Hispanos Emprendedores Edition 16

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Pablo’s flooring and instalation,

more than just passion for work

How to revive a business in the middle of a pandemic?


for Hispanic Business Owners


ENERO - MARZO i No. 15


2020 is gone; what a year ... But as always we continue, Hispanic Entrepreneurs is life than ever, and this 2021, we will have a new digital tool for our Hispanic community. To all those interested in promoting and publicize your business we present www.negocioshispanosemprendedores.com a platform to find all kinds Hispanic business and more. We offer you an easy-to-use platform where you can promote your business or service, we will do all the necessary digital marketing to be first in online searches. We target all audiences in the States. United and more, all ready Hispanic Entrepreneurs position on the first page of google with words like Hispanic business, Hispanic entrepreneurs and Hispanic foods, now that the same job is being applied to this new a website that you can be part of for only $ 10 per month + tax.


Licencia para vender comida en Tennessee y cómo obtenerla


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Madre e hijo ayudan a cumplir el sueño de muchos hispanos en los Estados Unidos


Comida hispana y las tendencias gastronómicas de 2021

Companies gradually resume their rhythm, but if there’s one thing that’s become clear after Covid-19, it is that the way we work will be different. In other words, these changes that occur now will remain in the long term. Do you want to know how to revive a business in the middle of a pandemic? Keep reading this post from Hispanos Emprendedores.

Effects of the pandemic on On the other hand, the difficulty business with transportation, social distancing and the need to stay The coronavirus has had a severe home due to illness or family care impact on the economy, mainly meant a reduction in the workforce. affecting small and medium-sized And, even after the reactivation of companies. Without a strategic the companies began, sales were plan to face a similar situation, affected. and without sufficient financial support to lean on, surviving the Access to finance is another pandemic is a challenge. problem; even with government aid, many owners expressed The first immediate consequence difficulties accessing it. for pandemic businesses was the closure of all those that are not All of the above made it necessary considered a priority. At the same to work on the fly in some cases and time, this limited the supply of to implement changes that would goods and raw materials. allow us to move forward, such 3

as the home office, digitization, changes in products and services, etc. What changes will we see in post-pandemic businesses? From the moment they had to close, it was necessary to rethink their strategies. Although at first there was uncertainty, and the adaptation happened little by little. After a year of pandemic, there are two safe approaches: •

You have to prepare for any scenario and be flexible in making decisions.

• Hygiene and cleanliness. This includes disinfection of the work area and customer service; worker hygiene, and the use of protective equipment. • Social distancing and isolation. In the work areas, the spaces will be adapted to avoid shared offices. And when possible, remote work will be implemented. • Equipment customization. The tools and equipment that was shared, will now be per individual. HOW TO REACTIVATE A BUSINESS IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC? There’s a lot to take into account to reopen your business during the coronavirus crisis. You have to analyze the state in which it is in and from there plan the rest of the actions. In the following steps we summarize the process: Understand the reality of the company First of all, you should know your company standing, how its finances are. Once you do this, you will know what the debts are and what commitments you have to cancel. On the other hand, you will also determine what resources you have to be able to revive the business.

It is necessary to put aside old habits and adapt to the current reality.

Considering the above, we will se changes in different blocks

From this study, prepare the budget, identifying what expenses you can eliminate, how to optimize processes, and implement new forms of payment, etc. You can calculate how much your business will earn per month to do future planning. Plan the reopening

• Health monitoring. Workers’ health must be monitored before returning to work and controlled after they return to prevent contagion.

After figuring out the finances and establishing the budget, you have to 4

establish a strategic plan to adapt to the new reality. This includes setting new goals, analyzing threats and opportunities. It also includes organizing the sales plan, determining whether you need new payment channels, what the promotions will be like, and reevaluating customer service, etc.

liquidity for businesses in times of Prepare the business for the future Covid. Keep employees in mind

Your employees must be a priority in the business reviving process. Show them that you care about them and their safety. Open more communication channels and improve the ones that already Within the plan, it also establishes exist, you must be flexible and the financing options and understand that this situation evaluates the need to negotiate causes them anxiety. payment agreements with suppliers. Encourage them to work, but go beyond that, keep in mind the It is recommended that you plan personal and family aspect. Now a reopening process in phases. more than ever it is necessary to In that sense, give priority to seek help to cope with stress and operations that generate more overcome grief.


You have to understand that post-Covid-19 businesses will not be the same as what we were used to. Therefore you have to start preparing for the future. In this sense, the automation of processes and digitization are key. Follow these tips on how to revive a business in the midst of the pandemic and you will achieve better results. If you want to increase your visibility and clientele, contact us.

Are you interested in selling groceries and want to know how much you can make per month in a grocery store? The information that we bring in Hispanos Emprendedores will interest you. We will talk about what you need to start your business and its profitability.

What does it take to set up a First, you need organization and grocery (abarrote) store? a business plan to know which • path your grocery store is going to Grocery (abarrote) stores are small take. The following are some basic stores that sell food and everyday elements that you should consider products, comparable to a mini- when starting the project: market. • The capital you need to get • The word abarrote is more popular started. The investment will in Mexico, but it has come to be greater the larger the store. the United States thanks to the Add up how much you need to number of immigrants from this register the business, process country. These small businesses are permits, buy the equipment, often close to customers so they initial inventory, etc. encounter them on their way to work or school. And due to their • The location of the grocery size, the owners themselves prefer store is key. It must be in a to work in them, although they can busy place, which is frequented • also hire employees. by the target customer. See if So, what does it take to open a grocery store?

what kinds of buildings are in the surrounding área, if there are offices, schools, universities.

Consider the space on the premises, so you can determine the amount of furniture you need and inventory. Find out about business licenses and how much a grocery store permit costs. The most common include business licenses, sales tax registration, and zoning permit. Food handling businesses need permission from the Health Department. Determine how the business will be run. Consider who will be in charge of managing the inventory, accounting, legalities, and other aspects. 6

What furniture is needed in a Inventory grocery store? Another major expense is Equipment and furniture are one inventory. Although the largest of the main start-up costs. To investment will be at the determine how much money you beginning, you will have to keep need to open a grocery store, you replacing it. must determine what you need. If you decide to sell Latin food, keep in mind that the products This is the basic equipment: you are going to import are regulated by the Food and Drug • Shelves Administration (FDA). Make sure • Refrigerators the companies you do business • Counters with are registered. • Cash register • Scales It is also important to choose Also consider surveillance your suppliers well. They must be equipment, audio equipment, etc. reliable and offer quality products.


How much can you make per month in a grocery store? To speak of the percentage of profit a grocery store will make is risky, as many factors get in the way. For example, the size of the store, the type of products you sell, and those that are most indemand, among others. Location is another vital element. An important point is the traffic near the store; the higher it is, the more possibilities you have to sell. In much economic who flow determine

the same way the level of the people through the site will how much money

they are willing to spend. Here we makes. It is a good business if you your fixed expenses, which you speak about the type of clients to know how to manage it. won’t have if it is your own. The whom you aspire to sell. origin of the capital will also be decisive; that is, how much Is a grocery store profitable? If your business is targeting a money should you allocate to the Hispanic audience, you should be The answer is, yes. As we just payment of credits and loans. close to where Latinos live and mentioned, opening a grocery work. With the increase in this store is good business. But having On the other hand, you will need population in the United States, good management is essential, a good marketing strategy to it will be possible to get more publicize your business. If the clients, but you should always along with the other points we clients are satisfied, those same study the viability of the business. already talked about. customers will promote your Another positive aspect is that in that case not only Latinos would be your clients. Because Americans have incorporated Hispanic ingredients into their diet, they are likely to become customers too.

You must know how to manage prices, do not try to sell lower quality products just to have lower prices than the competition. Look at which products are in greatest demand, offer a variety.

Another factor that hinders is location Everything we just mentioned, profitability among other factors, will influence expenditures. If it is rented, you how much profit a grocery store will have to include the rent in

store. Finally, profitability increases by offering services such as delivery and contactless shopping. Saying how much you make per month in a grocery store is very relative, but it is certainly a profitable business. Make a good business plan and make sure the business runs well.


This venture is an example of perseverance and a desire to excel. By Hispanos Emprendedores


Pablo Romero is a Mexican who decided to start a business in the United States and became one of the success stories of Hispanic entrepreneurs in this country. He makes a living installing hardwood floors and carpets at Pablo’s Flooring and Installation. Born in the Mexican Federal District, but raised in Michoacán, Pablo, and a nurse by profession, settled in Franklin, Tennessee at age twentyone to start work and seek a better future. “The first few years were sad because I had to study the language, I am not a man that settles and I said that I had to learn to speak English to be able to communicate, if you put your mind to something, you get what you want. It was a bit frustrating because you realize that it is not the same as over there, there are stricter

laws here and I learned the same as type of work such as restoration, he everyone else “ he said. contacts them with the appropriate company to carry out the project. When he arrived in Franklin in 2002, he had to work as a dishwasher, First steps cook, amongst other positions until he founded his own business in In the beginning, it was difficult for Clarksville, “I worked in many things this Mexican businessman to set up and I found a man who offered me his own business although he had a job and I liked it a lot, I am in love the necessary experience. He had with my job, it’s as if I never work. It no notion of the legal requirements is more than passion, every day I go that he needed to be able to do so. out to have fun, to have a good time. For this reason, he had to inquire It is a physical job, but when you like with other businessmen in the field what you do, it is as if you did not about the steps to follow and not all work”. of them were receptive to support him. Pablo points out that his business Pablo’s Flooring and Installation But those who did reach out to him under the motto “you have to do it guided him to start the company, right the first time”, is dedicated to “to have the documents in order, installing wooden floors, carpet, and such as insurance, license, which I sometimes tile, “I will fix anything did not previously know what that that has to do with floors”. In was, I had to investigate, ask many addition, if the client needs another questions.”


He said that the process lasted more or less six or seven months, “fortunately, shortly after opening my business, I met a lady who helped me a lot, Mrs. María Jiménez. She taught me what I had to do, the steps that needed to be taken. I did what she recommended and got to work”. It was in 2007 when he moved to Clarksville because the company he worked for settled in this rural area that had captivated him. He commented that people are more affectionate, friendly, calm, and less racist, “we all look at each other the same”. Differentiating Characteristics For Pablo, being different is that you believe in yourself and prove that you are number one in what you do,

can’t stop because the others you work with stop. It is very difficult to be an entrepreneur and to be out all the time looking for your livelihood, and of the others, and also taking He also expressed that you must care of the family”. do the job well, with love and Hispanic Entrepreneurship in the dedication, all with excellence. US Challenges and struggles He reaffirms that there are many Apart from complying with the Hispanic entrepreneurs in the legal requirements of the country, United States and they are united. another of the obstacles that Pablo faced was that he met people who, “wanted to make me feel bad, speak “We have to give each other a badly of me and I kept working with hand and make it known that my head up, doing things right, like we are united. We all have to all Hispanics who are hard workers, succeed ”. day in and day out”. He defines them as hardworking He emphasizes that being an people, very communicative, and entrepreneur is not easy, because even though they are immersed in you have more responsibility, “you work, they help each other. “first we have to feel different from everyone, I have to feel like number one to be number one, even if I’m not.”

ADVICE TO ENTREPRENEURS He tells young entrepreneurs that they must fight every day and not give up because many doors were closed for him too; he did not give up, he kept going, working. He believes that another ingredient that the entrepreneur must have is kindness; to treat clients the same, “if they feel bad it is better to withdraw than to fight. It’s better to just say no; to be honest”. He confessed that one of the things that he has liked the most about being an entrepreneur is that young people admire his work and ask him for advice, “I tell them that you have to positively work hard, because if we are negative we won’t go anywhere ”.


He advises that if you miss your family, and believe that this affects you a lot, that you do not give up and find a way to communicate. That they use social networks and video calls to be in contact more often and reduce anxiety so that it does not get in the way of the project they want to build.


Having a support network is essential to growing your business. So here are some tools for Hispanic business owners to help you move forward. Find out more in this post from Hispanos Emprendedores. resources on hand to overcome y a conectarte con otros difficulties and accessing the emprendedores. In recent years, the Latino Payment Protection Program is also Tools for Hispanic Business community has been growing more difficult for them. Owners strong in entrepreneurship in the United States. If we review the What can they do in this scenario? statistics for the last few years, First of all, stay optimistic and The following resources will help you we find that 1 in 4 startups was continue working to keep the if you want to open your business business going. Then, expand the or if you already have a business Hispanic-owned. support network that we discussed going. Each one has particular characteristics, but in general, they Most of these are small businesses at the beginning. will help you with training, search and their owners have an average for financing and connect with other age of 29 years. With their interest Some organizations aim to help entrepreneurs. in entrepreneurship, they also Latino small business owners. Many became one of the main generators of these are national in scope, so we Hispanic Chamber of Commerce recommend doing a little research of employment. to find out which ones are close to We begin the list with the United To open and sustain their your current location. States Hispanic Chamber of businesses, Latinos face significant challenges such as difficulty in Herramientas para propietarios Commerce (USHCC). It has a nationwide presence and represents accessing financing. Now, since the de negocios hispanos more than 4 million Hispanicbeginning of the pandemic, new owned businesses. It is responsible difficulties have been added. Los siguientes recursos te ayudarán si quieres abrir tu negocio o si ya for promoting economic growth, According to a Standford Business tienes una empresa en marcha. development and defending the study, the negative impact of Cada uno tiene características interests of its members. the pandemic on Latino-owned particulares, pero -en generalbusinesses has been growing. te ayudarán con la formación, In addition, it brings together more Their owners have fewer financial búsqueda de financiamiento than 200 local chambers, so you can Support amid the crisis


go to one anywhere in the country the Internet as a business tool to where you have your business. help family businesses become more competitive in the market.” The USHCC seeks to create business opportunities, as well as integrate Hispanic companies into the Latino Business Action Network country’s economy. This organization is also national in Hispanic Chamber of Electronic scope and seeks to empower Latino Commerce entrepreneurs. Provides support through research and training for Another organization seeks the entrepreneurs. integration of Hispanic businesses, in this case through the use of They claim that they work to create technology and the internet. a development ecosystem in which its members are prosperous. The Hispanic Chamber of Electronic Commerce (HISCEC) Hispanic Retail Chamber of provides support in the different Commerce stages of the business. It offers training, connections with other HRCOC also has representatives entrepreneurs, and growth in every state and presents itself opportunities. as “the voice of US Hispanic retail businesses.” On its website, it states that its mission is to promote “the use of Provides consulting services, seminars, workshops, legal information, among other resources.

it is a program through which mentoring, infrastructure, capital, and orientation are offered to Latino start-ups. Manos Accelerator has worked since 2013 as a bridge between start-ups and Silicon Valley, helping them to achieve success. Several programs are available that can be taken online. Those who are part of the Bootcamp have the opportunity to present a demo of their product or service to entrepreneurs, angel investors, and venture capitalists. League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC is an organization that seeks to empower the Latino community in the United States, increasing its influence and creating opportunities. It has a presence in 37 states and 135,000 members.

It is not limited to economic development but has programs in different areas such as education, If you’re wondering where to seek civic engagement, health, and help setting up a retail business, more. check out their website. There you will find the different membership These are some of the tools for plans that the chamber has. For Hispanic business owners. There example, they have one dedicated are many more resources at the to supermarket chains. national level, but you can also Manos Accelerator

locate the organizations that work in your region and turn to them.

If your plans as an entrepreneur include a technology company, this organization can help you. It is a commercial accelerator. Rather, 14





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