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November 1, 2013
Sale of All Blinds
Oxford Village
Patrols with a purpose >> Police and community join hands to thwart criminals KALISHA NAICKER
ITH a combination of courage, willpower and a dose of perseverance, the Kloof Street Patrollers was formed in an effort to fight crime “head-on” in the area. Outinfullforceonadailybasis, the group of concerned residents have taken a zero tolerance approach to crime. According to Cornè Broodryk, the Kloof Community Policing Forum deputy chairperson, the patrols started in April 2013 in response to an unacceptable rise in crime and murder. “As crime levels increased we discovered that criminals were coming into the area using the railway line, Kloof Gorge and many other channels that we were not policing,” said Broodryk. “I approached SAPS and partnered closely with them to become
the eyes and ears in our community.” The group started with eight patrollers but now have 70 dedicated residents who are eager to keep criminals at bay. He said the main objective of the patrol is to assist the police and create greater visibility. “The CPF has been working hand-in-hand with the Kloof police for many years, and this is just doubling our efforts,” he said. “We aim to assist where we can and I want to reiterate that we are in no way replacing the police - we are merely supplementing them.” Broodryk said that with almost 35 000 people living in Kloof, the patrollers divided the area into seven sectors. “Our patrols are generally two hour shifts. One can often see us standing at one of the 11 entrances into Kloof. “We often get calls from the community and even have a growing partnership with the security compa-
nies,” he said. “We are connected through twoway radios and have a very strict sign-on, sign-off policy and a Base (Sam) who keeps us on our toes. We drive around in well-marked and lit vehicles and mainly aim to be a visible deterrent to criminals wanting to come into the area.” Kloof SAPS sector commander, Bheki Mpungose, was pleased with the initiatives and said the police are only too happy with the help. “Police cannot be patrolling everywhere at once, and the more eyes and ears we have in the community the better,” he said. To join the street patrols or for more nformation, contact info@kloofcpf.co.za.
Corne Broodryk, the Kloof CPF deputy chair person, with Kloof police captain Bheki Mpungose.
In case there’s an
Crime Stop: 086 001 0111
EMERGENCY Hillcrest SAPS................................031 765 9116/9103 Kloof Police Station..............................031 764 2334 Fire.............................................................031 361 0000 Gillitts Metro.............................................031 767 1222 Rescuetech KZN.....................................086 167 2226 ANIMAL RESCUE Kloof & Highway SPCA......................031 764 1212/3 Monkey Helpline....082 411 5444 or 082 659 4711
COUNSELLING Life Line....033 394 4444 Open Door Crisis Centre... ...................... 031 709 2679 Jes Foord Foundation....... ...................... 031 765 4559 Careline Crisis Centre......... ........................031 765 1314 ................ or 082 787 6452
Family and friends outside court show their support for Sanele May.
Sanele May denied bail
>> Supporters “shattered” after hearing KALISHA NAICKER
WAZI national, Sanele Goodness May, was denied bail at the Pinetown Magistrate's Court on Tuesday. The 23-year-old faces 24 counts of murder after a truck he was driving slammed into four taxis and a car in Pinetown last month. The state said that as an illegal citizen in South Africa, May is deemed a flight risk and showed a lack of respect for authority by working illegally in South Africa. It was also noted that he owns no property in the country. Magistrate Wendolyn Robinson said that in order to grant May bail, he would have to have legal residency, and the state did not have authority to do that. Supporters of May cried and held each other after Robinson left the court. Messages of support began streaming onto the “Support Sanele May” facebook site soon thereafter. Nicci Pavid said, “My dearest Sanele Goodness May, after reading yesterday that you had been denied bail, I like all 12 500 of your supporters was completely , totally and utterly angered, shattered and heart broken, so I cannot even begin to imagine how you must have felt,” she said. “Try and keep positive as hard as it may be, and just keep focus on God. Please remember we are all thinking of you and praying for you all the time.” Another supporter, Liesel Wichmann Schirmer said,“We are also disappointed with
the outcome of the hearing.” “We have to keep the faith and know that God does things in His own time.” The case has been remanded to 27 November.
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November 1, 2013
CONTACT THE FEVER TELEPHONE: 031 533 7600 FAX 031 533 7972 (News) and (Classifieds)
November 1, 2013
Dr Anthony Zambelli Inanda Veterinary Hospital & Specialist Referrals www.inandavets.com 15 Howick Drive Waterfall 031 762 1816
Veterinary nurses DR ANTHONY ZAMBELLI I’m very fortunate to have three veteri nary nurses at my practice, allowing us to care for patients quite intensively. But what is a veterinary nurse and what does it involve? All vet nurses in SA are trained at Onderstepoort, at the Faculty of Vet Sci ence of the University of Pretoria. They are selected based on good marks, and only 30 a year can enter the 2year Dip Vet Nursing diploma course.
They spend the first year primarily in classes learning anatomy (the structure of the animal bodies), physiology (how the organ systems work), theatre prac tice, reproductive physiology (caesare ans, care of neonates, assisting vets with advanced reproductive procedures etc), laboratory and radiography techniques and so forth. Students may not fail a subject and carry it – pass everything or repeat the year (or expelled). In the second year there are parttime lectures in more advanced subjects and
the student nurses work in the academic hospital, learning and training under the qualified sisters and lecturers, alongside the vet students. They are assessed constantly and must sit a series of written, oral and prac tical exams at yearend, to qualify. These exams are HARD! During this year, they spend time on afterhours clinics, with the exotics clinic, in the worldclass laboratories, in the iso lation and outpatient clinics. Nursesmustdemonstratetheirability to assist in theatre – which is very techni
cal and demanding – monitor anaesthe sia, work in the pharmacy and assist in field visits to equine and stock farms. A veterinary nurse typically works ex tremely long and hard hours, interacts with clients for educational purposes and spends a lot of time with the patients – oftenmorethanthevets(whodealmain ly with clients!). So smile and be pleasant – these la dies (and the occasional male nurse) are your pet’s best friend when in need!
Local clean up a success
>> Hillcrest residents keep their neighbourhood clean KALISHA NAICKER
Hillcrest Park Neighbour hood Watch
HE Hillcrest Park Neighbourhood Watch are taking a massive stand in their community, by clearing the streets of crime, vagrants, squatters and even litter. Whilst crime was an initial focus and still remains high on the agenda, chairman of the association Shaun Lyle says that litter, graffiti, drinking, drugs and the increasing problem of loitering with intent all lead to an environment conducive to crime. “We started from a core group of founding residents ‘doing it for theselves’ determined and single-mind-
ed in taking our section of Springside back. Supported by fellow community activists, our respective security firms and the knowledge of the police, we got stuck in with a different approach and no-excuses attitude, it worked. We are now growing section by section throughout Hillcrest Park,” he explains.
“Within the first three weeks we had already held a successful crisis emergency meeting with residents and role-players of the greater Hillcrest Park. We are now also linked to neighbourhood watches and community groups in the greater Highway area.” “We are looking for support from
our fellow neighbours, so far it’s been overwhelming and our network is growing by the day.” Following its aims in keeping Hillcrest Clean, the HPNW held a clean up at Transnet line between Inanda Bridge and Eskom’s Springside Substation recently. The clean-up netted some 60 bags
of rubbish and one skip of litter. Hillcrest Park Neighbourhood Watch believes that at least half of the problem can be resolved simply with community participation and are urging residents to join. For more information or to register visit www.HPNW.co.za .
Climbing to new heights KALISHA NAICKER CELEBRATE Life SA, a nonprofit organisation estab lished with the purpose of creating awareness and facilitating support across society to alleviate human and environmental suffering, has put together an other initiative to raise funds for their worthwhile causes; which include the rhino, elephant, lion as well as vulture. This time, 10 women from the Upper Highway Ar ea, will be making their way up to Mount Meru in Tan zania. It’s coincidental that this challenge, inspired by passion is taking place on 26 February 2014, the month of love. These caring individuals have pooled their talents toraiseawarenessandfundsforsomeoftheconcerns that face the planet. Mount Meru is located in Arusha, Tanzania, with a height of 4546m, it is also known as the ninth biggest mountain in Africa. These motivated women are eager to face this challenge with determination and the anticipation to persevere. They are hoping to make this a success like all other projects that Celebrate Life has been in
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volved with. Cherry Armstrong the founder of Cele brate Life says,“These ladies are from different indus tries but their personal commitments illustrate that they all have one common goal which is to complete the Mount Meru challenge and raise funds for our pro jects,” she explains. “There’s nothing more fulfilling than to know that you have celebrated life by making your contribution on issues that affect our planet.” For more information, please contact Cherry on 082 440 1730 or email cherry@celebratelifesa. org.
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Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage
April to June 2013: 19950
PHONE: 031 533 7600 PUBLISHER Neil Tapinos neil.tapinos@ expressmedia.co.za GROUP EDITOR Desiree Erasmus desiree.erasmus@ witness.co.za EDITOR: Valene Govender valene.govender@ witness.co.za 031 533 7600 ZULU EDITOR: Guy Vezi guy@umafrika.co.za 031 533 7600 REPORTER:
Kalisha Naicker kalisha@witness.co.za SALES MANAGER: Justin Watson justinw@express media.co.za 082 762 0175 SALES EXECUTIVE: Mandy Bergsma 082 293 9717 mandy.bergsma@ expressmedia.co.za Louise Maxwell 083 399 3907 louise@witness.co.za CLASSIFIEDS ADS: Lynne Mathiesen
ONE has to appreciate the diversity of South Africa as we respect and sometimes enjoy the different aspects of the varied cultures. However, sometimes this diversity tends to cause a bit of diversion among residents. With Diwali (the Hindu celebration of good triumphing over evil) and Guy Fawkes next week, the fireworks debacle has once again begun. Animal lovers, parents with little babies and anti-fireworks individuals despise this time of the year (together with New Year’s Day as well) due to the loud bangs that go on till the wee hours of the morning. Last year a few altercations around the city led to racial remarks and assault cases being opened. But most Hindus will tell you that Diwali is a festival of lights and has nothing todowithloudbangsandtheyoppose it as much as most South Africans do. Also most South Africans will tell you that Guy Fawkes technically has nothing to do with this country. The loud bangs are banned in South Africa, but there are number of fireworksretailerswhoaresellingthe product. The law also prohibits the continued use of fireworks after 10.30pm. Police around the country are implementing strict measures to ensure a safe and peaceful festival around communities. If you have concerns regarding fireworks in your area, contact your local police station or councillor. FormerpresidentNelsonMandela said in 1991, “I feel privileged and proud that our country is blessed with so much diversity and richness of cultures and traditions.” The Hillcrest Fever would like to wishallourHindureadersandclients a safe and happy Diwali.
OLLOWING the avalanche of un-fan mails and SMSes I received from some local ‘activists’ after a recent column, I thought it only fitting that I should live up to their accusations by yet again skipping to my ivory tower and judging something stukkend. Given that I still find activists – particularly those of the political ilk – over the top and unnecessary, and given that my mind has not been altered by the writings of some of my activistrespondents,thevictimofmy snooty temperament this week shall not be the activist, the atheist, the CEO or Rihanna. However, I reserve the right to continue climbing into the Botox brigade north of the Umgeni. Because I can. No,gentlereader,theobjectofthis week’s wrath will be that other ubi-
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quitous piece of silliness - the mighty smart phone - also fondly known in the Erasmus household as the K *kberry, or simply Satan. It was my husband who introduced me to the phone one sweltering KZN afternoon. It came in the form of a pre-Christmas gift a year ago. We were told our twin phones would make our meagre lives easier, more efficient, awesome! We would thus have time to pursue the more important things that humanity should be embracing, such as slugging on the couch to keep up with the conservative morals of the Kardashians. In retrospect, it has now been agreedthatblunt-forcetraumatothe head would be more awesome than a Blackberry. The Blackberry is excreted by Research in Motion (RIM) and has been marketed as a smart phone. Smart because it can allegedly do things that the green-screened bricks and their colour-screened spawn back in the day couldn’t. But after a year of having to use a K*kberry on a daily basis, I have to wonder at the amount of over-the-
A viable solution needed WITH regards to the article published in last week’s Hillcrest Fever on OperationPhezu'Kwabo,Ibelievethatthis has to be done continually. Such an operation should not be carried out because it is road safety month as this will not make a differencetothemainissuesonFieldsHills. It is a fact that this highway was never built for heavy duty trucks to use, that is what the N3 is for, visibility due to blind spots and the gradient of Fields Hill makes it a disaster zone for heavy duty trucks. Trucks can never stop in time to avoid accidents and this was proven on the up run of M13 just weeks after the tragic loss of 24 lives.
Inanda Veterinary Hospital & Specialist Referrals 15 Howick Drive Waterfall
The damage caused by these trucks to the surface of the m13 is another issue that costs rate-payers. The accident records of the past 10 years show a dramatic increase in the number and severity of accidents on the route, especially those accidents including heavy vehicles. The Department of Transport needs to act with a long term solution. Nikki Mohlmann Kloof CPF project coordinator
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Ombudsman of Hillcrest Fever According to the editorial policy of the Hillcrest Fever, readers are invited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information about correc tion of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 or email to pressombudsman@ombudsman.org.za
It’s the devil, I tell you, the devil
Festival of ‘bangs’ is not religious
031 533 7601 lynnem@witness.co.za PRINTING : Paarl Coldset, PMB. COPYRIGHT: Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Hillcrest Fever and may not be used without the permission of Media24 News in writing. DISTRIBUTION: For all distribution queries, please contact Mpume Sithole at 031 533 7614
November 1, 2013
1000 Hills Village, 168 Main Road, Botha’s Hill
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counter medication that is obviously flowing through the RIM offices. Nay, this is not a smart phone, gentle reader. This is a stupid phone. Should this phone have been invented in the days when political correctnesswasnotyetabuzzword,itwould have been the drooling man-child with the bulbous forehead at the back of the class known as The Retard. A real smart phone would leave me wanting to do something truly creepy to it, such as give it a big hug. Instead, I find myself hoping future models are equipped with a ‘die phone, die’ button. But why, you ask, why this rant? Why this utter contempt for something many people allegedly ‘cannot live without’? Because as a consumer spending money on something that was marketed as if it would transcend even Stephen Hawkins’ IQ, I expected so much more. Not big things, you understand. I didn’t want a telescope attached to the phone. I wanted simple little things; really simple. Like a battery that lasts longer than a gnat’s fart. That would be nice.
Too, a scrolling button that doesn’t move like a hamster on a wheel constructed of methamphetamine one second and a dying sloth the very next would be appreciated. A keypad that is not designed for the finger size of a bulimic toddler would have been precious. Longevity would also be nice. One tends to put more faith in a product if it doesn’t randomly turn itself on andofftosuchanextentthatoneconsiders giving the local exorcist a tinkle. Being able to instantly view email attachments without having to wait 10 minutes while the phone fluffs its petticoat would be super. Smart? Yoda would think this thing fit only for rudimentary Jediknight teachings, such as bottom wiping. And even then, he would be wise enough to know the Blackberry’s greatest value would be in using the phone to do the actual wiping. Smart?IfJacobZumacanoperate one, exactly how smart is it? Smart? Please. The Blackberry is as close to being smart as women north of the Umgeni are to embracing age-appropriate clothing.
Rain, rain go away ABOUT an hour before the Sharks rettes according to their individual stormed to Currie Cup victory on Satur preference, I soon had an army of mop day night, a deluge of water stormed pers, cleaners and salvage specialists my house, which lies at the bottom of at my disposal. The fact that their own a complex whose drainage was clearly houses were also flooded be damned designed by someone of the approxi capitalism dictates that help goes to mate intelligence of Julius Malema. the highest bidder. To all parents who Lounge, kitchen and bar area alike have been phoning me and knocking ankledeep in water, I kicked off my on my door in the aftermath, I do apol shoes and watched helplessly as our ogiseforthesugarrushescreated,nico possessions were rearranged and oft tinehabitsstirredandgeneralmayhem destroyed by the tidal wave. After five caused. But a girl has to do what a girl minutes which felt like an hour, the has to do. storm abated, leaving me in peace to I have been in consultation with my survey the damage. After a series of neighbour as to what to do in order to panicked messages and phone calls, I prevent a repeat of this nightmarish found an unex watersodden pected source weekend. We are in of salvation. agreement that all Not being a do flood water should mestic goddess be somehow direct in even the ed to the homes of wildest of im highup body corpo aginations, I rate officials, with had no idea excess saved for the STEPH MCLENNAN that such a home of the woman thing as a “wet steph@expressmedia.co.za we fondly refer to as dry vacuum Mrs Hitler. cleaner” existed. This, readers, has just Despite my very “firstworldprob been declared the best thing since lem” approach to our current weather sliced bread, particularly in the after system, I am aware that many in our math of a flood. It sucks water better communities were affected by these than a drowning kitten and eats dirt as rains in ways that make my flood look efficiently as a Western Province rugby like a mere dripping tap. My heart goes player last Saturday night. out to those whose homes have been At that moment, I understood bet totally destroyed; to those who may ter than ever before how Angie Mot have lost their livelihoods or the roof shekga feels when textbooks are not above their heads. delivered; how Trevor Manuel felt If doctors made mistakes as often when the rand plummeted in the after as meteorologists predict the weather math of 9/11; how Helen Zille feels inaccurately, we’d all be dead. I am, when excrement is flung around the however, sending up a little prayer that Western Cape, and how Schabir Shaik their prediction of sunnier weather by feels when his illness keeps him from the time you are reading this is accu the golf course: Rather helpless. rate. I am not a fan of children, and have To my gorgeous carpet, may you never wanted any of my own. However, rest in peace. To the maid coming in to having shamelessly bribed all seven to morrow, you will receive double pay. To 16yearold residents of our complex the rain, please have mercy on my with coca cola, chocolate and ciga home.
become reality
November 1, 2013
n the year 2000, a dream was born. Des Quinn, the owner of Waterfall SPAR had the vision to bring a whole new shopping experience to Waterfall, a community that he's a really active member of. With his roots firmly in the community, he felt that Waterfall shoppers should have a shopping experience to rival anything in the world.
Now,13yearslater,thedreamhasbecome a reality. Des and his son, Shaun, proudly opened the brand new Waterfall SUPERSPAR in the new Watercrest Mall in Waterfall last week. Thenewshoppingcentreisstillbeing developed and will near completion next year. Cinemas, large chain stores and speciality stores will all be there, changing the face of shopping in Waterfall forever.
The jewel in the crown, undoubtedly, is the Waterfall SUPERSPAR store. The store, which is on the same level as the new parking area, offers the most convenient shopping experience in the area. Easy access, plenty safe parking and extended trading hours will ensure that all Des and Shaun's customers finally get the shopping experience which they've been waiting so
long for. The store itself, is virtually a work of art. Wide aisles, beautiful décor and a range of products and services thatanystorewouldbeproudtohave, are on offer at Waterfall SUPERSPAR. From the freshest produce, butcheryandbakerytoaselectionofthefinest cheeses and wines anyone could hope to find. The new store boasts a sushi bar, a waffle station, a yoghurt bar,deliandconfectionerytorivalany
Des and Shaun Quin
The bakery
The fresh food market
speciality stores. The difference is the ambience and service that Des and Shaun are proud of. “Whether you're doing your month end shopping for all your grocery needs, or a top up shop or simply would like to indulge in the speciality service areas or lounge in the lovely coffee shop, SPAR invites you to come and see for yourself and experience the future of shopping in the Waterfall area,” added Des.
November 1, 2013
Hirsch’s Hillcrest turns three
HIRSCH’S in Hillcrest are turning three and will be celebrating their birthday in style on the weekend of the 2 and 3 November. Amazing specials will be available in store over the weekend, as well as cooking demonstrations, entertainment for the whole family, awesome prizes and some sur prise giveaways all coming together to make this a memorable birthday celebration. Sinceopeningin2010theHillcrestbranch has grown from strength to strength, said Pam Gaddiah, manager of the Hillcrest branch. “We are so excited to share our achieve
ments with our loyal customers and invite the public to come and celebrate. We are a familybased store and we encourage cus tomers of all ages to shop with us,” she ex plained. “We are very accommodating and even invite your fourlegged friends to join us! (camels excluded.) Customers should not miss out on this opportunity to get awesome savings.” Gaddiah added, “We at Hirsch’s Hillcrest look forward to having you celebrate three years of fantastic service and support.” Visit Hirsch’s Hillcrest at 43 Old Main Road, Hillcrest.
The Hirsch’s Team
Handbag project aids rape survivors >> Jes Foord uses her own experience to give hope to those in need
FTER Jes Foord experienced the horror of rape and the indignity of the subsequent police investigation, she was determined to do her best to make future survivors feel more comfortable. Foord established The Jes Foord Foundation and The Handbag Project According to Foord, The Handbag Project gives handbags full of much needed supplies to victims at a critical point in their journey to becoming a survivor. She said that rape survivors are told not to shower or clean after a rape as their body is a
crime scene and cleaning will wash away the evidence. “After hours of remaining in this condition, through the medical exam and the giving of a police statement, the first thing a survivor will say she needs is to bathe, to feel clean,” explains Foord. “Receiving a bag full of personal supplies like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and lotion not only helps her feel clean again but it helps her feel special and restores her dignity. It is the first step in claiming her body and her life back.” Foord said that after her rape, she felt so dirty. “It’s not just that you have dirt or blood on you, it’s a whole new, deeper level of dirty.
Fundraiser for the animals
KALISHA NAICKER Front (sitting on the floor), Jane Dickinson manag er, Hilton branch. Seated, from left to right Driekie Black (manager, Nottingham Road branch); Carol Robinson (Man ager, Berea Branch); Trish Buchanan (proj ect manager, Jes Foord Founda tion). Back: Allan Angus (regional director, Run Walk For Life, KZN).
Merle du Bois of Du Bois Gallery with her beautiful dog Lilly
You have their smell on you, their sweat. You are desperate to scrub it off,” she said. “I received a care package from a local pharmacy with so many special products in it to help feel clean again. And I thought, what about all those survivors who don’t get this, who just have a bar of soap and a bucket of water?” The Handbag Project distributes bags that contain an assortment of toiletry items, scrubbing brush, sanitary towel, clean new underwear, a personal gift and an encouraging note to let a survivor know she is not alone. Last year the foundation distributed over 2 000 handbags and their goal for 2013 is 10 000 and requires the community’s assistance. To assist the organisation, contact 031 765 4559.
MERLE du Bois and her ladies from the Du Bois Gal lery are back in an effort to raise funds for the Kloof and Highway SPCA. They artists will be exhibiting their work at the Kloof Village Mall Superspar Fore courtfromWednesday6NovembertoSunday10No vember. The gallery has already raised over R6 000 for the Kloof and Highway SPCA in 2013 . They hope to increase that amount considerably with the coming exhibition. The ladies are great animal lovers do mestic and wildlife as is reflected in many of the paintings. There a lovely variety of genres, suitable to most people’s taste and décor style. In addition, the paint ings are extremely well priced and affordable, great as gifts to friends and family, for offices, reception areas, and corporate gifts. According to Barbara Patrick, manager of the SPCA, there will be a variety of paintings in oils or acrylic on canvas by various artists for sale at afford ablepricesand aportionofthetakingswillbedonat ed to the SPCA. Patrick is urging the community to visit the exhi bition and view the stunning and unique pieces of art which maybe they will find the perfect painting for their home. “Remember all paintings sold will not only be beneficial to the buyer but also the helpless animals in our care at the SPCA,” she added. “Docomealongandbrowseatleisure,addaspar kle to your day, as you view their inspiring pictures. And hopefully buy one or more!” Patrick encouraged members of the community and the volunteers to continue supporting the or ganisation. She said that the Kloof and Highway SPCA relies on the community for funding as no gov ernment funding is received .Ways that one can as sist is with a monthly monetary donation or by do nating unwanted goods. One can also support the fundraisers held at the Society, on Mondays and Sat urdays. “Every bit that we receive helps,” she added. To find out more about the Kloof and Highway SPCA or to volunteer services contact, 031 764 1212 or email marketing@kloofspca.co.za.
Fundraising Tea at Hillcrest Corner MAUREEN Blaine, the manageress of Dulce Café is hosting a ladies tea on Thursday, 31 October to raise much needed funds and awareness for The SunflowerFund.Theeventwillbeheld at Dulce Café in Hillcrest Corner. Theeventstartsat10amandtickets are R50 per person and booking is essential. The price includes tea and coffee, a delicious sunflower cupcake, wonderful lucky draw prizes and an informative talk by Janine le Roux from The Sunflower Fund on how to become a bone marrow stem cell donor. All funds raised will be donated to The Sunflower Fund to assist with tissuetyping of potential bone marrow stem cell donors for inclusion on The South African Bone Marrow Registry. Those interested in attending can contact Maureen on 031 765 4341 or dulcehill@dbn.stormnet.co.za.
Getting ready for a Fundraising Tea in aid of The Sunflower Fund are (back) Maureen Blaine, (front) Zama Zulu and Ethel Mukondwa from Dulce Café in Hillcrest Corner.
November 1, 2013
10 FEVER hillcrest
3 NOVEMBER Crowhurst Country Manor will be hosting a Christmas Wonderland at 74 Everton Road Kloof on 2 and 3 November from 10am to 4pm. For more info contact Shirley
Classic wines Cederberg Six generations ago, no one would have guessed that this rugged, fynbos covered area on the edge of the Succulent Karoo biome would one day be come the Cape winelands' highestaltitude wine farm. The farm itself is covered in unspoilt fynbos since 2011 only 50,2 ha are under vine. Today, thisawardwinningwineryisownedbyErnstandDavidNieuwoudtproudly fourth and fifth generation, with daughter Emma, the sixth generation.
WHAT’S ON Swemmer on 0845064925 31 DECEMBER The Springside Nature Reserve will be host ing a guided walk in Hillcrest on 31 Decem ber. All welcome. Donations accepted for ongoing Hill crest Conservancy projects. For more information, contact Sue 031
765 6809. WEEKLY No Fly Zone live at Meercats in Waterfall every Friday night, from 7.30pm and Lance Goldman plays every Sunday from 12.30pm – Sunday roasts and a la carte menu avail able. Free entry. Formoreinformation,contactJillSchoe man 031 776 3872 or 079 878 8051
for a dream >> An award with a difference
This wine is 100% Sauvignon Blanc It is an elegant wine that is full of life. On the nose you will find capsicum, gooseberries, white asparagus and a hint of lime zest. A crisp flinty finish with a lingering aftertaste, leaving your palate refreshed. The ideal companion to a tradi tional chicken pie, but try it with shellfish or pork to bring the best out of your dish.
Debbie Cameron, Chantelle Gibson, Davey du Plessis and Lynne Fairclough. Amanda Solo mon, Michelle Seppings and Alex Knox.
RADFORD DALE CHARDONNAY 2010 This is 100% Chardonnay. With strong influence of Alex Dale's up bringing in Burgundy, the making of this Chardonnay is also adapted to our particular conditions in this oceanfacing part of the Cape. Re straining acidity, citrus flavours and integrated oaking the introverted side of its character; ripeness and great persistence on the palate the more expansive side. Genuinely min eral, with a crisp limecitrus edge and an elegant yet intense durability. A Chardonnay striving to be individual, focused on backbone not butter.
Denise Towell, Sarah Cameron and Anna da Graca.
FEVER REPORTER THE 2013 Debbie Cameron Physiotherapy Awards, which ook place on Saturday 19 October at Centenary Medical Centre in Hillcrest, was a resounding success. The purpose of the annual awards
Priyen Govender and Kerusha Bramdow.
is to celebrate those who have had a physical challenge, have had faith in their physiotherapist, preserved with patience and overcome the odds to reach a full and successful recovery. Chantelle Gibson a Debbie Cameron Physiotherapy patient, was chosen
astherecipientofthisyear’s‘Inspiring Hope’ award. According to her physiotherapist Lynne Fairclough, Gibson’s approached the healing process with tenacity, determination and a sense of humour. Seen at the event are…
Lost at sea KALISHA NAICKER BRETT Archibald, the surfer who fell overboard and was left floating for 27 hours in Indonesia before be ing rescued by a Sydneyowned private charter boat, will be sharing his amazing story on Monday 28 October at Highbury Centenary Hall commenc ing at 6.30pm. Archibald was among 10 passengers on a tour boat making the overnight trip between Padang and the Mentawais, however he was reported miss
ing by a fellow passenger after failing to attend breakfast. Dozens of surf charter boats in the area began arescuemissionforArchibald.Afterhoursofsearch ing the captain of the Barrenjoey, which is owned bySydneycoupleJohnandBelindaMcGroder,found Archibald, in the ocean, floating on his back. TicketsforthisamazingtalkwillbeR100perper son and includes a burger. All funds raised will be contributed towards the growth and development of the “Lead through Youth” Programme at the Vuleka Trust Fundraiser. To book tickets contact Phillipa Verbaan on 082 821 6800 or 031 777 1446.
November 1, 2013
Brett Archibald
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On the road to success
Towards 2014
>> Entrepreneur makes dreams a reality
World renowned Allister Sparks
Value Centre • 031 263 0257 www.leathergallery.co.za
R15 500
WAS R16 499
Genuine Leather Uppers Coffee, Black, White, Stone.
Jason Nsipa
FTER years of struggling to find employment,aBotha’sHillresident took matters into his own hands literally. After qualifying as a craftsman in 2003, Jason Nsipa could not find a job. He decided to keep himself busy making bead jewellery until a good job came his way. Nsipa invested a few rands into making his creations, and now there is no need to search for a job. Today, his business named, ‘Afrikrafts’ has grown enormously. In a market full of bead jewellery makers, Nsipa decided to set himself apart from the crowd and learnt more intricateandcreativeornamentdesigns. He has created unusual furniture from recyclable material as well. The determined 34-yearold had no prior training in making beaded jewellery. Nsipa said learning and improvement came with every new necklace, earring and piece of furniture he made. “I learnt how to make ev-
erything - from lamp shades, cane drawers, recyclable ornaments and jewels. Everything I make is from the inspiration I get around me,” he said.“Itispointlesssittingback and waiting for something good to happen in your life, if we have a skill we should make use of it.” Nsipa said that when he sees the end result of his products he feels a sense of elation and excitement. The father-of-two said that he is always willing to share his trade to those who are willing to learn. “I previously taught my neighbours and friends how to bead make and I am willing to share this skill with anyone.” The entrepreneur hopes to obtain premises and offer skills development courses and open a curio shop in Kloof. “It saddens me when I see beggars on the street, knowing fully well they have the ability to earn a living. I happy I can pass my knowledge onto people so they can be self-sustainable too,” he said. Nsipa can be found at 84 Old Main Road Kloof, or can be contacted on 072 056 1356.
TIVOLI: R24 500 WAS R25 999 3 PIECE
Full Genuine Leather Coffee and Black
R16 999
Genuine leather uppers 1x Leggett and Platt recliner mechanisms. 120kg weight guarantee Choice of left or right chaise. Coffee, Black and Red.
Choice of left or right chaise 1x Leggett and Platt mechanism 155kg weight guarantee Recliner
Leather Look Fabric Full Genuine Leather
R20 999 R31 999
WAS R22 550 WAS R34 999
Excludes delivery from Pinetown Warehouse. Price valid until 15 October 2013 or while stocks last.
THE Friends of Kloof Library Forum will be hosting a talk titled “Towards 2014” with guest speaker Allister Sparks on Wednesday 6 November. Sparks was editor of the Rand Daily Mail from 1977 to 1981 and South African correspondent for The Washington Post, The Observer and Holland's leading newspaper, NRC Handelsblad from 1981 to 1992. His first book “The Mind of South Africa” won 1990 Sanlam Literary Award and was followed by Tomorrow is Another Country, which formed the basis of a three-part television series on South Africa's political transition broadcast by BBC2 and the Discovery Channel. In 2003 he completed his trilogy Beyond the Miracle, which documents what, has happened in South Africa since it underwent one of the world's few relatively bloodless revolutions more than a decade ago. Jill Storrar of the Friends of the Kloof Librarysaysthatitisaprivilege to have people of the calibre of Sparks sharing their ideas with the community and there is no doubt that his talk will be thought provoking and inspiring. “I urge all those in the Kloof area to attend the talk and be inspired by such greatness,” she said. Towards 2014 will be held at Kloof Junior Primary School at 6pm and tickets will cost R35 for members of Friends and R50 for non-members. Tickets will be available from Kloof Library for more information, contact 031 765 7543.
Richards Bay - Lakeside Mall - 035 789 4340 • PMB - Midlands Mall - Entrance 1 - 033 342 7755 Pinetown - 9 Schenk Road - 031 702 9036 • Shelly Beach - South Coast Mall - 039 315 1572
November 1, 2013
Champion of champions
KYLEIGH van der Nest won the regional finals of the SEMAS National Championships held in Hillcrest recently. The nine year old, was selected to represent her division in the finals in Johannesburg where she achieved podium position again and was awarded the Champion of Champions Trophy.
Kyleigh van der Nest
Celebrating high achievers KALISHA NAICKER
HE 2013 Waterfall College Speech Day was held on Friday 18 October at the school hall on the spectacularly positioned educational campus outside Hillcrest, overlooking the Valley of 1000 Hills. This is the highlight of the school calendar as major achievements are recognised. The matriculants are bid farewell during a formal ceremony with a memorable send-off as well. In her address, Jeanette van der Merwe, principal of Waterfall College congratulated the matrics of 2013. “You have set new standards in professionalism, maturity and ambassadorship for the school,” referring to the progress achieved to date,
she said , “As we complete projects that initially seemed impossible, we gain confidence and renewed vigour to realise that there is simply no limit to what we can achieve as we unite our energy and our minds.” Guest of honour Marc McKinley, an elder of Cityhill Hillcrest Church, said that most people only feel confident in who they are and what they can achieve because of what they have been given. He went on to challenge the audience of pupils, parents, teachers and special guests. “What if that which you were given contained the perfect tailor-made future for you? What if all that was needed was the courage to dismiss the world’s mass-produced, one-dimensional expectations of what suc-
cess looks like, by taking what you have and passionately applying your life to it?” During the ceremony, special recognition was given to the 2013 Dux of the School (Dylan Kriel), the Proxime Accessit to Dux (Andile Madlala), the Principal’s Award for Exceptional Commitment, Leadership and Integrity (Daniel Rose, Head Boy 2013 and Andile Madlala, Head Girl 2013), the Sports Person of the Year Award (Kyle Walker) and the Cultural Award (Martin Creed, also known by his stage name of Aston Creed). The Guard of Honour created by all the learners of the school for the matriculants was the culmination of the event, a heart-warming farewell and send off.
The award winners
Blood acidity in animals DR ANTHONY ZAMBELLI There are people out there trying to sell you the idea that you or your pet’s blood is too “acidic” or “alkaline”. Of course, they have a tablet/tonic/treatment for this to “restore balance”. What hogwash.
Blood acidity is measured as pH. The pH of the blood is about 7.4 in normal animals. The body keeps pH TIGHTLY regulated to within .01 of a pH point because as pH changes, so does the function of every enzyme and protein in the body. To determine truepH you MUST know the pH off an arterial blood sample, have the urine pH and know the patient’s respiratory function. To take an arterial sample is difficult and can cause harm in unskilled
hands. Most general practitioners can’t or won’t do it. You need a special lab machine. And understanding blood gas/acid base physiology in health and disease is the most complex area of medicine to date.Itrequiressimultaneouslysolvingsevenequations. So beware overly simplistic quacks telling you that Rover is too acidic and a little pill will sort it out. You are being hoodwinked. Animals with acid-base disturbances are ill and require the attention of a trained professional, not someone with a two week correspondence course.
Caring for our pets
The Society of Prevention of Cruelty to animals urges pet owners to be considerate towards their pets during the festive season. Caroline Smith of Durban & Coast SPCAsaid,“Caringanimalownerswill already be aware of the responsibili ties that come with the approach of the festive season. Not least, avoid ing the use of fireworks and ensuring that their companion animals are ANIMALS WITH ACIDBASE DISTURBANCES ARE ILL AND safe indoors in the event of any fire works activity in the area if it means REQUIRE THE ATTENTION OF A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL. keeping pets in a secure room during festivities, this may be a solution. “Also please ensure that vaccinations are PET DIET www.maxhealth.co.za up to date, book board ing kennels or house sitters well in advance and have a backup plan in case anything whatsoever goes wrong,” Smith advised. “This includes iden tification of the animal. Microchip ID is recom mended as it is perma nent and tamper proof. Veterinarians and SPCAs have scan ners that can detect the microchip and can @the Mushroom Farm give details of the own S.A. Agility Champion, er/s. Sedative tablets Zest of Carnelain poses in which cost between his Springbok Colours R10 and R12 are availa before leaving for the ble for purchase at the World Agility Durban & Coast SPCA, Championships, 2000 2 Willowfield Crescent Springfield Park. The dosage de Zest ate Mera Dog Food premium, imported, quality guaranteed, made from meat suitablefor human consumption. pends on the weight of the dog.
031 768 1686
Ake sibonisane ngamadlozi noNkulunkulu
NAMHLANJE ngithanda ukuqala ngokunibonga bafundi abahle beFEVER ngendlela enisibhalela ngayo, niphawula ngezindaba esinishicilela zona. Akuve kumnandi ukubona lobu budlelwane esinabo nani bukhula. Vele njengoba sihlale sinibhalela ngezindaba ezahlukene, sisuke silindele ukuthola imibono yenu okukhombisa ukuthi niyayifunda iFEVER, siyabonga kakhulu. Kuyasithokozisa lokho. Enginethulela kona namhlanje kuzo thanda ukwehluka kancane kunezindaba engijwayele ukunishicilela zona. Lolu daba luya ngokuthi umuntu ulibuka kanjani, njengoba
sihlale sithi yilowo nalowo muntu unelungelo lokubeka lokho okusuka enhlizweni nasemqondweni wakhe. Nansi-ke indaba. Kukhona le nto ebizwa ngo ‘kholo’ noma uku ‘kholwa’. Uma sithi umuntu uyi ‘kholwa’, sisuke siqonde ukuthini? Mina ngikholelwa ekuthini sikholelwa ezintweni ezahlukene, ngezizathu ezahlukene. Kwenziwa yini ukuthi abantu bathande ukugxeka izinkolelo zabanye? Esikhathini esiningi ngike ngizithole sengilalela izinto ezikhulunywa ngabantu ngenzinkolelo zabanye. Angiqale la. Mina ngiyintombi yomZulu yakwaMkhize koKhabazela, oMumbo, oGcwabe. Ngizalwa yintombi yakaGwala, oMphephethwa oMajiya kaMaphinda abehla ngomzungulu. Ngakhula emndenini wamaZulu ogcina amasiko esiZulu. Ngakho-ke usiko lwesiZulu ngiyalugcina ngoba yindlela engakhuliswa ngayo. Ngiyawahlabela amadlozi futhi anginankinga ngalokho. Uma sekuza kuNkulunkulu, yebo ngiyamkhonza, ngiyamdumisa, ngiyamhlonipha futhi ngiyakhuleka
kuYe ngaso sonke isikhathi njengoba kunguYe owadala izulu nomhlaba nakho konke okusemhlabeni wazogcina ngokudala umuntu. Ngiyazi kukhona ozothi le ntokazi iyasangana ngempela, ingakholelwa kanjani emadlozini nakuNkulunkulu? Impendula isobala njengaleso sitho seselesele. Ngiyakholelwa kukona kokubili ngoba mina kuyangisebenzela futhi kuyingxenye yempilo yami. Engilwa nakho, noma engingakuzwa kahle, wukuthi umuntu agxeke inkolelo yomunye. Ngake ngezwa umlisa othile ethi: “Ukuhlabela amadlozi nokufaka iziphandla, yinkolelo yamadimoni.” Emva kwezinsukwana nje, ngezwa omunye ethi: “Indaba yokuthandaza kuNkulunkulu ukuchitha isikhathi futhi akusebenzi ngoba uNkulunkulu akaphenduli.” Engigakusho nje ukuthi engxenyeni yamadlozi, umuntu uhlaba ngoba ethandafuthiebonaukuthikuyamsebenzela empilweni yakhe. Kanti futhi uNkulunkulu ukhona, uyasebenza, uyayiphendula nemikhuleko. Inkinga isekutheni aban-
ingi behlulwa wukulinda nokulalela, ngoba yonke into inesikhathi sayo. Ngokwami ukubona, kungcono ukuthi umuntu enze okumsebenzelayo, angabanaki abamphazamisayo ngokumgxeka. Kunjalo nje, akekho umuntu onegunyalokugxekanokwahlulelaabanye ngalokho abakholelwa kukhona ngoba akekho umuntu omsulwa okwengelosi. Angikhulumi ngabantu abaphula imithetho yalapha emhlabeni ngoba zikhona izinkantolo ezibekelwe ukubahlulela, kepha ngikhuluma ngamadlozi noNkulunkulu. Singobani
Abomdabu abakhiqiza ifenisha ephambili
KUSUKA kwesokunxele nguNksz Helen Banda, uNksz Sne Gumede noMnuz Linda Rhadebe bekhangisa ngefenisha yase Injiya Interiors.
BANTU asebeke babona ifenisha ekhiqizwa ngabakwa-Injiya Interiors, abavamile ukukholwa kalula ukuthi ikhiqizwa ngabantu abamnyama. Lokhu kwenziwa yindlela le fenisha esezingeni eliphakeme ngayo.Ivame ukubonakala kakhulu kule mizi ethathwa njengeyo mntakabani ezikoHillcrest, eKloof, ePinetown, eWestville entshonalanga yeTheku, nakoMhlanga, eDurban North, eLa Lucia enyakatho yeTheku nezinye KwaZulu-Natal jikelele. INjiya Interiors yasungulwa nguMnuz Mandla Luthuli nomkakhe uNkk Ntombi Luthuli. UNkk Luthuli uthi babona ithuba lokuhlinzeka umphakathi othanda ifenisha ephambili ngenani eliphansi. Intatheli yeFEVER izenzele ucwaningo lwayo ifuna ukuqinisekisa ukuthi baqinisile yini, nangempela yabutholaubufakazi.Yonkelefenishaebizaitshe lemali, edayiswa ezitolo ezinamagama aphambili, yakhiwa njengoba injalo eNjiya. Abagcini ngokukhiqiza ifenisha yase zindlini, kodwa bakha neyamaSonto, izikole, nanoma yini efunwa yikhasimende. Benjalo nje, bangabaqeqeshi abasemthethweni ekukhiqizweni kwefenisha. Abafuna ukwazi kabanzi ngeNjiya, bangashayela izinombolo ezithi 031 837 6142; 072 195 4480 nethi 083 479 6506.
Christmas at Crowhurst
74 Everton Road, Kloof
Christmas Shopping for the Whole Family • Christmas Décor • Gifts • Kids’ Entertainment • Food and Beverages Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November 2013 from 10h00 to 16h00
Contact Snowflake Creations Shirley Swemmer 084 506 4925
November 1, 2013
thinaesesikwaziukwehlulelaabanye abantu? Noma ngabe sekuthiwa ukuhlabela amadlozi kuyisono-ke, ubani ongenaso isono? Uyedwa kuphela umuntu ongasihlulela, nguNkulunkulu. Ngakho-ke asihlukane nokugxeka izinkolelo zabanye. Akesizweukuthi niphawulanithini bafundi bethu esibathandayo. Inkundla ivulekile. Ningasishayela ezinombolweni ezithi: 031 533 7624; 074 696 8731 noma nithumele ekhelini le-email elithi: nosipho.mkhize@witness.co.za.
November 1, 2013
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Across 1 Floor show (7) 5 To separate (5) 8 Truthful (9) 9 Sharp, quick blow (3) 10 Volcanic magma (4) 12 American national game (8) 14 Unoccupied (6) 15 Have ambition (6) 17 Professional critic (8) 18 Ray of light (4) 21 Melody (3) 22 Prolixity (9) 24 Path through the wilds (5) 25 Alike (7) Down 1 To quibble (5) 2 Obstruct (3) 3 Wealthy (4) 4 Proverbially hard worker (6) 5 Anxious uncertainty (8) 6 Having many different
NAME: skills (9) 7 Ward off (7) 11Theotherwayround(4,5) 13Timebetweenevents(8) 14 Different version (7)
16 Rubble (6) 19 Civic head (5) 20 Weaving machine (4) 23 Badly (3)
Sudoku Solution 125
WINNER 125: Karen Hargreaves Closing Date: November 30, 2013
Submit your entry into the Hillcrest Fever box situated inside the Keg & Trout. The first correct entry drawn will win a R150 voucher. Only one entry per person per week. No registered letters or faxed entries. Prize will alternate weekly between Crossword and Sudoku.
Crossword Solution 125 Across 1 III at ease, 8 Mirth, 9 Bas tion,10Frugal,11Daring,12 Alienate, 15 Tuneless, 18 In time, 20 Honour, 21 Ink ling, 22 Attic, 23 Hue and cry. Down 2 Lhasa, 3 Attain, 4 Elon gate,5Emerge,6Uruguay, 7 Challenge, 11 Dirt cheap, 13 Insignia, 14 Inanity, 16 Launch, 17 Stolid, 19 Minor.
KEG & TROUT 031 765 2070 Shop 16 Heritage Market, Old Main Rd
Spur series delight MORE than 200 runners converged on Giba Gorge to take part in the second race of the Spur KZN Trail Series at the Valley of Thousand Hills on Wednesday 9 October. After some exciting running on Sunday, the in terestwasgreaterduringtheweekandGibaGorge did not disappoint as the weather played along to dish up a fantastic evening of trail running. In the men’s championship 10.5km long course, Mark Mitchel left everybody trailing com ing home in a time of 46:05 with Owen Bengo,
November 1, 2013
hot on his heels, in second only four seconds shy of the top spot. Derek Wasserfall also crossed the finish line only a few seconds after. The ladies was once again dominated by Trish Bahlmann who won by more than four minutes, crossing the finishing line in 52:48 and securing her second win of the Series. For more information, visit www.trail series.co.za or contact Catharina Robbertze on content@wildrunner.co.za or 072 212 2318.
Night running at Race 2 of the Spur KZN Trail Series
heads to the top
>> The sky is the limit for St Mary’s matric pupil FEVER REPORTER SEVENTEEN-year-old Kloof school girl Gena Lofstrand has blasted her way on to the global athletics stage over the past year. As one of the South Africa’s most promising 800 meter stars, she is now aiming to impress at next year’s IAAF World Junior Championshipsonceshe has her matric year behind her. Herfinalyearatschool will undoubtedly be one the matric pupil of St Mary’sDSGinKloofremembers fondly. Lofstrand set the South African world of athletics alight with her consistent top performances which ultimately saw the talented young star crowned 2013 South African 800m and 1500m national champion in both the junior and senior age categories. “It has been a dream year for me! I cannot believe how things have
Gena Lofstrand
worked out for me!” said Lofstrand. “I have always known I was making good progress over the past season or so but this year really has been exciting.” Despite still being at school and with the pressure of staying on top of her academics, Lofstrand’s rapid progress through the ranks now sees her fast approaching a level whereby she will start challenging national track icon and Olympic medallist Caster Semenya. “I started taking part in cross country races at school when I was in grade 5 and only ran on the track for the first time in Grade 7,” said Lofstrand. “I joined my coach, Vic (Vaz), at Fast Feet two years ago and then started working with the guys at Prime – particularly using the simulated altitude chamber – midway through2012andIcannotbelievethe progress I’ve made since then. “I’ve been able to bring my 800m times down from a 2min20 in 2011 to a 2min03 in 2013, having dropped ten seconds this season alone! With her confidence levels sky high after claiming the senior wom-
en’s 800m national title earlier this year, to go with the junior spoils she claimed a little earlier, Lofstrand’s sights are now firmly set on next year’s major assignment – the IAAF World Junior Championships. “I’ve got some pretty big goals and dreams for the future and next year’s World Championships is definitely a major focus for me at the moment,” she said. “I don’t just want to go there and compete, I really want to win a medal and hopefully even try for gold! “So all the hard work I’m putting in at the moment is with that in mind and every session at Prime really helps get me closer to achieving my goals. Whilst keeping as much of her career focus on the 2014 global contest, Lofstrand also has some big life decisions to make soon with a decision on where she will be furthering both her training regime and her studies being the major one. “I’ve been lucky enough to receive a couple of offers from overseas universities where the facilities are unbelievable but ideally I’d like to stay at home,” said Lofstrand.
It’s gold for Sian!
The splits are easypeasy for our Let’s Play Sportstar of the month, 10yearold Sian Kruger of Durban North.
DEBI BLAKE “I JUST wish I could do gymnastics all day!” That’s the word from 10-year-old Sian Kruger, Supersport’s Let’s Play SportstarofthemonthforSeptember. Sian recently represented KZN at the National Zone Competition which was held in Brits, Johannesburg at the end of August.
Her reward for training two hours a day, three times a week - under the watchful eye of coach Corne Moll at Durban North Gymnastics Club - was a gold medal, overall, in the 10 and Under category. Prior to winning her gold, she had clinched a silver medal at the KZN Regional Artistic gymnastics competition which qualified her to represent KZN at Nationals.
She was awarded silver medals in other gymnastics competitions held in Pinetown, Pietermaritzburg and eThekwini in July and August. Showingoffheragilityandflexibility in the garden for Fever, Sian - who has been doing gymnastics for three years - proclaimed that the parallel bars are her favourite discipline. However, she received her highest score at Nationals with her floor rou-
tine, wowing the judges who gave her ascoreof9,3!Shealsoparticipatedon the beam and vault. This talented grade four pupil from Our Lady of Fatima School placed 19th out of 96 competitors in the 10 and Under age category. Apart from school and homework, Sian told Fever that her next best thing to do after gymnastics (which she would love to do all day) is surfing,
“But now there’s no time for that!” She competes in swimming (in summer), netball and hockey at school and also plays tennis. She used to do ballet and would love to do modern dancing but, again, “no time”! Here’s to bigger and better things in the future for Sian. Who knows maybe we will see her somersaulting into the Olympics one day!
November 1, 2013 PAGE 16
hillcrest FEVER
Home grown talent shine
>> Lake Eland promises to be loads of excitement
OCAL body-builder Rianne Hall will be a celebrity guest at the Lake Eland Mile Open Water swim, on 3 November. Hall recently jetted off to partake in the NABBA 2013 Miss Universe Toned Figure held in Manchester, UK, on Saturday 12 October. She was placed fourth overall. The same competition shot Arnold Schwarzenegger to fame when he won the bodybuilding division for the years 1967 1970. Hall's physique is the perfect example of the numerous benefits of swimming. This dynamic star started her swimming career at the age of six until the end of her schooling career, when she took part in the World Cup in Spain in 1993. On average she trained four to five km a day, for five days a week and the gym became her home during winter training. Thisinturnlaidthefoundationforherfuture love and achievement in fitness and physique development and led her to many titles including Miss SA Fitness, Miss World Fame Fitness and Miss SA Toned Bikini. Her achievements come with great influence from her father Piet Botha, a resident of the South Coast and originally from Gauteng, who was the Northern Transvaal Coach for the Lifesaving team and the Springbok (Waterbuck) team's coach during these years. Hall will be assisting at the prize giving at Lake Eland Mile Swim and will be signing autographs at the event on 3 November. Entries are available up to and until the day of the event. Visitors are also welcome. Entry fees for theswimisR85perteamentrant,teamsmust consist of 1 - 5 swimmers (Event 6) and R190 per individual entry, for Events 1-5. Entry feesintotheReserveforswimmersandvisitors is R20 per person aged seven and over, R10 aged 2-6 and entry is free under the age of two. For details, call Samantha on 082 978 7962 or PJ on 082 465 4089.
Rianne Hall
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