Hispanos Emprendedores Tennessee Second Edition

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Hispanics triumph at Google Five Lessons from Successful Hispanics

the torta Man of

Clarksville Ediciรณn 2 Abril - Junio

— EMPRESA Business License Information and Checklist — HISTORIAS DE ÉXITO

Hispanics triumph at Google — OPINIÓN

The Strength of a Family


Diego Gómez

A torta with flavor of success — REGIONALES The Clarksville Diversity Symposium & Cultural Luncheon




Five Lessons from Successful Hispanics

You must register your business with the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue To register go to:


Tennessee Department of Revenue Andrew Jackson State Office Building 500 Deaderick Street Nashville Tn, 37242

www.tn.gov/revenue or 6152530600 You are taxed on a percentage of your fiscal year gross receipts

-If you close your Business you should:

1. Submit a final return and payment of taxes to the Tennessee

Department of Revenue, within 15 days of the date of selling or closing of the business. If you simply do not renew your license, the business license will remain open and active, and you may be subject to taxes and late fees for years it was not officially closed. . Notify the Montgomery County Property Advisor at (931) -648-5709 to inform them that your business is closed. . Pay your city personal property at the City of Clarksville Finance and Revenue office at (931) -648-7435



-If there is a change of ownership

1. The current owner must submit a final return to the Tennessee Department of Revenue.

2. The new owner should apply for a license in their name. If the business is a partnership and you want to remove a partner`s name, that person must sign the final return. TCA 67-4-721, has obligations for the successor business owner in regard to liability for taxes, interest and penalties of the former owner. The new business owner should read TCA 67-4-721 in it entirety.

Using the checklist below, contact the following agencies to see if you are required to register with their office: - The Montgomery County Clerk Office to obtain a county Business License (931) 648-5711 - Montgomery County Assessor’s Office: (931) 6485709 - Building & Codes Department: City Building & Codes 931 645 7425 County Building & Codes (if business is outside the city limits) 931-648-5718 - Sales Tax Number: 800-342-1003 or visit www.state.tn.us/revenue - Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN): 800-829-1040 or www.irs.gov - Montgomery County Health Department: 931-6485747 or www.montgomerycountytn.org/county/ health - State of TN Regulatory Board (to obtain state contractor`s license) 615-741-3439

Hispanics prove to this Internet industry giant that they have the potential to contribute to the development of technologies.

Being a Google employee is the fantasy of internet lovers. And why not? It is one of the most recognized companies in the world, to the point of having its own verb in the Oxford Dictionary (To google). Not to mention its extravagant offices, worthy of a fictional movie set. Pool tables, golf areas, water slides; it’s the perfect blend of responsibility and entertainment.

It seems impossible to achieve, but the dream becomes reality for those who decide to try. When the Spaniard Leandro Graciá Gil sent his resume to Google, he had decided to just try, without imagining the course his life would take. Much to his surprise he was called to join the organization and three years later became the leader of Google Cardboard. In two intense months this engineer created a fully

functional virtual reality platform from a folding carton and a smartphone. “Although I personally doubted, I never told the rest of the engineers, I always tried to send a positive message and make everyone think that yes, we can do it if we strive for it,” he said in an interview with Cnet.com. It was because of the success of the project that Graciá Gil is listed among “The 20 Most Influential Latinos in the Tech Industry of 2015”, according

to the portal. Among those listed is the Spaniard Rafael Camargo, leader of Google ATAP/Project Ara. Camargo stood out for developing a technology that allows users to assemble cell phones by modules, according to their needs. This is how the world found out about “modular smartphones”. Yes you can! Little by little, Hispanics are climbing the corporate ladder at Google. The number one Internet search engine began to include Latinos in their payroll some years ago. In 2015, at least 5% of new jobs were granted to Spanish-speaking applicants at Google offices in the United States. By 2016, the number of worldwide Google employees reached 72,053. Its workforce is made up of mostly men and just under 3% of the staff is represented by Hispanics. These numbers make Google’s latest ad much more inspiring, as Venezuelan Maria Teresa Arnal is the new Google CEO in Mexico.

The strength of a family is dependent on how each member of the family interacts with each other. Families that encourage, support, and love each other have a greater chance of having a strong bond, versus those families that fight, discourage, and hate each other. What a family does together as a group and what each individual does on their own greatly impacts the success of a strong family bond. For example, if each family member is committed to the family, the family as a whole will be committed. If each member of the family happily gives up some time to be with the whole family, it will definitely show when they are together. What makes a family strong is commitment, time together, communication, and the security that is felt amongst the group. Each one of us should hope and strive to have this type of family. Unfortunately, on this earth many of us don’t have this kind of family. But, have you ever considered being part of God’s family? The same ideas and benefits above apply here too. God wants to be your father, He will be committed to you, He will spend time with you, He will communicate with you, and He will give you the security that only a heavenly father can provide. Remember

Billy Soto what I opened up with? The strength of a family is dependent on how each member of the family interacts with other. If you call God your father, but you relationship with Him is struggling, then maybe you might want to ask yourself these questions: am I fully committed to God? Am I spending time with God? Am I communicating with God correctly? Do I fully trust in

the security that He provides? If you answered NO to any of these questions, maybe it is time to make a change. We are all created by God to be family. Being a part of God’s family can help strengthen the family you have here on earth. I encourage you to continue to love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as well.

The Clarksville Diversity Symposium & Cultural Luncheon “ A Seat at the Table � was hosted by the Clarksville Human Relations Commission (HRC), a City of Clarksville organization established by ordinance in 2012. As a part of the City of Clarksville's cultural awareness and outreach efforts, the HRC invited a diverse group of leaders and community members for positive and meaningful dialogue on the current challenges, and opportunities of Clarksvillians from diverse backgrounds. We had visiting diversity leaders from the Nashville and Chattanooga area, along with local panelists, guest speakers and special presentations made to culminate the next steps towards building a stronger coalition of citizens for the continued prosperity of Clarksville.

Foto: The Rouge Caravane Photography

Human Relations Commission Members Candy Johnson (Chairman) Joann Latz (Vice-Chairman) Maria Jimenez (Treasurer) Alexandra Willis (Secretary) Michael Dale Mohsun Uddin Ghias Mark Kelly Feleesha Johnson Jeff Burkhart Clarksville City Council Representative Will Wyatt, Ex-Officio Mayor Kim McMillan, Ex-Officio

“Life is better with a torta”, a bold slogan for many, but those who visit Torta Man can confirm this. They all seek to try the different ways this delicious Mexican food is prepared, which was internationalized by that famous character of the 70’s, El Chavo del Ocho. At 23 years old Diego Gómez, is a young, tenacious entrepreneur with big dreams; a mix that generates success in most cases. Based in Clarksville since 2012, Diego acknowledges that he has gradually developed his idea, with the help of God and his parents, and has

given a taste of home to those delicious tortas he prepares.

The idea

“The idea of Torta Man came about one day when we decided to make some (tortas) to pass the time and eat something between so much work; and they came out good, really good. So now that we have a bigger space, we decided to promote this idea” says Gómez, who also works at Bethlehem Mexican Bakery. The name for this idea is so catchy and easy to remember, to the extent that any child can identify it. “The name came about because one day we gave a friend and his young son a torta to try, and the boy was in love; so much that when they would

ask him where he wanted to eat, he would say Torta Man and the parents did not understand. One day he saw me, and exclaimed to his dad, ‘Torta Man, Torta Man’, so I considered that name very seriously”.

New Times

Gómez, like every young person, knows the global influence of social networks and the internet, personally and in business. That is why he has decided to make social networking a priority in his business. These are always up to date with what is happening at Torta Man. “We have already left behind conventional means; nowadays we look for a lot of information on social networks, and friends and people look up information and ask questions this way. People already ask for recommendations and ask their friends how they liked it, and if they are not on the internet they do not go; I know because that’s how many of my friends look for a place to eat.”

life, always seeking to improve, “The greatest advice is to ask God for progress and change the world, that wisdom and strength, to be able to is why Diego belongs to Hispanic endure and have the perseverance Entrepreneurs. to not give up” is what Diego believes is paramount for any entrepreneur when deciding to carry out his project. In addition to this, according to Torta Man, an entrepreneur must “overcome fear: they say that disease does not kill, what does kill is the fear of that disease. You have to remove the fear of beginning, I know it is not easy, but that is the beauty of all this; to be able to grow in experience and to see how your idea grows is without a doubt something very beautiful”, he said. With a promise from God, Diego and his family arrived in Clarksville, and today his family and he have prospered in business and in his personal

Wisdom and strength

Fight ESOPHAGEAL CANCER Se ha probado que esta deliciosa fruta contribuye a retardar el avance del cáncer de esófago, además de proporcionar muchos otros beneficios al organismo. It has been proven that this delicious fruit contributes in slowing the progression of esophageal cancer, besides providing many other health benefits. Daily consumption of at least 60 grams (about 2 oz.) of lyophilized strawberries for six months can help prevent esophageal cancer. That was the conclusion reached by a group of researchers at the University of Ohio. Scientists analyzed the changes in biopsies of 36 patients before and after consuming the fruit, finding that 29 of the patients had a decrease in cancerous lesions during the study.

Lyophilization is the process of dehydration by freezing that removes water from fruits, retaining all their nutrients, aroma and flavor. Experts consider that intake of strawberries under these conditions may be an alternative natural treatment for patients with this pathology. We should remember that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) esophageal cancer is the fifth most common type of cancer in men. The esophagus plays a very important role in the body’s digestive system. It is a muscular tube, approximately 25 centimeters (9 inches) in length and 3 (1 inch) in width, that connects the throat with the stomach, serving as a transport channel for the foods and liquids that we consume. Chemicals contained in certain products can alter the proper functioning of the esophagus, which is why a balanced diet is recommended. The WHO continues to inculcate a healthy diet to reduce disease, as it ensures that “every year up to 1.7 million lives could

be saved if there were sufficient worldwide consumption of fruits and vegetables. Other advantages of strawberries Little has been said in the media about the use of lyophilized strawberries for the treatment of esophageal cancer since the report was presented to the American Cancer Research Association in Orlando in 2011. However, there are many other health benefits to eating strawberries. They have antioxidant properties, which slow down aging. Strawberries are also antiinflammatory and, per a research by the Salk Institute of Biology, contain fisetin which helps with memory. Furthermore, consuming strawberries prevents the onset of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They are good for the skin as they provide shine and moisturization. They are a good source of manganese and potassium and are excellent for strengthening bones. As if that were not enough, they have extraordinary flavor and you can eat them in a variety of dishes and preparations.


1/4 Bakery

Learn from the great entrepreneurs and overcome the obstacles that prevent you from undertaking a new project. Good advice is always welcomed when it comes to business; especially when it comes from successful people that have already endured many successes and failures before ultimately reaching their goals. In this issue, we review some cases of Hispanic entrepreneurs and introduce some of their greatest lessons that may serve to motivate you if you have been thinking about starting your own business.

#1 Take risks Marcos Galperin, the Argentinian founder of Mercadolibre.com, has made it clear in several interviews that risks are part of the process on the road to success. During his trajectory as a businessman he has had to overcome his own fears and embrace the adventure of uncertainty, only trusting in the potential of his business. Galperin told Bilinkis.com that he made the riskiest decision of his life

in 2002 when he rejected a purchase offer worth hundreds of millions of dollars, during a time when Mercadolibre was still in its infancy, was not a profitable business, and while being challenged to overcome overwhelming competition. Today it is the most important e-commerce platform in Latin America with over 769 million dollars in net sales.

organization. “This is my father’s phrase, which has endured and has been a part of our philosophy (...) My father used to say: It could be that there is nothing to eat at your table, but that cannot happen at your employees table, before anything else salaries must be paid.”

#3 Persevere and #2 Take advantage of be determined the crisis Have you ever used a Totto briefcase? Behind the success of this brand is Yonatan Bursztyn, a Colombian who in the 1980s had the vision of creating a briefcase franchise after having purchased a bankrupt leather manufacturing company. The Bogota-born man has said, “We have always taken advantage of the crisis. Totto grew the most when the country was in crisis”, whom also has left the imprint of the learnings and lessons of his family on his

Beto Perez is the Colombian that revolutionized the world with the Zumba Fitness phenomena, a mix between aerobic movements, dance and Latin music, that has made people lose weight and brightened the days of millions of people all over the world. How did he achieve this? With determination. When Perez discovered his passion at the age of 15, he decided to do this for the rest of his life. Later, together with his associate, he turned his

hobby into a profitable business and has been able to spread this activity to more than 15 million people in more than 180 countries. Perez entered the United States market without speaking English, without financial resources and without any business experience. This is proof that to start, we must begin with having the desire.

#4 Have conviction Andres Moreno was convinced that his model for teaching English via the internet would be groundbreaking. After seven months of hard work he created Open English, but the Venezuelan had exhausted all his resources and it was time to go out and look for investors to finance his idea. He moved from Venezuela to San Francisco, California, and slept on his friends’ sofa for a year so that he would be able to dress in a suit and tie and find entrepreneurs for his project. With perseverance, and thanks to the security he felt, little by little he was able to raise 2 million dollars to create a prototype of the business. Between 2012 and 2013 the company was able to raise more than 125 million dollars. Currently Open English has a presence throughout Latin America, Turkey, Russia and will continue to expand.

#5 Be humble One quality that every entrepreneur must have is humility. This is the lesson we can learn from the Argentine Andy Freire, co-founder of Officenet. “When you think you know it all, you go blind. That’s why it’s good to have conviction, realizing that one can be wrong, “ were the words of Freire in an article published in the website Negocios y Emprendimiento (Business and Entrepreneurship). Officenet, now owned by the American company Staples, is a prestigious office supply distribution company in Latin America that innovated a new methodology that made it easier for customers and suppliers to place orders over the telephone and pay at the end of the month. The company was a great success and made millions of dollars in profits.

At Hispanos Emprendedores we are surprised and happy with how well received our first issue was within the Hispanic market in Clarksville. It went even further and other cities are already interested in bringing this project to their communities. For now, we just must keep working so that each issue is better, and you can have in your hands, a quality product, highlighting the value of Hispanics in this country and in the world. Our digital spaces continue to grow every day and soon we hope to have the best Spanish platform in the city and the state of Tennessee.

Thank you for supporting Hispanos Emprendedores

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