Till Identity Do Us Part
改編經典,從來不是易事。一方面有來自 原作粉絲的壓力;二來原作及改編作之 間,不論是價值觀、時代脈絡還是觀演經 驗往往已相去甚遠,能否讓現代觀眾產生 共鳴,又是另一個問題。
It’s never easy to adapt a classic. On one hand, there’s always pressure from fans of the original. And on the other, the differences that often emerge between the original and the adaptation, whether in values, context or the experiences of the audience, often lead to questions about whether the adaptation will resonate with new audiences.
生於香港、現居英國的劇作家吳翠茵, 這次首度和劇場導演黃龍斌合作,將瑞典 文豪史特林堡的代表作《茱莉小姐》搬上香 港藝術節舞台。她筆下的《茱莉小姐》在英 國、新加坡之間轉了一圈,最後應邀「回流」 香港,可謂功德圓滿。從今天的眼光看來, 史特林堡的劇本可說十分簡單:千金小姐搭 上家中男僕後,最終在性別與階級的牢籠中 迷失自我,走向毀滅之路。
但經典之為經典,自有一種永恆不衰的 生命力,讓後起的創作者甘之如飴。黃龍斌 認為,原著的魅力在於其複雜性。史特林堡 的《茱莉小姐》寫於1888年,當時的瑞典正 處於歷史的夾縫中:貴族階級所代表的封建
Playwright Amy Ng, who was born in Hong Kong and now lives in England, collaborated with theatre director Tony Wong to transplant Swedish playwright August Strindberg’s masterpiece Miss Julie to colonial-era Hong Kong. After touring from the UK to Singapore, Ng’s adaptation is now being staged on “home turf” at the Hong Kong Arts Festival. From today’s perspective, Strindberg’s story may seem deceptively simple: a wealthy heiress hooks up with the family servant, eventually losing herself in questions about gender and class, and ends up on the path of destruction.
Character metamorphosis
Yet classics are classics because they often possess a timeless vitality that continues to entice future creatives. Wong believes the charm of the original lies in its complexity. Strindberg’s Miss Julie was written in 1888, when Sweden was in the middle of a historical transformation. The feudal system represented by the aristocratic class was on
© HANGmade Photography
© HANGmade Photography
制度開始衰落,邁入資本主義社會;同時女 權思潮亦悄悄冒起,如瑞典現存最古老的女 權組織正是於1884年成立。在史特林堡的 劇本中,茱莉所象徵的「新女性」和士族階 層,還有男僕約翰憧憬的金錢與權力,都是 一個大時代的縮影。
來到香港,《茱莉小姐》當然也得入鄉 隨俗。一路走來,吳翠茵的人物絕非固態: 英國、新加坡版的白人千金,在香港成了歐 亞混血;男僕約翰則是由新加坡版本中的混 血兒,變成一位遠渡來港的中國移民——在 性別、階級等不同身份錯綜交織下,巧妙將 「種族」這一新維度推上故事主軸,不但彰顯 了劇本原有的張力和可塑性,更與香港獨特 的歷史時空圓滿串連起來。
黃、吳二人,前者是形體專家,後者是 歷史學家出身,令此劇在戲裏戲外同樣張力 滿滿。若說黃龍斌善以形體語言提煉人物的 精神面貌,吳翠茵則擅長刻劃大時代下的小 人物。「歷史教我們最重要的一點,就是人 類的命運從來不是單純由自己選擇,而是個 人、大環境還有『偶然性』加起來的結果。」
在原作中,茱莉小姐最終選擇了結自己 生命。問及茱莉在新作的下場時,吳翠茵搖 搖頭:「戲裏犧牲的總是女人,我是很不想讓 她死的。」黃龍斌則笑說:「茱莉不死的話, 這部戲就沒有意思了。所謂改編,我認為不 能丟失原著的靈魂。」那末,到底結局如何? 恐怕得進劇場方知下回分解了。
the decline as society marched towards capitalism. At the same time, a wave of feminism was quietly emerging, as exemplified by the 1884 founding of Sweden’s oldest existing feminist organisation. In Strindberg’s story, the “new woman” and the gentry symbolised by Julie, and John the chauffeur’s desire for money and power, are microcosms of the time.
In the new version now playing in Hong Kong, Miss Julie takes on a local spin, as it has on its other stops. The Caucasian heiress in the British and Singaporean versions is now of mixed Asian-European heritage, while the chauffeur, John, who in Singapore was mixed race, is now an immigrant from mainland China. Along with original concerns of gender and class, Ng’s Miss Julie brings into the story’s main thematic axis a new dimension of race, not only highlighting the original tensions and malleability of Strindberg’s Miss Julie, but also connecting it seamlessly with Hong Kong’s unique historical time and space.
Between Wong and Ng, the former being a movement expert and the latter with a background in history, the pair fill the play with tension both on stage and off. While Wong is skilled at evincing the protagonists’ inner states through movement language, Ng is deft at sculpting everyday individuals forging a life through changing times. “The most valuable lesson I took from history is that a person’s destiny is the sum total of individual choices, big forces beyond his/her control, and chance.”
In the original, Miss Julie ends up taking her own life. Asked about Julie’s fate in this new version, Ng shakes her head: “It’s always the woman who is sacrificed at the end of a play; I really didn’t want to her to die.” Tony Wong chuckles, saying: “If Julie doesn’t die, the play loses its meaning. When we talk about adaptations, I think it’s crucial we don’t lose the soul of the original.” So what happens in the end? We’ll have to watch Miss Julie to find out.
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© HANGmade Photography
儘管兩位主創的價值觀、理念各異, 在劇本的核心命題上卻是默契十足。兩人表 示,這次新作從「身份認同」的角度切入, 希望更貼近香港的歷史背景。故事發生在 1948年的香港,當時英國人才剛從日本手 上重新接管香港,但殖民統治的根基已然動 搖。作為半個英國人的茱莉,理所當然認為 自己是香港人;出身卑微、來自中國大陸的 約翰,則認為茱莉沒有資格做香港人。還有 茱莉家的廚娘姬絲汀,她是約翰的未婚妻, 同時也是土生土長的香港人——三人的關係 猶如當時香港的寫照,剪不斷、理還亂。
不過,別以為用「身份」兩字就可以概 括這部作品。黃龍斌明言,講身份認同很容 易流於粗暴的二分法,例如茱莉象徵英國、 約翰象徵中國云云。但比起身份政治,他更 希望探討人的本質,而姬絲汀的善良正正超 越了國籍,為人性立下了最佳註腳。「如果說 茱莉的悲劇來自於身份認同,那麽我們是否 應該擺脫身份的束縛,只把自己當『人』看 待呢?」
Smashing notions of identity
Even though the two main creators have different values and ideals, their mental wavelengths are aligned when it comes to the core theme of the play. The pair say they’re approaching this new version from the angle of “identity” and hope to keep it true to Hong Kong’s historical background. The story takes place in Hong Kong in 1948, just as the British reclaim control over the port city from Japan and the foundations of colonial rule have been shaken. The halfBritish Julie considers herself a Hongkonger, yet the humble John, who hails from mainland China, does not believe Julie qualifies as one. There is also Julie’s family cook, who is John’s fiancée and a born-and-bred Hongkonger—the relationship between the three is a reflection of Hong Kong at the time: a messy entanglement.
However, don’t imagine that the mere term “identity” is sufficient to explain this work. Wong notes how easy it is to slip into crude binaries when it comes to concepts of identity, such as Julie representing the UK, John representing mainland China, and so on. Going beyond identity politics, he hopes more to explore the universal humanity that transcends individual identities: “If Julie’s tragedy stems from an identity issue, then should we not throw down the shackles of identity and treat each other simply as human beings?”
Text: Shao yi Chan
Originally published in the HKAF’s FestMag 2024
© HANGmade Photography
編劇 吳翠茵
吳翠茵是一名屢獲殊榮的劇作家、影視編劇及歷 史學家。
吳翠茵生於香港、就讀於拔萃女書院,並在 中學時期通過戲劇學會以及當時的老師莫昭如首 次接觸戲劇。她後來師從導演麥秋,對戲劇的興 趣逐漸演變成終生不渝的熱情。
吳翠茵的劇作經常從歷史和當代社會議題 中汲取靈感。她亦熱衷於將華語經典作品納入 世界戲劇經典之列。她的劇作包括《雨傘之下》 (英國貝爾格萊德劇院)、《接納》(漢普斯特德劇 場)、《香格里拉》(芬伯勒劇院)和《我們愛獻 藝》(聯合編劇 / 冰與火劇場)。她的廣播劇作 品包括《老虎女孩》(英國廣播公司廣播四台)和 《熱情基爾本》(英國廣播公司廣播三台)。吳翠 茵現時獲倫敦艾爾美達劇院和窯劇院委任創作, 並受皇家莎士比亞劇團委託,改編關漢卿的《趙 盼兒風月救風塵》。
吳翠茵的另一身份是歷史學家,她對多民族 帝國、皇權衰落和民族衝突尤感興趣,著有《民 族主義與政治自由》一書(牛津大學出版社)。
吳翠茵曾就讀於耶魯大學和牛津大學貝利 奧爾學院,更獲得羅德學者的榮譽並取得現代史 博士學位。她曾為德國亞歷山大.馮.洪堡研究 員,目前定居英國倫敦。
Playwright Amy Ng
Amy Ng is an award-winning playwright, screenwriter and historian.
Ng grew up in Hong Kong and attended the Diocesan Girls’ School, where she was first introduced to theatre through an active drama society and teacher Mok Chiu-yu. Her early theatrical interest blossomed into an obsession when she studied with director James Mark.
Ng often draws inspiration from history and contemporary social issues in her plays. She is also passionate about widening the global theatrical canon to include Chinese classics. Her plays include Under the Umbrella (Belgrade Theatre), Acceptance (Hampstead Theatre), Shangri-La (Finborough Theatre), and We Like to Move It, Move It (co-writer, Ice and Fire Theatre). Ng’s radio plays include Tiger Girls (BBC Radio 4) and Kilburn Passion (BBC Radio 3). She is under commission to the Almeida Theatre and the Kiln Theatre, and was commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company to adapt Guan Hanqing’s Zhao Pan’er Rescues a Sister through Seduction.
Ng is also a historian with a research interest in multinational empires, imperial decline and nationality conflict, and is the author of Nationalism and Political Liberty (Oxford University Press).
She was educated at Yale University and at Balliol College, Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. She graduated with a Doctorate in Modern History, and was an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow in Germany. She is currently based in London.
導演 黃龍斌*
香港演藝學院戲劇學院副院長,高級講師(表演) 及形體訓練課程主管。1997年於香港演藝學院戲 劇學院畢業,獲藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修表 演。2008年獲香港戲劇協會獎學金到澳洲留學, 並於澳洲國家戲劇學院獲得碩士學位,主修形 體。他曾在中英劇團任全職演員,離團後成立異 人實現劇場和Performer Studio。
黃龍斌作為導演、演員、編舞和舞者均獲得 認可。曾參與逾一百二十個演出,近作包括香港 藝術節《我們最快樂》(導演)、《飯戲攻心》(導 演及編舞);香港演藝學院《茱麗葉與羅密歐》; 中英劇團《羅生門》(導演);Performer Studio 《鄭和的後代》以及澳洲國家戲劇學院《X》(編、 導、演及編舞)。
2004年獲第一屆香港舞台劇獎傑出專業精神 獎,並六次獲得最佳導演,最近更憑《我們最快 樂》獲2022年國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會) 年度導演。黃龍斌現為香港戲劇協會舞台劇獎評 審團。
Director Tony Wong*
Tony Wong is currently Associate Dean of the School of Drama, Senior Lecturer in Acting and Discipline Leader of the Movement Curriculum at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). He graduated from the HKAPA with a Bachelor’s degree in Acting. In 2008, he received a scholarship to major in Movement Studies and received a Master’s degree in Drama from the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney. Wong later joined the Chung Ying Theatre Company as a full-time actor and performed major roles in various works. He later established 2 On Stage and Performance Studio.
Wong has received recognition as a director, actor, dancer and choreographer. His multi-faceted talents are reflected in his creations and performances. To date, he has participated in more than 120 productions, with his recent works including the Hong Kong Arts Festival’s We are Gay (director) and Table for Six on Stage (director and choreographer), the HKAPA’s Juliet and Romeo, the Chung Ying Theatre Company’s Rashomon (director), Performer Studio’s Descendants of the Eunuch Admiral and the National Institute of Dramatic Art’s X (playwright, director, actor and choreographer).
He was awarded the first Hong Kong Drama Awards’ Professional Achievement Award in 2004, and was named Best Director six times. In 2022, he won the Best Director Award from the International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong) for We Are Gay. Now, he is in on the judging panel for the Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies’ Drama Awards.
*With kind permission of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
張馨梅 飾 茱莉
張馨梅是一名出生於北京的演員,擁有華人和英 國血統。她在艾克斯特大學獲得戲劇學士,又在 倫敦戲劇中心接受培訓,並獲得表演課程碩士學 位。
張馨梅的最新作品《革命歌單》(叢林劇場) 獲《舞台報》評為2023年倫敦十大最佳演出之 一。她的其他戲劇作品包括在莎士比亞環球劇場 演出的《泰特斯》,還有在英國巡迴劇團演出的 《如何救這礁石》。她的電視作品包括英國ITV 電視的《牧師神探》。
Mei Mei MacLeod as Julie
Mei Mei MacLeod is a Beijing-born actor of mixed Chinese and British heritage. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Drama from the University of Exeter, and went on to train at the Drama Centre London, graduating from its MA Acting programme. MacLeod most recently starred in A Playlist for the Revolution (Bush Theatre), ranked one of London’s top 10 shows of 2023 by The Stage newspaper. Her other theatre credits include Titus Andronicus (Shakespeare’s Globe) and How To Save A Rock (Pigfoot Theatre/English Touring Theatre). Her television work includes Grantchester (ITV).
梁仲恆 飾 約翰
以一級榮譽成績於香港演藝學院戲劇學院畢業, 主修表演。在校期間憑《元宵》、《慾望號街車》 及《羅生門》,三度獲得傑出演員獎,並獲頒多個 獎學金。
2018年畢業後加入中英劇團,演出包括《福 爾摩斯四圍騰之華生暴走大狗查》(首演及重 演)、《羅生門》(重演)、《解憂雜貨店》和黑盒 劇場製作《完全變態》。
2021年於電影《媽媽的神奇小子》飾演成年 蘇樺偉,並獲第40屆香港電影金像獎最佳男主角 兼最佳新演員雙料提名。
近年,他亦參與多套舞台劇,包括由黃龍 斌執導、莊梅岩編劇之同志題材劇目《我們最快 樂》;以及陳詠燊親自改編、黃龍斌執導之黑色 喜劇《飯戲攻心》踏台版。
Leung Chung-hang as John
Leung Chung-hang majored in Acting at the School of Drama at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and was awarded first-class honours. During his studies, he received the Outstanding Actor Award three times for his performances in Twelfth Night, A Streetcar Named Desire and Rashomon
He joined the Chung Ying Theatre Company in 2018. His performances include Ken Ludwig’s Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (premiere and re-run), Rashomon (re-run), The Miracles of the Namiya General Store and Metromorphosis.
In 2021, he appeared as So Wawai in the film Zero to Hero and was nominated as Best Actor and Best New Performer at the 40th Hong Kong Film Awards.
In 2022, he participated in the drama We Are Gay, produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival, directed by Tony Wong and written by Candace Chong. He also participated in the black comedy Table For Six on Stage, adapted by the original screenwriter Sunny Chan and directed by Tony Wong.
© Tiffany Raab
© Simon C
黃呈欣# 飾 姬絲汀 黃呈欣是藝君子劇團藝術總監。2009年畢業於香 港演藝學院戲劇學院藝術(一級榮譽)學士,主 修表演,亦是2016年度香港藝術發展獎藝術新秀 獎(戲劇)得主。
其創作及演出多次獲獎,包括藝君子劇團 《罪該萬死》獲第9屆香港小劇場獎最佳劇本;前 進進劇場《對倒.時光》獲得IATC(HK)劇評人 獎年度編劇獎。
此外,她更三度獲提名香港小劇場獎最佳 女主角,及三度獲提名香港舞台劇獎最佳女配角 (悲/ 正劇及喜/ 鬧劇)。
近年演出包括藝君子劇團《牽牛花》、《植 物人》以及香港藝術節《飯戲攻心》踏台版。
Birdy Wong# as Christine
Birdy Wong is Artistic Director of Artocrite Theater. She majored in Acting at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts’ School of Drama, and was awarded first-class honours. She received the award for Best Young Artist (Drama) at the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards in 2016.
Wong’s creative productions and performances have won her numerous awards including Best Screenplay at the ninth Hong Kong Theatre Libre (for Sins by Artocrite Theater) and Playwright of the Year at the IATC (HK) Critics Awards (for Tête-bêche by On & On Theatre Workshop).
She has also been nominated as Best Actress at the Hong Kong Theatre Libre three times and as Best Supporting Actress (Tragedy/Drama and Comedy/ Farce) at the Hong Kong Drama Awards three times.
Her latest performances include Artocrite Theater’s Asagao and I am Tree as well as the Hong Kong Arts Festival’s Table for Six on Stage.
#With kind permission of Artocrite Theater
© Simon C
群眾演員 / 舞者 麥琬兒 麥琬兒現為獨立舞者、編舞及舞蹈教師,亦是註 冊瑜珈導師。
麥琬兒畢業於香港演藝學院中國舞系,在學 期間獲頒春天舞台獎學金,並兩度獲頒迪士尼獎 學金。她於2017年獲提名香港舞蹈年獎「傑出女 舞蹈員演出」。
她在2014至2020年間加入城市當代舞蹈團 成為全職舞者, 曾與多位著名編舞合作,包括金 在德(韓國)、桑吉加(內地)、 黎海寧(香港)和 陳小寶(澳洲)等。
近年編舞作品包括《由離分子》(2021)和《被 扔到世上的石頭》(2016)。
Chorus/Dancer Natalie Mak
Natalie Mak is an independent dancer, choreographer and dance teacher, as well as a registered yoga teacher.
Mak studied Chinese Dance at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She was awarded the Spring Time Stage Productions Scholarship and the Disney Scholarship twice, and was nominated as Outstanding Performing Female Dancer at the Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2017.
Mak served as a full-time dancer with the City Contemporary Dance Company from 2014-20 and has worked with renowned choreographers including Kim Jaeduk (South Korea), Sang Jijia (mainland China), Helen Lai (Hong Kong) and Kristina Chan (Australia).
Her recent choreographic works include ½ TBC (2021) and Wandering Stone (2016).
群眾演員 / 舞者 吳卓烽
生於香港,2019年畢業於香港演藝學院,主修現 代舞。於2019至2022年加入城市當代舞蹈團成 為全職舞者,期間與多位知名舞蹈家合作。 吳卓烽現積極接觸不同範疇的舞蹈工作,曾 在鄭秀文、鄭欣宜、姜濤及張天賦等藝人的演唱 會中擔任舞者,並擔任多位藝人的音樂影片之編 舞及舞者。
吳卓烽現以自由身工作者身份,積極參與不 同舞蹈教育、編舞及舞蹈工作。
Chorus/Dancer Jacko Ng
Jacko Ng was born in Hong Kong and graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2019, majoring in Contemporary Dance. He was a full-time dancer with the City Contemporary Dance Company from 2019-22.
Ng has performed with a range of Hong Kong pop stars such as Sammi Cheng, Joyce Cheng, Keung To and MC Cheung, and has also worked on their music videos as a choreographer and dancer.
He is now a freelance dance artist, and participates in teaching, choreography and dance work.
群眾演員 / 舞者
岑智頤生於香港,畢業於香港演藝學院舞蹈系, 主修中國舞及編舞。在校期間曾多次獲得獎學金 並代表學院到外地交流演出。現為香港演藝學院 客席講師。
畢業後致力投身於演出、編舞及教育工作, 曾隨多個團體到美國、英國、韓國、葡萄牙等地 交流及演出。近年作品包括《30》、《共生》及 《躺平》。岑智頤熱衷於與不同界別合作,近期演 出包括《我們最快樂》(戲劇)、《愛情靈藥》(歌 劇)等;編舞作品包括香港演藝學院戲劇系製作 《茱麗葉與羅密歐》。
Chorus/Dancer Henry Shum
Henry Shum was born in Hong Kong and graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor’s degree in Dance, majoring in Chinese Dance and Choreography. During his studies, he received various scholarships and performed in an exchange programme on behalf of the academy. He is currently a guest lecturer at the HKAPA.
Shum has dedicated himself to performing, choreographing and education since graduating, having performed in the USA, the UK, South Korea and Portugal with various troupes. His recent work includes 30, Symbiosis and Lie-Flat. Keen on working with different sectors, Shum’s recent performances include We Are Gay (theatre), L’elisir d’amore (opera), and more. He was also the choreographer for the HKAPA’s production of Juliet and Romeo
群眾演員 / 舞者 蘇子姍
畢業於香港演藝學院,主修中國舞,副修編舞及 舞蹈教育。現為自由編舞、舞者及舞蹈老師。 在校期間,曾獲香港演藝學院獎學金和中 國舞教師獎學金。她曾與香港芭蕾舞團以及余碧 豔、胡錦明、陳曼韶和錢秀蓮等不同地區的編舞 合作又出演了多個作品,包括《鼓.道.行》; 現代舞及當代舞作品《臨池舞墨》、《無極》(香 港藝術節)、《舞畫道》等,以及《狂人派對》的中 國內地巡演。
其個人創作包括當代舞作品《幻滅》和《選 擇》。畢業後,她以編舞及舞者身份於香港文聯 盃舞蹈比賽專業邀請賽中,發表中國古典舞男女 雙人作品《盼》,並獲得冠軍。
Chorus/Dancer So Tsz-shan Kelly
So Tsz-shan Kelly graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Dance Performance, minoring in Choreography and Dance Education, and is currently a choreographer, dancer and dance instructor.
While at the HKAPA, So was awarded different scholarships, such as The Society of APA Local Scholarships and the Chinese Dance Faculty Scholarship. She has also collaborated with various dance companies and artists, including Yu Pik-yim, Wu Kam-ming, Sarita Chan (the Hong Kong Ballet) and Miranda Chin, and appeared in various works such as Drum, Upon the Calligraphy, the 2022 HKAF production Colossus, The Way of Painting in Dance and the road show of Dance Me to The End of Night in China.
So’s major choreographic works include Disillusionment and Choice. After graduation, she participated as the choreographer and dancer in the professional invitational competition of HKL&A Cup Dance Contest, presenting the male and female Chinese classical dance work Hope and won the championship.
編舞 林偉源
資深編舞和舞蹈教育工作者。香港演藝學院畢 業,其後於紐約大學帝勢藝術學院修畢碩士課 程。曾於香港及美國多個主要舞團演出,包括香 港芭蕾舞團及三藩巿ODC現代舞團等。他憑着 策劃舞蹈劇場和舞蹈項目的豐富經驗,分別獲得 香港舞蹈年獎2006及2014年最值得表揚獨立舞 蹈製作的榮譽。現為香港舞蹈聯盟主席。
林偉源於1995年與友人攜手創立動藝,同 年獲亞洲文化協會獎助金,赴美國紐約進行交流 研究。2004年創立妙思舞動,積極爭取與不同藝 術媒體及文化背景的藝術家聯合創作。近年主要 作品包括《唐吉訶德》音樂劇和《羅生門》。
Choreographer Allen Lam
Allen Lam is a choreographer and dance performer. He graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and pursued a Master’s degree from the NYU Tisch School of the Arts. He has performed with several dance companies in Hong Kong and the USA, including the Hong Kong Ballet and the ODC Dance in San Francisco. Due to his extensive experience in planning dance theatre and dance projects, he won the awards for Best Solo Dance Choreographer at the 2006 and 2014 Hong Kong Dance Awards. He is currently the chairperson of the Hong Kong Dance Alliance.
Lam co-founded DanceArt in 1995 and received the Asia Cultural Council Fellowship to conduct dance research programmes in New York in the same year. In 2004, he founded Muse Motion, with his latest dance projects including Man of La Mancha and Rashomon
舞台設計 王健偉
王健偉主修舞台及服裝設計,近年戲劇設計作品 有《原則》、《解憂雜貨店》、《陪着你走》、《求 證》、《愛我別走》和《難道停經才去愛》等。 音樂會及歌劇設計作品有《息在零地》、 《肖像曲》、女聲合唱音樂會2021《人來人往》、 《唐吉訶德》、《兩生花》及《西九音樂節-異色 煙火張國榮》等。 舞蹈設計作品包括《弦舞》、《紅樓.夢三 闋》、《一個人的哪吒》、《活着》、《戰鬥圖騰》、 《如影》等。
近年憑着《咏嘆調》、《紅樓.夢三闋》、《親 愛的.胡雪巖》、《一個人的哪吒》及《唐吉訶德》 獲得舞台設計獎項。
Set Designer Jan Wong
Jan Wong majored in Set and Costume Design. His recent theatrical credits include Principle, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store, Always by Your Side, Proof, Show Me Your Love, Love Before Menopause, and more.
His musical and operatic works include Breathing at Zero, Songs of Portrait, the 2021 Women’s Choir Concert People Come People Go, Man of La Mancha, Love Streams, WESTK POPFEST: I Am What I Am—A Tribute to Leslie Cheung, and more.
Wong’s dance works include Dancing Strings, Experimental Dance Theatre Reveries of the Red Chamber, Nezha: Untold Solitude, Tenacity of Being, The Battle and Womanhood.
He has received set design awards for The Island Whispers, Reveries of the Red Chamber, Hu Xueyan, my Dear, Nezha: Untold Solitude and Man of La Mancha.
燈光設計 陳焯華* 畢業於香港演藝學院,主修劇場燈光設計。
陳焯華 自 1997年起與劇團非常林奕華合 作,並參與了香港藝術節、神戲劇場、中英劇 團、綠葉劇團、三 角 關係、香港話劇團及香港舞 蹈團的舞台製作,及為演唱會及展覽設計燈光。
曾獲獎項包括包括2023年及2019年香港舞台 劇獎最佳燈光設計(香港藝術節《我們最快樂》、
中英劇團《羅 生門 》)以及2019年香港舞蹈年獎 傑出燈光設計(香港舞蹈團《紫⽟成煙》)等。
陳焯華現為香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學 院高級講師(燈光及媒體製作)。
Lighting Designer Billy Chan*
Billy Chan graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Theatre Lighting Design.
Since 1997, he has collaborated with Edward Lam Dance Theatre, the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Dionysus Contemporary Theatre, Chung Ying Theatre and other performing arts companies in addition to pop concerts and exhibitions.
He recently won the award for Best Lighting Design at the 31st Hong Kong Drama Awards for the 2022 HKAF production We Are Gay, the award for Best Lighting Design at the Hong Kong Drama Awards for the 2019 production Rashomon by Chung Ying Theatre, and the award for Outstanding Lighting Design at the Hong Kong Dance Awards (for the Hong Kong Dance Company’s Waiting Heart).
Chan is currently the Senior Lecturer (Lighting and Production) at the HKAPA’s School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts.
*With kind permission of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
服裝設計 吳達生
吳達生畢業於香港演藝學院科藝學院,繼而在倫 敦時裝學院進修。畢業後開始擔任廣告及音樂影 片的造型和美術指導,曾出任年代集團香港公 司形象顧問。舞台劇作品包括W創作社《男男 女女男》(提名第二十四屆香港舞台劇獎最佳服 裝設計);香港藝術節《陪着你走》;英皇娛樂 《最後禮物》;大國文化《短暫的婚姻》;100毛 ×W創作社《大辭職日》;王菀之作品《求證》; 林日曦作品《大離婚日》;高世章《我們的音樂 劇》;達摩工作室《今晚打老虎》;風車草劇團 《攣攣成人禮.Falsettoland》、《三聖邨的Little Mermaid》音樂劇場和《回憶的香港》倫敦站 及SUCH/《愛我別走》等劇場作品。
Costume Designer Alan Ng
Alan Ng graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts’ School of Technical Arts and pursued further studies at the London College of Fashion. Since 1994, he has worked as a costume designer and art director for various advertisements and music videos. He also served as an image consultant at the Era Group (Hong Kong) from 1996-98. He has designed costumes for productions including W Theatre’s Les Hommes et Les Femmes (nominated for Best Costume Design at the 24th Hong Kong Drama Awards), the HKAF’s Always by Your Side, the Emperor Entertainment Group’s Witness for One Last Gift, the Music Nation Group’s My Very Short Marriage, 100 Most ×W Theatre’s Big Resign Day, Ivana Wong’s Proof, Roy Tsui’s Big Divorce Day, Leon Ko’s Reimagined, Dharma Workshop’s Let’s Hunt for a “Tiger” Tonight, Windmill Grass Production’s Falsettoland, Little Mermaid in Sam Shing Estate and Never Ending Hong Kong in London, SUCH/’s Show Me Your Love, among others.
近期設計作品包括棋人香港《百分百感覺 2024》;Ivana Music Limited《Skylight》;小薯茄 《FINALLY OK》;達摩工作室《Laugh Vacation》 及《聖荷西謀殺案》;SUCH/《愛我別走》;香 港藝術節《飯戲攻心》踏台版;BHT THEATRE 《荔枝英雄傳》及《雄顏一笑》;新視野藝術節 2022《塑像譜》;中英劇團《金龍》;同窗文化 《久天長地》;非常林奕華×自由空間《梁祝的繼 承者們》;卵之只《等死研究所》;神戲劇場《搞 大電影》、《仲夏夜之夢》;香港話劇團《最後作 孽》、《原則》及風車草劇團《忙與盲的奮鬥時 代》。
Sound Designer Fung Chin-lung
Fung Chin-lung graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Sound Design.
His latest design work includes Feel 100% with Chessman Hong Kong, Skylight with Ivana Music Limited, FINALLY OK with Pomato, Laugh Vacation and Murder in San José with Dharma Workshop, Table for Six on Stage with the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Lychee and Hero and Try to be Funny by BHT Theatre, Zoetrope with the New Vision Arts Festival 2022, The Golden Dragon with Chung Ying Theatre, A Kind of Eternity with Schoolmates.CC, Art School Musical with Edward Lam Dance Theatre and Freespace, Laboratory of LunGG with LunGG, Speed-the-Plow and A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Dionysus Contemporary Theatre, The Sin Family and Principle with the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, and Lazy People are Always Busy with Windmill Grass Theatre.
作曲 何俊傑
香港演藝學院音樂學院及戲劇學院畢業生,曾師 隨羅永暉(作曲)及陳敢權(導演)。現為香港作 曲家及作詞家協會會員。何俊傑曾為多齣音樂劇 擔任作曲、編曲及音樂總監,包括香港演藝學 院《少女夢》;香港話劇團《香港一定得》;城市 大學《城市傳奇》;TNT Production《但願人長
久》;劇場工作室《流浪在彩色街頭》;異人實現 劇場《異型金剛》;中英劇團《戇大人》;Theatre Noir《動物農莊》;灣仔劇團《秋城故事》;香港 兒童音樂劇團《飛行棋》,以及音樂劇作《濃情 集.成長的樂章》。近期作品有香港藝術節《我們 最快樂》及《飯戲攻心》踏台版。
Composer Frankie Ho
Frankie Ho graduated from both the School of Music and School of Drama at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He studied under Law Wing-fai (composition) and Anthony Chan (directing). Ho is a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong. Ho has served as a composer, arranger and music director for many musicals, including the HKAPA’s The Dream of a Young Girl, the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre’s Hong Kong For Sure!, the City University of Hong Kong’s City Legend, TNT Production’s Forever Teresa Teng Musical, Drama Gallery’s Vagabond—The Musical, 2 On Stage’s Homo Superus, the Chung Ying Theatre Company’s The Government Inspector—The Musical, Theatre Noir’s Animal Farm, Wanchai Theatre’s Autumn City Story, the Hong Kong Children’s Musical Theatre’s Wong Sze Ma’s My Boy the Musical and Musical Trio’s The Heart of Growth. His most recent works were the HKAF’s We Are Gay and Table for Six on Stage.
錄像設計 盧榮
城大媒體設計及科技藝術碩士畢業。多媒體製作 公司Ohlo創辦人及香港演藝學院客席講師。
盧榮憑着錄像作品《我-媽媽-嬤嬤-爸 爸-DV》獲得第十四屆北京大學生電影節評委 會大獎;《雞、魚與豬肉》則獲第十屆ifva公開 組特別表揚;《她是女子,我也是女子》被選為 2005年「亞洲拉子影展」播映作品。
盧榮是香港多媒體創作人,曾參與香港舞台 及演唱會映像創作,並從事廣告、劇場、電影及 剪接多年。
Video Designer Lo Wing
Lo Wing received a Master’s degree in Creative Media from the City University of Hong Kong and is the founder of the multimedia company Ohlo. He is also a visiting lecturer at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
His video installation Me, mother, grandmother, father, DV received the Grand Prize at the 14th Beijing College Student Film Festival, while his work Meat was selected for a special mention in the open category at the 10th ifva Awards and She’s Woman; I’m Woman was selected for the Asian Lesbian Film and Video Festival 2005.
Lo is a multimedia producer in Hong Kong and has worked in video production for various Hong Kong theatres and concert productions for many years.
粵語台詞及中文字幕翻譯 岑偉宗
專業填詞人。主力創作音樂劇及舞台劇,同時也 翻譯戲劇及歌詞。曾獲獎項包括金馬獎最佳原創 電影歌曲、香港電影金像獎最佳原創電影歌曲、 香港舞台劇獎最佳原創曲詞及最佳填詞。
2022年為西九文化區及香港話劇團的《大狀 王》作詞;2023為香港藝術節的音樂劇《日新》 創作歌詞;2024為廣州大劇院的《雄獅少年》創 作歌詞。
岑偉宗亦經常粵譯歌詞及劇本,最新作品為 香港話劇團的《大象陰謀》及《醫.道》;電影歌 曲粵譯詞作包括迪士尼《獅子王》(2019)和《魔 雪奇緣2》(2019)等。著有《音樂劇場:事筆宜 詞》及《粵寫粵順戲:岑偉宗劇作選》等。
Cantonese Script and Chinese Surtitles Translator
Chris Shum
Chris Shum is a professional lyricist. He specialises in musicals and theatre production, as well as translations of scripts and lyrics. He has won the awards for Best Original Film Song at the Golden Horse Film Awards and the Hong Kong Film Awards, and for Best Original Song and Lyrics, and Best Lyrics at the Hong Kong Drama Awards.
Shum has written the lyrics for a range of performances including The Impossible Trial, a musical co-produced by West Kowloon Cultural District and Hong Kong Repertory Theatre in 2022, Yat-sen Musical presented by the Hong Kong Arts Festival in 2023, and I Am What I Am by the Guangzhou Opera House in 2024.
Shum is also familiar with the Cantonese translation of lyrics and scripts. Some of his latest works are Hong Kong Repertory Theatre’s That’s Not True and The Doctor, and Disney’s The Lion King (2019) and Frozen 2 (2019).
The Hong Kong Arts Festival would like to thank the following for their generous support:
贊助舍計劃會員Patron's Club Members
鉑金會員Platinum Member
黃金會員Gold Members
純銀會員Silver Member
Kerry Holdings Limited The Jardine Matheson Group Swire Properties 上海商業銀行有限公司
Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited
其他支持機構Other Supporters
Australian Consulate-General Hong Kong
Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong and Macau 荷蘭表演藝術基金
Performing Arts Fund NL
2023/24 The Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
實物支持機構In-kind Supporters
信興集團 Shun Hing Group
通利琴行 Tom Lee Music
藝術節捐助計劃 Festival Donation Scheme
HK$140,000或以上OR ABOVE
無名氏 Anonymous
Man Sebastian Shiu Wai
HK$30,000 - HK$69,999
陳瑤華小姐 Ms EVA CHAN
Leung Wai Yee Candice
Dr Stephen Suen
HK$12,000 - HK$29,999
無名氏 Anonymous
何子建夫婦 Mr & Mrs Ho Che Kin
Ms Wendy Nam
Dr Sabrina TSAO
曹延洲医生夫婦 Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen-Chow
Mr & Mrs YS Wong
Vernon Zhang
HK$6,000 - HK$11,999
無名氏 Anonymous
Richard & Ruth Herbst
Ho Man Fung Edith
練紹良先生夫人 Mr & Mrs David S L Lin
Michael Mak
Mrs Schmitt Ling Jane
Mr Wong Yick Kam
姚曼儀女士 Ms Enoch Yiu
HK$3,000 - HK$5,999 無名氏(4)Anonymous(4)
億京慈善基金有限公司 Billion Charity Fund Limited
José Manuel Sevilla and Julie Bisaillon
Veryan Bradshaw
Mrs Anson CHAN
Dr Chan Wan Tung
Mary Chen
CHIANG Lily Flavia
李芸輝博士 Dr LEE Wan Fai Walter
Winnie Leong
Wendy leung wing shan
MA Shu Ting, Gary
Ms Teresa Pong
Christine TONG
Willow Yang
Ms Cecilia Yeung
朱玉迎小姐 Ms Zhu Yuying
學生票捐助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme
HK$140,000或以上OR ABOVE
無名氏(3)Anonymous(3) 馬振玉慈善基金會有限公司
CYMA Charity Fund Limited
陳廷驊基金會 The D. H. Chen Foundation
HK$70,000 - HK$139,999
Mrs Purviz R. Shroff, MH and Late Mr Rusy M. Shroff, BBS, MBE
田家炳基金會 Tin Ka Ping Foundation
芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation
HK$30,000 - HK$69,999
Dr Stephen Suen
Vernon Zhang
CompliancePlus Consulting Limited
HK$12,000 - HK$29,999
See Yuen CHUNG
C H Mak
Mr & Mrs Kenneth & Susana Quinn
Allan Yu
HK$6,000 - HK$11,999
無名氏 (2) Anonymous (2)
Mr and Mrs Herbert Au-Yeung
徐伯鳴先生黃碧如女士 Mr Norman Chui Pak Ming and Ms Cleresa Wong Pie Yue
Mrs Margaret Hamilton
新作捐助計劃 New Works Scheme
HK$140,000或以上OR ABOVE 無名氏 Anonymous
HK$12,000 - HK$29,999
劉仰澤先生 Mr Lau Yeung Chak
凌霄志醫生 Dr Tony Ling
Vernon Zhang
Richard & Ruth Herbst
麥禮和醫生 Dr Mak Lai Wo
Karen and Vernon Moore
曹延洲医生夫婦 Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen-Chow
Ms Wu Tseng Helen
HK$3,000 - HK$5,999
區燊耀先生 Mr Au Son Yiu
Biz Office Limited
Carthy Limited
Ms Cynthia Cheng & Mr Aaron Chan
D. Chang
Community Partner Foundation Limited
馮兆林先生,太平紳仕 Mr Fung Shiu Lam, J.P.
Mr Anthony Hardy
S Hon
Savita Leung
Ms Teresa Pong
Mr and Mrs Rato
蘇健文先生 Mr So Kin Man
Dr Tam Oi Wo Joyce
Christopher K. L. Wong
Desmond Yu 陳皓宜博士 殷和順先生劉善萍女仕
HK$3,000 - HK$5,999
Tabitha Chiu
Jason Chung
Dr Alfred Lau
Lian Crystal Rhinestone
Ms Teresa Pong
網上藝術教育捐助計劃 Digital Arts Education Scheme
HK$140,000或以上OR ABOVE
Dr and Prof. Anna and Helmut Sohmen
HK$70,000 - HK$139,999
無名氏 Anonymous
HK$3,000 - HK$5,999
無名氏 Anonymous
HK CT ABRSM Alumni Association
Ms Teresa Pong
Hong Kong Arts Festival Foundation Patrons
首席創始贊助人 Lead Founding Patrons
陳俊豪先生 Mr Thomas Chan
黃廷方慈善基金 Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation
電訊盈科 PCCW
九龍倉集團 The Wharf Group
主要創始贊助人 Major Founding Patrons
萬通保險國際有限公司 YF Life Insurance International Ltd
眾安銀行 ZA BANK
創始贊助人 Founding Patrons
陳煒文博士, JP Dr Raymond Chan, JP
丹斯里拿督邱達昌 Tan Sri Dato' David Chiu
曹其鋒先生 Mr Silas Chou
霍建寧先生及霍何綺華女士 Mr and Mrs Canning and Eliza Fok 馮氏基金有限公司 E.M. Fung Foundation Limited
何超瓊女士, SBS, JP Ms Pansy Ho, SBS, JP 科勁國際(控股)有限公司 King's Flair International (Holdings) Limited
梁婉玲博士 Dr Elina Leung
孫漢明博士 Dr Stephen Suen
包陪麗女士, BBS及渡伸一郎先生 Ms Cissy Pao, BBS and Mr Shinichiro Watari
其他贊助人 Other Patron 高盛回饋慈善基金 (James Houghton 先生推薦)
Goldman Sachs Gives Annual Giving Fund (Recommended by Mr James Houghton)
支持及協助 Support and Co-operation
Acorn Design
教育局藝術教育組 Arts Education Section, Education Bureau
網上售票平台 Art-mate
香港展能藝術會 Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
香港愉景灣酒店 Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong
樺利廣告有限公司 Avanny Advertising Co Ltd
華大盛品酒店 Best Western Plus Hotel Hong Kong
宏基國際賓館 Bishop Lei International House
英國文化協會 British Council
英國駐香港總領事館 British Consulate General Hong Kong
牛棚藝術村 Cattle Depot Artist Village
城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company
比利時駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of Belgium in Hong Kong and Macau
加拿大駐香港及澳門總領事館 Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong & Macao
法國駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau
以色列駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong & Macau 西班牙駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Spain in Hong Kong 瑞士駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong 埃及駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Hong Kong and Macau 伊朗駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong
荷蘭駐港總領事館 Consulate General of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Hong Kong and Macau
大韓民國駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong
義大利駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong
愉景灣服務管理有限公司 Discovery Bay Services Management Limited
李敬恒博士 Dr Roger Lee
香港逸東酒店 Eaton HK
德國駐香港總領事館 German Consulate General Hong Kong
六國酒店 Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong
香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hong Kong
香港君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
青苗琴行 Greenery Music
香港恒生大學 Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
學生事務處 Student Affairs Office
教與學發展中心(服務學習部)Service-Learning Section, Centre for Teaching and Learning 香港兆基創意書院 HKICC Lee Shau Kee School Of Creativity 香港兆基創意書院文化藝術中心 HKSC Arts and Culture Centre
香港藝術行政人員協會 Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association
香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre
香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University
電影學院 Academy of Film
音樂學院 Academy of Music
拉闊文化 Cultural Literacy Programme
英國語言文學系 Department of English Language and Literature
宗教及哲學系 Department of Religion and Philosophy
香港聖經公會 Hong Kong Bible Society
香港中樂團 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall
香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre
香港電影資料館 Hong Kong Film Archive
香港都會大學 Hong Kong Metropolitan University
何陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心 Ina Ho Cantonese Opera Research Centre
香港藝術館 Hong Kong Museum of Art 香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 香港話劇團 Hong Kong Repertory Theatre
香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta
香港旅遊發展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board
摩納哥駐香港名譽領事館 Honorary Consulate of Monaco in Hong Kong 宜必思香港中上環 ibis Hong Kong Central and Sheung Wan 工銀亞洲 ICBC (Asia)
入境事務處 Immigration Department
王仁曼芭蕾舞學校 Jean M. Wong School of Ballet 賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Kind of Brew
高山劇場 Ko Shan Theatre
Kubrick 葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre 駐香港韓國文化院 Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong 拉脫維亞駐香港名譽領事館 Latvian Honorary Consulate in Hong Kong 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 牧羊少年與他的浮萍 Lemna of the alchemist
中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR 嶺南大學 Lingnan University 黃炳禮音樂及演藝部 Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit 學生事務處 Office of Student Affairs 鄺森活圖書館 Fong Sum Wood Library 藝術科技與商業理學碩士課程 MSc in Arts Technology and Business 樂茶軒 LockCha Tea House 木的地.R Madera Residences
Maxibit HK/China
循道衛理聯合教會國際禮拜堂 Methodist International Church Hong Kong
Mini Central 中環迷你酒店
Moetown Serviced Apartments
MOViE MOViE Pacific Place
Mr Alpha Li
陳朗丰先生 Mr Lazarus Chan
南蓮園池 Nan Lian Garden
荃灣西如心酒店 Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West
北區大會堂 North District Town Hall
一桌兩椅慈善基金 One Table Two Chairs Charitable Foundation
柏斯琴行 Parsons Music Limited
卓滙達有限公司 Patsville Company Ltd
Performing Arts Fund NL
犇華企業服務有限公司 Primasia Coporate Services Limited
鄭新文教授 Prof Tseng Sun-man
富豪酒店國際 Regal Hotels International
富豪東方酒店 Regal Oriental Hotel
皇家太平洋酒店 Royal Pacific Hotel
泰國駐香港總領事館 Royal Thai Consulate General Hong Kong
沙田大會堂 Sha Tin Town Hall
上環文娛中心 Sheung Wan Civic Centre
Southgate Design
事必達推廣有限公司 Speedy Promotion Limited
聖公會聖約翰座堂 St John's Cathedral
中山紀念公園 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park
大館—古蹟及藝術館 Tai Kwun—Centre for Heritage and Arts
香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
音樂系 Department of Music
聯合書院 United College
文學院 Faculty of Arts
藝術行政主任辦公室 The Office of the Arts Administrator
文化及宗教研究系 Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall
香港城市大學 The City University of Hong Kong
中文及歷史學系 Department of Chinese and History
城大創意媒體學院 School of Creative Media
文化薈 Cultural Exchange Oasis
香港教育大學 The Education University of Hong Kong
文化與創意藝術學系 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts
圖書館 Library
芬名酒店 The Fleming 香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
戲曲學院 School of Chinese Opera
戲劇學院 School of Drama
音樂學院 School of Music
舞蹈學院 School of Dance
電影電視學院 School of Film and Television
學生事務處 Student Affairs Office
表演場地管理部 Venue Performance Unit
場地技術部 Venue Technical Unit
香港理工大學 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
文化及設施推廣處 Cultural Promotion and Events Office
香港復康會 The Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation
香港科技大學 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
藝術中心 Center for the Arts
理學院學務輔導辦公室 Office of Academic Advising and Support, School of Science
香港朗廷酒店 The Langham, Hong Kong
香港大學 The University of Hong Kong
音樂系 Department of Music
香港大學美術博物館 University Museum and Art Gallery
學生發展及資源中心 Centre of Development and Resources for Students
Cultural Management Office
志新學院 Chi Sun College
港青 - 香港基督教青年會 The Salisbury – YMCA of Hong Kong
通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Company Ltd
荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall
屯門大會堂 Tuen Mun Town Hall
東蒲 Tung Po
城市售票網 URBTIX
西九文化區管理局 West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
Wewow House
粵海華美灣際酒店 Wharney Hotel
艾希妮控股有限公司 X Social Group Holdings Limited
油麻地戲院 Yau Ma Tei Theatre
英華書院 Ying Wa College
青年廣場 Youth Square
元朗劇院 Yuen Long Theatre
地址 ADDRESS 香港灣仔港灣道二號十二字樓1205室 Room 1205, 12/F,2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
電話 TEL (852)2824 3555
傳真 FAX (852)2824 3798、(852)2824 3722
電子郵箱 Email afgen@hkaf.org
節目查詢熱線 (852)2824 2430
贊助人 李家超先生, PATRON
永遠名譽會長 邵逸夫爵士(1907-2014)
主席 查懋成先生 副主席 盧景文教授 義務司庫 范高廉先生
委員 鄭阮培恩女士
鄭惠貞女士 馮愉敏先生 何苗春暉女士 文肇偉先生 孫大倫博士 姚潔莉女士 楊光先生
主席 盧景文教授 委員 白諾信教授
羅志力先生 毛俊輝教授
約瑟 施力先生 + 譚榮邦先生 姚珏女士
主席 范高廉先生 委員 鄭惠貞女士 梁國輝先生
主席 鄭阮培恩女士 副主席 雍景欣女士 委員 馮愉敏先生 龐心怡女士 孫林宣雅女士 文藝女士 姚祖輝先生 顧問 夏佳理先生 鮑 磊先生 陳祖澤博士 陳達文博士 霍璽先生 李業廣先生 梁紹榮夫人 李國寶博士 名譽法律顧問 甘乃迪女士(孖士打) 核數師 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所
HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENT The Hon. Sir Run Run Shaw, GBM CBE(1907-2014)
Honorary Treasurer
Programme Enquiry Hotline + 榮譽節目顧問 Honorary Programme Advisor
Mr Victor Cha
Vice-Chairman Prof. Lo King-man, SBS MBE JP
Mr Colin Farrell
Mrs Betty Yuen Cheng
Ms Margaret Cheng
Mr Michael Fung
Ms Joanna Hotung
Mr Sebastian Shiu-wai Man
Dr Dennis T L Sun, BBS JP
Ms Miriam Yao
Mr Sunny Yeung
Prof. Lo King-man, SBS MBE JP
Prof. Giorgio Biancorosso
Mr Peter C L Lo
Prof. Fredric Mao, BBS
Mr Joseph Seelig, OBE +
Mr Wing-pong Tam, SBS JP
Ms Jue Yao, SBS JP
Mr Colin Farrell
Ms Margaret Cheng
Mr Nelson Leong
Mrs Betty Yuen Cheng
Ms Jane Yong
Mr Michael Fung
Ms Samanta Sum-yee Pong
Mrs Helen Lin Sun
Ms Yi Wen
Mr Andrew Yao
The Hon. Ronald Arculli, GBM CVO GBS OBE JP
Mr Martin Barrow, GBS CBE
Dr John CC Chan, GBS JP
Dr Darwin Chen, SBS ISO
Mr Angus H Forsyth
The Hon. Charles YK Lee, GBM GBS OBE JP
Mrs Mona Leong, SBS BBS MBE JP
Dr The Hon. Sir David KP Li, GBM GBS OBE JP
Ms Gabriela Kennedy, Mayer Brown
行政總監 余潔儀
行政總監助理 何丹蓉
節目總監 梁掌瑋、蘇國雲
高級節目經理 梁偉然、蘇雪凌、游慧姿*
節目經理 鄭佩群*、趙蔚霖*、廖國穎*、 馬筠婷*、伍美衡*
節目統籌 林穎茵*
藝術行政見習員 容諾行*
節目助理 鍾曉晴*
製作助理 陳娟瑜#
物流及接待經理 金學忠*
製作經理 梁雅芝* 副製作經理 陳梓衡*
編輯經理 陳詠恩*
英文編輯 Adam Wright*
副編輯 陳劭儀*、楊紫媛*
外展經理 林嘉敏*
助理外展經理 余穎彤*
外展統籌 羅凱盈*、連凱嵐*
外展主任 陳沅渟*、張凱柔*、馬曉瑩*
藝術行政見習員 吳勵宜*
市場總監 鄭尚榮 副市場總監 盧伯全
市場經理 陳靄婷*、張予心*
副市場經理 黃頴儀* 副市場項目經理 譚懿諾*
助理項目經理 李穎軒*
助理市場經理 許樂欣*、曾諾怡* 市場主任 梁喬正* 市場助理 陳慧琳#
票務 高級市場經理(票務) 梁彩雲 助理市場經理(票務) 陳偲穎*
發展總監 黃美儀 特別發展協理 蘇啟泰* 高級發展經理 譚樂瑤 發展經理 陳世敏*、吳綺菁* 發展主任 譚尹晴* 藝術行政見習員 周翹*
財務總監 鄺敬婷 會計
會計經理 杜詩麗* 會計主任 顏悅恩* 人力資源及行政
人力資源及行政經理 楊美君* 接待員/初級秘書 李美娟 助理 黃國愛 資訊科技
資訊科技經理 陳啟明*
項目總監 錢佑* 節目及外展經理 鍾美琼*、何敏凝* 節目及外展統籌 雷晴*、潘詠汶* 市場經理 黃嘉欣* 副市場經理 陳婉怡* 助理製作經理 張詠宜* 高級會計主任 鍾巧明* 香港藝術節@大館
項目經理 鄺為立*
藝術家統籌經理 朱芷慧*
Executive Director Flora Yu
Assistant to Executive Director Connie Ho
Programme Directors Grace Lang, So Kwok-wan
Senior Programme Managers Ian Leung, Shirley So, Janet Yau*
Programme Managers Cathy Cheng*, Crystal Chiu*, Sophie Liao*, Katie Ma*, Janet Ng*
Programme Coordinator Lilian Lam*
Arts Administrator Trainee Ryan Yung*
Programme Assistant Dorothy Chung*
Production Assistant Alice Chan#
Logistics Manager Elvis King*
Production Manager Shirley Leung*
Deputy Production Manager Jacob Chan*
Editorial Manager Eugene Chan*
English Editor Adam Wright*
Associate Editors Shao yi Chan*, Trista Yeung*
Outreach Manager Carman Lam*
Assistant Outreach Manager Enid Yu*
Outreach Coordinators Vicgina Law*, Jade Lin*
Outreach Officers Olivia Chan*, Hazel Cheung*, Queena Ma*
Arts Administrator Trainee Nicky Ng*
Marketing Director Katy Cheng
Associate Marketing Director Eugene Lo
Marketing Managers Tobie Chan*, Stephanie Cheung*
Deputy Marketing Manager Joey Wong*
Deputy Project Manager Hades Tam*
Assistant Project Manager Hill Li*
Assistant Marketing Managers Sally Hui*, Margaret Tsang*
Marketing Officer Isaac Leung*
Marketing Assistant Kelly Chan#
Senior Marketing Manager (Ticketing) Eppie Leung
Assistant Marketing Manager (Ticketing) Stephanie Chan*
Development Director Angela Wong
Special Development Associate Alex So*
Senior Development Manager Lorna Tam
Development Managers Cindy Chan*, Joey Ng*
Development Officer Linda Tam*
Arts Administrator Trainee Nicole Chow*
Finance Director Teresa Kwong
Account Manager Connie To*
Accounting Officer Stephany Ngan*
HR and Admin Manager Janet Yeung*
Receptionist/Junior Secretary Virginia Li
General Assistant Bonia Wong
Information Technology Manager Derek Chan*
Project Director Eddy Zee*
Programme and Outreach Managers Becky Chung*, Christy Ho*
Programme and Outreach Coordinators Jade Lui*, Jasmine Poon*
Marketing Manager Carly Wong*
Deputy Marketing Manager Tiffany Chan*
Assistant Production Manager Jess Cheung*
Senior Accounting Officer Catherine Chung*
Project Manager Kwong Wai Lap*
藝術家統籌 張素真*、張凱婷*、向怡君*、何敬堯*、黎善涵*、劉欣彤*、梁頌怡*、吳麗文*、彭慧雯*、胡肇婷*、翁蒨懃* 製作主任 黃詠詩*
技術統籌 李浩賢*、曾以德*、范文恩*、林仁健*、莊曉庭*、許肇麟*
Head of Artist Coordinators Eleanor Chu*
Artist Coordinators Susan Chang Hayden*, Becca Cheung*, Cassandra Heung*, Kelvin Ho*, Christa Lai*, Venice Lau*, Kitty Leung*, Stephenie Ng*, Jan Pang*, Blanche Wu*, Bonnie Yung*
Production Officer Bonnie Wong*
Technical Coordinators Lawrence Lee*, Joyi Tsang*, Yan Fan*, Hoi Lam*, Sai Chong*, Boolu Hui* *合約職員 *Contract Staff 按英文姓氏首字母排列 In alphabetical order # 藝術人才見習配對計劃2023/24由香港藝術發展局資助
# 2023/24 The Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council 2024年2月更新 Updated February 2024
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