Tulip Tree

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Other common names:Tulip-Magnolia, White Wood,Yellow Poplar, Fiddletree

Scientific name: Liriodendron tulipifera

Conservation status: Least Concern


● Unique leaf shape (like the maple leaf but without the lobe at the top, usually 5 lobes but only 4 for this tree)

● This tree can be 200 feet high but generally they are in between 100-150 feet’

● The trunk can grow at least 50 ft without a single branch

● The flowers on a tulip tree are about 2 inches wide

● When the flower blooms in the spring they appear pale green and yellow with an orange base

Uses in the Ecosystem

Many insects use the nectar of blooms as a source of food Grey squirrels, purple finches, quails, rabbits and white footed mice eat the seedsUninhabited old fields or agricultural land with moist soil is a place where tulip trees generally like to establish themselves. (they are a pioneer species.

Indignous Use’s

The tulip tree has many uses in traditional medicine, first nations use the inner bark medicinally as a warming medicine, anti arthritic, cough syrup and cholera remedy.The roots of the tree are used to add a lemon flavour to spruce beer.The aboriginal peoples and early European settlers hallowed out the large straight trunk to form canoes.

ATHSC: There is a singular tree located between field 3 and 4

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