing through Fields Hill from 6am to 9am on the eastbound carriageway.
3. Trucks will be restricted from using the route in both directions from 4pm to 6.30pm. 4. The compulsory stop at the top of Fields Hill will be electronically monitored. 5. Law enforcement will be increased. Long term proposals include; 1. Constructing an extra lane on the eastbound carriageway. 2. Installing concrete barriers (New Jerseybarriers)alongtheentireroute.
On designated driving, public bathrooms and pool STEPH MCLENNAN playing steph@expressmedia.co.za mum of five shooters) at any one destination before piling them back into my car (with increasing levels of strength, dexterity and coaxing needed), and moving on to the next hopefully fun-filled spot. We ended up at no less than five destinations, which will remain nameless due to fear of reprisals from the advertising department. By the by, in her drunken state, one member of our group started giving the ladies’ bathrooms at each destination a rating, out of ten, based on presence of toilet paper and soap, quality of toilet spray (where applicable), ease of handbag placement and general odour. This got me thinking, and I have since discovered that the English language has not left out the fear of public toilets in its quest to name phobias. Lutropublicaphobia is the term, doubtless derived from Latin or some other such dead language, which has been given to this fear. Personally, I’d have called it peeingoutophobia or hoveritis, but
ON Saturday night, my significant other, myself and two of his friends headed out for a night on the town. Giventhatweareinthethroesofthe lead-up to Christmas, traffic officers far and wide are accruing bribes so theycangetdrunk,buypresentsand be merry this Christmas. This means that drinking and driving is even more foolhardy than usual, and that a designated driver was required for our evening. Being in the position of needing said significant other to be owing me a favour, I volunteered for the task. I am the first to admit that my sense of navigational direction is just slightly worse than my sense of direction when it comes to my life, but after getting lost many times while following the contradictory directions of my intoxicated companions, we eventually did make it home in one piece. Being the sober one, I got bored rather more rapidly than my friends, and I overcame this by allowing them only two drinks (and a maxi-
3. Improving ramps and intersections. It is a step in the right direction, and we are glad to see that the MEC is finally moving on this issue. However it does not go far enough. What the community and commuters on the M13 want is a total ban on trucks, except for local deliveries. This is a classic case of what I like to call 'Tombstone Legislation', this is where we have to wait for a predeter-
given that Oxford Press still haven’t emailed me back about the inclusion of Mondayitis or the need for a direct translation of “gatvol”, my hopes for this are not high. I pointed out to our Lutropublicaphobe that she needed to be more stringent in her appraisal, and that points needed to be awarded for hygiene, general appearance, and the presence of those R5 breathalyser machines/ hair straighteners/condom dispensers. Our anonymously-published guide to the public bathrooms at Durban nightspots will be available on my blog soon. My heart sunk when my drunken companions decided that the evening should be concluded with some “fun, friendly” games of doubles pool. Having come within a hair’s breadth of losing a game of pooltoablindpersononce(truestory), I was worried about the detrimental effect that this could have on my fledgling relationship. While sober, I have all the co-ordination of an alcoholic on an obstacle course, and my desire to become better at hitting a bunch of balls around a table is nil. Luckily, booze proved to be the lubricant that got me through the games unscathed and mostly unnoticed. I started my Sunday morning by embarking on a career as a nurse – distributingmyprodol,greasybreakfasts and crème soda. Next weekend, it’s his turn.
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mined number of unacceptable deaths before we actually do something about a problem. Wearegoingtohavetomonitorand verify that what the MEC has said he will do actually happens and we have totiehimdowntotimeframesonthese various proposals. Councillor Rick Crouch Ward 10
Can tree cutting be a crime? WHILST all South Africans will empathise with the new owner of the Caltex Garage in Hillcrest regarding ways to prevent crime, cutting down the indigenous trees on the verge is a rather simplistic solution. The sophisticated and ruthless level of today’s criminal will not be thwarted by a few trees on the verge. Just consider the aesthetic and environmental impact if everyone started cutting down the trees planted by the various municipalities to beautify their cities! Trish Edwards
Always a tree lover WHEN I moved to Hillcrest more than ten years ago, I used the Caltex Garage as my main fuelling point for all the years until now. In reading your article and summing up the garage owners' attitude I have decided not to use that filling station again. Maybe more people will do the same. I am a tree lover and have always been encouraged never to destroy trees. Henk van Elden. Tree lover
Why hurt mother nature? IS there evidence that there is crime at this point or is it just the owner’s fear? The trees were on the road reserve and thus itisillegaltoremovethemwithoutcouncilpermission. Did the perpetrator have permission? I note that he is doing alterations and additions to the service station. Were drawings submitted and approved? If not, the building work is illegal and should be stopped. The danger and crime evident in this area is not related to the trees. There is a similar stop +/- 1/2 km toward Botha’s Hill. There is no problem there in spite of there being trees. While I understand and sympathise with the perpetrator for his misfortune the decision to purchase the service station was made knowing that there were trees and a taxi rank immediately in front of the site. This is therefore no reason to arbitrarily remove the trees illegally. Bruce McDougall
December 6, 2013
Scientist at heart
KLOOF High School participated in the South African Science Olympiads at the weekend. The recipients are Khusal Dhrochand, Steven Howieson, Corné van Vollenstee, Heidi Chapman and Julia Guimarâes. Howieson was placed third in the grade 11 Life Science section. The others wrote the Grade 10 section in which Kloof High School was placedfirst.VanVollensteealsoreceived the trophy for the winning school in grade 10.
Khusal Dhrochand, Steven Howieson, Corné van Vollenstee, Heidi Chapman and Julia Guimarâes.
Safe haven for animals >> NPO dedicated to looking after the abandoned and strays KALISHA NAICKER
UCKED away in the picturesque hills of Alverstone, Out-of-theBlue Animal Rescue is a nonprofit organisation established in 2010 that focuses on the rescue, rehabilitation and care of neglected, abused and abandoned animals. Based in Assagay, Patty and Peter I’Ons are the proud owners of this 52acre farm. Out of their genuine love for animals they formed the charity with the help of stable manager / riding instructor Judy Theunissen andher husband Billy Theunissen, chairman and overseer of the farm. The team currently houses 78 animals including 36 horses, 28 dogs and 14 donkeys. The animals roam the
farm freely as a herd, “as God intended them to”. “Our animals graze freely by day and at night they go into their stables fortheirsupper.They bed-downfor the night with plenty of hay and water and lovely soft bedding,” said Peter. “As you can imagine this is no easy task, with huge bills for feed, hay, vets, farriers, bedding, grooms; the bills keep adding up.” In an effort to raise funds, the centre also offers day trips to teenagers from Boys Town. As for locals, for as little as R10 an adult and R5 a child, residents can enjoy getting to know all the animals or relax on the verandah with some refreshments. There is also a dam for fishing and swimming, plenty of hiking land, a
playgroundforchildrenandbraaifacilities. There are also riding lessons, pony rides, holiday camps and kids parties at the centre. Peter says that Out-of-the-Blue relies on charity to nurture the animals back to health and to feed, groom and exercise them for the rest of their natural lives. He said that the cost of running the centre amounts to well over R10 000 per month. The couple is appealing to individuals, groups or companies to help by giving a once-off donation, monthly contribution or donation of materials. See the wish list at www.outofthebluerescue.co.za. To assist, call 031 768 1478 or 082 655 1700.
Patty I’Ons and Mafika Dowethe.
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December 6, 2013
Christmas Feature
11 The Link Hills Shopping Centre
>> An ideal experience for customers LINKHills,acommunityshoppingexperience is in Waterfall, on your doorstep. With a flagship Pick n Pay store, Mica Home Hardware, KFC, Debonairs Pizza, Blockbusters Videos, Steers and many other convenience type outlets such as liquor store, florist, hair dressers, optometrist, cell shop, laundromat, computer, clothing, coffee, travel and health store at Link Hills, most of your requirements can be met in a secure, convenient, community environment. No need to fight the traffic or the crowds. The centre also provides a service specifically focused on the motor trade with Dunlop Tyre and Exhaust, Highway Auto Parts and Battery Centre and Audio Analysis already providing a service not previously available in Waterfall. There is also an ideal coffee shop. The Coffee Nut Café which is now under new management. Jaques and
Samantha are passionate about food and service and look forward to meeting you soon. They have also brought back their popular all day breakfast for only R20. The store takes bookings for Sunday Lunch starting from this Sunday 8 December. At Link Hills there is an emphasis on convenience with shopping hours from 8.30am to 6pm, suiting the working families, popping in to grocery shop at Pick n Pay or to pick up a take away on the way home. Parking is plentiful with over 700 bays open and basement allowing convenient easy access to all our shops. Your banking needs are serviced through ATMs, in a safe secure environment monitored by security cameras throughout the centre supported by a dedicated security team. Contact Link Hills Shopping Centreon0317644433orCoffeeNutCafé 031 765 4635 to make your Christmas booking.
Inanda Road • Waterfall
LINK HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE WHERE SHOPPING IS EASY Clyde 0722904533 031 762 2701 031-826 0846 031-762 4868 031 762 2462 083 661 4577 031 762 3195 031 762 4635 031 763 4694 031 762 1416 031-763 3121 031 825 5300 031 762 3004 084 265 2402 071 259 6762 031 762 4987 Opp Waterfall Optom 082 850 5056 031 762 4934 072 774 8918 031 763 3808 031 837 2224 Coming soon 031 762 3201 031 762 2809 031 762 4875 031 762 1420 031 762 1412 031 762 4796 031 762 1322 031 762 2017 Next to lifts 031 763 5812 031 762 4831 031 762 2956 031 762 2956 031 762 2838 031 762 2502 031 762 4988 076 665 0633 Opp Waterfall Optom 071 671 9979 074 889 8116 031 762 2607 031 763 5345 031 762 1687 031 763 3594 031 763 2396
Tel: 031 763 4433 • Cell: 082 899 2881 Email: charlene@wsc.co.za www.linkhillscentre.co.za
333 Auto Wholesalers (Sales) Blockbusters Butterfly Kisses The Beauty and Make up studio Chapter Two Cellular Repair Centre Clothing Junction Coffee Nut Café Computer 1 Concept Cyclery CMH Datcentre Highway-Nissan CT Pools Debonairs Discount Lingerie Drraw Tattoos Fishaways FNB ATM Formula 1 Auto Valet Freestate Farm Fellows Butchery Funky Swag Highbury Estates Hair By Natalie iYO Frozen Yoghurt Just Letting Kentucky Laundry Lady Link Hills Pharmacy Link Hills Post Office Link Hills Dental Care Mica Muscle & Fitness Gym Nedbank ATM PEP Petwise Waterfall Pick ‘N Pay Pick n Pay Liquor Store Plastic Shop Play & Scribble Steers Shanghai Surprise Std Bank Starla Snippers Tobacco Mart Tyremart Waterfall Fabrics Waterfall Health Shop Waterfall Optometrist
December 6, 2013
Christmas Feature
Finding your inner
ENATE Edwards original owner of Eye of Horus (Heritage Market)and the Crystal Cavern is now backintheHillcrestareawithanewshopConnexions, and is inviting old friends and customers to visit, enjoyrefreshmentsandrelaxinthebeautifulnaturesurrounds. "Customers are welcome to visit the shop and feast their eyes on many delights including the addition of 'The Native American Red Council Room' where many exciting teachings and new experiences take place," she said. For the last 20 years Edwards has been a psychic development facilitator guiding people in opening their “connexion”tospirit.Shebelievesinlifethereispurpose and that we all have the power to accomplish. "At this time many are experiencing challenges and need to remember 'The dance of life', the old teachings are resurfacing to allow a greater medicine to serve the health of body, mind and spirit," said Edwards. "So come to Connexions and gift yourself with a special moment." For more information contact, 084 833 3749 or pop into 3 Bona Terra, Kassier Road Assagay.
Jasmine, Natasha Marris and Renate Edwards
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December 6, 2013
FEVER Lemon Bars Recipe
Lemon Bars Recipe Details Bake Time: 45 minutes Ingredients 1 cup (2 sticks) butter 1/2 cup powdered sugar 2 cups all-purpose flour 4 eggs, well beaten 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups sugar 8 tablespoons lemon juice 1/2 tablespoon grated lemon rind 4 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon baking powder powdered sugar Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Cream first three ingredients together and spread evenly in an ungreased jelly roll pan, pat down. 3. Bake for 15 minutes, until lightly brown. 4. Reduce oven to 325 degrees. 5. Beat eggs, mix with remaining ingredients, pour over baked pastry. 6. Bake an additional 30 minutes. 7. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. 8. Cool for 15 minutes then cut into bars. 9. Store in refrigerator.
Christmas Feature
Coconut Macaroons Entertain with ease this holiday season by choosing from our list of Christmas recipes. Recipe One Coconut Macaroons Recipe Details Bake Time: 8 to 10 minutes Yields: +- 20 cookies Ingredients 3 cups moist shredded coconut 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract 1/8 teaspoon salt 2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk 1 or 2 stiffly beaten egg whites 1 cup sifted confectioner's sugar Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Put the coconut in a bowl. 3. Add the vanilla/almond extract and the salt. 4. Combine these ingredients with condensed milk to make a thick paste. 5. Folding the egg whites into the batter. 6. Roll the paste into balls or drop it from a teaspoon onto a well greased cookie sheet, about 2 inches apart. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, until edges are lightly browned. While still warm, roll them in the sugar.
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December 6, 2013
A time for giving
>> Foundation spreads festivities for the elderly KALISHA NAICKER
Nonhlanhla Majola, Silvia Sibiya and Nonkululeko Sabelo.
HE Christmasperiodcanbeasadtimefortheelderly, many of who are in old age homes as a result of being neglected by their families. This is the motivation for the Robin Hood Foundation running their ‘Bless-A-Granny’ campaign, which is responsible for the hand delivery of about 3 000 personalised, donated gifts to people in old age homes around the province. On Wednesday, 20 November the founder of the Foundation, Cindy Norcott, and a group of passionate volunteers visited the Issy Geshen Lamont Home in Lamontville. Established in 1960, the Home provides invaluable nursing care to 68 frail, indigent elderly residents whose only form of income is their government pension. The Home also offers specialised care for residents who suffer from dementia. On arrival the team from the Robin Hood Foundation handed out juices, chips, cakes and biscuits followed by the presentation of the personalised gifts to each resident. Residents had sent through requests for what they most wanted and many of the wish lists included chocolate, soaps, hand cream, face cloths and clothes. There was lots of dancing,singing,laughing andtears ofjoyasthegiftswerehandedout. “It truly felt like Christmas at the Home. For the two hours that the Robin Hood Foundation was there we were able to spread joy, cheer and share many hugs,” said Norcott. “I want to thank all the volunteers and those that assisted in making this project a success. “Without them we could not have blessed the grannies this Christmas.” Should you wish to support the Issy Geshen Lamont Home, which is in need of funds, please contact Sifiso NgidionSifiso@issygeshen.co.zaorphone 0314690247. Donations and volunteers are always welcomed.
Cindy Norcott and Philisiwe Dlomo
Michele Solomon and Mariam Buthelezi.
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Women giving back
December 6, 2013
KZN Women in Business chairperson, Emma Dunk and vice-chairperson Catherine Knight hand over a cheque of R25 000 to Thora Mansfield from the Open Door Crisis Care Centre.
KWAZULU-Natal Women in Business handed over a cheque for R25 000 to the Open Door Crisis Care Centre at their 7 November meeting. The money was raised throughout the year at their networking meetings, through raffles and fund raiser events.
Lighting up Kloof begins
Kodak moments
Photo taken by the photograph y club
tography club Photo taken by the pho
Piet van Breda and Dave Winterton of Keep Kloof Beautiful, and Duncan Osborne of CC&A, admire the first stage of lighting underway
C&A Insurance Brokers in Kloof have begun the installation of extensive Christmas lighting for their premises and gardens, in readiness for the Big Switch On, on the 16 December. Keep Kloof Beautiful (KKBA) will be the benefactors of any discretionary cash donations from those visiting to enjoy the lighting splendour and traditional activities for young children. Greeting Father Christmas, face painting by the fairies, and Christmas Carols are part of the planned activities. All in a beautiful garden setting which serves as a picnicking opportunity for the 6.30pm to 8pm opening each evening, weather permitting. All Kloof residents are encouraged to make this part of their special Christmas diary, and pop along any evening that suits them, between the 16 and 20 December. For further details, contact: info@keepkloofbeautiful.org.za.
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PHOTOGRAPHY has become a passion for 16 pupils at Kloof High School. The “paparazzi”aretobeseenat every event on the school calendar as they vie for the best position from which to record the moment. Most of the pupils bring their own equipment but the school has invested in 3 DSLR cameras, tripods and lenses which are available when necessary. Dave Manion and Trevor Tonkin, both experienced photographers, guide the pupils with theory classes and then take them on field trips to utilise the new skills. Trips have included Mfolozi Game Reserve, Dundee and surrounding areas, Phezulu, Wilsons Wharf and a Baynesfield farm. Inthiswaythephotographers experience different subjects and compositions and are able to experiment withtheircamerasoutinthe field. Examplesofthephotographers’ work can be seen in school publications and in prominent positions at the school.
Richards Bay - Lakeside Mall - 035 789 4340 • PMB - Midlands Mall - Entrance 1 - 033 342 7755 Pinetown - 9 Schenk Road - 031 702 9036 • Shelly Beach - South Coast Mall - 039 315 1572
December 6, 2013
16 FEVER hillcrest
Hard work pays!
FEVER REPORTER HILLCREST High School welcomed the Grade Seven pupils that were awarded academic or sports scholarships for 2014, at aneveningfunctionlastweek. Atthesame event, headmaster Craig Girvin welcomed his new student leadership team for 2014 that comprises Leadership Heads, Daren Muller and Shanice Singh, Heads of Culture, Joshua Coetzer and Sarah McQuilliam, Heads of PR, Joel Harris and Rebecca Hill and Heads of Sport, Robin Smith and Kayla Haycock.
Scholarship students for 2014.
CREATING new leaders
>> Toastmasters encourages self esteem KALISHA NAICKER
Front from left: Jeanette Hochstadter, Jayne Whittaker, Margy Sneeden, Viv Boddy, (middle) Vivien Govender, Harry Thompson, (back) Kelly Howcroft, Daniel Alexander, Ron Ries, Adrian de Goede
OASTMASTERS encourages self esteem and individuals to develop speaking and leadership skills. Established by Ralph C. Smedley in a dingy YMCA basement in Santa Ana,Californiain1924,thenon-profit organisation has blossomed and now boasts more than 292 000 members worldwide in more than 14 350 clubs in 122 countries. Toastmasters has updated its materials and image over the years but its aim has always stayed the same: to teach and encourage public speaking and leadership skills. According to Daniel Alexander of the Highway Branch, Toastmasters acquire both skills by participating in triedandtestedmethodsandthrough the help of mentors. “The environment is social, fun and relaxed and everybody has the
opportunity to participate at his or her own pace. A great deal of emphasisisplacedonenjoymentratherthan just skill building,” he explained. “Meetings are typically once a month after work and run for about three hours. “Every year Toastmasters Inter-
national hosts the world championship of public speaking, and we are proud to announce that a South African from Johannesburg placed in the top nine in the world in 2013, thanks to the skills and practice he received at Toastmaster meetings.” Alexander said that Toastmaster’s
Durban is also leading the way in rolling out a programme for the youth, which is currently being run in several schools. Currently, Durban has nine clubs conveniently located around the city. The Highway club will be celebrating with their festive season meeting
on 3 December from 6pm at the Premier Hotel, 65 Kings Road. The cost of the meeting is R85 for guests, which includes a plated meal. For more information or to book, please contact Daniel on 082 578 1511 or daniel.alexander.book@gmail.com.
A cleaner and safer Hillcrest DID I do wrong by not informing myself first more about the type of trees that they were? Maybe yes. Would that change the fact that I have seen them as a security risk, Nope. Everyone seems to forget that Caltex had nothing to do with cutting the trees, it was me, and the reason for it was and always will be for my family, my staff, my customers and myself. It is for community safety. After realising the mistake I made in some way, I offered to replant trees that are the same or similar elsewhere, however the community groups that are protesting are still not happy with this proposal. Contrary to this, but since we started clearing the site, I have had people I don't know just come up and say thank you. They are thanking me for making a difference in the neighbourhood. They thank me for clearing the horrible site and drop off sweets and cake at my office to say thank you for what we are doing. I have had sms and telephone calls from random people andonewhichstoodoutwasan85yearoldladythatthanked me for making the area safer. To me this tree removal is not all doom and gloom. I want to be safe, I want my clients to be safe, I want my staff to work in a safe and clean environment and that is why I did it. I am appealing to all those opposing my actions to please allow me to finish the site and see the good that we are doing for the community. I honestly believe that the new Caltex in Hillcrest will be the leader in the area, it will be a world class service station with every facility one can think of- from three different ATMs, a coffee shop, a Fresh Stop convenience store and fully equipped and upgraded workshop including a car wash. In addition we will be fixing and demarcating the council road in front of the garage and have cleaners to keep the area neat and tidy at all times. There will be a modern garden and water feature with low lying aloe plants. Most of all there will be state of the art 24/7 customer toilets for all to use. These upgrades are to benefit each and every resident of the community. I am sorry for who I have hurt and in some ways offended or upset. It was not done maliciously, I did not hide and deny it, I have explained why. I just want safety and to offer my community a better and world class facility that is all I wanted. - Luis Farias, owner
The changes we have made to Caltex in Winston Park.
The protest of residents who are happy with the tree removals.
Time to party FEVER REPORTER
AQUAFEST – South Africa's biggest beach party – is back on Saturday, December 21 at New Beach from 2pm to 2am. There will be plenty of cool entertainment with Dino Bravo, Euphonik, Dean Fuel, Gareth Cliff, Roger Goode, Deon Govender and much more.
With three dance areas, the VIP, house and main stage dance floor, each with a state of the art sound and lighting setup, one can expect fun from afternoon to the early hours. Last year’s crowd of 12 000 people exceeded all expectations and this year promises to be bigger and better. Tickets for Aquafest are available now through Computicket. For more information, log on to www.aquafestsa.co.za, visit www.facebook.com/ Aquafest.Beach.Party.com or call 031 701 8787 during office hours.
December 6, 2013
Jade Bosman, Garrett Naidoo, Shavon Mc Gowan, Wade Groom and Shayleen Asher-Wood.
Community participation encourages success KALISHA NAICKER
THEMBENI School in the Upper Highway area thrives on discipline, stimulation and pupil activity. Established in 1984, the state-subsidised school caters for pupils with physical disabilities or who are visually impaired. The well-run school has a total enrolment of 300 pupils, all of whom board in hostels on the grounds. The school follows the mainstream curriculum from the foundation stage up to Grade 7 and then offers skills training for pupils who have completed their academic education. Theseskillsincludeagriculture,literacy,numeracy,technology, life skills, hairdressing, woodwork and needlework, amongst others. One hundred and four dedicated and passionate staff members form part of the establishment and consist of teachers, therapists, nursing staff, a psychologist and caregivers. For the second year in a row, Setzkorn Health and Wealth Consulting have sponsored each graduate with a travel mug to congratulate them on their achievement as well as to provide a momento for the pupils to remember the school by. These gifts were handed out at the awards ceremony on Saturday,30November.FormoreinformationonEthembeni School or to provide support in the form of manpower, goodsorfunds,pleasephoneMariaJameson0741278069.
Back from left: Pam and Greg Setzkorn from Setzkorn Health and Wealth with Nobuhle Mthethwa and in front - Lungelo Sithole, Bongiwe Mkhize and Nkosenhle Nzama.
December 6, 2013
December 6, 2013
4 December The South African Association of Retired Persons (SAARP) will be hosting its Christmas lunch on Wednesday 11.30am at the Rob Roy Lifestyle Centre. Contact Gloria Humble on 084 034 094.
Welcome to De Morgenzon All wine estates in the Western Cape are beautiful and all have unique terroir. However, we believe that DeMorgenzon is the most extraordinary of them all. Our slopes rise from about 200m to nearly 400m above sea level and our vistas embrace Cape Town, Table Mountain, Cape Point, Cape Hangklip, the Hottentots Holland mountains, Helderberg and Simonsberg with the ocean as a backdrop. While we could call ourselves 'mountain vineyards' we prefer tobeknownas'gardenvineyards'.InSpringspeciallychosenwildflowersflourish between our vines.
DeMORGENZON DMZ SAUVIGNON BLANC 2013 Pale, bright gold with green reflections. Upfront aromatics of passion fruit and citrus greet the nose following through to a rich palate yielding ripe fruit flavours with a nettleedge.Abriskacidityand stony minerality give natural freshness and length.
DeMORGENZON DMZ SYRAH 2011 Bright ruby-red. Musky aromas of boysenberry, huckleberry, smoke and dark chocolate. Suave and sweet on the palate, offering complex flavorsofredberries,coffee,mocha and tree bark. Finishes with a fine dusting of tannins. Aromas of ripe berries and red plum lead to a luscious palate of rich, vibrant berry fruit and subtlenotesofviolet.Hintsof pepper, cinnamon and vanilla linger on this well-balanced, elegant Syrah
5 December The Kloof Conservancy will be hosting an invasive alien plant course for gardeners at Kloof SPCA at 8am.
9 December Hillcrest Conservancy will present an indigenous plant awareness course at the Kingfisher Centre, Springside Nature Reserve, 8am. Contact George Victor on 073 901 3902
11 December Hillcrest Conservancy will be hosting a guided walk at the Springside Nature Reserve on Wednesday at 7.30am. Contact Sue on 031 765 6809.
Weekly Lance Goldman plays at the Meercats Pub and Grill every Sunday from 12.30pm.
Creating future
LEADERS >> Kloof Harvest Church host leadership summit
LOOF Harvest Church held an inspiring Global Leadership Summit (GLS) 2013 at the church premises recently. According to senior pastor of the church, Roger Greig the GLS was so much more than a video conference. “The summit was a gathering of those seeking to develop their leadership skills and abilities in order to make a difference in our world,” he explained. “Attendees from all walks of life, be it from the business sector, non-profit or church world, or a stay-at home mom, were inspired, equipped and encouraged with a fresh injection of vision for the unique role God has called on them to play in His plan to restore our broken world. It has mobilised them into action.” Greig thanked all sponsors and attendees for making the summit a success. For more information contact, 031 764 2806.
From left: Honse Ngawose, Brian Cele and Vincent Ntobela.
Amber and Byron Inggs.
Lana and Brian Smith.
Hillcrest’s lucky swiper
FEVER REPORTER JAMIE Lee Klumper was the lucky winnerofR10000handed to her by the team at the Hillcrest FNB branch on Monday. All customers had to do to enter was to swipe their FNB Smart Account cards when they paid for their shopping. FNB has run this competition since July to encourage SmartAccountholders to customers to swipe their cards instead of carrying cash.
From left, Winner Miss Jamie Lee Klumper, FNB Hillcrest Branch Manager Deon De Jager, FNB Hillcrest Sales and Service Manager Renuka Nundkumar
Sport stars 2013
December 6, 2013
>>Supersport and Fever announces sport star of the year
Denita Sue-Pieterse (first runner up), Georgi McKeone (second runner up), Vaughn Bishop from Supersport, Sharks player Odwa Ndungane, Lungile Mthemba (winner) and former Banyana Banyana captain Amanda Dlamini.
Back from left: Kelly Fell, Dylan Cox, Nikolas Vinek, Sharmaine Reuter from the Fever and Praveshnee Pillay. Front from left: Jandre Viljoen, Ngobile Shande and Caitlin Upfold.
Durban North Star Sian Kruger with parents Terance and Heather
The Moran family: Jem, Brendan, Liam (Hillcrest Fever winner) and Carey.
Back from left: Boyzie Ndwandwe, Lungile Mthembu, Cassidy Calder, Sharmaine Reuter (Fever marketing manager), Liam Moran and Diana Weaver. Front from left: Denita Sue-Pieterse, Nicole McGregor, Gerrit Ockerse Jnr, Sian Kruger and Georgi McKeone.
THE glamorous SuperSport Let’s Play Sport Star of the Year Awards for the Fever Newspapers was held on Thursday 28 November at the Growth Point Stadium presidential suite. Places were awarded for first, second and third for the 12 newspaper partners- Hillcrest Fever, Ballito Fever, Durban North Fever, Stanger Weekly, Coastal Weekly, Zululand Fever, Ulundi Fever, Maritzburg Fe-
ver, Edendale Echo, South Coast Feverand Upper Coast Fever. Guests from as far as Richards Bay attended the function. The guest speaker for the day was wellknown Sharks player Odwa Ndungane. His inspirational message to the youth was,“Sport teaches one to respect others and to make good decisions in life.” He urged the youth to never give up on their goals, and work hard towards making their dreams a reality.
Coaches receiving awards
hillcrest FEVER
December 6, 2013 PAGE 24
SPORT SHARKS to support fans >> Absa Currie Cup champs to mingle with crowds FEVER REPORTER
so loyally back the global black and white brand is what the Stihl Sharks Trail Adventure is all about for DVENTURE sport lovers and fans of The Sharks those at The Sharks. “The Sharks value their fans and this event is an heading to the upcoming Stihl Sharks Trail Adventure at Summerveld Estate in Shongweni ideal opportunity for us to thank our loyal supporters will have an added bonus of seeing the Absa Currie for their unwavering backing throughout the season,” Cup up close and personally, and pose for photos with said The Sharks marketing manager, Mike Ablett. “This event also allows us to interact with each the historic trophy and the iconic team mascot Sharkotherinarelaxedand ie at the event's secfamily orientated ond staging on Sunsetting,” he added. day 8 December. Those in attendance With new CEO of the event, regardJohnSmithavingalless of whether it be ready voiced his to enjoy a slice of the supportoftheevent mountain biking or and described the trail running action, close link between the unique Sunday rugby and mounstaging of the Shontainbiking,thepresgweni Farmers’ Marence of members of ket or just the vibe TheSharkssquadat and atmosphere of the MTB and trail another great day running showcase spent in the shade of goes to show just the Summerveld how much the day trees with live music means to the rugby setting the tone for a powerhouse. spectacular braai or 2012’s inaugural picnic with family staging of the event and friends, will also evensawthelikesof have a golden opporcentre Tim White- John Smit and Sharky with the Currie Cup trophy. tunity to witness the head and second rower Anton Bresler, amongst others, manning the recently reclaimed Absa Currie Cup first hand. “Our fans’ contribution to our success in the Absa water tables out on the course and, with the more traditional support roles reversed, their encourage- Currie Cup tournament can never be underestimated ment and help was greatly appreciated by many of andinrecognitionoftheircontribution,thetrophywill beondisplayattheeventandfanswillhaveanopporthe participants. “The Stihl Sharks Trail Adventure is a big family tunity to be photographed with the trophy and get day out. Last year’s event was a resounding success the signatures of their heroes,” added Ablett. Another added benefit set to be rolled out at this with fun had by all and we are all looking forward to this year’s edition of the race!” said The Sharks cap- year’seventforthefirsttimeistheabilityforDiscovery members to earn Vitality points for participating in tain Keagan Daniel. Spending time with and giving back to those who the MTB and trail running events.
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CONTACT US>> E-mail all local news to Kalisha Naicker at kalisha@ witness.co.za or contact her at 031 533 7600