ZTA Convention 2016 | Program Book

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T H E C R E E D O F Z E TA TA U A L P H A To realize that within our grasp, in Zeta Tau Alpha, lies the opportunity to learn those things which will ever enrich and ennoble our lives; to be true to ourselves, and to those within and without our circle; to think in terms of all mankind and our service in the world; to be steadfast, strong, and clean of heart and mind, remembering that since the thought is father to the deed, only that which we would have manifested in our experience should be entertained in thought; to find satisfaction in being, rather than seeming, thus strengthening in us the higher qualities of the spirit; to prepare for service and learn the nobility of serving, thereby earning the right to be served; to seek understanding that we might gain true wisdom; to look for the good in everyone; to see beauty, with its enriching influence; to be humble in success, and without bitterness in defeat; to have the welfare and harmony of the Fraternity at heart, striving ever to make our lives a symphony of high ideals, devotion to the Right, the Good, and the True, without a discordant note; remembering always that the foundation precept of Zeta Tau Alpha was Love, “the greatest of all things.” – Shirley Kreasan Strout


T H E F O U N D E R S O F Z E TA TA U A L P H A Mary Campbell Jones Batte Alice Bland Coleman Helen May Crafford Alice Maud Jones Horner Della Lewis Hundley Ruby Bland Leigh Orgain Frances Yancey Smith Ethel Coleman Van Name Alice Grey Welsh

Z E TA TA U A L P H A L I V I N G N AT I O N A L P R E S I D E N TS Carolyn Hof Carpenter, 2014-Present Keeley McDonald Riddle, 2010-2014 Laura Ladewig Mauro, 2006-2010 Julia Marthaler Hill, 2002-2006 Alice McCann Mathews, 1998-2002 Nan Barkley Boettcher, 1994-1998 Mary Margaret Compton McDonald, 1992-1994 Sherry Server Tilley, 1988-1992 Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, 1984-1988 Charlotte Hervey Moore, 1982-1984 Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, 1978-1982 Nelly Galloway Shearer, 1974-1978


I M P O RTA N T LO C AT I O N S ALUMNAE LOUNGE Aztec Room A gathering spot for Alumnae Delegates to meet and relax during free time. CLEARANCE McArthur Ballroom Foyer After receiving your Convention materials at ZTA Registration, Collegiate Official Delegates who did not receive a “Cleared” ribbon should proceed to the clearance table. CROWN & CO. Sedona

HERFF JONES West Foyer Visit Zeta Tau Alpha’s official jeweler. HISTORICAL EXHIBIT Grand Canyon See ZTA’s Chain of Chapters and other items from the International Office Archives displayed in a museum-quality exhibit.

RISK & HARM REDUCTION TABLE West Foyer If you have risk management or harm reduction questions, stop by and chat with our team for answers. Z-LEARNING LOUNGE Prescott Jump on an iPad or laptop to learn more about current and upcoming ZTA online workshops.

REGISTRATION McArthur Ballroom Foyer You can come to the office if you need supplies or have any questions.

Shop for the latest ZTA merchandise.

SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS RECOGNITION RIBBONS On ZTA’s Convention name tags, you will find a number of recognition ribbons and stickers to identify special volunteers and honorees. This key will help you understand their meaning. The number at the top of the name tag refers to the number of Conventions the wearer has attended. Turquoise, National Council Hot Pink, ZTA Foundation Jade, ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation Navy, National Officer Violet, Former National President Red, Former National Council Neon Orange, Former National Officer White, Traveling Leadership Consultant Light Green, Former TLC Blue, Founders Club $100,000+ Purple, Founders Club $75,000 Yellow, Founders Club $50,000 Orange, Founders Club $25,000 Neon Green, Founders Club $10,000 Pink, Quota/Total Maroon, Cleared 4

DONOR RECOGNITION ZTA’s Major Donors can be identified by a special button indicating a donation of at least $300 to the ZTA Foundation during the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Individual donations are noted by a star. Additional levels of giving are represented by the following ribbons attached to the button:

Turquoise Ribbon $500–999 donated Turquoise and Pink Ribbons $1,000–2,499 donated White Ribbon plus all of the above $2,500–4999 donated Silver Ribbon plus all of the above $5,000+ donated

RECOGNITION STICKERS The following stickers represent Zeta Tau Alpha positions and awards presented during Convention festivities. These stickers are presented with the award or found at Zeta Tau Alpha Convention Registration:

CONVENTION REMINDERS CRISIS INFORMATION In the event of a major crisis or serious illness, dial “11” for Hotel Security Emergency or “O” for the Hotel Operator, then contact Catherine G. Slaughter to activate the ZTA Crisis Team. OPENING BUSINESS MEETING National Council, ZTA Foundation and ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation boards of directors and committees, and Former National Council will assemble in the McArthur Ballroom Foyer at 8:30 a.m., Thursday, July 14. District and Province Presidents, Official Delegates, National Committee Chairmen and members, ZTA special appointees and Traveling Leadership Consultants will assemble in the Arizona Biltmore Foyer. RULES OF CONVENTION BUSINESS MEETINGS • Any person desiring the floor will rise and, after being recognized by the presiding officer, state her name and chapter affiliation. • Discussion will be limited to three minutes, and no one may speak on the same motion a second time unless all those desiring the floor have been recognized. • At the end of two minutes, the timekeeper will raise her right hand. At the end of three minutes, she will rise and the speaker will be seated. • A main motion may not have more than two pending amendments at a time. • Any long motion must be written and presented in triplicate. STANDARDS OF CONVENTION • All attendees must wear name tags throughout Convention. Name tags serve as admission tickets to all meetings and meals. • Name tags for part-time individuals are hung on a white lanyard. All part-time individuals must have meal tickets to enter meals.

• Please observe Fraternity standards regarding proper dress at all times throughout Convention. • Members must wear ALL WHITE (dresses or skirts and tops—no pants or slacks) for the ritual services Thursday evening. You may not wear jewelry except for a ZTA badge, Honor Ring and engagement ring and/or wedding band. You will have time to change into your whites following dinner. • Chair covers in our meeting rooms are the property of the Fraternity and may not be taken as souvenirs by the delegates. • Contact with hotel management is to be made through Meeting Planner Catherine G. Slaughter. • Delegates (official and alternate) are required to be on time for all meetings, sessions and other functions and remain until adjourned. If tardy or absent, the delegate must give Secretary-Treasurer Dinah Jackson Laughery an excuse signed by her Province or District President, Mentor or Director of New Chapters. • Please respect other Convention attendees by making sure your cell phone is turned off during all meetings, sessions and meals. • The hotel is our Zeta Tau Alpha home during Convention. Please treat it as such. SERVICES AND GRATUITIES Your hotel bill includes gratuity for regular meals and maid service. You are responsible for tipping the bellman. Telephone, internet, room service, etc., are personal expenses and must be paid to the hotel upon checkout. Your Convention registration fee covers meals, programming, a Convention tote bag and other giveaways. TRAVEL TIME Allow time for moving from one function to another. Programs will start on time.





Carolyn Hof Carpenter National President Natalie Yingling Vice President Collegiate I Lynn Compton Chapman Vice President Collegiate II Kristen Moeller Fauré Vice President Collegiate III Dana Brasington Atkinson Vice President Alumnae I Alicia Patten Williams Vice President Alumnae II Dinah Jackson Laughery Secretary-Treasurer Laura Ladewig Mauro National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Marlene Dunbar Conrad Extension Director

Becky Hainsworth Kirwan President Sherry Server Tilley Vice President of Philanthropy Catherine G. Slaughter Vice President of Scholarship Cynthia Byars Courtney Vice President of Special Events Kay Dill Kreutzer Secretary/Treasurer

Julia Marthaler Hill President Martha Gorum Jackson Vice President Lacy Schneider O’Connor Treasurer Marty E. Sik Secretary

DIRECTORS Carolyn Hof Carpenter Julia Marthaler Hill Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Dinah Jackson Laughery Lacy Schneider O’Connor COMMITTEE MEMBERS Janet Jaeckle Bronocco Marnie Brown Cranmer Lisa Cramer Dierbeck Marla D’Andrea-Dull Liz Gallo Dunn Shari M. Fisher Jane Spradley Haley Larrie Doing Kontz Debra George Lannon Catherine Rowland Liemohn Michelle Mcartney Katharine Benzini Stampe Dr. Mary Ann Stratford Stegall Sally Schott Wellman


DIRECTORS AT LARGE Susan Beard Jan Spradley McCarthy Kay McCoy McKelvey Karen Farmer Mills Terri Dew Millsap Casey Guimbellot Pash Anne Petro Tamulaitis Christine Flora Walter Karla Lundgren Wheeler DIRECTORS Carolyn Hof Carpenter Becky Hainsworth Kirwan Dinah Jackson Laughery COMMITEE MEMBERS Kristine Fleming Susan Brown Long Julie Ward Moxley Leah Fields Ozment




I–A, Leanne Puia I–B, Adina Rothfeld I–G, Tamela Dickie Beene II–A, Allison Huesgen Dilts II–B, Bridget Higginbotham II–G, Erin Anderson Schuetz II–D, Jessica Kosty II–E, Derika Bowyer III–A, Ginny Swain Cardona III–B, Beth Edwards III–G, Lindsay Clark IV–A, Julie Resua IV–B, Jessica Eovino Pafford IV–G, Michelle Gordon Mullineaux VI–A, Ansley Harrison Evans VI–B, Hope Wofford VI–G, Kinli Bare Abee VII–A, Laura Moak Redman VII–B, Lori Dixon Bunn VII–G, Kristen Peterson VIII–A, Shannon Domeier Sumerlin VIII–B, Elaine Jahnsen VIII–G, Shaina Geltman IX–A, Elizabeth Scott Helms IX–B, Amber Levan Pickard X–A, Antoinette Rizzuto Bearden XI–A, Stancy Robinson Hagans XI–B, Amy Schafer Biegel XI–G, Susan Gregory Bohan XI–D, Jessi Stone Reel XI–E, Leslie Brockman Chunta XII–A, Sarah Prasher Hays XII–B, Kaitlyn Thompson XIII–A, Emily Howe XIV–A, Karil Strater Sommers XIV–B, Caitlin Moulton XV–A, Alyssa Sterioti XVI–A, Lindsey Barnes Moreland XVI–B, Brittany Skelton Gammon XVII–A, Geri Jordan Macauley XVII–B, Shannon Ferguson XVII–G, Kimberly Jones Ivester XVIII–A, Christina Broughton Stengel XVIII–B, Jacque Green Kennedy XIX–A, Sarah Ruhwedel Porter XIX–B, Jillian Dauer Hartman

I–A, Jenna Kelley Uva I–B, Roberta Wodenscheck II–A, Rebecca Traino Everitt III–A, Jennifer Ewing III–B, Karen Litzsinger Sancho-Bonet IV–A, Leilani Struzick Rabourn VI–A, Olivia Padgett Spence VII–A, Jill Burrows Levine VII–B, Lea’ Chrisman Williams VIII–A, Lisa Statham Posteraro VIII–B, Debbie Barrett Cooke IX–A, Kimberly Levine Hanson X–A, Age Roth Salvaggio XI–A, Gina Wiley Lehman XI–B, Virginia Bustos Anderson XI–G, Cheri White Armstrong XI–D, Rebecca Dotts Hunt XII–A, Brooke Johnson Leppla XIII–A, Laura Liberty Mitchell XIV–A, Courtney George Holloway XV–A, Anna Tiffany XV–B, Meghan Bonekat Nelson XV–G, Cece Baldus Moore XVI–A, Meredith Sims Crawford XVI–B, Sara Clark XVII–A, Janet Vigen Levy XVIII–A, Acacia Bender Croy XVIII–B, Sue Price Baker XVIII–G, Jo Silver XIX–A, Mardee Coyle Austin XIX–B, Katerina Vaitkus XIX–G, Barbara Chang-Holt

Carrie Rogers Garrity, DNCH Supervisor Alpha, Carla Martin Cobb Alpha Zeta, Meredith Harris Braselman Delta Alpha, Lauren Simons Delta Mu, Katie Wilkes Zeta Omicron, Brittany Lee Szemborski Lambda Kappa, Elise Hawkins Lambda Lambda, Kaci Holloway Johnson Lambda Mu, Katelyn Rutland Lambda Nu, Hannah Strickland Groseclose Seton Hall Colony, Cassie Edlis

MENTORS Epsilon, Marnie Marlar Frazier Nu, AnneMarie Patton Binder Sigma, Diane Keegan Upsilon, Kay McCoy McKelvey Alpha Gamma, Kristen Humeston Harthorn Alpha Xi, Jessica Adams Meyers Alpha Psi, Catherine G. Slaughter Alpha Nu, Andrea Porter Alpha Omicron, Darlene Anderson Oswalt Gamma Zeta, Hannah Drum Norman Delta Omega, Karen Rose-Roper Eta Kappa, Shari Hope Robins Theta Xi, Keeley McDonald Riddle Iota Chi, Tami Sims O’Brien Kappa Phi, Sally Schott Wellman Kappa Omega, Lauren Weilbacher


STA N D I N G & S P E C I A L A P P O I N T M E N TS ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT COMMITTEE Darcy L. Russell, Chairman Nancy Morris Roberts ALUMNAE-COLLEGIATE RELATIONS COMMITTEE Shannon Domeier Sumerlin, Chairman Jennifer Hillmer Felter RuthAnne Williams Lavis ALUMNAE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Lori A. Peters, Chairman Katie Espinosa Kathy Papp Brooke Shores Pasko Sumer Criswell Simone


Michelle Schaeffler Dee Tucker Wallace COLLEGIATE AREA COORDINATORS Kenna Brigham Lowe Shari Hope Robins Meg O’Connell Naes CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE Pamela Hall Potter, Chairman Carla Martin Cobb Shirley Oliver Sanders CONVENTION/NLC MEETING COORDINATOR Nona Douglass Richey FRATERNITY EDUCATION COMMITTEE Lucia Prenzel Knudsen, Chairman Ginny Gibson Fowler

ALUMNAE PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE Helen Kristensen Fish, Chairman Annamaria Pensavalle Ahern Suzanne Brittain Rebecca Lantz Escario Laura McFarland Wieck

GOVERNMENT RELATIONS COMMITTEE Jennifer Yocham Poersch, Chairman Bridget Shea Westfall

ARCHIVES COMMITTEE Susan Beard, Chairman Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Sherry Server Tilley

GREEKLIFEEDU™ COMMITTEE Allison Ross Thompson, Chairman/Area I Nichole Nunn, Area II Kimberly Topolewski, Area III

CHAPTER FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Christine Callaway Katy Fluhr Carlsward Franlyna Barrett Charles Alex Chiappa Cheryl Day Evany Sifuentes Diaz Kristine Fleming Gloria Culberson Hice SuZanne Kelley Angela Malone Kelly Alexandra Kosmitis Kay McCoy McKelvey Deborah Bridgers Minnick Laura Liberty Mitchell Kim Yates Murdock

HISTORY COMMITTEE Nan Barkley Boettcher, Chairman MEETING PROGRAM COORDINATOR Katharine Benzini Stampe MEMBERSHIP ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE Katharine Benzini Stampe, Chairman MEMBERSHIP REVIEW COMMITTEE Betty Cruzen Manuel, Chairman MUSIC COMMITTEE Leigh Ann Pruitt McClain, Chairman Sarah Ford Brammer Lucy Brown Kanikeberg Brianna Stampe Leung Lisa Stoneburner Stark

NATIONAL ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE Lisa Paul Sierk, Chairman Ginger Layman Curry Teri Paul Harrison RuthAnne Williams Lavis Donna Stanley Mowrer NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE ALTERNATE DELEGATES Malaea Nelms Seleski Stephanie Arnette Powell Katie Peoples Zamulinsky NATIONAL RISK REDUCTION COMMITTEE Harriette Baker Kayte Sexton Fry Becky Koltonski Gleason Sarah Huntington Annahita Jimmerson Andrea Miller Pound Bonny Boutet Shade Lindi Smedberg Shannon Domeier Sumerlin Alison Templeman Katie Peoples Zamulinsky NEW MEMBER PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE Karla Lundgren Wheeler, Chairman PARENTS’ CLUB COMMITTEE Janet Vigen Levy, Chairman PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Christy Marx Barber, Chairman Carla Martin Cobb Donna Leinwand Leger RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE Ashley Amoss Janell Gibson Brittain Courtney Knox Emily Lorino Rachel Napolitano

N OT E S RITUAL COMMITTEE Kery Reinkemyer Webb, Chairman Pam Morris Blessing Sarah Ford Brammer Kelly Czajka Verna Hicks Patton Sherry Server Tilley STATE REFERENCE COMMITTEE Jane Spradley Haley, Chairman Ann Haun Folsom Kimberly McCoy Kelly Munson Smith JoAnn Cassebaum Weisel VIRTUAL ALUMNAE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Melissa Still, Chairman Kendra Davis Moyses Jodie Nesta Pierce Jennifer Kuehl Williams Sara Staggs Wisser 2016-2017 TRAVELING LEADERSHIP CONSULTANTS Jennifer Brown Haley Chrismon Kelsey Clark Kayla Farrell Kelley Fox Lisa-Marie Harris Taylor Hite Lauren Krumwiede Logan Lowery Maggie Nave Coryn Owens Kylie Pell Betsy Povolny SalliJean Saputo Taylor Sharpless Lauren Sherrard Kayla Slaughter Kristin Squires Caroline Villarreal Tatiana Vizzare 9

CONVENTION COMMITTEES CHAIRMAN Carolyn Hof Carpenter BUSINESS MANAGER Dinah Jackson Laughery EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Meghan Vicinus Parker MEETING PLANNER Catherine G. Slaughter ASSISTANT MEETING PLANNERS Nona Douglass Richey Katharine Benzini Stampe AUDIO VISUAL Knowles Video, Inc. Karl Knowles Chris Flood You Call It Entertainment Charlie Barrale Merestone AWARDS COMMITTEE Christy Marx Barber, Chairman Darcy L. Russell Katy Fluhr Carlsward CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS COMMITTEE Pamela Hall Potter, Chairman CONVENTION SINGERS Leigh Ann Pruitt McClain, Chairman Sarah Ford Brammer Brianna Stampe Leung Lucy Brown Kanikeberg Malaea Nelms Seleski CONVENTION CRISIS COMMITTEE Catherine G. Slaughter, Chairman Julia Marthaler Hill Becky Hainsworth Kirwan Keeley McDonald Riddle CONVENTION REPORTER Bartelt Reporting, LLC 10

COURTESY RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Mandy Pierce Scott, Chairman Karla Lundgren Wheeler

HISTORICAL DISPLAY Patti Cords Levitte Katie Blasingame

MEDICAL Heather Brown Rachelle Douglass Shari Hope Robins

INTERNATIONAL OFFICE STAFF Susan Canady Haleigh Castino Monica Ceja Ellen Crawford Becky Koltonski Gleason Erin Thornburg Hartley Patti Cords Levitte Leslie Pedigo Kyle Pendleton Hailey Rogers Jourdan Rogers Stacy Ramirez Ashley Sherman Kourtni Williams

DECORATIONS COMMITTEE Melissa Still, Chairman Lucy Brown Kanikeberg, Assistant FLAG MARSHALS Katie Wilkes, Chairman Dolores Gonzales Gastineau Shannon Ferguson Angela Malone Kelly EFFICIENCY COMMITTEE Catherine G. Slaughter, Chairman Nona Douglass Richey, Assistant Katharine Benzini Stampe, Assistant Ashley Amoss Heather Brown Brianna Stampe Leung Karen Rose-Roper Mandy Pierce Scott Sally Schott Wellman GUARDS Hannah Drum Norman, Chairman Haley Anson, Alpha Xi Emily Emrick, Beta Phi Alicia Esteves, Zeta Lambda Julia Hallack, Iota Pi Madison Hart, Zeta Omicron Alex Murphy, Kappa Sigma Shannon Paradine, Delta Kappa Alexandra Proffitt, Delta Mu Katelyn Thorne, Nu Rachel Vales, Gamma Kappa Alexis Walsh, Eta Xi Taylor West, Lambda Gamma Alexis Wright, Alpha Omicron

LEGACY BREAKFAST HOSTESSES Collete Ann Peta, Zeta Xi Katie McKnight, Zeta Xi MEMORIAL READER Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel NATIONAL COUNCIL INSTALLATION CHAIRMAN Alice McCann Mathews NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Lori A. Peters PAGES Hannah Strickland Groseclose, Chairman Elena Halmers-Wegman, Theta Zeta Katie Hacker, Lambda Epsilon Danielle Schmitt, Eta Phi Tori Cooksey, Iota Rho Amanda Germana, Kappa Psi Alicia Voigt, Lambda Delta PANHELLENIC LUNCHEON COMMITTEE Laura Ladewig Mauro, Chairman Darcy L. Russell, Secretary Malaea Nelms Seleski

CONVENTION COMMITTEES Katie Peoples Zamulinsky Sherry Server Tilley Stephanie Arnette Powell Susan Brown Long Dianne Worsham Rube PARLIAMENTARIAN Joe Theobald PHOTOGRAPHER W. Scott Mitchell Photography Scott Mitchell PROCESSIONAL AND MEMORIAL MARSHALS Kay Dill Kreutzer, Chairman Raechel Bennett Biggs Franlyna Barrett Charles Marnie Marlar Frazier Kristen Humeston Harthorn Karen Rose-Roper

PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE National Council PROTOCOL OFFICER Nan Barkley Boettcher RECOMMENDATIONS COMMITTEE Carla Martin Cobb, Chairman Brooke Bahlinger Stacy J. Froschauer RITUAL COMMITTEE Kery Reinkemyer Webb, Chairman Ashley Amoss Sarah Ford Brammer Stacy Ramirez

SOCIAL COMMITTEE Malaea Nelms Seleski, Chairman Cheryl Day, Reservations Chairman Stephanie Arnette Powell Helen Kristensen Fish STATE LIAISON Jodie Nesta Pierce TELLERS Tami Sims O’Brien, Chairman Mie Lucas Kali Grant, Theta Sigma TIMEKEEPER Kristine Fleming

RULES COMMITTEE Kaci Holloway Johnson, Chairman Kathy Cook Apogee Beverly Denton Choppin

Z E TA P R AY E R & C H A N TS ZETA PRAYER Father, we thank Thee, Father, in heav’n, Each blessing from Thy loving hand is giv’n, Thy tender watching guards all our way, Father bless Zeta our Fraternity. SUPERCALIFRAGILISTIC Oh, Zeta, Z-E-T-A-T-A-U-A-L-P-H-A Gives you love and sisterhood Each and every day. When you are a part of it, You’re always proud to say Oh, Zeta, Z-E-T-A-T-A-U-A-L-P-H-A Dum, diddle diddle diddle, Dum diddle aye Dum diddle diddle diddle, Dum diddle aye SING A SONG Sing a song of Zeta Tau Alpha Come belong to Zeta Tau Alpha Wear our colors, the blue and the gray Zeta Tau Alpha, ZTA

CONVERSION SONG Oh, you will be a Zeta if you know what’s good for you So listen while we sing to you our song of gray and blue Our crest is best by test you see; We’ll always treat you right So, raise your glasses high and drink to Z-T-A tonight For you will find the girls are nice as they can be So come along and join the best Fraternity We’ve got that pep that go, That makes you want to say, Hallelujah, I’m converted And I’ll be a ZTA Hallelujah, I’m converted And I’ll be a ZTA

VISTA Z- ZT- ZTA- Zeta! We like-a, we like-a We like-a Zeta. Oh, no, no, no, not another We are the sisters of the Z-T-A Fraternity, there are no others With our love and loyalty Z, Zeta Zeta Tau, Zeta Tau Alpha Whoa………….Zeta! HUM DEE DUM Sit right down and lend an ear, For all the Zetas are gathered here, To tell you once and maybe more That Z-T-A, you’ll just adore (Chorus) Hum dee dum, we are the Z-T-A’s Hum dee dum, we show it every day Hum dee dum, we wear the blue and gray, Z-T-A, Z-T-A, Z-T-A


W E D N E S D AY , J U LY 1 3 Registration and Clearance 9:00 a.m. in McArthur Ballroom Foyer Selfies with National Council 11:00 a.m. in McArthur Ballroom Foyer Come & Go Lunch 11:30 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J “Inspire Greatness”—Opening Session 1:30 p.m. in McArthur Ballroom Welcome | Carolyn Hof Carpenter, National President Arizona Biltmore Hotel Greetings Introduction of National Council, ZTA Foundation and ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation Introduction of Executive Director Introduction of National Officers Introduction of 2016–2017 Traveling Leadership Consultants Quota/Total Award Recognition Convention Review Major Donor Recognition Closing Province/District Meetings 3:30 p.m. in Hallways “Inspire Leadership”—Opening Dinner 5:00 p.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J Toastmistress | Alicia Patten Williams, Vice President Alumnae II Zeta Prayer | Leigh Ann Pruitt McClain, National Music Chairman Academic Achievement Awards Natalie Yingling, Vice President Collegiate I Lynn Compton Chapman, Vice President Collegiate II Kristen Moeller Fauré, Vice President Collegiate III Marlene Dunbar Conrad, Extension Director Margaret Dunkle Hardy Academic Improvement Award Dinah Jackson Laughery, Secretary-Treasurer Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, National President 1978–1982 Golden Anniversary Award | Carolyn Hof Carpenter, National President State of the Fraternity | Carolyn Hof Carpenter, National President Processional Practices 8:15 p.m. in McArthur Ballroom Delegate Processional Lineup, McArthur Ballroom Flag Processional Lineup, Frank Lloyd Wright Foyer 12

T H U R S D AY , J U LY 1 4 Continental Breakfast 7:00 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J Fraternity Housing Corporation Biennial Meeting 7:30 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons C-D Processional Line Up 8:30 a.m. in Arizona Biltmore Ballroom Foyer Flag Line Up 8:15 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom Foyer Opening Business Meeting 9:00 a.m. in McArthur Ballroom Processionals Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Flag | Cecelia Howard, Alpha Chapter American Flag | Crystal Brockington, Lambda Nu Chapter Canadian Flag | Lisa Cramer Dierbeck, NFL Coordinator Call to order | Carolyn Hof Carpetner, National President Invocation | Kery Reinkemeyer Webb, Ritual Chairman Welcome to Convention | Chelsie Teutsch, Alpha Zeta Chapter Response to Welcome | Alison Colangelo, Zeta Upsilon Chapter Pledge of Allegiance | Marilyn Rowell, Alpha Nu Chapter O Canada Star Spangled Banner The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha | Convention Singers Baby Cups & Recognition of Reorganized Chapters Marlene Dunbar Conrad, Extension Director Dana Brasington Atkinson, Vice President Alumnae I Alicia Patten Williams, Vice President Alumnae II Helping Hands Awards | National Council Charge to the Delegates and Oath Appointment of Convention Committees Roll Call and Filing of Reports Report of the Credentials Committee Report of the Rules Committee | Kaci Holloway Johnson, Chairman Opening Remarks | Carolyn Hof Carpenter, National President Greetings and Announcements


“Inspire Partnership”—Lunch Noon in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J Toastmistress | Natalie Yingling, Vice President Collegiate I Zeta Prayer | Sarah Ford Brammer, National Music Committee ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation Awards | Julia Marthaler Hill, ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation President Outstanding House Director | Dinah Jackson Laughery, Secretary-Treasurer Program Introduction | Cynthia Byars Courtney, ZTA Foundation Vice President of Special Events Scholarship Message | Rachel Bourgeois, Delta Beta Chapter 2016-17 Scholarship Recipients | Catherine G. Slaughter, ZTA Foundation Vice President of Scholarship Sisterhood, Safety and Support | Caroline Villarreal, Traveling Leadership Consultant Philanthropy | Leanne Puia, Province President I–A Philanthropy Video | Dinah Jackson Laughery, Secretary-Treasurer Collegiate Philanthropy Program: Bright Pink® Presentation 3:00 p.m. in McArthur Ballroom Presentation | Sherry Server Tilley, ZTA Foundation Vice President of Philanthropy “Inspire Achievement”—Collegiate Crown Chapter Dinner 5:30 p.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J Toastmistress | Dana Brasington Atkinson, Vice President Alumnae I Zeta Prayer | Brianna Stampe Leung, National Music Committee Louise Kettler Helper Memorial Award—Collegiate Recipient | Carolyn Hof Carpenter, National President Outstanding Advisor Awards Natalie Yingling, Vice President Collegiate I Lynn Compton Chapman, Vice President Collegiate II Kristen Moeller Fauré, Vice President Collegiate III Marlene Dunbar Conrad, Extension Director Vivian Ulmer Smith Recruitment Award | Carolyn Hof Carpenter, National President Collegiate Crown Chapter Awards Natalie Yingling, Vice President Collegiate I Lynn Compton Chapman, Vice President Collegiate II Kristen Moeller Fauré, Vice President Collegiate III Marlene Dunbar Conrad, Extension Director Ritual Line Up & Formal Entry 8:45 p.m. in McArthur Ballroom Foyer Memorial Service & Rededication 9:15 p.m. in Arizona Biltmore Ballroom Memorial Reader: Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel Crown Chapter T-shirts for Sale 11:00 p.m. in Gold Room Foyer 14

F R I D AY , J U LY 1 5 Continental Breakfast 7:00 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J TLC Interest Breakfast 7:00 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salon D “Inspire the Future”—Collegiate Session 8:00 a.m. in McArthur Ballroom Natalie Yingling, Vice President Collegiate I Bre Carpenter, VP II for Eta Beta Chapter Collegiate Breakouts 9:00 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons A-D Breakouts will begin at 9:00 a.m., 9:40 a.m., 10:20 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Educating New Members | Salon A Elise Hawkins, DNCH for Lambda Kappa Chapter Carly Armstrong, VP II for Gamma Phi Chapter Connecting to Sisterhood | Salon B Katie Blasingame, Former Traveling Leadership Consultant (2015–2016) Kimi Watson, VP II for Kappa Sigma Chapter Teaching ZTA Values | Salon C Karen Rose-Roper, Mentor for Delta Omega Chapter Hannah Heilman, VP II for Gamma Zeta Chapter Mentoring Little Sisters | Salon D Michelle Gordan Mullineaux, Province President IV-G Brooke Bahlinger, Former Traveling Leadership Consultant (2015–2016) Robyn Hauer, VP II for Lambda Epsilon Chapter

C O L L E G I AT E B R E A KO U TS Follow the schedule below based on the letter on the back of your name tag. Group A 1. Educating New Members 2. Mentoring Little Sisters 3. Teaching ZTA Values 4. Connecting to Sisterhood

Group B 1. Mentoring Little Sisters 2. Teaching ZTA Values 3. Connecting to Sisterhood 4. Educating New Members

Group C 1. Teaching ZTA Values 2. Connecting to Sisterhood 3. Educating New Members 4. Mentoring Little Sisters

Group D 1. Connecting to Sisterhood 2. Educating New Members 3. Mentoring Little Sisters 4. Teaching ZTA Values


Alumnae Programming 8:30 a.m. in Arizona Biltmore Ballroom NPC Changes to Recruitment | 8:30-9:00 a.m. Laura Ladewig Mauro, National Panhellenic Conference Delegate FRED Fact Friday | 9:00-9:30 a.m. Patti Cords Levitte, Director of Archives & Historical Education Philanthropy Partners | 9:30-10:30 a.m. Sherry Server Tilly, ZTA Foundation Vice President of Philanthropy Submitting for Themis | 10:30-10:45 a.m. Ellen Crawford, Editor of Themis Wrap-up | 10:45-11:00 a.m. Dana Brasington Atkinson, Vice President Alumnae I Alicia Patten Williams, Vice President Alumnae II Panhellenic Reception 11:15 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom Foyer “Inspire Panhellenic”—NPC Luncheon Noon in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J

N AT I O N A L P A N H E L L E N I C C O N F E R E N C E D E L E G AT E S National Presidents served as our delegates until the following women served as ZTA’s National Panhellenic Delegate. Last names in parentheses are the names they had while serving as the delegate.


Dr. May Agness Hopkins | 1909-1926 and 1943-1946 Kappa Chapter, The University of Texas at Austin

Larrie Doing Kontz | 1980-1982 Kappa Chapter, The University of Texas at Austin

Catherine Bingler Beverley | 1926-1928 Delta Chapter, Randolph College

Jeanne Manley (Nowell) Kennedy | 1982-1984 Alpha Theta Chapter, Purdue University

Bertha Cruse Gardner | 1928-1933 Beta Chapter, Judson College

Betty Gilmore Woods | 1984-1988 Beta Epsilon Chapter, University of California, Los Angeles

Dorothy Swaney Hilli | 1933-1937 Theta Chapter, Bethany College

Susan Brown (Bone) Long | 1988-1992 Gamma Iota Chapter, University of Florida

Louise Kettler Helper | 1937-1943 Kappa Chapter, The University of Texas at Austin

Sherry Server Tilley | 1992-1998 Zeta Alpha Chapter, University of Evansville

Lucile Reece (Roberts) Grove | 1946-1964 Beta Gamma Chapter, Florida State University

Dianne Worsham Rube | 1998-2000 Delta Kappa Chapter, Louisiana State University

Harriet Ross Frische | 1964-1974 Sigma Chapter, Baker University

Malaea Nelms Seleski | 2000-2010 Eta Rho Chapter, The University of North Alabama

Vallera Clough Ross | 1974-1980 Sigma Chapter, Baker University

Laura Ladewig Mauro | 2010-present Theta Psi Chapter, Texas State University-San Marcos

Second Business Meeting 3:30 p.m. in McArthur Ballroom FRED Fact Friday | Patti Cords Levitte, Director of Archives & Historical Education Roll Call Report of the Credentials Committee Report of the Constitution Committee | Carolyn Hof Carpenter, National President Report of Recommendations Committee | Carla Martin Cobb, Chairman Attendance Awards Collegiate Recipient | Lynn Compton Chapman, Vice President Collegiate II Alumnae Recipient | Laura Ladewig Mauro, National Panhellenic Conference Delegate National Policy Review | Kyle Pendleton, Senior Director of Harm Reduction & Education Greetings and Announcements Facilitating the New Member Experience 4:30 p.m. in McArthur Ballroom Collegiate VP II/New Member Coordinators only Reception for Honor Ring Recipients and Guests 5:15 p.m. in Aztec Room “Inspire Commitment”— Alumnae Crown Chapter Dinner 6:00 p.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J Toastmistress | Lynn Compton Chapman, Vice President Collegiate II Zeta Prayer | Lucy Brown Kanikeberg, National Music Committee Repeater Award | Laura Ladewig Mauro, National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Alumnae Membership Awards | Dinah Jackson Laughery, Secretary-Treasurer Louise Kettler Helper Memorial Award—Alumna Recipient | Carolyn Hof Carpenter, National President Presentation of Honor Rings Dana Brasington Atkinson, Vice President Alumnae I Alicia Patten Williams, Vice President Alumnae II Alumnae Crown Chapter Awards Dana Brasington Atkinson, Vice President Alumnae I Alicia Patten Williams, Vice President Alumnae II “Poolside Sisterhood” 9:00 p.m. at Paradise Pool


S AT U R D AY , J U LY 1 6 Continental Breakfast 7:30 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J Legacy Breakfast 7:30 a.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salon D Hostesses Collete Peta, Zeta Xi Katie McKnight, Zeta Xi Final Business Meeting 9:00 a.m. in McArthur Ballroom Announcements Roll Call Report of the Credentials Committee Report of Courtesy Resolutions Committee Mandy Pierce Scott, Chairman Karla Lundgren Wheeler, ZTA Fraternity House Corporation Director at Large Invitation to Convention 2018 Recognition of outgoing National Council | Carolyn Hof Carpenter, National President Report of Nominating Committee | Lori A. Peters, Chairman Election of 2016–2018 National Council Installation of National Council | Alice McCann Mathews, Installation Chairman “Inspire Sisterhood”—Lunch Noon in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J Toastmistress | Kristen Moeller Fauré, Former Vice President Collegiate III Zeta Prayer | Sarah Ford Brammer, National Music Committee Departure Information | Nona Douglass Richey, Assistant Meeting Planner Introduction of Outstanding Alumna | Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, ZTA Foundation President Speaker | Donna Leinwand Leger, Outstanding Alumna 2016 Free Afternoon 1:30 p.m. “Inspire Excellence”—Recognition Banquet 7:00 p.m. in Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom, Salons E-J

S U N D AY , J U LY 1 7 Boxed To-Go Breakfast 8:00 a.m. in Gold Room


H I STO R Y O F Z TA C O N V E N T I O N This year marks the 53nd time ZTA has gathered in the summer for our National Convention. The very first one was held in 1903, in Farmville, Virginia, and it was the first (and last) to be held in a member’s home. Our Conventions have only been interrupted twice, for both World Wars. The longest we’ve gone between Conventions was five years, due to WWII. We’ve met twice in Canada, twice on an island, multiple times on the West Coast, and even a few times in the Northeast. ZTA gathered at the height of the Great Depression in 1933, and even survived a tornado outbreak at the 1978 Convention! No matter where we meet, Convention is where we chart the course for the next biennium. Because you are here at Convention 2016 in Phoenix, YOU are now a part of ZTA history!


T H E O U TSTA N D I N G A L U M N A AWA R D The Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation introduced the Outstanding Alumna Award at Convention 1982 in Atlanta to recognize ZTA alumnae who have become outstanding leaders in their chosen professions, demonstrated significant accomplishments and made notable contributions to society. Many of the past recipients have also served the Fraternity in their post-collegiate years, but that is not a requirement for the award. These women serve as role models for all members of Zeta Tau Alpha, and their informative and inspiring speeches are highlights of our biennial Convention.

Donna Leinwand Leger | 2016 Recipient Theta Tau Chapter The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Donna Leinwand Leger spent 15 years as a USA Today reporter covering breaking news, national and international crime, and disasters for the nation’s largest circulation daily newspaper. Her reporting assignments included the war in Iraq, the tsunamis in Indonesia and Thailand, the earthquake in Haiti, 20 hurricanes, bombings and terriorist attacks. She was named USA Today’s breaking news editor in May 2015. Donna is one of just 11 women to be elected President of the National Press Club in its 109year history. She is a member of the Board of Advisors for The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Journalism and Media. Donna also serves ZTA as a member of the Public Relations and Crisis Communication Committee and has been an officer in both the Greater Ft. Lauderdale, FL and Washington, D.C. alumnae chapters. A native of Boca Raton, Florida, she now lives in Washington, D.C., with her husband, Brian.

Betty Steinhauer Ott* | 1982 Co-Recipient Beta Delta Chapter Miami University

Virginia Wright Knauer* | 1986 Co-Recipient Alpha Beta Chapter University of Pennsylvania

Broadcast Specialist

Special Advisor to the President for Consumer Affairs

Dr. Roslyn Wallace* | 1982 Co-Recipient Omicron Chapter Brenau University

Jane Srygley Mouton* | 1986 Co-Recipient Kappa Chapter The University of Texas at Austin

Cancer Researcher

Author and Leader in the Field of Management Theory

Brigadier General Margaret A. Brewer, U.S.M.C.* | 1984 Co-Recipient Alpha Gamma Chapter University of Michigan

Dr. Jean Andrews* | 1988 Co-Recipient Kappa Chapter The University of Texas at Austin

First Woman General of the Marine Corps


Author and Artist

Pat Carrigan-Strickland | 1984 Co-Recipient Beta Phi Chapter Michigan State University

Dr. Ann Hammond Hansen | 1988 Co-Recipient Delta Beta Chapter Florida Southern College

First Woman Plant Manager in the Automotive Industry

Entrepreneur in Engineering

Sue Davis Baier | 1990 Co-Recipient Omega Chapter Southern Methodist University

Karolyn Varn Nunnalle | 2000 Recipient Alpha Nu Chapter Birmingham-Southern College

Author and Volunteer

Past President of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Social Activist, Victim’s Rights Advocate

Mary Greene Bumstead* | 1990 Co-Recipient Delta Theta Chapter Ohio Northern University

Dr. Shirley C. Raines | 2002 Recipient Delta Mu Chapter The University of Tennessee at Martin

Teacher, Peace Corps Volunteer, Author

First Female President of the University of Memphis

Dr. Sara Crews Finley* | 1992 Co-Recipient Nu Chapter The University of Alabama

Shonda Brewer Schilling | 2004 Recipient Iota Delta Chapter Towson University

Medical Genetics Specialist

The SHADE Foundation Founder

Dr. Ellen Taaffe Zwilich | 1992 Co-Recipient Beta Gamma Chapter Florida State University

Deborah Platt Majoras | 2006 Recipient Delta Omega Chapter Westminster College

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Composer

Chairman, Federal Trade Commission

Doris Leeper* | 1994 Co-Recipient Phi Chapter Duke University

Charlotte St. Martin | 2008 Recipient Gamma Phi Chapter The University of North Texas


Executive Director, The Broadway League

Rhoda Morrow Tomasco | 1994 Co-Recipient Gamma Omega Chapter University of Houston

Betty Nguyen | 2010 Recipient Kappa Chapter The University of Texas at Austin

Sunshine Kids Foundation Founder

Broadcast Journalist

Martha C. Edens* | 1996 Recipient Omicron Chapter, Brenau University Beta Omicron Chapter University of South Carolina

Phyllis George | 2012 Recipient Gamma Phi Chapter The University of North Texas Broadcast Journalist

Political Leader and Philanthropist

Lynda Johnson Robb | 1998 Recipient Kappa Chapter The University of Texas at Austin

Bonney Stamper Shuman | 2014 Recipient Gamma Pi Chapter The University of Georgia

Philanthropist, Humanitarian, Volunteer

Entrepreneur in the Automatic Identification Industry *Indicates the recipient is deceased



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