Wiener Symphoniker 維也納交響樂團
放映節目贊助 Screening sponsored by
大部分節目,當中許多節目更開放 予世界各地愛好藝術的觀眾 。
衷心祝賀香港藝術節今年踏入第 49 屆 。這一年一度的藝術盛事在新冠 肺炎疫情的挑戰下,仍然辦得有聲 有色,精采可期。
今年藝術節帶來一連串繽紛多彩的 網 上 及 現 場 節 目, 涵 蓋 音 樂、 歌 劇、戲劇、舞蹈、電影等多個藝術 範疇 。總體來說,藝術節會在「遠 在咫尺」的主題下,呈獻合共約三百 場節目、活動及表演。 藝術節的亮點,包括捷克布爾諾國 家歌劇院及其兩年一度「布爾諾楊 納傑克節」的多場精選數碼版歌劇 及音樂會 。同樣引人注目的,還有 兩部取材自英國劇作家尼爾 .巴奈 特改編劇作《鼠疫》的發人深省作 品,一部為英語版,另一部為粵語 版。粵語版為香港本地製作,英語 版則由身處六個地區的六名演員作 網上實時演出。來自蘇格蘭鄉村的 魔術師史葛.蕭凡亦會在網上實時 演出,他的互動作品《心靈旅程》每 場只限三十位觀眾參與 。此外,亦 有十六部慶祝香港賽馬會當代舞蹈 平台十周年的製作,包括與中國內 地及英國藝術家合力創作的作品 。 在藝術節開幕演出中,香港中樂團 會進行兩首曲目的世界首演,而廣 獲讚譽的莫斯科莫伊謝耶夫舞團, 則會為這國際藝壇盛會作閉幕演出。 我很高興市民可於登記後免費觀賞
藝術節一如以往,在學校推廣藝術 教育,並透過幕後花絮影片、藝術 家對談、演前及演後講座等「加料 節目」,讓觀眾與藝術家互動交流 。
衷心感謝香港藝術節團隊努力不 懈, 悉 心 籌 辦 以 上 各 項 節 目 及 活 動。 我 亦 感 謝 贊 助 商 和 捐 款 者 大 力支持藝術文化,與藝術文化界共 渡時艱 。 謹祝香港藝術節圓滿成功,為大家 帶來一趟精采難忘的藝術之旅 。
It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Hong Kong Arts Festival on the staging of its 49th annual celebration of the arts, and doing so in splendid fashion despite the daunting challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s Festival features a cheering range of online and in-venue programmes showcasing music, opera, theatre, dance, film and more. In all, the Festival presents some 300 events, activities and performances under the theme “Separate Together”. Festival highlights include a dazzling digital selection of operas and concerts from the Czech Republic’s National Theatre Brno and its biennial Janá ek Brno Festival. Equally notable are two piercing productions of British playwright Neil Bartlett’s adaptation of The Plague, one in English, the other in Cantonese. The Cantonese version is produced in Hong Kong, while the English version is a live
online performance starring six actors in six time zones. Illusionist Scott Silven also performs online and live, from rural Scotland. His interactive production, The Journey, is limited to 30 participants per show. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series celebrates its 10th anniversary with 16 productions, including collaborations with artists from the Chinese mainland and the United Kingdom. The Festival opens with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra performing two world premieres and concludes its international slate with the acclaimed Igor Moiseyev Ballet from Moscow. I find it particularly gratifying to note that the vast majority of events are available free of charge, upon registration, with many of them open to arts lovers from all over the world. The Arts Festival’s promotion of arts education in schools continues. And PLUS programmes bring together audiences and artists through behindthe-scenes videos, artist dialogues and pre- and post-performance talks. For all that, and much more, I am grateful to the inspired diligence and dedication of the Hong Kong Arts Festival team. My thanks, too, to the sponsors and donors for their generous support to arts and culture, particularly in this trying time. I wish you all an enjoyable and memorable Hong Kong Arts Festival.
Mrs Carrie Lam
Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
第 49 屆香港藝術節思考「距離」及 「聯繫」的意義,我亦希望藉此機會 感謝一眾促成今天表演的支持者, 這場表演為我們提供難得的機會, 探索與他人聯繫的方法 。 我衷心感謝香港特別行政區政府透
過康樂及文化事務署提供年度撥 款, 以 及 香 港 賽 馬 會 慈 善 信 託 基 金持續並堅定地支持我們,也感謝 眾多企業贊助商、慈善基金會以至 個人捐助者,在這前所未有的挑戰 中給予我們莫大的幫助,與我們並 肩同行 。 亦要感謝一眾富有才華的藝術家傾 力演出,令今天的表演生色不少 。 同時也感謝觀眾的參與,令演出能 圓滿成功 。 希望你會在今天的演出中找到屬於 自 己 的 聯 繫, 並 像 我 一 樣 珍 視 這 些連結 。
As we reflect on distance and connection in the 49th Hong Kong Arts Festival, I would like to thank everyone who has made this performance possible, giving us an invaluable opportunity to explore ways of connecting with others. I am grateful to the HKSAR Government, acting through the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, for its annual subvention; and to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for its staunch and ongoing support. Thanks are also due to our corporate sponsors, charitable foundations and individual donors, who continue to stand by us in these unprecedented circumstances. Sincere thanks also go to all of the participating artists, whose talent and dedication have gone into today’s performance; and to you, the audience, without whom the show would not be complete. I hope you will find your own connection to today’s performance and will treasure it as much as I do.
Victor Cha
Chairman Hong Kong Arts Festival
我連同藝術節團隊,很高興歡迎閣 下觀賞第 49 屆香港藝術節的演出 。
過去一年,香港以至世界情勢面臨 前所未有的變化,使我們都體會到 分離和孤獨的滋味 。「遠在咫尺」所 指的,正是我們這種共同經歷的感
With all my colleagues, I am thrilled to welcome you to this performance in the 49th Hong Kong Arts Festival.
Over the past year, we have shared the isolation resulting from unprecedented circumstances both in Hong Kong and around the world. 受 。今屆藝術節的不少節目亦與之 “Separate Together” acknowledges 呼應,身處各地的藝術家及觀眾, what we have all been going through, 因為藝術節的演出及活動而拉近彼 and is referenced in a number 此距離 。另一方面,「遠在咫尺」亦 of productions this year. It also 點出所有優秀藝術作品擁有的奇妙 alludes to all the separate artists 力量:既能喚起最獨特、深刻的個 and audiences brought together for 人感受和回應,但同時又能讓觀者 performances and events. At the 一 同 分 享 種 種 奧 妙、 感 動、 啟 迪 same time, “Separate Together” 和鼓舞 。今屆藝術節將呈獻眾多演 describes one of the most magical 出,我衷心希望我們會一起體會藝 aspects of great art: its capacity to elicit uniquely and deeply personal 術的奇妙力量 。 responses while paradoxically giving 此外,敬請留意一連串「加料節目」 us a shared moment of wonder, to be 活動,為你在演出以外打開新的觀 moved, inspired and uplifted. I hope 賞角度,令觀賞體驗更豐富 。請盡 very much that we will experience this together in many performances in the 情投入 ! course of the Festival. Please also look out for ancillary PLUS programmes and events, which are curated to provide additional dimensions to the work presented, and enrich your Festival experience. Enjoy!
香港藝術節資助來自: The Hong Kong Arts Festival is made possible with the funding support of:
Tisa Ho
Executive Director Hong Kong Arts Festival
扎根香港的國際藝壇盛事 A major international arts festival in, of and for Hong Kong
「藝術的創作與演出給世界帶來美麗,給人類引起鼓舞,給生命充實活力, 給社會增添光輝……這是舉辦香港藝術節的崇高意義 。」
“Creative and representational arts have a common mission. They bring beauty to the world, courage to mankind, vigour to life, and brilliance to society… Therein lies the noble significance of the Festival.” 香港藝術節協會永遠名譽會長邵逸夫爵士 (1907–2014) Sir Run Run Shaw, CBE, HKAF Honourary Life President (1907–2014)
香港藝術節於 1973 年正式揭幕,是國際藝壇中 重要的文化盛事,於每年 2、3 月期間呈獻眾多優 秀本地及國際藝術家的演出,致力豐富香港的文 化生活 。 藝術節的節目精采多元,涉獵音樂、歌劇、戲 曲、實驗劇場、芭蕾舞以至街舞等林林總總的類 型 。過往曾獲邀在藝術節舞台表演的國際演藝名 家及團體包括一流的國家歌劇院、劇團、管弦樂 團,以及眾多具代表性的表演者等 。我們亦經常 與傑出的國際藝術家及團體攜手製作演出 。
我們亦積極與本地演藝人才合作,並致力為新進 藝術家提供展示才華的平台 。藝術節至今委約及 製作逾 200 套本地全新創作,包括戲劇、室內歌 劇、音樂和舞蹈作品,不少更已在香港及海外多 次重演 。
為使香港的文化生活更豐富,我們每年於藝術 節前及期間主辦一系列多元化並深入社區的「加 料節目」,例如電影放映、大師班、展覽、藝人 談、後台參觀及文化導賞團等,鼓勵觀眾與藝術 家互動接觸 。
我們亦銳意將共融藝術理念拓展到社區每一角 落 。由藝術節與香港賽馬會慈善信託基金聯合 呈獻的「無限亮」計劃於 2019 年正式開展,透 過一系列的演出及多元的教育及社區外展節目, 「無限亮」致力創造共融空間,讓不同能力人士 均可以一同欣賞、參與及擁抱藝術 。
The Hong Kong Arts Festival (HKAF) is a major international arts festival committed to enriching the cultural life of the city by presenting leading local and international artists in all genres of the performing arts in February and March each year. Since its launch in 1973, HKAF has presented top international artists and ensembles across multiple genres—from music, opera, Chinese opera and ballet to break dance and experimental theatre. International guests have included major state operas, established theatres, top orchestras and stars of the day. We also frequently partner with renowned international artists and institutions to produce exceptional new works. We have also collaborated with Hong Kong’s own creative talent to produce work which is now part of the local canon and to showcase emerging local artists. Over the years, the HKAF has commissioned and produced over 200 local productions across genres including theatre, chamber opera, music and contemporary dance—many with successful subsequent performances in Hong Kong and overseas. As part of our enduring commitment to enriching the cultural life of the city, we organise a diverse range of Festival PLUS activities for the community before and during the Festival to enhance engagement between artists and audiences. These include film screenings, masterclasses, exhibitions,
為了培養未來的藝術家和觀眾,我們大力投資下 一代的藝術教育 。「青少年之友」成立 29 年來, 已為逾 782,000 位本地中學生及大專生提供藝術 體驗活動 。會員可參加由國際及本地藝術家主持 的示範講座及工作坊、學生展演、演前講座、公 開彩排,以及欣賞藝術節演出等 。通過「學生票 捐助計劃」,藝術節每年亦提供約 10,000 張半價 學生票 。
香港藝術節是一所非牟利機構,其主要收入除了 政府的恆常資助及票房外,極大一部分來自各大 企業、熱心人士和慈善基金會的贊助和捐款,以 及政府針對捐款和贊助收入而提供的配對資助 。
*2021 年 1 月更新 Updated January 2021
Visit our programme archive
meet-the-artist sessions and guided backstage and cultural tours. Beyond the main Festival, the HKAF also promotes inclusivity and understanding through the arts. Its “No Limits” project, co-presented with The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, strives to create an inclusive space for people with different abilities to share the joy of the arts together. To nurture the next generation of artists and audiences, the HKAF also invests heavily in yearround arts education for young people. Over the past 29 years, our “Young Friends” scheme has reached over 782,000 local secondary and tertiary school students; members can enjoy showcases, pre-performance talks, open rehearsals, Festival performances and in-school workshops led by international and local artists. Donations to the Student Ticket Scheme also make approximately 10,000 half-price student tickets available each year. HKAF is a non-profit organisation. Its principal income sources are: recurrent funding from the government, box office revenues, and sponsorship and donations made by corporations, individuals and charitable foundations which form a significant portion of total income and also enables HKAF to receive support from the Government’s matching scheme that matches income generated through private sector sponsorship and donations.
香港藝術節 HONG KONG ARTS FESTIVAL 感謝 would like to thank
贊助 for sponsoring 「香港賽馬會藝粹系列」之 維也納交響樂團音樂會 節目放映
2020/ 21 樂季開幕音樂會 Inaugural Concert of 2020/21 Season
音樂總監及指揮 Music Director and Conductor
Andrés Orozco-Estrada
Online Screening
演出長約 1 小時 30 分鐘
Approx 1 hour and 30 minutes
Performed in German with Chinese and English subtitles
Programme Notes
About the Wiener Symphoniker 安德烈斯.奧羅斯科-埃斯特拉
女高音 Soprano
Christiane Karg
作曲家 Composer
28 31
Carlijn Metselaar
香港藝術節感謝天開數碼媒體有限公司為維 也納交響樂團 2020/21 樂季開幕音樂會節目 提供網上播放支持 The HKAF thanks TFI for providing technical support for the online screening of Wiener Symphoniker Inaugural Concert of 2020/21 Season 藝術節加料節目
封面照片 Cover Photograph © Julia Wesely
歡迎觀賞音樂會導賞講座,瀏覽連結請參閱 加料節目網頁 Have a look at the guided talk video for more interesting stories about the artist and the music. Please visit the PLUS webpage for viewing link.
請勿在網上演出途中錄影、錄音、攝影或轉播 Photography, streaming or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited 通訊、流量狀況及其他外部因素可能影響影片畫質及音質,敬請見諒 Picture stability and quality are subject to home internet speeds and bandwidth, and other external factors
Carlijn Metselaar (1989–)
Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897–1957)
號曲《盼望》 《六首簡單的歌》選段,作品 9 〈雪鈴花〉 〈小夜曲〉 〈情書〉 〈夏〉
〈僅餘之樂〉,選自《死城》, 作品 12 女高音:克里斯汀 .卡格
Fanfare: Vorfreude
Excerpts from Sechs Einfache Lieder, Op 9 “Schneeglöckchen” (Snowdrop) “Ständchen” (Serenade)
“Liebesbriefchen” (Billet-doux) “Sommer” (Summer)
“Glück das mir verblieb” from Die tote Stadt, Op 12 Soprano: Christiane Karg
李察 .史特勞斯
Richard Strauss (1864–1949)
小提琴獨奏:蘇菲 .海因里希
Violin Solo: Sophie Heinrich
《英雄的一生》,作品 40
Ein Heldenleben (A Hero’s Life), Op 40
Programme Notes
關於《盼望》 About Vorfreude 維 也 納 交 響 樂 團 的 2020/21 樂 季開幕音樂會以荷蘭年輕作 曲家梅斯勒的新作《盼望》揭 幕 。《盼 望》是 作 曲 比 賽 的 優 勝作品,從全球超過二百五十 首作品中脫穎而出,而樂團的 新 任 音 樂 總 監 安 德 烈 斯. 奧 羅斯科-埃斯特拉正是比賽評 審之一 。 演 出 時, 樂 手 從 音 樂 廳 不 同 位 置 演 奏, 讓 音 樂 得 以 從 四 方 八 面 包 圍 觀 眾, 使 觀 眾 沉 醉其中 。
對 於 是 次 合 作, 梅 斯 勒 說: 「很 榮 幸 能 為 維 也 納 交 響 樂 團 作曲,尤其這是樂團音樂總監 安 德 烈 斯. 奧 羅 斯 科 - 埃 斯 特 拉 上 任 後 的 首 場 音 樂 會。 2020 年 2 月, 我 到 訪 維 也 納 音 樂廳,發現它有豐富的演奏潛 力,啟發我譜曲讚美樂團以及 這座音樂廳,為這個喜慶時刻 添上祝福 。」
The Wiener Symphoniker’s 2020/21 inaugural concert features the world premiere of the young Dutch composer Carlijn Metselaar’s new work, Vorfreude, which has been selected from more than 250 international entries by a specialist jury that included the orchestra’s new music director Andrés Orozco-Estrada. The work is to be performed from various positions in the hall so that the music surrounds, envelops and embraces the audience from all sides. “I am hugely honoured to be writing a piece for the Wiener Symphoniker, especially for Andrés Orozco-Estrada’s first concert as music director of the orchestra,” says Metselaar. “Having visited the orchestra in February 2020 and seen the Konzerthaus and its performance possibilities, I am very inspired to write a piece which celebrates this orchestra, this hall and this festive moment.” Retrieved from the orchestra’s website. Edited with the orchestra’s permission.
© Julia Wesely
—— 康戈爾德和李察 .史特勞斯
康戈爾德可能是有史以來最驚 人 的 音 樂 神 童。 他 九 歲 時 向 馬勒演奏了自己的清唱劇《黃 金》, 獲 馬 勒 認 定 為 天 才 。 兩 年 後 他 寫 了 芭 蕾 舞 劇《雪 人》, 並 於 1910 年 在 維 也 納 宮 廷歌劇院首演,轟動一時 。隨 後他很快創作了一些室樂和鋼 琴獨奏作品,李察 .史特勞斯 有 此 評 價:「對 於 這 些 作 品 是 出於一位孩子之手,實在令人 驚訝,也令人掛心,要讓這樣 早熟的一位天才得到機會作適 當發展……他自信的風格、熟 練的曲式、獨特的表現力、大 膽 的 和 聲, 實 在 令 人 驚 嘆 !」 十四歲那年,康戈爾德已完成 首部管弦樂作品,三年後已寫 好首兩部歌劇 。 而李察 .史特勞斯則是同儕中 最多才多藝、最具才華的作曲 家之一 。同樣地,他年幼時已 顯露出非凡的音樂才華,十八 歲那年已著有大約一百四十部 作品,包括近六十首歌曲和超 過四十部鋼琴作品 。他的藝術 生涯長達近八十年,以淡漠和 諷刺的態度巧妙地遊走於藝術 世界和現實社會 。作為一位作 曲家、作為一個人,他以創作 比對瑣事和美事、日常事和奇 事 。要欣賞他的音樂,不一定 16
Erich Wolfgang Korngold might have been the most phenomenal musical prodigy of all time. At the age of nine, he played his cantata Gold to Gustav Mahler, who pronounced him a genius. Just two years later, he composed the ballet Der Schneemann (The Snowman ), which caused a sensation upon its premiere at the Vienna Court Opera in 1910. Various compositions for chamber ensemble and solo piano quickly followed, and Richard Strauss wrote: “One’s first reaction that these compositions are by a child are those of awe and concern that so precocious a genius should follow its normal development…This assurance of style, this mastery of form, this characteristic expressiveness, this bold harmony, are truly astonishing!” By age 14, Korngold had written his first orchestral composition, and he completed his first two operas three years later. Richard Strauss, in his turn, was one of the most versatile and talented composers of his generation. His exceptional musical talents were also recognised early and, by the age of 18, Strauss had
Erich Wolfgang Korngold 出生 Born 1897 年 5 月 29 日(摩爾維亞布爾諾) 29 May 1897 (Brno, Moravia)
逝世 Died 1957 年 11 月 29 日(美國洛杉磯) 29 November 1957 (Los Angeles, USA) 《六首簡單的歌》 Sechs Einfache Lieder 作曲 Composed 1911–1913
這套聯篇歌曲的六首歌目皆以詩 歌入詞,是次音樂會演唱當中四 首曲目,其中〈雪鈴花〉及〈小 夜曲〉的歌詞皆出自十九世紀德 國浪漫派詩人約瑟夫.艾興多夫。 The six songs in this cycle all set poems to music. Of the four songs featured in today’s concert, “Schneeglöckchen” (Snowdrop) and “Ständchen” (Serenade) were written by the German Romantic poet Joseph Eichendorff. 《死城》 Die tote Stadt 作曲 Composed 1920 根據康戈爾德出版商碩特音樂保 存的歌劇演出文獻記載,《死城》 於 1930 年代在納粹黨上台後甚少 演出 。直至五十年代才重新於歐 洲興起,在二十世紀,劇作每十 年才有幾次演出 。 According to the opera’s performance history kept by Korngold’s publisher, Schott, Die tote Stadt was rarely performed after 1930s when the Nazis came to power. It didn’t appear again in Europe until the 1950s and was only staged a handful of times each decade in the 20th century.
要嘗試調和或解決這些矛盾, 反而要了解作曲家如何透過音 樂 擁 抱 這 種 二 元 對 立。 最 重 要的是,史特勞斯發現當代藝 術無法維持一套標準的表達方 法,並竭力利用音樂處理這個 現代性的基本問題 。 維也納與藝術家
康戈爾德在音樂事業發展之初 來到維也納,而史特勞斯則同 樣在這座城市登上他的事業高 峰,擔任維也納國家歌劇院聯 席指揮 。維也納自詡為音樂之 都,致力探索外在世界和內在 世界之間的差距;兩位作曲家 都因此被吸引來到這裏發展 。 那時的知識分子利用不同手法 探討真相與假象的概念,而令 人詫異的是,他們往往得到相 似的結論 。弗洛伊德提到夢境 的錯覺和假象;阿道夫 .魯斯 討論建築學上的裝飾騙局;阿 瑟 .史尼茲勒指社會習俗就如 他的中產沙龍聚會的奢華窗簾 一樣陳舊俗套;約塞夫 .霍夫 曼、科羅曼 .莫塞爾和古斯塔 夫 .克林姆的設計和畫作則試 圖透過物件的外在形貌創出全 新風格,以實踐現代主義 。他 們既重視內容,又強調表達手 法,而整個藝術文化氛圍── 特別在維也納──就像其盛載 的創意成果一樣,發揮着相同 的溝通作用 。
Programme Notes
already composed about 140 compositions, including almost 60 songs and more than 40 piano pieces. His artistic career spanned nearly eight decades and he adeptly negotiated the worlds of art and society with a remarkable combination of detachment and irony. As a composer and a man, he juxtaposed the trivial and the sublime, and the extraordinary with the everyday. The key to understanding his music might not be found in attempting to reconcile or resolve these contradictions, but rather in the composer’s own musical celebration of this duality. Most importantly, Strauss recognised the inability of contemporary art to maintain a unified mode of expression, and he eagerly confronted and musically addressed this fundamental issue of modernity. The City and the Artists Korngold came to Vienna at the very beginning of his career, while Strauss capped his with a joint directorship at the Vienna State Opera. Professionally, both were drawn to this self-anointed capital of music because it had devoted itself to exploring the disparity between interior and exterior worlds. What was truth and what was illusion was a question the intelligentsia of this period addressed using different methods, often arriving at astonishingly similar results. Sigmund Freud spoke of deception and the façade of dream texts, while Adolf Loos fought his campaign against 17
李察 .史特勞斯
Richard Strauss
出生 Born 1864 年 6 月 11 日(慕尼黑) 11 June 1864 (Munich)
逝世 Died 1949 年 9 月 8 日 (西德加爾米施—帕滕基興) 8 September 1949 (GarmischPartenkirchen, West Germany) 《英雄的一生》 Ein Heldenleben 作曲 Composed 1898 《英雄的一生》是單樂章作品, 一氣呵成 。這個龐大的樂章在 主題上分為六部分,名為〈英 雄〉、〈英雄的對手〉、〈英雄的伴 侶〉、〈英雄的戰鬥〉、〈英雄的和 平努力〉及〈英雄的榮休和功德 圓滿〉。 Running without a break, Ein Heldenleben is designed as a single enormous movement divided into six distinct thematic sections, namely “The Hero”, “The Hero's Adversaries”, “The Hero's Companion”, “The Hero at Battle”, “The Hero's Works of Peace” and “The Hero's Flight from this World and Fulfilment”.
在各種早期現代藝術中,音樂 佔了重要的一席位 。音樂與其 他藝術一樣,有義務探討現代 生活的歷史獨特性,並凸顯藝 術家表達主觀感受和獨到經歷 的 需 要 。 當 時 的 人 認 為, 音 樂能造就有機和全面的藝術體 驗,而這些體驗的影響更超越 單 純 的 美 學 欣 賞 。 事 實 上, 當時對音樂的看法是它能解放 視覺藝術,其對人類感受與想 法的影響,能為象徵主義、新 藝術運動及抽象風格提供清晰 的模型 。康戈爾德在年輕時為 管弦樂團創作了《六首簡單的 歌》, 顯 示 了 不 同 藝 術 形 式 的 交匯不一定帶有任何實在的影 響或意圖;而史特勞斯的《英 雄 的 一 生》, 相 信 會 是 研 究 弗 洛伊德理論的一個合適個案 。 音樂與詩歌相輔相成
康戈爾德沉迷於維也納熾熱和 豐盛的藝術與音樂生活,促使 他在 1910 年開始以約瑟夫 .艾 興多夫的詩歌創作一部大型的 聯篇藝術歌曲 。康戈爾德的父 親朱利葉斯是位令人敬畏的音 樂評論家,他起初對這部作品 不太感興趣,所以這位年輕作 曲家便擱下了作品,三年後才 繼續創作 。他選擇出版當中部 份作品,並諷刺地命名《六首 簡 單 的 歌》, 隱 藏 歌 曲 不 簡 單 的一面 。雖然康戈爾德年紀輕 輕,但已掌握把文字與和聲變 化精妙配合的技術,透過把文 字分句,使音樂和詩詞更為生 動 。 他 於 1917 年 末 把 這 些 歌 曲寫成管弦樂作品,將詩詞帶 到裝飾精密的音樂框架裏,令 音樂和詩歌合而為一,效果別
ornamental deception in architecture. Arthur Schnitzler revealed social conventions to be as threadbare as the lavish draperies of his bourgeois salons, and the designs and paintings of Josef Hoffmann, Kolomann Moser and Gustav Klimt sought to realise modernism by inventing a new style through the external form of objects. Their exhibitions placed equal value on the content and its presentation, and the atmospheric frame— especially in Vienna—undertook the same task of communication as the content it encased. Within these various streams of early modern art, music played a fundamental role. It shared with the other arts the obligation to engage with the historical uniqueness of modern life and also the need to foreground the subjective and singularly insightful experience of the creative artist. Music was understood as crucial to the notion of an organic and encompassing art experience whose impact extended beyond mere aesthetic appreciation. In fact, it was suggested that music could play a role in liberating the visual arts, and the effects upon our feelings and perceptions provided clear models for symbolism, Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) and abstraction. While the orchestrated Sechs Einfache Lieder by the youthful Korngold reveal the points of convergence or contact between two or more arts without necessarily assuming anything as concrete as influence or intention, Richard
具說服力 。康戈爾德意識到規 模宏大的戲劇製作別具影響力 ──這一點,在他後來那著名 的歌劇《死城》就足以證明, 他把優雅和尊貴的元素結合調 和,同時又以其纖弱的個人氣 質為大型管弦樂團增添魅力 。
研究史特勞斯的學者布萊恩 . 吉里安認為,「《英雄的一生》 是史特勞斯最具爭議性的作品 之一,主要是因為作品的表面 元 素 一 直 被 過 份 強 調 。」《英 雄的一生》常被視為是史特勞 斯公然表現藝術自我主義的例 子, 以 自 傳 和 懺 悔 的 方 式 描 述作品中所謂的英雄來映照自 己 。 可 是, 史 特 勞 斯 從 沒 把 自己想像成神話中的英雄,只
Programme Notes
Strauss’s Ein Heldenleben might very comfortably sit on the famed couch of Dr Sigmund Freud. Synergy of music and poetry Captivated by Vienna’s passionate and all-consuming artistic and musical life, Korngold started work on a major Lied cycle based on the poems of Joseph Eichendorff in 1910. Since his father, the much-feared music critic Julius Korngold was initially unimpressed, the young composer returned to these settings only three years later. He published a selection under the ironic title Sechs einfache Lieder (Six Simple Songs), belying the fact that they were anything but simple. Despite
《死城》樂譜手稿, 作曲家在右下角簽上 署名 Manuscript of Die tote Stadt with the composer's signature
此照片原為 1902 年 12 月 6 日的《英雄的一生》英國首演的宣傳照 This photo was originally published as publicity for the British premiere of Ein Heldenleben on 6 December 1902
是用英雄主義的字眼來探索自 己的內在掙扎 。《英雄的一生》 不單以音樂講述一位藝術家的 個 性、 想 法、 家 庭 生 活 和 事 業, 它 還 是 一 部 寓 言,「反 映 史特勞斯深信尼采認為『人面 對逆境有自我決定的權力』這 種 想 法 。」《英 雄 的 一 生》是 史特勞斯於十九世紀所寫的最 後 一 部 交 響 詩, 別 具 探 討 哲 學的野心,更帶有崇尚武力的 色彩,是一部充滿諷刺和嘲弄 的作品 。 雖然史特勞斯和康戈爾德的 音樂風格一向非常嚴謹和特 殊, 他 們 對 當 時 代 思 潮 的 追 求,無疑為聽眾帶來壯麗繽紛 的佳作 。
his extreme youth, Korngold had already mastered the art of matching words to a pointed harmonic inflection by constantly phrasing the text and bringing it alive. Orchestrated in late 1917, they provide a convincing synergy of music and poetry by embedding the lyric dimension into a richly detailed ornamental musical frame. Korngold, who intuitively understood the importance of great theatre — as he was to prove so forcefully in his celebrated opera Die tote Stadt — combines and reconciles the ethereal with the exalted, while investing the seductive power of a large orchestra with fragile individuality. For the Richard Strauss scholar Bryan Gilliam, “Ein Heldenleben (A Hero’s Life) remains one of Strauss’s most controversial works, mainly because its surface elements have been continually overemphasised”. The work is frequently seen as a flagrant instance of Strauss’s artistic egotism, with its nominal hero an autobiographical and confessional portrait of the
樂曲介紹:裴德龍 裴德龍是位講師、學者及作者,持表演藝 術及音樂學學位 。其古典音樂傳訊公司 ArtsSense 以香港為基地,為珠三角及其 他地區提供音樂、藝術及市場諮詢服務 。
Programme Notes
composer himself. However, Strauss never fancied himself a mythical hero, but used the vocabulary of heroism to explore the struggles within him. Ein Heldenleben is not merely a musical portrait of an artist’s personality, ideas, domestic life, and career, but rather an allegorical work, “reflecting Strauss’s preoccupation with the Nietzschean ideology of an individual’s right to selfdetermination in the face of a hostile world”. For all its philosophical ambitions and militaristic rhetoric, Ein Heldenleben is inundated with multiple layers of irony and parody that mark the end of Strauss’s 19th-century tone poems. Although Strauss and Korngold frequently treated musical style in a highly critical and idiosyncratic manner, their pursuit of the prevailing Zeitgeist undoubtedly reached magnificent and colourful musical conclusions.
Programme notes by Georg A. Predota Dr Georg A. Predota is a lecturer, researcher and writer with degrees in performance and musicology. His Hong Kong-based classical music media company ArtsSense offers musical, artistic and contextual services to the Pearl River Delta and beyond.
© Andreas Balon
WIENER SYMPHONIKER 維也納交響樂團憑藉其悠久歷 史、獨有氣魄和探究精神,一 直肩負宏揚古典音樂的角色 。 創團迄今一百二十年,樂團撫 今 追 昔, 同 時 力 求 革 新, 不 斷塑造屬於音樂之都的獨特聲 音 。2020 至 21 樂 季 起, 樂 團 迎來新任首席指揮安德烈斯 . 奧羅斯科-埃斯特拉,展開一 段 追 本 溯 源、 展 望 未 來 的 音 樂旅程 。 維 也 納 交 響 樂 團 創 立 於 1900 年,其時維也納現代主義浪潮 正席捲這座音樂之都 。時值世 紀之交,樂團依然別具自信和 前瞻視野,從容地應付各種挑 戰,並發展當地的音樂傳統 。 作為市內第一個演奏貝多芬交 響曲全集的樂團,貝多芬的人 文精神及創新態度與維也納浪 漫主義思想可說是專為樂團度 身訂造,他們至今依然是演奏 這組曲目的頂尖樂團 。 維也納交響樂團別具先鋒者氣 魄,當時創團不久便迅速成為 24
With a rich history steeped in tradition, the courage to stand apart and an enduring joy of discovery, the Wiener Symphoniker is the beating heart of the metropolis of classical music, Vienna. For 120 years, the orchestra has shaped the special sound of its native city, forging a link between past, present and future like no other. In Andrés Orozco-Estrada, the orchestra has found a chief conductor to lead this talented ensemble forward from the 2020-21 season on, and at the same time revisit its musical roots. The Wiener Symphoniker was formed in 1900, as the fresh wind of Viennese Modernism was swirling in the Austrian capital. The new orchestra confronted the challenges of the new century with confidence and vision. This initially included an assured command of the city’s musical past: it was the first orchestra in Vienna to present all of Beethoven’s symphonies
歐洲其中一個讓作曲家發表新 作 的 重 要 樂 團。 樂 團 為 音 樂 歷史立下眾多里程碑,曾為不 少著名作品作世界首演,如布 魯克納的第九交響曲、荀伯格 《古 雷 之 歌》、 拉 威 爾 的 左 手 鋼琴協奏曲,以及施密特《七 印之書》等,這些嶄新樂思為 古典音樂開啟了另一道大門, 並使之更加容易接觸大眾 。另 外,樂團積極與當代作曲家合 作,例如奧嘉 .紐威爾斯、沃 爾夫岡 .力恩、亨氏 .卡爾 . 葛 魯 伯、 湯 瑪 士 . 拉 爾 赫, 令樂團成為維也納乃至全球當 代音樂界的重要推手,而樂團 過去一百二十年的歷代首席指 揮,皆為具有前瞻性的傳奇人 物,對古典音樂影響深遠,包 括 布 魯 諾 . 華 特、 富 特 文 格 勒、 漢 斯 . 斯 瓦 洛 夫 斯 基、 卡拉揚、沙瓦利殊和喬治 .普 雷特等 。 除了在音樂上不斷邁步向前, 維也納交響樂團同樣心繫社 會, 與 社 會 大 眾 保 持 緊 密 關 係 。自創團起,樂團已積極舉 行「人民音樂會」及「工人交 響 音 樂 會」, 讓 古 典 音 樂 不 再 只是精英階層獨享的專利 。時 至今天,樂團依然會在維也納 選取特別場地舉行「鄰里音樂 會」,令音樂滲透大街小巷 。 在 2020 至 21 樂季,新任首席指 揮將帶領維也納交響樂團重返 先鋒者的本位,以自信和遠見 迎接當前挑戰 。
as one cycle. The humanist and forward-looking legacy of Beethoven and Viennese Romanticism was tailor-made for the Symphoniker, who are justly leaders in this repertoire to this day. That pioneering spirit was also evident in the fact that within a very short time the Wiener Symphoniker rose to become one of the most important European orchestras for the performance of new works. They have given the world premieres of many milestones in music history, such as Anton Bruckner’s Ninth Symphony, Arnold Schönberg’s Gurre-Lieder, Maurice Ravel’s Piano Concerto for the Left Hand and Franz Schmidt’s The Book of the Seven Seals— concerts that opened a door to completely new worlds of sound and made these accessible to a wider public. The importance that the Symphoniker continues to place on collaborations with contemporary composers such as Olga Neuwirth, Wolfgang Rihm, Heinz Karl Gruber and Thomas Larcher has positioned it as one of the most important driving forces in contemporary music, both in Vienna and internationally. Among the Symphoniker’s chief conductors over the past 120 years— including Bruno Walter, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Hans Swarowsky, Herbert von Karajan, Wolfgang Sawallisch and Georges Prêtre— are numerous visionary figures who have each had a lasting
About the Wiener Symphoniker
influence on classical music. Ever a forward-moving institution, the Wiener Symphoniker has nonetheless always remained grounded in its community, enjoying a close relationship with audiences. From its inception, the orchestra’s Volksthümlichen Concerten (People’s Concerts) and Arbeiter-Symphoniekonzerte (Workers Symphonic Concerts) have ensured that classical music would no longer be the exclusive preserve of the elite. Today, the Symphoniker gives concerts at unconventional venues throughout Vienna as part of its Grätzl-Konzerte (Neighbourhood Concerts) and continues to fill every corner of the city with musical life. In the 2020-21 season, the Wiener Symphoniker and its new chief conductor will return to the orchestra’s origins as a musical pioneer, as befits an ensemble that faces the challenges of the times with confidence and vision.
安德烈斯 .奧羅斯科-埃斯特 拉以其剛柔並重,饒富氣魄的 獨 特 風 格 著 稱 樂 壇 。 在 2014 年,他成為法蘭克福廣播電台 交 響 樂 團 的 首 席 指 揮, 同 時 擔任休斯敦交響樂團的音樂總 監 。 從 2020 至 21 樂 季 起, 他 則以音樂總監的身分,執掌維 也納交響樂團 。 奧羅斯科-埃斯特拉經常與歐 洲頂尖樂團合作,包括維也納 愛樂樂團、柏林愛樂樂團、德 累斯頓國家管弦樂團、萊比錫 布業大廳樂團、皇家音樂廳管 弦樂團、羅馬國立聖西西里亞 學院管弦樂團和法國國家管弦 樂團 。他亦曾在美國指揮不少 著名樂團,如費城管弦樂團、 克里夫蘭管弦樂團,以及芝加 哥交響樂團 。此外,在他執棒 之下,於格特蘭堡歌劇節和薩 爾斯堡藝術節的音樂會及歌劇 演出均非常成功 。
安德烈斯 . 奧羅斯科-埃斯特拉
音樂總監及指揮 Music Director and Conductor
© Martin Sigmund
他致力以座談會和影像投射的 方式,銳意突破傳統音樂會模 式,重塑觀眾對經典曲目的認 知,當中包括與法蘭克福廣播 電台交響樂團聯手呈獻的「聚 光燈」音樂會、萊比錫布業大 廳樂團的合家歡音樂會,及維 也納交響樂團一系列供公眾參 與的小型音樂會等 。
另外,奧羅斯科-埃斯特拉與 荷蘭五音唱片公司推出的錄音 亦 獲 得 坊 間 廣 泛 迴 響。 他 與 法蘭克福廣播電台交響樂團錄 製的史達拉汶斯基《火鳥》及 《春 之 祭》, 獲《留 聲 機》 雜
音樂總監及指揮 – 安德烈斯 .奧羅斯科-埃斯特拉
誌 譽 為「魂 牽 夢 縈 般 美 麗」。 近期錄音則有《阿爾卑斯交響 曲》, 作 品 64, 是 其 李 察 . 史 特勞斯組曲計劃之一 。而他與 休斯敦交響樂團聯手演繹的德 伏扎克組曲,則獲《撥弦》雜 誌形容為「熱情而溫潤的德伏 扎 克」。 他 亦 曾 灌 錄 布 拉 姆 斯 和孟德爾頌的全套交響曲 。 安德烈斯 .奧羅斯科-埃斯特 拉出生於哥倫比亞的麥德林 。 他於年少時學習小提琴,並於 十五歲開始學習指揮 。1997 年 遷居維也納後,他入讀維也納 音樂與表演藝術大學,師從著 名指揮家漢斯 .斯瓦洛夫斯基 的門生烏羅什 .拉約維茨 。
Energy, elegance and spirit— this is what distinguishes Andrés Orozco-Estrada as a musician. In 2014, he took over as chief conductor of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra and also became music director of the Houston Symphony Orchestra. From the 2020-21 season, he becomes music director of the Wiener Symphoniker. Orozco-Estrada regularly conducts many of Europe’s leading orchestras, including the Vienna Philharmonic, the Berlin Philharmonic, the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden, the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, the Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest, the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia and the Orchestre National de France, as well as the mostrenowned American ensembles, such as the Philadelphia and Cleveland Orchestras and Chicago Symphony Orchestra. He has also conducted concert and opera performances at the Glyndebourne and Salzburg festivals, with outstanding success.
Music Director and Conductor – Andrés Orozco-Estrada
Leipzig, or at the participatory “House Concerts” of the Wiener Symphoniker. His releases on the Pentatone label have attracted considerable attention. With the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, he has recorded Stravinsky’s Firebird and Rite of Spring, which were hailed as “hauntingly beautiful” by Gramophone. Among his most recent releases is An Alpine Symphony, Op 64, which forms part of his Richard Strauss cycle. His Dvorák cycle with the Houston Symphony was considered by Pizzicato to be a “zestful Dvorák with warm colours”. In addition, he has recorded all of Brahms’s and Mendelssohn’s symphonies. Born in Medellín, Colombia, Andrés Orozco-Estrada began his musical studies on the violin. At the age of 15, he received his first conducting lessons and in 1997 he moved to Vienna to study at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna with Uroš Lajovic, himself a pupil of the legendary Hans Swarowsky.
He is particularly committed to new concert formats featuring moderation and images where he rediscovers together with the audience well-known pieces of the repertoire—for example, in the “Spotlight” concerts with the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, the family concert with the Gewandhausorchester 27
克 里 斯 汀. 卡 格 生 於 德 國 巴 伐利亞的福伊赫特萬根,及後 於薩爾茨堡莫扎特大學修讀聲 樂,師從海納 .霍普夫納和沃 爾夫岡 .霍茲米爾,更曾獲頒 莉莉 .萊曼獎 。此外,她亦於 維羅納的音樂學院修業 。在學 期間,她首度亮相薩爾斯堡藝 術節,其演出得到外界好評, 自此經常參與該節的演出 。
她的表演足跡遍佈全球,例如 在倫敦高文花園皇家歌劇院飾 演《魔笛》的帕米娜;在芝加 哥歌劇院及紐約大都會歌劇院 飾演《費加洛的婚禮》蘇珊娜 一角;在米蘭史卡拉歌劇院飾 演《玫瑰騎士》的蘇菲和《奧 菲 爾 與 尤 麗 迪 絲》的 尤 麗 黛 絲, 以 及 在 維 也 納 國 家 歌 劇 院中飾演《佩利亞斯與梅麗桑 德》的梅麗桑德等 。她的近期 演出,則要數到在巴伐利亞國 家歌劇院飾演《女人心》的費 奧迪麗姬;在柏林德意志國家 歌 劇 院 裏 上 演 的 新 版《卡 門》 中,她在丹尼爾 .巴倫波因執 棒下,飾演米凱拉一角,以及 在 漢 堡 飾 演《費 加 洛 的 婚 禮》 的 伯 爵 夫 人 。 在 2020 至 21 冬 季,她將重返紐約大都會歌劇 院,飾演《魔笛》中的帕米娜。
克里斯汀 .卡格
女高音 Soprano
除了歌劇演出外,卡格亦經常 於音樂會演出 。她的合作夥伴 包括著名指揮丹尼奧 .哈汀、 泰 利 曼、 列 卡 度 . 慕 迪 及 蘇 賓 .梅達等 。 © Gisela Schenker
作為 KunstKlang 藝術節的藝術 總監,卡格積極為家鄉福伊赫
女高音 – 克里斯汀 .卡格
特萬根舉辦一系列的音樂會, 尤 其 是「 Be Part of it! 眾 人 同 樂」計劃,藉此推動兒童及青 少年的音樂教育 。
卡格曾獲頒巴伐利亞文化獎 (藝術),最近亦獲什列斯威- 好斯敦布拉姆斯協會頒發布拉 姆斯獎 。
2017 年 春 天, 卡 格 在 德 國 柏 林經典唱片公司旗下推出一張 法 國 歌 曲 合 集 專 輯《香 水》, 獲樂評人推崇備至 。她與指揮 家 亞 尼 克. 聶 澤 - 賽 金 合 作 的《費 加 洛 的 婚 禮》、 與 喬 納 森. 寇 恩 及 大 天 使 古 樂 團 聯 手 炮 製 的《 Scene! 》, 以 及 藝 術歌曲專輯《變形記:年度歌 曲》(鋼琴:布哈德 .克林)均 屢 獲 殊 榮。 其 近 期 作 品 則 是 由德意志留聲機灌錄,與指揮 家聶澤-賽金共同演繹的《魔 笛》。 此 外, 她 正 在 籌 備 馬 勒 歌曲專輯 。
Christiane Karg was born in Feuchtwangen, Bavaria. She studied singing at the Salzburg Mozarteum University with Heiner Hopfner and Wolfgang Holzmair, where she was awarded the Lilli Lehmann Medal, and at the Music Conservatory in Verona. During her studies she made her highly acclaimed debut at the Salzburg Festival and has been a welcome guest there ever since. She has performed worldwide in the great roles of her repertoire: in London at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden as Pamina (Magic Flute); at the Lyric Opera of Chicago and at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York as Susanna (Le Nozze di Figaro); at La Scala in Milan as Sophie (Der Rosenkavalier) and Eurydice (Orpheus and Eurydice); and at the Vienna State Opera as Mélisande (Pelléas et Mélisande). Among her latest roles are Fiordiligi in Così fan tutte at the Bavarian State Opera in Munich, Micaela in a new production of Carmen at the Berlin State Opera under Daniel Barenboim, and the Contessa in Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro, among others, in Hamburg. In the winter of 2020-21 she will appear again, this time as Pamina, at the Metropolitan Opera in New York.
Soprano – Christiane Karg
In addition to her numerous engagements, Christiane, as artistic director of the Festival KunstKlang, conceives and is responsible for her own concert series in her hometown of Feuchtwangen and is very committed to the “be part of it! – Musik für Alle” project to promote music education for children and young people. Karg has been awarded the Bavarian Culture Prize in the art category, and recently the Brahms Prize by the Brahms Society of Schleswig-Holstein. In spring 2017 Karg released the CD Parfum —a collection of French songs on the Berlin Classic label, which was highly acclaimed by critics. Her recording of Le Nozze di Figaro under Yannick NézetSéguin, her CD Scene! with the Arcangelo baroque orchestra under Jonathan Cohen, and her Lied CD Verwandlung – Lieder eines Jahres (piano: Burkhard Kehring) also won awards. Her most recent release is Mozart’s The Magic Flute, under Yannick Nézet-Seguin, on Deutsche Grammophon. A CD of Mahler songs is in preparation.
Christiane Karg is also in demand internationally for concert roles. Her musical partners include conductors such as Daniel Harding, Christian Thielemann, Riccardo Muti and Zubin Mehta. 29
作曲 – 卡萊恩 .梅斯勒
© Harry Rafique
卡萊恩 .梅斯勒
Carlijn Metselaar
作曲家 Composer
荷蘭作曲家卡萊恩 .梅斯勒現 居威爾斯卡迪夫 。
2017 年,梅斯勒以優異成績畢 業於皇家威爾斯音樂戲劇學院 作曲系研究院,師從林恩 .普 洛曼 。與此同時,她也是烏特 勒支音樂學院作曲學士,並於 此校完成音樂學碩士,以及修 讀合唱團指揮課程 。
她 的 歌 劇《馬 丁 及 馬 蒂 努 斯》 2016 年於烏特勒支聖馬丁主教 座堂上演,演出獲荷蘭表演藝 術基金資助 。
2015 年, 她 為 合 唱 團 及 弦 樂 團創作的《羔羊頌》成為作曲 家 交 流 會 Sacrarium 2015 的 表 演節目之一,由烏克蘭利維夫 室樂團及加利西亞室樂合唱團 聯 手 演 出; 她 亦 曾 於 2012 年 阿姆斯特丹時裝週為時裝設計 師溫德 .雷斯塔的新系列創作 配 樂; 其 兒 童 清 唱 劇《 Muze gezocht 》採 用 作 家 妮 娜 . 散 爾克的文本,由八百個學童於 烏特勒支費拉登堡表演中心上 演,是 2009 年歐洲歌唱節的演 出節目之一 。
梅斯勒近期的音樂作品包括: 為 威 爾 斯 音 樂 劇 場 的「詠 嘆 調創作工作坊」而寫的《靈薄 獄》, 以 及 由 英 國 國 家 廣 播 公 司威爾斯國家管弦樂團演奏 的 小 型 管 弦 樂 作 品《跳 躍》。 她 亦 曾 受 音 樂 組 織 Musical Movements 委 約, 為 荷 蘭 奧 嘉聲樂合唱團創作卡巴萊歌 舞 曲《 Well, Actually 》, 講 述 男性常常居高臨下向女性說教 的情況 。
Carlijn Metselaar is a Dutch composer currently living in Cardiff, Wales. In 2017, Metselaar completed a postgraduate degree in composition with distinction at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, studying with Lynne Plowman. She graduated with a bachelor's in composition from the Utrecht Conservatoire, where she also studied choral conducting, and obtained a master's in musicology from Utrecht University.
Composer – Carlijn Metselaar
during Amsterdam Fashion Week 2012. Her children’s cantata Muze gezocht, with text by Nina Moelker, was performed by 800 schoolchildren in Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht as part of Europa Cantat 2009. Metselaar’s recent compositions include In Limbo, written for the Make an Aria Workshop with Music Theatre Wales and Leap, an orchestral miniature performed by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales. She has also written "Well, Actually", a cabaret song about mansplaining commissioned by Musical Movements for Olga Vocal Ensemble.
Her opera Martine & Martinus was performed at St Martin’s Cathedral in Utrecht in 2016, for which she received a grant from the Dutch Performing Arts Fund. In 2015, her piece Agnus Dei for choir and string orchestra was performed as part of Sacrarium 2015 by the Lviv Chamber Orchestra and the Galician Chamber Choir in Lviv, Ukraine. She composed music to accompany fashion designer Winde Rienstra’s collection 31
Wiener Symphoniker 指揮 Conductor
Andrés Orozco-Estrada
Concertmasters 樂團首席
Sophie Heinrich Anton Sorokow Alexander Burggasser First Violins 第一小提琴
Christian Birnbaum Maximilian Dobrovich Franz Michael Fischer Nicolas Geremus Dorice Köstenberger Claire Nyqvist Edwin Prochart Eva-Maria Reisinger Caroline Sigwald Ge Song Birgit Zalodek Aurora Irina Zodieru Luca Second Violins 第二小提琴
Dominika Falger Libor Meisl Christian Blasl Oliver Breuer Christian Knaus Elena Kodin Mariam Margaryan-Petkova Stefan Pöchhacker Maiko Seyama Renate Turon Gerald Wilfinger Alexandra Winkler
Violas 中提琴
Johannes Flieder Roman Bernhart Michael Buchmann Werner Frank Christian Kaufmann Karl-Heinz Krumpöck Wolfgang Prochaska Paul Rabeck Roland Roniger Ulrich Schönauer Cellos 大提琴
Christoph Stradner Erik Umenhoffer György Bognár Michael Günther Zsófia Günther-Mészáros Andreas Pokorny Christian Schulz Peter Siakala Double Basses 低音大提琴
Ernst Weissensteiner Martin Kabas Dragan Lon ina Andreas Sohm Helmut Stockhammer Hans-Joachim Tinnefeld
Flutes 長笛
Erwin Klambauer Alexandra Uhlig Esther Gisler-Auch Simona Pittau
Trumpets 小號
Andreas Gruber Matthias Kernstock Heinrich Bruckner Christian Löw Rainer Küblböck
Oboes 雙簧管
Paul Kaiser Adelheid Bosch Thomas Machtinger Peter Schreiber Clarinets 單簧管
Gerald Pachinger Alexander Neubauer Manuel Gangl Martin Rainer Bassoons 低音管
Patrick De Ritis Robert Gillinger Magdalena Pramhaas Ryo Yoshimura Horns 圓號
Armin Berger Peter Dorfmayr Jonas Rudner Gergely Sugár Markus Obmann Peter Lengyelvari Josef Eder Eric Kushner Armin Kerschbaumer
Trombones 長號
Martin Riener Walter Voglmayr Reinhard Hofbauer Wolfgang Pfistermüller Tuba 大號
Franz Winkler Timpani 定音鼓
Dieter Seiler Percussion 敲擊
Thomas Schindl Michael Vladar Martin Kerschbaum Ferenc Csincsi Harps 豎琴
Volker Kempf Zsofia Kiss Pianos 鋼琴
Sandra Jost Herbert Rüdisser
香港藝術節衷心感謝下列機構及人士的慷慨支持: The Hong Kong Arts Festival would like to thank the following for their generous support:
贊助舍計劃會員 Patron’s Club Members
鉑金會員 Platinum Member 嘉里控股有限公司 Kerry Holdings Limited
黃金會員 Gold Member 怡和集團
The Jardine Matheson Group
純銀會員 Silver Member 太古集團慈善信託基金
The Swire Group Charitable Trust
青銅會員 Bronze Members 鷹君集團有限公司 Great Eagle Group
Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited
實物支持機構 In-kind Supporters
嘉頓有限公司 The Garden Company Limited
學生票捐助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme
HK$140,000 或以上 AND ABOVE
無名氏 Anonymous Burger Collection
DIAMOND DONORS HK$70,000 – HK$139,999
Rusy and Purviz Shroff Charitable Foundation
田家炳基金會 Tin Ka Ping Foundation
芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation 黃金捐款者
GOLD DONORS HK$12,000 – HK$29,999
Dr Chung See Yuen Peter and Nancy Thompson Mr William To
Initial Fashion
HK$6,000 – HK$11,999
HK$3,000 – HK$5,999
Mr Iain Bruce
馮兆林先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam Dr Mak Lai Wo
Ms Wong Pie Yue Cleresa
無名氏 (3) Anonymous (3) Ms Chan Wan Tung Mr D Chang Ms Savita Leung Mrs A.M. Peyer Ms Janice Ritchie Mr Alex So Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen Chow and Dr Sabrina Tsao
網上藝術教育捐助計劃 Digital Arts Education Scheme
HK$70,000 – HK$139,999
HK$6,000 – HK$11,999
HK$3,000 – HK$5,999
Lincoln & Yu-San Leong Sino Group
Mrs Germaine Tso Ms Wu Tseng Helen
Mr Lee King Fung Mrs A.M. Peyer Mr Alex So Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen Chow and Dr Sabrina Tsao
藝術節捐助計劃 Festival Donation Scheme
翡翠捐款者 JADE DONOR HK$30,000 – HK$69,999
Shun Hing Group
黃金捐款者 GOLD DONORS HK$12,000 – HK$29,999
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey & Helen Chan Mr SHN Cheng
Ms Jenny Hodgson Mr Stephen Tan Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen Chow and Dr Sabrina Tsao Samuel & Amy Wang Mr Andric Yew
新作捐助計劃 New Works Scheme
黃金捐款者 GOLD DONOR HK$12,000 – HK$29,999
劉仰澤先生 Mr Lau Yeung Chak
無名氏 (4) Anonymous (4) Star B Chan & MDB
HK$6,000 – HK$11,999
無名氏 (3) Anonymous (3) Mr & Mrs David S L Lin Dr Ronald Paul Ng Mrs A.M. Peyer Leland & Helen Sun Mr Wong Yick Kam Ms Isabel Yiu
BRONZE DONORS HK$3,000 – HK$5,999
無名氏 (3) Anonymous (3) Ms Grace Chiang Dr Alfred Lau Ms Khoo Li Lian Flavia & Gary Ma Mr & Mrs Gary Ma Dr Jason Yeung
青銅捐款者 BRONZE DONORS HK$3,000 – HK$5,999
無名氏 Anonymous Ms Grace Chiang Mrs A.M. Peyer
支持及協助 SUPPORT AND COOPERATION Acorn Design Alfie Leung Design
Arts Education Section, Education Bureau 香港展能藝術會
Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong 香港愉景灣酒店
Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong 奧地利駐香港總領事館
Austrian Consulate General Hong Kong 樺利廣告有限公司
Avanny Advertising Co Ltd
Hong Kong Sinfonietta 宜必思香港中上環
ibis Hong Kong Central and Sheung Wan 工銀亞洲 ICBC (Asia)
Information and Public Relations Units in Offices Outside Hong Kong 港島太平洋酒店
Island Pacific Hotel Hong Kong JellyBin Limited
• 文學院 Faculty of Arts
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
• 戲曲學院 School of Chinese Opera • 戲劇學院 School of Drama
• 音樂學院 School of Music
The Pottinger Hong Kong
港青 - 香港基督教青年會 The Salisbury – YMCA of Hong Kong 綠葉劇團
British Consulate General Hong Kong
Tom Lee Music Company Ltd
Ko Shan Theatre
Théâtre de la Feuille
Broadway Cinema
Kwang Hwa Information & Culture Center
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR
Trinity Theatre
Cattle Depot Artist Village
Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel
百老匯院線 Broadway Circuit
Maxibit HK/China
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, PRC
Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co. Ltd
CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited 城市當代舞蹈團
City Contemporary Dance Company 城巿花園酒店
Mission Production Company Ltd MOViE MOViE 太古城中心 MOViE MOViE Cityplaza
City Garden Hotel
MOViE MOViE 太古廣場 MOViE MOViE Pacific Place
Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macau
Mr Alpha Li
Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Hong Kong 俄羅斯駐香港總領事館
Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong SAR, PRC 香港城市大學中文及歷史學系
Department of Chinese and History, The City University of Hong Kong 香港教育大學文化與創意藝術學系
Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, Education University of Hong Kong 嶺南大學文化研究系
前進進戲劇工作坊 On & On Theatre Workshop
One Minden Tapas Kitchen 柏斯琴行
Parsons Music Limited
Sha Tin Town Hall
Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association
Sheung Wan Civic Centre
Hong Kong Arts Centre
Shun Hing Electronic Trading Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Baptist University
• 音樂系 Department of Music
• 拉闊文化 Cultural Literacy Programme
Yuen Long Theatre 赤豚事務所
Zhu Graphizs
Speedy Promotion Limited 台灣蘇富比國際房地產
Taiwan Sotheby's International Realty
Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel
Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre The Artland Co Ltd
The Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
• 文化及宗教研究系 Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
Hong Kong Tourism Board
• 音樂系 Department of Music
wine etc
Wharney Hotel
Southgate Design
Hong Kong City Hall 香港黃金海岸酒店
West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
Primasia Corporate Services Limited
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra 香港大會堂
Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong
Wealthy Step Printing Co.
Piano Arts Service Limited
Royal Pacific Hotel
WeDraman Black Box Theatre
Fringe Club 六國酒店
Patsville Company Ltd
Die Konzertisten
Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University
Tuen Mun Town Hall
按英文名稱首字母排列 In alphabetical order
Arnold Schoenberg Choir 《節目構想》 Curating the Programme
《後浪漫主義時期的歐洲合唱音樂 傳統》 The European Choral Tradition of the Late Romantic Period
Cantonese Opera Noah’s Ark
幕後花絮 Behind-the-scenes
《當彩瓷遇上戲曲》 Telling Images of Xiqu on Porcelain
查爾斯.理察-哈梅林音樂會 Charles Richard-Hamelin
《面對鋼琴大賽的焦慮》 Conquering Performance Anxiety in Piano Competition
Donmar Warehouse Blindness
香港中樂團 — 樂旅中國
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Music About China 俄羅斯莫伊謝耶夫舞團 「特備節目」
Igor Moiseyev State Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance Igor Moiseyev Ballet Special
《繼續演出》─ 伊蓮娜.莎巴科娃 從藝五十年 Without Intermission – 50 Years of Artistic Life of Elena Shcherbakova
香港小交響樂團 英雄 · 貝多芬
Inspired by Beethoven – Hong Kong Sinfonietta•Eroica
賽馬會本地菁英創作系列 《後話西遊》/《兩個女子》
Jockey Club Local Creative Talent Series Journey to the West Rewind / Women Like Us
《〈兩個女子〉 :追求漫長幸福路的 艱辛》 Women Like Us On the Arduous Path to Happiness 《〈後話西遊〉 :如何在新常態下繼 續取經》 The New Normal of Journey to the West Rewind
賽馬會本地菁英創作系列 音樂劇《日新》(暫名) 工作坊展演
Jockey Club Local Creative Talent Series Yat-sen (tentative title) Work-inProgress Preview 《〈日新〉創作團隊訪問》 Creative team sharing on Musical Yat-sen
馬修 · 伯恩芭蕾電影系列 《仙履奇緣》
Matthew Bourne’s Ballet Film Series Cinderella
幕後花絮 Behind-the-scenes
馬修 · 伯恩芭蕾電影系列 《羅密歐與茱麗葉》
Matthew Bourne’s Ballet Film Series Romeo & Juliet
幕後花絮 Behind-the-scenes
馬修 · 伯恩芭蕾電影系列 《天鵝湖》
Matthew Bourne’s Ballet Film Series Swan Lake
幕後花絮 Behind-the-scenes
馬修 · 伯恩新冒險舞蹈團 芭蕾電影《紅舞鞋》
A Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures production Ballet Film: The Red Shoes 捷克布爾諾國家歌劇院 《耶奴法》
National Theatre Brno Jen fa
幕後花絮 Behind-the-scenes
《追尋楊納傑克的足跡》 In the Footsteps of Leoš Janá ek 《樂遊捷地》 Into the Czech Lands
捷克布爾諾國家歌劇院 《狡猾的小狐狸》
National Theatre Brno The Cunning Little Vixen
幕後花絮 Behind-the-scenes
捷克布爾諾國家歌劇院 《失蹤者的日記》
National Theatre Brno The Diary of One Who Disappeared 《演繹楊納傑克》 Performing Janá ek
《楊納傑克的戀戀情思》 Janá ek's Unrequited Love
巴維 .哈斯四重奏
Pavel Haas Quartet
《楊納傑克與馬天奈弦樂四重奏: 親暱與著迷》 Janá ek and Martin : Intimacy and Obsessions in String Quartets 《追尋楊納傑克》 Finding Your Own Janá ek
揚 .巴托斯鋼琴獨奏會
Piano Recital by Jan Bartoš
《楊納傑克鋼琴作品分析》 Revealing Janá ek and His Piano Works
史葛 · 蕭凡《心靈旅程》
Scott Silven’s The Journey
演後藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
The Chop Pathetic Fallacy
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 《當代十年》
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Dance On and Off
《疫情下舞蹈家如何發展身體潛能》 Dancers at Home 《在不明確的世界中尋找眾聲起舞 的意義》 Voice Out Mokita in An Uncertain World
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 《沒有大象》/《得體》
《鼠疫》(粵語版) The Plague (Cantonese version) 《為鼠疫作證》 The Witnesses of The Plague
《鼠疫》(英語版) The Plague (English version)
《此時此刻,重讀卡繆〈瘟疫〉》 Seeing your own plague in Albert Camus’s The Plague
Wiener Symphoniker’s Concerts 導賞講座 Guided Talk
葉氏兒童合唱團 兒童歌劇《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》
Yip’s Children’s Choir Children’s Opera Alice in Wonderland
音樂 Music
舞蹈 Dance
戲劇 Theatre
歌劇 / 戲曲 Opera/Chinese Opera
藝術家分享 Artist Sharing
幕後花絮 Behind-the-scenes
紀錄片放映 Documentary Screening 講座 Talks
網上展覽 Online Exhibition 請瀏覽香港藝術節網站,查看最新節目資訊 Please visit the HKAF website for latest programme information
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Elephant in the Room / Dirty
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 《在不明確的世界中尋找意義》
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Finding Meaning in an Uncertain World
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 《 Mokita 》/《眾聲起舞》
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Mokita / Voice Out
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 《火滅》/《煉金》
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Put Out the Flame / Hermetic Diode
電話 Tel 傳真 Fax 電郵 Email 節目查詢
Programme Enquiry
2824 3555 2824 3798 / 2824 3722 2824 2430
香港灣仔港灣道 2 號 12 樓 1205 室
Room 1205, 12th Floor, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM GBS
Sir Run Run Shaw, CBE (1907-2014)
副主席 委員
節目委員會 主席 委員
盧景文教授 鄭維新先生 鄭惠貞女士 梁靳羽珊女士 梁卓偉教授 文肇偉先生 孫大倫博士 姚潔莉女士 楊 光先生
白諾信教授 紀大衛教授 羅志力先生 毛俊輝先生 李 義法官 約瑟 .施力先生 * 譚榮邦先生 姚 珏女士 李錦榮先生
鄭惠貞女士 梁國輝先生
發展委員會 主席
副主席 委員
名譽法律顧問 核數師
Mr Victor Cha
Vice Chairman
Prof Lo King-man, MBE, JP, SBS
Honorary Treasurer
Mr William Li
Mr Edward Cheng, GBS JP Ms Margaret Cheng Mrs Yu-san Leong Prof Gabriel Leung, GBS JP Mr Sebastian Shiu-wai Man Dr Dennis T L Sun, BBS JP Ms Miriam Yao Mr Sunny Yeung
財務委員會 主席
梁靳羽珊女士 雍景欣女士
鄭阮培恩女士 龐建貽先生 孫林宣雅女士 姚祖輝先生 夏佳理先生 鮑 磊先生 陳祖澤博士 陳達文博士 霍 璽先生 李業廣先生 梁紹榮夫人 李國寶博士
甘乃迪女士(孖士打) 羅兵咸永道 會計師事務所
* 榮譽節目顧問 Honorary Programme Advisor 40
Prof Lo King-man, MBE, JP, SBS
Prof Giorgio Biancorosso Prof David Gwilt, MBE Mr Peter C L Lo Mr Fredric Mao, BBS The Hon Mr Justice Ribeiro Mr Joseph Seelig * Mr Wing-pong Tam, SBS JP Ms Jue Yao, JP
Mr William Li
Ms Margaret Cheng Mr Nelson Leong
Mrs Yu-san Leong
Vice Chairman
Ms Jane Yong
Mrs Betty Yuen Cheng Mr Paulo Kin-yee Pong Mrs Helen Lin Sun Mr Andrew Yao
The Hon Ronald Arculli, GBM CVO GBS OBE JP Mr Martin Barrow, GBS CBE JP Dr John C C Chan, GBS CBE LVO JP Dr Darwin Chen, SBS ISO Mr Angus H Forsyth The Hon Charles Y K Lee, GBM GBS OBE JP Mrs Mona Leong, SBS BBS MBE JP Dr The Hon Sir David K P Li, GBM GBS OBE JP
Ms Gabriela Kennedy, Mayer Brown
AUDITOR PricewaterhouseCoopers
行政總監 行政總監助理
何嘉坤 ** 何丹蓉
助理節目經理 節目統籌 物流及接待經理
梁掌瑋 ** 蘇國雲 游慧姿 * 葉健鈴 余瑞婷 * 譚小敏 * 黃傲軒 * 袁潔敏 * 金學忠 *
節目 節目總監 副節目總監 節目經理
行政 節目經理 ( 行政 ) 節目主任 ( 行政 ) 技術 製作經理 助理製作經理 出版 編輯 助理編輯
外展 高級外展經理 副外展經理 助理外展經理 外展主任 市場推廣 市場總監 副市場總監 市場經理 副市場經理 助理市場經理 數碼營銷專員 藝術行政見習員
票務 市場經理 ( 票務 ) 票務主任
發展 發展總監 發展經理
助理發展經理 發展主任 藝術行政見習員 會計 財務主管 會計經理 會計主任
人力資源及行政 行政經理 接待員 / 初級秘書 助理
無限亮 項目主管 項目統籌 節目及外展經理 助理節目及外展經理 助理市場經理 外展統籌 助理技術及製作經理 高級會計主任
蘇雪凌 程鶩誼 * 梁雅芝 * 莫賦斌 * 廖健邦 * 鄭豐榮 * 黎家欣 * 李冠輝 ** 鄧冠恆 * 林嘉敏 * 張翠騫 * 李玨熙 * 李萬祺 * 鄭尚榮 ** 胡銘堯 ** 陳志雄 * 周 怡 楊 璞 * 郭駿成 * 陳閏霖 * 張予心 * 梁彩雲 陳偲穎 * 鍾卓祐 * 余潔儀 ** 張慧芝 * 麥紫琴 * 譚樂瑤 蘇寶蓮 * 雲希朗 * 吳樂怡 * 鄺敬婷 ** 杜詩麗 * 蘇永恆 * 譚智盈 * 李美娟 黃國愛 鍾雅妍 * 陸凱盈 * 林淦鈞 * 陳慧晶 * 朱穎欣 * 汪盈 * 馮顯峰 * 陳梓衡 * 彭健欣 *
* 合約職員 Contract Staff ** 無限亮指導委員會成員 No Limits Steering Committee Members
Executive Director Assistant to Executive Director PROGRAMME Programme Director Associate Programme Director Programme Managers Assistant Programme Managers Programme Coordinator Logistics Manager
Tisa Ho** Connie Ho Grace Lang** So Kwok-wan Janet Yau* Susanna Yu* Tracy Tam* Loui Yuen* Elvis King*
ADMINISTRATION Programme Manager (Administration) Programme Officer (Administration)
Shirley So Spaky Ching*
TECHNICAL Production Manager Assistant Production Manager
Shirley Leung* Benny Mok*
PUBLICATIONS Editor Assistant Editors
James Liu* Rain Cheng*
OUTREACH Senior Outreach Manager Deputy Outreach Manager Assistant Outreach Manager Outreach Officers MARKETING Marketing Director Associate Marketing Director Marketing Managers Deputy Marketing Manager Assistant Marketing Manager Digital Marketing Specialist Arts Administrator Trainee TICKETING Marketing Manager (Ticketing) Ticketing Officers DEVELOPMENT Development Director Development Managers
Kenneth Lee** Joe Tang* Carman Lam* Tracy Cheung* Kelvin Li*
Linda Yip Joseph Wong*
Melody Lai*
Michael Lee*
Katy Cheng** Dennis Wu** Dennis Chan* Alexia Chow Michelle Yeung* Joel Kwok* Ben Chan* Stephanie Cheung* Eppie Leung Stephanie Chan*
Assistant Development Manager Development Officer Arts Administrator Trainee
Flora Yu** Anna Cheung* Lorna Tam Conny Souw* Alana Wan* Lois Ng*
ACCOUNTS Head of Finance Accounting Manager Accounting Officer
Teresa Kwong** Connie To* Peter So*
HR & ADMINISTRATION Office Manager Receptionist/Junior Secretary General Assistant
Judy Tam* Virginia Li Bonia Wong
NO LIMITS Project Administrator Project Coordinator Programme and Outreach Manager Assistant Programme and Outreach Manager Assistant Marketing Managers Outreach Coordinator Assistant Technical and Production Manager Senior Accounting Officer
Fiona Chung* Helen Luk* Lam Kam-kwan* Ainslee Chan* Wendy Chu* Wilson Fung* Jacob Chan* Janice Pang*
Chung Cheuk-yau*
Mak Tsz Kam*
Tiffany Wong*
按英文姓氏首字母排列 In alphabetical order
2021 年 2 月更新 Updated February 2021