舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk 22-5

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DANCE NEWS 第三輪防疫抗疫基金措施

The third round of Anti-epidemic Fund measures 香港特別行政區政府在2020年9月15日宣布推出第三輪240億元防疫抗疫基 金措施,藝文界主要受惠措施包括向個人藝術從業者及自由職業者提供資 助、學校興趣班導師及津助非政府福利機構興趣班導師一次性補助金、以 及健身中心一次性津貼等。 The Government announced on 15 September 2020 the launch of the third round of $24 billion Anti-epidemic Fund package. Measures relating to the Arts and Cultural sectors include subsidies to individual arts practitioners and freelancers, one-off relief grants for service providers of interest classes for schools and interest class instructors hired by subsidised non-governmental welfare organizations, and one-off subsidies for fitness centres.


Hong Kong Dance Overview 2017 – Officially launched

《香港舞蹈概述2017》為香港藝術發展局資助的 年度雙語出版物,於9 月3 0 日以電子刊物形式出 版,收錄以研究為基礎的文章,論及關於香港舞蹈 的重要議題及事件。 Supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the Hong Kong Dance Overview 2017 was officially launched online on 30 September. It is an annual, bilingual collection of research-based essays which discuss significant issues and events relating to dance in Hong Kong. 《香港舞蹈概述2017》網站 Website of Hong Kong Dance Overview 2017: https://bit.ly/2EMeMc5

康文署重開轄下表演場地 Re-opening of LCSD Performing Venues 康樂及文化事務署(康文署)宣布轄下表演場地將於九月十四日起陸續重 開。主要設施將開放供租用團體作綵排及不設現場觀眾的演出或活動, 附屬設施使用人數則一般不超過原定可容納人數的一半。 The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) announced that its performance venues will re-open gradually from 14 September onwards. Major facilities at the performance venues will open for hirers’ rehearsal use and performances or activities without live audiences. The number of users in smaller facilities will be limited to half the original capacity in most cases.

香港演藝學院委任蔡敏志教授為 新任校長 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Appoints Professor Gillian Choa as new Director 香港演藝學院校董會公布委任蔡敏志教授為香 港演藝學院(學院)新任校長,任期由2021年1 月1日起生效,接替將於2020年12月底退休的 華道賢教授。蔡教授從劇場設計涉足至多個不 同藝術層面,藝術成就遍及國際。自1996年以 來,蔡教授一直是學院的全職教員,目前為副校長及校務長。蔡敏志教 授將會是學院自1984年成立以來首位女校長。 The Council of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (the Academy) has announced the appointment of Professor Gillian Choa as the new Director of the Academy with effect from 1 January 2021, to succeed Professor Adrian Walter who retires at the end of December 2020. Professor Choa has had a distinguished international career, starting in theatre design and later embracing many aspects of the arts. She has been a full-time member of the Academy faculty since 1996 and is currently Deputy Director and Provost. She will become the first female Director since the Academy was established in 1984.

香港兆基創意書院將辦初中課程 HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity to launch Junior Secondary Curriculum Programmes 香港兆基創意書院宣布開辦初中課程,最快2021/22學年有首批中一新 生。署理副校長蔡芷筠亦指出高中課程僅得兩年半,學生需時適應學校 嶄新的學習模式,希望開辦初中可以為學生提供一個完整的學習過程。 HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity has announced that it will start operating junior secondary curriculum courses, with the admission of secondary one students beginning at the earliest in the 2021/22 academic year. Acting Vice-Principal Ger Choi pointed out that the studying time is only two and a half years for the senior secondary programme, and it takes time for students to adapt to the school’s new learning model. She hopes that operating a junior secondary curriculum can provide students with a complete learning process.

「第十五屆香港藝術發展獎」現正公開接受提名 The 15th Hong Kong Arts Development Awards Call for Nomination Now

香港藝術發展局(藝發局)主辦的「第十五屆香港藝術發展獎」現已公開 接受提名。今屆設有七大類別獎項,包括舞蹈範疇的年度藝術家與藝術 新秀獎。截止提名日期為2020年10月30日(星期五)下午6時正。 Organized by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the 15th Hong Kong Arts Development Awards are now open for nominations. This year, there are seven categories of awards, including Artist of the Year and Award for Young Artist in Dance. The nomination deadline will be 6:00 pm, Friday 30 October 2020.


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