Hispanos Emprendedores Edition 19

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David Giolitto Rojas El Supremo

Supermarket Andrade brings together

the best of all things Latin in Clarksville How to validate

a business idea

What is an LLC

and how to open one in 5 easy steps?



At Hispanos Emprendedores we are happy to announce that we will soon be restarting the Academia Hispanos Emprendedores, a place of learning for our entire Hispanic community. This project will be face-to-face and online, so no matter where you are in the United States, you will be able to participate and receive your certificate of participation. We are very happy to be able to continue growing and helping our community in the way we know how, informing and educating. APSU (Austin Peay State University) joins our articles in this edition where they will inform us about what they are doing and accomplishing with their Latino Community Resource Center.


Rebranded Latino Community Resource Center helps APSU lead state in Latino student access


How to validate a business idea


David Rojas El Supremo Supermarket brings together the best of all things Latin in Clarksville


What is an LLC and how to open one in 5 easy steps?


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Rebranded Latino Community Resource Center helps APSU lead state in Latino student access

For Kemeliz Fuentes, a sophomore at Austin Peay State University, being a Latina in America often means struggling to exist in two separate worlds.

American friends and Hispanic where, in a large office suite with enough for my Hispanic friends?’” couches, tables, a television and small kitchen area, she relaxes she said. with friends dealing with similar When these questions begin concerns. This space, the APSU to overwhelm her, Fuentes Latino Community Resource “You’ll ask yourself, ‘Am I being heads to the bottom floor of the Center, is a second home for American enough for my APSU Morgan University Center students like Fuentes, and it’s


helping more Latino students year institution” in Tennessee, enroll and thrive at Austin Peay. with 7.7 percent of APSU’s student population identifying as “I like it here because I can feel Hispanic. more connected to who I am,” she said. “For me, it provides a sense Last year, Kiah Albritton with the of community to connect more Education Trust of Tennessee with my people.” noted that Latino Tennesseans “are largely underrepresented at According to SCORE, a non-profit many of our state’s public higher education policy and advocacy education institutions.” The Trust organization founded by former released a report – “Tennessee: U.S. Sen. Bill Frist, “Austin Peay Segregation Forever?” – that served the highest percentage criticized several Tennessee of Hispanic students of any four- schools for their inclusion efforts,

but the document also praised Austin Peay for its recruitment and retention of Latino students. “Alongside the overall growth, [Austin Peay] has maintained a focus on increasing its student of color population as well,” the report stated. “The campus, which has the highest Latino access score of any public institution in the state, also enrolls more military students than all other state colleges and universities combined. One strategy in achieving the institution’s goals


to increase diversity is clearly thought we primarily provided stating, prioritizing, and investing tutoring for people taking resources to meet that goal.” Spanish, and some didn’t even know we were here. We wanted In recent years, the center has to be more specific, more upfront become one of the key instruments about what’s our main focus, in that strategy, which is why the which is to serve Latino students University rebranded it this spring through resources. And so, we from the Hispanic Cultural Center are now the Latino Community – as it was known for 16 years – to Resource Center.” the Latino Community Resource Center (LCRC). Barnes also wanted to move away from the word “Hispanic,” which “When we were the Hispanic she said limited the center’s Cultural Center, I think there was mission of inclusivity. always this confusion of what we were and who we served,” “Hispanic refers to language, and Yanaraliz Barnes, coordinator for Latino refers to area,” she said. the center, said. “A lot of people “While Spanish is the most spoken thought we were a club, or they language in Latin American and


the Caribbean, it is not the only language spoken. Indigenous languages, Portuguese, English, German, Italian, amongst other languages are also spoken in this region. We changed the name just to be more inclusive about the different communities in the region.” Today, the LCRC offers new, resource-based programs that help students succeed in their college careers. Those programs include FAFSA 101 sessions, peer tutoring in English and mathematics, meetings with career services and group counseling sessions. The center also lends students laptop computers and graphic

calculators each semester, and it provides quiet study rooms, a lounge with a television and free coffee.

us,” she said. “I thought it was only for other people to learn about the culture, but now I feel like it’s definitely taking a turn for serving the community as a resource “I’m a graduate student and I still center.” come regularly,” Ana Pla Rosario said. “I come because of the The center is also taking a more people and workers. It’s a very active role in recruiting Latino comfortable place for me. I feel students to APSU. Last spring, it like I don’t have a reason to come, hosted its inaugural Día de Visita I just come.” for potential students. Pla Rosario first visited the center about two years ago, and after talking in Spanish with Barnes, she knew she’d found a place where she could feel at home.

Sometimes, parents aren’t familiar with the process – we have a lot of first-generation students – so this event includes the entire family.” Once the students enroll at APSU, Barnes also wants them to quickly feel at home. That’s why the center also offered its Latino Student Retreat: Ponte Las Pilas at the beginning of the fall semester. “I want them to connect to each other and connect with their community,” she said. “I want them to learn how to get involved and make the most of their time at APSU.”

“It’s similar to Govs Preview Day but completely in Spanish,” Barnes said. “It’s family oriented and we go over applications and how to submit a FAFSA. We gave tours “I was very excited there was a of the institution in Spanish, and For information on the LCRC, professional in the University who we have assistants at the end if visit https://www.apsu.edu/ spoke Spanish and was here for anyone needs help. student-life/lcrc/.

How to validate A BUSINESS IDEA Have you ever had a great business idea, but weren’t sure if it was feasible? If so, you are not alone. Many entrepreneurs have great ideas but aren’t sure how to validate them.

1. Define your business idea

The first step in validating your business idea is to put it on paper (or digital paper, as the case may be). What exactly is its purpose? What problem does it solve? Write a clear and concise description of Luckily, there are some simple your idea, and make sure you can steps you can take to validate your articulate it to others. business idea and increase your chances of success. In this article, we 2. Research your industry and will share five validation methods your target market that every business owner should know about. If you’re ready to take Before you can validate your your idea to the next level, read on! business idea, you must have a


good understanding of the sector and the market in which you are going to operate. Do some research to determine if there is a demand for what you offer and, if so, who your target audience is. This information will help you fine-tune your business idea and give you a better idea of how to proceed with your validation. 3. Create a business model canvas A business model canvas is a great way to visualize your business idea and all the different components

that make it up. It can help you identify potential problems or gaps in your plan and give you a better understanding of how your business works.

out with potential customers. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as surveys, interviews, or focus groups. Ask people if they would be interested in your product or service and what they think of it. 4. Use online resources to get Pay attention to their comments opinions and use them to improve your business idea. There are many online resources available to help you validate your 6. Build a prototype business idea, from blogs and articles to online forums and social If you have the opportunity, media groups. These resources can building a prototype of your provide valuable feedback from product or service can be a great people who know the industry and way to validate your business idea. the market in which you operate. This will allow you to get feedback 5. Test your idea with potential from potential customers on how they are interacting with your clients product or service and make any The best way to determine if your necessary adjustments before the business idea is viable is to test it launch.

7. Get an expert opinion Another way to validate your business idea is to get expert opinions from people who have experience in the industry or market you are targeting. It can be a mentor, an advisor, or a business coach. Ask them for their honest opinion on your idea and what they think of its potential. Validating your business idea is an important step in the process of creating a new company. By taking the time to do it right, you can increase your chances of success and avoid costly mistakes. Follow the steps above to validate your business idea and have a better chance of success.

Validating your business idea is an important step in the process of creating a new company.


David Rojas

El Supremo Supermarket brings together the best of all things Latin in Clarksville

The business venture located in this small town in Montgomery County offers a complete range of typical products from different Latin American countries, from vegetables to ready-made food. By Hispanos Emprendedores


Venezuelan David Alejandro Rojas opted for entrepreneurship to provide his family with security and benefits. For this purpose, he came to the United States from his native Valencia and achieved it with the opening of El Supremo Supermarket in Clarksville, Tennessee.

David is convinced that pursuing his dream has been one of the best decisions of his life and he hopes to grow even more. Upon entering this supermarket you will find a little piece of each country in Latin America and employees happy to assist you. This has been the key for this entrepreneur.

With three years in the market, this business is one of the best options for the population of this small city in Montgomery County, especially for Hispanics.

Rocky beginnings David said that he came to Florida in 2017 to work and prosper, within a week he received a job opportunity in Texas, and because the

“No one is born already educated, every day you learn something new, for example, when I arrived here I didn’t know how to paint or cut wood, but necessity forces you to learn.”

managers liked his performance and sale, I defended myself a lot, they sent him to the main and although I did not know many headquarters located in Clarksville. things about the field, I was willing to learn.” He worked very hard in a store owned by an Arabic man, “I was This is how the business the manager of that store. I worked relationship was born and they set 13 to 14 hours a day, from 7:00 out to put together the project. a.m. until 11:00 pm or so. I didn’t His partner asked him for some get a break, I didn’t eat, because time to get organized, “I had about Arabs are quite strict. Then there $30,000, I sold a lot of properties came a time, after about 8 months in Venezuela, however, with that I when I said: I think I should start was not going to be able to start my own business because if I died because the equipment is a bit here tomorrow, the store would expensive here. The man put in continue to opérate but where some money, I was painting and arranging some things, my wife would my family be?” helped me a lot, we both started With the need for change, and to from scratch. She was the cashier undertake something of his own, and I was the one who received, he kept waiting for an opportunity. the one who cut the meat, little by One day, one of the distributors little because when starting from that would come by his place of the ground up there isn’t enough employment noticed his effort and to pay employees, you have to go introduced him to a man named about putting yourself on the map, Nick who interviewed him and as they say. This started in 2019.” with his answers convinced him to start El Supremo Supermarket, Since they were both religious, “the man was amazed at what I they agreed to name the venture expressed about the purchase El Supremo in honor of God, and

while he was in the other store he studied the market and knew more or less which products were most in demand, based on the experience he brought from Venezuela where he managed several butcher shops and he used what he could from the three years he studied law. “No one is born already educated, every day you learn something new, for example, when I arrived here I didn’t know how to paint or cut wood, but necessity forces you to learn. Today I am thankful that I can paint an entire house, cut wood, and take measurements. I have learned a lot from our Mexican brothers because fortunately, I’ve worked with many. What you must always have is the will and the willingness to get ahead,” explained the Valencian with a serious face.



Positive experience He thinks that it was God’s work that he came to Clarksville because his plans did not include working in ‘this town’ as he calls it but when he arrived he liked the weather and decided that it was the best place to start his venture. Although he does not speak the language, he thought that the presence of a large number of Latinos could support and grow his company.

even if they had a bad day and that is a great advantage. They are very kind, I’ll stay until I am old and die,” he admitted with a smile.

the company. He understands them because he was in their place, which is why he has tried not to repeat the pattern, “all my staff has a two-hour break so they can go eat, I have given them benefits that weren’t given to me, they gave me a salary of $12.00 an hour and nothing else. Today there are three employees, that I’m sure are not going to tell me well, David, I’m leaving, I can’t take it anymore,” he said confidently.

The key to success: Work harmony Venezuelans go beyond treating the client well, this also applies to their workers, “the key to success in any job is to maintain a good staff, a good work team. Get everyone to get along and help each other. But despite the Hispanic presence, If you don’t have that, I think it will he confesses that as an immigrant, be very difficult for you to do well,” Variety and quality there is a lot of fear, “you don’t have this is his hallmark. In the catalog of products offered any documents, the nervousness by El Supremo Supermarket, its even comes on when you’re To maintain this harmony among great variety of meat cuts stands driving, you think will they deport his employees, he says that he out, which includes the Honduran, me, there is always that fear, that’s speaks with them every day, Mexican, and Venezuelan, “there why it’s important to comply “besides the fact that they get is beef in every country, but it is with the laws. I don’t drink liquor, paid well, I give them an incentive different in each one, for example, I don’t recommend it to anyone at the end of the month, like a in Venezuela for us the “Asado because there have been many bonus in Venezuela, for me they Negro” is the beef eye round roast deportations, so for that reason, are all employees of the month, I (muchacho redondo), and that if we have the great advantage of value them, everyone, the same,” is like the “pulpa negra” of the being in this country we have to he respects the work and limits of Mexican,” says David. abide by the laws.” each one, “they know how to do their job.” He highlighted that they sell “THE KEY TO SUCCESS different beverages, they have IN ANY JOB IS TO KEEP A He gets emotional when touching money transfers to all parts of GOOD STAFF.” on the subject of his experience as the world, telephone recharges, a worker and what he does within they cash checks, they sell He does not regret settling in this city because what he likes most is the friendliness of its people, unlike what he found in Florida where Hispanics are treated badly. “People have a different type of mentality, everything is a scam, there are many Hispanics, but evil stands out, on the other hand here “All my staff has a two-hour break so they can go eat, I it is much less and everyone knows have given them benefits that they did not give me.” each other, they greet you cordially 11 11

fruits, vegetables, items from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, “things like yams, cilantro, culantro, yucca (Cassava), green mango, papaya, tamarind. We seek to have all those things that are difficult to get, we have food, sodas, and beers.” The Valencian, settled in his office, revealed that he has learned what they call the same product in different countries, “many call the green banana ‘guineo’, for the Mexican the banana is the plantain.” He added that nobody calls papaya ‘lechoza’, “don’t even say ‘patilla’, everyone says watermelon, here nobody says ‘parchita’(watermelon),” he recounted. Ninety percent of the time he is surrounded by Hispanics, 10% of Americans consume Latin products, “most of all they like sweets, they have tried a lot of Mexican Sabritas and marinated meat to make tacos.” Although most of the products he has for sale are imported, “they are not expensive,” he clarified. The language challenge David said between laughs that he opted for the Hispanic market, first for the language, and secondly, because he is quite sociable, “I like to talk a lot with Latinos, when I did not know people from Mexico I would ask them what they eat there and what traditions they have, and even today I ask clients questions. I am very talkative and I

“WHAT YOU MUST ALWAYS HAVE IS THE WILL AND THE WILLINGNESS TO MOVE FORWARD.” Contact them Facebook: The Supreme Supermarket Address: 924 E Providence Blvd, Clarksville, TN 37042. Telephone: (305) 762-0523.

like that a lot. On the other hand, I see Americans as quite serious, so I am not inspired to focus on that segment anymore.”

about it his face becomes more serious, that is why he advises doing good deeds because everything in life is not money.

When he was working in the other store, he saw more influx of Hispanics, he investigated what products they bought, “what was moving, and since I did not know the language, I decided to open over on this side,” and this helped him a lot when he started.

“You always have to work well, do good deeds, in life, not everything is money, you have to have willpower and always think about the family. I think about my daughters’ future, that is, setting goals or benefits for the family, for example, my great objective is to see my daughters graduate and Plans and projection give them the best education, that You only have to listen to what his is what motivates me, not to land main objectives are to know that on my feet,” analyzes David. his priority is family, when he talks 12


and how to open one in 5 easy steps?

What is an LLC? This is a question many entrepreneurs ask, and it’s a valid one. In this article, we will explain what an LLC is and how to open one in 5 easy steps. By Hispanos Emprendedores What is an LLC An LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a type of business structure that offers several advantages over other structures such as sole proprietorships and partnerships. If you’re thinking of starting a business, an LLC should be at the top of your list.

Another advantage of an LLC is that it offers flexibility in how the business is taxed. An LLC can be taxed as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. Lastly, an LLC is easy to create and maintain. In most states, all you have to do is file a few documents and pay a filing fee. Now that you know what an LLC is and some of Advantages of an LLC the advantages it offers, let’s see The main advantage of an LLC how you open one in five easy is that it offers limited liability steps: protection to its owners. This means that if the business is sued, Step One: Choosing a Name for the owners will not be personally Your LLC liable for the debts and liabilities The first step in opening an LLC of the business. is choosing a name for your


business. The name you choose must meet certain requirements set by your state. For example, in some states, the word “LLC” must be included in the name. Step Two: Submit the Articles of Organization The next step is to file the Articles of Organization with your state’s LLC division. This document is sometimes called the Certificate of Incorporation. The articles of organization must include: • The name of the LLC • Names and addresses of members

• The purpose of the LLC • The duration of the LLC (if it will not exist in perpetuity) • And other information required by your state. Step 3: Appoint a registered agent A registered agent is a person or company that agrees to receive legal documents on behalf of the LLC. The registered agent must have a physical address in the state in which the LLC is formed and be available during business hours to accept process notifications.

good idea to create one anyway. The operating agreement establishes the rules and regulations for the operation of the LLC, it must:

you have obtained your EIN, you can open a bank account in the name of the LLC.

Congratulations! You have already opened an LLC! Now that you know • Include information such as how how to do it, there’s no excuse for members will contribute capital not starting your business today! • How profits and losses will be distributed If you have any further questions • And what happens if a member about LLCs or how to start one, wants to leave the LLC? contact us and we’ll be happy to help. Step Five: Get an Employer Identification Number

The final step in opening an Step 4: Create an operating LLC is to obtain an Employer agreement Identification Number (EIN) from An operating agreement is not the IRS. You can apply for an EIN required in every state, but it’s a online, by fax, or by mail. Once




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