Hispanos Emprendedores Tennessee Third Edition

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¿Does Your Business Need Social Networks ? Interview with Millard House II Director of Schools of CMCSS

3 Edition July - September 2017

— SPORTS Field Hockey Continues to Gain Momentum p. 1 — EVENTS Presenting Hispanos Emprendedores at the BBB OPEN MIC NETWORKING p. 3

— EVENTS Daymar College and Other Companies Join to Help Those in Need p. 7 — OPINION Can You Remember the “Great American Solar Eclipse” of 2017? p.8

— ENTREPRENEUR TIPS Does Your Business Need Social Networks? p. 5

Last August, eight nations from the Americas participated in the V Pan American Cups Field Hockey Tournament, which was organized by the Pan American Hockey Federation. Among the best in the world is Argentina who renewed their title, as well as Canada, the United States and Brazil. Mexico, Chile, Trinidad and Tobago, together with Venezuela were among the eight countries represented. For all present, this is undoubtedly one of the best opportunities there is to showcase this sport which continues to grow in our Hispanic countries.

— THE INTERVIEW A Slice Changed the Life of an Entrepreneur p.9 — ENTREPRENEUR TIPS BBB ALERT p. 11 — INTERVIEW

Hispanos Emprendedores Interviews Millard House II, Director of Schools of CMCSS

p. 15

After the event, we had the opportunity to speak with Wilber Bracamonte, who plays for Venezuela and was visiting Clarksville, TN. “Hockey has grown a lot in our countries although not all have the necessary conditions, like in Venezuela for example, that we do not have a special field just for that, nonetheless, it is a sport that continues to grow as younger people decide to enter the world of hockey.” More and more Hispanic countries are joining this sport, which although may seem new or strange to many of us, it is an activity that has been popular among our youth for a long time and continues to grow rapidly.

Hispanos Emprendedores was at another successful event, this time at the BBB (Better Business Bureau) who together with several merchants in the area held the “Open Mic Networking.� This meeting of entrepreneurs and businesspeople is nothing more than an opportunity for everyone to know more about each other’s company, and thus be able to create an effective job network in the city. We are happy to have participated in this event and to have successfully represented our Hispanic community.

Many will think that it is the million dollar question, sufficiently impressive and effective to the public and the answer is as simple as a YES, and not just and another reason, not any less important, is any YES, but the greatest YES that can be given. for its costs. Why am I so sure you need it? Simple, here is an important statistic: there are 1.9 billion users on Facebook, that is to say, that approximately 10% of the inhabitants of the planet use this social network. And these numbers are not declining, they just keep increasing. So why not think about using these technological platforms that are growing more and more each day?

A small business or entrepreneur must, without fail, consider their presence on social networks, with an obvious well-thought-out strategy on what they want to achieve with them. Therefore, to begin in this world of social networks the following steps should be taken into account:

1- You must define very well who you are Social networks have opened a new digital era as a company or brand, and thus create a in terms of marketing; this is partly because they profile where you leave no doubts about the offer various tools to get a message across that is products or services you offer. Choosing a good

profile picture or making a representative corporate image will be very important while taking this first big step. 2- You should choose the social network that best suits your business or brand. It is not advisable to have profiles on social networks just to have them, since a poorly managed social network can be a very expensive price to pay. 3- When choosing the social network and appropriate profile, you must know what message you will send to your audience. Your only purpose may be to sell, but what is most recommended is to also create a relationship with those who follow your brand so that they become fans of your business. 4- It is vital that the publications you make on social networks motivate the interaction of users with your brand, either with likes or comments. It is much better, if you achieve a quality content that is shared by them. 5- If you do not have time to do all this, it is highly recommended that you hire someone that will take charge. Leaving this task in the hands of professionals will save you time and you will avoid making mistakes that could damage your brand. After completing these steps you can start the path in this world of social networking. If you think that because you are a small business owner you do not need them, then you are not thinking like a businessperson or entrepreneur but as someone who has a company but lives paycheck to paycheck. The growth of your business goes hand in hand with your good performance, but also with the way you make your brand known to attract new customers. You must understand that in the today’s world not being on the Internet is practically like being non-existent.

Daymar College held an event of great social value on July 22 in order to help several families who do not have enough resources to give their children all the school supplies they will need for this school year. The activity was titled Around the World & Back to School and brought together several companies and entrepreneurs in the area to form a pleasant group that, with their collaboration, contributed to the purchase of school supplies for children and families with low incomes. In addition to presenting the cultures of different countries of the world, this kind of event helps to give back to the neediest; which is part of the success that these entrepreneurs have had in their respective businesses. Great initiative! We at Hispanos Emprendedores, applaud Daymar College for a job well done!

Can you remember the “great American solar eclipse” of 2017? People from all over the world came here to Clarksville, TN, to participate in this awesome event. The excitement of this event began a few months ago, and then the spectacular show occurred right before our eyes, leaving us amazed. Many of us were very excited about this “once in a lifetime” experience. Social media was inundated with images and stories about this event. Businesses, schools and government establishments were not in session during the day, so they could enjoy this natural phenomenon. Why all the excitement and interest in this, you may ask? Thanks to: Samuel Cortez Dora CeliaPereira Omar Carrera

Some shared that they had never experienced this in their lives. Others said that it is a thing of beauty to see how the earth, the moon and the sun align to give us an unforgettable scene. Did you stop to think how calculated and precise it has to be to make it happen? It is as if someone planned that this happen at that time, that day. Wait a minute! Maybe it was planned by someone... If you open a Bible to the first book (Genesis); you will read on the first line, “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” He created it so we could populate it and enjoy it. But if you go to Psalm 19, you see that David adds, “The heavens declare the glory of God, the heavens proclaim the work of his hands.” Of course, it does not

tell you HOW this happens, but it does tell you why it happens. God has allowed us to experience this event that we may continue to fear Him. It does not end there! This God, who created the heavens and the earth, not only wants you to be in fear of Him for what He can do in heaven, He also wants you to be in fear of what He can do with you. You may be struggling with addiction, depression, loneliness, anger or fear. Nothing that you’ve tried seems to put an end to this; it just suppresses it for a moment. As God created the heavens and the earth to bring Him glory, He created us to do the same. Bring your struggles to Him; He will make something beautiful out of it, so that the world can see that you are also His creation.

The story of Antonio Murgas begins washing dishes in a small pizza place in Clarksville; starting in the kitchen of a Domino’s and then becoming a manager who would fix any problem that came about. Today he continues to write this story, but as the owner of five franchises. Pizzas have always been part of Murgas working life, who since his youth, began to work in this field because his parents always made it perfectly clear that working hard and being outstanding in what he did would make him go far. “My first job was here in Clarksville in 1994, in a pizza restaurant. I started washing dishes, and it was quite busy, but it was my first experience. At that time I had just obtained my license and had a car, but in order to keep it my parents always pushed me to work parttime as soon as my age allowed, as long as it did not affect my studies.” And that’s how pizzas came to Murgas’ life.

The world of Domino’s After some time and while at University, a new opportunity opened up, perhaps the opportunity that would mark the course of his life until today. “While at University, in 1998, almost all my friends already worked there

(Domino’s), and when a position opened up, they encouraged me to apply. The curious thing about that application was that I applied with my older brother and the manager ended up hiring me, even though my brother was older and more experienced. I do not know what he saw in me, but the truth is that he gave me the opportunity and I loved the experience; the concept of the franchise hooked me from the beginning.” Working hard and always trying to make a difference, Murgas managed to be a successful manager. “I was the type that always found a solution to the problems that came up at the different locations.” And all that success led him to think that

one day that he could be the owner of one of those places he had helped so much to succeed. That’s when he decided not to work for others and to work just for himself.

Key moment

There is no doubt that he is achieving it; at 38 years of age, he has been able to contribute substantially to organizations such as the Education Foundation, where his stores have donated more than 1,000 pizzas a year, and they have organized fundraising events for the needy, among other things.

“Part of my business plan was to Like the birth of a child, he make some important change has not forgotten the dates in the community where I am, of purchase of his first two although a long time ago they businesses. “On October 6, told me that it was not necessary, 2008, I bought the first two I think it is the best way to form a stores. It was an overwhelming business; be accepted and loved in feeling, but the first thing that the community. It’s telling people crossed my mind was to go to the that their money is also reflected place and start doing what I did here. “ best: pizzas. Owning a place brings on a lot of thoughts and fears, but I Hispanic growth had to face everything with courage and hard work.” One of the things that Murgas Goals are not achieved with only desire proudly recognizes is that the and longing, planning is also vital in this Hispanic market is growing.“Within type of decision and Murgas had it. “I this franchise the growth in terms made a broad business plan, this led me to of Hispanic owners is great and be able to obtain the loan that would help outside the country Domino’s has me buy the stores and keep them afloat the had a great boom that helps us to first three months while they were still not consolidate our brand. And within profitable, so I think that sticking to the plan Clarksville the Hispanic market is and doing the job well got me ahead.” also growing rather quickly. Thank And from his experience and success he is able God we are fortunate to have Fort to give advice to all entrepreneurs. Campbell nearby that has helped “There are two areas in life where you cannot cut to drive this Hispanic growth. “ costs; these are while hiring a good accountant Murgas added that for all his and a good lawyer.” achievements and his contribution to the community he is part of Hispanos Emprendedores. Shared success In the future Murgas would like to be remembered for his work and as someone who helped others. “I worry a lot about doing a good job and doing something for the community. I want to be remembered as someone who did a great job. “

BBB sets standards for ethical business behavior and monitors compliance. Almost 400,000 accredited businesses come together and commit to our high standards. More than 90% of consumers recognize the BBB logo and what it represents. When they see it attached to your brand, they know that you are a business they can trust. A company of any size that carries the internationally recognized BBB accreditation mark inherits the added advantage of more than 100 years of goodwill in all forms of commerce. Companies that choose to execute large trust operations, comply with BBB Accreditation requirements. That is one of the reasons BBB Accreditation carries so much weight with consumers. It gives your business the advantage it needs to win a contract or job, or attract consumers to its products. BBB Serving Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky, was founded in 1961 and serves thirty-eight counties in Middle Tennessee and seven counties in Southern Kentucky. The BBB office in Clarksville is located at 420 Madison Street. For more information, visit www.gobbb.org, if you are interested in BBB accreditation for your company.

Maria: Who is Millard House II and what is your background? Mr. House: My twenty two year education career began at Tulsa Public Schools and I advanced from classroom teacher to Deputy Superintendent. As Deputy Superintendent, I managed a team of Associate & Assistant Superintendents while adhering to the instructional standards and benchmarks necessary to improve the overall value added student growth within my district. One of my personal goals is to always continue expanding my knowledge and experience in the public sector while positively impacting those that I lead and serve. In an effort to accomplish this goal, in 2012 I became the Chief Operating Officer at Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. Maria: How do you see yourself in 5 years? Mr. House: I think in the next 5 years, what I want to be, first of all is a good husband and a good father. I’ve been married a little over 20 years and I think she’s going to keep me 5 more. Maria: How do you see the school district in 5 years? Mr. House: when we talk about the school district, I think by that time we have to understand that we are dealing with is a lot of growth. We grew by 1,300 kids this year

alone. So, I think in the next five years it’s going to be extremely important that I would’ve developed the right relationships with our county government, to ensure that the right funding structures are in place so that we can have the right infrastructures for our students. I also see in the next five years some things in or around innovation. I love the idea of continuing the incredible work we’re doing with STEM(science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). I also see, in the area of innovation, looking at some possibilities of maybe magnet or different academies, as well. Maria: How can our Hispanic Community help the school system? Mr. House: I think that it’s important that they understand that there are avenues for inclusion. Before you all came in today, I sat down with our continuous improvement coordinator for the district and we talked about exactly what it was to provide feedback that was meaningful feedback. Maria: How can the Hispanic community give you feedback? Mr. House: What I would ask is that individuals for each minority group that really wants to help us is that they take the time to ensure that they are holding individual accountable for providing us with that feedback. If we don’t know, we can’t move forward with executing ideas that meet the needs of any community, whether it’s our minority community or not a minority community. It’s

just important that we get that feedback. So we’ll be moving forward with focus groups with several subcategories of surveys that come out, that will be important. Maria: Yes, in the past we partnered with the school, teaching our community how to use PowerSchool. Mr. House: We’re going to try to provide as many avenues as possible. However, me as a director being new in this school district, I’m trying to open up some avenues where in my first 100 days I can get a close look at things that I can utilize in my strategic planning moving forward. So, I’m actually developing some groups along with what we are already doing in our Continuous Learning Department in reference to the surveys. So, we’ve got a few different buckets that we’re working with, but all of that data is helpful. And I think that’s one of the avenues, as you asked the question, “how can we help”, that I think would be helpful. Maria: And if you want to with a message to our community, what would you tell them? House: I think, what our entire district and community needs to understand is that our goal is to ensure that each one of our kids has the opportunity to be college and career ready. And it’s our responsibility to provide those avenues to do that. So, we are looking forward to ensuring that each and every kid that leaves Clarksville-Montgomery County Schools is just that: college and career ready. If they want to move down the avenue of jumping into a career, we want to have the tools for them to do that. If they want to move forward and go to a traditional four year or two year college, we want them to leave here with the tools to do that as well. I’m excited as a new school director, and I have an open door. I reference to feedback and next steps as we go down this journey. Maria: Mr. House, our community welcome you. House: Thank you! Maria: We’re ready to work with you. House: I look forward to it. House: We appreciate it, We’re an open book, we look to learn and lead at the same time. I’m looking forward to a positive experience. Maria: Thank you very much! House: Thank you!

Sobre el DACA President Trump announced the federal government will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program, which grants temporary legal status to young people who came here as children. We recognize this decision may have some students and families fearful of deportation. This announcement does not change the way the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System currently serves its students. We are committed to educating all students in our district regardless of immigration status, which is our obligation under current federal law. CMCSS does not treat students differently regardless of whether children are documented or undocumented and does not keep record of legal status or citizenship documents upon registration or at any time during their matriculation. CMCSS welcomes all families into its school community and will continue to support its students. It is our mission to educate and empower all students to reach their potential.

At Hispanos Emprendedores we are surprised and happy with how well received our first issue was within the Hispanic market in Clarksville. It went even further and other cities are already interested in bringing this project to their communities. For now, we just must keep working so that each issue is better, and you can have in your hands, a quality product, highlighting the value of Hispanics in this country and in the world. Our digital spaces continue to grow every day and soon we hope to have the best Spanish platform in the city and the state of Tennessee. Thank you for supporting Hispanos Emprendedores

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