香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival (HKAF) 香港藝術節於 1973 年正式揭幕,是國際藝壇中重要的文化盛事, 於每年 2、3 月期間呈獻約 140 場演出及逾 250 項「加料」和教 育節目,致力豐富香港的文化生活。 香港藝術節是一所非牟利機構,2015 年藝術節的年度預算逾港幣 1 億 1 千 2 百萬,當中接近三成來自香港特區政府的撥款,約四成 來自票房收入,而餘下的逾三成則來自各大企業、熱心人士和慈 善基金會的贊助和捐款。 香港藝術節每年呈獻眾多國際演藝名家的演出,例如:塞西莉亞. 芭托莉、荷西.卡里拉斯、馬友友、菲力普.格拉斯、庫特.馬 素爾、列卡杜.沙爾、米高.巴里殊尼哥夫、蕭菲.紀蓮、奇雲. 史柏西、羅伯特.威爾遜、皇家阿姆斯特丹音樂廳樂團、聖彼得 堡馬林斯基劇院、巴伐利亞國立歌劇院、紐約市芭蕾舞團、巴黎 歌劇院芭蕾舞團、翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場、雲門舞集、星 躍馬術奇藝坊、皇家莎士比亞劇團、柏林劇團及中國國家話劇院 等。 香港藝術節積極與本地演藝人才和新晉藝術家合作,每年委約及 製作多套全新戲劇、室內歌劇、音樂和舞蹈作品,並同步出版新 作劇本,不少作品更已在香港及海外多度重演。 香港藝術節大力投資下一代的藝術教育。「青少年之友」成立 23 年來,已為逾 700,000 位本地中學生及大專生提供藝術體驗活動。 藝術節近年亦開展多項針對大、中、小學學生的藝術教育活動, 並通過「學生票捐助計劃」每年提供逾 8,500 張半價學生票。 香港藝術節每年主辦一系列多元化並深入社區的「加料節目」, 例如示範講座、大師班、工作坊、座談會、後台參觀、展覽、藝 人談、導賞團等,鼓勵觀眾與藝術家互動接觸。 第 43 屆香港藝術節預計收入來源 Projected 43rd HKAF Income Sources
HKAF, launched in 1973, is a major international arts festival committed to enriching the life of the city by presenting about 140 performances and over 250 PLUS and educational events in February and March every year. HKAF is a non-profit organisation. The estimated budget for the HKAF in 2015 is over HK$112 million, with just under 30% coming from government funding, around 40% from the box office, and over 30% from sponsorships and donations from corporations, individuals, and charitable foundations. HKAF presents top international artists and ensembles, such as Cecilia Bartoli, José Carreras, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip Glass, Kurt Masur, Riccardo Chailly, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Sylvie Guillem, Kevin Spacey, Robert Wilson, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Mariinsky Theatre, Bavarian State Opera, New York City Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Zingaro, Royal Shakespeare Company, Berliner Ensemble, and National Theatre of China. HKAF actively promotes Hong Kong’s own creative talents and emerging artists, and commissions, produces and publishes new works in theatre, chamber opera, music and contemporary dance, many with successful subsequent runs in Hong Kong and overseas. HKAF invests in arts education for young people. In the past 23 years, our Young Friends has reached over 700,000 secondary and tertiary school students in Hong Kong. A variety of arts education projects targeted at primary, secondary, and tertiary school students has been launched in recent years. Donations to the Student Ticket Scheme also make available more than 8,500 half-price student tickets each year. HKAF organises a diverse range of Festival PLUS activities in community locations each year to enhance the engagement between artists and audiences. These include lecture demonstrations, masterclasses, workshops, symposia, backstage visits, exhibitions, meet-the-artist sessions, and guided tours.
誠邀贊助或捐助 2015 年第 43 屆香港藝術節, 詳情請與藝術節發展部聯絡。 For sponsorship opportunities and donation details of the 43rd Hong Kong Arts Festival, please contact the Development Department. 電郵 Email: dev@hkaf.org 直線 Direct Lines: (852)2828 4910/11/12 網頁 Website: www.hk.artsfestival.org/en/support-us
香港藝術節加料節目──演出之外,更多精采! More Than Great Performances! 2015 年香港藝術節邀請你欣賞精采紛呈的演出,發掘幕後花絮,相約成就非凡的藝術家。透 過一系列加料節目,探索社會中女性角色與影響力,憧憬大同世界。深入瞭解佛蘭明高的激情 與韻律,或細味曼妙芭蕾的驚世之美。還有認識香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台的香港新一代舞者, 及參與駐節藝術家和學生們的公開展演,享受藝術的魅力。 更多精采節目,請參閱本節目指南及瀏覽加料節目網站報名。 Explore themed programmes at HKAF 2015. Go behind the scenes and meet fabulous Festival artists. Learn more about the roles and influence of women in society or start dreaming of utopia. Revel in the fire and rhythm of flamenco or the delicate beauty and athleticism of ballet. Uncover a new generation of Hong Kong dance talent in the Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series. Enjoy the fruits of this year’s artists-in-residence project with our local communities. All of these and more in this programme guide! Book online on our website.
www.hk.artsfestivalplus.org 除特別註明,所有節目須於網上報名。完成網上報名程序及付款(如適用)後,閣下將收到確認電郵及電子票作實。 Online registration required for all events unless otherwise specified. Bookings will only be confirmed upon completion of online registration and online payment (if applicable).You will receive an e-ticket for your confirmed booking.
藝術節悠藝會會員請於網上以正價報名並於報名時註明會員編號,折扣回贈將於閣下出席已報名活 動時退還。每位會員於每項活動只限獲一位回贈供會員本人使用。 FestClub members please register online at full booking price and provide membership number during registration. Discount rebate to be collected in person at the registered event. Discount applies to one member per registered event and is for members’ personal use only.
一般查詢 General enquiries:
2824 3555(辦公時間內 During office hours) | plus@hkaf.org 悠藝會查詢 FestClub enquiries : membership@hkaf.org 香港藝術節保留更改節目的權利。
The Hong Kong Arts Festival reserves the right to make changes to the programmes.
香港藝術節的資助來自 The Hong Kong Arts Festival is made possible with the funding support of
New membership scheme of HKAF 全新香港藝術節會員計劃
2015年會員申請可享特別優惠! Special offer available for 2015 membership! 詳情請瀏覽 For details: www.hk.artsfestival.org/en/support-us/festclub.html
所有於2015年1月30日前之新申請可獲贈限量版藝術節T恤 一件(原價HK$220)! Join before 30 January 2015 and get a FREE exclusive Festival T-Shirt (original price HK$220)!
香港藝術節悠藝會是一項全新會員計劃,讓年輕管理人員及追求工作與生活平衡的上班族在欣賞藝術節演出以外體驗豐 富多元的文化活動。 FestClub is a new membership scheme of the Hong Kong Arts Festival. The scheme is specially designed for young professionals and aspiring executives to pursue work-life balance and explore a range of arts and lifestyle activities beyond the Festival performances. 2015年之申請可享特別優惠,純銀會籍現只需HK$500(原價HK$1,000)! Special offer available for 2015 applications; silver membership is now at just HK$500 (was HK$1,000)! 會員活動包括: Members’ activities include:
悠藝會的會員將有機會: FestClub members will enjoy opportunities to:
Participate in year-round arts and lifestyle members’ events
. 與國際知名藝術家見面
Meet world-class artists
17 Jan – Open rehearsal and dialogues with artists of The Amahs
31 Jan – Cultural walk to Yim Tin Tsai, Sai Kung
. 認識其他藝術愛好者,擴闊人際網絡
.2月至3月:第43屆香港藝術節期間悠藝會會員專享與多位國際藝術家見面 Feb to Mar – Exclusive Meet-the-Artists sessions for FestClub members during 43rd Hong Kong Arts Festival
. 於指定商戶及機構享用優惠
Network with other arts lovers
Enjoy attractive benefits at selected retailers and institutions
Trial ride on the Festival’s Official Premium Car – Volkswagen to/from a Festival performance venue during the 43rd Festival period
悠藝會會員於指定加料節目可享折扣優惠*! FESTCLUB MEMBERS CAN ENJOY DISCOUNTS AT SELECTED PLUS EVENTS*! *名額有限,先到先得 Limited quota; first come first served ‡ 閣下如有垂詢,請與悠藝會聯絡 For enquiries, please contact FestClub: 電郵 Email: membership@hkaf.org 總機 General Line: (852) 2824 3555
香港藝術節網頁 HKAF Website
悠藝會Facebook專頁 Facebook page of FestClub
目錄 Contents
加料專題推介 What to see and explore ?
歌劇 / 戲曲及特備節目 Opera & Specials
音樂 Music
戲劇 Theatre
舞蹈 Dance
電視特備節目 Festival on TV
藝術節展覽 Festival Exhibition
青少年之友 Young Friends
節目概覽 Calendar 場地指南 Venue Guide
58-60 61
加料專題推介 What to see and explore ? 藝術節加料節目精采紛呈,不知從何著手?不妨-從感興趣的主題出發,在豐富多樣的節目中為自己度身訂造 一份節目清單!我們誠意推介: With so many programmes and events to explore in Festival PLUS, it can be hard to know where and when to begin. So this year why not curate your own show, finding a theme that suits your interests? Below, some suggestions from HKAF: 聚焦女性與藝術 Women in the Spotlight 中國戲曲的視野——與茅威濤對談 Future of Chinese Opera �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 博爾達分享藝術管理心得 Meeting Deborah Borda ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 「女.聲」攝影活動“Voices of Women” Photography Campaign ���������������������������������������������������������������� 邂逅 Lady Day Lady Day Live ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 「珍.奧斯汀的世界」講座 Talk : The World of Jane Austen ���������������������������������������������������������������������������
P.16 P.17 P.18 P.23 P.32
魅力佛蘭明高 The Flamenco Magic 佛蘭明高的韻律 Flamenco, The Rhythm ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.23 佛蘭明高舞蹈工作坊(阿瑪亞及卡蒙納)Flamenco Workshops with Karime Amaya & Jesús Carmona ������������������ P.44 佛蘭明高舞蹈之談 Flamenco, The Dance ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.45
舞台與銀幕 Of Stage and Screen 《雞蛋星球》工作坊及演後談 Planet Egg 's Workshop and Meet-the-Artist �������������������������������������������������������� 「駐節藝術家計劃: 創作紙影院」展演 The Paper Cinema Artists-in-Residence Project Showcase ���������������������� 《奧德賽漂流記》演後談 Behind the Odyssey ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 《金蘭姊妹》講座及演後談 The Amahs Talk and Meet-the-Artist �������������������������������������������������������������������
P.34 P.35 P.36 P.37
探索烏托邦 Searching for Utopia 賽馬會本地菁英創作系列《大同》多個講座 Talks on The Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series — Datong: The Chinese Utopia �������������������������������� P.13-15 烏托邦之後台解碼 Utopia Backstage ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.15 《大同》展覽及演後談 Datong : The Chinese Utopia Exhibition and Meet-the-Artist ����������������������������������� P.15-16, 55
經典芭蕾與創新 Ballet Classics & Classics Reinvented 莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞大師班 Mastering Ballet with the Bolshoi �������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.42 《仙履奇緣》後台解碼及演後談 Cinderella Backstage Tour and Meet-the-Artist ��������������������������������������������� P.42-43 荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團大師班 Dutch National Ballet Masterclass �������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.43 加料電影——莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團 Bolshoi Ballet in Cinema 2014-2015 ���������������������������������������������������� P.47-51
歌劇 / 戲曲及特備節目 Opera & Specials 16 世紀俄羅斯.16th century Russia 女性.女聲.Voices of women 藝術領袖.Leaders in the arts 大同世界.Utopia
©Damir Yusupov
粵劇的傳承.Cantonese Opera legacies
《沙皇的新娘》後台解碼 Designing The Tsar’s Bride
傳承粵劇經典 Passing the Torch in Cantonese Opera
© Damir Yusupov
後台解碼 Backstage tour
21/3 六 Sat
香港文化中心大劇院後台 Backstage of Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre
下午 1:00 - 1:45 pm
報名 Registration $40 $20 Fest
以全新視角解讀《沙皇的新娘》,在這次獨特的後台參觀活動 中,欣賞劇中由奧尤娜.皮卡諾娃設計的華麗佈景,及伊蓮娜. 扎伊采娃製作的精巧服裝及頭飾,親身鑑賞、品味大師之作, 機會難逢。 Gain new views on the look and style of The Tsar’s Bride during this unique backstage tour. Offering rare, behind-the-scenes access, explore the sumptuous set designs of Alyona Pikalova and see upclose the intricacies of Yelena Zaytseva’s costume and headdress designs. 英語主講 In English
講座 Talk
11/3 三 Wed 晚上 7:45 - 10:00 pm
油麻地戲院 Yau Ma Tei Theatre $60 Fest
藝術節誠邀你參與粵劇紀錄片《乾旦路》放映及討論會。 在電影放映後,片中兩位男花旦譚穎倫及王候偉,連同 《鴛鴦淚》及「經典復興:粵劇戲寶傳承篇」藝術總監李 奇峰,以及「2013 年香港藝術發展獎」藝術新秀獎 ( 電影 ) 得主暨《乾旦路》導演卓翔,將探討年輕演員力爭上游及 粵劇傳承的主題。 Join a panel discussion with Tam Wing-lun, and Wong Hau-wai —— subjects of My Way , the documentary that tells the story of the two young male opera singers struggling to succeed. The discussion also brings together Danny Chi-kei Li, Artistic Director of Lovers’ Tears and Classics Revisited: Cantonese Opera Treasures at the 2015 HKAF, and Cheuk Cheung, Director of My Way and winner of Award for Young Artist (Film) in the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2013. Together they will explore the theme of “Passing the Torch in Cantonese Opera” and an artist’s journey. My Way will be screened before the discussion. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese 《乾旦路》 My Way 香港 Hong Kong (2012) 72 分鐘 mins / 彩色 Colour 導演 Director: 卓翔 Cheuk Cheung 廣東話對白,附中、英文字幕 In Cantonese with English and Chinese subtitles
© Damir Yusupov
相關演出 Related Performance 莫斯科大劇院歌劇團 The Bolshoi Opera 《沙皇的新娘》 The Tsar's Bride 20-22/3
相關演出 Related Performance 粵劇《鴛鴦淚》Cantonese Opera – Lovers’ Tears 8,15/3 經典復興:粵劇戲寶傳承篇 Classics Revisited: Cantonese Opera Treasures 12-14/3
歌劇 / 戲曲及特備節目 OPERA & SPECIALS
賽馬會本地菁英創作系列 《大同》 Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series——Datong: The Chinese Utopia
受中國當代先鋒思想家康有為眼中的烏托邦中國所啟發而創作的史詩式室內歌劇《大同》將在藝術節隆重首演。透過參與由藝 術節舉辦一系列的加料節目,欣賞賽馬會本地菁英創作系列 《大同》之精采幕後花絮。 To create a chamber opera about Kang Youwei, a visionary thinker in modern Chinese history and his vision for a perfect China – his Chinese Utopia – is no easy task. Take a behind-the-scenes look at its creative process. In a series of talks, meet-the-artist session, backstage tour and exhibition, come and see all aspects of this production up close.
獨家贊助 Solely Sponsored by
《大同:康有為在瑞典》放映座談會 Datong: The Great Society – In Search of a Modern Utopia 電影 / 講座 Film / Talk
22/3 日 Sun 下午 2:30-6:00pm
香港演藝學院演奏廳 Recital Hall, HKAPA $60 Fest
藝術節邀請你觀賞優秀紀錄片《大同:康有為在瑞典》,更有 該紀錄片導演、本地原創室內歌劇《大同》的編劇陳耀成親臨 現場,聯同美國哈佛大學 Edward C. Henderson 中國文學教 授、香港大學人文學者王德威教授,深入探討中國當代社會中 的烏托邦思想,勢必激起引人深思的討論,萬勿錯過!
In Cantonese, Putonghua, English and French, with English and Chinese subtitles
A special screening of Evans Chan’s documentary Datong: The Great Society followed by a discussion between film director Evans Chan ——librettist of the HKAF-commissioned chamber opera Datong: The Chinese Utopia —— and Harvard University Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese Literature and HKU distinguished fellow in Humanities, Dr David Wang. The pair will explore the idea of utopia in contemporary Chinese society in what promises to be a thoroughly thought-provoking session. Don’t miss this.
承蒙香港大學香港人文社會研究所支持王德威教授以「孔梁巧玲傑出人文學者」身份參 與是次講座。
英語 / 普通話主講
《大同:康有為在瑞典》Datong: The Great Society 香港 / 台灣 / 美國 Hong Kong/Taiwan/USA (2011) 118 分鐘 mins / 彩色 Colour 導演 Director: 陳耀成 Evans Chan 廣東話、普通話、英語及法語對白,附中、英 文字幕
The appearance of Professor David Wang in this event is supported by HKU's Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, which is hosting Professor Wang as Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities.
相關演出 Related Performance 賽馬會本地菁英創作系列《大同》
Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series Datong: The Chinese Utopia 20-22/3
In English/Putonghua
歌劇作曲解碼 Composing for Datong
「新音樂.新構思」座談會 "New Music, Fresh Ideas": a Discussion Hosted by Evans Chan 電影 / 講座 Film / Talk
15/3 日 Sun 下午 4:00 - 6:00pm
香港大會堂演奏廳 Recital Hall, HK City Hall $60 Fest
參加由陳耀成執導的電影《靈琴新韻》放映會。陳耀成導演將 親臨現場主持,與哈佛大學校友、香港中文大學李歐梵教授, 與知名鋼琴家羅乃新舉行座談,生動講述世界首位玩具鋼琴家 陳靈的傳奇音樂人生。三位大師將以妙趣橫生,貫穿古今的演 講,探索「新音樂」及由陳耀成所編寫的三幕室內歌劇《大同》 在音樂上的關聯。
講座 Talk
15/3 日 Sun 下午 2:45 - 3:30pm
香港大會堂演奏廳 Recital Hall, HK City Hall 免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
Join us for a special screening of Evans Chan’s Sorceress of the New Piano – The Artistry of Margaret Leng Tan —— a renowned performer of new piano music and the world's first toy piano virtuoso —— followed by a discussion, hosted by Evans Chan, with Professor Leo Lee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Harvard alumnus, and acclaimed pianist Nancy Loo. In what promises to be a lively, wide-ranging conversation, the trio will explore the notion of “new music” and in relation to the HKAFcommissioned production Datong: The Chinese Utopia , for which Evans Chan is librettist. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
香港大學音樂系系主任陳慶恩教授憑藉藝術節委約歌劇《蕭 紅》,於 2013 年榮膺香港藝術發展獎年度最佳藝術家(音樂) 不久,就迎接新挑戰,完美融合中西樂器,為藝術節室內歌劇 《大同》譜寫樂章。此次講座,陳教授將分享古典及現代樂方 面的心得,講述這部史詩式作品的第一手創作過程。講座人人 皆宜,毋需專業知識。
Sorceress of the New Piano – The Artistry of Margaret Leng Tan 香港 / 新加坡 / 美國 Hong Kong/Singapore/USA (2004) 90 分鐘 mins / 彩色 Colour 導演 Director: 陳耀成 Evans Chan 英語對白,附中文字幕 In English with Chinese subtitles
After winning the Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Best Artist Award (Music) in 2013 for his HKAF-commissioned chamber opera Heart of Coral , composer Chan Hing-yan, Professor of The University of Hong Kong’s Music Department, immediately took up a new challenge: composing a chamber opera that incorporates both Chinese and Western instruments. HKAF’s Datong: the Chinese Utopia is the compelling result. In this talk, Professor Chan will share his thoughts on classical and contemporary music, including insights on the creative process, garnered from first-hand experience composing Datong. Suitable for everyone, even if you’re new to the art form. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
相關演出 Related Performance 賽馬會本地菁英創作系列《大同》
Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series Datong: The Chinese Utopia 20-22/3
© MichaelDames
歌劇 / 戲曲及特備節目 OPERA & SPECIALS
執導現代歌劇 Staging a New Opera
烏托邦之後台解碼 Utopia Backstage 後台解碼 Backstage Tour
22/3 日 Sun 下午 12:30 - 1:30pm
康有為面面觀 Datong and The World of Kang Youwei 展覽 Exhibition
27/2 – 29/3 上午 9:00am - 晚上 11:00pm
香港大會堂劇院後台 Backstage of Theatre, HK City Hall 報名 Registration $40 $20 Fest
(29/3: 於下午 8 時結束 Closes at 8pm)
香港文化中心大堂 Foyer, HK Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free admission
此次後台解碼,將由《大同》服裝設計 譚嘉儀帶你走進幕後,全方位探索這部 史詩式歌劇的製作過程,一覽參照清代 慈禧太后與光緒皇帝精緻服飾的戲服, 以及傳統儒家學者的服裝,宛如穿越時 空,與劇中人物一起走過晚清與文革年 代。
講座 Talk
五 Fri
晚上 7:30 - 9:00pm 香港文化中心排演室 GR1 Rehearsal Room GR1, HK Cultural Centre $100 Fest
不要錯過這次難得的機會,觀賞賽馬會 本地菁英創作系列《大同》的最後階段 排演,並與導演鄧樹榮暢談其創作經 驗。名額有限,報名從速。
詳情請參閱第 55 頁。 Please refer to details on page 55.
Take the unique opportunity to go behind the scenes of Datong: The Chinese Utopia . Guided by Mandy Tam, Datong’s costume designer, explore the workings of this chamber opera production and see costumes and accessories inspired by the Qing Court —— the Empress Dowager Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor —— as well as those of a traditional Confucian scholar. Set designs span space and time, from the late Qing Dynasty through to the Cultural Revolution. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
See inside the creative process that underpins the staging of contemporary opera by visiting the final stages of rehearsal for Datong: The Chinese Utopia , masterminded by director Tang Shu-wing. This is a chance to gain rare access to the production and a unique opportunity for audiences who plan to attend the performance proper. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese © Calligraphy by Lam Yuet Hang
《大同》演後談 Meet the Faces of Datong
中國戲曲的視野 –– 與茅威濤對談 Future of Chinese Opera
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
講座 Talk
21/3 六 Sat
26/3 四 Thu
約於晚上 About 9:40 - 10:10pm
(演出後 Post performance)
晚上 7:00 - 9:00pm
香港演藝學院音樂廳 Concert Hall, HKAPA $30 Fest
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, HK City Hall
免費入場 Free admission.
茅威濤將與著名舞台導演及香港演藝學院戲曲學院院長毛俊輝展開生動對話, 探索推廣中國戲曲所需的策略與藝術視野。
香港藝術節全新委約的三幕室內歌劇《大同》 演出後,劇中出色的歌唱家與背後的創意團隊 將與你分享創作歷程。一同來探究歌劇中的各 個人物角色,舞台美學、音樂如何呈現追逐烏 托邦的精神與當代社會的關聯。 Don’t miss the chance to meet the talented singers and inspirational creative team behind Datong: The Chinese Utopia . Find out how they put together this three-act chamber opera commissioned by the HKAF, exploring the work of scholar and political-thinker Kang Youwei, relating his utopian ideology to our modern society. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
茅威濤亦會細數帶領位於杭州的浙江小百花越劇團的點滴。聽她講述如何平 衡台上台下的生活、管理劇團、創作、創新藝術形式,與年輕及老戲迷互動, 令劇團與杭州的快速發展與時俱進。 藝術節邀請你前來一同探究越劇與粵劇的發展前瞻。 Meet Mao Weitao, China’s beloved Yue opera artist and the head of Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe. This important conversation with Fredric Mao – renowned Hong Kong stage director and Chair of Chinese Opera of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts —— will explore the strategy and artistic vision needed to develop Chinese opera in response to its popularity. Mao will share her experience running the all-female Yue opera troupe in Hangzhou ——a city comparable to the size of Hong Kong: how she balances her role on and off stage, managing a full-time company, producing new works, renewing the art form, engaging with audiences old and new, and keeping pace with its home city’s rapid development. How can one compare the development of Chinese's opera in Hong Kong with that in Hangzhou as witnessed by Mao? Come and find out. 普通話主講 In Putonghua
In collaboration with
相關演出 Related Performance 賽馬會本地菁英創作系列《大同》
Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series Datong: The Chinese Utopia 20-22/3
相關演出 Related Performance 浙江小百花越劇團 Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe 新版《梁山伯與祝英台》The New Butterfly Lovers 24-25/3 《二泉映月》The Moon Over a Fountain 27/3 《五女拜壽》Five Daughters Offering Felicitations 28-29/3
歌劇 / 戲曲及特備節目 OPERA & SPECIALS
洛杉磯愛樂主席兼行政總裁 –– 博爾達分享藝術管理心得 Meeting Deborah Borda——President and CEO of Los Angeles Philharmonic 講座 Talk
20/3 五 Fri
下午 2:00 - 3:30 pm
香港君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong $100 Fest
( 含咖啡或茶一杯 includes coffee/tea )
博爾達以其具創意的領導風格、對創新的堅持及進取的視野, 享譽樂界。她曾任紐約愛樂的行政總監逾十年,亦曾任三藩市 交響樂團總經理,以及聖保羅室樂團和底特律交響樂團的總裁。 博爾達為洛杉磯愛樂制定傑出的業務及策展計劃,為樂團重新 注入藝術活力及回復財政穩健;她亦監督了華特迪士尼音樂廳 和荷里活露天劇場新翼的建設,並且增加了這兩個場地的演出 節目。另外,博爾達促成了音樂總監杜達美的委任。在博爾達 的領導下,洛杉磯愛樂在藝術與社會層面皆成績蜚然,不僅持 續成為美國最活躍委約創作的樂團,其跨界製作及新科技創作 均贏得國際稱譽。博爾達畢業於班寧頓 / 皇家音樂學院,曾是 專業中提琴手,現亦是國際尊崇的顧問及講師。
藝術管理有甚麼學問?這行業的性質又是怎樣?藝術管理看 似多姿多采,不但能與複雜精細的藝術為伴,又能與偉大的 藝術家和藝術愛好者互動,因而成為不少人夢寐以求的職 業。投身藝術管理經常被認為是出於激情的呼召,而非事業 發展或聘用條件等平凡的考慮,因此投身這行業的人不多。 真的是這樣嗎?這是事實的全部嗎?
Deborah Borda's career has been distinguished by her creative leadership, commitment to innovation, and progressive outlook on the role of the orchestra in the 21st century. She was Executive Director of the New York Philharmonic for a decade, General Manager of the San Francisco Symphony, and President of the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra and Detroit Symphony Orchestra. In Los Angeles, Borda designed an acclaimed business and curatorial plan, which restored the orchestra to robust artistic and fiscal health; oversaw the opening of Walt Disney Concert Hall and the addition of a new shell to the Hollywood Bowl, the LA Phil’s summer home; expanded artistic programming at both venues; and spearheaded the appointment of Gustavo Dudamel as Music Director. Under Borda’s leadership, the LA Phil has advanced both artistic and social objectives, maintains the most active commissioning program in the USA and garnered international acclaim for interdisciplinary productions and work with new technologies. A Bennington/Royal College of Music alumnus and a former professional violist, Borda is in demand internationally as a consultant and lecturer.
洛杉磯愛樂主席兼行政總裁博爾達是世上最受推崇的藝術管 理人之一,她將會親身訴說其精采的藝術行政事業,並分享 如何管理蜚聲國際的樂團。 What does it take to manage the arts and what is the nature of such a career? Arts management looks very glamourous, characterised by sophistication and refinement, offering opportunities to interact with great artists and arts lovers. It is seen as a calling, driven by passion rather than prosaic considerations such as career advancement and terms of employment, and therefore the purview of people who can indulge in such a career. Is this true? Is this the whole story? Deborah Borda, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, one of the world’s most respected arts managers, tells it like it is drawing upon her stellar career in orchestra management and revealing the art and science of leading one of the most celebrated orchestras in the world. 英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 杜達美與洛杉磯愛樂樂團
Gustavo Dudamel and the Los Angeles Philharmonic 19-20/3
Sponsored by
International Media Partner
In Partnership with
「女.聲」攝影活動 “Voices of Women” Photography Campaign
攝影比賽及展覽 Photo Competition & Exhibition 攝影比賽 Photo Competition
2/2 一 Mon - 9/3 一 Mon
歡迎來自香港、中國大陸、澳門及台灣地區 15 歲以上的女性參加
Females aged 15 or above from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Macau and Taiwan are welcome to participate
展覽 Exhibition
( 展覽日期及地點容後公佈 Dates and venue to be announced)
2015 年藝術節以「女性」為主題之一。齊來參加我們的 「女.聲」攝影活動,用你的攝影作品表揚女性的創意與 成就! 是次攝影活動包括比賽及展覽,歡迎來自香港、澳門、中 國大陸及台灣地區的女性參加。由 2015 年 2 月 2 日至 3 月 9 日,誠邀你上傳照片至藝術節的「女.聲」攝影活動 網站,照片可以圍繞女性的創意及女性的成就兩大主題。 比賽期間,每週將有優異作品獲選為「本週優秀照片」。 所有優秀作品將自動入圍至決賽,勝出作品將於活動網站 公佈。
A Key focus of the 2015 HKAF is “Women”. Come celebrate women’s creativity and achievements through the “Voices of Women” Photography Campaign with us! Women from all walks of life living in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China and Taiwan are invited to participate in this unique photography competition and exhibition. Express your voice by submitting photographs on the themes of women’s creativity and women’s achievements to the Festival’s “Voices of Women” website from 2 February to 9 March 2015. The most outstanding photographs that are also relevant to any of the two themes will be selected as “Outstanding Photos of the Week” during the competition. All outstanding submissions will automatically qualify as finalists of the competition. The results will be announced via the campaign website. Entries submitted by finalists will be exhibited in a public exhibition in 2015. Join this wonderful visual celebration and showcase your artistic talents! For details and updates of the activities, please visit the “Voices of Women” website www.hkafvoicesofwomen.org which will go live on 5 January 2015. Please also follow the campaign on our Facebook page and Sina Weibo.
入圍作品將會在 2015 年的公開展覽中展出。快來一顯才 華,以精采的視覺表揚女性的成就與創意吧! 有關活動詳情,將於 2015 年 1 月 5 日在藝術節「女.聲」 攝影活動網站 www.hkafvoicesofwomen.org 內 公佈,你亦可在 Facebook 及新浪微博留意活動最新動向。
相關演出 Related Performance 寶格麗璀璨妙韻 The Bulgari Stage for Voices of Women: 赤腳女聲 Barefoot Divas: Walk a Mile in My Shoes 7/3 卡珊卓.威爾遜 Cassandra Wilson - Coming Forth By Day: A Celebration of Billie Holiday 21-22/3
贊助 Sponsored by
音樂 Music 人聲之王.Master of the human voice 音樂的色彩.The sound of colours Lady Day 傳奇.Lady Day live 佛蘭明高之音.The Flamenco rhythm
波比.麥非年大師班 The Bobby McFerrin Masterclass
© Ingrid Hertfelder
大師班 Masterclass
14/3 六 Sat 下午 3:00 - 4:30 pm
香港文化中心排演室 CR2 Rehearsal Room CR2, HK Cultural Centre 旁聽 Observer $180 $140 Fest
無論是合唱團或無伴奏合唱組合,只要有意學習即興演 唱,或準備了作品供大師品評,就切勿錯過這個千載難逢 的機會,在創意互動的大師班中接受人聲天王波比.麥非 年的親身指導。 若尚未準備好登台表演,你亦可參與觀摩此次大師班,見 證歌者們在大師的指導下釋放自我,灑脫自如的即興演 唱。麥非年在指導過程中會隨時與你互動。折服於大師的 曼妙嗓音,你會在歡樂氣氛的感染下情不自禁跟着哼唱。 旁聽只限 100 位,報名從速! 英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance * 信和集團藝萃系列 Sino Group Arts Celebration Series: 波比.麥非年 Bobby McFerrin 13/3*, 14/3
This is an adventure in vocal improvising, community, creativity and joy. If you are a vocal ensemble or a cappella group interested in improvisation or having prepared material critiqued, audition to work with Bobby McFerrin in this once-in-a-lifetime masterclass. Not quite ready? Join the masterclass as an observer and watch as singers are coached to open themselves up to the process of true, unrestricted improvisation. Expect McFerrin to engage you as he coaches and mentors. Be captivated and inspired to sing along in this joyous, contagious celebration of the power of the human voice. Limited to 100 observers only. 如欲於大師班中接受演唱指導(只限合唱團或無伴奏合唱組合), 請登上本節目之加料節目網頁報名。
If you are interested in being coached in this masterclass (ensemble or a cappella group only), please visit this event page on the Festival PLUS website to apply.
贊助 Sponsored by
卡華高斯小提琴大師班 Violin Masterclass by Leonidas Kavakos
© Marco Borggreve
上午 10:15am -下午 12:30 pm
艾瑪的音樂之旅 Kapelle for Kids
學校伙伴計劃 Education
大師班 Masterclass
28/3 六 Sat
香港文化中心排演室 CR2 室 Rehearsal Room CR2, HK Cultural Centre 旁聽 Observer $120 $80 Fest
去年藝術節,卡華高斯聯同佩斯舉行貝多芬演奏會,他們 至臻完美的激情演繹,獲得台下觀眾掌聲雷動,大師四次 返台謝幕及演奏。今年,他新增舒伯特、李察.史特勞斯 以及康戈格德的動人樂章,再次於藝術節舞台獻藝。卡華 高斯亦將於大師班中指導學員,誠邀你旁聽,藉此探索音 樂家如何演繹經典曲目,並將樂譜化為動人心弦的旋律。 不要錯過千載難逢的機會,親眼見證大師指導本地的年輕 小提琴手。
27/2 五 Fri
上午 11:15am -下午 12:15 pm
香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, HK Cultural Centre 憑邀請參加 By invitation only
好奇的八歲木偶小女孩艾瑪,期待與你一同踏上奇妙的音樂之 旅! Kapelle for Kids 是德累斯頓國家管弦樂團為小學生設計的特 備教育節目。樂團圓號手 Julius Rönnebeck 將與五位銅管樂手 及一位手風琴手,以意大利歌劇《小丑》為靈感,帶領艾瑪及 小朋友進入小丑及喜劇演員的世界。 希望一窺古典音樂及歌劇大門的孩子們,絕不能錯過這個由技 藝精湛、熱情洋溢的音樂家獻上的特別演出! Meet Alma, a curious eight year old puppet girl…
Leonidas Kavakos’ fiery Beethoven recital with Enrico Pace last year brought the house down with four encores, and this year, he’s expanding his repertoire to include Schubert, Richard Strauss and Korngold.
In this special event designed for primary school children, Staatskapelle Dresden’s horn player Julius Rönnebeck takes Alma and the audience into the world of Clowns and Comedians in an educational performance inspired by the Italian opera I Pagliacci with five brass players of the orchestra and one accordion player.
In this violin masterclass, Kavakos will instruct violin students to a public audience. If you’ve ever wondered how musicians tackle a score, how they turn notations on the page to soul-moving music, then don’t miss this chance to hear him share and demonstrate his insights with budding violinists from Hong Kong.
Kapelle for Kids inspires interest in classical music and the world of opera amid the excitement and energy of a unique performance, given by skilled, passionate musicians.
英語主講 In English 如欲於本大師班中接受演奏指導,請登上本節目之加料節目網頁報名。
英語主講 In English 如閣下為小學老師,有興趣帶領學生參與此活動,請到加料節目網 站報名。
If you are interested in being coached in this masterclass, please visit this event page on the PLUS website to apply.
If you are a primary institution interested in participating in this event, please visit this event page on the Festival PLUS website to apply.
相關演出 Related Performance 卡華高斯與佩斯音樂會 Kavakos & Pace Recital 27/3
相關演出 Related Performance 泰利曼與德累斯頓國家管弦樂團
Christian Thielemann & the Staatskapelle Dresden 27-28/2
米凱.路迪鋼琴大師班 Piano Masterclass with Mikhail Rudy 大師班 Masterclass
16/3 一 Mon 下午 1:00 - 3:00pm
威廉.克里斯蒂與繁花古樂團大師班 Masterclass with William Christie and Les Arts Florissants
香港演藝學院演奏廳 Recital Hall, HKAPA 旁聽 Observers $60
真正的大師如何將畢生所學傳授給年輕的音樂家?藝術節誠邀 你親臨此大師班,觀摩路迪指導香港演藝學院的學生。俄國鋼 琴家路迪畢業於莫斯科音樂學院,曾獲法國唱片大獎及無數重 要獎項。別錯過一睹大師親身指導並培養年輕本地音樂家的精 采過程。 How does a true maestro pass on a lifetime of musical expertise to instruct aspiring young performers? Observe acclaimed pianist Mikhail Rudy conduct a masterclass with Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts students and discover the answer. Russianborn Rudy was trained at the Moscow Conservatory and has won numerous awards including the Grand Prix du Disque. Don’t miss this opportunity to watch a master at work, nurturing the next generation of local talent.
© Denis-Rouvre
大師班 Masterclass
3/3 二 Tue
上午 11:00 am - 下午 1:00 pm
英語主講 In English
香港演藝學院音樂廳 Concert Hall, HKAPA 旁聽 Observers $60
在此千載難逢的機會,你將一探威廉.克里斯蒂工作時的風 采。克里斯蒂於 1979 年創立的繁花古樂團,以巴羅克樂器細 膩而生動的演奏,憑一己之力重振法國巴羅克音樂昔日風采, 掀起古樂潮流,使許多經典曲目得以重新煥發璀璨光彩。 把握機會,一看克里斯蒂及繁花古樂團的樂手於本大師班中指 導香港演藝學院巴羅克樂團,了解大師如何引導樂團雕琢出超 凡的巴羅克音樂。 Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe maestro William Christie at work. Christie founded Les Arts Florissants in 1979, their watertight partnership and refined performances on period instruments singlehandedly revived French Baroque and allowed many early operas to cast their magic on stage again. In this masterclass, the maestro and musicians from Les Arts Florissants will work with the baroque ensemble from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. The event is open to public observers, giving music lovers the rare chance to peek behind-thescene and gain insight into how Maestro Christie works with his musicians to tease out that ethereal quality in baroque music. 英語主講 In English 以上兩項活動之合作伙伴
The two events above are presented in collaboration with
相關演出 Related Performance 米凱.路迪與馬克.夏卡爾《音樂的色彩》
Mikhail Rudy & Marc Chagall – The Sound of Colours 13-15/3
相關演出 Related Performance 威廉.克里斯蒂、庭院之聲學院獨唱家與繁花古樂團
William Christie & Le Jardin des Voix Academy Soloists With the Orchestra of Les Arts Florissants 3/3
邂逅 Lady Day Lady Day Live
佛蘭明高的韻律 Flamenco, The Rhythm
電影 / 演出 Film / Performance
講座 Talk
15/3 日 Sun
27/3 五 Fri
下午 3:30 - 5:30 pm
Orange Peel Music Lounge $220 Fest
晚上 6:30 - 7:30 pm
( 含飲料一杯 Includes one drink)
藝術節邀請你共度動人爵士下午,欣賞紀錄片《Lady Day: Billie Holiday 多面睇》,重溫一代爵士傳奇震懾人心的表演。 影片成功塑造 Billie Holiday 爵士一姐的形像,讓你回顧珍貴 的歷史片段,重新認識這位「十四行詩裏的黑夫人」。 放映會後將舉行現場音樂會,邀請本地爵士音樂家以曼妙的音 樂向 Billie Holiday 致敬,紀念一代爵士傳奇的一百周年誕辰。 Enjoy a sensational afternoon of jazz at Orange Peel as the life of the iconic, influential singer Billie Holiday is explored in the documentary Lady Day —— The Many Faces of Billie Holiday. Rediscover the “Dark Lady of the Sonnets” through beautifully restored and re-mastered historical footage that casts her as the inventor of modern vocal jazz. The screening is followed by a special live concert as local jazz musicians pay tribute to Lady Day’s music and her unique voice celebrating the 100th anniversary of her birth. 《Lady Day:Billie Holiday 多面睇》 Lady Day – The Many Faces of Billie Holiday 年份 Year: 1990 60 分鐘 mins / 彩色及黑白 Colour and B&W 導演 Director: Matthew Seig
香港大會堂演奏廳 Recital Hall, HK City Hall $60 Fest
別指導的大師班,成為惟一獲此殊榮的亞洲人。自 1977 年來, 歐永財在香港及中國積極致力於演奏、教學以及推廣佛蘭明高 結他音樂。 Flamenco guitar uses a large range of percussive and rhythmic techniques to give the music its signature characteristic feel. Watch and listen as Hong Kong’s Raymond Au and members of his ensemble demonstrate the differences between classical and flamenco guitars, their structures, and the rhythm and essence of Flamenco music. A graduate of Centro Flamenco of Cordoba, Spain, Au is the only Asian to have attended the masterclass given by the legendary Paco Peña. Since 1977, Au has been an active performer, teacher and promoter of Flamenco guitar music in Hong Kong and China. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
合辦 Co-presented with
Coming Forth By Day : A Celebration of Billie Holiday 21-22/3
佛蘭明高結他演奏使用多元化的敲擊及節律技巧,讓其音樂展 現出獨特的韻味。藝術節邀來佛蘭明高結他導師歐永財與其樂 團成員,演示古典結他與佛蘭明高結他之差異,講解佛蘭明高 音樂的結構、韻律及精髓。畢業於西班牙哥杜巴佛蘭明高結他 中心,歐永財被大師柏高.班拿(Paco Peña)選入其親自個
英語對白及字幕 In English with closed captions
相關演出 Related Performance 寶格麗璀璨妙韻 The Bulgari Stage for Voices of Women : 卡珊卓.偉爾遜 Cassandra Wilson -
相關演出 Related Performance * 信和集團藝萃系列 Sino Group Arts Celebration Series: 星耀佛蘭明高 Gala Flamenca 26/2, 27/2, 28/2*, 1/3 拉米加斯女子樂團 Las Migas 27/3
杜希金三重奏 : 音樂道路的迷思 Trio Dushkin: A Case Study on Today's Working Musicians 講座 Talk
12/3 四 Thu 下午 2:30 - 4:30 pm
香港浸會大學演奏廳 Recital Hall (AST916), HK Baptist University
講座 Talk
免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required
下午 5:45 - 6:45 pm
音樂神童的傳奇故事,是否真實可信?杜希金三重奏三位成員 將打破迷思,分享他們在音樂道路上的心路歷程。 無論作為樂團樂手、室樂樂手或獨奏者,獨樹一幟的杜希金三 重奏將解讀藝術家對音樂創作的積極與熱忱。從管弦樂至室內 音樂,揭開作為音樂家應具備的特質。 以樂為生,便是如此。若想以音樂作為畢生追求,此次講座不 可錯過。 We’ve all heard about some child prodigy exploding onto the classical music scene, but is that the reality? Trio Dushkin will debunk the myths and share their own journey in making a career in music. Having played leading roles in orchestras and led active careers as chamber musicians and recitalists, Trio Dushkin will discuss artistled musical initiatives with musical demonstrations – from chamber and orchestral excerpts to virtuoso showpieces – to illustrate the versatility required from today’s musicians. This is what it’s really like to make a life of music. A must for any budding musician and those planning a professional career in music. 英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 馮大維鋼琴獨奏會 David Fung Piano Recital 5/3 杜希金三重奏 Trio Dushkin 13/3
杜希金三重奏演前導賞及示範 A Listening Guide to the Shostakovich and Tchaikovsky Trios by Trio Dushkin
合作伙伴 In collaboration with
13/3 五 Fri
香港大會堂演奏廳 Recital Hall, HK City Hall $30 Fest
演出前,杜希金三重奏的演奏家將提點樂曲重點,以他們的角 度,深入解讀蕭斯達高維契與柴可夫斯基鋼琴三重奏,探索其 歷史背景和音樂特徵。演奏家們亦將詳解曲目之間的歷史關 聯,並現場示範精采選段,分享如何將個人對曲目的獨到見解 呈現於演出中。 What’s better than having the artists themselves tell you about the programme you’d be hearing later on? Trio Dushkin’s pre-concert Listening Guide introduces the historical context and musicological features of Shostakovich and Tchaikovsky’s trios. They will point out the historical links between the works and highlight certain musical aspects by performing relevant excerpts. The trio will also share their personal thoughts on these works, and how their unique interpretational decisions are manifested in their performances. 英語主講 In English
以樂為生 On Music as a Profession
相約法比奧.比昂迪 Meet Fabio Biondi
© Emlle Ashley
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
講座 Talk
11/3 三 Wed 下午 2:00 - 3:00 pm
香港演藝學院音樂廳 Concert Hall, HKAPA 免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
年少時學過鋼琴的人不計其數。如今逾四千萬華裔兒童學習鋼 琴,許多懷著成為鋼琴家的夢想而學習。杜希金三重奏成員馮 大維將於香港演藝學院作藝人談,以自己為例,分享他如何走 上演奏家的路,藉着他的寶貴經驗,為有志成為演奏家的人送 上錦囊。 Many of us have taken piano classes at some point in our childhood. There are more than 40 million Chinese children learning piano today, and some are likely to be dreaming of a glamourous life as concert pianist. David Fung of Trio Dushkin will talk about the professional musician’s career path, as well as his own experience as a pianist and chamber musician, to explore aspects of life as a working musician today.
7/3 六 Sat
晚上 10:10 - 10:30pm
(演出後 Post performance)
香港大會堂音樂廳 Concert Hall, HK City Hall 免費入場 Free admission
《祈亞娜的日記》的曼妙琴音剛落,請你多留片刻,邂逅歐洲 嘉蘭古樂團創辦人,及是次音樂會和電影的幕後策劃人法比 奧.比昂迪。出生於意大利巴勒莫的比昂迪 12 歲開始其音樂 生涯,學習小提琴僅一年,便與 RAI 國立交響樂團合作演出。 與藝術大師面對面,精采演後談不容錯過。 As the last notes of Chiara’s Diary fade away, stay a little longer to meet Fabio Biondi, founder of Europa Galante and the creative force behind the evening’s performance. Discoverer of Chiara’s diary and the mastermind behind the Chiara Project and film, Palermo-born Biondi began his international career at age 12, performing solo with the RAI Symphony Orchestra only one year after he started the violin. This is a unique opportunity to meet a true maestro. 英語主講 In English
英語主講 In English
合作伙伴 In collaboration with
相關演出 Related Performance 馮大維鋼琴獨奏會 David Fung Piano Recital 5/3 杜希金三重奏 Trio Dushkin 13/3
相關演出 Related Performance 法比奧.比昂迪小提琴獨奏會 Fabio Biondi Violin Recital 6/3 歐洲嘉蘭古樂團 Europa Galante 7/3
In Dialogue with Mikhail Rudy
When Pansori Meets Flamenco
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
14/3 六 Sat
晚上 9:55 - 10:25 pm
(演出後 Post performance)
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist 香港大會堂音樂廳 Concert Hall, HK City Hall 免費入場 Free admission
藝術鬼才米凱.路迪與超現實主義大師夏卡爾淵源深厚—— 1977 年,路迪為慶祝夏卡爾 90 歲大壽舉行首個西方演出。路 迪將與你在此藝人談分享與夏卡爾的友情點滴,講述這對好友 對於藝術與音樂的深刻見解。兩位來自香港大學的學者亦將參 與座談——音樂與電影學者白諾信博士與藝術歷史學家羅諾德 博士將從路迪與夏卡爾的見解拓展延伸,暢談音樂與藝術相輔 相生,融匯昇華的過程。 Mikhail Rudy and Chagall go back a long way – Rudy made his piano debut in the west at Chagall’s 90th birthday in 1977. In this post-performance dialogue, Rudy will share stories about his friendship with the modernist painter and their view on art and music. He will also be joined by two scholars from the University of Hong Kong – music and film specialist Dr Giorgio Biancorosso and art historian Dr Florian Knothe – to discuss how music and art animate and transform each other in their fused form, especially the connection Chagall and Rudy share.
28/3 六 Sat
晚上 9:30 - 10:00 pm
(演出後 Post performance)
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, HK City Hall 免費入場 Free admission
你將見證前所未有的藝術創新——到底韓國清唱與佛蘭明高是 兩種藝術形式的轉化,或是實驗性和極富現代張力的表演?在 韓國清唱 X 佛蘭明高跨界音樂會後,Jeong Ga Ak Hoe 與拉 米加斯的樂手將帶來精采講解,細說將兩種迥然不同的音樂形 式融合的靈感與經驗。 Experimental? Transformative? Contemporary? After a concert that marries traditional Korean and Spanish musical instruments and music, meet the artists from Jeong Ga Ak Hoe and Las Migas who will share their thoughts and experiences in bringing together two distinctively different musical forms with you. 英語主講 In English
英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 米凱.路迪與馬克.夏卡爾《音樂的色彩》
Mikhail Rudy & Marc Chagall – The Sound of Colours 13-15/3
相關演出 Related Performance 拉米加斯女子樂團 Las Migas 27/3 韓風樂韻 Korean Music – Jeong Ga Ak Hoe & Su:m 28/3 韓國清唱 X 佛蘭明高跨界音樂會 Pansori meets Flamenco 28/3
香港藝術節的資助來自 The Hong Kong Arts Festival is made possible with the funding support of
戲劇 Theatre 小偶光影.Puppets and cinema 從文學到劇場.From literature to the stage 玩轉美食.Playing with food 與藝術家對談.Conversations with artists
香港藝術節戲劇論壇: 「新創作與合適的劇場製作模式」 The HKAF Theatre Forum: “New Writing and a Suitable Producing Theatre Model” 論壇 Forum
21/3 六 Sat
上午 10:30am - 晚上 6:00pm 上午環節 Morning session 香港演藝學院黑盒子 Drama Black Box, HKAPA 下午環節 Afternoon session 香港演藝學院香港賽馬會演藝劇院 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA 免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
中國著名編劇、上海話劇藝術中心(SDAC)副總經理兼 藝術室主任喻榮軍將於 2015 年香港藝術節呈獻他的首部 藝術節委約作品 ——《烏合之眾》。 是次香港藝術節戲劇論壇旨在促進本地導演、編劇、製作 人及演員的對話,而喻榮軍將詳談他的雙重身份——編劇 及 SDAC 管理人員。論壇將分為兩部分,在上半部,他 會闡述內地編劇面對的挑戰與機遇、新劇本創作對劇場的 重要性,以及他對於劇本主題、意念以及製作面對的種種 問題。而一眾本地編劇亦會分享香港編劇的生存環境與新 劇本的創作前景。 喻榮軍出任 SDAC 管理層近二十載,他會在論壇下半部 暢談其藝術視野及 SDAC 運作模式,並介紹 SDAC 如何 成為中國最多元化及最高產量的劇團之一。此外,他還會 與香港的劇場工作者及觀眾探討多個題目,包括如何平衡 藝術及商業需要、藝術節目與經費、演員與製作團隊培 訓,以及觀眾拓展等。 如欲了解香港與中國劇壇面對的發展與挑戰,此論壇將是 你不容錯過的一個難得機會。
相關演出 Related Performance 新銳舞台系列 :《烏合之眾》New Stage Series: The Crowd 27-29/3 《金蘭姐妹》The Amahs 28/2, 1/3, 3-8/3, 10-15/3
Nick Yu, featured in his first commissioned production The Crowd at the 2015 HKAF, is also the chief producer of Shanghai’s theatre landmark, The Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre (SDAC). In this two-part HKAF theatre forum that aims to promote dialogue between local directors, playwrights, producers and actors, Yu will discuss his dual identity –– playwright and producer/administrator of SDAC. In the first part, he will share how playwrights in China may develop their careers, the importance of new writing for theatre, and insights on theme and idea development as well as getting work produced on stage, with local playwrights responding with their experiences building a stage career in Hong Kong. In the second part of the forum, Yu will present, as an administrator and manager of SDAC for nearly two decades, his artistic vision and operating model, and how SDAC has become one of the most versatile production theatre houses in China. Balancing artistic and commercial needs, artistic programme versus funding resources, actor and crew training, and audience development are topics that he will explore with theatre practitioners and audiences from Hong Kong. This no-holds-barred event is an essential event for anyone who wants a glimpse into the operation of a theatre. 普通話及廣東話主講
In Putonghua and Cantonese
In collaboration with
論壇時間表 Programme Schedule 10:15 am
上午環節登記 Registration (morning session)
10:30 am
講座 Talk: 戲劇編劇新發展 New Developments in Script Writing
12:30 pm
休息 Break
2:00 pm
下午環節登記 Registration (afternoon session)
2:30 pm
歡迎辭 Opening remarks
2:40 pm
主講 Keynote : 藝術及商業的平衡 Balancing Artistic and Commercial Needs
3:30 pm
小組討論 Panel discussion
5:00 pm
問答環節 Q&A
5:45 pm
總結 Conclusion
喻榮軍是現今中國最多產的編劇,並且是上海惟 一的國營劇團 —— 上海話劇藝術中心(SDAC) 副總經理。2000 年起,喻榮軍已創作逾 47 個舞 台及電影劇本,並於中國、歐洲、美國及亞洲多 地演出,作品亦曾以中、日、英及土耳其語出版。 身為藝術管理人員,他除了參與多個海外劇團的 聯合製作,亦在上海公演了逾 400 部舞台作品, 包括中國及海外製作,並協助 SDAC 劇作進行海 外巡演。自 2005 年起,他出任上海當代戲劇節 的總監,戲劇節現已成為國際劇壇的年度盛事。 Nick Rongjun Yu is the most prolific living playwright in mainland China and the Deputy General Manager for Shanghai’s only state-run theatre company, the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre (SDAC). Since 2000, Yu has authored more than 47 works for stage and screen with performances in China, Europe, the USA and Asia. His works were published in Chinese, Japanese, English, and Turkish. As an arts administrator, apart from co-producing productions with overseas theatre companies, Yu has hosted more than 400 stage projects in Shanghai, including Chinese and international productions, and has facilitated international tours for SDAC productions. Since 2005, he has been the Chief Director of the Shanghai International Contemporary Theatre Festival, which is an annual festival for theatre companies from all over the world.
珍.奧斯汀的世界 The World of Jane Austen
《傲慢與偏見》演後談 Staging Pride and Prejudice
© Pat Redmond
講座 Talk
7/3 六 Sat
梅夫人婦女會花園廳 Garden Room,The Helena May
下午 3:30 - 5:30pm $200 Fest
Michael Colgan
Alan Stanford
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist $150
( 含咖啡 / 茶一杯及精美點心 Includes one coffee/tea and refreshments)
在珍.奧斯汀的年代,誰曾佩戴蕾絲帽?奧斯汀可曾自己 裁剪帽飾?從時尚到節儉的消費習慣,本講座將由珍.奧 斯汀專家、香港浸會大學英國語言文學系副教授祈穎智博 士主講。在品嚐下午茶的同時,一同細味 18 世紀女性生 活及文化之精華,趣味盎然。奧斯汀與《傲慢與偏見》的 忠實書迷萬勿錯過! Who wore a lace cap in Regency England? Did Jane Austen trim her own bonnet? From fashion to prudent economy, Hong Kong Baptist University’s Associate Professor (Department of English Language and Literature) Dr Magdalen Ki, a specialist in Jane Austen, paints a fascinating picture of aspects of 18th century women’s lives and their culture over afternoon tea. An interesting guide for all fans of Jane Austen and her Pride and Prejudice . 英語主講 In English
合作伙伴 In collaboration with
相關演出 Related Performance 都柏林城門劇院《傲慢與偏見》The Gate Theatre – Pride and Prejudice 5-8,11-15/3
6/3 五 Fri
晚上 10:00 - 10:30 pm
(演出後 Post performance)
香港演藝學院歌劇院 Lyric Theatre, HKAPA 免費入場 Free admission
重新演繹《傲慢與偏見》這部世代深受喜愛的巨著絕非易 事。這部艾蘭.斯坦福執導的製作由 1994 年首次搬演至 今,屢次經歷挑戰。藝術節相約斯坦福與都柏林城門劇院 藝術總監米高.柯根,暢談搬演這部奧斯汀經典作品的歷 程。 Bringing such an iconic and much loved book as Pride and Prejudice to the stage is no easy task. Taking this acclaimed production on tour poses even more challenges. Director Alan Stanford is joined by Artistic Director of the Gate Theatre, Michael Colgan, as they share their experiences of staging this Jane Austen classic. 英語主講 In English
雜耍基礎工作坊 Juggling Fundamentals 工作坊 Workshop
20/3 五 Fri 下午 1:30 - 3:30 pm
解讀《落地開花》 Smashed Revealed 藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
香港文化中心排演室 GR 3 Rehearsal Room GR3, HK Cultural Centre $160(包括免費雜耍球作紀念品
19/3 四 Thu 晚上 9:15 - 9:45 pm
(演出後 Post performance)
香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free admission
Includes juggling balls to take home)
名額已滿 FULL
兩小時的工作坊由甘迪尼雜技團的世界頂尖大師 Sean Gandini 及 Kati Ylä-Hokkala 親身指導,你將會體驗控制兩個,甚至三 個雜耍球,練習一人或團體雜耍的秘訣。當你掌握了這項新技 能,於何時何地施展,便任由你即興發揮了。 In a two-hour basic juggling workshop, global masters of juggling – Sean Gandini and Kati Ylä-Hokkala from Gandini Juggling will show you the tricks of the trade. You will learn to juggle two to three balls, to juggle by yourself and to develop passing techniques within a small group, or to blend movements and music with juggling. Once you have learnt the skill, what you do with it is entirely up to you. 英語主講 In English 毋需經驗,適合雜耍新手或中階者。
No experience necessary. Suitable for beginners to intermediate jugglers. 相關演出 Related Performance 甘迪尼雜技團《落地開花》 Gandini Juggling – Smashed 17-22/3
「食物不是玩具!」「吃飯要坐定定!」這些話,你一定聽 厭了。但現代雜耍先鋒藝術家卻鼓勵你反其道而行。你一定 無比好奇,如何用 80 個蘋果完成《落地開花》的精采演出。 留住問題,演出後親自向這些雜耍高手發問,他們定會一一 為你解答。 Don’t play with your food! Sit properly! We’ve been told that more times than we can count. But contemporary juggling pioneers Gandini Juggling want you to do just the opposite. Now you’re wondering what’s going to happen to the 80 apples featured in the show. Hold your questions until the end – these amazing jugglers will answer all of them, once they’ve caught their breath. 英語主講 In English
《雞蛋星球》工作坊 Playing With Puppets?
《雞蛋星球》演後談 Landing on Planet Egg 藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
14/3 六 Sat
五 Fri / 六 Sat
下午 4:00 - 4:30pm
晚上 9:00 - 9:30pm
( 演出後 Post performance)
( 演出後 Post performance)
沙田大會堂文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall
© Ali Sky Bennet
晚上 6:00 - 6:30pm
工作坊 Workshop
12/3 四 Thu 晚上 7:45 - 10:15pm
15/3 日 Sun ( 演出後 Post performance)
免費入場 Free admission
香港演藝學院香港賽馬會演藝劇院 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA 免費入場 Free admission
沙田大會堂文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall $320 ( 含材料費 Includes materials )
把握機會在《雞蛋星球》的舞台上創造自己的小偶劇!此次工 作坊深蘊小偶影院創作之基本技巧——包括故事敘述、小偶操 縱、電影製作基礎及鏡頭運用等。最後,你可以登上《雞蛋星 球》的舞台即場表演,並將作品投射到大銀幕上。切勿錯過由 導演茨維.薩哈爾及劇團成員一同掌舵的創新工作坊,自導自 演屬於你自己的小偶劇,享受創作的無窮樂趣! It’s much more than that. Learn the basics of cinema, puppeteering, storytelling and creation screening right on stage on the set of Planet Egg . Join director Zvi Sahar and the company in this fun, innovative workshop where you can try your hand at directing, performing and producing your very own piece of LIVE puppet cinema!
小偶影院的創立者薩哈爾與小偶師們為你解開疑團,傳授將日 常蔬果轉化為栩栩如生小偶的秘訣。你亦可一窺小偶影院的秘 密——如何讓一個蘑菇頭、一棵青蔥動起來,演活扣人心弦的 故事。 幸運的話,你或可獲准近距離窺探影院佈景,與這些「蔬果明 星」打個招呼。 PuppetCinema founder Zvi Sahar and puppeteers from Planet Egg will answer all your burning questions about new ways to play with the bit of veg you’ve got at home! They’ll also give you a sneak peek into their cinematic secrets – how they manage to make you care about mushroom and scallion – and if you behave, they may even let you nose around the “set” and meet the stars. 英語主講 In English
© Ali Skaye Bennet
英語主講 In English 適合 14 歲或以上之參加者,毋需經驗。
Age 14 and up. No experience necessary.
© ALI Sky Bennet
相關演出 Related Performance 小偶影院《鷄蛋星球》PuppetCinema – Planet Egg 13-15/3
駐節藝術家計劃:創作紙影院 The HKAF Artists-in-Residence Project : Creating Paper Cinema
© José Farinha
公開展演 Public Showcase
學校展演 School Showcase
9/3 一 Mon
10/3 二 Tue
晚上 7:30 - 8:30pm
上環文娛中心演講廳 Lecture Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre 免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
下午 5:00 - 6:00pm
Auditorium, North District Town Hall
憑邀請參加 By invitation only
學校伙伴計劃 Education
10 月 October 2014 至 to 3 月 March 2015 憑邀請參加 By invitation only
今年香港藝術節駐節藝術家計劃邀請英國著名紙影院的紙偶師與 音樂家到三所本地學校,傳授製作紙影院的技巧,由創作故事、 繪畫、紙偶製作,到運用攝錄機呈現故事。經本地導師的指引, 學生將運用天馬行空的想象力,創作屬於自己的紙偶短劇。經過 藝術家細心指導及彩排後,學生將在兩場展演中向觀眾呈獻他們 的原創作品。 誠邀你蒞臨公開展演欣賞學生們努力學習的成果 !
相關演出 Related Performance 紙影院《奧德賽漂流記》The Paper Cinema's Odyssey 28/2 - 2/3
This year's Artists-in-Residence Project brings puppeteers and musicians from The Paper Cinema into three local schools where they will teach students puppetry techniques: storytelling, drawing, making puppets, and performing with the camera. With the help of a local tutor, students will let their imagination run wild while creating their own puppet short films. After rehearsals and guidance by the artists, students will present their stories to the public in special showcase performances. Come see the results of their hard work in the public showcase!
The 2014-16 Artists-in-Residence Project is supported by 法國巴黎銀行支持 2014-16 駐節藝術家計劃
《奧德賽漂流記》演後談 Behind the Odyssey
與德萬對話 In Conversation with Lisa Dwan
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
2/3 一 Mon
晚上 9:15 - 9:45 pm
(演出後 Post performance)
香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA 免費入場 Free admission
如何以紙筆天馬行空,將經典的古希臘神話生動呈現?紙影 院創始人,藝術總監及紙偶師 Nicholas Rawling、動作指導 Imogen Charleston、音樂總監 Christopher Reed, 及《奧德 賽漂流記》的傑出音樂家們,將親身解說他們如何將單調的紙 上繪畫,加以靈巧的燈光與攝像機鏡頭控制,活靈活現地化腐 朽為神奇。 What’s the trick behind staging a Greek epic and an adventure on high seas with just paper and pen? Meet the founders of The Paper Cinema —— Nicholas Rawling, Imogen Charleston and Christopher Reed —— and the extraordinary musicians of Odyssey . Join them to find magic in commonplace objects and learn how they breathe life into monochrome drawings on paper by clever lighting and camera control. 英語主講 In English
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
27/2 五 Fri
晚上 9:20 - 9:50pm
(演出後 Post performance)
香港演藝學院戲劇院 Drama Theatre, HKAPA 免費入場 Free admission
貝克特震撼人心的作品,需要演員全神投入的演繹。精采 絕倫的貝克特三部曲獨腳戲演出後,與演員莉莎.德萬會 面,解密三部曲中三個迥然不同的角色,細數扣人心弦的 幕後故事。 The immense concentration required to perform Beckett’s plays cannot be underestimated. Meet actress Lisa Dwan post performance in her one-woman Samuel Beckett trilogy and let her tell you about the three different characters she portrays in the performance and how she prepares for these emotionally taxing performances. 英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 紙影院《奧德賽漂流記》
The Paper Cinema's Odyssey 28/2-2/3
相關演出 Related Performance 貝克特三部曲《非我》/《落腳聲》/《搖籃曲》
Three short Samuel Beckett plays – Not I / Footfalls / Rockaby 25-28/2 - 1/3
媽姐的故事 The Amahs’ Stories
《金蘭姊妹》演後談 Sisterhood of Old Hong Kong
© Chris Chan
講座 Talk
1/3 日 Sun
下午 5:30 - 晚上 6:30 pm
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist 香港大會堂演奏廳 Recital Hall, HK City Hall $30 Fest
約於晚上 About 10:30 - 11:00 pm
想知道話劇的創作歷程?何不與《金蘭姊妹》的編劇們會面! 李恩霖曾為電影《桃姐》編劇,讓世界觀眾認識這些被遺忘的 偉大女性。這次,他與鬼馬精靈的編劇黃詠詩合作,把媽姐的 溫暖情誼搬上舞台。兩位編劇將討論合力創作過程中的挑戰、 如何以戲劇呈現這段空白的香港民間史,以及與實力非凡、精 采演繹媽姐的演員們的合作歷程。 Want to know how plays are created? Meet the writers behind The Amahs ! Roger Lee first brought these overlooked women to international attention as writer of the award-winning film A Simple Life . Now he brings his special kinship with amahs to the stage with playwright Wong Wing-sze, who is known for her razor-sharp humour and observation. They will talk about the challenges of writing together, how they keep a light hand on dramatising this slice of undocumented vernacular history, and the extraordinary women they came across working on the play. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
5, 12/3 四 Thu (演出後 Post performance)
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, HK City Hall 免費入場 Free admission
成長於香港的你,記憶之中可能留有媽姐的樣貌:白衫黑褲, 頭髮梳成髮髻或是編成長辮。 《金蘭姊妹》演出後稍留片刻,與導演司徒慧焯及演員們會 面,聽他們分享對媽姐的印象,及劇組如何為演出走訪在世媽 姐的經歷,揭開這段被遺忘的香港歷史背後真實的溫情故事。 Anyone who grew up in Hong Kong will remember seeing an amah at some point—— white Chinese-style top, loose black trousers with hair wound up tight in a bun or hanging in a long braid. Stay behind after the performance to meet director Roy Szeto and the cast of The Amahs as they share their impressions of these extraordinary women and how they sought surviving amahs to discover the real stories behind this unwritten history of Hong Kong to prepare for the play. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
相關演出 Related Performance 《金蘭姐妹》The Amahs 28/2 - 1/3, 3-8/3, 10-15/3
《打擂台》演後談 合拍劇團面面觀 Method and Process of Fighting for Your Complicite Attention
《烏合之眾》演後談 When is a Herd not a Herd?
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
28/2 六 Sat
晚上 9:30 - 10:00 pm
(演出後 Post performance)
© Origionnl Cast by Mark Douet
香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
免費入場 Free admission
28/2 六 Sat 下午 4:30 - 5:00 pm
(演出後 Post performance)
香港演藝學院歌劇院 Lyric Theatre, HKAPA 免費入場 Free admission
合拍劇團的標誌性風格,是將編作與肢 體劇場融入多元化的表演。如何把精通 貓語的 Charlie 的故事透過這些手法活 靈 活 現 地 表 現 出 來?《 獅 子 男 孩 歷 險 記》的成員們將為你娓娓道來。
© Kit Chan
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
政治如同真人秀?經過觀眾的判定,譴 責,投票,台下的想法決定了台上的政 治騷。 選舉當真由民眾決定?精采絕倫 的《打擂台》 演出後,導演戴夫連特與 演員們將為你揭開政治遊戲的真面目。 Politics = Reality TV? You have judged, condemned, voted, your decision impacting the action on stage. Did the majority really decide? After the performance, meet director Alexander Devriendt and the cast of Fight Night and let them tell you more about this fascinating clever political game. 英語主講 In English
Complicite’s trademark style mixes devised and physical theatre into the acting. Let the cast of Lionboy tell you how these techniques are used to bring the story of Charlie Ashanti, the boy who can speak the language of cats, big and small, to life.
© Reinout Hiel
英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 合拍劇團《獅子男孩歷險記》
Complicite - Lionboy 27/2 - 1/3
相關演出 Related Performance
Ontroerend Goed & The Border Project 《打擂台》 Fight Night 26/2 – 1/3
28/3 六 Sat
約於下午 About 5:00 - 5:30pm
(演出後 Post performance)
香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre
免費入場 Free admission
《烏合之眾》編劇喻榮軍與導演鄧偉傑 將與你會面,探討劇中人物,靠個人力MY 量如何發聲,維護真理,行使正義。面 CY 對烏合之眾的魯莽與虛妄,如何分辨孰 CMY 是孰非?肺腑之言又如何傳達?《烏合 之眾》藝人談宛如一面鏡子,與你照見 K 當今社會百態。 CM
Let The Crowd ’s playwright Nick Rongjun Yu and director Tang Wai-kit share how they put on stage this story of one man’s efforts to speak the truth and do the right thing. In the face of impulsiveness and irrational tendencies of crowds, who is right? Who is wrong? How do you get your message across? A very relevant topic in today’s Hong Kong. 普通話及廣東話主講
In Putonghua and Cantonese
相關演出 Related Performance 新銳舞台系列 :《烏合之眾》
New Stage Series: The Crowd 27-29/3
舞蹈 Dance 經典與再續.Classics and classics rebooted 芭蕾搜影.Ballet on film 本地新作.Local new works 安達魯西亞之舞.The soul of Andalusia
© Elena Fetisova
莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞大師班 Mastering Ballet with the Bolshoi
再續《仙履奇緣》 Rebooting Cinderella 藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
13/3 五 Fri
晚上 10:00 - 10:30 pm
(演出後 Post performance)
香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free admission © Elena Fetisova
大師班 Masterclass
27/3 五 Fri
晚上 6:30 - 8:00 pm
大師班(一)Masterclass I 適合曾接受三年或以上專業芭蕾舞訓 練之參加者
Suitable for participants with at least 3 years of professional ballet training
27/3 五 Fri
晚上 8:30 - 10:00 pm
經典的童話或芭蕾舞劇融合於普羅科菲耶夫細膩動人的樂章, 藝術家們如何為其增添特色?荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團企劃及製作總 監斯明科及舞團成員,將為你講述《仙履奇緣》的創作過程, 並分享與編舞惠爾頓的合作軼趣。 How does one “add” to the timeless fairytale ballet set to Prokofiev’s beautiful score? Meet the Dutch National Ballet’s Head of Planning and Production G.J. Smeenk and dancers of the company. Hear them talk about the process of creating Cinderella and collaborating with choreographer Christopher Wheeldon. 英語主講 In English
大師班(二)Masterclass II 適合曾接受五年或以上專業芭蕾舞訓 練之參加者 © Marc Haegeman
Suitable for participants with at least 5 years of professional ballet training 香港文化中心排演室 GR3 Rehearsal Room GR3, HK Cultural Centre $300 Fest
以細膩,曼妙的細節處理聞名於世,莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團歷 史悠久,倍受仰慕。在兩場大師班中,舞團芭蕾指導及前頂尖 獨舞者 Alexander Vetrov 將親臨現場教導。如此良機千載難 逢,萬勿錯過! As one of the oldest and most respected ballet companies in the world, the Bolshoi is renowned for its fine detail and meticulous approach to the art. Two masterclasses offer you the unique opportunity to learn from Ballet Master-Repetiteur Alexander Vetrov, one of the leading Bolshoi soloists of his generation. Don’t miss out on this chance! 英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團 The Bolshoi Ballet 《巴黎火焰》 The Flames of Paris 24-26/3 《珠寶》Jewels 28-29/3
相關演出 Related Performance 荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團《仙履奇緣》
Dutch National Ballet - Cinderella 12-14/3
荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團大師班 Dutch National Ballet Masterclass
© Angela Sterling
《仙履奇緣》的奇幻世界 The Magic of Cinderella
©Marc Hageman
大師班 Masterclass
後台解碼 Backstage tour
14/3 六 Sat
14/3 六 Sat
晚上 6:00 - 8:00 pm
下午 12:30 - 1:30 pm
香港文化中心排演室 GR3 Rehearsal Room GR3, HK Cultural Centre
香港文化中心大劇院後台 Backstage of Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre
$260 Fest
報名 Registration $40 $20 Fest
一次千載難逢的機會,跟隨世界知名的荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團導師 習舞,體驗其芭蕾技藝及深厚功底,萬勿錯過! An exclusive opportunity to learn classical technique from the ballet master of one of the world's foremost ballet companies and to experience the high level of expertise that makes the Dutch National Ballet so special. Not to be missed. 英語主講 In English 適合曾接受中等程度芭蕾舞訓練之參加者
Suitable for participants with intermediate ballet training
走進荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團《仙履奇緣》的幕後,親自看看特別為 此舞劇製作的 60 多件假髮、由百老匯舞台及服裝設計師格露 奇及木偶師特威斯特創造的炫目服飾、華麗道具及佈景。幸運 的話,你還可目睹工作人員轉換場景! Get behind the scenes of the Dutch National Ballet’s Cinderella! See over 60 wigs specially designed for the production, plus the enthralling sets and costumes by Broadway designer Julian Crouch and puppeteer Basil Twist, in ways you’ve never seen them before. If you are lucky, you may be able to witness a set change! 英語主講 In English
The international and local travel & transport of Dutch National Ballet and its related PLUS activities are supported by
相關演出 Related Performance 荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團《仙履奇緣》
Dutch National Ballet - Cinderella 12-14/3
佛蘭明高舞蹈工作坊 ( 一 ) 初級 Dance Flamenco 1 – an Elementary Level Workshop with Karime Amaya
佛蘭明高舞蹈工作坊 ( 二 ) 中級 Dance Flamenco 2 – an Intermediate Level Workshop with Jesús Carmona
©Marcos Domingo
工作坊 Workshop
28/2 六 Sat 下午 1:30 - 3:00 pm
工作坊 Workshop
名額已滿 FULL
與佛蘭明高大師共舞。卡林瑪.阿瑪亞成長在佛蘭明高舞蹈傳 統淵源深厚的家族。她是佛蘭明高傳奇舞者卡門.阿瑪亞的姪 孫,亦是舞者默西迪斯.阿瑪亞與佛蘭明高吉他演奏家參迪亞 高.阿古拉的女兒。阿瑪亞曾於西班牙、厄瓜多爾、法國、日 本及墨西哥演出,場場座無虛席。 Dance with the Greats. Karime Amaya hails from a family deeply rooted in the flamenco tradition. She is the grand niece of the legendary flamenco dancer, Carmen Amaya, and daughter of the bailaora Mercedes Amaya, “La Winy” and guitarist Santiago Aguilar. Amaya has performed in Spain, Ecuador, France, Japan, Mexico to sold-out performances. 英語主講 In English 適合曾接受 1-2 年佛蘭明高舞蹈訓練之參加者。請穿著合適之舞鞋 上課。
Suitable for participants with 1-2 years of flamenco dance experience. Please come suitably attired with flamenco shoes.
28/2 六 Sat 下午 3:30 - 5:00 pm
名額已滿 FULL
才華橫溢的赫蘇斯.卡蒙納將於此舞蹈工作坊詮釋佛蘭明高舞 蹈的獨特魅力。卡蒙納 2004 年畢業於巴塞隆拿戲劇舞蹈學院, 主修西班牙舞與佛蘭明高。曾與多個世界著名的舞團和舞者合 作,包括西班牙國家芭蕾舞團(首席舞者)、西班牙新佛蘭明 高舞蹈團、以及與卡門.柯德斯、 埃.高杜、 安東尼奧.卡 納萊斯等舞蹈大師同台共舞。 Dance with the Greats. Jesús Carmona graduated with a degree in Spanish Dance and Flamenco from the Institute of Theatre and Dance of Barcelona in 2004 and has worked with diverse companies and masters such as the Ballet Nacional de España as first dancer, Nuevo Ballet Español, Carmen Cortes, El Guito, and Antonio Canales, amongst others. Are you ready to join him? 英語主講 In English 適合曾接受 2-5 年佛蘭明高舞蹈訓練之參加者。請穿著合適之舞鞋 上課。
Suitable for participants with 2-5 years of flamenco dance experience. Please come suitably attired with flamenco shoes
贊助 Sponsored by
香港文化中心排演室 GR 3 Rehearsal Room GR3, HK Cultural Centre $290 / 每課 Per class
相關演出 Related Performance * 信和集團藝萃系列 Sino Group Arts Celebration Series: 星耀佛蘭明高 Gala Flamenca 26/2, 27/2, 28/2*, 1/3
佛蘭明高舞蹈之談 Flamenco, The Dance
芮孝承舞蹈工作坊 Dance Workshop with Hyoseung Ye
工作坊 Workshop
講座 Talk
25/2 三 Wed 晚上 8:00 - 9:30 pm
香港藝術中心 agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, HK Arts Centre $60 Fest
7/3 六 Sat
上午 11:00am - 下午 12:30pm
香港文化中心排演室 GR3 Rehearsal Room GR3, HK Cultural Centre $180
佛蘭明高的舞蹈要求精湛的技藝,不但富古典風韻,亦是不 斷發展演變的藝術形式。居港西班牙菲裔美國舞蹈家 Clara Ramona 是 馬 德 里 Ballet Español de Clara Ramona 舞 團 的 創辦人。她將聯同結他演奏家 Carl Marin,木箱鼓演奏家 De Kai 為你展現佛蘭明高的多面魅力。透過佛蘭明高音樂及舞蹈 示範,帶你認識其舞蹈藝術真味。 The Flamenco dance is highly technical. It is classical but also evolving with the times. Hong Kong-based Spanish FilipinaAmerican flamenco dancer Clara Ramona, founder of Madrid-based Ballet Español de Clara Ramona, joins guitarist Carl Marin and cajonist De Kai to show you the different facets of flamenco with live music and dance demonstrations, giving you a real flavour of the art form and a glimpse of what to expect in Gala Flamenca. 英語主講 In English 合作伙伴 In collaboration with
此次工作坊將剖析舞蹈表演的多重元素及動作成分。芮孝承曾 與比利時芭蕾舞團 C 之 B 的領軍人物 Alain Platel 合作,並參 與美國編舞家 Carolyn Carlson 的舞蹈計劃及隨首爾當代舞蹈 團與韓國國家當代芭蕾舞團演出。經驗豐富的他將分享在頂尖 當代舞舞團表演及創作的寶貴經驗。 與其他參加者近距離交流,進入芮孝承的舞蹈世界,分享他的 經歷及舞技。機會難逄,萬勿錯過。 This workshop focuses on different elements of performance and composition of movements. Hyoseung Ye will share his experience dancing and creating at the forefront of contemporary dance, working with Alain Platel’s Les Ballets C de la B, Carolyn Carlson, Seoul Contemporary Dance Company and Korean National Contemporary Ballet. It’s a golden opportunity for dancemakers to meet and share experience, techniques and projects, while discovering Ye’s repertory and his dance universe. 英語主講 In English
贊助 Sponsored by
相關演出 Related Performance * 信和集團藝萃系列 Sino Group Arts Celebration Series: 星耀佛蘭明高 Gala Flamenca 26/2, 27/2, 28/2*, 1/3
Suitable for professional dancers and choreographers
相關演出 Related Performance 亞太舞蹈平台(第七屆)Asia Pacific Dance Platform VII 5-7/3
驫舞劇場舞蹈工作坊 Dance Workshop with HORSE
邂逅舞者:亞太舞蹈平台 Dialogue with Hyoseung Ye and HORSE
© 陳長志 © Sinae Choi
工作坊 Workshop
2/3 一 Mon
晚上 7:30 - 9:30 pm
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
6/3 五 Fri
晚上 10:00 - 10:30pm
香港文化中心排演室 GR3 Rehearsal Room GR3, HK Cultural Centre $180
享有盛譽的台灣驫舞劇場將作客藝術節。劇團編舞陳武康、蘇 威嘉以創新大膽,天馬行空的創作備受矚目。此次工作坊分為 兩節,包含 40 分鐘熱身及 70 分鐘指導練習,兩位編舞將激 發你的肢體運動,提高身體及舞蹈動作的敏感度。 Famed for their collaborative creations unique to their generation, choreographers Chen Wu-kang and Su Wei-chia from Taiwan’s award-winning HORSE Theatre lead a workshop that encourages evocative physical movements and develops the body’s sensitivity. The workshop comprises two parts, a 40-minute warm up and 70 minutes of exercises. 普通話主講 In Putonghua 毋需經驗,亦適合曾接受舞蹈訓練之參加者。
Some dance experience is an advantage but not required.
相關演出 Related Performance 亞太舞蹈平台(第七屆)Asia Pacific Dance Platorm VII 5-7/3
(演出後 Post performance)
香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free admission
舞蹈是藝術家用身軀表達及詮釋自我。此次藝人談,你將有機 會與亞太舞蹈平台 背後的主創會面,包括韓國編舞與舞蹈家 芮孝承以及台灣第一全男子舞團驫舞劇場。這場獨特而親密的 舞蹈對話,將展現亞洲新一代現代舞者的風采。 Dance is both a personal and physical expression of the artist’s self. Grasp this opportunity to meet the creative minds behind this year’s Asia Pacific Dance Platform: Korean dancer-choreographer Hyoseung Ye and Taiwanese all-male company HORSE. A unique and personal event with two emerging pioneers of contemporary dance in Asia. 英語主講 In English
莫 斯 科 大 劇 院 芭 蕾 舞 團 Bolshoi Ballet in Cinema 2014-2015 加料電影 PLUS Films
《法老的女兒》The Pharaoh's Daughter
《舞姬》La Bayadère
載譽重映 Encore screening from season 2012-2013
載譽重映 Encore screening from season 2012-2013
片長 Length:150 分鐘 minutes
片長 Length:165 分鐘 minutes
作曲 Music :Cesare Pugni 編劇 Libretto:Jean-Henry Saint-Georges & 佩蒂巴 Marius Petipa 編舞、舞台及服裝設計 Choreography, sets and costumes: Pierre Lacotte 舞者 Cast:Svetlana Zakharova, Ruslan Skvortsov, Nina Kaptsova
作曲 Music :明庫斯 Ludwig Minkus 編劇 Libretto:佩蒂巴 Marius Petipa & Sergei Khudekov 原版編舞 Original choreography:佩蒂巴 Marius Petipa 新版編舞 New version:Yuri Grigorovich 舞者 Cast:Svetlana Zakharova, Maria Alexandrova, Vladislav Lantratov
年輕的英國貴族威爾遜遊歷非洲,遭遇沙暴,只得在附近的金 字塔暫避。金字塔內,埃及大法老的女兒在長眠。威爾遜昏然 陷入夢境,恍惚中法老的女兒復活,帶領他穿越時光回到古代 埃及……
印度神廟舞姬 Nikiya 和武士 Solor 相戀,兩人偷偷相會,並發 誓至死不渝。另一邊廂,大祭司也深深被美麗的舞姬吸引。然 而國王早已決定將女兒許配給 Solor。偷看到兩位情人幽會的 大祭司,飛奔到國王處告密,引發一連串悲劇 ……
這齣華麗恢宏的舞作取材於法國浪漫主義作家戈蒂耶 (Théophile Gauthier)的小說《木乃伊傳奇》,於 1862 年首演, 由傳奇編舞家佩蒂巴編舞。2000 年,莫斯科大劇院特地委任 法國編舞家 Pierre Lacotte,重排這部充滿埃及情調的舞作。憑 藉富異域風情的佈景、壯觀的場面、精采絕倫的獨舞和群舞, 這齣充滿東方色彩的 19 世紀舞作再次成為莫斯科大劇院最富 特色的常演舞碼之一。 Young Englishman Lord Wilson is travelling through Egypt when a powerful storm breaks out. He is forced to take shelter in the nearest pyramid, where the daughter of one of Egypt’s most powerful pharaohs lies entombed. Lord Wilson falls asleep and begins to dream that the princess has come to life. The plot of this lavish production is loosely based on Théophile Gauthier’s novel Le Roman de la Momie. French choreographer Pierre Lacotte was exclusively commissioned in 2000 by the Bolshoi Theatre to resurrect Marius Petipa’s mighty Egyptian fresco. With its exotic setting, impressive parades, spectacular variations and crowd scenes, this grand 19th-century Orientalist fantasy is one of the most remarkable productions in the Bolshoi’s repertoire. 相關演出 Related Performance 莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團 The Bolshoi Ballet 《巴黎火焰》The Flames of Paris 24-26/3 《珠寶》Jewels 28-29/3
《舞姬》講述古老神秘的印度,神廟舞姬和武士的無望之戀, 是古典芭蕾的奠基作品之一。原版由佩蒂巴編舞,十分精妙。 本版經由 Yuri Grigorovich 改編,更添華麗。其中「幽靈王國」 一場堪稱芭蕾史上最著名片段之一。 When the beautiful dancer Nikiya and the warrior Solor meet in secret, they swear eternal mutual fidelity. However, the High Brahmin, who is also in love with Nikiya, overhears them. He rushes to reveal their secret to the Rajah, who has decided that Solor will marry his beloved daughter Gamzatti.
La Bayadère (the word refers to an Indian temple dancer) is a key work in the classical repertoire and this is a magnificent production. The story of impossible love between Nikiya and Solor is set against the backdrop of a lush, mysterious India. Marius Petipa’s choreography, here in a new scenic version by Yuri Grigorovich, is exquisite. The scene known as The Kingdom of the Shades is one of the most celebrated in the history of ballet.
《愛之傳說》The Legend of Love
《胡桃夾子》The Nutcracker
片長 Length:180 分鐘 minutes
片長 Length:140 分鐘 minutes
作曲 Music:Arif Melikov 編劇 Libretto:希克梅特 Nâzım Hikmet 編舞 Original choreography:Yuri Grigorovich 舞者 Cast:莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團首席舞者、獨舞者及群舞者 The Bolshoi Principals, Soloists and Corps de Ballet
作曲 Music:柴可夫斯基 Piotr Tchaikovsky 編劇 Libretto:Yuri Grigorovich 編舞 Choreography:Yuri Grigorovich 舞者 Cast:莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團首席舞者、獨舞者及群舞者 The Bolshoi Principals, Soloists and Corps de Ballet
巴努女王愁眉深鎖,皆因妹妹詩琳公主病情危重,已命懸一線, 只有女王犧牲自己的容貌才能讓她重獲生機。為救心愛的妹 妹,女王不惜放棄美貌,甘願一生醜陋。然而不久後,姐妹倆 同時愛上宮廷畫師弗卡德,弗卡德心中卻只有美麗的詩琳。女 王再次陷入痛苦 …… 不為所容之戀、犧牲、妒忌、煎熬 …… 這個扣人心弦的傳說在 十年後重回莫斯科大劇院舞台,通過兩位女主角,講述愛與責 任之間的矛盾。《愛之傳說》是俄國編舞大師 Yuri Grigorovich
平安夜,瑪麗的教父杜塞梅爾送給她一件奇怪的禮物:一個軍 官形象的木製胡桃夾子。夜深了,賓客紛紛告辭,瑪麗抱着胡 桃夾子進入夢鄉。午夜時分,玩具們神奇地活了起來,胡桃夾 子變成真人大小,指揮玩具兵,打敗襲擊瑪麗的老鼠大軍,帶 領她前往糖果王國。 《胡桃夾子》改編自 E·T·A· 霍夫曼的故事,由柴可夫斯基作曲, 是譽滿全球、歷久不衰的芭蕾經典。夢幻的佈景和服裝營造童 話夢境,帶出永恆的主題:正義、邪惡與愛。
最早期的作品之一。劇中舞蹈動作、舞台設計及服裝都帶有中 東風格。本劇全靠身體語言說故事,幸有莫斯科大劇院一眾優 秀舞者,憑高超技藝將各種情感刻畫得入木三分。
此版本由 Yuri Grigorovich 為莫斯科大劇院編排,不僅富有浪 漫主義情懷,亦有哲學的反思,探索愛的真諦。無論大人還是 孩子,都將為大劇院舞者高超的技藝折服,為《胡桃夾子》的
The royal apartments of Queen Mekhmene Banu are plunged into mourning – her young sister, Princess Shyrin, is dying. The Princess will only be saved if the Queen gives Shyrin her beauty. The Queen decides to sacrifice herself, but later regrets her action when she is disfigured and Shyrin falls in love with the Queen’s own lover, the painter Ferkhad.
This splendid tale of forbidden love, self-sacrifice, jealousy and suffering returns to the Bolshoi stage after a ten-year absence. The Legend of Love is one of Russian master Yuri Grigorovich’s earliest choreographic works, and its storyline explores the conflict between love and duty through its two heroines. Featuring dance movements, sets and costumes inspired by the Middle East, this stunning ballet, which uses pure dance to tell the story, is further enriched by the talent of the Bolshoi troupe.
相關演出 Related Performance 莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團 The Bolshoi Ballet 《巴黎火焰》The Flames of Paris 24-26/3 《珠寶》Jewels 28-29/3
On Christmas Eve, Marie’s godfather, Drosselmeyer, gives her a strange toy: a wooden nutcracker carved in the shape of a soldier. At midnight, when the celebrations are over, all the toys magically come to life. The nutcracker grows to human size and takes charge of the tin soldiers, flying to the rescue of Marie, who is threatened by the Mouse King and his mouse army. Based on E. T. A. Hoffmann’s story, The Nutcracker is one of the greatest classics in the world. With iconic music by Tchaikovsky, and enchanting sets and costumes, this beautiful tale explores the universal themes of love, power and evil. This choreographic version, created for the Bolshoi by Yuri Grigorovich, is full of romanticism and philosophical reflections on ideal love. Masterfully interpreted by the Bolshoi dancers, it will enchant the whole family proving that one is never too young or too old to be swept away by The Nutcracker .
《天鵝湖》Swan Lake
《羅密歐與茱麗葉》Romeo and Juliet 載譽重映 Encore screening from season 2012-2013
片長 Length:160 分鐘 minutes
作曲 Music:柴可夫斯基 Piotr Tchaikovsky 編劇 Libretto:Yuri Grigorovich 編舞 Choreography :Yuri Grigorovich 舞者 Cast:莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團首席舞者、獨舞者及群舞者 The Bolshoi Principals, Soloists and Corps de Ballet
皇宮中燈火輝煌,皇室和賓客一同慶賀王子齊格菲的生辰。王 子在隆重的典禮中獲封騎士,少女們爭相吸引他的注意,因為 在第二天的舞會中,王子必須挑選一位少女作妻子。突然警覺 到肩上重擔的年輕王子,逃入夜幕下的森林,在一個被施了魔 法的湖邊邂逅了一群白天鵝…… 《天鵝湖》講述公主奧德蒂和王子齊格菲的愛情悲劇。奧德蒂 被施了魔咒,白天化作白天鵝,晚上回復人形,只有真愛盟誓 能解除魔咒。這個淒美的愛情傳說,發生在典雅高貴的浪漫主 義時代,圍繞永恆的主題:愛和欺騙,無疑是最具浪漫色彩及 戲劇性的芭蕾舞劇之一。其耳熟能詳的優美樂章由柴可夫斯基 創作,配上莫斯科大劇院舞者無與倫比的完美舞技,是不容錯 過的傳世經典。 At the palace, the royal family and their guests are gathered for Prince Siegfried’s birthday celebrations. In a majestic ceremony, Siegfried is made a knight; young girls try to attract his attention, as he must choose a wife during the ball. Overcome by the sudden awareness of his future responsibilities, he escapes into the night and meets a strange flock of swans by a magical lake. White swan by day, human by night, the beautiful Odette awaits an oath of true love to break the curse. The great legend of the enigmatic swan/woman is one of the most romantic classical ballets, appropriately set in the era of courtly romance and characterised by elegance, style and harmony. With Tchaikovsky’s famous, lyrical score, Swan Lake depicts the tragic love between Princess Odette and Prince Siegfried, and will no doubt be performed to perfection by the unparalleled virtuosity of Russia’s great Bolshoi Ballet. This universal and enchanting masterpiece of love, deception and drama is a mustsee.
片長 Length:135 分鐘 minutes
作曲 Music:普羅科菲耶夫 Sergei Prokofiev 編劇 Libretto:普羅科菲耶夫 Sergei Prokofiev、Sergei Radlov & Adrian Piotrovsky 編舞 Choreography :Yuri Grigorovich 舞者 Cast:Alexander Volchkov, Anna Nikulina
維羅納鎮上 ,卡布雷和蒙塔古家族爭端再起,刀戈相向。隨 後,當卡布雷家族為女兒茱麗葉舉行化裝舞會,蒙塔古家族的 羅密歐與好友麥丘提奧也喬裝混入。羅密歐與茱麗葉一見鍾 情,陷入熱戀,但彼此家族卻是世仇,讓一對苦命鴛鴦彷徨失 措…… 《羅密歐與茱麗葉》是莎士比亞在 1595 年寫下的鉅著,至今 歷久常新。普羅科菲耶夫譜寫的樂曲,旋律悅耳、節奏多變。 再加上令人目不轉睛的出色編舞,這齣講述無望戀情的芭蕾舞 劇,是近百年來最受歡迎的舞劇之一。莫斯科大劇院明星舞者 Alexander Volchkov 和 Anna Nikulina 耀眼的舞技,將一對維 羅納戀人演繹得有血有肉,讓這部芭蕾傑作熠熠生輝。 In Verona, the rivalry between the Capulets and the Montagues brings bloodshed to the city. When the Capulets organise a masked ball in honour of their daughter Juliet, Romeo Montague and his friend Mercutio attend incognito because of the hatred that tears the two houses apart. Romeo and Juliet fall madly in love, and are distraught when they realise they belong to rival families. William Shakespeare’s timeless story, written in 1595, is brought to the stage through breathtaking choreography and Sergei Prokofiev’s much-loved score. With its famous melodies, rhythmic variety and universal theme, this story of impossible love remains an all-time favourite, and is one of the world’s most popular ballets. Stellar performances by Alexander Volchkov and Anna Nikulina illuminate this masterpiece, making the immortal tale of the lovers of Verona an unforgettable experience.
《伊凡大帝》Ivan the Terrible 片長 Length:135 分鐘 minutes
作曲 Music:Sergei Prokofiev 編劇 Libretto:Yuri Grigorovich 編舞 Choreography:Yuri Grigorovich 舞者 Cast:莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團首席舞者、獨舞者及群舞者 The Bolshoi Principals, Soloists and Corps de Ballet
年輕的伊凡四世獲加冕為俄國沙皇,他選擇了波雅爾貴族的女 兒安娜斯塔西婭為皇后。怎料眾多波雅爾貴族都在暗地策劃, 伺機謀反,並最終毒殺了皇后。悲痛欲絕的伊凡發現自己孑然 於世,身邊充滿敵人。黑暗的念頭和幻想中的幽靈,讓他逐漸 陷入癲狂。 芭蕾舞劇《伊凡大帝》使用了普羅科菲耶夫為艾森斯坦同名電 影創作的音樂。舞作戲劇性地講述了伊凡四世充滿爭議的統 治,而視覺效果出衆的舞台設計,也詩意地反映出十六世紀的 俄國風貌。Yuri Grigorovich 的編舞力道十足、引人入勝,男 性舞步充滿張力、勁道和大幅度跳躍,女性角色則優雅、柔美。 感性的傳統舞步和強而有力的性格舞蹈交織在一起,譜寫出一 首中世紀俄國的抒情史詩。 As young Ivan IV is crowned, he has to choose one of the 13 Boyar daughters to be his wife and tsarina. He selects Anastasia, and the two eventually fall deeply in love. When the Boyars plot against him and poison his beloved wife, Tsar Ivan finds himself surrounded by enemies. Haunted by dark thoughts and phantoms, he slowly sinks into madness. Drawing on the music composed by Prokofiev for the 1944 Eisenstein film, Ivan the Terrible is a work in the true Bolshoi style. Yuri Grigorovich’s powerful and fascinating epic dramatises Ivan the Terrible’s controversial reign, and portrays events in 16thcentury Russia in visually stunning scenes. His choreography, full of vigour, strength and wild jumps, also includes great grace and fragility in the female roles. Classical and powerful character dance blends and creates a lyrical epic, rich in the colours of medieval Russia.
票價 Ticket Price
成人 Adult
學生 Student/ 長者 Senior/ 小童 Children
AMC Pacific Place
Broadway The ONE
門票即日起發售 Tickets NOW available 特別優惠 Special Offers 1. 百老匯電影中心會員購買 PALACE ifc 及百老匯 The ONE 場次之戲票可獲八五折優惠。 15% off for bc VIP members for the shows at PALACE ifc and Broadway The ONE. 2. iu 會員持會員證到票房購買正價戲票,專享八五折優惠。 15% off on regular priced tickets for iu members. 3. 信用卡優惠均適用於此節目。 Credit card discount is applicable to this programme.
購票辦法 Bookings 1. 親臨票房或自動售票機購買。 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 2. 電話購票 Phone Ticketing:2388 6268 (PALACE ifc) / 2388 3188 (Broadway The ONE) / 2265 8933 (AMC Pacific Place) 3. 網上購票 Online Ticketing: www.cinema.com.hk / www.amccinemas.com.hk * 網上及電話購票均需收取每張 $10 手續費。 $10 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.
本宣傳單張出版時,是次節目之影片尚未獲評列等級,影片的放映時間及片長或會有變動。如 有任何更改,主辦單位將於戲院張貼告示及於網頁 www.cinema.com.hk 公佈,敬請留意。
The categories of all the films in the programme are not yet rated at the time this publication goes to print. There might be changes in terms of film duration and screening time. If any changes, notice will be posted in cinema and www.cinema.com. hk .
合辦 Co-presented with
相關演出 Related Performance 莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團 The Bolshoi Ballet 《巴黎火焰》The Flames of Paris 24-26/3 《珠寶》Jewels 28-29/3
《法老的女兒》 The Pharaoh's Daughter 《舞姬》 La Bayadère 《愛之傳說》 The Legend of Love 《胡桃夾子》 The Nutcracker 《天鵝湖》 Swan Lake 《羅密歐與茱麗葉》 Romeo & Juliet 《伊凡大帝》 Ivan the Terrible
放映日期 Date
放映時間 Time
地點 Venue
2/11/14(日 Sun)
8/11/14(六 Sat)
AMC Pacific Place
16/11/14(日 Sun)
Broadway The ONE
30/11/14(日 Sun)
6/12/14(六 Sat)
AMC Pacific Place
14/12/14(日 Sun)
Broadway The ONE
11/1/15(日 Sun)
17/1/15(六 Sat)
AMC Pacific Place
25/1/15(日 Sun)
Broadway The ONE
1/3/15(日 Sun)
7/3/15(六 Sat)
AMC Pacific Place
15/3/15(日 Sun)
Broadway The ONE
5/4/15(日 Sun)
11/4/15(六 Sat)
AMC Pacific Place
12/4/15(日 Sun)
Broadway The ONE
19/4/15(日 Sun)
9/5/15(六 Sat)
AMC Pacific Place
10/5/15(日 Sun)
Broadway The ONE
21/6/15(日 Sun)
27/6/15(六 Sat)
AMC Pacific Place
5/7/15(日 Sun)
Broadway The ONE
影片的放映時間、片長及中場休息時間或有變動。 Times subject to changes. Running times and number of intermissions to be comfirmed.
© Chris Chan
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 學校伙伴計劃 Education
12 月 December 2014 – 3 月 March 2015 憑邀請參加 By invitation only
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台於 2012 年第 40 屆香港藝術節成立, 為本地舞蹈人才提供不一樣的平台,讓青年舞者展現他們的創 作。項目亦包括一系列外展活動,鼓勵本地中學生積極參與, 培養新一代舞蹈愛好者和舞者。 校內講座──透過示範講座及介紹,提高學生對當代舞的理解 及欣賞能力。 校內工作坊──互動工作坊幫助學生透過討論,示範及形體練 習,感受當代舞的獨特魅力。 公開彩排/演出──學生將欣賞 2015 香港藝術節香港賽馬會 當代舞蹈平台的公開彩排、演出及演後談,與藝術家交流。 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series (CDS), launched in 2012, provides a unique platform for emerging local choreographers and dancers to create and present new work. This series comprises a wide range of outreach activities to engage high school students: TALKS–introductory talks with demonstration that help students approach, understand and appreciate contemporary dance; WORKSHOPS–interactive workshops that inspire students to experience contemporary dance through discussions, demonstrations and movement exercises; REHEARSALS AND PERFORMANCES–students are invited to attend the open rehearsal and performances of the 2015 CDS programme, followed by exchanges with artists in post-performance forums. 相關演出 Related Performance 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 12-15/3
與本地當代舞蹈家對談 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Postperformance Dialogue 藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
14/3 六 Sat 15/3 日 Sun
約於下午 About 4:30 - 5:00pm
香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free admission
(演出後 Post performance)
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台之節目三《舞鬥》,提供創作 空間,讓七位新生代編舞創作實驗短篇舞蹈。演出結束 後,資深編舞及顧問楊春江和邢亮將與觀眾一起,賞析 年輕編舞的大膽創作,討論未來的提升空間,以在明年 帶來更精采的演出。 Dance-off , Programme 3 of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series, showcases seven short pieces featuring young up-and-coming choreographers and performers. Stay after the performances as advisors Daniel Yeung and Xing Liang lead and encourage the audience to review the works with the choreographers which may lead into extended versions next year. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
獨家贊助 Solely sponsored by
電視特備節目:藝術節節目精選 Festival on TV : Festival Programme Highlights 香港藝術節特別出品,五個夜晚,五集特備內容,為你帶來精采的 2015 年藝術節節目介紹及預告,每集都匯聚藝術節 之精華。2015 年 1 月開始於翡翠台播放,不容錯過! Hong Kong Arts Festival will once again bring you a series of special TV episodes, beginning in January 2015, highlighting the most exciting events from the 2015 HKAF.
11, 18, 25/1 & 1, 8/2 日 Sun
無綫電視翡翠台 TVB Jade © Reinout Hiel
晚上 7:30-7:35pm
© Original cast by Mark Douet
© Ali Skye Bennet
© Bindi Cole
展覽 Exhibition
康有為面面觀 Datong and The World of Kang Youwei 香港藝術節集結本地重量級藝術家,攜手推出三幕歌劇 《大同》,重溫學者與政治思想家康有為眼中的大同世 界,並探索其理念與現代社會中的連繫。 藝術節將舉 辦展覽,紀念康有為巨著《大同書》出版八十週年,一 覽這位偉大思想家的流離一生。通過康有為與女兒,中 國首位女性社會活動家康同璧的珍貴歷史照片、手稿及 相關文獻,你將在觀賞室內歌劇演出《大同》前,更了 解此劇的歷史背景和人物角色。 A major commission of the HKAF, Datong: The Chinese Utopia is a three-act chamber opera that links scholar and political thinker Kang Youwei’s utopian ideology with contemporary society. Learn about Kang, his life and his thinking. The exhibition celebrates the 80th anniversary of the first publication of Kang’s influential work Da Tong Shu (The Book of Great Unity).
27/2 – 29/3
香港文化中心大堂 Foyer, HK Cultural Centre
(29/3: 於晚上 8 時結束 Closes at 8pm)
免費入場 Free admission
上午 9:00am – 晚上 11:00pm
獨家贊助 Solely sponsored by
2014/15 青少年之友全新藝術導航計劃 Young Friends Mentorship Scheme 香港藝術節青少年之友一直致力鼓勵學生全方位體驗藝術,除了舉辦一系列由藝術家於演前導賞的會員專享節目外,今 年新設演前駐校工作坊,將精采節目帶入校園,讓學生不但可以欣賞國際級高質素的節目,更可以透過由本地年青藝術 家以生動手法講解的多媒體互動工作坊,從不同角度學習藝術知識,體會箇中樂趣。 Young Friends of the Hong Kong Arts Festival strives to deliver a mutli-arts experience for local young students. This year, apart from organising a wide range of pre-performance Talk, Young Friends also offers in-school workshops which educate and inspire arts appreciation in an interactive manner. Local budding artists will guide students to explore Hong Kong Arts Festival performances to enriche students’ understanding of the arts.
陳美莉 Emily Chan 導演 Director / 編劇 Playwright
薛海暉 Harvey Sit 導演 Director / 演員 Actor 導賞員 Arts tutor :
導賞員 Arts tutor : 都柏林城門劇院《傲慢與偏見》
The Gate Theatre - Pride and Prejudice
Mikhail Rudy & Marc Chagall – The Sound of Colours
陳仕文 Franco Chan 導演 Director / 演員 Actor
唐曉楓 Bon Tong 演員 Actor
Complicite - Lionboy
Gandini Juggling - Smashed
導賞員 Arts tutor : 合拍劇團《獅子男孩歷險記》
導賞員 Arts tutor : 荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團《仙履奇緣》
Dutch National Ballet - Cinderella
導賞員 Arts tutor : 甘迪尼雜技團《落地開花》
© Humphney Chow
周可允 Howan Chow 編舞家 Ballet Dancer / Choreographer
© Yankov Wong
演前導賞及互動工作坊藝術家 Artists in Pre-Performance Talk & In-School Workshops
英文瀚 Travis Ying 佈景設計師 Set Designer 導賞員 Arts tutor : 紙影院 《奧德賽漂流記》
The Paper Cinema's Odyssey
如有興趣參與以上駐校工作坊或演前導賞環節,請電郵至 afyfs@hkaf.org 與青少年之友職員聯絡。 If you are interested in participating in the Young Friends in-school workshops or pre-performance introductory talk, please contact Young Friends via email at afyfs@hkaf.org
青少年之友特派記者 Young Friends Reporter
青少年之友義工團隊 Young Friends Volunteer
成為青少年之友特派記者,參與一連串寫作、 攝影及採訪技巧工作坊,在藝術節期間走訪 不同藝團和藝術家,透過影像、文字和圖像, 捕捉排練、演出、導賞活動中的精采時刻。
歡迎加入青少年之友義工團隊,透 過參與青少年之友藝術活動,吸收 藝術行政知識!特別是有機會在藝 術節期間擔任活動助理,協助青少 年之友於藝術節期間的運作,可累 積寶貴的經驗,為投身藝術行政行 業作好準備!
The Young Friends Reporters Scheme is an exclusive event for members and consists of three groups: Creative Writing, Photography and Artists Interview. Guided by experienced arts critic, writer and photographer, students will learn how to promote and introduce the artists and performances to audiences.
Become a Young Friends Volunteer! Get involved with the Young Friends team in programme coordination and gain invaluable experience in arts administration.
加料節目概覽 Festival PLUS Calendar 2014 節目 Programme
活動類型 Activity Type
頁數 Page
2014 年 10 月 - 2015 年 3 月 Oct 2014 - Mar 2015
2014 年 12 月 - 2015 年 3 月 Dec 2014 - Mar 2015
節目 Programme
活動類型 Activity Type
頁數 Page
藝術節展覽 : 康有為面面觀
1/2 日 Sun
8/2 日 Sun
27/2 五 Fri
27/2 五 Fri
28/2 六 Sat
28/2 六 Sat
28/2 六 Sat
28/2 六 Sat
日期 Date
2/11 日 Sun 下午 4:20pm
11 月 Nov
8/11 六 Sat 晚上 7:00pm
16/11 日 Sun 下午 4:20pm
30/11 日 Sun 下午 4:20pm
12 月 Dec
6/12 六 Sat 晚上 7:00pm
14/12 日 Sun 下午 4:20pm
The Pharaoh's Daughter
The Pharaoh's Daughter
The Pharaoh's Daughter
La Bayadère
La Bayadère
La Bayadère
The HKAF Artists-in-Residence Project : Creating Paper Cinema The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series
Education Education
2015 日期 Date
11/1 日 Sun 下午 4:20pm
11/1 日 Sun
晚上 7:30-7:35pm
1月 Jan
17/1 六 Sat 晚上 7:00pm
18/1 日 Sun
晚上 7:30-7:35pm
25/1 日 Sun 下午 4:20pm
25/1 日 Sun
晚上 7:30-7:35pm
27/2 - 29/3 上午 9:00am- 晚上 11:00pm
2/2 - 9/3 晚上 7:30-7:35pm
晚上 7:30-7:35pm
25/2 三 Wed
晚上 8:00-9:30pm
上午 11:15am- 下午 12:15pm
2月 Feb
晚上 9:20-9:50pm
下午 1:30-3:00pm
下午 3:30-5:00pm
下午 4:30-5:00pm
晚上 9:30-10:00pm
電視特備節目 Festival on TV
The Legend of Love
Festival Programme Highlights
Festival on TV
The Legend of Love
Festival Programme Highlights
Festival on TV
The Legend of Love
Festival Programme Highlights
Festival on TV
HKAF Exhibition : Datong and The World of Kang Youwei "Voices of Women" Photography Campaign Festival Programme Highlights
Exhibition Photo Competition & Exhibition Festival on TV
Festival Programme Highlights
Festival on TV
Flamenco, The Dance
Kapelle for Kids
In Conversation with Lisa Dwan
Dance Flamenco 1 – an Elementary Level Workshop with Karime Amaya
Dance Flamenco 2 - an Intermediate Level Workshop with Jesús Carmona Workshop Method and Process of Complicite
Fighting for Your Attention
歌劇 / 戲曲 / 特備節目 Opera / Specials
音樂 Music
舞蹈 Dance
戲劇 Theatre
節目概覽 CALENDAR 日期 Date
1/3 日 Sun
節目 Programme
活動類型 Activity Type
頁數 Page
The Nutcracker
下午 4:40pm
1/3 日 Sun
2/3 一 Mon
2/3 一 Mon
3/3 二 Tue
5/3 四 Thu
6/3 五 Fri
6/3 五 Fri
7/3 六 Sat
7/3 六 Sat
下午 5:30-6:30pm
晚上 7:30-9:30pm
晚上 9:15-9:45pm
上午 11:00am- 下午 1:00pm
晚上 10:30-11:00pm
晚上 10:00-10:30pm
晚上 10:00-10:30pm
上午 11:00am- 下午 12:30pm
下午 3:30-5:30pm
7/3 六 Sat
The Amahs' Stories Dance Workshop with HORSE Behind the Odyssey
Masterclass with William Christie and Les Arts Florissants Sisterhood of Old Hong Kong Dialogue with Hyoseung Ye and HORSE Staging Pride and Prejudice Dance Workshop with Hyoseung Ye The World of Jane Austen
Film Talk Workshop Meet-the-Artist Masterclass Meet-the-Artist Meet-the-Artist Meet-the-Artist Workshop Talk
The Nutcracker
晚上 7:10pm
7/3 六 Sat
9/3 一 Mon
10/3 二 Tue
11/3 三 Wed
11/3 三 Wed
12/3 四 Thu
12/3 四 Thu
12/3 四 Thu
13/3 五 Fri
13/3 五 Fri
13/3 五 Fri
13/3 五 Fri
14/3 六 Sat
14/3 六 Sat
14/3 六 Sat
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Post-performance Dialogue
晚上 10:10-10:30pm
晚上 7:30-8:30pm
下午 5:00-6:00pm
下午 2:00-3:00pm
3月 Mar
晚上 7:45-10:00pm
下午 2:30-4:30pm
晚上 7:45-10:15pm
晚上 10:30-11:00pm
下午 5:45-6:45pm
晚上 7:30-9:00pm
晚上 9:00-9:30pm
晚上 10:00-10:30pm
下午 12:30-1:30pm
下午 3:00-4:30pm
下午 4:30-5:00pm
Meet Fabio Biondi
The HKAF Artists-in-Residence Project: Creating Paper Cinema The HKAF Artists-in-Residence Project: Creating Paper Cinema On Music as a Profession Passing the Torch in Cantonese Opera Trio Dushkin: A Case Study on Today's Working Musicians Playing with Puppets? Sisterhood of Old Hong Kong
Film Meet-the-Artist Public Showcase School Showcase Talk Talk Talk Workshop Meet-the-Artist
A Listening Guide to the Shostakovich and Tchaikovsky Trios by Trio Dushkin Talk Staging a New Opera Landing on Planet Egg Rebooting Cinderella The Magic of Cinderella The Bobby McFerrin Masterclass
Talk Meet-the-Artist Meet-the-Artist Backstage Tour Masterclass Meet-the-Artist
14/3 六 Sat
Landing on Planet Egg
下午 4:00-4:30pm
14/3 六 Sat
14/3 六 Sat
14/3 六 Sat
15/3 日 Sun
15/3 日 Sun
邂逅 Lady Day
電影 / 演出
晚上 6:00-8:00pm
晚上 9:00-9:30pm
晚上 9:55-10:25pm
下午 2:45-3:30pm
下午 3:30-5:30pm
Dutch National Ballet Masterclass Landing on Planet Egg In Dialogue with Mikhail Rudy Composing for Datang Lady Day Live
Meet-the-Artist Masterclass Meet-the-Artist Meet-the-Artist Talk Film / Performance
日期 Date
節目 Programme
活動類型 Activity Type
15/3 日 Sun
電影 / 講座
15/3 日 Sun
下午 4:00-6:00pm
15/3 日 Sun
16/3 一 Mon
20/3 五 Fri
20/3 五 Fri
21/3 六 Sat
The HKAF Theatre Forum: "New Writing and a Suitable Producing Theatre Model"
21/3 六 Sat
21/3 六 Sat
22/3 日 Sun
電影 / 講座
26/3 四 Thu
中國戲曲的視野 —— 與茅威濤對談
27/3 五 Fri
27/3 五 Fri
莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞大師班 ( 一 )
27/3 五 Fri
莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞大師班 ( 二 )
28/3 六 Sat
28/3 六 Sat
28/3 六 Sat
下午 4:40pm
晚上 6:00-6:30pm
下午 1:00-3:00pm
19/3 四 Thu
晚上 9:15-9:45pm
下午 1:30-3:30pm
下午 2:00-3:30pm
上午 10:30am- 晚上 6:00pm
下午 1:00-1:45pm
晚上 9:40-10:10pm
下午 12:30-1:30pm
22/3 日 Sun
下午 2:30-6:00pm
晚上 7:00-9:00pm
晚上 6:30-7:30pm
晚上 6:30-8:00pm
晚上 8:30-10:00pm
上午 10:15am- 下午 12:30pm
下午 5:00-5:30pm
晚上 9:30-10:00pm
5/4 日 Sun 下午 4:30pm
11/4 六 Sat 晚上 7:00pm
12/4 日 Sun 下午 4:30pm
19/4 日 Sun 下午 4:30pm
5月 May
9/5 六 Sat 晚上 7:00pm
10/5 日 Sun 下午 4:30pm
6月 Jun
21/6 日 Sun 下午 4:40pm
27/6 六 Sat 晚上 7:15pm
7月 Jul
15/3 日 Sun
4月 Apr
Film / Talk
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Post-performance Dialogue
下午 4:30-5:00pm
3月 Mar
"New Music, Fresh Ideas": a Discussion Hosted by Evans Chan
頁數 Page
5/7 日 Sun 下午 4:40pm
The Nutcracker Landing on Planet Egg Piano Masterclass with Mikhail Rudy
Smashed Revealed Juggling Fundamentals Meeting Deborah Borda
Designing The Tsar's Bride Meet the Faces of Datong Utopia Backstage
Datong: The Great Society – in Search of a Modern Utopia Future of Chinese Opera Flamenco, The Rhythm Mastering Ballet with the Bolshoi 1 Mastering Ballet with the Bolshoi 2 Violin Masterclass by Leonidas Kavakos When is a Herd not Herd? When Pansori Meets Flamenco
Swan Lake Swan Lake Swan Lake Romeo & Juliet Romeo & Juliet Romeo & Juliet
Ivan The Terrible Ivan The Terrible Ivan The Terrible
Meet-the-Artist Film Meet-the-Artist Masterclass Meet-the-Artist Workshop Talk Forum Backstage Tour Meet-the-Artist Backstage Tour Film / Talk Talk Talk Masterclass Masterclass Masterclass Meet-the-Artist Meet-the-Artist Film Film Film Film Film Film Film Film Film
場地指南 Venue Guide
網上報名 Online Registration | www.hk.artsfestivalplus.org 一般查詢 General enquiries: 2824 3555(辦公時間內 During office hours) | plus@hkaf.org 悠藝會查詢 FestClub enquiries : membership@hkaf.org 香港藝術節保留更改節目的權利。
The Hong Kong Arts Festival reserves the right to make changes to the programmes.
活動地點 Event Venues
agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA
AMC Pacific Place
Recital Hall (AST916), HK Baptist University
香港灣仔港灣道 2 號香港藝術中心
HK Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
香港金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 L1
HK Cultural Centre
10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
九龍塘窩打路道 224 號香港浸會大學 善衡校園 , 區樹洪樓 AST916 室
香港文化中心 排演室 GR1/GR3
九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號大劇院後台
香港皇后大道中 345 號上環市政大廈 5 樓
香港文化中心 排演室 CR2
九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號音樂廳後台
香港中環愛丁堡廣場五號高座 8 樓
AST 916, Au Shue Hung Building, Ho Sin Hang Campus, HK Baptist University, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon
Rehearsal Room GR1/GR3, HK Cultural Centre
5/F, Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, 345 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
新界上水龍運街 2 號
九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 100 號 The One 6-11 樓
Broadway The ONE
Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall 梅夫人婦女會花園廳
Garden Room, The Helena May
Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號
Lecture Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre
1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong
Rehearsal Room CR2, HK Cultural Centre
Auditorium, North District Town Hall
香港灣仔告士打道 1 號
2 Lung Wan Street, Sheung Shui, New Territories
6-11/F, The One, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
新界沙田源禾路 1 號
1 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, New Territories
香港中環花園道 35 號
35 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong
香港灣仔港灣道 1 號
1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Recital Hall, HK City Hall
HK City Hall
Orange Peel Music Lounge
Yau Ma Tei Theatre
Grand Theatre Backstage, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Concert Hall Backstage, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
8/F Highblock, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong
香港中環愛丁堡廣場 5 號
5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環德己立街 38-44 號 好利商業大廈 2 樓 A-C 室
Flat A-C, 2/F, Ho Lee Comm Bldg, 38-44 D'Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong 中環金融街 8 號國際金融中心商場 1 樓
Podium Level 1, ifc Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong
九龍窩打老道 6 號
6 Waterloo Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon