Hispanos Emprendedores Fourteenth Edition

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l Nashville Food Truck


Profitable businesses to start during the quarantine l

Hispanos Emprendedores wants to remind all our readers that we are still here with you, and that we are proud to see that beyond this pandemic, our community remains firm and fighting as always. So, we tell you that we are going to continue taking the stories of our entrepreneurs to every place we can. Now our website is receiving more than 4,000 visits per month, from all over the United States and South America. The digital work that we have been doing leads us to think of new and better strategies to communicate and continue bringing important information to entrepreneurs. Now we have new plans and we already envision a world without a pandemic, where we will see each other again and work together. Soon we will have more news, more information and more digital resources to keep informing our community.

Hispanos Emprendedores



Profitable businesses to start during the quarantine


Nashville Food Truck Permits

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The MartĂ­nezes: Entrepreneurship with intelligence and faith Guide to Becoming a Licensed Barber in Tennessee

All these people need someone to help them with their purchases, especially food and medicine.

You can offer virtual consultations to help them with their finances during and after the crisis.

It offers friendly, personalized service

5. Products and services for pets

If your customers are satisfied, not only will it be one of the successful businesses during COVID-19, but it will likely that it will become a long-term relationship.

Since the coronavirus crisis began, American consumers have adopted large numbers of pets. This has generated a new interest in products and services for animals.

3. Advice to small and medium-sized companies Businesses that remain active and those that are emerging need guidance to prosper and face the crisis. Many people at home are considering the idea of entrepreneurship. Either because they have lost their job or want to generate extra income, they study what opportunities the market offers them. Thinking about this, in Hispanos Emprendedores we bring you a list of profitable businesses to undertake during the quarantine. Plan your business

alternatives that we present do not require physical presence and all Those who can read the market and of them can be started from your respond to the needs of consumers home. will have the opportunity to create a successful business. 8 PROFITABLE BUSINESSES TO START DURING THE The coronavirus crisis has made QUARANTINE us face problems such as high unemployment rates, budget cuts, 1. Online entertainment among others. But as has happened platforms in previous crises, it also presents the opportunity to reinvent itself Covid-19 prevention measures and adjust to the changes that are include social distancing and avoiding crowds. Because of this, taking place in the world. public events, such as conferences, Many successful companies have conventions, concerts, etc., were all been born during difficult times. suspended. And these business ideas during COVID-19 have the potential You can develop a platform to you are looking for. Most of the continue offering these types of 3

events online. This offers several advantages to people such as witnessing it from the front row and the comfort of their home, through any electronic device. You can also look beyond public events and organize virtual birthday parties, for example. The celebrations have been affected and people are looking for alternatives to share and surprise their loved ones.

If you have the necessary knowledge you can offer virtual advice and help them progress. For example, businesses are in the process of digitizing, but not everyone knows how to do it. If you know technology, you can help them in the automation processes, configure e-commerce, optimization, etc. If you are certified as an accountant or in finance, you can also offer advice on these topics.

2. Personal shopper

4. Financial advice for individuals

Consider that there are high-risk people who should stay home for prevention. And there is also a segment that prefers to stay away from public places even when they have already opened their doors.

Not only do companies need advice, but people also want to learn how to organize their finances during these difficult times.

There is greater demand for toys, food, entertainment services, dog walkers, hairdressers, etc. For example, selling homemade pet food can be a profitable business to go into during quarantine. 6. Training via Videoconference Spending more time at home and staying healthy is challenging. That is why some are willing to pay for personalized online training. Many consumers are looking to lose weight or gain a little weight, even keep the job they were doing before the coronavirus. And although there are free applications for exercise routines, they are also interested in personalized attention. There are also parents looking for these kinds of workouts to keep their kids busy. Although gyms open, as we mentioned before, there are some people who are at high risk or still prefer to keep their distance, regardless.

7. Healthy food production In this same sense, some people show great interest in healthy meals to avoid gaining weight or to combat the effects of quarantine. Several alternatives are also presented here. If you are a nutritionist, you can offer advice; you can also prepare healthy or fit conscious food or give online classes for people to learn how to prepare them. These are all good alternatives for new businesses during the quarantine. 8. Sell home improvement products According to a study by Taboola, there has been a growing interest in home improvements in recent months. Internet searches related to this topic have seen a considerable increase, especially in gardening and plumbing. Take advantage of this trend to sell products of this type and offer related services. This is a list of some of the profitable businesses to start in quarantine. There are many more, but you must keep an eye on the market to identify the best opportunities.


Nashville among the best cities to have a food truck The food truck business has become very popular in America. If you are a chef looking to start your own business, this is a profitable alternative, especially in cities like Nashville. According to the Food Truck Index, Nashville is among the top ten cities in the country for a food truck. To calculate this index, three criteria were considered:

Find out what are the food truck permits needed in Nashville with Hispanos Emprendedores. This is a great business opportunity because there will always be customers willing to try your products. Also, you have the option to move from one place to another in search of better sales so long as you have the authorization to do so.



Obtaining permits.




Compliance with restrictions.


Operate a food truck.

In terms of obtaining permits and licenses, it ranked 12th. Food truck owners in Nashville must complete 25 procedures, which they can complete in 15 trips to the office. Also, they pay an average of $1,343 to start the business.

In regard to complying with restrictions, such as proximity rules, it was also ranked 12th. While they invest an average of $29,579 in operations and make about 22 visits to the offices to comply with 10 procedures; this puts them in the 11th place on this criterion. In recent years, the food truck business has grown significantly in the United States. By 2017 they made $ 2.7 billion in profits. Also, your truck can specialize in any type of food. Another advantage is that you can take care of the business yourself. An important point especially when you are starting out since you will not have to hire employees. However, there are a series of requirements and permits that you must meet to have your food sale. Nashville Food Truck Permits A food truck is a business like any other, so you should check what you need to have a food truck. This includes obtaining

an Employer Number (EIN), business license, mobile food preparation license, being prepared for Health Department inspections, the Fire Department certificate, among others. This means that starting your business goes beyond buying the truck or trailer and starting to prepare food. You must be ready to meet all federal, state, and local requirements. The food truck is a motorized vehicle in which food and beverages are prepared or served. It can also be a trailer hitched to a licensed vehicle. To be approved by Davidson County and the Nashville government, they must have power, refrigeration, food preparation facilities, and space for at least two employees. In addition, to start operating they must meet specific requirements for a food service business; as well as those pertaining to the location of the truck and the hours in which sales are allowed. In this regard, only 6

designated areas for mobile food vending units should be used. None of these should operate during the hours between 3:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Documents required for the mobile food vendor permit To obtain a permit you must complete the application and submit it along with the following documents: •

Vehicle registration number, description, and photographs

Valid operator’s driver’s license issued by the state

Copy of the owner’s business license and tax identification

Description of food and menu

Working hours

Description and drawings of the unit

List of equipment that will be used to prepare food

Copy of the health permit

Solid waste recycling plan

Letter of permission and address from the commissioner

Equipment list of wastewater agreement

and test discharge

Liability insurance in which Metro Parks & Recreation is named as an additional insured

Certificate from the Fire Department for the vehicle

Certificate from Department of Health


Fire Department permit and equipment list.

Written authorization from the owners and a copy of the lease of the location.

Business license from the State of Tennessee


Photograph of the food truck

Units remaining on private property must have an application number for the Code Department building and a copy of the tracking form, in addition to the plan and photos of each site.

If you want to sell in a park, you must complete the procedure with the Parks and Recreation Department. For this, in addition to the application form, you will need:

To obtain the permit, the vehicle must meet the food truck requirements. In addition to these Nashville food truck permits, you may need to go through other processes and obtain certificates. But this is the basics to be able to operate. TN SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER

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month not have a job. In this, my wife helped me a lot to trust God. When I felt sad for lack of work, she reminded me that God is the one who provides”.

Saúl Martínez Saul has always had a vision beyond what he has, in addition to the faith and conviction that God will bless him, this motivates him to do the work he has to do, every day. David Bracamonte dbracamonte@hispanosemprendedores.com

This entrepreneurial couple have many stories to tell, beyond the fact that their work and path are united by marriage, they have two different points of view about the roles each one of them has in the entrepreneurship and businesses that they develop in Tennessee. That is why we spoke with them, and each one told us a little about their stories and their roles within each of their businesses, but the one place they do agree on is in their faith in God. 9

From a young age when he came to the United States, his vision was to improve himself more and more. He stated, “I started in the tobacco fields of Adams, Tennessee, but I did not feel very comfortable with that job and after leaving there I started working in a company where they made houses, from there I learned a lot about painting and drywall. Time passed and after getting married and going through some other jobs and making various contacts, I told my brother-in-law to join us, and form a partnership to work on the home painting”.

Saul’s Hispanic blood comes from Hidalgo, Mexico, and he knows what Hispanics are willing to do when they arrive in this country, “we are hardworking people, most of us come with the notion of working. Perhaps the minority comes to depend on the government, but it is very small compared to those that come to be productive. Hispanics have the strength to work, whatever it is, our mission is to get ahead no matter what we do”.

Nowadays there are many experiences in entrepreneurship and part of the advice that Saul gives is “informing yourself is very important, knowing if the business you are going to start has a market where you are. But my main advice is that you put your faith in God, a business will always have profit or loss but with God, it will always be profit. Always strive! An entrepreneur must have their sight on where they are going to go. When you have a goal, you will know where you are going to go After spending time with that and what you are walking for today”. company, it was time to start on his own and decided to open his own Information is scarce, many of us company, I Paint Your Casa, “the come from small towns and have biggest fear of opening a business never had a business. It is through is not having enough to sustain it, experiences that we learn, but many that it will not progress, or that it people are willing to help”. would be on track and the following

Isabel Martínez Isabel has been working since she was 15 years old. She has gone from babysitting to working at Walmart, and after years of work experiences, and studies, she now manages the event room at Bell Chappel and Martinez Properties. These two businesses have taught her several important things in the world of entrepreneurship. “The most difficult thing is to take on the responsibilities of running a business and make the best decisions because you always want to do the job well. In addition to facing up to the consequences, it is very noticeable that women are not acknowledged in the construction business and other industries. That has been difficult, but my husband always supports me while facing those situations. Since she arrived from Jalisco, Mexico she has not stopped working. “I’ve studied and worked since high school. I started at 15 years of age, and worked as a babysitter, in restaurants, and a factory. Another job I had was at Walmart. After some time at home,


I began to study education in part to have a schedule like that of my children; and I also worked for 6 years as a Spanish teacher”. She dedicated herself to the housework, and after some time she returned to her studies, “after a while I started studying again, but this time it was real estate, where I was able to obtain my license. That was in part to be able to manage another business that we have of houses and properties in addition to the event center”.

In addition to highlighting that the focus can be key, “the growth of entrepreneurship and Hispanic entrepreneurs is noticeable. This country allows people who want to progress to achieve those goals if they work and focus. That is why they must inform themselves well, seek as much information as possible about what they want to do before doing it”.

Isabel comments on the points where entrepreneurs should be on alert, “educating yourself will always be an important tool. But first put God as number one in your life, that is what will help you both in business and life”.


You must be 17 years old and must have completed a 1,500-hour training course, in a registered barber school before applying for a barber’s license in Tennessee. Training

Learn what the requirements are, what kind of training you need, and what kind of jobs you can do. The guide included in Hispanos Emprendedores offers information for you to become a licensed barber in Tennessee. Once you have the approval of the Board of Cosmetology and Barbers you can start your own business in this area. Job expectations as a barber Barbershops are a popular business and in recent years the demand for their services has increased. This is because the number of men who care about their appearance and prefer to be in the care of expert hands has increased. Additionally, population growth also means more clients to serve. Tennessee has some of the most traditional barbershops in the country. In terms of income, the median salary for barbers in the state was $27,870 in 2013, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, not including tips that can add up to about 15% more.


As a licensed barber in Tennessee, you must know how to work with any type of hair. However, it is associated with care for men. Those who work in this profession must be trained to cut and comb hair, shave, or trim beards, apply hair and cosmetic treatments, and give facial and scalp massages, among others.

example- wants to hire a barber, the business must have a license to offer this type of service.

Once licensed, you can work in a barbershop, usually on commission. After gaining experience, you can switch to a barber chair rental system. Some hotels and spas hire barbers. There is also the option of opening your own business, with your own style to differentiate yourself from the rest. On the other hand, if a makeup studio -for

How to become a licensed barber in Tennessee

Keep in mind that the board offers two types of licenses: that of master barber, which can perform all the functions described, and technician, which limits the functions that can be performed.

To work as a barber, you must fulfill three steps: • Comply with the training hours in an apprenticeship program. • Pass the theoretical and practical tests. • Apply for the license.

The first step to licensure is graduating from a barber training program in Tennessee. As we mentioned, you must complete 1500 hours of training. The study plan includes, but is not limited to, learning to cut hair, manipulate razors and scissors, care for facial hair. It should also include massage, and the structure of the head, face, and neck, scientific foundations of hairdressing, hygiene, manipulation bacteriology, legislation, and regulations, among others. Exams In the state, taking the exams requires graduating from the training program. The school will determine the candidate’s eligibility to take the exam. The evaluation consists of two tests: a theoretical and a practical, and both must be passed with a minimum score of 70%. The theoretical test is divided into two parts. In the first section, the candidate must demonstrate their specific knowledge of the barbershop service. Topics evaluated included coloring, chemical mixing, skin and nail care, haircutting, styling, sterilization, and safety. During the second section, they evaluate

their knowledge about the laws and regulations that govern the profession. As for the practical test, safety, haircut, shampooing, shaving, facial care, coloring, sterilization, and other topics, will be evaluated. To take this test, the applicant must bring along a model, as well as a mannequin head.

TO RENEW THE LICENSE, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO GO THROUGH A CONTINUOUS TRAINING PROCESS. HOWEVER, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE BARBER KEEP UP TO DATE TO OFFER A BETTER SERVICE. License application After having passed the evaluations, the next step is to apply for the barber license. This process can be done online. The initial fee is $60.

Follow these steps and become a licensed barber in Tennessee. If you need any advice to set up your business, contact us.

The license is for bi-annual renewal and the renewal fee is also $60. The form to obtain the renewal must be sent before the expiration of the current one, otherwise, an additional late fee will be charged. Once you obtain the license you can work as a barber. If you want an independent business, make sure you offer excellent service to begin creating a faithful client base.




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