TEN December 2022

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Beat the train strikes and cost of living crisis this winter - Find all of your suppliers new 2023 catalogues and products online using our guide

TROPHEX 2023 has moved dates. The show is not opening its doors in January next year.

Instead this winter TROPHEX brings your suppliers to you in the comfort of your own premises.

In this issue you will find a selection of past exhibitors from TROPHEX. Click on each one to be sent to their website where you can find all their latest catalogues and new products at the touch of a button!

TROPHEX will be opening its doors to you all on Sunday 2nd & Monday 3rd April 2023 at The National Conference Centre and Motor Cycle Museum in Birmingham.

During the past months, the TEAM at TROPHEX have constantly been monitoring the cost of living crisis, alongside the rise in interest rates, travel costs, and now the continuing threat of train strikes into the new year.

It was decided to hold back on opening pre-registration for TROPHEX while the process of gathering information from previous visitors was taking place. It soon became evident that the timing of the show needed to be addressed.

After talking to various businesses, the consensus was TROPHEX would be better in early spring when the winter months and the larger energy bills are behind us, and now with the latest threat of train strikes looking likely to continue into the new year it was a sensible decision for both visitors and exhibitors alike.

Therefore, new dates have been secured for TROPHEX in 2023. The show will now be taking place on Sunday 2nd and Monday 3rd April 2023. Retaining a Sunday as this has always been the busier most preferred day of the show.

With over thirty years of experience, an enviable database and a solid proven infrastructure in place to promote the show, TROPHEX can reach a wide audience to ensure the show is of benefit to not only the exhibitors, but also to visitors. The last thing anyone wants is exhibitors promoting their products and services to a non-attended event. This is what the TEAM at TROPHEX felt holding a show in January 2023 would bring.

With all the above in mind, hopefully you can see why it was decided that April is a much better month for TROPHEX for both exhibitor and visitor alike. We all want TROPHEX in 2023 to be a success.

TROPHEX will always offer the best and most productive platform for exhibitors and visitors to create business from.

Registration for TROPHEX in April 2023 will be opening in the new year.

The TEAM at TROPHEX would like to wish all of our readers and supporters a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

If you are interested in exhibiting at TROPHEX in April next year please email Jane Soones at: janesoones@hillmedia.com

inside . . . The Magazine for the Trophy, Engraving, Awards, Medals and Personalisation Industry

The best success can be gained by participating at an event that has a well established history

Trade shows, exhibitions and other events can be an excellent way to showcase your products and services. They give you the opportunity to increase awareness of your business, launch new products and services, network with industry members, explore partnership opportunities, see what competitors are offering, generate new business leads, attract and convert customers.

What is a Trade Show?

A trade show is a platform where businesses (exhibitors), professionals and business representatives (visitors) come together under one roof to exchange knowledge and make connections with other like-minded professionals. Exhibitors book a stand and use this space to connect and engage with visitors to the event. Ideally, the event is used to generate leads, network, promote products and services, and hopefully close a few sales in an organic setting that’s tailored to them and their audience.

How can you benefit from exhibiting at a Trade Show?

There are many reasons why you would choose to exhibit at a trade show, which include:

Make sales – the golden ticket to trade show success, hitting a quota or making direct sales is the ultimate definition of winning.

Capture leads – without leads salespeople have nobody to convert, so generating enough leads for your marketing funnel is a must.

Analysing the competition – what technology are they using, what marketing angle are they taking? It’s good to know what the competition is up to.

Engage with existing customers – existing customers are more likely to invest in new products and services, so you can keep building relations and offering them more benefits.

Introduce new products/services – new and old customers could benefit from your new product.

Account-based marketing – go into a trade show with an idea of who you’d like to speak with, so you can create a strategy that’s more likely to convert them.

Gather feedback – feedback is how you improve services and sales and marketing;

you could receive advice that revolutionises how you do things.

Spot trends – spotting trends is vital if you want to stay relevant or avoid something that’s a flash in the pan.

What should you look at when selecting a trade show?

The best success can be gained from participating at an event that has a wellestablished history. These events usually draw the best reward. The event organiser should have proven methods in place to market the event to the right audience. They will have a database they have accrued over many years of business. The venue should be easily accessed by road or public transport and have plenty of parking. A venue with excellent nearby facilities, hotels, restaurants, entertainment, can also be a bonus if the event is held over more than one day.


Can You Make Money at a Trade Show?

Keeping costs down is a benefit when deciding which trade show to exhibit at. Smaller shows tend to be cheaper, so choosing an event that is aimed at your target audience is the key to a successful outcome from exhibiting.

Here are some ways you can get a healthy ROI from a trade show, including:

Only buy the space you need – the area you buy takes up a significant amount of your budget, so overdoing it can waste money, which is going to eat into your sales.

Get an enticing exhibition stand – you can have a tiny space and still attract people if your stand is attractive, making your area presentable promotes credibility.

Organisation is key – there’s a temptation to blindly hand out literature and marketing collateral, putting it at the back of your space makes reps think about engaging first, which is more likely to generate a lead or a sale.

Use tech where it’s useful – the whole purpose of a trade show is to generate business through face-to-face marketing, so don’t dehumanise the event by using too much technology.

Pick the right team – there’s no point in attending an event if you pick the wrong staff. Ideally, it would benefit you if you had people who understand and empathise with customer challenges, but also know when to close deals.

Work the aisles – do not limit yourself to the boundary of your stand, you can reach out to passers-by and engage in the aisle.

Tell people you’re exhibiting – use as many marketing techniques as you can to create a build-up to the event and get people excited. Utilise all marketing opportunities the event itself offer, these are generally targeted directly at your required audience.

What Do You Need for a Trade Show?

The last thing you want to do is under prepare. Get the following ticked off before you get to your event:

Event space – the first thing you need is event space, you’ll have a shock if you turn up and there’s nowhere for you to pitch!

Stand with supporting collateral – your stand and marketing collateral are what attract people to your stand.

Travel plans – train, bus, plane, car? It would help if you had robust plans in place before you depart.

Accommodation – if you’re planning on staying over, which you may want to as events are long, tiring days, reserve in advance as hotels may get booked up prior to the event.

Marketing collateral – brochures, leaflets, business cards; get all the material you need and ensure you get plenty. You don’t want to run out.

Staff – ask your staff well before the event to ensure they are available to attend, cancelling holidays will not be seen as favourable to you! Remember your staff are the face of the business at the event, get them prepared.

Could You See Success at a Trade Show?

Trade shows aren’t an antiquated form of marketing and sales – they’re proven to generate targeted, high-quality leads and sales. Not every business can benefit from attending trade shows, but they’re certainly worth exploring. Just like trade shows give you the opportunity to better connect with prospective customers, exhibiting at a trade show also allows you to meet existing customers face-to-face. While most of today’s business is conducted over email or phone, face-to-face meetings are undeniably a fantastic way to do business.

The Wall Street Journal agrees. Citing a study by Oxford Economics, the well-known financial publication reports that face-to-face meetings are the most effective way to strengthen relationships with both prospective customers and current customers.

Trade shows help bring all the different aspects of an industry together – consumers, distributors, suppliers and manufacturers, all in one place. With such a broad audience together in one place, businesses are able to schedule meetings, negotiate orders and other opportunities and collaborate on other projects. Trade shows allow businesses to facilitate discussions with their suppliers and even with other businesses, as well as move projects to another level if the opportunity arises.

10 Great Reasons to Exhibit at a Trade Show

1. Meet and connect with prospective customers 2. Strengthen your bond with existing customers

Learn about new developments in your industry

Meet new companies that can help your business

Close deals with new customers during the show

Strengthen (or establish) your brand

Learn what your competitors are doing right

Rapidly expand your database of sales leads 9. Speak directly to your target market 10. Optimise your sales and lead generation strategy

Trophex 2023 and Euro Trophex 2023 are well established leading trade events, with over 30 years of experience, specifically tailored to the Trophy, Engraving, Awards, Medals and Personalisation industry, focused on bringing the industry together under one roof over two days.

If you are interested in exhibiting or visiting either of these events, please contact the team at:

Telephone: +44 (0) 1442 826826

Email: janesoones@hillmedia.com or nigelbean1@aol.com


“Liberty” For All Sublimation Users!

TheMagicTouch in Dunstable, under the DyeSub Magic brand announce the arrival of some real transfer innovation for all sublimation ink users.

Historically the sublimation transfer process has been restricted to applications onto garments and promotional items that required a high polyester content or special polyester coating and had to be either white or pastel in colour. However, this has now changed.

The newly developed “Liberty SubliPrint” printable sublimation transfer media enables vibrant full colour imaging onto a host of garments and fabrics including all types of cotton, mixed fibres and nylon regardless of colour. All products are certified to Oekotex Standard 100 Class 1.

The transfer media is eco-friendly, water-based, solvent and PVC free and vegan friendly.

This unique one-step printable media available in both A4 and A3 format is printed directly using a traditional sublimation printer.

The thin coated product offers a soft touch with good stretch properties. The printed media can be manually trimmed or profile cut using a plotter/cutter with an optical eye function for precise and complex designs. No mirror image required. Designs involving free form text can be applied easily using traditional application tape if needed.

Available now in both A4 & A3 format with 50 sheets per pack.

For samples and further information contact sales@themagictouch.co.uk or call 01582 671444.

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 4 DECEMBER 2022
www.sartorcoppe.com export@sartorcoppe.com www.compargroup.com export@compargroup.com find out our collections…

Keyringfab System from my-accessories.co.uk

My-Accessories.co.uk provide a vast range of promotional and gift making supplies to businesses and individuals across the UK and internationally, allowing customers to produce their own finished merchandise for giveaway or resale.

Included in their range is their Keyringfab System, which enables you to produce a wide variety of premium metal and medallion keyrings quickly and easily.

Their system consists of a main C25 press, a high-quality machine, made from cast iron and steel, robust enough to last. Its dual die cutting and assembly function allows you to create many keychains without the need for several different machines for each style. This can be vital in the promotional and gift industry due to costs in the current climate. The machine works alongside their range of cutting matrixes and assembly tools available for each premium style keyring. These are all available on their website and as options to add once you have found your style of keyring.

To begin customers will need to produce their own artwork, this could be anything from a photograph, to graphics and typography, alongside this you could also consider the ever-increasing popularity of personalisation. Programmes such as photoshop, Microsoft

publisher, open office draw or an alternative online software can be useful to create artwork. When it comes to printing, the quality of the print will always determine the quality of the end product, they recommend to use up to 120gsm paper with a print size of A4 which is the most common size. There are many printers on the market with the big question always being inkjet or laser. A good quality laser printer will do the job; however, an inkjet printer will give a good depth of print colour. Inkjet printers are very readily available with budgets to suit all, depending on print speed and paper size.

The setup of the keyringfab system is quick and hassle free. Once you have your printed artwork, simply fit the relevant cutting matrix into the press to cut your printed artwork to size. Then place your designs into the base of the keyring with the clear window provided on top, attach the assembly tool to the press and place the keyring inside, add a small amount of pressure and this will produce a finished keyring in seconds. By being able to interchange the cutting matrix and assembly tool you have the option to add a huge variety of keyrings to your product range.

The keyringfab system works with their premium metal and classic medallion range, the machine allows you to insert a clear window into metal smoothly, giving a professional finish and sealing the artwork inside. With so many different styles and sizes

to choose from, starter packs are available for each keyring, which include the press machine, relevant cutting matrix and assembly tool with 25 free of charge keyrings.

This easy use system is perfect for businesses small and large, creating promotional giveaways or unique and personalised gifts for your marketplace, the options are endless and could potentially increase your revenue. Their customer service team are always on hand to assist and you can find a step-bystep tutorial on their website.

If you are interested in any of their keyringfab system range or other products visit them on my-accessories.co.uk

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 6 DECEMBER 2022

o f f e r i n g a p r e m i u m b u i l d & d e s i g n s t r a i g h t o u t o f W i d I n o v a t i o n ’ s P o r t u g u e s e f a c i l i t y , t h e W i d L a s e r F 1 5 0 i s p e r f e c t f o r p r o f e s s i o n a l u s e r s l o o k i n g t o m a r k o n t o a w e a l t h o f m a t e r i a l s q u i c k l y a n d a c c u r a t e l y .


P E R F E C T F O R M A R K I N G : STEEL ALUMINIUM BRASS COPPER K E Y S P E C I F I C A T I O N S : WORKSPACE: 150MM X 150MM MAx speed: 4000MM/S max resolution: 2000 dpis CERAMIC PORCELAIN GLASS MARBLE e x c l u s i v e l y d i s t r i b u t e d i n t h e u k b y g r a p h t e c g b l t d | c a l l : 0 1 9 7 8 6 6 6 7 0 0 | e m a i l : s a l e s @ g r a p h t e c g b . c o . u k f 1 5 0 f i b e r l a s e r

We are extremely excited to share the news with you that, after our devastating fire in April last year, we are finally moving in to our new 22,000 sq/ft premises.

We wanted you to get a glimpse of our new business premises which are significantly larger than the 8000 sq/ft units that we have been operating out of for the past 18 months.

The additional warehouse space gives us the room to store our ever-increasing stock holding that we hope to have back to the pre fire value by the end of the year.

In turn this should enable our award-winning customer service team to offer the level of service that you have been used to in previous years.

We have found it frustrating that our daily production output has been restricted by the limited space we’ve had available. So, we’re delighted that within a few weeks we will have increased this output by 50% compared to the current levels.

The pictures above show you how far we have come since last year and we hope they will reassure you of our ability to provide the best possible service to you from now on.

This will also be the first time that all of our team have worked together under one roof for the past 18 months. We are thrilled about this new phase of our business and we look forward to serving you in the coming weeks, months and years.

If you haven’t already, please update your records with the following address and use it for any correspondence, returns and deliveries.

Crystal Galleries Limited

Ayresome Building 1 Letitia Street Letitia Industrial Estate Middlesbrough TS5 4BE

If you have any queries, please contact our Customer Services team at sales@crystalgalleries. co.uk who will be more than happy to assist you. #business #team #news #news

CRYSTAL GALLERIES ARE MOVING CRYSTAL GALLERIES CALLNOW Tel: 01642 225799 email: sales@crystalgalleries.co.uk www.crystalgalleries.co.uk Glass & Crystal Gifts & Awards, Sandblasting Cabinets, Compressors and Mask Making Equipment & Film 38 YEARS OF BEING THE FIRST CHOICE FOR ALL YOUR GLASS ENGRAVING SUPPLIES +44 (0) 1422 324810 boxford.co.uk Laser EnCutting& graving Our latest range of a ordable laser cutting, marking and engraving solutions *Lightburn laser software and Lightburn camera now included as standard (Compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux OS) Cut ar Model Cut area (mm) Power (W) Type Prices from BGL350* 500 x 300 50 Co2 £3,745 BGL460* 600 x 400 80 Co2 £4,395 BGL 690* 900 x 600 80 Co2 £5,845 BGL1390* 1300 x 900 100 Co2 £6,945 BML1390 1300 x 900 150 Mixed Metal/ non-metal £11,995 BFL1390 1300 x 900 1000 Fibre Metal Cutting £35,945 BFM110 110 x 110 20 Fibre Metal Marking & Engraving £5,845
Best regards Jeremy, Jo and all of the Crystal Galleries Team.
NEW CUTTING EDGE HEAT TRANSFER TECHNOLOGY FROM SISER Class 1 or 2 S-Print Sustainable and environmentally friendly fast drying water based material with a low temperature application Sparkleprint Contains small thin flakes which give a pearly glitter effect to any design. The sparkle finish makes the print shinly with a smooth touch DigiBrick 750 Micron thick printable film designed to give a raised three dimensional effect to your designs FREE SAMPLES AVAILABLE www.grafityp.co.uk PHONE: 01827 300500 EMAIL: sales@grafityp.co.uk

Tryumf TM - United For Victory

Life is a journey towards victories. We fight for them every day - at school, at university, at work, in sport, as well as in private life - overcoming weaknesses or learning to celebrate every moment before it flies away.

Sometimes we fight for them alone - at other times motivating others to fight. The road to victory usually starts with dreams and courage to reach it. Alongside this there is hard work and overcoming your own limitations. And when we stand on the podium - the real one or the one in the imagination, we look at the road behind us, the experience gained and the people with whom we have travelled on

the journey with and feel huge appreciation for all of our effort.

Tryumf have been rewarding you for over 25 years, providing trophies for winners in various areas. They know how important the moment of victory is, and that is why every year, with great passion, they prepare a new offer of trophies and awards for all those who want to fight and win.

Tryumf make sure that their trophies and awards are diverse, unusual and available in a wide range, right away, through hundreds of partner stores in Poland. They are a Polish family company in which the passion of creation is combined with the ethos of consistent work.

Tryumf Offers Vast Experience

Tryumf have been producing trophies for over 25 years. They have delivered to customers over 50 million trophies in 40 countries around the world. They know how to produce truly good trophies and use this knowledge every day, with every order.

The widest offer available on the market

Tryumf has over 3,000 trophies dedicated to winners in sport, business and hobby. They also have trophies and awards for those who win in life for attitude, experience and achievements - for the meritorious in the field of education, family and friendship.

Highest quality

As a manufacturer, Tryumf guarantee the highest standards that they watch over personally. Thanks to the latest technology and their experienced specialists, every detail is perfect. The rate of complaint for their products is only 0.2%, which is just 1 product per 500 sold. And if a complaint happens - they’ll deal with it efficiently using easy procedures.

Individualization without borders

Take advantage of the widest range of technology to decorate trophies through single and multicolor printing, engraving 2D, 2.5D and 3D, engraving in metal and laser - thanks to these techniques you can let your imagination run wild and get innumerable effects - from typical to quite unusual.

Selling through the best online shop

Tryumf have designed their online shop to make your purchases easier and intuitive. With this new platform you can prepare your own artworks or even design a trophy out of available components.

Tryumf specialists offer a well-coordinated team ready to provide help and offer support whenever you need it - they can assist with the design of your trophies, advise how to choose a solution, and guarantee delivery of the highest quality, directly to you.

To find out moreEmail: office@tryumf.com Visit: https://tryumf.com

boxford.co.uk +44 (0) 1422 324810 Professional & a ordable laser cutting, marking and engraving solutions Our laser cutting & engraving packages, now include more features than ever before! • Lightburn laser software supplied as standard • Integrated artwork positioning and image tracing camera • Auto-focus • Integrated water cooling system • Integrated air compressor for air assist • 12 months on-site parts and labour warranty • Unlimited technical support NEW FEATURES!

It’s a Visual Feast at The World Illustration Awards 2022!

The World Illustration Awards is a year-long celebration and showcase of illustration, bringing together creatives, industry, commissioners, and art directors, celebrating great illustration on a scale like never before.

The Awards are held by the Association of Illustrators (AOI) in partnership with the Directory of Illustration, with winners selected from a shortlist of 200 projects, drawn from over 5,000 entries from 77 countries.

2022’s winners included 20 Category Winners, 20 Highly Commended projects, four Cross-Category Award Winners, and two Overall Winners, who received cash prizes as well as beautiful bespoke trophies for their achievements.

They were announced on 1st November 2022 at an online Awards Ceremony, presented by renowned illustrator Oliver Jeffers and a host of special guest presenters.

AOI CEO Rachel Hill says:

“As the awards grow year after year, so has the incredible quality of the entries. We have been delighted to receive such a varied mix of themes and influences from around the globe, united in their fearless approach to their craft. It has been wonderful to celebrate so many individual styles and unique voices within the illustration community. It takes bravery to trust in your talent and push the boundaries of your own practice. We’d like to thank this year’s entrants for putting their work out into the world and sharing it here with us.”

The WIA2022 Trophy

Creating a trophy for such visual awards is a challenge in itself! But with such strong branding, the key to designing the World Illustration Award was for the style of the trophy to really let the established style sing.

The final design for this bespoke acrylic award, was digitally printed artwork on clear acrylic. This was the perfect material to enable the WIA branding to take centre stage, with the vibrant colours and shapes becoming the main focus of the trophy itself.

WIA2022 Winners

There were more than 5000 entries from over 77 countries for WIA2022, in ten award categories including Advertising, Editorial, Children’s Publishing, and Design, Product & Packaging.

Each category has a New Talent and a Professional award, to celebrate established illustrators and up and coming talents.

This year’s winners included a wide range of different projects, including Kate Rolfe’s Navigating Dyslexia – a visual representation of the dyslexic experience, Noises by Duke+1, The Lighthousekeeper by Chen Corn, and The Price of Extinction by Chiara Vercesi, about the estimated cost of saving individual species from extinction – and how the higher the cost, the higher the risk of it actually happening.

When asked about being a WIA2022 Winner, Kate Rolfe said, “The World Illustration Awards is a huge accolade and I am so proud to be [chosen] alongside so many incredible artists, some of whom I am proud to call my friends and colleagues. It’s a real honour.”

Winners are featured on the WIA2022 Online Showcase, and in a printed catalogue of all 200 shortlisted projects. The catalogue is distributed digitally and in print to commissioners worldwide, and is also available to buy from the AOI website.

All the winning projects can be viewed at: www.theaoi.com/wia, where you can also enter for WIA 2023.

Get a quote for your bespoke award: https://www.efx.co.uk/get-a-quote/ Visit: www.efx.co.uk


Amaya Sales UK Limited

Amaya Sales UK Limited specialise in the supply of direct to garment printers, embroidery machines, transfer paper, garment vinyl and so much more. They are proud to have long-standing close relationships with their manufacturers.

Long-lasting Relationships

Real care for their extended family of customers, suppliers and employees.

Award Designer

SculptureDesigner makes bespoke awards from natural materials - glass, aluminium, wood, granite and marble.

We offer design and manufacturing for our clients. We can design and manufacture awards based on a clients logo, badge or emblem. We can design and manufacture


Boxford have been supplying manufacturing systems to education, design and industrial customers all over the world for more than 70 years, and they’re proud that their experience and knowledge can help both the

Reliable Expertise

Being experts in their field; knowledgeable and contemporary.

High Quality

A culture of quality, consistency and attention to detail can be found in everything Amaya Sales UK Limited do.

If you are thinking of adding on garment decoration or already in the industry then

based on a theme or idea about an award or award ceremony. We can manufacture commisions when provided with a detailed specification and drawing. We can design and manufacture exceptional sculptures and art pieces that can be given as awards.

We only supply to trade.

Amaya Sales UK Ltd have the experts available to guide you through the various processes.

+44 (0) 2392 590281 sales@amayauk.com www.amayauk.com

innovators and engineers of the future and the manufacturers of today.

Boxford’s products are built to the highest standards, certified to ISO 9001, giving them a track record in parts reliability and machine longevity that is second to none. They buy only the best materials and employ only top-notch craftsmen, whose superior engineering know-how delivers both a world-class product and peace of mind for their customers.

Because Boxford strive to ensure all machinery is reliable and built to last, they believe they are cost effective – providing excellent value for money.

Cebrian UK Limited

Since 1982, Cebrian UK Ltd have been supplying Medals & trophies to the Wholesale industry throughout the UK & Europe. Their Medal Factory has been established since the early 1960’s supplying high Relief bronze medals for many different prestigious events.

They specialise in bespoke medals and Trophies but also have a vast range of high relief bronze sports medals, nickel plated

cups, resin trophies, glass awards, medal cases, ribbons and more, to suit all budgets & events. With state of the art machines, they also offer a fast and reliable engraving service at competitive rates to put the finishing touch to your awards.

As well as standard medals and trophy lines, Cebrian manufacture bespoke trophies, specially commissioned medals and exclusive glass awards.

+44 77545 84598 aidan@awarddesigner.co www.awarddesigner.co

Boxford have an extensive range of manufacturing equipment to choose from, so whether it is an engine component, a point of display solution, jewellery collection or work of art, they have the device required to help bring your designs to life.

+44 (0) 1422 324810 info@boxford.co.uk www.boxford.co.uk

+44 (0) 1785 818443 sales@cebrianuk.com www.cebrianuk.com

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 14 DECEMBER 2022

Out-performs every other multi-head in the market

Melco EMT16X modular embroidery machines give you outstanding embroidery production, increasing your profits and giving your customers unparalleled high-quality products they will keep coming back for!

Around 17 years ago, Melco redefined efficiency with the first networkable modular embroidery system. The Melco EMT16X is the latest generation of the most efficient, productive embroidery system in the world.

The Melco EMT16X is a multi-tasking modular embroidery machine that outperforms every other multi-head in the industry. More and more large multi-head customers have proved that the Melco EMT16X modular machines not only drastically increased their production on smaller orders but can double production on bulk orders.

Outstanding Performance, Efficiency and Stitch Quality.

Thanks to enhanced Melco stitch dynamics, the frequency of “thread issues” is minimized. This means more run time per machine and greater ROI (return on investment) potential.

Please call us now on 02392 590281 to find out more about the many benefits for your business on the new Melco EMT16X modular embroidery machine or arrange for a full demonstration at one of our showrooms.

www.amayauk.com | sales@amayauk.com 02392 590 281 Showrooms in Hampshire and Nottinghamshire

ChunYang Medals & Awards

ChunYang Medals and Awards are a leading manufacturer and wholesaler from China that focuses on medals, plaque frames and award plate products that offer possibly one of the largest electro-plating colour ranges available in China from their family-owned facilities to meet customers’ needs. All die-casting products are hand-polished only to ensure quality.

They have a strong design team with over 57 patents/copyrights registered in China. Their plan is to further launch a larger scale of medals with original design from 2020-2025 to ensure they can offer the market and their clients a wide range of unique and innovative products.

Clear View Products

CVP is a UK based manufacturer and trade supplier of special centres (also known as inserts or decals) to the award and incentive industry.

Centre Sizes and Shapes

25mm and 50mm round are by far the most popular sizes that we sell. In addition we can supply from 15mm to 75mm round and shape designs.

Centre Material

We offer epoxy hard domed and flat rigid pvc designs with extra strong foam self adhesive backing, and pvc stickers supplied on sheets.

Crystal Galleries Ltd

As one of the UK’s leading supplier’s of glass, crystal gifts and awards Crystal Galleries Ltd can supply you with everything you need, from engraved and printed products to blanks and engraving equipment. Their services support three main customer groups.


If you are supplying gifts, awards or promotional items to consumers and businesses they can decorate their plain products in a variety of ways to meet your customers’ specific needs. Trade customers benefit not only from high quality products with a superb finish, but also from a range of

ChunYang Medals and Awards are constantly looking for distributors, terms can be discussed either on exclusive or non-exclusive basis.

Key facts about us:

Leading manufacturer in awards industry based in China with 4 plating lines

Key production areas: medals, plaque fitting frames and award plates

Have one of the largest inventories in above three categories in China

Large scale machinery upgraded to ensure environmentally friendly workplace and employee safety

Print Method

High quality digital printing enabling photo reproduction. Metallic foil printing is also offered.

Artwork / Set-up Charge

There is no artwork or set-up charge. We can work from most sample digital images supplied by clients. Alternatively text can be added around any of our standard designs.

Quantities & Prices

Minimum x25 pieces for 25mm. Minimum x10 for 50mm. Competitive prices with very attractive batch order price structures.


We accept orders by email or post. The majority of clients now send orders online with sample designs attached (pdf, jpeg and .cdr are the

0086+17717486605 shouyi.chen@chunyangawards.com www.chunyangawards.com

most popular formats). Production Times

We normally state in our Catalogue to allow 5 to 10 days production time.

Our average production time for domed centres is 5 days and for flat 3 days.

+44 (0) 1442 865515 sales@clear-view-products.com www.clear-view-products.com

services that help you sell their products and grow your business.


Whether you are looking for just a few items, or hundreds, we can send you the glass and crystal items you need. With no minimum orders, no restriction on case sizes, and next day delivery as standard* we’ll help you supply your customers with top quality products, and your company with exceptional service.


From hobbyists to international corporations, they can supply the equipment you need to create your own engraved glass and crystal.

They are the UK’s only supplier of RapidMask films and can provide everything from adhesives and abrasives, through skillet boxes and packaging, to complete engraving systems. galleries

+44 (0) 1642 225799 sales@crystalgalleries.co.uk www.crystalgalleries.co.uk

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 16 DECEMBER 2022
Christmas with Crystal Galleries 10% Off Film in December Crystal Galleries Limited 1 Letitia Street Middlesbrough TS5 4BE United Kingdom 10% off all film orders for the whole of December Quote Code: FILM10 Add this code to the comments box at the checkout Place your order on our website to: • Move through the checkout process faster • Store multiple shipping addresses • View and track your orders www.crystalgalleries.co.uk • View and compare prices • Save a wish-list If you would prefer to speak to one of our customer service team please call us on 01642 225 799 Terms & Conditions Apply

CSI Manufacturing Limited

CSI Manufacturing Limited offers a vast range on materials and consumables to the trophy and engraving industry. They are exclusive UK distributors for Rowmark, IPI and also stock ABET plastics and metals for both laser and

rotary equipment. They are also the UK and Ireland distributor for Epilog laser and Vision CNC systems ranging from small desktop engravers up to large format routers. Their team of dedicated and experienced staff will guide you through the process of choosing the correct equipment for your needs and provide ongoing product support.

CSI Manufacturing Limited are based in Bristol and Ireland.

For more information visit their website at www.csionline.co.uk.

Custom Lasers

CUSTOM LASER SYSTEMS would like to introduce you to the NeXGen Co2 Laser system. Being in the industry for over a decade building lasers and working on high end, rebranded imports and DIY machines. They felt there was a big gap in the difference in quality being offered.

The NexGen Laser system bridges the gap between high-end laser systems (like Trotec, Epilog and Universal) and the rebranded generic Chinese imports that are currently available. NeXGen Laser Systems provides unprecedented build quality and the latest technology available today. Making it faster, more precise and with less maintenance. They have developed a range of Fiber Laser solution for engraving, annealing and marking all types of metals and plastics. If you are looking for a system to mark QR codes, barcodes, logos, and serial numbers,

The Glass Scribe

or to add personalisation to items such as jewellery, phones, watches and name plates, then CUSTOM LASER SYSTEMS can tailor a Fiber Laser system to meet your requirements.

The DBF and SBF range of Fiber Laser marking systems offers you high speed laser marking, coupled with the versatility to adapt to suit any production.

Please contact the CUSTOM LASER SYSTEMS team to talk about their products and how they can assist you in all of you marking and engraving requirements.

Rayzist Photomask Inc.

Supplying the Trade for over 35 years; providing an experience and service you can rely on.

A premium wholesale supply of blank glass and crystal – one of the largest in Europe.

Trade decorating service (sandblasting, halftone engraving and printing). Drop shipping service – we'll include your own literature with your orders.

Full mask making service – also equipment and consumables to make your own. Sandblasting equipment and consumables, with full training available. Free e - commerce website facilities.

+44 (0) 117 911 3467 info@csionline.co.uk www.csionline.co.uk


+44 (0) 7847 893759 sales@customlasers.co.uk www.customlasers.co.uk

+44 (0) 1349 867 088 mail@glassscribe.com www.glassscribe.com

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 18 DECEMBER 2022
44 (0) 1349 867 088 mail@glassscribe.com glassscribe.com SUPPLIERS GUIDE FOR 2023

Engraving machines for all seasons

A Company of Western Engravers Supply, Inc.
E info@csionline.co.uk
Unit 5, Millers Court, Windmill Road, Kenn Business Park, Clevedon, Bristol BS21 6UL Unit 5, Redcow Interchange Estate, Turnpike Road, Ballymount, Dublin 22 Fp22

Glenway Products Ltd

Glenway is a family run business dedicated to the supply of trophies and awards to the trade industry. Established in 1976 by Colin Sharp, Glenway has gradually grown to proudly become one of the largest suppliers of trophies and awards in the UK.

Glenway are one of the UK’s leading trade trophy suppliers for wholesale and retailers. They supply trophies, awards, cups and medals which are designed in-house and manufactured to the highest standards. They can supply trophies with branding, engraving, and other custom requirements.

The Glenway team look forward to hearing from their current and all new customers. Glenway are excited to showcase their new industry leading products in their 2022 catalogue.

Goodwill Trophy Company

Based in the West Midlands Goodwill Trophy Limited are a distributor of Trophies and Medals to the Trade Industry.

Their dedicated sales team are able to offer you the right product at the right price to meet your business needs.

All of their product lines are featured on the website. However if you do not see what you are looking for please contact them and they will endeavour to meet your requirements.

Standard next day delivery is available to most parts of the UK. Goodwill Trophy Limikted also provide an engraving service to personalise your awards and trophies.

Gravotech Ltd

The journey began when Gravograph invented the first pantograph in 1938. Over 80 years later they have continued to innovate and diversify, enabling them to offer their customers across the globe, world class design software, precise engraving machines and robust manufacturing systems. They also manufacture and distribute thousands of engraving materials and consumables.

Gravotech was born in 2008 from the merger of Gravograph, Technifor and Type3 and were unified under one brand in 2020.

Gravotech offer a large range of engraving laminates, metals and peripherals ideal for indoor and outdoor use. Their machines have the capabilities to mark and cut metal,

plastic, wood, leather, cardboard, stone, glass and much more.

+44 (0) 116 244 8131 order@glenway.co.uk www.glenway.co.uk

Goodwill welcomes you to call or email to finds out more about the best products the UK market has to offer for 2022!

+44 (0) 800 026 20 26 sales@goodwilltrophy.co.uk www.goodwilltrophy.co.uk

Today more than 65,000 customers design, create and personalise using their solutions. With their direct presence in over 50 countries, they always have a marking and engraving expert close to you to bring their expertise and know-how in qualifying your application, installing your equipment and training your collaborators.

+44 (0) 1926 884433 info.uk@gravotech.com www.gravotech.co.uk

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 20 DECEMBER 2022
a w a r d s m e d a l s t r o p h i e s
Website : www.thys.eu E u r o p e ’ s l e a d i n g m a n u f a c t u r e r o f A w a r d s - T r o p h i e s - M e d a l s ! T H Y S n v I n d u s t r i e p a r k B 1 5 2 2 2 0 H e i s t - o p - d e n - B e r g - B e l g i u m t e l : 0 0 3 2 ( 0 ) 1 5 2 5 0 1 5 0 f a x : 0 0 3 2 ( 0 ) 1 5 2 5 0 9 5 6 i n f o @ t h y s e u w w w t h y s e u More than 7000 Awards - Trophies - Medals on stock A Thys Award ... different but so beautiful „A must for every trophyshop“ See demo video : www.thys.eu GOLDEN TOUCH Best sold machine in the trophyworld! * easiest and cheapest way to personalize medals & trophies * engraving work taking many hours is now history * very fast (600 labels in 1 minute) * from 0.048 EUR/piece * easiest software ever * scratch-proof * weather resistant * create in a few seconds your own centre Easy - Fast - Cheap
LOOKING FOR A PERFECT SUPPLIER? Find all of the leading trophy, engraving, award, medal and personalisation suppliers under one roof over two days at your premier European trade event, Euro Trophex, in Barcelona in 2023 Fira Barcelona Montjuic, Barcelona, Spain 20th & 21st October 2023

HPC Laser

What HPC Laser Ltd do:

HPC Laser Ltd was established in 2006 when the need for high quality reasonably priced CO2 laser engraver and cutting machines was recognised, Since that time we have supplied over 6000 machines throughout the UK and overseas, into just about every possible application you can imagine to some of the biggest names in technology, industry and education.

HPC Laser Ltd have proudly supplied world-famous establishments including Burberry, Merlin Entertainments, Google and The University of Cambridge.

Demonstrations at their Halifax showroom are available where prospective customers are able to see their range of machines processing their designs and materials.

The team at HPC Laser are always happy to hear from you. Whether you are enquiring about a new machine purchase, looking to book a service or having trouble with your existing machine they are there to help and their friendly team will take good care of you.

Kyd Products

Kyd Products are one of the largest suppliers of badge and keyring components in Europe with over 500 lines and 10 million items in stock available for next day delivery.

Along with their stock range they also source items from their worldwide group of approved manufacturers and suppliers, if you are looking for something not on their website, there’s every chance they can get it for you.

Kwik Tapes Labels Ltd

K.T. Labels is the proud supplier of the world’s finest nametape and labelling products. They provide you with everything you need to be able to print personalised

trophy labels, garment labels, iron-on products sash ribbon, self-adhesive labels and much more – using one of our fantastic combination printers.

What HPC Laser Ltd offer:

A wide range of C02 and fibre cutting and engraving machines.

CNC router machines.

Life time support and advice on your machine.

Training and installation from some of the best engineers in this field of work. Over 15 years’ experience.

Class 1 laser CE Safety Certification. A range of sheet products. Machine Attachments.

+44 (0) 1422 310800 sales@hpclaser.co.uk www.hpclaser.co.uk

+44 (0) 121 327 1188 info@kydproducts.co.uk www.kydproducts.co.uk

They specialise in providing printing solutions for their customers and it is this that has made them what they are today: the company to turn to for all your labelling needs.

+44 (0) 121 689 2211 john@kwiktapeslabels.com www.kwiktapeslabels.com

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 24 DECEMBER 2022
›› RDWorks or Lightburn Software ›› Slatted Machine Bed (Non-Reflective) ›› Free 60W Laser Tube Upgrade ›› Installation and Training ›› Free UK delivery up to 250 miles ›› Lifetime Technical Support ›› 3 Year Onsite Warranty ›› Finance Options Available ›› 2 Free Onsite Services LS6840 PRO 60W £6,995 + VAT BOFA Extraction Unit Industrial Chiller Unit HPC Laser Ltd. Castle Mills, Saddleworth Road, Halifax, HX5 0RY T: 01422 310800 E: sales@hpclaser.co.uk W: www.hpclaser.co.uk LS6840 PRO Package Offer! Laser Engraving and Cutting Machine We’re pleased to announce this starter package offer, including all the equipment needed to get you started, and more!

Liquid Lens Systems Limited

Shortly after 1998, when Managing Director, Steve Hastie, began supplying resin to what was a small doming market, he noticed a problem.

Domed labels were proving to be far more noticeable, memorable and durable than flat stickers, but businesses needed easier, faster and more cost-effective ways to source or produce them.

Steve began by addressing the need for higher quality domed labels, sourced from a reliable manufacturer, then went on to create innovative machines, equipment and training to help those who needed to produce their labels in-house.

Today, Liquid Lens produces over 100,000 full-colour, domed labels every single week from their UK manufacturing facility. They dispatch print media, machinery and resin cartridges worldwide, and provide industry-leading doming systems to national and global brands.

They buy 68% of all cartridges sold, and produce the only cartridge resin with a 12-month

shelf-life guarantee, which makes us the industry’s largest supplier of cartridge resin and your best source for reliable, high-quality doming resin.

There’s an opportunity in domed labels for manufacturers, promotional agencies and any product business with the desire to stand out, express quality and be remembered.

Liquid Lens has the breadth of products and depth of experience to help you create your ideal sourcing or production solution.

+44 (0) 1525 601488 liam@liquid-lens.com www.liquid-lens.com

Lotus Laser Systems

Lotus Laser Systems has pioneered laser cutting and laser marking technology since the 1990’s. As early adopters they saw the massive potential of lasers in virtually every industry sector, for both laser marking and laser cutting. Working firstly as laser users, then as distributors for two of the largest laser brands, they evolved to become a globally respected laser technology design and manufacturing business. Their journey is somewhat unique compared to many of their competitors and it is this evolved experience that makes them so different.

With 25 years specialised laser experience Lotus Laser Systems exports 85% of their

production through a network of highly skilled distribution partners. Their single largest export market is Germany and their brand is growing at a rate of >30% per year.

Find out what makes a Lotus Laser System so special and how they can help your business make productivity gains and opportunity advantages over your competitors. Just call or email them to discuss your requirements.

+44 (0) 1268 567 540 info@lotuslaser.com www.lotuslaser.com

Marino Engraving Services

Marino Machines Servicing is run by Marino himself; an independent service engineer who has worked in the ENGRAVING industry for over 20 years, firstly as a workshop manager at Gravograph then CNC machines Datron and TEK4.

Marino can repair any engraving machine no matter what the make or model and any job is undertaken. He can also update old machines by upgrading them with new technology.

+44 (0) 1926 730990 mobile +44 (0) 7853 236686 marino.manca@tiscali.co.uk

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 26 DECEMBER 2022
Best prices in the industry Click & collect online 10,000,000 products in stock Next day delivery Centrally based No nonsense returns Small quantity orders PRODUCTS 6 reasons why you need to use us kydproducts co.uk ORDER YOURS TODAY Huge choice of quality products at unbeatable prices Even more categories online! KYD Products Ltd Unit 17 Boultbee Business Units, Nechells Place, Birmingham, B7 5AR, UK Email info@kydproducts.co.uk Tel (+44) 0121 327 1188 Fax (+44) 0121 327 0900 Huge stock of KEYRING PRODUCTS Small quantity orders for CUFF LINKS & TIE SLIDES Great selection of GOLF GIFTS Quick & easy DOMING SOLUTIONS New range of HIP FLASKS 1000’s of BADGE PRODUCTS

Merlin Transfers Ltd

Visit online at MerlinTransfers.com where you can view Merlin Transfers Ltd full range of products. They are an authorised distributor of Sawgrass Dye Sublimation ink and Virtuoso A4 and A3 Sublimation printers.

Merlin Transfers can supply your business with a wide range of dye sublimation ready blanks such as the 11oz AA+ grade white ceramic mugs. 11 oz mugs are also available in 10 options of handle and inner mug colours as well as our colour change, football and heart handle mugs.

Another great option for any business is their traditional brown bear with printable T-shirt; these are available in large and small.

Modern Forms

Unique product

Thanks to Modern Forms proprietary technology, they can create products for you in any shape and colour, with original open work and spatial forms. They use a variety of materials, including ecological ones. You can experience the 3-D-print effects right at your fingertips.

Always on time

We use materials from local suppliers and have our own machine factory. Thanks to this, they can offer you the shortest production time - 5 business days. They guarantee production and delivery on time. Customer satisfaction is essential to Modern Forms.

Mr Fix It Wholesale

The T-shirts are dye sublimation ready, easy to print. These and many more products available...

Go online or call them on 01702 600200 to find out about their products to help you start and promote your personalised gifts company.

+44 (0) 1707 600 200 sales@merlintransfers.com www.merlintransfers.com

Operating from upper shelf

From the moment of your first inquiry, your order is under the care of an Individual Customer Manager with whom you are in constant contact with. Their team of designers and consultants is always at your disposal. You can count on Modern Forms until the event itself.

Exactly as you want

Their production gives you freedom and comfort knowing your order will be fulfilled with lots of care. With Modern Forms, you can reduce costs - you can order in bundles/ packs even just before the event, which means that you order as many products as

you necessarily need. They will produce for you from one piece to tens of thousands, depending and adjusting to your budget.

Mr Fix It Wholesale is a UK based supplier of engravable gifts and engraving supplies. They Specialise in all things engravable and have the largest range of Hip Flasks and Star Lighters available in the UK. As the main UK distributor for Star Lighters all lighters come in a metal gift tin not just a paper box with 24 different plain colours in stock and over 2000 lighters with 3D designs and full colour printed designs.

Also available is a large selection of gifts from Pocket Watches, Compact Mirrors, Pens, Cheeseboards, Glass Awards, Trinket Boxes, Tankards, Glassware, Lighters, Hip

Flasks, Photo Frames, Watches, Gift Boxes, Clocks, Children’s Banks, Candle Holders, Key Rings, Silk Lined Boxes.

+44 (0) 1324 466303 sales@mrfixitwholesale.co.uk www.mrfixitwholesale.co.uk

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 28 DECEMBER 2022
+48 798 873
contact@modernforms.eu www.modernforms.eu


The National Conference Centre & Motor Cycle Museum, Birmingam, UK

Trophex offers you 10 great reasons to exhibit or visit in April 2023:

Meet and connect with prospective customers and suppliers – Strengthen your bond with existing customers and suppliers – Learn about new developments in your industry – Meet new companies that can help your business –Close deals during the show – Strengthen or establish your brand or business – Learn what your competitors are doing right – Rapidly expand your database of sales leads and contacts – Speak directly to your target market –Source alternative revenue making opportunites

If you are interested in exhibiting at Trophex please get in touch. We will be happy to discuss your requirements and how we can help support your business through the rest of the year and into 2023.

If you are visiting Trophex 2023, why not make a day of it and pop into The National Motor Cycle Museum after you have done your business. All visitors will receive 50% off the entry price upon presentation of your badge. For more information email janesoones@hillmedia.com

TROPHEX IS NOW ON SUNDAY 2nd & MONDAY 3rd APRIL 2023 (moved from January 2023)
is a well established leading trade event with over 30 years of experience, focused on bringing the industry together

My Accessories

My-Accessories are the UK’s leading supplier of blank promotional and gift items, which enable customers to use their imagination with artwork, photos, or craftwork to create personalised products. A perfect way to create promotional and gift items for resale, without the need for expensive equipment.

Simply create and print your artwork, cut to the correct insert size using one of My-Accessories’ cutting solutions and insert into your chosen product. From keyrings and magnets to stationery and photo frames, they have all your promotional and gift needs covered!

Included in My-Accessories’ range is its high-quality badge machines, enabling you to create professional button badges quickly and easily. My-Accessories supply the components to make standard pin badges

right through to magnets, bottle openers and pocket mirrors. Allied with its Keyringfab System, for the production of professional key rings, you can supply a multitude of industries.

My-Accessories’ mission is to inspire customers to design and manufacture promotional and gift items in a timely, profitable way that enhances and grows their own revenue stream.

+44 (0) 121 748 1784 hello@my-accessories.co.uk www.my-accessories.co.uk

Nova Chrome UK

Dye sublimation printing systems and printable products, are quick, easy and profitable way to produce a wide range of decorated or personlised items for your customers.

For those who are unfamiliar with dye sublimation, this versatile technology uses

a combination of dye sublimation inks, and specially coated blank products. When combined through heat and pressure, prints take on a new life and offer exceptional quality and vibrancy, as well as increased durability when compared to other transfer methods – all in full, photographic colour.

The variety of products that can be decorated in this fashion is already very large and continues to grow yearly.

This selection includes a full range of UnisubTM products, aluminium sheet and pre-cut blanks, fabric based items (such as bags, t-shirts and mousemats),

Pokale Bauer / Bauer Trophies

Pokale Bauer / Bauer Trophies manufacture a wide range of acrylic trophies, medals,

souvenirs, and sports awards. Their range of trophies and medals are the most innovative and exciting concept to hit the market for many years. Creating custom made designs is their specialisation and they are experiences in producing special lines for their clients. Exclusive modern design and high quality

glass & acrylic photo panels and much more besides.

Just call Nova Chrome to discover more about the process, and to discuss the possibilities for dye sublimation as part of an existing business, or as a new venture.

+44 (0) 1407 720011 info@novachrome.co.uk www.novachrome.co.uk

cut/print of trophies make them unique in the European market.

+49 160 1 40 21 49 bestellungen@pokale-bauer.de www.pokale-bauer.de

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 30 DECEMBER 2022

Rayzist Photomask Inc Rayzist Photomask Inc.

Supplying the Trade for over 35 years; providing an experience and service you can rely on.

A premium wholesale supply of blank glass and crystal – one of the largest in Europe.

Trade decorating service (sandblasting, halftone engraving and printing). Drop shipping service – we'll include your own literature with your orders.

Ribbon Writer

With Ribbon Writer you will discover a multitude of ideas and opportunities allowing you to set up your own ribbon printing business. When you become a ribbon printer, they continue to support you with regular newsletters full of hints and tips and premade designs for you to download and use.

Ribbon Writer is committed to offering you a personalised and professional service with all of the help and advice you need to start up your new venture and to support its growth

Full mask making service – also equipment and consumables to make your own. Sandblasting equipment and consumables, with full training available. Free e - commerce website facilities.

+44 (0) 1349 867 088 mail@glassscribe.com www.glassscribe.com

Their online store is available 24/7 with great prices and large stocks available.

DGSHAPE DE-3 Desktop Engraver

Intuitive and Intelligent Engraving for Today’s User

They carry a range of over 50 colours in widths from 7mm right up to 100mm in beautiful satin polyester ribbon, as well as a wide range of transfer foils along with all the other bits and pieces you need to maximise your ribbon printing potential. They also stock a wide range of patterned ribbon, including a huge selection suitable for Christmas plus a great choice of table

Rona Machines

Rona Machines specialise in new, reconditioned and used engraving machines and equipment.

We are the UK’s largest stockist of used engraving equipment, our dedicated showroom always has a large selection of manual and computer driven machines on display.

We can also offer upgrades to some older machines at a fraction of the cost of replacement. Part exchange is availableoffer us your surplus engraving machines and associated equipment and we will offer a prompt decision and payment!

+44 (0) 1527 877711 info@ribbonprintingeurope.com www.ribbonwriter.com

Engrave onto a huge range of giftware, signage, trophies, tools and industrial products

Laser pointer for quick set-up and easy production

Wanting to upgrade or sell your existing machine?

Easily-applied nose cones for precise depth-regulation

Rona Machines

All machines come with a warranty, viewings by appointment only.

with the machine. All our machines come with a guarantee and our friendly technical department is always ready to help with any queries and ideas that will help get you started and achieve the most from your machine.

Unit 27, Hillgrove Business Park, Nazeing Road, Nazeing, Essex, EN9 2HB Call us on 01992 899255 or email us at sales@ronamachines.co.uk

The company was formed in 1982 and is a father and son family owned business, operating from our purpose designed building based in Nazeing, Essex.

£5,450+VAT www.ronamachines.co.uk

USB connection with LAN network connectivity

Includes new Vectric V Carve software

We can offer upgrades to some older machines at a fraction of the cost of a replacement machine… We carry a large stock of parts for all brands and most models of machines. Alternatively part exchange is available - offer us your surplus engraving machines and associated equipment and we will offer a prompt decision and payment!

We also have a large selection of refurbished machines & part exchange on your old machine & lease purchase is available.

+44 (0) 1992 899255 sales@ronamachines.co.uk www.ronamachines.co.uk

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 32 DECEMBER 2022
44 (0) 1349 867 088 mail@glassscribe.com glassscribe.com SUPPLIERS GUIDE FOR 2023
Free delivery, installation and basic training of any NEW Roland DE-3 Engraver within a radius of 100 miles.
Rona Machines Unit 27, Hillgrove Business Park, Nazeing Road, Nazeing, Essex, EN9 2HB Call us on 01992 899255 or email us at sales@ronamachines.co.uk Engrave onto a huge range of giftware, signage, trophies, tools and industrial products Laser pointer for quick set-up and easy production Easily-applied nose cones for precise depth-regulation USB connection with LAN network connectivity Includes new Vectric V Carve software DGSHAPE DE-3 Desktop Engraver £5,450+VAT www.ronamachines.co.uk Intuitive and Intelligent Engraving for Today’s User We also have a large selection of refurbished machines & part exchange on your old machine & lease purchase is available. Free delivery, installation and basic training of any NEW Roland DE-3 Engraver within a radius of 100 miles.

Sagetech Machinery Limited

Sagetech Machinery are the UK’s premiere manufacture of Vertical Panel Saws, Desktop Engravers and 3D Printers with re-sellers all over the world. With their Vertical Panel Saws in many countries, Sagetech Machinery offer a complete range of British designed and manufactured Vertical Panel Saws to suit every application from

Signmakers and Plastics Companies through to large industrial woodworking outfits engaged in cutting large volumes of sheet material. Their desktop engravers have been uniquely designed to turn waste material from the vertical panel saw into a profitable business bolt on.

Signature Engraving Systems UK Ltd

The Signature 8080 Plus is probably the most versatile engraver available with its Inside Ring and Hot Foiling attachments and Glass Lubrication System.

Swatkins Group Ltd

Swatkins has manufactured many of the world’s most famous awards over the last century. Their Awards are uniquely designed, created and manufactured in house, giving you the confidence to buy from a British company that controls every process. They can cater for many different ideas using only the finest materials selected by their time-served craftsmen and women.


TheMagicTouch maintain their position as the original global pioneers and market leaders of digital image transfer technology. The company since 1992 have manufactured and marketed a comprehensive range of toner-based transfer papers and associated transfer solutions.

TheMagicTouch continue to offer affordable and innovative transfer solutions for the production of full colour transfers enabling the decoration of a vast range of garments and non-textile trophy related applications. Having pioneered the ultimate in full colour decoration of dark garments and textiles with the original award winning “No cutting, No weeding” WoW transfer process, the company

With all these attachments, the Signature 8080 Plus is the engraver that gives you more ways than any other to gain an advantage and earn more profits by offering a better service.

If you are looking to add engraving to your business then call Signature Engraving to discuss your requirements.

+44 (0) 191 691 3044 hello@sagetechmachinery.co.uk www.sagetechmachinery.co.uk

Swatkins are still very proud to be manufacturing in Great Britain. The Swatkins family have served the awards and presentation industry for over a century. Their experience and knowledge has been built on 5 generations, dating back to 1898, giving you the confidence to buy from a British company that has truly stood the test of time.

Tel: +44 (0) 1270 611767 info@signature-engravinguk.com www.signature-engravinguk.com

Tel: +44 (0) 1922 711700 sales@swatkins.com www.swatkins.com

have again developed a host of great new applications using the same toner-based digital printer technology.

The TMT/OKI digital printers feature full colour capability together with a white-toner option and comes complete with 3 year warranty and incorporates the bespoke “Space Control” software for the ultimate in colour control and image transfer management.

The white-toner technology is compatible with all TheMagicTouch transfer papers including those for non-textile applications, thus enabling full colour decoration onto dark colour ceramic mugs, enamel mugs, vacuum bottles, glass, acrylic, metal, wood, cork, PU surfaces, leather and many other surfaces

which previously were considered an economic challenge to print in short-runs using traditional print methods.

+44 (0) 1582 671444 sales@themagictouch.co.uk www.themagictouch.co.uk

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 34 DECEMBER 2022

Transworld Trophies (TWT)

Renowned for high quality, reliability and excellent service.

Established in 1983, TWT is one of the leading Trophy Suppliers in the UK. Committed to supporting customers with advances in technology, we aim to provide the best services and facilities.

We put our customers first and believe in establishing long term relationships to enable growth, understanding and profitability for all.

Come and explore the extensive ranges from TWT: Champions Prime Champions Football Champions Value Champions Extra Champions Sale


Do you want to make more profit? Come and ask TWT

See the New and Exclusive “ROCKSTAR” Award. Brand new, great price and NO RRP. So fix your own margin and make more profit!

Amazing Sample Deals available –Ask about our free display pack offers.

TWT look forward to speaking to all customers, existing and new.

+44 (0) 115 9837300 sales@twtuk.com www.twtuk.com

Trophy Distributors UK Ltd

Founded in Birmingham in 1981 by Arthur Gremson, Trophy Distributors began supplying quality awards to a select customer base around the country.

As the business flourished over the next 35 years, the company’s outstanding dedication to the awards industry became increasingly well-known.

Trophy Distributors responded by continually developing its merchandise to include component parts, shields, cups and glassware - encompassing the entire ‘awardware’ spectrum.

Trophy Distributors success stems

Trotec Laser

Trotec was formed in 1997 from a research branch of Trodat and has since become a world leader in laser technology. Trotec develops, manufactures and markets laser

from its original core ethics of quality, service and price. It is now the UK’s leading Trophy Distributor, and a worldwide supplier.

If you require further details please feel free to contact them, and they will be happy to

answer your questions. Alternatively, order a full-colour catalogue, by completing the form on their ‘contact us’ page found on their website.

systems for marking, cutting and engraving. They serve customers in more than 90 countries and more than 500 employees worldwide. The UK subsidiary was formed in 2007 serving customers throughout the British Isles and Ireland. With 6 showrooms and a dedicated team of field-based service staff, Trotec UK is committed to supporting their customers.

Each of their dedicated laser showrooms is home to a range of Trotec laser systems, including flatbed, galvo and large format models. The best way to see the benefits of

+44 (0)1922 45 55 45 www.trophydistributors.co.uk www.justrewardsbrochure.co.uk

a Trotec laser machine is by booking an appointment at your local showroom. They also offer online laser demonstrations if you are unable to make it to one of their showrooms.

+44 (0) 191 580 1182 sales@troteclaser.co.uk www.troteclaser.co.uk

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 36 DECEMBER 2022
Professional and industrial-grade laser engravers to suit all business budgets Cut out the middle man, deal direct with the manufacturer Peace of mind with free UK-based customer support Reliable service and maintenance from our field-based technicians Next-day engraving materials and supplies Now available with Ruby® Laser Software Redefined. Call 0191 580 1184 to arrange a free sample test or no-obligation demonstration (online or at a showroom) Laser Engravers for Trophies, Awards & Personalisation troteclaser.co.uk


Original and modern design is something that ensures Tryumf stands out from the crowd. This factor together with their competitive prices make them one of the market leader’s in sports trophies throughout Europe.

Every day Tryumf do their best to provide their clients the best possible service. They are constantly striving to develop their vast range of products, their high quality service as well as themselves. Everything is done to ensure Tryumf is a reliable partner to do business with.

A combination of modern machinery, quality equipment and materials mean Tryumf can offer you the highest quality products possible.

UK Engraving Services

UK Engraving Services was established in 2010 and between them they have over 45 years of experience in this trade, they have grown a company that services and supports a range of Engraving and Laser Systems. They also supply new and used engraving machines to suit most applications

UK Hip Flasks

whether industrial or retail and pride themselves on their aftersales support.

UKE have a base in West Sussex as well as in the Wirral so they can provide services for the UK and Ireland.

In their 11th year as suppliers and wholesalers to the UK market, the company continues to build and strengthen their relationships with trusted manufacturers worldwide, sourcing new and bespoke items to adapt to the ever changing landscape. With an increased range of drinkware, homeware and new ranges throughout 2021, they are well equipped to help to develop your customers’ requirements.


To view the full product range please visit www.ukhipflasks.co.uk The live web-chat facility is available during working hours, where a member of the team can help to answer any questions regarding the range.


With a wide range of stock held in their UK warehouse they promise quick delivery on

Their main goal is customers satisfaction and processing their orders in a timely manner.

+48 15 878 17 60 office@tryumf.com www.tryumf.com

+44 (0) 1403 786242 info@ukengravingservices.co.uk www.ukengravingservices.co.uk

all mainland UK orders and quick turnaround times on all personalised and branded orders.

A dedicated and experienced team of staff are on hand to assist with all enquiries and to advise on product choices and branding opportunities.

+44 (0) 121 439 0120 sales@ukhipflasks.co.uk www.ukhipflasks.co.uk

The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive 38 DECEMBER 2022
Trophies Germany www.trophies-germany.de info@aetzkunst.de Extraordinary trophies, awards and company gifts as well as a wide range of production methods. Crystal Awards Acrylic Awards Metal Awards Wooden Awards Custom Watercut Certificate Awards Hollywood Awards Business Awards Budget Trophies Medals Pins Cups AWARDS FOR THE BEST

U-MARQ (Bedford) LTD

U-MARQ is your one stop shop for everything engraving related.

U-MARQ stock a wide range of engraving consumables including pet tags, cutters, tapes, plastic and brass. In addition to consumables we offer machine sales, servicing, repairs and technical support for all engraving machines.

Every month we have a selection of products available to order from our website at discounted prices. These products change on the first of each month.

Unity Gifts

Unity Gifts has traditionally produced a unique and distinct range of giftware ‘Made with Coal’.

By focussing strongly on customer needs and a ‘can do’ attitude the business has diversified into the UK & Northern Europe trophy markets.

Offering resin moulded products as awards, trophies and corporate gifts, in new formats to meet needs demanding something that little bit different.

Manufacturing a variety of coloured and metallic finishes such as Bronze, Copper, Aluminium, Brass or Iron


Victory is a Chicago, USA-based manufacturer with a product line that consists of over 1.000 stock items most of which are sold into the awards and recognition industry.

The company manufactures acrylics, metal and plastic sheet stock, plaques, cups, bowls, trays, and what may arguably be the world’s largest line of laser quality plaque plates. Its customers are found all over North America as well as in over 70 countries.

You can download their latest catalogue by visiting: https://www.buyvictory.com/ catalog.

We have streamlined our servicing procedures, to provide a time efficient system, so that your machine can be serviced and returned to you as quickly as possible. Our experienced technicians ensure that your machine is at optimum performance levels when it is returned to you. Servicing costs are fixed and dependant on the age and model of your machine. Please call or email for a quotation

or to book your machine’s next service. U-MARQ has a network of knowledgeable and reliable dealers around the world who supply U-MARQ machines and accessories. Please see our website to find your nearest dealer.

+44 (0) 1908 623522 sales@u-marq.com www.u-marq.com

coupled with design capabilities ‘one off’ commissions have become our speciality especially since our purchase of 3D Printers.

If you are looking for something a little different contact the team at Unity Gifts to discuss your requirements. They will be more than happy to help.

+44 (0) 7507 988 167 sales@untygifts.co.uk www.unitygifts.co.uk


Help you have productive client meetings with clear product decision making

Generate quotes to clients easily and quickly

Give you a quick way to process your quotes into orders to us Follow all orders in an organised manner

THE WEB APP – web-based software that you access from your laptop or tablet from anywhere you have an internet connection.

THE MOBILE APP – an extension of the main web portal. It is designed especially to

help you in meetings with your clients when you may not have access to a computer.

To find out more please visit: https://www.buyvictory.com/app

773-637-7777 (Chicago) orderdesk@buyvictory.com www.buyvictory.com


Unbeatable quality and performance

Available in a choice of four different-sized models, WID Laser engraving/cutting machines set a new benchmark for quality and reliable performance at a truly affordable price. They come packed with performance-enhancing features normally found on more expensive machines, including an autofocus CCD camera for optimum material alignment and cutting accuracy.

Easy to use

Designed for both entry-level and seasoned professionals, dedicated multi-tool software enables even the most complex applications to be completed at speeds of up to 90,000 mm/min and with outstanding precision on finely detailed work.

Multiple applications

WID Laser machines will handle virtually any material, including stainless steel and other non-ferrous metals, alloys such as brass, bronze and copper, acrylic, plastics and laminates, marble, glass, slate and solid woods.

Save time, save money

Eliminate the need for expensive secondary tooling with one all-embracing powerful production tool at a fraction of the cost.

Officially Distributed In The UK By: 01978 666 700 graphtecgb.co.uk GRA P HTEC GB LTD - UK & IRE LAND OFFI CAL DI STRIB UTOR The CE7000 series of cutting plotters will handle a wide range of flexible media used in multiple PRINT & CUT applications in the signage and graphics, interior decor, packaging and garment decoration and promotional products sectors... to name but a few. Available In 4 Widths 3 Model Formats Max Cutting Speed: Up To 1000mm/s Cutting Force: Max 450gf Networking Capabilities ARMS 8.0 Optical Eye For Print & Cut Continuous Cut Capabilities (Barcode Reader) Reliable Long-Length Tracking (Up To 5m) Large Graphic Type LCD Control Panel Warranty: 2 Years CE7000 Series Roll Fed Cutting Plotter
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01978 666700
Design.indd 1 22/04/2021 07:18

White Toner Printer

Ultimate Versatility & Heavyweight Performance

The NEW A4 IColor 540 is a Toner-Based Digital Transfer Printer from Uninet, featuring full colour combined with white overprint™ and underprint™ capabilities in a single pass.

The A4 IColor 540 is a unique, low cost and versatile on-demand printing solution for short to mid-run transfer production of garments, labels, stationary, banners, hard surfaces, marketing customisation and much more! The IColor 540 is like having a professional print shop on your desktop, incorporating professional quality image printing capabilities, as well as optional speciality toner upgrade kits such as dye sublimation, fluorescent and metallic toners.

Use the IColor 540 for five different uses:

White overprint™ for heat transfer printing

White underprint™ for card/paper stock

CMYK for regular office printing

Optional dye-sublimation printing

Optional fluorescent printing

ProRIP & SmartCUT Software

The IColor ProRIP Software gives you total control of your workflow, allowing you to resize, rotate, change and remove colours in your graphics efficiently and easily.

The IColor SmartCUT Software allows you to increase your designs from A4 to A3, enabling you to produce larger graphics with your IColor 540 Printer. This software creates an intelligent split in your design, masking the join between artwork with no visual separation.

Expand your business opportunities and tap into a wide variety of market segments by producing personalized garments, trophies, accessories and more. Produce graphics with both colour and white for application to virtually any dark coloured textile or substrate. The printed image will result in soft, bright colours and the garment can be washed over and over without significant wear of the transfer.

The IColor 540 provides cost-effective fabric transfer production without the constant maintenance associated with direct-to-garment or silk screening systems. Get outstanding image quality results when combined with the correct transfer media to transfer images onto all fabric types whether light or dark!

• Ability to print white as an underprint™ and an overprint™ in the same machine, in one pass, using the IColor ProRIP software.

• The white opacity of UNINET’s unique blend of toner is double that of any other brand, giving you the brightest whites and solid background to bring out the vibrancy of your colours.

• The true black cartridge is included with the printer, allowing you to switch to CMYK mode to print items such as paper, card media and CMYK transfer papers.

• Lowest cost and most flexible machine in the market. • No maintenance associated with the IColor 540 as it is a toner based system.

• Exceptional 1200 x 1200 dpi resolution.

• Easily swap back and forth between regular and

cartridges, eliminating the need to purchase separate machines to accomplish each function.

How to Enhance your Trophy Business Also Available: What’s Included? Dye Sublimation Toners Fluorescent Toners Metallic Toners (Stationery Only) 2 Year return to base warranty Underprint/Overprint Technology CMYK + W Toners ProRIP Software SmartCUT Software Quick Setup Guide Unique Features • Print A4, A4XL and
using the Included
What materials or products can I produce? Cotton Polyester Leather Metal Paper/Card T-shirts Hoodies Tote Bags Vinyl Caps Ceramic Wood Trophies Mugs Stationary CALL AMAYA TODAY ON 02392 590 281 TO BOOK YOUR FREE DEMONSTRATION OR SCAN THE QR CODE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON OUR WEBSITE! Showrooms in Hampshire & Nottingham www.amayauk.com | 02392 590 281 | sales@amayauk.com Signs
SmartCUT and ProRIP Software.
The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER 44 SUPPLIES & SERVICES twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive DECEMBER 2022 BADGES DOMING CENTRES ENGRAVING, LASER CUTTING & MARKING TROPHIES, AWARDS & MEDALS Model Cut area (mm) Power (W) Type Prices from BGL350 500 x 300 50 Co2 £3,745 BGL460 600 x 400 80 Co2 £4,395 BGL 690 900 x 600 80 Co2 £5,845 BGL1390 1300 x 900 100 Co2 £6,945 BML1390 1300 x 900 150 Mixed Metal/ Non-Metal £11,995 BFM110 110 x 100 20 Fibre Marking & Engraving £5,845 BFM110 200 x 200 30 Fibre Marking & Engraving £6,495 boxford.co.uk +44 (0) 1422 324810 Professional & a ordable laser cutting, marking and engraving solutions CuttingLaser& Engraving with optional additional lens

(moved from January 2023)

Trophex is a well established leading trade event with over 30 years of experience, focused on bringing the industry together

Trophex offers you 10 great reasons to exhibit or visit in April 2023:

Meet and connect with prospective customers and suppliers – Strengthen your bond with existing customers and suppliers – Learn about new developments in your industry – Meet new companies that can help your business – Close deals during the show – Strengthen or establish your brand or business – Learn what your competitors are doing right – Rapidly expand your database of sales leads and contacts – Speak directly to your target market – Source alternative revenue making opportunites

If you are interested in exhibiting at Trophex please get in touch. We will be happy to discuss your requirements and how we can help support your business through the rest of the year and into 2023.

If you are visiting Trophex 2023, why not make a day of it and pop into The National Motor Cycle Museum after you have done your business. All visitors will receive 50% off the entry price upon presentation of your badge.

For more information email janesoones@aol.com

The Magazine Awards & Imaging TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING 45 SUPPLIES & SERVICES twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive DECEMBER 2022 Armstrong Products Armstrong Products ENGRAVING PLATE AND TROPHY CENTRE SPECIALISTS RECORD SHIELDS DIAMOND CUT DISCS SCREEN PRINTED PLAQUES INDUSTRIAL NAMEPLATES METAL SHEETS STICKERS Tel: 01484 516040 Fax: 01484 519378 sales@armstrongproducts.co.uk www.armstrongproducts.co.uk MEDALS TROPHIES & AWARDS ENGRAVING U-MARQ the leading UK engraving machine and accessory manufacturer 4 Green End Road, Great Barford, Bedfordshire MK44 3HA www.u-marq.com +44(0)1908 623522 sales@u-marq.com Follow - @U_MARQ Follow - umarqltd -U-MARQ ENGRAVING MACHINES UK TRADE SHOW ENGRAVING FOR SALE Gravograph engraving machine TX2. Many accessories, including cu�ers and eight type sets all in good condi�on. Telephone: 01228535812 E-Mail: jsh@jkharris.co.uk Can send images. Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 4UH.
Centre & Motor Cycle
Birmingam, UK
National Conference
3rd APRIL 2023
The Magazine for the Awards & Imaging Industry TROPHIES AWARDS ENGRAVING DOMING PERSONALISATION SUBLIMATION BESPOKE EMBROIDERY PRINTING IMAGING LASER 46 SUPPLIES & SERVICES twitter / facebook / instagram: @trophexlive DECEMBER 2022 ENGRAVING & CUTTING MACHINES LASER ENGRAVING AND CUTTING MACHINES Tel: 01827 300509 www.grafityp.co.uk E-mail: sales@grafityp.co.uk > Industry leading engraving/cutting > various work areas and power options > UK sales and support > Finance options available > CO², Fibre and Galvo laser options Visit our showroom for a full demonstration 24/09/2019 16:52:20 Engrave onto a huge range of giftware, signage, trophies, tools and industrial products Laser pointer for quick set-up and easy production Easily-applied nose cones for precise depth-regulation USB connection with LAN network connectivity Includes new Vectric V Carve software DGSHAPE DE-3 Desktop Engraver Intuitive and Intelligent Engraving for Today’s User £5,450+VAT www.ronamachines.co.uk Rona Machines Unit 27, Hillgrove Business Park, Nazeing Road, Nazeing, Essex, EN9 2HB Call us on 01992 899255 or email us at sales@ronamachines.co.uk We also have a large selection of refurbished machines & part exchange on your old machine & lease purchase is available. Free delivery, installation and basic training of any NEW Roland DE-3 Engraver within a radius of 100 miles. DESKTOP ENGRAVING MACHINES



Gravograph IS400 Volume, cups up to 350mm diameter point & shoot Gravograph software mint condition £POA

U-Marq Gem RX5 Visual Toolbox software, superb condition. £2,750

Gravograph M20J Ideal machine for the jewellery trade, flat plate and inside ring engraver, excellent condition. £3,250

Gravograph IS700 500x300 engraving area, tee-slot table and vice unit and EngraveLab 10 software. £4,500

Gravograph IM4R inside ring engraver complete with software excellent condition £POA

U-Marq Universal 300 flat engraving machine, can engrave cups and glasses up to 200mm diameter with Visual Toolbox 8 software £5500

U-Marq RX GEM with Visual Toolbox Gem software, excellent condition £2250

Signature 8080 Mini complete with software and many attachments in excellent condition ... £2750

U-MARQ VX4 406 x 304mm engraving area 140mm diameter cup engraving, Visual Tool box 8 software vice unit mint condition ... £3500

Vision MAX Pro flat and cup engraving, series 4 controller, software lovely condition £6000

Vision 1624 610 x 400 engraving area series 3 controller and software, excellent condition £4000

Suregrave Mini ME desk top engraver Engravelab 10 software as new £2250

Gravograph IS7000 610mm x 815mm engraving area 200watt spindle motor complete with stand & Gravostyle software, mint condition £POA

Gravograph IS400 flatwork engraver up to 300mm x 200mm Engravlab 10 software superb condition £4750

Mastergrave / U-Marq compact, flat and tankard / glass engraver Visual Toolbox software lovely condition £3750

Gravograph M40 300 x 200 engraving area, Gravostyle software, excellent condition. . £POA

Roland EGX 400 400 x 300mm engraving area Engravelab 10 software immaculate condition. £4500

Signature 8080 Plus 230 x 400mm engraving area cups and glassware upto 230mm diameter, hot foil blocking attachment, inside ring engraving attachment plus many more accessories, lovely condition £6500

Suregrave Rotation S flat & cup machine up to 200mm diameter Hi-Drive 2 controller Engravalab 10 software mint condition £4500

Suregrave Wizzard St 300mm x 300mm engraving area, Hi Drive 2 control, Engravelab 10 software, as new £3,500

Roland EGX 20 with Engravalab software 200 X 150 engraving area POA

Gravograph IS 200 TX 225 x 80 engraving area and 200ml diameter cups, superb condition, on-stand gravostyle software ................................................... POA

Signature 8080 engraving machine Superb giftware and cup machine, several attachments, PC and software .................................................................. £4,500

Newing Hall Milgrav, Apex AMC 2 Controller, lovely condition .................................................................................................................................................. POA

Roland Metaza MPX 70 complete with Roland software, virtually unused .................................................................................................................................. £650

Gravograph TX3, motorised flat and cup machine, cups/rosebowls to 12” diameter, cutters and diamond form ..................................................................... £1750

Gravograph VXM, 200 x 150 engraving area, superb condition ............................................................................................................................................... £1950

Dahlgren Wizzard 2000 St, 300mm x 300mm engraving area, ‘T’ slot table, surelab software, mint condition ........................................................................ £2750

Mastergrave MK5 cup engraving machine, 10” cup diameter, complete with copy set, cutters and diamond marker, late machines immaculate condition £1100

Gravograph VX2B computer engraving system 650 x 490 engraving area complete with 3D controller and Engravelab 10 software £4000

Roland PNC 2300, 200 x 150 engraving area, nice compact machine, complete with Engravelab 8 software £2500

Gravograph Unica complete with keyboard and screen star programme as new £1950 Cipher 1410, 14” x 10” engraving area, complete with controller, high drive, hand set, Surelab 8 software, good condition £3000

Gravograph IM3 or similar POA

Gravograph IS800 650 x 490 engraving area with Gravostyle software POA

Gravograph VX 300 x 350 engraving area complete with 3D controller and Engravelab 10 software £3400

Newing Hall 350 work station. 350mm x 300mm engraving area. Cup/Tankards upto 250mm diameter. Complete with Apex controller + Software. Superb condition POA

Gravograph TXL motorised cup attachment, cups up to 200mm diameter, letter set, cutters diamond, mint condition £1350

Suregrave Dalhgren 14” x 10” 350 x 250 mm engraving area complete with Suregrave high drive controller Surelab software mint condition £3000

Roland EGX 300 300 x 200 Engraving area Surelab 9 (Engravelab Software) Excellent condition £2750

Suregrave 2516 Surelab 9 heavy duty flat engraving machine complete superb condition £4500

Suregrave 2516i Hi-drive 2 controller, Surelab 9 software excellent condition POA

Newing Hall Pamtocut PNC 4E Apex AMC2 Control single phase with Engravelab 10 software superb condition £6500

Gravograph M40G 300 x 200 engraving area flat and cup machine, laser pointer Gravostyle software mint condition POA

Suregrave 4824I HD2 Controller Engrave Lab 9 Software New Condition £8000

Mastergrave Universal Flat machine and cups up to 200mm diameter, superb condition £4250

will buy your machine for cash! Lease purchase available
27 Hillgrove Business Park, Nazeing Rd, Nazeing, Waltham
sales@ronamachines.co.uk www.ronamachines.co.uk
Abbey, Essex EN9 2HB

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