hindi award for icmr

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The ICMR Puraskar for Popular Medical Books in Hindi Application Form 1. Name of the Award 2. Year 3. Name and designation of the author(s) in full (underline surname) 4. Date and place of birth 5. Male/Female 6. Present postal address 7. Telephone/Fax/e-mail 8. Educational Qualifications (graduation onwards) (in a tabular form) S.No. Degree Institution Year

______________________________________________________________________ 9. Any other relevant information (work experience, publications, awards received etc.) 10. Details of the popular book submitted for the award: (i). Title (ii). Year of publication (iii). Publisher (iv). Specific objectives of writing this book. (v). In what way, it fill an obvious gap in the spectrum of Hindi literature in the subject area? (vi). Four copies of the publication. 11. A concise statement (about 200 words) highlighting the most significant aspects of the publication. 12. Name, designation of author(s) and their specific contributions to the publication. 13. Has the publication also been submitted for any other award/prize/recognition? If so, please specify. 14, Has any financial assistance been received from any source for the writing/printing of the publication? If so, please provide relevant details. 15. Certificate by the author(s) that this book is the original work of the author(s).



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