Hong Kong Dance Magazine - April 2021

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創辦⼈兼總監 林朗婷 Chief Editor 總編輯 Melinda Gaskin 簡美德

Founder and Director Lam Lon Ting



Writers & Editors Abigail De Waal, Fiona Tang, Janis Liu, Javier Torres, Jenny Chan, Leonardo Brito

翻譯 曾敏翹, IvyTam



⼈物特寫 華琪鈺 Photographer 攝影師 Photo Editor 相⽚編輯 Bill Wu 胡穗彪 藝⾵多媒體創意學苑 Dance Costume 舞蹈服裝 Hong Kong Dance Company ⾹港舞蹈團 Featured Artist Tina Hua Chi-yu



Photographer & Photo Editor

攝影師及相⽚編輯 Tang Tsz Ki


Sales sales@hkdancemagazine.com

Translators Candy Tsang

Just as we look forward to getting over the hump every Wednesday, Spring gives us that fresh burst of air to get us through the rest of the year. Packed with new stories, ideas and inspirations to fuel your passion for dance, we’re so excited to share this latest issue with you all! Inspired by the rich culture and heritage of Chinese Dance, Tina Hua Chi-Yu who is the Principal Dancer of Hong Kong Dance Company teaches us about this iconic and traditional dance form that breathes so much life into this city. Of course, no dance company is complete without an ensemble, and no magazine is complete without a range of stories. This issue will also cover other compelling topics, such as the contents of an aerialist’s dance bag; foot and ankle anatomy; dance photography tips; and so much more! Without further ado, let’s spring into action!

正如每逢星期三,我們都會期待着捱過艱苦的⼀週;春天讓我們呼吸到新鮮的空氣,精神奕奕地迎接新⼀年。今期雜誌,我們很⾼興與⼤家分享 新故事、新思想和新靈感,激發您對舞蹈的熱情! ⾹港舞蹈團⾸席舞蹈員華琪鈺受到中國舞蹈悠久⽂化和底蘊的啟發,向我們闡述這種具標誌性的傳統舞蹈如何為這城市注⼊⽣命⼒。 當然,缺少了群舞員就沒有⼀個完整的舞蹈團,同樣地,缺少了⼀系列故事就沒有⼀本完整的雜誌。今期雜誌還將涵蓋其他引⼈⼊勝的主題,例 如空中表演藝⼈袋裏裝着些什麼、腳前掌與腳踝解剖構造、舞蹈攝影技巧等精彩內容! 事不宜遲,讓我們跳出精彩的新⼀年吧! Chief Editor




Up Those Sleeves: An Interview with Hong Kong Dance Company’s Principal Dancer Tina Hua Chi-yu

舞蹈 .⼈⽣︰⾹港舞蹈團⾸席舞蹈員華 琪鈺真情細說




Dance Chronic-les: Foot & Ankle Anatomy


Skin Deep: Make-up Tips for Dancers with Sensitive Skin


敏感肌膚⽏⽤怕 舞者化妝有辦法




Yang Yuntao - Artistic Director of Hong Kong Dance Company -

楊雲濤 ⾹港舞蹈團藝術總監



Strike a Pose: Dance Photoshoot Dos and Don’ts

魅⼒時刻:拍攝舞蹈照六⼤要點 19

Land that Jump! Practicing Proper Allegro (Jumping) Technique Allegro




舞袋裏的秘密 23

What's in an Aerialist’s Dance Bag? with Fiona Tang

舞袋裏的秘密︰ 與空中表演藝⼈鄧以因對談




A Little Prep in Your Step! Meal Planning Tips for Dancers


A Hearty Bite for The Heartiest of Dancers: Javier Torres’ Cuban Sandwich Recipe


Foods that Fuel: Dietitian Sally Poon Shares Her Dance Nutrition Tips

滿⾜的滋味!舞者預備膳⻝⼩貼⼠ 咬⼀⼝,加加油! 舞者Javier Torres的古巴三⽂治⻝譜

如何為⾝體補充能量: 註冊營養師潘仕寶⼥⼠分享舞者專屬營養建議




On the World Stage with Leonardo Brito Leonardo Brito


Moved by Miami: Hong Kong’s Janis Liu, Principal Dancer of Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida



邁阿密之旅︰⾹港芭蕾少⼥廖敏婷⼀躍成為美 國舞團⾸席舞蹈員 EDITOR'S PICK



Dancing at Home


Editor’s Dance From Home Favourites

47 49 51

在家跳舞「好幫⼿」 編輯精選 ─ 家庭舞蹈⽤品推介


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visit www.hkdancemagazine.com

An Interview with

Hong Kong Dance Company’s

Principal Dancer Tina Hua Chi-yu

⾹ 港 舞 蹈 團 ⾸ 席 舞 蹈 員 華 琪 鈺 真 情 細 說

Embedded in a world of culture and heritage, Chinese Dance also creates room for innovation, creativity and wonderment. Sharing her dance stories as she unveils the surprises up her sleeves, Hong Kong Dance Company’s Principal Dancer Tina Hua Chiyu invites us into her experiences with Hong Kong’s iconic dance company.

中國舞蘊藏着豐富的歷史⽂化內涵,同 時亦予⼈無盡的創新空間,常為⼤眾帶 來不少新驚喜。⾹港舞蹈團 ⾸席舞蹈員華琪鈺將和 ⼤家細說她的舞蹈 故事, 細談她在舞團裏的不凡歷程!.

How has your career as a Principal Dancer progressed at Hong Kong Dance Company? I have been very lucky to be a performer with Hong Kong Dance Company. Although I started as an ensemble dancer, I had the opportunity to try solos, lead dances and perform various character roles. The dance company gives newcomers a lot of opportunities regardless of age. I have been given plenty of opportunities which have allowed me to further my training and gain different experiences to become a better dancer.

可以分享⼀下你在⾹港舞蹈團當⾸席舞蹈員的⽣ 涯發展嗎? 能夠在⾹港舞蹈團擔任演員,我實在⾮常幸 運。雖然我也是由群舞演員做起,但也有機會 去擔當獨舞、領舞或者⻆⾊演出,所以我覺得 舞蹈團對於⼀些新晉演員是給予很多機會的, 不會因為你是年輕的新晉演員⽽忽視你。舞團 ⼀直給予我不同的機會,讓我在過程中慢慢鍛 煉⾃⼰,得到不同的經驗,從⽽慢慢晉升。 What is something that most people don’t know about you? I love watching dramas, especially idol dramas.

Because it’s not only a form of relaxation where you don’t have to think about anything, but you get to experience these girlish dreams that are far from reality. When watching dramas, you tap into your imagination, and can always be young at heart.

可否告訴我們⼀個關於你的⼩秘密? 我是⼀個⾮常喜歡看連續劇的⼈,尤其是偶 像劇。因為我覺得看偶像劇除了是⼀種放 鬆,什麼都不⽤想以外,更像是懷著⼀個少 ⼥夢,即使在現實之中得不到,在觀劇時卻 可以想像,讓⾃⼰懷著⼀顆少⼥⼼,保持年 輕的⼼境。

Tell us about your favourite performance experience with Hong Kong Dance Company. To be honest, I love every performance, because I’ve given each and every one of them my all. I’d be curious to know which performance is the crowd favourite. If I were to choose just one, The Butterfly Lovers is a memorable performance for me, as this was the first show I did after giving birth. The emotions I expressed in the performance were different from the emotions I had before having had my child. I was able to integrate these emotions into dance more readily and then play them out having had a deeper understanding of the role.

在⾹港舞蹈團當舞蹈員這期間,你最喜歡哪⼀ 次演出? 說實話,每⼀個演出我都很喜歡,因為每次演

出我都⼗分⽤⼼付出,反⽽我覺 得可以讓報導刊出後,讓觀眾 去 選他們認為我最好的演出。 不過 如要選⼀個,我會 說在 《梁 祝. 傳說》中飾孟姜 ⼥⼀ ⻆是⼀次⾮常難忘 的演 出經驗,因為 這 是我⽣ ⼩孩後回到舞 台的第⼀個劇 ⽬。演出 孟姜⼥時所表達的情 感與我 未有⼩孩時的情感是不 同 的,我更能把情感融⼊到 舞蹈之中再發揮 出來,並能 更深⼊地了解⻆⾊。 If you were not a dancer, what would you most likely be? I think I’d prefer something related to beauty in general, as I absolutely love beautiful things. I would probably go into the fashion industry, or do something like nail art, etc. I actually completed a nail art certificate course because of my love for beauty!

如果你當初沒有成為舞蹈員,現在會 在哪⽅⾯發展呢? 我覺得我還是偏向⼀些關於「美」的 東西,由於個⼈是⽐較「貪靚」,我 覺得很有可能會從事服裝⾏業、美容 或者美甲等,我還特別完成了⼀個美 甲的證書課程呢,⼀切都是源⾃愛美 的性格。

How do you hope your performance influences your audience? Actually, I don’t think about that much. I’m luckier than others because my life is enriched with dance and I am blessed with the opportunity to perform dance dramas on stage. It takes ordinary people a lifetime to experience their entire life, but I have lived a whole other life in a 1.5 hour dance drama. As a dance performer, I have experienced many people’s lives. Every time I dance in a drama, I express the character's personality, their life, and how I interpret their life, and I hope the audience can feel the character’s life as an experience in the same way.




There are things that you yourself need to feel first before you can let other people feel them.

你希望如何透過演出影響或啟發觀眾? 其實我並沒有想得那麼偉⼤,我⽐別⼈幸運 的地⽅是我⽣命中有舞蹈,有機會可以跳舞 劇。別⼈需要活⼀輩⼦才是⼀⽣,⽽我在舞 劇的⼀個半⼩時裏就已經歷了他⼈的⼀⽣, 我這樣⼦就像是經歷了很多⼈的⼀ ⽣。我每跳⼀個舞劇,就是在演 繹、呈現某⼈物的性格和⼀⽣, 我⾃⼰從中感受到的東西,也希 望觀眾能感受得到。有些東西, 需要你先去感受,才能讓別⼈也 感受得到。 What advice would you give your younger self when you were first entering the dance industry? Be thorough, patient and always remember why you started. There will always be ups and downs, so when you are in a difficult position, you must ask yourself why you started learning dance, and why do you dance? When you encounter adversities, you will know how to persevere. Patience means that when you encounter difficult times, you must first settle down, reserve yourself quietly, and wait patiently for someone who is able to recognise your talent to appear. When the opportunity comes, you can face it calmly and steadily.

在⼯作上⼀定有低潮的時候,經歷低潮時, 你必須問⾃⼰學習跳舞的初⼼為何、你為什 麼⽽跳,這樣即使遇到困難,你也懂得如何 去堅持。耐⼼是指當你遇到困難時,⾸先要 安下⼼來,安靜地儲備⾃⼰,耐⼼地等待你 的伯樂出現,當機會來臨的時候,你就可以 靜⼼平穩地去⾯對這東西。 What are you most excited about for HKDC’s 40th season? This year marks the 40th anniversary of Hong Kong Dance Company, therefore every program has been meticulously planned and designed, I am really looking forward to each program. For instance, Shan Shui: An Ode to Nature is very distinctive, it features dancers transforming their bodies into brushes, ink and strokes with a touch of martial arts. It is a brilliant piece by our Artistic Director Yang Yuntao. Waiting Heart is another captivating performance which effortlessly combines Cantonese opera, Chinese music and dance. City to City: Rediscovery is a production that brings elite choreographers and dancers together from Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. So I can’t wait to see the sparks of ingenuity that develop through this collaboration.

對剛⼊舞蹈⾏業的朋友 ⼜或當年年輕的你, 你會給予什麼建議? 細⼼、耐⼼和初⼼。


Nezha: A Banished Prince, is a grand dance drama based on the Chinese mythology novel The Creation of the Gods, is another great piece by our Artistic Director that is not to be missed. Everyone is familiar with the story of Nezha as it has been the subject of many

Another piece that I am looking forward to is Nine Songs by the renowned choreographer Helen Lai. I have seen Nine Songs several times before. I personally admire the work, and this time I’ll have the opportunity to participate in it, which is even more exciting!

對於⾹港舞蹈團40週年的舞季,你最期待的 是什麼? 今年是⾹港舞蹈團的 40 週年,所以每個 節⽬都是精⼼策劃、精⼼設計的,每⼀個 我都⼗分期待。例如說《⼭⽔》⾮常有特 ⾊,從⼭⽔畫中結合了中國傳統武術和當 代舞蹈影像,是總監楊雲濤的全新⼤型創 作,相當令⼈期待;《紫⽟成煙》則結合 了當代及中國舞還有戲曲,這⼜是⼀個⾮ 常特別的劇場形式的演出;⼜如《舞約三 城》是台灣、新加坡、⾹港三地⼀起合作 的節⽬,看看三個地⽅的舞蹈演出可以碰 撞出怎樣的⽕花。還有另⼀齣總監的⼤作 ︰取材⾃《封神演義》的舞劇《哪吒》。 哪吒的故事⼤家都不陌⽣,亦曾作為很多 劇集及電影的題材,但是將其改編為舞 蹈,相信也是第⼀次,很令⼈期待。另外 就是黎海寧⽼師的《九歌》,她的 《九歌》從前已經看過好幾次,是我 個⼈⾮常喜歡的作品,⽽這次有機會 可以參與其中,更加令⼈期待。 Celebrating 40 years of culture, dance and transformation, Hong Kong Dance Company constructs part of this city’s illustrious identity. And what makes this company, are the dancers, their stories, their artistry and their love of movement. As we embark on this year of digital dance and the rarity of live performances, let’s show our support for these artists and the colour they bring to the stage.

四⼗年來,⾹港舞蹈團⼀直致⼒推動本地舞 蹈藝術發展,為⾹港建構美麗⽽獨特的藝術 ⾵景,⽽成就⾹港舞蹈團的,正正就是⼀群 才藝出眾、熱愛舞蹈的舞者!新的⼀年,實 體演出也許會減少,網上演出則成新常態 ——無論如何,讓我們⼀同⽀持這些舞蹈藝 術家和他們的精彩表演吧!


⼈物特寫: Tina Hua Chi-yu 華琪鈺 攝影師: Bill Wu 胡穗彪 藝⾵多媒體創意學苑 Dance Costume 舞蹈服裝: Hong Kong Dance Company ⾹港舞蹈團


Featured Artist Photographer






舞者之痛 解剖腳前掌與腳踝 This month we’re focusing on foot and ankle anatomy. As dancers, we’re always on our feet, and sometimes on our hands, knees, forearms, and even our heads! But seeing as we are almost always on our feet, it’s important for us to understand the mechanics behind the foot and ankle. Registered Physiotherapist Jenny Chan from Perfect Pointe Physiotherapy is here to share the basics of our foot and ankle anatomy.

本⽉,我們將重點探討腳前掌與腳踝關節的解剖學。作為舞者,我們總是以雙腿站着,有時則是⽤⼿、膝蓋、前臂,甚⾄頭⽀ 撐⾝體!可是,由於我們常常站着腳,了解腳前掌和腳踝關節背後的活動機制對我們來說⼗分重要。柏康物理治療 (Perfect Pointe Physiotherapy)的註冊物理治療師陳麗雅(Jenny Chan)在這裡與我們分享⼀些有關腳前掌和腳踝關節解剖學的基礎知識。 Dancers Are All For the Forefoot & Ankle Like a dance ensemble moving together in unison, these two joints known as the forefoot and ankle work together to help us achieve the amazing movements we perform in the studio or on stage. With the amount of torque and pressure dancers place on their joints, the mechanics of the forefoot and ankles are truly wondrous!

與腳踝是多麼微妙! The forefoot and ankle are very complicated joints. They are highly adaptive to uneven surfaces and help us maintain balance, absorb shock when landing from heights, help us produce power when taking off for a jump, and they stabilize the body when doing a high demi-pointe or go en pointe.

腳前掌與腳踝是⾮常複雜的關節,它們在不平坦 腳前掌與腳踝是舞者的⼀切 的表⾯上,具有⾼度的適應⼒,讓我們可以保持 舞蹈團隊講求合作,前腳掌和腳踝關節也 平衡、從⾼空著陸時吸收震動、以及在跳起時幫 ⼀樣,「⿑⼼協⼒」幫助我們在舞蹈室或 助我們產⽣動⼒,並且在做半⾜尖站⽴姿態或⾜ 台上做出各種各樣的動作。舞者的關節所 尖站⽴時,可以保持⾝體平衡及穩定。 承受的壓⼒之⼤,讓我們不禁慨嘆腳前掌 I Feel it In My Bones!

Well if there’s one thing that us dancers can feel in our bones, it’s usually soreness, aches and pains after hours of dance classes, long rehearsals, and performances. Which isn’t a complete surprise, considering that altogether there are 26 bones in our foot and ankle!

我從⻣⼦裡感受得到! 舞者能夠從⻣⼦裡感受到的,通常只有⼀件 事,就是經歷數⼩時的漫⻑舞蹈課堂、排練 或表演後,⾝體感到酸軟、疲勞及疼痛。可 是,這並沒有什麼讓⼈驚訝的,畢竟我們的 腳前掌與腳踝中有26塊⻣頭。




ankle plantarflexion

ankle dorsiflexion The Ankle The ankle consists of four bones. They are the tibia (shin bone), fibula, talus, and calcaneus (heel bone).

腳踝 腳踝由四根⻣頭組成,分別是脛⻣、腓⻣、 距⻣和跟⻣。 The ankle joint produces four movements, which are: Plantar flexion, Dorsiflexion; Inversion, and Eversion

踝關節可以作出四個動作,分別是 「⾜底屈」(俗稱「尖腳」)、「⾜背屈」(俗稱 「勾腳」);⾜踝內翻和⾜踝外翻 When a dancer points and wings the foot, the anatomical term for this is called plantar flexion plus eversion. It is a combined movement.

these movements. For instance, if you want to have a beautifully winged foot, you will need to train your evertor muscles i.e. peroneal longus and peroneal brevis muscles.

了解舞蹈動作的解剖學術語,可以幫助你了 解舞蹈的動作由哪組肌⾁控制。舉個例⼦, 當舞者指揮雙腳做出芭蕾尖⾜的動作時,其解剖學 若你想擁有⼀雙漂亮的翅⾜,你需要訓練你 術語稱之為⾜底屈及⾜踝外翻,是⼀個合併動作。 的⾜外翻肌,即腓⻣⻑肌和腓⻣短肌。 Knowing the anatomical terms of dance movements can help you understand which muscles control

ankle eversion

The Forefoot The forefoot is even more complicated with a whopping number of 22 bones! It’s composed of the foot arch, metatarsal and phalanx bones.

腳前掌 腳前掌⽐腳踝更複雜,因為它⼀共有 22 根 ⻣頭!它由⾜⼸、蹠⻣和趾⻣組成。 The foot arch is architecturally amazing, as it acts like a bridge between the metatarsal bones and the ankle. There are 5 bones in the foot arch. The medial side of the foot arch consists of bones known as the navicular and medial cuneiform.

⾜⼸的結構令⼈嘆為觀⽌,因為它像⼀道橋樑 ⼀樣,將蹠⻣和腳踝連在⼀起。⾜⼸⼀共有5 塊⻣頭,⾜⼸的內側由⾈⻣和內側楔⻣組成。 ankle inversion

On the outer side of the arch, we have the lateral cuneiform, and the cuboid.

⽽⾜⼸的外側由外側楔⻣與骰⻣組成。 HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE | 10



何必再花時間在⼀些毫無意義的舊派強化練 習上?你知道嗎?使⽤阻⼒帶來增強腳趾和 ⾜⼸的⼒量,並不⾜以訓練⾜⼸的肌⾁。它 也不能為你帶來平衡或運動性⽅向的⼒量, 因為它是拉動作⽽不是推動作。在舞蹈中, 我們需要踩到地板,因此,拉動阻⼒帶⼜可 以怎樣幫助我們做這個推的動作呢?不單沒 有幫助,它更會使腳趾屈肌越來越繃緊,甚 ⾄有機會導致「⾜踝後側夾擠綜合症」! Understanding anatomy is also useful when dancers are injured, as it helps to know which structures are involved. This helps them communicate effectively with medical professionals, which in turn makes it easier to diagnose the problem and get them on the road to recovery!

The height of the foot arch is highly influenced by the mobility of the accessory joints between these bones. By understanding the anatomy of the forefoot, you can learn how to mobilize them specifically to help you improve how your arch looks and functions.

⾜⼸的⾼度受上述的⻣頭之間的⼩關節的活 動性所影響。了解前⾜的解剖結構後,你便 可以學習如何活動及鬆解這些特定的⼩關 節,從⽽讓你改善⾜⼸的外觀和功能。 The forefoot produces 2 movements, which are supination and pronation.

腳前掌可以做出兩個動作,分別是⾜⼸旋外 和⾜⼸旋內。 Has a teacher ever told you that you have a dropped arch? A dropped foot arch means that it is pronated. Therefore, as a physiotherapist, we need to train the dancer’s supinator muscles i.e. tibialis posterior, which is attached to our navicular bone. If it is misaligned, we will need to manually manipulate and mobilize it, and if there is scar tissue formed after inflammation we will need to break the adhesion and calcium deposits by using shockwave therapy amongst other treatments.

有沒有⽼師跟你說過你有⾜⼸下陷的問題? ⾜⼸下陷即表⽰⾜⼸旋內,因此,作為物理 治療師,我們需要訓練舞者的⾜⼸旋外肌, 即脛⻣後肌,該肌⾁附著在我們的⾈⻣上。 如果出現⼩關節錯位(亦即是⻣頭未對

了解解剖結構對受傷的舞者也很有⽤,因為 這樣可以幫助你了解當中涉及的結構。這有 準),我們需要⽤⼿法舒整治療去幫助運動員將它 助於受傷的舞者們與醫療專業⼈員有效地溝 們調整到正確的位置。如果發炎後形成疤痕組織, 通,從⽽讓醫護⼈員更有效率地診斷問題, 我們將需要使⽤衝擊波治療等⽅法來打散其粘膜、 讓你盡快踏上康復之路! 結締組織及鈣化組織。 Anatomy is the Key! Dance is not only an art, but it is a science! Understanding human anatomy can help dancers achieve better performance. Rather than relying on the same conditioning exercises over and over again, it’s important to know your own body and what it is that your body actually needs. Once you know how your joints and muscles work, you’ll be able to target the right muscle groups to not only improve your technique but be more efficient with it as well!

解剖是關鍵! 舞蹈不僅是⼀⾨藝術,更是⼀⾨博⼤精深的科學! 了解⼈體解剖結構,可以幫助舞者獲得更好的表 現。充份了解⾃⼰的⾝體以及⾝體實際需要,⽐起 ⼀遍⼜⼀遍地鍛煉來得更加重要。了解關節和肌⾁ 的原理後,你就可以利⽤正確的肌⾁群。這樣不僅 可以改善⾃⼰的技術,更可以提⾼效率呢! You do not need to waste your time on some pointless old school strengthening exercises. Did you know that using a resistance band to strengthen your toes and foot arch is not efficient enough to train your foot arch muscles? It also doesn’t help your balance, or the directional force of movement as it is a pulling action rather than a pushing motion. In dance, we are required to push the floor, so what’s the point in pulling a resistance band? Plus, it only makes your toe flexors tighter and tighter, and may even cause posterior ankle impingement syndrome!

Now that you know about the anatomy of the ankle joint and the foot arch, join us for the next Dance Chronic-les article with Jenny Chan as we tap into the metatarsal and phalanx bones to get a better grasp on how we can achieve a nicely pointed foot! Right to the tips of the toes!

現在,你已經了解到踝關節和⾜⼸的解剖學 結構,就讓我們⼀起細閱 Jenny Chan 的下 ⼀篇《舞者之痛》⽂章,深⼊了解蹠⻣和趾 ⻣,從⽽好好地掌握如何成功、正確地做到 以腳尖站⽴的姿勢!

Jenny Chan


Perfect Pointe Physiotherapy


Facebook: @perfectpointephysio Instagram: @jennydancephysio


Ready to powder, highlight and contour with their brushes, dancers are used to applying make-up for stage performances. Making those facial features and expressions pop! But what is applied on the surface can go skin deep, and for dancers with sensitive skin, applying makeup can be both physically and emotionally draining. Opening up our make-up bag, we’re sharing our get glam tips for dancers with sensitive skin.

適,因此,對有敏感肌膚的舞者來說,化妝可能是 共⽤化妝品看似⼩事⼀樁,沒甚麼壞處,但正 ⼀⼤煩惱。別怕,肌膚敏感也可以化個美美的妝! 所謂「⼩⼼駛得萬年船」,關乎到⾃⼰的⽪ 邊打開化妝袋,邊看看以下的⼩貼⼠吧。 膚,還是多加注意較好,尤其當你的⽪膚容易 有敏感反應。 GENEROSITY-FREE ZONE CHANGE IT UP! 向「分享」說不 是時候換⼀換! Sharing is caring, but not when it comes to makeup! A general rule of thumb is to avoid sharing make-up and tools with other dancers. Though it may seem harmless, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your skin, especially if you get skin reactions easily.

在臉上撲粉、打光影⋯⋯⼀有舞台演出,舞者 就要化妝,以突顯五官輪廓和⾯部表情!不 「分享」是美德,但如果分享的是化妝品就不太好 過,塗於表⾯的化妝品或會深⼊肌膚,引起不 了!要記住,避免和其他舞者共⽤化妝品或⼯具。

Though not edible, make-up products have expiry dates! Pay attention to the expiration dates or replace your products every three months. And that goes for your make-up brushes too! So be sure to change it up, and if you’re concerned about the environment, there are plenty of eco-friendly and




biodegradable options out there. You can also prolong the life of your brushes and tools with makeup brush cleaners made for sensitive skin. Keeping it fresh, clean and giving you peace of mind!

化妝品就像⻝物⼀樣是有到期⽇的!留意化妝 品何時到期,⼜或者每三個⽉換⼀批新的。不 只化妝品,化妝掃也⼀樣!記緊定期換換。如 果你想為保護環境出⼀分⼒,其實市⾯也有很 多環保、可⽣物降解的產品可供選擇。你更可 使⽤⼀些敏感肌膚適⽤的化妝掃清潔劑,延⻑ 化妝掃的壽命。總之,定期更換、清潔化妝⽤ 品,煩惱就可⼀掃⽽空! MEET YOUR MATCH


Look for skincare, make-up products and tools that work for you! You’ll often get sales associates at department stores telling you what you need to buy. But more often than not, they do not have the answers. Visit a dermatologist who can recommend some products that may be suitable for your skin. Though it may take time and various trials to see what works for you, it’s a step in the right direction.

Pack your make-up bag with remedies that can help calm your skin. A few helpful things to have with you are



food or environmental allergies may 找出最適合你⽤的護膚、化妝產品和⼯具!百 make-up remover wipes, cotton pads, an ice pack, a Though sometimes be the cause of skin reactions, for 貨公司的銷售員經常都會向你「推介」產品, hypoallergenic moisturizer, anti-itch creams, and even a many of us it comes down to stress. So find 但他們⼤多都不能真正幫你解決問題。不如徵 facial cleanser for sensitive skin can help. some time to unwind and relax your mind. This 詢⽪膚科醫⽣的專業意⾒,了解⼀下有甚麼產 have to be limited to yoga or meditation, 品適合你的膚質。雖然要花點時間精⼒,不過 正如《獅⼦王》反派⼑疤所說,「要有所準備」! doesn’t whether it’s through physical exercise or 總算沒⾛錯⽅向。 預備⼀些可紓緩⽪膚不適的⽤品,放進化妝袋備 through calligraphy or journalling, it’s a great ⽤,例如卸妝濕紙⼱、化妝棉、冰袋、低致敏保濕 opportunity for adding some versatility into BE PREPARED 霜、抗癢軟膏,另外,敏感肌膚適⽤的洗⾯乳都可 your dance training and creative process! 有所準備 能會有幫助。 The villainesque lion Scar says it right, “Be Prepared”! ⽪膚的敏感反應有時是由⻝物或外在環境引起 的,但很多時候,壓⼒才是「元兇」,所以, 抽點時間靜下⼼來、放鬆⼀下吧。不⼀定要做 瑜伽、冥想之類,你可以選擇做運動、練書 法、寫⽇誌⋯⋯無論是哪種⽅式,相信都能為 你的舞蹈訓練帶來意想不到的創意靈感! Speaking from experience, the precautions and tribulations that dancers with sensitive skin need to face when it comes to the stage can be daunting. But know that you’re not alone, and though treatments may vary from person to person, your passion and determination to make it work is what will take you far! So enjoy dancing and the stage, because once the music begins and your body follows, the rest is just pure bliss!

舞者如果有敏感肌膚,的確要⾯對不少難題, 單是常常要想⽅設法「對抗」敏感,就已經很 煩憂了。不過你並不孤單,很多⼈都和你⼀樣 有這個難題。雖然最終的解決⽅法因⼈⽽異, 但決⼼和意志定能引領你邁向成功!盡情享受 在台上跳舞的樂趣吧,隨着⾳樂舞動那種感覺 是多麼的好! HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE | 14


“We all know that Hong Kong is a very open international city, but at the same time we must not forget that it is also a very oriental and elegant place.” -Yang Yuntao

「⼤家都知道,⾹港是⼀個⾮常開放的國際⼤ 都市,但不要忘了它也是⼀個⾮常東⽅、⾮常 典雅的地⽅。」——楊雲濤 Many would say that the dance world is small, but when you look at the various types of dance styles out there, and the culture and history behind it, it is much bigger than you could ever imagine.

不少⼈覺得舞蹈世界很細⼩,不過當你認識到 各種各樣的舞蹈⾵格,還有舞蹈背後的歷史⽂ 化,你就會明⽩這世界其實⽐你所想像的要⼤ 得多。 In this exclusive interview with Yang Yuntao, the Artistic Director of Hong Kong Dance Company, we learn about the company’s mission of preserving traditional Chinese Dance, while also bringing this traditional art form into this current day and age.

專訪中,⾹港舞蹈團藝術總監楊雲濤先⽣談及 了舞團的使命︰保育中國傳統舞蹈,並將此傳 統藝術融⼊當今世代之中。 Despite Hong Kong’s diversity and modernity,

it is amazing how Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC) follows the flow of the country— upholding traditions while excelling in innovation.


Unlike ballet or contemporary dance, traditional dance not only requires interest and enthusiasm, but most importantly a steadily focused mind.

在⾹港這多元化的現代城市裏,⾹港舞蹈團⼒ 求創新之餘,⼀直不忘保育傳統。 和其他舞種⼀樣,傳統舞蹈要跳得好,⼤量 的訓練是必須的。不過相⽐起芭蕾舞、當代 Yang Yuntao finds it crucial to preserve 舞,傳統舞蹈不單需要你有熱誠,更需要你 traditional dance, as he believes that amongst the 有⼀顆認真專注學習傳統的⼼。 freedoms of performance and creation, extensive learning is still a necessity.

楊雲濤先⽣認為保育傳統舞蹈⾮常重要,他相 信舞者在⾃由表演、創作的同時,亦需要不斷 的去學習、吸收。 Like all dance forms, traditional dance requires immense training, but it doesn’t stop there.


This doesn’t mean that Chinese dance can only be practiced by grown ups, as it is also a form that children can learn. Why should we learn Chinese Dance? For one, we can learn and understand so much about the rich cultural heritage of Hong Kong through its history of dance and music.

但這並不代表只有成⼈才可學中國舞,⼩朋 友也可以學呢。那我們為甚麼要學中國舞? 當中⼀個重要原因是,透過學中國舞,我們 可了解中國以⾄⾹港豐富的歷史⽂化。 Find out what else Artistic Director, Yang Yuntao has to say about Hong Kong Dance Company, how it influences and is influenced by the city.

⾹港舞蹈團藝術總監楊雲濤先⽣為⼤家細說 ⾹港舞蹈團,細說舞團與⾹港之間的微妙關 係,想知道更多,就快聽聽他的分享吧!



Dance Photoshoot Dos and Don’ts

拍攝舞蹈照六⼤要點 All work and no play? Make room for creativity and enjoyment in your dance practice! Dance photoshoots are a great way of shaking up your artistry, and they can be a ton of fun too! Before snapping away, be sure to check out these dance photoshoot dos and don’ts.

整天練舞,沒時間找點樂⼦?是時候發揮⼩宇 宙、為舞蹈練習注⼊多⼀分趣味了!拍攝舞蹈 照不單是提升個⼈藝術表現⼒的好機會,更能 帶給你無窮樂趣!去拍個痛快之前,別忘了先 看看拍攝舞蹈照的六⼤要點啊。

別只「複製」再「貼上」! 從其他藝術家⾝上找靈感固然好,但作為藝術家 的你亦應建⽴⾃⼰的形象、表達⾃⼰的想法。娓 娓道出你的獨特故事,創出⼀⽚新天地吧,你亦 可從他⼈的照⽚中取些靈感、然後創作出屬於⾃ ⼰的新版本!

DO GET ‘SPINSPIRED’! Even if it isn’t your first dance photoshoot, it’s always good to get some inspiration! Check out dance photos on Pinterest boards, or take a look at the websites of dance photographers, or instagram profiles of some of your favourite professional dancers. Some of our personal dance photographer favourites are Lee Gumbs, Little Shao, Lee Wai Leung, and Lois Greenfield.

找點靈感! 即使你今次不是第⼀次拍舞蹈照,到處找找靈感也總沒壞處!你可以看 看Pinterest上的舞蹈照⽚,⼜或者瀏覽⼀下不同舞蹈攝影師的網站,另外,平時上Instagram 時,亦可多加留意你喜愛的專業舞者的個⼈檔案呢,⽽我們最喜歡的舞蹈攝影師就有Lee Gumbs、Little Shao、李偉良和Lois Greenfield。 DON’T COPY & PASTE! It’s great to get inspiration from other artists, but as an artist yourself, it’s important to create your own image and voice. So make your mark by telling your own story or maybe even remix an image that inspires you!


DO BRING THE ESSENTIALS Though dance photoshoots differ from one to the next, there are some essentials that every dancer should bring, such as: Makeup: Setting spray is a must, as it helps your makeup stay in place. Hair Supplies: A little gel goes a long way. A Water Bottle: Water bottles with a straw are great for keeping your makeup flawless. Your Costume and Shoes: Steam out those wrinkles! Undergarments: Best to invest in skin coloured undergarments for dance photoshoots, plus they come in handy for performances as well.


帶⿑必需品 雖然⼤家拍舞蹈照的⽅法、⾵格各異,但有 些東西卻是每個舞者都需要帶的,例如: 化妝品:定妝噴霧可令妝容更持久,是 你不可或缺的好幫⼿。 髮型⽤品:⽤少許髮膠,髮型效果 更佳。 ⽔瓶:想避免弄花妝容,選⽤吸管式⽔ 瓶就最好。 舞蹈服、舞鞋:⽤蒸氣除皺!

內⾐:最好買些裸⾊內⾐,不但適合拍舞 蹈照時穿,要表演時亦可派上⽤場。 DON’T BE LAST MINUTE Make sure to discuss withyourphotographer or photoshoot coordinator what you need to prepare.


Be clear about what type of hair, makeup, and costume you will need to have. Bring up any ideas you would like to contribute well before your photo day! It also helps to know your photoshoot venue and setting, because that way you can figure out what poses you’ll be able to strike! Don’t be late on the day, because every frame and second counts!

及早準備 記得事先向攝影師或攝影統籌了解⼀下你 需要準備些甚麼。 要清楚知道拍攝時髮型、妝容和服裝 ⽅⾯的要求。 如果你有甚麼點⼦,要盡早提出,不 要留待拍攝當天才說啊! 要了解拍攝場地的環境,這樣你才知 道擺些甚麼姿勢才適合! 拍攝當天記緊準時到達, 要知道每⼀分每⼀秒、 每⼀張相⽚都很重要!




DO PRACTICE POSING Practice both stationary dance poses as well as moving ones (jumps, repertoire or improvisation). It can even help to hit record on your phone and film your movements or poses, so that you can find out which angles work and how to adjust your pace. Go slow (though this isn’t always possible for jumps) to avoid blurry images. It’s also important to consider your facial expressions which you can practice in front of the mirror or with friends. Be an Emoji Chameleon!

練習擺姿勢 好好練習靜態的舞蹈姿勢,以及充滿活⼒的舞蹈動作 (跳躍、劇⽬ 動作或即興動作)。可嘗試⽤⼿機錄影⾃⼰的姿勢或動作,這樣你就 能找出甚麼拍攝⻆度最好,還有知道該怎樣調整動作的快慢。想相 ⽚影出來不會模模糊糊,動作就要盡量慢⼀點 (雖然跳躍未必可以 慢)。另外,⾯部表情也相當重要,你可在鏡前練習,或者約朋友⼀ 起練,嘗試學習⽤各種表情「說話」吧! DON’T IGNORE THE PHOTOGRAPHER This doesn’t require you to have a staring contest with the photographer, but rather it’s about listening. Listen to the photographer’s directions and suggestions, as they have an eye for imagery. Photography is a visual art, so trust their instincts. If you are not sure where to look, a general tip is to look out and over the camera, because staring into the lens can cause you to look crosseyed.

不要「漠視」攝影師 這不是說你的眼睛要盯着攝影師看,⽽是說你要⽤⽿朵細⼼聆 聽,聆聽攝影師的指⽰和建議,他們的藝術眼光可是特佳的, 攝影是⼀⾨藝術,所以,儘管相信他們的直覺吧。若果拍照時 你不知該往哪裏望,那就試試望向鏡頭上⽅的稍遠處吧,假如 你直盯着鏡頭,看起來可能會像「⾾雞眼」呢。 There’s a world full of possibilities when it comes to dance photography, so test your limits and smile (or smoulder) for the camera!

舞蹈攝影世界充滿着無限可能,所以盡 情挑戰⾃⼰,在鏡頭前展現你的魅⼒ 吧! HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE | 18

Practicing Proper Allegro (Jumping) Technique

練習 Allegro 有技巧! Jumping is not every dancer's cup of tea. It requires strength, stamina, proper alignment, flexibility, core strength and a lot of practice. Jumping is probably one of the most impressive movements performed by a dancer. In ballet repertoire, big jumps or grand allegro are often rewarded with a loud applause by audience members shouting “bravo!”, to express their admiration and appreciation—or on the contrary...a loud gasp, if not landed properly!

並不是所有舞者都喜歡做跳躍動作 (allegro), 要成功做到⼀個跳躍,舞者⼀定要有⾜夠的

⼒量、耐⼒、柔軟度、核⼼⼒量,還要有正 確的姿勢,以及練習無數次才⾏。在眾多舞 蹈動作當中,跳躍的確別具藝術魅⼒,每當 芭蕾舞者在表演中成功做到⼤跳 (grand allegro),觀眾總會報以熱烈的掌聲,有些 更會⼤喊「嘩,厲害!」,以表讚歎——但 若然跳躍不成功,觀眾席則會傳來低沉的⼀ 聲「噢……」。 Start with a proper dance floor… Even before you step foot into the studio, it’s important that you move on a proper dance

floor. Just as a figure skater wouldn’t step onto a melted ice rink, a dancer needs the right dance floor to perform, spin, and jump to their heart's content! A household name in the dance industry, Harlequin has been perfecting and updating the technology of studio and stage flooring for over 40 years! They meet all your needs when it comes to finding the right base for your dance space. Whether it’s sprung floors, vinyl performance surfaces, wood performance surfaces, portable or permanent floors, you





name it...they got it! Shock absorption is the key to keeping your joints happy and healthy as you perform allegro work. Most footwear in dance just doesn’t cut it. As dancers, we rely on a proper floor to provide the right amount of traction and shock absorption to execute our movements safely and beautifully. We all want to be dancing into our old age, and that starts with using the right surface. What’s more, Harlequin is all about providing dance floors that get with the times. Hygiene has never been more important than in this past year, which is why the Harlequin Cascade now comes with BioCote Antimicrobial Protection. This added ingredient keeps the floor especially clean to minimize the risk of cross contamination. Taking away one of our many worries as we return to the studio and stage, Harlequin Cascade is looking out for us, helping us stay safe and healthy!


踏進舞蹈室練舞前,要先確保你採⽤的是合 適的舞蹈地板。正如花式溜冰運動員需要狀 態良好的冰場,舞者也需要適當的舞蹈地 板,才能盡情轉、盡情跳、盡情表演! 在舞蹈界享負盛名的品牌Harlequin ,⼀直 致⼒提升舞蹈室和舞台地板技術,⾄今已逾 四⼗載!正為你的舞蹈場地尋找合適的舞蹈

地板?Harlequin能滿⾜你的所有需要——彈 性地板、⼄烯基表演地膠、⽊質表演地板、 便攜地板、永久地板……各式各樣,應有盡 有! 想跳躍時關節開⼼⼜健康,「吸震」絕對是 關鍵。但⼤部分舞鞋在這⽅⾯都幫不上甚麼 忙,合適的舞蹈地板則能有效吸震並提供適 當的牽引⼒,讓舞者舞得安全⼜⾃信。每位 舞者都想盡量延⻑⾃⼰的舞蹈⽣涯,那就得 從採⽤合適的舞蹈地板開始。 Harlequin更提供專⾨配合現今需要的舞蹈地 板。過去⼀年,⼤家⽐以往任何時候都更注 重衛⽣,因此Harlequin特別推出具

「BioCote抗微⽣物保護效能」的Harlequin Cascade地板,添加的成分可保持地板清潔, 減低交叉污染⾵險。Harlequin Cascade地板 保障舞者的健康安全,讓我們重返舞蹈室和 舞台時都能無憂無慮地盡情舞動! Warming up and building strength… Warming up the body is very important before dancing. A good warm-up gets the heart rate going and allows blood to pump to all the muscles in the body, so don't shy away from a few jumping jacks. Core exercises like sit-ups, planking, and basic crunches also warm up the body and strengthen the abdominal muscles. As a dancer, it is imperative to have strong core muscles because all movement should originate from the center of the body.


跳舞前做⾜熱⾝⾮常重要,當你做熱⾝運動 時,你的⼼跳會逐漸加快,⾎液就能輸送⾄ 全⾝所有肌⾁,所以別忘了做⼀會兒開合跳 啊。另外,仰臥起坐、平板⽀撐 (plank)、捲 腹 (crunch)等核⼼⼒量訓練也是很好的熱⾝, 能強化腹部肌⾁。舞者⼀定要有強健的核⼼ 肌群,因為無論做哪⼀個舞蹈動作,⼒量都 應源⾃⾝體的核⼼。 You have to go down before you can go up… Pliés are the most important building blocks for jumping. A jump, any jump, starts and finishes with bent knees. In other words a 'plié'. Try jumping without bending your knees. Did you




try? Really? I can tell you it is possible, however, not as impressive as when you bend your knees before. Increasing the depth of a plié and the amount of pressure into the floor will aid in jumping higher. A lot of dancers forget to bend their knees after they jump and this is when most knee and back injuries occur. Pliés strengthen the legs and in conjunction with the feet act as a shock absorber for the body when landing after a jump.


quiet landing. Imagine a stage with 20 ballerinas all jumping and not landing through their demipointe. This would be a very noisy performance. Dancers who don't follow this recipe are prone to ankle and knee injuries, making a jump seem very heavy and laborious. Another important tip


即「屈膝」 ) 是跳躍動作中最重要的部 分,起跳、着地時都應屈膝。現在試試不屈膝 跳幾下,試了沒有?真的?不屈膝的話,是跳 得到的,但肯定沒有屈膝跳的效果那麼好。屈 膝的程度多⼀點,腳向地⾯施的⼒多⼀點,你 就能跳得⾼⼀些。不少舞者着地時都會忘記屈 膝,這很容易引致膝蓋、背部受傷。其實,着 地時屈膝不但可令你的雙腿變得更有⼒,更發 揮着緩衝的作⽤,減輕震動對⾝體的衝擊。 Plié (

When you become airborne… Make sure you breathe! Holding your breath during jumps will create tension in your upper back and shoulders which makes you stiffer and heavier. Correct posture during the jump is important. This includes pointing your toes the moment they leave the ground, engaging your core and lifting your eye line. Looking down when you jump drops the head which is the heaviest part of the body. This causes the spine to be distorted and the momentum that is needed to gain height is lost.


記得要保持呼吸!跳躍時屏住呼吸只會令你的 上背和肩膀變得繃緊,整個⾝體變得更重、更 硬邦邦。要緊記,跳躍時姿勢正確⾄關重要, 腳⼀離地就要繃腳尖,跳躍時要運⽤⾝體的核 ⼼⼒量,稍抬頭,眼望前⽅。跳躍時往下望的 話,你的頭很⾃然就會垂下,要知道頭部是⾝ 體最重的部分,垂下頭會令你的脊柱彎曲,減 低跳躍所需的衝⼒,致使你無法跳得⾼。 Landing that jump… Land through your feet! This is a term you will hear quite often in a ballet class. Articulating through demi-pointe when you descent from a jump and bending the knees the moment your feet touch the ground, allows for a soft and

is to put your heels down when you land. This becomes tricky when doing petit allegro due to the quick transitions between jumps. Ballet dancers are often culprits of this habit known as 'the shortcut.' When a dancer presses their heels into the floor they can achieve a deeper plié. This puts more power into the jump and greater elevation can be achieved. This becomes especially important when doing slower grand allegro.


! 相信你在芭蕾課上不時都 會聽到這句說話。腳尖、 腳掌、腳跟要依次着 地,腳⼀接觸到落 點就要屈膝, 這樣便能確 保着地 動作 輕 盈、 不 會 發出過⼤聲響。試想像⼆⼗個芭蕾舞者在台 上同時間跳躍但全部都不是腳尖先着地—— 那着地的聲⾳⼀定會相當嘈雜。其實,不是 腳尖先着地的話,不只會令跳躍動作看起來 重甸甸⼜吃⼒,更可能引致舞者腳踝、膝蓋 受傷。另⼀個要點就是着地時要記住放下腳 Land through your feet

跟。做⼩跳 (petit allegro)時腳要轉換得很快, 因為這原因,不少舞者「⾛了捷徑」,沒有 每次着地都把腳跟放下來。要知道,當你將 腳跟壓向地⾯,你屈膝的程度⾃然會多⼀ 點,這樣你跳起時便會更有⼒,也就能跳得 更⾼。做⼩跳時固然要注意這⼀要點,做較 慢的⼤跳 (grand allegro)時就更要多加留意。 Mastering allegro takes practice and patience. If you try out these tips and avoid any shortcuts, you’ll be well on your way to achieving stunning allegro work.

要掌握跳躍動作,⼀定要勤練習、有耐性。 練習時注意上述要點,不「⾛捷徑」,成功 指⽇可待! Happy Jumping!






The glamour, elegance and extravagance of aerial arts does not come without preparation and practice. Spiralling down from the ceiling to unravel what lies in her dance bag is Hong Kong’s very own aerialist, Fiona Tang.

空中表演藝⼈在半空中做出各種優美的動作, 魅⼒⾮凡,令⼈歎為觀⽌。如此精彩的表演背 後,是充分的準備和反覆的練習。⾹港空中表 演藝⼈鄧以因正從空中旋轉下來,要為⼤家揭 開她舞袋裏的秘密! What do you put in your dance bag for a rehearsal? And for a performance? As an aerialist who specializes in aerial sling (hammock), the hammock is my dance floor. Our apparatus is vertical and we literally have to hang from it , so grip is essential for solid moves. I always make sure to have rosin (grip powder designed for aerial hammocks) in my bag no matter what. Regardless of whether I am rehearsing or performing. I also keep my back warmer in my bag at all times

as certain movements can cause silk burns around the waist. Having a back warmer handy removes any discomfort from performing these movements and provides the body with ample protection. Next, I like to keep a tripod in my bag especially for rehearsals, as it is not easy to spot yourself through mirrors since you are either spinning, or upside down. We fundamentally rely on the video playback to check our alignment and movement. Lastly, for performances, I will have my makeup bag, an extra pair of tights and a hoodie with me to keep warm in between sets. Since we usually wear bodysuits for performance and accidents do happen, spare tights are crucial to have on hand.

你通常會帶些甚麼去綵排?表演⼜會帶些 甚麼? 我的專項是空中吊床,吊床就是我的舞 池。作為空中表演藝⼈,我們要懸在垂吊 於空中的器材做動作,想動作堅實有⼒, 就必須抓穩器材。因此,不論是綵排還是 表演,我的袋裏都必定備有松⾹粉 (空中吊


床藝⼈⽤的防滑粉)。 另⼀樣我袋裏常備的東西就是腰背暖帶,做 某些動作時,腰部有時會被器材擦傷,戴上 腰背暖帶令我感覺舒服許多,同時亦能讓⾝ 體得到適當的保護。 我亦習慣帶備三腳架,尤其是綵排,因為當 我們正在旋轉⼜或整個⼈倒轉了的時候,其 實很難透過鏡⼦觀察⾃⼰的動作,所以基本 上我們會靠重看錄影⽚段去檢視⾃⼰的姿勢 和動作。 ⾄於表演,我就會帶上化妝袋、外套和⼀條 後備襪褲。有件外套,等候下⼀段表演時就 不怕着涼。另外,我們⼤多穿連⾝⾐表演, 有時難免有些⼩意外發⽣,所以⾝邊⼀定要 有條後備襪褲,以備不時之需。 What’s the one item in your bag that you could not live without, and why? My headphones. Listening to music allows me to visualize my movements when I don't have access to an aerial space or when I am just travelling. The downsides of practicing

aerial is that we need to have all the correct equipment and a space with a high ceiling to practice. So I always practice in my mind while listening to music and visualize the movements in my head.

哪樣東西是你⾮帶不可的?為甚麼? ⽿機。當我正在乘⾞或者並⾮⾝處正式練習場地 時,我常會⼀⾯聽⾳樂,⼀⾯在腦⼦裏想像那些練 習動作。練習空中動作有不少限制,器材要⿑備, 且要有樓底⾼的場地,因此我經常都會在腦裏演 練,邊聽⾳樂邊想像那些動作。 What’s your favourite aerial move to do and why? Spinning. For aerial sling, one thing that we have to master is controlling our spin. Just like figure skating, we have to make sure we have a smooth, centered, and controlled spin. I also enjoy the feeling of spinning and the way it makes everything look better.

你最愛做哪個空中動作?為甚麼? 旋轉。控制旋轉動作是空中吊床的⼀ ⼤技巧,我們要確保旋轉順暢、控 制得當、重⼼穩定,就像花式溜 冰的旋轉⼀樣。我很享受旋轉時 的感覺,旋轉動作令空中表演倍 添美感。 What advice do you have for those who want to pursue a professional dance career? It is not easy being a professional dancer in Hong Kong, not only because of the limited resources, but also the lack of space and opportunities. Dance is not a mainstream industry in Hong Kong, you may not be able to

make a living by just being a dancer. However, having a talent or something that you are truly passionate about and the ability to practise it is truly a blessing. So keep it up, and always be prepared, so when the time comes, you can shine bright on the stage.

你有甚麼建議給那些想成為專業舞者的朋友? 在⾹港當專業舞者不容易,不光是因為資 源有限,也因為空間、機會不⾜。舞蹈藝 術並不是⾹港的主流⾏業,只當舞者未必 ⾜以讓你維持⽣計。雖然如此,能夠有⼀ 樣你擅⻑或熱愛的東西絕對是⼀種福分。 繼續努⼒,做⾜準備吧,當時機到來,你 就可在台上發光發亮!

Dancers love being airborne, whether it’s a grand jeté en tournant or a lift, but aerialists know how to kick it up a notch when it comes to heights. Without a fear of heights, aerialists live and breathe the beauty of being up in the air. To learn and understand just how they prepare themselves for practices and performances, we like to start from the basics...what’s in their dance bag of course!

舞者愛騰空的感覺,不管那是⼤跳抑或托 舉。不過說到在半空中舞動,空中表演藝⼈ 肯定最拿⼿,他們毫不畏⾼,在空中做的每 個動作均盡顯美態!想了解他們怎樣為平⽇ 的練習和表演做準備,從「舞袋裏的秘密」 ⼊⼿就對了!




Dancers can end up spending their entire day in the studio, rehearsal rooms and theatres. Plan ahead and make sure that your lunch box is packed with plenty of goodies! We’ve cooked up some great tips for meal planning!

舞者在舞蹈室、排演室和劇院努⼒奮⾾,⼀晃 就是⼀整天。預先計劃⼀下,讓⾃⼰每天中午 都能享受美味⼜豐富的⼀頓吧!以下是我們平 時預備膳⻝的⼩⼩⼼得: Plan Ahead Write down your meal plan for the following week. Try and get ingredients that crossover different recipes, it’ll save you time and money. What’s your food storage situation like, does the studio have a fridge, a kettle, or something you can reheat your food with? If not, aim for foods that can keep throughout the day. If you have to have your hot foods and there’s no microwave, toaster oven or steamer around,

consider investing in a good thermos which can keep your food warm! Make your grocery list and hit up the supermarket!

you can easily forget the simple things in life. Be kind to your mind, and label your meals to indicate the day you made it and which day of the week you plan on eating it. Preparing all your meals at the beginning of the week? Be sure to place the meals you plan on consuming at the end of the week in the freezer. Invest in an insulated lunch bag and an ice pack to transport your meals. Not only will your food stay nice and fresh, but it’s also a good way to keep your dance bag clean. No one likes a spilled smoothie in their dance bag.

預早計劃 計劃下星期的膳⻝,然後寫下來。 盡量選些能⽤於多個餐款的「萬⽤百搭」⻝ 材,既省時⼜省錢。 你練舞的地⽅能讓你妥善存放⻝物嗎?那裏 有沒有冰箱、電熱⽔煲或⼀些可以讓你翻熱 ⻝物的東西?如果沒有,就應選擇些能放⼀ 整天不變壞的⻝物。 如果想吃熱騰騰的午餐但那裏⼜沒微波爐、 多⼠焗爐或蒸鍋,考慮買個保溫飯壺吧! 寫張購物清單,出發去超級市場! 預備、烹調和存放⻝物 預備、烹調好⻝物後,記得要妥善存放! Prep, Cook and Store 貼標籤!當你滿腦⼦都是練舞或甄選⾯試 After preparing and cooking your meals, be 的事,你很容易就會忽略⽣活中的⼩細 sure to store them well! 節。在每盒⻝物上貼標籤,為你忙碌的腦 Label that tupperware! If you’ve got 袋減輕負擔吧,這樣,⻝物到底哪天弄、 choreography or auditions on your mind, 哪天要吃掉都能⼀⽬了然。


⼀次預備整個星期的午餐?那就要記得把好幾天後才吃的那幾盒放進 冷凍櫃去。 買個保溫飯盒袋、冰袋來帶午餐,這樣不僅能保持⻝物新鮮,更能避 免弄髒舞袋,沒⼈想⾃⼰的舞袋有奶昔漬嘛。

Pack some Snacks Fuel yourself throughout the day with some snacks. Hydration nation! It’s important to always pack your water bottle. A little tip for those who experience muscle cramps: bring a banana for potassium, and hydration tablets or coconut water to replenish your electrolytes. Snacking sometimes gets a bad reputation, but if you fuel your body with nutritious and energising foods throughout the day, you’ll be boosting your metabolism and performing better. Out of snack ideas? Read our article H-Anger Management: 10 Snack Ideas for Dancers On-the-Go!

帶備些⼩⻝ 吃點⼩⻝,讓⾃⼰⼀整天能量滿滿。 補充⽔分!⼀定要記得帶⽔瓶。 如果你有肌⾁抽筋的問題,⾹蕉會是你的⼩⻝好選擇,因為⾹蕉鉀含 量⾼,另外,能量⽔溶⽚、椰⼦⽔則可助你補充電解質。 有些⼈說吃⼩⻝不太健康,但其實吃營養豐富的能量⼩⻝有助促進新 陳代謝,令你跳舞跳得更好。 還未想到吃甚麼?看看〈別再餓着肚⼦!為舞者送上10款美味⼩⻝〉 這篇⽂章啦!

Now that your stomach is satisfied, you’ll be ready to conquer the stage! All it takes is a little bit of Marie Kondo-esque organisation. Have fun in the kitchen and happy planning!

「滿⾜」了肚⼦,要在舞台上盡展⾵姿絕對不成問題!少許準備⼯夫,就 能獲得美美成果。享受下廚的樂趣,開開⼼⼼預備滋味午餐吧!



A Hearty Bite for The Heartiest of Dancers 咬一口, 加加油! Javier Torres’ Cuban Sandwich Recipe

舞者Javier Torres的古巴三文治食譜 After a demanding dance class, rehearsal or performance, nothing satisfies the stomach better than a quick and hearty meal! Sharing one of his own speedily scrumptious sandwich recipes is Premier Dancer of Northern Ballet and Cuban National Ballet, Javier Torres.

舞蹈課堂、綵排或表演過後,⾝體能量耗掉 了不少,還有甚麼⽐⼀頓豐富「快」餐更能 滿⾜飢腸轆轆的你?英國北⽅芭蕾舞團、古 巴國家芭蕾舞團⾸席舞蹈員Javier Torres, 將和⼤家分享他的超「快脆」滋味三⽂治⻝ 譜! Prep Time: 2 mins Cook Time: 8 mins Servings: 1 large sandwich Nutrition Info: 756 calories

準備需時︰2分鐘 煮⻝需時︰8分鐘 份量︰1⼤份三⽂治 營養資料︰756卡路⾥

Ingredients: 1 pinch cayenne pepper 1 loaf of Cuban bread (substitute ciabatta bread) 4 slices Swiss or Red Leicester cheese 1 cup cooked pulled pork, heated 1 large dill pickle, sliced thinly lengthwise – can be substituted by tomato 2 tablespoons butter, or as needed 1 tablespoon of mayo 1 tablespoon of mustard 6 salami slices 1 small onion 1 spring onion

材料︰ 1⼩撮 卡宴辣椒粉 1條 古巴麵包 (可⽤意⼤利拖鞋麵包代替) 4⽚ 瑞⼠芝⼠ (或英國萊斯特紅芝⼠) 1杯 ⼿撕豬⾁ (已煮熟) 1⼤條 蒔蘿醃⻘⽠ (切成⻑形薄⽚) (可⽤蕃茄 代替) 2湯匙(或適量) ⽜油 1湯匙 蛋⿈醬 1湯匙 芥末醬



⽚ 莎樂美腸 個 ⼩洋蔥 條蔥

6 1 1



Directions: 1) Melt butter in a heavy skillet over medium heat and mix the onions and spring onions, pepper and pulled pork. Heat for 3 mins. 2) Trim off ends of bread if needed. Evenly split bread to make the top and bottom of a sandwich. Spread mayo & mustard over each half on both sides generously. 3) On the bottom half of the bread place 2 slices of cheese, half of the cooked pork, half of the pickle slices or tomatoes, 3 slices of salami. On the top half of the sandwich, place the other half of the ingredients following the same order and then put the sandwich together! 4) With the remaining butter in the heavy skillet, place the sandwich on the skillet and press down with a heavy weight (such as another skillet or foil-wrapped bricks). Toast sandwiches until bread is crisp, filling is heated through and the cheese starts to melt (roughly 3-4 minutes per side).


製作⽅法︰ 1) 將⽜油放進加厚平底鍋,⽤中⽕煮⾄融化, 拌勻洋蔥、蔥、辣椒粉和⼿撕豬⾁,煮 3 分 鐘。 2) 可按需要去掉麵包頭尾部分。將麵包橫切成 上下兩塊,做成三⽂治的頂部和底部,再在兩 塊麵包的內外塗滿蛋⿈醬和芥末醬。 3) 在底層麵包上依序擺放2⽚芝⼠、⼀半份量 已煮熟豬⾁、⼀半份量醃⻘⽠ (或蕃茄)和3⽚ 莎樂美腸,依同樣次序在頂層麵包上放置餘下 的⼀半餡料,最後將上半部和下半部拼合成⼀ 份完整三⽂治!

將三⽂治放⼊還剩有⽜油的平底鍋內, ⽤重物 ( 如另⼀隻平底鍋或⽤錫紙包好的 磚 ) 壓⼀壓三⽂治,持續烘烤 ( 每⼀⾯烤約 3 ⾄ 4 分鐘 ) ,直⾄麵包變得⾹脆、餡料全 熱、芝⼠開始融化即完成。 4)


Just the right amount to fuel your dance day, and not too filling that you’ll fall into a food coma, Javier Torres’ sandwich recipe hits the spot!

給你⾝體注⼊滿滿能量,讓你繼續拼搏,同 時⼜不會令你飽到昏昏欲睡——Javier Torres 的三⽂治⻝譜正符合各位舞者的需要!



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註冊營養師潘仕寶⼥⼠分享舞者專屬營養建議 Driven by the athleticism, artistry and aesthetics of dance, many dancers find themselves in a whirlwind of personal health and fitness goals. It can be mind-boggling for young dancers to figure out how to fuel their bodies. Though we each have a unique physical composition, there are a few dietary tips that every dancer should take note off. Here to share her advice on nutrition for dancers is one of Hong Kong's leading dietitians, Sally Poon.

受舞蹈界中⽇漸流⾏的運動主義、藝術性以及 美學觀點影響,越來越多舞者都開始注重個⼈ 健康並確⽴健⾝⽬標,但資訊氾濫可能使年輕 舞者難以找出為⾝體補充能量的最佳⽅法。儘 管每⼈的⾝體構造都獨⼀無⼆,不過也有⼀些

通⽤的飲⻝建議供舞者參考及注意。以下 就是知名註冊營養師潘仕寶⼥⼠為舞者提 供的營養攝取建議。 How can dancers keep their energy up throughout the day? For competition or stage performance preparation, it is important to ensure that adequate dietary intake is being achieved. Eat frequent meals and snacks throughout the day. Do not skip meals. Always consume a snack to replenish your energy within 30 minutes after training.

舞者如何能令⾃⼰全天都精⼒充沛? 在⽐賽或者表演前必須保證每⽇都有⾜夠

營養攝取,所以全⽇都必須進餐及吃⼩⻝, 不要斷⻝。舞蹈訓練後30分鐘也要進⻝少量 ⼩⻝以補充能量。 In between training sessions and performances, dancers should give special attention to fluid and carbohydrate intake in order to maintain optimal cognition and motor skill performance. Dehydration can cause tiredness and hinder performance by reducing strength and aerobic capacity. Impaired skill level can also occur, along with mental fatigue that can impact concentration and decision making. The amount an individual sweats varies from person to person, therefore fluid needs are




highly individualised. Generally, the more a person sweats, the more they will need to drink. When the body is well hydrated, the colour of urine should be pale yellow throughout the day. Water is suitable for low intensity and short duration exercise. Sports drinks can be useful in high intensity or endurance training, as they contain both carbohydrates for fuel and sodium to help the body retain fluid more effectively and stimulate thirst.

在訓練和表演期間,舞者應特別留意液體及碳 ⽔化合物的攝取,以保持最佳的認知能⼒與運 動技能表現。脫⽔會使體⼒及有氧能⼒下降, 引致疲倦並影響演出時的表現;亦會削弱舞技 並導致精神疲勞,從⽽影響集中和決策能⼒。 由於每個⼈的出汗量都有所不同,因此對液體 攝取的需求也因⼈⽽異。通常⼀個⼈出汗越多 就越需要喝⽔。⾝體內⽔分充⾜時,全天的尿 液顏⾊都應為淡⿈⾊。清⽔適合低強度及短期 運動;⽽運動飲料適合⾼強度或耐⼒的訓練, 因運動飲料含有碳⽔化合物以及鈉,前者能為 ⾝體提供能量,後者則能刺激⼤腦發出⼝渴信 號,有助⼈體更有效地保持體液充⾜。 What types of dietary risks are dancers prone to? The risk of poor micronutrient status due to restricted energy intake may be higher for dancers. Micronutrients that warrant attention include iron, calcium, and vitamin D. Our body needs iron to make haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Low levels of iron in the body can cause iron deficiency anaemia. Symptoms include weakness, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, as well as impaired immune function and recovery.

舞者更容易⾯對哪些飲⻝⾵險? 當舞者能量攝取不⾜,導致微量營養素缺乏的 可能性更⾼。舞者需特別關注的微量營養素包 括鐵、鈣及維他命D。⼈體需要鐵質製造紅⾎球 中的⾎紅蛋⽩,這種蛋⽩質可將氧氣輸送到⾝ 體各部位;體內鐵質含量過低會引起缺鐵性貧 ⾎,症狀包括虛弱、疲倦、注意⼒無法集中以 及免疫功能與恢復能⼒受損。 It is important that dancers seek dietary advice from qualified dietitians, due to the great amount of pressure to maintain a low body weight and low body fat levels, especially among ballet dancers. And this can lead to unbalanced eating habits and health issues if it is not properly supervised. Evidence suggests that disordered eating, menstrual disturbances, and low bone mineral density are the key health issues for

dancers at all skill levels. Low bone mineral density is associated with clinical outcomes of osteopenia and osteoporosis. A study found that dancers had three times the risk of suffering from eating disorders.

light, as well as fortified foods and beverages (such as breakfast cereals, yogurt, milk, soy milk, and orange juice). Dietary supplements may be necessary to help achieve specific nutritional goals when dietary intake is inadequate.

由於舞者(特別是芭蕾舞者)要⻑期維持 低體重及低體脂,會導致⾝⼼壓⼒很⼤, 所以尋求合資格的營養師徵詢飲⻝建議⾄ 關重要。若缺乏專業⼈⼠的飲⻝指導,舞 者的飲⻝習慣或會失衡,繼⽽引致健康問 題。有證據表明飲⻝失調、⽉經紊亂以及 低⻣質密度是舞者常⾒的健康問題,不論 技術⽔平⾼低。低⻣質密度是⻣質缺乏症 及⻣質疏鬆症的常⾒臨床表現;⽽亦有⼀ 項研究發現舞者患上飲⻝失調的⾵險是常 ⼈的三倍。

舞者想保持強壯的⻣骼有何⽅法? 想⻣骼保持健康強壯,就必須攝取⾜夠鈣質及 維他命D。⽜奶、乳酪及芝⼠均為鈣質主要⻝ 物來源。深綠⾊蔬菜、⾖腐、罐頭沙甸⿂及鈣 強化飲料也含鈣質。⽽維他命D則有助⼈體吸 收鈣質,對於保持免疫⼒亦⼗分重要。當⾝體 暴露在陽光下,就會產⽣維他命 D 。⻝物⽅ ⾯,只有少數⻝物含天然維他命D成分,包括 脂肪⿂(如三⽂⿂、吞拿⿂、鯖⿂)、蛋⿈、 經紫外線照射過的蘑菇,另外不少⻝品與飲料 亦添加了維他命D,如粟⽶⽚、乳酪、⽜奶、 ⾖奶和橙汁。當舞者從膳⻝中攝取的營養不⾜ 時,便可能需要進⻝膳⻝補充劑去實現特定營 養⽬標。

What are some ways that dancers can develop or maintain strong and healthy bones? Adequate calcium and vitamin D are crucial to maintain proper bone health. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are the main food sources of calcium. Dark green vegetables, tofu, canned sardines, and calcium-fortified beverages are good sources of calcium too. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and is important to keep our immunity strong. The body makes vitamin D when skin is directly exposed to the sun. Only a few foods naturally have vitamin D, which include fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel), egg yolks, mushrooms that have been exposed to ultraviolet


5 Fuelling Foods Packed with Nutrition 1. Nuts are a good source of protein, healthy monounsaturated fats and dietary fibre. They also contain vitamin E, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Protein can enhance muscle repair and building; vitamin E is important for the immune system; and salted nuts with fluids can enhance rehydration.

五種補充能量的⾼營養⻝物 1. 堅果仁是蛋⽩質、健康的不飽和脂肪及膳 ⻝纖維的重要來源,並蘊含維他命E、鈣、


鉀、鎂和鐵質。蛋⽩質可以增強肌⾁的構建及 修復能⼒,⽽維他命E則對保持免疫系統運作 很重要。鹽漬堅果配流質飲品有助⾝體補充⽔ 分。

cereals, oatmeal, granola bars, and crackers. Eat more fruits and vegetables – make your meals as colourful as possible! Have a moderate amount of lean meat, skinless poultry, fish and seafood, beans, tofu, eggs, and low-fat dairy. Include some healthy fats with meals and snacks, such as nuts and seeds, avocado, nut butter, olive oil, salmon and tuna.

2. Fruits are rich in carbohydrates, dietary fibre, vitamin C, and potassium. Carbohydrates are an important energy source during exercise. Inadequate carbohydrate intake combined with regular training can lead to tiredness, loss of muscle mass and poor recovery. Carbohydrates are also needed to provide fuel to the brain, therefore low carbohydrate diets can result in poor concentration, mood swings and depression. Vitamin C is crucial to keep the immune system strong.

⽔果蘊含豐富的碳⽔化合物、膳⻝纖維、維 他命C以及鉀。碳⽔化合物是運動期間⾮常重 要的能量來源。若舞者攝取的碳⽔化合物不 有全部九種⼈體必需但無法⾃⾏製造的氨基 ⾜,加上定期訓練的運動量,就會導致疲勞與 酸。 肌⾁量下降,並影響恢復能⼒。碳⽔化合物亦 為⼤腦提供能量,因此低碳⽔化合物的飲⻝習 A List of Energy Boosting Snack Suggestions 慣會導致注意⼒不集中、情緒波動及抑鬱。維 for Dancers Cereal bars 他命C則對維持免疫⼒⾄關重要。 2.

3. Milk contains protein, calcium, and phosphorus that can promote muscle function and bone health. It also includes a source of fluid and sodium to enhance rehydration.

⽜奶含有蛋⽩質、鈣及磷,有助促進肌⾁功 能與⻣骼健康。⽜奶中亦含液體和鈉的成分, 能加強補充體液。 3.

4. Eggs are rich in protein for growth, repair and maintenance of muscles. Eggs also contain high concentrations of antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin; as well as choline which is involved in the regulation of memory, mood, and muscle control.

Nut bars Energy balls Fruit smoothies Trail mix with dried fruits Yogurt with almonds and fruits Egg/ tuna/ cheese sandwich Peanut butter banana sandwich Apple walnut muffins Banana nut bread Small tin of tuna on crackers with a banana Vegetables sticks and pita bread with hummus

舞者專屬的補充能量零⻝清單 穀物棒 堅果棒 能量球 ⽔果冰沙 什錦乾果果仁 4. 雞蛋蘊含豐富蛋⽩質,有助肌⾁⽣⻑及修 杏仁及⽔果乳酪 護;同時含有⾼濃度的抗氧化劑葉⿈素及⽟⽶ 雞蛋/吞拿⿂/芝⼠三⽂治 ⿈素;亦有可幫助調節記憶、情緒及肌⾁控制 花⽣醬⾹蕉三⽂治 的膽鹼。 蘋果核桃鬆餅 ⾹蕉果仁麵包 5. Quinoa is classified as a whole grain and is a ⼩罐吞拿⿂夾餅乾及⾹蕉⼀條 good source of protein, dietary fiber, and iron. 蔬菜棒加鷹嘴⾖泥⽐得包 Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot make on its own.

藜⿆屬於全穀類⻝物,富含蛋⽩質、膳⻝纖 維及鐵質。藜⿆是⼀種完整的蛋⽩質,表⽰它含 5.


What are some key foods and food groups that dancers should incorporate into their daily diet? Grains should be taken as the major dietary source, such as rice, noodles, pasta, bread,

舞者應在⽇常飲⻝中特別攝取哪幾種或者哪 個類別的⻝物? 舞者應以穀物作為主要飲⻝來源,包括⽶、 麵、意粉、麵包、粟⽶⽚、燕⿆、多穀⿆⽚ 及餅乾。同時也要多吃蔬菜及⽔果,盡量為 每⼀餐添加⾊彩!還要⻝適量瘦⾁、無⽪家 禽、⿂類和海鮮、⾖類、⾖腐、雞蛋及低脂 乳製品。謹記亦要通過正餐及零⻝攝取適量 的健康脂肪,例如堅果與種⼦、⽜油果、堅 果醬、橄欖油、三⽂⿂及吞拿⿂。 Ready to fuel up and take the stage, let’s open our pantry and keep our dance bags packed with delicious and energizing snacks! A special thank you to leading dietitian Sally Poon for sharing her expertise on nutrition for dancers!

就讓我們以美味⼜補充能量的零⻝裝滿⼩⻝ 櫃以及舞袋,準備以充滿活⼒的⾝體征服舞 台吧!特別鳴謝知名註冊營養師潘仕寶⼥⼠ 對於舞者營養攝取的專業分享!


Sally, Shi-Po Poon Registered Dietitian (UK) Personal Dietitian Facebook: @sallypoondietitian Instagram: @sallypoondietitian




一 起 走 進 大 世 界


Making moves in the big city of NYC, Leonardo Brito brings that bold, fiery and talented Brazilian flare to everything he does in dance. Dive into his sensational story of how he got into dance and made it to the world stage.

After training at various dance institutions in Brazil, he made the move to NYC to study at The Ailey School. Soon after, he joined Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s Junior Company. He is now a dancer with Ballet Hispanico.


Telling my story of how I made my way in dance despite coming from a poor background is what I am passionate about! I want people like me to change their life for the better. I want their hearts and eyes to shine brighter than ever. This is what guides my passion.

在 ⼤ 城 市 紐 約 發 展 舞 蹈 事 業 的 Leonardo 在巴西數間舞蹈學院受訓過後,Leonardo移居紐 Brito ,充分展現出巴西⼈的勇氣、熱情與才 約,⼊讀舞蹈學校The Ailey School,不久加⼊ 幹,到底他是如何與舞結緣並踏上世界舞台 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater ⻘少年舞 舞者總能從⽣活⼤⼩事物中獲得啟發,⾝為⼀ 的?讓我們⼀起來了解他的動⼈故事。 團,現在,他是舞團Ballet Hispanico的⼀員。 名舞者,你最熱衷些甚麼?你所熱衷的事物⼜ 為你帶來甚麼樣的影響? Proving that it’s never too late to pursue a Celebrating 10 years of dancing, Leonardo looks 藝術真的改變了我的⼈⽣!我去了⼀些以前從 professional dance career, Leonardo started back on his own evolution in dance and how it 未想過會去的地⽅、認識了很多出⾊的⼈物、 dancing at the age of 14 in the beautiful coastal has led him to where he is today. 結交了不少好友,連思維⽅式也變得不⼀樣 town of Saquarema in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ——雖 Inspired by a group of dancers performing at a 與舞結緣⼗年,Leonardo回顧其舞蹈歷程,回想 了。因此,我最熱衷的就是說⾃⼰的故事 然家境貧困,但仍排除萬難踏上了舞蹈旅程! holiday party, he was invited to drop into one of 舞蹈藝術如何造就了今天的他。 我希望和我有相近背景的⼈都能改變⾃⼰的⼈ their jazz classes and immediately fell in love ⽣,我希望他們的內⼼和雙眼都能閃閃發亮、 Dancers have the ability to find so much with dance. 充滿光采——這想法給予我莫⼤的動⼒,讓我在 inspiration that’s hidden within life. What are 舞蹈路上繼續努⼒前進。 Leonardo向⼤家證明了追求專業舞者夢永不嫌 you passionate about as a dancer, and how has 晚,他在巴西⾥約熱內盧⼀個名叫薩誇雷⾺ this influenced you? What inspires you to dance? (Saquarema) 的美麗海濱市鎮開始學舞時已⼗ 四歲——那年的⼀個假⽇派對上,⼀群舞者的 Art really changed my life! I visited places I never Nature inspires me to dance! You might think I am 演出使他對舞蹈產⽣了興趣,那些舞者邀請他 imagined I would, I met incredible people, I made crazy, but nature really does it for me. It's like nature 參加他們的爵⼠舞班,之後,這個⼩伙⼦很快 lifetime connections and I found myself navigating always plays a song that I must dance to. 就愛上了跳舞。 in this mindset that I never thought I would. HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE | 35



甚麼促使你踏上舞蹈旅程? ⼤⾃然促使我踏上舞蹈旅程!可能你會覺得我 很傻,但⼤⾃然真的啟發了我,那感覺就好像 ⼤⾃然在奏⼀⾸歌,我就隨那歌起舞。 Having had your own powerful story of change and overcoming challenges, what advice do you have for other dancers out there who want to make a change? We have to always keep our minds and ears open to listen and learn, always ready and willing to be better and advocate for what is right! ALWAYS! Growth in all directions must be continuous.

你克服困難、改變⼈⽣的故事實在令⼈深受⿎ 舞,你有甚麼建議給其他想作出改變的舞者? 我們應時刻保持開放的⼼、張開雙⽿去聆聽、 學習,勇於改進⾃⼰,並⽀持正確的事!無時 無刻都要!要不斷在各⽅⾯取得進步。 As we all continue to face the impacts of the pandemic on our dance practice and every aspect of our lives, what do you find is your greatest challenge and how have you been tackling it? I miss dancing a lot! I miss being on stage and continuing to grow as an artist. But it has given me time to do things I never had time to do before. So I am investing time in reading more, studying different things and connecting with loved ones. I believe it will help my artistic process overall.

這次疫情正持續影響我們的舞蹈訓練以⾄⽣活 各⽅⾯,疫情之下,你遇到的最⼤挑戰是甚 麼?你⼜怎樣應對? 我很掛念跳舞的⽇⼦!很想可以快點再在台上 表演、在舞蹈藝術的路上繼續成⻑。不過亦因 為這次疫情,我多了些時間去做以往沒時間做 的事,好像閱讀、研習不同的東西、和我的家 ⼈朋友聯繫,我相信這對我整體的藝術發展會 有幫助。 Let’s get nostalgic and reminisce about some of your greatest memories in dance. What’s your most gratifying performance experience? My most gratifying performance was at the end of my first year as a professional dancer with a




full time contract as a company dancer. I felt like I finally made it after all the hard work.

可否跟我們分享你舞蹈歷程中⼀些美好的回 憶?哪⼀次表演令你最為滿⾜? 成為舞團全職舞者第⼀年年尾的那⼀次表演令 我最為滿⾜,感覺是⾃⼰⼀番努⼒過後終於成 功達到⽬標了。 Your most exciting performance experience: I would say it was at Lincoln Center in NYC, in 2019. We had this huge crowd at the Main Company Gala and that was scary. At the same time I recall the excitement of having my friends next to me and challenging each other to go further and further with the creativity and expansiveness of our movements.

令你最興奮的表演︰ 我會說是 2019 年在紐約林肯中⼼ (Lincoln Center)表演那次,主舞團群星演出盛會的觀眾 多得很,我感到很緊張,同時⼜很興奮,因為 ⼀班朋友都在我⾝旁,我們互相切磋舞技,不 斷發揮創意去擴展舞蹈動作的可能性。 The performance that gave you the most jitters: I always get nervous in my performances

therefore it is hard to pick one haha. I actually discovered I have anxiety so I am still learning breathing techniques to help me with it before I go on stage.

令你最緊張的表演︰ 我幾乎每次表演都會很緊張,所以很難選出最 緊張的⼀次,哈哈。其實我發覺⾃⼰表演前經 常都會覺得很緊張,所以現在我正在學⼀些呼 吸法,希望可以幫助紓緩上台前的緊張情緒。


Feeling bright as Brito, there is so much we can all learn from this rising dancer.

說得真不錯,這位嶄露頭⻆的舞者的分享真 令我們獲益良多。

What’s your advice for all the aspiring dancers out there? Always trust in yourself! We often look for affirmation in others but when you are sure of yourself there is no one to stop you from flying! Also work hard, work really hard and it will come to you when it is time. Take care of your body and mind, you are the most important thing you have.

你有甚麼建議給所有有志幹⼀番事業的舞者? 無論如何都要相信⾃⼰!我們常希望得到別⼈ 的肯定,但其實只要你相信⾃⼰,就沒有⼈可 以阻礙你向夢想⾼⾶!另外亦要努⼒,加倍地 努⼒,這樣時機到來時,你就能取得成功。記 得照顧好你的⾝⼼,別忘記你最重要的資產就 是你⾃⼰。

Photography Credits: (1) Photo by Liz Schneider-Cohen (2) Photo by Kyle Froman (3) Photo by Lilo Liveira (4) Maria Isadora Paixão

Buying a one way ticket from HKG to MIA, Principal Dancer Janis Liu tells us all about her dance career with the Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, while paying homage to her hometown of Hong Kong!

當年,⼀張機票把⾹港舞者廖敏婷 (Janis)送到 了美國,現在已成了⾸席舞蹈員的她,將和我 們細說她在美國佛羅⾥達州芭蕾藝術劇院 (Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida) 的舞蹈⽣涯, 並向她的家鄉⾹港這邊傳達⼼意! Like many ballet students in Hong Kong, Janis started dancing under the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) syllabus with the goal of taking her exam each year. Achieving the Solo Seal Award at just 16 years old, Janis decided to take her training to the next level.


學習英國皇家舞蹈學院 (RAD)課程,⽬標是在 每年的考試中獲取好成績。以16歲之齡考獲 獨舞章後,她毅然決定接受更⾼⽔平的舞蹈訓 練。 Why did you decide to move to Miami, Florida? I decided to move to the United States to continue my ballet training at the age of 16, because I knew that I still had a lot to work on, long hours of professional training was something that I needed at that age. I got accepted into the professional training program at the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre. Half a year later, I joined the Coastal City Ballet as a dancer, a pre-professional training company in Vancouver, Canada. At 18, I began my professional career as a soloist with Columbia Classical Ballet, one of the Vaganova based ballet companies in Columbia, U.S.A.


After two years of being a professional ballet dancer, I wanted to grow from new challenges and I decided to audition for another company. I joined the Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, a professional Vaganova based ballet company in Miami under the Director - Mr Vladimir Issaev. He gave me so many opportunities and granted me a Principal Role in this Company. As a citizen of Hong Kong, I’ve always been used to living in a busy city. I would have had a hard time and would’ve easily gotten bored staying in a rural area. Miami is definitely a place that is quite easy for me to adapt to. There’re beaches, lots of shopping malls and Asian grocery stores.

你那時為何決定移居美國佛羅⾥達州邁阿密? 16歲時,我決定移居美國繼續接受芭蕾舞訓 練,因為我知道我還有很多東西需要學習和改 進,那個年紀的我⼗分需要⻑時間的專業訓練。

我成功獲美國匹茲堡芭蕾舞劇院學校 (Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School)取錄,⼊讀其專業訓練課 程,半年後,我加⼊Coastal City Ballet當舞蹈 員,那是加拿⼤溫哥華的⼀個職前訓練舞團。 18歲的時候,我在採⽤「⽡加諾娃訓練法」的 美國哥倫⽐亞古典芭蕾舞團 (Columbia Classical Ballet)擔任獨舞員,正式開展了我的專業舞者⽣ 涯。 當了兩年專業芭蕾舞蹈員後,我萌⽣了接受些 新挑戰的想法,希望令⾃⼰有所成⻑,於是便 決定參加另⼀個舞團的舞蹈員甄選。就這樣我 加⼊了美國佛羅⾥達州芭蕾藝術劇院——位於邁 阿密⼀個採⽤「⽡加諾娃訓練法」的專業芭蕾 舞團,總監Vladimir Issaev先⽣給我很多機會, 還選了我擔任⾸席舞蹈員。⾝為⾹港⼈的我⼀ 向都習慣在繁華的都市裏⽣活,若要轉到郊區 ⽣活,定會覺得很沉悶、很不習慣,幸好邁阿 密這地⽅很好,不但有海灘,還有許多購物商 場、亞洲⻝品雜貨店,所以我挺快就適應了過 來。



How has Miami inspired you and your dance career? I enjoy working with the Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida so much, I like that they do a lot of classical ballet repertoire and give us a lot of performance opportunities. This company always manages to give every company member different roles to shine on stage. I was able to perform many different kinds of roles and characters. The most important thing is that our company does a lot of tours and guest performances around the world. I was lucky to perform in various different states in the U.S., as well as Mexico, Poland and Malaysia. Being able to bring my passion for ballet worldwide is definitely my dream, and this company has made that dream possible. Besides the company, Miami has a lot of beautiful theatres and performance events. I’m honoured to have the opportunity to participate in performances like the International Ballet Festival of Miami, Daniel Lewis Dance Sampler, Dance for Peace and others. There’re also a lot of great ballet photographers in Miami, and it is a place that is bursting with the arts. It’s always nice to take ballet photography and capture my joy of Miami at the art deco buildings, the street art of Wynwood, the art district etc. Miami is alive with art, it’s a colorful city.

在這裏,每位舞蹈員都有機會出演不同⻆⾊,在 舞台上綻放光芒,我⾃⼰就有幸飾演過許多不同 類型的⻆⾊。最重要的⼀點是,我們舞團常到世 邁阿密這地⽅給你和你的舞蹈事業發展帶來了 界各地巡迴演出以及參與客席表演,到⽬前為 ⽌,我有幸到過美國多個州份、墨西哥、波蘭和 甚麼啟發? ⾺來西亞表演。我⼀直都夢想與世界各地的⼈分 我⾮常喜歡在佛羅⾥達州芭蕾藝術劇院⼯作, 享我對芭蕾的熱愛,這舞團令我的夢想成真。 很⾼興舞團經常都選古典芭蕾劇⽬作演出,⼜ 除了很好的舞團之外,邁阿密還有許多美麗的 給我們很多表演機會。

劇院和表演活動。我很榮幸能夠參與不同演 出,例如邁阿密國際芭蕾舞蹈節、 Daniel Lewis Dance Sampler和Dance for Peace等。 邁阿密還有許多出⾊的芭蕾攝影師呢,是藝術 氣息極為濃厚的⼀個地⽅。我特別享受在Art Deco⾵格建築、Wynwood街頭藝術牆、藝術 區等地⽅拍攝芭蕾舞蹈照的愉快時光。邁阿密 藝術發展蓬勃,是個多彩城市。




What’s your favourite performance that you did with the Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida? I love all the roles that I did for the company and it’s very hard to just choose one. But the most unforgettable ones are definitely Le Papillon by Vladimir Issaev and Nuestros Valses by Vicente Nebrada. I was dancing the role of Farfalla in Le Papillon (The Butterfly), a love story about a girl who was turned into a butterfly by an old fairy. It was originally choreographed by Marie Taglioni in 1860. Our Artistic Director Vladimir Issaev rechoreographed it, and it was such a pleasure to be part of it. I enjoyed the whole process from beginning to end. It’s always fun to analyze the story and put the character's personality and feelings into my own heart while performing it. It’s also funny to see some of my male colleagues dancing the role of the mean fairy with pointe shoes, as I had a great time just sharing my pointework tips with them.

在佛羅⾥達州芭蕾藝術劇院這期間,你最喜愛 哪⼀個表演? 這期間做過的所有⻆⾊我都很喜歡,真的很難

只擇其⼀,不過說到最難忘的表演,⼀定是 Vladimir Issaev 編舞的 Le Papillon ,以及 Vicente Nebrada編舞的Nuestros Valses。 Le Papillon ( 《蝴蝶》 ) 是個愛情故事,講述⼥孩 Farfalla被邪惡⽼仙⼦變成⼀隻蝴蝶,我在劇中飾 演Farfalla⼀⻆。此劇原於1860年由Marie Taglioni 編舞,我們舞團的藝術總監Vladimir Issaev將其重 新編舞。⼗分⾼興能夠參與此新編版本的演出, 我很享受從頭到尾每⼀個部分,不論是分析故事 情節,還是在台上忘我演繹,表現⻆⾊的性格和 感受,皆充滿趣味。另⼀有趣的地⽅是,幾位男 同事演邪惡仙⼦,穿⾜尖鞋跳舞!我跟他們分享 了些⾜尖技巧⼩貼⼠呢。 Janis’ Tips for Staying Connected! Janis


Social Media With technology nowadays, I can always contact my friends and family very easily! There’s a 13 hour time difference between Hong Kong and Miami. So it’s not too hard to find time to contact each other. I whatsapp my parents everyday and we do video chat sometimes too! I always browse through instagram to see how my friends and family are doing.



社交媒體 現今科技發達,我經常都可和家⼈朋友聯 絡!⾹港和邁阿密有13⼩時時差,所以找時 間跟他們聯絡不算很難。我每天都會和爸媽 WhatsApp ,有時還會和他們視像聊天!另 外亦會經常上 Instagram 看家⼈朋友的最新 動向。 Send a mail/ package Despite technology being very convenient to us nowadays, sending gifts or even just a postcard sometimes is a sweeter way to keep in touch with your family and friends. I often send packages to my parents and grandparents with healthy supplements, my drawings, cards and clothes to show my care for them. My best friend who is now in Australia is also a dog mum like me. So we always send little presents to each other's dogs. I always feel so warm and excited when I receive a package from my friends and family.

寄信或包裹 雖然科技令通訊變得⾮常⽅便,有些時候, 給你的家⼈朋友寄些⼩禮物甚或⼀張簡單的 明信⽚更有⼼思呢。我常寄包裹給爸媽和祖


⽗⺟,希望能給他們送上⼩⼩⼼意,裏⾯通常 Christmas tree, I will also go to take a picture with my 會有營養補充品、我的畫作、⼼意卡、新⾐服 Christmas tree and send it to them! 之類。我最好的朋友現在⾝處澳洲,她和我⼀ 樣都是「狗媽媽」,所以我們常常都會給對⽅ 遙距⼀起慶祝節⽇ 的狗兒寄點⼩禮物。每當我收到家⼈朋友寄來 雖然⾝在美國,但我仍愛和爸媽同慶佳節,例如 的包裹,我的內⼼總感到既溫暖⼜興奮。 中秋節時,我會特意在邁阿密找些⽉餅來慶祝, 然後拍張照⽚傳送給爸媽看。聖誕的時候,爸媽 會將他們在聖誕樹旁拍的照⽚發給我看,之後我 Celebrate Festivals even from a Long Distance I love to celebrate festivals with my parents even 也會同樣在聖誕樹旁照⼀張相,再發給他們看! though I’m in the U.S. For example, I will spend that extra effort to find mooncakes in Miami to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival and send a picture to my parents. During Christmas, when my parents send me a picture of them with the

Moving abroad for your dance career is never an easy choice, especially when that means leaving behind everything and everyone that you know. But remember that what awaits behind those


airport doors are new experiences, relationships, and most importantly a lot of dance! Janis Liu’s story of dancing her way from Hong Kong to Miami is another one for the books!

移居外國發展舞蹈事業絕不是⼀個容易下 的決定,因為那意味着你需要拋下這裏⼀ 切熟悉的⼈、事、物,但別忘記登機閘後 等着你的是新體驗、新朋友,還有盡情跳 舞的機會!Janis從⾹港「跳」到邁阿密的 故事就是最好的例證! Photography Credits: Principal Dancer Janis Liu Photos (1&3) by Patricia Laine, Photos (2&4) by Simon Soong








As if dancing isn’t challenging enough, dancing from home can start to feel like an obstacle course. But literally, with all the furniture rearranging and spatial awareness required, you’d hope things could just be a little easier. We’re here to help you dance through those stormy seas with our product recommendations fit just for your home!

跳舞本⾝並⾮易事,⽽在家跳舞更可能「障礙」重 重,不但家具要來個⼤挪移,舞動時亦要增加對空 間的敏感度,相信⼤家都希望在家跳舞可以變得輕 鬆些、⽅便些 —— 以下產品推介將助你跨越種種 「障礙」,在家舞出精彩! BEST SAFE & PORTABLE PRACTICE MAT


Harlequin Floors - Dance Practice Mat $890.00HKD 890

港幣 元


One of the biggest problems with dancing at home is our floor. It’s just not made to allow for a safe practice, particularly when it comes to jumping. Don’t start ripping out your flooring just yet! Luckily, the Harlequin 2m x 1m Dance Practice Mat is made

for small spaces and our not so dance-friendly places...aka home. This Dance Practice Mat is made for different types of dance, such as contemporary, jazz and ballet. Designed by the world’s leading dance floor experts, this mat allows dancers to move safely and swiftly. Practice makes perfect, so start practicing on Harlequin’s Dance Practice Mat!

「地板」是在家跳舞的⼀⼤問題,家居地板 ⼤多不適合⽤來練舞,⽤來練跳躍動作就更 不安全 —— 慢着,別拆掉你家的地板!有 Harlequin舞蹈練習墊,問題將迎刃⽽解!練 習墊⻑2⽶,闊1⽶,專為細⼩空間設計,適 合在家使⽤,還可⽤於練習不同舞種,如當 代舞、爵⼠舞和芭蕾。由世界頂尖舞蹈地板 專家設計的Harlequin舞蹈練習墊,讓舞者舞 得既安全⼜暢快!正所謂「熟能⽣巧」,快 放好墊⼦,開始練舞啦! BEST RESISTANCE BAND


Sonata Dancewear - Resistance Band $10.90SGD 10.9

新加坡幣 元


Even if a full-length dance class isn’t possible


to do at home, a good body conditioning workout can go a long way! By increasing our range of motion and movement, these Resistance Bands by Sonata Dancewear can help train and build our muscles. Available in different strength weights, from light to heavy, you’ll have no problem finding the right fit for your practice. So start working wonders by

stretching and strengthening at home with these bright and bubbly Resistance Bands!

雖然在家裏未必能上完整的舞蹈課,但做些⾝體訓 練還是相當有⽤的!Sonata Dancewear彈⼒帶助你 鍛鍊肌⾁,提升⾝體靈活度,更提供不同重量選 擇,滿⾜各種訓練需要。充滿朝氣活⼒的彈⼒帶, 是你在家伸展鍛鍊的好幫⼿!





Sonata Dancewear - Plié Long Bra $45.50SGD 45.5

新加坡幣 元

We all love a good dance uniform, but it can be tempting to loosen that hair tie and ditch those tights when at home. Find the right balance of fashion, function and most importantly comfort with Sonata Dancewear’s Plié Long Bra. The perfect compliment to your online dance class or workout, this long bra top features stretch lace and a mesh panel at the front, and an oh so beautiful sheer mesh back! And of course ladies, we need to support our own ladies with a thick under-bust band and removable bra padding. Plié with ease and comfort in this Plié Long Bra!

有誰不愛穿得整潔漂亮來跳舞?可是在家跳 的話,卻很⼤機會敵不過「誘惑」,因⽽把 頭髮綁鬆了點,或把襪褲扔了在⼀旁不穿。 Sonata Dancewear的Plié Long Bra集「時

尚」、「功能」和最重要的「舒適感」於 ⼀⾝,是伴你在家練舞或參與網上舞蹈課 的完美拍檔。無論是前⽅的彈性蕾絲網 紗,抑或輕柔透薄網背,均散發出淡淡的 優雅氣息!寬闊的下圍束帶設計,配以可 拆式胸墊,為胸部提供良好承托。穿上 Plié Long Bra練習,感覺舒爽⾃在!







AG Hair Care - Aerodynamics Light-weight Finishing Spray $18.00CAD 18


加幣 元

Say goodbye to that bedhead, and hello to that bunhead with AG Hair Care’s Aerodynamics Lightweight Finishing Spray! Free of parabens and that icky sticky aftermath, this finishing spray is great for getting your hair done neatly and quickly before you go live in five for your livestream dance class. Made for all hair types, this vegan finishing spray keeps your hair strong and taut, minus all the toxic and harmful fumes. Spray away so that you can dance all day!

有 AG Hair Care 的 Aerodynamics 輕盈定型噴霧, 剛起牀時的⼀頭亂髮輕易就能變成漂亮的芭蕾髮 髻!不含對羥基苯甲酸酯,且清爽不黏膩,讓你 快速打造完美整潔髮型。只需幾分鐘,就準備好

在網上即時舞蹈課中「亮相」了!此純素定 型噴霧適合不同髮質的⼈⼠使⽤,不含有 害、有毒物質,令你的秀髮保持貼服強韌。 噴⼀噴,跳舞跳⾜⼀整⽇! BEST AT HOME BALLET BARRE


Harlequin - Small Freestanding Barre

⼩型獨⽴式芭蕾扶把 港幣2080元


Lightweight and portable, Harlequin’s Small Freestanding Barre will put a smile on any ballet dancer’s face! There’s no more need for kitchen counters or chairs to stand in place for the real deal! This stable ballet barre is made from anodised aluminum and is available in either an aluminum or beech barre. Whether your at home dance studio is in your living room, basement or kitchen, Harlequin offers various sizes of


portable barres! And the best part of all is that you won’t need to fight anyone for the top spot, because this barre is all yours!

輕巧可移動的Harlequin⼩型獨⽴式芭蕾扶 把,定能令每位芭蕾舞者滿⼼歡喜!從 此,你再也不⽤使出家中的桌椅來練習 了!此芭蕾扶把由陽極氧化鋁製成,堅實 穩固,扶⼿部分則有鋁、⼭⽑櫸⽊兩種材 質選擇。Harlequin提供不同尺⼨的可移動 扶把,所以,不論你的「家居舞蹈室」是

設於客廳、地下室還是廚房,你都定能找到合適的 扶把。還有最好的⼀點就是,你⽏須再跟別⼈⼒爭 那「最佳練習位置」,因為現在整條扶把都是屬於 你的了! BEST ONLINE DANCE CLASSES


Dancio - 1 Month Unlimited Class Subscription 1 $19.99USD 19.99



Learn from the best of the best right from the comfort of your home. Ideal for dance students, pre-professional and professional dancers, Dancio provides full length online classes in ballet, contemporary, and modern dance. Taught by world-renowned teachers such as Julie Kent, Craig Hall, Carlos Lopez and Lauren King just to name a few, there are no other online classes like it. Live music is truly a luxury for dancers, and each of Dancio’s classes feature live accompaniment.

The classes are pre-recorded which makes it easy to pause, play and replay anytime you want. The variety of classes you’ll find on here is truly amazing, and what’s even better is that they offer a FastClass series as well, for anyone looking for a shorter class or a longer warm-up! Boost that dance technique, and train just as you would in your college studio or rehearsal hall!

安在家中,跟精英 導師學藝!Dancio 提供完整的芭蕾、 當代舞和現代舞網 上課堂,是舞蹈學 ⽣、專業預備舞者 以⾄專業舞者學舞 的不⼆之選。由世 界知名導師教授, 如Julie Kent、Craig Hall、Carlos Lopez 和Lauren King,屬 難得⼀⾒的⾼質素 網上課堂。 Dancio 的每⼀堂課均設現場伴奏,這 絕對是不可多得的元素呢。由於課堂 是預先錄製的,你可按需要隨時暫 停、播放或重播影⽚。各式各樣的課 堂任君選擇,想找短些的課堂或想熱 ⾝久⼀些,更可選「快速課堂」系 列!來提升舞蹈技巧,像平時在院校 的舞蹈室、排演廳那樣⽤功練習吧!



Fresh like spring, we’re sharing our favourite new at home dance products! Whether it’s tools that’ll help make your dance space safer, or neat and compact gear made for the tiniest of studios, you’ll be set for your at home practice.

為迎接新⼀年,我們將與您分享⼀系列最新、最潮的家庭舞蹈⽤品!不論是協助提升跳舞安全性的⼯具,或是為⼩型舞 蹈室⽽設的袖珍裝備,我們都⼀⼀為您搜羅,讓您可以安在家中練習舞蹈。





aims, that is why we have decided to bring a new possibility to keep training when offline classes are still unavailable or limited. Here we present our Spring Online Intensive. This time the program is exclusively created by the RMB team and its main goal is to improve our students’ technique thanks to work with the best teachers. As well there will be some surprises and special classes, such as a nutrition workshop and more things to come! We strive to create new sources of motivation for young ballet students by bringing this new opportunity of training from home with the best quality.

⾹港芭蕾舞團 播放⽇期﹕


Hong Kong Ballet five(by)six 18.03.2021 - 04.04.2021 2:30pm | 10:00am - 11:59pm Streaming available 18.03.2021


請瀏覽: https://russianmastersballet.com/rmb-online/intensives/

Join us for an extraordinary production with five intriguing contemporary ballets by six international dance-makers. This will be an unforgettable programme filled with inspiring dance that you won’t want to miss!

六位國際編舞家,五齣精采當代芭蕾作品,⼀場⾮同凡響的演出! 所有作品將額外配上幕後花絮及編舞親⾃現⾝說法的⽚段,必定令 您⼀看難忘,不容錯過! Visit 請瀏覽: www.hkballet.com/en/see-hkb/production/turnitout-festival-fivebysix

sjDANCEco 19th Annual sjDANCEco Dance Festival 19-25.04.2021 3:00pm | 2:45pm

Russian Masters Ballet Online Intensive 5-17.05.2021 6:00pm-10:00pm

The Spring Festival means so much to all of us, and to go another year without celebrating the roots of sjDANCEco, and the core of what brings our dance community together feels impossible. So, we are excited to bring the ‘Splendor and Power of Dance’ to our community once again. With the current state of COVID in California and many ‘unknowns’ ahead, we have decided to move our festival to a virtual event. Even though we all would prefer to be together, dancing on a stage with an audience, we want to make sure that we get Dance out to you, our audience and for everyone to remain safe and healthy. We hope that you will join us!

Improvement of our students' technique is one of our principal


請瀏覽: https://www.sjdanceco.org/events.html





program prepares students to shine on stage. Let's experience this journey in dance and art together, to explore the infinite possibilities that lie between body and mind.

《⾶凡盛夏》2021 暑期舞蹈課程及總結演出——舞躍盛夏,迸 發異彩!精彩多樣的舞蹈課程,讓學員在舞台上綻放光彩,⼀ 同體驗⾶⼀般的藝術之旅,探索⾝與⼼之間的無限可能。 Visit 請瀏覽: https://www.facebook.com/events/414136643231879

⾹港演藝學院 演藝學院網上開放⽇2021

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts HKAPA Virtual Open Day 2021 09.05.2021 10:00am

Starting at 10am, "visitors" can explore the Wanchai main campus and Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus online via virtual tours. By simple clicks, visitors can experience performing arts activities according to their own itineraries. Chinese opera and dance performances, drama class reveals, concerts, short film screenings and sharing sessions will be presented by Academy faculty members and students from the six Schools.

⽉9⽇(星期⽇)上午10時開始,⼤家可「網上參觀」灣仔本 部校園和伯⼤尼古蹟校園,隨個⼈喜好計劃參觀路線,在「⾝ 處」的場地內簡單按鍵,就能欣賞到由六⼤學院包括戲曲學 院、舞蹈學院、戲劇學院、電影電視學院、⾳樂學院和舞台及 製作藝術學院呈獻的節⽬。 Visit 請瀏覽: https://www.hkapa.edu/event/hkapa-virtual-open-day-2021 5

Hong Kong Dance Company 40th Anniversary : 40 21.5.2021-7.8.2022 7:45pm | 3pm

⾹港舞蹈團 週年舞季節⽬

舞尋萬象 動求無形 ⾹港舞蹈團昂然踏進四⼗週年

Move Within and Without • Hong Kong Dance Company Celebrates 40 Years of Dance and Inspirations In 2021, we mark 40 years of the Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC). In celebration of the joys and abundant achievements of these past four decades, we are sharing our passion for dance in 17 months of wonderful programmes and events.

年,⾹港舞蹈團喜迎四⼗週年,我們將帶給⼤家歷時⼗七 個⽉的精彩節⽬和活動,分享我們對舞蹈的熱愛,慶祝四⼗載 耕耘豐收的喜悅。 2021

東邊舞蹈團 《⾶凡盛夏》2021 ⽜池灣⽂娛中⼼

E-Side Dance Company Fanciful Summer 2021 27.03.2021 - 10.06.2021 | 8:00pm Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre

Dance into this summer, bursting with energy! With a wonderful range of dance courses, this summer


Mr Yang Yuntao, Artistic Director of HKDC, says, “On this artistic journey, we have been fortunate enough to carry on the work of those before us and build up the strengths of those who’ll come after. We have become the bricks and mortar used to construct this resplendent scenery.”

⾹港舞蹈團藝術總監楊雲濤感⾔:「⾹港舞蹈團四⼗年如⼀ ⽇,兢兢業業,與你⼀起舞過群⼭,藝遊四海…… 幸運你我, 修藝路上,可承前⼈之功,啟後來之⼒,成為構築那道亮麗⾵ 景的⼀磚⼀⽡。」 Visit 請瀏覽: www.hkdance.com/performances/40anniversaryseason?lang=en


Snap for a chance to WIN a 3 month online class subscription from Dancio! Take a dance photo with you and this page and post it on Instagram or Facebook! Be sure to tell us which dance style is your favourite in your photo caption and tag @hkdancemagazine and @mydancio for a chance to win free online dance classes!

⾺上下載我們的免費電⼦版雜誌,贏取3個 ⽉免費Dancio線上舞蹈課程!拍下⼀張你 在跳舞並拿著今期雜誌Dancio⼤贈送活動 ⾴⾯的照⽚,然後發佈於 Instagram 或 Facebook即可參與!謹記告訴我們你最喜 歡哪⼀種舞蹈⾵格,以及標註 @hkdancemagazine 及 @mydancio ,即有 機會贏取免費Dancio線上舞蹈課程!


載 上 ⽴即的 相 ⽚ ! 你




Enter to WIN by following these steps: 1. “Like” this photo on our Facebook or Instagram 2. Download our free Digital Magazine April 2021 issue at www.hkdancemagazine.com or through PressReader 3. Take a dance photo with the Dancio Giveaway Page from this season’s HKDM issue and post it on your Instagram or Facebook account (your account needs to be public during the contest period) 4. Tell us which dance style is your favourite in your photo caption and tag @hkdancemagazine and @mydancio in your comment 5. You will receive a Direct Message from our team acknowledging your submission

Details: 5 Winners will be selected by the Chief Editor of Hong Kong Dance Magazine based on the most photo “likes” by the closing date & time of the contest. Contest closes April 22nd, 2021 at 11:59pm HKT Winners will be announced on Friday April 23rd, 2021 Contest open to all ages For full details, please read our terms & conditions on our website


「讚好」我們Facebook專⾴或Instagram帳號上 的這張照⽚ 2. 前 往 www.hkdancemagazine.com 或 在 PressReader下載我們的四⽉號免費電⼦版雜誌 3. 拍下⼀張你以跳舞姿勢拿著今期雜誌Dancio⼤贈 送活動⾴⾯的照⽚,並發佈於你的Instagram或 Facebook 帳號(活動期間你必須保持帳戶的私 隱狀態為「公開」) 4. 在圖⽚說明中寫下你最喜歡哪⼀種舞蹈⾵格,並 在留⾔標註@hkdancemagazine及@mydancio 5. 我們的團隊將會發送⼀個私訊給你,表⽰收到你 提交的照⽚ 1.


總編輯將會選出五名於 活動截⽌前相⽚得到最多「讚好」的得獎者 活動截⽌⽇期:2021年4⽉22⽇晚上11:59(⾹港時間) 得獎者名單將於2021年4⽉23⽇(星期五)公佈 活動歡迎所有⼈⼠參與 更多詳情,請瀏覽我們網⾴中的條款及細則 Hong Kong Dance Magazine


*In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. *

中⽂譯本僅供參考,⽂義如與 英⽂有歧異,概以英⽂本為準。

Official Rules Contest is open to all ages, anyone under the age of 18 must obtain permission from their legal guardian/parent to partake in this contest. Photos must be original content Terms & Conditions 1. The Dancio X HKDM Giveaway is organised by Hong Kong Dance Magazine & Dancio. 2. Communications: The contestant/contestant’s legal guardian is responsible for paying attention to all “Dancio X HKDM Giveaway” details, official rules and all terms and conditions set out. 3. Eligibility: Participants participating in the contest who are under the age of 18 must obtain permission from their legal guardian/parent to participate in this contest. 4. Agreement to Rules: By participating in the “Dancio X HKDM Giveaway”, You/Your legal guardian agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules. You/Your legal guardian agrees to accept the decisions of Hong Kong Dance Magazine as final and binding as it relates to the content of the “Dancio X HKDM Giveaway”. 5. Contest Period: The contest starts Friday April 9, 2021 at 12:00 pm HKT and ends Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 at 11:59 pm HKT. 6. How to Enter: Eligible contestants must fulfill all “Dancio X HKDM Giveaway” rules & requirements, as specified. Entries that are incomplete or do not adhere to the rules may be disqualified at the sole discretion of Hong Kong Dance Magazine. 7. Prizes: Five Winners of the “Dancio X HKDM Giveaway” will be selected by Hong Kong Dance Magazine. Winners will receive a free 3 month subscription from Dancio (60USD$). The specifics of the prize shall be solely determined by Hong Kong Dance Magazine and Dancio. No cash or other prize substitution shall be permitted. The prize is non-transferable. Any and all prize-related expenses shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. The use of the prize is subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated by “Dancio X HKDM Giveaway”(if applicable). Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for Hong Kong Dance Magazine to use the Winner’s name, likeness, and entry for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law. 8. Odds: The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. 9. Winner Selection and Notification: Five Winners will be selected by the Chief Editor of Hong Kong Dance Magazine. The 5 photos with the most “likes” by the contest closing date and time will be selected as the Winners (number of likes will only be counted based on one social media account per contest entrant, if your photo has been posted to multiple social media accounts, we will only count the one account with the most likes). Winners will be notified through Facebook messenger or their Instagram message within 12 hours following the selection of the Winners. Hong Kong Dance Magazine shall have no liability for the Winner’s failure to receive notices due to security settings or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If the Winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 24 hours from the time award notification was sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate Winner selected. Once confirmed, the Winners will be required to provide their full name and email address. 10. Force Majeure: HKDM and Dancio shall not be considered in default or liable in cases of shipping delays or cancellations due to wars, civil riots, acts of terrorism, epidemics, acts of nature, fires, strikes, government restriction or other circumstances beyond their control. 11. Publicity and Information: By entering this contest and submitting text, personal information, etc., You understand and agree that Hong Kong Dance Magazine or anyone acting on behalf of Hong Kong Dance Magazine, shall have the right, to use in any media now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity and throughout the World, without limitation, your entry, name, account name, video, picture, voice, likeness, image, statements about the “Dancio X HKDM Giveaway”, and biographical information for news, publicity, information, advertising, public relations, and promotional purposes, without any further compensation, notice, review, or consent. 12. Disqualification: Hong Kong Dance Magazine reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual, whose content contains obscene, indecent, or inappropriate content, or violates these Official Rules and Terms & Conditions. 13. Original Work: All photos must be originally created material, or you must obtain proper legal permission to use someone else’s copyrighted material. By entering this contest, You represent and warrant that your entry does not violate any third party’s proprietary or intellectual property rights. If the content of your entry is claimed to constitute infringement of any proprietary or intellectual proprietary rights of any third party, You shall, at your sole expense, defend or settle against such claims. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Hong Kong Dance Magazine (Hong Kong Dance Moms Limited) against any suit, proceeding, claims, liability, loss, damage, costs or expenses, which arise out of such infringement or suspected infringement of any third party’s right.

DANCE DIRECTORY Dance Apparel Shops in Hong Kong


Alice Costume de Danse Far's Latin & Ballroom Dance Store

Piu Ngai Fashion Supply Co.

Snow White Dancewear



Dance Sensation Studio

Sparkle Dance Apparel Company Three Star Dancing Supply Co.

9207 4429 dancesensationhk@gmail.com

三星舞蹈⽤品公司 feloSOPHIE



2576 9722 piungai@yahoo.com.hk

Caelum Greene

Room 2203, Island Beverley, 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay 1 22 03

Asia Yogies

號⾦百利 樓 室


Vivre Activewear Hong Kong (Warm Up Girls)

Flat 26, 15/F, Metro Centre 2, 21 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay

Gourami lululemon Sweaty Betty Easyyoga Hong Kong Rising Lotus

Dance Schools in Hong Kong


DIA - Dance in Attitude Donna Ngan Ballet & Jazz Academy

MULTIPLE DANCE STYLES (Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, etc.) JW Talent Costumes Margaret Dance Workshop Paul's Ballet Supplies Centre


Tutulamb 6608 6689 info@tutulamb.com Central: 403, 801, Lansing House, 41-47 Queen’s Road Central. Causeway Bay: 9/F, Capital Commercial Building, 26 Leighton Road. Wong Chuk Hang: Shop 311, One Island South, 2 Heung Yip Road.



顏夢亭芭蕾及爵⼠舞蹈學院 Edge‘n Pointe Dance Centre Emi Yeung Dance Academy


Glenda Allen Dance Academy G-Kids Dance Academy

Academy of Dance

Herman Lam Dance Studio

Agape Dance Studio

H.K. Camy Academy of Dancing

星培舞蹈藝術教室 Balletbean Dance Academy 卓藝舞蹈學院 Balletsia Dance Centre 芭蕾世家舞蹈中⼼


Island Dance School Hong Kong


Carol Bateman School of Dancing

Jean M. Wong School of Ballet

CenterStage Studios HK

Karen Leung Dancing Academy



Channy Stage Arts Workshop


Karensiu Dance Academy Kids Arts HK

Chong Wai Sze Academy of Ballet


⽑妹芭蕾舞學校 Cindy Dance Academy 仙迪芭蕾舞學院 Clara School of Ballet 嘉麗芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School of Ballet



舞藝傳奇 Les Danseurs Dance Academy 陳綺婷舞蹈學院 L.D.A (Legendary Dance Arts)

Les Petites Ballerina Dance Academy


Crystal Dance

Lisa B Academy of Jazz


Little Duck Dance and Arts Academy

Dance Assemblé Academy

Little Star Academy of Dance

DMR School of Ballet


Little Star School of Dance







Mabel Fong School of Ballet and

OG Dance


Parsons Music Academy


Petite Princess Academy of Dance

9535 0666 evelinmfm@gmail.com

POINTES Musique et Danse

Flat F 10th Floor Siena Two Discovery Bay Lantau, Hong Kong


2458 9234 swmabel@gmail.com Unit 2511, 25/F Tuen Mun Parklane Square, no.2 Tuen Hi Road, Tuen Mun 2 25 2511

屯⾨屯喜路 號栢麗廣場 樓


MotiveforMotion by Evelin Keller

Prince Dance Studio


Red Shoe Dance Company SDM Jazz & Ballet Academy



Serein School of Ballet Shelly Lo Jazz & Ballet School

羅逸雅芭蕾舞爵⼠舞學校 Show Dance HK

Elegant Dance Arts

Teens Sport and Art Centre

Emma Tse Elite Dance Academy

Tina's Dance Studio

First Step Ballet School

⻘躍體藝中⼼ T.Art Dance Center 千藝舞蹈中⼼ ⼩苗芭蕾舞學校 Nancy Chiu Ballet Studio 趙蘭⼼芭蕾舞學校 Monica Ho School of Ballet Nicole & Dance

Twinkle Dance Company


Studio Assemblé


Viva Dance Academy

培藝芭蕾舞學校 Glamor Ballet School 纋雅芭蕾舞學校 Gloria Law School of Ballet 羅培丹芭蕾舞學校 Gravity Ballet 成⼈芭蕾舞學校

Vivian Kwok School of Ballet

HM Ballet

Southern School of Dance

Ho Ballet

Regina Proietto Dance Pro Venessa Dance Theatre


Hong Kong Youth Ballet Academy


6608 6689 info@twinkledance.com


Central: 403, 801, Lansing House, 41-47 Queen’s Road Central.

Agnes Huang School of Ballet

Causeway Bay: 9/F, Capital Commercial Building, 26 Leighton Road.

Alice Cheng School of Ballet

6681 8108 firstpositionhk@gmail.com

Artiste Star Elite Dance School

Room F, 26/F , Maxgrand Plaza, No.3 Tai Yau Street,Kowloon

Wong Chuk Hang: Shop 311, One Island South, 2 Heung Yip Road.

⿈雅華芭蕾舞學校 鄭健敏芭蕾舞學校

藝智星精英舞蹈學院 Avant Dance Studio Ballet Blanc

思藝舞蹈中⼼ Cherry's Ballet Academy 卓爾芭蕾舞学院 CB Dance Studio

Dance with Me Ballet Academy

崔藹璇芭蕾舞學校 Dreamer Dance Academy 童夢舞蹈學院 Doris Chui School of Ballet Elegance Ecole de Dance


First Position Ballet Academy ·

壹芭蕾 舞蹈學院




Dream Dance and Art Studio

Isla School of Dance

鍾詠賢芭蕾舞學校 Josephine School of Ballet 張秀芬芭蕾舞學校 La Muse Studio 繆斯藝術 Le Studio Ballet 曾眉芭蕾舞學校 Ivy Chung School of Ballet

L&S Art Music Dance Studio Lynne Ballet School Mabel Cheung School of Dancing N’ Dance


Nessa Dance Studio

2Live Dance Studio Alive Dance Studio

6060 3175 dreamdanceandart@gmail.com

BE Dance Academy

⾹港元朗宏業南街22號, 虹⽅商業⼤廈地下2A及7樓710室

Shop 2A, G/F & Shop 710, 7/F, TheRainbow,22WangYipStreetSouth

BeDREX 2Live Dance Studio Alive Dance Studio BE Dance Academy BeDREX


Billy Chan Dance Concepts Bloom Dance Academy


Cool Kids Dance Academy

PAULINE dance art

Dance @ Central

Phoebe's Ballet Studio

Danz Avenue HK

Regine Wong School of Ballet


Defender Studio

RL School of DanceRussian Ballet School


Shelley D’s Academy of Ballet & Dance




SJ International School of Ballet Springtide Ballet School

GEA Dance 2 Gather

Viva Ballet School 5482 2197 VivaBalletHK@gmail.com 11/F 30 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong 30 11

荷李活道 號 樓

Hong Kong Dance Company


Little Dance Moon Studio

Gear Attic



Iconic Dance Studio Infinity Dance Studio

Metro Yoga and Dance Mini A Dance Studio / Mini.ii.kids Nine Lives Dance Company Ones to Watch Dance Company Proudance

⾹港⻘年協會 賽⾺會紅磡⻘年空間


Russ Dance Factory

Wan Zi Qian Hong Dance

Sano Dance Studio SGM Dance Production


Sky Dance Avenue

Zephyr Art Inspiring Center

SO Dance Studio








The Flying Swallow Dance Studio

World of Dancing


Neverland Kids Academy

美諾諦詩舞蹈⼯作坊 Mica Dance 雲舞團 中國舞舞蹈課程 Sha Tin Arts 沙⽥⽂藝協會


Friends Junction Dance Co. Funky Dance Centre

Melodies Dance Studio

The Sprout Dance

EG Dance

Jam City HK Ltd.

Kiwi Studio


EDF Dance Studio


凝舞薈影舞蹈團 Kidance



Dream Dimension

春天芭蕾舞學校 Trend Stage Ballet Academy 尚賢芭蕾舞學院 Ulian Chun Academy of Ballet 秦懿欣芭蕾舞學院 Venus So Ballet School 嘉瑩芭蕾舞學校 Virtuoso School of Ballet 名師芭蕾舞蹈學院


XD Kids Dance School Yaya Kids Dance / The Yard






Zeekers Danz Production


Ziberty Sports Studio



Danza A'more Stage Dreamworld


Inspiration Dance Center




寶萊塢舞 肚⽪舞



Echoes of Erin -School of Irish Dance Melissa McDermott School of Irish Dance

Cosmic Dance Ellumination Dance School Feel the Beat Dance Studio

O’Connor Barton Irish Dance

Dance Companies in Hong Kong

Trio Spin Studio


Yannes Belly Dance

City Contemporary Dance Company

Oasis Dance Centre



E-Side Dance Company

Dance for Joy HK 9264 8597 info@danceforjoyhk.com Shop 10, 1/F The Visionary Commercial Area, 1 Ying Hong Street, Tung Chung


藝術體操 雜技

Cher Dance & Rhythmic Gymnastic Institute Kings Rhythmic Gymnastics Ballet Academy

⾹港藝術體操芭蕾舞學院 Trybe





Hong Kong Swings Michel Dancing Studio Step Up Dance Studio The Beat

Atom Academy




ArtisTree Asia Society Hong Kong Center

⽂化節⽬組 Hong Kong Arts Centre ⾹港藝術中⼼ Cultural Presentations Section

Hong Kong Arts Development Council


⾹港藝術節 Hong Kong Dance Alliance ⾹港舞蹈聯盟 Hong Kong Dance Federation ⾹港舞蹈總會 Hong Kong Arts Festival



Spring Learning

Dee Dream Life

Move for Life

提供舞蹈課的兒童學習中⼼ So Educational Centre

Dance Zing

⾹港舞蹈及表演藝術機構 ⾹港舞蹈聯會

Kids' Gallery

Dance Star Academy

⾹港舞蹈團 Hook Dance Theatre 舞合劇場 Hong Kong Ballet ⾹港芭蕾舞團 Unlock Dancing Plaza 不加鎖舞踊館 Y-Space 多空間 Hong Kong Dance Company

Association of Hong Kong Dance Organizations


拉丁舞 社交舞 搖擺舞

Folded Paper Dance and Theatre

Performing Arts Organisations in Hong Kong

R & T (Rhythm & Tempo) Tap





⾹港⻘年藝術協會 Tai Kwun ⼤館

Clara Ramona Danza Flamenca Ltd


Esencia Flamenca

West Kowloon Cultural District



Be sure to subscribe to Hong Kong Dance Magazine and enjoy these exclusive offers! Take a look at our full list of benefits, partners, and discounts. Stay tuned, as we’ll be adding more spectacular rewards for our subscribed readers!

⽴即訂閱Hong Kong Dance Magazine 以享有獨家優惠!快來看 看以下福利、合作夥伴以及折扣優惠吧。我們即將為⼤家帶來更多 精彩獎賞,敬請熱切期待!


請瀏覽: hkdancemagazine.com/subscriber-benefits

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