@theHelm - May 2022

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Hillfield Strathallan College—Middle School Student Newspaper

CONTENTS @theHelm—Issue 7: May 2022 Cover image: Henry Tierney, 804

4 Cinco de Mayo Learn how about this Mexican holiday with Sophia Liu

5 International Day of Pink Another Amazing article by Sophia Liu with Elaine Xu

8 Roe vs. Wade Zander Greco gets into the controversial debate

SPECIAL FEATURES 08-09 Environment News: Microplastics 09 Travel Gallery—photos and video 29 Music Composition—try it yourself! 32 Controversial Drink Opinions 32 Restaurant Review Photo by Elly Chen, 803

REGULAR FEATURES 10 Health Action Team 11 Sports Recap 13 Charity Corner 16-17 Video Game Review 18-19 The Interview: Mr. Hoad-Reddick 20 Student Spotlight 21 Dad Jokes 22-23 Recipes 30-31 Pet Corner 39-40 The French Corner

Riddle Corner by Sarah Deline (604) and Victoria Minetti (602)

MONTHLY CHALLENGES 12 Mr. Cormican’s Math Corner 20 Geography Corner results 29 Eden Mills Festival Poetry Contest

ART AND CREATIVE WRITING 24-27 Nature Photo Gallery 27-28, 30 Poetry 33-35 Art Gallery 36-37 Hurricane story by Aoji Zhang 37-38 Fear’s Backstory by Gracie Ratcliffe @theHelm ~ page 2

Homecoming Overview!

zone, and a bouncy castle parkour race. Anyone could participate in the bouncy castle activities and they lasted throughout the whole event.

Vendor’s Village Ah, the great Village of Vendor, filled On May 7, 2022, HSC had its first with food and jewelry. You could get homecoming in almost 3 years. Due anything you want, as long as it was to the circumstances we were put on the table, and of course, with a under in 2020 and 2021, we could not price. There, you could spot all the have a homecoming,; however, this great and famous merchants, such as year we did, and we will be going Oscar, holder of the great painting, over some of the festivities that ocand the father of David Shcherbatykh curred! (Birch house captain), and his giant chocolate eggs. Hektor’s Home Run In the morning, there was a run which was called Hektor’s Home Run, and Photos from Homecoming: at the end of it, you got a chocolate medal, which was a great start to the activities. by Adi Katotch (803) and Will Wang (802)

Breakfast and Lunch At homecoming, you could have both a pancake breakfast and a barbeque lunch, and there were food trucks as well. However, there was a huge lineup for lunch, but it was worth the wait. Bounce Zone There was a bouncy castle, a dueling

“Fame and Glory” May 7, 2022 (The tennis winner’s cup with the camera’s reflection.) “It should’ve been mine!” - Kingston Harmon, 802

“Le tour d'art.”-May 7, 2022

“Cedar vs. Tay” May 7, 2022

If you would like to view all of the photos, they can be found here: https://galleries.hsc.on.ca/p118385 605

(Cedar House captain Zander G. and Tay House captain Sophia L. A battle to the death!)

@theHelm is HSC’s Middle School paper to all the students and teachers who contributed to this issue! It’s been a fantastic publishing year. Look out for a bonus issue in June… ;-)

Ms Gutauskas & Ms Kee Sketch by Meleesa Hamzehian, 601 Photo by Pearl Naik, 806 @theHelm ~ page 3

simply an ordinary day. All stores and banks remain open on May 5th since it is not a federal holiday.

Cinco de Mayo by Sophia Liu, 804

In the United States, Cinco de Mayo is a way to celebrate and recognize Mexican culture and heritage. Most celebrations in Mexican-Americans communities. In the 1960s, Chicago activists raised awareness for this holiday. Nowadays, Cinco de Mayo is observed through parties, parades, traditional foods, dancing and music. Some of the largest and best celebrations take place in Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago.

In Spanish, the phrase “Cinco de Mayo” means the fifth of May, so it should be no surprise that Cinco de Mayo falls annually on May 5th. This holiday is meant to recognize the Mexican victory of the Battle of Puebla. While this is a Mexican holiday, only part of the country truly celebrates it; Cinco de Mayo is primarily celebrated in the United States.

Los Ángeles, in east-central Mexico. From the new headquarters in the north, President Juárez sent out 2,000 Mexican men, led by General Ignacio Zargoza, to go to Puebla to help fortify the town. On May 5th, 1862, General Lorencez readied his men and led them in a heavy assault The origin of Cinco de Mayo dates all Cinco de Mayo is definitely a smaller on Puebla. This battle lasted from the way back to 1861 when a lawyer, holiday, and most of us probably dawn to dusk. The French retreated Benito Juárez, was elected the presidon’t celebrate it. Personally, I don’t when they had lost about 500 soldent of Mexico; however, at the time, celebrate it, but I think it’s still imdiers; less than 100 Mexicans were the country was going through finanportant that we recognize Cinco de killed during this dispute. Although cial difficulties after years of internal Mayo and Mexican culture. As the this victory is quite petite, it is a symstrife. The new president ended up world becomes more diverse, learnbolic victory for all of Mexico. failing to pay their debt payments to ing about different cultures and reliEuropean governments. As a reaction gions is one of the most important to this, Britain, France and Spain sent In Mexico, this holiday is sadly only things we can do. celebrated in Puebla since the battle naval forces to Veracruz, Mexico; they wanted their repayments. Thank- and victory took place there. Other Cinco de Mayo | History, Celebraparts of the country do take part in fully, Mexico was able to negotiate tions, & Facts | Britannica with Britain and Spain, and they con- recognizing and celebrating, but unCinco de Mayo 2022: Facts, Meaning fortunately the majority of Mexico vinced the two countries to retreat. At the time, France was ruled by Na- does not commemorate this holiday. & Celebrations - HISTORY For most Mexicans, Cinco de Mayo is poleon III. He saw this as an opportunity to take over Mexico Did you know everyone celebrates Ramand form an empire there, adan differently? so in late 1861, a very preYazan: For Ramadan, I celebrate time pared French fleet invaded by Yazan Al Samarrie (801) & Abdul Elwith my family and close family friends. Veracruz. They sent a lot of Tabei (803) troops; the French were Abdul: For Ramadan, I celebrate the time able to drive President Juáwith my family. What is Ramadan? rez and the government into Ramadan is a time of worship and getRamadan is not actually a holiday. It is retreat. ting closer to Allah. one of the months of the Islamic lunar The French got overly conficalendar. Every Rules of Ramadan: dent after this, so they were year, it moves 11  Refrain from eating and drinking almost certain that victory days earlier, which  No bad language would come quickly and easis why you might  No harm to others ily. They sent 6,000 troops, have realized that led by General Charles  No lying it moves back eveLatrille de Lorencez, to at Donate to the poor ry year. tack a small town, Puebla de  These apply from sunrise to sunset

Ramadan 2022

@theHelm ~ page 4

Alex, a grade 8 student in Hamilton, expressed that teachers are constantly messing up their gender and using their former names. When students make these mistakes, they get punished; however, teachers seem to be by Sophia Liu (804) & Elaine Xu (802) let off when they make a mistake. Alex believes that being misgendered or April 13th marks International Day of called the wrong name seriously imPink 2022. If you’re wondering, no, this pacts their mental health. They said, day is not the same as Pink Shirt Day “It made me not like school and not (Anti-Bullying Day). While the two days want to go there.” Without naming both focus on getting rid of bullying, the school, it is located only 5.5km the International Day of Pink is more away from HSC. specifically aimed toward anti2SLGBTQIA+ bullying, especially within Although we’re unable to fully underschools. This day utilizes the colour stand or relate to the injustices and pink to go against homophobia, disdiscrimination they may face, we can crimination, transphobia and transstill attempt to educate ourselves and misogyny; everybody globally is welothers about this important issue. come to help celebrate diversity by These are some statements from stuwearing a pink shirt on April 13th. dents who are part of HSC’s Middle School Inclusivity+ Club: The origin story of this celebration is

The International Day of Pink

quite similar to Pink Shirt Day. On an ordinary day in 2007, two Canadian high school students witnessed a fellow gay student being teased for wearing a pink shirt due to the association of pink with feminine things. The two students, David Shepard and Travis Price, then each purchased dozens of pink shirts, distributed them to their classmates and wore them to school the next day. The word got out online and hundreds of students showed up to school dressed in pink to stand against bullying. These acts of allyship then led to the creation of the Canadian Centre of Gender and Sexual Diversity. The International Day of Pink is significant, especially in recent times. Many transgender students in Hamilton have stated that they aren’t getting enough support from their schools and that they feel unsafe. There are thousands of 2SLGBTQIA+ students in our city, some out and not out, who don’t have any support with their decisions.

Sources: Transgender student says teachers keep using wrong pronouns and name, and wants more done about it | CBC News Transgender students say Hamilton schools need to do more to protect and support them | CBC News International Day of Pink (April 13th, 2022) Today is the International Day of Pink

“Pink shirt day was an awesome way to bring awareness to 2SLGBTQIA+ issues. I am glad that we are being represented more, and that the school is making an effort to show us that we matter and belong. We still have a long way to go, but progress should be celebrated.” “Pink shirt day is a great and easy way you can show your support for people who are under the LGBTQIA2S+ umbrella. It's different from the pink shirt day most of us are used to because it's specifically for anti-LGBTQ+ bullying, but it's just as easy to take part in!” You may be unsure about how you can help, so here are some ideas to get you started. You can ask people for their pronouns, try to educate yourself about this topic, wear a pink shirt on April 13th, show some empathy, and be an upstander if you see any bullying/discrimination. Don’t worry if you accidentally use the wrong pronouns. Just apologize and aim not to make the same mistake next time. @theHelm ~ page 5

Rosy Sunset photos by Isuri Fernando, 804

The plastic problem just got a whole lot bigger. Or, in a way, smaller... by Gavin Lee & Kingston Harmon, 802

What is a microplastic? Everyone knows about the plastic problem, but not everyone knows about the microplastic problem, arguably, the greater of the two. Microplastics cover the earth, from the deepest corner of our oceans to the highest mountain peaks, and now, even our bodies.

that are shed by clothing, textiles, and fishing equipment. Secondary microplastics are parts of larger plastic items that have been broken down or degraded, such as by radiation, ocean salinity, and particulate fraction. Unfortunately, plastics, although they can degrade, are almost Microplastics are minuscule plastic particulate smaller than 5 millimetres, impossible to destroy, and once they although they can be as small as (2.53 are this small, they’re incredibly difficult to get rid of, as they can resist ± 0.85) μm, meaning you’d need a and avoid things like ocean waves microscope to see it (microplastics are smaller than a sesame seed, if for and solar degradation. This also means that they can float on air cursome reason that’s the kind of stuff rents or waves with incredible ease, you’d remember). They occur when plastics degrade or break up, and are traversing the globe from their source. They have infiltrated every so dangerous and problematic for a aspect of our lives, and now, finally, simple reason; they’re tiny. us. Their minuscule size allows them to travel far and wide, into the stomachs and bloodstreams of marine animals, History of microplastics and plastics and into every nook and cranny of our Although the first plastics were techworld as they move up the food nically discovered in 1869 by a man chain—and now, into us. named John Wesley Hyatt, fully synthesised (without any elements from nature) plastics were invented in There are presently well over 24.4 1907, and are petroleum polymers. A trillion pieces of microplastics in the world, and oceanographers estimate polymer is a long, repeating chain of that there are now between 150 and molecules that is often incredibly strong and flexible, and for a variety 500,000 tonnes of these microplastics in the oceans. There are two categories of microplastics; primary and secondary. Primary microplastics come directly in the size they are made in and originate in commercial and industrial usage, such as cosmetics, in addition to microfibers (tiny, tube-like plastics) @theHelm ~ page 6

of reasons, easily manufactured. A tide of plastics soon overtook the market, especially as an economic explosion in the United States after WWII found an abundance of ways for plastics to be utilized. Soon, plastic began accumulating everywhere, as recycling systems were never fully developed. Presently, there are over 3 million more tons of microplastic waste in the oceans alone, than estimated in 1950. Although this seems like a lot, it is dwarfed by the total plastic in the world, which amounts to over 8.3 billion tons of plastic. This, unfortunately, will continue to degrade into microplastics, converting all that mass into tiny pieces of plastic that will roam the world invisibly. That is why it is crucial to cut off plastic flow now, before more can accumulate, and properly dispose of waste presently in the world. Where was it? Microplastics were found “lodged in the deep lungs” and bloodstreams of 11 out 13 different patients undergoing surgery. “The most common particles were polypropylene, used in plastic packaging and pipes, and PET, used in bottles. Two previous studies had found microplastics at similarly high rates in lung tissue taken during autopsies.” So we know that microplastics have been found in humans, fish, porpoises, dolphins, and grey seals. But where else have they been found? For starters, microplastic is widespread, seeing as it was found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. But that is not relevant, and we will be looking into where microplastic can be found in large quantities. For ex-

ample, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch includes microplastics, and it is twice the size of Texas. But this is not the only place where microplastic can be found—as you can see from the map that we have provided, that is not the only cluster. But why are the plastics distributed like this? If you compare the map of the wind current and the plastic distribution, you can see that plastic is most frequently seen where the wind meets.

What health concerns do they pose? Having microplastics in your body is clearly bad, but how bad is it, and why? Microplastics and plastics have certain properties that may make them harmful over long periods of time. A chemical process called oxidative stress can cause numerous health risks, including inflammation risk, and various other health concerns. Moreover, numerous studies have proven the potential for microplastics to cause increased cancer risks (lung, prostate, more), altered metabolisms, cytokine activities immune disruption, and more. Right now, many studies are in progress to investigate other health concerns, but the length of time over which they accumulate and have to act makes it difficult to conclude right now. However, the health risks posed are worrying, and they are as-

suredly having major effects on the environment at present.

could cause other issues to small microorganisms and plant life.

How do they get into our bodies? Microplastics infiltrate our body through consumption or inhalation. Microplastic is consumed by animals at every level of the food chain, from tiny zooplankton to fish larvae, turtles, and now marine mammals. This trophic accumulation means that even more numerous amounts end up in human bodies, particularly from seafood. When we eat these animals, the microplastics that were in the animals; lungs, bloodstreams, and organs are transferred into our bodies. Another way that the microplastics can infiltrate the body is through air-born infiltration. When microplastic is inhaled, it can become embedded in the deep tissue of the lungs.

Why Now? Microplastic has rapidly become an ever-present issue. By 2000, over 250 million tons of microplastics were in our oceans, and this has continued to increase. This is the main factor contributing to microplastics found in humans. If this trend continues, more and more people will have issues related to microplastics. What can we do?

Unfortunately, we still have limited information about this. The best things that we can consciously do right now are to reduce our usage of non-reusable plastics, and generally, educate other people about this issue. As more and more research uncovers other ways to remove, reduce, and get rid of these plastics, Environmental Impacts we must buy time by trying to phase Of course, after all this, you may be out these outdated technologies, wondering what problems this poses which contribute the most to microto the environment. Most people plastics damaging the environment. have some vague understanding that trillions of tiny, essentially indestructiSources: ble and invincible pieces of plastic going everywhere have poor effects https://www.theguardian.com/enviro on our planet, but the information nment/2022/apr/06/microplasticssurrounding these particular threats found-deep-in-lungs-of-living-peopleis ambiguous and often leads to the for-first-time issue being understated. So what do they do to our environment? https://www.theguardian.com/envir Well, certain microplastics broken into small polymers may be able to act as biohazardous sinks, slowly releasing harmful chemicals that can build up in plants or soil, including DDT and hexachlorobenzene. In addition, certain microplastics are known to have various detrimental effects on small fauna, especially insects and worms, such as DNA damage, bioaccumulation, neurotoxicity, and more. At present, it is also worrying that long-term accumulation @theHelm ~ page 7

https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ https://www.theguardian.com/envir https://www.nationalgeographic.org https://www.sciencehistory.org/thehttps://www.plastichealthcoalition.o https://www.mdpi.com/2304https://www.sciencedirect.com/scie https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/

The Potential Overturning of Roe vs. Wade

states that (“…nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”).

by Zander Greco, 805 Abortion introduces a strong moral debate in the western world. It is one of the many topics today which has polarized the political spectrum to a degree that hasn’t been seen since the American Civil War. Some believe fanatically in the “pro-life” argument, which suggests that fetuses should be protected, to some degree, by the government. Others believe that laws preventing abortion infringe on a woman’s right to control her own body.

reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.”

The draft (if implemented) will make a sudden impact on the federal guarantee to have an abortion. The decision, on whether to protect abortion or not, will be up to the states rather than the federal government. With the draft still pending, the However, a verdict by the Supreme public has caught wind of the case. Court, to overrule the Roe vs. Wade Some believe that it is now or never decision was leaked to the press. A to protect their right to have an aborleaking such as this has not occurred tion. A vast crowd has even formed to this scale in Western judicial history on the streets of cities and even on up until this point. According to PolitiRoe vs. Wade was a decision by the the front lawns of judges who had co, “The draft opinion is a fullUS Supreme Court in January 1973. voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade. If throated, unflinching repudiation of The trial involved a Texan woman this level of protesting and tension named Norma McCorvey (under the the 1973 decision which guaranteed continues, abortion will be a very divipseudonym Jane Roe) who became federal constitutional protections of sive topic at the 2022 House Elections pregnant with her third child. She did- abortion rights and a subsequent in Washington D.C. n’t want to have the child, but Texas 1992 decision — Planned Parenthood v. Casey — that largely maintained law used to be so that a woman Sources: the right.” could only have an abortion if the woman’s life was endangered. Her https://www.politico.com/news/ attorneys filed a lawsuit against the In the initial draft decision, Justice https://www.britannica.com/ local district attorney, Henry Wade. Samuel Alito writes that “Roe was https://www.theglobeandmail.com/ Their main argument was that the egregiously wrong from the start. Its laws prohibiting abortion were unconstitutional. After the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texby Darya Midia, 604 as heard the case and ruled in her favour, Texas appealed to the US Supreme Court directly. To summarize, the case ended in a victory for Norma McCorvey, insuring that criminalizing abortion, in most cases, violated a woman’s right to privacy. A right which is guaranteed by the 14th amendment, which @theHelm ~ page 8

e her k c Cli

Photos by Pearl Naik, 806

Travel video by Tyler Clifford, 701

Photos from Saudi Arabia by Lamar Attar, 703

@theHelm ~ page 9

tell someone and get it Survey Results: out.” AnothWould you like a school er person said, “Having counsellor? a counsellor to talk to by Hana Saleemi, 701 would be great, plus, The Health Action Team sent out a having a counsellor for just Middle survey to the Middle School looking School will be better than having to see if we should have a counsel- one for all grades. lor. I was thinking about how stuStudents in Middle School have dents would be able to express different problems compared to their feelings to someone as well and have benefits from it. The stu- primary school. Middle school students may deal with racism, reladent counsellor would discuss any tionships between boys and girls challenges or difficulties regarding school, life, wellbeing, relationships etc. which are unlikely to find in prietc. Students would have someone mary school. So, I think having a counsellor just for Middle School to rely on to make them feel comfortable when discussing any issues. would be great.”


After a couple of days of the survey being out, we had our answers. In total, 56 students answered the survey. 27 Grade 7s, 21 Grade 8s, 5 Grade 5s and 3 Grade 6s. 73 percent of the students voted they would like a Middle School counsellor. One student said, “A lot of people struggle with things that they don't want to tell their teacher or friends. A counsellor might make it easier to

Some students thought a counsellor would be unnecessary. “I don’t think it’s necessary because we already have very involved teachers who can help us as well as counsellors in the senior school.” A response that really stood out to me was this: “I think that having a trained professional would be a good help in creating a safe space for kids to talk. Unfortunately,

school counsellors aren't always the greatest in handling issues among children, as they often do not understand (I do not say this to be mean or ungrateful). If we were to get a counsellor, I would want great care to be taken in choosing one that will actually help and make kids feel secure, instead of the ‘Just talk it out and be happy’ approach.” Often, elders unintentionally want to cut to the end of situations and only talk about how you should act but not how you feel. Sometimes, they will say “just brush it off and always choose kindness” but I personally think that having a counsellor would help students not only have a friend but know that they are safe with a person. I would love to hear more about what students think about this topic and whether it would benefit HSC.

HAT Collage Competition by Saejin Yoon (703) from the Health Action Team

Hello, Middle School! I hope you had an amazing March Break and that you stayed healthy and active everyday. A few weeks back, Mr. Verbeek sent out an email about the Health Action Team Collage Competition that was due on March 31st. The winner of the competition is Kyle Ding! Congratulations, Kyle! You will also be getting the prize of the long sleeve PE shirt. *Remember to get outside and get active for your mental health and wellbeing! @theHelm ~ page 10

@theHelm ~ page 11

their bread. The people who work with news webOpinion piece by Ahana Kulkarni, 604 sites and newspapers need to start making the You may have seen specific themes in things about important stuff longer. the news lately. Russia vs Ukraine war, Covid-19, the royal family of Britain, celebrity news, sports, etc. It fig- Next up: Scientific ures that a lot of things may get over- Achievements. To help looked, so here we are to inform you kids with heart defects, scientists want to create an artificial about overlooked pieces of world news, underrated books and movies, heart. In order to do that, we need to and other stuff that nobody really no- have a clearer understanding of how the heart works, and those same scitices due to the apocalypse of ranentists have built a biohybrid organdom sports and celebrities. ism modelled after a zebrafish to help Starting off with our number one piece with that. During a trip to the aquarium with his of news: The Taliban is STILL in Afdaughter, Kit Parker, one of the aughanistan, but this news is getting thors on the study, noticed the jellyoverlooked as people flee from Afghanistan. They are living in the same fish and realized he could probably conditions as the Ukraine people right build one out of rat heart tissue. Then now, and though the world is focused the team built a stingray. Finally, they made a zebrafish out of human tison Russia vs Ukraine, the people of sue. Afghanistan aren’t getting as much The fish moves by way of two areas help and support. Instead, we get of cardiac tissue along its tail. They news about how Subway is getting alternate contracting and relaxing, sued for putting too much sugar in causing the tail to curve to one side.

Overlooked News


Quote of the month by Elaine Xu, 802

Making the system allows us to understand how cardiac cells communicate with each other in order to keep the heart beating. The human tissues are the only biologically active part of the fish, kept alive by nutrients in the cell media it swims in, while the rest of the fish is made of layers of paper and gelatin. Scientists plan to build more and more complicated things until we have an artificial human heart that people with heart defects can use. Source: https://www.slashgear.com/802875/the-12coolest-scientific-discoveries-of-2022

by Mr. Cormican

Grade 5 & 6 May 2022 Challenge: If Mr. Hoad-Reddick is 60 years young, calculate how many days he has spent supporting the doomed soccer team of Arsenal FC, assuming he began supporting them at the age of 20! Take each year to be 365.25 days long! Get calculating! Grade 7 & 8 May 2022 Challenge: Mr. Hoad-Reddick’s favourite soccer team is Arsenal FC. Their last league title win was in the 2003-04 season, long before any of you were born! Assuming that season ended on May 15th 2005, how many days has it been since Arsenal last won the English Premier League title? @theHelm ~ page 12

food back. The people who are in need book an appointment, and they can come every 30 days. They reThe Good Shepherd stock food and products they get every 30 days; food at a minimum Venture Centre lasts up to five days, but on average the food lasts for 15 days or so. Each by Liam McKnight, 703 family can get a certain amount of different products—for instance, only I am delighted to share with you my three pasta packages or 10 potatoes. your choice. Students can also first edition of the Charity Corner. The This makes it sure that people don’t run a virtual food drive through Charity Corner will profile a different just take 20 packages of pasta or 50 The Good Shepherd - you can charity every month. I will be talking potatoes. If they did, the centre learn more by clicking here. would not have enough to feed other about the charity, the cause, and 3. Volunteering. There are opsharing with you how you can help. I families. portunities to volunteer at The think this is important because students HSC may have never had to go Why are food banks important? Good Shepherd once you are 13 to a food bank or a shelter, but we years old. Volunteers help stock Food banks are important to ensure also want to help build strong comshelves and work in the wareeveryone has access to the basic humunities that support everyone. I house to help run the food bank. man need of food. Food banks are think it is important for students at even more important through the If you want to volunteer, you can HSC to learn about the many charities pandemic and after because many email volunteer@gsch.ca. that are in our region, so my mission people have lost their jobs, which is to share with you opportunities on made it more difficult to pay for food. how you can get involved. Supporting food banks is in the best To learn more about the great work of The Good Shepherd Venture Centre, interest of our community because check out their website by This month, I am excited to share we are a stronger community when information about The Good Shepwe take care of each other. clicking here. herd Venture Centre. The Good Shepherd Venture Centre is an emergency How can you help? food bank that is associated with The Good Shepherd Mission, a social ser- There are three ways that people can vices centre that provides critical ser- get involved: vices to Hamilton’s most vulnerable 1. Donate food and clothes. people. Everyone can help by donating food, money, or clothes that do not fit you anymore to The Good Located in Hamilton, The Good ShepShepherd Venture Centre. Inherd Venture Centre distributes food, stead of being thrown out, they products, and clothing to people in can be used again so that someneed of social support—those who one else has a shirt. are at or below the poverty line.

Charity Corner:

About The Venture Centre The Centre provides emergency access to food, products, and clothing in our community. They organize the food bank like a grocery store so that people can pick the food they need. This makes the experience more dignified and efficient than a traditional

2. Host a live or virtual food drive. Students can run food drives in their neighbourhoods and donate all food collected. All you have to do is make a flyer, deliver flyers to houses telling them what day you will pick up food, and then collect the food and deliver it to the foodbank of @theHelm ~ page 13

Photos by Maggie Wang, 803

And for the last question, are there any other books from Taherah Mafi that we would recommend? Yes! Of by Taherah course there are the other 10 books in the Shatter Me series that we Mafi would recommend reading after Review by Isuri Fernando (804) and reading the first one. We also really like Taherah Mafi’s writing style, so Meera Ghelani (806) we are sure that any one of the Hey Bookies! We are super busy right books she has written will be phenomenal. now, and unfortunately don’t have time to record a podcast. However, we still have a book review for you! If Well, it looks like you have made it through episode 3! Although we you have any questions or recomweren’t able to record, we hope you mendations, you can email us at enjoyed it. And as always, enjoy readisuri.fernando@hsc.on.ca or at ing! meera.ghelani@hsc.on.ca

Shatter Me

Let’s get straight into it. What is this book about? So, this book is set in a dystopian society, where Shatter Me follows Juliette, a girl who has the ability to kill people with a single touch. She's been locked away for 264 days, and the crumbling government wants to use her gift/curse as a weapon. It sounds as intruiging as it is, I promise! So, onto the second question, what is the theme of Shatter Me? We would say that the theme in Shatter Me revolves around the concepts of physical and mental seclusion. This is because Juliette's parents withdrew themselves from her and emotionally and physically mistreated her after learning that her touch was deadly. Now onto the main character, Juliette. Juliette starts off in the beginning of the book as a scared, self-loathing girl. She is always unsure of herself and is counting the days she has been isolated from the world she knows. But what is her behavior near the end of the book in comparison? Obviously we wouldn’t want to spoil the book for our listeners, but Juliette seems to find her voice a bit more, as well as regaining a bit of sanity. You will have to read the book if you would like to know why though…

Prisoner B-3087 by

have been ruthlessly snatched away from him. Then, Yanek himself is taken prisoner as well with his arm tattooed with the words PRISONER B-3087. Yanek is forced to obey the Nazis, and any action that is slightly “suspicious” or “annoying” ends up with a punishment. Even when Yanek just looked at a Nazi he was brought over and punched in the face. He was forced to do hard labour with only stale bread and cold soup to please his appetite.

He was first sent to the Plaszow Concentration Camp from 1942-1943 where he had to adjust to the changReview by Sabrina Kiung, 703 es in order to survive. In this camp, he Prisoner B-3087 is a captivating novel met up with his uncle who taught him based on a true story written by Alan everything he needed to know to Gratz. If you end up reading this book live; He taught Yanek to be invisible and not make any friends. He was and love this genre, Alan Gratz has many other intriguing books to read told to preserve bread throughout the day or else he will starve from the that have similar themes including Ground Zero, Allies, and Projekt 1065. work they were doing. All of these rules were hard for Yanek to follow as Beware, if you do not enjoy reading he was only thirteen years old at the about tragic past events, you may time. not enjoy this book.

Alan Grate

Prisoner B-3087 takes place in Poland, in the 1930s. It is about a young Jewish boy named Yanek who is at the mercy of the Nazis who have taken over during World War II. Everyone he loves including his family @theHelm ~ page 14

Yanek experienced a total of eight concentration camps in the span of six years. He had to do so many brutal tasks just to survive. He even had to race other Jews to be considered “worthy”. The ones who lost were either shot or beaten to death. Yanek had been so used to the Nazi rules that he had completely forgotten what his life used to be like. Will he be able to hold on long enough to survive? Will the Allies be able to defeat Hitler and free all of the captured Jews?

Bifocal by Deborah Ellis and Eric Walters Review by Sophia Liu, 804 (Note: You should probably be 12+ to read this book. It tackles many adult, contemporary issues.) Bifocal: (usually of a pair of eyeglasses) having lenses each with two parts with different focal lengths, one for distant vision and one for near vision. However, Bifocal is not a book about glasses; the two incredible authors, Deborah Ellis and Eric Walters, twisted the definition of bifocal slightly. Instead of two contact lenses, the book covers two perspectives; it focuses on two completely different individuals who tell the same story but simply from different perspectives. The two of them go to the same school and walk the same hallways, yet they are worlds apart. Why? It was an ordinary day at Central Secondary High School. There was a minor detail that set this day apart from any other; two students were arrested. One was let go after a false arrest, but the other, Azeem, was taken into custody. It all started when somebody called out “Cops!” There were cops in the school; at first everybody thought, “No big deal, there are always cops at the school.” Central Secondary High School was gigantic, and it seemed that there was always something going on that involved the police. Despite that, something was off. There were lots and lots of cops. At least a few doz-

en, and they were all wearing bulletproof vests, helmets and a few of them even had shotguns. Then, a by Jennifer lockdown announcement was made. Lynn Barnes Whatever this was, it had to be serious. Eventually the truth came out. The police claimed that there was a Genre: Realistic fiction student involved in terrorist activity. Review by Esme Vedelago, 703 Our first point of view is from an 11th grader, Jay, a popular Caucasian guy. The school year is drawing to a close, He had just transferred to this huge and I’ve decided to finish off the school from a small town, so he isn’t book section with my personal faused to modern day issues. Although vourite. Like, the top of my very long Jay is new to the school, he has fit in list of personal favourites. really well. Many of his friends are 12th graders, and he plays linebacker Avery Kylie on the school’s football team. How- Grambs is a ever, a lot of his friends are obnoxnot-soious and racists; Jay himself is not an normal teenactive racist, but he occasionally joins ager. She in the jokes and doesn’t say anything lives in her about it.. Jay is definitely the new car, for one popular guy at school, being thing. And groomed to be captain of the footthe other ball team next year. thing is not only her The other perspective is from Haname, but roon, the student who was falsely also her inarrested; he is Persian and Muslim. telligence. One day, Avery is called to The police apologized and claimed to the will reading of a man she has nevhave a justified reason for the false er met at all. Billionaire Philanthropist arrest: there was another “Arab” kid Tobias Hawthorne has left everything in the room with Azeem, so he may to Avery, disinheriting his four grandalso be involved in terrorism. Haroon sons. Not that Nash really cares, he is also the star of a school team, the can take care of himself. Avery finds “Reach for the Top” team. He is a this great. The money will pay for quiet but extremely intelligent kid. everything, and help her reach her dream of traveling the world. Until The kids of Central Secondary High she learns about the condition. If she School are left on their own to deal wants her rightful inheritance, she with the aftermath of this traumatic has to live at Hawthorne Mansion for event. Racism gets added to the one year. Juuuuuuuuust great. And equation, and it divides the school to make matters worse, the Haweven more than cliques already do; thorne grandons-even Nash-have the already-segregated school is hav- taken an interest in her. They want to ing more issues than ever before. answer the burning question inside Students start to face horrid contem- of them. porary topics such as face racism, stereotyping, and terrorism; natural- Why her? A very risky gamble. ly, things begin to heat up.

The Inheritance Games

@theHelm ~ page 15

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Review by Adi Katoch, Abdul El-Tabei, Christian Leong and Teleola Ogunkoya (803) We’ve been through three years of waiting and countless delays, but finally, the game has been released. This game has been long awaited for nearly three years and was released on April 5, 2022. This game is a collection of all nine of the Star Wars films and has put them in the medium of LEGO, making it fun for all ages with its comedy, action, and a wide variety of characters. There's something in store for you if you’re a fan of Star Wars. Don’t be fooled by the LEGO license though because there is a lot to do within this game, so we’ll cover some interesting easter eggs, tips, and details, and give our thoughts on the game! Characters & Vehicles: There are nearly 400 playable characters, 150 ships, and other vehicles which are featured in the nine films, and each character is part of a different class, each with its playstyle, for example, the bounty hunter class uses blasters and is mostly a ranged class and the Jedi can use a variety of lightsaber techniques and can use the force to mess around with their enemies. The roster of characters and vehicles is vast and has a lot of variety so I give it a 10/10.

means you can be more creative with your attacks. The movement is all the same except that you are now able to sprint on command, which is something previous LEGO games did not offer. Normally in LEGO games your character eventually breaks into a sprint after you walk forward enough, but now you can sprint by clicking down on the left stick (for console) or by pressing down the left shift (for PC). Another feature they added to this game is the ability to throw your lightsaber. By holding down the left trigger (for console) or by right-clicking (for PC) it allows the player to aim. To use their longranged attack, the player must press the right trigger (for console) or leftclick (for PC). Another new ability is to use force to destroy enemies/objects or lift enemies/objects. You can do this by holding/pressing circle/b (on console) or by holding/pressing E (on PC). Also, they added many ships the player can unlock and fly; this means there are many flying controls. Overall, I’ll rate the controls a 10/10, for they are more modern, but they do take a while to get used to, especially the flying controls.

explore the vast planets and locations. The cool thing about this game is that you can travel to any planet on your ship by just flying there. You don’t need to fast travel to complete your missions. This is unique for any LEGO game, for it truly immerses you in the adventures across the galaxy. Great upgrades to purchase Another feature that sets this game apart from other LEGO games is the new skill tree, which offers a wide variety of upgrades and great conveniences. To purchase upgrades on this upgrade tree you need to collect Kyber Bricks and some studs. You can purchase core upgrades that apply to every class, however, you can also purchase upgrades that only apply to a specific class such as a Jedi or a Bounty Hunter. Below I will list some core upgrades and extras that will enhance your experience with the game.

1) Stud Multiplier The Stud Multiplier is very useful Controls : and can be stacked to up to If you’ve played past LEGO titles such x3,840 studs which is very helpful as LEGO Marvel Superheroes, LEGO to make your time collecting Marvel Avengers, and LEGO Indiana studs a lot easier, although it can Jones, don’t expect the controls to Open world: be a bit pricey as the x2 costs be the same. Despite most controls Similar to a few past LEGO games, 1,000,000 studs and the final x10 being similar, new features have been this one has an open world, which multiplier costs 384,000,000 added to the gameplay, which means basically means that instead of having Studs new controls. One of the biggest closed levels and small maps; you can changes is the combo system, which @theHelm ~ page 16

2) Stud Attract The stud attract can be unlocked very early on as you need about 30 Kyber bricks which are collected by completing missions and extra challenges. The stud attract is useful as it collects studs without you needing to walk into them and can be upgraded to collect from a greater range.

Deluxe Edition/DLC (Downloadable Content): There are two versions of the game that you can buy, the standard version and the deluxe edition. The deluxe edition has the seven character packs (DLC) and if you get the physical version you get a Luke Skywalker figure. The seven character packs are, The classic character pack, The Mandalorian season 3) Baguette Lightsabers (250,000 studs) one and two, The Bad Batch, Solo, This ability isn’t that useful, how- Trooper Pack, and Rogue One. Each ever, it is funny as it turns all pack contains 5-7 characters so in lightsabers into baguettes that total all of the DLC grants you around don’t actually increase or change 35 extra characters, which all have your attacks, however, it turns unique play styles and abilities. your lightsaber into a baguette which scores it a spot on this list. Story/Levels (8/10): Despite the actual gameplay and con4) Mumble Mode trols being great, the story could use In past LEGO games, they did not some improvements. Particularly in have proper voice acting so in Episodes I and II, the levels were a bit cut-scenes they would just make bland and unoriginal. However, from a mumbling noise. As time went there the levels become amazing and on they got proper voice actors incredibly immersive. We’ve almost and proper lines. Older fans miss completed the entire game and we the mumble noise, because of can say that Episodes III - Episode IX nostalgia so when the developers are great. The only problem is that announced this extra ability, the stories are most likely unsurprismany fans were happy. Also, ing and predictable due to the fact Mumble Mode is completely free that they are literally the exact same so you can turn it on as soon as story as the movies, but what makes you start the game! it fun is the fact that you can play it

and the levels are completely original and fun. Some levels that stood out to me (Abdul) were the Battle on Mustafar, the Trench Run, Battle against Darth Vader in Cloud City, Battle against Jango Fett, and the Kylo Ren Fight in the remains of the Death Star. Overall, the story starts off bland but gets way better later in the saga. The levels become more enjoyable and overall more interesting, making use of new mechanics and certain abilities. Final Thoughts Overall this game is an excellent experience and is a great retelling of the Star Wars films. Whether you are an old fan or are just getting into Star Wars this is a very enjoyable experience, although some levels are a bit bland the great levels make up for that. The graphics are great, the gameplay is great, the character roster is excellent, and our final rating for the game is 6/10. Sources: https://www.gamenguides.com/lego-star-wars-theskywalker-saga-controls-for-pc Image from: https://www.vg247.com/lego-starwars-skywalker-saga-editions-price-deals

and faculty enjoyed music performances with a variety of appetizing by Cyrus Zare and Nischal Amin (703) snacks and morning beverages, which consisted of crispy croissants, sweet fruits, delicious danishes, and hot On April 4th, a staff appreciation breakfast took place. One location of coffee. this breakfast was in the Kemper Lounge, and it went from 7:30am to The Parents’ Guild hosted the breakfast to show what’s taking place in 9:30am. The other location of this HSC and how we breakfast was in the Transappreciate the portation Office, which hard work of the went from teachers and 8:00am to staff at HSC. The 9:00am. Durbreakfast was ing this breakvery successful. fast, the staff

Staff Appreciation Breakfast

@theHelm ~ page 17

HSC INTERVIEW with Principal HoadReddick (the one who started @theHelm!)

of wonderful things I loved doing (radio talk shows, IB, Writers in Residence). But all of the things I loved doing there couldn’t fit in that program, so I decided to come here to continue to do what I loved.

Middle School. But I think all the interactions with students over the years have been wonderful. Q: What’s the hardest thing about your job?

Something that has been hard is being distant from people I’m communicating with. I mentioned to parents before homeEnglish, particularly creative coming that they would have to writing. When I was in grade 13, I introduce themselves because took three math courses, chem- we had never actually met beistry, and English. Computer sci- cause of the restrictions and ence was a favourite as well. masks!

by Saejin Q: What were your favourite Yoon (703) school subjects growing up? and Willow Norman (705)

Q: When did you start working here at HSC? Did you have another job at HSC before being Middle School principal?

Q: What are some challenges Q: When did you decide you you had to face during the pan- wanted to teach? demic? Nine years ago, 2013. I started I decided I wanted to teach in teaching senior school English, It was very frustrating to put lim- my fourth year at the University writing craft grade 11 and 12. itations on people and keep of Toronto. I first applied to a Q: What have you enjoyed the them apart when they wanted library program, and after I didn’t get in, I decided to continue most about being the principal? to be together—even though we knew we had to keep them my love of writing and literature apart. at HSC. Supporting our students and teachers in creating a wonderful Q: Has the pandemic had any Q: Do you have an interesting learning community. positive impacts on your life? story you would like to share about your time at HSC? Q: How is being a principal I think it has in that its allowed compared to the other jobs you me to continue to be principal The first time I heard about the have done? and reach out using videos. On David Joy Tutty Fund at HSC, I There's certainly a lot more pres- March 20, 2020, everyone went was teaching English in the Senthrough their first online clasior School. I stopped teaching sure but knowing that I have a wonderful leadership team has ses. That day, I said I was going right at that moment, and within helped. I miss being in class eve- to make a video every week to two to three minutes, I had subreach out to the community. mitted ry day teaching students. three Q: What's your fondest ideas to Q: Why did you decide you memory at HSC? Mr. wanted to work at HSC? Ayotte. I have some wonderful class I was at St. John’s Kilmarnock School, and I was doing all kinds memories both in Senior School Q: Do English and teaching grade 7/8 you

@theHelm ~ page 18

prefer teaching younger or older children? I love teaching kids grade 5+ and my absolute favourite grades have been 7/8 and then grades 11/12. When there was a grade 13, I loved that as well because they were so collected and mature. Q: What was your dream job when you were younger? My dream job was to be an astronaut based on the moon landing going on when I was a child. But a writer/poet has always been my lifelong dream, which is part of why I’m retiring and devoting more time to that. I also once wanted to be a professional soccer player.

Q: What would you probably be Q: What are you looking fordoing right now if you weren’t a ward to in retirement? principal at HSC? Walking my dog, playing as much I would be playing disc golf or disc golf as I can, and I will be gowalking my dog or sitting at my ing to the Canadian Disc Golf desk writing. Championships in P.E.I in September. Q: When did you create @theHelm? How did you come Q: What is one final message up with the idea? you would give to HSC before you leave? It started in the Senior School, because there was a program It has been my privilege and honallowing students to publish our to make HSC my “capstone” online. This goes back to a proto a wonderful 30+ year career. I gram at a previous school: Aqua- hope to come back and visit and plan. When I came to Middle perhaps volunteer at the school. School, I wanted to continue the creative efforts, and it’s been Thank you, Mr. Hoad-Reddick great passing it along to Ms for being our Middle School Gutauskas and Ms Kee. Principal! We will miss you.

House Mile Run for Empowerment Squared:

Don’t forget to donate! On Thursday, May 19, HSC will do the mile run to raise money for the Empowerment Squared program, helping children attend soccer programs over the summer.

Make your donation online today:

CLICK HERE TO DONATE or use the PLEDGE FORM @theHelm ~ page 19

Student Spotlight: Saejin Yoon A big congratulations to Saejin Yoon (703) on her first-place win at the Fever Dance Competition in Hamilton on Fri. May 6! Along with her dance team, she placed first in her category and third for Junior Large Groups. Bravo, Saejin and team!

20 Best Short Jokes Anyone Can Remember! by Oliver Wojciechowski, 601

@theHelm ~ page 20

Dad Joke Finale by Sophia Liu, 804

This is going to be the last issue of the Bad Dad Jokes published by yours truly. Somebody, please take over this section for next year! Please, I am begging you…

puses that look the same? Itenticle.

What a queen says after she burps.

J: Want to hear a joke about

R: Did you hear the rumor

construction? I’m still working about butter? Well, I'm not goon it. ing to go spreading it!

K: What do you call a lazy

S: How do you deal with a fear

kangaroo? Pouch potato.

of speed bumps? You slowly get over it.

L: Stop looking for the perfect match…use a lighter.

T: What happens when a snowman throws a tantrum? He has a meltdown.

A: What do houses wear? An address.

U: When you have a bladder

B: Why was the broom late to

infection, urine trouble.

class? It over-swept.

V: A witch's vehicle goes

C: What type of bear is the

brrrroom brrrroom!

most condescending? A panduh!

W: What did the two pieces of bread say on their wedding day? It was loaf at first sight.

D: I told my doctor I heard buzzing, but she said it’s just a bug going around.

E: I used to play piano by ear,

X: What do you call a beehive M: What do you call it when a

without an eXit? Unbelievable.

group of apes start a company? Y: To the person who stole my Monkey business! place in the queue. I’m after you now. F: Why did the man fall down N: Why is Peter Pan always the well? Because he couldn’t flying? Because he NeverZ: What do you call a zombie see that well. lands! who cooks stir fries? Dead man but now I use my hands.

G: Two goldfish are in a

O: Why did the orange lose tank. One says to the other, the race? It ran out of juice. “Do you know how to drive this thing?” P: If the early bird gets the H: Why can't a leopard hide? worm, I’ll sleep in until there’s pancakes. He's always spotted. I: What do you call two octo-

Q: What is a royal pardon?

@theHelm ~ page 21


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Photos by Elly Chen, 803

@theHelm ~ page 24

Avaani Bratch, 801

Annice Adams, 804

Jade Asindi, 804 @theHelm ~ page 25

Filtered photos by Meleesa Hamzehian, 601

Jack Clifford, 704

Avaani Bratch, 801 @theHelm ~ page 26

Photo by Meleesa Hamzehian, 601

One Wish Poem by Alisha Hemani, 702 Photo by Henry Tierney, 804

Calm and quiet only a few get this ability Peaceful pleasantries, please power us with this possibility Alas, peace is a fickle thing, as is hope As a human race, is war the only solution we know? Is it for power, or the right to gloat? This madness must stop before we no longer can keep our world afloat. Will we finally find some version of tranquility? I guess only if we look optimistically Are our civil ways simply lost Is there a way for these wars to exhaust? To toss our crossed opinions for we sacrifice such a cost Remember, peace is what majority has sought One wish. One hope.

Photo by Avaani Bratch, 801

But one we may not know @theHelm ~ page 27

“Dear Death” Poem by Jason Camlot; video by Kingsley Marshall (701)

e her k c Cli

@theHelm ~ page 28

May is Arts Month! Matilda Jr. the Musical Congratulations to the cast and crew of the first stage musical in two years! The costumes, lighting, sound, and voices were enjoyed by many at the end of Arts Week and during Homecoming weekend. Bravo to all! “Just because you find that life’s not fair, it doesn’t mean that you just have to grin and bear it. If you always take it on the chin and wear it, nothing will change.” - Matilda Wormwood

Try playing Elaine’s music composition on your instrument!

Send your poetry in via THIS SUBMISSION LINK

@theHelm ~ page 29

If you leave your snack on the couch unguarded, the only thing that will remain are a pair of innocent yet slightly guilty hound eyes staring at you in return.

Ginger Poem and photo by Brenna Bobko, 701

Ginger, my rescue pup from West Virginia Adopted into my family after nine long years of negotiation And a promise to care and love her forever Cinnamon and fawn in colour With white socks and a white-tipped tail Her short smooth soft fur always looks neat without brushing Her sad hound eyes fool you into giving her everything her heart could ask for Although a muscular 40 pounds, she pretends she is a teacup dog in spirit by the way she leaps into my lap

Her biggest rival, the calico cat across the street never fails to make her fur stand on end Racing across the yard at greyhound speed, she is a worthy opponent to every black squirrel that dares to enter her territory Her impressive athleticism is showcased by the gifts she leaves at our doorstep

Security chief by day, she sits by the A pleading cry at the fridge reminds window like the Queen’s Guard you of her forgotten treat awaiting a delivery from the mail carrier Or that dinner time is near

A scratch behind the ears or on the belly elicits a deep sign and a blissful groan An expression of complete and total happiness. Only trumped by “Ginger, time for a walk!” which creates excitement that could only be compared to winning an all-expense-paid trip to Disney World Affectionate and loving A rolled-up cinnamon bun at the end of my bed at night A big black nose on my pillow in the morning Always happy to see me Never holds a grudge A fiercely loyal companion My trusted best friend

that forms a mass in the stomach, and it helps the cat to reduce pressure easily. It is also good for your by Emily Liu, 802 cat's oral health. It Improves the oral environment, prevents and controls The use of cat grass oral diseases, and Supplements correI think most of you are all familiar with sponding vitamins and trace elecat grass but if you are not it is just a ments to inhibit eosinophilic granuloA plant that is non-toxic, harmless ma caused by various reasons. It is and rich in fibre, which can stimulate mainly planted with oats or wheat the gastrointestinal peristalsis of cats. seeds It Helps the cat spit out the hairball Fun fact: Cats have this connection Food: Some human food that cats to the sun. They love the sunlight.

Pet Corner: Cat Tips

can eat and some foods they can’t eat Some foods that cats can eat are meat, fish, eggs, chicken breast and some curtain fruits but cats CAN NOT eat chocolate, grapes or onions. Some cats can drink milk but some can’t if you feed them something and they don’t act very well then you should probably stop giving it to them. @theHelm ~ page 30

by Sophie Bernstein (704) and Brenna Bobko (701)

@theHelm ~ page 31

This includes everything that is even slightly bubbly. It ranges from soda, to sparkling water, to that sip of champagne on New Years Eve. I have Thirdly, tea has always tasted awful never ever thought that carbonated by Sophia Liu, 804 to me. Back when I was just a child, I beverages were appetizing; however, remember going to the United States this could actually be a really good I have been told by a lot of people and ordering “iced tea”. Instead of thing. The majority of carbonated that my taste in drinks is absolutely giving me Nestea, they gave me actu- drinks are awfully unhealthy, sodas in horrendous; it isn’t that I like “bad” al tea with ice. That turned me off to particular. They are full of tons of sugdrinks, but it’s the fact that I dislike the stuff that everybody finds delight- tea for a couple of years until I tried it ar, and I think avoiding that is actually good for me. ful. Hopefully, I’m not the only person again; I still found it repulsive. Perhaps I just haven’t found the right with “odd” taste like this, and sometype of tea; maybe there will be one To conclude, I am very picky with my body agrees with me. that absolutely blows my mind. How- drinks. I refuse to touch beverages ever, I haven’t found that, and unless that the vast majority of people drink To start off, I would like to mention I do, I’m going to continue with my on a daily basis. I have always been that I have never been the type of hatred of the drink. like this, so I guess that everybody’s person to begin my day with a bowl taste buds work quite differently. of cereal. Why? I don’t like milk; never have and probably never will. I know And finally, this may be the most controversial one, it’s carbonated drinks. that it is supposedly extremely healthy and all, but I don’t drink it ever. My dislike of milk also includes chocolate milk, and my reasoning for not enjoying it is that chocolate milk tastes bad to me. Don’t ask why I don’t like milk because I don’t know. Thankfully, I still enjoy milkshakes; it would be a pretty hard life without them.

Controversial Drink Opinions

constantly exhausted, coffee will be quite useful. For now, I’m doing just fine without it.

The second drink that I avoid is coffee. My parents almost always start their days off with a cup of coffee to wake them up, yet I have never been able to choke down an entire cup. It’s not only the purest and most raw forms of coffee that I dislike; I can’t even take it in the form of a Starbucks frappuccino. I believe that when I’m older and @theHelm ~ page 32

Elizabeth Lerner, 501

Ethan Xue, 503 Calista Cahill, 604

@theHelm ~ page 33

Taylor Lovie, 601

Jimmy Li, 705

Sabrina Kiung, 703

@theHelm ~ page 34

Maggie Wang, 803

Nathan Nash, 803

Emily Liu, 802

@theHelm ~ page 35

Hurricane First two chapters of a story by Aoji Zhang, 503

Chapter 1 “Wake up Eleanor! We’re going on an adventure !” Archer yelled in her ear. Eleanor groaned. “Archer, will you please quit yelling in my ear?” “No way!” Archer exclaimed. Eleanor sighed. Brothers. Archer loved to stay up late playing video games. And sleep in class. He never got a good grade. Never. Unless it included playing video games. Which of course, wouldn't happen. “What do you want ?” she asked him coldly. “We’re going on an adventure!” Archer said excitedly. Eleanor scowled. “The last time you said that we were going on an adventure, the only thing we did was go to the arcade!” “Please, Eleanor, we're not going to the arcade, we're going to The Gray Havens in Arizona!” Archer said excitedly. “Fine,” grumbled Eleanor. She got out of bed and shoved Archer toward the door. “Go away, give me some time to think.” “Ok!” said Archer cheerfully. Then Eleanor slammed the door shut.

the 59th time), Eleanor pulled out her Walkman, while Archer turned on the radio and cranked it up so loud that Eleanor couldn't even hear herself yell, “Archer! Turn down that music!!” “No way!” came the response, “this is awesome!” Eleanor groaned. Little brothers. If only she had a sister instead. A sister that didn't jump on her bed and cover her bedroom floor in books. Archer loved to do that. Eleanor could hardly remember how many times he’d been grounded from video games. Twice a week maybe? No, three times a week.

door. When he came back, he announced that they had a flat tire and ran out of gas. “The closest gas station is two hours away,” said Bella, looking at the map in her hand. Annoying little brat, thought Eleanor.

Archer bounced up and down on his seat singing at the top of his lungs with Elvis. Bella glared at Archer. “Do you even care that we’re stuck in the middle of nowhere without gas, a flat “Woah!” exclaimed Archer. tire, and no food?!” Eleanor looked out of the window. On Archer hardly looked away from the their right, was a sparkling blue lake on screen as he answered, “nope.” the edge of a tall pine forest. Eleanor pulled a bag of chips out of “Is this The Gray Havens?” asked Archer. Archer’s knapsack. “No, my love,” said their mother, “this is “Listen, Archer,” she told him sternly, “if just half as beautiful as Arizona. Once you you don’t behave, I will throw this deligo there, you won’t want to leave.” cious bag of chips into that pond, along “Really?” Eleanor asked. “Now I’m glad with you too.” that I brought my camera!” Eleanor pointed at the disgusting pond. “Which is in the back of the car,” said Archer looked up and snatched the potaArcher. to chips out of her hand. “Your brain is at the end of the world, “Fine, Eleanor,” he said. “But only if you Archer,” Eleanor said, then stuck her stop being a bossy little brat” he added tongue out at him. stubbornly. Archer laughed. He rolled his eyes inside out. Eleanor’s temper flared. Little brat? He “Gross, Archer!” said Bella. and Bella were even worse, She wanted to yell. Then the car engine roared to life, Bella was their bratty older cousin who and everyone jumped. was coming along. She sat at the back “Get in the car!” yelled Mr. Whitelock with Eleanor, and she was almost as ancheerfully. Eleanor got up and pulled her jeans out noying as Archer. Almost. At least she “I call shotgun!” Bella crowed. of a drawer. Suddenly, there was pound- didn’t play video games and mess up her “No, I want shotgun,” complained Arching on her door. room. er. “Hurry up, Eleanor! Breakfast has started “Eleanor, did you already!!” Archer yelled through the door. pack everything you “I’m coming, Archer! And next time don’t need?” be so rude!” Eleanor shouted back. “Yeah, mom, what But he was already walking down the do you think?” Eleastairs, not caring about anything else but nor said casually, for the waffle he was about to devour. it was not true. She’d forgotten her Chapter 2 raincoat and a bedsheet. Eleanor opened the door and ran downstairs as fast as possible and wolfed Then, the car sputdown her breakfast—Archer was singing tered to a stop. Her one of his stupid songs again. Once they father cursed and got in the car (Archer riding shotgun for opened the car @theHelm ~ page 36

“You had the front seat last time!” cried Bella. Eleanor didn’t speak, just scrambled into the car quickly while Bella and Archer argued.

Housefolk,” Fang mewed, hanging his head. “Why?” Cotton mewed as he walked over to Fang. Fang looked up at him. Fan fiction story (part of Ch. 1) Fang raised a paw and pointed it out a by Gracie Ratcliffe, 503 window. SPLASH. “That’s why,” he mewed at last. Cotton Cotton sat on the edge of the garden turned his head to look at where his paw fence and breathed in the fresh air, his Eleanor’s head jerked up immediately pointed, and he saw the most beautiful and she looked around wildly, but there amber eyes gazing into the forest. thing he had ever seen. was no one else there except her family. “CoTton!” an unseen twoleg called. “Wow!” Cotton exclaimed. “CoTton, time foR DiNnEr!” it said, as “Now do you see why I left?” Fang Cotton groaned and leapt off the fence, rasped. SPLASH. walking towards the open door. “Yes. But that won’t change his mind,” a “Come on housefolk! Couldn't you see I female voice mewed. Out of the corner of Eleanor’s eye, she was on the fence?!” saw Riley skipping stones across the “Hi, Pollen!” Cotton mewed happily. Cotton hissed, padding over to his food. pond. Wait a moment. Riley was here, in Pollen was pregnant. Her kits were due the middle of nowhere, beside the green “I love to look out into the forest. Before any day now. coming back here. During the day its my “And yes, I am going to run away,” he pond. “Hey, Eleanor,” Riley said. Eleanor closed favourite thing to do.” Cotton imagined mewed, turning to look at Fang. being in there, living with Wildcats. But her eyes. “I am going for good,” Cotton mewed When she opened them again, Riley was his daydream was interrupted by a low bravely. growl. He flinched, looking into the shad- “No! You can’t go…Not before I have still there, looking slightly annoyed. “That's not gonna work you know,” she ows. my kits,” Pollen mewed, laying down on “That’s no life,” a voice said. said grumpily. the carpet. Her swollen belly was heavy Cotton could see a pair of green eyes “W-w-why are y-y-you here?” Eleanor with kits. Whew! It must be hard carrying looking at him, and raspy breaths. The stammered. kits. They must be so heavy, Cotton strange cat stepped out of the shadows, thought. Riley didn't reply, just motioned for her and Cotton recognized the cat. It was to follow. Eleanor hesitated for a mo“Cotton…Help……” Pollon mewed. Fang. ment, then followed cautiously, trailing “Urg!” behind as far as possible. As Riley jogged Fang was not a Kittypet, He was a rogue. She was about to have her kits! Cotton off, Eleanor realized that there was a Fang usually entered Cotton’s home in sword hanging from Riley’s belt. started yowling at the top of his lungs, secret, trying to avoid Cotton’s twolegs. hoping A twoleg would come in to the “Wha-” Eleanor started, but Riley clapped her hand over Eleanor’s mouth. “Hi, Fang.” Cotton mewed. room. A twoleg came running into the Somehow she had gone from in front to “Hey” Fang replied with a raspy voice. room, and a Twoleg kit followed. The “How’s life in the city?” Cotton asked. behind in a matter of seconds. twoleg rushed over to Pollen and “Hard, As usual. Rummaging through “Shhh, they're coming” she whispered. twoleg trash, mingling with dogs for a “Who?” Eleanor demanded. “Who is scrap of meat,” Fang replied. coming? What is coming?” “How are those friends of yours?” CotRiley glared at her but didn’t say anyton mewed, batting at a fly that had thing. buzzed around his ear. Eleanor heard rustling in the bushes and “They are good.” An idea buzzed into Fang’s mind. the words she was about to say died in her throat. She backed up so quickly that “Wait, Cott’n!” Fang rasped, “How she tripped over a log. Standing in front would you like to run away from home and join me?” Cotton gasped. of Riley was a hideous-looking human “How dare you!” Cotton said, curling his with barnacles and mildew covering its face. Without any hesitation, Riley swung lip and unsheathing his claws. “What? It’s just a suggest’n” fang her sword and killed it. mewed. “ “Eleanor, come on!” Riley said urgently You have to learn to seek adventure like and suddenly. “We have to get there before nightfall!” I did.” “What do you mean ‘did’?” Cotton asked, his eyes darting around. To be continued... “What I mean is that I ran away from my

Fear’s Backstory

@theHelm ~ page 37

kneeled beside her, stroking her silver pelt. Pollen grinded her teeth in pain. Fang watched, his eyes wide with disgust. “Agh! Cotton! Help!” Pollen yowled. “How Am I supposed to? I don’t know anything about kitting!” Cotton mewed anxiously. “All I need is your support” Pollen mewed dryly then screeched “Ack! Help! This hurts! My tail is on fire!”

“Just name them so I can go.” “Fine, but I will not give them a name off the top of my mind,” Pollen mewed.

Pollen was silent for a heartbeat. “For the silver one, how about Silverpaws?” she mewed. “And for the Tortoiseshell, Dapple?” “Both are perfect” Cotton mewed happily. “Let’s go. The kit’s have their names, so One kit popped out. It was a tortoiseshell let’s leave,” Fang said in a raspy voice. she-kit. It was slimy and gross, but still “Okay. Let’s go. Goodbye, Pollen, Bye had a cute look on its face. Another kits'' Cotton meowed sadly. came. It was a silver tabby, and looked “Oh come on. Cheer up,” Fang grumbled. like a tom. Pollen let out a meow of relief. “Pollen, I’ll miss you!” he mewed. “They are perfect” She mewed calmly. “Get a move on! If we are going to make “Pollen! Great job!” Cotton mewed. it to the place, we have to go!” Fang “I’d say..” Fang grumbled. hissed. “What should I name them?” Pollen Pollen followed them out, The sun shinasked. ing on her pelt. “Slimy and Stinkface” Fang said, prod“Bye” Pollen mewed. ding one of the kit’s tails. “No!” Pollen hissed, “you disrespect my A strange shadow was circling the mornkits, you disrespect me, and believe me, I ing grass. will literally claw your ears off!” “Poll’n!” Fang hissed, “watch out!” “Okay, jeez!” Fang mumbled fearfully. A hawk swooped down, talons extended. “Ack!” Pollen screeched. “Hey!” a twoleg called, “get away from “Duck!” Cotton shouted, as the hawk her!” dove for Pollen. The twoleg batted at Fang with a broom, missing by a tail-length. Fang lept back The young she-cat ducked and ran away with surprise, and scurried out the door. from the hawk. The large bird hit the “Bye!” Pollen called. ground; its thorn-sharp talons tearing up Pollen’s kits mewled loudly, summoning a dirt as the Hawk slipped along the dewy twoleg kit. grass. “Awww!” It said, stroking the two kits. “Haha! You stupid bird!” Fang mewed faintly. Pollen tensed, worrying the twoleg kit As the hawk hopped along the grass, was going to take her kits. As soon as it Cotton hopped on the fence. The young picked up one of her kits, Pollen leapt tom unsheathed his claws, his neck fur over to her kits, hissing, her neck fur bris- bristling. The hawk extended its wings, tling. The twoleg kit lept back with surglaring at Cotton. The creature prise, and dropped Pollen’s kit. Pollen screeched, and flew towards him. scurried over to her falling kit. She “Ack! This is not what I had planned!” grabbed it by the scruff, carrying it back Cotton mewed nervously. to her other kits. Pollen was nearly tram- He leapt down on to the opposite side of pled by the twoleg kit running to the fully- the fence, landing on his paws. The hawk grown twoleg. abandoned Cotton, turning back to Pol“Ack! Bad kitty! Scary kitty!” it wailed. len. Pollen had her back turned, so she The big twoleg picked the small twoleg did not know the hawk was heading for up, and carried it out of the room. her. The hawk swooped down, and “So, how about running away now?” grabbed Pollen’s silver fur. Pollen Fang asked, walking back into the room. screeched in pain as blood oozed around “No. Not until I name my kits” Pollen the hawk’s claws. added in. “Help! My kits! Oh, my kits!” Pollen “Fine Pollen,” Cotton mewed. screeched. As the hawk heard Pollen’s @theHelm ~ page 38

cry, it opened its beak, and bit Pollen in the neck. Pollen let out a screech that was cut short. Pollen was dead. The hawk let go of her neck, its beak stained with blood. Pollen went limp in the Hawk’s talons. “No!” Cotton yowled, his voice full of heartbreak. “She was the only family I had left!” “Get a move on. We need to get to the place!” Fang hissed, slashing Cotton’s ears. “Just stop!” Cotton hissed, stepping towards Fang. “My sister just died! And you don’t even care! Do you even have feelings? Because it seems like you don’t,” Cotton said, tears streaming down his face. “I do! I just don’t show them,” Fang mewed, shuffling his paws. “My father died. It was my fault, too. Me and my brother were playing on the Thunderpath. Monsters raced past our paws. My brother, Sharp, thought it was a good idea to go in front of a monster’s big black paws. When he leapt in front, Father leaped over to Sharp, pushing him out of the way. Sharp was fine but…” Fang’s voice began to crack. “Father…” he echoed, “was killed. The monster crushed his ribcage, and squashed his heart. There was blood everywhere—I couldn't bear it. So I ran away for good. When I looked back, Sharp had made his way off the Thunderpath, dragging Father’s corpse along with him.” “Oh Fang, I am so sorry” Cotton mewed, licking Fang’s ripped ear. “Now that I have experienced loss–” Fang cut him off, “You’re less idiotic.” “Hey!” Cotton mewed, following Fang over the fence. “Watch out for monsters. I don’t want you dying,” Fang hissed, leaping off the fence into the pine forest. “Sheesh,” Cotton mewed, following close behind. Cotton prayed that he would not get hit by a monster. To read more, you’ll have to ask Gracie if she’ll share more of her story with you!

The French Corner! | Le coin français

avec Mme Cheikh-Ali

par Calista Cahill (604) Nom: Viêt Nam Capitale: Hanoi Langues officielles: Vietnamien - Français jusqu'à 1975 Cuisine: Phõ Population: 102 millions de personnes par Saejin Yoon (703)

par Viann Whatley (604)

@theHelm ~ page 39

Trouvez les noms des images en français pour décoder le mot caché.

Send your guesses to Mrs Cheikh-Ali by email (cheikhra@hsc.on.ca). The first three correct responses will receive a prize. La réponse de la devinette de mars:

= PaRaPlui

Par Lauren Thompson, 703

Felicitations a nos gagnants: Liam McKnight, Kai MacLeod and Cohen Van Impe.

Par Hashem Serhan, 702

Par Lamar Attar, 703

@theHelm ~ page 40

Par Anahita Mahdavi, 704

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