Hillfield Strathallan College 2024–2025
staff and faculty Fee Schedule
1. Refer to the HSC Enrolment Guide for items included/excluded in the tuition fee.
2. The Expansion Fund Fee allows the College to invest in special capital expansion projects outside of normal operations.
n Expansion Fund fees are assessed on the two oldest children (1050 for the first student, $450 for the second student).
n Expansion Fund Fees are not required for third and subsequent children enroled.
3. Hillfield Strathallan College subscribes to an ongoing enrolment model, whereby current HSC students are automatically re-enroled each school year unless their families complete an HSC Withdrawal Form prior to April 1.
Staff and faculty are not required to pay application or registration fees and are not subject to payment of the ongoing enrolment deposit.
Employee-specific tuition discount/deduction is subject to an arrangement with Human Resources and the Business Office.
PLAN S: 10 equal payments, including tuition and the expansion fund fee, via monthly payroll deduction.
n Late payment charges on account balances are assessed at 1.5% per month (18% per annum compounded monthly).
n You will receive a monthly email notification that your student billing statement has been processed and is ready for review.