@theHelm December 2021

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Featured art by Rosiela Chen, 701 (Grade 7 Artist of the Month) Hillfield Strathallan College—Middle School Student Newspaper

@theHelm logos by Lamar Attar and Sabrina Kiung (703)

Around-the-World Podcast You’ll be hungry after this episode!

CLICK HERE to listen to Abdullah Al Sheikhly’s interview with Isuri Fernando (804) on Sri Lankan food and culture! Book Wrap-Up Podcast

Asteroid Shocker!

Need a new book recommendation?

Space News by Anivit Sah, 701

CLICK HERE to listen to this month’s book review podcast from Meera Ghani (806) and Isuri Fernando (804).

Quote selected by Clara Lam and designed Alisha Hemani, 702

On Nov 24, 2021 NASA launched a new spacecraft intended to knock an asteroid off course from hitting the Earth. This tiny spacecraft was called DART (stands for Double Asteroid Redirection Test). This refrigerator-sized DART will hit its objective in late 2022, hopefully achieving its mission.

Want to know more? Check out Gavin’s article next month or watch this Nasa Video.

@theHelm is the HSC Middle School paper If you would like to be featured in the next issue, please submit original work via the Google Submission Form Ms Gutauskas & Ms Kee @theHelm ~ page 2

Trudeau Calls For Global Carbon Tax by Ahana Kulkarni (604)

said his government “fought hard to impose its carbon tax policy over the opposition of political opponents in Canada”, and now he wants other countries to do the same. Trudeau also told the COP summit that Canada will put a cap on oil and gas sector emissions.

What Is A Carbon Tax? If you didn’t know, the carbon tax in Canada is a form of pollution tax that requires Canadian businesses to pay if they are a producer of greenhouse gases, such as Co2. But it won’t be just Canadians paying the tax for long. Will Developing Countries Be Able To Pay The Tax? According to the international cliTrudeau Calls For Global Carbon mate diplomacy manager at the enTax vironmental coalition Climate Action Less than 20 percent of global emis- Network Canada, developing counsions are taxed. Our current Prime tries might not be able to pay the Minister Trudeau believes that Cana- tax. This is especially unfair because da can help keep the global temper- the global south will suffer more ature at 1.5 C (fighting Climate from the negative effects of climate Change) by tripling that tax. change but were not the main cause Speaking at a panel discussion at the of it. "Globally, there are still many COP26 summit in Glasgow, Trudeau questions that we need to ask about

BREAKING NEWS from Barbados! by Jimmy Li, 705 Original Article: BBC News November 30, 2021, Bridgetown, Barbados

first president of Barbados, Dame Sandra Mason. This was also a very peaceful ceremony. The Queen of Britain didn’t show any bitterness and instead sent her “warmest wishes” for “peace, happiness, and prosperity in the future.” A new era has begun for Barbados.

Barbados will no longer be ruled by Queen Elizabeth II. It is the world’s newest republic (a nation in which power comes from its own people and elected officials). This marks the end to 200 years of British rule and influence.

Just in case you don’t know, Barbados is a remote island nation in the Caribbean. It was once used by the British as a “hub of the transatlantic slave trade.”

Famous singer Rihanna and the Prince of Wales were in attendance at the swearing-in ceremony of the

Since its independence in 1966, it has been a British commonwealth nation. That means that Barbados did have its own government, but its overall @theHelm ~ page 3

how unfair, how difficult it would be to have a global approach on pricing pollution," he said in an interview. Trudeau Hopes the U.S Will Follow Canada’s Example. Trudeau hopes that Canada’s example will motivate the United States to do the same. "There are lots of different tools that can be used, and every country will pick their options, but what we can do is show that [carbon pricing is] powerful, it's straightforward and it's impactful to do that," he said. Trudeau is hopeful about the progress that is already being made: "A few years ago nobody would have even imagined that we could set a global minimum corporate tax and suddenly we have," he said. Original Article: CBC News

head of state is still the British queen. Will Canada and other British commonwealth nations do the same? Only time will tell.

Russian Troop Build-up on Ukrainian Border by Zander Greco, 805 Tensions have mounted in Eastern Europe. In the capital city of Ukraine, alarm bells are going off as President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has mobilized his forces just in case. While Russia

denies allegations of military buildup on the border, the Central Intelligence Agency reports abnormal Russian troop congregations and movement along the Russian-Ukrainian border. Throughout most of its modern history, Ukraine has been ruled by Lithuania-Poland, the U.S.S.R., and Russia. The Russian Empire controlled the main cities and plateaus in Ukraine for upwards of centuries, losing its hold only with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Although Ukraine had briefly declared independence in 1917, it was crushed during the Russian-Ukrainian war. They then joined the Soviet Union from 1922-1941 and were assumed into the U.S.S.R. in 1945 when World War II ended. They declared independence for the final

time in 1990. As the relationship with Russia is still far from smooth, at this point NATO wants to avoid a repeat of the situation that occurred in 2014. During this short but deadly conflict, the Russian Federation seized key points in the Crimean Peninsula such as airfields and factories. In response to the current situation, NATO has offered the full support for the capital city of Kyiv and threatened heavy economic sanctions, which would devastate Russia. Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba assures that Ukraine will continue to show peaceful action: "We have no intention to launch offensive operations in Donbass. Ukraine is committed to a peace settlement of the conflict [and] We are closely working together on developing a comprehensive deterrence package […] to demotivate Russia from further aggressive moves.”

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Spirit Week—organized by our House Prefect, Nora Treleaven—is December 13-16! Are you ready?

Christmas Across the World by Willow Norman, 705

Italian children go out caroling while playing songs on shepherd's pipes. On Epiphany night, it’s believed that an old lady named Befana brings presents to children. Santa Claus (or Babbo Natale) brings presents on Christmas Eve.

Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, most of us are familiar with Christmas traditions in Canada. We decorate Christmas trees, drink hot chocolate, eat candy canes and play in the snow. But what about countries that celebrate Christmas in the summer? And of course, Christmas dinner. How does our turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy differ from what they eat in Italy? What traditions do we have in common with other countries and what is completely different? If you want to know all these things, just keep reading! Now of course I can’t talk about all the traditions in all the countries, so I’ll just be covering a few: Italy, Australia, and Switzerland.

the next level. Each house has a day and decorates one window for the advent calendar. On your day, you host a big party for the village! Trychle parades take place in Bernese Oberland, Switzerland. These are parades

Australians celebrate Christmas near the start of summer, so, as you can imagine, they do things a little differently. In Australia, they often eat Christmas dinner at lunchtime, and, similar to Italy, they eat a seafood dish. Australians decorate for Christmas in a similar way to Canadians. They put up lights, get Christmas Swiss Advent Windows trees, and hang wreaths on their front door. They also decorate with a plant where people go out on the streets wearing big Trychlers (or cow bells) and carrying drums. As you can imagine, these parades are very noisy. This is because the purpose is to scare away evil spirits. In Switzerland, like here in Canada, families buy Christmas trees for their homes. They typically In Italy, Christmas is celebrated very decorate the trees on Christmas eve. differently than it is here. Often in Italy Christmas trees are decorated with they don’t eat beef or dairy for Christreal candles, which are lit on Christmas dinner. Instead they have seamas Eve, and then again on New Australian Christmas Bush food for their main meal. For dessert Year’s Eve for good luck. Christmas called Christmas Bush. Christmas Bush dinner in Switzerland consists of is a native Australian plant with green Christmas ham and scalloped potaand cream-coloured leaves, but toes with melted cheese. For dessert around Christmas the leaves start to they eat walnut cake and Christmas turn red. Around Christmas time the cookies. capital of each Australian state holds a Carols by Candlelight. Carols by CanThank you for reading my article. I dlelight is a carol service where fahope you learned a bit about how simmous Australian singers sing carols. ilar and how different we are from These celebrations are broadcasted other countries. I find it really interestItalian Nativity Scene on live television. On Boxing Day in ing how one holiday can be celebratAustralia, it is common to have barbe- ed in so many different ways. Whether cues and go to the beach. There is a they eat panettone cake, which is a you celebrate Christmas or any other big annual Boxing Day yacht race go- holidays, I hope you have a great holidry fruity sponge cake. They often ing from Sydney to Hobart in Tasma- day season and winter break. Buon decorate with nativity scenes. The nativities are usually tall and built with nia. Natale (Italian), Schöne Weihnachten shelves and colourful paper. Italian (German), and Merry Christmas! nativity scenes include everyday In Switzerland, they countdown to things like stores, houses, and some- Christmas with advent calendars like Source: whychristmas.com times figures of celebrities or politimany of us do here. Some villages in cians. Often around Christmas time, Switzerland take advent calendars to @theHelm ~ page 5

It is celebrated using a menorah, and every night in the celebration period after sunset, the celebrators light another candle on the menorah. Traditional Jewish foods such as by James Li, 704 potato pancakes are made as blessInspiration and Information: Link ings. People also exchange gifts to each other to celebrate. It is a major The holiday season in December has holiday on the Hebrew calendar. wren. In England, people celebrate it been often considered the best time by making sports matches, and in of the year for many reasons. It has the Bahamas, the have a parade. been known for the first snow fall Boxing Day was created in the mediKwanzaa (not as good as 2019), and most imeval times, and the holiday started portantly, it is home to the holiday being a minor day to distribute gifts season. It also has more to offer to the poor in churches. than Christmas.

The Holiday Season in December

Christmas Christmas is the holiday that is most commonly celebrated amongst people. It takes place on December 25th as everyone knows, but it was originally just meant to be a Christian celebration dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ. The celebration is very different around the world, as south of the equator, it is summer instead of winter. That means people from some countries do things that we do in the summer holiday like swimming instead of skiing. While there are differences in culture, it is still a fun holiday to enjoy anywhere in the world.

Hanukkah Hanukkah is the festival of lights in Jewish culture. It takes place beginning from the 25th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar, which is from November 28th to December 6th this year in 2021. It is a celebration that commemorates the war of independence from the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BCE by the Jewish people.

New Year and New Year’s Eve New Year is the start of a new year for a lot of cultures, and so is New Year’s Eve. It is the start of a brand Kwanzaa is the holiday to celebrate new year and the end of the previthe harvest of the year. It does not ous one. Many cultures celebrate it have a specific celebration method in their own way like Japan’s Omito follow because it was created in soka, while other cultures celebrate 1966 in the US, combining a lot of it on different days like the Chinese African harvest celebrations. The New Year. Almost every country name ‘Kwanzaa’ came from swahili, commemorates this important day. an native East African language, of ‘matunda ya kwanza’, which means Christmas is only a small part of the ‘first fruit’ celebration. In 2021, holiday season along with HanukKwanzaa will officially take place kah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, New from Sunday December 26th to SatYear’s Day, New Year’s Eve, and othurday January 1st of 2022 while er regional traditions. December is some people might celebrate on the best time of the year with holidifferent dates. days full to the brim.

Boxing Day Boxing Day isn’t celebrated in a lot of countries, but it’s still an important holiday. A lot of people celebrate the holiday by shopping in a mall or shopping online due to the unimaginably cheap prices the day can offer. In Ireland, they hunt the @theHelm ~ page 6

CHRISTMAS MAGIC! Summarized by Oliver Wojciechowski, 601 Second magic trick:

The first magic trick:





1. The first thing you need is a plastic shower rod cover. 2. Roll it up until you see it compacted into a roll. 3. Make sure you put on red candy cane stripes, using a red electrical tape down the entire piece. 4. Take the top off of a tube of Christmas candy, and tape it onto the top to make it look more authentic, like a candy cane. 5. Put the roll in a small stocking and hide it. 6. Pull the roll from the small stocking to make it look it a giant candy cane from a small stocking. 7. Watch how everyone will be amazed by a giant candy cane pulled out of a small stocking!

1. You will need a name card holder, cup, hot chocolate, white cotton candy, and a wooden stick. 2. Separate a big chunk of cotton candy to form a little cloud. 3. Put the little cotton candy cloud on the stick. 4. Place hot chocolate in a mug and place it under the little cotton candy cloud. 5. Watch the little cloud of cotton candy disappear and sweeten your hot chocolate.

Check out other Magic Tricks of Christmas here!

Noël en France sur COVID-19 by Jimmy Li, 705

Pendant COVID dix-neuf, beaucoup de magasins sont fermés dans le monde entier. Paris n’est pas exception. Il n’y a plus de croissant délicieux dans les rues, plus de restaurants ouverts, plus d’énorme quantité de touristes, plus de promenades en bateau dans la Seine… Mais les restrictions de COVID dix-neuf sont mieux cette année. Pendant Noël, vous pouvez marcher sur un pont à travers la Seine. Vous pouvez regarder les lumières de Noël fantastiques près de la Tour Eiffel. Il y a même des musées qui sont ouverts! Ce sera un Noël bien, mais un Noël petit. Il n’y aura pas beaucoup de touristes à Paris à Noël, mais ce sera très amusant! Joyeux Noël! @theHelm ~ page 7

gress through the story, the more characters you gain. However, if you don’t want to do a lot of Story Mode, you can unlock these characters from the reward center using the in by Julian Marchetti and Adi Katoch game currency Kimetsu Points (803) which are earned by completing daily missions and you can Before we get into this, just be also find them throughout the warned that there will be SPOILERS of various story maps. season 1 of Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) and the Demon Slayer Mugen train movie. Demon Slayer The Hinko- VS Mode offers an online kami Chronicles is a single/multiplayer PvP experience. In this mode, you select two characters— game where you can play as your fayour main character and a supvourite Demon Slayer character port character, which you can throughout their various missions. use to get you out of an enemy There are four game modes: VS combo, call on to attack, or mode, story, tutorial and training. even switch to in the midst of battle. There are many ranks that can be achieved in this Story Mode includes all the mode and if you get a high enough events from the series (including the rank, you may even see yourself on movie) but is interactive with small the games leaderboard! missions to complete while slaying Demons. You unlock various charac- In Training Mode, it’s exactly ters after completing a story involving what it sounds like: a mode in which to hone your skills and to get better them. For example, you unlock the at the game. Basically, you choose playable character Rengoku after any of the characters that you have completing the Mugen Train. During unlocked to be your trainer and then that part of the story Rengoku plays a you choose a character to fight as, major part in it. The more you proand then you fight your trainer 10

Demon Slayer The Hinokami Chronicles

There are currently 18 characters, excluding the two new demon DLCs (downloadable content). Each character has their own unique moveset and abilities. All the playable characters consist of The Hashiras Rengoku, Shinobu, Giyyu, and their academy outfits which can be unlocked by Kimetsu Points or buying one of the DLCs. Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, times. Each time the Zenitsu and their academy outfits are trainer gets stronger also available in the game. Now for and then, if you beat the less relevant players Sakonji, Mayour trainer, you will komo, Sabito and Mutura: they all by Darya Midia, 604 be awarded with Ki- have their own unique moves and metsu Points and an combos to use within the game. You achievement. can unlock all these characters What is harder to catch the faster you run? through A king, a queen, and two twins are in a room. How Tutorial is a gamecome there are no adults in the room? Game Mode for new play during the There is a window cleaner who is cleaning a window players where you story. learn the basics of on the 25th floor of a building. He suddenly slips and falls. He has no safety equipment and nothing the game and learn to soften his fall, but is still not hurt in any way. How the essential skills to become a master is this possible? demon slayer.




Answers 1. Your breath 2. They’re all beds



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3. He was inside

“Panda need dem classes” by Meleesa Hamzehian, 601 “The Leaf” by Queena Qian, 803

Art by Ayo Tiamiyu, 703

Photo by Veronica Taranu-Smith, 703

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New Rules and Lifting Restrictions

ses for each period and having theatrical performances open up again (both having 5.5% of students).

Report by Majed ElAlfy, 801

Other than those, some things that a few people liked include: No more plastic cutlery and having our own cutlery, playing instruments in music class, and a few ‘All of the aboves’.

As we march forward into our third month back to a more normal academic year, there are still traces of last year’s COVID restrictions. I wanted to take a survey of students in the Middle School to get their opinions on all the new changes - both added rules and lifting restrictions. So, without further ado, here are the results of 97 middle schoolers (10 Grade 5 students, 11 Grade 6 students, 36 Grade 7 students, 42 Grade 8 students). For the most part (69.1%), students are happy with the new changes and welcome them with open arms, but there are a few answers that stick out. Notably, some students want to have more enforcement and stricter measures, including having recesses with just the home form you are assigned to. Other than that, there are quite a few nervous about the new changes but excited nonetheless (15.4%), and then others who have a few issues or concerns about them (also 15.4%), as we will get to in the next sections.

be that engaging and a lot of students might not be the most enthusiastic about their return. This might be due to several factors, but either way, intramurals should be a bit more fun for students!

Now, we get to the more interesting part - “Which new rules and

COVID restrictions do you dislike the most?” 

As you might have guessed, having to do online screening each day won this category with a landslide, with 37.4% of students saying that was what they disliked most, and 23.1% of students saying that the worst part was having to give notice for doing online school, and then staying online for two weeks. Then, in third-most disliked, a shocking 16.5% of students said that they disliked the weekly intramurals the most.

Online school was definitely useful for people who, for whatever reason, couldn’t go to school on a specific day, but were able to go the next day, or at least the week after. While this change to have to give notice and stay online for two weeks makes sense, especially if a student is sick, someone who is away for just a week or so, or someone who has an injury might just need a few days to be able to go back to school, but with having to stay 2 weeks online, this makes it harder for anyone with a circumstance like this.

Lastly, a few more notable changes with a few students saying that they dislike them include: moving around to different classes between subjects  Finally, on a more positive note, almost 50% of the people an(5.5%), Bringing your own cutlery, talkswered that their favourite lifting ing with your entire grade at recess, restriction was being able to talk and people saying that they don’t Of all the new additions to the rules, dislike any of these changes all have with the entire grade, not just the one that students love the most is 3.3% rooting for/against them. their cohort, which I personally being able to talk and play with the agree with fully! entire grade, not just your cohort, with 41.2%, with the second most pop- In conclusion, I think that this survey In conclusion, lifting the restrictions really shows the clear positive and ular option being after-school activihas because of all the students, negative changes in rules with the ties and clubs re-opening (15.5%). A students, and what the students feel. teachers, cleaners, and everyone else surprisingly low amount of students helping us through these pandemic liked the intramural games each week Considering this is mostly grade 7s and 8s, these opinions might not be times. So to everyone who has and actually being able to go to shared by the younger students, but helped make this school year much school because of better vaccines better than the last, big thanks to all that remains to be seen. A few key and mandates (mainly for onliners, of you. If this survey does well, there both having 7.7% of students), and a takeaways that I have gleaned from might be one for the end of the year, this survey include: fairly high amount of students really to see what happens by then. liked moving around to different clas-  Intramurals don’t really seem to @theHelm ~ page 10

Charts for the two main questions: Which lifted restrictions people On the other hand, this is for which (Updated an extra 2 people, percentliked the most - Red being talking new rules and lifting reages subject to change if more peowith the entire grade at recess, Blue strictions people liked the ple answer). for intramurals, and pink for afterLEAST. Green (as school activiyou might imagine) ties, orange is having to do for moving COVID screening around to daily. Dark purple is different clasfor having to give ses, and notice for online aqua/cyan for school and staying being able to online for two go to school weeks afterwards, due to inand blue is for intracreased COVID murals. safety and vaccinations.

Writing Prompt This Month’s Topic:

A Peaceful Winter

Write a piece about a peaceful winter. Maybe you describe the shiny snow on the grass, or a small log cabin in the woods during Christmas time. Sample Poem: The weather’s getting chilly I wrap a scarf around me Put on my jacket and my woollen hat. Open the door and I see A field of green now white, Christmas in the snow will be like that.

Feeling shy? You can make sure to remain anonymous by leaving the “Name” slot blank or using a pen name.

Requirements for all pieces of writing are: 

relevant to the topic 

not too long

original work

Submissions will be featured in next month’s paper. Deadline is the end of each month.


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Book Reviews by Esmé Vedelago, 703


too loud and fast, and the American movies Jude has watched don’t quite prepare her for starting school in the U.S. But this new life is full of surprises, and Jude has a long road ahead of her before she finds out who she truly is.

Meddy, the cook’s daughter, to recover them. But all they find are more questions and an even stranger mystery.

Book by: Thomas Wheeler Genre: Fiction Cursed is a different version of King Arthur. Yes, there’s Merlin and Arthur, but this plot centres around a girl named Nimue, who pulls the sword from the stone. Nimue has a connection to dark magic, which makes her feared in her druid village. Then, her entire village is slaughtered. Nimue is sent on a quest to reunite a legendary sorcerer with a legendary sword, and lets just say… a lot of havoc follows.

GREENGLASS HOUSE Book by: Kate Milford Genre: Fiction Milo’s parents run a smugglers inn. No, I’m not making this up. Milo OTHER WORDS FOR plans to HOME spend his holiBook by: Jasmine Warga day Genre: Realistic Fiction vacation relaxing, until the guest bell Jude wants to be a movie star. She’s rings. Then again. And again. Soon a girl from Syria who leaves everythe inn is full of strangers, each with a thing behind to cross the ocean with secret, and a connection to her mother. They go to some relaGreenglass House. Soon, objects go tives in America. At first, everything is missing, and it’s up to Milop and @theHelm ~ page 12

THE MYSTERIOUS BENEDICT SOCIETY Book by: Trenton Lee Stewart Genre: Fiction When a peculiar ad runs in the paper, dozens of children enroll and start taking many mind-bending tests and mysteries. But in the end, only four special children succeed: Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance. Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve watched the TV show on Disney that's based on the book. The four children are sent on a secret mission filled with danger and excitement. But with their newfound friendship at stake, will they be able to pass the hardest test of all?

Kenneth Oppel Visit Recap by Sophia Liu, 804 On November 23rd, the Middle School was extremely fortunate to have Kenneth Oppel, an award winning author, visit us virtually. As a person who has read many of his books, I was absolutely ecstatic.

keeps a notebook handy for whenever a thought pops into his head. Something that seemed surreal was how the main starting point of his career was Roald Dahl liking his book Colin’s Fantastic Video Adventure.

Overall, the meeting was a fabulous experience. Hopefully, everybody enjoyed it and learned something new. Maybe this meeting will inspire I learned a lot of new things: his nov- some of us to read his new book, el Silverwing was actually his 13th book! Many, including myself, thought that was his first book. He stated that Airborne was his favourite book that he has written. While that is a completely valid opinion, I prefer the The special author visit was orgabook Half Brother; I nized via the Telling Tales Festival. really enjoyed the Watch another video about Kenneth ending of it. Oppel’s Bloom Trilogy here.

The Middle School also had the opporTo start off, Oppel explained his protunity to ask tons of questions durcess for remembering his ideas. He ing the Q&A session. A wide variety

Book Review: Shadow and Bone by Ahana Kulkarni, 604

in the world. The Grisha leader, the Darkling, believes Alina is capable of destroying the fold if she can master her unruly powers. But not everything is as it seems, and a dangerous discovery leaves Alina with the task of saving her nation.

Recently, I read the novel Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, and here’s my review.

This book has also been turned into a Netflix TV show, if you would like to watch it. I would recommend the Plot: book for ages 11+. There are three books in the series, the first being The plot centres around our protago- Shadow and Bone, the second being nist, Alina Starkov. She’s a cartogra- Siege and Storm, and the third being pher for the ships that crosses the Ruin and Rising. If you liked the HunShadow Fold, a land of darkness, ger Games, Iron Widow, or The Land filled with monsters. But when her Of Stories series, you’re going to best friend, Mal, gets attacked in the LOVE Shadow And Bone. Fold, she unleashes magic powers she didn’t even know she had. Overall, I would rate it 4 out of 5 Now, Alina will enter the land of the Grisha, who are the only magic users

of questions were asked, ranging from specifics about his books to his writing style.

stars. The only reason I took away 1 star was because the pacing was a @theHelm ~ page 13

Join the Telling Tales Festival Creativity Club here

little slow at the beginning and a little too fast towards the end.

Pet Corner by Queena Qian, 803 My cat Oreo is a long-haired tuxedo cat. He was born in Lynden, Hamilton, and he's a stray cat with his mother and five other siblings. One of my friends in Lynden was taking care of these stray cats and feeding them every day or two. But one day, she decided to move, and most of the kittens were only four to six months old, while the mother cat was old and weak. We didn't want the little kittens to suffer helplessly in the cold winter around the dangerous forests, so she asked me if I could bring some of them home. I agreed, so my dad and I tried to catch one of the kittens, but they seemed to be afraid when he tried to rush the cats into the cage we brought. My dad caught

the weakest one and carried it into the cage before driving back to our house. On the way home, I sat in the back seat with the kitty. When we got back home, I put him into a warm bed with food and water around it. The little kitty turned out didn't have any major injuries except for a small bruise on its nose. He spent a week getting familiar with us humans, and we spent a month coming up with the name Oreo (because he is black and white, of course) and two months to realize that he is a handsome little boy but not a handsome little girl. Oreo has now grown into a sneaky grown cat and needs to "work" every night. Little Oreo likes to sit on the fence of our garden and protect his territory from other stray cats! Sometimes, I watch him through the windows while doing my homework. I love my Oreo so much! @theHelm ~ page 14

Congratulations to Jimmy Li (705) for having the greatest variety of submissions to @theHelm this month! Jimmy wrote articles in English and French, as well as creating new math challenges and reporting on current events. Way to go, Jimmy!

“Cat meets dog” by Oliver Wojciechowski, 601

Grade 8 Soundscapes Shared by Mrs. Hammond

Grade 8 students created “Soundscapes” using collected sounds from their sonic environment and layering them in creative ways using digital audio workstations. They were guided and inspired by the principles of the Indigenous medicine wheel as they organized their sounds and created graphic notations of their compositions. Here are some of their creations. Click on the image to lis-

ten to each soundscape and see if you can follow along with their creative visual representations!

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Keep sending your recipes! You can share a letter of thanks and some of your own recipes to Narelle and Scott—they would love to hear from you!

Click here to share your own recipes! “Thank you for sending these through and all the nice comments. We look forward to trying them for lunch.” - Narelle Smith, Manager of Food Services at HSC

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by Esmé Vedelago, 703

Apple Crisp French Toast Roll-Ups by Lamar Attar, 703 The Crisp

Ingredients: oats, maple syrup, & cinnamon STEP #1: pour 2 parts of oats into a bowl STEP #2: combine 1 part maple syrup with the oats STEP #3: add in the desired amount of cinnamon (at this point, you should have a sticky oat mixture) STEP #4: spread your mixture out on a pan with parchment paper STEP #5: place the pan with the mixture in the oven/air fryer at 370℉ for 5 mins (when out of the oven, they should be a light brown colour/very crispy!)

STEP #4: add a pinch of salt and cinnamon, then mix STEP #5: grease your pan with butter or oil STEP #6: dip your bread into the batter on both sides to fully coat it STEP #7: place your bread onto the pan (medium-high heat) for 1 minute on each side (if your French toast doesn’t look golden enough, you can leave it on longer)

The Glue

Ingredients: cream cheese, sugar STEP #1: add 3 parts cream cheese to a bowl STEP #2: incorporate 1 part sugar into the bowl and mix well

The Cinnamon Sugar

Ingredients: cinnamon, and sugar STEP #1: add 1 part cinnamon to a bowl STEP #2: mix in 1 part sugar into the bowl

The Apples

Ingredients: apples, lemon, cinnamon STEP #1: chop up the desired amount of apples into small cubes and put them into a bowl STEP #2: add lemon juice so all of the apples are coated well STEP #3: incorporate the desired amount of cinnamon into your apple and lemon mixture STEP #4: mix in your crisp with the apples

The French Toast

Ingredients: bread, 2 eggs, ¼ milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon, salt, (amounts may vary) STEP #1: roll out a slice of bread to make it flat (with a rolling pin or anything cylindrical) STEP #2: crack 2 eggs in a wide and shallow bowl (easier for coating bread) STEP #3: pour in a ¼ cup of milk and 1 tsp of vanilla extract into the bowl

The Assembly!

STEP #1: spread a thin layer of your ‘glue’ on a slice of bread STEP #2: sprinkle some of your cinnamon sugar on the ‘glue’ STEP #3: put your apple crisp mixture on top STEP #4: roll it up! STEP #5: Enjoy!

@theHelm ~ page 17

Grade 8—Lian Liu, 804

@theHelm ~ page 18

Grade 7 Artist of the Month—Rosiela Chen, 701

@theHelm ~ page 19

Grade 5—George Pilgrim, 502

@theHelm ~ page 20

Grade 6 Artist of the Month—Victoria Minetti, 602

“Azure” by Maggie Wang, 803 @theHelm ~ page 21

this problem? What if we alerted all the fire stations that hadn’t been burnt and slowly started to stop the by Gracie Sun, 701 fire? We could get ambulances right behind the firetrucks and follow them The fire was getting bigger and start- to see if anyone’s hurt, then get them ing to get close to us. We could smell to the hospital. I thought it was a the smoke from our house. The fire good idea and decided to tell my parwas gruesome, and we could hear ents about it. neighbours screaming in horror. Some families had already started After I told my parents my idea, they gathering their things. Many had alsaid "no." They told me to "mind my ready lost loved ones. My parents own business” and that “safety is the stared listlessly out at the blaze. My most important thing right now." Afsiblings and I could tell they were ter about 15 minutes of begging and worried. using my convincing skills, however, they finally said, "fine." [30 minutes later] "YAY! Thank you so much! I love you "OH NO! The fire is just outside our guys,” I cried. neighbourhood! We need to get out of here, and fast!" said mom, I called the fire departments one by "But what about everyone else?" I one and told them my plan, and after said. "Even if we leave, the fire isn't about 10 minutes, the first firetruck going to stop." came. Then, after I called all the fire "Are you stupid? We are about to departments that could travel to die!" said my brother. where the fire was, I called a few "Let's go," said my sister, more of the hospitals. "But..." "No buts," said my mom. Everyone arrived, and each started We got everything packed and were their area. Everything worked out, as ready to go. It still didn't feel right to the firefighters and ambulances me. No matter how far we could trav- saved a so many people, though they el from the fire, I knew that it would couldn’t save them all. As I watched still come to us and burn everything. I them work, I felt a sigh of relief. The didn’t want to imagine how many firefighters got rid of the fire faster lives would be lost, how many build- than I expected. ings burnt down, all the resources, "Come on, everyone! You’ve got everything… gone. this!" I said, with the loudest speaker in the world. "You guys don't know When we got in the car, I put on my how many lives you're saving!” AirPods and started listening to music as I stared out the window. I was ter- After a WHOLE WEEK, the fire was rified! All the memories, the fun times finally over! A majority of the people at the park, they were suddenly the were safe because the fire had been most important things to me. I was stopped before it expanded across scared. My thoughts raced: What if Canada. When the internet, radio sigsomething happens to my friends? nals, water, and electricity were back, Did we forget anything? Where are I texted my friends right away and my friends right now? Are they safe? asked if they were ok. I posted on my "Ok, just breathe," I said to myself. I Snapchat about what happened and wondered, what if I could be the per- how I’d had the idea to prevent the son that fixes this? How could I fix fire from spreading across Canada.

One Strange Fire

After about half a year, almost everything was back to normal. I finally got to see my friends, but one of my friends got very badly injured from the fire and was in the hospital for awhile. As she was getting better, my other friend and I would visit her almost every day. I would take care of her and keep her company. It’s hard to believe that it all happened, really. I'm so glad that almost everyone was okay, and I'm thankful that all my friends around me are safe and healthy!

Answers 1. A candle 2. He was bald

3. An echo

@theHelm ~ page 22

crammed in the corner of the Pacific Ocean. Suddenly, there was pounding on her door. “Hurry up Eleanor. Breakfast has by Kaylee Zhang, 503 started already!!” Archer yelled through the door. “I’m coming, Archer, and next time Chapter 1 don’t be so rude!” Eleanor shouted “Wake up Eleanor! We’re going on an back. But he was already walking adventure !” Archer yelled in her ear. down the stairs. Eleanor groaned. “Archer, will you please quit yelling in my ear.” “No way!” Archer exclaimed. Eleanor sighed. Brothers. Archer loved to stay up late playing video games, and then he’d sleep in class. He never got a good grade. Never. Fan Fiction by Gracie Ratcliffe, 503 Unless it included playing video games, which wouldn't happen. Chapter 1 “What do you want ?” she asked him coldly. Runningwind raced around the dense “We’re going on an adventure!” Arch- undergrowth, his paws softly hitting er said excitedly. the ground. He was chasing after a Eleanor scowled, “The last time you rabbit that was nearly a tail-length said that we were going on an advenaway. Blood was rushing in his ears as ture, the only thing we did was go to he leapt for the rabbit, missing by a the arcade!” mouse length. Quickly scrambling to “Please, Eleanor, we're not going to his paws he kept chasing the small the arcade, we're going to Hurribrown-spotted rabbit. He switched cane!” Archer said excitedly. directions, now moving with a tree in “Fine,” grumbled Eleanor. She got between the rabbit and himself. Folout of bed and shoved Archer toward lowing the rabbit and keeping sight of the door. “Go away. Give me some it through the trees, he spotted a time to think.” large oak and quickly scrambled up it. “Ok,” said Archer cheerfully. Then He leapt between the branches, Eleanor slammed the door shut. keeping pace with the rabbit. The rabEleanor got up and pulled her jeans bit had lost Runningwind’s scent. It out of a drawer. She stared at the stopped and began sniffing the air map that hung on her wall. Eleanor just in case. After a few moments, the scanned the map to find Hurricane, rabbit padded to the side and started after five minutes, she found it, eating a small blade of grass, its ears


the entrance to the camp “Hello, Runningwind! A good catch you have there.” Fireheart greeted him, Cloudpaw pacing impatiently around on his paws. “Thanks! Are you taking Cloudpaw out of camp?” Runningwind asked, his head tipped slightly to the side in a question. “Nice catch? It’s like the size of a mouse!” Cloudpaw mewed sarcastically. “Cloudpaw!” Fireheart scolded. “Watch your tongue!” Cloudpaw snorted, looking away and glaring at a pebble in between his paws. “Cloudpaw? What’s that kittypet done now?” a deep voice said. It was Tigerclaw. “I’m not a kittypet anymore!” Cloudpaw protested, stamping his paw on the ground in anger. Tigerclaw snorted. “Did you come from a kittypet? Yes? You're a kittypet,” he growled. “Stop it,” Runningwind grumbled. “You two are constantly harassing each other!” He hissed, glaring at the two arguing cats. “It's not my fault!” Cloudpaw murmured. “Please, Cloudpaw!” Fireheart meowed. “Fireheart!” Tigerclaw snapped. “This isn't your fight Tigerclaw! Stay out of it!” Fireheart snapped. Bluestar was sitting on Highrock watching the two cats argue. Soon enough, she leapt down off of Highrock to stop the fight. “You two! You two must stop arguing with each other constantly!” Bluestar snapped. “Sorry, Bluestar,” Cloudpaw mumbled while Tigerclaw snorted and still perked from the chase. Runlooked away. ningwind waited until the rabbit “Let’s go now,” Fireheart said sharply calmed down, following it silently to Cloudpaw, quickly padding out of from the trees. He quickly caught the camp without waiting for the small rabbit, giving thanks to StarClan for fluffy apprentice to follow. Cloudpaw the life that it once had. He looked stumbled after Fireheart as he quickly down at the carcass and grabbed the padded out of camp. Fresh-kill by the scruff, bringing it back “Wait up Fireheart!” He mewed. to camp, where Bluestar waited at Runningwind chuckled as he watched

Runningwind’s Dilemma

@theHelm ~ page 23

Cloudpaw quickly stumble after Fireheart. “So, Runningwind, what else did you catch?” Tigerclaw said tauntingly from behind. “Oh uh, nothing else. The rabbit was pretty hard to catch though,” he mumbled, turning to the deputy. Tigerclaw snorted. “We aren’t Windclan, Runningwind. We can catch more than a scrawny rabbit,” he hissed, glaring at Runningwind. “It’s not scrawny!” Runningwind protested, but Tigerclaw silenced him with a sharp glare. “Go back out and catch something else. And make sure it’s big enough to feed more than a kit,” he growled, turning around to leave. Runningwind went to the fresh kill pile to drop off his rabbit. It's not that scrawny. He walked slowly out of camp, sniffing the air to check if anything was close to camp before he went on the path that led to Sunning Rocks. He saw a large rock and padded over to it, sniffing the base of the rock he scented a vole. Dropping to a crouch, he followed the vole’s scent trail, eventually finding it nibbling on some beech seeds under a large tree. He padded to its side to make sure he was against the wind before he swiftly pounded on it and bit its neck. Thank you Starclan for this vole. He buried the vole under a bush and continued along the path. ************** Runningwind padded into the camp, carrying a vole and two mice by their tails. He jogged over to the Fresh-kill pile, adding his prey to it. Runningwind sighed, grabbing a few

mice from the freshkill pile and padding towards the Elder’s den. Oneeye lifted her head and nodded to Runningwind, thanking him for the meal. Runningwind purred contentedly and nodded back, gently passing the mice over to One-eye and the other Elders. He padded over to the fresh-kill pile, getting a small rabbit for himself before going to a place in the shade to eat. He looked up as Willowpelt padded over to him, a vole in her jaws. She dropped the vole and lay down on the soft grass. “Hey!” she greeted him, taking a small bite out of her vole. Out of the corner of his eye, Runningwind saw an unfamiliar cat dash into camp. At first, they looked like Longtail. Their fur was freshly stained with blood and had a horrified look on their face like Ravenpaw had when he had announced Redtail’s death. Tigerclaw dashed over to the cat, claws unsheathed and ready to kill the scrawny cat. When Runningwind saw the huge tabby rushing to the cat, he dashed from under the shady oak and ran to get in front of the defenseless cat. Tigerclaw skidded to a stop, nearly hitting Runningwind. “Get out of my way, Runningwind!” Tigerclaw hissed, pushing him aside. “Clan cats must not kill to win a battle,” Runningwind protested, stepping up to try and equalize the height between the two. “We won’t have a filthy rogue in the camp.” Tigerclaw proclaimed. Runningwind saw no sign of Bluestar. He wondered what was going on and tentatively walked towards the leader’s den. Bluestar hissed at him. “Get out! I never want to see a clan cat again.” Runningwind was confused. “Bluestar, there’s a rogue-” @theHelm ~ page 24

Bluestar interrupted him. “Why should I care? I can’t trust any of you. I can’t trust clan cats.” Runningwind glanced over his shoulder and saw Fireheart, the only cat Bluestar trusted as her deputy. Fireheart caught Runningwind’s eye and nodded solemnly, advancing towards the leader's den. “Bluestar-” Fireheart began. “The rogue?” she answered. Fireheart nodded in response. “Alright,” Said Bluestar. “I’ll do something.” But even though her words should have been reassuring, Runningwind only felt uneasy. So he took it upon himself to assess the situation. Fireheart padded over to the rogue. “Listen, You have to get out of camp now,” Fireheart mewed patiently. “Why should I?” The rogue had a scratchy, hoarse voice. He coughed between every word, obviously plagued by greencough. “Because Tigerclaw will kill you if you don’t!” Fireheart snapped. “But Tigerclaw isn’t your leader,” the rogue hissed. “I don’t listen to a mere clan cat like you.” Fireheart sighed. “What are you here for?” The rogue purred, “So it is true, then?” “I must leave?” the raggedy tom said. “Leave now and never return, um, What is your name?” Fireheart mewed, nudging the scrawny cat out of camp. “Patchytail!” the feral cat hissed. “Alright then, Patchytail, leave!” Fireheart mewed calmly. As Patchytail raced out of camp, Fireheart could hear Patchytail’s bones cracking.

Gallery by Elly Chen, 803

@theHelm ~ page 25

Photos taken on the way to the bus stop by Saejin Yoon, 703

Call for Photography! Your turn to submit your photos to @theHelm! Maybe a picture of your pet, of yourself in an activity, or a family vacation?

We are interested in your snapshots! Send your photo for publication via the:

Google Submission Form Photo by Henry Tierney, 804

@theHelm ~ page 26

volunteer to buy some gifts by Friday, December 2, including $100 worth of grocery gift cards! Then, the process continues on Wednesday, December by Willow Norman (705) and Saejin 8 when home forms will wrap the gifts themselves (yikes!) and then on Yoon (703) December 9, we will have placed our gifts in a bin in Mrs. Setzkorn’s office. This past week, we handed in our pre- We support families with babies only sents for the St. Matthew’s House 11 months, to 17 year-old teenagers! Adopt a Family charity. These gifts are During this time of year it is important going to families who are less fortuthat we are thankful for what we nate than us. It’s quite possible that have and realize that many people the kids in these families have never are not as lucky as we are. Buying woken up to presents on Christmas some gifts for these wonderful famimorning, so we had a blast giving out lies is a great way to spread the joy of gifts to boys and girls who would the holiday season and wake up on Christmas with a joyful support the communismile on their faces after seeing their ty! This was a college gifts! Each home form in the middle wide activity and we school was given a family to support. got gifts for many famiWe were given a list of what each lies. The middle school family member wants for Christmas alone bought gifts for and each class member is asked to

HSC helps with “Adopt a Family”

New Math Challenge!

19 families. Thank you so much to everybody who brought in gifts!

St. Matthew’s House St. Matthew’s House started in May of 1964. It is a local charity in Hamilton. St. Matthew’s House does much more than just the Adopt a Family charity. They have childcare services and summer camps. St. Matthew’s house also has something called an Outreach Team. Outreach Workers work with people who are struggling with homelessness. They help provide people with things like food, healthcare, and housing.

Assuming that the skipping rope handles cost $5 per pair and that Jack and Jacob each paid the same amount, what is the minimum amount of money Jacob needed to pay?

Do you want a… skipping rope? Jack and Jacob are jogging to the jumping rope store. They needed a skipping rope (the ropes itself, without handles) that was exactly 2.85 meters long for their Christmas present for their dad who doesn’t exercise. But this store is special. It only sells skipping ropes in sizes 1m, 50cm, 25cm, and 10cm long. The jumping ropes cost $3 for every 50cm. The skipping ropes cost: 1m: $8 50cm: $5 25cm: $3 10cm: $1 There is a local law about the fact that it is illegal for pieces of skipping ropes being thrown to trash to reduce waste being dumped into the ocean and help #TeamSeas.

Hint: In this store, jumping ropes and skipping ropes are completely different things. Jacob and Jack needed a skipping rope.

Who stole the Christmas present? Alex: I overslept because I was gaming until 3:00AM last night. Bennett: Chris stole the present. Chris: Alex was the first one to wake up! Dylan: Bennett lied. Ethan: Guys, I stole the present! Frank: I agree with Dylan. Only 2 people were telling the truth that day and 1 person took all the presents, including the ones that weren’t his/hers. Who stole the present?

@theHelm ~ page 27

Answers: $15 / Chris

by Jimmy Li, 705

by Juliet Finley, 705

Ten Complicated Riddles We Bet You Can’t Solve! Thanks to Readers Digest & Riddlester for the Riddles Send your guesses to Cyrus Zare and Nischal Amin (703)

Without being called, we come out at night. Without being stolen, we get lost in the day. 1.

Who are we? Stronger than steel yet lighter than a cotton. Found in a corner forever forgotten. I bother so many but marvel a few. You can’t seem to make me. I am a mystery to you 2.

What am I?

I speak with my mouth and hear with my ears. I have no body, but come alive with the wind. 3.

What am I? You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I am thin and slow when I’m fat. Fast strong wind is my enemy.

You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. 7.



What am I? I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. 5.

What am I? I can be seen in the middle of March and April. But can’t be seen at the beginning or the end of either month. 6.

What am I? @theHelm ~ page 28

I come from a mine and always get surrounded by wood. Children use me almost every day 8.

What am I? 9. What disappears as soon as you say it’s name.

What am I? 10. I have keys but no locks And space but no rooms You can enter, but you can’t go outside

What am I?


Grade 5 & 6 December

According to data from the official World Cup Rugby website, during a period of time before the 2019 Rugby World Cup, the top 66 ranked teams, in alphabetical order, were: Australia, England, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and Wales. Consider the graphs that show different information about each of the 66 teams over a period of 12 months before the World Cup.

At the end of the 12month period shown by the graphs, Wales was ranked first in the world.

Which graph(s) best suggest(s) this? Explain your answer.

@theHelm ~ page 29


Grade 7 & 8 December

A track official recorded the times taken for 25 athletes to run 400 m. The stem-and-leaf diagram shows the results. STEM | LEAF 4|7899 5|0011222344568 6|01238889 Key: 4 | 7 represents 47 seconds. One of the athletes was later disqualified for running out of their lane. As a result, the mean running time for the remaining athletes was reduced by 0.5 seconds. What is the modal time once the disqualified athlete’s time is removed from the data? Modal time =

ロ seconds

Word Problem: In a city without taxes, Alpha is shopping in a mall, but he unexpectedly ran out of money in the fourth store he went into. He tried to solve the problem by asking his friend Beta for money, but after he looked at the bills of the previous three stores, he told him to return one item from each of the previous stores and he will have the exact amount he needed. These are his bills: Store 1 - Snow Pants ($100), Jacket ($150), Coat ($202) Store 2 - iPhone Plan ($6 + $50/month for 1 year, the first month is already paid), iPhone Case ($25) Store 3 - Christmas Tree ($600), Christmas Decoration Set ($150), ‘Happy Holidays’ Sign ($8), Christmas Lights ($50) Store 4 - World Map ($50), Globe ($24 already paid + some money he needs to borrow) 1. What is the least possible amount of money he needs to buy the globe? 2. What is the total amount of money Alpha brought with him to the mall?

Grade 5/6 November solution

Grade 7/8 November solution

@theHelm ~ page 30

Greater (Worse)

Dad Jokes (The Sequel)

dren after 36—really, 36 children should be enough. Q: In fact, if you sneer at any other method of measuring liquids, F: What has five toes and isn't you may be held in contempt of your foot? My foot. quart. G: My friend claims he glued himself to his autobiography. I don't believe him, but that's his story, and he's sticking to it.

R: Have you heard about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.

S: I always knock on the fridge H: I tried to start a professional door before opening it, just in case hide-and-seek team, but it didn't there's a salad dressing. work out. Turns out, good players This month I decided to conare hard to find. T: What happens when frogs park tinue with our HILARIOUS illegally? They get toad. jokes. There are 26 jokes, each I: Why did the Invisible Man corresponding to one letter in the alphabet. Hopefully these turn down a job offer? He couldn’t U: At the job interview, they see himself doing it. asked me, “Where do you see will put a smile on your face. yourself in five years?” I told him, J: How come the Hulk doesn't “I think we’ll still be using mirlose his pants when he trans- rors in five years.” forms? The experiment altered his jeans. V: Where do fruits go on vacation? Pear-is! K: If you donate a kidney, everybody loves you and W: A century ago, two brothers you’re a total hero. But try decided it was possible to fly. And donating five kidneys and as you can see, they were suddenly everyone is yelling Wright. and the police get called. X: I just broke up with my matheL: What do you call a line of matician girlfriend. She was obmen waiting to get haircuts? sessed with an X. A barber-queue. Y: “Just say NO to drugs!” Well, if A: Did you hear about the claus- M: I used to hate facial hair, but I’m talking to drugs, I probably trophobic astronaut? He just then it grew on me. already said yes. needed a little space. by Sophia Liu, 804

B: What did the left eye say to the right eye? Between you and me, something smells.

N: Why should you never brush your teeth with your left hand? Because a toothbrush works better.

C: What’s orange and sounds like O: To whoever stole my copy of a carrot? A parrot. Microsoft Office, I will find you. You have my Word. D: Did you know your pupils are the last part to stop working P: I tried to explain to my 4-yearwhen you die? They dilate. old son that it’s perfectly normal E: Women should not have chil-

to accidentally poop your pants. But he’s still making fun of me. @theHelm ~ page 31

Z: What did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before they got married? Feyoncè.

Send your completed entry to Mr. Hoad. One entry will be selected to win a prize! @theHelm ~ page 32

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