@theHelm | Vol 6 | Issue 2

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Animal Edition

Hillfield Strathallan College - Middle School Student Newspaper


03 Comet Sighting! 04 E-Week Interviews

10 The Importance of Inclusive Spaces

08 What Came First? The Egg! Survey Results

17 Fibonacci Day

19-20 How-to: Canva Basics & Birthday Cards

21 How-to: Write Fiction - a new approach

28 Eras Tour: The Stage Dive! 37 Left-handers REGULARFEATURES

03 December Calendar 04 E-Week Interviews

05 Student Spotlight

06-8 Sports News: Football (soccer) 08 Animal Jokes

09 2SLGBTQIA+ Vocab Corner

18 Well-being: Best Way to Make Friends this Year

22 Debate: Skirts vs Dresses

26-28 Book Reviews

29-32 Album and Song Reviews 32 Movie Review 33 Game Reviews 34-35 Recipes


15 Guess the Country & Volleyball Drills to Try 16 Math Corner

36 Pranks to Try at Home

37-40 Survey Results

41 Word Search

23-26 Poetry & Short Fiction

Lemon Shark

Lemon Shark Appearance

Lemon Shark Facts

Lemon sharks blend in with the sand.

Lemon sharks can grow up to between 7 9 and 10 2ft These sharks weigh about 90kg in adulthood. These sharks are yellow and white with two dorsal fins which both are the same size

These sharks are not that aggressive compared to other sharks They do well in captivity They tend to live in Mangrove habitats by Katrina Genov 601

Lemon Shark source

Acometvisibleto passedEarth.Ifyoudon’tknowwhata cometis,itisabrightglowingballinthe sky,whichhasalongtail.Scientifically,the “ball”isanucleusandthe“tail”isdust emittedfromthenucleus.Thediameterof acomet’snucleusisusuallyafew kilometres.Incontrast,acomet’stailcan stretchoutmillionsofkilometres,some evenbeing100sofmillionsofkilometres long.Wecanseecometswiththenaked eyewhencometsgetclosetothesun.

Thisisbecausethelightfromthesun makesthecometbrighter,andtheheat letsthecometemitmoredustintospace, formingamorevisibleandvibranttail behindit.Acometismadeofice,dust, anddirtgatheredintoaclump.

Thisspecificcometwasdiscoveredin January2023andbecamevisiblethenext yearinOctober.Youdidn’tneedany telescopetoseethis.Isawitmyself!

Birthstone: Tanzanite


E-Week (Camp Timberlane )Interviews

Charlie Chou 703 and Avery Johnson 704 Charlie’s

Interview with Everett Uzelac

Charlie: What do you think about E-Week at Timberlane?

Everett: I think it was a great experience; the staff nailed it, and it was really an opportunity you couldn’t get at any other place, even at other camps It was really good, and I really enjoyed it

Charlie: Would you go back if you could? If so, for how long?

Everett: I would go back, but while I was there, my cabin got a little messy at the end of it. If I knew we were going for the long-term, I’d probably go for a week or two just to get the full experience and to be able to do some of the fun stuff again

Charlie: If you could change one thing about EWeek, what would it be?

Everett: It would be some of the regulations, but some of the regulations like safety, now, safety is a number-one priority. But sometimes, it got a little extreme, like when we were in the water or doing the rope swing or just whatever It was just a little tight, you know?

Charlie: What was your favourite thing about EWeek?

Everett: I’m probably going to say the giant rope swing was a really cool experience - or just being in the cabin with my friends.

Interview with Tessa Tierney

Charlie: What do you think about E-Week at Timberlane?

Tessa: It was really, really good in Grade 6, so I don’t think it was quite as good as Grade 7. But it’s still on track for being the best week of my school year!

Charlie: Would you go back if you could? If so, for how long?

Tessa: Honestly, I’m thinking of asking my parents if I can go back in the summer - only for just like a week, though

Charlie: If you could change one thing about Timberlane what would it be?

Tessa: I would have preferred to have a say in my cabin group because, at the time, I wasn’t really friends with anyone there, but looking back on it, I’m actually happy that I had the cabin members I did because I became really good friends with some of them

Charlie: What was your favourite part of E-Week?

Tessa: Honestly, I can’t pick a favourite It was all so good, but I really loved the talent show at the end of the week. It was all so fun

Interview with Rishaan Gupta

Charlie: What do you think about E-Week at Timberlane?

Rishaan: It was fun and I enjoyed it

Charlie: If you could go back, would you? If so, for how long?

Rishaan: I would go back for the same amount of time

Charlie: If you could change one thing about E-Week, what would it be?

Thisisthevideo iformofthe nterviews.

Rishaan: I would change that we could go in the water more often, and for longer.

Charlie: What was your favourite thing about E-Week?

Rishaan: My favourite thing was probably playing soccer during free time


This month’s student spotlight is on Priya in Grade 8!

Priya is one of our executive ambassadors. She is the host ambassador.

She is also a regular ambassador and often attends open houses.

Her favourite colour is purple.

She first joined HSC in 2013 and she is an HSC Lifer.

She loves the show Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Priya wants to be a physician when she grows up

She has four pet fish, named Sunny (or Luci, depending on the mood), Sky, Clementine, and Lavender

Katrina genov

Katrina is a jovial 6th-grader. She loves to draw and participates in the HSC choir and the musical. Her visual and performance arts skills are both off the charts!

Nava anvari

Nava loves M u r d e r D r o n e s it’s her favourite series. She is an amazing singer and actor with a very exuberant personality. Nava is participating in this year's musical, too!



The FA Cup

The FA Cup is England’s premier football cup competition

124 teams take part from the qualifying rounds to the final The winner of the FA Cup in the 2024 was Manchester United Teams from the National League North and South to the Premier League take part in the Cup.

The final is played at England’s biggest stadium, Wembley. The stadium is also the place where the trophy is kept. The winner of the FA Cup qualifies for the Europa League, unless they qualify for the champions league.

Jawaad Jaffer 602

TheMostUnderrated TeamsinFootball


1. Adana Demirspor: Adana Demirspor has a good history in the Turkish Süper Lig and is a challenge to face with good youth talent on the team.

3 Casa Pia: Casa Pia flies under the radar of big giants in Liga Portugal, often being seen as an underdog.

2 Columbus Crew: Columbus Crew has a good ball playing style and a strong striker, Cucho Hernandez, in the MLS.

(Honourable mentions: FC Schalke 04, and Rapid Bucuresti)

4 Hearts: Hearts in the Scottish Premiership has a rich history but is often overshadowed by teams like Celtic and Rangers


What is this league?

The Vanarama National League is a football league in England. It is the fifth level of English football, just below the English Football League. Teams in this league play against each other to try and move up to higher leagues. The league is called "Vanarama" because it is sponsored by a company with that name. The teams come from all over England, and they compete to be the best in the league.

Why is it important?

The Vanarama National League is important because if you do well in this league, you will get to professional, higher leagues

What are Manchester United’s positive attributes?


Firstofall,AmadDiallo’sperformances havebeengreat,especiallythelink-up playfromBrunoFernandes.Amadhas beenplayingbothdefensivelyand offensivelywithhustle.

Animals Jokes

This is based on their recent performance

Secondly,RubenAmorim hasboostedtheresilience ofthesquad.

Finally,ManchesterUnitedhas hadgoodaggressionwithoutthe ball,whichmeanstheyhave beengreatdefensivelyrecently. However,sometimes,theymake sillymistakesandallowtheother teamtoscore.

What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper? ffuR

Why are dogs like phones? esuaceB yeht evah relloc DI

Why are elephants so wrinkled? diD uoy reve yrt ot nori ?eno

What is a bunny's motto? t'noD eb ,dam eb !yppoh

HSCvotesthe eggcamefirst! Breaking News!






Youmightrecallbeingaskedtobringareusablewaterbottletoschool.Andwhileafewyearsago, onefamilymighthaveownedmaybe5or6waterbottlestotal(morethanenoughtosatisfytheir needforwater),today,it’snotuncommontoseepeoplewithover50reusablewaterbottles

First,Ithinkit’simportanttolookatthesaying, "reduce,reuse,recycle"Thefirstwordis reduce.Whileusingfewerplasticwater bottlesisclearlybeneficial,manypeoplenow collectwaterbottlesasnovelties,withthe illusionthatit’sstillgoodfortheenvironment. However,reducingourneedtoproduceand discarditemsshouldbethefirstpriority.Even thoughwecanreusethesewaterbottles multipletimes,it'sunrealistictoexpectone persontouseanduse50waterbottlesin theirlifetime.

Lookingatthestatistics,it’sclearthatthis trendisn'thelpingreducethenumberof single-useplasticwaterbottleseither. Globally,onemillionsingle-useplasticwater bottlesareconsumedeveryminute.Sowhile weareconsumingmorereusablewater bottlesthanever,wearealsocontinuingto usetoomanysingle-useplasticwaterbottles

Thisiswheretheoverconsumptioncomesin: thesewaterbottlesarenotbeingpurchased outofnecessitybutarebeingpurchasedfor otherreasons.Manyofthesereasonscanbe tracedbacktosocialmedia.Aconstant streamofnewtrendsandmust-haveitems hasturnedwaterbottlesintofashion statementsandsymbolsofstatus

Peopleoftenfeelforcedtocontinue purchasing,asthere’salwaysanextcoolthing Ibelievethisiswhylargewaterbottle collectionsarebecomingasymbolof overconsumption.Whatstartedasapractical needforwaterandsustainabilityhasbeen commercializedandturnedintoatrend.

ThisresonateswithmeparticularlybecauseI ampartofthegenerationdrivingthistrend.It's crucialforpeopletounderstandwhat’s happeninginourworldandwhy I'vefound myselfcaughtupintrendsandmarketingfrom thesebrands,butbeingawareoftheir strategies,recognizingtheimpact,and remindingmyselfoftheitemsIalreadyhave thatstillservetheirpurposehelpsmestay grounded.

Anystepstowardsustainabilityarepositive andmanyusethisasanargument However, giventhatthisformofoverconsumptionisn't addressingtheunderlyingissueormakinga significantimpact,it’shardtoarguethatitisn’t becomingadifferent,perhapslarger,problem.

Sobeforepurchasingsomethingnew,ask yourself,"WhydoIwantthisparticularitem? WillIrealisticallyuseitforover10years?"

Bisexual: Refers to individuals who are attracted to people of two or more genders.

Transgender: Describes individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.

Queer: A term used by some individuals to describe their sexual orientation or gender identity that does not conform to societal norms.

Intersex: Refers to individuals born with variations in sex characteristics that do not fit typical definitions of male or female.

The Importance of Queer and Inclusive Spaces

by Catey Chan 801

Queer and inclusive spaces, like our Inclusivity+ Club and gender-neutral bathrooms at HSC, are essential in all places. These spaces and communities make people feel welcome and safe in many locations where they might not otherwise feel that way.

Keeping facilities like gender-neutral bathrooms in common areas and accessible locations, much like male/female bathrooms would be, makes people feel comfortable and eliminates the need to ask. Many people do not feel comfortable coming out to strangers, especially when it is for something that should be as simple as using the washroom.

Similarly, queer clubs, sports leagues, and communities are also extremely important. They give people spaces to explore, learn together, and feel included in a community of people who have similar experiences and identities. Especially in sports, many times it is divided into men's and women’s leagues, making many genderqueer people feel unaccepted or uncomfortable.

GLSEN’s 2019 National School Climate Survey shows that 59 1% of LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation: 42.5% because of their gender expression and 37.4% because of their gender. 17.1% of students reported having changed schools because they felt unsafe or uncomfortable.

It is unacceptable for queer students, openly queer or not, to feel unsafe and uncomfortable in their daily school life just because of their identity. Ensuring that everyone feels welcome is necessary for every community.

Communities and facilities, like the ones mentioned here, help foster community and safety, with the goal of making everyone feel valued and respected at all times.

Community Commons - Catey Chan 801

Pet Corner

Eesha Balakrishnan 801

Biscuit & Chocolate

Bea and Evie Dawn 502/701

Mocha, 4 years

Jia Yoon 703

Coco, 3 years

Kiwi, 12 years

Duncan Hines 503

QQ, 4 years

Leo Chen 704

Penny, 3 years

Avery Ferris, 803

Winnie, 3 years

Coco Chanel & Opium

Eliza Hutton 703

Mayhem, 15 years

Ainsley Douglas, 704

Connie Stubbs 604
Aarohi Banerjee 704



Squirrels are quite interesting animals Let’s look deeper into a few things about them

Feeding Habits:

Squirrels pass on a lot of their genetics to their children

Most squirrels are grey or brown However, there can also be black A black squirrel is usually caused when a grey or brown breeds with a fox squirrel, which doesn’t happen that often The black squirrel, no matter what it breeds with, would probably have a grey or brown squirrel

Learn more about squirrels here






A fennec fox has a coat with long, soft, and thick fur in colours like reddish cream to light fawn to almost white Their undersides are pure white, and their tails are bushy and fluffy with black tips


Fennec foxes live in the Sahara, from Morocco and Mauritania to northern Sudan, through Egypt and its Sinai Peninsula It inhabits small sand dunes and vast treeless sand areas with sparse vegetation such as grasses


Fennec foxes are omnivores so they eat insects like grasshoppers and locusts - also small rodents, lizards, birds and their eggs They will also consume roots, fruits and leaves, which help them to hydrate Some fennec foxes bury their prey for later use


Fennec foxes are primarily nocturnal, being more active during the cooler nighttime hours This behaviour helps them escape the extreme Saharan heat and reduces water loss through panting A fennec fox digs its den in sand, either in open areas or places sheltered by plants with stable sand dunes


African horned owl species such as the pharaoh eagle-owl prey on fennec fox pups Reports exist about caracals, jackals, and striped hyenas also preying on the fennec fox But fun fact: according to nomads, the fennec fox is fast and changes directions so well that even their salukis are hardly ever able to capture it

Squirrels usually come in small groups to a place where there is food Usually, one squirrel just comes ahead to get food. The other squirrels see that the first squirrel got food, so they want to drive that squirrel away so they can get the food They try to do this, but the first squirrel just comes back They often end up just eating alongside each other, while more squirrels come

Duck Nutrition


Fish & Shellfish - these contain nutrients vital to the health and development for any breed of ducks Fish and shellfish provide protein and healthy fats

Insects and other Invertebrates - Invertebrates are an excellent source of a variety of nutrients. They are rich in healthy fats

Amphibians - High in protein, with a moderate healthy fat content

Plants, Fruits & Berries - lack the protein and fat content, reducing growth They are full of fructose for quick energy

Grains, Nuts & Seeds - lacking in the complete proteins ducks require for a healthy diet, but carbs provide instant energy

adaptations and is often unfairly judged by its appearance Found in the dark depths of the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans, blobfish lack muscles and scales, and their flabby, acidic skin helps them evade predators Sadly, only about 420 of them remain They are often labelled the ugliest creatures, but this is mainly when they are out of the water, as their skin flops and decompresses, which changes their appearance

Pandas are large bears that live in Central China. They eat bamboo, and on average, weigh about 300 pounds. Surprisingly, newborn panda cubs are as big as a stick of butter, although they can grow to be as long as 4-5 feet! Japan’s oldest known panda in captivity was Ling Ling, who unfortunately died at age 70 in human years.

With bamboo becoming scarce and panda habitats shrinking, panda populations are slowly declining. Before, pandas lived in Sichuan, China. Then one panda went to a place called Yunnan where he acted as a scout for a new perfect environment. If it came back to Sichuan safely, the whole panda community would know that Yunnan is a safe place, but when the panda arrived at Yunnan, it got killed. So then the panda population decreased.


Source Source



One tip that I find useful for overhand serving is making the toss right in front of your hitting hand and also making sure that you contact the ball at the highest point.

One drill I find useful for this is tossing the ball up, and instead of hitting it, you make sure that your hand is touching the ball at the highest point.

Another thing to keep in mind is to hit the ball as hard as you can


One thing that I find useful to do at home is to volley against the wall.

Something that I find also that is useful is volleying with one hand against the wall It helps with tipping the ball over and just overall I find it helps me with volleying.

Tessa Tierney 701 G r a d e 5 G r a d e 6

I f I a m b r i n g i n g i n O r e o s f o r m y c l a s s o f 1 5 , a n d e a c h p a c k c o m e s w i t h 1 2 O r e o s , w h a t i s t h e m i n i m u m a m o u n t o f p a c k s I c a n b u y s o t h a t t h e r e a r e n o l e f t o v e r s ?

B o n u s : H o w m a n y O r e o s w o u l d e a c h p e r s o n g e t ?

M A T H M A T T E R S G r a d e 78 2 5 3 1 0 . 5 4 1 8 5 2 7 . 5 6 3 9

T h e a n s w e r s w i l l b e i n t h e n e x t i s s u e .

F i n d t h e m i s s i n g a n g l e : 1 2 2 ° 3 5 ° ?

B o n u s : W h a t i s y i f x i s 3 0 ?

C a t e y C h a n M a t h C o r n e r

O c t o b e r ’ s a n s w e r s

T h i s i s g o i n g t o b e a r e c u r r i n g s e r i e s a b o u t

d i f f e r e n t c o n c e p t s i n m a t h b e c a u s e ‘ m a t h m a t t e r s ’ . E x p o n e n t s :

E x p o n e n t s a r e n o t j u s t m u l t i p l i c a t i o n , b u t r e p e a t e d m u l t i p l i c a t i o n .

F o r t o d a y I w i l l u s e 3 ² a s t h e e x a m p l e .

F i r s t i s t h e b a s e , w h a t e v e r n u m b e r i s b e i n g

m u l t i p l i e d . I t c a n b e a n y n u m b e r . I n 3 ² , 3 i s t h e b a s e .

S e c o n d i s t h e e x p o n e n t o r p o w e r , h o w e v e r m a n y t i m e s t h e b a s e w i l l b e m u l t i p l i e d b y i t s e l f . I n 3 ² , 2 i s t h e e x p o n e n t o r p o w e r . T h r e e w o u l d b e m u l t i p l i e d b y i t s e l f t w o t i m e s , 3 * 3 . E x a m p l e s : 4 ⁴ = 2 5 6 = 4 * 4 * 4 * 4



Fibonacci Day is an annual holiday to honour Leonardo Bonacci.

He is known as Leonardo of Pisa, or more popularly, Leonardo Fibonacci.

While Fibonacci is not his last name, it is a contraction of filo Bonacci, meaning the son of Bonaccio.


November 23 is Fibonacci day because when the date is written in the mm/dd format (11/23), the digits in the date form a Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3.


A Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where a number is the sum of the two numbers before it. For example: 1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 14...is a Fibonacci sequence.


CateyChan 801


EveryschoolyearIchallengemyselftomakeatleastthreenewfriends.Lastyear,Imadeover 10!Evenasareturningstudent,it’salwaysgoodtomakenewfriends.Soherearesometips!

Introduceyourself andshowyour friendlinessto others.


Includeeveryone, whetheroutsideorin theclassroom.

Takeopportunities, likeE-Week,to interactwithnew peopleinotherclasses.

Talkaboutyour interests-maybe someoneelsehas themtoo.

Attendclubsand activiteswith peoplewhoshare yourinterests

Start with the mindset that you can make friends!

Sitwith someone newat lunch.

Beconfidentin yourself-talkingto peoplecanbescary.

Setagoalto talktonew people.

Ifyouknow youget nervous, bringa friend alongtoo.

Find the Design tab. This is where you can find templates or colours for your work!

Click the search button and search, for example, for “pigs”

For instance, let’s make our page pink for the pigs (click on the colour templates of your liking)

Then find an image that is to your liking.

C a n v a

f o r A N Y O N E W H O N E E D S T H E E X T R A H E L P !

Let us put a heading and some body text. Click the Text button on your left 3rd option. After that, click the elements tab and flip to the next page. (Everything is similar to Google docs)

Let us start off with using which template you want to use. Click this button...

Then select a template (this is on a poster template)

Tips on How to Make a Birthday Card on Canva!

Canva offers several templates, but if you wish to design cards yourself, here is the tutorial! If you wish to use a template, here is the link. (you can also search for it with Google)

Choose your size:

It should be the size of your printer paper and horizontal!

Divide in half:

Split your page in half vertically if you want a traditional card shape (not required). Remember, the design page should be horizonal.

Split up your page:

Add boxes behind text and images to clearly divide space.

Add graphics, like birthday cakes, presents, and balloons.

If the card is for someone close to you, maybe include images of yourself with that person. The benefit of it being online is you can import anything personal images.

Customize everything. Even with a template, you can always change fonts, colours, and messages.

These just make your card more personal, and let you use Canva to its full potential.

Decorate: Decorations are a personal choice, but I will give my suggestions.


Writing fiction is an incredible creative outlet that not only inspires creativity but also enhances essential skills like writing proficiency, critical thinking, communication, and emotional expression.

Writing has become one of my favorite activities; I spend several hours writing fiction each week and find it very relaxing. However, it wasn’t always this way.

Like many, I once found writing intimidating. Over time, I have changed my approach and mindset.

Instead of attempting to write a full story immediately, I began by creating six characters and a setting. Rather than committing to a single overarching plot, I placed these characters in various situations, allowing myself the freedom to explore and be creative with their stories. If I ever ran out of ideas or grew dissatisfied with an outcome, I simply continued writing underneath and started something new.

While this method doesn’t necessarily result in a completed book, it provides a fulfilling creative outlet and allows for self-expression through writing. Whenever I feel bored, I can effortlessly switch to writing about something that piques my interest.

I find I now have a very deep understanding of my characters' personalities, thoughts, feelings, and actions. This process has allowed me to connect with my writing in ways I couldn’t previously.

While for some people, writing one story will work, if you find you can’t just stick to one thing, give this method a try.

Skirts vs Dresses

Team Skirts Team Dresses

Skirts are better and more practical. They may be newer than dresses and how long they have been around. Shorter skirts may be looked down upon because of certain connotations, but longer and shorter skirts are more practical. It is way easier for you to move around contrary to dresses where you have to bunch up your dress (if it is a puffy one) or do some weird run/walk when wanting to go somewhere quickly. Also they can be worn to both casual and formal events and fit in anywhere.

Dresses have been given recognition and appreciated for over 5000 years. Although their designs have changed drastically, people’s opinions towards this form of clothing have not changed one bit. Dresses can be worn at formal occasions and are often seen as elegant. Furthermore, they can be flattering on every body type, whether you're curvy, skinny, pregnant, athletic or anything in between. There are so many different styles to choose from: cut-outs, stretchy or a super-flowy fit, there is bound to be a dress that looks amazing on just about everyone.

RabbitinaTopHat Georges&Toenail


Once upon a Time...

(did I get it right this time?)


There lived an armadillo named Toenail, who had no friends, no parents, no mentor, and lots of bullies. One time, when he was being pushed around, he fell off a short cliff, right into an open vat of AARON’S MARVELOUS SUPERGLUE. So, now a sad armadillo without a friend in the world was covered in superglue, and when he fell out of the vat - straight into a pile of disgusting hair - he was not a happy camper. Now he was rolling down a hill straight towards Dung Place.


screeched a moswalbear named Gilbert.

“YAAAAARGH!” Toenail squealed as he rolled, covered in stuff like bark, wrappers, deranged chickens, you know, the usual forest stuff. Toenail hit a bump and flew straight towards a pile of mud where a cat named donkey laughed at him and said “Do that again, Mr. Ingrown!“


Toenail exclaimed, and then he ate goats before walking into the spoon and making a living there.



Thereoncewere5000-octillionbabiesnamedGeorgewhoall knewhowtospeakperfectEnglishatbirth.

Afterbeingborn,theywereimmediatelyplacedintoapitchblackroomwheretheywouldremainfortherestoftheirfirst eighteenyearsoflife.Andinthatprison,theyremained,allof themconstantlywatchingthemovieFrozen.Sonow,whatwe haveisabunchofkids,namedGeorge,watchingFrozentheir wholechildhood-allofthemhadthescriptmemorizedby heartandtheycouldonlyspeakinlinesfromFrozenAfterthey turned18,theystartedrandomlyteleportingtoplacesallover LopsidedMushroom.





NavaAnvari 705

what are they?

CalicoCrittersarelittlefigureswith movablearms,legs,andhead.Some peoplecollectthem,butIpersonallyenjoy dressingthemupindifferentclothes.

Where to buy?

Asapersonwhodoescollect CalicoCritters,Iknowthat youcanprobablyfindthem atanylocaltoystore.

Short Story - Part 2

Afterdelicatelyslippingoffherwornshoesand puttinghertoesinthelukewarmwater,Sophiefelt thefamiliartuggingsensationandrelaxedasherfeet turnedintoascaledtail Sherelaxedherlimbsasshe waspulleddownunderneaththesurface Itwasa completelydifferentview Unlikethepeacefuland quietsurface,thisworldwasfulloflife-somany differentcreatures Seeminglynaturally,Sophie swamtowardsthebottomofth d handtic

Mary’s Baking Day

Today Mary is baking chocolate-chip cookies

But Mary does not know how to bake


ButMarydoesnotknowwhatmaterialsto get!Marywantstobakecookiesforher familyasasurpriseforwhentheycomehome

Mary grabs some utenstils first.

Mary does not know what to get now

Mary grabs some chocolate chips, flour, sugar and baking powder.

Mary mixes all her ingredients together and puts them in the oven.

Mary opens the oven after 30 minutes she is very shocked Mary realizes that she has not made cookies

She has made something else!

Sophiemadeherselfanecklaceoutofan extraordinary-lookingpearl.Unlikealltheother jewelsshehadseen,thisoneseemedtogiveoffan irresistibleradiance Withdelight,shegentlyputthe pearlnecklacearoundherneck Shelookedupand realizeditwastimeforhertoreturntothesurfaceandreality Sophiesighedandallowedthecurrents topickherupandascendedtowardsthesurface By thetimeshegotneartothetop,shecouldalready glimpsevagueshadowsofthecloudlessnightsky.

Mary decides to taste it anyway... She loves it! Mary may have not made cookies, but she has made her own recipe. Mary is proud of her recipe she thinks her time has paid off!

Short story by Kiara Mishra 503




r e l a t a b l e p a r t s I t b r e a k s y o u r h e a r t , o n l y t


a f e w v u l g a r w o r d s , I w o u l d r e c o m m e n d t h i s

b o o k f o r k i d s 1 2 a n d u p . Z o e m i g h t s e e m c o l d

a n d d e s p i c a b l e , b u t s h e h a s t h e s w e e t e s t

p e r s o n a l i t y t o w a r d t h o s e w h o m s h e l o v e s S h e

h e l p


Demon Slayer: Cruelty


In Taisho-era (1912-1926) Japan, Tanjiro Kamado goes out to sell charcoal, but while he was out, his family dies from a demon attack. His younger sister Nezuko is still alive, but ends up transforming into a demon Tanjiro searches to find and punish Muzan, the demon who kills Tanjiro’s family, and cure Nezuko.


Allan Stratton says that in the brainstorming of the book, he thought of his mother, who died of Alzheimer’s disease His mom absolutely hated the idea of being put in a home After all of his thinking, the character, Granny, was born!


Ogunbo 802



The book is downright stunning. Its artwork is excellent, its story is crisp, and it’s a mustread for a manga lover like me.

I am huge fan of the series. I rate this book a solid 10/10




PercyJacksonandTheLightningThiefisabouta12-year-oldboynamedPercyJackson,who isalreadyinhis6thboardingschool!It’snotreallyhisfault-hejustcan’thelpthebadthings thathappentohim It’snotlikeheaskedthatmantotrytokidnaphimorforthatfountain tomakeawave Theseweirdthingsjusthappentohim Then,oneday,afterhe’sgotten expelledfromhislatestboardingschool,hismomsurpriseshimwithatrip,butsuddenly, thingsgowrong verywrong Soon,helearnsabouthisfather(whoabandonedhimandhis momandisontherunfrompoliceallaroundthecountry)asheracesagainsttimetostop disasterfromwreakinghavocacrosstheworld,clearhisname,andsavehismom!


Thisbookisanabsolutemasterpieceandperfectcombinationofwit,humourandaction.RickRiordanhaswrittenupone ofthemostaddictivebooksyouwilleverreadPercyJacksonhasagreatsenseofhumour,andhisbanterwithAnnabethis todiefor!Theworld-buildinginthisbookiswell-researchedandcombinesthemodernworldwithancientGreekmyths inaperfectwayThevillainsarewell-executedandthebuilduptotheplotsleavesyouthinkingthatanythingcanhappen IfthereisonebookIwanttoreadagainforthefirsttime,itwoulddefinitelybethisbook.Iwouldrecommendthisfor loversoffantasy,action,adventure,andamazingdialogue


You can always expect to be impressed if you attend a Taylor Swift concert. One of the amazing features of her Eras Tour shows is the 'stage dive' and I'm here to talk a little bit more about what that is

The stage dive is an iconic move in Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour. It happens right after the acoustic set Sometimes people call it “the surprise songs. ” She dives into the stage, and the stage shows the effect of her swimming under the stage. After she swims the length of the stage, the Midnight Era starts. (I took these photos on livestream, so they are a bit blurry.)


Eternal Sunshine is the seventh album by American singer-songwriter, Ariana Grande. It was released on March 8, 2024, and fans were eager to listen to it.

Ariana Grande derived the album's title from the 2004 American film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It was rumoured that the album was inspired by her personal life experiences

Upon release, the album received acclaim from critics for its restrained vocals and music, as well as the emotional vulnerability of the subject matter Eternal Sunshine and its singles were nominated for three Grammy Awards, including for Best Pop Vocal Album.


*clean version*

‘positions’ by Ariana Grande was released in 2020 as a part of the album, positions. It was written by Ariana Grande, London Tyler Holmes, Ninja Charles, Steven Franks, Angelina Barrett, James Jarvis, Killah B, and Tommy Brown It was also produced by London on da track, Tommy Brown, Mr Franks, and Killah B It was a big hit and had 22 million streams in just the first week! It climbed to the #1 spot on the Rolling Stones Top 100 chart.

Ithasanenticingbacktrack andAriana’svocaltoneisto diefor!Shesoundssosoftand yetcommandssuchpowerwith hervoice Thebacktrack perfectlymesheswithher voiceandstandsoutbutnotin awaythatoverpowersthe naturalcalmnessofthesong andthemeasuredtone.

Sources: Spotifysongcredits, reddit

“APT” byRosé&BrunoMars

APTisbyRoséandBrunoMars. ItwasreleasedonOctober18, 2024,andhasrackedupover 500millionstreamsinamonth andahalf.ithadtoppedglobal chartsas#1for6weeksstraight! Thesongnamewasinspiredby thenameofapopularKorean gamecalled‘theapartment’game otherwiseknownas‘apt’.Ithas incrediblycatchylyricsandthe nameaptservesasametaphor fortwopeopleplayfullyflirting witheachother.Throughoutthe entiresong,Rosé'salluringvocals shinethrough,andshelivesupto herreputationasapowerful vocalistwhoisapartofthe famousK-popgroupBlackPink, andhervocalsperfectly complementBrunoMars’equally stunningsinging,whichhasbeen apartofnumeroushitsandmade himawell-knownnamearound theworld.

Thesongisabsolutelyaddictive andthebacktrackdoesnot outshinethevocalsandinstead makesthemanevenbiggerfocus. Myabsolutefavouritepartofthe songisthebridge,whereyoucan hearthechangeinRosé'svocal toneandthewayhersinging soundsmoreraw.Thissong communicatesalltheemotionsin aperfectandalluringwayandthis songhasbeenonrepeatforme sinceIheardit.



ReviewbyIrisLan802& EeshaBalakrishnan801

“breathin’”byArianaGrande isasongwithanalluring backtrack Itisabout Ariana’sanxietyandher challengesinlife Arianawas inspiredtowritethissong aftershehadananxiety attackinthestudio Her anxietyduringthattimehad beenworseningbecauseof anincidentinManchester duringherDangerous WomanTour

Thesongwasreleasedin 2018,inthealbum “sweetener”andalreadyhas over650millionstreamson Spotify! Source

Wereallylikedthissongandthe breathinessofhervoice Weboththink thatArianaGrande’svocaltoneis incrediblysmooth

Eesha:Ibelievethatshewascorrectwhen shesaiditwastheanthemofanxiety,and hasveryrelatablelyrics

Iris:Ithinkthatthesonghasastrongand catchychorusaswellasreallynice instrumentalsduringthesecondverse I alsoreallylikedtheharmoniesduringthat verse

Overall,webothenjoyedlisteningtoitand wearesuremanyofherfansagree





“Bang!”isasongby AJR,whichwas releasedinthealbum OKORCHESTRAon March26,2021and became#8overallin UScharts!Thesong wasoriginallywritten in2019anditisabout, “Theweirdmiddle groundbetweenbeing akidandanadult,” saidAJR.TheMetzger brotherswrotethis songtoencapsulate thisfeelingandthe unsurenessthatcomes withbeingstuckwith therealizationthat youarelegallyan adultbutstillfeellikea child.

Chappell Roan

Chappell Roan is a pop artist with over 40 million monthly listeners on Spotify. She mainly creates pop and synth-pop music, but she also dabbles in rock and disco, with influences from the 2000s and 1980s She is a queer artist who has audacious and fresh lyrics that describe her embracing her identity. Chappell Roan mainly sings about things related to queer heartbreak and queer romance. She has been making music since she was 16 Right now, Chappell Roan is 26 years old and is performing as an opener at the Guts World tour!


“Bang!”hasacatchy backtrackandlyrics.The backingtrackhasthe distinctsoundofahorninit andreallygrabsyour attention.Myfavouritepart aboutthissongisthelyric, “metronome”whichissung byCharliePellett,who voicestheNewYorkCity Subwaysystemandisabig fanofAJR.Therepetitive partofthebeatisincredibly catchyanddistinguishesthe songfromothertracks, makingitsoundbouncier.

“Good luck, Babe!” is a pop song that has recently been trending all over the world. It is by Chappell Roan and currently has over 800M streams on Spotify Iris and I both listened to the song and it was love at first listen Iris really loved the range that “Good Luck, Babe!” was sung in, and I enjoyed the smooth melody of the song. We both really enjoyed the emotional lyrics, and we could feel the heartbreak in her voice. The backing track of this song really complements the message that is being made with the lyrics, and you can feel all the emotions.

L a s t b u t n o t l e a s t , a n d m y p e r s o n a l f a v o u r i t e o f t h e t h r e e , w e

h a v e “ A u g u s t . ” A s s a i d e a r l i e r , t h i s i s f r o m t h e p e r s p e c t i v e o f A u g u s t i n e . M y f a v o u r i t e e l e m e n t o f t h i s s o n g i s o n e t h a t T a y l o r p o i n t e d o u t h e r s e l f i n t h e d o c u m e n t a r y : i t s h o w s t h a t t h e

‘ o t h e r g i r l ’ i s n o t a l w a y s a b a d p e r s o n , h o w t h e y m i g h t h a v e

t h o u g h t t h e i r r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h t h e h i n g e ( t h e p e r s o n w h o i s c h e a t i n g ) w a s g e n u i n e . I n “ A u g u s t , ” s o m e p a r t i c u l a r l y r i c s t h a t

s t a n d o u t t o m e a r e “ S o m u c h f o r s u m m e r l o v e a n d s a y i n g " u s , ” ‘ c a u s e y o u w e r e n ' t m i n e t o l o s e ” a n d “ I r e m e m b e r t h i n k i n g I h a d y o u . ” T h e s e l y r i c s r e a l l y h i g h l i g h t A u g u s t i n e ’ s

I n t r o d u c t i o n

T h e o t h e r d a y I w a t c h e d a

d o c u m e n t a r y c a l l e d “ F o l k l o r e : T h e

L o n g P o n d S t u d i o S e s s i o n s ” a b o u t

T E S S A T I E R N E Y 7 0 1

c o n f u s i o n a n d s a d n e s s a b o u t J a m e s n o t r e a l l y b e i n g w i t h h e r . A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e b r i d g e o f t h i s s o n g f o c u s e s o n A u g u s t i n e ’ s j o y a n d h o p e f u l n e s s a b o u t b e i n g i n a r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h J a m e s . S i d e n o t e : I l i k e t o t h i n k t h a t w h e n s h e s i n g s , “ A u g

T a y l o r S w i f t ’ s a l b u m “ F o l k l o r e ” a n d I

l e a r n e d s o m e t h i n g n e w a b o u t a f e w o f

t h e s o n g s i n i t : “ B e t t y , ” “ A u g u s t , ” a n d

“ C a r d i g a n . ” A c c o r d i n g t o T a y l o r , t h e s e t h r e e s o n g s t e l l a s t o r y a b o u t a f i c t i t i o u s l o v e t r i a n g l e .

M u s i c R e v i e w

C o n t e x t

T h e s o n g “ B e t t y ” i s i n t h e p e r s p e c t i v e o f J a m e s , a 1 7y e a ro l d b o y w h o ’ s i n l o v e w i t h a

g i r l , n a m e d B e t t y . H o w e v e r , w h e n J a m e s a n d B e t t y l e a v e s c h o o l f o r t h e s u m m e r , J a m e s h a s a n a f f a i r w i t h a n o t h e r g i r l ( i n t h e d o c u m e n t a r y , T a y l o r s a y s s h e ’ s a l w a y s t h o u g h t h e r n a m e m i g h t b e A u g u s t i n e o r A u g u s t a ) . A u g u s t i n e ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e i s , u n s u r p r i s i n g l y , t o l d i n “ A u g u s t . ” A n d l a s t l y , “ C a r d i g a n ” i s f r o m B e t t y ’ s p o i n t o f v i e w , a b o u t t w e n t y y e a r s a f t e r t h a t s u m m e r

r e x a m p l

t h e r s o n

e l

, i n “ B e t t y , ” J a m e s s i n g s “ W i l l y o u k i s s m e o n t h e p o r c h , ” a n d i n “ C a r d i g a n , ” B e t t y s i n g s “ A n d y o u ' d b e s t a n d i n ' i n m y f r o n t p o r c h l i g h t ” ( t a l k i n g

a b o u t h o w s h e k n e w J a m e s m i s s e d h e r ) . T h e s e t w o a r e o b v i o u s l y m e a n t t o r e f l e c t e a c h o t h e r , a n d i t r e a l l y a d d s s o m e t h i n g t o b o t h s o n g s .

I n a d d i t i o n t o t h i s o n e , h e r e a r e a l l t h e o t h e r c o n n e c t i o n s I c o u l d f i n d b e t w e e n e a c h o f t h e s o n g s

“ H i g h h e e l s o n c o b b l e s t o n e s ” ( “ C a r d i g a n ” ) a n d “ I w a s w a l k i n ' h o m e o n b r o k e n

c o b b l e s t o n e s ” ( “ B e t t y ” )

“ J u s t t h i n k i n o f y o u w h e n s h e p u l l e d u p l i k e S h e s a i d " J a m e s , g e t i n , l e t ' s d r i v e ” ” ( “ B e t t y ” ) a n d “ R e m e m b e r w h e n I p u l l e d u p a n d s a i d , ‘ G e t i n t h e c a r ’ ” ( “ A u g u s t ” )

“ T o k i s s i n c a r s a n d d o w n t o w n b a r s w a s a l l w e n e e d e d ” ( “ C a r d i g a n ” ) a n d “ K i s s i n ' i n m y c a r a g a i n ” ( “ B e t t y ” )

“ I k n e w y o u d m i s s m e o n c e t h e t h r i l l e x p i r e d ” ( “ C a r d i g a n ” ) a n d “ Y o u k n o w I m i s s y o u ” ( “ B e t t y ” )

n n e c

R e v i e w

I n “ B e t t y , ” J a m e s i s s i n g i n g t o B e t t y a b o u t h o w h e m i s s e s h e r . L y r i c s l i k e “ T h e w o r s t

t h i n g t h a t I e v e r d i d i s w h a t I d i d t o y o u ” a n d “ I ’ m o n l y 1 7 , I d o n ’ t k n o w a n y t h i n g , b u t I

k n o w I m i s s y o u ” c o n v e y a s e n s e o f g u i l t a n d r e g r e t a b o u t w h a t J a m e s h a s d o n e . F o r

m o s t o f t h e s o n g , J a m e s i s t a l k i n g i n t h e f u t u r e t e n s e ; a b o u t w h a t w o u l d h a p p e n i f h e

d i d a p o l o g i z e . B u t a t t h e e n d , i t s w i t c h e s t o p a s t t e n s e , w h i c h i n d i c a t e s h e ’ s d o n e a l l

t h o s e t h i n g s h e s a i d h e w o u l d d o . I t m i g h t b e t r i c k y t o k n o w i f t h e s o n g h a s a h a p p y

“ S t a n d i n g i n y o u r c a r d i g a n ” ( “ B e t t y ” ) a n d “ C a r d i g a n ” C o n c l u s i o n T h e s e t h r e e s o n g s a r e s o m e

w i t h e

e n d i n g u n l e s s y o u l i s t e n r e a l l y c l o s e l y . A t t h e v e r y e n d o f t h e s o n g , J a m e s s i n g s , “ K i s s i n ’ i n m y c a r a g a i n . ” S i n c e h e s a y s “ a g a i n ” w e c a n a s s u m e t h a t t h e y d o e n d u p g e t t i n g

b a c k t o g e t h e r . T h i s i s a l s o p r e t t y a p p a r e n t i n “ C a r d i g a n , ” w h e r e B e t t y s i n g s t h a t s h e k n e w J a m e s w o u l d c o m e b a c k t o h e r e v e n t u a l l y .

N e x t i s “ C a r d i g a n ” T h e m a i n t h e m e o f t h i s s o n g i s

B e t t y r e m i n i s c i n g a b o u t t h e a f f a i r a f e w d e c a d e s

l a t e r T h r o u g h o u t t h e s o n g , s h e r e p e a t s t h e l y r i c , “ W h e n y o u a r e y o u n g t h e y a s s u m e y o u k n o w

n o t h i n g ” T h i s i s h e r t h i n k i n g a b o u t h e r y o u n g e r

s e l f a l l t h o s e y e a r s a g o S h e a l s o s i n g s a b o u t h o w

s h e k n e w J a m e s w h e n t h e y w e r e y o u n g e r a n d

h o w c a r i n g a n d k i n d h e w a s

e g a n a n d S a r a

Supporting queer artists is a fantastic way to uplift the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and by listening to their work, you can gain valuable insights and learn from their diverse experiences

g a n a

h e y a

q u e e r

T h e i r m u s i c o f t e n e x p l o r e s t h e m e s r e l a t e d t o L G B T Q + i d e n t i t y , r e l a t i o n s h i p s , a n d e x p e r i e n c e s T h e y h a v e b e e n v o c a l a b o u t a d d r e s s i n g L G B T Q + i s s u e s i n t h e i r s o n g s a n d p e r f o r m a n c e s . T e g a n a n d S a r a h a v e u s e d t h e i r p l a t f o r m t o a d v o c a t e f o r L G B T Q + r i g h t s a n d v i s i b i l i t y . T h e y h a v e b e e n i n v o l v

Wicked - The Movie


Wicked is a musical that was first staged on October 30th, 2003. It follows the story of two witches (Elphaba and Galinda) before and after Dorothy’s arrival in Oz. It is about the complicated friendship between Elphaba (who becomes the Wicked Witch of the West) and Galinda (who becomes Glinda the Good)

The movie has a very good storyline and lots of plot twists. I really liked watching it and listening to the actors singing the songs beautifully!


Themoviestarssinger-songwriterAriana GrandeasGalindaandCynthiaErivoas Elphaba. Theybothhavebeautifulvoices, andIthinkthatthemovieisaverygreat versionoftheBroadwaymusical!


Fellow Zelda players, are you getting bored of the standard Zelda formula? The hero, Link, always has to save the princess, Zelda, from an ancient evil by using his trusty sword and shield to defeat that evil. This game flips that formula around You play as Zelda, the princess of Hyrule, to save Link and stop the strange rifts that have been swallowing nearby people and places. But how will you fight without a sword and shield?

Well, here’s something fun to try: Zelda can use a mystical item called the Tri Rod, given to her by a fairy named Tri, to summon echoes (copies of things) If you come up with an object in the world that can be echoed, you can learn how to create a copy of it and create those copies anytime you would like! You can create bridges using beds, or you can distract monsters using meat. That’s great, but it still doesn’t help you battle. If you want to face enemies, find a way to kill an enemy without a sword and shield.

Get creative! After you have killed an enemy, it will spawn a shimmer and allow you to create echoes of that enemy Then, you can use that enemy to kill more enemies and gain more shimmers, which allows for new combat options. There are countless strategies to use to take out enemies. If you are getting bored of using echoes for combat, you end up finding a strange sword at one point in the game. This sword allows you to transform into swordfighter form, which allows you to use a sword and shield to take down enemies

Still want more abilities? Bind and reverse bonds allow objects, including echoes, to follow movements or do the reverse.

Overall, Echoes of Wisdom is an amazing game that brings Zelda as the protagonist role It boasts creative puzzles, surprisingly fun combat, and a world full of wonder, excitement, and secrets It’s my favourite Zelda game of all time, and I hope you decide to play it and enjoy it as much as I do

Carrot Cake Recipe

The prep time for this recipe is 40 minutes, there are 18 servings, the total time is one hour and 20 minutes, additional time is 20 minutes, and the yield is one (9x13-inch) carrot cake

Whats in it?

There is Sugar, oil eggs, vanilla, flour, leaveners, baking soda works too, cinnamon, salt, grated carrots, chopped pecans, and butter with cream cheese

How do you make it?

First, to make the batter, you have to beat the wet ingredients together, then mix all dry ingredients together Stir the carrots and fold the pecans in The next step is to bake the cake - to bake the cake, you have to pour the batter into the prepared cake pan Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick ends up coming out clean You can also frost the cake with the butter and cream cheese and stir in the pecans (optional) Frost the COMPLETELY cooled cake

Inspired by AllRecipes




2Chickenbreastsbonelessskinless chiligarlicsauce brownsugar gratedGinger lightsoysauce Ramennoodle shitakeMushrooms

ADDITIONALINGREDIENTS: Oil groundpepper mincedgarlic Worcestershiresauce ricevinegar salt Bokchoy eggs springonions



Addfourquartsofwatertoasaucepanandcookyoureggsforabouteight minutes.Removetheshellfromtheeggs,cutthesoft-boiledeggsinto lengthwisepieces,andputthemofftothesidewithyourchicken.

Heatalargepotwithoil,addgarlicandginger,andcookfortwominutes. Tossinyoursauces,ricevinegar,broth,saltandpepper,andbringtoaboil. Throwinthemushroomsandbokchoy,cookforanotherfiveminutes,then addtheramennoodlestothepot.Cookthenoodlesforfivemoreminutes. Then,assemblethedishwiththeramennoodlesinthebroth.Placeyour chickenandsoft-boiledeggsontopoftheramenandveggies.

5FunFacts Fire

In this series, we talk about five fun facts on various topics each @theHelm issue

Earth is the only known planet on which fire can burn due to the fact that other planets don’t have enough oxygen

The word fire originates from the Dutch word vuur and the German word feuer

Yellow fire means the fire has a lower supply of oxygen whereas blue fire means there is a larger supply of oxygen

A fire can be started using ice

Forest fires can spread at a rate of 25 km per hour

PPrankIdeastotryathome rankIdeastotryathome

Rearrangesomeone'sdresserdrawers.Itworksbestwhenthedrawerscanbetakenout andputbackin.

Coffeeprank:switchthesugarwithsalt. Yourexcuse:“Youdidsayyouwantedtocutdownonsugar!”

Whenyouaremessagingsomeone,typethemamessagewithoneletteratatimesothey won’tknowwhatisg-o-i-n-go-n.



Have you wondered why some people are left-handers? Well, some people are left-handers either because their parents are both lefthanders or, rarer, when only one parent is left-handed They might also just have been born lefthanded When you are left-handed, sometimes it may be hard because if you’re trying to zip up your jacket - some zippers might be on the side right-handers use, which can be really hard for left-handers.


Also when you’re left-handed, you use the right part of your brain, while when you are right-handed, you use your left part of your brain. Some people believe left-handed people are more artistic than righthanders Left-handers day is on August 13 and another fun fact is that female left-handers are rarer than male left- handers Now you know some facts about left-handers! Share some facts with your friends to see if they know them.

Onlyahandfulof peopleareleft-handed
Theredpeoplearegirlsand thebluepeopleareboys

Pizza vs Hamburger Pizza vs Hamburger

Thank you for answering the survey about this very important debate topic: pizza vs. burgers.

97 of you responded, and there is a clear winner...


Pizza wins this debate with nearly half of the responses at 45.5%. Another 25% of you liked pizza and burgers equally, so that’s even more of you who love pizza!

HSC’s Favourite Pins

Below are the results of a survey I sent to the Middle School on what their favourite pins they earn are. Based on 49 responses - the HSC crest, Early Ed grad, 100 House Points, and House Captain were the top pins. The final results are from 2024-12-07.



Often a pin earned after a few months at HSC.

The pin you get when you graduate either Montessori or Junior School


Participating in being an Ambassador for a period of time.

Either you did two terms or the winter term of @theHelm.


You are either a Middle School House Captain or a Senior School one.



Conclusion: Hamburgersare thebest!

Madeby:SerafinaRulloand AnnaLegault,501&504

Results for the Best Cuisine and the Best Continent

Thewinnerforbest cuisineisItalian,andthe bestcontinentisEurope.

Thankyoufor participating!



1. Which is your favourite colour?

2. Which is your favourite season?

3. How well do you respond to challenges? Black a Yellow b. Blue c Red d

I kind of panic but sort it out eventually a I use a good attitude, asking for help if I need it b I take my time and make sure to do it the best I can c I power through and even have a little fun d

4. What is your ultimate goal in life? Winter a. Spring b Fall c. Summer d

To start my own business and become rich a To help solve world issues such as climate change b. To travel the world c To settle down and start my own family d.

5. Which one best describes your personality?

Dark and moody a Bright and cheerful b Chill, go with the flow c Confident and independent d


Frost Snow

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