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JPods Network for LAX Objective: By Aug 15, 2013 open JPods solar-powered transport network connecting LAX to Century Blvd hotels, car rental and Aviation Greenline Metro Station.

Problem: Congestion will not solve itself.

Time map: Start at Aviation Green Station

Problems: Congestion, delays, accidents, pollution, gas prices, oil supply risks. Solution: JPods ultra-light personal robotic vehicles move people and cargo suspended from rails without congestion, using 1/10th the energy of cars, buses and passenger trains. Execution: Privately funded solar-powered JPods are built without disrupting current traffic. The beginning of a physical internet, where people, cargo, and trash are sustainably moved from point A to B non-stop. Action: Approve Framework so capital and innovation can be applied within a known regulatory environment.

Start by networking the LAX economic community (hotels, car rental, terminals, trains, parking)

Expand networks based on performance.

Benefits: No emmissions. No congestion. On-demand mobility. Fast dependable service. Jobs in manufacturing, construction and operations. Privately funded, no taxpayer burden. Revenues paid to LA instead of subsidies required. Pays 5% of gross revenues to rights of way holders.

Solution: Change to JPods networks.

Counting ticketing, travel and walking time, from the Blue cross hair, Green areas are within 10 minutes, Yellow within 20 minutes and Red within 30 minutes. Bike and walking areas under JPods rails improve safety and access.

Time map: Start at LAX Airport

Framework for restoring transportation to a free market. Repeat the success of restoring communications in 1984: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Non-exclusive access to City rights-of-way will be granted to transportation systems providers meeting the following free market principles: 1. Privately funded construction, and 2. Privately operated without Federal subsidies, and 3. Exceed 120 passenger-miles per gallon, or equivalent efficiency, and 4. Exceed safety performance of transportation modes already approved for use. 5. Transportation systems maintaining the safety, insurance, inspection practices consistent with the ASTM and theme park industry, and 6. Environmental approvals will be granted based on a ratio of energy consumed per passengermile of the innovation versus transport modes approved to operate in the rights-of-way, and 7. All taxes and fees assessed on the transport systems providers, passengers and cargo shall be limited to 5% of gross revenues and paid to the aggregate rights-of-way holders by transportation systems providers.

JPods, Inc. Nick Garzilli (310) 729-6905 Tsilah Burman (818) 416-2253

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