Hong Kong Dance Magazine - July 2021

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創辦⼈兼總監 林朗婷 Chief Editor 總編輯 Melinda Gaskin 簡美德

Founder and Director Lam Lon Ting



Translators Candy Tsang , Karen Wong Laura Tang , & Pauline Wong

曾敏翹 鄧燕君


COVER PAGE Featured Artist Sunny Wong



⼈物特寫 ⿈國榮

相⽚編輯 王錦輝 Lighting 燈光 Ming Graphic Design 平⾯設計

Photographer / Photo Editor Andrew Wong


廣告及創作 銷售

Sales Coly Ho coly@hkdancemagazine.com

Lucy Yue


Hair & Makeup Karen Yiu - HK Makeup Artist

We’re right in the heat of summer, ready to break a sweat on the dance floor! Stay refreshed all season long with our lineup of stories. To help you keep cool while shimmying in the sun, we’ve packed this issue with new stories to get you through the summer. From our articles on tips for an effective cool-down to the latest dance gear that’ll wick away your sweat, we’ve got you covered! Who better to kick off this season than local renowned choreographer, Sunny Wong! Taking us into Hong Kong’s commercial dance scene, he’s got plenty of expertise, advice, and riveting stories to share! As you sit back and relax in the comfort of your beach lounger, dive into the wide range of articles in this issue. Find out what it’s like to be an overseas post-secondary dance student during the pandemic. Satisfy your cravings with dancer Akshata Raghotham’s palak paneer recipe! Discover the compelling stories that dance across the pages of our magazine, and get out your fans as we swoop into this summer issue!

夏⽇炎炎,相信⼤家正準備熱舞起來、盡情揮灑汗⽔!我們的⼀系列全新⽂章,為你送上絲絲涼意,讓你在陽光下清爽⾃在地擺動腰肢;多姿多 彩的各式專題故事,伴你度過這動感夏天!緩和運動⼩貼⼠、最新舒適吸汗舞蹈服裝推介……⼀⼀為你呈獻! 和我們⼀起擁抱熱情盛夏的有本地著名排舞師⿈國榮Sunny Wong!這位舞蹈家將和⼤家分享他的專業知識和故事,並帶來⼀些好建議,快跟着他 認識⾹港的商業舞蹈世界吧。 舒舒服服的躺在沙灘椅上,悠然閱覽本期雜誌豐富內容!了解海外⼤專舞蹈學⽣疫情期間的⽣活,另可依照舞者Akshata Raghotham的印度菠菜芝 ⼠咖哩 (Palak Paneer)⻝譜動⼿做,滿⾜⼀下饞嘴的⾃⼰。精彩趣味內容盡在本期雜誌,就只待你來發掘! Chief Editor




Man in the Mirror: An Interview with Leading Local Choreographer Sunny Wong



後⽣可畏:與本地舞蹈英才詠藍對談 28

Sunny Wong




Cool as a Cucumber! 5 Tips for an Effective Cool Down 5

綠⾊錦囊︰給舞者的 個環保⼩點⼦






舞袋裏的秘密 35


Summer Dance Programs Intensives in Hong Kong & Online



What’s in a Twerker’s Dance Bag? With Ruby Chan Twerker Ruby Chan

舞袋裏的秘密?讓舞者 告訴你!



The Future Frontiers of Dance: A Look into Hong Kong’s Dance Education Programme, Arts Voyager

舞蹈藝術新境界!本地舞蹈教育計劃 「藝意啟航」知多點

Corinne Yee - Director of the Asia Pacific Dance Association Corinne Yee -


Where Magic Meets Dance: An Interview with Hong Kong Disneyland Dancers

當「魔法」遇上「舞蹈」︰ 專訪⾹港迪⼠尼樂園舞蹈員


Green & Groovy: 10 Ways to Get EcoFriendly with Your Dance Practice 10

Young but Mighty! Talking with Hong Kong’s Homegrown Dance Talent, Wing Lam



Shake it Up with Some Summer Salads! Best Salads in Hong Kong



Dancer by Day, Chef by Night: Akshata Raghotham's Palak Paneer Recipe Akshata Raghotham

舞者 芝⼠⻝譜



舞蹈⼤世界 42

Heating Up Hong Kong's Bollywood Scene! Hanisha Gianani's Performance of "Badi Mushkil"


Finding Hope Through Dance: What Dance Means to Hong Kong’s Hope Patterson Hope Patterson

在⾹港炒熱波⾥活舞蹈氣氛! Hanisha Gianani動感演繹印度歌曲Badi Mushkil 希望「舞」中尋︰舞蹈對⾹港舞者 的⾮常意義




Summer Studio Fashion


Editor’s Cool Off Favourites

54 56 58




Want More? visit www.hkdancemagazine.com



時 常 自 省

專 訪 本 地 資 深 編 舞 師

⼈物特寫 ⿈國榮 王錦輝 燈光 平⾯設計

Featured Artist : Sunny Wong Photographer : Andrew Wong - Coffeehouse Lighting : Ming Graphic Design : Lucy Yue Hair & Makeup : Karen Yiu - HK Makeup Artist



A household name in Hong Kong’s dance industry, Sunny Wong’s work as a choreographer, dance teacher, and performer has been featured in numerous music concerts, music videos, and commercials. Though the spotlight is usually on the lead singers he works with, such as Aaron Kwok and Sammi Cheng, we’re turning the spotlight over to Sunny Wong as he shares his

experience and expertise as a renowned choreographer.

⾝兼編舞師、舞蹈⽼師及表演者數職, Sunny Wong的名堂在⾹港家喻戶曉,觀眾 時常在各⼤演唱會、⾳樂影⽚和廣告中看⾒ 他的作品。縱使⼤眾平⽇更常關注與他合作 的歌⼿,例如郭富城、鄭秀⽂等等,我們是 次將焦點放到Sunny Wong⾝上,邀請他分 享編舞多年的經驗與⼼得。



Like every great dancer, Sunny’s love for dance was spurred by a genuine passion for movement. And for him, this passion started at the age of 5 where he was inspired by dance movies such as Grease. His real start in dance began in 1984 when TVB was hiring dancers, and sure enough Sunny was accepted! His contract began with intense training in a number of styles such as Jazz, K Pop, Latin Dance, Chinese Dance, and Tap Dance. Sunny performed on hit television shows like Enjoy Yourself Tonight, and was invited to dance as a backup dancer and eventually choreograph for these televised jobs.

舞蹈即⼀連串的動作,所有偉⼤的舞者都對 動作的本質有極⼤熱情,⽽ Sunny 也不例 外。早在他五歲時,《油脂》⼀系列的歌舞 ⽚便引起了他對舞蹈的興趣。到了1984年, TVB 公開招聘舞蹈⼈員, Sunny ⼀如意料之 中成功考上,從此正式與舞蹈事業結緣。在 TVB接受密集訓練期間,他學習了爵⼠舞、 K-Pop 、拉丁舞、中國舞、踢踏舞等多種舞 ⾵,其後作為伴舞參與熱⾨電視節⽬《歡樂 今宵》的表演,為他將來電視節⽬的編舞⼯ 作打好基礎。 Digging deep into Sunny Wong’s experience as a dancer, choreographer, and teacher, we interviewed Sunny all about Hong Kong’s fast-paced commercial dance industry.

從他作為舞者、編舞師與舞蹈⽼師的經歷出 發,我們對Sunny Wong進⾏了全⾯的訪問, ⼀窺節奏急促的本地商業舞蹈⾏業。 Having worked with so many different music artists, which show challenged you the most? The most challenging show was Aaron Kwok’s de Aa Kode. That was our first time using this innovative mechanical stage, and we had to estimate the speed and duration of these elevating platforms. It was held at the Hung Hom Coliseum, and our estimations were largely speculated since we did not get to run the moving stage systems during our rehearsal. We had to decide on the timing for dancers to come out of these cages after being elevated, and it took me the longest time to plan because I had to familiarise myself with the mechanics of the stage before I could actually calculate the timing for the different choreographic sections. That was the greatest challenge, plus I had to choreograph on fifty dancers. For that




concert, we also had to practice acrobatic circus tricks. It took us two weeks to choreograph, and we had to get people to teach us those tricks, and we couldn’t plan anything until we knew how to do those tricks. We basically had to start from zero, so I felt like that concert was the most challenging.

在你過往與不同歌⼿合作的經驗之中,哪⼀ 次演出最具挑戰性? 最具挑戰性的演出⾮郭富城的「郭富城《舞 林密碼》演唱會」莫屬。我們當時初次使⽤ 機械舞台,亦因為綵排有所限制,無法試⾏ 紅館的舞台系統,只能估算舞台升降所需的 時間與速度,⼜或是伴舞在舞台升降後的待 機時間。在編舞之前,我必須了解、熟習舞 台的器械,才能在不同的舞蹈部分預留時 間。這個步驟的預備功夫費時甚久,更困難 的是要考慮到演唱會有五⼗個伴舞參與。我 們在《舞林密碼》特別加⼊了雜技動作,同 樣的在編舞前我們也要先學習這些動作,練 習後也再花了兩星期去編排舞蹈。基本上, 那次演唱會的挑戰性在於我們要從零開始。 How does it differ when you teach choreography to the professional backup dancers versus the leading music artists? There isn’t really a great difference, since the way I teach is the same. Actually I’m very meticulous when I choreograph, especially for dancers. I demonstrate the choreography for them first because I want them to learn from my interpretation. Sometimes dancers have this tendency to dance with their own interpretation, which is fine, but sometimes it doesn’t work for the group sequences. If there were ten people and all of them were dancing in different ways, it would only be 70% cohesive and the other 30% would be a mix of styles. Some dance numbers are meant to be clean and tidy, so a variety of movement interpretations will not work. When I teach music artists, it depends on their preferences too. I still show them what I choreographed originally, and if they think it looks great but they are not sure if it’s achievable for them, then we’ll either try it out first or switch it up to something more doable. There always has to be a second option if the initial plan fails. The backup plan would be an edited version of the original dance, where the performer’s strengths are emphasised and their weaknesses are minimised. Or it just

takes a lot of training to fix the flaws. The key things here are time and effort, and the responsibility also falls on us as choreographers too. There has to be multiple strategies, because it can be different for male and female singers. For instance two female singers could suit different contrasting styles, like one would be better in a nightgown and the other would want a Qipao. I’m almost like a tailor who finds the best fit.


將編排好的舞蹈教給專業舞者和藝⼈歌⼿,兩 者有甚麼分別? 我不認為兩者有極⼤的分別,畢竟我循⽤的教 學⽅式⼀樣。我編舞時⼗分仔細,尤其當對象 是專業舞者時更甚。我會先向他們⽰範⼀次舞 步,因為我希望他們能依我的理解去表演。有 時候舞者會遵從⾃⼰的演繹去表達編舞,這並 沒有問題,然⽽當群舞之中每⼈都有各⾃的⾵


格時,舞台便會出現不協調的情況。有些舞 蹈表演必須利落整⿑,這種情況下我們便不 容許太多迥異的演繹。 在教導歌⼿⽅⾯,舞蹈安排也取決於他們的 傾向。我仍然會向他們演⽰我原先的編舞, 如果他們喜歡舞蹈的效果卻有實踐上的擔 ⼼,我們也會先試⼀下舞步,再作出調整。 為了應對這種情況,我總會為歌⼿預備好其 他選項。後備計劃由原本的舞蹈刪減⽽成, 以揚⻑避短為重新編舞的⽬標,也有歌⼿願 意⽤加倍⼼⼒透過訓練去改善舞蹈技巧。編 舞師也有責任完善他們的舞台,當中的時間 與⼼⼒決不能略過不提。對於不同歌⼿藝 ⼈,我也要提供不同⽅案,男⼥歌⼿的表演 會有不同效果,⽽兩個⼥歌⼿適合的⾵格也 可以⼤⼤相反,可能有⼈會較適合晚禮服, 另⼀位則更希望穿上旗袍。我就像⼀個裁 縫,要替她們找出最相襯的著裝。

How do you incorporate current dance trends into your choreography now? Basically you’d have to be familiar with the moves first. There are different ways to bring different styles together, you could choreograph a faster sequence to a slower song, or vice versa. But you can’t just try to mix genres if the song doesn’t have that element, you can’t just forcefully add it to the dance. There was a concert where a hip hop track was added to it, so I choreographed a hip hop sequence just for that track. I couldn’t have sold the performance without that musical element. It depends on the performance really, you can’t just add whatever you like, or whatever genre that others are using, say Hip Hop or K Pop. Only when you work with the materials you work with best, will you have the icing on the cake!


你如何在編舞時融⼊時下流⾏的舞蹈趨勢? ⾸先,你個⼈必須要熟知這些舞步。要混合不 同⾵格有各種⽅法,你可以慢歌快跳,也可以 快歌慢跳。話雖如此,你也不可以勉強將歌曲 本來沒有的元素強加到它的舞蹈中。曾經有次 演唱會新增了⼀⾸Hip Hop歌曲,我才能就⾳ 樂去編排Hip Hop舞步。若⾮歌曲中本⾝帶有 這個⾵格,我所編排的舞蹈也不會有任何表演 ⼒。舞蹈離不開歌曲,你不可能隨意加⼊任何 舞種,不論是Hip Hop或K-Pop也是如此。只有 以你擅⻑的舞種編舞,才會有錦上添花的效 果。 As COVID-19 heavily impacted the dance industry, what did you take away from this experience? This experience taught me that we shouldn’t take luck for granted. We have to go through ups and downs, and you have to know how to uplift yourself and hold your ground, so that you’re prepared to go uphill again when the opportunity arises. It is the ability to deal with emotions, and this applies to everyone around the world because we all need the mentality or energy to endure hardship. People might think that I’ve been doing fine with the situation, when in fact I’ve faced my own adversity. I only had three choreographing jobs in these last two years, and my dance school was paused for half a year. So what was I up to? I was doing self-study. I decided to learn things which I never had the time for, and I also tried my best to help out dancers at my company. You have to keep in mind that time passes by quickly, and you are expecting the world to resume once again. It’s not productive to just idle and let yourself get defeated by the world, so you must gear up in preparation for a new beginning. I’m actually teaching a lot of youngsters this now because I hope the youth will carry on this philosophy.




My self-study was on my physical fitness. I’ve been trying to catch up with the needs of my job, so I’ve been working out. I am also paying a lot of attention to the news and intel, because I never had the time for it when dancing. Now I’m caught up with movies, news, and all sorts of happenings. It helps my business to know the industry, to learn the trends, to be aware of local prospects. Still, the top priority is to keep your body and health prepared. You have to be fit to confront what comes in the future. Persistence is key, and I’m not talking about useless reminders, because persistence is built by your confidence and your capability to consolidate your skills. Simply put: keep going, keep dancing.

為舞蹈⾏業帶來了很⼤的衝擊,你 在這次經驗中有甚麼領會? 是次經驗提醒了我們不能將好運視為必然。 我們經歷起起伏伏,也要清楚如何增值⾃ ⼰、守著⾃⼰崗位,在機會來臨時重新攀 升。學懂處理⾃⼰的情緒也很重要,對所有 ⼈來說都⼀樣,⼈們要⾯對難關,就必須要 有這種⼼態或能量。 ⼈們也許認為我的情況不錯,事實上我也有 ⾃⼰的難處。在兩年內我只有三個編舞⼯ 作,我的舞蹈學校也停課半年。在這期間我 做了甚麼?我在⾃修。我決定要重拾以前沒 有時間進修的事物,也盡⼒幫助我公司的其 他舞者。你要記得時間流逝得⾶快,⽽你期 望世界隨時重新轉動。你不可能靜候敵⼈打 敗你,所以你要裝備好⾃⼰,預備重新出 發。我現在也教許多年輕⼈的課堂,希望他 們將⽂化傳承下去。 我所⾃修的便是我的體能。我嘗試將我的體 能操練⾄能配合我⼯作上的需要,所以我有 定時鍛練⾝體。我也有密切關注新聞與資 訊,彌補我從前跳舞時與時事的脫軌。我現 在對電影、新聞、⼀切正在發⽣的事都⼗分 留意,無論是⾏業相關、⼤眾潮流、本地地 區潛⼒都對我管理⽣意有幫助。不過我認為 ⾝體與健康仍然是先決條件,你要有這些條 件才能迎接將來的挑戰。堅持也是最為重要 的品質之⼀,這並不是廢話,因為堅持是由 ⾃信與持續鞏固⾃⼰實⼒的能耐構成。簡單 來說,便是keep going,keep dancing。 COVID-19

Sunny’s Three tips to becoming a professional backup dancer: Learn more, do more, hear more, see more. That makes four tips! One of them is given to you for free.

It’s the same old saying, but work hard! Allow more time for practice, if you sleep three hours less than others, you can make use of those extra hours to practice and get ahead of others. Don’t feel like you won’t be repaid for your efforts. My teacher told me that your return will be ten times greater than your sacrifice.

成為專業舞者的三個貼⼠︰ 學多點,做多點,聽多點,看多點。這已經是 四個貼⼠了!額外多送⼀個給你們。⽼話⼀ 句,不過⼀定要勤奮!爭取更多練習時間,只 要你⽐其他⼈少睡三個⼩時,你便⽐其他⼈有 更多時間去練習,勝⼈⼀籌。我的⽼師曾提醒


我說︰你的回報總會⽐付出多⼗倍,所以不要 認為你現在所做的沒有意義。 Sharing insightful expertise and advice into the competitive world of dance, Sunny Wong always strives for the next big thing and is there to help others along the way. So go and be great, and take a giant jeté of faith as you reach for your goals and dreams in dance!

不吝嗇分享他多年在舞蹈業界的經驗, Sunny Wong 在時刻準備好迎接新挑戰的同 時,也樂於向其他⼈伸出援⼿。各位舞者, 在你實現⽬標與追求夢想時,也謹記要攜著 信念迎難⽽上!



cool as a cucumber

As soon as we finish our last exercise or dance routine for the day, our immediate response is to plop into a stretch and become one with the floor. But just like a good warm up, cool downs require us to move gradually. Stay cool as a cucumber with our 5 tips for an effective cool down!

stretch to reap the full benefits. Whether you decide to break up each stretch into 3 sets of 20 seconds, or just 1 set of 60 seconds, that’s up to you!

每次鍛煉完或者完成⼀⽇的跳舞練習後,舞者⼤概都很想 ⾺上開始伸展運動,然後躺在地上休息。但是要讓我們逐 漸脫離運動狀態,緩和運動⼗分重要,正如熱⾝運動也能 讓我們逐漸進⼊運動狀態⼀樣。所以請留意以下5個進⾏有 效緩和運動的⼩貼⼠!

做熱⾝運動時,你需要逐漸加快⾃⼰的 ⼼跳;所以做緩和運動時你也要逐漸減 慢⾃⼰的⼼跳。在練習完幾段緊湊的舞 蹈章節或者快板之後,記得在做伸展運 動前先在舞蹈室內緩步⾛幾圈。這裡的 重點是要讓你慢慢進⼊伸展運動的狀 態,⽽⾮突然從劇烈的舞蹈練習轉往溫 和的伸展運動。開始做伸展運動後,記 得每組拉伸都要堅持最少60秒,確保能 夠全⾯地伸展。當然,無論你想做3節 20秒的拉伸還是1節60秒的拉伸,都任 由你決定!

1. slow & steady

When warming up, you gradually build your heart rate. So, when cooling down, you want to gradually lower your heart rate. After doing an intense dance number or grand allegro, walk around the studio a few times before going into your stretches. The key is to gradually work your way into your stretches without abruptly changing your pace. And once you start your stretches, be sure to spend up to 60 seconds in each




2. Keep Your Muscles Warm!

Even though it’s called a cool down, you

don’t want your muscles or your body to get cold. Sure you may still be sweating from all those leaps and steps, but it never hurts to have some warm-up wear nearby once your body starts to cool down. 2.


雖然緩和運動的⽬的是讓你慢慢回 復平靜,但你也不想⾃⼰的肌⾁或 ⾝體變冷吧!你可能仍因為剛才的 舞蹈鍛煉⽽出汗,但你的⾝體⼀旦 開始冷卻起來,預先準備的保暖⾐ 物總會派上⽤場。 Stay refreshed throughout your dance day with Ballet Rosa’s (@ballet.rosa) extensive line of dancewear. From stylish and comfortable warm-up wear that’ll keep those muscles warm, to light and breathable leotards and


its supremely soft bamboo viscose material. Show off that athleticism as you warm-up for a class or rehearsal in the Thebes collection. Made to match, the collection features a soft cotton Lycra® jacket and pants that’ll keep you warm from head to toe!

leggings that'll allow you to breeze right through each step! Just in time for summer, their latest bamboo leisure wear collection for women from the Créateur catalog keeps dancers and teachers looking chic and cosy both in and out of the studio. The oh-so buttery soft texture of the bamboo jersey is an all-natural wonder for the skin, offering breathability, comfort and flow! Complete the look with the perfect summer leotard in Ballet Rosa’s ravishing Esther leotard from the Autriche Collection! Adorned with embroidered Austrian lace, this leotard keeps you looking cool and feeling cool with its front-lined matte Lycra®.

( )全線舞蹈服裝為你帶來透涼清 爽的夏季舞蹈體驗,無論是穿著可保持肌⾁溫暖、型格舒 適的熱⾝服裝,還是輕盈透氣的緊⾝芭蕾舞⾐,你踏出的 每個舞步都⼀定是最輕鬆、最⾃如的!正值夏⽇,Ballet Rosa還在最新⼀期產品展⽰⽬錄《Créateur》中推出了全 新的⼥裝⽵製休閒服飾系列,確保舞者在舞蹈室內外都既 時尚⼜舒適。⽵纖維猶如⽜油般順滑,柔軟觸感令⼈讚 歎,⽽且透氣舒適,跳舞時恍如翩翩起⾶!最後還有Ballet Rosa 最新的 Autriche 系列,當中迷⼈的 Esther 緊⾝芭蕾舞 ⾐,背⾯以奧地利蕾絲裝飾,加上正⾯的啞光萊卡®襯裡, 讓你在炎熱的夏季穿起來清涼⼊⼼,看起來也煥然⼀新! Ballet Rosa @ballet.rosa

glutes, piriformis, inner thighs, hamstrings, quadriceps, iliotibial band, calves, feet, all the way down to your toe flexors. 4.


⾃創⼀個需要做緩和運動的肌⾁清 單,或者是⼀個放鬆不同肌⾁的順 序,讓你能夠確保特定肌⾁群、韌 對男舞者⽽⾔,Ballet Rosa的全新 帶及筋膜得到舒展。你可按需要選 Homme系列(@balletrosa.homme) 擇伸展背部肌⾁、頭及頸部肌⾁、 產品⽬錄定會讓他們喜出望外。⽬錄 肩膀及⼿臂肌⾁、髖屈肌群、臀⼤ 囊括多種舞蹈服裝,包括T恤、印花 肌、梨狀肌、⼤腿內側肌⾁、腿後 肌群、四頭肌、 髂脛束、⼩腿後 肌、⾜肌以及腳 趾肌⾁。 5. Rest and Relax

連⾝舞⾐、配件及緊⾝⻑短褲。當中 Angkor 系列以極柔軟的⽵製⼈造絲 打造,使舞者在舞蹈室練習時既可保 持和暖舒適,⼜不會被⾐物限制任何 動作,是熱⾝及緩和運動的最佳選 擇。⽽Thebes 系列則⾮常適合讓舞 者在課前熱⾝或者表演綵排時,展現 出超凡的舞藝。該系列專為搭配不同 舞⾐⽽打造,包括由柔軟的萊卡®棉 布料製成的外套及舞褲,讓舞者從頭 到腳都保持溫暖。 3. Hydrate!

After all that dancing, don’t forget to hydrate. Take small sips of water before or after you cool down. 3.


跳完舞後,謹記要補充⽔分。在緩和 運動前後都可以⼩⼝喝⽔,慢慢補充 ⽔分。 4. Target those Muscles

And for the men, Ballet Rosa’s new Homme (@balletrosa.homme) catalog features a wide array of dancewear, from t-shirts to printed biketards, accessories, leggings and form-fitting shorts. Ideal for your warm-ups and cool-downs, the Angkor collection keeps dancers warm and cozy in the studio without restricting movement with


Create a checklist or a cool down sequence that allows you to target key muscle groups, ligaments, and fascia during your stretches. You’ll want to stretch the back, head and neck, shoulders and arms, hip flexors,

All finished with your cool down? Take some time to unwind and relax both your body and mind. For some of us that could mean a cup of tea and a warm epsom salt bath, and for others that could be playing their favourite playlist while rolling their feet on a tennis ball. So find what it is that gets you in your state of calm, and embrace your inner zen! 5.


完成所有緩和運動了嗎?再⽤少許 時間去讓⾃⼰的⾝⼼都完全放鬆 吧!部分⼈喜歡喝杯茶並⽤浴鹽來 個溫暖的浸浴;也有⼈鍾愛聽著⾃ ⼰最愛的樂曲,同時⽤網球做腳底 按摩。不妨探索⼀下如何能讓⾃⼰ 回歸平靜狀態,擁抱專屬⾃⼰的禪 意吧! Create your own cool down with these tips and make the most of your dance practice from beginning to end!

你可以根據我們的⼩貼⼠去訂⽴ ⾃⼰專屬的緩和運動程序,從頭 到尾善⽤你的舞蹈鍛煉!


給舞者的 10 個環保⼩點⼦ Just as we live and breathe dance, we also live and breathe the air of this earth. If you’re looking to diminish your carbon footprint, here are 10 easy ways to get eco-friendly with your dance practice!

many facebook groups for second hand dance apparel.

shoes, leotards, and tutus. Instead of throwing your dance apparel out, you can try donating them to a local charity like Donate 2 Dance, or find one of the

purchased! You can find a wide selection of reusable water bottles out there, like S’well which keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold, or even water purifying

bottles like LARQ! Hydration is key for dancers, so don’t forget to pack your reusable water bottle the next time you have a class, rehearsal or performance!

捐贈舞⾐、舞鞋 舞蹈訓練頭幾年,舞者通常都會⽤上特別多的芭蕾 軟鞋、踢踏舞鞋、緊⾝⾐、芭蕾舞裙等,與其將不 舞者⼼繫舞蹈,但也同樣愛地球!若你也想減 再穿的舞⾐、舞鞋扔掉,不如將它們捐給像Donate 2. 可重⽤⽔瓶 少⾃⼰的「碳⾜跡」,就快從以下10個簡單⽅ 2 Dance那樣的慈善團體,⼜或透過⼀些Facebook 這點看似很簡單,但事實上,每⼀分鐘,全球 法⼊⼿,在⽇常的舞蹈⽣活中實踐環保吧! ⼆⼿舞蹈服裝群組,把⾐鞋贈予有需要的⼈吧。 就售出多達⼀百萬個塑膠飲料瓶!市⾯上有各 式各樣的可重⽤⽔瓶供⼤眾選擇,如S’well保溫 1. Donate Second Hand Dance Apparel & Costumes 2. Reusable Water Bottles 保冷瓶、具淨化功能的LARQ⽔瓶!充⾜的⽔分 Especially in those early years of dance training, This may seem like an easy one, but every minute, a 對舞者⾮常重要,下次上課、綵排或表演,記 dancers can easily go through ballet slippers, tap whopping one million plastic drinking bottles are 得帶你的可重⽤⽔瓶喇! 1.

3. Eco-Friendly Laundry Strips There’s nothing like a good sweat from a day of




dancing, but that also means it gets added to the ever growing laundry pile! Keep your dancewear clean and fresh with eco-friendly laundry detergent strips like Tru Earth!

環保洗⾐紙 跳舞跳⾜⼀整天,出⼀⾝汗,真爽——不過待洗 ⾐物卻疊得愈來愈⾼!選⽤Tru Earth等牌⼦的環 保洗⾐紙,令你的舞⾐變得乾淨⼜清新! 3.

4. Vegan Dance Shoes It’s commonly known that many dance shoes contain some form of leather or suede, but did you know that even the glue used to make shoes is often animal based? Just like a restaurant menu, various dance shoe brands offer vegan shoe options or special order requests. If you’re purchasing pointe shoes, check out Gaynor Minden’s and Grishko’s vegan shoe options.

純素舞鞋 眾所周知,製作舞鞋很多時候都會⽤到⽪⾰或 5. 可重⽤零⻝盒、零⻝袋 6. 環保快乾⽑⼱ 反絨⽪,但你⼜知不知道造鞋⽤的黏合劑也⼤ 多含有動物成分?正如不少餐廳設素⻝餐款, 使⽤可重⽤零⻝盒或零⻝袋攜帶⼩⻝,確保跳舞那 正專⼼學舞卻被滴下來的汗珠遮擋視線,確實 不是滋味——選⽤以再⽣或環保物料製成的運動 多個舞鞋品牌現提供純素鞋款選擇或特別訂製 天能量滿滿之餘,⼜能減少你的「碳⾜跡」。 Nomadix 、 服務。正要購買⾜尖鞋的你,不妨看看Gaynor StasherBags、Bee’sWrap、Mimosa的相關產品⽤起 ⽑⼱,抹去汗⽔,保持乾爽吧。 Magnitone’s WipeOut 的⽑⼱均有多款時尚顏⾊ 來相當⽅便,讓你輕輕鬆鬆就能把⼩⻝帶在⾝邊! Minden和Grishko的純素選擇。 和圖案可供選擇,你還不快試試看? 4.

5. UseTupperware/Reusable Snack Bags Stay fuelled during your dance day, while minimising your carbon footprint by packing snacks in tupperware or reusable bags. Products by Stasher Bags, Bee’s Wrap, or Mimosa make it easy to grab your snacks on-the-go!

6. Recycled Quick Dry Towels Nothing is worse than sweat dripping into your line of vision while trying to stay focused on picking up choreo. Stay dry with gym towels made from recycled or sustainable materials. With tons of stylish colours and prints, give Nomadix, or Magnitone’s WipeOut a try!

7. Solar Powered Chargers and Speakers Though you could just dance to the sounds of the waves crashing or birds chirping, it does help to add some beats to your moves. Harness the power of the sun with a solar powered speaker, like the stylish Bamboo Solar Bluetooth Speaker & Phone Charger by Reveal.

太陽能充電器、喇叭 海浪聲、⿃兒的歌聲⾜以引領你翩翩起舞, 但有誰不愛⾳樂節拍?借⽤太陽伯伯的能 量,開啟太陽能喇叭,盡情舞⼀回!⾺上查 看型格的Reveal太陽能藍⽛⽵喇叭兼⼿機充 電器。 7.

8. Minimising The Use of Hairnets Dance teachers may want to cover their ears for this, but what if we minimise the use of hairnets? How frustrating is it when you’ve lost your hairnet in the deep dark void of your dance bag and have to purchase yet another one! Even though it might be on the rebellious side not to wear a hairnet in ballet class, every great dancer has been a bit rebellious in nature. So try saving that hairnet for just exams and performances.

減⽤髮網 這點⼦或許不合⼀眾舞蹈⽼師的⼼意,不過要 是我們減少使⽤髮網會怎樣呢?相信不少⼈都 8.


有過這樣的經歷︰髮網掉進舞袋「⿊洞」丟失了,結果⼜要再買……那 是多麼的令⼈煩惱!雖然上芭蕾課不⽤髮網或會令你有「叛逆」之 嫌,但其實每位出⾊舞者或多或少都有點「不羈」呢。所以,還是把 髮網留待考試、表演時⽤吧。 9. Sustainably Made Training Products Get in your 20 minute dance workout without negatively impacting the environment, with sustainably made training products. There are plenty of eco-friendly training tools like upcycled and recycled resistance bands made by Paguro Upcycle or M Life. Even yoga mats made from recycled materials by Manduka or Suga Mats. Or why not pop the cork and celebrate dance with Mobeco’s selection of cork foam rollers, self massage tools, and yoga kits!

環保訓練⽤品 使⽤環保訓練⽤品,令你的20分鐘舞蹈訓練不傷環境。這類⽤品選 擇多不勝數,例如Paguro Upcycle、M Life的彈⼒帶還有Manduka、 Suga Mats的瑜伽墊就是⽤升級再造、再⽣或環保物料製成的。此 外,Mobeco的軟⽊滾筒、⾃我按摩⽤具和瑜伽⽤品套裝也是不俗 的選擇! 9.

10. Reusable Protective Face Masks Making our way back to the studio and stage, face masks have become part of our dance attire. There are plenty of reusable mask brands to choose from, such as Bloch or Onzie amongst others. Check out our article on Masks Just for Dancers for the full scoop.

可重⽤防護⼝罩 ⼝罩已成為我們重返舞蹈室、舞台時必備的⽤品,可重⽤⼝罩品牌 眾多,如Bloch、Onzie等,快閱讀《舞者適⽤⼝罩精選》⼀⽂了解 更多。 10.

As eco-conscious dancers and artists, we’re certainly not green with envy, but we are green with environmentally friendly ideas! Let’s continue to respect the environment all while dancing with spirit and tenacity!

⾝為愛護環境的舞者,我們當然有無數環保⼩點⼦啦!讓我們在 盡情舞動的同時,珍惜、尊重這地球!

Sources: United Nations Environment Programme. (n.d.). Retrieved March 08, 2021, from https://www.unep.org/interactive/beatplastic-pollution/ Wilkinson, E. (n.d.). How to be a Cruelty Free Ballet Dancer [Web blog post]. Retrieved from https://tryveg.com/blog/veganballet-guide/



Corinne Yee


Shaping many young talented and versatile dancers, the Asia Pacific Dance Association (APDA) poses a strong influence in the dance education scene in the Asia Pacific region. Most notably known in Hong Kong for its JazzAddict syllabi, the APDA offers students a fresh, innovative and fun way of learning dance technique.

亞太舞蹈協會 (Asia Pacific Dance Association, APDA)培育不少優秀的年輕舞蹈⼈才,在亞太地 區舞蹈教育界甚具影響⼒。APDA着重以創新、 有趣的⽅式教授舞蹈技巧,其JazzAddict課程在 ⾹港享負盛名。 Hong Kong Dance Magazine sat down with the founder and director of the APDA, Ms. Corinne Victoria Yee, taking a look into her program and mission for dance development.

與 的創辦⼈兼 總監 對談,藉此機會了 解 如何積極推動舞蹈發展。 Hong Kong Dance Magazine APDA Ms. Corinne Victoria Yee APDA

Going in depth, Corinne discusses the programs held by the APDA, and touches upon their dance examination system as well as how it leads to future careers. Fit for this generation of young dancers, we learn about La Beauté Ballet, Lucidity, Urban Ignition, Encore Theatre Dance, Tap Evolution and the JazzAddict dance syllabi offered under the APDA.

除詳盡講解APDA的舞蹈課程外,Corinne也跟 我們談到了APDA的考試制度,以及考試怎樣幫

助學⽣為將來的舞蹈事業作 準備。APDA的各類舞蹈課程

(La Beauté Ballet, Lucidity, Urban Ignition, Encore Theatre Dance, Tap Evolution, JazzAddict)



Inspiring a new generation of dance students and teachers, let’s tune in as Corinne turns up the volume on dance education!

對於啟發新⼀代舞蹈學⽣和⽼師,Corinne⼀ 向不遺餘⼒。想知道她對舞蹈教育有甚麼看 法,就千萬別錯過這專訪喇! Could you tell us about yourself and your role at the Asia Pacific Dance Association (APDA)? I actually had a studio for 20 years, and in that time I felt there was a real need for something that had a bit more of a comprehensive syllabus and that was more relevant to this industry now, and because of that “Jazz Addict” evolved, which was our first syllabi. We now have 6 disciplines within the Asia Pacific Dance Association. Those include hip hop, ballet,


contemporary, “Encore Theatre Dance”, and our new tap syllabus which is called “Tap Evolution”. These genres are all now available in not just Australia and New Zealand, but also the UK, South Africa, Hong Kong of course, and China.

可否分享⼀下你的個⼈經歷以及你在亞太舞蹈 協會 (APDA)的⼯作? 其實我營運了⼀間舞蹈學校⾜⾜20年,那時我 覺得實在有需要創⽴⼀個更全⾯、更能配合舞 蹈界現況的課程,因此JazzAddict課程逐步發


展出來,成了我們的第⼀個課程。 現在APDA共有6個舞種的課程,包括hip hop 舞、芭蕾舞、當代舞,還有⾳樂劇舞蹈課程 Encore Theatre Dance 和新的踢踏舞課程 Tap Evolution。 除澳洲和新西蘭以外,我們亦於英國、南⾮、 中國內地和⾹港開設上述所有課程。


the studios know that the person in front of the class is not only professional in teaching, but also in many other aspects including health and safety, communication, and dealing with parents. Another feature is that they need to get 75% to pass, not 50, so we set the bar very high to make sure that the standard of teachers out there are of good quality.

What is an appropriate age to begin training under the various APDA syllabi? We start our little ones at 4 years old for jazz, ballet and tap. For contemporary, hip-hop and theatre dance they start just a little bit older. You can start really at any age up to about 10 at the same level as their peers, but once they reach over the age of 10, then they tend to have to do some work to catch up to the technical level of the other students. So really, the best age for students to start dancing is somewhere between 4 and 10, as an ideal age.

幾歲開始APDA課程訓練⽐較合適? 爵⼠舞、芭蕾舞和踢踏舞的話,4歲便可開始, ⾄於當代舞、hip hop舞和⾳樂劇舞蹈,就要稍 為⼤⼀點。4⾄10歲開始都沒問題,⼀旦過了10 歲,通常就需要加強訓練來追上其他同學的技 巧⽔平。因此,4⾄10歲開始學跳舞是最合適、 最理想的。 What is the highest level that can be achieved in the syllabi? “Solo Seal” level, which is a pre-professional level. That takes them through to around the 18 year old level and then from there they would be expected to go onto full-time school or start auditioning, or they go down the teacher track and do the teacher training program.

參與APDA課程的學⽣最⾼可達甚麼等級? 「獨舞章」等級,屬專業預備級。從最初開始 ⼀直訓練到⼤約18歲可達「獨舞章」等級,之 後學⽣就可全職修讀舞蹈或參與舞蹈員甄選, 選擇投⾝教學⼯作的則可修讀教師培訓課程。 What are the benefits of learning from teachers who are certified under the APDA? Certified teachers obviously will give us reassurance that the teachers have a good grounding in what they've learnt in their training. In our curriculum,

teachers have to do a health and safety section, they do a business and communications section and obviously teaching management practice. And they’re examined on all of these topics in an oral examination. They also sit a practical examination, where they come into the examination with the students and they are examined on a number of factors with their teaching style and skills. They also have to be first aid trained and they have to do a number of hours with a senior teacher so that they've done assistant teaching. Being certified as a teacher, means that

跟APDA認可教師學舞有甚麼好處? 認可教師受過專業訓練,當然能予⼈更⼤信 ⼼。我們的教師課程內容涵蓋「健康與安 全」、「商業與溝通」,當然還有「教學管 理培訓」,設⼝試評核學員在這幾⽅⾯的表 現。另設教學考試,應試者須像真正的⽼師 般教導學⽣,我們會就教學⾵格、技巧等要 項作評核。課程學員亦須接受急救訓練,以 及跟隨資深教師實習達指定時數,獲取助理 教學經驗。認可教師的專業能⼒不只在於教 學,也在於健康安全、溝通、應對家⻑等多 ⽅⾯。




學員更須獲總分的75%才合格,⽽不是⼀般的 50%,我們將標準定得⾮常⾼,以確保訓練出 來的教師質素良好。 How does the APDA syllabi prepare students for a professional dance career? The syllabi prepare them, as most syllabi do, with a strong technical foundation and training as they work their way through to 15 grades. All the technical work is in there, as well as the performance training which comes in the amalgamations or the enchaînements in ballet, in their dances and the student choreography. So there's a lot of focus and emphasis on performance as well as technique. Then, as they get to the “Solo Seal” level, they have to sit an audition amalgamation, whereby the examiner carries out an audition type process with them, so they get prepared for what could happen in an audition and a real life situation. They also have to choreograph their own work. So they have a lot of preparation for the industry.




課程就像⼤多數課程⼀樣,幫助學⽣打 好舞蹈基礎,⼀共15級的適切訓練,層層遞 進,讓學⽣為⽇後作好準備。除了技巧訓練, 還包含表演訓練,內容有芭蕾舞步組合、舞蹈 演繹、學⽣編舞等,可以說,APDA課程訓練 既着重「技巧」也着重「表演」。 當學⽣到達「獨舞章」等級,考官會和他們進 ⾏模擬甄選⾯試,讓他們體驗甄選的實際情 況,為將來真正的甄選做準備,另外他們亦要 學習⾃⼰編舞,在APDA課程中,學⽣能為投 ⾝舞蹈界作充分的準備。 APDA




Summer Dance

Dance is all around the city this summer! Bringing you the latest updates on Hong Kong’s summer dance programs, we list out local programs as well as online dance intensives that allow you to dance remotely with teachers and students from all around the world!

今個夏天,全城都躍躍欲舞!我們羅列了⾹港最新的舞蹈課程,除了本地的課堂以外,也有線 上的強化班,讓你遙距和全球的導師與學⽣⼀同跳舞! Hong Kong


twinkle dance company

Dance is always there to motivate us, even amongst the challenges of this past year. Ready for a sunny summer of dance, The Summer Program 2021 at Twinkle Dance features a variety of creative, playful and exceptional dance programs, including their regular classes and other great programs such as the Disneyland Parade Camp, and for the first time ever, Open Class On-Stage! Summer is all about enjoying the flexibility of free time, whether that means spending that time dancing all week long or dropping in once in a while, their easy breezy Flexi Summer Pack allows their dance classes to fit your schedule.

無論前⾯有多困難,跳舞總能啟發 HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE | 20

我們,給予我們動⼒。因此,我們 懷著興奮的⼼情宣佈,夏季舞蹈課 程 2021即將要開始了!今個夏天, Twinkle Dance開設各類新奇有趣的 舞蹈課程,除常規課程外,還有迪 ⼠尼巡遊和舞台展⽰課!暑假期 間,當然想更靈活安排時間,不論 你是想整個星期都來跳舞,還是想 偶 爾 抽 空 享 受 舞 蹈 樂 , Twinkle Dance 的 夏 季 彈 性 課 程 ( Flexi Summer Pack )都定能配合你的⽇ 程安排。 Red Shoe Dance

Lace up your dance shoes this summer, because Red Shoe Dance has plenty of exciting and versatile dance programs planned this season! Kicking it off with their Dance Variety Summer School which runs from July 1st-4th, this course is packed with a wide range of dance styles, including Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Tap, and Musical Theatre for students ages 5-16! Get into the


rhythm of summer with Red Shoe Dance’s Rhythmic Tap Workshop on July 11th which focuses on accents and rhythms for both novice and experienced tappers. And for the grand finale of their summer program, the Venus Villa Ballet Intensive taught by Principal Dancer of Hong Kong Ballet, Venus Villa will be held July 19th-23rd & 26th-30th! Perfect for those prima ballerinas in the making, this special 5-day program is designed for female dancers ages 13-18 who are looking to improve their classical ballet technique and develop their artistry with one of Hong Kong’s most esteemed dancers!

趕快穿起舞鞋,參加 Red Shoe Dance 籌辦的⼀系列精彩 舞蹈課程! Red Shoe Dance 的夏季綜合舞蹈學校將於 7 ⽉1-4⽇開課,課程涵蓋芭蕾舞、爵⼠舞、抒情舞蹈、當 代舞、Hip Hop舞、踢踏舞及⾳樂劇,供5⾄16歲的學⽣ 參與。 7 ⽉ 11 ⽇的踢踏律動⼯作坊則會教參加者掌握舞 蹈中的重拍與韻律,不論新⼿抑或經驗豐富的踢踏舞者 均可參與。夏季課程的壓軸 Venus Villa 芭蕾強化班將會 由⾹港芭蕾舞團的⾸席舞者Venus Villa執教!13⾄18歲 的⼥舞者將於為期 5 ⽇的訓練中改善她們的古典芭蕾技 巧,以及向⾹港⾸屈⼀指的舞者學習當中的藝術性。 Venus Villa 芭蕾強化班將分別於 7 ⽉ 19 ⾄ 23 ⽇及 7 ⽉ 26 ⾄30⽇舉⾏。

With many of us staying in Hong Kong this summer, what better way to spend it than dancing under the summer sun! Offering various styles of dance such as Freestyle, Jazz, Hip Hop, Jazz Funk, Ballet and Contemporary, Island Dance School will be holding 4 and 5-day dance camps and workshops all summer long! Between July and August, their engaging camps for students ages 48, and intensive workshops for students ages 9-12 are just a few of the ways your little ones can groove and move this season! So just before heading back to school, fill your summer by learning new moves, making new friends, and having a blast on the dance floor!


dancers ages 13+, the SHIFT Dance Intensive offers comprehensive contemporary dance training to help participants develop their technique, artistry, creativity, and curiosity. Running from August 2nd6th, this in-person intensive is a great way to elevate your dance practice during the heat of summer!

改變⼀貫觀點,在 SHIFT Dance Intensive Hong Kong 2021 得到全 新的舞蹈體驗!SHIFT 強化舞蹈班 適合 13 歲或以上的中階與專業舞 者,以全⾯的當代舞培訓幫助學員 增強舞蹈技巧與藝術性、培養創意 與好奇⼼。這⾯對⾯的重點培訓班 將於8⽉2⾄6⽇舉⾏,快趁暑假提 升你的舞蹈⽔平!

既然⼤家今個夏天都會待在⾹港,何 More Summer Dance Programs 不⼀起在陽光中舞動?Island Dance in Hong Kong to Check Out: School將於暑假舉辦為期4⾄5天的各 更多值得留意的本地夏季舞蹈 式舞蹈營和⼯作坊,當中的舞蹈⾵格 課程: 包括Freestyle、爵⼠舞、Hip Hop、 Jazz Funk 、芭蕾舞與當代舞! 7 ⾄ 8 Academy of Dance ⽉期間, 4 ⾄ 8 歲的⼩朋友可參與趣 Centrestage Studio 味⼗⾜的舞蹈營,⽽9⾄12歲的⻘少 Dance @ Central 年亦可選擇舞蹈訓練⼯作坊,於炎炎 DMR School of Ballet 夏⽇活動⼿腳!新學年到來前,把握 Face Productions 時間學習新的舞步、在舞池與新朋友 Hong Kong Ballet 盡情跳舞吧! ⾹港芭蕾舞團 Hong Kong Musical Theatre




Shift your perspective, and experience dance from a different lens with SHIFT Dance Intensive Hong Kong 2021! Fit just for intermediate to professional level

Friends Junction Dance Company Move For Life Sky Dance Avenue World Dance Company

Island Dance School




Virtual Summer Dance Intensives


American Dance Festival

Give your contemporary dance training the boost it needs this summer with The Summer Dance Intensive (SDI) by the American Dance Festival! From June 21st-July 17th, intermediate to advanced dancers ages 18+ can participate remotely in this online movement-intensive program which will cover repertoire, composition, dance technique, research, and performance. Offering you the flexibility to join their classes in a way that works for you, they allow drop-in, part-time, and full-time enrollment options. So don’t sweat it if you can’t make it all summer long! Take advantage of this unique training opportunity!

這個夏天,讓你的當代舞訓練透過 American Dance Festival 籌辦的 The Summer Dance Intensive (SDI) 更進⼀ 步!6⽉21⽇⾄7⽉17⽇期間,18歲或以上的中階與⾼階舞 者可以遙距參與此線上形體強化課程,從劇⽬、編舞、舞 蹈技巧、研究和表演幾⽅⾯⼊⼿去提升舞蹈造詣。課程充 滿彈性,學員可隨意加⼊課堂、以兼讀或全⽇制⽅式完成 課程,即使你無法花整個夏天參與課堂,也可以好好把握 這個難能可貴的訓練機會!

Dance together with students in Harlem right from the comfort of your own home with Dance Theatre of Harlem’s 2021 Virtual Summer Intensives! From July 6th-30th, students ages 7-24 can immerse themselves in all aspects of neoclassical and classical ballet training. Not to worry if you missed their Summer Intensive Auditions, as you can still submit an online audition application and video before the piano starts playing and the students start warming up! Students have the option of participating in their one-week, twoweek, or the full four-week intensive.

those of us who are stuck at home this summer looking for ways to keep up with the demands of our dance training. Expand your artistic horizons, and tap into your creativity with the LACDC Summer Intensive!

全因 LACDC Summer Intensive , 你將可透過Zoom向洛杉磯最頂尖的 當代舞者學習!課程專為15歲或以 上的⼤專學⽣、準專業及專業舞者 ⽽設,學員將參與芭蕾舞、當代 舞、現代舞、爵⼠舞、即興表演的 ⾼階課堂,更可學習LACDC的演出 劇⽬!暑假想在家加強舞蹈訓練的 話,這課程可說是不⼆之選。⾺上 透過 LACDC Summer Intensive 擴 透 過 Dance Theatre of Harlem 的 闊你的藝術視野、激發你的創意思 維啦! 2021 Virtual Summer Intensives , 在家中與Harlem的學員⼀起跳舞!7 More Virtual Summer Dance ⾄24歲的學員可於7⽉6⾄30⽇期間 Programs to Check Out: 全情投⼊新古典及古典芭蕾舞的訓練 更多值得留意的夏季線上舞蹈課程: 當中。即使錯過了Summer Intensive Amsterdam International Summer 的甄選⾯試,你仍可在線上遞交⾯試 School 申請及錄像。學員可選擇參加為期⼀ Broadway Dance Center 周、兩周或四周的完整課程。 L.A. Contemporary Dance Company

Entity Contemporary Dance The National Ballet of Canada Peggy Baker Dance Projects The School of Toronto Dance Theatre

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Learn from L.A.’s top contemporary artists online via Zoom through the LACDC Summer Intensive! Within this amazing intensive program geared towards college, pre-professional, and professional dancers ages 15+, students will take advanced classes in ballet, contemporary, modern, jazz, improvisation, and they’ll even get to learn LACDC repertory! Ideal for


SHIFT Urbanity Dance Victoria Academy of Ballet With the luxury of time on your side during this long summer holiday, get into the studio and fill your summer with dance!

充分利⽤這悠⻑的暑假,到舞蹈室 熱舞⼀番!



後 生 可 畏 Witnessing the leaps and bounds made by our talented dancers right here in Hong Kong, we sit down with an up-and-coming young dancer from Dream Dance and Art Studio.

有感於⾹港的年輕舞者⼀瞬千⾥,這次我們 與來⾃ Dream Dance and Art Studio 的明⽇ 舞蹈之星對談。 At just 13 years old, dancer Siu Wing Lam has devoted her life to dance! Having participated in multiple dance competitions, Wing Lam received 1st place at The Dance World Cup Asia 2021 and also claimed a title as The Best Female Dancer. She also received 1st place at The Asian Grand Prix 2020 (Hong Kong Regional).

蕭詠藍年僅⼗三歲已經下定決⼼將舞蹈作為 終⾝事業。詠藍曾參與多個舞蹈⽐賽,她在 2021年度的舞蹈世界盃⾹港外圍賽勇奪第⼀ 名,同時獲頒最佳⼥舞者獎項,亦於2020年 度的亞洲國際芭蕾舞⼤賽 (⾹港區)得到第⼀ 名的佳績。

young but mighty Her first introduction to ballet was at the age of six, where she learned from the founder of Dream Dance and Art Studio (DDAS), Miss Fong. Encouraged by Miss Fong’s interactive teaching style, Wing Lam not only learned ballet through practice, but by truly understanding the movement mechanics and technique through observing her peers and providing constructive feedback within the class.

career. Emphasising the importance of a solid dance foundation, Dream Dance and Art Studio’s training program incorporates stretching, strengthening, and physical training to provide students with the framework to advance their dance technique.

With a focus on pre-professional ballet training, DDAS has been following the Royal Academy of Dance syllabus while applying their own unique teaching methods and philosophies to guide their students towards a professional dance

how she plans to reach her goals in dance. Let’s catch a glimpse of what it’s like to be a dance student training in Hong Kong at a preprofessional level!

以英國皇家舞蹈學院課程為本,採取 獨特的教授⽅式與教學理念,去幫助學⽣成 為專業舞者,引領學⽣為⾃⼰的舞蹈事業做 DDAS 強調基礎對舞蹈的重要性, 詠藍六歲時初次接觸芭蕾舞,那時她正是跟 好準備。 其課程包含拉筋、⼒量和體能⽅⾯的鍛煉, Dream Dance and Art Studio (DDAS) 的創校⼈ 讓學⽣打好紮實的基本功,替將來的舞蹈學 Miss Fong學習。Miss Fong的互動教學⾵格讓 習打好根基。 詠藍不單單從個⼈的練習中熟習芭蕾,也通過 her experience as a student at DDAS, 課堂的觀摩環節、與同學的互動,對各種動作 Sharing Wing Lam tells us all about what she’s learned, 技巧作深⼊的了解。 the performance opportunities she’s had, and







學習。她不會為我設⽴太多限制,讓我可以 盡情發揮、跳出所想,但假若當中有錯誤, ⽼師會⽴即糾正。她亦⿎勵我多參加⽐賽, 吸收更多舞台經驗,同時讓更多⼈可以看⾒ 我的努⼒,藉此跳出國際,能⾶得更遠、看 得更多,為我將來的舞者⽣涯鋪路。 What was it like performing with Hong Kong Ballet in The Nutcracker, and how did your teacher prepare you for this opportunity? I think it is so rare to have the opportunity to share the stage with professional dancers. I am aspiring to become one of them in the future. My teacher advised me to enjoy the show, which relieved a lot of pressure off my shoulders and allowed me to fully immerse myself in the joy of performance.

你與⾹港芭蕾舞團⼀起演出《胡桃夾⼦》, 你覺得這個經驗如何?DDAS和你的跳舞導 師怎樣幫助你為此表演作好準備? 我覺得這是⼀個很難得的經驗,可以跟專業 舞者同台演出,希望未來我都可以有機會成 為他們的⼀分⼦。⽼師建議我 enjoy the show 享受表演,減輕了我的⼼理負擔,讓 我能夠盡情表演。 What has been your biggest achievement as a dancer? My greatest achievement has been putting my mother at ease about my future, because I believe I can sustain and support myself as a dancer.

⾝為舞者,你覺得你最⼤的成就是甚麼? 暫時最⼤的成就就是讓媽媽可以放⼼、不⽤ 擔⼼我的將來,我相信未來我可以靠舞蹈來 ⽣活。 What is your next big goal as a dance student?

得到的演出機會,還談到⾃⼰打算怎樣達成 舞蹈⽬標。透過這訪問,我們將更了解⾹港 準專業舞者的訓練⽣活。 How have you grown as a dancer and an artist since you first began at DDAS?

want, but of course she’ll be there to correct the mistakes that I’ve made. She also encourages me to join competitions and acquire as much stage experience as I can. This has given me more exposure on an international level and has prepared me for my future career as a dancer.

Our teacher always reminds us to open our eyes and recognise all that we can learn from one another. She doesn’t place many restrictions, but rather she gives me the room to dance how I

你認為 Dream Dance and Art Studio 如何幫助 你成為舞者甚⾄藝術家? ⽼師常常叮囑我們多看多參考,從別⼈⾝上

I’d like to study at a vocational dance school abroad as a full-time student, as there aren't any full-time dance schools for students my age here in Hong Kong. Further down the road, I’d like to join a ballet company as a professional dancer.

作為舞蹈學⽣,你下⼀個⽬標是甚麼? 未來我希望有機會進⼊外國的舞蹈學院作fulltime舞蹈學⽣,畢竟⾹港沒有full-time的舞蹈 學院給我這個年紀⼊讀。⻑遠來說,希望⻑⼤ 後能進⼊舞蹈團成為⼀位專業舞蹈員。



常跟我們分享她⼩時候在舞蹈課上遇到的問 題。她讓我們真⼼喜歡上芭蕾舞,也對我們 說過︰只要做⾃⼰喜歡的事,⼀定可以做得 更好,也沒有甚麼是不可能的,只要你願意 去做、盡⼒去做就好了,與我們也亦師亦 友,所以放學我們都捨不得離開學校,對這 間學校很有歸屬感。


What makes Dream Dance and Art Studio so special to you? There are no rivalries among us. We are all great friends, almost like family members. The teaching method is also different from other studios as our teacher gives us space to think and create, and our classes are always full of laughter. She never places any pressure on us, and she’ll openly talk about the challenges that she faced as a dance student so that we can learn from them. Because of her, we are genuinely in love with ballet. She told us that as long as we are doing something we love, we can achieve so much and that nothing is impossible. She is a great teacher and a great friend, which makes the studio our second home. The school really gives us a sense of belonging.

對你來說, Dream Dance and Art Studio 這 間舞蹈學校有甚麼特別之處? 在這間學校裏,同學與同學間沒有競爭,⼤ 家都是關係很好的好朋友,就像是⼀家⼈; ⽼師的教學⽅法也跟外⾯的學校不⼀樣,

Setting her sights high, Wing Lam is well on her way towards a successful dance career! If there’s one thing that we can all learn from her story, it’s to dream big! But of course, you can’t forget to break a sweat and werrrk it!

將⽬光放遠放⾼,詠藍的舞蹈事業 已漸⾒雛形。她的經歷提點了我們 可以任夢想發酵,但也千萬不能忘 記拼盡全⼒、躬體⼒⾏! 她給我們很多的思考及創作空間。我們的課堂 總是充滿笑聲,她從來沒有給我們壓⼒,也常




Photo Credits : Dream Dance and Art Studio








Wherever you go in this eclectically vibrant city, you can be sure that there’s dance just around the corner. It can even be found where classic cartoon characters come to life and thrilling rides await your ticket at Hong Kong Disneyland!

在這個百花⿑放、活⼒四射的城市裏,無論 你⾛到何處,都總能看⾒「舞蹈」的蹤影 —— 即使在⾹港迪⼠尼樂園也不例外!在這 裏,等着你的不只有經典卡通⻆⾊、刺激的 機動遊戲,還有令⼈⽬不暇給的各式精彩舞 蹈表演! Ever wondered what kinds of dance styles Hong Kong Disneyland (HKDL) dancers have to perform, or what a day in their shoes might look like? Well, look no further, as we’ve interviewed dancers Junko Otsuki and Kiichi Yoshida about their wonderful world of dance at Disney!

想知道⾹港迪⼠尼舞蹈員需要表演甚麼類型 的舞蹈?對他們⼀天的⼯作感到好奇?⾺上 為 你 解 答 ! 有 請 舞 蹈 員 Junko Otsuki 和 Kiichi Yoshida 跟⼤家分享他們的迪⼠尼奇 妙舞蹈世界! They are no strangers to the Disneyland dance scene, both Junko and Kiichi previously worked as performers at the Tokyo Disney Resort for several years before relocating here to perform at HKDL. Their backgrounds in dance and musical theatre make them the perfect fit for HKDL’s big stage!

兩位舞蹈員並⾮迪⼠尼舞蹈世界的新⾯孔, 來⾹港迪⼠尼⼯作前,他們是東京迪⼠尼度 假區表演團隊的⼀分⼦,在那裏⼯作了數年 呢。擁有豐富舞蹈和⾳樂劇經驗的Junko和 Kiichi,與⾹港迪⼠尼的⼤舞台⼀拍即合! Which show are you performing in and preparing for now? K.Y.: Both Junko and I are now performing in Mickey and the Wondrous Book, and I am also working on the new Frozen show which is exclusively for Magic Access members.

你現正參與和預備甚麼表演? K.Y.: Junko 和我現正參與「迪⼠尼魔法書 房」演出,我亦正在準備專為「奇妙處處 通」會員⽽設的全新《魔雪奇緣》演出。

What’s your favourite part about performing in these shows? J.O.: I remember one of our first performances just after the reopening, and I could see some guests with tears in their eyes because they were just so excited to see the show and be back here enjoying the Disney experience. This is the best type of motivation I can get, where I can see my work having a positive emotional impact on our guests. It makes me so happy. K.Y.: For me, my favorite part is when I enjoy myself and am able to connect with the audience. Sometimes I even get feedback from guests that they really enjoyed my performance or my energy, which makes it all worth it. Even if I perform a show hundreds of times, there may be guests who are only experiencing that show for the first time in their life. So it’s important to always give it your best, make every moment special, and not to take any shortcuts.

表演過程中,令你最開⼼的地⽅是甚麼? J.O.: 記得那時樂園剛重開,我在某次表演期間看 ⾒有遊客欣喜得眼泛淚光,他們為能夠再次來迪 ⼠尼遊玩、看表演⽽感到興奮莫名。這對我⽽⾔ 是最強的推動⼒,看到⾃⼰的演出成功為遊客帶 來正能量,真的⾮常開⼼。 K.Y.: 我覺得最開⼼的地⽅是能夠享受演出,還有 和觀眾互動,有時候,甚⾄會有遊客對我說很喜

歡我的表演、我的朝氣活⼒,令我感到⾃⼰的 努⼒是值得的。 ⼀個節⽬,我或許演出無數次,但對⼀些遊客 來說,這體驗可能是他們「⼈⽣的第⼀次」, 所以任何時候都不可省⼯夫,⼀定要全⼒以 赴,為觀眾締造奇妙時刻。 What does a regular work day look like for you? J.O.: We have training every day before and between shows, and during our downtime we need to make sure we’re staying fit and well trained. Sometimes we will choreograph our own dance pieces during our breaks and put them together for fun! It’s a way for us to keep good relationships with each other but also keep our skills and practice new ones at the same time. Sometimes during our lunch break, I will teach some Japanese to other members of the group, just as they will help us improve our English. There is a big difference between performing in normal shows and performing in shows at HKDL. Here, you can be up close and interactive with guests and see their reactions, which makes it more of a magical moment compared to other performances. Another difference is the type of shows we need to learn here. We have theatre shows, stage shows, parades, musicals, and everything to suit




⾄於休息時,亦要保持良好的⾝體狀態以及 充⾜的訓練。有時,我們會趁⼩休編編舞, 創作⾃⼰的舞蹈作品,⼗分好玩呢!增進彼 此間的感情之餘,還可藉此練習新舊舞蹈技 巧。 有時午飯時間,我會教其他團隊成員⼀些⽇ ⽂,⽽他們亦會幫我們增強英語能⼒。 在⾹港迪⼠尼表演跟在⼀般地⽅表演有很⼤ 差別,在這裏,你可近距離和遊客互動,看 到他們的即時反應,所以相⽐起在其他地⽅ 表演,在迪⼠尼表演可以享受更多的奇妙時 刻。 另⼀不同之處就在於我們要學習的表演種 類,我們有戲劇表演、舞台表演、巡遊、⾳ 樂劇等,配合不同的舞蹈⾵格,亦即是說, 我們有多些機會去獲取進步,還有為遊客帶 來歡樂! 每⼀個⼯作⽇都為我們帶來新機遇,我們不 僅能從彼此⾝上學習新的東西,更可認識原 本在平常⽣活中不會認識的⼈。我們的娛樂 表演團隊成員來⾃不同地⽅,包括⾹港、中 國內地、菲律賓、泰國、台灣、澳洲、英 國、美國等,真的匯聚了多樣⽂化。 What is the most challenging part of performing? K.Y.: There are a lot of different dance styles you can learn while working at Disney, from Bollywood in The Jungle Book performances, to Arabian dances in the Aladdin performances, along with the likes of ballet, jazz, hip hop and contemporary. It’s important to make sure you’re maintaining your skills within the different types of dance styles, because our shows really vary and we need to be capable in all of them.

different dance styles. It means there are more opportunities for us to grow and please the guests! Every working day is an opportunity for us all to learn new things from each other and meet people that we wouldn’t normally meet in everyday life. Our entertainment

team consists of performers from Hong Kong, mainland China, the Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Australia, the UK, the US and more, so it’s a really diverse mix of cultures.

你的恆常⼯作⽇是怎樣的? J.O.: 我們每天表演前、表演之間都有訓練,



When I first moved here, I found it very difficult because I couldn’t speak any English at all. I started slowly learning some key words and phrases from my friends to help me out, which made it much easier to communicate at work instead of relying on a translation app. I didn’t see the language barrier as a major problem, because I treated it more like a fun challenge to push myself and learn something new. And I knew my dance partners would be patient and understanding


as I learned along the way. It’s a chance for us to bond with each other and it reminds us that even though we come from different backgrounds or cultures, we are all still part of the same team and have a common goal. We’re like a family. J.O.: Moving from ballet to musical theatre was not too challenging for me, because ballet is one of the basic forms of dance. The dance skills that I acquired made it easier for me to learn new styles for our performances. But apart from dancing, I wanted to challenge myself with singing too, which was very new to me but allowed me to expand my horizons into more opportunities.

演出的最⼤挑戰是甚麼? K.Y.: 在迪⼠尼⼯作可以學到許多不同的舞 種,從《⼩泰⼭》表演中的寶萊塢舞,到 《阿拉丁》表演中的阿拉伯舞,還有芭蕾 舞、爵⼠舞、hip hop舞和當代舞呢。因為這 裏的表演實在⾮常多元化,所以我們⼀定要

掌握不同舞種的技巧,確保⾃⼰精通各種舞 蹈。 最初來港時,因為我完全不懂說英語,所以也 遇上不少挑戰。幸好有朋友的幫忙,我開 始慢慢學會⼀些重要字詞和短語,⼯作時與⼈ 溝通變得容易多了,不⽤再常常依賴翻譯應⽤ 程式。 我當時不認為語⾔障礙是個⼤問題,反⽽將其 視作有趣的挑戰,去推動⾃⼰學習新事物,⽽ 且我知道我的舞蹈拍檔會在我學習的過程中體 諒我、耐⼼的⽀持我。 語⾔⽅⾯的挑戰讓我們團結在⼀起,提醒我 們︰雖然我們的背景、⽂化不同,但⼤家都是 團隊的⼀分⼦,⽬標⼀致,就像⼀家⼈⼀樣。 J.O.: 由芭蕾舞轉⾄⾳樂劇對我來說並不太難, 因為芭蕾舞是基本舞種之⼀,以前學的舞蹈技 巧有助我掌握這裏表演所需的新舞種。不過除 了跳舞,我還想挑戰唱歌,唱歌對那時的我來 說是很新的嘗試,但我因此擴闊了視野,得到 更多機會。


Top 3 HKDL Audition Attributes!

⾹港迪⼠尼舞蹈員須具備的三⼤要素! 1. Energy 活⼒ 2. Positivity 正能量 3. Commitment 全⼼投⼊ So there you have it! Every dancer experiences magical moments in their dance career, and for some, that might include an extra bit of Disney magic! Whether you’re interested in watching the dance shows at Hong Kong Disneyland, or want to join the dancers on stage as a cast member, Junko and Kiichi’s tips will get you started!

好奇⼼終於得到滿⾜!每位舞蹈員在舞蹈 旅途上都會經歷⼀些奇妙時刻,⽽對某些 舞蹈員來說,當中還可能包含少許迪⼠尼 魔法呢!無論你是有興趣到⾹港迪⼠尼樂 園看舞蹈表演,還是想加⼊Junko和Kiichi 他們的⾏列、踏上⼤舞台,兩位的分享都 必定令你有所啟發!




舞 蹈 藝 術 新 本 ﹁藝 地意 境 舞蹈 航啟 教﹂ 界 育計 知多

A Look into Hong Kong’s Dance Education Programme, Arts Voyager


Shaping the next generation of choreographers and dance artists in Hong Kong with their dance education programme Arts Voyager, is the local dance company Passoverdance. This innovative platform gives young emerging dancers and choreographers an opportunity to explore their creativity and movement under the guidance of leading local artists. Diving into this amazing programme, we’ll uncover what it’s all about and look at The 2nd Arts Voyager: Landing in Suspense that took place this past April 2021! HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE |




本地舞團新約舞流透過其舞蹈教育計劃「藝 意啟航」,培育⾹港新⼀代編舞和舞蹈藝術 家,在多位傑出本地藝術家的指導下,年輕 舞者和編舞在此創作平台盡情發揮創意、探 索舞蹈。對參加者⽽⾔,這亦是⼀個⾃我成 ⻑的旅程,讓我們⼀起來深⼊了解這計劃, 了解更多關於今年4⽉舉⾏的《第⼆屆藝意 啟航︰訪痕》演出吧! Restructured by Pewan Chow, Antoinette Mak, and a group of young artists, Passoverdance has been around since 1993 and has made its presence in the city as a local non-profit dance organisation. Having toured many cities across Asia, the company has represented and shared our local contemporary dance culture through their various productions. Aside from producing their own works and productions, they also started a dance education programme known as Arts Voyager in 2015. Providing Hong Kong’s youth with valuable dance training that covers technique, creativity and choreography. Through their dance courses, workshops, choreographic and performance opportunities, Arts Voyager has been giving young aspiring artists hands-on experiences in dance, offering them the tools they need to launch their artistic journeys.

新約舞流為本地⾮牟利舞蹈團體,1993年成 ⽴,後由周佩韻、⿆秀慧以及幾位年輕藝術 家重組。舞團曾到亞洲多個城市演出,⼀直 通過不同的製作與各地分享⾹港當代舞蹈⽂ 化。除專注於表演製作,舞團更於2015年開 展「藝意啟航」舞蹈教育計劃,為⾹港⻘年

提供涵蓋技巧、創意和編舞的舞蹈培訓。 「藝意啟航」為⼀眾滿腔熱忱的年輕藝術家 安排舞蹈課程、⼯作坊,還有編舞和表演機 會,讓他們得以從親⾝體驗與實踐中成⻑, 去展開其藝術旅程。 In studio and on stage, this unique educational programme brings Hong Kong’s dance development to the forefront. Inspiring our next generation of artists and leaders in dance, Arts Voyager uses dance as a means of creative expression and exploration, all while developing arts appreciation amongst our youth.


藝術鑑賞能⼒,⽽計劃所強調的創意表達與 探索更可啟發新⼀代舞蹈藝術家和領袖,將 ⾹港舞蹈發展帶進新境界。 The 2nd Arts Voyager: Landing in Suspense was presented on April 16-18, 2021 at the Hong Kong Arts Centre McAulay Studio. Featuring the works of nine young choreographers and a cast of 18 dancers, each choreographer worked with anywhere from one to three dancers for their piece. What made the programme particularly interesting is that the choreographers did not come from vocational dance backgrounds. Some of the choreographers are young dance enthusiasts working in various fields such as programming, arts administration and psychology. Therefore, this platform opens up the possibilities of dance creation, and makes it more accessible to all.

《第⼆屆藝意啟航︰訪痕》於2021年4⽉16 ⾄18⽇假⾹港藝術中⼼⿆⾼利⼩劇場公演, 是次演出呈獻九位年輕編舞的作品,共⼗⼋ 位舞者參與其中,每位編舞與⼀⾄三位舞者 合作。這計劃有趣的地⽅是⼀眾編舞都沒有 職業舞蹈背景,他們⼤多是熱愛舞蹈的年輕 ⼈,分別現職電腦程式員、藝術⾏政⼈員、 ⼼理學家等——「藝意啟航」擴展了舞蹈創作 的可能性,使不同的⼈都能參與創作。 “Due to a pinch of curiosity, I started this journey of choreography. This course enabled me to understand the creation process of choreography. Starting from zero, I was able to





search and explore and became clearer about my thoughts and preferences”. -Chan Pui Yee Katie (Choreographer)

因為⼀點點好奇⼼,開始了這個編舞的旅程。 這個課程讓我了解到編舞的創作過程,由零開 始,去尋找和探索,讓我更清楚了解⾃⼰的想 法和喜好。 -陳佩儀 (編舞) Other than the times in which choreographers are working together with the dancers, the process can sometimes be a lonely road. Luckily for these nine choreographers, they received professional guidance from Passoverdance’s Artistic Director, Pewan Chow, the Artistic Director of Arts Voyager, Elaine Kwok, as well as three guest advisors to help them complete and present their final pieces.

除了跟舞者溝通互動的那些時間,編舞可以說 是個孤獨的過程。幸好,九位年輕編舞在過程 中得到不少專業指導,在新約舞流藝術總監周 佩韻、藝意啟航藝術總監郭曉靈和三位客席編 舞顧問的協助下,順利完成和發表他們的作 品。

Heartfelt gratitude is due to Passoverdance who has provided a platform for a group of contemporary dance lovers and beginners in choreography with diverse backgrounds to openly exchange ideas and comments. It’s been uneasy to be able to dance, choreograph and perform over these two years of the pandemic. Overall, the three years of exploration in choreography has been worthwhile and fulfilling”. -Pang Wai Yee Gloria (Choreographer)

With new voices heard through choreography, Arts Voyager brings new life into Hong Kong’s dance scene. Accessibility in dance is something that dance communities are always striving towards and trying to develop further. Programs like these are necessary for us to foster artistic appreciation and keep our arts and cultural sectors alive.

「藝意啟航」計劃激發新創作、新意念,為 ⾹港舞壇注⼊新⽣命!⼀直以來,舞蹈社群 創作是需要投⼊⽣命經驗與思考的⼀件事,是 各員均致⼒⿎勵⼤眾欣賞、參與舞蹈藝術, 無⽌境的探索挖掘。《l / l》是我第⼀隻編排的 未來我們需要更多像「藝意啟航」⼀樣別具 雙⼈舞及公演的作品,很享受編排當中的對 意義的計劃,來提升⼤眾的藝術鑑賞能⼒, 話、意念、動作、符號、結構、空間、⾳樂、 令藝術⽂化⾏業持續蓬勃發展。 燈光等等的探索。 more information on the Arts Voyager 由衷感謝新約舞流提供了⼀個開放分享和評論 For programme visit: 的空間,凝聚⼀班來⾃五湖四海喜歡創作、喜 https://www.passoverdance-en.org/the-arts歡現代舞的⼈。在這兩年疫情期間,可以跳 voyager 舞、編舞、演出異常奢侈,可以投放三年時間 探索編舞,是幸福的事。 「藝意啟航」計劃詳情,請瀏覽︰ https://www.passoverdance.org/artsvoyager -彭惠怡 (編舞)

“The process of creation is a journey accompanied by questions and choices. We explore, and are never alone”. -Kalyn Fung (Choreographer)

創作是⼀段與提問和選擇相伴的旅程,我們在 未知中摸索⽽從不孤單。 -馮愷琳 (編舞) Reflecting on their experiences, the choreographers concluded the programme by sharing their perspectives on the process and outcome of the programme.

幾位編舞還於計劃完結時就是次學習經驗作出 反思,分享他們對計劃歷程、最終成果的感 想。 “Creation cannot be realised without life experience and reflection, it is an endless excavation. “l / l” is my first duet choreography and the first work being showcased publicly. I enjoyed the dialogues and exploration of concepts, movements, symbols, structure, spatial relationship, music and lighting, etc. throughout the choreographic journey.


Photo Credits


相⽚來源 : Musphinx Creation


Twerker 讓舞者




Werk it as you twerk it, because this week we’re bringing our A game to the dance floor as we learn all about twerking with local twerker, Ruby Chan!

Later popularised in the New Orleans’ Bounce genre, twerking has now become a part of the mainstream media making its mark on a global scale.

這個星期,跟本地舞者 Ruby Chan 認識 twerking,⼀同施展渾⾝解數,舞出⾃信!

後來 twerking 成為美國新奧爾良⾳樂流派 bounce 的⼀部分,逐漸流⾏起來,現在更 常於主流媒體出現,在全球各地掀起熱 潮。

In recent years, twerking has taken the dance scene by storm, but it actually has a long history which goes back to traditional West African dances that were practiced in celebration of significant gatherings and events.

近年,twerking成為舞壇⼤熱,但其實這舞 種源⾃西⾮傳統舞蹈,歷史相當悠久,常⾒ 於當地重要聚會和慶祝活動。


What's in a Twerker's Dance Bag?

Uncovering what it takes to twerk away right here in Hong Kong, let’s check out what’s inside this twerker’s dance bag!

⼀起來拆解本地twerker舞袋內裏乾坤,看 看跳這種舞有何必備法寶啦! What do you put in your dance bag for a rehearsal and for a performance?

I usually put my towel, my cute water bottle, my twerk shorts, the thicker kneepads and my AirPods Pro for my rehearsals or performances. With these, I can teach class or perform either way!

你通常會帶些甚麼去綵排?表演⼜會帶些甚麼? 我通常會帶⽑⼱、我那可愛的⽔瓶、twerk短 褲、加厚護膝和AirPods Pro去綵排和表演,有 這些東西,教班、表演都沒問題! What’s the one item in your bag that you could not live without, and why? As a Twerker, I think the one item I really can’t live without are the kneepads! We always use our thighs and knees to practise twerking techniques. Kneepads really help a lot in




protecting and supporting our muscles and joints. Especially when we are doing tricks.

and keep exploring! You will always sparkle when you concentrate on your own dance journey. Only then will someone see you and give you a chance. Always be ready for it!

哪樣東西是你袋裏必備的?為甚麼? ⾝為 twerker ,不能缺少的⼀定是護膝!練 twerking技巧經常會⽤到⼤腿和膝蓋,護膝對 我們的肌⾁、關節起很⼤的保護作⽤,特別當 我們做⼀些花式的時候。

你有甚麼建議給那些想成為專業舞者的朋友? 敢於擁抱⼤夢想,同時亦要保有謙虛的⼼,不 斷學習,不斷探索!當你在舞蹈旅途上專⼼⼀ 致,就必定能發光發亮,只有這樣,你才能遇 上你的伯樂,得到寶貴的機會。記得裝備好⾃⼰!

What’s your best packing hack?

Sharing different cultures through dance is one of the many beautiful things about this performing arts form. But in learning about other cultures through dance, it’s important that we acknowledge their origins and take the time to fully understand the movements we are learning. Just before you get twerking, get to know about this dance genre!

I think using a bigger bag is a good idea for packing lol! I admit that I am not a good packer, so thanks for this HKDM bag! It's really big enough to pack all of my stuff!

可否和我們分享⼀個收拾舞袋的⼼得? 我想⽤個⼤些的袋該會是個好⽅法,哈哈!我 承認我不太會收拾舞袋,所以真的謝謝你們送 這HKDM舞袋給我!這袋夠⼤,我可以把要⽤ 的東西全都放進去呢!

What advice do you have for those who want to be a professional dancer? Dream Big, but be humble. Never stop learning


舞蹈藝術促進⽂化交流,這正是舞蹈的可貴之 處,但透過舞蹈認識其他⽂化時,可別忘了追 本溯源、花點時間仔細探究那些舞蹈動作啊。 嘗試twerking前,先了解⼀下這舞種吧!


After a sweaty summer dance class, there’s nothing more refreshing than a light and crisp salad! Whether you’re on the go and looking for some takeaway, or you’ve got time to kill for a sit down lunch, we’ve got the best recommendations in Hong Kong for all your summer salad cravings!

夏⽇炎炎,上完舞蹈課汗流浹背,沒有甚 麼⽐吃⼀⼝清爽的沙律,更令⼈感到涼快 了!無論你是想快快買個外賣,還是想坐 下來慢慢享⽤你的午餐,我們為你搜羅的 本地精選沙律都能滿⾜你所有渴求! SALADS TO GO! If you’ve got a busy day of classes, rehearsals or performances ahead of you then here are a couple of places that’ll have you fuelled and on the road in no time!

抽點時間吃點沙律! 整天忙着上課、排練⼜或表演的你,不妨試

試以下這些地⽅的沙律、加加油再出發吧! Emmer Pizzeria & Café Shop no. 407, Level 4, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, HK +852 2780 1110 https://www.emmerpizza.com/ Fete Up GF 31 Wyndham Street, Central, HK +852 5688 1117 https://feteup.com/ Fresca 54A Hollywood Road, Central, HK +852 2770 2282 https://www.frescahk.com/ Green Common Shop 1&2, 2/F, QRE Plaza, 202 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, HK +852 3586 1968 https://www.greencommon.com/


Kale 26 Li Yuen Street West, , Central, HK +852 2511 1777 https://kale.oddle.me/en_HK Knead 28 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, HK +852 2851 7778 https://www.facebook.com/Kneadhk/ Lettuce n Batter +852 9411 5657 https://www.instagram.com/lettuce_batter/?hl=en Loft 1/F, The Factory, No. 1 Yip Fat Street, Wong Chuk Hang, HK +852 3120 4555 https://piratatheloft.hk/ Mana 8 Staunton Street, SoHo,HK +852 5501 7583 https://www.mana.hk/




Nood Food 2/F Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Rd Central, HK +852 3691 3271 https://www.allnood.com/

The Salfee Bar G/F., H Zentre, 15 Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui https://www.instagram.com/thesalfeebar/?hl=en

Bakehouse 14 Tai Wong Street East, Wanchai, HK https://www.bakehouse.hk/

Treehouse H Code, Shop 1, G/F, 45 Pottinger St, Central, HK +852 3791 2277 https://linktr.ee/treehouse.eco

Le Pain Quotidien

Passion. (Flagship Shop) G11-12 & F12A, Lee Tung Avenue, 200 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, HK +852 2833 6778 https://passionbygd.com/

SUPAFOOD Unit SG09-SG14 Block A, G/F PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, HK +852 2858 8238 https://www.facebook.com/supafood.co/ Tallore 7-17 Amoy Street, Wan Chai, HK +852 2327 8630 https://www.facebook.com/TalloreSoups/

+852 2520 1801 https://www.lepainquotidien.com/hk/en/ Locofama 9, 13 Fuk Sau Ln, Sai Ying Pun, HK +852 2547 7668 https://locofama.com/ POP vegan 1/F, 28 Elgin St, SoHo, Central, HK +852 2628 6211 https://www.facebook.com/popveganhk/

Pololi 39 Graham Street, Central, HK +852 2755 8099 http://pololikai.com/ Salad Stop Shop 3, B3 Three Pacific Place Admiralty, HK +852 2812 7130 https://saladstop.com.hk/en/

G40 - 41 and 41LA, 200 Queen's Rd E, Wan Chai, HK

The Ritz Carlton - The Lounge & Bar SIT DOWN, RELAX, AND EAT! With time to spare, grab a seat in one of these wonderfully air-conditioned restaurants and enjoy a summer salad before heading back to the studio!

ICC, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon

+852 2263 2270 https://marriottbonvoyasia.com/restaurants-bars/TheRitz-Carlton-Hong-Kong-The-Lounge-and-Bar

坐下來歇⼀歇,然後開餐! 回舞蹈室前還有充裕時間,不如在餐廳找個位 ⼦,⼀邊吹空調消消暑,⼀邊盡情享⽤你的夏 ⽇沙律!

Refreshed and ready to dance, it’s time to enjoy the summer and have some fun in the sun with an iced tea in one hand and a salad bowl in the other!

Avobar B201 , Unit 4 K11 Musea, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui +852 2611 9900 https://avobar.hk/

享受夏⽇,擁抱陽光,⼀⼿拿冰茶,另 ⼀隻⼿當然是拿碗沙律!精神煥發的你 ⼜準備好再次起舞!



Chef by Night

Dancer by Day Filling the air with spicy and savoury aromas as she dances by day and cooks by night, Akshata Raghotham shares her Palak Paneer recipe.

熱辣辣的天氣,來⼀碟「醒胃菜式」吧! 空氣中瀰漫⾟辣和鹹⾹的味道, Akshata Raghotham 分 享 了 ⾃ 家 的 菠 菜 燴 芝 ⼠ (Palak Paneer)⻝譜。 Having danced from a very young age, Akshata decided to continue pursuing dance as a career when she was in college. Majoring in dance, choreography, and art history at the Natya Institute of Kathak and Choreography in Bangalore, she also performed with the dance company during her studies.

來⾃印度的Akshata⾃⼩開始習舞,讀⼤學 時便決⼼要視這項興趣為職業。她在班加 羅爾的舞蹈學校修讀舞蹈、編舞和藝術 史,在校期間還參與舞蹈團表演。


In 2019, Akshata moved to Ireland to further her studies under a Masters in Dance Performance program at the University of Limerick. A foodie at heart, Akshata has also carved out time in her busy schedule to cook up delicious home cooked meals which you can learn more about through her page Chef by Chance (@_chefbychance_). Let’s get cooking, and follow Akshata’s recipe as she guides us step by step.

在2019年遠赴愛爾蘭,在利默⾥克 ⼤學攻讀舞蹈表演碩⼠。 這位舞者平時⽇程排得滿滿,但愛吃的她仍 抽空烹製美味的家鄉菜,⼀解鄉愁,有興趣 知道更多,不妨瀏覽她創⽴的專⾴ Chef by Chance (@_chefbychance_) 。現在,讓我 們按照她的獨家⻝譜,⼀步步學煮這道菜 吧。 Akshata

popular dish in India, and it’s not just popular, but also healthy and tasty. Spinach contains many vitamins and minerals. Also, this can be had with rice or bread. I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos and made my own version according to my taste.

菠菜燴芝⼠ ( ) 我實在太喜歡菠菜和芝⼠了!這道菜在印度 ⾮常受歡迎,⽽且健康、美味。菠菜含有多 種維⽣素和礦物質。此外,這道菜可配上⽩ 飯或麵包享⽤。綜合坊間多個教學短⽚內 容,我根據⾃⼰的⼝味,獨創了這個版本的 ⻝譜。 Palak Paneer

Palak Paneer

I love spinach and paneer! This is a very





good to go! You can have this with anything. Serve this with rice or Indian bread. It is delicious!!

Ingredients: Spinach 1 tbsp Oil 1-2 Onions 1/8 tsp Cumin seeds 1 tsp Ginger garlic paste Turmeric, chilli powder, coriander powder, garam masala 1 tbsp Yoghurt (optional) Salt to taste Paneer or potatoes *Palak is an Indian word for spinach, and paneer is an Indian cottage cheese.

材料: 菠菜 1湯匙 油 1-2個 洋蔥 1/8茶匙 孜然籽 1茶匙 薑蒜醬 薑⿈、辣椒粉、芫荽粉、綜合⾟⾹料 1湯匙 酸奶(可不加) 鹽(作調味) 芝⼠或薯仔 *Palak在印度⽂的意思是菠菜,⽽Paneer即印 度茅屋芝⼠。

3. Heat a pan with 1 tbsp of oil. You can also use butter. Once the oil is heated, add 1/8tsp of cumin seeds. 4. Add 1-2 finely chopped onions and fry until it turns golden brown.

To make this dish: 1. Boil the spinach in hot water. After it’s boiled, transfer it into another bowl and pour cold water over it.

5. Add 1tsp of ginger garlic paste and sauté for a minute. 6. Add turmeric, coriander, chilli powder and sauté it again. Don’t forget to add salt according to taste. 7. Once all the masala blends well, add 1 tbsp of yoghurt and sauté it for 1 minute. 8. Add the purée to the pan and pour in a 1/4 cup of water and mix well. Close the lid to let it cook for 5 minutes. 2. Once the spinach cools down, transfer it to a blender and pour in 1/4 cup of water. Blend until it forms into a smooth thick purée.

9. After it’s cooked, add the cubed paneer. You can add potatoes as an alternative to paneer. Give it a good stir. Switch off the stove and it’s



製作⽅法: 1. 將菠菜放進熱⽔內,煮⾄沸騰後,夾起放 進另⼀個載有冷⽔的碗。 2. 菠菜放涼後,將其倒⼊攪拌機,加⼊1/4杯 ⽔,攪拌⾄果泥狀態。 3. ⽤1湯匙的油或適量的⽜油燒熱平底鑊;燒 熱後,加⼊1/8茶匙孜然籽。 4. 加⼊1-2個切碎的洋蔥,炒⾄⾦⿈⾊。 5. 加⼊1茶匙薑蒜醬,炒⼀分鐘。 6. 加⼊薑⿈、辣椒粉、芫荽粉,繼續炒⾹。 別忘了按喜好加鹽調味! 7. 均勻地攪拌所有調味料,加⼊1湯匙酸奶, 炒1分鐘。 8. 加⼊菠菜泥,倒⼊1/4杯⽔;攪拌後蓋上鑊 蓋,煮5分鐘。 9. 煮熟後,加⼊已切件的芝⼠,⼜或以薯仔 取代芝⼠。攪拌⼀下,熄⽕就可享⽤了! 菠菜燴芝⼠可以搭配很多主⻝⼀同享⽤,例 如⽶飯、印度麵包,⼗分美味!

How did your affinity for food lead to @_chefbychance_ ? I’m a foodie who lives miles away from home and I can’t compromise on food at all! I really need a good portion of food to survive my busy schedule. Especially as dancers we need energy and strength. So I started experimenting with my cooking skills. I really enjoy that and that’s when I decided to start a page. Also, my sister kept telling me to start an Instagram page and in fact she’s the one who helped me with the name Chef by Chance!

你對⻝物的愛,如何驅使你創⽴ @_chefbychance_ ? 我遠赴⼀個陌⽣國度求學,難以避過鄉愁來 襲,⽽愛吃的我對「⻝」絕對有⼀定要求! 在繁忙的⽇程中,美⻝滿⾜我的⾝⼼,尤其 ⾝為舞者,需要很多能量。因此,我開始鑽 研烹飪。 我真的很享受烹飪的過程,也希望建⽴⼀個 專⾴,與⼤家分享。此外,我的家⼈亦⼀直 ⿎勵我在Instagram上創⽴⼀個專⾴,同

時替專⾴取名為Chef by Chance。 How do you manage cooking meals amongst your dance performance/practice schedule? I try to cook my week’s meal on a Sunday afternoon/evening. Or sometimes if I’m busy on Sunday, then I try to plan my food according to my schedule. I mostly try not to keep it to the last minute because I know I’ll end up not having a proper meal. I feel that it’s important to plan meals according to your busy schedule.

在繁忙的舞蹈表演、練習⽇程中,你如何管 理和分配烹製菜式的時間? 我嘗試在周⽇的下午或晚上煮好未來⼀周的 飯菜。如果我周⽇很忙,我會嘗試根據我的 ⽇程來安排煮⻝時間。我通常盡量避免留待 最後⼀刻才煮,因為我知道這樣只會令⾃⼰ 無法吃⼀頓好的。我覺得根據⾃⼰的⽇程來 安排膳⻝很重要。 What’s an easy dish that’s perfect for a dancer on the go? I think for me an easy dish would be stir fried



mixed vegetables in a wrap. Lots of veggies, a little bit of spices and it’s ready!! I prefer to have it in a wrap. Sometimes I add falafel to it, depending on the availability. Some fruits or a protein bar with that if it’s not enough.

可以推薦⼀道簡單菜式給忙碌的舞者作參考 嗎? 我認為⼀道⽐較簡單的菜就是將不同蔬菜落 鑊炒,只要加⼊⼤量蔬菜、⼀點⾹料,就可 以開餐! 我喜歡把它製成蔬菜卷,有時亦會 按情況加上炸鷹嘴⾖餅。如果不夠飽的話, 可以吃⽔果或蛋⽩棒。 Spicing up our palates with her delicious Palak Paneer recipe, dancer-chef Akshata Raghotham teaches us how to make hearty meals to fuel our best moves!

舞者兼⼤廚Akshata Raghotham教我們製 作豐富的菜式,為我們的舞蹈⽣活增添動 ⼒,她的Palak Paneer⻝譜更將激發⼤家 的味蕾呢!



在 ⾹ 港 炒 熱 波 ⾥ 活 舞 蹈 氣 氛

heating hong



bollywood scene

花、戲劇張⼒以及迷⼈魅⼒帶來⾹港!Hanisha 定期在其網上頻道直播舞蹈表演及上載⾃創舞 蹈短⽚,是⼀位集編舞及演舞才華於⼀⾝的舞 Hanisha Gianani將印度波⾥活的熱情節拍帶來 者,絕對值得留意! ⾹港! Bringing the beat of Bollywood to Hong Kong is Hanisha Gianani!

As the founder of Ek 2 Three, Hanisha’s performances put a spotlight on the sparkle, drama and glamour of Bollywood right here in Hong Kong! Putting on live performances and creating her own dance videos, Hanisha is a local choreographer and performer to watch!

作為多元化舞蹈⼯作室Ek 2 Three的創辦⼈, Hanisha的表演將印度波⾥活舞蹈的激情⽕

One of our personal favourite dance videos is Hanisha’s rendition of Badi Mushkil, because of its quintessential representation of Bollywood— colorful, expressive, and fun! Inspired by the bright scenes, vivid costumes and expressive movements of Bollywood cinema, this video depicts two women dancing through the streets of Hong Kong whilst serendipitously bumping


into some suitors along the way. Portraying the mischievous, romantic, and playful interactions between heroes and heroines that are iconic elements of Bollywood, this performance by Hanisha Gianani and Nada McClellan is just irresistible!



編輯團隊最喜歡的其中⼀段舞蹈影⽚就是Hanisha重新演繹的 Badi Mushkil,這⽀舞蹈充分表現出波⾥活舞蹈的精髓所在── ⾊彩繽紛、⽣動活潑,同時樂趣滿溢。這段舞蹈影⽚還原了印 度波⾥活電影的特⾊,為觀眾帶來場景明亮、服裝鮮艷⽽且舞 姿⽣動的視覺盛宴。影⽚講述兩位迷⼈的⼥⼠在⾹港街頭跳舞 時偶然遇到兩位追求者的故事,兩位⼥舞者Hanisha Gianani和 Nada McClellan與兩位男舞者演活了男⼥主⼈翁之間調⽪、浪 漫及靈動的互動,重現了波⾥活電影中的經典元素,讓觀眾無 法抗拒⼀再回味。 The original song was performed by one of Bollywood’s most celebrated dancers, Madhuri Dixit. Epitomising grace, elegance and breathtaking facial expressions, Hanisha’s performance is a humble tribute to her. The original song is featured in a movie themed on female empowerment. Check out the original video here!

原曲是⼀齣以⼥性平權為主題的電影的插曲,舞蹈 原演繹者為印度著名演員兼舞者Madhuri Dixit。Hanisha的演繹 舞姿⾼貴優雅,神情美艷誘⼈,是對這位⻑⻘舞后的⼀次出⾊ 致敬。請按此欣賞舞蹈原曲演繹。 Badi Mushkil

Find your inner diva and get into these fun Bollywood beats with Hanisha Gianani’s fantastic channel of Bollywood dance videos at Hanisha G.!

你也可以訂閱Hanisha的YouTube頻道Hanisha G.,與她⼀同享 受波⾥活舞蹈的躍動節拍,當⼀回波⾥活舞蹈天后!





還記得那次甄選,我在班上⾼興的隨着⿆當娜的 歌“Holiday”踏步起舞,感覺⾃⼰是個明⽇之星。 甄選結束,導師請幾位舞者踏前⼀步,原來他們 獲選參與「特選」舞蹈——可惜,我並不是其中 ⼀員。冷靜過來後,我去了請教編舞導師,希望 能了解⼀下⾃⼰有甚麼地⽅可以改進,他就事論 舞蹈界常有不少變化,但卻從沒試過像去年那 事指出我的舞蹈技巧完全不⾏,需要學習⼀些規 樣經歷如此劇變。試想像⼀下︰你是⼀個在 範舞蹈,例如芭蕾舞、爵⼠舞,還提議我跟⾹港 ⼀位⽼師訓練。 2020年開始修讀⼤專舞蹈課程的⼀年級⽣…… 在疫情的陰霾下,你定要⼼懷希望、意志堅 到了今天,我仍很感恩當初那位導師對我說「你 定,才能繼續堅持舞蹈訓練。 不⾏」,雖然是很失望,但這不單令我明⽩到技 巧訓練的重要,驅使我在這⽅⾯投放⼼⼒,還使 Finding hope through dance, Hong Kong’s very 我學會了視挫敗為機遇,懂得停下來調整⾃⼰、 own Hope Patterson shares with us what her 重新審視⾃⼰的能⼒,繼⽽找出前進的新⽅向。 dance journey has been like and how she’s The dance industry is always changing, but it has never changed so abruptly and drastically as it has over the last year. Imagine starting as a freshman in a tertiary dance program in the year of 2020. It would take a lot of hope and determination to keep up your dance training.

navigating through her dance studies.

⾹港舞者Hope Patterson正正就是從舞蹈當中 覓得希望,她將和我們分享其舞蹈旅程,談談 她怎樣研習舞蹈、探索舞蹈。 What was one of your first memories in dance? One of my first memories in dance was being told “no”. Audition day arrived, and during class, I remember feeling full of joy as I step-ballchanged to Madonna’s “Holiday”, feeling as if I was a star in the making. After the audition, a handful of dancers were called to step forward, and it was revealed they were chosen to dance in a special ‘select’ piece. Much to my dismay, I was not one of them. After composing myself, I approached the choreographer for feedback, asking him what I could work on in terms of my dance. As a matter-of-fact, the choreographer stated that I had no technique whatsoever, and needed to take codified forms of dance such as ballet or jazz, suggesting a teacher in Hong Kong that I look into training with. Even today, I am still so grateful for the disappointment of that ‘no’. As it not only spurred me forth to invest in and appreciate the importance of technical training, but also instilled in me an ability that I carry with me daily. To always receive “nos” as an opportunity to pause, reset, reevaluate my ability and seek an alternate way forward.

在你早期的舞蹈經歷當中,哪⼀個令你印象 最深? 曾有⼀位導師對我說「你不⾏」,那⼀次令我 印象很深刻。

How has your dance career progressed since then? As my abilities developed, I was invited to attend Complexions Contemporary Ballet’s PreProfessional Program, once in 2019 and again in 2020. I lived in New York for just over a month each time, where I trained daily alongside a small group of pre-professional dancers under the iconic Dwight Rhoden, Desmond Richardson and original company members. The four weeks culminated in the premiere of a new work, performed alongside the company at The Joyce Theatre in New York. Being part of the creation of a new ballet by Dwight, learning existing repertoire from Desmond as well as training in the company style, NIQUE, was a transformative and life changing experience for me and my dance journey, opening my eyes to the world of contemporary ballet. This training with Complexions is what I believe to have signalled the beginning of my upwards career trajectory, and is also the training which I attribute my acceptances and scholarships awarded at every University dance program I applied to. In August 2020, I began my BFA in Dance at USC Kaufman. With the combination of a rigorous conservatory dance education embedded within a university which holds unparalleled academic opportunities, attending Kaufman is a dream realized. I’m incredibly excited for the multifaceted opportunities for artistic, academic and self-exploration that run parallel between Kaufman and USC as a whole, and for the opportunities to work with, learn from and perform works by artists such as William Forsythe, Kyle Abraham, Ohad Naharin, Jiří Kylián, Jodie Gates, as well as the repertoire of

George Balanchine and Paul Taylor — just to name a few.

⾃那次之後,你的舞蹈事業發展如何? 隨着我的舞技逐漸提升,我獲邀參加 Complexions Contemporary Ballet的專業預備課 程,⼀次在2019年,另⼀次在2020年。每次我 都會住在紐約⼀個多⽉,每天和⼀⼩群專業預 備舞者⼀同訓練,兩位藝術總監 Dwight Rhoden、Desmond Richardson和其他舞團成員 負責指導我們。四星期的訓練過後,我們參與 ⼀個新作的⾸演,和舞團成員⼀起在紐約The Joyce Theater表演。參演Dwight創作的全新芭蕾 作品、跟Desmond學習現有劇⽬,以及依照舞 團⼀套名叫NIQUE的獨有⽅法訓練,真的加深 了我對當代芭蕾的認識,使我⼤開眼界,這些 經驗對我的舞蹈旅程有着深遠的影響,亦改變 了我的⼈⽣。我相信,這期間的訓練是我事業 發展的開端,⽽我能夠獲⼤學舞蹈課程取錄、 得到獎學⾦,都要歸功於在Complexions的訓 練。 2020年8⽉,我開始在美國南加州⼤學修讀舞蹈 藝術學⼠課程。南加⼤Kaufman舞蹈學院提供優 質嚴謹的舞蹈教育,⽽⼤學⽅⾯⼜給予學⽣絕 佳的學術機會——在南加⼤讀舞蹈使我的夢想成 真。舞蹈學院和⼤學⼀向都為學⽣提供多樣的 藝術、學術和⾃我探索機會,⽽我們舞蹈學⽣ 更有機會跟William Forsythe、Kyle Abraham、 Ohad Naharin、Jiří Kylián、Jodie Gates等不同的 藝術家學習,以及演出他們的作品,不得不提 的還有George Balanchine和Paul Taylor的編舞作 品呢,這⼀切都令我⾮常興奮。





What has been the most difficult part about dancing during COVID-19?

What types of dance projects have you done in Hong Kong?

For me, one of the most difficult aspects of dancing during Covid-19 would be the inability to travel abroad. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was based in Perth, Australia for a month and stayed with family living there, taking classes at West Australian Ballet, satiating my dance travel-bug, albeit momentarily. While the inability to go abroad has hindered my summer plans and plans to connect with mentors overseas, a flurry of local opportunities here in Hong Kong as well as timezone-friendly intensives and workshops have arisen as a result of the shift of the global dance community to online work, and has made dance all the more accessible through social media.

I have been part of the Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation family and their incredible projects such as Arts in the Park, performing at the Hong Kong Dance Awards, as well as their yearly musicals. Spearheaded by Lindsey McAlister, YAF is whom I credit for nurturing my love of the performing arts world as a whole, instilling the values of professionalism, performance etiquette and commitment to the craft from a young age. I also participated in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts’ Gifted Young Dancers Program for two years, where I studied and performed ballet, contemporary, and Chinese Classical dance.

recently, I attended SHIFT Dance Project’s 疫情期間,⾝為舞者遇到的最⼤困難是甚麼? More summer intensives, workshops and open classes 對我來說,最⼤的困難是無法到外地去。疫情 SHIFT is a brand new program in Hong Kong led 剛開始時,我在澳洲珀斯留了⼀個⽉,與當地 by Kelsey Ang, a fellow Hong Kong dance ⼀個家庭同住,當時我在西澳芭蕾舞團上課, inspiration who has created a unique 雖然過程很短暫,但也算是滿⾜了我這個舞者 contemporary dance environment for passionate 的出⾏慾望。疫情期間不能到外地去,的確打 youth in the city, combining her dance experience 亂了我的暑期計劃,亦令我無法按計劃接觸海 in Hong Kong with movement techniques and 外的導師,不過⾹港這裏也有不少機會,⽽隨 concepts directly from her time dancing in Los 着全球舞蹈社群轉戰網上平台,不同的網上訓 Angeles. 練班和⼯作坊陸續出現,令更多⼈能通過社交 你在⾹港參與過甚麼類型的舞蹈項⽬? 媒體參與舞蹈活動。

⾝為⾹港⻘年藝術協會⼤家庭的⼀分⼦,我參 與過不同的精彩活動,好像藝趣嘉年華、⾹港 舞蹈年獎演出和年度⾳樂劇。由 Lindsey McAlister創辦的⾹港⻘年藝術協會培養了我對 演藝世界的熱愛,使我從⼩就明⽩到專業精 神、表演禮儀和對藝術的那份熱誠是多麼的重 要。 我還參加過⾹港演藝學院的「⻘年精英舞蹈課 程」,在那兩年裏,我研習芭蕾舞、當代舞和 中國古典舞,亦有參與演出。 較近期的就是參與SHIFT Dance Project的夏季訓 練班、⼯作坊和公開課堂。SHIFT是⾹港⼀個全 新舞蹈項⽬,由優秀舞者Kelsey Ang領導,她曾 赴美國洛杉磯習舞,其後將在當地學到的舞蹈 技巧、概念和她在⾹港的舞蹈經驗結合起來, 為⾹港⼀眾充滿熱誠的年輕⼈創建與別不同的 當代舞蹈環境。 How have your dance experiences in the U.S. differed from those experiences here? For the past 5 years, I travelled to the U.S. every summer and winter break from school to participate in various intensives and preprofessional programs, whether this be with the Paul Taylor Company, the Martha Graham School, Alonzo King LINES Ballet, creative experiences with IAMFORCE in Los Angeles, or the monthlong pre-professional programs with (New York based) Complexions Contemporary Ballet. Through my experiences in America, I have been fortunate enough to be exposed to a multitude of styles and techniques that were otherwise not taught or easily accessible to the young dance community in Hong Kong, such as modern dance (Taylor & Graham), commercial contemporary dance, dance on camera, and contemporary ballet. This time abroad also allowed me to build an incredible network of dance educators and inspirations who have become mentors to me. Funnily enough, some of these individuals actually have connections to Hong Kong, such as one of my contemporary professors at Kaufman, who danced with the Paul Taylor Company at the Hong Kong Arts Festival in 1990, and one of my ballet teachers here in Hong Kong dancing the works of one of my mentors (from USC) during her time at Washington Ballet.

你在美國的舞蹈體驗和在⾹港的有何不同? 過去五年,每逢暑假和寒假,我都會到美國參 HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE | 46

加各種訓練班和專業預備課程,試過在Paul Taylor Company、Martha Graham School 、 Alonzo King LINES Ballet 學習,亦曾在洛杉磯參與 IAMFORCE創意體驗,以及在紐約Complexions Contemporary Ballet參 加⼀個⽉的專業預備課程。在美國的體驗讓我有幸接觸多種舞蹈⾵格和 技巧,如現代舞 (Taylor和Graham)、商業當代舞、舞蹈錄像和當代芭 蕾,這些均是⾹港年輕舞者較少機會接觸的。 我在外地期間亦認識了不少傑出舞者和舞蹈教育家,他們深深啟發了 我,成了我的導師。有趣的是,他們有的其實和⾹港有點淵源,例如我 南加⼤Kaufman舞蹈學院⼀位當代舞教授就曾於1990年隨Paul Taylor Company來港參與⾹港藝術節演出,⽽我⾹港的⼀位芭蕾舞⽼師在華盛 頓芭蕾舞團期間則演出過我南加⼤⼀位導師的作品。 What does dance mean to you as you find yourself back in Hong Kong? Due to the Covid situation in the U.S, my entire first year of University has been online. I haven’t had the opportunity to travel to Los Angeles, and have instead been based in Hong Kong since my graduation from Chinese International School. However, I count myself incredibly fortunate that I can be here at home, with my training relatively undisturbed by socialdistancing restrictions, and that I have an additional year to connect with my local dance and artistic community, as well as to be able to draw inspiration from the city around me. I recently collaborated with Hong Kong photographer Lee Wai Leung on the Hong Kong edition of his Worldwide Dancer Project, once shooting in a local fruit market in Yau Ma Tei, and another along tramlines and landmarks in the heart of Central. Being here at home has also allowed me to supplement my training at USC Kaufman from a technical standpoint. I’ve accessed and fostered new relationships within the dance, fitness and wellness industries through functional training with like-minded professional athletes in a physiotherapy-gym setting, as well as new and exciting choreographic endeavours.

回港後,舞蹈對你來說有甚麼樣的意義? 由於美國疫情的關係,我⼤學第⼀年全年均在網上學習,從漢基國際學 校畢業後,我⼀直留在⾹港,還未有機會到洛杉磯去。雖然如此,我覺 得⾃⼰可以留在⾹港實在是⾮常幸運,社交距離限制並未對我的訓練造 成太⼤影響,⽽且,我還多了⼀年時間去和本地舞蹈、藝術社群交流, 以及從這個城市當中獲取靈感。最近,我就和⾹港攝影師李偉良合作, 參與拍攝其Worldwide Dancer Project當中的⾹港舞蹈照,我們⼀次在 油⿇地果欄拍攝,⼀次則在中環的電⾞路旁和該區⼀些著名地標拍。我 在⾹港這裏還可從技術層⾯⼊⼿去提升⾃⼰,補⾜我南加⼤Kaufman舞 蹈學院那邊的訓練——我在物理治療健⾝場地和⼀些志同道合的專業運 動員⼀同做功能訓練,另嘗試了有趣的編舞新體驗,這期間認識了不少 舞蹈和健體界的新朋友呢。 With a wealth of experience at her fingertips, Hope Patterson is carving out a clear path for herself in dance. The ability to adapt her dance training no matter what is thrown her way shows us all just what it takes to make it to the big stage.

不斷累積經驗的舞者Hope Patterson,正為⾃⼰開創出⼀條清晰的舞蹈 路。不管前路有何障礙,她都能隨機應變,繼續堅持舞蹈訓練——這種 適應能⼒正是舞者的成功要素。 Photo Credits: Lee Wai Leung :

相⽚來源 李偉良

s ' r o t k i c i d p e SU








編輯推介 Though our fashion runway may consist of a little more chassé than sashay, we’re bringing you the hottest recommendations to get you in style as you hit the studios this summer! Check out the latest dancewear and activewear that’ll keep you feeling cool while looking cool in the studio.

我們為你推薦熱爆款式,助你在今個夏天穿出時 尚⾵格!以下的最新舞蹈服和運動服,不但讓你 穿得舒適,更讓你跳起舞來份外有型。 BEST SLEEK & SUMMERY LEOTARD


Cloud & Victory - The Dark Floral Leotard

深⾊花卉緊⾝⾐ $69 USD美元

Sleek and chic as a gelled-back ballet bun, this Dark Floral leotard is form-fitting and smooth. This is not your run-of-the-mill black leotard! In true Cloud & Victory style, this leo brings a splash of colour with its stunning floral print and mesh upper and V back. Most importantly, you’ll stay cool all summer long with the moisture-wicking micropolyester fabric.

What we love most about this leotard, is that it flatters a wide variety of body types so that you can focus on showing off those gorgeous lines and slaying the stage!

這款不是普通的⿊⾊緊⾝⾐!⽽是深⾊、印 有花卉圖案的緊⾝⾐,⼗分修⾝和⽤料柔 滑,像芭蕾舞般別緻。Cloud & Victory藉這 款舞⾐,以花卉印花、網⾯及V背的設計, 展⽰⾃家⾵格和⾊彩。最重要的是,緊⾝⾐ 採⽤了吸濕、排汗的微聚酯⾯料,令舞者保 持清爽。我們最喜歡這款緊⾝⾐之處,就是 容易襯托各種體型,讓你專注展⽰不同舞 步! BEST SKIRT WITH FLARE


Cloud & Victory The Ombré Rehearsal Skirt - Pink $47 USD

漸變⾊排舞裙 粉⾊ 美元

Our love for light and airy wrap skirts knows no bounds, and this skirt does not disappoint with its flowy chiffon flare and grosgrain ribbon tie. Bask in the beauty of Cloud & Victory’s Ombré Rehearsal Skirt. And if you


like to think pink, then this skirt is just for you! You know you’re in good company when you and Royal Ballet’s Marianela Núñez are both wearing the same skirt! That’s right! This rehearsal skirt is also loved by Miss Núñez herself! Oh and did we mention that this skirt is vegan-friendly? What’s not to love?


EDITOR'S PICK 編輯推介 課或健⾝課的理想之選,也是完美的夏季 上⾐!BREEZE ⽩背⼼輕盈、寬鬆且透氣, 讓你可以在舞蹈室舒適⾃在地舞動。簡單 絕對沒問題。所以,快穿上這件令⼈讚嘆 漂亮的露背設計使它在眾多背⼼中脫穎⽽ 的胸墊背⼼「抖抖氣」吧! 出,超柔軟的棉滌混紡造就溫和質地,就 像親吻你的肌膚。穿上這款夏⽇必備背 BEST SUMMER ⼼,必能令你倍感輕鬆愉快! SCULPTING LEGGINGS


HAKA Active TAURITE Legging Cornflower blue TAURITE ( ) $620 HKD

貼⾝褲 ⽮⾞菊藍 港元

Compliment those summer sculpted legs with HAKA Active’s TAURITE Legging in Cornflower blue. The symmetrically stitched seams follow your leg lines and muscles, making your body shine as you step into the studio. The high-waist fit means that you can leap and lunge without having to fidget and fix your clothes. Plus, it gives a nice and cinched look to the waist, celebrating your natural curves! The fabric is thick enough that nothing shows, and breathable enough so that you can stretch and move freely. Jump into these leggings and start moving to the beat!

條排舞裙的飄逸雪紡和羅緞絲帶不會令⼈失望。如 果你喜歡粉紅⾊,⼜愛漸變⾊,那麼這 Cloud & Victory排舞裙⼗分適合你!如果你知道英國皇家芭 蕾舞團⾸席舞蹈員努尼斯也穿同款,可能迎來「神 助」!這條排舞裙也是努尼斯⾃⼰的最愛!噢,我 們提到這條裙⼦屬純素服裝了嗎?這⼜教我們如何 不愛呢? BEST EASY BREEZY TANK


HAKA Active - BREEZE Tank (White) ( ) $298 HKD

透氣背⼼ ⽩⾊ 港元

Ideal for a contemporary dance class, yoga class, or a jog at the gym, this easy breezy tank top from HAKA Active is the perfect summer top! The BREEZE Tank in white is light, breathable, and loose fitting so that you can move freely and comfortably in the studio. More than just your standard tank, it features a simple yet beautiful open back. The super soft cotton polyester blend gives it a gentle texture that’s like a kiss to your skin. Get breezy with this essential summer tank!

這款HAKA Active透氣背⼼是當代舞蹈課、瑜伽

的TAURITE⽮⾞菊藍貼⾝褲 為美腿錦上添花,對稱的接縫貼合腿部線 條和肌⾁,令你步⼊排舞室的時候散發 HAKA Active



HAKA Active - TUHINGA O MUA Bra Top Cornflower blue ( ) $380 HKD


胸墊背⼼ ⽮⾞菊藍

Channel the cool and calming nature of the ocean in HAKA Active’s TUHINGA O MUA Bra Top in Cornflower blue. Get the support you need, while being able to breathe with ease. This plunge top bra has removable pads, and has a breathable inner lining so that you can inhale and exhale like a mindful movement boss! The four-way stretch fabric allows you to reach beyond your wildest dreams and execute your stretches and movements without any limitations. So stretch it out and breathe it out in this amazing bra top!

從HAKA Active的TUHINGA O MUA⽮⾞ 菊藍胸墊背⼼當中,感受海洋涼爽平靜 的獨有魅⼒,藉此放鬆⼼情。背⼼附有 可拆胸墊,並有透氣的內襯,讓你在運 動時專注於呼吸!採⽤的⾯料具彈⼒, 穿後沒有束縛感,盡情運動、盡情伸展




during your workout or dance class in the sweat-wicking and fast drying satin smooth fabric of these glorious leggings. Feel comfortably wrapped and ready to take on any stretch, split, or high kick in these high waist leggings!

⾼腰交叉帶設計貼⾝褲展現經典 ⿊⾊貼⾝褲的簡單利落,⽽後腰的交叉帶設 計更營造出獨特線條!貼⾝褲採⽤吸汗速乾 的緞⾯光滑⾯料,有助舞者在運動和排舞期 間保持涼爽。穿上這款⾼腰褲,確保你感覺 舒適,隨時準備好伸展、劈叉或踢腿! Asia Yogies

光彩。有⾼腰的剪裁保護你,不⽤害怕在 跳躍和做箭步蹲時「⾛光」,更不⽤時常 整理服裝。此外,這條貼⾝褲的剪裁充分 展⽰腰部⾃然曲線!雖然⾯料厚實,但⼗ 分透氣,穿上這貼⾝褲,隨節奏⾃由伸展 和擺動吧! BEST ONE-STOP SHOP BRA TOP


Asia Yogies - OmmyGod! The String Cheese Incident Midi Bratop $165 HKD





Asia Yogies - OmmyGod! Overlapping Ribbon High Waist Leggings Black $195 HKD



These aren’t just any black leggings, the Overlapping Ribbon High Waist Leggings from Asia Yogies have the simple and clean look of a classic black legging but with a special twist! The overlapping strap on the back creates a unique back line that’s slimming and it keeps those OmBum cheeks nice and lifted! Stay dry

There’s no need to layer up when you’re sporting Asia Yogies’ Midi Bratop in sand, as it’s both a bra top and a tank all packaged into one super cute top! Our favourite thing about this top is when you turn around to the back to see the stunning strappy back feature! The tank style midi bra top is seamlessly fitted without compromising room for you to breathe. This one is for all the pasta fans out there who like an al dente spaghetti strap! It has removable bra cups making it easy to wash. And we cannot forget to mention the oh-so buttery material!

有了Asia Yogies這附帶胸墊的「⼀站式」 上⾐,去沙灘玩的時候,無需再添上⾐。 我們最喜歡這款上⾐的地⽅是其背帶設 計,與背⼼式中⻑上⾐「無縫接合」,沒 有束縛感覺。露背背⼼上⾐的⾯帶幼得如 意⼤利麵,配上可拆卸胸墊,易於清洗。 噢,不得不提的還有那極柔滑的⾯料呢! HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE | 50



編輯 F F O L OO C 夏日 清涼之選

s e t i r u favo

Beat the summer heat with some products that’ll help you cool off when the studio gets too sweaty and stuffy. Dance on, as these product recommendations from our editor get you through the summer!

夏天在舞蹈室練舞總覺得特別悶熱?以下這些精選產品將助你擊退暑熱,清爽⾃在地繼續勁舞! O2COOL Elite Mist ‘N Sip® – Ombre Raspberry

Mission Original Cooling Towel – Aqua Sky $14.99 USD

$9.99 USD

Embr Labs Embr Wave 1 Temperature Control Bracelet $249 USD

Sun Bum After Sun Cool Down Spray $180 HKD

Uniqlo Women AIRism UV Protection Soft Leggings $149 HKD



WHAT'S ON 活動推介 Hong Kong Ballet ALICE (in wonderland)

⾹港芭蕾舞團 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》 13-15.08.2021 2:30pm | 7:30pm

Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre


Bursting with energy and imagination, the encore of Septime Webre’s runaway smash ALICE (in wonderland) is back with the visually stunning and enormously entertaining world of the White Rabbit, Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter.

Asia Society Hong Kong - Qigong Movement with Bernard Kwan 14.08.2021 10:00am-11:30am

亞洲協會⾹港中⼼ 關師傅氣功教學

衛承天席捲全城的《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》載譽歸來!⽩兔先⽣、 紅⼼皇后和瘋帽匠所在的世界天⾺⾏空、精⼒無限,極盡視覺 娛樂之能事。 Visit 請瀏覽: https://bit.ly/3xD8NMX


ASHK, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty

Mr. Bernard Kwan will lead you through basic Qigong movements and controlled breathings to raise awareness of your own sensitivity to energy. For a beginner, Bernard will start with simple exercises like focused breathing, basic exercises and stance work to feel your energy in your body.

關師傅會教您基本氣功動作及運氣,提升您對⾝⼼靈的意識與 運作。初學者會學習呼吸、樁功等基本技巧,開導您意識您⾃ ⾝的能量。 Visit 請瀏覽: https://bit.ly/2T38dZQ

IAC 2021 CHILDREN'S DANCE DRAMA Hong Kong Dance CompanyMagical Adventures of Baby Polar Bear and the 12 Zodiac Animals

國際綜藝合家歡 | ⼤型合家歡舞劇 ⾹港舞蹈團 《⼗⼆⽣肖⼤冒險の冰雪奇熊》 13-21.08.2021 3:00pm | 7:45pm Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall 沙⽥⼤會堂演奏廳 “Venture to the North Pole to save the planet!”

Under the sweeping impact of global warming, the arctic glaciers are melting and the once peaceful “home sweet home” of the polar bear is in dire crisis: soon, there will be no home to return to!



Professional dancers from Hong Kong Dance Company team up with young talents from the Children’s and Youth Troupes, as well as special guest Anthony Ho, to transform themselves into little animals. Through exquisite dancing and uproarious humour, these small creatures project their grace into the hearts of all who witness their journey. In the sweltering summer heat, leave behind the high-rises and city streets and join their brave mission to protect our planet, taking in the glories of nature from the ice-cold glaciers.


不論是⼤時⼤節,還是⼈⽣⼤事,什麼⼤伯⼆嫂三叔四姑五哥 六表姨等都會⼀年數次濟濟⼀堂⼤吃⼤喝。噓寒問暖期間,忽 然⻑⽼級的七舅公⽼爺要總動員尋找甩脫了的⼩零件。莫⾮是 ⽼花眼鏡掉了螺絲?原來⽼⼈家要傳承⺠俗⼿⼯藝製作胡桃夾 ⼦,送給即將頭胎誕⽣的外甥孫⼥為禮物。 Visit 請瀏覽: https://bit.ly/3hWV8JX

Suitable for ages 3 and above Tickets NOW available at URBTIX $300 $240 $160 $100

「闖北極,救地球!」 全球暖化影響擴⼤,極地冰川⽇漸融化,北極熊平靜的「安樂 窩」⾯臨著巨⼤危機,他們就快無家可歸了! 由⾹港舞蹈團專業舞者,聯同兒童團及少年團⼀眾精靈⼩演 員,再加上星級嘉賓何遠東,⿑⿑化⾝⼩動物,以⻤⾺的造 型,配合精湛舞技,在這炎炎夏⽇帶著⼤家遠離⾼樓⼤廈,肩 負保護環境的重任,勇闖冰川感受⼤⾃然的美好。 適合3歲及以上⼈⼠ ⾨票現於城市售票網發售 $300 $240 $160 $100 Visit

請瀏覽: https://bit.ly/3cnu58B

Gu Jiani and Untitled Group - Transition

古佳妮及⼗⼝無團《遷徙》 1-2.10.2021 8:00pm The Box, Freespace


Freespace presents the Hong Kong premiere of Transition, Gu Jiani’s latest epic set, sound, light and movement creation. Gu is known for explosive choreography that borders on dangerous and demands fearless trust and absolute precision between dancers. In Transition, she takes us on a thought-provoking non-narrative journey through themes of growth, change, time, transformation and the objects we manufacture and thoughtlessly discard.

City Contemporary Dance Company Luck-quacka


20-22 .08 .2021 2:30pm | 8:00pm Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre


Gatherings involving a huge extended family can easily become a traumatic experience for the little ones. There are fussing relatives, spoiled children and the unconventional behaviour of the black sheep of the family. There’s also Grand Uncle No. 7 who is asking for everyone’s help to look for missing pieces for his retirement handicraft project.

Without her own studio, Gu rehearsed much of this guerrillastyle in parks and other public spaces throughout Beijing.

古佳妮⾝兼編舞、舞者、多媒體及影像藝術家,擅於結合極簡 的舞台設計及創新的燈光和聲效。她對舞者⾝體的運動能⼒及 爆發⼒要求極⾼,2016年於⾹港演出時驚艷全場。 古佳妮最新作品⾹港⾸演,以物件在舞台建構出⼀個世界縮 影,展現⼈類不同階段的⽣存狀態,從斷裂的碎⽚觀察⽣命的 流變與遷徙。2018年起潛⼼創作《遷徙》,沒有專屬排演室的 她,不論酷暑凜冬,在北京室內外空間不斷以⾝體進⾏實驗。 Visit 請瀏覽 : https://bit.ly/3ANC1uJ HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE |




Win Tickets to Hong Kong Disneyland!


Read our article about the dancers of Hong Kong Disneyland in this issue and tell us in the comments of our Instagram or Facebook Giveaway Post which dancer inspires you most and why! Be sure to like our post and tag @hkdancemagazine and @hkdisneyland for a chance to win two free tickets to Hong Kong Disneyland Park!

下載HKDM新⼀期免費電⼦雜誌 (2021 年夏季號),即有機會贏取⾹港迪⼠尼樂 園⾨票兩張!快閱讀本期雜誌內的⾹港 迪⼠尼樂園舞蹈員專訪⽂章,然後在我 們Instagram或Facebook的「賞⾨票」帖 ⼦留⾔,告訴我們「哪位舞蹈員最令您 深受啟發以及為甚麼」!記得「讚好」 帖⼦,還有標註 @hkdancemagazine 和 @hkdisneyland,把握機會贏取⾹港迪⼠ 尼樂園免費⾨票兩張! HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE |


⽴即看⽂章、留⾔贏⾨票! READ & COMMENT NOW!



Enter to WIN by following these steps: 1. “Like” this photo on our Facebook or Instagram account 2. Download our free Digital Magazine Summer 2021 issue at www.hkdancemagazine.com or through PressReader 3. Read our article about the dancers of Hong Kong Disneyland from our Summer 2021 digital magazine issue and go to our Instagram or Facebook post to comment about the Hong Kong Disneyland dancer who inspires you most and why. 4. Tag @hkdancemagazine and @hkdisneyland in your comment 5. You will receive a Direct Message from our team acknowledging your submission

Details: 2 Winners will be selected by the Chief Editor of Hong Kong Dance Magazine based on the most creative answers by the closing date & time of the contest. Contest closes August 5th, 2021 at 11:59pm HKT Winners will be announced on Friday Aug 6th, 2021 Contest open to all ages, Hong Kong Residents only. For full details, please read our terms & conditions on our website


在我們的Facebook或Instagram「讚好」此相⽚ 於 www.hkdancemagazine.com 或 透 過 PressReader下載HKDM免費電⼦雜誌2021年夏 季號 3. 閱讀本期雜誌內的⾹港迪⼠尼樂園舞蹈員專訪⽂ 章,然後到我們Instagram或Facebook的相關帖 ⼦留⾔分享「哪位⾹港迪⼠尼樂園舞蹈員最令您 深受啟發以及為甚麼」 4. 在 留 ⾔ 中 標 註 @hkdancemagazine 和 @hkdisneyland 5. 參加者將收到「成功提交」確認訊息 1. 2.


總編輯將選出答案最有創意的兩名得獎者 (所 有於⽐賽截⽌後提交的答案將不獲考慮) ⽐賽截⽌⽇期︰2021年8⽉5⽇晚上11時59分 (⾹港時間) 得獎結果將於2021年8⽉6⽇ (星期五)公佈 是次⽐賽歡迎任何年齡的⾹港居⺠參與 更多詳情,請參閱HKDM網站上的相關⽐賽條款及細則 HKDM

*In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. *

中⽂譯本僅供參考,⽂義如與 英⽂有歧異,概以英⽂本為準。

Official Rules Contest is open to all ages, anyone under the age of 18 must obtain permission from their legal guardian/parent to partake in this contest. Contest is only open to Hong Kong Residents with a valid mailing address Comments must be original content Terms & Conditions 1. The HKDM Giveaway! Win Tickets to HK Disneyland Contest! is organised by Hong Kong Dance Magazine. 2. Communications: The contestant/contestant’s legal guardian is responsible for paying attention to all “HKDM Giveaway! Win Tickets to HK Disneyland Contest!” details, official rules and all terms and conditions set out. 3. Eligibility: Participants participating in the contest who are under the age of 18 must obtain permission from their legal guardian/parent to participate in this contest. 4. Agreement to Rules: By participating in the “HKDM Giveaway! Win Tickets to HK Disneyland Contest!”, You/Your legal guardian agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules. You/Your legal guardian agrees to accept the decisions of Hong Kong Dance Magazine as final and binding as it relates to the content of the “HKDM Giveaway! Win Tickets to HK Disneyland Contest!”. 5. Contest Period: The contest starts Friday July 23 2021 at 12:00 pm HKT and ends Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 11:59 pm HKT. 6. How to Enter: Eligible contestants must fulfil all “HKDM Giveaway! Win Tickets to HK Disneyland Contest!” rules & requirements, as specified. Entries that are incomplete or do not adhere to the rules may be disqualified at the sole discretion of Hong Kong Dance Magazine. 7. Prizes: Two Winners of the “HKDM Giveaway! Win Tickets to HK Disneyland Contest!” will be selected by Hong Kong Dance Magazine. Winners will receive 2 quota of 1-Day Hong Kong Disneyland Park Tickets from Hong Kong Disneyland (1100HKD$). The specifics of the prize shall be solely determined by Hong Kong Dance Magazine. No cash or other prize substitution shall be permitted. The prize is non-transferable. Any and all prize-related expenses shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. The use of the prize is subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated by “HKDM Giveaway! Win Tickets to HK Disneyland Contest!”(if applicable). Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for Hong Kong Dance Magazine to use the Winner’s name, likeness, and entry for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law. 8. Odds: The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. 9. Winner Selection and Notification: Two Winners will be selected by the Chief Editor of Hong Kong Dance Magazine. The 2 most creative comments as decided by the Chief Editor of Hong Kong Dance Magazine will be selected as the Winners. Winners will be notified through Facebook messenger or their Instagram message within 12 hours following the selection of the Winners. Hong Kong Dance Magazine shall have no liability for the Winner’s failure to receive notices due to security settings or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If the Winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 24 hours from the time award notification was sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate Winner selected. Once confirmed, the Winners will be required to provide their full name and mailing address. 10. Force Majeure: HKDM and Hong Kong Disneyland shall not be considered in default or liable in cases of shipping delays or cancellations due to wars, civil riots, acts of terrorism, epidemics, acts of nature, fires, strikes, government restriction or other circumstances beyond their control. 11. Publicity and Information: By entering this contest and submitting text, personal information, etc., You understand and agree that Hong Kong Dance Magazine or anyone acting on behalf of Hong Kong Dance Magazine, shall have the right, to use in any media now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity and throughout the World, without limitation, your entry, name, account name, video, picture, voice, likeness, image, statements about the “Hong Kong Disneyland X HKDM Giveaway”, and biographical information for news, publicity, information, advertising, public relations, and promotional purposes, without any further compensation, notice, review, or consent. 12. Disqualification: Hong Kong Dance Magazine reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual, whose content contains obscene, indecent, or inappropriate content, or violates these Official Rules and Terms & Conditions. 13. Original Work: All comments must be originally created material, or you must obtain proper legal permission to use someone else’s copyrighted material. By entering this contest, You represent and warrant that your entry does not violate any third party’s proprietary or intellectual property rights. If the content of your entry is claimed to constitute infringement of any proprietary or intellectual proprietary rights of any third party, You shall, at your sole expense, defend or settle against such claims. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Hong Kong Dance Magazine (Hong Kong Dance Moms Limited) against any suit, proceeding, claims, liability, loss, damage, costs or expenses, which arise out of such infringement or suspected infringement of any third party’s right.





Dance Apparel Shops in Hong Kong

⾹港舞蹈服裝店 Alice Costume de Danse

Far's Latin & Ballroom Dance Store Piu Ngai Fashion Supply Co. JW Talent Costumes Margaret Dance Workshop Paul's Ballet Supplies Centre



Dance Schools in Hong Kong


Les Petites Ballerina Dance Academy

MULTIPLE DANCE STYLES (Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, etc.)



Causeway Bay: 9/F, Capital Commercial Building, 26 Leighton Road. Wong Chuk Hang: Shop 311, One Island South, 2 Heung Yip Road.

Lisa B Academy of Jazz Little Duck Dance and Arts Academy Little Star Academy of Dance


Little Star School of Dance

Agape Dance Studio

Mabel Fong School of Ballet and Music

星培舞蹈藝術教室 Balletbean Dance Academy 卓藝舞蹈學院 Balletsia Dance Centre 芭蕾世家舞蹈中⼼ 嘉露⾙⽂芭蕾舞學校

Central: 403, 801, Lansing House, 41-47 Queen’s Road Central.


Academy of Dance

Carol Bateman School of Dancing

6608 6689 info@tutulamb.com

舞藝傳奇 Les Danseurs Dance Academy 陳綺婷舞蹈學院 L.D.A (Legendary Dance Arts)


⼩苗芭蕾舞學校 Nancy Chiu Ballet Studio 趙蘭⼼芭蕾舞學校 Monica Ho School of Ballet Nicole & Dance

CenterStage Studios HK Channy Stage Arts Workshop

Twinkle Dance Company

Chong Wai Sze Academy of Ballet

6608 6689 info@twinkledance.com

春蕾舞台藝術⼯作坊 莊慧思芭蕾舞學校

⽑妹芭蕾舞學校 Cindy Dance Academy 仙迪芭蕾舞學院 Clara School of Ballet 嘉麗芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School of Ballet

Crystal Dance DANCETRINITY Dance Company Dance Assemblé Academy


DMR School of Ballet

Central: 403, 801, Lansing House, 41-47 Queen’s Road Central. Causeway Bay: 9/F, Capital Commercial Building, 26 Leighton Road. Wong Chuk Hang: Shop 311, One Island South, 2 Heung Yip Road.

Dance Sensation Studio DIA - Dance in Attitude Snow White Dancewear


Sparkle Dance Apparel Company Three Star Dancing Supply Co.

Donna Ngan Ballet & Jazz Academy

顏夢亭芭蕾及爵⼠舞蹈學院 Edge‘n Pointe Dance Centre



Emi Yeung Dance Academy


G-Kids Dance Academy


Herman Lam Dance Studio

OG Dance

Vivre Activewear Hong Kong (Warm Up Girls)

H.K. Camy Academy of Dancing

Parsons Music Academy

Caelum Greene

Glenda Allen Dance Academy




Petite Princess Academy of Dance

Island Dance School Hong Kong


Asia Yogies

Jean M. Wong School of Ballet

POINTES Musique et Danse


Karen Leung Dancing Academy


Sweaty Betty


Easyyoga Hong Kong

Karensiu Dance Academy

Rising Lotus

Kids Arts HK





Prince Dance Studio


Red Shoe Dance Company SDM Jazz & Ballet Academy



名錄⼀覽 Serein School of Ballet Shelly Lo Jazz & Ballet School

羅逸雅芭蕾舞爵⼠舞學校 Show Dance HK Studio Assemblé

⻘躍體藝中⼼ T.Art Dance Center 千藝舞蹈中⼼ Teens Sport and Art Centre


嘉瑩芭蕾舞學校 Virtuoso School of Ballet 名師芭蕾舞蹈學院

Dream Dance and Art Studio

Venus So Ballet School

6060 3175 dreamdanceandart@gmail.com

Viva Ballet School

⾹港元朗宏業南街22號, 虹⽅商業⼤廈地下2A及7樓710室

Shop 2A, G/F & Shop 710, 7/F, TheRainbow,22WangYipStreetSouth

Tina's Dance Studio




Dream Dimension


Venessa Dance Theatre

Hong Kong Dance Company


Viva Dance Academy


Vivian Kwok School of Ballet

Kiwi Studio

Southern School of Dance

Little Dance Moon Studio


Agnes Huang School of Ballet


Alice Cheng School of Ballet


Artiste Star Elite Dance School

藝智星精英舞蹈學院 Avant Dance Studio Ballet Blanc

思藝舞蹈中⼼ Cherry's Ballet Academy 卓爾芭蕾舞学院 CB Dance Studio

Dance with Me Ballet Academy

Hong Kong Youth Ballet Academy

⾹港⻘年芭蕾舞專業訓練中⼼ First Position Ballet Academy 壹芭蕾·舞蹈學院 Howan Ballet 可允芭蕾 Isla School of Dance

鍾詠賢芭蕾舞學校 Josephine School of Ballet 張秀芬芭蕾舞學校 La Muse Studio 繆斯藝術 Le Studio Ballet 曾眉芭蕾舞學校 Ivy Chung School of Ballet

L&S Art Music Dance Studio Lynne Ballet School


The Flying Swallow Dance Studio


The Sprout Dance


Wan Zi Qian Hong Dance


World of Dancing


Zephyr Art Inspiring Center


Elegance Ecole de Dance

PAULINE dance art

2Live Dance Studio

MotiveforMotion by Evelin Keller

Phoebe's Ballet Studio

Alive Dance Studio

Elegant Dance Arts

Regine Wong School of Ballet

Emma Tse Elite Dance Academy


培藝芭蕾舞學校 Glamor Ballet School 纋雅芭蕾舞學校 Gloria Law School of Ballet 羅培丹芭蕾舞學校 Gravity Ballet 成⼈芭蕾舞學校 First Step Ballet School

HM Ballet Ho Ballet


美諾諦詩舞蹈⼯作坊 Mica Dance 雲舞團 中國舞舞蹈課程 Sha Tin Arts 沙⽥⽂藝協會

Mabel Cheung School of Dancing



Melodies Dance Studio

崔藹璇芭蕾舞學校 Dreamer Dance Academy 童夢舞蹈學院 Doris Chui School of Ballet


GEA Dance 2 Gather

Regina Proietto Dance Pro



N’ Dance


Nessa Dance Studio

舞藝舞蹈中⼼ ⿈⽇之芭蕾舞學校

RL School of DanceRussian Ballet School




BE Dance Academy BeDREX 2Live Dance Studio

Shelley D’s Academy of Ballet & Dance


Alive Dance Studio BE Dance Academy

SJ International School of Ballet


Springtide Ballet School

Billy Chan Dance Concepts

春天芭蕾舞學校 Trend Stage Ballet Academy 尚賢芭蕾舞學院 Ulian Chun Academy of Ballet 秦懿欣芭蕾舞學院

Bloom Dance Academy Cool Kids Dance Academy





Dance @ Central Danz Avenue HK

Clara Ramona Danza Flamenca Ltd

Defender Studio

Dance Zing

EG Dance

Dee Dream Life

Friends Junction Dance Co.

Michel Dancing Studio




Iconic Dance Studio

Neverland Kids Academy

兒童流⾏舞蹈藝術學院 Metro Yoga and Dance

Mini A Dance Studio / Mini.ii.kids Nine Lives Dance Company Ones to Watch Dance Company Proudance

⾹港⻘年協會 賽⾺會紅磡⻘年空間 Russ Dance Factory Sano Dance Studio Sky Dance Avenue


Studiodanz XD Kids Dance School Yaya Kids Dance / The Yard


Ziberty Sports Studio

Danza A'more Stage Dreamworld


Melissa McDermott School of Irish Dance O’Connor Barton Irish Dance

Dance Companies in Hong Kong


City Contemporary Dance Company

寶萊塢舞 肚⽪舞


Cosmic Dance

Folded Paper Dance and Theatre

Ellumination Dance School

Hong Kong Dance Company

Feel the Beat Dance Studio Oasis Dance Centre Trio Spin Studio Yannes Belly Dance

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS/ACROBATICS / Cher Dance & Rhythmic Gymnastic Institute Kings Rhythmic Gymnastics Ballet Academy

⾹港藝術體操芭蕾舞學院 Trybe



R & T (Rhythm & Tempo) Tap






藝術體操 雜技

SGM Dance Production

Zeekers Danz Production

Step Up Dance Studio


Jam City HK Ltd.


Move for Life


The Beat

Infinity Dance Studio

SO Dance Studio

Echoes of Erin -School of Irish Dance

Hong Kong Swings

Funky Dance Centre Gear Attic

Esencia Flamenca

Dance Star Academy

EDF Dance Studio



E-Side Dance Company


⾹港舞蹈團 Hook Dance Theatre 舞合劇場 Hong Kong Ballet ⾹港芭蕾舞團 Unlock Dancing Plaza 不加鎖舞踊館 Y-Space 多空間 Performing Arts Organisations in Hong Kong

⾹港舞蹈及表演藝術機構 ArtisTree

Asia Society Hong Kong Center Association of Hong Kong Dance Organizations


⽂化節⽬組 Hong Kong Arts Centre ⾹港藝術中⼼ Cultural Presentations Section

Hong Kong Arts Development Council


⾹港藝術節 Hong Kong Dance Alliance ⾹港舞蹈聯盟 Hong Kong Dance Federation ⾹港舞蹈總會 Hong Kong Arts Festival




Kids' Gallery

⾹港⻘年藝術協會 Tai Kwun ⼤館


So Educational Centre


Dance For Joy HK

Spring Learning

West Kowloon Cultural District

Inspiration Dance Center



Atom Academy



visit www.hkdancemagazine.com

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