Annual Report 2014-15

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Annual Report 2014-15




















HSC’s mission is to encourage students to learn with joy and live with purpose. The HSC journey prepares students to understand their world, and inspire, lead, act and make a difference in their own unique ways.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Achieving a Vision 2

A Caring Community 11

Message from the Head College 2

Parents’ Guild 11 Parents’ Guild Executive 11 Monster Mash 12 Uniform Sales 12 Staff Appreciation Lunch 12 Alumni Engagement 13 Alumni Executive 14 19th Annual Golf Classic 15 Reunions and Homecoming 15 Reach for the Stars Gala 16

Governance 3 Message from the Board Chair 3 Board of Governors 4 Board of Trustees 5

2014-15 In Review 6 A Future Built on Great Beginnings 6 Transformation HSC Update Where Were You? Transformation HSC Timeline 7 Excellence Campaign Update 8 Strategic Plan Towards 20/20 Update 10

Any Dream at HSC is Possible 17 Student Philanthropy 17

Donor Initiatives & Profiles 18 Memorial Way 18 Rugby Posts 18 Wellness Initiatives 19 Stream of Dreams 19

Community-wide events like the 2015 Inside Ride highlight what makes HSC so special. Joy in togetherness and friendship, shared purpose in a common goal.

Financial Highlights 20 Thanks to You 23


ACHIEVING A VISION Message from the Head of College There is a feeling around campus these days—a buzz. Our students feel it, as do our faculty and staff. Parents and alumni are not immune, and neither are the families visiting our campus for the first time. That feeling is a wonderful mix of excitement, possibility, hope and, of course, joy. With record enrollment numbers, we enjoyed and embraced our first full year with access to the completed Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence. The culmination of the Transformation HSC building project was the opening of the Athletic Complex and Community Centre. This added three new gyms and incredible athletics facilities, as well as state-of-the-art academic, arts and community spaces. A physical and metaphorical connection between the old and the new, the Alumni Way walkway and adjoining Kemper Lounge provide a thoroughfare and College-wide meeting space. These additions opened up new possibilities for our students and took our programs to even greater heights. For the first time in recent history, we were able to welcome the entire HSC community on campus to join us in celebration and remembrance. We gathered on November 11 to remember our Fallen. We then hosted an incredible CAIS Senior Girls’ Basketball tournament in our new gyms.


We also transformed our campus and came together for the Reach for the Stars Gala, a friend- and fundraising event of astronomical proportions. As joy and purpose can unite us, sadly, so can shared grief. When HSC lost a much-loved friend, David Tutty, in June 2014, the community rallied in support of an inspirational initiative—The David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund. This fund honours David’s memory by allowing students and faculty to pursue funding for innovative projects designed to enhance College life. The response exceeded our expectations and we approved the first set of proposals in October of 2015. We continue to be amazed by our students’ achievements in academics, arts, athletics, service and leadership and I hope you reflect on the past year as I do—with joy and pride. More than just a celebration of moments and monuments, this report is an opportunity to celebrate the individuals and families who make it all possible. Our success as a community and as an institution is a direct result of your generosity and dedication. You make a profound difference to HSC and to the success of our students. Thank you,

Marc Ayotte, Head of College

GOVERNANCE Message from the Board Chair Many of life’s important firsts take place at HSC. The first time a Junior or Montessori School student writes their name without help. That character-defining moment when a Middle School athlete experiences their first team victory, or their inevitable first team loss. Or, the nervous anticipation felt by a graduating Senior School student as they fill out their first university application. In 2014, the Board ratified the College’s six-year strategic plan, Towards 20/20. It also represents two important firsts—this time for our whole community. It is the first plan put in place after the completion of a building project that was without precedent in the College’s history. It is also the first time the student body was asked to help develop the ideals that will guide the school into the next decade. The end result of extensive collaboration between all HSC stakeholders, the plan is an authentic reflection of common values and goals, and is a road map for strategic innovation across the College.

The stories and numbers within this report are testament to the strength of our community. They highlight how our students, alumni, faculty and staff are linked by a common sense of purpose and identity. This report also demonstrates our collective commitment not just to the success of today, but to continued progress towards our defined strategic initiatives and goals. On behalf of HSC, the Board of Governors, and the Board of Trustees, I would like to express sincere gratitude to the many individuals and families who made the College a giving priority for 2014-15. It is with your support that our community and, most importantly, our students, can flourish and achieve their dreams. Sincerely,

Anna Ventresca Chair, HSC Board of Governors


HSC Governors are stewards of the College’s ideals and values. As the governing body of the College, the Board works to ensure that decisions are made in the best overall interest of the entire community.


Board of Governors

Executive Committee

Board of Trustees

The HSC Board of Governors sees the big picture. They understand not only the history of the College, but also the shared goals, hopes and dreams of our community. All members of HSC’s Governance team bring expertise and personal integrity to their roles, and share a passion for the school and its future development. The Board establishes and directs policies for the College, oversees HSC’s financial affairs, and is responsible for appointing a Head of College, and conducting their review.

Ms. Anna Ventresca Chair, Board of Governors Mr. Mitch Bauer: Past Chair Mr. Alvi Beraldo Chair, Finance Committee Mr. Mike Hamilton Corporation Secretary Mr. Andrew Kain Chair, Board of Trustees Dr. Allison Sekuler Board Development Committee

The Board of Trustees is responsible for monitoring the investment of the HSC Endowment and, along with the Board of Governors, assists the Advancement Office with fundraising.

Honorary Life Members Mr. C.D. Campbell Mr. Gary W. DeGroote ’74 Mr. Douglas E. Heagle

Governors Dr. Mehran Anvari Mrs. Brianne Barton ’03 Dr. Nick Bontis Mrs. Shirley Thomas-Weir ’83 Mr. Geoff Tierney

Ex. Officio Mr. Marc Ayotte Head of College

Mr. Andrew Kain Chair, Board of Trustees Mr. David Simpson ’73 Past-Chair, Board of Trustees Mr. Alvi Beraldo Mr. John Dunton Mr. Andrew Hammond ’98 Mr. Robert Nemy Mr. Bruce Pearson

Ex. Officio Mr. Marc Ayotte Head of College (Non-Voting Member)

(Non-Voting Member)


On May 5, 2014 HSC celebrated the grand opening of the new Athletic Complex and Community Centre. Much more than bricks and mortar, these incredible state-of-the-art facilities are populated by people, ideas, and the spirit of the community.

REVIEW 2014-15 IN

A FUTURE BUILT ON GREAT BEGINNINGS Hillfield Strathallan College students are tomorrow’s community champions, innovators, creative thinkers and change-makers. They are our future artists, heroes, scholars and healers. They make us proud, and the prosperous lives they lead tell the true story of HSC. In 2007, HSC embarked on a revolutionary building campaign—Transformation HSC. We began with an inclusive consultation process that confirmed our community believed in the need for updated and modern facilities to transform HSC from a school of teaching to a school of learning. We enhanced our campus to match the vision and expectations of our community. We redefined excellence in 21st century education through the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence, comprised of two strategic projects: the Michael G. DeGroote Senior School and the Athletic Complex and Community Centre. Over seven years, the College enhanced the student experience with the addition of sophisticated learning spaces and modern technologies, and expanded our physical footprint by 134,000 square feet. Thanks to the generous support of our community, we revitalized our campus. Our donors are represented in every brick, stone, and beam, and are forever written into the HSC legacy.


“ Learning in the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence was essential for the planning of my future. Having access to the technologies in the new Communication Design and Computer Science labs allowed me to grasp my potential and discover what I love and want to do.” Benjamin Rudolph ’15

WHERE WERE YOU? September: Grand Opening of Michael G. DeGroote Senior School

March: Ground Breaking Ceremony



Official Launch of the Transformation HSC Campaign

2011 2012


First Structures Erected

Construction of Phase II Begins

May: Grand Opening of Athletic Complex and Community Centre

February: First Tournament Hosted in the New Athletic Complex




May: First game in the New Athletic Complex


September: The Final Chapter


June: First Graduation Ceremony in the New Athletic Complex and Community Centre 77

The David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund celebrates and honours the life of one of HSC’s dear friends, David Tutty, who passed away June, 2014. Through this initiative, we carry forward the wonderful qualities that made David so special and promote responsibility, accountability and real world skills.


The David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund We asked our community of faculty, staff and students to dream big and share with us their best ideas on how to enrich our learning environment. In the spirit of learning with joy and living with purpose, we invited them to apply to The David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund for help in realizing their creative vision. Since the program launched, we have received 19 phenomenal applications and raised $62,675! This fall, the Review Committee undertook the difficult process of approving applications. We are thrilled to fund the projects that best meet the purpose of this unique initiative. We share with you here a small sample of the proposals approved for funding.

Wigwam Outdoor Classroom Students across all four schools can get involved in the building of a wigwam for use by classes and activities such as Aboriginal Studies and outdoor education, as well as other topics in the social sciences.



Review Committee

A full-service design, brand, and advertising agency at HSC, Designwerx is a start-up staffed by teachers and students. They provide hands-on learning in design, advertising, entrepreneurialism, sales, client service, and more.

Anna Ventresca Tutty/Ventresca Family Representative Jen Armstrong ’16 Josh Rudolph ’16 Student Body Representatives Marc Ayotte Head of College Ellen McGregor Community Representative Femida Moosajee Parents’ Guild Representative Erica Otaguro ’07 Alumni Representative Brenda Zwolak Staff and Faculty Representative

Musical Inspiration The marimba is a tuned percussion instrument with a rich and distinctive timbre. The addition of a marimba to our music program brings the sounds of South Africa and Central America to HSC and expands the opportunities for students in the Arts.

Maker Spaces Flexible and open environments, maker spaces are all about creativity and innovation. Students play with ideas, generate design options, make real products and communicate their creativity in diverse formats. Projects could include everything from 3D printing and robotics kits to multimedia publications and artifacts such as costumes, replicas and widgets.


STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE TOWARDS 20/20 HSC stakeholders embraced HSC’s Strategic Plan Towards 20/20 with incredible enthusiasm in 2014-15. All faculty members had the opportunity to participate in committees related to our eight strategic directions and the work produced was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Administrative staff joined committees as appropriate to their role at HSC and in June, 2014, each committee reviewed their progress for the year and summarized the completed activities in a series of Collegewide presentations. A community report was published and is available at


CARING A COMMUNITY PARENTS’ GUILD An active group of passionate parents, the HSC Parents’ Guild dedicate their time and expertise to promoting a vibrant school community. Their mission is to support a spirit of friendship and community at HSC, and to raise funds that directly impact our children’s educational experience. During 2014-15, the Parents’ Guild successfully raised $23,502 which was directed towards The David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund to support the learning environment at HSC.

2014-15 Parents’ Guild Executive Sonia Filice Chair Theresa Santin Past Chair Jennifer Hobbes Uniform Sales Chair Sonia Filice Interguild Representative Lisa Ruse Monster Mash Chair Donna Domotor Athletic Concession Coordinator Lori Corneau Middle School Ambassador Fiona White Wellness Week PG Rep Kathryn Rumbold Staff Appreciation Chair Lorna Kelly Decor Chair


2014-15 Parents’ Guild Volunteers

Monster Mash

Nene Akintan Kim Ayotte Lyndsay Bensen ’99 Kelley Black Patty DiFelice Pam Eyram Brenda Folk Sharon Gormley Elisabeth Graham Maria Grasso Andie Gupta Angie Hamilton Lisa Higgins

On October 30, 2014, over 500 students, parents, faculty, staff and friends of HSC joined us for our biennial Halloween bash – the “Monster Mash.” Spearheaded by the HSC Parents’ Guild, the event was a volunteer-driven fundraiser that raised $2,388 for distribution back to HSC to enhance the student experience.

Kim Jeejeebhoy Ruth Kain Kelly Kemper ’87 Femida Moosajee Dianne Parsons Wendi Priest Daniela Roque Teresa Thomas Shirley Thomas-Weir ’83 Geoff Tierney Linda Ullman-Petrash Anna Ventresca Jan Whitelaw

Uniform Sales At the beginning of each academic year, Parents’ Guild volunteers run two Student-to-Student used uniform sales. They dedicate hours to sorting and preparing uniforms, as well as organizing and staffing the sales themselves. In 2014-15, the Parents’ Guild uniforms sales—including ongoing sales through the Campus Store during the year— raised $16,988.

Staff Appreciation Breakfast “ Building community is a gift we give to our children. We model the importance of this work when we come together and support the HSC mandate that a vibrant school spirit is a community priority.”

Sonia Filice, Parents’ Guild Chair 2014


Once a year, the Parents’ Guild takes the opportunity, on behalf of all of the parents at HSC, to thank staff and faculty for their dedication and contributions to the community. On February 8, 2014 as a kick-off to Wellness Week, the Parents’ Guild hosted a special staff appreciation breakfast. They raised $4,125 towards the cost of the breakfast.


The Alumni Association Executive works to foster a spirit of loyalty and fellowship amongst all HSC alumni.

Created to fulfill the objectives of the Alumni Association, the Alumni Association Executive represents the interests of all alumni and the College. It works to mobilize the talent, expertise, time, and resources of HSC alumni to achieve a variety of objectives. It oversees a recognition program for alumni that includes the Alumni Award of Distinction and the Hall of Excellence Awards, and collaborates with HSC to develop programming that supports the interests of the HSC community. The executive also oversees the annual HSC Golf Classic community golf tournament.

2014/15 Alumni Executive

Mike Branch ’99 President Herb Wodehouse ’71 Past President Rob Alexander ’89 Chair of the Nomination Committee Marc Ayotte Head of College Brianne Barton ’03 Alumni Conference Chair Vicky Cairns Outreach Gillian Doucet Campbell Manager of Alumni Relations Angus Gordon ’97 Co-Chair of Golf Committee

Judith King-Siganski ’62 Advisor Charlie Sherman ’03 Co-Chair of Golf Committee David Simpson ’73 Advisor John Simpson ’75 Advisor Jonathan Skirving ’03 Awards and Recognition Chair John Stewart ’79 Advisor Shirley Thomas-Weir ’83 Board Liaison Erica Otaguro ’07 Young Alumni Representative & Vice President Gail Vedelago Parents of Alumni Liaison 13

Back Row L-R: Herb Wodehouse ’71, John Simpson ’75, Rob Alexander ’89, Brianne Barton ’03, John Stewart ’79, Marc Ayotte, David Simpson ’73 Front Row L-R: Gillian Doucet Campbell, Mike Branch ’99, Erica Otaguro ’07 Missing: Shirley Thomas-Weir ’83, Angus Gordon ’97, Charlie Sherman ’03, Jonathon Skirving ’03, Gail Vedelago, Vicky Cairns 14

19th Annual HSC Golf Classic


The sun was shining as golfers hit the links for the 19th Annual Golf Classic at Dundas Valley Golf and Curling Club. Hosted by the HSC Alumni Association on June 23, 2015, the event saw 128 HSC community golfers enjoy a variety of tournament experiences. Together, we raised over $20,000 for student awards and scholarships.

Every year, the HSC Alumni Executive and Homecoming Committee collaborate with all four schools to offer a full schedule of familyfriendly activities and student games at our annual Homecoming event. On May 10, Alumni, current and alumni parents, current and alumni faculty, staff and students congregated on campus for the opportunity to celebrate our community. It is also an opportunity to reconnect with classmates and friends. At the 2nd Annual Athletics Hall of Fame Dinner, HSC honoured classes ending in years ’4 and ’9 and inducted a new group of HSC Athletes into our Hall of Fame.

2014 Golf Committee Angus Gordon ’97 Golf Co-Chair Charlie Sherman ’03 Golf Co-Chair Rob Alexander ’89 Judith King-Siganski ’62 Deanna Gold ’07 Sheriann Heath-Johnston

Alumni Reunions Kingston, Montreal, Chicago, Toronto and Hamilton-area reunions all took place in 2014-15. These local events enabled alumni to renew old friendships, create new ones, and reconnect with HSC.



Gala Committee Sandy Armstrong Gala Co-Chair Linda Marshall Gala Co-Chair Shilpa Amin Diana Bristow Kathy Ceroni Tera Chetcuti Annie Ciancone Mary Lou Ciancone Andrea DeSantis Donna Domotor Sonia Filice Hayley Harlock Carla Hudecki Sheriann HeathJohnston


Gym gear was traded for tuxedos and sneakers for heels as over 400 HSC supporters filled the new Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence on November 22, 2014 for our Reach for the Stars Gala. It was an expression of love for our community. Current families, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of HSC came together to share in the community spirit that makes us so special and to raise money to support our children’s educational experience. Collectively we raised $135,000 for athletics, arts and academic programs, including $59,000 to renovate the DeGroote gym through the special Fund A Need initiative.


Sandy Armstrong & Linda Marshall Gala Co-Chairs

Hoda Kayal Nina Karachi-Khaled Sandra Lovric Linda MartinusNaccarato Erica Otaguro ’07 Jeff Paikin ’80 Jodie Petkovich Wendi Priest Daniela Roque Mark Rudolph Lisa Ruse Theresa Santin Szandra Szilvassy Gale Zizzo


Generous Hearts, Inquiring Minds HSC students learn early on that they have the ability and a responsibility to use their talents and skills to make a difference in the world. They learn that giving back is part of what it means to be part of a community. Caring, generosity, leadership—our students learn through both guidance and self-discovery to identify needs greater than their own and how to take meaningful action. Their individual and collective acts of philanthropy give them hope for the future and a sense of purpose in the world.

“ANY DREAM AT HSC IS POSSIBLE.” “HSC is my home away from home, where I can go to any teacher—whether it is my high school French teacher, or my former kindergarten teacher. I always feel comfortable speaking to any of the teachers about any of my problems, because I know that no matter what they will always be there for me. At HSC we are taught that kindness and respect should be given to everyone, and we will have it in return. If I had never attended HSC, I would have never had the chance to find my passion for science. With HSC’s support, I excelled and ultimately won the 2015 BASEF competition. I also secured a deal with L’Oreal, and have my own show that promotes women’s empowerment. Without HSC I don’t know where I’d be in life, but I know that I’m lucky to have such an amazing school, teachers and friends. Any dream at HSC is possible.”

In 2014-15, HSC students led, supported, and participated in a number of fundraising activities with organizations like the Colin Glassco Foundation, Food 4 Kids, City Kidz Hamilton, Bay Area Restoration Council, Canadian Red Cross, Neighbour-to-Neighbour, Good Shepherd, Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation (HSC’s Inside Ride) and many more. Julia Dobrovolskis, Grade 12 student


ENRICHING OUR COMMUNITY Lest We Forget Bridging the present and the past, Memorial Way and the new Memorial Garden and monument are meaningful reminders of our roots, and of the Old Boys who fought in the World Wars. The monument and garden are the direct result of the passion, inspiration, and support of Mr. Bill Young ’35 and Mrs. Joyce Young ’43, who worked with the College to bring the project to fruition. In 2014 we restored the original plaques commemorating The Fallen and also created a modern outdoor monument listing all 47 names to complement our flag array. The dedication of the monument and garden during our 2014 Remembrance Day ceremony was a moving and fitting tribute.

Rugby Posts HSC has a reputation as a rugby powerhouse amongst independent schools. The addition of regulation sized rugby posts—made possible thanks to a donation from the Kelly and Souter-Phillips families—enhances the quality of the school’s practices and matches.


Fitness Centre Dedication The HSC Fitness Centre is located in the heart of our Athletic Complex in the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence. The McKeil family donation outfitted the space with essential equipment including treadmills, stationary bikes, free weights, elliptical machines, spin bikes, and new equipment for the King, Siggi and Spallaci gyms. On December 18, 2014, the McKeil twins Wyatt ’13 and Jarrett ’13 presented their mother Lois McKeil with a dedication plaque in her honour in the new HSC Fitness Centre.

Wellness Initiatives Health and Wellness are issues close to the heart of HSC Old Girl Judith King-Siganski ’62, whose generous support opened doors for new initiatives at the College including Wellness Week, February 9-12. This community-wide event engaged students, parents, staff, alumni and the local community, all of whom were invited to attend and participate in the activities. Highlights included a Wellness Fair featuring information booths from local organizations, as well as seminars on topics like mindfulness, healthy nutrition and healthy work-life balance. Also new to HSC in 2014 is the Athletic Therapy Clinic. The Clinic is staffed by a Certified Athletic Therapist, who provides much-needed support for the physical health of our students.

Stream of Dreams In the spring of 2014, our Montessori and Junior School students created a Stream of Dreams mural for display in the early education drop-off area. Stream of Dreams, coordinated in Hamilton by the Bay Area Restoration Council (BARC), educates students and communities about Hamilton Harbour and its watershed. The project was the result of an incredible volunteer effort and the generosity of the Hand family—current parents and owners of Brittany Boxes. Brittany Boxes donated critical materials and labour needed to make our mural, cutting and shaping every fish lovingly painted by our students. 19


Fiscal 2015 saw the official opening of the new Athletic Complex and Community Centre. While the amount of long-term debt associated with both the new Senior School and the Athletic Complex and Community Centre was solidified early in the year, the generosity of the HSC community continued. HSC was able to pay down a significant amount on this debt during 2015. All funds maintained healthy balances at year end. HSC’s Operating Fund recorded an excess of revenue over expenses of $685,000, financing the purchase of $563,000 of capital assets. Donations and fundraising revenue—at $340,000—is up from last year and includes $135,000 from our Reach for the Stars Gala in November. A net total of $2,000 was transferred through net assets to other funds. This transfer included $76,000 ($135,000 less $59,000 which remained in the Operating Fund to finance refurbishment of the DeGroote gymnasium through the Fund a Need program, as well as $2,000 of additional transfers) from the Gala to the Expansion Fund, and a further transfer of $24,000 to the Endowment Fund from monies raised through the efforts of the Alumni Association and the Crescendo Concert series. These outgoing transfers of $102,000 were offset by $100,000 transferred in from the Endowment Fund to support scholarships. The Operating Fund finished the year with a healthy balance (net assets, end of year) of $2.041 million. The Expansion Fund exists to finance special capital projects outside of normal operations.


In 2015, the opening fund balance of $287,000, together with the $1.531 million earned in the year, afforded the College the ability to make a large debt prepayment above the scheduled blended payments. Total scheduled and prepayments amounted to $1.643 million and are netted in the transfer line on the financial statements (Gala transfer-in of $76,000; fund allocation transfer-in of $2,000, less transfers-out to Capital Fund of $1.643 million). As a result the debt principal was reduced by $1.369 million in 2015 ($1.643 million less $274,000 of interest). The opening fund balance also supported capital purchases of $60,000 associated with the Transformation HSC project. This fund closed the year at $193,000. HSC maintains and improves its buildings, grounds and equipment through a program of planned upgrades and replacements. These projects are funded primarily from the Operating Fund, with the exception of expansion projects, which are funded from the Expansion Fund. In 2015, the cost of property, plant, and equipment maintenance and upgrades combined with some Athletic Complex and Community Centre purchases provided $623,000 of new assets in the capital fund. Funding for approximately $86,000 of these assets came from our Excellence Campaign. These amounts are recorded as revenue in the donation and fundraising lines of the Operating Fund, and are included in the net asset transfer of $563,000 from Operating to the Capital Funds to finance normal asset purchases. After amortization, the Capital Fund balance is $40.856 million. After related expenses, investment, and donation revenues, the Endowment Fund recorded a $151,000 excess of revenue over expenditures in the year. Accounting standards require our endowment investments to be measured at market value. After recording an outgoing net asset transfer of $76,000 ($24,000 incoming fundraising less $100,000 outgoing to support scholarships paid through the Operating Fund), the fund balance ended the year at $2.732 million. In keeping with its Mission, Guiding Principles and Ideals, HSC continues to support student program excellence and enhancement by maintaining responsible fiscal management, planned capital asset enhancement, and campus expansion projects.

2014/2015 Revenue 1.3%





Operating Expansion Capital Endowment Consolidated Fund Fund Fund Fund Total REVENUE Earned revenue $ 26,284 $ 807 $ 3 $ 178 $ 27,272 Donations and fundraising 340 780 - 8 1,128






EXPENDITURES Salaries, wages & benefits 19,545 - - - 19,545 Operating expenses 6,394 56 2,372 35 8,857

2014/2015 Designation of Gifts






EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 685 1,531 (2,369) 151 (2) Net assets, beginning of year 1,921 287 40,959 2,657 45,824 Changes/purchase of capital assets (563) (60) 623 - Transfers (2) (1,565) 1,643 (76) -

l Tuition Fees l Ancillary Revenue l Fundraising

2.1% 4.4%


0.7% 76.3%


Net assets, end of year $ 2,041 $ 193 $ 40,856 $ 2,732 $ 45,822 Balance Sheet as at June 30 (in thousands of dollars) 2015 Operating Expansion Capital Endowment Consolidated Fund Fund Fund Fund Total ASSETS Current assets $ 7,746 $ 47 $ - $ 42 $7,835 Investments (recorded at market value) - - - 2,660 2,660 Life insurance policies - 146 - - 146 Capital assets - - 48,099 - 48,099





$ 48,099



LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Current liabilities $ 5,705 $ - $ 263 $ (30) Long-Term debt 6,907 Deferred capital contributions - - 73 - l Capital Campaign l Annual Campaign l Fund a Need

l Health and Wellness l Parents Guild l Endowment


Net assets, end of year





5,938 6,907 73









$ 48,099


$ 58,740



$ 58,740


STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS year ended June 30 (in thousands of dollars) 2014 Operating Expansion Capital Endowment Consolidated Fund Fund Fund Fund Total REVENUE Earned revenue $ 25,486 $ 793 $ 3 $ 367 $ 26,649 Donations and fundraising 183 1,375 - 1 1,559




2014/2015 Expenditure Components 5.23% 7.69%

2.82% 2.12%



EXPENDITURES Salaries, wages & benefits 18,413 - - - 18,413 Operating expenses 6,221 253 2,020 32 8,526






EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 1,035 1,915 (2,017) 336 1,269 Net assets, beginning of year 1,595 581 39,973 2,406 44,555 Changes/purchase of capital assets (659) (10,883) 11,542 - Transfers (50) 8,674 (8,539) (85) Net assets, end of year $ 1,921 $ 287 $ 40,959 $ 2,657 $ 45,824 Balance Sheet as at June 30 (in thousands of dollars) 2014 Operating Expansion Capital Endowment Consolidated Fund Fund Fund Fund Total ASSETS Current assets $ 7,715 $ 187 $ - $ 28 $ 7,930 Investments (recorded at market value) - - - 2,614 2,614 Life insurance policies - 146 - - 146 Capital assets - - 49,574 - 49,574





$ 49,574

$ 2,642

LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Current liabilities $ 5,794 $ 46 $ 194 $ (15) Long-Term debt 8,345 Deferred capital contributions - - 76 -


6,019 8,345 76






Net assets, end of year







$ 49,574

$ 2,642

$ 60,264







l Salaries, Wages & Benefits - Academic l Salaries, Wages & Benefits Administration & Operations

l General & Administration l Auxiliary Services l Scholarships, Bursaries and Other Allowances

l Plant Operations and Maintenance l Capital Expenditures

$ 60,264


Note: This financial information contains excerpts from the 2015 financial statements audited by Deloitte LLP. The auditors issued an unmodified opinion with respect to the 2015 financial statements in their report to the Board of Governors.

WITH THANKS TO YOU Thank you to all the donors, volunteers and supporters who contributed to the stellar success of Hillfield Strathallan College in 2014-15. Your generosity and continued loyalty to HSC helps us to build on our strengths and focus on the unique advantages that make an HSC education so incredible. Your support of our vision, ideals, and guiding principles helps our students push boundaries, dream big, and prepare for the opportunities of tomorrow.

“ My family is proud to be part of HSC. I have watched my children and grandchildren flourish thanks to the College’s innovative programs and caring and committed faculty and staff. This is your opportunity to help generations of young students learn with joy, inspire, lead and make a difference in the world in their own unique ways.” Michael G. DeGroote Hon.’09 23

TRANSFORMATION HSC July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2015


The DeGroote Family Mrs. Judith King-Siganski ’62 The Young Fund of the Hamilton Community Foundation Mr. William H. Young ’35 & Mrs. Joyce Young ’43

$500,000 - $999,999

The DiLoreto Family The Doble Family Jetport Investments - Mr. Ron Joyce Mr. John van Leeuwen & Mrs. Jennifer van Leeuwen

$100,000 - $499,999

Anonymous Mr. Leslie M. Boris Bill Cooper ’57 & Gill Cooper ’66 & Family Gabriel & Franca DeSantis & Family The Foxcroft Family The Gusenbauer Family Mr. Jason Hill & Mrs. Celeste Hill The Ippolito Family The Kain Family The Kemper Family Losani Family McKeil Marine Limited Michelle & Robert Nemy & Family The Paikin Family The Pearson Family The Priest Family Source Cable Limited - Mr. Dan & Mrs. Joanne Campbell Spalllacci & Sons Limited Mr. Brian J. Work & Mrs. Jackie A. Work ’81

$25,000 - $99,999

Sima & Mehran Anvari Mr. Alvi Beraldo & Mrs. Rosa Beraldo The Biggs Family Nick & Stacy Bontis & Family Curry Trust Foundation Mr. Fred F. Dalley ’75 24

Sandro & Maria D’Ambrosi & Family The Davies Family The Gottschalk Family Lancaster Group Inc. & The Hubber Family Mr. William Johnston & Mrs. Denise Johnston Mr. Morris Klid & Mrs. Marianne Klid Mr. Colin G. Lazier ’67 & Mrs. Barbara Lazier ’67 The Lendrum Family Ms. Anne Y. Lindsey ’73 Hilda & Bill Line The Lutz & Marshall Family James & Marisa Mahler & Family Mr. George McCarter & Mrs. Bernadette McCarter Mr. Dean Mosca Mrs. Lori Mosca Mr. Rudy Peternelj & Dr. Lari Scorza Mark & Rosanna Peternelj & Family Mr. Mark Purdy & Ms. Jennifer Neve Robert & Marica Rosic & Family Mr. William Russell & Mrs. Catriona Russell Mr. Kirk Sabo & Mrs. Melanie Sabo The Spencer Family The Hogarth Family Foundation Fund Mr. Michael Valente & Ms. Sarah Matthews The Ventresca Tutty Family Murray ’66 & Barbara Weaver The Thomas-Weir Family The Welch Family Mr. A. Ben Young ’47

$10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous Mr. Dave Armstrong & Mrs. Sandy Armstrong The Ayotte Family Mr. Steve Constantin & Mrs. Jaynne Constantin Deloitte LLP Mr. Michael Dunne & Mrs. Cynthia Dunne Dr. Gagan S. Gaind & Dr. Samieh Chavoshi George Media - The Alexander-Jones Family Mr. John S. Hedden ’69 Mr. C. Wallace Jacques ‘48 & Mr. Douglas Jacques ’76 Dr. Agnes Kuskowski ’82 The Larrazabal Family Mr. James Locke & Mrs. Janice Locke

Dr. Peter Lovrics & Ms. Jill McKenzie Manulife Financial Mr. Edwin M. Mills ’45 Margaret Morison ’47 The Neibert Family The Ortega Guarne Family Mr. Craig Oster & Mrs. Melanie Oster & Family Mr. James Parke & Mrs. Valerie Parke The Ruse Family Mr. David Simpson ’73 & Mrs. Gwynneth Simpson John ’75, Toni & Caitlin ’09 Simpson Mr. David Slack & Ms. Deborah Kennedy The Northpine Foundation - Mrs. Catherine Phillips ’70 Dr. Bruno Vedelago & Mrs. Gail Vedelago

$5,000 - $9,999

Mr. Kamal Ali & Ms. Fabi Karimullah Dr. Nalin Amin & Dr. Shilpa Amin Anonymous Mr. Richard Babington Dr. James Bain & Dr. Jane Batt Mr. Mitch Bauer & Mrs. Sara Bauer Bosch Family Dr. Kevin Calzonetti & Mrs. Laura DiSilvestro ’89 Mr. Ashley Cameron & Mrs. Sarah Cameron Dr. Alan Castle & Dr. Ellen Lipman Mrs. Deborah M. Catto ’64 Ms. Joyce Caygill Frid Dr. Joe Cherian & Ms. Carla Hudecki Connco Group Ltd - Mr. Michael & Mrs. Andrea Connor Dr. Ian Darcel & Mrs. Deborah Boland Ms. Adrienne A. Davidson Mr. John de Boer & Mrs. Patti de Boer Mr. Douglas Dimitroff & Mrs. Cynthia Dimitroff Eaton Corporation Dr. Lance Edwards & Dr. Lori Edwards Filice Family Mr. George Fiotakis & Ms. Lorraine Engel Dr. Helene Flageole Mr. Robert Forbes & Ms. Mary Williams Mr. Joseph Giacomodonato & Mrs. Bonnie Giacomodonato Ms. Jane A. Gowing ’81 Mr. Michael Hamilton & Mrs. Angela Hamilton Ms. Lisa Higgins Mr. Peter T. Hogarth ’84 & Dr. Maggie Hogarth

Mr. William E. Holton ’58 & Mrs. Marion Holton ’63 Mr. Mark Hunter ’88 C.A., Partner of Brownlow Partners Management Inc. Mr. Pheroze Jeejeebhoy & Mrs. Kimberley Jeejeebhoy Mr. Christopher Kamps & Mrs. Marta Nespoli Claire, Tim, Jonathan and Emily Keeley Dr. Stephen Kelly & Dr. Lorna Kelly Dr. Mohamed Khaled & Mrs. Nina Karachi-Khaled Mr. Michael H. Kovacs ’75 Mr. Jeffrey Krakowiak & Mrs. Christina Krakowiak Mr. Chris Kwiecien Mr. Andre LeBlanc & Mrs. Frances LeBlanc Dr. Kevin Lee & Dr. Audrey Liu Dr. Nicholas Leyland & Mrs. Carol Leyland Mr. Bernard Lim & Mrs. Jamey Lim Mr. Glenn Marshall & Ms. Lisa Knap Dr. John Marshall & Dr. Debbie Yamamura Dr. Tom Matthews Hon. ’10 & Mrs. Sheena Matthews Dr. Amit Mehta & Mrs. Bhavna Mehta Mr. Rashid Moosajee & Mrs. Femida Moosajee Ms. Liane L. Ormond ’78 Mr. Steven H. Paikin ’78 Marnie & Larry Paikin Mr. Sam Perez & Mrs. Susan Perez Dr. Dwight Prodger & Ms. Joyce Wilton Mr. Glenn E. Rouleau & Mrs. Victoria Rouleau On Behalf of The Rudolph Family Mrs. Shirley Russell ’46 The Schiappa Family Ms. Jill Scott & Ms. Michelle Whitefield Mr. James Smith & Mrs. Beverly Edwards-Smith Dr. Eugene St. Louis & Mrs. Tina St. Louis Mr. Russell Taylor & Mrs. Karen Taylor The Douglas Wigle Family The Tedesco Family The Harbinger Foundation Mr. Jonathan S. M. Waters ’66 Webber Family Mrs. Brenda Zwolak

$2,500 - $4,999

Anonymous Brant Telephone Inc. Mr. Chris Falco ’79 & Dr. Anna Butler ’79 CCL Industries Inc.

Dr. Gordon Davidson & Mrs. Margie Davidson ’84 Ms. Dianne de Freitas Mr. Colin B. Glassco ’61 Dr. Andrew Gomez & Mrs. Angela Vargas Mr. Bernie Hann & Mrs. Kathron Hann Danielle Hourigan ’82 Inovex Inc - Mr. T. Mike Branch ’99 Mr. Laszlo Kecskemeti & Ms. Aniko Szollosi Mr. Christopher M. Keith ’93 & Mrs. Alexandra Keith Mr. Tom Kornya & Mrs. Heather Kornya ’84 The Honourable Colin S. Lazier ’35 & Mrs. Lazier Mr. Dean Lovric & Mrs. Sandra Lovric Dr. Will Harper & Dr. Randi McCabe Mr. John Mckee & Ms. Lynn McLauchlin Heidi, Craig and Joshua McMeekan Mr. Brian McParland & Mrs. Catherine McParland Mr. Allan Mertin & Ms. Diane Teare Mr. James Parsons & Mrs. Dianne Parsons Mr. Jawed Piyarali & Mrs. Shamaila Jawed Dr. Ramana Rachakonda & Mrs. Hema Nalini Choudur Mr. Mark Stirling & Ms. Joanne Lewis Mr. Marco Visentini & Ms. Andrea DeSantis Mr. Chris Winship & Mrs. Louise Winship

$1,000 - $2,499

Ancaster Conveying Systems Ltd. Mr. Greg & Mrs. Tracie Thompson Anonymous Mr. Marc Bader ’67 & Ms. Gayle Villeneuve Ms. Mary Balfour ’64 Mr. Scott Barton Mrs. Wilson E. Baxter ’33 * Mr. Jeffrey Bell & Mrs. Maria Bell Mrs. Barbara Bensen ’37 * Buller Innovations Inc. Dr. Christopher Buller & Mrs. Elizabeth Buller Mr. Ivan Cairns & Mrs. Bernice Cairns CanWest MediaWorks Inc Mr. Adam Carswell & Mrs. Sarah Carswell Mrs. Peggi DeGroote Mr. David Dunlop & Ms. Sandy Adsett Myrna ’56 & Jim Evel ’55 Mr. Joseph Fazari & Mrs. Sharon Feeney-Fazari Ms. Julie Firestone ’75 Four Suns Holdings Inc.

Mr. Roger Fulton & Mrs. Sharon Evans Mr. J. Kerr Gibson ’41 & Mrs. Alison Gibson ’47 Mr. Jarrett Johnston & Mrs. Sheriann Heath-Johnston Mr. Jeff Hill & Mrs. Sarah Colantino Mr. Wallace E. Hofland & Mrs. Susan A. Brown Dr. Godwin Ifabiyi & Mrs. Omolara Ifabiyi Mrs. Jean Jennings Mrs. Rosalind Johnston ’61 Mr. Amandeep Kaloti & Mrs. Sonika Kaloti The Kerr Family Geoff & Ana Knapp Dr. Michael Kolios & Mrs. Dorothy Kolios Dr. Desmond C. Kwok & Mrs. Earla J. Kwok Linda Frenette & Andre Lamy Mr. San-yu Lok & Mrs. Sandra Lok Mr. Don MacLeod & Mrs. Mary J. MacLeod Family Miceski Mr. Mark W. Mitchell & Mrs. Lisa Mitchell Mountain Animal Hospital Professional Corporation Dr. John & Mrs. Michelle McKenzie Mrs. Judith Anne Ott ’58 * Mrs. Margaret Palmer ’34 * Mr. Brian Piening & Mrs. Frances Healey Mr. Rob Reiner Ruiz Family Mr. Orest Semeniuk & Ms. Maria Visocchi Mr. Jonathan D. Skirving ’03 Dr. Wesley Stephen & Mrs. Charlene Stephen Mr. Robert Stevenson & Mrs. Colleen Stevenson Mr. Steven & Mrs. Elizabeth Stipsits Mrs. Joan Van Hee ’32 Dr. Robert Wardrope & Mrs. Diana Wardrope Dave & Linda Watson Dr. Brian Way & Mrs. Laura Daniels-Way Ms. Shannon Wilson Mr. Herbert Wodehouse ’71 & Mrs. Margaret Wodehouse Dr. Kevin Wong & Mrs. Jinny Yun-Wong Mrs. Georgina Woods ’38 Mr. Kris Zelinsky & Mrs. Sarah Zelinsky

$1 - $999

2288141 Ontario Inc. o/a Extreme Dodgeball Hamilton Mr. Gregory Adams & Mrs. Jennifer Adams Mrs. Patricia A. Addis Mrs. Ricarda V. Amaral 25

Dr. Carrie Annable ’97 Anonymous Mr. Zbigniew Arski & Mrs. Elizabeth Arski Ms. Estelle Arthur Mr. Ryan Baker Mr. John W. Baker Mr. St. Clair Balfour Jr. ’59 Mrs. Lisa Balfour Bowen ’57 Mrs. Catherine Barclay ’61 Mrs. Brianne Barton ’03 & Mrs. Bianca E. Barton ’03 Mr. Bruce B. Bates ’47 Mr. Tudor Beattie ’63 & Mrs. Lyn (Parry) Beattie ’68 Mr. John Benedetti & Mrs. Debbie A. Clark Ms. Debra E. Bennett Dr. Seth Houwer & Ms. Kate Boose Mrs. Pat Boothe ’44 Ms. Robyn Bouskill Mr. Ian F. Brissett ’92 Mrs. Jacqueline Brown ’42 Mr. Phelim S. Brucculeri Mr. John Bulger Mrs. D. Anne Burr ‘62 Jeff & Heidi Burrows Dr. Gregory Burton Mrs. Vicky Cairns Mrs. Laur-Ann Camus Mrs. Michelina Capretta Mrs. Jane Carnwath ’51 Ms. Andrea Caron Mr. Darcy Collins & Mrs. Kathleen Collins Ms. Heather Colwell The Connelly Family Mr. Christopher Dawn & Mrs. Victoria Dawn Ms Margarita De Antunano Ms. Kim DeBon Mrs. Patricia Denis The D’Hondt Family Ms. Maria Di Febo Mr. Zvonimir DiGallo Mrs. Cheryl Diefenbacher Miss Mary Dolja ’62 Mr. John Dolja Mrs. Elizabeth Dubble-Smith ’45 Mrs. Marjorie F. Dunlop ’52 26

Mrs. Tricia Edmonds ’81 David & Penny Elton Estate Of Ian Angus Marcus & Kristy Faggion Mr. Robert Ferguson Flurple Corporation - Deschamps Family Fraser Family Mrs. Joan Gallagher ’49 Kate & Diego Garzón Mr. Allan E. Gaumond Mrs. Frances M. Gerrie ‘35 * Mrs. Jane Gibson Mrs. Elizabeth I. Godard ’39 Ms. Susan E. Gogishvili Mr. Rhett Grant & Mrs. Batula Grant Dr. Karlis Gravitis ’73 Mrs. Margaret Green ’51 Mrs. Patricia Greenhow ‘55 Ms. Sylvia Griffin Mr. Saeid Habibi & Ms. Allison Williams Mr. David Haddon & Mrs. Jennifer Haddon ’82 Ms. Patricia A. Hall Mr. Ronald Harber & Dr. JoAnn Corey Mrs. Joan Hassey Havergal College Mr. Tom P. Hazell ’55 * Mrs. Marnie Helmy Mr. Richard Henderson & Mrs. Kerry Henderson Mr. Bradley Hendsbee & Mrs. Barbara J. Hendsbee J.J. Huffman-Krisza Mr. Anthony Hughes Ms. M.J. Ingraham ’75 Mrs. Patricia Ingraham ’46 Ms. Vicki Innes ’56 Mrs. Anne Jackson ’58 Mr. Pankaj Jain & Mrs. Kamal Jain Mrs. June Jenkins Mr. Robert D. Johnston ’45 Mr. Jeremy Johnston & Mrs. Laurie Johnston Stan Ms. Wendy Jones Mr. Brian Joynt & Mrs. Susan Joynt Mrs. Jocelyn Katz Mrs. Marnie Kaye ’59

Ms. Jody Knapp Mrs. Sue Kragten Mr. Edward Kuhn & Mrs. Connie Kuhn Mr. John Kwant & Mrs. Heather Kwant Mrs. Sara Laidlaw ’77 Mr. Tim Langs ’64 * Mrs. Amaris Langton & Ms. Shannon Langton Tom ’81 & Cathy Lazier Mrs. Karrie L. Leach Mrs. Laurie A. Lewis Dr. Stephen Lloyd & Dr. Anne Boyle Mr. James (Paul) Logan Mr. Kevin Loughrey & Mrs. Patricia Loughrey Mrs. Tracey Luel Aveda & Melissa Mancini Mr. Donald M. Mann ’49 Mr. Dino Mannarino & Ms. Jill Dougherty Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd. Mrs. Jennifer M. Marks Mrs. Margot Martin Pick ’66 Mrs. Tracy Masters-Brown Dr. Eddie Matsumoto & Mrs. Jennifer Jewitt-Matsumoto Mrs. Erin R. Matthews Ms. Catherine E. Maybee Mrs. Elizabeth Mayer ’55 Mr. Dean McArthur & Mrs. Helen McArthur Mr. Stephen McDonald Mrs. Anne McDougall ’48 Mrs. Mary McKeon ’64 Mrs. E.M. McKinney * Mr. Bob McMurrich ’68 & Mrs. Graeme McMurrich ’69 Mr. James McRae & Mrs. Andrea McRae Mr. Peter Meszaros Mrs. Margot Miller Tusa ’63 Mr. Alex Moffatt ’02 Mrs. Kelly Moore Mr. Fred Morison ’79 & Mrs. Jill Morison ’81 Ms. Nancy Morison ’39 Ms. Ruth Moseley Ms. Elena G. Nacanther Mrs. Claudette Nash ’57 Mr. Ravee Navaretnam & Mrs. Amirtha Navaretnam Mr. Bill Nethercott ’85 & Mrs. Monica Nethercott Mr. Tony Novo

Mr. Michael O’Blenis Mr. Robert J. Panter Mr. Kosta Papadopoulos Mr. Joseph M. Partito Mrs. Margaret W. Paterson ’44 Mr. Serguei Pavlov & Dr. Viktoria Pavlova Ms. Jane Peacock ’61 Mr. William Peat Mrs. Jane Peer Mrs. Heidy Peragine Mr. David Perco & Mrs. Cathy Giorno Perco Mr. Paul H. Philp Mr. Randall Pratt & Mrs. Andrea Pratt Mr. Kavit Puri ’96 Ms. Lorna Reid Mrs. Joan Renison ’44 * Mrs. Lois Reynolds ’51 Mrs. Frances M. Richardson ’55 Mrs. Sharon E. Ritchie ’67 Mrs. Joan Robertshaw ’51 * Mr. Mark Robbins ’06 Ms. Mary J. Robichaud Dr. Gail Robinson ’60 Mr. Jeff Robinson & Mrs. Lori Robinson Alexandra Rocca ’12 Mrs. Amanda Rogers Miss Julie G. Rosenthal ’88 Rotary Club of Hamilton Mountain (On behalf of Ron Bremner ’67) Mr. Bradley Sawyer & Mrs. Fiona Sawyer Mrs. Anne Marie Scime Miss Alison M. Scott ’48 * Mrs. Susan Scott Mrs. Lynn Sharpe Ms. Kim Shippey Mr. George A. Simpson ’44 & Mrs. Maryann Simpson Mrs. Anne Simpson ’58 Mrs. Sheila J. Skinner Ms. Kim Soulliere Mrs. Jane Spears ’39 Mrs. Shailau Spivak Mr. Thomas Stanton Mr. John P. Stewart ’79 Jacqueline Teggart

Mr. Daniel Testa & Mrs. Yvonne Testa Mrs. Roddy Thomson ’31 * Mrs. Irina Tsuluca Ms. Michiyo Uchida Miss Eleanor Unsworth ’56 Mrs. Roberta L. Vaughan ’56 Brandon, Heather, Esme & Clara Vedelago Dr. Branko Vujovic & Dr. Hasija Vujovic Mr. Darcy S. Wallace Ms. Nancy Wang Headmaster Emeritus M. B. Wansbrough & Michaele Robertson Mr. Martin Ward-Doran & Ms. Catherine Minshull Ms. Terri-Anne Watkins Mr. Kim T. Weaymouth Ms. Kim Webster Mrs. Penny Welch ’39 Mr. Dwaine Whalen & Mrs. Deetra Whalen Mr. John White ’80 & Mrs. Beth White Mr. Robert White Mr. Jeff Whittard Mrs. Janet L. Woolley Gerald Wright ’58 Ms. Jin Zang Mr. James R. Zwolak ’99 Miss Zoe M. Zwolak ’01 * - Deceased


ANNUAL GIVING July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015

MONTESSORI SCHOOL $10,000-$24,999

Mr. Darren Pritchett & Mrs. Tracy Pritchett Mr. Andy Stone & Ms. Karin Dearness Dr. Paul Szpakowski & Dr. Agnes Chmiel Mr. John Thomas & Mrs. Lydia Thomas Brandon, Heather, Esme & Clara Vedelago Mr. Dwaine Whalen & Mrs. Deetra S. Whalen

Nick & Stacy Bontis & Family




Dr. Mehran Anvari & Mrs. Sima Anvari


Mr. John de Boer & Mrs. Patti de Boer Mrs. Amaris Langton & Ms. Shannon Langton


Dr. Nalin Amin & Dr. Shilpa Amin Dr. Kevin Calzonetti & Mrs. Laura DiSilvestro ’89 Dr. Joe Cherian & Ms. Carla Hudecki Mr. Aaron Ciancone ’95 & Mrs. Annie Ciancone Kaitlyn McLachlan & Mikkel Hansen The Larrazabal Family Ms. Jill Scott & Ms. Michelle Whitefield Mr. Marco Visentini & Ms. Andrea DeSantis


Mr. Dave Armstrong & Mrs. Sandy Armstrong Mrs. Brianne Barton ’03 & Mrs. Bianca Barton ’03 Mr. Anthony Blasse & Mrs. Antheia Cadette-Blasse Dr. Luis H. P. Braga & Dr. Manoela F. B. Braga Mr. Aron Burch & Mrs. Amber Burch Mr. Vincent Cheung & Dr. Beverley Chan ’98 Mr. Jeff Cober & Mrs. Denise M. Cober The Faggion Family Mr. Tim Ferris ’96 & Mrs. Morgan Ferris Fraser Family Dr. Juan Guzman & Dr. Fanny Rocio Monroy Mr. Andrew Hammond ’98 & Mrs. Nora Nolan Hammond ’98 Mr. Kieron Hayes & Ms. Michelle Vickers Mr. Jarrett Johnston & Mrs. Sheriann Heath-Johnston Mr. Stephen Humphrey & Mrs. Alecia Humphrey Hutchinson Family Mr. Erick Feltham & Prof. Pippa Lock Dr. Naveen Parasu & Mrs. Rhian Thomas-Parasu


Lancaster Group Inc. & The Hubber Family


Mr. Steven Lee & Ms. Lena Xu


Asher and Carsten Abrams Mr. Gregory Adams & Mrs. Jennifer Adams Dr. Ronen Avram & Dr. Victoria R. A. Avram Mr. Robert Bensen ’99 & Mrs. Lyndsay Bensen ’99 Dr. Nigel Munce & Dr. Emily Ching The D’Hondt Family Mr. David Di Paolo & Mrs. Lori Di Paolo David & Penny Elton Mr. Brent Clifford & Ms. Michelle Foster Mr. Gerry Gatto & Mrs. Laurie Gatto Mr. Nelson Goncalves & Mrs. Sandra Goncalves Mr. Rhett Grant & Mrs. Batula Grant Mr. York Gruehl & Mrs. Andrea Gruehl Mr. Jason Hill & Mrs. Celeste Hill Mr. Brien Skelly & Ms. Shannon Kemp Mr. Bill Nethercott ’85 & Mrs. Monica Nethercott Ms. Ingrid Perugachi Dr. Ramu Popuri & Dr. Preeti Popuri Mr. Jagdeep Thind & Dr. Sukhbinder Dhesy-Thind Joshua & Liam Thorne Mr. Geoff Tierney & Mrs. Kris Tierney Dr. Brian van Adel & Dr. Heather McNeely Mr. Kris Zelinsky & Mrs. Sarah Zelinsky

MIDDLE SCHOOL $100,000-$499,999 The Doble Family

$25,000-$99,999 The Priest Family


Mr. Alvi Beraldo & Mrs. Rosa Beraldo Nick & Stacy Bontis & Family Mr. Michael J. Connor & Mrs. Andrea L. Connor Losani Family The Pearson Family The Ruse Family Mr. Kirk Sabo & Mrs. Melanie Sabo The Ventresca Tutty Family


Dr. Mehran Anvari & Mrs. Sima Anvari The Ayotte Family Sandro & Maria D’Ambrosi & Family James & Marisa Mahler & Family Mr. Steven Stipsits & Mrs. Elizabeth Grant-Stipsits Mr. John Vujicic & Mrs. Lana Vujicic


Mr. Patrick Bennett & Dr. Allison Sekuler Mr. Steve Constantin & Mrs. Jaynne Constantin Mr. John de Boer & Mrs. Patti de Boer Heddle Marine Service Mr. Richard Heddle & Mrs. Donna Heddle Ms. Lisa M. Higgins On Behalf of The Rudolph Family Mr. Michael Valente & Ms. Sarah Matthews


Dr. Kevin Calzonetti & Mrs. Laura DiSilvestro ’89 Dr. Ian Darcel & Mrs. Deborah Boland Dr. Lance Edwards & Dr. Lori Edwards Mr. Robert Forbes & Ms. Mary Williams Mr. Peter T. Hogarth ’84 & Dr. Maggie Hogarth Claire, Tim, Jonathan and Emily Keeley Geoff & Ana Knapp Mr. Steven Lee & Ms. Lena Xu Dr. Nicholas Leyland & Mrs. Carol Leyland

Mr. Bernard Lim & Mrs. Jamey Lim Dr. Amit Mehta & Mrs. Bhavna Mehta Dr. Stephen Nenniger & Mrs. Nancy Henley The Ortega Guarne Family Mr. Craig Oster & Mrs. Melanie Oster & Family Robert & Marica Rosic & Family Mr. Russell Taylor & Mrs. Karen Taylor


Mr. Akinwale Akinsiku & Mrs. Tope Akinsiku Mr. Bobby Alexander & Ms. Milinda Alexander Mr. Kamal Ali & Ms. Fabi Karimullah Dr. Ed Barnard & Ms. Paula Barnard Mr. Robert Becker & Mrs. Carol Becker Dr. John Bozek & Mrs. Jennifer Bozek Mr. Dave Broughton & Ms. Amy Stevenson Mr. David Di Paolo & Mrs. Lori Di Paolo Mr. Eusanio DiClaudio & Mrs. Judith DiClaudio Mr. Max DiFelice & Mrs. Patricia DiFelice Mr. David Folk & Mrs. Brenda Folk Mr. Iddo Foxman & Mrs. Janice Fabian-Foxman Fraser Family Mr. York Gruehl & Mrs. Andrea Gruehl Mr. Glen Grunwald & Ms. Heather Bird Darcy & Astrid Hepner Mr. Jason Hill & Mrs. Celeste Hill Dr. Sebastien Hotte & Dr. Kathryn Webert Mr. Franco Macchiusi & Ms. Wendy Jones Mr. David Kaminsky & Mrs. Jane Kaminsky Mr. David Kemper & Mrs. Kelly Kemper ’87 Mr. Terry Line ’87 & Mrs. Niki Line ’86 Mr. Scott Lochhead & Mrs. Leeann Lochhead Mr. Thomas Maradin & Mrs. Suzanne Holick Lisa & Paul Masliwec Mr. Dean McArthur & Mrs. Helen McArthur Mr. Alex Morgunov & Mrs. Marney Morgunov Mr. Bill Nethercott ’85 & Mrs. Monica Nethercott Mr. James Parsons & Mrs. Dianne Parsons Dr. Ramu Popuri & Dr. Preeti Popuri Mr. Darren Pritchett & Mrs. Tracy Pritchett Mr. Mark Silenzi & Mrs. Rose Silenzi Mr. Mike Summers & Mrs. Sharon Summers Mr. Jagdeep Thind & Dr. Sukhbinder Dhesy-Thind Dr. Darin Treleaven & Dr. Kelly Fitzpatrick Dr. Brian van Adel & Dr. Heather McNeely

Mr. Stephen D. Walters & Ms. Trace I. Molson Dave & Linda Watson Mr. Rod White & Mrs. Fiona White

SENIOR SCHOOL $100,000-$499,999 The Doble Family


The DiLoreto Family Mr. Frank Spallacci & Mrs. Louisa Spallacci


Mr. Alvi Beraldo & Mrs. Rosa Beraldo Mr. Leslie M. Boris Mr. Michael J. Connor & Mrs. Andrea L. Connor Losani Family The Paikin Family The Pearson Family The Ruse Family Mr. Kirk Sabo & Mrs. Melanie Sabo The Ventresca Tutty Family Mr. Brian J. Work & Mrs. Jackie A. Work ’81


Dr. Mehran Anvari & Mrs. Sima Anvari Mr. David Cairns & Mrs. Sharon Hotton Cairns Sandro & Maria D’Ambrosi & Family Mr. Joseph Giacomodonato & Mrs. Bonnie Giacomodonato The Kain Family Mr. Morris Klid & Mrs. Marianne Klid Mr. William Russell & Mrs. Catriona Russell The Spencer Family


Mr. Patrick Bennett & Dr. Allison Sekuler Mr. Steve Constantin & Mrs. Jaynne Constantin Filice Family Heddle Marine Service Mr. Richard Heddle & Mrs. Donna Heddle On Behalf of The Rudolph Family The Tedesco Family


Mr. Mitch Bauer & Mrs. Sara Bauer Dr. Ian Darcel & Mrs. Deborah Boland

Mr. George Fiotakis & Ms. Lorraine Engel Mr. Dave Foxcroft & Mrs. Carolyn Foxcroft ’87 Mr. Michael Hamilton & Mrs. Angela Hamilton Mr. Bernie Hann & Mrs. Kathron Hann Mr. Peter T. Hogarth ’84 & Dr. Maggie Hogarth Mr. Pheroze J. Jeejeebhoy & Mrs. Kimberley A. Jeejeebhoy Mr. Tom Kornya & Mrs. Heather Kornya ’84 Linda Frenette & Andre Lamy The Larrazabal Family Mr. Andre LeBlanc & Mrs. Frances LeBlanc Dr. Kevin Lee & Dr. Audrey Liu Mr. Bernard Lim & Mrs. Jamey Lim Dr. Peter Lovrics & Ms. Jill McKenzie Dr. John Marshall & Dr. Debbie Yamamura Dr. Amit Mehta & Mrs. Bhavna Mehta Mr. Dean Mosca Mrs. Lori Mosca Dr. Madhu Natarajan & Mrs. Swapna Natarajan Michelle & Robert Nemy & Family Dr. Stephen Nenniger & Mrs. Nancy Henley Mr. Craig Oster & Mrs. Melanie Oster & Family Dr. Don Richardson & Mrs. Angela Richardson Robert & Marica Rosic & Family Dr. Eugene St. Louis & Mrs. Tina St. Louis Webber Family Dr. Kevin Wong & Mrs. Jinny Yun-Wong


Mr. Paul Agro & Mrs. Karen Agro Dr. Olabode Akintan & Mrs. Nene Akintan Mr. Bobby Alexander & Ms. Milinda Alexander Stephen & Deborah Altmann Mr. Jiri Maly & Mrs. Annie Ammendolia-Maly Anonymous Mr. Dave Armstrong & Mrs. Sandy Armstrong Lisa & Jennifer Armstrong Dr. Ed Barnard & Ms. Paula Barnard Dr. Jaydeep K. Moro & Ms. Meeta Bhana Dr. Mark Bostock & Mrs. Tara Bostock Mr. Jeff Bradshaw ’74 & Mrs. Renata Bradshaw Mr. Jeffrey Roy & Mrs. Julie Caty Mr. Renato Cercone & Mrs. Deborah Cercone Mr. Ralph Cuervo-Lorens & Mrs. Carla Zabek Mr. Fred DeJonge & Ms. Lisa Bratina 29

Mr. Max DiFelice & Mrs. Patricia DiFelice Dr. Stephen J. Dyment & Dr. Heidi Kunze Mr. Roger Fulton & Mrs. Sharon Evans Mr. Eric Gales & Mrs. Lucy Gales Mr. Stephen F. Gleave & Ms. Bridget O’Leary Mr. Andres G. Gutierrez & Ms. Ana-Maria F. FarFan Mr. Kieron Hayes & Ms. Michelle Vickers Mr. David Hayward & Mrs. Shelley Hayward Mr. Frank Huck & Mrs. Phyllis Braden-Huck Mrs. Janet Hull Dr. Iqbal Hussain Biswas & Ms. Julie Hossain Mr. Laszlo Kecskemeti & Ms. Aniko Szollosi Mr. Brien Skelly & Ms. Shannon Kemp Mr. David Kemper & Mrs. Kelly Kemper ’87 The Kerr Family Dr. Michael Kolios & Mrs. Dorothy Kolios Dr. Jacek M. Kwiecien & Dr. Kathleen H. Delaney Tom ’81 & Cathy Lazier Mr. John Lewis & Mrs. Vivian Lewis Mr. Thomas Maradin & Mrs. Suzanne Holick Lisa & Paul Masliwec Tammy & Jim McMillan Mr. James McRae & Mrs. Andrea McRae Mr. Reg Meecham & Mrs. Lisa Meecham Mr. Allan Mertin & Ms. Diane Teare Mr. Alex Mestres & Mrs. Magdalena Gomez Family Miceski Mr. Mark W. Mitchell & Mrs. Lisa Mitchell Dr. Paul Moayyedi & Mrs. Maxine Moayyedi Mr. Rashid Moosajee & Mrs. Femida Moosajee Mr. Craig Mutch & Ms. Cynthia Lockwood ’84 The Neibert Family Mr. James Parsons & Mrs. Dianne Parsons Mr. Michael Peck & Mrs. Pam Peck Mr. Lou Petrash & Dr. Linda Ullman-Petrash Mr. Darren Pritchett & Mrs. Tracy Pritchett Mr. Thomas Reeves & Mrs. Julie Reeves Mr. Jeff Robinson & Mrs. Lori Robinson Mr. Glenn E. Rouleau & Mrs. Victoria Rouleau Mr. Rob Russell & Mrs. Dawn Russell Mr. Rudi J. Spallacci & Mrs. Anna Spallacci Dr. Wesley Stephen & Mrs. Charlene Stephen Mr. Mark Stirling & Ms. Joanne Lewis Mr. Mike Summers & Mrs. Sharon Summers 30

Mr. Guy McPhee & Mrs. Donna Sutherland Mr. Dave Thomas & Mrs. Teresa Thomas Mr. David Thompson & Ms. Soraya Cassim Mr. Charles Todd & Dr. Hanan Sokar-Todd Mr. Warren Tong & Dr. Judy Tong Kim Townsend ’84 & Brett Sampson Dr. Darin Treleaven & Dr. Kelly Fitzpatrick Jacob vanHelder Dave & Linda Watson Mr. Rod White & Mrs. Fiona White Mr. Dufferin Williamson ’90 & Mrs. Kerina Williamson Mr. E. Thomas Willis & Mrs. Heather Willis

ALUMNI DONORS $100,000 - $499,999

Mrs. Judith King-Siganski ’62

$10,000 - $24,999

Margaret Morison ’47 Mr. Nigel Morgan ’86 & Mrs. Brittany Morgan The Paikin Family Mr. Brian J. Work & Mrs. Jackie A. Work ’81

$5,000 - $9,999

Lancaster Group Inc. & The Hubber Family Mr. A. Ben Young ’47

$2,500 - $4,999

Mr. John S. Hedden ’69

$1,000 - $2,499

Mrs. Deborah M. Catto ’64 Mr. Aaron Ciancone ’95 & Mrs. Annie Ciancone Mr. J. Peter Foster ’42 Mr. Dave Foxcroft & Mrs. Carolyn Foxcroft ’87 Mr. Peter T. Hogarth ’84 & Dr. Maggie Hogarth Mr. William E. Holton ’58 & Mrs. Marion Holton ’63 Ms. Anne-Marie Hourigan ’77 Danielle Hourigan ’82 Mr. C. Wallace Jacques ’48 Mr. Tom Kornya & Mrs. Heather Kornya ’84 Mr. Colin G. Lazier ’67 & Mrs. Barbara Lazier ’67 Ms. Liane L. Ormond ’78 Coulter Osborne ’50 Mr. Steven H. Paikin ’78 Mr. Vincent J. Poloniato ’84 & Mrs. Sherry Poloniato

Mr. Jonathan S. M. Waters ’66 Murray ’66 & Barbara Weaver Mr. Herbert Wodehouse ’71 & Mrs. Margaret Wodehouse


Mr. Richard Adams & Mrs. Cathy Adams ’86 Mr. St. Clair Balfour Jr. ’59 Mr. Bruce B. Bates ’47 Mrs. Barbara Bensen ’37 * Mrs. Lisa Balfour Bowen ’57 Mrs. Brianne Barton ’03 & Mrs. Bianca Barton ’03 Mr. Tudor Beattie ’63 & Mrs. Lyn (Parry) Beattie ’68 Mr. Robert Bensen ’99 & Mrs. Lyndsay Bensen ’99 Ms. Anne Bermingham ’82 Mr. Jeff Bradshaw ’74 & Mrs. Renata Bradshaw Mr. Ian F. Brissett ’92 Mr. Berardo G. Diamante ’03 Mrs. Tricia Edmonds ’81 Myrna ’56 & Jim Evel ’55 Mr. Graham W. Ewart ’64 Dr. ’43 & Mrs. R.H.D. Farmer Mr. Tim Ferris ’96 & Mrs. Morgan Ferris Jinny Flye ’61 Mr. J. Kerr Gibson ’41 & Mrs. Alison Gibson ’47 Mr. Colin B. Glassco ’61 Mr. Andrew Hammond ’98 & Mrs. Nora Nolan Hammond ’98 The Hill-Boutros Family Ms. Julia Hillyer ’98 Mr. Luther J. Holton ’71 & Mrs. Lindsay K. Holton Mr. Mark Hunter ’88 & Mrs. Patricia Hunter ’87 Ms. Vicki Innes ’56 Mr. Christopher M. Keith ’93 & Mrs. Alexandra Keith Mr. Michael H. Kovacs ’75 Mr. Stephen G. Kulakowsky ’03 Ann Lang ’65 Tom ’81 & Cathy Lazier Mr. R. Douglas Lazier ’68 Mr. Terry Line ’87 & Mrs. Niki Line ’86 Mr. Richard D. Line ’92 Ms. Sherri L. Lockwood ’87 Dr. Thomas D. Marshall ’85 & Ms. Efstathia Dracos Mr. Tim J. McCleary ’78 Mrs. Anne McDougall ’48 Mr. Arthur R. McMurrich, Jr. ’65 Mr. Scott Nameth ’02

Mr. Bill Nethercott ’85 & Mrs. Monica Nethercott Mr. Jordan M. Neysmith ’94 Ms. Erica Otaguro ’07 Mrs. Heather E. Palm ’85 Mr. John S. Parry ’66 Ms. Samantha Peeris ’85 Mrs. Lois Reynolds ’51 Mr. Don Ridpath ’69 Dr. Catherine A. Salmon ’88 Mr. Douglas S. Scott ’42 Mr. John C. Simpson ’75 & Mrs. Toni Simpson Mr. David Simpson ’73 & Mrs. Gwynneth Simpson Mr. George A. Simpson ’44 & Mrs. Maryann Simpson Reverend John R. Smith ’56 & Mrs. Judy Smith Peter Steel ’75 Mr. Sheldon Swaye ’54 The Prize for Broad Participation in Drama Activities in Grade 9 or 10 in Memory of Beatrice Noel, given by her children. The Thomas-Weir Family Kim Townsend ’84 & Brett Sampson Miss Eleanor Unsworth ’56 Mrs. Roberta L. Vaughan ’56 Brandon ’98, Heather, Esme & Clara Vedelago Mr. Radcliffe S. Weaver ’52 Ms. Kim Webster ’76 Patricia White ’67 Gerald Wright ’58 Mr. William H. Young ‘35 & Mrs. Joyce Young ’43 Mr. James R. Zwolak ’99 Miss Zoe M. Zwolak ’01 * - Deceased

GIFT-IN-KIND AND SPONSORSHIP 2243361 Ontario Inc. - Kitchens & Bath Factory Direct Action Supply - Mr. Bruce Copley Aggressive Roofing - Mr. Brien Skelly Alexanian Carpet & Flooring - Mr. Andrew Alexanian ’92 Alumni Classroom Furniture Mr. David Armstrong & Mrs. Sandy Armstrong Ashley Jewellers - Mr. Ross Ashley Attridge Transportation Inc. - Mr. Glenn Attridge Audcomp Group - Mr. Gary Sohal Averyhill Farm Inc.

The Ayotte Family BMO Nesbitt Burns - Mr. David Simpson ’73 BMO Nesbitt Burns - Mr. Murray Weaver ’66 Dr. Seth Houwer & Ms. Kate Boose Brittany Boxes - Mr. Greig Hand ’95 & Mrs. Lori Hand Brown Financial Security Brownlow Partners Chartered Accountants - Mrs. Brianne Barton ’03 Bryan & Hedden Insurance - Mr. John Hedden ’69 Budds’ BMW Hamilton Dr. Greg Burton Mr. David Cairns & Mrs. Sharon Hotton Cairns Canadian Tire London, North - Mr. Richard D. Line ’92 Capo Industries - Mr. Don Ridpath ’69 CDW Canada - Varun Shah Cedar Lane Stables Centro Garden Ceylon Tea Concept Inc. Dr. Joe Cherian & Ms. Carla Hudecki Mr. Patrick Chetcuti Ms. Tera Chetcuti Clearcable Networks - Mr. Ryan McCann Coldwell Banker-Burnhill - Mr. Michael Griffith Cooper Construction Limited - Mr. William P. Cooper ’57 Core Urban Inc. - Mr. Stephen Kulakowsky ’03 Dr. Andrea Z. Csordas Dana Hospitality LP Mr. David M. de Freitas ’94 Ms. Dianne de Freitas Mr. James Dean & Mrs. Lia Dean Diamante Investments - Mr. Berardo G. Diamante ’03 The DiLoreto Family Drive Star Shuttle Systems Ltd. - Mr. Andrew Priest Elite Events - Ms. Lindsay A. Marshall ’05 Eric Bosch Consulting Inc. - Mr. Eric Bosch Expedia Cruise Ship Centres, Hamilton Rosanna Faccio-Polimeni & Demetrio Polimeni Miss Shelley Falla ’83 Farway Foods Fascination Flowers - Ms. Theresa Rock Mr. Dan Faulkner & Mrs. Rita Faulkner Filice Family Global Fuels Inc. - Mr. David J. Armstrong Greening Marketing Inc. - Mr. Glenn Marshall

Mrs. Blanka Guyatt Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Hall Halton Mattress Mr. Michael Hamilton & Mrs. Angela Hamilton Mr. Greig Hand ’95 & Mrs. Lori Hand Hanley’s Dr. John Harlock & Mrs. Hayley Harlock Mr. Kieron Hayes & Ms. Michelle Vickers Mr. Jason Hill & Mrs. Celeste Hill Ms. Julia Hillyer ’98 Mr. Peter T. Hogarth ’84 & Dr. Maggie Hogarth Holiday Sportswear - Mr. Howard Greenwood House of Fraser Decor Mr. Cyril Hull Into Interiors - Mrs. Linda Martinus Naccarato JDI Cleaning Systems Inc. - Mr. John C. Simpson ’75 Mr. James McElrea & Ms. Anna Johnston Judy Marsales Real Estate Ltd. justenvironment The Kain Family Mr. Eugene Kayal & Mrs. Hoda Kayal Dr. Stephen Kelly & Dr. Lorna Kelly Knar Jewellery Landmark Group The Lendrum Family Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd. Marshall Connects - Mrs. Linda Marshall Mr. Michael Valente & Ms. Sarah F. Matthews Ms. Jennifer McConville Mr. Ryan Mclean McMillan & Associates Tammy & Jim McMillan Mercedes-Benz Burlington - Mr. John Marck ’71 Michelangelos Events & Conference Centre - Ms. Brenda Campbell MIAD Information Systems Ltd. Millenium Group - Mrs. Sharon Hotton Cairns Milli Fashions MM Family and Sleep Dentistry MNP LLP - Mr. Ian Marshall Mohawk Car Wash - Mr. Rob Mitchell & Mr. Steve Forsyth MT Photgraphy Mr. Pat Naccarato & Mrs. Linda Martinus-Naccarato


Nancy Brewer Chartered Accountant Professional Corporation The Neibert Family Michelle & Robert Nemy & Family New Horizon Home Building - Mr. Jeff Paikin ’80 Mr. Simon Ngan Nickel Brook Beers - Mr. John Romano Mr. Dermot P. Nolan & Mrs. Tamara Paikin Nolan Nonna’s Cucina Ristorante Oakville Vascular Corporation - Dr. David Szalay Pacex - Ms. Shannon Kemp The Paikin Family Mr. John S. Parry ’66 Pearson Dunn Insurance - Mr. George McCarter Mark & Rosanna Peternelj & Family Precious Portraits Photography The Priest Family Pure NV Inc. Radius 1837683 Ontario Inc. Mr. Paven Bratch & Mrs. Bela Bratch Re/max Escarpment Realty Inc. Mr. Jason Roque & Mrs. Daniela Roque Run-A-Fowl Gentlemen’s Hunt and Sporting Club The Ruse Family Mr. Kirk Sabo & Mrs. Melanie Sabo Dr. Lawrence Scholes & Dr. Brenda K. Reeve Sigma Promotions - Ms. Nikki Pett Smitiuch Injury Law - Mr. Keith Smitiuch Mr. Iain Souter & Ms. Sherry Phillips Spallacci & Sons Limited - Mr. Frank Spallacci Mr. Joseph Speranzini Dr. Eugene St. Louis & Mrs. Tina St. Louis Ms. Carol Stanton Stephen Walters Professional Corp Mr. Stephen Walters & Ms. Trace Molson Mr. Mark Stirling & Ms. Joanne Lewis Mr. Shawn Stringer & Ms. Evelina Stocco Claudia and Rick Stockdale Mr. Guy McPhee & Mrs. Donna Sutherland Taylor Leibow LLP - Mr. Mark Hunter ’88 The Morgan Investments Group Inc. - Mr. Nigel Morgan ’86 The Pilates Studio The Studio Hair Design and Spa The Ten Spot Hamilton 32

The Toronto-Dominion Bank The Thomas-Weir Family Tim Horton Donuts - Mrs. Lori Corneau Tobi Bos Photography Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club Trackem - Mr. Vincent Poloniato ’84 & Mrs. Sherry Poloniato Tru Partners Insurance Brokers Ultimate Exotics Mr. Ted A. Urbanowicz Mr. George Vastis & Ms. Helen Vastis Brandon, Heather, Esme & Clara Vedelago The Ventresca Tutty Family Vincero Capital Management Mr. Martin Ward-Doran & Ms. Catherine Minshull Waterdown Collision & Paint Mr. Max DiFelice & Mrs. Patricia DiFelice Murray ‘66 & Barbara Weaver Wellington Financial LP Westbrooke of Ancaster Westdale Optical Boutique - Ms. Stephanie McLean Windsor Medical Aesthetics Whitley Wodehouse - Mr. Herbert Wodehouse ’71 Ms. Cynthia Zahoruk Mr. Dominic Zamprogna ’98 Mr. Mark Zizzo Dr. Dean Zizzo & Mrs. Gale Zizzo Mrs. Brenda Zwolak

FACULTY, PARENTS OF ALUMNI AND FRIENDS Asher and Carsten Abrams Mr. Richard Adams & Mrs. Cathy Adams ’86 Mr. Gregory Adams & Mrs. Jennifer Adams The Alumni Association Mr. Peter R. Annable & Mrs. Pamela Annable Janet Weisz & Gerald Asa Mrs. Carolyn Aylward-Viveros The Ayotte Family Jean Beaver Ms. Anne Bermingham ’82 Dr. Seth Houwer & Ms. Kate Boose Bosch Family The Botting Family Mr. Phelim S. Brucculeri

Dr. Greg Burton Mr. Ashley Cameron & Mrs. Sarah Cameron Mrs. Daniella M. Ciapanna Taya Cicchetti Mr. Jeff Cober & Mrs. Denise M. Cober The Connelly Family The D’Hondt Family Ms. Adrienne A. Davidson The Davies Family Ms Margarita De Antunano Ms. Dianne de Freitas Dr. Lara R. De Lazzari Mr. James Dean & Mrs. Lia Dean Mrs. Cheryl Diefenbacker Mr. Steve Doucet Campbell & Ms. Gillian Doucet Campbell Mr. Michael Dunne & Mrs. Cynthia Dunne Mr. James Smith & Mrs. Beverly Edwards-Smith David & Penny Elton Rosanna Faccio-Polimeni & Demetrio Polimeni The Faggion Family Dr. ’43 & Mrs. R.H.D. Farmer The Foxcroft Family Fraser Family Kate & Diego Garzón Mr. Gregory S. Gledhill & Mrs. Juanita G. Gledhill Mr. Rhett Grant & Mrs. Batula Grant Ms. Sylvia Griffin Mrs. Blanka Guyatt Mr. Bernie Hann & Mrs. Kathron Hann Mr. John Hannah Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Heagle Mr. Jarrett Johnston & Mrs. Sheriann Heath-Johnston Mrs. Marnie Helmy Mr. Richard Henderson & Mrs. Kerry Henderson Mr. Luther J. Holton ’71 & Mrs. Lindsay K. Holton Mr. William E. Holton ’58 & Mrs. Marion Holton ’63 Danielle Hourigan ’82 J.J. Huffman-Krisza Dr. Godwin Ifabiyi & Mrs. Omolara Ifabiyi Mr. C. Wallace Jacques ’48 Mr. Steven James & Mrs. Janice James Mrs. Jean Jennings James McElrea & Ms. Anna Johnston

Mr. Franco Macchiusi & Ms. Wendy Jones Mr. Kazmer W. Kasperski & Mrs. M. Janet Kasperski Dr. Stephen Kelly & Dr. Lorna Kelly Mr. David Slack & Ms. Deborah Kennedy Hutchinson Family Dr. Mohamed Khaled & Mrs. Nina Karachi-Khaled Geoff & Ana Knapp Robert & Laure Kominar Mr. Michael H. Kovacs ’75 Mr. Christopher S. Kwiecien Mr. Stanley Land & Mrs. Sheila Land Mrs. Amaris Langton & Ms. Shannon Langton Mr. Colin G. Lazier ’67 & Mrs. Barbara Lazier ’67 Mrs. Laurie A. Lewis The Lucas Family Aveda & Melissa Mancini Dr. Thomas D. Marshall ’85 & Ms. Efstathia Dracos Mrs. Tracy Masters-Brown Mrs. Carolyn McEwen Mr. Brian McParland & Mrs. Catherine McParland Mr. Mark W. Mitchell & Mrs. Lisa Mitchell Mr. Mike Moore Dr. April Moore Margaret Morison ’47 Ms. Ruth Moseley Mr. Pat Naccarato & Mrs. Linda Martinus-Naccarato Mr. Drew Nameth & Mrs. Susan Nameth The Neibert Family Mr. Dermot P. Nolan & Mrs. Tamara Paikin Nolan Mr. John P. Ormond & Ms. Liane L. Ormond ’78 Ms. Erica Otaguro ’07 Marnie & Larry Paikin Mr. Jeffrey Panos & Mrs. Lisa Panos The Parents’ Guild Mr. William Peat Dr. Sumithra A. Peeris Mr. Peter Petkovich & Mrs. Jodie Petkovich Mr. Paul H. Philp Dr. Daniel E. Polos ’71 Mrs. Melissa Poremba Dr. Dwight Prodger & Ms. Joyce Wilton Dr. Tarek Ramadan & Mrs. Manal Adham-Ramadan Mr. Rob Reiner & Mrs. Debbie Reiner

Mrs. Nancy Rocca Mrs. Amanda Rogers Mr. Robert Santin & Mrs. Theresa Santin Mr. Rod Schaaf & Mrs. Cindy Schaaf Dr. Bert Schaefer & Dr. Gudrun Schaefer Mrs. Lynn Sharpe Mr. John C. Simpson ’75 & Mrs. Toni Simpson Mr. David Simpson ’73 & Mrs. Gwynneth Simpson Mr. George A. Simpson ’44 & Mrs. Maryann Simpson Mrs. Sheila J. Skinner Reverend John R. Smith ’56 & Mrs. Judy Smith Mr. Iain Souter & Ms. Sherry Phillips Mrs. Shailau Spivak Claudia and Rick Stockdale Christopher & Bianca Taylor Jacqueline Teggart The Thomas-Weir Family Mr. Nicholas Timms Zahra Valani Mr. George Vastis & Ms. Helen Vastis Mrs. Roberta L. Vaughan ’56 Dr. Bruno Vedelago & Mrs. Gail Vedelago Brandon, Heather, Esme & Clara Vedelago Mr. Marijan Vrbanic & Mrs. Marianne C. Vrbanic Mrs. N. Wands Mr. Martin Ward-Doran & Ms. Catherine Minshull Dave & Linda Watson Murray ’66 & Barbara Weaver Webber Family The Thomas-Weir Family Mr. Dwaine Whalen & Mrs. Deetra S. Whalen Mr. Jeff Whittard Mr. Herbert Wodehouse ’71 & Mrs. Margaret Wodehouse Mr. William H. Young ’35 & Mrs. Joyce Young ’43 Ms. Jin Zang Mr. & Mrs. Istref Zeka Mr. Kris Zelinsky & Mrs. Sarah Zelinsky Mrs. Brenda Zwolak

Stan 33

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If, however, any errors or omissions have occurred, please accept our apologies and advise the HSC Advancement Office so that corrections can be made. HSC is registered as a charitable entity with Canada Revenue Agency, and is authorized to issue tax receipts to qualified donors. Our charitable registration number is BN11895 7810 RR0001. HSC Advancement Office Hillfield Strathallan College 299 Fennell Avenue West Hamilton, ON L9C 1G3 Phone: 905-389-1367 Fax: 905-389-6366

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