Hero's Journey

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He was born into a family that had a lot of power, but they were warlords and the destroyed each other every few years and never be able to survive.

One day it was like any other day. When gudar the lord of dragons woke from his slumber and wanted revenge for being thrown into a mountain and had it sealed.The ground rumbled and then the monster of all dragons flew up and destroyed the clan.

Wreav found a man who will help him kill the dragon and the man had no name he was just powerful in wisdom and taught wreav how to fight in control of the battle and how to channel his rage to help him fight and the journey was long and far.

When they reached his cave and fought for hours until wreav got his revenge for his people. Covered in the blood of the dragon the man with no name just disappeared and wreav did not see for a long time.

Then the journey back to nothing was hard but wreav drifted for the rest of his days. Wreav did not find anything to make him want to live except for the man with no name. Wreav was strong and ready for another fight for his people were not easy to get rid of for they are Warlords.

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