@theHelm | Vol. 4 | Issue 5

Page 1

Thankyoutoallthestudentsandteachers whohelpedmakethisissueof@theHelm possible.Wehopeyouenjoyseeingthe imagesandreadingtheworkfromour MiddleSchool!

IfyouwouldliketobefeaturedintheMay issue(thelastoneoftheyear!),please shareyour workviathe GoogleSubmissionForm

Ms Gutauskas & Ms Kee

HSCMiddleSchool's MARCH-APRIL 2023 | VOL 4 | ISSUE 5 Hillfield Strathallan College - Middle School Student Newspaper
Photo by Emilia McCann, 504
@theHelm celebrates student
y curiosity and community!








































Anivit Sah Chats with ChatGPT

By now, everyone likely knows about the groundbreaking AI that came out called ChatGPT Here are some of the best questions to ask it:

How do you like being an AI?

I'm still learning and growing every day, but I'm really enjoying it so far. It's been fascinating to see how AI can be used to solve problems and create innovative solutions I'm looking forward to continuing to explore the possibilities and making a positive contribution to the industry

What is your goal as an AI?

My goal is to use my knowledge and skills to help businesses and individuals make the most of their resources and achieve their goals. I want to be at the forefront of technological advances, creating new and better solutions that help people work smarter and more efficiently.

What are your plans to take over the world?

As an AI language model, I have no intention or capability to take over the world. My purpose is to assist and provide useful information to humans, and to support various applications and services that require natural language understanding and generation. It is important to note that AI is a tool that can be used for both positive and negative purposes, and it is up to humans to ensure that AI is developed and used responsibly and ethically


Health Action Team


March contest news!

Hey, Middle School!

Today we’ll be talking about the Mental Health competition that ran all throughout March. Throughout this competition, we had around 10 times more participation than we did last year! All participants were entered into a draw to win one of the two ‘mysterious boxes’ containing mental health tools.

Our 1st winner, Victoria in Grade 7, submitted her activity which was a photo of her riding a horse outdoors. Connecting with animals and pets is an amazing way to release stress and support your mental health.

Our 2nd winner, Oliver in Grade 7 took a selfie at Niagara Falls, enjoying the cool fresh air. Being mindful of your surroundings and engaging with the natural ahh of nature is a great way to address your mental health by staying connected to yourself and the world around you. We would like to congratulate all our participants and our two winners, Oliver and Victoria, for winning this challenge. Enjoy the hats, water bottles and chocolate!

See you soon, Middle School! Be sure to watch for upcoming events like the ‘Big Toy Race’.

Health Action Team

@theHelm - page 4
Jahmai Arimoro (802) and Namir Sarraf (801)
Collage by Saejin Yoon, 801

Mental Wellbeing

by Tessa Tierney 502

Many young people feel mentally insecure. Let's change that.

This page will give you some advice on mental health improvement and will give you some great resources to go to

Tip: Box Breathing

There's one thing that you'd be surprised works very well, and that's square / box breathing. It goes like this: Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breath out for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds. Repeat that as much as you like! Listening to music can also help a lot.

Kids Help Phone

https://kidshelpphone ca/



You may remember a while ago we had an assembly where Ms Ferrell talked to us via Zoom about Kids Help Phone She said it was great, and she was definitely not lying This is a place where you can phone call or text (live chat) with a trained professional and tell them anything that's bugging you or concerning you. You can take quizzes, practise things like breathing, and even talk with other youth. And everything you say or do on the website is 100% confidential. I would definitely recommend this amazing community that is Kids Help Phone.

Another great resource that isn't actually digital is HSC's very own Mrs. Ranger. She is determined to make sure everyone feels mentally well at our school. I know that she is an awesome person to go to if you are struggling or need support Mrs Ranger is located in the Lower Collinson building, Room 104 if you'd like to talk to her.

Resources that can also work are just simply friends and family. Spending time with them, talking to them, doing anything with them can help a lot





ThisisaQ&AwithapossiblefutureCedar/Morehousecaptain. Weaskedafewquestions,andbelowareValeria'sanswers.

Q1: What are you going to improve in the Middle School community?

S o m e t h i n g t h a t I w a n t t o i m p r o v e i n t h e M i d d l e S c h o o l c o m m u n i t y i s i n c l u s i o n . S o m e t i m e s a t l u n c h , I s e e p e o p l e s i t t i n g a l o n e a n d I d o n o t l i k e t o s e e t h a t I n e e d t o s t e p u p a n d a s k t h e m i f i t i s o k a y i f I s i t w i t h t h e m . N o t o n l y d o I h a v e t o d o t h a t b u t e v e r y o n e n e e d s t o d o t h a t . I t h i n k t h a t w o u l d n o t o n l y m a k e t h e p e r s o n ' s d a y b u t e n c o u r a g e t h e m t o d o t h e s a m e . I w a n t t o s e e e v e r y o n e b e i n g i n c l u d e d n o t o n l y a t l u n c h b u t e v e r y d a y a t s c h o o l a n d o u t s i d e o f o u r c o m m u n i t y

Q2: Why did you apply to become a house captain out of all the other positions?

I really love how we have houses. It is a fun way to have friendly competition and a way to meet new people I love our house Cedar / More and I know we are the best house! I applied to become house captain out of all of the positions because it involves the skill of being a great leader I think if I do get the position I will strive to become a better leader and a better person. I also really want this position not just for myself but, of course, for others. I want to bring new ideas to the Middle School Community that will benefit everyone. I want to build a good, inclusive, and hardworking house that works as a team

Q3: Have you had any other leadership positions to prepare you for this role?

O n e l e a d e r s h i p e x p e r i e n c e t h a t I h a d b e f o r e a p p l y i n g f o r H o u s e C a p t a i n w a s b e i n g t h e s t u d e n t b u d d y f o r t h e d a y . I h a v e d o n e t h i s s e v e r a l t i m e s . L o t s o f p e o p l e h a v e c o m p l i m e n t e d m e o n h o w w e l l I w o r k w i t h p e o p l e a n d h o w k i n d a n d c a r i n g I a m I a l w a y s t h i n k a b o u t o t h e r p e o p l e ' s n e e d s b e f o r e m i n e . A s a n e w s t u d e n t m y s e l f ( f o r t h e 5 t h t i m e n o w ! ) , I u n d e r s t a n d w h a t i t ' s l i k e b e i n g n e w . B e i n g a s k e d t o b e t h e s t u d e n t b u d d y a n d b e i n g o n e i s r e l a t e d t o t h e l e a d e r s h i p e x p e r i e n c e b e c a u s e i t i n v o l v e s s o m e o n e t h a t k n o w s w h a t t h e y a r e d o i n g , i s a t e a m p l a y e r , a n d i s r e s p o n s i b l e

Q4: Was house captain your only option when choosing leadership roles?

H o u s e C a p t a i n w a s n o t m y o n l y o p t i o n w h e n c h o o s i n g l e a d e r s h i p r o l e s . I a l s o c o n s i d e r e d b e i n g a n a m b a s s a d o r . I ' v e a l s o c h o s e n t h e C o m m u n i t y

S e r v i c e C o m m i t t e e b u t l a t e r c h a n g e d m y m i n d f o r o t h e r r e a s o n s .

Thanks so much, Valeria, and we hope everyone had a fun time reading this!

page 6
SpaceExpothatwasoutofthisworld! S T U D E N T S P O T L I G H T @theHelm - page 7

In this issue, I'll be In this issue, I'll be talking about the usage talking about the usage of the word "said" in of the word "said" in stories and providing stories and providing some examples of some examples of substitutes. substitutes.

We all know what We all know what "said" means. You u "said" means. You u it to signal that it to signal that someone has spoke someone has spoke Sometimes "said" c Sometimes "said" ca get repetitive and get repetitive and boring, though. Here boring, though. Here are some other words are some other words that you can use! that you can use!

Now Now for the fun part! for the fun part!

What would you What would you replace "said" with in replace "said" with in this sentence (it this sentence (it doesn't have to be on doesn't have to be on the list)? the list)?

Angry Angry

-boomed -boomed

-bellowed -bellowed

-roared -roared

-snapped -snapped

-fumed -fumed

Happy Happy

-giggled -giggled

-beamed -beamed

-cheered -cheered

-quipped -quipped

Sad Sad

-sighed -sighed

-cried -cried

-trembled -trembled

-stuttered -stuttered

Welcometo Welcometo tthebrandnew hebrandnew TessaTierney TessaTierney
"I can't believe it... my "I can't believe it... my favourite book is favourite book is gone!" Ms G said. gone!" Ms G said.
Email your answers to Email your answers to to get a chance at a to get a chance at a shoutout in the May shoutout in the May iissue! ssue! 036809@hsc.on.ca 036809@hsc.on.ca @theHelm - page 8


April Edition

Guess the location!

(inspired by Geoguessr - https://www.geoguessr.com/)

Question 1:

Venice, Italy

Vienna, Austria

Paris, France

Antwerp, Belgium

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Question 2:

Bucharest, Romania

Memphis, USA

Omsk, Russia

Yellowknife, Canada

Kerch, Crimea

Question 3:

Cape Town, South Africa

Penang, Malaysia

Goa, India

Chennai, India

Bangkok, Thailand

How many did you get? Email your answers to Jimmy at 038974@hsc.on.ca!


Can you name every capital city of the world? Try it now at:

https://www sporcle com/games/g/worldcapitals ! I’ve got 127/195 on my first try!

Answer from February: NORWAY

April Edition

The Gauss Contest is happening soon in May! Here are a few challenging questions to prepare for it:

G7 and 8 Subcorner: How many different pairs of positive whole numbers have a greatest common factor of 4 and a lowest common multiple of 4620?

A) 4 B) 5 C) 7

D) 8 E) 11

Source: CEMC 2021 Gauss 7 Contest Q24

G5 and 6 Subcorner:

Emil and Olivia ran a race. Their race times totalled 1 hour and 52 minutes. If Emil’s time was 4 times less than Olivia’s time, how many minutes did it take Olivia to run the race?

A) 78 B) 56 C) 58

D) 74 E) 55

Source: CEMC 2020 Gauss 7 Contest Q15

Answers from February Edition:

G5: (D)

G6: (B)

G7: (C)

G8: (A)

@theHelm - page 9
Math and Geo Corners by Jimmy Li, 803



I am not alive, but I grow. I don't have lungs, but I n have a mouth, but



I am light as a feather, yet the strongest man cannot hold me for long. What am I?





1.Youwalkintoaroomthatcontainsamatch,akerosene lamp,acandleandafireplace.Whatwouldyoulightfirst?


3.Whatcanyouholdinyourlefthandbutnotinyour right?

4.I’mlightasafeather,yetthestrongestpersoncan’ t holdmeforfiveminutes.WhatamI?


live What A fir @theHelm - page 10
Let's play

Source What has a heart that 1. doesn't beat?

6. What is always in front of you but can't be seen?

2. What goes up but never comes down?

7. If an electric car is moving north at 60km/h and the wind's blowing east at 70 km/h, which way does the smoke blow?

3. I am taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?

8. The more these are taken, the more they are left behind. What are they?

4. What is full of holes but still holds water?

9. Three different doctors said that Paul is their brother, yet Paul claims he has no brothers. Who is lying?

5. What has a neck but no head and wears a cap but has no hair?

10. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?

M I N D - B O G G L I N G R I D D L E S
nA ekohcitra 2 ruoY ega 3 licneP dael 4 A egnops 5 A elttob 6 ehT erutuf 7 cirtcelE srac t'nod time ekoms 8 spetstooF 9 ehT srotcod era sih sretsis 01 ecneliS 1


Music Review

"Here Comes the Sun" - The Beatles

One of their most recognizable songs, and most recognize it just from the opening. From the great official-video looks to the amazing opening guitar, this song is definitely a hit for a spring collection.

2. "Rises the Moon" - Liana Flores

A great opening strum from guitar, with soft hints of piano, and a short intro until the vocals. This is a calm, slow song that you could listen to on repeat, and it is also a good mood soother. Because it can help you rest and be calm, I recommend this song for studying.

3. "Happy" - Pharrell Williams

A good jazzy, pop song to cheer up your day, just to lift your body up, and to just dance and clap along. This is one of the most wellknown pop songs. You can just let loose and let others know you're happy.



We created a survey that we sent out to the Middle School about students' favourite musicians. We provided ten artists and then put an "other" option. The ten artists that we chose were the top ten artists from 2022. Here are our results...

According to the Daily Music Roll: According to the Middle School:

Ed Sheeran

Billie Eilish

Ariana Grande

Taylor Swift Adele

Lady Gaga

Justin Bieber

Shawn Mendes

Dua Lipa

Camilla Cabello

Every response from our form was different so it is very difficult for us to rank them. These were the 11 different responses.

Charlie Puth



Imagine Dragons

One Republic

Justin Bieber

Ms Gutauskas

Elvis Presley

Gracie Abrams

The Weekend

Taylor Swift

@theHelm - page 13
1. 2. 3. 4 5.
7. 8. 9 10.


Recipe from Preppykitchen.com













Ilovebakingthesecookiesin thespringwithmyfamily. Ingredients: 1cupall-purposeflour 1/2tspbakingsoda 1/2cupsaltedbutterroom temperature 1/3cupgranulatedsugar 2/3cuplight-brownsugar packed 2tsppurevanillaextract (WARNING!CANSTAIN COUNTERS!) 1largeegg 11/2cupsrolledoats 1cupsemisweetchocolate chips by Ainsley Douglas, 502

Boeuf Bourguignon

A Traditional French Dish


Informations générales

Origine: Région Bourgogne de l'Est de la France Soupe d'origine: Recette des ns du Moyen-Âge

eurs: Chef Auguste ier de nourriture: Ragoût de

été vendu: Dans le e entier, mais particulièrement en France

Recette Traditionelle

Température de service: chaud Combien de temps c'est prend pour cuire: il faut trois heurs pour cuisiner.

A quelle température il est cuit: 250 °

Principaux ingrédients: les cubes de boeuf, les épices, le vin rouge

Classic French Beef Bourguignon

F its Amusants

On le trouve partout : à la maison, dans les hôtels et même dans les restaurants étoilés.

Le bœuf bourguignon n'était pas très populaire et n'était pas vendu dans les restaurants bon marché

Chaque recette est différente, mais les principes de base sont toujours les mêmes

oire d'origine oyen-Âge,lespaysansont unplatenutilisantles eauxdeviandedontilsne ientpasetlesingrédients avaientsouslamain.

En1903,lechefAuguste Escoffieramentionnéune versiondeceplatdanssonlivre decuisine.

Aufildutemps,ils'est transforméenceplatquenous avonsaujourd'hui.

Video de Recette

Recipe: BEEF


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Est-ce que vous voulez mémoriser les nombres français? Ce jeu de mots-croisés est le casse-tête parfait pour apprendre un peu de vocabulaire et pratiquer les numéros 1 à 70.

Lamar Attar & Anahita Mahdavi, 804



En1979ilyavaitunfilmdeWillyWonka&theChocolate FactoryavecGeneWildereten2005avecJohnnyDepp. Maintenantonaunnouveaufilm:Wonka.Cettehistoire seconcentresurPetitWonkaetcommentilarencontré lesOompa-Loompassurunedesespremièresaventures. AvecTimothéeChalamet(quijoueWillyWonka)etRowan Atkinson(l'acteurdeMr.Beanetbeaucoupplus)c’estun choixexcellentpourlesparentsetlesenfants.

Cefilmestunfilmfantastiquepourlesfansde SpidermanouMarvel.Lepersonnageprincipal estMilesMorales,pasPeterParker.Cefilmparle deMilesMoralesdoitcompléterunmissionpour toutl'univers.C’estlepartie2delatrilogiede SpiderMan/Spider-verse.Cefilmestsortile2 juin.

HungerGames:TheBalladofSongbirdsand SnakesestlapréquelledelasériedeHunger Games.Cettepréquelleseconcentresur64ans avantlatrilogielongtempsavantlanaissance deKatniss.Lelivreaétépubliéen2020etva êtreaucinémale17novembre2023.

Résumé de filme

Critique de filme

Nous avons regardé le film 8 rue de l'humanite pour la classe de français.

Je recommande ce film pour les personnes qui aiment beaucoup la comédie et pour les personnes qui aiment les histoires réelles.

Je pense que ce film a de bons acteurs et qu'il est très réaliste par rapport à ce qui s'est réellement passé

Je donne ce film 4 5 étoiles sur 5 parce qu'il est intéressant et amusant

Synopsis: Dude describes how much he loves someone and how he can’t wait to see them. It turns out that they were dead the entire time.

SivousaimezlejeuMario,cefilmestparfait pourvous.Danscefilm,Mariosauvesonfrère, Luigi,etlemondedeBowser.Pourl'animation, ChrisPrattestlavoixdupersonnageprincipal, Mario.Jepensequ'ilestunbonchoixpourles famillesetlesjoueursdesjeuxvidéo.Cefilm sortle5avril2023.

SivousaimezlesfilmsparPixaretDisney,jevous recommendeElementals.C’estunfilmparfaitpourles enfantsavecunemoraleimportante.Histoiresedéroule danslevilleduElementsoùleshabitantsdufeu,del'eau, delaterreetdel'airviventensemble.Lespersonnages principalestAmber(feu)etWade(L’eau).Ilsdécouvriront quebienqueleursextérieurssonttrèsdifférents,à l'intérieuqu'ilsontbeaucoupencommun.Cefilmallait sortirle16juin.

“J’aime beaucoup ma copine Elle est très belle, et gentille… Mes amis pensent que je suis bizarre et je suis louche Mais je suis amoureuse!”

Il parle à son miroir.

“Ah, ma chère Louise! À minuit, nous pouvons nous réunir!”

Il porte des beaux vêtements pour Louise. Elle aime cette chemise, et il aime la chemise aussi

Il regarde l’horloge C’est onze heures du soir Soixante minutes! Il ne peut pas attendre plus… L’homme sort Il collectionne de belles fleurs et bougies A minuit, il arrive à un petit restaurant Puis, il tourne à droite Il y a un cimetière Il a donné les fleurs à la tombe de Louise et il a arrangé les bougies Il dessine un pentagramme.

“Ma chère Louise retourne à moi!”

W o n k a
S p i d e r m a n A c r o s s t h e S p i d e rv e r s e
H u n g e r G a m e s : T h e B a l l a d o f S o n g b i r d s a n d S n a k e s E l e m e n t a l s
T h e S u p e r M a r i o B r o s M o v i e @theHelm-page17


Paris est la capitale de la France et une des villes les plus célèbres du monde Elle a plus de trente millions de visiteurs chaque année et certains des cafés les plus délicieux La tour Effiel est le monument le plus visité au monde et est situé dans le centre de Paris La tour Effiel est très jolie et un des plus anciens monuments du monde parce qu 'elle a été construite en 1887.


UnesériequiestdéjàsortieestOuterBanks. JevousrecommandederegarderOuterBankssi vousaimezl’action,l'aventureetlemystère LepersonnagedeSarahCameronesttrèsbelleet curieuse

SCHOOL in France vs. Canada

Emploi de temps:


8:05 - l‘école commence

5:00 - fini l’ecole

Mercredi - finit à 12:00

Le déjeuner est 1hr 30min

Les notes sont notées sur 20 (12/20+ est bon/moyen!)

Vacances: deux mois chaque été, et deux semaines chaque six semaines de l’école Le téléphone et la gomme sont interdits en classe ou sur le campus

En âge de conduire (avec restrictions) est 14 (non enregistrés)

Si le professeur est absent, les étudiants sont autorisés à rentrer chez eux (seulement si leurs parents sont d’accord au début de l’année)

Les enfants se soucient plus de leur vêtements que les enfants canadiens. Par exemple, les enfants français portent des robes, des jupes, et des sac a mains a l’ecole

Chaque écoles suit le programme du CI et doit obtenir son diplôme


Emploi de temps:

8:35 am - l‘ecole commence

3:15 - fini l’ecole

Nous avons des enseignants suppléants

Le dejeuner est 30min

Les notes sont notées sur 100 (80%+ est bon/moyen!)

Vacances de mars et d’hiver sont 2 semaines + 11 semaines dans l'été


Maroc - un pays francophone

LeMarocestunpaysfrancophoneau norddel'Afrique Ilya447,000 kilomètrescarrésauMaroc.Ilya34 millionsdepersonnesquihabitentau Maroc Ilsparlentl’arabe,des dialectesdeBerbère,etlefrançais.

La Nourriture:

La nourriture plus populaire est le couscous Voici les autres nourritures de Maroc:



La Géographie:

La plus grande ville de Maroc est Casablanca La capitale est Rabat Des autres villes du Maroc sont Fez, Tanger, et Marrakech Le Maroc est localisé à l’ouest du désert de Sahara Le pays est surtout dans le désert, mais il y a une chaîne de montagnes qui s ’appelle Atlas Aujourd’hui, le Maroc est une destination très populaire pour les touristes et il exporte beaucoup de fertilisants.

Thé menthe




Est-ce que vous allez visiter le Maroc?


https://en wikipedia org/wiki/List of cities in Morocco

https://tasteofmaroc com/moroccan-couscous-with-seven-vegetables/

https://www acanela com/blog/top-11-foods-to-eat-in-morocco

https://www google com/

https://www wordreference com/



LaLigue1estlaliguedefootball enFrance.Saint-Etienne, Marseille,etParis-SaintGermain ontgagnélaliguedixfois. Marseilleagagnél’UEFA championsleagueen1993,etParis SaintGermainaqualifiépourle finaleen2020.En2023,ParisSaintGermainagagnéavec soixante-neufpoints.Lensétaiten seconde,avecsoixante-trois points.JonathanDavidetKylian Mbappeontmarquéleplusde buts,avecdix-neufbuts.Lionel Messialeplusdepasses,avec quatorze.Avechuitmatches restants,çavaserésumeraufil.



QuandBeethoven devenuplusâgé,ilest devenuunalcoolique Sonpèreétaitun alcooliqueaussi.


Ilétaitencolère parcequ'ilest devenusourdet étaitrejetéparles autres


Ilétaittrésmalade parcequeilétait unalcooliqueet poisondemener causesonmort


Beethovenétait timideparcequ'il étaitrejetéparles femmes.


Ilétaitterribleen mathematiquesparcequ'il n'allaitpasal'écoleassez.





1 Iamadoorwaytoaworldoffantasyand WhatamI?


2 Iamalwaysinfrontbutneverfollow W


3 Iamalwaystherewaitingforyou,butyouneverseeme coming.WhatamI?


4.Iamfullofknowledge,butyoucannottouchme.What amI?


Answer: A nail

8. I am always on the move, but I never go anywhere. What am I?

Answer: Time.

9 I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time What am I?

Answer: The wind



Long time no see! This issue's recommendation is going to be renga poems! Renga poems are a collection of tanka verses in which, after every verse, you switch the author until you end up where you want to Tankas are five-line verses that are like haikus in the sense that every line has a set amount of syllables, which go as 5/7/5/7/7.

This is just an overall recommendation to incorporate different types of poems into your creative writing!

And as always, we have our poem prom

Living life

Eating without strife

The food on my plate

Which is made out of slate

With cheese and a grate

@theHelm-page21 byViannWhatley,704


Roald Dahl is an English author whose work is well-known by many people around the world. His books are known to be funny as well as creative. Some books he wrote are JamesandtheGiantPeach,Charlieandthe ChocolateFactory,CharlieandtheGreatGlassElevator,TheBFG,TheTwits, TheWitchesand my personal favourite, Matilda

Recently, Roald Dahl's work has undergone a significant change. Dahl died in 1990, but the Dahl estate suggested changes to his work so it is more "relevant." Editors have gone through Dahl's work changing and getting rid of things This was done to make his work more inclusive Characters have either been rewritten or their description has been changed so it doesn't include words like fat or thin. Changes that affect the characters' gender have been made too.

Here are some examples of what has been changed.

"Cloud Men"are now "Cloud People" (JamesandtheGiantPeach)

Oompa Loompas, once all male,are now gender neutral (CharlieandtheChocolateFactory)

Miss Trunchbull is now a "most formidable woman" instead of a "most formidable female" (Matilda)

"She looked as though she was going to faint," "Old screechy voice" and " 'That’s what happens to you if you’re grumpy and bad-tempered,’ said Mr. Kranky"have been removed (George'sMarvellousMedicine)

" 'She wants a good kick in the pants,' whispered Grandpa Joe" is now " 'She needs to learn some manners,' whispered Grandpa Joe" (CharlieandtheChocolateFactory)

Here is a limerick from James and the Giant Peach:

Aunt Spiker was thin as a wire, And dry as a bone, only drier. She was so long and thin

If you carried her in You could use her for poking the fire!

Here is what it was changed to:






Ifonlysheknew, Howtheabsenceofcharm





These are only a few changes out of the hundreds that were made Source


@theHelm - page

Doyouagreewiththe changes?

Here'swhatasampleofMiddleSchoolstudents(14)thinkaboutthechangesmade: Iagreewithsomebutnotothers No Yes Mabye



"Now it is more inclusive "

"This will mean that people will not get offended by Roald Dahl, and his books can still be sold around the world."

"I would change most formidable woman to most formidable person."

"Honestly I love his work but making some changes are needed especially with this day and age."


"I feel this way because it was Roald Dahl's work and they should not change it even if they thought he would agree with them."

"I think we should keep old books the same."

"I think that the ways Roald Dahl wrote his story are interesting and unique."

"The lyrics of Roald Dahl are perfect the way they are."

6 4 2 0
@theHelm - page 23

The Greats: Book Reviews by Esmé Vedelago

The greats are considered some of the best English literature in the world. Most consist of big words and laws or ways we don’t apply today. But these books still helped our world develop.

Pride and Prejudice

Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen has to be one of my favourites It’s about five sisters, but mainly the eldest two, Jane and Elizabeth Bennet. The eldest Bennet sisters are already on the English marriage market in their home country. When the distinguished and high-up Mr. Bingley comes down to the country, Jane and Elizabeth’s mother begins to attempt to secure a match. And when Mr. Bingley takes a liking to Jane, it makes everyone much happier. But Mr. Bingley’s friend, the higher-up and disagreeable Mr Darcy, seems to always be butting heads with Elizabeth Soon, Mr Darcy finds himself attracted to Elizabeth, while she just finds him infuriating With Jane’s engagement with Mr Bingley in trouble, and Elizabeth just beginning to realize her true feelings, will the two Bennet sisters find happiness and, most importantly, love?


No, the monster’s name is not Frankenstein. It’s a mistake often made. Dr. Victor Frankenstein is a brilliant and talented man, who excels in the sciences. He has a unique talent for making dead things come to life. One day he begins an experiment involving the creation of a monster. Horrified by its appearance, Victor abandons it. The monster, known only as The Creature, is an intelligent being, teaching himself to speak and read Angered at the abandonment of his creator, he seeks to find Victor When the two finally meet again, what follows is a saddening story of death, revenge, recognition, science, and the yearning for love This novel could go two ways for anyone: something you drop in the first minute or something you simply can’t put down.

Oliver Twist

Book by:

Dickens is perhaps one of the most recognized authors of our world His book Oliver Twist tells the story of a young boy who grew up in poverty, with no loving figure in his life At the workhouse where Oliver and many other young boys live, food is scarce and barely ever given out. But after drawing lots one day, Oliver is forced to ask for more. (Maybe you know the famous line, “Please sir, can I have some more?”) Asking for more certainly won’t do, so Oliver is sold off to coffin maker Mr. Sowerberry. Much pain and abuse follow before Oliver escapes from the household, running away to London. He then meets the Artful Dodger, who takes Oliver under his wing Before long, Oliver has unwittingly joined a band of thieves, led by the mysterious Mr Fagin On his first day of pickpocketing, Oliver is wrongly accused of stealing a handkerchief After being acquitted of this crime, he is taken into the home of a kind older gentleman, who is not leading a gang of young thieves, nor is he poor---quite the opposite, really. But Fagin needs Oliver back because he something that might bring down the whole operation he’s running. And when Sikes is brought into the picture, it means nothing good will come out of it.

@theHelm - page 24


**Spoiler alert**

Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle is a comedy movie with Jack Black, Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, and Karen Gillan. It’s rated PG13 and is about four kids getting sucked into a video game, and they become their selected avatars So, Spencer (Alex Wolff) became Dr Smolder Bravestone (Dwayne Johnson), Martha (Morgan Turner) became Ruby Roundhouse (Karen Gillan), Anthony (Ser’Darius Blain) became Franklin Finbar (Kevin Hart), and Bethany (Madison Iseman) became Professor Sheldon Oberon (Jack Black).

When they get sucked into the game, they have to figure out a way to restore this green crystal, taken by Russel Van Pelt (Bobby Cannavle) to a giant stone jaguar and not run out of lives, while also saving Jumanji Later on in the progression of the movie, they meet somebody named Jefferson McDonough (Nick Jonas), who was the first person to ever be in Jumanji and has been there for 20 years. He had never made it past the transportation shed, and he only had one life left. After making it to the last level (hang on, I’m almost done!), they have to take separate ways around the pathway, which is filled with jaguars Eventually, they just make it to the jaguar, and kill Russel Van Pelt The final part of the movie is when they all return to Earth, and destroy the game console.

@theHelm - page 25
Review by Declan Hammond, 604
@theHelm - page 26 NanikiDhanoa, 602 Oscar EmiliaMcCann, 504 Penny GraceRadcliffe, 604 Missy VictoriaMinetti, 701 Pizza BroderickJohnston, 602 Grey byTessaTierney, 502
@theHelm-page27 ValeriaCaruana, 702 Bella SloaneRichter, 603 Rubi DeclanHammond, 604 Georgia MiaLai, 806 Sunny JiaYoon, 503 Sky Coco AarohiBanerjee, 502

The tonight show! Starring...

emma Minetti (502) and Charlie Chou (503)

First interview:

Emma:Herewe'rewithCharlieChou.He'sour firstinterviewee.Hey,Charlie.How'sschoolat HSC?

Charlie:Ireallylikeitandeveryone'snicetome andoverallit'samazing!


Charlie:Yeah,I'mactuallyinvolvedintheMiddle SchoolChoir---andBakingClubeventhoughI haven'tbeentoitoncebecauseofChoirand otherthings.

Emma:IwastoldthatChoirhadsomesortof tournamentonThursday.Canyoutellmeabout that?

Charlie:Itwasn'tonThursdayanditwasn'ta tournament---ThursdayandFridaywereboth practicesforCISMFwhichwasaconcertatRoy ThomsonHallonSaturdaywithallthechoirs frommanydifferentschools.

Emma:Wouldyouliketosayanythingtoour viewers?



Second interview:

Emma: We are here with our second interviewee, and her name is Tessa Tierney. We're going to ask her about life at HSC with quick questions, so let's get into it. Tessa, what do you think of Choir at HSC?

Tessa: So I've been attending Choir since the beginning of the year, although I did leave it a couple of weeks ago, but for the time I was in Choir it had great and amazing directors, peers, and a great community. And I know recently they had the CISMF concert, so I'm feeling slight regret at not being able to go there, but I know that it's for the best.

Emma: OK. Our next question is a quick one. Who's better: Messi or Ronaldo?

Tessa: I don't watch soccer, but if I had to guess, I would say Messi!

Emma: Yes! Perfect answer for all of you who love Messi. You guys are the best people in the world!

@theHelm - page 28



Emma:Thenextquestionis:doyoufeelhappyat HSC?

Tessa:Yes100%.I'vebeengoingheresince2014 or2015.Everysingleyearhasjustbeengetting betterandbetter.It'sjustagreatcommunity, amazingstudents,amazingstaff.Soyeah,just reallygreatschooltoattend!

Emma:Lookatthetime.We'dbetterbegoing! Wehavetogetontoournextinterviewee.Let's go!

Third interview:

Emma: Welcome to our third interviewee. Her name is Valeria Caruana. She is here to be interviewed about school life and other clubs. Ok, so what clubs do you attend?

Valeria: I go to Track and Field and @theHelm.

Emma: Which one is your favourite out of those?

Valeria: Probably Track and Field, because I love sports.

Emma: What are you going to do at Track and Field?

Valeria: We are having a meet on Thursday. We're going to do longjump and, of course, running and other stuff.

Emma: Do you like HSC?

Valeria: Yes. I love it here.



Valeria:Probablytheextracurricularopportunities thatwehave.Like@theHelm,forwhichIamhere now,andsports,whicharereallyfunactually.

Emma:Well,wehavetogetontoourlast interviewee.



Fourth interview:

Emma:We'reherewithourlastinterviewee.Her nameisViann.We'regoingtobeaskingherabout schoollife,clubsandeverythingelse.Sohowdo youfeelaboutHSC?

Viann:Yeah.IenjoyHSC.Ilikehowmanyfieldtrips wegoon,andIenjoyhowtheteachersteach.


Viann:MyfavouritetripsofarwasprobablySt. Donat.WegottogoexploreSt.DonatinQuebec.

Emma:Thelastquestionis:whichclubsdoyougo toandwhydoyoulikethem?

Viann:So,IcurrentlygotoArtClub,BakingClub, andofcourse@theHelm.Well,Igotothem, becausefi t f ll f i d i th d lso because also enjoyar

@theHelm - page 29








@theHelm-page32 FEATUREDPHOTOS
V a l e r i a C a r u a n a , 7 0 2
Meleesa Hamzehian, 701
Priya Pavic 603 Sunset in Orlando, Florida Vishnu Gupta 804 Poás Volcano E m i l i a M c C a n n 5 0 4 S h a r k T a n k A d v e n t u r e J i a Y o o n 5 0 3 A r i a R o g e r s 7 0 3 March Break Photos!
@theHelm - page 33
Gallery by Aria Rogers (703) and

Cartoon Corner


What is Your Favourite Sports Team?

I sent out a survey to the Middle School asking about people's favourite sports teams! Although there were only 15 responses, I am thankful for the people that did do it! Thank you all!

Anyways, let's dive right in.

I asked the following questions :

What is your favourite sports team? Do you play any sports? Is one of your parents a professional athlete or used to be? If yes, which sport?

What is your favourite sport?

Patrick in grade 6 said the Toronto Raptors!

Tessa in grade 5 said the Toronto Maple Leafs!

An anonymous person in grade 8 said the Paris Saint-Germain!

Another anonymous person in grade 8 said the Gold Ice!

Do you play any sports?

An anonymous person in grade 5 wrote: "a tennis player doubles team, Roger Federer, and Rafael Nadal".

Jack in grade 8 said that he does skiing and snowboarding.

Marcus in grade 8 said that he does tennis and soccer. Saleena in grade 5 does competitive gymnastics.

Hopefully you learned something new about someone and maybe you learned about a new team! I certainly did!


MSMusic Highlights


The Fiendly Pub

It was a crisp summer night The moonlight was spilling over the bustling city of London, and Margret couldn’t help but stare at the starry sky She was thrilled, as this was not something you could commonly encounter in the city. She tore her attention from the glorious sky to the dingy pub across the cobblestone street

Fiendly Manor Pub was a run-down place with a heart of gold and was currently providing drinks to Iggy, Matthew, and Penny, Margret’s dearest friends All of which were awaiting her arrival

Margret roughly shoved the doors open to reveal Iggy swigging down what seemed to be his fifth beer, While Matthew had a silent argument with Penny.

“I refuse to spend another bit o’ my money on that damn doctor. The boy’s plenty fine, and there’ll be no need for pediatricians in my house!”

“But Matthew, Daniel needs to see the sea. His coughing has gotten worse. I swear this godforsaken air is the cause of it Please, Mathew, let me - Oh dear Margret, you finally made your way Sit down. I’ll ring you up an order o’ ale.”

Penny jumped from her stool, giving a piercing look to Matthew as she rang up an order of ale. Margret sat down and debated whether or not to bring up the pediatrician but thought better of it Matthew and Penny were hard-working people who took no one's pity money, but times were rough, and money didn’t go as far as it used to

And if that wasn’t enough, their son Daniel had caught the flu, leaving him bed-stricken with a horrible cough

With the sudden expenses, a sick son, and work hours getting longer and longer, Penny kept it no secret that she yearned to leave the city (and her husband) behind her and start again on the seaside

Margret sat quietly on her stool, sipping her ale, trying not to overhear Matthew and Penny arguing. She tried to start a conversation with Iggy, but he had one too many beers and started snoring on the counter. That’s when Matthew burst

“You stupid women don’t know what’s good for ya unless it's slapping you in the face.”

And with that, Margret heard a wicked sound and saw Penny stumble onto the floor She had a bright red mark on her face and slowly made her way to the door.

Sobered by this realization, Matthew followed her, begging for forgiveness for his actions But Margret could see Penny would have none of it and stormed out of the pub, as Matthew lumbered along close behind

Suddenly, Margret realized that the pub had been deathly silent during the scene that had just unfolded, but as soon as they had left, the mindless chatter resumed Stunned by what she had just seen, Margret glanced at Iggy to see if this had woken him from his slumber But it seemed he was still in a drunken sleep. Sighing, Margret hauled Iggy onto his feet, making a slow journey back to her apartment

It had been about a week since the pub, and there had been no connection made to Matthew or Penny by anyone else but Iggy, because he and Matthew had their daily drink back at the pub Margret had been busy lately with her latest case. The pediatrician, Doctor Merilow, had been murdered in his apartment in the dead of night The crime scene had more clues to count but no suspects in mind

Doctor Fred Merilow was an upstanding citizen who cared for others more than he did himself and never missed an opportunity to pull

his weight. He wasn’t a penny in debt, with no feuds or disagreements between himself and others.

Margret leaned further into her chair, wishing for a breakthrough in her case, but nothing came, so at around two o’clock, she decided to head down to the pub and try to drink her way to a conclusion

It was at its emptier times, as most people were still working instead of drinking, and the only people who made an appearance were the bartender, a few employees, and a handful of people who’d given up hope on finding a job. As Margret made her way to the counter, she saw Iggy in the corner, more upbeat than usual, talking quickly to someone on the other side of the phone

2:30 sharp, I’ve got it with me, and I’ll be coming in a bit Yeah, yeah, yeah, don’t get your knickers in a twist. All right, bye ”

“Iggy, who’s that you were talking to?”

The sudden appearance of Margret made him jump as he realized she was standing behind him, wearing the stern look she would have whenever she was in an interrogation, trying to get a criminal to crack Most men and women cowered under this gaze, but Iggy never did. He said she looked like a mad rabbit

“I was just conducting some business of mine Don’t worry I’ll tell you about it later. I have to rush. Meet Matthew and me here at ‘round 5, our usual drinking hour, and I’ll explain everything ”

With that, Iggy sped out of the bar to his mysterious appointment at 2:30 Margret ordered a light gin, not to go too overboard, as it had just passed noon Margret had burning questions she yearned to ask Iggy. The significance of 2:30 His sudden alertness when he saw her come. All in good time, she thought to herself


It was almost four when Margret left the pub to return home She wanted to take a bath, dress in more comfortable clothing, and take a short nap before she could return to the pub and find raging alcoholics, including her two idiotic friends, that she most certainly was going to have to carry back to their homes

It was nearly six when Margret woke up to a banging noise on her door It was the short, tubby bartender, Arnold He was in a frantic state and beckoned her to the pub

“It was so fast. One second I was pouring some drinks for the poor fellas, and the next thing I know is that he was spread out on the floor, dead as a doornail.”


“It’s Iggy, ma’am.”

She stopped dead in her tracks at the mention of his name. Margret ran towards the pub, Arnold’s words still ringing in her ears It couldn’t be Iggy She was supposed to meet him and Matthew at the pub. Maybe this was just some sick joke, and by the time she got there, he’d be on his feet laughing at her demise and offering her a drink as comfort But once she saw the scene at the pub, her false hope was squashed. The police were wheeling out someone's body, covered in a white blanket, and hauling another into a police carriage

“Officer John, please tell me it isn’t true! Please tell me that the thing on the stretcher is someone else!”

“I’m sorry, Margret”, he said with a solemn look on his face,” I’d be giving you false comfort, and to make matters worse for you, we’ve arrested Matthew on suspicion of murder ”

“No, you can’t, John. Matthew would never do something like this. He’s a family to support, and Iggy is, was his best friend!”

He wouldn’t hear anything of this and left her in front of the pub Silent tears ran down her face as she watched the carriage speed down the old cobblestone road.

In her grief, Margret snapped back to life Penny She took off in a run to tell Penny of the news. Iggy’s passing, Matthews's arrest She needed to hear it from someone close to her instead of someone else. If she had told Penny herself, Penny would be able to grieve in front of Margret instead of some stranger As Margret turned the corner to Penny’s, she suddenly saw her entering the building. This took Margret aback Where would Penny be at this time of night? She couldn’t have gone to the pub. She seldom came unless she craved a night out or a special occasion But she never went when it was Iggy and Matthews's drinking hour That was very queer, Margret thought in her head She decided to observe Penny, watching her fumble with something in her pocket and toss it into a nearby sewer.

Penny!” Margret called out, making her look wildly around “Penny, it’s me, Margaret. I have dreadful news. Iggy’s dead, and they arrested Matthew as a suspect Penny, you must go to him They’ll bring him into interrogation any moment, and he needs you. I’ll watch over Daniel while you go Penny, stop with that dumbfounded look on your face and hurry about!”

But she stayed in the same spot, a shocked look on her pale face “But Iggy… No, he can’t be. That couldn’t have happened.”

“Penny, go to the jail and be there for your husband. I’ll watch Daniel while you're gone.”

Penny looked at Margret with solemn eyes, shaking a bit while her mouth twitched.

No need, Margret. I sent him on a train to my parent's house He needs the clean air, and I didn’t - I mean, I don’t want him to be around this ”

That disrupted Margret's thoughts What did Penny mean when she said she didn’t want Daniel around this? The news of Iggy’s passing had only occurred moments before Margret tore through the town to deliver the news of his passing. Something was off, and Margret was going to find out She bade good night to Penny and headed to her apartment, puzzled beyond reason. Did Penny plan for Daniel to leave the city days before this even occurred? Or perhaps she misspoke and meant it was convenient that he wasn’t here to witness the occurrence? But it still made no sense So Margret decided to do the thing all reasonable detectives did. She looked for answers

Margret woke bright and early. She put on her tattered running boots and trousers, then tucked her long hair into a hat, successfully disguising herself as a man. She could get better information this way Oh well

Margret put on her coat and headed to the train station. The station was busy during the morning, but this was London It would never be silent Margret stopped at the railway operator and put her detective skills to work

"Scuse me, sir, have you seen a woman with her young lad?”

“I see plenty of people buying tickets with their little ones. You’ve got a picture of them?”

Yes, just a moment.” She fumbled in her pocket for her wallet and grabbed a picture of Penny and Daniel

“Ah yes. The lass came with her boy and bought two tickets, for herself and the little one The next day I saw the boy come with a man The boy got on the train and headed for the coast.

Cont'd from p. 37

The man stayed there and left the platform when the train left the station.”

That poked a hole in Penny’s story Daniel left a few days ago, not that night, accompanied by a man, not a woman Margret pulled out a picture of Matthew to show the operator

“Was it this man?” she said as she showed him the picture

“Sorry lad, the man who took the young one on the train was entirely different Hang on a moment That's the man I saw ”

He pointed to the picture of Iggy Margret froze for a moment How could this man have seen Iggy bring Daniel to the station?

“Are you sure that this man is whom you saw?”

“I’m sure of it That man came with the young one ‘round 2:30 in the afternoon Then...” he pointed to Iggy’s photo, “ he waited with him at the platform for the train ”

“Thank you for your help, sir.”

She then returned home with more questions than answers.

It wasn’t Penny or Matthew who brought Daniel to the station It was Iggy. Margret's head was swimming with questions It made sense now, the phone call Iggy had on the last day he was alive

Lately, Margret had been working on two cases: solving the murder of the pediatrician, Fred Merilow, and the murder of her dear friend, Iggy. The C O D results for the pediatrician had been a blunt force trauma to the head multiple times. But Iggy’s report was still under review Margret wondered what could have killed him It couldn’t have been any natural

causes, or Matthew wouldn’t be in the local jail. No one shot or stabbed him. She knew this because when she went to identify the body, there were no fresh marks on his head, chest, or stomach Margret was stumped, so she decided to head to Penny’s Even though Margret was suspicious of her, she wanted to get away from the case, and by going to Penny’s, she could keep her under close watch

Margret arrived at around noon, and Penny eagerly invited her in By this time, it was about lunch, so Penny fixed her something in the kitchen. They sat down in her compact living room. They munched on some sandwiches and drank tea They finished, and Margret decided to discard the leftover crusts as Penny put away the dishes When throwing away the crusts, Margret noticed the top of a glass bottle sticking out of the compost That was unusual for Penny because she always kept compost and garbage in separate bins, always getting annoyed whenever someone would mix them up.

Secretly, Margret dug it out of the bin. It was familiar, and Margret realized it was the same shape and color as the bottle Penny had thrown down the sewer a few days before Margret read the label - Morphine In red bolded letters.

“Whatever are you doing?” a voice behind her asked

“Nothing Penny. I accidentally mixed the compost with the rubbish I just need to fish it out ” Margret replied as she carefully placed the bottle in her pocket

Penny gave her a sour look but turned away The recent days had taken a toll on her The sudden arrest of her husband, Iggy’s death, and the departure of Daniel left Penny working longer hours to keep up with rent. There was always an empty apartment awaiting her arrival at the end of her

shifts It might have been why she was eager to invite Margret in, despite their last interaction leaving the both of them uneasy

Margret followed Penny to the table, careful to depict her next moves

“Penny dear, how has Daniel been fairing? I know you’ve had problems paying the pediatrician, don’t try to deny it “Penny looked at her with a slight surprise.“ I know you hate borrowing money, but do try to push away your pride ”

Penny stood up warily from her chair. An almost calm expression on her face.

“Margret, you needn’t worry about giving money to pay for the pediatrician Our pediatrician was called Fred Merilow Do you recognize that name?"

“How would you know that name?.” Daniel’s pediatrician was the man whose murder Margret was currently investigating. Suddenly, Margret’s face went cold

“Penny, Mr Merilow’s murder is not known to the public What do you know?”

Penny showed nothing on her face but a strain. As if she was trying to hold back a smile

“Dear Margret Who do you think killed him?”

Her stomach dropped It was as if someone took out her organs and replaced them with lead.

“Penny, do you realize what you’ve just confessed!”

A wave of confusion washed over Penny’s face, then she looked shocked.

“Margret, that’s not what I meant! I know who killed him. It was Matthew.”

@theHelm-page39 Cont'd from p. 38

Cont'd from p. 39

The silence washed over them Confusion, riddled with disgust, washed over Margret.

“What happened that night? Tell me the truth, and you can do without that hideous smile on your face ”

“Well, it started like this. The night Matthew struck me in the pub, I hurried home. The embarrassment was overwhelming When I got home, Daniel was in a coughing fit I tried to give him the medicine, morphine. But the bottle was empty I hurried to Mr Merilow’s home office to get more, but Matthew beat me there. His door was hanging by its screws When I went in, it was horrific Matthew was in the corner, battering the poor man in a rage, blood everywhere His eyes were blank It was as if some wild animal had control of him. He suspected my affair, but he thought it was with the pediatrician When he’d finished with Mr Merilow, he turned to me. I was petrified, Margret I thought he intended to kill me He came forward, a metal club in his hand, and spoke. He said this is what happened to unfaithful men and women ” Penny gulped as tears formed in her eyes. ‘H-He asked if I deserved this fate Oh, Margret, I was petrified I remember shaking my head, him dragging me home by my arm. When we got home that night, I burned his blood-stained clothes on the stove as he watched me like a predator stalking his prey So then I decided that if I was to escape, I needed Daniel out first I told Iggy about my plan. I told him what Matthew did Iggy was hell-bent on telling you, but I needed Daniel out of here first. Iggy took him to the train station as I took a bottle of morphine from Merilow’s office. I went to the pub and poured it into Matthew’s drink, but as you can see, I put it in the wrong cup."

“You killed Iggy,” Margret whispered

“Accidents do happen, Margret I just wish that the outcome hadn’t been Iggy six feet under.”

Suddenly, Margret heard police banging at the door.

“Oh, I forgot to mention Before you came here, I decided to visit my dear husband Matthew in jail He was fine and cleared to leave, but a pistol to his skull fixed that mistake ”

Penny smiled brighter than ever as she drew out her pistol and wiped off the red substance on its muzzle. Margret looked at her with no emotion

“Penny, what about your son?”

She drew her face near Margret’s, until she was inches away

“My love, did you not think I had a plan? How you underestimate me, Margret. Behind the cellar, there’s a hatch that leads into the sewers, and just above one of the sewer grates is my brother Emmanuel, waiting for us in a carriage to take us to my mother’s in Brighton From there, we can grab Daniel and start anew But only if you agree ”

Margret flashbacked to that past few years. When she and Penny first met, the countless glances, their night’s together, the nights when they were free as birds but still chained in the sky It still gave her butterflies

“Penny, my dearest love, the day I say no to you will be the day hell freezes over ”

She giggled and scooped Margret's arm into hers. They rushed through the hatch into the sewers and then into the carriage, free as birds, no longer chained to the sky

Then the police kicked down the door


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