CCEYA Early Education Program

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The Early Education Schools at HSC are safe and nurturing learning environments that promote the physical wellbeing of each child. Positive interactions and communication between all constituencies are role modelled for the children. The children are encouraged to develop communication and self-regulation skills. The program fosters exploration and inquiry in a self-directed manner under the guidance of supportive teachers. Hands-on materials and group lessons encourage discovery. Our indoor and outdoor spaces promote the development of motor skills and provide children with quiet




Our core mission is to develop joyful, engaged students who are prepared to live with purpose. The best learning happens when students are happy to come to school, are encouraged, have opportunities to follow their passions, and can participate in deep learning experiences that truly challenge them. Joyful, engaged students develop strong relationships with their peers and with the many caring adults who spark and support their learning both inside the classroom and beyond. Their journey at HSC enables them to live with purpose—to understand their world, to inspire, lead and act, and to make a difference in their own unique and important ways.



• with an understanding of ourselves as learners

• with each other, and from each other

• with a blend of challenge and support

• with an expectation, and the encouragement needed, to lead

• with excellence honoured and demonstrated

• through creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit

• to think critically

• with resiliency in mind and body

• an awareness of, and engagement in, global, cultural, economic, social and environmental issues


• Integrity

• Respect

• Community

• Determination

• Individuality



• We are honest not only with our peers and colleagues, but with ourselves

• We stand up for what we believe in

• We take responsibility for our actions

• We are true to our word

• We allow actions to speak louder than words


• We understand the importance of being humble

• We think beyond ourselves through empathy and kindness

• We are courteous and compassionate

• We find a sense of worth and value in others and ourselves

• We are conscious and responsible for our own and the College’s environmental sustainability


• We build friendships through inclusivity and the celebration of individual differences

• We foster positive relationships at HSC and beyond our gates

• We educate ourselves and each other of issues beyond the College

• We guide and support each other through mentorship

• We create equitable and inclusive spaces for all groups

• We learn alongside each other


• We are committed and optimistic

• We encourage individuals to strive for their own excellence

• We persevere when faced with adversity

• We learn from our missteps


• We inspire and encourage individuals to express themselves positively in the pursuit of their own unique passions

• We value creativity and innovative thinking

• We are confident in who we are and who we will become

• We celebrate our diverse experiences and their influence on us

In keeping with the CCEYA guidelines, HSC supports student learning on three pillars—family, environment, and educator—so that our students can learn with joy and live with purpose.


Staff work in partnership with parents to support each child’s social, emotional, physical and learning development.

Parents are included and informed on the developmental milestones of their child.


Environments are prepared to support the developmental needs of each child.

Classrooms are a safe and nurturing environment that promote discovery, exploration, innovation and cognitive development.


Our staff support the development of the whole child.

Staff are self-reflective in their practice and collaborative in their learning and development of the program.

Staff are informed on pedagogical principles and ministry requirements for the development of those principles.

The Early Education programs at HSC embrace the Ontario Ministry of Education document How Does Learning Happen? (HDLD) and the Minister’s policy statement on programming and pedagogy. HDLD identifies program goals as Belonging, Wellbeing, Engagement and Expression. At HSC, we support those goals in the following ways.

Belonging Each child should feel a connection to their environment and community.


This is achieved by attending to and tracking the individual needs of each child and embracing the diversity of the community.

Wellbeing Each child should be supported in developing physical, emotional and mental wellness.

Engagement Each child should engage in the program by exploring, discovering, innovating, developing curiosity and thinking critically.

This is achieved by providing emotional support for each child, ensuring they have rest, nutrition and play, and monitoring their mental wellbeing and tracking that development.

This is achieved by providing the child with tasks geared to their age and stage of development and their interest with blocks of time allowing them to explore, tinker and discover.

» Respectful interactions among community

» Happy and engaged students

» Students who are confident in class settings

» Socially engaged, health, and active children

Expression Each child should develop the skills to express their needs and views and in return they are heard. They should also embrace foundational language and math skills to understand and communicate within their world.

This is achieved by language role modelling, language enrichment, and early math and language exercises.

» Focused and independent work

» Collaborative learning opportunities

» Repetition of tasks for mastery

» Child is able to express views and understand the views of others

» Child develops a basic understanding of language and numbers as a communication tool


a. We promote the health, safety, nutrition and wellbeing of the children

• Our students are supervised at all times in accordance with Ministry ratios, by qualified Early Childhood Educators and/or approved Montessori teacher or teachers accredited by the Ontario College of Teachers

• Our health care and academic staff monitor students daily for illness and notify parents

• Individual anaphylactic emergency plans are posted for all staff; EpiPens are available in our Health Services Office and dining hall, and all staff are trained in EpiPen administration through consultation with the parent and through our Registered Nurses

• Regular handwashing procedures are encouraged by staff members before and after all sensory activities, washroom use, lunch and snack

• Handwashing signs are posted in every class and proper handwashing demonstrations are provided yearly

• Snack tables, lunch tables and any counter surfaces are disinfected before and after any food items are prepared

• HSC’s food service has received the Eat Smart School Cafeteria and Workplace certification, which encourages healthy eating with a variety of foods

• Collaboration with families to ensure the specific needs of individual children are met: dietary requirements, food allergies, cultural background or medical conditions

• Safe food handling is promoted

• Adults model positive behaviour to promote healthy eating habits

• Snack time and lunch are opportunities to promote and encourage social interaction and learning

• We inspect indoor and outdoor play spaces to ensure a safe learning environment

• Our school complies with Accessibility Standards for people with disabilities as prescribed under the Accessibility for Ontarians Disabilities Act

• We embrace diversity by welcoming all family dynamics, religions and backgrounds

• We support inclusion policies for individuals with special needs and create individual education plans as required

Support positive and responsive interactions amoNG the children, parents and program staff

• Staff works in partnership with parents to support the academic, social, emotional and physical needs of each child

• Promote an empathetic and nurturing school dynamic

• In our community we encourage all members to think and act for themselves and the betterment of others

• Provide opportunities for group activities to promote a sense of belonging

• Promote a respectful dialogue that considers the views and perspectives of all

• Creates an environment for children to make personal responsible choices about their learning and participation in the program

Encourage the children to interact and communicate in a positive way and support their ability to selfregulate

• Encourage respectful interactions among community

• Promote and invite children to engage in the program by exploring, discovering, innovating, developing curiosity and thinking critically

• Offer children the opportunity to assist their peers

• Provide smooth transitions in daily routines by using visual or auditory cues

• Offer comfortable space to share books, stories and toys with friends

Foster the children’s exploration, play and inquiry

• Provide open ended materials and resources

• Provide a variety of options and challenging materials in the different areas to choose from

• Offer material for representing ideas with print and drawings

• Children should develop their skills to express their needs and views and, in return, they are heard


child-initiated and adult supported experiences

• Offer materials and extra resources to support projects

• Provide children with opportunities for a reasonable degree of risktaking

• Allow children to make choices related to their learning and participation in their program

• Spend time with books and other resources discussing and making connections between books and stories in the children’s activities

Plan for and create positive learning environments and experiences in which each child’s learning and development will be supported

• Provide rich and stimulating learning environments with accessible materials and tools to provide the opportunity for their meaningful use

• Present children’s ideas to others through leadership opportunities in the classroom, through drawings and storytelling

• Avoid non-verbal and verbal responses to children’s thinking that imply judgmental praise, i.e. no right or wrong

• Present material to support sensory exploration

• Foster an environment that reflects different ideas, values and cultures

Incorporate indoor and outdoor play, as well as active play, rest and quiet time, into the day and give consideration to the individual needs of the children

• Offer opportunities to observe, investigate and discover elements of the natural environment

• Offer equipment and materials to foster active play

• Offer a balanced active play period with opportunities for rest and/or quiet time

• Incorporate music and movement in each day

Foster the engagement of and ongoing communication with parents about the program and their children

• Staff work in partnership with parents to support each child’s social, emotional, physical and learning development

• Parents are included and informed on the developmental milestones of their child

• In keeping with our open-door policy, parents are welcome to visit the classrooms

• Daily notes are recorded and shared with parents in reference to the social/emotional/physical health of their child

• Parent information sessions and opportunities to learn about the program and initiatives are provided

• A secure class website shares information and pictures about programming

• A library of parent resources is available

• In addition to daily communication, documentation of children’s ideas and progress is shared with parents through reports (3x per year) and individual parent conferences (2x per year)

• Additional conferences may be scheduled by either party at any time

Involve local community partners and allow those partners to support the children, their family and staff

• Contact different groups or organizations to offer encounters and materials that reflect different children’s cultures, e.g. Caravan, First Nations Studies, Global exploration units

• Partnership with local colleges (Teachers’ Colleges, Montessori Training Colleges, and ECE programs) for the learning experiences for the student teacher, staff and the students as part of the collective learning experience

• Children who have had a professional assessment are eligible for learning services support by a learning services specialist. Each child will have an individualized learning plan written with input from the assessment, classroom teacher, learning services specialist, Principal and parents

Support staff in relation to continuous professional learning

• Financial support for professional development both in house and externally

• Support RECE with continuous professional learning program two-year portfolio cycle required by the College of ECE

• Dedicated professional learning days provided throughout the academic year


• Encourage discussion and ongoing collaboration among staff to reflect on practices and procedures

• Provide ongoing review of the preparation of the classroom environment to ensure learning areas are engaging and that children interact with the materials/activities

• The program statement is meant to be a live document that is reviewed, revised and readjusted on an ongoing basis. All new program staff and volunteers in the classroom must be aware of its content prior to interacting with children and at any time when the program statement is modified


Expectation for implementation of our Program Statement pursuant to the Child Care and Early Years Act s. 46 (CCEYA).

b. support positive and responsive interactions among the children, parent and program staff

c. Encourage the children to interact and communicate in a positive way and support their ability to self-regulate

• Children are supervised at all times

• Staff will model behaviour for children offering materials, taking turns and exchanging ideas

• Staff support student development in a positive manner appropriate to their age and stage

• Encourage conflict by acknowledging the child’s feelings and encouraging attentive listening practices

• Outline positive and clear expectations about standards of behaviour that promote a collaborative and respectful community assist children in making responsible choices

• Staff provide cues and/ or encouragement to assist individual children to self-regulate and calmly solve conflicts

• Classroom management techniques will be implemented in order to minimize conflict or dangerous situations

• Staff will encourage, remind and celebrate appropriate behaviour

• Staff will promote empathy and encourage students to see the consequence of their actions or choices on others

• Students are encouraged to consider the views of others

• Staff and volunteers will use classroom-appropriate voices and use discretion in reference to the nature of their conversations in regards to children

• Staff encourage group activities to develop a sense of belonging

• At snack and lunch students are encouraged to try different foods and develop healthy eating habits

• Collaboration among students is encouraged by staff

• Avoid judgmental praise both verbal and non-verbal (right or wrong) and cultivate an environment in which mistakes are used as learning opportunities

• Routines are established for independent personal care and students are assisted in routines as required

• Emphasize the importance of handswashing to stay healthy. Hands must be washed after going to the washroom, creative activities, playing with sensory materials like playdough, sand or water and before and after eating

• Staff are encouraged to seek help or relief in situations where they feel they are losing patience with a child to ensure no child is penalized

As our Preschool programs are part of Hillfield Strathallan College, rules and procedures of the College are detailed in the College Handbook, available on the College website: collegehandbook

This booklet was created for the families of our preschool children and pertains to children 3.8 and younger.


The Ministry licenses all programs operated by Hillfield Strathallan College for children 3.8 and under each year. The Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA), which has replaced the Day Nurseries Act, identifies the legislative requirements for obtaining and keeping a licence to operate a preschool program. The CCEYA also outlines the consequences to the operators if the CCEYA is contravened. Included are legislative requirements in the areas of staffing, program, premises, playground, nutrition and health. A program advisor from the Ministry inspects the College for annual renewals of this licence and may make periodic visits. Hillifield Strathallan College is committed to meeting an exceeding all legislative requirements of the CCEYA.

A review of all policies, procedures and individualized plans will be completed by all employees and volunteers before they are hired and then annually or any other time when changes are made. This includes a full review of our Program Statement. A record is kept of the date of review, and will include signatures of those who participated in the review.


Wait-Pool Procedures

Applicants wishing to enrol at Hillfield Strathallan College may have their name added to a wait pool should a spot in the desired grade not be immediately available. An admission application must be completed along with the accompanying non-refundable application fee before the applicant will be added to our wait pool. Submitting the application and application fee does not guarantee admission. Applicants will be contacted should a place become available.

New and Wait-Pooled Selection Process

Should a place become available in the desired grade, priority will be given to siblings of current students and children and grandchildren of alumni. The application date will also be considered. Applicants, should they be contacted, will still be required to complete the full admissions process prior to an enrolment offer decision.


HSC, a non-profit independent school, determines annual fees based on forecasted operating costs. The fees cover various services like daily hot lunch, school bus, student support, counseling, and health services. Payment plans are available, pending credit approval. View the latest fee schedules and payment details here. Both Montessori and Junior School organize yearly field trips at an additional cost, billed in two installments in October and February. An estimated cost document is provided at the start of each school year via myHSC. See an example document here.

2024–2025 Fee Schedule


1. Refer to the HSC Enrolment Guide for items included/excluded in the tuition fee.

2. The Expansion Fund Fee allows the College to invest in special capital expansion projects outside of normal operations.

n Expansion Fund fees are assessed on the two oldest children ($1050 for the first student, $450 for the second student).

n Expansion Fund Fees are not required for third and subsequent children enroled.

3. Hillfield Strathallan College subscribes to an ongoing enrolment model, whereby current HSC students are automatically re-enroled each school year unless their families complete an HSC Withdrawal Form prior to April 1. An Ongoing Enrolment Deposit of $1,000 will be charged to each student account in February each year.


Payment Plans B, C and D are subject to College approval and are not available to students enroling after October 31, 2024.

PLAN A: 1 payment due July 31, 2024

PLAN B: 3 payments due July 31, 2024, October 31, 2024 and January 31, 2025

PLAN C: 9 monthly payments from July 31, 2024 through March 31, 2025

PLAN D: 12 monthly payments from June 30, 2024 through May 31, 2025

n A one-time, non-refundable registration fee of $2,000 is required for all new students upon enrolment.

n Optional Tuition Refund Insurance is available at 2.25% of total annual tuition fee.

n Administrative fees are charged at 1.0% per month (12% per annum compounded monthly) on plans B, C and D.

n Late payment charges on account balances are assessed at 1.5% per month (18% per annum compounded monthly).

n Changes to fee plans after June 30, 2024 will be subject to a processing fee of $150.

n You will receive a monthly email notification that your student billing statement has been processed and is ready for review.

n HSC accepts many forms of payment. Visit for available options.


There are two methods by which attendance is recorded. The first is through Transparent Classroom (Montessori) and HiMama (Junior), where students’ exact arrival and departure times are recorded. The second is through myHSC, where teachers are required to submit class attendance by 9:00 am each morning. If, after this time, a child is absent without notice from a parent/guardian, the Administrative Assistant will contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the child to enquire about the absence. If there is no response, then the listed emergency contacts of the child will be contacted.

Each child 3.8 years old and younger receives a Pick-Up Authorization form that must be completed and submitted to the Administrative Assistant by their first day of attendance. This outlines a list of people approved to pick up the child. If someone not on this list arrives to pick up the child by request of the parent(s)/guardian(s), the supervising staff member will ask for identification to confirm identity before releasing the child. If someone not on the Pick-Up Authorization list arrives to pick up without any prior notice, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted to confirm if the aforementioned person has permission to pick up the child. The child will only be released with direct confirmation/ permission from the parent(s)/guardian(s).


Safe Arrival


The school day begins at 8:30 a.m. and runs until 3:30 p.m. when students are escorted to the Early Bus run. When the buses arrive in the morning, our Montessori School Matron and staff meet the children and escort them to their classrooms.

End-of-Day Routine

Uncertainty about how a student will get home at the end of the day can produce anxious moments for both children and the members of our staff. All new students, and returning students who have moved over the summer, need a note on

the first day of school confirming the name of their new bus and the name of their new bus stop, and whether they will take the Early or Late Bus run.

Younger children are accompanied by their classroom teacher to the buses for the 3:40 p.m. run. All children staying for the 5:00 p.m. run are accompanied by the staff on duty to the Late Bus.

If your child’s regular end-of-day routine needs to be changed, we must have a:

• written note, or

• phone call prior to 3:00 p.m. at 905-389-1367, ext. 139. In the absence of a note or a phone message, we will follow the regular routine that has been previously established.

Children picked up at 3:30 p.m., and from the after-school childcare program, wait in the piazza or classroom located in the Montessori building.

The transportation program is not available to the Toddlers. Parents/ guardians will drop off and be received by their classroom teacher. Your child’s arrival will be recorded before you leave the premises.


The school day begins at 8:30 a.m. and runs until 3:25 p.m., at which point students are escorted by the duty teacher to the Early Bus run. When the buses arrive in the morning, students are greeted by a faculty member and directed to the Junior School.

End-of-Day Routine

All new students, as well as returning

students who have moved over the summer, need a note on the first day of school confirming the name of their new bus, the name of their new bus stop, and whether they will take the Early or Late Bus run. Younger students are accompanied by their classroom teacher to the buses for the 3:40 p.m. run. All children staying for the 5:00 p.m. run are accompanied by the teacher on duty to the Late Bus.

If your child’s regular end-of-day routine needs to be changed, we must have a:

• written note in the student planner, or

• phone call prior to 3:00 p.m. at 905-389-1367, ext. 168.

• In the absence of a note or a phone message, we will follow the established routine.

Children picked up at 3:30 p.m., and from the after-school childcare program, wait at the bench located outside the Junior School Principal’s office. When picking up your children at 3:30 p.m., please wait outside the double doors at the end of the hallway in order for the younger bus students to proceed safely down the hallway.

After-School Childcare Program

The College offers an after-school childcare program* until 5:00 p.m. for students in both the Junior and Montessori School who are unable to take the Early Bus home. Children in the program play outside when the weather is good, and we provide a variety of indoor activities during inclement weather. Students may take the Late Bus home at 5:00 p.m. or be picked up by 5:00 p.m. Please call the Early Education School Assistant at ext. 168 to register your child for this service.

Safe Departure

Staff members are to be alerted by the parent or guardian, or by any adult authorized to pick up your child, that your child is being picked up from their classroom. Your child’s departure must be recorded before you leave the premises.

Your child will only be released to adults listed on the Authorization for Pick-up Form. If someone other than those adults listed is scheduled to pick up your child, you must notify the College and complete the Authorization for Pick-up Form available in your child’s classroom.


If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please notify the College (Montessori students to the Montessori Matron ext. 139 and Junior School students to the school assistant at ext. 168). This will eliminate any unnecessary calls to your home or workplace. Please see health-related policies for more information.


We provide nutritional lunches, plus a.m. and p.m. snacks. The daily lunch menu can be found on our myHSC. The snack list will be posted weekly outside of your child’s classroom.

If your child has allergies they should be identified through the Student Health Information Form that was completed during the admissions process, and you should also inform the staff if an allergy presents itself after enrolment. We are a nut-safe environment.


Ongoing communication among professionals involved in your child’s day enhances your child’s educational experience. In order to best serve the children’s needs there are times when it is appropriate to exchange information about the children, and give access to their files, to outside agencies.

The following agencies require access to your child’s file for licensing purposes only:

• The Ontario Ministry of Education

• Hamilton Children’s Services Inspectors

• Hamilton Public Health Inspectors

This is to ensure that we have collected the proper information in order to comply with Hamilton’s Operating Criteria and Licensing regulations. This is all the information you filled out on your child’s application. HSC’s staff will also require access to these files for communication and emergency purposes only.


At Hillfield Strathallan College, each child is respected as a unique individual. As educators, our role is to help children develop and maintain high self-esteem while facilitating a positive learning environment. Our disciplinary practices are based on empathy and respect for children and their parents. If a child chooses behaviour that is unacceptable, cause for concern, endangers the safety or moral tone of the other children, displays resistance to authority or is non-responsive to efforts to modify his or her behaviour, our policy is to engage in a corrective approach that is positive and aims to keep the child’s best interest in mind. Our staff must nurture, comfort and assist the child as we guide him or her toward acceptable behaviour. Additionally, as we are committed to the principle of inclusion, our policy of acceptable behaviour management practices supports a culturally appropriate, racially sensitive and non-discriminatory environment for the children in our care.

Our Behaviour Management Policy supports the philosophy of HSC: the safety, emotional and physical wellbeing of the child is the primary goal.

The school’s policy is congruent to the CCEYA legislative requirements dealing with the following aspects of Behaviour Management:

• Disciplinary Practices

• Review of Policies

• Contravention of Behaviour Management Policies

• Record of Policy Review

• Procedures for Tracking and Monitoring Disciplinary Practices

• Disciplinary Practices

HSC staff will be required to follow the acceptable disciplinary practices as follows:

• All staff will be expected to treat children with respect and utilize positive teaching methods that aim at maintaining the child’s selfesteem at all times.

• Teachers are expected to speak to children using a calm tone of voice at all times.

• Teachers will observe the child to recognize patterns or changes in behaviour that may be cause for concern, endanger the safety or moral tone of the other children, displays persistent resistance to authority or non-response to efforts to modify his or her behaviour.

• Teachers will notify the Principal of any student whose behaviour represents any of the above conditions.

Parents are notified of any behaviour concerns and a meeting is arranged between the Principal, Teacher(s) and Parents to consult on next steps which keep the best interest of the child in mind.

Actions and next steps may include:

• Bringing in support staff (College Counsellor, Learning Services Teacher) for a specified time

• Requesting that parents contact the service of an independent professional

• Requesting that parents find alternative schooling that is better suited to the child

Unacceptable Practices

This provision forbids corporal punishment and sets out other prohibited disciplinary practices in order to protect the emotional and physical wellbeing of children in the care of HSC according to the CCEYA. Our disciplinary practices reinforce these goals by setting out clear prohibited behaviour management practices and acceptable behaviour management practices.

The following practices are not permitted:

• Corporal punishment of a child by any employee or by another child or group of children

• Physical restraint of a child, such as confining the child to a high chair, car seat, stroller or other device for the purpose of discipline or in lieu of supervision, unless the physical restraint is for the purpose of preventing a child from hurting himself, herself or someone else, and is used only as a last resort and only until the risk of injury is no longer imminent

• Locking the exits of the school for the purpose of confining the child, or confining the child in an area or room without adult supervision, unless such confinement occurs during an emergency and is required as part of the licensee’s emergency management policies and procedures

• Use of harsh or degrading measures or threats or use of derogatory language directed at or used in the presence of a child that would humiliate, shame, or frighten the child or undermine his or her self-respect, dignity or self-worth

• Deprivation of a child’s basic needs including food, drink, shelter, sleep, toilet use, clothing or bedding

• Inflicting any bodily harm on children including making children eat or drink against their will.

Parent Code of Conduct

We strive to create a supportive family atmosphere in which the program is an extraction of both home and community. We believe we must all work together in order to meet the needs of our children. Any deliberate, harsh or degrading measures directed towards staff will not be tolerated. We ask that you direct any concerns you may have directly to the classroom teacher in person or in writing. If we are unable to meet your needs, you can speak directly to the Principal of the School. If our standards do not meet your requirements, we respect your right to choose alternative facilities/programs.


Biting is not unexpected behaviour for children up to three years of age. Some children and toddlers communicate through this behaviour, as it is developmentally appropriate. However, biting can be harmful to other children and staff. This biting policy has been developed with both of these ideas in mind. As a preschool, we understand that biting, unfortunately, is part of a preschool setting. Our goal is to help identify what is causing the biting and resolve these issues.

If a child is bitten

• The staff will keep the children safe and help the child that has bitten to learn different, more appropriate behaviour and to redirect that child.

• The child that has bitten is calmly removed from the area, using simple words such as “ouch biting hurts” and redirected to another activity.

• A second staff member immediately attends to the bitten child to comfort the child. First aid is applied.

• The parents of both children are contacted, and an incident report is filled out for the child who was bitten. The bite is documented in the classroom log.

• A staff member will shadow the child who has bitten. The staff will focus on observing the child to understand the triggers for the child. The child will be redirected when needed, notes will be taken, and documentation will occur.

Preventions for biting

• Offering items for oral stimulation, such as teethers

• Use of positive guidance techniques to reinforce appropriate behaviours

• Resources shared with families, such as articles, tips, etc.

• Shadowing the child that has bitten to prevent bites and attempted biting

If biting continues

• Staff will share resources with parents and families to support growth and learning on the developmental stages, why biting may occur and how to handle it.

• A meeting may occur with parents to discuss how to approach and handle the situation at home to have support and resources in both the classroom and at home. This meeting is to ensure that staff is able to support and work as partners with the family.

• Staff will work with the parents of both children to keep all informed and develop a joint strategy for change. If a child continues to bite and has not made changes or improvements after resources and support are provided, the child will be asked to take a break from the program.

• If, after the return, the child continues to bite, the child will be asked to be picked up for the remainder of the day.

The goal of our program is to provide an environment that addresses the needs of all children in a supportive and loving manner while understanding their developmental milestones.


Playground Safety Check

In compliance with the Canadian Standards Association CSAZ614-98 for Children’s Play and equipment, HSC has devised a Playground Safety Policy that all staff will follow.

Serious Occurrence

Serious occurrences that happen in your child’s school will be posted at your child’s program location for your information.

Volunteer and Student Supervision Policy

Only HSC employees will have the direct responsibility for the supervision of children in the programs. Children will not be left alone with Volunteers. Volunteers and students are not considered part of the staff/caregiverto-child ratio.

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather and dangerous road conditions, we may need to close early or not open the School. Please contact your child’s program directly or tune into your local radio or television station for closure information.

Health Information

When a child is ill, he or she should be kept at home to encourage recovery and reduce the risk of spreading the illness among the other children. Your child should not be in the program if they have:

• Severe coughing

• Difficulty breathing

• Yellowish skin or eyes

• Pink eye

• Unusual spots or rashes

• Diarrhea

• Vomiting

• Fever/Headache

• Grey or white stools

If your child develops symptoms of illness while at school, the parent or guardian will be notified and asked to pick up your child. If your child requires medication while in care, it will be dispensed in accordance with the guidelines of the CCEYA, which are:

• The medication is prescribed by a physician

• The child’s name is on the prescription label

• The dosages and times to be administered are on the prescription label

• The prescription is recent

• You have filled out a “Medical Authorization” form

In addition, non-prescription medication will be administered by our Registered Nurse if authorized by you.

Allerject and EpiPen Users/ Emergency Allergy Alert

Parents are responsible for providing and/or reviewing the necessary health information for their child prior to the first day of attendance at school. Each school is responsible for creating, updating and distributing the Student Anaphylaxis Medical Response Plan

forms for students in their respective schools. Plans related to Toddlers and Preschool children will be posted in the child’s classroom, in the eating area, in health services and with the Principal. Parents and/or the Health Services staff will review the health plans with the teachers and support staff as the plan relates to EpiPen, allergies and any other medical care that has been identified on the Health Information Form.

A minimum of two validated epinephrine auto-injectors must be provided by the families of identified children. EpiPens are kept with the classroom teacher, in the Health office, in the dining area, on the buses and brought out on recess with the duty teacher.

No outside food or drink is permitted in our CCEYA classrooms.

Please refer to the College Handbook for full details of all HSC Health related policies and procedures.

Rest Period

Each child enrolled at HSC who is 3.8 and under will have the opportunity for a rest time of up to a maximum of two hours. Staff will monitor sleeping children regularly and perform direct visual checks by being physically present near the children and looking for indicators of stress or unusual behaviours. Sleep areas will have sufficient light to conduct visual checks. Children will be assigned individual cots. Parents/guardians will be consulted regarding a child’s sleep arrangements at the time the child is enrolled and at any other appropriate time.


Parents are required to supply diapers for children who are not yet toilet trained. We ask that parents bring in extra clothing to support toilet readiness.

Outdoor Play

Parents are required to supply for children sunscreen, sun hats and appropriate attire for outdoor play.

Smoke-Free Policy

HSC will abide by the Smoke-Free Ontario Act to help protect the health of all Ontarians by prohibiting smoking in all enclosed work places and public places. Under the Act, smoking is prohibited at all times at HSC, whether or not children are present.


For a list of all School Holidays, please see the calendar on myHSC.


In the event of an emergency or fire evacuation, children will be taken to a prearranged emergency area by the teachers. Teachers will bring emergency contact information with them.

Montessori Students: fields south of the Montessori School Junior Students: east of the Heaven building

When additional shelter is required, an emergency area has been prearranged. From the shelter, parents will be contacted and asked to pick their child up.

HSC Emergency Shelter

Mohawk College – North and South Cafeterias

Lockdown Procedure

If you hear a continuous ringing bell, follow the School’s lockdown procedures.

When you hear that continuous bell sound…LOCK-IT-DOWN!

If an emergency situation occurring in the vicinity of a school threatens student safety, the school may be placed under “lockdown.”

The primary goal in a lockdown situation is to ensure that all students and staff are safe. To accomplish this goal, the following procedures are to be followed:

Disperse. Do not congregate in open areas. When outside remain outside and move directly away from the buildings beyond the boundary of the College grounds.

Faculty and Staff Lockdown Procedure:

• Quickly check your immediate hallway/corridor/ washroom and admit students or staff before you close and lock the door.

• Close and secure doors and close exterior curtains or blinds as able.

• Turn off the lights.

• Wait for the police or College staff to unlock the door.

Fire emergency

The fire alarm bell is an intermittent bell sound.

In the event that the fire alarm bell rings when the school is in lockdown, the following shall occur:

a. If there is no smell of smoke or fire in the immediate area, stay in your classrooms, lab or office.

b. If there is a smell of smoke or fire, attempt to seal the bottom of the door and be prepared to react and possibly evacuate a locked down area for your own safety.

Upon discovery of a fire:

• Leave the fire area immediately and close doors behind you.

• Pull the nearest fire alarm.

• Evacuate the building via the nearest exit.

• Call 911. Upon activation of the alarm:

• Go to the nearest exit and leave the building.

• Close doors behind you.


• Do not use elevators.

• Use an alternative exit if you encounter smoke.

• Do not re-enter the building until authorized by the fire department or operations team.

fire Procedure

When the fire alarm is sounded:

• Have the children stop what they are doing.

• Calmly assemble at the nearest door.

• Lead children out to the designated Fire Door Exit.

• Take with you the attendance sheet and emergency cards. Once outside, take attendance.

• Do not return to the classroom until the “All Clear” signal has been sounded.

• Discuss the situation with the children once you have returned to the classroom.

Fire Drills:

1. Fire drills are conducted once a month.

2. Each staff member will be instructed as to her/his responsibilities in the event of a fire before commencing work for the first time.

3. Written Fire Procedures will be posted in a conspicuous place in each room, and will specify each staff member’s duties in the event of a fire.

4. Each staff member is responsible for familiarizing her/his self with the above.



Our core mission is to develop joyful and engaged students who live life with purpose.

The best learning happens when students are happy to come to school, have opportunities to follow their passions, and participate in deep learning experiences that challenge them.

Joyful, engaged students develop strong relationships with their peers and with the caring adults who spark and support their learning both inside the classroom and beyond.

Their journey at HSC prepares students to live with purpose—to understand their world, inspire, lead, act, and make a difference in their own unique ways.

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