Hong Kong Dance Magazine - October 2021

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CONTENT Founder and Director Lam Lon Ting Chief Editor Melinda Gaskin melinda@hkdancemagazine.com Writers & Editors Jenny Chan, Heidi Lee, Joyce Kei, Catriona Newcombe, Leah Slavens Haggard, Ksenia Parkhatskaya, La Shaun Prescott Candy Tsang

Translator , Karen Wong



Featured Artists of Hong Kong Ballet

Shen Jie & Dong Ruixue Photographer / Photo Editor Flossie @White Corner

Sales Coly Ho coly@hkdancemagazine.com

Photographer's Assistant Tommy Ng Featured Artists Wardrobe Hong Kong Ballet Kids Dance Apparel Sponsor Tutulamb Hair & Makeup HK Makeup Artist by Karen Yiu

When the first leaf of autumn changes colour and majestically swoops to the ground, one can’t help but feel the comfort and coziness of this special season. It’s a time of year for us to connect with our families, whether that’s your family at home, at the studio, or on stage. This issue is all about family and dance, and it’s especially close to my heart as I will be a first time mom this fall! For all the parents out there wanting to know more about how to support their tiny dancers, we’ve got articles on the best dance studios in town, tips for starting your dance journey, and an exclusive interview with parents and professional dancers from Hong Kong Ballet! Hong Kong Ballet’s Principal Dancer Shen Jie, Soloist Dancer Dong Ruixue, and their adorable two year old daughter Shen Xiaowan sit down with us to talk about juggling parenthood and the stage! Pick up your pumpkin spice latte, find a velvety armchair, and carve out some time to read these captivating, moving, and interesting articles!

Chief Editor



Dance Moms & Dance Dads: How Parents can Support Their Tiny Dancers


Back to the Studios! Hong Kong's Back to School Dance Guide

Born to Dance! An Interview with Hong Kong Ballet’s Dong Ruixue and Shen Jie



Dance Chronic-les: Accessory Joints of the Toes



Quick & Simple Recipe Ideas for Dancers! With Dancer-Nutritionist Leah Slavens Haggard Leah Slavens Haggard

12 Hong Kong Ballet's Executive Director Heidi Lee


Ones To Watch: An Interview with Local Emerging Dancer Joyce Kei


What's in an Irish Dancer's Bag? With Catriona Newcombe Catriona Newcombe


Dancentrepreneur: La Shaun Prescott La Shaun Prescott


Dancing to Her Own Tune! Solo Jazz Dancer & Singer Ksenia Parkhatskaya Solo Jazz Ksenia Parkhatskaya


Editor’s Warm Up Favourites


Editor’s Pick: Long & Lovely Leotards







Want More? visit www.hkdancemagazine.com

Featured Artists of Hong Kong Ballet : Shen Jie & Dong Ruixue / Photo Editor : Flossie @White Corner Photographer's Assistant : Tommy Ng Hair & Makeup : HK Makeup Artist by Karen Yiu Featured Artists Wardrobe : Hong Kong Ballet Kids Dance Apparel Sponsor : Tutulamb Photographer

The passion and drive that dancers commit to their movement and art are simply felt and not easily described with words. The same could be said for parenthood, though it stems from unconditional love and devotion unlike any other, it also requires a certain passion and drive. Possessing these very qualities, parents and Hong Kong Ballet dancers Dong Ruixue and Shen


Jie get en pointe and personal as they discuss how they balance their time between the roles of Mom, Dad, Soloist, and Principal Dancer.

How were you first introduced to dance, and when was the moment that you realised you wanted to pursue a career as a professional dancer? Dong Ruixue (D.R.): I ate very little as a kid. My mum thought that it would be great for me to learn to dance as this could encourage me to stay active and eat more. At the age of ten, I was selected to enter a professional dance school, where I gradually discovered my love for dance. Shen Jie (S.J.): When I was a schoolboy, I was selected to attend a professional dance school, so you might say it’s dance that chose me! I decided to give it a try as I wanted to broaden my horizons. The experiences of performing with professional dance companies as a dance student reinforced my aspiration to become a professional dancer.


What’s your love story, how did you two meet? We worked together as partners several times and therefore had the opportunity to get to know each other during practices. I’d say it’s because of the dance dramas that we fell in love with each other!

How do your lives as professional dancers and parents influence each other? Both of us fully understand the tough parts about being professional dancers, and



together we experienced the challenges of parenting in these first two years of parenthood, particularly in the first year. Knowing what being professional dancers and parents are all about, we understand, care about and encourage each other more than ever.

What was the most challenging thing about returning to Hong Kong Ballet after your daughter was born? D.R.: Undoubtedly, the first issue was recovery. You don't feel like yourself after giving birth, because your body has changed in a lot of ways. It seems that you can’t feel your own body. Or, you’re actually working with a whole new self. You’ve got to make lots of effort to recover and become an even better self. Exhaustion was another great challenge. Other than having to feed my little one throughout the day and night, I had to get up hundreds of times in the middle of the night to lull her back to sleep, which left me feeling dizzy the next morning. Despite all these, I didn't take a single day’s leave. I worked hard with all my might every day, as being a mum is no excuse for slacking off. In fact, I feel quite proud of myself for being able to overcome all those difficulties at that time. S.J.: Juggling parenthood, training and performances without having enough sleep was definitely a big challenge for me.

What’s your favourite thing about being a parent? What advice would you give parents who want their children to start learning dance? Give your children a lot of support and encouragement.


No matter how busy and exhausted you are, when your child gives you a smile or a hug as you get back home it makes you feel that all the hard work was worth it!


Would you like your daughter to become a professional ballet dancer like you two?

Have you taught your daughter ballet, if so, what has that been like?

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned as parents?

She does some simple movements with us at home. Most of the time, she performs a “pas de deux” with her dad with moves like simple turns and lifts.

To cherish your sleep.

S.J.: I do wish that she grows to love dance and ballet, as I think a female ballet dancer has exceptional grace and beauty, whether she is onstage or offstage. D.R.: I hope that she can have the perseverance possessed by ballet dancers. Perhaps it would be good for her to learn ballet without pursuing a professional dance career. The life of a professional dancer is tough. It is my wish for her that she lives an easier life. Of course, these are merely our thoughts. Ultimately, we will respect her own choice.

Regardless of whether you were born to dance, or grew into those dancing shoes later on in life, one thing is for certain, if you have a passion for dance, you will find a way to make it happen. There is nothing stopping you from getting into the studio, stepping on stage, or simply just dancing in your living room! If you yourself are a dancer, a parent of a dancer, or all of the above, there is something we can all relate to or learn from these outstanding Hong Kong Ballet dancers and parents extraordinaire!



Using the dexterous toes and arcing arches of our feet, As soon as we finish our last dance routine for the we’re getting into theexercise beat or with registered Physiotherapist, Jenny Chan of Perfect Pointe day, our immediate response is to plop into a stretch and Physiotherapy as the shefloor. teaches us like about the warm accessory become one with But just a good up, cool joints of the toes.

downs require us to move gradually. Stay cool as a cucumber with our 5 tips for an effective cool down!

Probably the most notable accessory joint for dancers would be the Metatarsal Phalangeal joint (MTP joint) which is the articular surface of the metatarsal bone and phalanges.

The MTP joint is the key weight bearing joint we rely on when we’re on a high demi pointe, in which the 1st MTP joint is at 90° (less than 90° can often result in sickling).

(Perfect Pointe Physiotherapy) (Jenny Chan) In our last two articles from the Dance Chronic-les, we learned the names of all 28 bones in the foot and5ankle. Accompanying those bones to help us get up on our feet and dance the night away are 33 accessory joints and over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments!

28 33


Accessory joints are the articular interfaces of bone surfaces, which basically means that they are the connecting points between two bones.



So to sum it up, we have the following accessory joints in our toes: 1st digit: MTP joint, IP joint 2nd to 5th digit: MTP joints, PIP joints and DIP joints





Let’s dive into the other accessory joints in our toes so that we can better understand how to improve our pointe, avoid injuries, and maintain good toe flexibility as dancers!

As we move further away from the MTP joint, we come across the interphalangeal joints which are the articular surfaces between the phalanges. In the last article, All About the Forefoot, we learned that the 1st digit only has 2 phalanges (proximal* and distal** phalanges), while the 2nd to 5th digits have 3 phalange bones (proximal, intermediate and distal phalanges). Therefore, the 1st digit of the foot will only have one joint between the phalanges, which is called the 1st InterPhalangeal joint (1st IP joint), while the other 4 digits will have 2 joints between the phalanges, which are called the Proximal InterPhalangeal joint (PIP joint), and the Distal InterPhalangeal joint (DIP joint).

( (



) )

*“proximal” means situated towards the centre of the body. **“distal” means situated away from the centre of the body.


By understanding the mechanics of the small accessory joints, we can learn how to control and use them properly so as to prevent injuries and improve our performance. Let’s be real, what dancer doesn’t want their working leg to look absolutely stunning? And these are

details that even dance masters and teachers can easily miss.


For dancers who wear soft shoes or pointe shoes, it can be difficult for the outside eye to pick up the anatomical details of the intricate movements in the toes. Physiotherapists are often met with dancers who complain about pain when they pointe their feet, or dancers who experience decreased mobility and range of motion, and worst of all...a dropped foot arch!

muscles and decreases the chance



toe and

flexor posterior

ankle impingement.

Not only does it look better,

In our next article, we’ll learn more about the adverse effects of curling and crunching your toes in dance. Looking into the toe flexors and how to properly control them and stretch them. So take good care of your toes, and stay tuned for our next Dance Chronic-les article!

Jenny Chan Perfect Pointe Physiotherapy

but it’ll feel better. As dancers who use their toes incorrectly and overuse their toe flexors

Facebook: @perfectpointephysio Instagram: @jennydancephysio

end up with injuries and sometimes require surgery ……





Dancer: Lam Chun Wing

A well pointed toe should only flex and extend at the MTP joints while the 1st IP joint, 2nd to 5th PIP joints and DIP joints should always be extended.

A longer leg line is achieved when we have good control over our toes. This means that flexion only happens at the MTP joints and also results in less pressure on your foot and ankle, which ultimately reduces the overuse of your toe flexor


李易璇 Playing a pivotal role in Hong Kong’s dance community, Hong Kong Ballet has been a central point amongst the local dance and ballet scene. The shift in vision, repertoire, marketing, and branding are reflective of the demands of today’s arts and cultural industry. Planning to make new waves for Hong Kong Ballet is their Executive Director, Heidi Lee.

leading institutions with a Master of Arts in Cultural Management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor Degree in Stage Management from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

Having worked for various local arts organisations including the Hong Kong Fringe Club, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Hong Kong Dance Company and PIP Cultural Industries Ltd (previously known as the Theatre Ensemble), Heidi’s experience in management, planning, programming, marketing and branding within the arts is vast. A homegrown talent in arts administration, Heidi graduated from two of Hong Kong’s




) Before joining Hong Kong Ballet, Heidi was the Company & Programme Manager at Hong Kong Dance Company for four years. Also making her mark within the dance sectors of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, she became a moving force within the dance community. 4

In November 2019, Heidi collaborated with


establish ourselves even more thoroughly as the most forward-looking among Asian ballet companies.


Hong Kong Ballet as the producer of their project WearDance, which was supported by CreateHK. Working closely with Hong Kong Ballet’s Artistic Director, Septime Webre, their project amalgamated the high art of fashion with dance. Sharing a similar mission and vision with Septime, Heidi Lee stepped into her role as Executive Director of Hong Kong Ballet in February 2020 to bring dance and ballet into the next frontier. 2019

11 WearDance 2020

background, both geographical and historical. As one of the earliest ballet companies in Asia, Hong Kong Ballet is now internationally recognized as a top institution that represents Hong Kong’s unique character. Since its inception in 1979, it has evolved into a vibrant performing arts organization with a dynamic repertoire, a host of forward-thinking community engagement initiatives and an emphasis on excellence. Hong Kong Ballet has an international profile, especially among all Asian ballet companies. We will continue to grow that reputation and


Based on your own experiences as a leading arts administrator, programmer and advocate, what words of wisdom do you have for Hong Kong’s emerging arts administrators?


What are some unique attributes of Hong Kong Ballet? Sometimes, words just don’t do the trick. Dance is the ultimate form of self-expression and doesn’t require any verbal explanation. I wanted to learn ballet when I was small. The costumes, the makeup, the music… The beauty and glamor of ballet feeds our inner child and reminds us of what we dreamed of as kids. Ballet, as an art form, is special to me because of its long tradition from the West. It’s widespread, highly technical and has its own vocabulary originating from French terminology. A well-choreographed and wellexecuted pas de deux is incredible to watch. Hong Kong Ballet is exquisite because of its



What is your mission or dream regarding the future of Hong Kong’s dance development? Hong Kong Ballet needs a home. As a professional ballet company in a metropolitan like Hong Kong, it is a must to have a space where we can hold rehearsals, meetings, workshops, and office work under the same roof to facilitate communications and creation. In order to improve dance ecology, such resident space would serve as a platform to train our own professional dancers using a system invented by Hong Kong Ballet as well as to provide career development for our retired or mid-career dancers. For Hong Kong’s dance scene, my wish is that we can join hands and heighten our visibility within Hong Kong and overseas, and also foster more partnerships with other creative practitioners and organizations internationally. In order to connect with audiences and the community at large, my wish is that we can establish a “dancestyle” among our community to develop a living style influenced by dance, which is graceful, beautiful, free and sensitive. Finally, I hope to advocate the importance and the value of dance art among the private sector as well as individuals, so that the art form is more financially sustainable to flourish.

1. Be passionate. 2. Have a strong vision. 3. Hire a great team and give them credit; empower them. 4. Always think about the possibilities and don’t waste time complaining. 5. Think about the bigger picture and how works of art can have the widest impact in the society. 6. Bear in mind that Hong Kong is a small city. We should keep our hometown in mind and the whole world in view. 7. Be humble and be driven to keep learning. 8. Establish your own set of values. 9. Be goal orientated. 10. Make the tough decisions and own them.

1. 2. 3. 4.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Photo Credits: (1&3) Courtesy of Hong Kong Ballet (2) Swan Lake | Hong Kong Ballet Dancers | Photographer: Conrad Dy-Liacco | Courtesy of Hong Kong Ballet (4) Photographer: Conrad Dy-Liacco


明 日 之 星



A local talent that’s making a rise in the dance scene, is young emerging dancer Joyce Kei. Well versed in jazz, contemporary, ballet, and rhythmic gymnastics, Joyce has quickly climbed the ladder having been accepted into the Gifted Young Dancers Program at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Junior Trainee Program at Hong Kong Ballet, and participated in numerous dance competitions. At such a young age, Joyce has put her dance career first, and she continues to test her limits. (Joyce)


What has been your most memorable dance project so far, and why? One of my most memorable experiences was participating in the Cathay Pacific Chinese New Year Parade for several years when I was young. This was what sparked my love of dancing and performing. More recently, I have been part of #BeTheChange PSA dance films by the Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation. I love using DANCE to raise awareness of social issues to the community.


What other aspects of dance have you explored? I really enjoy choreographing my own dances for competitions, I will edit the music and design my own costumes. I have won numerous awards with my self choreographed dances in competitions such as the Dance World Cup Asian Cup, World Championship of Performing Arts, Hong Kong Solo Dance Competition, and the

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships. I was also very honored to represent Hong Kong with my self choreographed solos in the Dance World Cup finals in Spain and Portugal. I love being on stage and expressing myself with movement. Recently, I’ve enjoyed collaborating with different photographers to take dance photos. It is really fun to think of different concepts and locations and come up with different poses.


What would you like to do next in your dance career? "Dance is the hidden language of the soul”. I really like dance because it’s beautiful,


expressive, and powerful. I have explored many different dance styles during the years. I want to continue my journey in dance and go wherever my heart takes me. I believe that with my hard work and passion, opportunities will come naturally!

(“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”)

There’s nothing stopping Joyce from her dreams in dance, as she continues to apply the spirit of a true dance professional. Keep an eye out for this young star on the rise! Joyce

Photo Credits: Wilfred Yuen @untitled_dance_project



Dance Moms & Dance Dads Being the parent of a young dancer doesn’t come without support and dedication. It can be an intimidating and challenging experience, especially if you’ve never danced before. One minute you’re dropping your little one off at dance to learn some steps and burn off some energy, and before you know it, you’re a fully dedicated dance Mom and Dad!

So let’s start with the basics.. you turn into a personal hairstylist, seamstress, act as a chauffeur. You manage busy exam and showcase schedules as well as weekly classes and not to mention finances. Though you’re well on your way, here’s our survival guide to support you on your journey… ——



DON’T EXPECT TOO MUCH, TOO SOON. Stepping into a studio can be an exciting yet daunting thought for your little one. New surroundings, new faces and most of all a brand new skill to grasp! It is perfectly normal for your dancer to be a little hesitant at first. Some children settle in pretty quickly, skipping and twirling around the studio. Others may take a few weeks. For these children, it is important to remember that they are still learning, but by taking in their new surroundings and observing. Always offer kind words of encouragement and support before class; “I’m so proud of you dancing with the rest of your class”, “You are going to have so much fun!” A little goes a long way.




SHOW INTEREST OUTSIDE OF CLASS You’re the first person who can help your tiny dancer reach their full potential. Show that you’re interested, even outside of class . Ask your child to show you what they have been learning. This is very beneficial because it helps them retain information and broaden their understanding of the steps. Ask them to demonstrate. Simply “teaching” someone else gives a child a noticeable boost in confidence!

your child’s dance practice. Strengthening exercises also go hand in hand with stretching. They help prevent injury and increase balance and elevation. You could ask your child’s teacher for exercises that will best serve your child.

ALWAYS SHOW HOW PROUD YOU ARE OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS. Being a number one supporter means being positive through the ups and downs, wins and losses of being a dancer. Your child’s peers have achieved a higher exam result? That’s perfectly okay. Show that you care about their personal improvements and not outshining someone else. Always focus on the positive and encourage your little one to always try their very best. Be proud no matter what!

ENCOURAGE DAILY STRETCHING AND THE PRACTICE OF STRENGTHENING EXERCISES. Create an at home dance space. Just a designated area in your house for your child’s practice, having a small space set-up simply creates an invitation for them to practice more often. Play some music and watch your little ones’ ideas run free. Here they can practice stretching and strengthening exercises. Home stretching is an important role to becoming a better dancer and it is much easier for children to gain flexibility when they are younger, yes it hurts a little and results don’t happen overnight but is an important aspect of

PROMOTE DANCE ETIQUETTE. Help your dancer understand what should be expected of them from the beginning. Wearing fitted dancewear and footwear helps them to understand that they are going to a structured lesson each week. Hair should always be neatly tied back. Moving on to studio etiquette. Teach your child to think about how they would wish to be treated and how to respond to their teachers and peers with respect. Use your manners around all things dance and you’ll never step a foot out of line.



課 開

! 了

With each new school year comes new adventures and experiences, so whether you’re starting out your dance journey or looking to change up your training, we’ve got some great suggestions for where to study dance in Hong Kong!


Plenty of dance schools offer classes across a range of dance styles, making these studios a great one-stop-shop for all your bust a move needs. These can range from ballet, jazz, contemporary, hip-hop, urban dance, yoga, pilates, and supplemental strength and flexibility training. When comparing studios, consider the price, location(s), language(s) that classes are taught in, whether it’s catered towards professional or recreational dance training, and what types of dance examinations or certifications they offer.

hip hop (



method known as Vaganova. If you are interested in the examination and certification programs offered, it is important to discuss with your dance teacher what steps need to be taken to do so. Though ballet is known for being a tough, strict and serious dance form, it also has a fun side to it too! The challenge is part of the fun, executing new movements and testing the limits of your body and artistry.

Known for its unique, imaginative, fun and creative approach to dance training, Twinkle Dance offers dance classes for children as young as 18months old all the way up to adults. With a fantastic team of highly qualified, enthusiastic, and passionate dance teachers from all around the world, you’ll be dancing up a storm in no time! Their programs range from Ballet, Jazz, K-Pop, Contemporary Dance, Barre Sculpt, and Introduction to Pointe! They also host various activities throughout the year, such as Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) ballet examinations, Jazz Addict examinations, an Annual Showcase, Dance Photoshoots, special workshops, Summer Programs, and so much more!



Russian Ballet School Unit 1010, 10/F, Fortress Tower, 250 King's Road, North Point 250 10 1010 +852 2570 2006 rbshkisland@gmail.com, www.russianballetschool-hk.com


Add some spark to your dance training with jazz classes! Focus on sharp hitting fierce movements, with an abundance of personality and style. Learn to pick up choreography quickly and how to stand out in a crowd, as jazz prepares you for the commercial stage as well as Broadway baby!

Twinkle Dance 18 K-Pop

Barre Sculpt

Twinkle Dance (RAD) JazzAddict

Twinkle Dance Company Various locations across Hong Kong and Kowloon +852 6608 6689 info@twinkledance.com www.twinkledance.com

One of the foundational forms of dance technique, ballet is great for developing flexibility, strength, agility, and artistry. The primary ballet syllabi taught here in Hong Kong are the UK-based Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) system and the Russian ballet

As the first school in Hong Kong to exclusively teach the Vaganova ballet system, the Russian Ballet School is renowned for producing world class dancers, teachers and choreographers. Led by highly qualified teachers who have all held professional ballet careers as principal dancers and soloists across Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Ballet School offers professional ballet training at the highest level. Though the school provides pre-professional training for kids, they also offer adult ballet classes too! Their smaller class sizes, regular assessments, and Vaganova certificates granted after every 150 hours of completed training allow students to see progressive results and improvements to help them take one step closer towards being prima ballerinas!

Embracing the glitz and glam of jazz, Dreamworld provides jazz dance and competitive gymnastics classes for kids ages 2+! Taught by certified instructors and dance teachers, their classes are always filled with energy and fun. Located in the centre of Yuen Long, Dreamworld has their very own acro team, and they offer various performance and competition opportunities that allow students to shine!


they offer a variety of hip hop dance classes, including popping, locking, and urban choreography to students ages 3+. Holding the title as the World of Dance Hong Kong Junior Division Champions, their Junior Locking Crew FunkyHeroes are a testament to their amazing dance training program!


Dreamworld 2 Dreamworld

Dreamworld Unit A, 1/F, THF (Yuen Long) Commercial Building, 2-8 Yuen Long Tai Cheung Street, Yuen Long 2-8 ( ) 1 A , +852 5110 9191, dreamworld.js@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/dreamworldxjs/

Find your groove, your style, your voice and put a mark on it with hip-hop. There are still fundamental movements to be learned, but urban dance focuses on the distinctiveness of your mannerisms and unique movement qualities. It breaks you out of your shell and adds a new flavour to your movement palette. And with the way that the commercial dance industry is evolving, there is a greater demand for dancers with a background in hip-hop and urban dance. hip hop


FunkyTown Dance

Studio hip hop popping choreography FunkyTown World of Dance

hip hop locking urban 3 Funky Heroes

FunkyTown Dance Studio, +852 7073 5959, info@funkytowndance.com, www.facebook.com/funkytowndancehk/

There are plenty of opportunities to learn Chinese Dance in Hong Kong! Even though there is so much tradition and culture embedded in Chinese Dance it too is an art form that is continuously evolving and changing to adapt to modern times. It can involve strict and disciplinary training, but Chinese Dance also incorporates vivacious and playful elements too!


Little Dance Moon Studio Room 238, 2nd Floor, My Loft, 9 Hoi Wing Road, Tuen Mun 9 2 238 +852 6228 4430 littledancemoon@gmail.com www.ldmstudiohk.com

The bacon of Broadway—tap dance epitomises the idea of multitasking to its fullest, because you have to maintain the rhythm, while dancing and executing the choreography. Forget sudoku, tap dance challenges your mind and body in ways that a pen and paper just cannot!


hip hop

One of the new kids on the block, FunkyTown Dance Studio just opened its doors in 2021, but they’ve already been gaining traction and developing young hip hop talents! All about instilling confidence, creativity, and happiness in their students,


Specialising in Classical Chinese Dance and Folk Dance training, Little Dance Moon Studio offers classes to students ages 3 and up. Ensuring that students learn and grow in a fun learning environment, Little Dance Moon Studio also provides students with opportunities to take part in dance competitions and examinations such as the Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Graded Examinations, and the Chinese Folk Dance Graded Examinations. While maintaining the traditions of Classical Chinese dance, they also offer Jazz/Street dance, Modern dance, and K-Pop classes! 3


Step outside your comfort zone and into the world of tap dance and musical theatre at Step Out Studios. As both a production company and dance academy, Step Out Studios offers a wide range of performing arts classes centred around Music, Theatre,

and Dance! With classes for kids all the way through to adults, their programs are designed to develop the full potential of students within a fun and professional environment.

Step Out Studios

Step Out Studios Studio 207, 2/F, Tai Po Arts Centre, 12 On Pong Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong 12 2 207 +852 6611 6904 info@stepoutstudios.com www.stepoutstudios.com

Partner up! No matter what dance form you specialise in, teamwork is crucial. Latin and Ballroom Dance allows dancers to learn partnering and trust. Because once you are on stage, the golden rule is no talking, therefore you need to learn how to communicate through touch, breath and eye contact. There are so many complex rhythms, styles and melodies that latin & ballroom dancers must learn, which also makes for versatile dancers.


Bringing Ballroom to all, Green Apple International Dance School teaches Ballroom & Latin Dance to kids 3.5+ years and adults. Taught by world renowned teachers from Europe and Asia, classes at Green Apple help prepare students for competitions, festivals, and special events. Feeling up to the challenge? Green Apple offers Private and Pro-Am programs for students looking to take that next step in their dance career and enter championships as well as take part in elite performances.


Hip Hop & Urban Dance Hip Hop : Bloom Dance Academy Neverland Dance House Sky Dance Avenue Studiodanz Chinese Dance : GEA Dance 2 Gather Melodies Dance Studio

Green Apple International Dance School 3

Tap Dance : R & T (Rhythm & Tempo) Tap Latin & Ballroom Dance Move for Life Rhythm Studio

Green Apple

Green Apple International Dance School Shop 2B, G/F, Alto Residences, 29 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong 29 2B +852 9877 7078 info@greenappledance.com, https://greenappledance.com/

Multiple Dance Styles : Carol Bateman School of Dancing DIA - Dance in Attitude Edge‘n Pointe Dance Centre Glenda Allen Dance Academy H.K. Camy Academy of Dancing Les Danseurs Dance Academy Lisa B Academy of Jazz SDM Jazz & Ballet Academy SDM Venessa Dance Theatre Ballet : Agnes Huang School of Ballet


Learning Centres & Creative Dance : Kids’ Gallery Spring Learning Flamenco : Clara Ramona Danza Flamenca Ltd Esencia Flamenca Bollywood & Belly Dance : Ellumination Dance School Ek 2 Three Oasis Dance Centre Trio Spin Studio Irish Dance : Echoes of Erin - School of Irish Dance Melissa McDermott School of Irish Dance O’Connor Barton Irish Dance

As we get ready to pack our backpacks with books, don’t forget to pack your ballet shoes too! School is back, and so is dance class! For a full list of dance schools in the city, check out our Hong Kong Dance Schools Directory Listing!

Dance with Me Ballet Academy Hong Kong Youth Ballet Academy Nessa Dance Studio Jazz : NattyBop



Now a Certified Nutrition Health Coach, Leah is taking her knowledge and understanding of the studio, the stage, and nutrition to help dancers everywhere!

Finding the motivation to dance is fairly easy, but the same cannot always be said for meal prepping and cooking. Inspire those taste buds and get crafty in the kitchen with these quick and simple recipe ideas from dancer and Certified Nutrition Health Coach Leah Slavens Haggard!

Leah Diversifying our palettes, Leah is sharing some of her recipe ideas for dancers! Leah

…… Leah Slavens Haggard


As a professional ballet dancer herself, Leah Slavens Haggard has experienced her fair share of misleading information and influences on proper nutrition for young dancers. After multiple injuries and having developed a poor relationship with food, Leah did a full 180 and found ways of eating that were both enjoyable and beneficial towards her health and dance practice. Leah Slavens Haggard Leah



Tiny Dancers aka Young Dance Students Who Are Just Discovering the Kitchen! Start helping with grocery shopping and cooking in the kitchen to learn different basic techniques and gain a sense of what food you like. Roasted sweet potato, broccoli, and salmon on a bed of rice. Top with tahini, lemon and herbs. Cooked pasta, mix tomato sauce with sautéed spinach, onion and mushrooms, add in grilled chicken or chickpeas, top with some cheese or a drizzle of olive oil if desired For the dance studio: Mix together cooked quinoa and edamame, cucumber, and avocado. Use toppings like soy sauce, sriracha, toasted sesame seeds, sesame oil, cilantro, and chives






(tahini) ( ) (taco seasoning) (tortilla chips)



Dance Students in University with a Classic College Dorm Kitchenette

A Professional Dancer or Teacher with a Full Day of Dance

Prepared foods, frozen foods, and foods that can be cooked by pouring over boiling water are going to be your go-tos.

Meal prep is going to be your best friend to save you time and energy after a long day at the studio. Don’t forget to bring snacks with you to help you maintain your energy through long hours. Breakfast ideas: Baked oatmeal, which can be reheated in the microwave or toaster oven, blueberries, almond butter, and walnuts. Or, make egg muffins ahead of time that can later be reheated the next day with toast, sautéed spinach, and avocado. Wrap with hummus, grilled chicken, a thinly sliced veggie or two of choice, and a sauce like tahini, guacamole, or tzatziki. A meal that you can throw in the oven after a long day and will have leftovers: Add chicken breast or tempeh to a tray with veggies like chopped cauliflower, red bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes. Top with pesto and bake at 375 ℉ for about 40 minutes (until everything is cooked through). Put on top of a quick cooking grain like couscous.

Thin rice noodles (pour over boiling water to cook), thinly sliced cucumber, carrots, red bell pepper and green onion, store-bought, prepared tofu or chicken, peanut sauce Frozen prepared rice, canned black beans (rinsed), and some storebought taco seasoning. Add to a bed of your favorite greens and add toppings like salsa, avocado, sour cream, cilantro, and some tortilla chips. Breakfast or snack idea: Instant oatmeal, cinnamon, honey, fruit like berries or banana, peanut butter or almond butter, other toppings like coconut as desired


375℉ )

(tempeh) 40 ( (


The Ambitious Dancer-Chef with A Holiday Weekend Ahead! This is a great time to try new recipes and use different ingredients and methods of cooking that you normally would not have had time for. A hearty vegetable and protein soup/stew that you can have with bread, tortillas, or pita. This is also great to have leftovers for the week. Polenta with roasted asparagus, braised lentils or turkey meatballs, and a lemon yogurt sauce and olive oil Veggie burger patty or other meat patty of choice, marinated and grilled portobello mushrooms, baked sweet potato or regular potato wedges, chopped veggie salad

( )






Regardless of what you cook up, try and include protein, carbohydrates, fat, and fiber into your meals! Leah is a true advocate for balance, both on and off the stage. “We should not have to sacrifice our health in order to dance but instead prioritize a way of eating that helps our body to sustain a heavy dance load, decrease the risk of injury, increase recovery, as well as allows us to enjoy the foods we love”. Leah

Full of inspiration and appetite, let’s take these recipes to the kitchen and whip up a delicious and nutritious meal to get us ready for the stage!

Leah Slavens Haggard www.lifefuelholisticwellness.com m. (832) 217-7230


愛爾蘭舞者 Known for its finite footwork and breathtaking formations, Irish Dance requires pure precision and of course a little pep in your step. Introducing us to the world of Irish Dance right here in Hong Kong is dancer, choreographer, teacher, and owner of Echoes of Erin School of Irish Dancing, Catriona Newcombe.

Catriona Newcombe

To deal with blisters I already have, I’ll have bandaids and blister boots as well, to put on beneath my socks and protect my heels. I also like having a little muscle roller and muscle rub in there for my hamstrings and calves. If the studio I’m going to doesn’t have a floor that's good for hard shoes, I’ll bring something I can dance on like a dance floor or practice pad. I’ll have a snack, and I’ll also usually have a big bag of shoes, dance uniforms and miscellaneous objects forgotten in the studio to distribute to my students, as well as many rolls of black duct tape as I can manage.

And for a performance? For a performance, I’ll bring my troupe costume, including tights and a crown. Going along with that are my makeup and hair products. I’ll also have a troupe tracksuit to change into afterwards, as well as a couple sandwiches for lunch.

Echoes of Erin School of Irish Dancing What do you put in your dance bag for a rehearsal? Other than a water bottle, I’ll have my hard shoes and soft shoes in my bag, as well as thick poodle socks to prevent blisters. I love the ankle height ones.

What’s the one item in your bag that you could not live without, and why? Duct tape is an absolute essential for Irish



Dancers. We use it to mark positions on stage, keep our dance floors down, and to give our shoes more traction. It also comes in handy while teaching younger dancers, as a strip put on the inside of each heel can be a nice reminder to keep turned out.

What advice do you have for those who want to be a professional dancer? I would say to keep practicing and keep yourself motivated. It’s easy to lose motivation when it's all that you focus on but just persevere! Practice really does make perfect and creating a routine for yourself to fit in dance along with work/studies or your social life is extremely important. At the end of the day you can only push yourself so hard and you have to remember to relax a little every now and then. In terms of dancing, it’s important to have

Who knew that duct tape could be so handy in the studio? Just one of the many things we’ve learnt from this tour of Catriona Newcombe’s dance bag! The biggest takeaway from our Irish Dance journey has been that we must keep our heads held high, and our jumps even higher!

Catriona Newcombe

What’s your best packing hack? I put the heaviest and most solid objects like my shoes and box of hair supplies at the bottom of my bag then fill the space between them with softer objects like tights or a change of clothes. It really makes the space go much further.

confidence in the way you perform - it’ll give you an edge and it really shows! Dancing with passion makes all the difference and it’ll show that you genuinely enjoy what you do. Also, if you get the chance, try practicing with a team or group because not only can you learn from each other and become better dancers because of it, it’s also hugely encouraging to know other people are in the same position as you.



Versatility in dance is undoubtedly an asset, whether that be mastering different dance genres, different artistic and entrepreneurial skills, or in La Shaun Prescott’s case...all of the above!


learning gymnastics, modern dance, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, latin, dancehall, afrobeats, and folk dance to auditioning as an ensemble dancer for major music artists. Her performance and touring career spanned from dancing alongside the King of Soca himself, Machel Montano, to performing in concerts with Beyoncé and Pitbull.

Shaun Prescott La Shaun A true dancentrepreneur, La Shaun went from



Soca Pitbull


Honing her skills to form her own business, La Shaun founded Elle InfiniTT, a dance company offering open classes and performances in a range of styles for kids and adults. One of her greatest passions has been sharing Soca dance as a genre




internationally, and if you haven’t heard of Soca dance before, it’s a music and dance genre with roots in Trinidad and Tobago. La Shaun has led Soca dance workshops and classes in the U.S., London, Australia, South Africa, and the Caribbean. Though it hasn’t made its way to Asia yet, you can be sure it’s on her to do list! La Shaun Elle InfiniTT

What were some of your major developments in dance? One of the major developments in dance in Trinidad and Tobago that we contributed to, was definitely providing classes in a range of styles for persons not wanting to pursue dance under exam conditions. Prior to Elle's establishment, many of the dance schools would have clients pay for the term towards RAD and ISTD exams. We were one of the first schools that introduced options to just drop in to a class without committing to the term.

Soca Soca La Shaun Soca


Soca La Shaun

What led you to pursue a career in dance? My initial plan was to have a career in Economics, and so my earlier efforts were geared in that direction. I did my first degree in Economics with minors in Spanish and Management, and followed up with a Masters in Economics as well. It was while working with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and having to take significant time off to tour with Machel Montano, that I decided that I wanted to change my career path to dance. I then pursued an MFA in Dance from Tisch School for the Arts, New York University, and on my return home, landed a job as an Assistant Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Dance at the University of Trinidad and Tobago. Now my days are spent teaching dance at the University and managing the dance company Elle. Surprisingly enough, I am still able to use the knowledge garnered in my first degree for one of the courses that I teach at UTT called Entertainment Industry Business Seminar. I guess no knowledge is ever wasted.


Another main development was in the provision of weekly Soca dance classes in New York at one of the major studios - the Mark Morris Dance Center. At that time, we opened a branch of Elle in New York, called Elle NYTT for New York and Trinidad and Tobago, and the classes continued even after I left New York, mainly by 2 powerhouses Candace Thompson (presently a Manager with Dance NYC) and Shola Roberts (currently pursuing her doctorate in Dance Education). The company has since undergone its final name change from Elle NYTT to Elle InfiniTT after we started working in other foreign territories. I may have hinted to some of these earlier, but holding a lecturer position at the national university teaching dance is definitely one of my proudest moments. Another would be my assignment as Head Coach and Choreographer for SOKAFIT - a fitness system that uses exclusively Soca Music and Soca Dance to get fit. With SOKAFIT, I was able to visit South Africa to train coaches and I am extremely proud to see the program up and running successfully there.


Montano Tisch School for the Arts Mark Morris Dance



Soca Elle Elle NYTT New York Trinidad and Tobago Dance NYC Candace Thompson Shola Roberts Elle NYTT Elle InfiniTT



What challenges have you faced as a dancer during COVID-19? Covid-19 prevented me from training in person for an extended period. Being confined to take virtual classes at home is a different experience from being able to do sweeping traveling sequences across the floor of a large studio. I struggled to stay motivated and to maintain my fitness regime, as the isolation had psychological effects as well, and there were days when I would just not feel to do anything. The pandemic also affected Elle InfiniTT significantly as we had to give up two studio

spaces after we could no longer maintain the rent without being able to have classes and rentals in the space. Fortunately we were able to move all our operations online, and while we lost some of our clientele who were not willing to take the virtual option, we were able to expand our services to offer pre-recorded sessions and tutorial videos, and were also able to gain new students internationally. I had persons trying my SOKAFIT classes online from France, South Korea, Canada, the U.S. and the Caribbean. These prospects are quite exciting!

Elle InfiniTT


What would you like to do next in your dance career? What I would like to do next in my dance career is definitely do projects in Asia. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to teach Soca Dance workshops there, perhaps conduct some guest lectures and do collaborative work. Hopefully after the pandemic is under control, I would love to be able to take a small contingent of my dance company on tour, to showcase the Caribbean aesthetic to an appreciative international audience. Interested parties can contact me at ElleInfiniTT@gmail.com or +1 (868) 788 - 3553.



+1 (868) 788 - 3553

With millions of ideas churning, La Shaun Prescott has an amazing sense of creativity and entrepreneurship. A great reminder to dancers at all stages of their career, that there are plenty of opportunities within dance and that stretch beyond the norms of conventional dance careers. La Shaun Prescott


Dancing to her Own Tune! It don’t mean a thing, if a dancer ain’t got that swing! Giving us swing and so much more, solo jazz dancer and singer Ksenia Parkhatskaya brings solo jazz into the 21st century with her groundbreaking dance and music projects. Reviving solo jazz with relevance and meaning, Ksenia’s innovative online dance tutorials, short-films, live performances, and music albums are just a few of her greatest achievements as a multidisciplinary solo jazz artist!

Solo Jazz 21

Ksenia Parkhatskaya Solo Jazz Solo


舞 出 我 格 調


A master of all trades when it comes to the field of solo jazz, Ksenia wears various hats as a dancer, actress, singer, choreographer, producer and educator. Her dance training began in Saint Petersburg, Russia where she learned ballroom dance and musical theatre. Ksenia later trained across Europe in swing and authentic jazz, and then went to École des Sables in Senegal to study West African and Afro-Contemporary Dance. Solo Jazz



Authentic Jazz Sables

École des

Dazzled by the glamour of jazz, Ksenia began specializing in solo dance styles, and is now known for her sensational Charleston 20’s style which has gained over 250 million views. Ksenia 20 2

20 (flapper)

Specialising in dance styles like 20s Charleston, Be Bop, Lindy Hop, Authentic Jazz or Jazz Roots and Swing, Ksenia has brought a new light to these styles through her teaching of what she refers to as “Jazz Flow”. Be Bop Jazz/Jazz Roots Flow” Ksenia

Authentic Jazz

20 Lindy Hop Authentic “Jazz

"My movement today is based on the authentic jazz style and its legacy. However,

countries for audiences as large as 50,000 people! 2010 Ksenia Christian McBride Trio Postmodern Jukebox 35


"I was completely immersed in the process of unlocking my flapper. I loved trying on all those gestures and manners of silent movie actresses. Interestingly, I didn’t watch videos of other contemporary dancers in the swing community. Early on in theatre, I learned that if you want to do your authentic expression, you shouldn’t search for how others did it".


lately as I’ve integrated a wide range of styles and approaches, I started to think of my dance a little more broadly and believe “Jazz Flow” describes it best".


“Jazz Flow” Having toured the world since 2010 with the likes of Christian McBride Trio, Postmodern Jukebox, and the Paris Opera Orchestra, Ksenia has dedicated her career to teaching and performing original works in over 35

It’s one thing for a dancer to understand the music that they dance to, but it’s another to be able to create the very music a dancer moves to. Leading her very own music ensemble based in Barcelona, K Quintet, Ksenia is also an amazing jazz singer and has worked on several albums together with her husband, bass player and Irish musiciancomposer David Duffy. Having released their first album “Something Else” in 2019, K Quintet’s much anticipated album “Something Different” will be released later in 2021-2022. Dancing to her own tune, Ksenia will be debuting her very own album “Colours” on October 3rd, 2021!

Ksenia David Duffy K Quintet 2019

“Something Else” K Quintet “Something Different” 2021 2022 Ksenia 2021 10 3 “Colours”



"It is when I dived deeply in jazz and swing dancing about 11 years ago, I realised there was no other way than to surrender to singing entirely. You see, jazz dance and music are inseparable. They are really one". 11

A true triple threat, Ksenia has also produced and performed in her own live shows. Just this past year, Ksenia and K Quintet premiered Colours at Symphonie d'été in Fouras, France. This theatrical performance combined dance, jazz, original songs, and Charleston into a thrilling journey filled with vibrance, emotion, and colour! Ksenia K Quintet Symphonie d’été Colours

But their artistic endeavours haven’t stopped there! Run by Ksenia and David, Jazzville Productions is their production company in which they create audio, video and live content for stage, online video streaming, television, and advertising. Rolling out the red carpet, they’ve produced several awardwinning short films with multiple nominations, such as Fear (2021), Rose and Blue (2020), and Something Else (2019). Ksenia even starred as the lead actress in the award-winning short film “Paris You Got Me”, directed by Julie Boehm. Ksenia


Rose and Blue (2020) Something Else (2019) Ksenia Julie Boehm “Paris You Got Me” Swinging into dance education, Ksenia started an online dance school in 2015 known as Secrets of Solo. Dedicated to solo dance, Ksenia began sharing her passion for jazz dance with students all over the world through this one-ofa-kind dance platform! Her ability to break down movements using powerful imagery and visual associations for dancers of all levels has made her online dance tutorials the perfect way to learn solo swing dances such as solo jazz, 20’s Charleston, and improvisation to jazz music. With plenty to offer, Secrets of Solo features 8 separate courses, and 22 hours of teaching material, making it one of Hong Kong Dance Magazine’s Top 5 Favourite Online Dance Schools. To date, there have been over 3,500 dance students who have joined Secrets of Solo! 2015 Solo


Taking the world of solo jazz by storm and bringing it into this day and age to give it a new life, Ksenia Parkhatskaya is a contemporary jazz sensation who sees no limitations, only possibilities. Ksenia Parkhatskaya Solo Jazz

Secrets of Ksenia Parkhatskaya Facebook: @ksenia.parkhatskaya Instagram: @ksenia_parkhatskaya Website: kseniaparkhatskaya.com Youtube: Ksenia Parkhatskaya


20 Secrets of Solo 22 Hong Kong Dance Magazine

"I am interested in how jazz music written today can be expressed through solo jazz dance and how solo jazz dance can blossom in new settings. I think we can dig deeper into the past and simultaneously open the mind to look further into the future and into oneself".


Secrets of Solo 3,500 Within the world of dance, it’s not every day that we hear about solo jazz and swing dance. But it is an art form that encompasses vim and vigour, and it can be an equally powerful tool for expression and complex artistry.

Jazzville Productions

Fear (2021)

Photography Credits: Nuria Aguade



舞 前 熱 身 之 選

As the temperature cools down, there’s only one thing left to do...layer up! Take a look at our editor’s favourite warm up products! ……

Grishko Warm-up Booties - Sea Shell Pink

SopranoLabs Peppermint Detox Bath Salt

$84.60 USD


Sonata Ripstop Pants $35.00 SGD

Harney and Sons Tea Hong Kong Ginger Tea $78.00HKD

Bloch Chevron Keyhole Back Sweater $68.99CAD

s ' r o t i k c d i e p

介 推 輯 編 Nothing says autumn more than sweater weather, warm fires, earthy tones, and of course long and lovely leotards! Here to makeover your dance wardrobe with some festive fall suggestions is our editor’s pick of long sleeved leotards and ballet skirts to match!

KICK UP THE KHAKI! Lulli - Long Sleeve Leotard Lada Lulli - Lada $591.30HKD 591.3 As soft and light as an autumn breeze, the long sleeve Lada leotard by Lulli has just the right neutral earth tone to suit this cozy season. But if khaki isn’t quite your colour, then not to worry, because the Lada leotard comes in 28 other colours! Simple and chic, this leotard features a boat neckline in yoke mesh, and streamlined bodice lined in Tactel.

Nothing but sheer beauty, the leotard also has a low V back cut.


Lulli - Lada


Tactel V


Lulli - Pull on Mesh Dance Skirt Alisa Lulli - Alisa $297.67HKD 297.67 Sweet and petite, this short pull on

that adds the right amount of spice to liven up your dance day! Show off your épaulement with the back of this leotard which has a mid-low V-cut, and is front-lined in Italian microfiber so that you can stay cool and comfortable in the studio.


Ballet Rosa

Fénix V

mesh Alisa dance skirt by Lulli gives you the option to get colour coordinated with the Khaki Lada leotard, or you can mix things up by choosing from 29 other colours! The elastic mesh with a stretch waistband makes this skirt easy to pull on in a jiffy so you’ll be right on time for dance class! Flatter your leg lines and enjoy the breathability of this musthave skirt! Lulli - Alisa Lada 29 Alisa

SUBTLY STAND OUT Ballet Rosa - Fénix 60.50€ Youth | 62.00€ Adult 60.5 | 62

Strikingly stylish yet subtle, the long sleeve Fénix leotard by Ballet Rosa features fourway stretch mesh overtop a V-cut bust, a high boat-neckline, and a breathtaking red print HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE | 37




Bourdance - Crop Top (16F26) (16F26) $880 NTD 880 Get that polished in pink look with this

Fénix épaulement

Ballet Rosa - Rêve 31.00€ Youth | 32.00€ Adult 31 | 32

Make matching easy, by pairing your Fénix leotard with Ballet Rosa’s Rêve pull-on skirt! Stretching across like the wings of a bird, the red rose print adds a signature touch to the back of the ensemble. Light and airy, the skirt is made of four-way stretch mesh and fits securely with the plush elastic waistband. Once you put it on, you can just feel the romance, fire and fierce passion of this stunning number! Ballet Rosa Rêve ——



long sleeve printed mesh crop top that can be swiftly pulled on and off during dance class. Move with freedom and comfort, as the stretch mesh hugs the body without restricting your movement. It pairs perfectly with this soft pink Leotard by Bourdance, which has double princess seams and mesh straps that extend to the back to create a stunning keyhole cut. But of course the crop top can be easily matched with many other leotards too!


and lovely this Professional Romantic Bon Tutu in white by Bourdance fits the description right en pointe! Made to order and made to fit, this custom sized tutu features layers of soft tulle with a hook and eye closure. Glide across the stage in this dreamy tutu as you




Bourdance - Professional Romantic Bon Tutu Pricing Varies (Customized)



If there were ever a definition for long


romantic ballets, like Giselle and La Sylphide!




WHAT'S ON New Vision Arts Festival Moving a memory 18-21.11.2021 3:00pm | 8:00pm Rehearsal Room, Kwai Tsing Theatre Moving a memory, a Hong Kong–Nordic co-production, is a performance plus exhibition created for gymnasiums and other physical learning spaces. Convoi Exceptionnel explores experiences and memories connected with these spaces where our bodies are trained, challenged and disciplined.

Convoi Exceptionnel

City Contemporary Dance Company Home Sweat Home 13-20.11.2021 3:00pm | 7:00pm

The Box, Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District


: https://bit.ly/3ibbUpI

Premiering this year as the opening programme of City Contemporary Dance Festival, Yuri Ng’s contemporary dance theatre piece Home Sweat Home bursts with storytelling and singing in a variety of languages: Cantonese, Teochew, Shanghainese, Thai, Australian English and more.


: https://bit.ly/3CNyKeN

Hong Kong Dance Company Nine Songs 26-28.11.2021 3:00pm | 7:45pm Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre, West Kowloon Cultural District Internationally renowned choreographer Helen Lai teams up with the A-list creative team in an exciting blend of breathtaking spectacle and powerful ritual. Inspired by the work of the great Chinese poet Qu Yuan and composer Tan Dun, Nine Songs evokes the legends of the 3rd century BC in contemporary contexts, fusing the specially composed score with emotion and images of nature behind the ancient spirits of sky, rivers and mountains,



the souls of the dead and the unquenchable hopes of the living. 20

Since its premiere in 1991, Nine Songs has been re-run and toured numerous times to critical acclaim. This 30th anniversary celebration is not to be missed! —— / Visit /


: https://bit.ly/3AMAjJB


: https://bit.ly/3mjnHnl

ON VIEW: Panoramic Suite

17-19.12.2021 2:00pm | 5:00pm | 8:00pm The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District. Cross-cultural dance film installation premieres in Asia

Hong Kong Ballet The Nutcracker (World Premiere) ( ) 11-26 .12 .2021 2:30pm | 7:30pm Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre This Christmas, Septime Webre’s larger-than-life world premiere of The Nutcracker, set in the early 20th century Hong Kong, follows young Clara on a fantasy adventure when one of her Christmas presents, a magical Nutcracker, comes to life. A glorious feast for the eyes and ears, this nostalgic extravaganza features a riveting fusion of local historical characters, charming wildlife and shared Hong Kong traditions, set to Tchaikovsky’s beloved iconic score with Gabriela Tylesova’s luxuriously detailed sets and costumes. Don’t miss the hypnotic Waltz of the Bauhinia Flowers, the whimsical Mother Dim Sum and her dancing Dim Sum Clowns or the lively Cheung Chau Bun Festival! A new classic for our city and the festive event of the year, this family-friendly The Nutcracker eloquently showcases the diversity and splendour of Hong Kong and will enchant audiences of all ages.

Sydney-based choreographer, filmmaker and installation artist Sue Healey presents this cross-disciplinary exploration of Hong Kong, Japanese and Australian dancers – ranging in age from 28 to 106. Come stroll through Freespace to view films from Healey’s multi-year international ON VIEW series about how the dancing body is influenced by the culture in which it finds itself. ON VIEW: Panoramic Suite features near-life-size thread sculptures by Australian portrait sculpture artist Jane Théau, plus live performances by Hong Kong dance artist Mui Cheukyin at selected times.





: https://bit.ly/3ig4QZ4




Enter our contest for a chance to win this stunning Fénix leotard and Rêve skirt from Ballet Rosa! Download our latest digital magazine issue for free and read our Editor’s Pick article featuring Ballet Rosa! Tell us in the comments what you like most about Ballet Rosa’s featured dancewear set, be sure to like and follow @ballet.rosa & @hkdancemagazine for a chance to win this lavish & lovely prize! Ballet Rosa


Rêve Hong Kong Dance

Magazine Ballet Rosa





Enter to WIN by following these steps:


1. “Like” this photo on our Facebook or Instagram account 2. Download our free Digital Magazine Autumn 2021 issue at www.hkdancemagazine.com or through PressReader 3. Read our Editor’s Pick article featuring Ballet Rosa from our Autumn 2021 digital magazine issue and go to our Instagram or Facebook post to comment about what you like most about Ballet Rosa’s featured dancewear set. 4. Follow @hkdancemagazine and @ballet.rosa 5. You will receive a Direct Message from our team acknowledging your submission

Details: 1 Winner will be selected by the Chief Editor of Hong Kong Dance Magazine based on the most creative answer by the closing date & time of the contest. Contest closes November 4, 2021 at 11:59pm HKT Winners will be announced on Friday November 5, 2021 Contest open to ages 13+, contestants must have a valid mailing address For full details, please read our terms & conditions

1. 2.

Facebook Instagram www.hkdancemagazine.com PressReader Hong Kong Dance Magazine 2021 3. 2021 Ballet Rosa Instagram Facebook Ballet Rosa 4. 5.



Hong Kong Dance Magazine 2021 11 4 2021 11 13



11 59 )

*In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. *

Official Rules Contest is open ages 13+, anyone under the age of 18 must obtain permission from their legal guardian/parent to partake in this contest. Must have a valid mailing address Comment must be original content Terms & Conditions 1. The Ballet Rosa X HKDM Giveaway is organised by Hong Kong Dance Magazine & Ballet Rosa. 2. Communications: The contestant/contestant’s legal guardian is responsible for paying attention to all “Ballet Rosa X HKDM Giveaway” details, official rules and all terms and conditions set out. 3. Eligibility: Contest is open to ages 13+. Participants participating in the contest who are under the age of 18 must obtain permission from their legal guardian/parent to participate in this contest and must have a valid mailing address. 4. Agreement to Rules: By participating in the “Ballet Rosa X HKDM Giveaway”, You/Your legal guardian agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules. You/Your legal guardian agrees to accept the decisions of Hong Kong Dance Magazine as final and binding as it relates to the content of the “Ballet Rosa X HKDM Giveaway”. 5. Contest Period: The contest starts Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 12:00 pm HKT and ends Thursday November 4, 2021 at 11:59 am HKT. 6. How to Enter: Eligible contestants must fulfill all “Ballet Rosa X HKDM Giveaway” rules & requirements, as specified. Entries that are incomplete or do not adhere to the rules may be disqualified at the sole discretion of Hong Kong Dance Magazine. 7. Prizes: The winner of the “Ballet Rosa X HKDM Giveaway” will be selected by Hong Kong Dance Magazine. The winner will receive either one Fénix leotard (60,50€ Youth and 62,00€ Adult), and one Rêve skirt (31,00€ Youth and 32,00€ Adult) from Ballet Rosa. The specifics of the prize shall be solely determined by Hong Kong Dance Magazine and Ballet Rosa. No cash or other prize substitution shall be permitted. The prize is non-transferable. Any and all prize-related expenses shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. The use of the prize is subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated by Ballet Rosa(if applicable). Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for Hong Kong Dance Magazine to use the Winner’s name, likeness, and entry for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law. 8. Odds: The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. 9. Winner Selection and Notification: One Winner will be selected by the Chief Editor of Hong Kong Dance Magazine. The most creative comment posted by the contest closing date and time will be selected as the Winner. The Winner will be notified through Facebook messenger or their Instagram message within 12 hours following the selection of the Winners. Hong Kong Dance Magazine shall have no liability for the Winner’s failure to receive notices due to security settings or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If the Winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 24 hours from the time award notification was sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate Winner selected. Once confirmed, the Winner will be required to provide their mailing address and size. 10. Force Majeure: HKDM and Ballet Rosa shall not be considered in default or liable in cases of shipping delays or cancellations due to wars, civil riots, acts of terrorism, epidemics, acts of nature, fires, strikes, government restriction or other circumstances beyond their control. 11. Publicity and Information: By entering this contest and submitting text, personal information, etc., You understand and agree that Hong Kong Dance Magazine or anyone acting on behalf of Hong Kong Dance Magazine, shall have the right, to use in any media now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity and throughout the World, without limitation, your entry, name, account name, video, picture, voice, likeness, image, statements about the “Ballet Rosa X HKDM Giveaway”, and biographical information for news, publicity, information, advertising, public relations, and promotional purposes, without any further compensation, notice, review, or consent. 12. Disqualification: Hong Kong Dance Magazine reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual, whose content contains obscene, indecent, or inappropriate content, or violates these Official Rules and Terms & Conditions. 13. Original Work: All comments must be originally created material, or you must obtain proper legal permission to use someone else’s copyrighted material. By entering this contest, You represent and warrant that your entry does not violate any third party’s proprietary or intellectual property rights. If the content of your entry is claimed to constitute infringement of any proprietary or intellectual proprietary rights of any third party, You shall, at your sole expense, defend or settle against such claims. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Hong Kong Dance Magazine (Hong Kong Dance Moms Limited) against any suit, proceeding, claims, liability, loss, damage, costs or expenses, which arise out of such infringement or suspected infringement of any third party’s right.



Dance Apparel Shops in Hong Kong

Dance Schools in Hong Kong

L.D.A (Legendary Dance Arts) Les Danseurs Dance Academy Les Petites Ballerina Dance Academy

Alice Costume de Danse Far's Latin & Ballroom Dance Store Piu Ngai Dancing Fashion Supply Co.

MULTIPLE DANCE STYLES (Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, etc.)

JW Talent Costumes Margaret Dance Workshop Paul's Ballet Supplies Centre

Tutulamb 6608 6689 info@tutulamb.com Central: 403, 801, Lansing House, 41-47 Queen’s Road Central.

Lisa B Academy of Jazz Little Duck Dance and Arts Academy Little Star Academy of Dance

Academy of Dance

Little Star School of Dance

Agape Dance Studio

Mabel Fong School of Ballet and Music

Balletbean Dance Academy Balletsia Dance Centre

Monica Ho School of Ballet

Carol Bateman School of Dancing

Nancy Chiu Ballet Studio Nicole & Dance

CenterStage Studios HK Channy Stage Arts Workshop

Twinkle Dance Company

Causeway Bay: 9/F, Capital Commercial Building, 26 Leighton Road.

Chong Wai Sze Academy of Ballet

6608 6689 info@twinkledance.com

Wong Chuk Hang: Shop 311, One Island South, 2 Heung Yip Road.

Christine Liao School of Ballet Cindy Dance Academy Clara School of Ballet Crystal Dance DANCETRINITY Dance Company Dance Assemblé Academy DMR School of Ballet

Central: 403, 801, Lansing House, 41-47 Queen’s Road Central. Causeway Bay: 9/F, Capital Commercial Building, 26 Leighton Road. Kowloon Tong: Shop L2-52, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue.

Dance Sensation Studio DIA - Dance in Attitude Snow White Dancewear Sparkle Dance Apparel Company Three Star Dancing Supply Co.

Donna Ngan Ballet & Jazz Academy Edge‘n Pointe Dance Centre Emi Yeung Dance Academy Glenda Allen Dance Academy


G-Kids Dance Academy


Herman Lam Dance Studio

OG Dance

Vivre Activewear Hong Kong (Warm Up Girls)

H.K. Camy Academy of Dancing

Parsons Music Academy

Caelum Greene

Petite Princess Academy of Dance


Island Dance School Hong Kong

Asia Yogies

Jean M. Wong School of Ballet

POINTES Musique et Danse


Karen Leung Dancing Academy

Prince Dance Studio

Sweaty Betty

Red Shoe Dance Company

Easyyoga Hong Kong

Karensiu Dance Academy

SDM Jazz & Ballet Academy

Rising Lotus

Kids Arts HK




Serein School of Ballet

Hong Kong Youth Ballet Academy

Mica Dance

Shelly Lo Jazz & Ballet School

Sha Tin Arts

First Position Ballet Academy


The Flying Swallow Dance Studio

Show Dance HK

Howan Ballet

Studio Assemblé

Isla School of Dance

The Sprout Dance

Teens Sport and Art Centre

Ivy Chung School of Ballet

Wan Zi Qian Hong Dance

T.Art Dance Center

Josephine School of Ballet

Tina's Dance Studio

La Muse Studio

World of Dancing

Regina Proietto Dance Pro

Le Studio Ballet

Zephyr Art Inspiring Center

Venessa Dance Theatre

L&S Art Music Dance Studio

Viva Dance Academy Vivian Kwok School of Ballet Southern School of Dance

Lynne Ballet School Mabel Cheung School of Dancing


N’ Dance Nessa Dance Studio


PAULINE dance art Phoebe's Ballet Studio

2Live Dance Studio

Agnes Huang School of Ballet

Regine Wong School of Ballet

Alive Dance Studio

RL School of DanceRussian Ballet School

BE Dance Academy BeDREX

Alice Cheng School of Ballet

Shelley D’s Academy of Ballet & Dance

2Live Dance Studio Alive Dance Studio

Artiste Star Elite Dance School

SJ International School of Ballet

BE Dance Academy

Avant Dance Studio

Springtide Ballet School


Ballet Blanc

Trend Stage Ballet Academy

Billy Chan Dance Concepts

CB Dance Studio

Ulian Chun Academy of Ballet

Bloom Dance Academy

Cherry's Ballet Academy

Venus So Ballet School

Cool Kids Dance Academy

Dance with Me Ballet Academy

Virtuoso School of Ballet

Dance @ Central

Doris Chui School of Ballet

Viva Ballet School

Danz Avenue HK

Dreamer Dance Academy

Defender Studio

Elegance Ecole de Dance


MotiveforMotion by Evelin Keller


Elegant Dance Arts

Dream Dimension

Friends Junction Dance Co.

Emma Tse Elite Dance Academy

GEA Dance 2 Gather

Funky Dance Centre


EDF Dance Studio EG Dance

FunkyTown Dance Studio First Step Ballet School

Hong Kong Dance Company

Gear Attic

Glamor Ballet School



Gloria Law School of Ballet

Kiwi Studio

Iconic Dance Studio

Gravity Ballet

Little Dance Moon Studio

Infinity Dance Studio

HM Ballet

Melodies Dance Studio

Jam City HK Ltd.

Ho Ballet

Neverland Kids Academy



Metro Yoga and Dance Mini A Dance Studio / Mini.ii.kids


Nine Lives Dance Company Ones to Watch Dance Company Proudance

Cosmic Dance Ellumination Dance School

IRISH DANCE Echoes of Erin -School of Irish Dance Melissa McDermott School of Irish Dance O’Connor Barton Irish Dance

Feel the Beat Dance Studio Russ Dance Factory Sano Dance Studio SGM Dance Production Sky Dance Avenue SO Dance Studio Studiodanz XD Kids Dance School

Oasis Dance Centre Trio Spin Studio Yannes Belly Dance


Yaya Kids Dance / The Yard Cher Dance & Rhythmic Gymnastic Institute Zeekers Danz Production

Dance Companies in Hong Kong

Kings Rhythmic Gymnastics Ballet Academy

Ziberty Sports Studio Trybe


R & T (Rhythm & Tempo) Tap



Inspiration Dance Center

Step Out Studios


City Contemporary Dance Company E-Side Dance Company Folded Paper Dance and Theatre Hong Kong Dance Company Hook Dance Theatre Hong Kong Ballet Unlock Dancing Plaza Y-Space

Performing Arts Organisations in Hong Kong ArtisTree Asia Society Hong Kong Center Association of Hong Kong Dance Organizations

NattyBop Dance For Joy HK



Cultural Presentations Section Hong Kong Arts Centre Hong Kong Arts Development Council Hong Kong Arts Festival

Dance Star Academy

Atom Academy

Hong Kong Dance Alliance

Dance Zing

Kids' Gallery

Hong Kong Dance Federation

Dee Dream Life

So Educational Centre


Green Apple International Dance School

Spring Learning HongKongYouthArtsFoundation

Hong Kong Swings Michel Dancing Studio


Move for Life Step Up Dance Studio

Clara Ramona Danza Flamenca Ltd


The Beat

Esencia Flamenca

West Kowloon Cultural District


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