Hispanos Emprendedores 15th Edition

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2020 are alive new

is gone, what a year‌ But as always we here, Hispanos Emprendedores is more than ever and in 2021 we will have a digital tool for our Hispanic community.

To all those interested in promoting and publicizing their businesses, we present www. negocioshispanosemprendedores.com a platform to find all types of Hispanic businesses and more. We offer you an easy-to-use platform where you can promote your business or service, we will do all the digital marketing necessary to be first in online searches. We target all audiences in the United States and more, since Hispanos Emprendedores is positioned on the first page of google with words such as Hispanic businesses, Hispanic entrepreneurs and Hispanic foods, now that same work is being applied to this new website from which your You can join for only $ 10 per month + tax.


License to sell food in Tennessee and how to obtain one


10 Business ideas to start in Tennessee


Mother and Son Help Fulfill the Dream of Many Hispanics in the United States


Hispanic Food and Food Trends of 2021

Find out how to obtain a license to sell food in Tennessee if you plan to open a restaurant. To operate a food business, the health department must verify that the establishment complies with health regulations. In Hispanos Emprendedores we will tell you what you need to know to get this permit. Familiarize yourself with the the requirements are to open a procedures to open a food restaurant. Fulfill the step by step requirements set by authorities, business know the rules of food handling Having a restaurant is an excellent and the conditions needed for business opportunity and Tennessee a place to function as a food offers ideal conditions to invest in establishment. this sector. However, the process can take time, and if you are not Permits needed to sell food that aware of everything you need you must be processed include: may fail on the first try. • Commercial license To reduce the risk in your business • Building permit you must be clear about what • License to sell food 3

• License to sell alcohol • Certificate of Occupancy Failure to comply with any of these requirements will harm your business. That is why it is important to find out about each one and seek advice before opening your restaurant. This time we will refer to the food service license. This permit must be requested from the county health department. An inspector

from this office will visit the site to determine if it meets the conditions to operate as a restaurant. The Tennessee government has a set of rules and regulations that all food establishments must follow. These standards set the guidelines for food handling, handling, and responsibilities of personnel, equipment, utensils, the structure of the premises, waste disposal, etc. Inspections will be carried out at least twice a year. Sometimes they will be done more frequently if the health department deems it necessary. Who needs a food license? The Tennessee Division of Environmental Health specifies that a food establishment is one where food is prepared and served to the public. It includes permanent, temporary, seasonal, or itinerant establishments, places, or locations. These locations will therefore need a food safety permit. In the case of raw food stores and convenience stores, these are regulated by the Department of Agriculture.

HOW TO GET LICENSED TO SELL FOOD IN TENNESSEE All food establishments must obtain a license before beginning to operate as such. The procedure to obtain permission to sell food at a location is done before the health

department. The interested party must fill out an application and make the corresponding payment. Once you have submitted the application, an inspector will go to the premises to check out the conditions. If everything is in order and it meets all the regulations, permission is granted to the restaurant. The license must be renewed every year. You must also keep in mind that if irregularities are found during any inspection, the permit may be suspended. A suspension can occur at any time if, during an inspection, the health department finds a violation of the rules. There are two types of suspensions: Class 1 suspensions provide the 4

opportunity to request a hearing before the effective date of the suspension. Class 2 classes allow a hearing after the suspension has taken effect. In any case, if the violation is corrected, the health department can end the sanction. The permit can also be revoked if there is a serious violation of the rules. However, the interested party can apply to obtain a new permit and demonstrate that he has corrected the violations. The health department will be attentive at all times to complaints and reports from the public. When these exist, an investigation will be carried out on the premises.


Construction and operation plan

Later on, during the inspection, they will be very that the construction or remodeling was done according to the project. And, if a change was made, that it did not affect the safety of the food. Therefore, it would not be an obstacle to obtain the license.

Restaurant facilities must meet minimum construction requirements. This means that before starting the construction or remodeling of a food establishment, a plan must be presented, which will be subject For more information on how to approval. to get a license to sell food in The construction and operation Tennessee, you can consult the plan must specify the plans, design Tennessee Department of Health of the premises, equipment, website: www.tn.gov. Do you facilities, work areas, among other have a restaurant and want to details. The health commissioner share the story of your venture will review the project to make with us? Contact us. sure it complies with the rules and regulations. If so, it is approved and work can proceed on site.

In Hispanos Emprendedores we identified ten business ideas to start in Tennessee that is going to interest you. If you are thinking of becoming the owner of your own company, be sure to review this list.

Doing business in Tennessee is an excellent alternative if you are determined to start a business. It is one of the states with the highest business activity in the country. Every city has organizations willing to offer advice and financing for small entrepreneurs, in addition to the fairly reasonable cost of living and the advantage of having one of the lowest tax burdens. These are some of the reasons to invest in Tennessee, but you’ll find many more if you keep digging. Not only is it a small businessfriendly state, but there are also opportunities in different industries. The base of the economy in the state is the automotive industry, along with health services, for which new companies related to these sectors would have a good

boost. Tourism, entertainment, work behind them; as well as the and new technologies also offer support of organizations that opportunities for investors. offer advice, connections with other entrepreneurs, financing Resource availability for programs; among other resources. entrepreneurs As an entrepreneur, you must study the current needs to find the Several cities in Tennessee, like ideal business in which you want Clarksville and Nashville, have to invest. One must also recognize been recognized among the best that opportunities arise from crises for doing business in the United and if your idea is to have your own States. business, this may be the time to try. These are cities where population growth in recent years has been 10 BUSINESS IDEAS TO START significant. And in which, in IN TENNESSEE addition to this, the necessary resources have been identified to The small and medium-sized start a business and take it beyond entrepreneur has Tennessee’s strong the initial stage. and reliable economy working in his favor when starting his business. The businesses that succeed in But first, one must decide on what the United States carry constant to invest in the US, especially what 6

opportunities are offered in this the crisis. And in the restaurant’s case, this means that customers can order southern state. their favorite food and enjoy it at home. 1. Restaurants and food services Having a restaurant is a great business idea. With cities like Memphis, Nashville, and Chattanooga, where tourism is one of the main activities, a restaurant would benefit from the constant influx of visitors. Locals also like to enjoy a good meal outside the home.

2. Restaurant providers Becoming a restaurant supplier is also a business opportunity. And you have a wide range of products to offer, including the equipment for them to operate, prepared foods or ingredients for the menu. One of the advantages is that you can operate from home or have your own office, depending on the resources and your preference. Pick an area that you know well. For example, if your specialty is in bakery and pastry making, you can offer ready-made products to restaurants and other businesses in the area.

4. Cleaning Services

Take advantage of the boost given by tourist activity and offer accommodation to visitors in a Bed and Breakfast. If you have enough space in your house you can adapt it and start your business right there.

The demand for these services has tripled in 2020 due to Covid-19, making it one of the business ideas to consider starting in Tennessee.

To start a successful restaurant, many factors must be taken into consideration. For example, the type of food that will be sold, the location, and the permits that are needed. The initial investment is important, you must save for the formalities, the equipment, and the location. Other food services such as food trucks and catering also offer good opportunities. 3. Bed and Breakfast A couple of things to consider at this moment is to include pickup and delivery services. The changes in habits that the pandemic has generated force businesses to reevaluate so that they can overcome


You can also invest in another property to offer greater comfort to travelers. As in the previous cases, you have to review what the law requirements are. You may have to reconfigure some areas of the house, purchase kitchen equipment, adapt the rooms, and buy mattresses, pillows, towels, etc. Likewise, you must ensure that you comply with all the different cleaning and disinfection requirements. Check the protocols established for this type of business.

There are very busy people who need help in their home, or office. You can offer services to clean homes, facilities, or offices. The investment that you will have to make in this case is less than in the previous ones. You can also specialize in other areas of this same sector, such as laundry or carpet cleaning.

that would be useful in your venture. of people who could enter at the Get their attention by promoting same time. So it is easier and faster yourself on the Internet. to buy from home. 7. Car wash service

10. Repair services

In a state where the automotive industry is so important, services related to this area are also necessary. The car wash is one of them, although to start it will require investing in equipment.

5. Barbershop LBarbershops and beauty salons are necessary for any city. It is a type of business that will always be in demand. To open yours up you will need knowledge in this area or hire people with the experience that is required. You will have to invest in equipment and find a well-located store to attract more customers. 6. Thrift shops Buying second-hand items and reselling them can earn a good income. It is another business that you can operate from home or a separate location. Some people who like to renovate their homes from time to time or who are in the process of moving and have valuable objects

The last of the business opportunities in Tennessee that we will mention has to do with repairs, especially in the area of technology and computers. You must keep yourself up to date to offer these services. The demand is high and includes companies and If you have the resources to start, individuals. consider it among your business ideas STARTING A BUSINESS IN TIMES to start in Tennessee. OF CRISIS 8. Travel services Above we mentioned that Once again return to tourism as a moments of crisis open the doors business opportunity. In this case, to new opportunities, and it’s your if you like to organize trips and you opportunity to experience them. are good at planning itineraries, you Analyze the market and its needs, as can offer tourist services in the state. well as the forms of financing and Gather a work team that knows the economic aid that are being offered. city you are settling on and take Businesses can overcome the visitors to important places. pandemic if their owners act intelligently, for example identifying 9. Online stores new forms of income and saving on costs. If you own a gym and your IThe Internet brings with it many memberships are down or you have business possibilities. Having an to remain closed, offer personalized online store is one of them, especially advice online. at the moment when most purchases are made online. You can work In each niche, you will find a way to from home and manage your time adapt to the circumstances. better. Do some market research to determine the type of store and the products you will offer. The boost that e-commerce received this year was immense, it far exceeded expectations since physical stores were closed for a while, and when opening there were still restrictions such as the number 8

Joann García and her son Robert García, as skilled real estate agents, are both contributing so that many families, both Hispanic and American, can obtain the home they always wanted. By Hispanos Emprendedores It is no secret to anyone that the Hispanic community continues and will continue to grow in the United States and that behind this growth there is nothing but a genuine desire to progress; to obtain those opportunities that many did not have in their countries of origin. Getting a good job, being able to make a living from it, and buying a property are some of the greatest aspirations of Latinos arriving in the United States. Joann García, who today is an agent for Sweet Home Realty and Property Management (a multinational real estate company) is filled with satisfaction knowing that with her profession she can help many to achieve that long-


awaited dream of having a home “It’s very exciting because I want everyone to be able to have the of their own. American dream. That is why so “When you take people to see many people come to the United houses and they make an offer States and the fact that I can help and it is accepted and you close make that dream come true is a the sale of that property; their blessing. “ She says this with great faces, especially if it is their first joy since she also has Hispanic time, only reflect happiness. It’s roots. amazing to see that! They now have a place to call home, where Despite being born in Chicago, they can raise their families and her grandparents are from Mexico, create memories of their own. It’s and from a very young age, they instilled in her the values and very, very rewarding.” traditions of Mexican culture. During her 14 years of experience in Joann and her children have this industry, Joann has witnessed participated in Latin festivals, they the growth in the number of love Mexican music and food, Hispanics who are acquiring a and although they do not speak property for the first time in their Spanish they do not miss any life, and she has seen it especially opportunity that allows them to in Clarksville, Tennessee, where connect with that Latin side that she resides today. always accompanies them.

“When local restaurants have mariachis and bands, I always call my son and the kids to go to dinner just so I can be in that environment. I think that we, the Hispanic culture, have a lot to offer. We have a good vibe, we enjoy life, we appreciate and are thankful for what we have, and we work very hard ”. “When local restaurants have mariachis and bands, I always call my son and the kids to go to dinner just so I can be in that environment. I think that we, the Hispanic culture, have a lot to offer. We are people with a lot of vibes, we enjoy life, we appreciate and appreciate what we have, and we work very hard ”. The freedom and flexibility she had hoped for Joann has worked hard in the last 14 years to be able to be in control of her financial independence today and acquire the knowledge that this career requires of her. The road to success has not been a straight line. Before being a real estate broker, she had different jobs. She worked as a babysitter, pizza delivery person, in supermarkets, and even as a receptionist, until one day she took a big leap out of that work environment that was not giving her the satisfaction she expected and that also took time away from being able to spend it with her children and her husband Several of her friends advised her to train as a real estate agent, seeing great potential in her for this job, and she accepted the offer. “I didn’t want to be a receptionist or


trapped from 8:00 to 5:00. I wanted to be able to work whenever I wanted and do whatever I wanted, so I resigned in May 2006 and in November I had my real estate agent license.”

Currently, it is much easier, there are a greater number of local schools where applicants can apply for their license, as well as scholarship programs for people to receive financial support.

What they never warned her about was how expensive the process would be to get the license to be able to work as a real estate broker. Not only do agents have to pay national, state, and local taxes, they also have to pay to join the National Association of Realtors, in addition to covering their health insurance and other expenses such as business cards, having your own business, etc.

“We have a scholarship program at the Clarksville Realtors Association and anyone can apply. It would be great if many more Hispanics apply for these scholarships, they can even contact me for paperwork. We give scholarships to help with costs ”.

While these organizations make an effort so that the Latino community can develop in this profession, there is also the “When I first started it cost me concern of being able to help about $2,000 to begin, I think it future property owners. costs more now, but it’s worth it.”

In addition, it is a profession that she currently shares with her son, Robert García, who helps and accompanies her in the company. “I like working with my mom, I really do. I help her when she is stuck and assist her with things she cannot do at the moment. I also learn from her because she has been in this business for a long time and is involved not only with Tennessee but nationally, something that very few realtors do. “ Like his mother, Robert also did other jobs that were not at all related to the real estate industry and today he has been able to become an expert in the area along with Joann.

What is the secret to being a For example, Spanish-speaking successful real estate agent? buyers need more Latino attorneys and lenders who can better guide The answer for Joann is to build them through the entire process, good relationships, to go out and including translating documents meet people to generate business into Spanish so they know opportunities. Of course, having exactly what they are about to the human sensitivity to care about the interests of customers is sign. the main key. A family business Being a real estate agent has given Joann more satisfaction than bitter moments. “I can set my own hours and I can practically do what I want. The most difficult thing for me in all this time was when my mother suffered a stroke, but the work gave me the flexibility to be able to be with her and accompany her when she needed me most ”. 11



A medida que se acerca el año nuevo crece el interés por saber acerca de las tendencias gastronómicas de 2021 y cómo se acoplará a estas la comida hispana. Hoy desde Hispanos Emprendedores repasamos lo que han dicho los expertos sobre lo que se espera en el consumo de alimentos durante los próximos meses. By Hispanos Emprendedores Taking care of your health will be a priority If there is something that 2020 taught us, it is that we must monitor our immune system more and this begins with having a healthier diet. As a result of the pandemic, there is greater awareness about it, consequently, eating habits were affected. It is estimated that next year, more consumers will worry about eating foods that take care of their health. Foods and drinks with less sugar, greater interest in the origin of food, and an increase in the consumption of plant-based foods, are some of the gastronomic trends of 2021.


Consumers know that they should take care of themselves and nourish themselves more, but this is not just because of Covid-19. We have a consumer who also observes what is happening around him. The Speciality Food Association associates this with the entry of Gen Z into the consumer market. As a consequence, there is greater concern about climate change; which results in higher consumption of plants, fruits, and seasonal vegetables, while reducing red meat. Likewise, attention is directed toward companies that defend equality and justice.

already tested and that is to sell the ingredients for their dishes so Seeking nutritional advice will be that customers can make them at a habit that will also strengthen home. Let’s find out what are the trends in the coming months. This is in the gastronomic industry that because each consumer has a As part of the new trends in we will see over the next few lifestyle that they have become foodservice, this strategy works months. aware of in recent months. So for both parties. they want to eat a diet that fits Food Delivery into this. International food


Personalized Nutrition

We mentioned this trend first because it is something we are already getting used to, so it will not be new. However, we want to highlight that it will be consolidated within our consumption habits.

This habit is also part of that concern for taking care of their health. They will look for functional foods that meet their nutritional needs and for this, personalized advice will be essential.

As we spend more time at home, we will continue to ask for food to be delivered to the door. It is even anticipated that this custom will remain beyond Covid-19. Because it is more convenient, saves time, and provides us with a variety of food.

Tiene cierta relación con el punto anterior, además de las limitaciones que hay para viajar. Habrá mayor interés por los platos internacionales e ingredientes de otras regiones al comer en casa.

Homemade Food Next year traditional dishes will be rescued, we have already begun to do so. The reason for this also has to do with the events of 2020. Being at home allows more time to cook, so we turn to those flavors that bring back memories and that are familiar to us.

But consumers will also want to So if you have a Hispanic prepare their favorite restaurant restaurant in Tennessee you must dishes at home. There is a solution include a delivery service. that some establishments have

It has a certain relationship with the previous point, in addition to the existing travel limitations. There will be greater interest in international dishes and ingredients from other regions when eating at home. This interest is an opportunity not only for restaurants but also for food producers, who will find a more receptive market for their regional products.




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