香港舞蹈年獎 2022|23rd Hong Kong Dance Awards

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主辦 Presented by


香港舞蹈聯盟 HONG KONG DANCE ALLIANCE 成立� 1994 年的�港舞蹈聯盟 (舞盟) 為註冊慈善團 �, 作 為 本 地 舞 蹈 界 � 面 向 世 界 的 主 要 聲 音 和 支 援

團 � 的 平 台, 舞 盟 � 力 � 鼓 勵 舞 蹈 交 �、 討 論、 創 舞 蹈 團 �, � 本 地 推 � 國 � 舞 蹈 盛 事。 舞 盟 現 為 世 界舞蹈聯盟的�港代表組織��港�術發展局三年 �助團�。

Curtain call of the 14th Hong Kong Dance Awards

Established in 1994, the Hong Kong Dance Alliance (the Alliance) is a charitable tax-exempt organization, with the mission of serving as a primary voice and support group for dance in Hong Kong and for Hong Kong dance worldwide. The Alliance goals are to promote recognition, development, and mutual understanding of all forms of dance; facilitate communication and exchange among individuals and organizations; provide a forum to discuss dance-related matters; encourage dance research, education, criticism, creation, and performance; and, liaise, coordinate, and participate in activities with other dance organizations worldwide. The Hong Kong Dance Alliance is the official Hong Kong organization of the World Dance Alliance and it is a recipient of Hong Kong Arts Development Council Three-year Grant.

� Photo:�� Cai Ying

作、 演 出、 研 究、 教 � � 評 論, 並 連 結 世 界 各 地 的

�港舞蹈年� 2012 謝幕

�港舞蹈年� 2014 匯演�頒�禮 �出成就�:�誠�

16th Hong Kong Dance Awards Gala Performance and Presentation – Willy Tsao for Distinguished Achievement Award

� Photo:林�� Mark Lam

理事委員� Executive Committee

�港舞蹈年� 2016

主席 Chairperson


林偉源 Allen Lam

18th Hong Kong Dance Awards – Outstanding Service to Dance: Natasha Rogai for Her Work In Dance Criticism

副主席 Vice-Chairperson 韓錦濤 Angela Hang 秘� Secretary

� Photo:林�� Mark Lam

�建宏 Kevin Wong 司庫 Treasurer

劉燕玲 Stella Lau 委員 Members

Cyrus Hui Heidi Lee David Tsui Septime Webre Dominic Wong Yang Yuntao

白朗唐 陳頌瑛 吳杏冰 �誠�

Tom Brown Anna CY Chan Helen Ng Willy Tsao

�譽退休主席 Chairpersons Emeriti

名譽法律�問 Honorary Legal Advisor 范凱� Alex Fan 2

�港舞蹈年� 2017 �術�監林偉源- 攝��期匯演製作

Allen Lam – The Artistic Director of the 19th Hong Kong Dance Awards, on looking the production

聯絡 Contact

�港上環永吉街 21-27 號誠興商�大� 10 � E1 室 Unit E1, 10/F, Shing Hing Commercial Building, 21-27 Wing Kut Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong �話 Tel: (852) 2267 6631 �郵 E-mail: @hkdancealliance

� Photo:�金� Elsie Chau

許�� 李易� 崔德煒 衛承天 �狄文 楊雲濤



香港舞蹈年獎 2022 23rd Hong Kong Dance Awards

林偉源 Allen Lam

�港舞蹈聯盟主席 Chairperson Hong Kong Dance Alliance

�港舞蹈聯盟 (舞盟) 一��力與社�各方建立

橋 �, 提 升 大 眾 對 舞 蹈 界 的 認 識。 過 去 兩 年,

不 � 劇 場 和 舞 蹈 室 因 防 疫 措 施 而 關 閉, 以 � 受 出 入 境 隔 離 措 施 限 制, 令 舞 盟 作 為 在 舞 蹈 界 橋 �的角色更顯重要。

我很�幸�在這個�滿挑戰的�刻出任舞盟主 席 一 職, 經 過 疫 � 的 洗 禮, 我 們 創 作、 演 出、

� 費 和 � 驗 舞 蹈 的 方 式 � 永 遠 改 變。 大 家 期 � 已 久 的 � 港 舞 蹈 年 � 2022 � � 4 月 16 日 晚 進

行 網 上 � 播, 屆 � � 是 一 個 � 典, 以 讚 頌 各 方 支 撐 著 � 港 舞 蹈 界 所 展 現 的 毅 力、 � 嘗 試 和 創

意。 儘 管 籌 � 工 作 � 受 考 驗, 舞 盟 仍 � 秉 � 信 念, 表 揚 � 港 舞 蹈 界 的 出 色 成 就 和 多 樣 性, � 各獨立單位和團�為本地舞蹈所奠下的基石。

今 屆 � 港 舞 蹈 年 � 表 揚 過 去 兩 年 的 製 作, 共 設 十 五 個 � 項, 範 疇 包 括 � 舞、 製 作、 演 出、 音

效 和 劇 場 設 計, 以 � 教 � 和 舞 蹈 服 務。 今 屆 � � 別 � 設 了「 � 出 網 上 製 作 」 � 項, 以 表 彰 �

秀網上或其他多��舞蹈製作。「終生成就�」 則 頒 發 予 沈 雪 明 教 授 和 鄧 孟 � 女 士, 以 表 揚 二 人 在 接 近五十年 職 � 生 涯 間, 為 舞 蹈 發 展 帶 來 不�盡�的深遠影響�貢獻。

我 謹 � 衷 心 感 謝 贊 助 商、 � 港 � 術 發 展 局、 � � � 文 � 事 務 署、 舞 盟 的 � 助 者 和 支 � 者, 在 這 個 空 � 的 � 期 仍 � 堅 定 支 � 這 項 活 動。 � 賴


攝 � � 期 製 作, 使 我 們 � 夠 與 全 � � 享 這 項 盛 事。 我 � 要 � 別 感 謝 頒 � 典 禮 的 � 術 � 監 韓 錦

濤 女 士、 � 項 評 審 委 員、 � 港 舞 蹈 聯 盟 理 事 委 員�成員和行政團隊的勤奮付出。

在 � 祝 賀 今 屆 所 � 入 圍 候 � 人 和 � � 者。 對 � � 界 來 �, 這 是 一 個 需 要 團 結 � 互 相 支 � 的 � 期, 更 要 讚 揚 每 一 位 為 改 善 � 港 舞 蹈 界 而 盡 力

奉 獻 的 人。 我 們 � 一 個 共 同 點: 我 們 正 邁 步 走 向一個光明的未來。


�港舞蹈年�由�港舞蹈聯盟在 1999 年設立,� The mission of Hong Kong Dance Alliance has always been to build connections and raise awareness in our dance world today. With over two years of mandated theatre and studio closings and the travel and mass quarantine restrictions due to Covid-19, the role of our organization has become even more important. I feel very privileged to chair this organization in this challenging time as the pandemic has taught us that the way we create, perform, consume, and experience dance will forever change. On the night of 16 April 2022, the much-anticipated 23rd Hong Kong Dance Awards presentation will premiere online; celebrating the resilience, innovation, and creativity that has kept the heart of Hong Kong's dance scene beating. Despite the challenges in making this event happen, our mission remains, to celebrate the diversity and outstanding achievements of Hong Kong dance and to recognise those individuals and organizations that will help build a stronger dance world for future generations. This year the awards recognise dance over the past two years and fifteen awards will be presented in the areas of Choreography, Production, Performance, Music and Design, Dance Education and Services to Dance. To recognise the new channel of dance through live streaming and other digital means, we have introduced a new award: Outstanding Online Production. The Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Professor Shen Shir Ming and Ms Tania Tang who have made a lifelong contribution to dance in Hong Kong. Their careers, spanning over 50 years, have had an immeasurable impact on the development of dance in Hong Kong. I would like to sincerely thank our sponsors, Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, donors and supporters of Dance Alliance for their unwavering support of this event during this unprecedented time. The technical support of Hong Kong Dance Company and the filming and post production team of HKMedia Production has enabled us to share this event globally. My special thanks to the Artistic Director of the ceremony, Ms Angela Hang, the Awards Expert Panelists, the members of the Alliance Executive Committee and the administration team for your commitment and hard work. Congratulations to all nominees and recipients of this year’s awards. This is an important opportunity for the sector to come together as a community to support each other and to celebrate everyone whose hard work and dedication is making a difference in the world of Hong Kong dance. There is one thing we have in common: we have a bright future and we’re moving forward.

力�表揚�港舞蹈界的�秀工作��出成就。所� �港舞蹈�術家和工作者均��格被提名�港舞


評審委員��該年度出席各個演出節目,��為每 個提名作出評審,並以一輪不記名的投�方式產生 各個�項的入圍名單。�港舞蹈聯盟理事委員�委 員�連同評審委員對入圍名單進行進一步檢視,並 進行第二輪不記名投�,�出各個�項的��者。 為確�評審�平和�正,評審不�在任何�利益衝 突的�項�別中投�。

Hong Kong Dance Alliance established the Hong Kong Dance Awards in 1999 to honour outstanding achievements in Hong Kong dance. All Hong Kong dance artists and practitioners are eligible for nomination for work in any style. Nominations in various categories are reviewed by Shortlisting Panels composed of distinguished experts in relevant fields who attend productions throughout the year and vote in a secret ballot to determine the Shortlisted Nominations. The Shortlisted Nominations are then reviewed by a larger panel including the members of the Alliance Executive Committee, who join the Shortlisting Panelists for a second secret ballot to select the Award recipients. To ensure fairness and impartiality, no voter in either ballot may vote on a category where s/he has any conflict of interest.

入圍候選名單評審委員 Shortlisting Panel 小組一 (製作相關�別) Production Categories

小組二 (社區相關�別) Community Categories

小組三 (網上相關�別) Online Categories

小�聯�主席 Co-Chair

小組主席 Chair

小組主席 Chair

評審 Panelists

評審 Panelists

評審 Panelists

�世儀 Shirley Loong 羅佳娜 Natasha Rogai 陳瑋鑫 鄭煥美 朱琼� 黎宇文 黎德威 賴�芝 李咏� 華文偉 �恆輝 吳菲菲

William Chan Anna Cheng Daisy Chu Maurice Lai Lai Tak Wai Yoki Lai Li Yongjing Taurus Wah Wong Hang Fai Wu Fei Fei

林偉源 Allen Lam

�韻儀 劉玉� 劉燕玲 劉中達 �若玫

Ronly Kong Medina Lau Stella Lau David Liu Cally Yu

林偉源 Allen Lam

陳敏兒 Janine 黎宇文 劉玉� 劉燕玲 劉中達 �若玫

Abby Chan Dijkmeijer Maurice Lai Medina Lau Stella Lau David Liu Cally Yu

�項評審委員 Award Selection Jury

入圍候�名單評審委員 All Shortlisting Panelists �港舞蹈聯盟理事委員�成員 All Members of the Hong Kong Dance Alliance Executive Committee 5

白朗唐�晉�舞 Tom Brown Emerging Choreographer

�出男舞蹈員演出 Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer

�出配�設計 Outstanding Music Composition


�磊 �港舞蹈團�自由空間《九歌》 Huang Lei Nine Songs, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace

�寶� 城市當代舞蹈團 舞蹈中心《講吓啫》 Leung Po Wing I don't mean it, City Contemporary Dance Company Dance Centre

Kelvin Mak �出�舞 Outstanding Choreography

梅卓燕 大館《日記 VII•我來給你講個故事……》 Mui Cheuk Yin Diary VII • The Story Of......, Tai Kwun 衛承天 �港芭蕾舞團《�桃夾子》 Septime Webre The Nutcracker, Hong Kong Ballet �出大型場地舞蹈製作 Outstanding Large Venue Production

�港舞蹈團�自由空間《九歌》 Nine Songs, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace �出中型場地舞蹈製作 Outstanding Medium Venue Production

城市當代舞蹈團《42 ・ 36 ・ 42》 Days are Numbered, City Contemporary Dance Company 綽舞場《遺角》 Remnants, Beyond Dance Theater �出小型場地舞蹈製作 Outstanding Small Venue Production

梅卓燕 大館《日記 VII•我來給你講個故事……》 Diary VII • The Story Of......, Mui Cheuk Yin, Tai Kwun �出另�場地舞蹈製作 Outstanding Alternative Space Production

�港芭蕾舞團� M+ �活《�小舞作》 Five Tiny Dances, Hong Kong Ballet and M+ LIVE ART


沈杰 飾 羅密歐 �港芭蕾舞團《羅密歐+茱��》 Shen Jie as Romeo Romeo + Juliet, Hong Kong Ballet �出女舞蹈員演出 Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer

華琪鈺 �港舞蹈團�自由空間《九歌》 Hua Chi Yu Nine Songs, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace �出群舞演出 Outstanding Ensemble Performance

�出舞蹈教� / 社區舞蹈 Outstanding Dance Education or Community Dance

�約舞� 賽馬�「音語來回」舞蹈教�計劃 Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme, Passoverdance �出舞蹈服務 Outstanding Services to Dance

城市當代舞蹈團 舞蹈中心 「夥伴計劃―排練場地贊助」 Partnership Programme Venue Sponsor, City Contemporary Dance Company Dance Centre

�港舞蹈團舞者 �港舞蹈團�自由空間《九歌》 Dancers of the Hong Kong Dance Company Nine Songs, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace

�港舞蹈團�自由空間《凝》 Convergence, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace

�出視覺設計 Outstanding Visual Design

終生成就� Lifetime Achievement Award

蘇 ・ 希利 (�洲) � 茱德 ・ �文頓 (�洲) , 黎宇文 (�港) , 伏木啓 (日本) 西九文�區自由空間《觀 ・ 影:城市舞畫組曲》 Sue Healey and Judd Overton (Australia), Maurice Lai (Hong Kong), Kei Fushiki (Japan) Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District ON VIEW: Panoramic Suite

�出網上製作 Outstanding Online Production

沈雪明教授 Professor Shen Shir Ming 鄧孟�女士 Ms Tania Tang

�出舞台�服裝設計 Outstanding Set and Costume Design

布里埃拉·季列索娃�區宇剛 �港芭蕾舞團《�桃夾子》 Gabriela Tylesova and Albert Au The Nutcracker, Hong Kong Ballet



Tom Brown Emerging Choreographer


Kelvin Mak


過去兩年,�氏展現�趨成熟的�舞技�。他的作品� 滿�感深度和��,帶出深刻的人性維度,顯�著年輕 �術家中�見的非�成熟度,以�處理重要議題的勇�

和手腕。他的作品具原創性和力量,同���滿娛�性, �讓�大觀眾接觸;�������的�上���作更 是有一�的��。

The Tom Brown Emerging Choreographer Award is presented to Kelvin Mak. In the past two years, Mak has demonstrated a new-found mastery of the choreographer’s art. His work is imbued with an emotional depth and complexity which bring a deeply human dimension and show remarkable maturity for such a young artist, along with the courage to tackle significant themes. His work is original and powerful, yet entertaining and accessible to a wide audience and he also displays particular skill in the key developing field of online dance.

� 卓 鴻 � � � � 港 演 � 學 院,2013 年 加 入 城 市 當 代 舞 蹈 團,2017 年 憑《 回 初 》 獲 � �

港 舞 蹈 年 �「 � � 男 舞 蹈 員 � � 」 �。 他 在

2018 加 入 法 國 布 拉 祖 卡 舞 團, 並 � 2019 年 獲 邀 出 任 Delattre Dance Company 客 席 �

舞。 � 氏 現 是 綽 舞 場 � 術 � 監, � 舞 作 品 包

括《遺角》和《餘像》。他的監製製作包括: 《Think Out Of The Box》(2021) 和《2018 �港當代舞蹈冬令營》。

Kelvin Mak graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and in 2013 joined City Contemporary Dance Company where he created numerous roles. In 2017 he received the Hong Ko n g D a n ce Awa rd fo r O u t st a n d i n g Performance by a Male Dancer for his role in Mother I Am Sorry. Moving to France, he joined Ballet Preljocaj-Pavillon Noir from 2018 to 2019 and was guest choreographer at Delattre Dance Company. He is artistic director of Beyond Dance Theater and has choreographed works including Remnants and The Last Stone. He was a producer of Hong Kong Winter Contemporary Dance Camp 2018 and Think Out Of The Box 2021.




年 代 加 入 � 港 舞 蹈 團, 九 十 年 代 成 為 獨 立 舞

Outstanding Choreography

蹈 工 作 者, � 獲 亞 洲 文 � 協 � � 助 到 美 國 學

習 � 舞 � 表 演。 � 在 東 京、 巴 黎 和 紐 約 � 地


演 出。 她 獲 � 無 �, 其 中 獲 � 港 舞 蹈 聯 盟 頒

發�個�項,其中包括 2012 年之「�出成就 �」,並� 2021 年獲�港�術發展局頒授「� 術家年�」。

大館 《日記 VII•我來給你講個故事 ……》

M u i C h e u k Yi n i s a n i n te r n a t i o n a l l y renowned dance artist and choreographer. She began her career at Hong Kong Dance Company in the 1980s and became a n i n d e p e n d e n t a r t i st i n t h e 1 9 9 0 s . She studied and performed in the USA under the auspices of the Asia Cultural Council. Her works have been performed worldwide in cities such as Tokyo, Paris and New York. Her numerous honours include five previous Hong Kong Dance Awards, among them the Distinguished Achievement Award (2012) and the Artist of the Year Award from The Hong Kong Arts Development Council (2021).

Mui Cheuk Yin Diary VII • The Story Of......, Tai Kwun

� Photo:Eric Hong

梅卓燕憑《日記 VII•我來給你講個故事……》獲頒發

� 港 舞 蹈 年 �「 � 出 � 舞 」。 梅 氏 � 獨 舞《 日 記 VII》 以小�大,由人與�浪貓的故事�映家、國、�徙和移 民�近年大眾關心的話題。整個作品的�排匠心獨運,

身體動作或是使用��的�手�足間�滿��澎湃的� 感,呈現�主題思想的����。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Choreography is presented to Mui Cheuk Yin for Diary VII • The Story of……. Using this encounter between human beings and stray cats as a metaphor, Mui moves smoothly into exploring significant social issues such as home, country, diaspora, and emigration in her solo performance Diary VII. Her central ideology is developed in depth through exquisite choreography, each movement expressing, sometimes with her body, sometimes with props, authentic, deeply heartfelt emotions.



� 家 � � 導 者。 他 � 別 � 1993 年 至 1999 年

Outstanding Choreography

在美國劇目芭蕾舞團和 1999 年至 2016 年在

華 盛 頓 芭 蕾 舞 團 出 任 兩 團 的 � 術 � 監。 他 �


� Photo:Worldwide Dancer Project


2017 年加入�港芭蕾舞團擔任�術�監。衛 氏的�舞作品�受追捧,獲多項�譽��項, �全�各大芭蕾舞團�演。他�經常參與劇場


�港芭蕾舞團 《�桃夾子》

員,並�瓦爾納、紐約和首爾�多個國�芭蕾 舞比賽擔任評審。

Septime Webre

Septime Webre is an internationally renowned ballet director, choreographer, educator and advocate. He was Artistic Director of American Repertory Ballet from 1993 to 1999 and Washington Ballet from 1999 to 2016. In 2017 he became artistic director of Hong Kong Ballet. Webre is a much sought-after choreographer whose works feature in the repertoire of numerous ballet companies worldwide and have received numerous honours and awards. He has also worked in theatre and opera. He has served as board member of Dance/USA and on the juries of major international ballet competitions including Varna, New York and Seoul.

The Nutcracker, Hong Kong Ballet

� Photo:Mak Cheong Wai

衛 承 天 憑《 � 桃 夾 子 》 獲 頒 發 � 港 舞 蹈 年 �「 � 出 � 舞」。衛承天以其機智獨到的想像,�合芭蕾經典和� 港文�,為�港芭蕾舞團帶來這個�作。他對經典芭蕾 舞蹈的��和知識�在�湛的�排中�露,與�可夫斯

基的配�相映成�。衛氏細�獨到的�舞,讓舞團的舞 者不論在群舞至獨舞;雙人舞至敘述段落,都���展 �各自的卓越技巧、個性和風格。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Choreography is presented to Septime Webre for The Nutcracker. In his new production for Hong Kong Ballet, Webre retains the essence of this great classic while incorporating features of Hong Kong’s own culture, highlighted by his distinctive wit and quirky imagination. The impeccably crafted choreography demonstrates Webre’s deep love and knowledge of classical ballet and responds beautifully to Tchaikovsky’s score. From large scale ensembles to solos, duets and narrative scenes, the choreography provides a glittering showcase for the technique, personality and style of the company’s dancers.


� 港 舞 蹈 團 和 自 由 空 間 憑《 九 歌 》 獲 頒 發 � 港 舞 蹈 年


由空間首�合辦,演繹黎海寧的著作―自 1991 年上演

三十載�從未�失色的《九歌》。整個製作團隊的決心、 專��度和才�,把�舞、配�、設計和完美的演出無 瑕地結合呈現,製作令人留下深刻印象。適逢《九歌》

上演三十�年和�港舞蹈團成立�十�年,成了一個完 美的�典。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Large Venue Production is presented to Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace for Nine Songs. Hong Kong Dance Company’s first staging of Helen Lai’s 1991 masterpiece shows that, 30 years on, the work has lost nothing of its power. This flawless production weaves together choreography, music, design and performance with consummate artistry, demonstrating the dedication, professionalism and talent of the entire team. Memorable, impressive and an ideal celebration of the 30th anniversary of Nine Songs and the 40th anniversary of Hong Kong Dance Company. � Photo:Mak Cheong Wai @ Moon 9 Image


Outstanding Large Venue Production

�港舞蹈團�自由空間 《九歌》

Nine Songs, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace

《九歌》是國�著名�舞家黎海寧的�作,其靈感來自屈 原的同名巨著和古代神話。這�演出更結合了三位大師的


景�服裝設計、張國永主導的燈光設計。自 1991 年在城

市當代舞蹈團首演,《九歌》多�在世界各地各團重演� 巡演。正�《九歌》三十�年,首�由�港舞蹈團與自由 空間合辦,重塑這齣經典作品。

Nine Songs is one of the best-known works of internationally renowned choreographer Helen Lai. Inspired by the work of the great Chinese poet Qu Yuan, it evokes the legends of the 3rd century BC and features a specially composed score by celebrated composer Tan Dun, set and costume designs by Tim Yip and lighting design by Leo Cheung. Since its premiere at City Contemporary Dance Company in 1991, Nine Songs has been performed many times to critical acclaim by different companies in cities around the world. This first staging by Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace celebrates the 30th anniversary of this seminal piece.


城市當代舞團憑《42 · 36 · 42》獲頒發�港舞蹈年� 「�出中型場地舞蹈製作」。作品由道具聲響出發,到 詰問自身的種種,以�用舞者身�動作來回應�代。三 個各具�色的作品放在一起,各�主題而又併合成一場 �映�代人心的演出,也看到不同年代�舞創作與關心

題材,以�對身�動作取�的異同,是一�上乘的小品 展演。

� Photo:Yvonne Chan

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Medium Venue Production is presented to City Contemporary Dance Company for Days are Numbered. The performance begins with sounds from the props, creating an atmosphere which leads the audience into a deep self examination, and responding to the situation of our times through the choreographed movements of the dancers. These three short works, each with its own character and themes, performed in one show, offer an intriguing contrast in their approach to choreography, themes, and body movements a m o n g d i f fe re n t g e n e ra t i o n s , to c re a te a n outstanding production.

〈����〉 Listen Carefully


Outstanding Medium Venue Production

城市當代舞蹈團 《42·36·42》

生 代 舞 蹈 家 作 � 創, 述 � 各 自 人 生 閱 歷 的 印 記。�振邦的〈餘音裊裊〉以聲入題,用鐵棍

以不同的方式敲擊。莫嫣在〈�從蘇菲的世界 路過〉裡與舞團�深舞者喬楊展開身�對話。

李思颺的〈快�頌〉以「日常」生活元素和扭 曲怪異的肢�營�一個人�人�狂失控的未來 世界。

� Photo:Mak

City Contemporary Dance Company’s Days are Numbered presents new works by three leading local choreographers. All are strikingly different from each other in theme and style. In Listen Carefully, Bruce Wong explores the use of sound by experimenting with iron bar percussion. Sophie’s Garden by Jennifer Mok is a duet which features a dialogue between the younger Mok and veteran dancer Qiao Yang. Justyne Li’s Ode to Joy evokes a bizarre world of artificial humans/robots constructed from items from daily life and twisted, contorted body movements.

Days are Numbered, City Contemporary Dance Company

� Photo:Cheung Chi Wai

〈�樂�〉 Ode to Joy

〈�從��的�界路�〉 Sophie's Garden

城 市 當 代 舞 蹈 團《42 · 36 · 42》 邀 � 三 個 中



Outstanding Medium Venue Production

綽舞場 《遺角》

Remnants, Beyond Dance Theater


舞蹈製作」。�舞�卓鴻和綽舞場在這個強大、具威懾 力量的舞蹈戲劇中探究個人和群�的角力、自我身�的

�存和在暴力腐敗制度下的道德�擇。�體舞蹈員為作 品注入高�量、�湛技巧和�感強度,帶來令人不安, 但同�發人深�和觸動人心的感覺。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Medium Venue Production is presented to Beyond Dance Theater for Remnants. In this darkly powerful piece of dance theatre, choreographer Kelvin Mak and the Beyond Dance Theater team explore the dilemma of the individual versus the group and the struggle to maintain identity and make moral choices when trapped in a corrupt and brutal system. Disturbing, thought-provoking and moving, the work is performed with high energy, technical brilliance and emotional intensity by the entire cast.


國劇作家尤金•尤內斯庫著名經典《犀牛》。 思想與身�在舞台激烈碰撞,叩問面對�代浪 潮,人�維�著自我嗎?百川奔海,水縱�不

�逆�,但在�叉處彷彿仍可�擇路徑。在� 代、社�和家庭�的裹挾下,面對浪潮,人又 �否喘息或�擇的空間?

B eyo n d D a n ce Th e a te r ’s R e m n a n t s , choreographed by Kelvin Mak, is inspired by Eugène Ionesco’s classic avant-garde play Rhinoceros. The piece explores the contradiction and collision between the body and the mind and asks whether human beings are able to choose their own direction when faced with a sweeping tide of pressure to conform. Can individuals stay true to themselves or will they give in and transform themselves into what society, family and generation demand?


�卓��大�憑《日記 VII•我來給你講個故事……》 獲頒發�港舞蹈年�「�出小型場地舞蹈製作」。�作 團���利用了場地狹長的�點,以�巧的心思,讓演

區幻�成一個個不同的�色:街角、家居、陽台和�巷 �,�機而合適地解決場地的限制。佈景、道具、燈光 以�音��用極具心思,是一渾��成�作。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Small Venue Production is presented to Mui Cheuk Yin and Tai Kwun for Diary VII• The Story of……. The production team utilizes the narrow format of the venue in an ingenious and delicate fashion, by categorizing the stage into different scenes with their own unique characterization such as street corner, home, balcony, and back alley, capitalizing on the layout of the venue to create an organic solution. The selection of set, props, lighting, and music all show meticulous thoughtfulness, coming together for an outstanding performance.

� Photo:Eric Hong

在 大 館 呈 現 的《 日 記 VII• 我 來 給 你 講 個 故

事……》是�港著名舞蹈家梅卓燕由 1986 年

開始�演,舞蹈劇場《日記》系列的��作品。 梅卓燕以�切的獨舞作品道出其�出的舞蹈生

涯, 凝 視 並 連 繫 世 界。《 日 記 VII• 我 來 給 你 講個故事……》由李智偉設計燈光和阮漢威設


Outstanding Small Venue Production

�卓� 大館 《日記 VII•我來給你講個故事……》 Diary VII • The Story Of......, Mui Cheuk Yin, Tai Kwun

計佈景,助梅氏透過文字、光影、聲音,�合 如水的身段�身�的印記,�寫多年來與�浪 貓同行的經歷,�思生命感知。

Presented by Tai Kwun, Diary VII • The Story Of...... is the latest chapter in choreographer Mui Cheuk Yin’s Diary project. Starting in 1986, this series of intimate, autobiographical solo dance works has seen Mui navigate her illustrious career and, more importantly, make connections with the world through dance. With the support of Lee Chi Wai’s lighting design and Yuen Hon Wai’s set, in Diary VII • The Story Of...... Mui chronicles her stories with stray cats through text, images, sounds, and agile movement to find subtle parallels between feline traits and her own philosophy of life.



�港芭蕾舞團和 M+ �活憑《�小舞作》獲頒發�港舞


Outstanding Alternative Space Production

M+ 博物館內不同空間,為這個嶄�本地文�地�注入

�港芭蕾舞團� M+ �活 《�小舞作》

活力,給予到訪觀眾一個別�的開幕表演。�個風格和 形式各有不同,但同樣�心製作的超卓演出皆以�候變 �和人�未來為題,既具娛�性又發人深�。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Alternative Space Production is presented to Hong Kong Ballet and M+ LIVE ART for Five Tiny Dances. The five choreographers make ingenious use of a variety of spaces in and around M+, animating them and offering spectators an ideal introduction to this new icon of the Hong Kong arts scene. While the pieces themselves are as varied as their settings in style and form, all are well-crafted, entertaining, superbly performed and take a thought-provoking look at the issue of climate change and the future of humanity on the planet.

Five Tiny Dances, Hong Kong Ballet and M+ LIVE ART

� Photo:Keith Hiro

Carbon Footprint

《�小舞作》由�港芭蕾舞團和 M+ 合辦,� 個演出�別在 M+ 大�內多個�開放的�共空 間進行,�祝博物館開幕。所�演出皆以�候 變�為主題,激發大家以行動�護自�環境。 演出包括由�港芭蕾舞團駐團�舞家�頌威創

作的《失憶的季節》的�段,以馬克思 · 李希

�對韋華第經典作品《四季》演繹為�景音�。 另外四部作品�別由謝茜嘉 · 貝露、馮競儀、 李林和林�沅�舞。

Presented by Hong Kong Ballet and the M+ museum, Five Tiny Dances celebrates the opening of the M+ public spaces with five pieces performed in different parts of the museum. All the pieces are inspired by the theme of climate change and the need to protect the environment. They include excerpts from Hong Kong Ballet Choreographer-in-Residence Hu Song Wei Ricky’s upcoming work The Lost Season, set to Max Richter's iconic reimagining of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, along with short works choreographed by Jessica Burrows, Feng Jingyi, Li Lin and Lin Chang Yuan Kyle.



Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer


�港舞蹈團 �自由�間 《九歌》

Huang Lei

Nine Songs, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace

� 磊 � � � � 京 舞 蹈 學 院,2001 年 加 入 � 港 舞 蹈 團,現為首席舞蹈員。�磊是�港首屈一指的舞蹈


邀與不同�術團�合作。他�三度獲��港舞蹈年 �,�別是 2006 年「��平台」《民間傳奇》� �創作��舞、2007 年《如夢令》� 2010 年《天 上. 人 間 》 之 演 出。2010 年 獲 � 港 � 術 發 展 局 � 術�秀年� (舞蹈)。


出」。�氏舉手投足間�露出一股自�力量,狂�的舞 動或是緩慢的舉止都帶著近乎原始的活力,收放間形成

Huang Lei is a graduate of the Beijing Dance Ac a d e m y. H e j o i n e d H o n g Ko n g D a n c e Company (HKDC) in 2001 and is a Principal Dancer there. One of Hong Kong’s most celebrated dance artists, at HKDC he has created roles in numerous productions as well as choreographing his own works and has been invited to perform or choreograph by various arts organizations. He has previously received three Hong Kong Dance Awards: for his cochoreography of Min Jian Chuan Qi (2006), and for Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer for Dream Dances (2007) and Everlasting Love (2010). In 2010 he also received the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Award for Young Artist (Dance).

強烈對比。他的�湛技巧並不��表面,而是一種�深 ��術性的演繹。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer is presented to Huang Lei for Nine Songs. In this electrifying performance, Huang is a veritable force of nature, his movements, whether frenzied or slow, conveying a primal, almost primitive power, contrasting blazing energy with moments of stillness and control. While his physical virtuosity is astounding, nothing is done for display, his technical prowess is merely the vessel for his supreme artistry.


Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer


飾 羅密歐

� 港 芭 蕾舞團 《羅密歐+茱��》

Shen Jie as Romeo Romeo + Juliet, Hong Kong Ballet

� Photo:Tony Luk

� 出男舞蹈員演出


男舞蹈員演出」。沈氏激�的演繹帶領我們進入羅密歐 起始�無�無慮、�滿朝�的心境,走到�戀中的魯莽 狂�,到��經歷茱��之�的悲痛絕�,過程令人心

�。沈氏自��力的演技和奪目�聲的舞蹈,加上與一 眾舞者的配合,使�雅獨舞和�彩雙人舞相映成�。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer is presented to Shen Jie for his performance as Romeo in Romeo + Juliet. Shen’s passionate portrayal carries us with him on Romeo’s journey from carefree, youthful swagger and high spirits, through impetuous, ardent lover to a heartrending conclusion in his agony of grief and despair at Juliet’s death. His natural, convincing acting and rapport with his fellow dancers are exemplary and his dancing is dazzling – musical and expressive, with effortlessly elegant solos matched by magnificent partnering in the demanding pas de deux.

沈杰�浙江�術職�學院、�州舞蹈學校��港演 �學院受訓,2007 年加入�港芭蕾舞團,2013 年

再 晉 升 為 獨 舞 員,2016 年 成 為 首 席 舞 蹈 員。 他 在 �港芭蕾舞團古典劇目��作中擔任的角色皆獲�

讚賞。他憑著 2016 年盧狄.�登士�舞的《羅密 歐與茱��》出演羅密歐和 2018 年《吉賽爾》中

出演阿爾伯�獲�兩屆�港舞蹈年�「�出男舞蹈 員演出」�,又�� 2014 年�到貝諾瓦芭蕾舞大 �提名。

Shen Jie trained at Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art, Guangzhou Dance School and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He joined Hong Kong Ballet (HKB) in 2007, becoming Soloist in 2013 and Principal Dancer in 2016. At HKB he has danced numerous principal roles in the classical repertoire and created roles in many new works to consistent acclaim. He previously received the Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer as Romeo in Rudi van Dantzig’s Romeo and Juliet (2016) and as Albrecht in Giselle (2018). He was nominated for the Prix Benois de la Danse in 2014.


� 出女舞 蹈 員 演 出

Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer


�港舞蹈團 �自由�間 《九歌》

Hua Chi Yu

Nine Songs, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace 華琪鈺在台灣出世,2000 年����港演�學院, 2001 年 加 入 � 港 舞 蹈 團, 現 為 首 席 舞 蹈 員。 她 是


要角色,��為其他舞團客席出演。華氏憑《�祝. 傳�》、《白蛇》�《舞.雷雨》三度獲�港舞蹈年 �頒發「��女舞蹈員演出」�。



Born in Taiwan, Hua Chi Yu graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2000 and in 2001 joined Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC) where she is a Principal Dancer. One of Hong Kong’s most acclaimed dancers, she has performed or created major roles in numerous productions at HKDC and as a guest with other groups. She has previously received the Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer a record three times: for Thunderstorm (2013), The Butterfly Lovers (2015) and Lady White of West Lake (2018).


其舞伴的身�或是配合��拍子的極細�和急速�步 ― 每一幕皆引人入勝。�了�湛的技巧外,她在舞台上的 震懾力和感�傳達都令人深深投入。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer is presented to Hua Chi Yu for Nine Songs. Hua’s performance is mesmerising from start to finish, whether using her body to create bizarre, angular images reminiscent of insects, literally running up her partner’s body in a spectacular duet or matching every note and beat of the complex score with thrilling fast runs on her toes, packed with tiny, intricate steps. In addition to her extraordinary technique, the intensity of her stage presence, her expressiveness and ability to convey emotion are utterly compelling.





Outstanding Ensemble Performance




力、達��舞所追�的�準紀律與開放縱�之平衡,是 一齣舞蹈�作。

� 港 舞 蹈 團�自由�間 《九歌》

Dancers of the Hong Kong Dance Company Nine Songs, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace

� Photo:Mak Cheong Wai @ Moon 9 Image

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Ensemble Performance is presented to the dancers of the Hong Kong Dance Company for Nine Songs. Hong Kong Dance Company’s artists rise to the challenge of this seminal work in splendid style, responding impressively to the complex score and drawing on their Chinese dance heritage with profound feeling. In a tour de force of dancing, the whole company performs with unwavering intensity and unflagging energy, striking the perfect balance between the discipline and precision on the one hand, the freedom and abandon on the other, the choreography demands.

�港舞蹈團� 1981 年成立,是�港舞蹈界中極具代 表性的中國舞舞團。�術�監楊雲濤,助理�術� 監謝茵和訓練導師柯志勇皆為舞團的�舞蹈員以�



中華地區。�港舞蹈團�在 2014 年憑著《�木蘭》 獲��港舞蹈年���「�出群舞演出」�。

Hong Kong Dance Company was founded in 1981 and is the flagship company for Chinese dance in Hong Kong. Artistic Director Yang Yuntao, Associate Artistic Director Xie Yin and Training Instructor Ke Zhiyong are all former dancers with the company and all are Hong Kong Dance Award recipients. The ensemble of 28 highly trained dancers come from throughout the Greater China region, including Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The company previously received the Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Ensemble Performance in 2014 for The Legend of Mulan.


� Photo:Wendell Teodoro

�出�� 設 計

蘇 · 希利、茱德 · �文頓、黎宇文和伏木啓憑西九文� 區自由空間《觀 · 影:城市舞畫組曲》獲頒發�港舞蹈

Outstanding Visual Design


西九文�區自由空間 《觀・影:城市舞畫組曲》 舞 蹈 影 像 導 演��舞:蘇·希利

攝 影 指 導 : 茱 德·�文頓 攝 影 指 導 : 黎 宇文 攝 影 指 導 : 伏 木啓




景是一個多���,��珍 · �羅手製的��蕾絲紡織 �塑�成。而舞蹈影像在自由空間大�內 360 度投射, 給予觀眾身臨其境的�驗。��中呈現舞者如何在�� 萬變的社�中立足。


The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Visual Design is presented to Sue Healey, Judd Overton, Maurice Lai and Kei Fushiki for Freespace, We s t Kow l o o n C u l t u ra l D i s t r i c t O N V I E W : Panoramic Suite. Healey investigates, through the lens of a camera, 27 dancing bodies of all ages, across Australia, Hong Kong and Japan. The set is a multi layered work of tulle screens with thread sculptures by the artist Jane Théau. The visual projections cover the full 360 degrees within the generous spaces of The Box, offering the audience an immersive experience. The impact of the images shows how the performers negotiate ways of being, in a complex and changing world.

( 日本)

Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District ON VIEW: Panoramic Suite � Photo:Jesse Clockwork

Filmmaker and Choreographer: Sue Healey


Director of Photography: Judd Overton (Australia) Cinematographer: Maurice Lai (Hong Kong) Cinematographer: Kei Fushiki (Japan)

蘇.希利 (舞蹈影像導演及編舞)

茱德.奧文頓 (攝影指導)



蘇 · 希利��舞家、影像導演和裝��術家�一身,同�是

項殊�,包括�港舞蹈年� 2018「�出視覺設計」�、�洲

影展��項或提名,包括�斯卡金像�、�影攝影�術國�影 展、柏林影展和�洲影視�術學院�。

舞蹈�� ReelDance �。

Sue Healey (Filmmaker and Choreographer)

Judd Overton (Director of Photography)

Sue Healey is a choreographer, filmmaker and installation artist, and one of Australia’s foremost independent dance-makers, specialized in creating dance for diverse spaces and contexts. She is the 2021 recipient of the Australia Council Award for Dance. Widely acclaimed, her films have been screened in major international festivals and have received awards including a previous Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Visual Design in 2018, an Australian Dance Award and a ReelDance Award.

Judd Overton is an Australian director of photography based in Los Angeles. A graduate of Australia’s national film school AFTRS, he has over 20 years’ experience in the film and television industry, and his cinematography has been nominated and awarded at the Academy Awards, the Berlinale, Camerimage and the Australian Academy (AACTA) Awards.

黎宇文 (攝影指導)

伏木啓 (攝影指導)


武 藏 野 美 術 大 學 完 成 碩 士 學 位,2006 年 至 2008 年 獲 頒 德

黎宇文是一位非常活躍��港與台灣的舞蹈影像導演。他是� 副主席�不加鎖舞踊館董事�主席。黎氏�獲頒�項包括�港 舞蹈年� 2015「���表揚舞蹈錄像�攝影」和與�洲�舞

家兼錄像導演蘇 · 希利(Sue Healey)一同獲��港舞蹈年�

� Photo:Eric Hong @ Moon 9 Image


相片由⻄九�化�提供 Photo provieded by West Kowloon Cultural District

舞。希利�獲 2021 �洲�術委員�舞蹈年�。


伏木啓是一位日本跨�介裝�和行為�術家。他在 2001 年� 國 DAAD �學金,負�德國威瑪包�斯大學完成�術碩士學 位,現為名古屋學�大學視覺��系教授。


Maurice Lai (Cinematographer)

Kei Fushiki (Cinematographer)

Maurice Lai is one of Hong Kong and Taiwan’s most active directors of dance video. An MFA graduate of the School of Film and Television at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, he is currently vice president of the Board of Utopia Cantonese Opera Workshop and chairman of the Board of Unlock Dancing Plaza. Lai previously received the Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Achievement in Video and Photography for Dance in 2015, and for Outstanding Visual Design (with Sue Healey) in 2018.

Kei Fushiki is a Japanese artist creating intermedia performance and media installation works. In 2001, he completed an MA degree at Musashino Art University. From 2006 to 2008, he was awarded a DAAD scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service which enabled him to complete an MFA degree at the BauhausUniversity Weimar. He is currently a professor in the Department of Visual Media at Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences.


�出舞台�服裝 設 計

Outstanding Set and Costume Design

布里埃拉 ‧ 季列索娃�區宇剛

�港芭蕾舞團 《�桃夾子》

Gabriela Tylesova and Albert Au The Nutcracker, Hong Kong Ballet

� Photo:Keith Hiro


港舞蹈年�「�出舞台和服裝設計」。季列索娃的澎湃 想像帶來一系列豐盛鮮艷的服裝和佈景設計,由雪�、 布里埃拉.季列索娃是一位�獲殊�的佈景和服裝

區 宇 剛 為 BASE CREATIVE 創 辦 人 兼 創 意 � 監,

年展以� 2015 年莫斯科世紀之交服裝展中展出。她

術 學 士 學 位, � 獲 奬 學 金 � 倫 敦 皇 家 歌 劇 院 � 習。

設計師,作品�別� 1999 年和 2015 年的布拉格四

的設計生涯跨越二十二載,合作機構包括�大利亞 歌劇院、�大利亞芭蕾舞團、DV8 形�劇場、墨爾

本 劇 院 � 司、 悉 � 劇 院 � 司、 昆 士 蘭 劇 院、Really

Useful Group、日本的 Horipro、德國和美國的「舞

台娛�」、哥頓科斯製作、加拿大國家芭蕾舞團和� 蘭 國 家 歌 劇 � 芭 蕾 舞 團 �。 季 列 索 娃 � 為 2006 年

����港演�學院舞台�服裝設計系,並取�� �賴�其舞台設計�景和經驗,他善�把創意注入 其 他 工 作 裡, � 負 責 設 計 多 個 國 � 知 名 品 牌、 企 �

�各大商場的項目�盛事,在�港��頂�設計師 的聲譽。多年來,區氏��歐亞�地為超過 300 個 戲劇作品和企�活動設計創作。


Gabriela Tylesova is an award-winning set and costume designer. Her works were exhibited at Prague Quadrennial in 1999 and 2015 and in the Moscow exhibition Costume at the Turn of the Century in 2015. Her design career spans 22 years and includes productions for Opera Australia, The Australian Ballet, DV8, Melbourne Theatre Company, Sydney Theatre Company, Queensland Theatre, Really Useful Group, Horipro in Japan, Stage Entertainment Germany and US, The Gordon Frost Organisation, The National Ballet of Canada and Finnish National Opera and Ballet. Tylesova designed the sets and costumes for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2006 Asian Games in Doha.

Albert Au is the Founder and Creative Director of BASE CREATIVE. He graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Stage and Costume Design and received a scholarship for a Royal Opera House internship in London. With his theatre design background, Au is known for infusing creative ideas into corporate designs. He has produced some of Hong Kong’s most spectacular events and has gained a reputation as a leading events designer in Hong Kong. Over the years, Au has created a diverse range of over 300 theatre works and commercial events in Asia Pacific and Europe.


走入舞台上華�的 1900 年代大宅、浪漫的維港和錦簇 的洋�荊。執行設計師區氏�為孫悟空�舞獅�具�港 文�代表性的設計注入生�。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Set and Costume Design is presented to Gabriela Tylesova and Albert Au for Hong Kong Ballet’s The Nutcracker. Tylesova’s imagination runs riot with a cornucopia of colourful costumes, conjuring up everything from snowflakes to flowers to a flock of white cockatoos masquerading as Las Vegas showgirls, and spectacular sets including an elegant 1900s mansion, a romantic view of Victoria Harbour and a jungle of bauhinias, while Associate Designer Au ensures authenticity in bringing Hong Kong’s liveliest icons to life, from the Monkey King to the Lion Dance.



Outstanding Music Composition


城市當代舞蹈團舞蹈中心 《講吓啫》

Leung Po Wing I don't mean it, City Contemporary Dance Company Dance Centre


計」。�氏運用戲曲、西方音�和日常生活聲音音效� 不同音��型與聲音元素,以��的混音處理,建構了

一幅��豐富的聲音景觀,配以無聲段落,成功地為《講 吓啫》製�一個極具戲劇張力的聲音氛圍。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Music Composition is presented to Leung Po Wing for I don’t mean it. Leung brilliantly fuses the effects and elements of Chinese Opera, Western music, and sounds of everyday life in a delicate musical progression, painting a complex soundscape full of depth and texture with the occasional moment of silence to weave together a theatrical sonic atmosphere for I don’t mean it.

�寶�����港演 � 學 院, 主 修 聲 音 設 計。 他 �

一起合作過的�舞 � 包 括 梅 卓 燕、 � 振 邦、 � 景 輝

和藍嘉穎,配�作品包括大館《日記 VII· 我來給你 講個故事……》;城市當代舞蹈團《實習�法師的

生命練習題》和《� · �》;�港�術節《舞鬥》 中 < 叮 叮 叮 叮 >; 東 � 舞 蹈 團《 二 極 引 動 》 和「 舞

蹈�鮮人」系列 2019《無眼睇》。他憑著《� · �》 (2018) 和《 點 指 》(2020) 兩 度 獲 � � 港 舞 蹈 年 � ��「�出配�設計」�。

Leung Po Wing graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in sound design. He has collaborated with choreographers such as Mui Cheuk Yin, Bruce Wong, Terry Tsang and Blue Ka Wing and created scores for numerous dance works including Diary VII • The Story Of...... (Tai Kwun), The Copybook of Life Challenge for Apprentice Magician and Why Not Kill Us All (City Contemporary Dance Company). Dingdingdingding (Dance Off, Hong Kong Arts Festival), Impetus (E-Side Dance Company) and Mo Ngaan Tai (New Force in Motion Series 2019). He previously received the Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Sound Design for Why Not Kill Us All (2018) and Over-master (2020).


� 約 舞 � � 2019 年 推 出 賽 馬 �「 音 語 來 回 」 舞 蹈 教�計劃,�計劃由�港賽馬�慈善信託基金�助,

為期三年。�團的構思以舞蹈為主幹,融匯其他� 術 � 介: 戲 劇、 音 �、 文 字 � 視 覺 � 術, 為 年 � 人 設計一連串獨�和�穎的�術教�活動,同�透過


計劃是「�城動展―樽裝城市」�「�城動展―� 虛」的延�,該兩項教�項目�別� 2016 年獲頒� 港舞蹈年�「�出�年�社區舞蹈計劃」�� 2018 年�港舞蹈年�「�出舞蹈教�」�。

Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme is a threeyear dance education project funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and organized by Passoverdance. Launched in 2019, the company fuses contemporary dance with other arts disciplines to create a series of innovative programme activities for young people to explore ways of communicating through the arts. It is a continuation of previous projects In Search of Space in a Cramped City and In Search of Motion in a Virtual City, which received the Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Youth & Community Dance (2016) and Outstanding Dance Education (2018) respectively.


Outstanding Dance Education or Community Dance

�約舞� 賽馬�「音語來回」舞蹈教�計劃 Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme, Passoverdance

� 約 舞 � 憑 賽 馬 �「 音 語 來 回 」 舞 蹈 教 � 計 劃 獲 頒 發

� 港 舞 蹈 年 �「 � 出 舞 蹈 教 � / 社 區 舞 蹈 」。自 2019 年,這個跨���術舞蹈教�計劃一�透過舉辦創意工

作坊�在學校、社區�堂和舞蹈室演出,探討溝通的意 義和重要性。這計劃的�旨是社區外展,連繫��年和

長者、學生和�術家,把舞蹈�術的��性帶�每一個 人和社區。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Dance Education or Community Dance is presented to Passoverdance for the Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme. This multi-art dance project started in 2019 to investigate the meaning and value of communication through creative workshops and performances in schools, community centres and dance studios. The mission of the project is outreach in the community - to make connections b e t w e e n yo u t h a n d e l d e r l y, s t u d e n t s a n d professional artists, in the belief that the art of dance can be transformative for individuals and communities.



城市當代舞團舞蹈中心「夥伴計劃―排練場地贊助」 善用擁�的場地�在營運和製作上的專�知識,為

Outstanding Services to Dance



城市當代舞蹈團 舞蹈中心 「夥伴計劃―排練場地贊助」


練場地。藉著夥伴計劃舉辦的演出�各�活動,凝 聚舞蹈�好者、觀眾��術家,建立活躍的討論空 間、�享��訊交�的環境。

The City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) Dance Centre Partnership Programme Venue Sponsor leverages CCDC's venues and expertise in operation and production to provide creative space, along with technical advice and support, to independent artists and companies engaged in dance creation, with a view to promoting the development of local arts. The scheme provides free of charge rehearsal facilities to over 30 local productions each year. The performances and events organised under the programme bring together dance enthusiasts, audiences and artists to create an active space for discussion, sharing and information exchange.

Partnership Programme Venue Sponsor, City Contemporary Dance Company Dance Centre


獲頒發�港舞蹈年�「�出舞蹈服務」。排練場地租金 一�是本地舞蹈�作,尤其是較�預算項目的挑戰。這 計劃旨在提供可��性和多樣性,好讓獨立舞蹈製作在 本地舞蹈生�中繼��演其重要的角色。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Services to Dance is presented to City Contemporary Dance Company Dance Centre for its Partnership Programme Venue Sponsor. The affordability of rehearsal space has always been a challenge for local dance makers, especially amongst small-budget dance projects. This programme aims to provide sustainability and diversity, and most importantly, provide access to fill the gap for independent dance which is a crucial part of our dance ecosystem.



Outstanding Online Production

�港舞蹈團�自由空間 《凝》

Convergence, Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace

�港舞蹈團�自由�間憑《凝》獲頒發�港舞蹈年�「� 出網上製作」。這個網上製作��功夫長達三年,�� 了中國舞蹈和武術�間的��。團���《凝》為本地 和全�觀眾呈現�們的�術研究成果。透過探索和��

傳�武術動作,以速度、激烈、強度和迸發力,�創出 嶄�的舞蹈形�和身�語言。這個革�的演出讓觀眾� 驗別具一格的舞蹈。

The Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Online Production is presented to Hong Kong Dance Company and Freespace for Convergence. This online production springing from a long-term research project offers local and global audiences the chance to explore the relationship between Chinese dance and martial arts. By expanding traditional martial arts movement, choreographed patterns and new body languages are discovered using speed, ferocity, strength, and explosive power. This innovative presentation brings the viewer a refreshing experience in dance and natural form.

《凝》在舞台上呈現�港舞蹈團籌劃長達三年,跨 越中國舞蹈和武術的�術研究成果。�港舞蹈團的 舞蹈�術家通過學習和探索武術,打破固�的肢� 運動模式,以當代思維解構、重組、形構舞與武的

元素,共同�創出傳�中見�意的舞作《凝》。作 品捕捉舞者處�舞蹈和武術之間而忘卻形�的一 瞬,塑�出豐富的舞動質感。

Convergence is the culminating work created through an interdisciplinary research study carried out by Hong Kong Dance Company ( H K D C ) o n C h i n e s e d a n ce a n d C h i n e s e martial arts traditions. In the three-year study, HKDC’s artists explored the essence of both traditional practices, extracting new perspectives on movement and the fluidity of expression between ideology and physical gesture. Convergence brings these discoveries together with choreography that captures the transition between stillness and motion, tranquillity and exuberance; all that one may find through the synergy of dance and martial arts.



Lifetime Achievement Award


Professor Shen Shir Ming

「��何時,我�是一�年輕的�者」 沈�授年青時的跳�照

“Once upon a time when I was young” A picture of Professor Shen as a young dancer


Group photo at The Hong Kong Ballet Group anniversary celebration


��行政經驗,是�港大學社�科學學院的首位女院長。沈教 授的職�生涯始�出任芭蕾舞教師,其�在大學任教的工餘�

間裏,盡心在舞蹈界的不同範疇服務。自�港芭蕾舞學�成立 以來,她一�擔任該�的董事局成員,也�任�港舞蹈團副主 攝�瑪�·������時,


With Margot Fonteyn and other ballet students when she visited Hong Kong


Professor Shen Shir Ming has worked in the academic field for over 40 years and was the first ever female Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong. She began her career as a ballet teacher and has supported the development of ballet and dance in Hong Kong throughout her career, focusing on dance education and the professional advancement of dancers and dance teachers. She has been a Director of the Hong Kong Ballet Group since its incorporation and has served the dance sector in many other roles, including Vice-Chairperson of Hong Kong Dance Company and Expert Adviser to the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme.


Group photo at the conferment of Honorary Fellowship for Professor Shen at the Yew Chung College Early Childhood Education Congregation



�頒發�港舞蹈年�「終生成就�」卻是為了 表揚她對�港舞蹈發展的貢獻。沈氏內斂,洞

�細微,�關舞蹈發展重要決策之�皆�詢問 其寶貴意見。

在學術界寫下超過�十年的輝煌成��,沈氏 �在王仁曼芭蕾舞學校擔任導師,其�轉任學 術教職仍從她擁�的�間表中抽空,盡心�力 地推�舞蹈。她自�港芭蕾舞學�成立以來,

一�擔任該�的董事局成員,��任�港舞蹈 團副主席。沈氏�慨地為�界�同事們提供專 �知識,令大家都獲益良多。

沈氏為舞蹈界的教�和推�工作帶來改革,� 加本地大眾與舞蹈接觸的�道,把舞蹈教�收 納��港大學專�進修學院課程,現在仍擔任 ��界老、中、青

A gathering with colleagues from different generations in the dance sector



�術小組成員、�港演�學院舞蹈學院�問� ���發展�助計劃專��問�,一�在不同 崗位推動舞蹈發展。


Curtain call of Hong Kong Dance Company's Red Poppies


勵�輩的�港舞蹈界先鋒,她的�誠貢獻是整 個�界的模範。

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to Professor Shen Shir Ming, not in this case for the mammoth achievements in her academic career, but for her dedication to dance development in Hong Kong. Shen is a quiet but observant colleague whose insights are always highly valued. Prior to her stellar academic journey of more than 40 years, Shen started her career as a ballet teacher at the Jean M Wong School of Ballet, and continued to contribute selflessly to the promotion of dance despite her already packed schedule and duties. She has been a Director of the Hong Kong Ballet Group since its incorporation, and was also the ViceChairperson of Hong Kong Dance Company. Shen’s constant presence in the dance scene and her generous sharing of her expertise has benefited her colleagues greatly. At a time when dance was not as accessible, Shen introduced dance education into the HKU SPACE curriculum, and still sits as the secretary on the Tsinforn C. Wong Memorial Scholarship Committee - her work has revolutionised the Hong Kong dance scene and popularized dance education for all. She has continuously supported the local dance community in various positions, whether as a member of the Dance and Multi-Arts Panel of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Advisor to the School of Dance of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, or as an Expert Adviser to the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme. Shen is a supportive and positive visionary. Her dedication to dance development in Hong Kong has been an inspiration to the entire sector.


With other Hong Kong ballet teachers


Lifetime Achievement Award

鄧孟�女士 Ms Tania Tang

由������局提供 By courtesy of Hong Kong Arts Development Council


照片中為��青年���團��團員 (由左�:何��、���、��、��揚)

Hong Kong Ballet for All (From left: Terrence Ho, Tania Tang, Fanny Cheung, Henry Man)

鄧孟�女士���英國皇家芭蕾舞學校,是首位華人獲班�氏舞 譜學院專��格,�昆士蘭科技大學舞蹈教學碩士學位。鄧氏為 �導舞蹈發展不遺餘力,先�成立�港芭蕾舞蹈學校,並與文漢 揚 先 生 合 創 � 港 � 年 芭 蕾 舞 團; 更 � 力 推 動 中 港 � 國 � 文 � 交

�,是策劃�籌�港國�舞蹈營�國�舞蹈�議的先驅。鄧氏� 2018 年獲頒�港舞蹈��舞蹈�術家終身成就�。鄧氏現為�

港�發局�術�問、英國皇家芭蕾舞學院考試官�中國文聯�港 �員���員。

Ms Tania Tang graduated from the Royal Ballet School, was the first Chinese person to obtain professional qualifications from the Institute of Choreology, and holds a Master’s degree from Queensland University of Technology. Tang founded the Hong Kong Ballet Centre and co-founded Hong Kong Ballet For All with Mr Henry Man. She also organized the International Dance Camp and Hong Kong International Dance Conferences, which facilitated exchanges with both mainland China and internationally. In 2018, she received the Hong Kong Dance Federation’s Lifetime Achievement Award. She currently serves as a Hong Kong Arts Development Council advisor, a Royal Academy of Dance examiner and a member of the China Dancers Association.


Officiating the opening ceremony of Hong Kong City Hall's 50th anniversary celebration


鄧孟�女士是一位無私扶��輩的舞蹈教� 家,一�領導�港舞蹈發展但為人謙�,協助 同僚和學生不遺餘力,貢獻深遠,��頒發� 港舞蹈年�「終生成就�」。


�是首位華人獲班�氏舞譜學院專��格,鄧 氏除了在個人學術和舞蹈成就突出外,她的教 �和課程設計的專�質素�是�受認同。她�

在�港演�學�擔任教職�課程�籌,對英國 皇家舞蹈學院課程的知識更是受到國�認可- ��生��一堂

At student's wedding banquet

受 過 鄧 氏 的 訓 練 和 提 攜 的 舞 蹈 員、 � 舞 和 � 術�監�皆出�拔萃,是對她舞蹈教�工作的 證明。


生合創�港首個半職�舞團�港�年芭蕾舞 團,為普�舞蹈�術極具開創性;她��力推

動和策劃�港國�舞蹈營和國�舞蹈�議,把 本地舞蹈和國�連線,把舞蹈帶到大眾的視野 中,給予�港舞蹈發展一個重要基礎。鄧氏在

�界一�擔當不同不可或缺的角色,她不但是 �港舞蹈��的創�主席之一,��經出任� 港舞蹈團董事局副主席,現�更為�港�術發 展局�術�問。 ����團�事局 2001 - 2007

Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Dance Company 2001 - 2007


慨助人�度�令所��幸與她合作的人深受 感動。

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to Ms Tania Tang for her seminal contribution to dance development in Hong Kong as an educator, leader, and mentor. A selfless and humble presence, Tang has offered a generous helping hand to many colleagues and students. Tang was the first Chinese person to obtain professional qualifications from the Institute of Choreology, and holds a Master’s degree in Creative Industries from Queensland University of Technology. On top of excelling in her personal academic and dance training, Tang is a sought-after educator and dance programme curator, having been a faculty member at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and recognized internationally for her expertise on the Royal Academy of Dance curriculums. The long list of acclaimed performers, choreographers, and artistic directors Tang has trained and mentored is in itself a testament to her status in dance education. Tang has laid important foundations for dance development in Hong Kong. Amongst her many pioneering initiatives, she formed with Mr Henry Man the Hong Kong Ballet For All, a semiprofessional organization that made dance arts accessible. She also facilitated groundbreaking dance conferences and camps bringing together the local and international dance scenes, all of which put dance on a strong footing in the popular view. Tang continued to play multiple key roles in the local dance community, including as a founding council member of the Hong Kong Dance Federation, the Vice-Chairperson of the board of Hong Kong Dance Company, and currently as an Arts Advisor for the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Tang’s work is one of the cornerstones of Hong Kong dance, and above all, her warmth and generosity is deeply felt by those who are lucky enough to have worked with her.


Participants from Europe, Asia and Americas at the first Hong Kong International Dance Conference


製作團隊 Production Team

鳴謝 Acknowledgements

�術�監 Artistic Director 韓錦濤 Angela Hang

城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company �港芭蕾舞團 Hong Kong Ballet �港芭蕾舞學� Hong Kong Ballet Group �港舞蹈團 Hong Kong Dance Company �港演�學院舞蹈學院 School of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 白朗唐紀念基金 Tom Brown Memorial Fund

節目錄製 Programme Recording and Editing �港��製作�司 HKMedia Production Co 技術�問 Technical Consultant �港舞蹈團 Hong Kong Dance Company

燈光��播技術支援 Lighting, Live-streaming and Technical Support 黎子� Lai Tze Yu 音��聲音設計 Music and Sound Designer 劉曉江 Lawrence Lau �碼影像設計 Digital Designer Delt 主� Hosts 勞曉昕 Irene Lo

�世儀 Shirley Loong

旁白錄音 Voice-over Recording 王耀祖 Joe Wong

短�攝影��接 Videographer and Editing 余健衡 Ifan Yu �型設計 Styling and Costume Victor Chan Studio �妝師 Makeup Artist Jan Cheuk

男仕禮服 Men's Suit Mode Tuxedo 監製 Producer �世儀 Shirley Loong

執行監製 Deputy Producer 李慧妍 Amy Lee

節目�籌 Programme Coordinators 司徒�雪 Sonia Szeto

�逸舜 Nicholas Wong

宣傳照� Publicity Photo:

舞者 Dancers 黎珮琪 Peggy Lai (�港芭蕾舞團 Hong Kong Ballet) 李涵 Li Han (�港舞蹈團 Hong Kong Dance Company)

宣傳美術指導�平面設計 Promotion Art Director and Graphic Designer 田�工� Peter Bird Studio 攝影 Photographer Worldwide Dancer Project

攝影��接 Videographer and Editing 余健衡 Ifan Yu �妝師 Makeup Artist Cobia

��伙伴 Media Partner 舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk

Edgar Chan Frankie Chan Hannah Chan Tobie Chan Chan Ying Chun Joanne Choy Rock Fang Flora Hon Candy Hung Martin Lai Jasmine Lam Kammy Lau Sylvia Lee Li Kwok Keung Lil' 3 Oscar Lo Sony Luk Phoebe Mo Sai C Ng Louis Pong Henry Shum Sze Ka Yam Sze Kwong Yik Tsang Tsz Wa Kristine Tse Claudeanna Wong Daan Wong Wong Tsz Ki Hotung Natalie Yeung Rachel Yuen (依姓氏英文字母序 In alphabetical order by surname)















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