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www.earinstitute.co.za UMHLANGA HILLCREST (031) 566-4727 (031) 765-7501
HILLCREST family is still in shock after their one-yearold son drowned in a swimming pool at their complex on Saturday. According to Hillcrest SAPS communications officer lieutenant France Mkhize, the mother of the child removed the cover of the pool to clean it while the child was
locked in the house. "The mother went into the house to use the loo when the boy managed to get out and fell into the pool," he said. "When she discovered the boy in thepool,sheimmediatelycalled for help and started performing CPR on the child until paramedics arrived." ER24paramedicRusselMeiring said when they got to the scene
Oxford Village
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Baby drowns in Hillcrest FEVER REPORTER
September 12, 2014
Sale of All Blinds
they found a young boy lying next to the pool. "Paramedics immediately took over CPR, providing the patient with advanced life support,” said Meiring. “Unfortunately, after an hour long resuscitation, no vital signs returned and he was declared dead on scene," he added. Mkhize added that the incident is still under investigation.
SHELLY BEACH (039) 315-0872
Clean up area to ‘fight’ crime
Hillcrest Primary School conservation group recently helped the Keep Hill crest Beautiful Association clean up the verges outside a recycling centre.
September 12, 2014
NEWS EDITOR Valene Govender
083 395 5156
082 594 2090
082 762 0175
SALES Sarah Brauns
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SALES Debbie Williams
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Clean up area to ‘fight’ crime FROM PAGE 1 THEKeepHillcrestBeautifulAssociation is not in the business of fighting crime — but they do believe a litterfree environment will deter criminals. Chairperson of the non-profit organisation, pensioner Marge Mitchell, said: “If everything is neat and tidy, criminals will stay away.” With this goal in mind, Hillcrest
residents are dedicating every first Sunday of the month to cleaning their suburb. “We meet at Hillcrest’s Inanda Road at 9 am and walk along the railway reserve, cleaning up as we go along. Wilbur Mahlamvu leads the walks, and is very knowledgeable about the fauna and flora. He also educates the community about the environment,” said Mitchell. They have two routes — from In-
Call Christo on 082 578 5146 mwfick@mweb.co.za
• The next walk will be on October 5. For more information contact Eunice Barendse on 072 244 8852.
NHBRC Registered
072 111 9635
A Hillcrest man re stores the “Welcome to Hillcrest” sign during a clean up. The sign had been vandalised.
anda Road residents either walk to Stonewall Road or Galloway Road in Hillcrest. “Our philosophy is based on three things: we encourage people to recycle, encourage them not to litter, and to beautify Hillcrest by various means,” said Mitchell.
Councillors are hiding debts
JOURNALIST Kalisha Naicker
NO action has been taken against deadbeat councillors three months in arrears with their city bills — while rate payers have services shut off and staff have their wages docked. The latest city budget statement shows employee debts have dropped R500 000 and the number of debtors reducedby160intwomonthsfollowing city manager S’bu Sithole’s crackdown.
Correspondingly, a net six more councillors have not bothered to pay theirbillsandtheircumulativedebthas almost doubled to R156 203. Council speaker Logie Naidoo has withheld their names despite formal demands from opposition parties. Meanwhile, 143 ward committee members owe more than R1 million — owing an average R7 000 each. Naidoo insisted that action — in cluding letters of demand and sanc
tions by the Department of Coopera tive Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) — would be taken against councillors three months overdue, but also disputed whether the listed mem bers were actually 90 days late. He said he was “reluctant” to re lease the names of councillors who were “making an effort” to pay it back or who had suffered misfortune. However, DA council whip Sharon Hoosen said: “That’s nonsense. Coun cillors should be held to a higher stand ard, not a lower one. This is in fact a
complete double standard — ordinary ratepayers are given 30 days grace be fore being cut off, but councillors in ar rears for over 90 days still have their services.” She said a senior official ad mitted to the finance committee last month that a “privilege” policy had op erated this year whereby councillors in massive debt were spared from auto maticserviceshutoffsbyflaggingtheir debts through their ID numbers. She said the official said the policy would “now be stopped”. “I don’t be lieve that’s happening”.
In case there’s an
Crime Stop: 086 001 0111
EMERGENCY Hillcrest SAPS..........031 765 9116/9103 Kloof Police Station. . . . .031 764 2334 Fire.......................................031 361 0000 Gillitts Metro........................031 767 1222 Rescuetech KZN................086 167 2226 Together SA CAN Community Incident Management Centre: ................ 08 616 SA CAN / 08 616 72226
AMBULANCE ER 24: 084 124 Netcare 911: 082 911 VEMA: 083 630 0000 Ambulance & Emergency Medical Centre: 10177
ANIMAL RESCUE Kloof & Highway SPCA: 031 764 1212/3 Monkey Helpline...........................................: 082 411 5444 or 082 659 4711 COUNSELLING Life Line...............................033 394 4444 Open Door Crisis Centre: 031 709 2679 Jes Foord Foundation: 031 765 4559 Careline Crisis Centre: 031 765 1314 or 082 787 6452
SECURE LINK SAFETY TIP: Test your home alarm system to ensure that your security company is receiving a signal when your alarm is ac tivated. Tip supplied by Secure Link 031 765 3333
Dog rescued from sea
>> ‘We have no idea and don't even want to imagine how he came to be in this situation’ KALISHA NAICKER
FOUR-YEAR-OLD Greyhound is lucky to be alive after being rescued by a skipper and his team in the Durban Harbour last week. According to Kim Samuels from the Upper Highway NPO, Project Dog, “Sea Dog”, as the Greyhound is now affectionately known, was spotted far out at sea by a vessel that takes supplies to the ships waiting to dock. “Skipper Quinton Shooter at first thought it was a seal, but on closer inspection realised it was a desperate dog in trouble,” she said. “The skipper was concerned that it would drown and immediately called the port control to report that there was a dog in the channel and that he was going to help it.” Samuels said Shooter tried to to grab hold of it, but the boat was too high. “It managed to get on to the partly
exposed rudder, but had to be chased off as the boat was in danger of hitting the pier,” said Samuels. “Then, after everyone debated on how to rescue the dog, the skipper made a harness and hoisted the dog to safety. “The owner of the boat, Lamont Hitchings, took the terrified and exhausted animal home and contacted Project Dog for help.” “Everyone was extremely happy that we had rescued him. He was extremely tired,” said Shooter. Samuels said that Sea Dog has telltalesignsofhavinghadahardlife,but is now in safe hands and will be treated for his injuries. “We have no idea and don't even want to imagine how he came to be in this situation. His tail has already up and is wagging and soon he will be back on all four paws and be ready for a loving home.” For more information on Sea Dog or when he will be ready for adoption call Kim on 083 555 0111.
Horns of dilemma
Sea Dog tries to swim to safety
A SHONGWENI Valley man says he is tired of stray cattle that wander onto his property at night and onto the road, often causing accidents. Dave Leslie (67), a former police reservist and owner of the Stonehaven Castle wedding venue, said cattle are regularly knocked over by buses and cars. “Sometimes the cows survive and the motorists are left with a hefty bill to pay. They are a bloody nuisance,” said Leslie. “I have called the councillor a million times and nothing has been done.” Two weeks ago, Leslie was on the verge of having five cows impounded from his property, until people, claiming to be the Stray animals in Shongweni Valley create an increasing risk on the roads. PHOTO: MATTHEW MIDDLETON
owners, showed up. Leslie’s neighbour Wouter vanderMerweagreedthecattle are a problem. “But the issue can be easily resolved if the owners just look after their cattle,” he said. Shongweni Valley councillor Zibani Phewa said he is aware of the issue. “I met Leslie last year and told him to call a community meeting to address the issue. The meeting has never happened,” said Phewa. Ward 103 councillor said he also reported that issue to the local induna. “I told him the cattle will get killed, impounded or shot at if people don’t look after them.” Durban Metro police spokesperson Eugene Msomi said they would respond to reports of stray animals. • To report stray animals, call Durban’s emergency services line on 031 361 0000.
September 12, 2014
CONTACT THE FEVER TELEPHONE: 031 533 7600 FAX 031 533 7972 (News) and (Classifieds)
Shacks affect house prices JONATHAN ERASMUS
THE mushrooming of informal settlements in suburban Durban is threatening property sales, assets and the environment. Property experts agreed that selling homes near squatter camps is no easy task and revealed that even just the mention of “a potential” settlement depresses a local property market, especially near high-end addresses. Community leaders in areas such as Hillcrest, Durban North and Glenmore are concerned that the demand for land to accommodate the increasing city population has put both private and state-owned vacant property under increased pressure of invasion. They say the associated illegal electricity connections have led to power surges that have caused damage to appliances costing thousands. Greenwood Park councillor Deochand Ganesh, whose ward borders Durban North, said they have 14 informal camps and the number is increasing. “It is depressing the house values. Some residents are practically giving away their homes. Many of the homes have become fortresses and it is contributing to crime.” He said it is unfair that private land owners whose properties are occupied or depreciated must carry the cost of evictions and face the threat of crime. Statistical property analysis firm Lightstone reveals that property sales in Greenwood Park have dropped from an average of 26 per year six years ago to just seven, unlike its leafy neighbour Durban North where sales have stayed well above 100 a year. Citycouncillorshavewarnedthemetrothat a large piece of land behind the SPCA in Mayville could be invaded unless the city develops it soon. But the land, according to the city, also has high biodiversity importance and features “critically endangered North Coast grassland”. UmhlangaestateagentBrettBotsissaidpotential buyers ask about the proximity to lowcost housing or informal settlements.
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Hillcrest Fever
The gift of warmth
September 12, 2014
come from disadvantaged backgrounds and rely solely on the meals provided by the school. “We are overjoyed with the much needed donation from the Robin Hood Foundation. The children will learn better being warm and comfortable and nour ished,’’ said Pathokuhle. The school is in need of pots and pans, mats, plastic tables and chairs, stationery and educational toys. To donate, contact Khumalo Pathokuhle on 071 188 4745.
THE Robin Hood Foundation dropped off blankets sponsored by DisChem and boxes of Imana soup at the Imbali Encane Crèche in Lamontville last week. The school is administered by the principal, Khumalo Pathokuhle, who has 29 years’ experience in early childhood development. There are 130 pupils, many of whom
The children, from left to right are: Nombulelo Mbona, Lwazi Mjaji, Asiphe Gumede and Bayanda Gumede with principal, Khumalo Pathokuhle. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Springing into action >> Hillcrest dancer pulls out all the stops KALISHA NAICKER
Erin Barnard, a performer at this year’s Shall We Dance. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
ILLCREST’S Erin Barnard will be pulling out all the stops at this year’s Shall We Dance extravaganza which will take place at the Playhouse from 5 to 13 September. The 16-year-old is a “parkour” enthusiast.Parkour isaholistictraining discipline using movement that developed from military training. Practitioners aim to get from A to B in the most efficient way possible. Dancersdothisusingonlytheirbodies and their surroundings to propel themselves. He said that he is very particular about safety and spent ages perfecting his role (the landing) before tackling the more hard core launches and jumps. Parkour seems to attract a young crowd with the ‘oldest’ being around 24 years old. “I am excited about Shall We Dance and I urge the community to watch,” he said. The glitzy showcase featuring eight amateur dance academies will be wowing the crowds with genres
belly dance number. The belly dancerswillalsodancetoShakira’s“Dare” that was the hit from this year’s Fifa World Cup. Traditional pieces include the waltz to the beautiful Oh Mio Babbino Caro, and David Garret’s Carmen Fantasy fusion will have the splendour of Spanish. Dance instructor and Shall We Dance co-ordinator, Caryl Cusens said, “We have pulled out all the stops in this year’s show. The team have been hard at work creating this magnificentdisplayoflocaltalentandIbelieve they have outdone themselves once again. It will be a showcase to be proud of!” “Gee-wiz, are we hip this year withsnippetsfrom“Hairspray”to“So You think You Can Dance” by the entire team. Everyone that comes to watch will love it,” said Shall We Dance co-ordinator Neville Letard. East Coast Radio’s Damon Beard will delight the audience again as the suave master of ceremonies. Shall We Dance is grateful for the supporting grant from Business and Arts South Africa (BASA). For more information, like the Facebook page Shall We Dance Durban.
from Latin, Argentinian Tango and line dancing, to belly dancing, modern and ballroom. The highlights of the show will be the three visiting professional acts from Johannesburg. Exhibition couple Gerhard van Rooyen and Amor Kruger will be igniting the stage with their adagio style. This is a kind of dance where Van Rooyen continually picks up Kruger and very cleverly throws her into the air. The sublime couple, Grant Esterhuizen and Jeanné Swart take to the stage for four numbers including the paso doble, a rich Spanish style Latin American dance to Malaguena. Esterhuizen and Swart are the current professional South African Latin champions. Making his third appearance at Shall We Dance is ballroom dancer, Penwell Nhlapo who will be dancing with his partner Evelyn Kgole. The duo will grace the stage offering a sexy quick step to the number Hot Honey Rag from Chicago, and a slow fox trot to Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black. Local music includes Vicky Sampson’s African Dream that will have a sea of veils flamboyantly floating in a
Hillcrest volunteer is committed to saving lives KALISHA NAICKER “SAVING lives is not a job, it’s what we do.” These are the words of a highly skilled emergency paramedic Warren Brauns, who spends all of his free time volunteering at the Voluntary Emer gency Medical Assistance (VEMA). A typical day for Brauns means working a normal eight to five job, and thereafter he puts on his “rescue cape”, and rushes to any calls for assistance. He works alongside eight other highlyskilled individuals who are just as passionate about making a differ ence as he is. Taking time off from his busy sched ule, Brauns said that the organisation was founded on 1 February 2004 by MarkEaston(ILSparamedic),Shannon Charles (BLS paramedic), Doug Smith (ALS paramedic) and Derek More (BLS paramedic). “They realised Hillcrest was under
resourced and they decided to pool their expertise and formulate a volun tary organisation who would respond to medical emergencies within the out er west council area of Durban. As the area has developed a number of other people have joined them as they moved into the area. So today there is a team of nine members,” he said. He said that each volunteer is regis tered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa, for medical emergencies and critical trauma. The organisation is autonomous of all emergency services and supports the existing EMS system. The members work on a rotational basis with all being on standby at all times. Brauns has been a VEMA volunteer forsevenyears.“Icannotputintowords the feeling you get from giving some one hope in a time of crisis. Being part of VEMA is about giving back without
expecting anything in return,” he said. Speaking about one of his most memorable moments on the road, Brauns said he responded to an acci dentsceneearlierthisyearandonarriv al he could not access the patients trapped in the vehicle. “I had to assess the driver with just my hands as I could not see his face and I knew he did not make it,” he said.
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Warren Brauns with his daughters Emily and Jordyn.
“Once we cut opened the vehicle I realised that the driver was actually a good friend of mine who I had to de clare dead on scene.” Brauns said that volunteers have to be committed 100 per cent emotional ly and financially as the members use their personal vehicles and often go on dirt roads. He said that they pay any shortfall with regards to medical and rescue equipment, as well as Personal Protec tive Equipment out of pocket, or out of donor funding from the community. Brauns appealed to the community to support VEMA in their service to the community. “We are always looking for donors and sponsorships so we can continuously upgrade equipment and perhaps a small portion can be used to cover petrol costs of the volunteers,” he said. To find out more about VEMA vis it, www.vemaparamedics.com or to donate contact, 083 630 0000.
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Steps to change neighbourhood
September 12, 2014
>> Residents urged to take ownership of their neighbourhood
HE Keep Kloof Beautiful Association (KKBA) urges residents to take ownership of their neighbourhood by keeping it neat and tidy. According to Sandra Wickee of the KKBA all it takes is five steps and a few minutes of your time to achieve. “Step one, pick up litter, step two, scrap out weeds growing in gutters, step three, clear gutters of leaves and dirt, step four, neaten edges on verges
and lastly cut old cable ties off street poles,” she said. “Abeautifulvergeisnotonlyenjoyabletolookat,theyalsopromote safety and pride within the community.” The KKBA encourages all Upper Highway residents to improve their patch of ground and it will recognise those who have gone the extra mile in keeping their neighbourhood neat. “If every family, reading this article, reacted pro-actively to this fivestep plan the Upper Highway streets would become pristine in just one week,” she said.
Sandra Wickee sweeps leaves and sand out of gutter.
“A family of five could each adopt a step as their own and commit to it. “Continued as a monthly routine thereafter, the suburbs would be the envy of all, and maintain our home values at the same time.”
To find out more information on the five steps plan contact the KKBA on 031 764 1830.
Rob Storrar picks up litter from the roadside.
Carol Glass scrapes up weeds in the gutter.
Ronelle Moller neatens edges.
Prue Spencer cut off old string and cable ties from streetpole posters.
Piet van Breda tends to verge lawn or entrance bed.
Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage
April June 2014: 19950
PHONE: 031 533 7600 PUBLISHER: Neil Tapinos neil.tapinos@expressmedia.co.za GROUP EDITOR Desiree Erasmus desiree.erasmus@media24.com EDITOR: Valene Govender valene.govender@media24.com ZULU EDITOR: Guy Vezi guy.vezi@media24.com REPORTER: Kalisha Naicker kalisha@media24.com SALES REP: Sarah Brauns: 0836574427 sarah.brauns@media24.com
SALES MANAGER: Justin Watson: 082 762 0175 justin.watson@media24.com REGIONAL SALES MANAGER: Bev de Jager: bev.dejager@media24.com CLASSIFIEDS ADS: Lynne Mathiesen: 031 533 7601 lynne.mathiesen@media24.com PRINTING: Paarl Coldset, PMB. COPYRIGHT: Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, de sign and photographs is vested in Hillcrest Fever and may not be used without the permission of Media24 News in writing. DISTRIBUTION: For all distribution queries, please contact Mpume Sithole at 031 533 7614
September 12, 2014
Ombudsman of Hillcrest Fever According to the editorial policy of the Hillcrest Fever, readers are invited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information about correc tion of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 or email to pressombudsman@ombudsman.org.za
A little wisdom needed
HAVE always wanted to write satire, simply to provide comic relief for the Av erage Joe that doesn’t involve alcohol or fantasies about roundhouse kicking his boss. But I can’t write satire, which is why my wife had to offer up the introductory sen tence. Not being Devastatingly Witty or Mon umentally Intellectual leaves me in the rather unenviable position of having to
write something serious, abiding by the rules and structure, and all the while hav ing to watch that I don’t thump into the often hidden rocks of libel and false facts. Breakingrulescomeswithconsequenc es,andinanewsroom,those consequenc es often involve a haggard subeditor who moans at you for incorrect grammar and tense usage, as if these things are key to the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. But then again, as people who have very little to lose — invariably the very rich or the very poor — like saying, rules are meant to be broken, because it is then that we discover something about ourselves and each other. The recent turbulence in Parliament is a case in point. I do not sit in the EFF or Julius Malema fan seats; I find the party and the man to be fascist in nature and morally lacking in practice.
Led by Malema, EFF members chanted “pay back the money” during a question andanswer session with the president af ter he sidestepped yet another Nkandla question. The ANCled government has subse quently moved to suspend the EFF. Toshowthatitwasincontrolof Parlia ment, ANC officials called in the minister of defence, who told the packed news room: “We are the last line of defence”. This would be understandable if Cape Town had a reputation as a meeting point for terrorists and separatists who walk the streets with RPGs. In reality, the ANC overreacted. And it did so to an embarrassing degree. By suspending the EFF, the govern ment will be creating a martyr. Asimplewarningwouldhavedriventhe point home; a penalty on their salaries would have been better.
The EFF members may have spoken out of turn and disrupted the rules of the house,buttheydidnotthreatenorhurtan yone physically. Pride, however, took a knock. But the rule breaking was important. Parliamentis,intheory,aplaceofaccount ability. Accountability involves answering questions. It is a place of robust debate, where the feelings of the people — through their elected representatives — can be heard. TheANC,forallithasdoneforthisgreat nation, could have handled the situation differently had it put more weight on wis dom and less on ego. In the hearts and minds of us Average Joes, two things count — the facts and the perceived facts. Perception tends to hold more water. Zuma may have led us successfully into one of the world’s strongest economic
blocs through Brics, but for someone who we are told is a keen strategist, he contin ues to sully the national chessboard. Hehaschargedhisqueenforward,leav ing his king exposed, when all he needed to do was play the angle with his knight and build a wall with his pawns. Suspending the EFF may be “check”, but playing the end game in the game of kings and queens is what counts. Similarly, the ANC’s attack on the pub licprotectorandtheDArevealsapartythat is losing control of public perception. The big question is why. A party that enjoys such a large majori ty, which has dominated the polls and shows very little chance of losing power anytimesoon,isbehavingasifithasamar gin so small that the reactionary approach is best. TheANCneedsbetterstrategists.Itsin ternal media machine is failing. Without rethinking how it is being per ceived,theANCwillneedneitherfine intel lectuals nor satirists to rip it to shreds. Its onceardent followers are doing that al ready.
Letters to the Editor must be received by Friday in order to be included in the Tuesday edition of the paper. Letters should be addressed to The Editor and emailed to valene.govender@media24.com. Letters must be a maximum of 400 words long and must relate to the topic at hand. While pseudonyms are allowed, writers must still include their full names and contact details (which will not be printed) or letters will not be published. The Editor reserves the right to not run letters or to alter letters so that they are legible.
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Hate speech against Indians, why? ONCE again we see hate speech against Indians on social media sites. This time it is from one Skhanyiso Edgar Khanyile who claims to be a law student. His utterances reflect a warped mind that has not embraced the democracy that we now enjoy. As South Africans, Indians have made immense contributions in all walks of life for many decades. We were not handed anything on a silver platter. Our fore fathers worked hard under difficult and oppressive conditions to improve their lives. The likes of Khanyile
must remove the racist within themselves if they want to be called South Africans. His vile utterances reveal his ignorance and hatred for democracy and nation building. People who have his mind set must not be allowed to destabilise the harmonious relationships that we enjoy as citizens of our country. We are here to stay and the Khanyiles of this world must learn to live with it! LES GOVENDER
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September 12, 2014
Health, Welln
A yummy fundraiser
Kim Griffith Jones, Pippa Sharratt Coote, Hemlatha Lil Ruthan and Kevin Watson gearing up for a funfilled day. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
The right way to diet B
FEVER REPORTER KIM Griffith Jones, administratoroftheRobinHoodFoundation, and Pippa Sharratt Coote, Hemlatha Lil Ruthan and Kevin Watson from Sprout Consulting spring into action for the foundation’s annual fundraising breakfast. The event will take place on Friday 12 September at the Durban Country Club. Hosted by East Coast Radio DJ Abi Ray, the fun morning runs from 8am to 11am. An auction, raffle and awesome spot prizes are on the cards, with one of the highlights being an appearance
and speech by Sharks player, Jacques Botes. Sprout Consulting, an outsourced head office to SME’s, sponsored four rugby balls signed by Jacques to this high profile charity event. The cost to attend the function is R250 per person and individual tickets or tables of ten are available. Contact Kim Griffith Jones on 076 612 9060 or email her on robinhoodfund@telkomsa.net to book or sponsor prizes or auction items. Sprout Consulting provides options to outsource all or part of the accounting and tax, human resources, IT and
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Do a permanent eyeliner or eyebrow treatment for ONLY R1200 and get a free touch up. CALL NOW TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT
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ANTING is the buzz word of the moment. People are talking about it everywhere - turn on the radio and someone will be mentioning it, pick up your favourite magazine and there’s bound to be an article. TimNoakesandhis“fad”dietarebeingspoken about everywhere. In fact there is nothing “fad” or even new about Banting. The term arose after a London undertaker William Banting lost a lot of weight doing the first documented LCHF (low carb high fat) diet in the 1800s. Banting is not a diet, it is a lifestyle which if followed correctly will enable you amongst other things to lose weight, reduce belly fat, improve muscle tone, increase energy levels, stabilise blood sugar, reduce your risk for diseases, strengthen your immune system while allowing you to enjoy delicious food. In the news this week it has been reported that a new study in the Annals of Internal Medicine has supported the LCHF diet. This is the 24 such study to support LCHF eating, but it seems many of the medical profession find it easier to see this as a new fad and ignore the evidence from these studies. Since The Real Meal Revolution was launched in December last year the book has sold over 100 000 copies and last month won Book of the Year. Sally-Ann Creed, co-author of the book, clinical nutritionist and expert on the LCHF way of eating has trained Banting Buddies to facilitate a six-week Banting coaching programme, as well as once off consults. As a Banting Buddie coach, she has completed a comprehensive nutrition course with Sally-Ann as
well as attending an intensive workshop in Cape Town. As such she am able to equip my clients with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully lose weight and maintain Banting as a lifestyle.
Testimonial from Deidre – “Banting “Buddy client I STARTED my Banting journey on 1 July. I was very confused about this “high fat” diet. I had heard so much about it, but being desperate to lose weight I thought this would be the best way of learning about it. My “Banting Buddy”, Merle, was so helpful. She gave me so many meal ideas and made me understand the technical side of Banting, which now makes so much sense. Surprisingly, I even went from a hater of
cooking to a master chef. I now love my kitchen as I love the food I’m eating. I honestly don’t think this would have been such an easy transition if it wasn’t for Merle and the Banting buddy course. My weekly weigh ins kept me in check, and I looked forward to finding out more recipes and info about Banting. I lost weight and became a cook and gained a friend.
at Kloof Civic Hall 20th September 2014, from 9am til 1pm A Mind Body Soul type fair. Please come and meet our members. Items, food and refreshments on sale. Entrance free. Free gift for the first 250 people through the door.
Permanent Makeup is a beautiful treatment to improve everyones image and self confidence Dermapen Advanced Skin Needling TO FIND OUT THE ADVANTAGES OF DERMAPEN CONTACT
Salomé Gouws
084 505 8582 |Mrs. KZN 2014 Based in Crestholme Find me on Facebook - Salomé Nel Gouws
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71 Old Main Road, Hillcrest ihealthwarehouse@gmail.com
Find us on facebook
CONTACT 0826684163
Merle Westcott082 925 5228 merle@bantingbuddies.com www.bantingbuddies.com
September 12, 2014
ness & Beauty Migraines
ast week was migraine awareness week. A migraine is an intense, throbbing headache, often only on one side of the head. It is often accompanied by nausea/ vomiting and increased sensitivity to light, sounds or smell. Around 10% of sufferers also experience aura symptoms, like visual disturbances, before the commencement of the headache. Migraine is believed to be caused by the release of serotonin into the bloodstream resulting in changes in the neurotransmitters and blood
vessels in the brain. Exactly what causes this to happen is largely unknown, but certain factors like emotional stress, physical stress, diet (infrequent meals, caffeine, alcohol and various food additives), environment (bright light, flickering/flashing light, loud noise, intense smells, smoking), hormones (menstruation, puberty, menopause, contraceptive pill, HRT, pregnancy) and other triggers like sleeping tablets, high blood pressure, eye strain, sinus problems, dental problems may play a role. There is also a muscular component to the common migraine. Most people with common migraine have focal neck and jaw muscle tenderness. This is associated with referred symptoms that produce the migraine pain. Physiotherapy is useful for the treatment of this muscular component of migraines. This includes mobilisation, myofascial release, stretching and trigger point therapy. Dry needling of these trigger points is often useful for reducing or eliminating this pain.
Lifestyle changes can also reduce the severity and/or frequency of migraines. Avoid triggers to which you know you are sensitive. Get enough sleep and have a regular sleep pattern. Exercise regularly and perform relaxation techniques. Ensure good ventilation indoors and maintain rooms at a constant temperature. Wear sunglasses and/or hat in bright sunlight. Eat regularly, avoid sugary snacks and include low GI food in your diet. Limit your intake of drinks containing caffeine and alcohol and drink plenty of water. Avoid strong perfumes. Avoid bright, flashing or flickering lights as well as reflective surfaces. Ensure computer screens are properly adjusted and fitted with anti-glare filter. Take regular breaks, especially if working at a computer or if your work is repetitive. Ensure that your workspace is ergonomically designed and take care with your posture. Your physiotherapist can advise you. Juli-Ann Riley (BSc Physiotherapy, Stellenbosch)
Headaches • Sports Injuries Necks and Backs • Muscle &Joint Problems • Rehab after surgery / Injury
031 767 3989
Gillitts Medical Centre, 15 Old Main Road, Gillitts, 3610
Good to ‘meat’ you JAMES SIDDALL
ANTING this, Banting that...it seems almost impossible to discuss food these days without mentioning Tim Noakes and Banting. Indeed, the Banting diet – which is essentially an LCHF (Low-Carb, High-Fat) way of eating – has almost completely hijacked the popular conscience. Interestingly though Banting goes back well over a century to 1861, when an English doctor put his rather, um, round patient, one Mr Banting, a funeral director, onto an LCHF diet with spectacular results. Now, of course, Banting involves eating lots of protein, and the delightful news is that when it comestostockingupon meat,Hillcrest KwikSpar has got you covered with its on-site butchery. Rather like the rest of this much-loved community store, the butchery encompasses concepts such as freshness and value – yes, I know that can be a hackneyed, terminally overused word – while much of the meat is locally sourced.Whichmeansthatnotonly is the local economy supported, but less road travel also means less impact on the environment. “What we've done,” says Mike Egling, co-owner of the store, “is form a partnership with a local
Finding your strength
FLUID Dynamics Pilates (FDP) is a bespoke, fullyequipped pilates studio that recently opened in the Gillitts area. Owned and run by Jeanine Zieseniss a body arts and science internationaltrained pilates in structor Fluid Dynamics caters for a diverse client base, ranging frompeoplewithnoexerciseback ground to athletes. At Fluid Dy namics they place a strong em phasis on personalised attention no matter what your age, ability level or goals. One of the ways Flu id Dynamics Pilates is unique in that they make use of a stateof theartonlinescreeningtool—the performance matrix system — to assist us in customising a client’s training programme. Driven by the latest scientific
feedlot and abbatoir outside Pietermaritzburg. We're strong believers in supporting local suppliers.” Of course, Hillcrest KwikSpar has a butchery on-site. Of course hygiene standards are exemplary thankstoan unbrokencoldchain. And naturally all its meat is AClass, while when it comes to sourcing chicken the “local is lekker” ethos continues with the store sourcing from a Cato Ridge farm. What's really remarkable though, given that the store is hardly some mega-sized outlet but rather a family business, is that it regularly has outrageously excellent special offers. You know,” adds Mike, “when we run specials on fillet, for instance, we can expect to sell around a ton over 10 days.” But even the everyday prices are not what you'd expect from a smaller store. “We have excellent relationships with our suppliers, and that helps us keep our prices low,” says Mike. “I mean these guys are likeminded and also believe in providing fair prices.” Yet another thing that's not awfully surprising given the culture and country that we live in is that outside of everyday items – such as minute steaks and beef olives – some of the fastest movers at Hill-
research and technology, the per formance matrix platform is the most accurate evidence based movement screening, analysis and retraining system. It is known that uncontrolled movement is linked to soft tissue and musculo skeletal problems which influence athletes’ and individuals’ wellbe ing and performance. The performance matrix offers a proactive approach to the man agement of uncontrolled move ment that will increase perfor mance and reduce the risk of injury and reinjury. It delivers a detailed report and score from which an in dividual training programme can be developed and either incorpo rated into the client’s pilates pro gramme or used as a homebased training programme (www.thep erformancematrix.com). For clients who prefer to do their training in the outdoors Fluid Dynamics offer stand up paddle pilates. Zieseniss has found that these pilatesaretheperfectwaytocom
LeighAnne Egling with her staff. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Julie Rawlins Diagnostic Ultrasonographer
t/a Inside Image Ultrasound Nat. Dip. Radiography B.Tech. Radiography: Ultrasound Practice number: 0390040517119 crest KwikSpar's butchery are braai items. And as Mike gestures to a man-sized rump that's close to, oh, two inches thick, it's easy to see why. Texan steaks are also an evergreen item. So are pork ribs. And pork loin ribs are particularly popular,accordingto Mike,largelybecause “of their quality and the fact that there's so much meat on the bone.” But for me it's something termed Dinner in a Tray that best embodies the fastidious attention to detail and thoughtfulness that permeates not just the store's butcherybutthewholeof Hillcrest
KwikSpar – perhaps partly because I'm not the world's most enthusiastic cook, to put it mildly. This is essentially a roast chicken, two veg, and potatoes sold in a roasting tray. Even the vegetables are coated in olive oil. So all you have to do is pop it into the oven. That's it. The result is a homecooked meal. “It's perfect for people who're short of time but who still want their families to eat well,” as Leigh, Mike's wife, puts it. AndsomehowIliketothinkthat Tim Noakes might approve of all this – as would the Victorian-era Mr Banting...
SUP pilates at Shongweni dam. bine her love for the outdoors, par ticularly the ocean, and pilates. Clients will experience all the benefits pilates has to offer in the restoring environment of the ocean or for beginners who feel apprehensive to tackle the ocean at first, one of the beautiful dams in our area. To find out more about Fluid Dynamics Pilates, please visit our webpage www.fluiddynamic spilates.co.za or contact Zieseniss on 079 891 3078.
Jeanine Zieseniss
079 891 3078
jeanineroode@gmail.com fluiddynamicspilates.co.za
12 Madeleine Drive Gillits
DIAGNOSTIC 2D ULTRASOUND SERVICES INCLUDE: Obstetric/Gynaecology/Abdominal (Referral by your doctor required) Baby quick view/ Gender view/ Baby 4D ultrasound also available (No referral required) Tel: 031 765 4670 / 082 321 7233 jules@proelect.co.za Heritage House, 20 Old Main Road, Hillcrest
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September 12, 2014
EO of Dormehl Property Group Owen DormehlisalsotheprincipaloftheUpper Highway office. With an intense passion for the property industry, he believes in the transformation of the real estate industry and is one of the first principals in the country to fully embrace this concept. Training in this field is offered by the highly respected real estate training personality John Wilkie, the group’s national training officer. Dormehl is a great proponent of on-going,
high level training for estate agents and continually champions customer service. Dormehl Property Group South Africa has in excess of 70 franchise offices spread in various locations across South Africa and is making its way across the world. TheUpperHighwayofficeissituatedat7Old Main Road, Gillitts. They service the outer west area, from Kloof to Cato Ridge and everything in between. The team is only too happy to open the door to your future home. Knock on the blue door - discover passion.
7 Old Main Road, Gillitts 3610 031 764 6262 UPPER HIGHWAY
HILLCREST Jean Liversedge 082 726 1956
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September 12, 2014
Stand a chance to win a photo session for you and your baby
inspire create
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Birth Blocks
O you have the cutest baby? The Hillcrest Feverwillberunningacompetitionin October where you can enter your cutest most ador able pictures of your bundle of joy and stand a chance to have him or her printed on the FRONT PAGE of the Hillcrest Fever and claim fame for an entire week. Here is how to enter: Submit ahighresolution picture, withthename, surname and age of the baby and parent contact de tails. Email sarah.brauns@media24.com Pictures willbeuploadedontotheHillcrestFever Facebook page on Monday 27 October 2014. People need to vote for their choice of the cutest baby by liking BOTH the Hillcrest Fever Facebook page and the photo. The picture with the most likes on Friday 21 No vember 2014 at 12pm wins and will appear on the frontpageofHillcrestFeverbetween endofNovem ber and December 2014.
R165 each Email: info@mooshimoo.co.za to place your orders www.facebook.com/MooshiMooSouthAfrica
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Family fun at its best THE Pot and Kettle has been in existence for
nearly 20 years and has grown from a little coffee shop in to very popular owner-run day time restaurant. They are a friendly and homely restaurant that offers homemade meals. They are situated on the Comrades Marathon Route, with breath taking views overlooking the Valley of 1000 Hills. The coffee shop recently introduced a children’s play area that is proving to be very popular. They also offer a home-cooked Sunday carv-
FAMILY RESTAURANT We have an exciting new play area for kiddies. Recycled plastic jungle gym & a sand pit full of toys. 2 X fRee kiddies meal With eveRy family of 4
168 Old Main Road, Botha’s Hill
Tel: 031 777 1312 • Heidi: 082 905 6538 Email: enquiries@potandkettle.co.za • www.potandkettle.co.za
ery. The new “build your own burger” is a hit as well, with homemade 200g patties and delicious additions. Their cakes are home baked -theircheesecake,lemonmeringueandcarrot cake are delicious. A new addition, which will open soon, is a little deli within The Pot and Kettle, offering cheeses, homemade jams, chutneys, etc. The Pot and Kettle is wheelchair friendly and they offer gentle live music on Sundays and public holidays. They are open seven days a week and closes only on two days of the year - Comrades and Amashova racing days.
www.tinklepea.co.za or contact Jenny jenny@tinklepea.co.za | 0828045678 Collection from Gillitts welcome
September 12, 2014
What’s On 20 September The South African Writers' Circle will be holding their monthly meeting on Satur day, 20 September at the Westville Library (Room G3) at 11am.
Welcome to Groote Post
Nonmembers are very welcome. Please bring a plate of eats. Members R10, Non Members R20. Contact Brigitta Simpson on 071 681 8378 or write to southafrican writerscircle@gmail.com. 20 September The Hillcrest Conservancy will be host ing a Nature Club on Saturday 20t or 27 September at 91 Springside Road, Hillcrest commencing at 9am. All welcome. For more details and book ings call Lynne on 083 565 7879 or lyn nematthews@telkomsa.net.
This wine is 100% shiraz. The grapes were hand pickedintheearlymorningandforcecooledto4°C. It was then bunch sorted, destemmed and berry sorted on vibration tables by 25 highly trained staff. The berries were gently crushed into a satel lite tank and deposited in open and closed fer menters.The wine has a deep, dark purple colour with prominent ripe plum, red berry and floral fla vours with undertones of spice. The oak is well bal anced with full, firm yet accessible tannins.
Weekly The Hillcrest Floral Art Club will meet on the second Wednesday of every month at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church from 9am. Visitors welcome.
Comedy for a cause >> Community gather in aid of the Robin Hood Foundation
Nestled at the foot of the mountain after which it is named, Saronsberg wine estate is a contemporary addition to the rich heritage of Tulbagh valley. It was formed late in 2002 when Waveren and Welgegund two farm por tions of the historic Twee Jonge Gezellen were purchased and combined to create a unique location for this progressive winery.
Groote Post 2012 - The Old Man’s red blend
Weekly LIVE music at Meercats, 12 Forest Hills Road, Waterfall every Friday night, from 7.30pm and Lance Goldman plays every Sundayfrom12.30pm–Sundayroastsand a la carte menu available. For more information, Contact Jill Schoe man on 031 776 3872 or 079 878 8051.
Candice Daniel, Sharon Vernon, Thezell Willers and Jackie McKeown Leanne and Lauren Ad ams.
HE hysterical ‘Dear Breeder’ show was held at Seabrooke’s Theatre in support of the Robin Hood Foundation last week. Proceeds of the show was donated to the Robin Hood Foundation’s ‘Love the Babies’ project. The audience was encouraged to bring a box of crayons for the Uminathi Creche in rural Mariannhill and ended up producing boxes of stationery and packets of books for the crèche. “We were blown away by their generosity and the pupils and teachers are so grateful for these valuable learning tools,’’ said Kim Griffith Jones, co-ordinator of the Robin Hood Foundation. The Robin Hood Foundation implemented their 2014 ‘Buy-A-Brick’ campaign in order to enhance and expand this overcrowded crèche. The construction of the 64 square meter structure was completed on the 5 August and now the pupils are able to attend the pre-school in a safe and warm environment, which includes a hygienic ablution facility, kitchenette and store room facility. The foundation thanked ‘Dear Breeder’ actresses Karen Logan and Kasia Vosloo and producer Iain ‘Ewok’ Robinson for putting on a fantastic show and benefitting a worthy cause at the same time. For more information on the foundation, go to their Facebook page or email Kim onrobinhoodfund@telkomsa.net. Seen at the fundraiser were…
Groote Post 2013 The Old Man’s white blend The wine is 100% Sauvignon Blanc. The grapes were hand picked in the early morning hours in fourseparatepickingstomaximiseflavourdiver sity. The wine has a translucent colour with a green edge, showing prominent tropical, goose berry and fruitsalad flavours, followed by hints of grass a fullbodied mouthfeel and a refresh ingly flinty aftertaste. Kevin, Teresa and Sue Cassidy.
Cindy and Steve Norcott.
Gay Tilbury, Stephanie CarltonShields, Dulcie and Robert Hindmarch.
September 12, 2014
Unalo ugqozi lokuba yintatheli? Sithumelele izindaba ezizoshicilelwa kwiCitizen Journalism ekhelini elithi: www.hillcrestfever.co.za
USathane uvimbezele emabandleni
>>Wayengaphucwa ngani kwasekuqaleni uSathane amandla okudunga impilo emhlabeni? GUY VEZI
UNOMFUNDISI ongasekho emhlabeni engingeke ngimusho ukuthi waye ngowaliphi ibandla owake wethula intshumayelo, eyashiya amakholwa eshayana ngamakhanda, amadoda ajuluka kumakhaza. Lo mfundisi waxoxa indaba yendoda ethile eyayisihambe kwaze kwaguga isicathulo ifuna ukubona indawo lapho kuhlala khona uSathane, kodwa kwanhlanga zimuka nomoya. Ekugcineni yangena endlini yeSonto, yahlabeka umxhwele kodwa nokho washeshe waphela lowo mxhwele. Ngokusho kukamafundisi, emva kokuthi le ndoda ivakashele amabandla aminingana, yabiza umhlangano wabacosheli bezindaba (press conference) izomemezela uku-
thi igcine itholile lapho kuhlala khona uSathane. Emaphephandabeni amaningi nakweminye imithombo yezindaba, udaba olwaluphambili kwaku ngolwendawo lapho kuhlala khona uSathane. Ingqikithi yodaba yayithi uSathane uhlala eSontweni. Indoda le yathi uSathane akazihluphi kakhulu ngababulali, amasela, abaxegelwa yiziketi, abathakathi ngoba vele kade aqeda ngabo, sekungabakhe. Kodwa uhleli emabandleni ngoba yilapho kucashe khona abaningi abangakaphumeli obala, ababhilite ngamanga nobuxoki. Akusikhona-ke okwethu ukusho ukuthi le ndoda yayiqinisile yini noma yayibheda, sikushiyela kuwena mfundi lokho. Cishe abaningi bazokhumbula ukuthi sike sabhala kule ngosi ukuthi ukuthi nabefundisi bezenkolo badinga ukuthandazelwa, bacelelwe kuSomandla ukuthi abasize emsebenzini
onzima osemahlombe abo. Phela umsebenzi onzima osemahlombe abefundisi owokubonisa thina luntu oluntekenteke indlela yeqiniso okufanelesihambengayo,besesikwenza lokho abasishumayeza ngakho. Zikhuluma kuze kushe amazwi izinceku zeNkosi kube nhlanga zimuka nomoya. Ukuba siyazilalela lezi zinceku zikaSomandla, zikwenze ezikushoyo, ngabe kunokuthula nokuzwana okuyisimanga emhlabeni, kodwa ke! Hay’khona. Kusinda kwehlela. Namhlanje le ngosi icela abafundi ukuthibathandazeleamakholwaemabandleni ngoba izigigaba ezibikwa emabandleni zifikisela amahloni. Zishiyaabaningiabafisayoukungena endlini yeSonto bedidekile, bezibuza ukuthikantikwenzekaniemabandleni. Izokhumbuleka indaba yowesifazane owaphuma emaphaphenda-
beni egqoke umfaniswano webandla lakhe, kubikwa ukuthi uboshelwe ukuhlela ukubulala amadodana akhe ukuze athole imali. Ayisaphathwa eyezinceku zenkosi ezibandakanyeka kwezinye izimo ezingahambisani nobulungiswa. Umbuzo uthi kanti kwenzekani emabandleni. NgoLwesihlanu kwelinye lamaphephandaba esiNgisi aphuma zonke izinsuku elisesitebeleni esisodwa neFEVER, kuphume udaba ngebandla eliba nezinkonzo ezahlukene kanyekanye ngaphansi kophahla olulodwa ngenxa yombango. Kuthiwa kukhona abefundisi ababhalisa ibandla balenza inkampani yabo. Kubikwa nokuthi kukhona abasebenzisa imali yebandla ngendlela engagculisi. Umbuzo uthi ababukela kude, abafisayo ukungena endlini kaJehova kodwa abasadidekile, bathini ngezimo ezifana nalezi? Yisiphi lesi
sihlava esingenele ibandla likaNkulunkulu? Wayengaphucwa ngani kwasekuqaleni uSathane wonke la mandla okudunga impilo emhlabeni? Wona ke amakholwa avumelani ukusetshenziswa wuSathane ngale ndlela? Kufanele kuze kwenziwe njani? Sengathi singaqinisa emthandazweni omkhulu othi: “Baba wethu oseZulwini, malihlonishwe igama lakho. Umbuso wakho mawufike, INTANDO YAKHO MAYENZIWE EMHLABENI NJENGOBA YENZIWA EZULWINI.” Ekugcineni, sengathi ungaphela lo mkhuba wokumemeza u-AMEN odabula uphahla emva kwentshumayelo yomfundisi, kodwa kuse sesiyikhohlwe yonke lento ebishiyo wumfundisi epulupiti sesenza okuphambene ngqo nalokho abesiyala ngakho, senze konke ebesingafanele ukukweza, senze okungafanele ukuthi sikwenze.
Kukhunjulwe uShihan Sabela Abaholi bomd lalo womkha lambazo, IKO Matsushima bembula itshe likaShihan Sabela, oway engu Men gameli walenh langano, odlule emhlabeni ngo mhla ka17 kuNhlolanja (February) nonyaka. ISITHOMBE: GUY VEZI
ABAHOLI bomdlalo womkhalambazo (karate) eyaziwa ngokuthi yi-International Karate Organisation (IKO) Matsushima, bembule itshe likaShihan Alpheus Sabela odlule emhlabeni ngomhla ka-17 kuFebruary nonyaka. UShihan Khanyisani Mazibuko ongene esikhundleni sikaShihan Sabela sokuba ngumengameli we-IKO Matsushima eNingizimu
Afrika,uthe:“Kusijabulisakakhuluukuthiabaholi beKarate emhlabeni baphumelele ukuza ekwembulweni kwetshe likaShihan Sabela ngoba babefisa nokuza emngcwabeni wakhe kodwa bangaphumelela. “Okubuhlungu ukuthi uShihan Sabela wasishiya emhlabeni engasalibonanga lifezeka iphupho lakhe lokuthi kube nomncintiswano womhlaba wekarate kuleli,” kusho yena.
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FOR US THIS SEASON Woolworths is looking for vibrant, enthusiastic and peopleoriented individuals to step into any of these positions this season, from November 2014 to January 2015 at our Hillcrest store.
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To apply, SMS HILLCREST to 45554. SMS cost R1.50 each. Applications may require up to 7 SMS. Personal Information you provide will only be used for recruitment and/or employment purposes. This advert will close automatically once sufficient applications have been received. As a proud South African brand, Woolworths is committed to transformation. Meeting our employment equity goals will be taken into account in our recruitment decisions 119749 hillcrest fever
September 12, 2014
PLACE AN ADVERT BY CONTACTING OUR CLASSIFIEDS SALES REPS: Lynne : 031 533 7601 lynnem@witness.co.za Fax: 031 533 7939/72
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TOP PRICES PAID FOR: Diamond, Gold, Silver and Marcasite Jewellery. Old China, Crystal, Silver and Silver Plate. Old War Medals & Badges. We can collect or call at: HEIRLOOMS: Shop 1 (Woolworths Level) Hillcrest Corner, Hillcrest Tel: Dean 031 765 6534
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first / finaL nOtices
In the Estate of the Late AUMA HARICHAND, IDENTITY NUMBER: 600207 0677 08 3, Date Of Death 20TH FEBRUARY 2012 of HOUSE 559, ROAD 706,MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH, DURBAN, K WA Z U L U N ATA L . EstateNumber: 3308/2012/DBN, surviving spouse AMARNATH HARICHAND IDENTITY NUMBER: 561004 5110 08 8. The first and final liquidation and distribution account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, DURBAN (and the office of the Magistrate at Chatsworth) for the period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. DATED AT CHATSWORTH THIS 21ST DAY OF AUGUST 2014. JUDY REDDY & ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 56921 CHATSWORTH, 4030
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Kennel 57 Missy Afri X - Friendly little girl who just loves company.
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CROSSWORD 170 Across
1 Country of east Europe (6) 4 Anguish (8) 9 Hard to understand (6) 10 Absolute sameness (8) 12 Imply indirectly (4) 13 Large military formation (5) 14 Indication (4) 17 Having but one aim (66) 20 Disabled (4, 2, 6) 23 Burden (4) 24 Minor impediment (5) 25 Counterfeit object (4) 28 Lazy (8) 29 Means of subsistence (6) 30 Freedom restriction (8) 31 Settle conclusively (6)
Sudoku Solution 168
Crossword Solution 168 Across 1 Upstanding, 8 Ghana, 9 Raphael, 10 Trickle, 11 Ra dio 12 Patrol, 14 Plague, 17 Egret, 19 Uncouth, 21 Ex tract, 22 Debar, 23 On the level. Down 2 Pianist, 3 Track, 4 Nerves, 5 Imperial, 6 Grand, 7 Altogether, 8 Go to pieces, 13 Outlast, 15 Grumble, 16 Subtle, 18 Ra tio, 20 Cadge
1 Foretell (8) 2 Scholarship (8) 3 A part of speech (4) 5 Selfgovernment (12) 6 Very small (4) 7 Evoke (6) 8 Espionage (6) 11 Holding officer rank (12)
NAME: 15 Depression (5) 16 Lure into danger (5) 18 A graze (8) 19 Muscular power (8)
21 Cheerful (6) 22 Selfappointed expert (6) 26 Excessive amount (4) 27 Cultivate (4)
WINNER 168: Rod Morgan Submit your entry into the Hillcrest Fever box situated inside the Keg & Trout. The first correct entry drawn will win a R150 voucher. Only one entry per person per week. No registered letters or faxed entries. Prize will alternate weekly between Crossword and Sudoku.
KEG & TROUT 031 765 2070 Shop 16 Heritage Market, Old Main Rd
September 12, 2014
Hillcrest Fever
Page 15
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Benz adds new ‘dream’ models
ERCEDES-BENZ includes its coupés, convertibles and roadsters under the umbrella term “Mercedes-Benz dream cars”. These models make automotive dreams come true the world over. “Following the successful introduction of the SLK 250 AMG Line early in 2013, we are now adding the new SL 400 AMG Line and the E 250 CDI Coupé to our wide range of dream cars,”saysSelvinGovender,divisional manager, Mercedes-Benz Cars. Models in the dream-car range include the CLA 45 AMG 4MATIC, a feisty coupé for the young at heart, models from the E-Class coupé and cabrioletrange,theSLKsportscar,the iconic SL roadster, the CLS four-door coupé and the ultimate dream cars, the SLS AMG Coupé and SLS AMG Roadster models. “Further exciting models include the CLS range that soon gets a face lift and the S-Class Coupé which will be introduced in January 2015,” adds Govender.
“Dream cars from Mercedes-Benz are a top-seller world-wide, and for 2014 alone, more than 50 000 of these dream cars have been delivered to Mercedes-Benz customers. Around 20 000 of these customers have opted for open-air driving,” says Govender. “We have now updated our E-Class Coupé range to include the E 250 CDI Coupé. This four cylinder diesel engineisknownforitsefficiencyandfeatures the latest injection technology. Thankstoareviseddrivetrainitisnow even more economical,” adds Govender. Now in its sixth generation, the iconic Mercedes-Benz SL sports car continues to be as popular as ever. The SL’s history dates back more than 60 years to the 300 SL racing sports car of 1952. “As with the SLK, for the SL model range all series derivatives come standard with the AMG Sport Line. This offering is proving to be extremely popular with our customers who by their very nature look for a perfect blend of light-footed sportiness with
stylish comfort,” added Govender. The SL 400 AMG Line’s V6 Biturbo engine with a displacement of 2 996 cc, produces 245 kW of power and delivers 480 Nm of torque. Performance is not compromised and CO2 emissions are frugal at 178 g/km. The new SL 400 AMG Line also works with a direct injection system withspray-guidedcombustion,which Mercedes-Benz was the first car manufacturer to offer in series production. The flagship models in the “dream car” range are the SLS Coupé and SLS AMG Roadster super sports cars. “Needless to say all “MercedesBenz Dream Cars” feature the unique assistance systems which are helping tobringthevisionofaccident-freemotoring closer to reality. “We are also honouring the claim made by Gottlieb Daimler: ‘the best or nothing’ Mercedes-Benz is an aspirational brand and these models in particular are what make the brand so exciting,” said Govender. - Supplied
September 12, 2014 PAGE 16
hillcrest FEVER
Walking against human trafficking >> Hillcrest women get behind the cause
Karen Foley trains up the Harvey World stairs
N11OctoberlocalwomenBrigitteGonggryp, Harvey World Travel owner, and Karen Foley, Harvey World area manager, will take part in the Freedom Climb Table Mountain 2014 and urge the community support their cause. The duo say the climb is a project of Opera-
tion Mobilisation (OM), one which brings hope and transforms the lives of women and children who are exploited, enslaved, and trafficked. “The goal of the Freedom Climb is to affect the lives of thousands of women and children each year. The purpose is not just about climbing a mountain — it’s a way to engage in this global battle and strategically help these women and children. “Climbing these mountains is merely a symbolic gesture of what women and children around the world go through every day.” Gonggryo said the climbers are the of the voiceless. “We are doing this for those who could not declare freedom in their lives and climb out of their circumstances on their own.” In addition Harvey World Travel Southern Africa has pledged R10 000 towards the duo’s climb and have encouraged other branches to get involved. Gonggryp and Foley are looking for sponsors in the form of corporate or individual donations, as well as attendees to a fundraising getaway which Harvey World has arranged with The George Hotel in Eshowe. This fundraiser comprises a weekend of golf, dining, accommodation and all meals, for R2 450perperson(noextracost).Fundsraised will support Gonggryp and Foley’s Freedom Climb. To find out how to sponsor, or about the fundraiser contact 031 765 5845 or email trace.patchin@harveyworldkzn.co.za
Kargo Pro MTB Team on the move Rourke Croeser is solid 35th at the recent UCI MTB World Cup at Méribel. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
FEVER REPORTER SOUTH Africa’s ground-breaking mountain biking setup, Kargo Pro MTB team, is a hive of activity as its members continue to shine in major cross-country and marathon events, domestically and across the globe, while an exciting new talent recently also joined the outfit. Team ace Rourke Croeser saw the team abuzz ahead of the upcoming UCI MTB & Trials WorldChampionshipsinHafjell,Norwaywhen he secured a hard-fought 35th place at the recent Méribel leg of the UCI MTB World Cup, the best elite World Cup performance of his career and an equal best for the country at a European World Cup since the death of South African cycling legend Burry Stander. “Rourke’s result in France was just superb,” said Kargo Pro MTB team manager Shaun Peschl. “It was such a pity he picked up a puncture with a lap-and-a-half to go when he was in 27th position and could see the group who was
battling it out for 15th in front of him, but that’s racing and Rourke and the rest of the team have learnt so much from it and taken a huge amount out of his performance over there.” Under-23 talent Travis Walker then continued the team’s great run of form when he powered to victory in the inaugural edition of the Mandela Day Marathon MTB Dash on Saturday. “Travis’s win at the Mandela Day Marathon MTB Dash was awesome, He, Stuart [Marais] and Siyabonga [Njiva] had an excellent day out. “Stuart has had some time off from racing recently, but it's always easier pushing hard and going after a win knowing you have some back-up if something goes wrong and so his presence certainly played a role in Travis’s win andintheend Stuartclaimedasolidthirdplace himself while Siyabonga just missed out on the top 20, so we really were chuffed with whole team’s effort on the day,” said Peschl. More info is available at www.peschlrac ing.com
CONTACT US>> Email all local news to Kalisha Naicker at kalisha@ witness.co.za or contact her at 031 533 7657
Contact Sarah Brauns: 083 657 4427 Contact Debbie Williams:083 331 9000