Georges Braque

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Georges Braque invented EL CUBISMO

In 2013 marked 50 years since the death of Braque (1882-1963)and Paris held a retrospective of his work. The show, with over 200 paintings, was able to visit this summer at the Guggenheim in Bilbao. In the first decade of the twentieth century, social changes produced by electricity, aviation, psychoanalysis, the theory of relativity were echoed in artistic creation. In Vienna, Trieste, Moscow, Proust, Joyce , Schoenberg, Stravinsky rehearsing other ways of making literature and music. And in Paris Picasso and Braque dislocated forms and space looking for a break according to the perception of the new reality. The two painters plastic based searches postimpressionists, especially CĂŠzanne, end up inventing Cubism, a type of representation that contradicted the way they look and build a painting considered common in the West since the Renaissance.

To Braque Fauvism Hall of Fall 1905 autonomy regarding the form and use and complementary chromatic stranger: " Matisse and Derain have paint " , said then .

was a revelaci贸n La color of intense primary colors explosion created a opened the way for me to

In 1907 Apollinaire introduced Picasso to Braque was terminated its Period Rosa and worked on the large canvas would Demoiselles d'Avignon . Braque joined in Montmartre of the Groupe du BateauLavoir. There were Picasso, Max Jacob, Marie Laurencin, Guillaume Apollinaire, Juan Gris, Erik Satie, Vlaminck, Gertrude Stein and her brother Leo, and soon Fernand L茅ger, Dalaunay, Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia ...

PICASSO , 1907, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon , OL / lz, 2.44 x 2.34 It picasso in painted Les Demoiselles d'Avignon Five naked on a larger scale than natural occupying a vague space without perspective but imponente. Era an image that defied the usual sensitivity, and could vaguely remember a wild version of CĂŠzanne's bathers from which Picasso owned a copy from 1899. The Spanish painter had long worked with Cezanne idea that "all

forms of nature can be reduced to the sphere, the cone and cylinder" The painting by Matisse shocked even her fierce primitivism. But the calm Braque, though surprised, asked Picasso to see the canvas. Then he painted the Grand Nu was a radical break with its previous paint and scored: "The painter does not try to rebuild a story, but to build a pictorial fact" That summer retired Braque painting at L'Estaque, near Marseilles, because it was a favorite of CĂŠzanne and painted distinta. Encajaba so flat and geometric shapes drawn to the surface, denying or distorting the traditional deep place. In the faces of the figures were traces of African black art, Gauguin Women and the Iberian sculpture. The fund created an irrational, impractical space such as El Greco.

Braque , Large Nude, 1907, OL / lz, 139 x 101 Braque , 1907 LÉstaque houses Picasso, 1909, Horta de Ebro

Cubism was the result of a work "the lemon" between Picasso and Braque. Although each initial merit is attributed, the steps taken show that both contributed decisively. "Individual contributions to the formation of cubist style are difficult to disentangle, but it would be a mistake to see in Picasso a dominant influence. Certain passages painted by Braque in L'Estaque in the summer of 1908 are very clear announcements that Picasso painted in Horta de Ebro in the summer of 1909 (cf. Casa de l'Estaque, 1908, Braque, with factory Horta, 1909, Picasso). Braque has maintained throughout his career a stylistic integrity is one of the virtues of the Picasso can not brag and this integrity dates from the formative phase of Cubism." Herbert Read

Picasso , 1911, Collage with wire and rope.

TOWARDS CUBISMO. The essence of Cubism was a multiple and simultaneous use of the perceived vision. Braque and Picasso buscaban capture on canvas simultaneously of multiple vision applied to objects that are seen in three dimensions in all its facets, which are obtained only when they are around and included therefore the time. The result were flat, two-dimensional images in a space that also fleeing threedimensional. The first cubist paintings were exhibited at the Galeris Kahnweiler in 1908. When Braque and Picasso to the new mode of perception invented they added the collage, opened unexpected ways for art.

The collage -the papiers collĂŠs grid Braque or rubber or other materials Picasso and glued to canvas both- added another dimension of reality to the reality of painting. It was a device that added to the painted "harsh reality". Later Dada and Surrelismo adopted it for his expressive and explosive power and reappeared in the second half of the century in the neodadĂĄ movements, pop, and conceptual and was incorporated into the visual arts (painting, sculpture ...) Guillaume Apollinaire art critic and poet friend, differed Analytical Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. In the first, which lasted until 1913 images are decomposed into small flatfacet surfaces and create geometrised difficult to interpret. A from the incorporation Collage starts Synthetic Cubism you looked closer to visual reality but multiple perspectives and the tendency to pursue such dimensionality. Cubism, such as breaking step, tough 1909 until 1914. That year the outbreak of World War II and many artists had to join the frente. Algunos die or be seriously injured as Braque and licensed in 1916 after a long convalescence.

Fauvist Braque, until 1907

Braque / Analytical Cubism

Braque / Synthetic Cubism

In 1917. - after being licensed as a fighter returns to Paris and meets with his fellow poets and musicians, Gray, Satie ... Begins a long period when Braque still by far the footsteps of Picasso.Muertas.Profundiza natures Pinta especially on the issue but it does radical innovations. The critic Clement Greenberg in Art and culturereflect on it:

"We will never know for sure whether to blame or not to war the large differences observed in the subsequent evolution of Braque, or the lack of evolution. It seems as if he had abandoned inventiveness, and since then continues with more or lower fidelity address that marks Picasso. "[...]" And yet how to explain these sudden flashes of ingenuity and prophecy that occur in certain hallucinatory works [...] in the early fifties? "

Twenties. canephori coinciding with a classicist period Picasso Pinta girls carrying fruit taken from the Greek world in which harmonizes Cubist forms with classical proportions gravity.

30s indoor scenes

Matisse shadows ... While the rooms, surrounded by "are crossed braques "that stop often thought as a possibility, if since 1917 overall Braque was dedicated to making Cubism, which was radical avant-classicism in the sense of achieving a painting of fullness, timeless quality of good old paint. Text that the poet and critic Apollinaire wrote for his first exhibition of 1908 in part can be applied to his entire career as an artist, especially that "tends passionately beauty ..." ". ..He here Georges Braque An admirable life. passionately tends to beauty and it would seem that reached without difficulty His compositions have harmony and wholeness that one expects;. attest their decorated taste and culture guaranteed by instinct. Finding itself the elements of synthetic reasons that represents has convertidoe n a creator and nothing because everything around him. His spirit has willfully caused the twilight of reality, and behold, a universal revival is made plastically in and out of it ". . .Guillaume Apollinaire

Braque, 1956 In its final stage did stylized images of birds and landscapes with a marked tendency to abstraction that suggest " those sudden flashes of ingenuity and prophecy that occur in certain hallucinatory works [...] in the early fifties? " to terms, with the authority that is recognized Clement Greenberg. Nov 23, 2014

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