Hispanos Emprendedores Tennessee Fifth Edition

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10 Reasons to Start a Business in TENNESSEE

CMCSS Spanish Immersion

5th Edition April - June 2018

It’s the first day of spring and it is cold and it is snowing. Isn’t the first day of spring supposed to be a day where the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and the trees beginning to bloom? I look at the forecast and see that we will continue to have the same kind of weather for two more weeks. The good news is that if I stick around, winter will be gone and I will get the kind of temperatures that I really enjoy. For now, I must wait. You know, we also have seasons in our lives where we feel that we have been there too long. It could be that you are in a season of your life that is cold, dark, and miserable. You feel that you have been through too much now and things need to begin to change for the better. But, it’s not happening! So you begin to feel desperate, disappointed,

and discouraged with what seems to be an endless season. In the Bible, there is a story that tells us that Jesus and his disciples were on a boat when a strong storm came their way. The disciples were frightened and asked Jesus to do something about it. So Jesus did! He calmed the storm and eased the fears of his disciples. Why do I tell you this? Because this story tells us that Jesus is Lord over all of creation even over the seasons. Jesus disciples looked to Him to get them out of the storm. But, one of the key things in the story is that he allowed them to enter the storm. He allowed them to experience fear, desperation, and ultimately rescue. This is what God might be doing with you in this season of your life.

God is waiting for you to call upon him to help you out of this season. It could also be that God is wanting you to experience a little fear and desperation before he rescues you. This happens so that we can learn to trust and patiently wait on the Lord. The question is not “can he do it?”, because we see that he can. Instead, the question should be “am I willing to trust and patiently wait on the Lord to help me through and out of this season?” As long as we live, we will have seasons in our lives. Some we will enjoy, others we will want them to end as soon as possible. But, remember this one thing. Jesus is Lord over all of creation. He will be with you in any season that you allow him to be in.

Taxpayers who use an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number should check to see if their number expires this year. If it does, and they need to file a return in 2018, they should submit an application now to renew their ITIN. Doing this helps avoid tax refund and processing delays next year. The IRS issues ITINs to people who are not eligible for a Social Security number, but who need to file a tax return. Taxpayers who have not used their ITIN to file a federal return at least once in the last three years will see their number expire Dec. 31, 2017. ITINs with middle digits 70, 71, 72 or 80 will also expire at the end of the year. These taxpayers should renew their ITIN if they will have a filing requirement in 2018. Additionally, taxpayers whose ITINs have middle digits 78 or 79 that have expired should renew their ITIN if they will have a filing requirement. Other taxpayers with ITINs do not need to take any action. To renew an ITIN, a taxpayer must complete a Form W-7 and submit required documentation. There are three ways to submit this information. Taxpayers can:

Information from:


Mail the package to the IRS address listed on the Form W-7 instructions. The IRS will review the documents and return them within 60 days. Work with a Certified Acceptance Agent to help them renew their ITIN. Make an appointment at an IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center. Taxpayers with an ITIN that has the middle digits 70, 71, 72, 78, 79, or 80 do have the option to renew ITINs for their entire family at the same time. They can renew together even if family members have an ITIN with other middle digits. Family members include the tax filer, spouse and any dependents claimed on the tax return.

By: David Bracamonte Photograph: The Rouge Caravane

Alex Villa is a successful Hispanic who has achieved a very important position at Tennova Healthcare in Clarksville through hard work and dedication Clarksville - Alex Villa does not want to be remembered for a degree or a job title, although he is currently the CEO of Tennova HealthcareClarksville, this Colombian by birth wants to be remembered as someone who worked for the community and for health. His parents arrived in the United States in the 60’s like many Hispanics, with dreams and a desire to work, but Alex’s destiny was to be born in Colombia, since his mother, while pregnant, returned to her country for some time and gave birth there. From a very young age, Villa lived in Los Angeles, always surrounded by family and the Hispanic community.

He has been going to hospitals since he was young, but not exactly by choice “as a young man I injured my knee doing sports and this brought me to many hospitals and to meet many doctors. But my desire to develop my professional career in this realm came when the father of a friend from my youth, who worked as a hospital administrator, took me to work with him to learn everything I could. I worked there for a year and acquired an in-depth knowledge of everything a hospital does in a community. There I fell in love with this career and the job, which is not just an office job, it’s about being with the community,” and that’s how he focused on his studies until he received his Master’s in Health Administration.

Landing in Clarksville After being in several of the organization’s branches and with more than 10 years of experience with them, Villa’s family proposed a change in their lifestyle and decided to come to Clarksville, Tennessee. “My wife wanted something different, and an opportunity opened up in Clarksville so we did a survey of the city and we saw it has many virtues, besides the fact that it is growing in a good way and well, we made the decision to come.” ”.

“I am very proud to be in an organization that helps children, there we also forge many business relationships to help more people, I also feel very happy being there, in part because I remember what it is like to be a child”.

Network Besides having a passion for helping the community, Villa also has a special passion for soccer, which he puts into practice at the Clarksville Soccer Club as technical director of the youngest members, this allows him not only to be close to the fields but also “I am very proud to be in an organization that helps children, there we also forge many business relationships to help more people, I also feel very happy being there, in part because I remember what it is like to be a child”. Inform and Plan Health seems to be a taboo subject, not only in the Hispanic community, “the problem is that the Hispanic community grows very fast and we do not have people who can speak both languages in order to bring forth the information we have, because there is a lot of information, only that it is not in other languages. “

To the Community of Clarksville

Villa is clear that “we want to be more than an emergency room, we want everyone to know that we have much more to help and for the community. We will work on being able to bring the information to everyone. “ Within Villa’s short-term plans is “we are employing many people, we have almost 40 new employees, and almost nobody leaves. And it is to continue like this, employing more people to continue growing; just as the city is growing, one sees new construction and new communities wherever one goes”. And in the long term, he has proposed to “have everything here, that people do not have to go to Nashville that they get everything here in Clarksville. The system has always worked like this and we hope to change that in the long term, of course, I hope it will not be so many years. “

I am a reflection of my parents, and for them, as for me, the welfare of others is as important as those of a family member. It is important to give to the community. And that is what I am teaching my children, that when they see something wrong, they fight and face it. This is what I do in the hospital, try to always be there to solve and fight for problems, not be selfish, be humble and help others.

Ideal Economic Environment

One of the advantages of Tennessee is the legal protection it provides to the employee. Here the right to work and to participate in productive employment is guaranteed. Unlike other areas of the United States, in Tennessee, you will not be required to join a union as a condition of applying for a job as this is strictly prohibited by law. No employer may discriminate against an employee because of their race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin or disability. Technological Resources Another point in favor is the extensive technological resources, which offer a great opportunity for growth and profitability for business. As an example, we can mention the investment that has been made regarding uranium processing projects; also in this state is the Oak Ridge National Laboratory that helps offer technological solutions to the

Good Weather The state of Tennessee enjoys a moderate climate that promotes favorable conditions for the development of the business sector. It is located far from the coast, making it less prone to suffer the Low Cost of Living impact of hurricanes. The summer The cost of living is relatively low; season is hot and the winter is mild in fact, its eleven largest cities are and cool. below the national average cost of living in the United States and home Borders Eight States prices are the lowest in the nation. The residents of Tennessee are This advantage also includes costs practically a day away from having in health, transportation, utilities, contact with 75% of the national food and miscellaneous expenses. population. Its location is very Considering that the average strategic since it borders the states cost of living score in the United of Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, States is 100, Tennessee is below Georgia, Mississippi, Arkansas, with a score of 87.60 (according to Missouri, and Alabama. bestplaces.net data). Strong Business Activity Fewer Taxes According to the Kauffman Index, In Tennessee, residents are not Tennessee is ranked 14th in the states required to pay taxes for salaries with the most business activity. This and wages received individually. means that there are more and more However, they must pay taxes on entrepreneurs opening their own interest and dividends earned. businesses, determined to become country. Furthermore, important technology companies such as Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Alstom Power, SIAG Aerisyn and Teledyne Technologies also have headquarters in Tennessee.

independent. Has an Online Business Registration System The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) established an online business registration system called Tennessee SmartStart that makes it easier for entrepreneurs to set up a business using a practical and easy-to-use tool. Ideal for Small Businesses Entrepreneurs are very encouraged by the low tax burden imposed on small businesses; furthermore, they have the support of organizations that provide

advice in this area, such as Tennessee SCORE, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) District Offices, Nashville Entrepreneur Center, Tennessee Small Business Development Centers and Tennessee SBDC Network. Non-Traditional Financing Small businesses in disadvantaged rural areas that do not have access to traditional financing methods can obtain loans from the Certified Development Financial Institutions that have been endorsed by the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund). Knowing all these advantages, it’s up to you to take the first step towards building your own business. No doubt Tennessee is waiting for you to do it.

We begin where tax dollars end.

Our Core Programs Academic Awards Program Teacher Warehouse | Leadership CMCSS Great Idea Grants | Burt High School Scholarship | Pass and Go CMC Education Foundation 621 Gracey Avenue Clarksville, TN 37040 abby.binkley@cmcss.net • 931.920.7955 www.cmceducationfoundation.com

Within my experience as a coach and business

“The normal”

mentor, I have appreciated the need for a very important exploration phase that must be done before developing a business model, and it is the identification of the beliefs that are associated with the process of the undertaking or carrying out a business.

I have observed that beliefs can fall into two categories - the enhancers and the limiting. The enhancers are ones that empower and drive you to achievement. Limiting beliefs are those that consistently reduce our ability to think, feel and act and directly prevent us from reaching goals and satisfying our needs.

Beliefs are at the meta-conscious level; the validation of experiences with the aim of a deep and vital value; in other words, they determine our behaviors and are not at a conscious level for us, in other words, what we believe about certain things. In general, they are the result of experiences, the lessons learned from our environment. In many cases, we utilize them as determining factors when making decisions since we are reasonably certain of what something means. Why do we sell? Why do we have a place on that street? Why do we set that price? Why do we use that presentation? What is the value of our product or service? What do I think I win by doing things this way?

In my sessions with entrepreneurs I assign a special emphasis to work with limiting beliefs, and within our workshops we address some aspects that surround the activities and objectives of a business, that is where we most frequently find discouraging or unfortunate phrases such as: “I’m afraid of failing, life is hard, I’m not good at selling, it’s my destiny to fail, money does not last, successful companies need a lot of capital, Hispanics do not have access to succeed in the technology area, I believe that in order to succeed it is necessary to work very hard, ordinary people do not succeed, employees only work when the boss is present “... and many more. They have been internalized as conclusions either by

experiences, conversations, or exposure to a type of environment that quickly accelerate our erroneous or ineffective decision making. Your beliefs define the limits of what is or is not possible for you that is why it is essential to work the enhancers, and transform the limiting and systematically align them in the direction of your goals and aspirations. Know your limiting beliefs The first step is to be able to identify them. We use a little technique called “what do I think about” ... The reasons provide a lot of valuable information and it is possible to discover them, but it is not as effective as when they themselves become aware of these beliefs, they must verbalize these beliefs, you need to realize that they exist. We see the world according to our beliefs, we feel it, we experience it, so these are vital when it comes to giving the right direction to be able to build. How one looks at others and at the world in general will determine our actions; all the resources that you may have, whether internal or external (money, education, relationships,

technique, etc.) will be diluted if the beliefs are not aligned with the objectives or goals. The second step is to discover; in other words, what supports this limiting belief? Discover- how do I know? Who said it? Does it have any merit? The third thing is to know that the effect is proportional to small beliefs, small actions, and small results. It is crazy to pretend to do and achieve different things without leaving behind your limiting beliefs. I invite you to - Think big! The results are the product of our actions and our actions come from our beliefs. If we change our way of thinking we will change our results. Gonzalo Aranda

Mentor Coach de la International Association of Coaching IAC® Profesor de las Especializaciones de Mentoring , Team y Business Master Business Model Strategyzer ® Coach Executivo Universidad de New York USA Coaching para Emprendedores por la ICC de Londres ICC® Coach de Equipos certificado por Leadership in International garanda@globalcoachingacademy.cl

Current research demonstrates that fully proficient bilingual individuals outperform monolinguals in the areas of divergent thinking, pattern recognition, and problem solving. CMCSS believes that students will be well served by a quality Spanish immersion education that ensures high proficiency in more than one language at no cost to English language academic performance.

make sense of new concepts by relating those new concepts to what they already know. Students before the age of puberty more easily attain native-like proficiency. Why is the Spanish language a good choice for an immersion program?

Research clearly shows that students in a language immersion program often score higher on standardized reading tests in English than those students who are only taught in one language. Throughout the language acquisition process, immersion students may be able to read better in one language than the other. However, this is a normal part of learning to read, and eventually immersion students read at or above grade level in both languages.

In the United States, 1 of 7 persons is Hispanic. By 2020, Hispanics are expected to account for half of Frequently Asked Questions the growth in the U.S. labor force. What is a language immersion Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world. program? Spanish is a “gateway” language How will implementing a A language immersion program that will train the brain, thus making language immersion program in a school benefit a community? is a proven method of educating it easier to learn other languages. children by immersing them in a second or “target” language so they Why would families choose A language immersion program become bilingual. In a language Spanish immersion as an equips students to become Americans who are linguistically immersion program, the classroom educational option? and culturally aware, increasing environment becomes the setting for language acquisition through subject Research shows that children global competitiveness and content instruction, educational can learn one, two, or multiple communication. A language discourse, and social interactions. languages early in life, and they immersion program expands do so with ease. Learning more students’ potential career than one language gives children opportunities in our increasingly Why is language immersion most effective beginning at a young age? cognitive advantages and increases shrinking and diverse world Babies are born as “world citizens,” cultural awareness and sensitivity. market. A language immersion program fosters an inherent able to distinguish any sound in spoken language. Toddlers learn Does learning to read and write in understanding of the world that through interaction with their Spanish before English negatively prompts us to naturally cross families and their immediate impact a student’s academic linguistic and cultural boundaries. surroundings. School-age children progress?

Thanks Clarksville! We have already reached our fifth edition, and we can tell you that it has been a beautiful job. The Hispanos Emprendedores project is complying with what was planned and we are reaching points in our community where before there was not enough information in Spanish; all this thanks to the support of all of you that has been special and for that reason we are very happy. Now we want to start with the second stage of the Hispanos Emprendedores project, where we train our community; next August we will hold a conference called “Step by Step to Entrepreneurs� with qualified speakers on topics such as Business Management, Administration, Tax Preparation, Digital Marketing and much more. We hope that Hispanic Entrepreneur continuing to reach more places where we can fulfill our main function, which is to help and educate our community. Thank you for supporting us

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