At full moon, the moon and sun are on a line, with Earth in between.
At full moon, the moon and sun are on a line, with Earth in between.
Sunflowers boast radial symmetry and an interesting type of numerical symmetry known as the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 24, 55, 89, 144, and so on (each number is determined by adding the two preceding numbers together).
Shells are mostly made of calcium carbonate CaCO3 with a little bit of protein mixed in as well.
Most animals have bilateral symmetry—which means that they can be split into two matching halves, if they are evenly divided down a center line.
The red color of the magnificent sunrises and sunsets is strongly related to light scattering passing through the atmosphere. During these periods of the day the sunlight travels a long way into the atmosphere and only the red, most penetrating rays can reach our eyes.