31 minute read

PROPeRtY fROM tHe COlleCtiON Of JOHN SiStO, BeRwYN, illiNOiS

Lots 63 - 127

63* (CLASSICS) LIVY A group of 13 volumes by the Roman historian Titius Livius.

Opera. Venice, 1778. Vols. 1 and 4. Naples, 1767. Vol. 3. Naples, 1768. Vol. 5. Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt. Naples, 1821. Vols. 1-4, 6 (two copies). Historiarum ab urbe condita decadis tertiae. N.l., n.d. Vol. 2. Le deche di tito livio padovano delle istorie romane. Naples, 1774. Vol. 4. With two others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

64* (CLASSICS) METASTASIO, PIETRO A group of 10 volumes by the Italian poet Pietro Metastasio.

Opere. Naples, 1781. Vols. 4 and 5. Naples, 1782. Vol. 8. Naples, 1785. Vol. 14. Naples, 1784. Vol. 11. Opere drammatiche. Naples, 1760. Vols. 2, 5 and 6. With two other editions of Opere drammatiche. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

65* (CLASSICS) OVID A group of 11 volumes by the Roman poet Ovid.

Le metamorfosi. With annotations by Giuseppe Orologgi. Venice, 1792. Vols. 1 and 2. Delle poesie malinconiche. Commentati dal P. Bernardo Clodio. Venice, 1791. Vols. 1-5. Delle poesie malinconiche. N.l., n.d. Vols. 1 and 2, book 5. Publii ovidii nasonis. Bassani, 1735. Heroides epistolae. Venice, 1612. Tristium, libri V. Naples, 1850. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

65A* (CLASSICS) A group of 34 volumes, including works by Virgil, Horace, Plutarch, Cesar, Quintilian, Curtius and Catullus. Mainly eighteenth-century vellum.

P. Virgilii Maronis opera. By Virgil. Neapoli: Typographia Abbatiana, 1755. Vol.1. Eneide de Virgile. By Virgil. Paris: Les Marchands de Nouveautes, 1811. Vol. 2. Maronis opera cum notis Thomae Farnabii. By Virgil. Patavii: Joannein Manfre, 1714. Opera quae extant. Vol. 2., n.l., n.d. Opera interpretatione et notis illustravit ludovicus desprez... By Horace. Neapoli: Pauli Severini, 1789. With 3 others by Horace. La virtu premiata. By Pamela. Venezia: Giacomo-Antonio Venacci, 1756. Vols. 1, 2 and 4. Eiusdem declamationum liber. Virtute duce, comite fortuna. By Quintilian. Gryphium Lugduni, 1531. n.l. Scintille poetiche o’poesie sacre, e morali di Paolo Brinacio Napoletano. By Giacomo Lubrano. Napoli: Michele Luigi Mutii, 1690. Publii terentii carthaginiensis Afri comoediae sex cum notis Thom. Farnabii... By Thom. Farnabii. Neapoli: Andreae Migliaccio, 1769. Comoediae cum appositis italico carmine. By P. Terentii. Mediolani: Imper. Monast. S. Ambrosii Majoris, 1780. Vols. 1 and 2. Storia della letteratura Italiana dell’abate Girolamo Tiraboschi. By Girolamo Tiraboschi. Napoli: Giovanni Muccis, 1777. Opere postume di Vittorio Alfierei. By Sallustius. London, 1804. Vol. 4. Catilinaria et jugurthina bella. Panormi: Typographia Francisci Abatis, 1817. With 15 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $300-500

66* (DICTIONARY) A group of 15 volumes of dictionaries, including etymological and historical dictionaries. Mainly eighteenth-century vellum. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200 67*


(DICTIONARY) A group of 12 quarto-sized dictionaries, mainly eighteenth-century, vellum, including Nouveau dictionnaire, by A. Boyer (Paris, 1785), 2 vols., and Dizionario storico di architettura, by Quremere de Quincy (Mantova, 1844), 2 vols. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

68* (DICTIONARY) A group of 13 volumes of quarto-sized dictionaries, mainly eighteenth-century vellum. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

69* (DICTIONARY) ACCADEMIA DELLA CRUSCA Vocabolario degli accademici della crusca. Napoli: Guiseppe Ponzelli, (1746-1748).

6 vols. in 5. Folio, full vellum, spines stamped in gilt, silk page markers present, engraved vignettes on titles. Soiling to boards with rubbing to spines; fading to spines; intermittent foxing; otherwise fine. Together with 5 vols. of the same in quarto. (10 vols. total) Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $400-600

70* (DICTIONARY) BERGIER, ABATE Dizionario ragionato di reologia. Napoli: Gaetano Tardano, 1796.

14 vols., with 2 copies of vols. 1, 2, 3, and 10. 8vo, full vellum, title stamped in gilt to spines. Wear to boards, intermittent foxing, some minor wormholing to back board and endpapers of vol. 6; hinges starting; otherwise fine. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

71* (DICTIONARY) DIDEROT, (DENIS) Encyclopedie, ou dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des metiers, par une societe de gens de lettres. Livourne: de l’imprimerie des editeurs, 1771.

3 vols. only (of 17), comprising vols. 2-4. Folio, quarter calf over decorative boards. Third edition. Together with Septem linguarum calepinus. Hoc est lexicon latinum, variarum linguarum interpretatione adjecta in usum seminarii patavini. Patavii: Typis Seminarii, apud Joannem Manfre, 1752. 2 vols. Folio, full vellum, green spine labels, titles stamped in gilt. Also with vol. 1 of the fourth edition of the same. Patavii, 1736. Folio, full vellum, backstrip detached. (6 vols. total) Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

72* (DICTIONARY, FRENCH) A group of 14 volumes of French dictionaries and grammar books in Italian. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $80-120 73*

73 (DICTIONARY, FRENCH) MORERI, (LOUIS) Le grand dictionnaire historique ou le melange curieux de l’histoire sacree et profane. Paris: Chez Francois Pitteri, 1743.

8 vols., complete. Folio, full vellum, brown morocco spine labels with titles stamped in gilt, engraved title page to vol. 1, title in red and black to vol. 1. Wear to boards; some boards slightly bowed; otherwise fine. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $400-600

74* (DICTIONARY) NUOVO DIZIONARIO ISTORICO Nuovo dizionario istorico, ovvero istoria in compendio di tutti gli uomini, che si sono renduti celebri per talenti, vertu, sceleratezze, errori &c. Napoli: Vincenzo Flauto, 1793.

28 vols. 8vo, full vellum, title stamped in gilt to spine. Wear to boards, intermittent foxing, minor staining to some leaves. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $300-500

75* (DICTIONARY) NUOVO DIZIONARIO ISTORICO Nuovo dizionario istorico, ovvero istoria in compendio di tutti gli uomini, che si sono renduti celebri per talenti, vertu, sceleratezze, errori &c. Napoli: Michele Morelli, 1791.

28 vols. 8vo, full vellum, title stamped in gilt to spine. Wear to boards, intermittent foxing, minor staining to some leaves. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $300-500 76* (DICTIONARY, ITALIAN) A group of 15 volumes of Italian grammar and vocabulary. Mainly eighteenth-century vellum. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $80-120

77* (ITALIAN, DICTIONARY) CHAMBERS, EFRAIMO Dizionario universale. Canneto: Bernardo Tarigo, 1770.

20 vols. Lacking six. In two boxes. Full vellum, titles stamped in gilt on pastedown label to spine. Wear to boards; some minor foxing. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $600-800

78* BRUNET, JACQUES-CHARLES Manuel du libraire et de l’amateur de livres. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, 1860-1865, 1878. (Berlin: Fraekel & J. Altmann, 1921; Paris: Dorbon, 1922)

8 parts in 7 vols. 8vo, quarter morocco over marbled boards, gilt title to spines. Minor edgewear; some darkening to pages; otherwise fine. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

79* (DICTIONARY, LATIN) A group of 11 volumes of Latin grammar and vocabulary. Mainly eighteenth-century vellum. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $80-120

80* GRIMANI BREVIARY Das breviarium grimani in der St. Markus-bibliothek in Venedig. From the Library of St. Mark’s in Venice. Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff; Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann, 1904-(1910).

12 vols. Portfolio, plates loose as issued in yellow cloth folders stamped in gilt. A complete reproduction of all 1,580 pages of this famous manuscript, including many in color. Soiling to folders; otherwise interior is in fine condition. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $600-800

81* (HISTORY, ANCIENT) ROLLIN, M. A group of 11 volumes pertaining to ancient history.

Storia antica. Venezi: Girol, 1734. Vols. 4 and 5 only. Naples, 1776. Vol. 1. 8vo, vellum. Storia Romana. Napoli: Migliaccio, 1786. Vol. 15. Delle maniera d’insegnare, e di studiare le belle lettere. Napoli: Antonio Cervone, 1759. Vols. 2 and 4 only. Delle maniera d’insegnare, e di studiare le belle lettere. Padova: Manfre, 1744. Vols. 2 and 4 only. With three others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200



82* (HISTORY, ANCIENT) A group of eight volumes pertaining to ancient history. Mainly eighteenth-century vellum.

De Romana republica. By Petro Josepho Cantelio. Neapoli: Simoniana, 1762. Together with four other later editions of the same. Metodo di studiare, e d’insegnare cristianamente, e sodamente. By Lodovico Tommasini. Napoli: Benedetto, 1750. Vols. 3 and 4 only. Storia delle rivoluzioni dell’isola di Corsica, e della esaltazione di Teodoro I. All’Haya: Trasportata Dal Francese, 1739. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200 83* (HISTORY, ANCIENT) MURATORI, LODOVICO ANTONIO Annali d’Italia dal principio dell’era volgare. Naples, 1782-1783.

3 vols. only, comprising vols. 3-4. Together with Vita del proposto. By Domenico Amato. Naples, 1782. Della vita privata de’Romani. By A.G.H. Newport. Napoli, 1781. Rituum qui olim apud Romanos. By Lorenzo Echard. Neapoli, 1781. Storia Romana. Napoli, 1784. 2 vols. only, comprising vols. 4 and 7. 2 copies of vol. 7. With 11 others. (21 vols. total) Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

84* (HISTORY, ANCIENT) MURATORI, LUDOVICO ANTONIO Annali d’Italia dal principio dell ‘era volgare. Naples, 1773.

3 vols. only, comprising vols. 4-6. 4to, vellum. Together with 5 vols. from other editions, comprising vols. 1 and 2 (Napoli: Migliaccio, 1788-1789), vols. 14 and 15 (Napoli: Magliaccio, 1786), vol.17 [index] (Napoli: Magliaccio, 1787). Delle forze dell’intendimento umano. Venezia: Giambattista Pasquali, 1752. Vita del proposto. Napoli: Giovanni Gravier, 1773. With 7 others. (17 vols. total) Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

84A* (ITALIAN LITERATURE) A group of 48 volumes.

Della perfetta historia di Francia. By Signor Pietro Mattei. Venetia: Presso il Barezzi, 1638. Giornale della intendenza di terra di Bari. Bari: Dal Nuovo-Grande Stabilimento Poligrafic, Di T. Pansini, 1844. Idea regum ad reges, sacrata, augustissimo, et immorali nomini, caroli secundi, monarchae hispanarum. By P.D. Bonaventura de Tundis Eugubino. Neapoli: Ex Regia Officina Saluatoris Castaldi, 1681. Pars Prima. Riflessioni sulla pubblica felicita... By Vincenzo Flauto. Napoli: Michele Stasi, 1788. Selectae e profanis scriptoribus historiae... By Joseph Watson. London: Rivington & Sons, 1788. La rosalinda del caualier. By Bernardo Morando. Venetia: Lieppo Prodocimo, 1714. I conti fatti da saccoccia colla riduzione delle misure e pesi vecchi in decimali... Fiorenzuola D’Arda, Tipografia Di G. Pennaroli. n.d. The Complete Works of Thomas Dick, LL. D.: Eleven Volumes in Two. By Thomas Dick. Cincinnati: Applegate & Co., 1854. Vols. 1 and 2. Lettere scelte di varie materie. By Pietro Chiari Bresciano. Venezia: Bartolomeo Roselli, 1751. Vol. 1. Lettere contro-critiche. By Godefrisio Toante. Venezia: Bartolomeo Roselli, 1751. Opere di Francesco Redi Gentiluomo Aretino. By Francesco Redi. Venezia: Appresso Gio: Gabbriello Hertz, 1760. Vol. 4. With 21 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400 84B* (ITALIAN LITERATURE) A group of 36 volumes.

Opus de theologicis institutis. By Fr. Andreae Sgambati. Neapoli: Typographia Fratrum Paci, Vol. 13 (1782) and Vol. 5 (1778) only. Opus de theologicis institutis. By Fr. Andreae Sgambati. Neapoli: Typographia Fratrum Paci, Vol. 8 (1780) and Vols. 14 and 15 (1783) only. Opere del padre Paolo Segneri. By Paolo Segneri. Venezi: Presso Paolo Baglioni, 1756. Vols. 1, 2, and 4 only (of 4). Meditationi sopra la vita di giesu... By Fabio Ambrosio Spinola. Venetia: Francesco Salerni & Giouanni Cagnolini, 1669. Parts 1 and 3 only. Vita di S. Paolo. By Gabriele Elia. Napoli: Con Licenza de’Superiori, 1786. Vols. 1 and 2. Lettere critiche. By Agostino Santi Pupieni. Vol. 1 (Napoli: Appresso Benedetto, 1750), Vol. 2 (Venezia, Angielo Pasinelli, e Pietro Bassaglia, 1748), Vol. 3 (Napoli: Appresso Benedetto, 1750), Vol. 4 (Napoli: Appresso Benedetto, 1750), Vol. 5 (Napoli, Appresso Benedetto, 1750) (2 copies) and Vol. 7 (Venezia: Presso Francesco Pitteri, 1752). With 6 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

85* (LAW) A group of 16 volumes pertaining to Italian law, mainly eighteenth-century.

Dell’uso e autorita della ragion civile. By Donato Antonio d’Asti. Naples, 172022. Vols. 1 and 2. Formolario pratico legale per uso dei notaj. By Antonio Spezzacatena. Naples, 1780-1790. Vols. 1 and 2. La procedura civile. By Dal Sig. Pigeau. Firenze, 1890. Vols.1, 2 and 4 only. With 10 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

86* (LAW) DE LUCA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA [Opera.] Naples: Lucae Laurentii, 1758.

16 vols. Folio, full vellum, black and brown spine labels stamped in gilt with titles in gilt, covers stamped in blind. Some volumes with manuscript notations on paper tipped to front cover; soiling to boards; some wormholing; otherwise fine. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $300-500




87* (LAW) DOMAT, JEAN A group of 11 volumes of Le leggi civili nel lor ordine naturale. Naples, circa 17861787. Uncollated. 4to, full vellum. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

88* (LAW) HEINECCII, JOHANN GOTTLIEB A group of 13 volumes by Heineccii. All 8vo, vellum.

Elementa juris naturae, et gentum, commoda auditoribus methodo adornata. Editio nova & castogator. Venetiis: Typographia Balleoniana, 1746. 2 copies. Elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem pandectarum. Venetiis: Typographia Balleoniana, 1746. 2 vols. Elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem institutionem. Venetiis: Typographia Balleoniana, 1749. Two copies. With one later copy of the same. (Ciessae: Io. Phillipp Kriegerum, n.d.) Historia juris civilis Rominae Germanici. Venetiis: Typographia Balleoniana, 1742. Editio Veneta Prioribus Auctior & Correctior. Elementa philosophiae rationalis, et moralis. Venetiis: Typographia Balleoniana, 1745. Antiquitatum Romanarum jurisprudentiam illustrantium syntagma. Venetiis: Typographia Balleoniana, 1744. 2 vols., with two copies of vol. 2. Praelectiones academicae in sam. pufendorfii de officio hominis, et civis. Venetiis: Sumptibus Balleonianis, 1749. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

89* (LAW) MORO, DOMENICO A group of eight volumes pertaining to the career of the eighteenth-century Italian lawyer Domenico Moro.

Pratica criminale. Various editions, comprising vols. 1-3 (Naples, 1782), vols. 1-2 (Naples, 1755), vol. 4 (Naples, 1757) and vol. 4 (1762). Pratica civile. Napoli, 1784. vol. 3 only. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $150-250 90* (LAW, NAPLES) A group of 19 volumes pertaining to law and civil procedure in nineteenth-century Naples, including six vols. of Bullettino delle leggi de regno di Napoli for the years 1806-1809 and five vols. of Bulletino delle sentenze for the years 1808-1809. With eight others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

91* (LAW, SICILY) A group of 13 volumes pertaining to civil procedure and penal code in the Kingdom of Sicily in the nineteenth-century, including five volumes of Corso elementare della legislazione civile del regno delle due Sicilie, by Francesco Magliano and Filippo Carrillo. Napoli: Dalla Tipografia del Giornale del Regno delle Due Sicile, 1819. All 8vo, mainly vellum. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

92* (MATH) A group of 13 volumes.

Institutiones arithmeticae. By Paulini A S. Josepho Lucensis. Venetiis: Simonem Occhi, 1770. Appendice. Institutiones arithmeticae. By Paulini A S. Josepho Lucensis. Neapoli: Agnelli de Dominicis qu. Josephi, 1799. Appendice. Institutiones analyticae earumque usus in geometria. By Paulini A S. Josepho Lucensi. Venetiis: Simonem Occhi, 1770. Nuovi elementi della geometria piana. By Niccolo de Martino. Napoli: Pietro Palombo, 1746. With nine others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

94 100

93* (MATH) CARAVELLI, VITO Elementi di matematica composti per uso della reale accademia militare. Naples: Giuseppe Raimondi; Luca Marotta, 1731-1795.

Vol. 1, two copies (1731, 1761), vol. 2, part 1 (1762), vol. 2, part 2 (1765), vol. 3 (1731), vol. 5 (1771), vol. 8 (1795). Illustrated throughout with mathematical formulas. 8vo, full vellum, some volumes with green paint to the outside; 1 vol. with paper wraps; wear to wraps and interior. With one other unknown volume by Caravelli. (7 vols. total) Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

94* (MATH) EUCLID A group of 12 volumes.

Elementa geometriae plae, seu elementorum Euclidis. By Nicolai De Martino. Neapoli, 1787. Elementi della geometria di Euclide. N.l., n.d. Libri undecimo e duodecimo degli elementi di Euclide. Napoli, 1825. With seven others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

95* (MATH, GEOMETRY) LEGENDRE, A. M. [Elementi di geometria.] (Firenzi, n.d.). (circa 1834)

Oblong 4to, marbled boards. A bound collection of 13 plates of geometrical diagrams. No text. Wear to boards; some soiling to plates. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

96* (MEDICINE) Trattato di patologia interna. Napoli: Giusepee Marghieri, 1872.

3 vols. 4to, quarter vellum over marbled boards. First Italian edition. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200 97* (MEDICINE) A group of 21 volumes.

Elementi di chimica. By L. Brugnatelli. Naples, 1812. Vol. 1. Synopsis universae medicinae practicae. By J. Allen. Venice, 1742. Istituzioni di medicina pratica. By Niccola Andria. Naples, 1812. Vol. 1. Epitome di medicina pratica razionale. By Giacomo Barzellotti. Naples, 1820. Vol. 2. Universae medicinae. By Francisco Bagno. Naples, 1783. Saggio sopra la conformita della medicina. By Giovanni Barker. Naples, 1779. Universae medicinae practicae. By Francisco Bagno. Naples, 1792-96. 4 vols. Dell’arte ostetricia. By Di J. L. Baudelocque. Naples, 1810. Vol. 1. Opera omnia medica. By Gulielmi Ballonii. Venice, 1734. Vol. 1. Medicina domestica. By Guglielmo Buchan. Padova, 1800. Vols. 1 and 3. Lezioni sulle malattie delle ossa. By Sig. Boyer. Naples, 1805. Elements de pharmacie rhetorique et pratique. By A. Baume. Paris, 1797. Vol. 1. Elementi di medicina pratica. By Guglielmo Cullen. Venice, 1796. Vol. 4. Elementi de medicina pratica. By Guglielmo Cullen. Naples, 1807. Vol. 1. Medicinae libri octo. By A. Corn. Celsi. Naples, 1818. Vol. 1. Medicina domestica. By Gugliemo Buchan. Naples, 1781. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

98* (MEDICINE) A group of 25 volumes.

Supplimento della medicina domestica. By Dilorry. Naples, 1782. Vol. 2. Dissertatio medica. Geneva, 1697. Elementi di fisiologia. By Giuseppe Andrea. Padova, 1817. Dizionario storico della medicina. By Signor’Eloy. Vol. 3 (Naples, 1763) and vol. 7 (Naples, 1765). Centuria seconda. By Fulvio Gherli. Venice, 1753. Vol. 2. Series morborum cutaneorum. By Leonharto Frontonio. Naples, 1753. Liber de febribus. By Joannis Huxham. Naples, 1770. Medicina legale. By P. A. O. Mahon. Milan, 1805. Vol. 3. Guida per il chirurgo. By Roberto Hooper. Naples, 1820. Institutiones physiologiae. By D. Christiani Gottlieb Ludwig. Coloniae Allobrogum, 1785. Istituzioni chirurgiche di G. B. Monteggia. By G. B. Caimi. Naples, 1837. Vols. 1-3. Riflessioni su della pratica medicina. By Francesco Merli. Naples, 1781. Risultamenti degli studj fatti a parigi sul cholera-morbus. By Papa Gregorio XVI. Naples, 1836. Vol. 1. Manuale di patologia e terapia. By Giovanni Neupomuceno Raimann. Naples, 1826. Vols. 2 and 4. Doctrina de morbis oculorum. By Josephi Jocobi Plenck. Naples, 1782. Hippocratis aphorismi . . . By Andreae Pastae. Venice, 1791. Lo spirito della medicina. By Andrea Pasta. Bergama, 1790. Nuove idee sulla gotta . . . By Gabriele D’Ambrosio. Naples, 1834. Methodo medendi . . . By B. Lud. Tralles. Naples, 1786. Elementi di materia medica. By Vincenzo Stellati. Naples, 1852. Vol. 1. Elementi di chirurgia medica. By Pietro Ruggiero. Naples, 1803. Vol. 2. Risposta all’articolo . . . By Giovanni Rasori. Naples, 1820. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

99* (MEDICINE) A group of 11 volumes.

Medicina hippocratica. By Joanne de Gorter. Neapoli: Vincentium Ursinum, 1777. 2 copies. Tratto della cataratta. By Lorenzo Heistero. Napoli: Antonio Cervone, 1774. Vol. 3. Esposizione anatomica della struttura del corpo umano. By Jacopo Benigno Winslow. Napoli: Domenico Terres, 1775. Vol. 1. With 7 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

100* (MEDICINE) TISSOT, SAMUEL AUGUSTE DAVID A group of 11 volumes pertaining to medicine, with eight volumes by Samuel Auguste Andre David Tissot.

Trattato de’nervi e delle loro malattie. By Signor Tissot. Napoli: Vincenzo Orsino, 1782. Vol. 1, part 2. Traite des nerfs et de leurs maladies. By Mr. Tissot. Geneve: Fr. Grasset, 1783. L’onanismo ouvero dissertazioni. By Signor Tissot. Venezia: S. Apollinare, 1785. Third edition. Lettere mediche. By Signor Tissot. Napoli: Gaetano Castellano, 1771. Avviso al Popolo. Signor Tissot. Napoli: Gaetano Castellano, 1771. Della salute de letterati opera. By Signor Tissot. Napoli: Gaetano Castellano, 1673. Dell’apoplessia ed idropisia, e della colica saturnine. By Signor Tissot. Napoli: Gaetano Castellano, 1778. Della cura del vajuolo opera. By Sig. Tissot. Napoli: Gaetano Castellano, 1778. With 3 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

101* (MILITARY) A group of six volumes.

Reglement concernant l’exercice et les manoeuvres de l’infanterie. Naples: Dominique Sangiacomo, 1806. Memoria intorno alla battaglia di Navarino. Napoli: Tipografia della Guerra, 1833. With 3 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100 101A* (NATURAL HISTORY AND SCIENCE) A group of 35 volumes pertaining to natural history and the sciences, mainly nineteenth century.

Il gentiluomo coltivatore o corpo compiuto d’agricoltura. By M. Dupuy-Demportes; Francesco Griselini. Venezia: Alvise Milocco, 1731. (Tomo Decimottavo). Elementi di chimica. By G.A. Chaptal. Venezia: Sevastiano Valle, 1792. Vol. 2. Del trattato dell’agricoltura. By Piero De’Crescenzi. Napoli: Felice Mosca, 1724. Vols. 1 and 2. Compendio ovvero saggio di tutte le scienze. By Sig. Formey. Napoli: Salla Tipografia Di Page, 1846. La computisteria. By Edoardo Sperotti. Verona: Studio Amministrativo Contabile, 1888. 3rd ed. Gianetto opera. By L.A. Parravicini. Napoli: Stabilimento Tipografico Dell’Ancora, 1859. Vol. 1. Istituzioni geografiche.,D> By Giuseppe Rossi. Napoli: Vincenzo Flauto, 1793. Vol. 2. Metodo per istudiare la geografia. Napoli: Preffo il Parrino, 1738. Vol. 4, 3rd ed. Geographie historique ecclesiastique et civile... By Joseph Vaissete. Paris: Saillant, Herissant et Barois, 1755. Vols. 1, 11, 12, and 18. Fondament della scienza chimico-fisica. By Giuseppe Saverio. Veneto: Antonio Curti, 1798. Vol. 5. Zoonomia ovvero leggi della vita organica di Erasmo Darwin. By Erasmo Darwin. Milano: Pirotta e Maspero Stampori-Librai, 1805. Vol. 6. With 30 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $300-500

102* (PHILOSOPHY) CORSINI, EDUARDI Institutiones philosophicae, ac mathematicae ad usum scholarium piarum. Venetiis: Typographia Remondiniana, 1764.

6 vols. (of 7) bound in 4. Lacking vol. 1. 8vo, full vellum, manuscript titles to spines. With fold-out charts. Rubbing and soiling to bindings. With 16 other vellum bound books. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200


103* (PHYSICS) A group of 20 volumes pertaining to natural philosophy, physics and metaphysics, mainly eighteenth-century, including six volumes by Antonius Genuensis. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

104* (PHYSICS) A group of 20 volumes pertaining to natural philosophy, physics and metaphysics.

Elementi di fisica sperimentale. By Giuseppe Saverio Poli. Napoli: Gavinetto Letterario, 1837. Vols. 4 and 5. Saggi di morale del signor di chanteresme. By Alessandro Pompeo Berti. Venezia: Nicolo Pezzana, 1739. Vols. 1 and 2 only (of 4). Saggio sopra gli errori poplareschi. By Tommaso Brovvn. Venezia: Sevastiano Coleti, 1737. Vols. 1 and 2. Delle opere di S. Francesco di Sales. Venezia: Niccolo’Pezzana, 1769. Vols. 1-5 and vol. 3 (Venezia, 1720). With 8 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

105* (PHYSICS) A group of 20 volumes pertaining to natural philosophy, physics and metaphysics.

Institutiones logicae in usum tironum. Napoli: Superiorum Permifsu, 1795. Fourth edition. Institutionum philosophicarum. Seminarii Neapolitani. Neapoli: Vincentii Ursini, 1774. Vols. 2 and 4. La filosofia morale. By Emanuele Tesauro. Venezia: Nicolo Pezzana, 1712. Lettres philosophiques sur les physiognomies. By Jean Neaulme. Haie, 1748. Second edition. Opuscoli metafisici. By Francesco Soave. Instituzioni di etica o filosofia morale di Francesco Soave. By Francesco Soave. Palermo: Abbate, 1802. With 12 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200 106* (PHYSICS) A group of 20 volumes pertaining to natural philosophy, physics and metaphysics.

Elementa philosophiae. By A F. Laurentio Altieri. Neapoli: Michaelis Stasi, 1790. Vol. 3. Delle scienze metafisiche. By Gli Giovanetti. Napoli: Nella Stamperia Simoniana, 1770. 2 copies. Elementi di fisica sperimentale. By Giuseppe Saverio Poli. Vol. 3 (Venice, 1798) and vol. 4 (Naples, 1808). Disciplinarum metaphysicarum elementa mathematicum in morem adornata. By Antonii Genuensis. Bassani: Venetiis apud Remondini, 1779. Della forza della fantasia umana. By Lodovico Antonio Muratori. Venezia: Giambatista Pasquali, 1753. With 13 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

106A* PRESIDENTIAL AUTOGRAPHS A collection of signed correspondence from former presidents, including Gerald Ford and George W. Bush, and United States senators. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

107* (RHETORIC) A group of 23 volumes, mainly eighteenth-century.

Instituzioni oratorie. By Ignazio Falconiere. Naples, 1828. De arte rhetorica. By Dominico Decolonia. Venice, 1743. Instituzioni di rettorica e belle letere. By Francesco Soave. Naples, 1831. Vol. 1. Reggia oratoria. By Giovanni Margini. Venice, 1763. Principi elementari delle belle-lettere. By Emanuele Pinto. Naples, 1767. Institutiones oratoriae. By Caroli Majelli. Patavii, 1765. Orationi civili. By Signor Daniele. Bologna, 1744. Dell’arte de dire. By Vito Fornari. Naples, 1857. Vol. 1 only. De arte rhetorica. By Dominico Decolonia. Patavii, 1768. La rettorica. By Bernardo Lamy. Venice, 1728. La rettorica. By Bernardo Lamy. Lucca, 1750. Oraisons funebres. By Bossuet. Paris, 1802. Vols. 1 and 2. Instituzioni di rettorica e belle lettere. By Francesco Soave. Naples, 1818. Vol. 1. De arte rhetorica. By Dominico Decolonia. Venice, 1759. Reggia oratoria. By Giovanni Margini. Naples, 1824. Reggia oratoria. By Giovanni Margini. Venice, 1802. Reggia oratoria. By Giovanni Margini. Venice, 1747. De arte rhetorica. By Dominico Decolonia. Venice, 1805. Saggio su l’arte oratoria del foro. By Saggio. 1740. Particulae laniae orationis. By Horatio Tursellino. Patavii, 1768. Paulini Chelucci A S. Josepho Lucensis. By Paulini Chelucci. Venice, 1773. Vol. 1. De arte rhetorica. By Dominico Decolonia. Venice, 1728. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200


108* (RHETORIC) CICERO A group of 24 volumes, mainly eighteenth-century.

Ciceronis orationum. Naples, 1756. 3 vols. M.T. Ciceronis orationum. Patavii, 1729. 2 vols. Supplemento d’osservazioni. Naples, 1757. Vol. 3. Supplemento d’osservazioni. Naples, 1769.Orazioni scelte. Naples, 1769. Vol. 2. Storia della vita. Naples, 1762. La rettorica ovvero l’arte di parlare. Lucca, 1750. Orationum. Naples, 1756. Universae disciplinae. Naples, 1812. Epistolarum ad familiares. Naples, 1820. Epistolarum ad familiares. Naples, 1846. De officiis libri tres. Naples, 1836. Tusculanarum quaestionum. Vol. 1. Orazioni. Naples, 1769. Vols. 1 and 3. Operum pars sexta. Venice, 1731. De officis ad marcum filium. Vol. 3. L’epistole. Venice, 1773. Vol. 2. Storia della vita. Naples, 1762. Vol. 3. I tre libri dell’oratore. Venice, 1812. Vol. 2. Storia della vita. Naples, 1748. Vol. 1. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

108A* (THEOLOGY) A group of 33 volumes, mainly eighteenth-century vellum.

Expositio litteralis & moralis sancti evangelii Jesu Christi... By Natali Alexandro. Neapoli: Valeriana, 1743. Vol. 3. Expositio litteralis & moralis sancti evangelii Jesu Christi... By Natali Alexandro. Neapoli: Valeriana, 1741. Vol. 1. Theologia moralis universa. By Paulo Gabriele Antoine, S.J. Neapoli: Anonii Cervonii, 1772. Vols. 2 and 3 (2 copies). Il tempio di maria... By Pietro Ansalone. Napoli: Antonio Caruccio, 1832. Historia di tutte l’heresie... By Domenico Bernino. Venezia: Stamperia Baglioni, 1733. Vols. 3 and 4 only. Historia ecclesiastica variis colloquiis digesta... By Ignatio Hiacyntho. Venetiis: Joannem Baptistam Recurti, 1738. Vol. 2 only. Jo. Laurentii Berti... By F. Hieronymus Maria Buzius Augustinianus. Neapoli: Josephi de Dominicis, 1769. Vols 1 and 2. Rituale Romanum. By Pauli Quinti. Venetiis: Balleoniana, 1760. L’ecclesiastico provveduto. By Casimiro Di Firenze. Venezia: Stamperia Baglioni, 1764. Vol. 1. Additiones ad elementa theologiae practicae. Neapoli: Joseph Antonius Elia, 1787. Della carita cristiana. By Lodovico Antonio Muratori. Venezia: Batista Recurti, 1736. Dizionario apostolico. By Giacinto Di Montargon. Napoli: Gaetano Castellano, 1784. With 22 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $150-250 109* (THEOLOGY) BERTI, GIOVANNI LORENZO Opus de theologicis disciplinis nunc primum septem voluminibus comprehensum, & praeter uberrimum, generalemque rerum indicem ad calcem appositum. Integra adversariorum in auctorem opuscula, quae hactenus prodierunt, necnon apologeticas omnes ejusdem dissertationes complectens. Romae: Sumptibus Josephi Remondini Veneti, 1765.

7 vols. in 3. Folio, full vellum, red and black spine labels, spine stamped in gilt with titles in gilt. New edition. Title to vol. 1 in red and black with engraved frontispiece to vol. 1 consisting of a portrait of Berti, engraved title vignettes. Soiling to boards; minor wormholing to boards; renewed endpapers; boards on vol. 3 bowed. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

109A* (THEOLOGY) A group of 38 volumes.

Esercizj di pieta. By Gio. Croiset. Livorno: Giuseppe Bartolini, 1844. Vols. 4 and 9. Opuscoli canoni storici critici di Carlo Blasco... By Cardinal Giuseppe Spinelli. Napoli: Stamperia Abbaziana, 1758. Vol. 1. Prediche quaresimali del Padre Luigi Bourdalove. By Luigi Bourdalove. Venezia: Antonio Pezzana, 1782. Discorsi per l’esercizio della buona morte... Venezia: Modesto Fenzo, 1783. Vol. 3. Delle opere dell’eminentissimo Sig. Cardinale... Bologna: Instituto Delle Scienze, 1787. Vol. 3. Dell’imitazione di Cristo di Tomaso da Kempis... By Gersone. Napoli: Gennaro Migliaccio, 1770. Vol. 4. Theologia moralis... By Francisco Genetto. Venetiis, Paulum Balleonium, 1705. Vol. 3. Catechismo istorico... By Claudio Fleury. Napoli, 1799. Vol. 1. Philosophia juxta inconcussa, tutissimaque divi thomae dogmata... By P.F. Antonio Goudin. Coloniae: Felicis Mofca, 1724, Vol. 3. San Tommaso spiritual direttore ovvero... By Fra Serafino Brienza. Napoli: Giovanni Di Simone, 1752. Vol. 1. Rosarium sermonum... By Bernardino De Busto. Brixiae: Mariam Marchettum, 1588. Vol. 1. Quaresimale de P. Angelo Maria Da S. Filippo... By Abbate Casati. Milano: Francesco Vigone, 1704. Considerazioni e discorsi famigliari e morali. By Cesare Calino. Venizia: Battista Recurti, 1739. Vols. 1 (Venizia, 1744). Amor della chiesa cattolica... By Guido Calcagnini. Napoli: Vincenzo Orsini, 1774. Vols. 1 and 2. La storia della chiesa. By Selvaggio Canturani. Padva: Francesco Ricciardo, 1719. Vols. 2 and 3. Breviario istorico... Stamperia di Bassano, 1766. With 18 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

110* AQUINAS, THOMAS Summa theologica. Neapoli: Expenlis Gregorii, 1765.

31 vols. Small 8vo, full vellum, title stamped in gilt to pastedown spine labels. Three parts, supplement and index, comprising Pars prima, 4 vols., Secunda prima, 6 vols., Secunda secunda, 8 vols., Tertius, 6 vols., Supplementum, 5 vols., and Index. Minor soiling to boards; moderate foxing to some pages; otherwise fine. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

110A* (THEOLOGY) A group of 40 volumes pertaining to theology.

La filosofia morale... By Lodovico Antonio Muratori. Napoli: Giuseppe Guarracino, 1738 . La filosofia morale... By Lodovico Antonio Muratori. Napoli: Carlo Cirillo, 1754 (2 copies). Il simbolo apostolico... By Domenico Mayno. Napoli: Michele-Luigi Muzio, 1713. Vols. 1 and 2. Selva di materie predicabili ed istruttive... By Alfonso de’Liguori. Napoli: Michele Stasi, 1780. Vols. 1, 2 and 3 (in 2 vols.) Apparecchio al la morte... By Alfonso de Liguori. Napoli: Giuseppe Raimondi, 1760. La sacra bibbia. By Antonio Martini. Napoli:Gaetano Nobili Libraio-Tipografo, 1844. Apparatus ad positivam theologiam methodicus... By R.P. Petri. Balleoniana, Vol. 1 (Venetiis, 1725) and Vol. 1 (Venetiis, 1744). Quaresimale di pantaleone dolera... By Cardinal Francesco Pignatelli. Napoli: Novello de Bonis Stampatore, 1725 (2 copies). La religion vincitrice opera di Fr. Antonino Valsecchi. By Antonino Valsecchi. Padova: Tommaso Bettinelli, 1789. Vols. 1 and 2. Typographia palladis, 1353. Vol. 6. Lettere critiche. By Agostino Santi Pupieni. Napoli: Giuseppe de Bonis, n.d. Vol. 6. With 22 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400


111* (THEOLOGY) AUGUSTINE, SAINT BISHOP OF HIPPO Sancti aurelii Augustine Hipponensis episcopi operum . . . : post lovaniensium theologorum recensionem castigatus denuo ad manusciptos codices gallicanos, vaticanos, Anglicanos, Belgicos . . . Paris: Franciscus Muguet, (1688-1696).

Vols. 1-2, 3, 5, 6-7, 10 and Index only (of 11). Folio, full leather. Uncollated. Wear to boards; lacking endpapers. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $200-400

111A* (THEOLOGY) A group of 29 volumes of vitae and theological instruction.

Della vita, miracoli, e dell’istituto di S. Francesco Di Paola. n.l., 1678. Vol. 1. De vita Hieronymi. By Augustino Turtura. Mediolani, 1620. Vol. 4. La vita ed il regno di Vittorio Emanuele il di Savoia... By Giuseppe Massari. Milano: Fratelli Treves, 1878. Vol. 2. Volgarizzamento delle vite de santi padri di frate domenico gavalca... By Basilio Puoti. Napoli: Spese Dell’Editore, 1838. Vol. 1. Cornelio Nipote della vita... By Allessandro M. Bandiera Sanese De’Servi Di Maria. Napoli: Vincenzo Orsino, 1793. Cornelii Nepotis excellentium imperatorum vitae... Glasguae: Aedibus Academicis, 1749. Cornelii Nepotis excellenium Graeciae imperatorum vitae... Neapoli: Raphaelem Manzi, 1821. Vita di S. Francesco di Paola. By Giuseppe Maria Perrimezzi. Venezia: Pietro Nardini, 1818. Vols. 1 and 2. Instructions theologiques et morales sur l’oraison dominicale... By Monsieur Nicole. Paris: Andre Chevalier, 1716. Instructions theologiques et morales, sur le premier commandement du decalogue... By Monsieur Nicole. Luxembourg: Andre Chevalier, 1712. Vols. 1 and 2. Instruzione al popolo sopra... By D. Alfonso de’Liguori. Napoli: Michele Migliaccio, 1798. Instruzioni in forma di catechismo per la pratica della dottrina cristiana... By Pietro-Maria Ferreri. Venezia: Baglioni, 1759. Instruzioni parrocchiali per tutte le domeniche dell’anno... By Sig. Chevassu. Napoli: Raffaele Miranda, 1822. Vol. 1. Institutiones philosophicae quas alumnis fuis proponebat F. Thomas Aquinas a nativitate. By Carmelita Excalceatus Venetus. Venetiis: Simonem Occhi, 1762. Vol. 3. Lettere accademiche... By D. Giustiniana Pignatelli. Napoli: Giuseppe Maria Porcelli, 1840. 4th ed. Dizionario filosofico della religione... By Abate Nonnotte. Venezia: Pietro Zerlette, 1792. Vol. 3 and 4. With 10 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200 112* (THEOLOGY) BENEDICT XIV A group of eight volumes pertaining to Pope Benedict XIV.

Decisioni di casi di coscienza e di dottrina canonica. By Prospero Lambertini. Venezia: Francesco Pitteri: 1789. Vol. 11. Raccolta di Alcune . . . ora Benedetto XIV. By Prospero Lambertini. Napoli: Andrea Migliaccio, 1772. Vol. 2 Sanctissimi domini nostri Benedicti Papae XIV . . . Neapoli: Andrea Migliaccio, 1772. Vol. 2. Sanctissimi domini nostri Benedicti Pape XIV, constitutiones selectae. . . Venetis: Baptista Novelli, 1774. Vols. 1 and 2. Casus conscientiae de mandato. . . By Prosperi Lambertini. Neapoli: Andreae Migliaccio, 1772. Casus conscientiae de mandato. . . By Prosperi Lambertini. Neapoli: Josephum de Lieto, 1781. Vol. 1. Benedicti XIV: constitutiones selectae. Venetiis, 1748. Vol. 2. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

113* (THEOLOGY) CONCINA, DANIELE A group of 16 volumes pertaining to theology with six volumes by Daniele Concina.

Ad theologiam christianam dogmatico-moralem. . . By F. Daniele Concina. Neapoli: Joannis Francisci Paci, 1776. Vol. 1. Theologia christiana dogmatico-moralis. By F. Daniele Concina. Joannis Francisci Paci, Vol. 1 (Neapoli, 1773), Vol. 3, ed. 3 (Rome, 1758), Vol. 5, ed. 3 (Rome, 1758 ), Vol. 7 ed. 3 (Rome, 1758 ), and Vol. 7 (Neapoli, 1774). With 10 others. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200


114* (THEOLOGY) TOURNELY, HONORATUS [Praelectiones theologicae.] A group of six volumes, all 8vo, vellum.

Praelectiones theologicae de gratia Christi. Venetis: Josephum Orlandelli, 1790. Vol. 3, part. 1. Praelectiones theologicae de sacramento ordinis. Neapoli: Andreae Migliaccio, 1765. Vol. 11. Praelectiones theologicae de sacramentis in genere. Neapoli: Andreae Migliaccio, 1765. Vol. 7. Praelectiones theologicae de sacramentis poenitentiae, et extremae unctionis. Neapoli: Andreae Migliaccio, 1765. Vol. 10. Praelectiones theologicae de mysterio sanctissimae trinitatis. . . Neapoli: Andreae Migliaccio, 1765. Vol. 2. 2 copies. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $100-200

114A* (VELLUM) A group of 15 folio-sized vellum-bound books, mainly eighteenth-century. $100-200 114B* (VELLUM) A group of seven boxes of vellum-bound books, mainly eighteenth-century. $400-600

115* (ARCHITECTURE) A collection of architectural plates. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100

116* (ARCHITECTURE) A collection of architectural plates. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100

117* (ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS) A collection of illuminated antiphonal leaves. $50-100

118* (ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS) A collection of illuminated antiphonal leaves. $50-100

119* (MAPS, AFRICA) A collection of maps of Africa. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100

120* (MAPS, AMERICA) A collection of maps of the Americas. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100

121* (MAPS, ASIA) A collection of maps of Asia. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100 122* (MAPS, ASIA AND PACIFIC) A collection of maps of Asia and the Pacific. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100

123* (MAPS, EUROPE) A collection of maps of Europe. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100

124* (MAPS, GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND AND ITALY) A collection of maps of Great Britain, Ireland and Italy. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100 125* (MAPS, GREECE) A collection of maps of Greece. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100

126* (MAPS, ITALY) A collection of maps of Italy. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100

127* (MAPS, WORLD) A collection of maps of the World. Property from the Collection of John Sisto, Berwyn, Illinois $50-100

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