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Life behind the pages of HIM-Interchange Naomi Johnson, Danica Jong, Carol Loggie, Nina Palibrk, Dwayne Richards, Stella Rowlands

The HIM-Interchange Subcommittee The HIM-Interchange Subcommittee was formed in 2015, with the primary responsibility at that time being the co-opting of articles to fill the pages of HIM-Interchange. Today the role of co-opting articles remains a key responsibility of the members, however the scope has been extended to include the mentoring of authors and the end-to-end functions associated with the publication of the journal. The subcommittee members are responsible for reviewing all articles for compliance with the editorial standards of HIM-Interchange. This process involves the review by the author’s mentor, followed by a second review by another member of the subcommittee, with the final review by the editor. Maintaining the professional standard of the health information management profession underpins this process that can sometimes involve a back and forth with the author. This process is undertaken respectfully recognising that the authors are frequently tapped on the shoulder to write for HIM-Interchange. In turn each article must be proof read. The process of liaising with the typesetter and development of the journal format is the responsibility of the editor. The editor is also responsible for the writing of the editorial that pulls the content of the issue together. Finally, the Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) office completes the printing of HIM-Interchange and the online publication. In between getting the journal out, the subcommittee is considering the HIMAA members and ensuring that the journal has street appeal to ensure that HIMInterchange is read and not filed. In 2018 the artwork on the cover of HIM-Interchange was updated. Do you like the new cover? The subcommittee has also reviewed the HIM-Interchange webpages and have developed a proposal for HIM-Interchange to be online only. The collective brains of the subcommittee members, and their individual professional network is the

34 HIM-INTERCHANGE • Vol 10 No 1 2020 • ISSN 1838-8620 (PRINT) ISSN 1838-8639 (ONLINE)

genesis of most articles. However, occasionally we are delighted to receive an out of the blue email from a HIMAA member indicating they would be interested in writing an article. It goes without saying that we never refuse a budding writer. The HIM-Interchange Subcommittee are members of HIMAA who are committed to the advancement of the profession through the publication of HIMInterchange. Given the size of the profession it is truly amazing that we can produce not one but two journals. The Health Information Management Journal (HIMJ) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing primarily research within the field of health information management. HIM-Interchange is a journal for the people, that being you, we encourage you to support the health information management profession by reading HIM-Interchange, volunteering to write for HIM-Interchange, providing feedback and promoting HIM-Interchange and individual articles through your networks. Finally, there is really no limit to the number of members of the HIM-Interchange Subcommittee. The following are thoughts from the members of the subcommittee that we hope will inspire you to join the subcommittee or write an article. Happy reading!

HIM-Interchange Subcommittee “ The are members of HIMAA who are committed to the advancement of the profession through the publication of HIMInterchange.

Why did you join the HIM-Interchange Subcommittee? Dwayne Richards: As a member of the health information management profession a resource such as HIM-Interchange, where learnings and professional practise experiences can be shared, is highly valuable. I believe that it is important that Health Information Managers (HIMs) have somewhere to showcase the

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