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ICD-11 review: toward implementation planning in Australia Mardi Ellis

Background The International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11), was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) in June 2018. In May 2019, the World Health Assembly adopted ICD-11 for implementation by Member States from 1 January 2022. The WHO will provide transitional arrangements for at least five years from that date, and as long as it is necessary, to support implementation. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) undertakes a program of work relating to health classifications, including the management of the WHO Family of International Classifications Australian Collaborating Centre (WHO-FIC ACC), with funding support from the Australian Government Department of Health (the Department). The AIHW’s work program under the WHO-FIC ACC for 2018–20 included a review of ICD-11 and its potential implementation in Australian health information systems (the Review project). In Australia, ICD-10 and ICD-10-AM (the Australian Modification) are currently in use in vital statistics, hospital and some other health service patient statistical reporting systems, and in Activity Based Funding arrangements. A decision has not yet been made in Australia as to whether, when or how ICD-11 may be implemented in Australian health information systems to replace some or all of these statistical and reporting arrangements. The AIHW’s ICD-11 Review project aimed to provide evidence to support that decision making and implementation planning. The first phase of the Review project was a stakeholder consultation process, overseen by the AIHW’s Australian Health Classifications Advisory Committee (AHCAC) and led by Jennie Shepheard, from Shepheard Health Management Consultants.

4 HIM-INTERCHANGE • Vol 10 No 1 2020 • ISSN 1838-8620 (PRINT) ISSN 1838-8639 (ONLINE)

This article presents an overview of the stakeholder consultation process (stakeholders and resources), summarises the key findings (common themes, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and describes the next steps for the Review project. The complete ICD-11 Review Stakeholder Consultation Report will be published by the AIHW in early 2020.

Stakeholder consultation process Stakeholders The Review commenced in 2018 with a stakeholder workshop to inform the consultation process. Twenty individual and group consultations were conducted between January and April 2019, with representatives from: Australian governments, the New Zealand Ministry of Health, the private health sector, the medical software industry and individuals with expertise in classification development and statistical reporting. The Review was overseen by the AHCAC, with members from the Commonwealth Department of Health, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, The Australian Digital Health Agency and two representatives nominated by the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC) from New South Wales and Queensland. The AIHW’s National Health Information and Data Standards Committee (NHDISC) and Strategic Committee for National Health Information (SCNHI) were also consulted in the development of the ICD-11 Review and proposed work program. Resources AIHW advertised the consultation process, and ICD11, through the review flyer, published on the AIHW website and available at the 2018 Health Information Management Association Australia and National Centre for Classification in Health (HIMAA NCCH) conference.

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