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節目開始前,請將手提電話轉為靜音模 式,並關掉其他響鬧或發光的裝置,以 免影響演出。為使演出者能全情投入、 不受干擾,並讓入場欣賞演藝節目的觀 眾獲得美好愉快的體驗,節目進行時嚴 禁拍照、錄音或錄影。此外,請勿在場 內飲食。多謝合作。 To avoid disturbance, please set your mobile phone on silent mode and switch off other beeping or light emitting devices before the performance. To ensure an undistracted performance by artists and an enjoyable experience for the audience, photo-taking, audio or video recording is strictly prohibited when the performance is in progress. Eating or drinking is not permitted in the auditorium. Thank you for your cooperation.


香港舞蹈總會(下稱『舞總』)於1978年10月註冊成立, 並於2000年改為有限公司,是本港第一個非牟利多元舞 蹈社團。創會成員為舞蹈界舉足輕重的人士,包括:陳寶 珠、郭世毅、黎海寧、劉兆銘、吳世勳、鄧孟妮、鄭亞清及 黃藝諳等。建會以來,一直以推動香港舞蹈發展為己任,積 極保育、拓展本地的多元舞蹈文化。現有團體會員252個、個 人會員及會友超過4,400人。 Hong Kong Dance Federation Ltd. (HKDF) is a non-profit organization established in 1978 and all founder members were acclaimed personages in the dance society including Pearl CHAN, Stephen KWOK, Helen LAI, LAU Siu-ming, NG Sai-fun and the late CHENG Ya-ching and WONG Ngai-yum. It carries forward the art of dance, encouraging and expediting dance development in Hong Kong as well as promoting cultural exchange. At present, the HKDF boasts a total membership of 252 Group members and more than 4,400 Individual and Associate members.

舞總除了『舞蹈教育培訓及考試』、『演出製作』、『外展活動』、『出版及委約』等多元工作外,也積極參與社區 活動,屢獲 康文署的場地贊助和大型活動委約以及藝術發展局的經費資助。近年,舞總製作之大型舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》多次獲邀到北京參加 國家級藝術節演出;2019年更獲粵港澳大灣區交流計劃支持,前往中山文化藝術中心及廣州大劇院,參加大灣區文化交流演出, 廣獲好評。 於2019年,透過舞總參與考試的學生及老師超過10,000人次,參與各製作演出的演員人數達4,000人次,而觀眾數目更達40,000 人次。在未來的日子,舞總將延續其建立舞蹈平台的角色,開發各式各樣惠及不同需要人士的舞蹈課程;聯絡海內、外的舞蹈同 業,提昇整體藝術演出水平;並透過豐富的社區文藝活動,積極履行社會責任, 發揮舞蹈對人民生活的影響力,貢獻社會。 Last year the HKDF is awarded the Caring Organization 10+ Logo in recognition of its efforts to promote corporate social responsibilities. It is currently Member of the International Dance Council, an umbrella organization under UNESCO for all kinds of dance, and Member and HK Representative of the International Dance Organization. Apart from the major work and services of “education and examinations”, “productions”, “outreach activities” and “publications and commissioned events”, the HKDF positively participates in community activities. It has obtained venue sponsorship and big commissioned projects from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and funding from the Arts Development Council. The grand dance poem Dunhuang Reflections has been invited to perform at national art festivals in Beijing a number of times of late. Supported by the Greater Bay Area Exchange Scheme, the dance poem was also staged at Zhongshan Culture & Art Center and Guangzhou Opera House for the cultural exchange of the Greater Bay Area in 2019 and was very well received. In 2019 over 10,000 students and teachers sat for dance examinations through the HKDF and 4,000 dancers were engaged in productions with an approximate audience of 40,000. In the future, the HKDF will continue to provide platforms for dance by opening various courses for people from all walks of life, to improve the overall artistic level of performance through liaison with dance practitioners from home and abroad, and to fulfill its social responsibilities by enriching community cultural activities and giving full play to the influence of dance on people’s lives.




Reflections on Dunhuang

當我和陳磊合力編創舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》時,有感於一般敦 煌舞台鉅製,都傾向於金碧輝煌,注重表面化的肢體形態。 我們以僧人緣一作為媒介,以他探索宇宙秘奧的禪修歷程, 反映佛教對亡靈的慈悲關懷、眾生對死後能往生西方極樂世 界的嚮往和絲路各族供養人的祈福心願,乃溯源敦煌千佛洞 開鑿之因由。 舞劇始以天龍八部神鳥的接引,使觀眾踏入時光隧道的唯心 旅程。往生於極樂世界蓮花上的童子,帶出僧人以《觀無量 壽經》自我觀想的方法禪修。所謂「萬法唯心造」,「心如 工畫師」,他在心中觀想亡靈的苦難、供養人的期盼、西方 極樂世界的勝景,一幕一幕將想像呈現於觀眾眼前。我們探 索的,是藉敦煌經典造型的美學,關注人世間的生死歸宿, 為敦煌的華美表象探究其慈悲緣起。所謂「緣起性空」, 變幻才是永恆。 《緣起敦煌》從第四次公演,就加入了水月觀音。鏡花水月 原為幻相,水清則月臨,心靜則佛現。依照敦煌唐代供養幡 畫造型,觀音現男身,唇上有兩撇蝌蚪形小鬍子。《華嚴 經》稱他為「勇猛丈夫觀自在」,其他經典亦稱他為「善男 子」。《妙法蓮華經》記載觀音具有三十三變化身的願力, 為了弘法的方便,可以變換性別和各種身份。《維摩詰所說 經》說:「一切諸法無有定相,非男非女,一切女人亦復如 是,雖現女身而非女也。」在諸法平等與諸法皆空之下,所 有一切「相」既是非男非女,也是亦男亦女,超越了凡俗 性別。 《金剛經》有云:「所有相皆屬虛妄,見諸相非相,得見如 來。」全劇表現的種種場景,都只是僧人的禪修想像,並無 實體,包括他將九品蓮花重置定位,如將宇宙飛散的星宿各 歸其位;以及他於風沙塵暴中捨身護法,讓敦煌回復永恒光 輝,都是僧人的心畫。 佛教於二千年前東傳中土,當時面對中國根深蒂固的儒家和 道家思想,佛教通過吸收和溶和的演變,最終經過唐代的學 術辯論,產生了中國特有的佛學宗派。當代大乘佛教不取空 有二端之極端,謹行中道,成為富包容性的中國文藝復興 洪流。 當香港經歷二年的躁動,動輒以非黃即藍去標籤別人時,我 們好應靜定下來,如僧人緣一追隨我們與生俱來的佛性,叩 問我們的靈魂,它原是不生不滅,不垢不淨,不增不減的。 也許可頓悟到,原來黃色與藍色重疊,便會產生中道的綠 色。社會需要包容和諧,環保的心靈,也就是綠色的。


I collaborated with Chen Lei to create the grand dance poem, Dunhuang Reflections, in response to the general tendency of Dunhuang productions focusing on worldly glamour and superficial gestures. We follow the Monk’s path to explore the mystery of the universe through contemplations, the compassion of Buddhism, the yarning of the people to be re-born in Western Paradise, and harmony of all nationalities along the Silk Road who were patrons for the construction of the Dunhuang grottoes. At the beginning of the production are two celestial birds, leading the audience into a time tunnel of a mental journey. Surrounded by the paradise re-born lotus infants, the Monk contemplates according to 16 methods indicated in the Infinite Life Sutra (Amitayurbhavana Sutra). The Buddhist believes that “all things are created by the mind alone” and “the mind is a skilful painter”. He contemplates about the misery of the dead, the prayers of the patrons and the bliss of the Western Paradise, all visualized for the audience in vivid scenes. We have attempted to focus on human destiny through the aesthetics of classic icons in Dunhuang paintings and explore the compassion origin for the glamourous appearance of Dunhuang. A new character, Moon - and - Water Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin), is added since the fourth running of Dunhuang Reflections. Flowers in a mirror and the moon’s reflection in the water are both illusions. Only when the water is clear and still, the moon’s reflection could be seen. Similarly, only when the heart is calm and pure, the Buddha in our heart would appear. In accordance with a Tang dynasty Buddhist banner painting discovered in Dunhuang, the Avalokitesvara appears as a male with tadpoleshaped mustache. The Avatamsaka Sutra (Hua Yan Jing) describes him as “a brave husband,” and other classics call him “a good man.” The Lotus Sutra records that Avalokitesvara can transform himself into thirty-three embodiments including gender change and various identities for the sake of promoting Buddhist enlightenment. The Vimalakirti Sutra (Wei Mo Jing) says, “All beings are equal and could not be designated either male or female. Similarly, all women though appearing in female form, are not women.” The essence of all beings is beyond the superficial gender distinction.

The Diamond Sutra (Jin Gang Jing) says, “All appearances are void. When one sees beyond the superficial image, one could see the Buddha.” All the scenes performed in the production are just the visualization of the contemplation of the Monk. His repositioning of nine lotuses symbolically represents the restoring of cosmic order in the universe. Likewise how the Monk sacrifices himself under the sandstorm to reinstate the eternal glory of Dunhuang, is also the painting in his heart. About two thousand years ago when Buddhism was introduced into China, it confronted the well-established thoughts of Confucianism and Daoism. Through a process of assimilation and vigorous philosophical debates in the Tang dynasty (AD 618-907), Buddhism developed into various schools. Contemporary Buddhism has trodden a middle path between two extremes. Buddhism has become a major current in the cultural renaissance of China. Hong Kong has passed two volatile years when people were labelled either yellow or blue. We should all calm down to contemplate like our Monk to search for our own in-born Buddhist nature which is eternal. Perhaps we could appreciate when yellow and blue fuse together it becomes green. Our society needs harmony and so are our hearts for a green environment.

曾柱昭 Gerard CC TSANG



Message from the Director and Choreographer

九演「緣起敦煌」 對於一個作品而言,六年,實在不是一個什麼值得提及的時 長,但就在這短短六年間,置身的這片港灣從境至域都發生 著莫大的變化;六年匆匆而逝,拼搏如我這台不知怠倦的機 器,從身到心轉眼就度過了四十年的保用期;這六年更是無 常反復,時至今日,連同呼共吸的空氣都不值得信任,一紙 纖薄的口罩,不僅掩捂著那些你耳熟的聲嗓、能詳的唇齒, 連我們已知的世界和熟知的社會,都被隔離出了一個未知的 模樣,僅存一堆空洞的眼睛,望眼欲穿的投射在不得而知的 將來之中。生活總是這樣悄然而變,無論是否符合人們對它 的期待。「緣起敦煌」這不其然的六年間,即將迎來第九度 的公演。

常言道:九九歸一,九演之際,最為牽動我的,還是那顆本 真的初心,翻閱歷次“編舞的話”,字裡行間盛載著創作的 衝動、實踐的歡愉、探索的樂趣與分享的美妙,時至今日, 成果依然如此甘甜。因為它飽含著這片港灣帶給我的無限情 絲,凝結著我身邊不同群體、階層的人們,追求舞台上剎那 即永恆的光輝,我們為此初心攜手共進、拼搏以求。此時此 刻,舞台上演繹的正是這樣一個發生在你、我和他之間的故 事,一個歷經千年都不曾磨滅的初心之願,唯一的不同,就 是「敦煌」用虔誠的信仰包裹這份寄託與期待,用永恆的色 彩妝點,再以奢華來標示這份可貴,讓這份美好,如夢不可 求,如幻不可究,離地的璀璨和浮華之下,卻深含著人們心 中對真的呼喚,對善的渴求,嚮往共融相生,和諧至美的生 存之境,這就是敦煌興盛千年的真正意義,這份普世的價值 情懷,是如此的貼地通俗簡單,動人於心! 此情此景,如詩如歌----------


DUNHUANG REFLECTIONS (8th Re-run) Six years is not a long time worth mentioning for a piece of work. Yet, drastic changes taking place in this harbour city over the past six years have made another story. Time flying, the forty years’ warranty period of this overworked machine of mine has expired. Fickleness has made the air essential for everyone unreliable; a thin face mask has not only covered familiar voices and lips but also isolated us from the known society and world; and all that is left is the reflection of the unknown future in hollow eyes. Life always changes quietly, whether it is to people’s expectations. Seven re-runs of Dunhuang Reflections have been put on out of the blue these six years and here comes the eighth one. As the saying goes, after all, when the 8th re-run draws near, what affects me most is still the original intention of authenticity. Glancing through the previous messages from the choreographer, I can feel between the lines the impulse of creation, the pleasure of practice and exploration, and the joy of sharing. The results of the work are so sweet because it is full of endless love given to me by the city; it brings the people of different groups and levels and me together so that we can struggle and make progress hand in hand for the original intention and strive for instant glory lasting forever on stage. In the meantime what is presented on stage is a story happening to you, him and me, a wish with an original intention that is indelible after thousands of years. The only difference is, in respect of Dunhuang, support and expectation are wrapped by

pious beliefs, it is decorated by eternal colours, and its value is marked by extravagance so that its beauty could be engraved on people’s hearts as the call for genuineness, the craving for kindness as well as the yearning for life of fusion of styles and harmonious beauty despite it being like an impossible dream, an unexplored illusion and a castle in the air. Such a feeling of universal value, so down-to-earth, common, simple and touching, is exactly the true significance of Dunhuang’s flourishing for thousands of years. In addition to the setting, so poetic and lyrical …..

陳磊 CHEN Lei, Felix 5



佛教約於二千年前東傳中土,而敦煌千佛洞位於絲綢之路的 河西走廊,是行旅頻繁的經商通道和軍事要塞,也是佛教的 重要傳播路線。《緣起敦煌》以當代藝術視野,演繹敦煌舞 韻和重構古典美學,更體現對普世眾生的關懷,探索宇宙的 秘奧和人生的哲理。

(一) 顯真 │ ( I ) VIRTUE


僧人緣一發願求無上正等正覺之菩提心,依《觀無量壽經》 十六觀法禪修,觀想西方淨土之象。壁畫中諸佛菩薩面相, 久經歲月氧化變黑,現無差別之貌。敦煌面臨戈壁沙漠,修 建佛窟之供養人,面對兇險之旅途而祈福。新逝亡靈,望佛 菩薩接引,往生西方極樂世界。僧人最終了悟緣起性空。淨 土變之華美萬象,只是境隨心轉。僧人捨身護法,敦煌回復 不惹塵埃。 Buddhism was introduced into China around 2,000 years ago from ancient India. Occupying a military strategic location in the Hexi Corridor of the Silk Road, the Dunhuang grottoes were situated in one of the busiest ancient trade routes and had become a key area for the transmission of Buddhism. Dunhuang Reflections employs contemporary perspectives to portray the classic elegance and aesthetics of Dunhuang in dance, exemplifying compassion for humanity and philosophical explorations of the mysteries of the universe. In search of enlightenment, Monk Yuanyi contemplates according to the 16 contemplations of Amitayurdhyana Sutra on the Western Paradise. The paintings of Buddhas and Budhisattvas on the wall murals have been darkened by oxidation of centuries passed. Located facing the Gobi Desert, patrons of the Buddhist grottoes pray for blessing before the dangerous journey. New ghosts are anxious for the Buddha’s acceptance. Monk Yuanyi finally comprehends the void nature of the changing world and that the glory of the Western Paradise is but a fleeting vision in his mind. The Monk sacrifices himself to restore the eternal purity of Dunhuang.


無量劫時,天龍八部的香音之神和樂舞之神,現天鳥羽人形相,奉獻 供佛長明蓮花。 Beyond the reckoning of time, the Celestial Guardians of Fragrance and Dance took the shape of birds offering eternal lotus lanterns.

1場:蓮生不染 │ Scene 1: Pure Lotus

僧人緣一禪修觀想往生西方極樂世界之蓮花童子。他們重獲新生,出 淤泥而不染。 Monk Yuanyi contemplates on the innocent infants re-born on pure lotuses in Western Paradise.

2場:法相莊嚴 │ Scene 2: Austere Image

諸佛菩薩,以不同身法手印,傳遞佛法訊息,普渡眾生,天降九品不 染蓮花,井然有序。 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas transmit messages of enlightenment with symbolic gestures. Pure lotuses descend to reveal a cosmic order.

(二) 趨善 │ ( II ) BENEVOLENCE

3場:絲路同心 │ Scene 3: Silk Road Offerings

中原華服供養人,少數民族施主,齊奉蓮花供養,獻舞祈福,以求積 德消災。 Rich patrons from different ethnic groups of the Silk Road bear lotus offerings and dance to seek blessing.

4場:樂舞供養 │ Scene 4: Dance Offering

西域舞伎,反彈琵琶,以樂舞供養諸天,以功德迴向眾生。 A professional dancer from the Western Regions performs the pipa dance as offering for all.

5場:歧路亡靈 │ Scene 5: New Ghosts

不息亡靈,高舉發願旗幡,以示皈依向佛之心;躁動不安,祈望諸佛 接引往生西方極樂世界。 Restless new ghosts hoist worship banners praying for acceptance into the Western Paradise.

(三) 慈悲 │ ( III ) MERCY

6場:釋經解惑 │ Scene 6: Sutra Power

亡靈靜聽佛法,得以解惑釋懷,獲湼槃寂靜之解脫。 僧人緣一觀想天降九品蓮花,深悟娑婆世界萬象之虛幻,諸行無常。遂將蓮花 重排宇宙秩序。 Converted ghosts attain the peace of mind after listening to the Sutra. Monk Yuanyi contemplates on the Buddhist Cannon to restore the cosmic order of lotuses and attains enlightenment.

7場: 伎樂天女 │ Scene 7: Dancing Apsaras 緣一得道,伎樂天女致賀,翩翩起舞,共慶天地和諧。

Apsaras rejoice about the enlightenment of the Monk. They dance gracefully in celestial music in harmony.

(五) 歸淨 │ ( V ) PURITY

10場:香音伎樂 │ Scene 10 : Dancing Apsaras

一對天鳥羽人於淨土蓮池中起舞,祝賀僧人修得般若 智慧。 Two celestial birds dance in the pure lotus pond to rejoice about the Monk’s attainment.

11場:極樂世界 │ Scene 11: Western Paradise

敦煌經變中之西方淨土世界,極樂無憂。時光流轉之中,突顯敦 煌萬世流芳之藝術形象。

(四) 弘美 │ (IV) BEAUTY

8場:水月觀音 │ Scene 8: Water Margin Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin) 鏡花水月皆虛幻,水月觀音喻意水清月現,心靜則見佛。 觀音以多變化身點化緣一諸行無常之義。 The reflected moon is as void as the flower in a mirror. The Avalokitesvara unravels the transient nature of the world in changing images before the Monk. His profound understanding is gained in tranquillity, not misled by senses.

9場:金剛護法 │ Scene 9: Celestial Guardians

緣一深悟經義。金剛護法,以無堅不摧之銳智,破除外道魔障,重塑天地和諧 之象。 The Monk returns with profound understanding of the Sutra. Heavenly Guardians are hard and sharp as diamond in breaking down hearsay and enemies to restore harmony between heaven and earth.

Eternal happiness is displayed in the Dunhuang Sutra tableau illustrating the Western Paradise. Classical icons of Dunhuang have become everlasting symbols of beauty and art.


12場:塵埃不染 │ Scene 12: Golden Sandstorm

風沙塵暴將敦煌千佛洞掩蓋,僧人緣一深悟諸法無我,他捨身護 法,重現敦煌淨土,永垂不朽。

The sandstorm has buried the Dunhuang grottoes. Monk Yuanyi sacrifices his life to restore the eternal purity of Dunhuang. < 全劇完 The End >


藝術總監 Artistic Director

冼源 SIN Yuen

早期畢業於北京舞蹈學院。畢業後加入武漢歌舞劇院任主要演員,後任武漢歌舞團副團 長。1981年定居香港,曾任香港舞蹈團基訓及排練導師,後出任董事局成員;香港藝術 發展局藝術顧問及審批員、香港演藝學院舞蹈學院顧問及兼職講師。2003年被甄選列入 《香港傑出舞蹈藝術家名錄》,積極參與舞蹈藝術評論工作。現任香港舞蹈總會董事兼藝術 總監、中國舞蹈家協會顧問、中國舞蹈家協會香港會員分會主席。2016年獲香港舞蹈年獎 【終生成就獎】。 Mr. SIN graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy. He joined and played the leading role in Wuhan Singing and Dancing Institute after his graduation and subsequently became the Vice-President. He settled in Hong Kong in 1981 and has taken up the posts of technique instructor and rehearsal master of the Hong Kong Dance Company, arts advisor and examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and advisor & part-time tutor of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2003, he was listed in the Hong Kong Dance Hall of Fame. He is now Director cum Artistic Director of the Hong Kong Dance Federation, Advisor of the Chinese Dancers Association, and Chairman of the Chinese Dancers Association Hong Kong Member Branch. In 2016, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Hong Kong Dance Awards.

學術指導及編劇 Academic Adviser and Playwright

曾柱昭 Gerard CC TSANG

香港大學文學士,主修中國美術史及考古學。並獲香港大學管理學文憑及英國曼徹斯特大學博物 館學文憑。曾任香港歷史博物館副館長、新界博物館館長、香港藝術館總館長、康文署助理署長 (文博)、香港舞蹈團行政總監。 曾氏為編劇家,已出版香港歷史背景舞台劇:《逝海》、《遷界》和《1894太平山之疫》。編 創作品包括香港舞蹈團舞劇《清明上河圖》、《花木蘭》、《三國風流》和《遷界》及兒童舞劇 《快樂皇子》。近期作品有香港舞蹈總會大型舞劇《緣起敦煌》(2015),香港話劇團大型音樂 劇《1894太平山之疫》(2016)及古代佛學舞台劇《恒河經變》(2019)。 B.A. (HKU) in Chinese Art & Archaeology, Dip. M.S.(HKU) and Dip. Museo. (Manchester). Former Assistant Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of History, Curator of New Territories Museums, Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Assistant Director (Heritage & Museums) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and Executive Director of the Hong Kong Dance Company. Gerard is an experienced playwright who has published plays about Hong Kong history including Ebb, Evacuation Order, and 1894 Hong Kong Plague, and dance drama scripts for Qingming Riverside, Mulan, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Evacuation Order performed by the Hong Kong Dance Company and a children’s dance drama The Happy Prince. Recent works include the grand dance poem Dunhuang Reflections commissioned by the Hong Kong Dance Federation in 2015, the grand musical 1894 Hong Kong Plague performed by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre in 2016 and the classic Buddhist drama Ganges Legends in 2019.


藝術指導 Artistic Adviser

劉兆銘 LAU Siu-ming MH

劉兆銘是香港舞蹈的開拓者之一,亦為無綫電視藝員,行內人尊稱「Ming Sir」。劉兆銘年青時到 法國學舞,嘗盡艱苦辛酸,成為首位為法國舞蹈家編舞的華人。他是第一位在國際間嶄露頭角的香 港舞蹈家,回港後開設舞蹈學校培養年青舞蹈員。1978年成立香港舞蹈總會,現任董事局成員。 1979年,獲徐克導演邀請參演電影《蝶變》之拍攝,正式踏進藝壇。1981年開始為無線電視演出 多部電視連續劇,期間他參與電影演出,個性突出,深入民心。2001年劉兆銘接受邀請,分別演 出於香港芭蕾舞團的《白蛇》及香港舞蹈團的《梁祝》。以其多年來的演藝經驗,曾多次伙拍包 括現代舞及街舞的年青舞者,演出於香港藝術節,獲得好評如潮。2007年獲香港演藝學院於頒授 【榮譽院士】榮銜;2017年獲頒香港舞蹈家年獎-【傑出成就獎】;更獲香港藝術發展獎2018【終 身成就獎】,表揚他的成就。 One of the dance pioneers of Hong Kong and a TVB artist, Mr LAU Siu-ming is respectfully called “Ming Sir” in the arts field. He studied ballet in France when he was young and became the first Chinese choreographer for French dancers and the first Hong Kong dancer internationally famous. After coming back to Hong Kong, he set up a dance school to nurture young dancers. He was Co-founder of the Hong Kong Dance Federation and is currently Member of the Board of Directors of the Federation. In 1979, Ming Sir participated in the film The Butterfly Murders directed by Tsui Hark and started his performing arts career officially. Since 1981 he has acted in numbers of TV series and movies; his prominent personality has won the hearts of people. In 2001, he was invited by the Hong Kong Ballet to perform in White Snake and the Hong Kong Dance Company in The Butterfly Lovers. He has also partnered with young modern dance and street dance dancers at the Hong Kong Arts Festival, receiving critical acclaim. Ming Sir was the recipient of Honorary Fellowship of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2007, and the winner of the Distinguished Achievement Award of the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2017 and the Life Achievement Award of the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2018.

導演及編舞 Director and Choreographer

陳磊 CHEN Lei, Felix

北京舞蹈學院藝術學碩士、學士。主修編舞及教育,致力於中國傳統舞蹈的當代舞台藝術化發 展,以及教育教學方面的探索與研究。屢獲殊榮,囊括多項中國國家文化部級、省市級專業藝術 獎項,包括:舞蹈「學院杯」、「桃李杯」、全國舞蹈比賽、華北舞蹈大賽等,榮獲金、銀、 優秀等創作獎項。陳氏於2011-2013年獲賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金會贊助其碩士研讀的全額獎學 金;2014年以最年輕的專家身份獲邀出席北京舞蹈學院60週年之《當代中國舞蹈論壇》。 現任香港藝術發展局舞蹈藝術顧問及藝術資助申請審批員、香港舞蹈總會執委會委員和香港演藝 學院導師;曾任職香港舞蹈團主要演員;本地創作方面,分別於2006及2009年兩度獲頒香港舞蹈 年獎。 陳氏近年的大型創作,包括了2013年香港舞蹈團《風水行》重演;香港舞蹈總會九度公演的大型舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》;其片段 《法相莊嚴》榮獲2015新布拉格國際舞蹈藝術節評審會主席大獎、編舞銀獎;更憑藉《緣起敦煌》的創作榮獲2016中國第五屆全 國少數民族文藝會演最佳導演獎。陳氏近期為善德基金會呈獻的大型史詩劇《恆河經變》擔任編舞,獲得一致好評。 Felix received his MA and BA in Choreography and Education at the Beijing Dance Academy. He is committed to the contemporary artistic development of Chinese traditional dance as well as the quest and research in education. Felix has entered professional competitions such as the Dance School Cup, Taoli Cup, National Dance Competition and North China Dance Competition, and has won numerous ministerial, provincial and municipal-level arts awards including those of the Ministry of Culture of the PRC. He was granted a full scholarship for his master’s degree (2011-2013) from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund. In 2014, in the capacity of the youngest expert, he was invited to attend the "Contemporary Chinese Dance Forum" held in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Beijing Dance Academy. Felix is now a Dance Arts Advisor and grant applications examiner for the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, an Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF), and an Instructor of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He was previously a main performer of the Hong Kong Dance Company, and was granted the Hong Kong Dance Award twice, in 2006 and 2009 respectively. His recent works include Feng Shui which had a re-run in 2013 for the experimental dance theatre of the Hong Kong Dance Company, and the HKDF’s grand dance poem Dunhuang Reflections which has been on its eighth re-run. The Austere Image excerpt of the latter won the Adjudication Chairman’s Grand Award and Choreography Silver Award at the 2015 New Prague Dance Festival. In 2016, Felix was granted the Best Director Award with Dunhuang Reflections at the 5th Minorities Art Festival of China. His choreography in the Ganges Legends, a large-scale epic drama recently staged by the Shine Tak Foundation, was also well-received.


助理編舞 Assistant Choreographer

李艾琳 LEE Eileen

中國舞蹈家協會會員,曾獲由中國舞蹈家協會及中國文學藝術界聯合會授予最佳編導獎。李氏曾參 與編導的節目包括:大型舞蹈詩《歲月香江》,《香江畫圖》,《紅梅再世》;92年西班牙世界交 通博覽中的加拿大館影片,第七屆全國中學生運動會開幕式舞蹈《朝陽之歌》及第29屆馬術奧運開 場式舞蹈等。近年逾20多個作品於國外獲編舞獎,包括:《白髮魔女》、《殤》、《歡樂的鼓兒敲 起來》及《心.相》。 LEE is a member of Chinese Dancers Association. Recently, she was awarded “The Best Choreographer Award” by the Chinese Dancers Association and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. She has participated in choreographing and directing programs including: large-scale dance poems As Time Goes By, Home.Hong Kong, Red Plum Regeneration; the Canadian Pavilion video at the World Transport Expo 92 in Spain, the opening ceremony of the 7th National High School Games Song of the Sun, the 29th session Equestrian Olympic opening dance, etc. Recently she has more than 20 winning choreographies including: The Bride with White hair, Mourning, Joyful Drum Beats, and Complexions.

造型及服裝設計 Image & Costume Designer

傅渶 渶傑 FU Ying-kit, Jadeson

從事本地與海外電影、廣告、舞台製作多年。曾獲邀參與外國電影化妝指導,並積極參與各劇團的 本地及海外演出。曾獲2015新布拉格國際舞蹈藝術節最佳造型服飾金獎。 Jadeson has been working as Director of Makeup for numerous local and foreign movies and advertisements for more than 15 years. His career has extended to theatre, wardrobe production as well as makeup consultancy. His works have been well received both locally and overseas, including the recent Best Costume Design at 2015 New Prague Dance Festival.

造型及服裝設計 Image & Costume Designer

丘小鋇+ YAU Siu-pui, Luise+

畢業於香港演藝學院。曾參與製作多個本地和海外大型演出。現任職於香港舞蹈團。服裝設計作品 《法相莊嚴》獲2015新布拉格國際舞蹈藝術節最佳造型服飾金獎。 Graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Luise has been working on a number of wardrobe design, and production projects for large scale drama and dance performances. Her art has been well appraised both in local and overseas reviews including the recent Best Costume Design for Austere Image at 2015 New Prague Dance Festival. She is a staff of the Hong Kong Dance Company

燈光設計 Lighting Designer

陳佩儀 CHAN Pui-yee, Claudia

畢業於香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學院,主修舞台燈光設計。畢業後參與不同製作,包括香港舞 蹈總會《緣起敦煌》、《香港舞蹈博覽》、《紫荊杯舞蹈大賽》。曾隨多個舞蹈團往不同國家參加 比賽和表演,並參與澳門特別行政區成立十五周年學界大匯演。除舞蹈外,也從事粵劇及戲劇的專 業製作。在2009-2010年參與澳門新濠天地《水舞間》的前期工作。現為香港舞蹈總會及香港藝術 節技術統籌,以及香港演藝學院晚間課程講師。


Claudia CHAN graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), majoring in Theatre Lighting Design. Since then, she has been engaged in various productions including Dunhuang Reflections, Hong Kong Dance Expo and Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships presented by the Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF). She has also joined many dance groups to different countries for competitions and performances, and has participated in the schools dance gala in celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR. Apart from dance, she has involved herself in the production of drama and Cantonese opera. Between 2009 and 2010 she had participated in Macao’s City of Dream production The House of the Dancing Water. She is currently a technical coordinator of the HKDF and Hong Kong Arts Festival and a part-time (evening) lecturer at the HKAPA.

數碼影像設計 Digital Image Designer

成博民 SHING Pok-man

畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,為眾聲喧嘩創團成員。現為影像設計師、多媒體視覺藝術家 及影像導演、香港演藝學院客席講師。曾合作藝團包括:香港舞蹈總會、香港舞蹈團、城市當代舞 蹈團、香港芭蕾舞蹈團、香港話劇團等。 近年成立多媒體工作室「春秋大夢」,連結跨界創作,亦曾參與多個演唱會及主題公園之影像設 計。2019年憑城市當代舞蹈團《茫然先生》之影像設計,獲提名第廿一屆香港舞蹈年獎傑出燈光/ 視覺設計。 SHING graduated from the School of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is a founding member of Heteroglossia Theatre. He is currently an image designer, a multimedia visual artist and image director, and a guest lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. The artistic organizations with which he has collaborated include the Hong Kong Dance Federation, Hong Kong Dance Company, City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC), Hong Kong Ballet and Hong Kong Repertory Theatre. SHING is the founder and creative director of the multimedia group Daaimung which aims at cross-media art creation. He has also taken part in the image design of concerts and theme parks. In 2019 SHING was nominated for Outstanding Lighting and/or Visual Design of the 21st Hong Kong Dance Awards with his image design for Mr Blank of the CCDC.

製作團隊 Production Team 藝術總監 Artistic Director 冼源 SIN Yuen

攝影及錄影 Photographer & Videographer 黃昌華 WONG Cheong-wa, Henry

藝術指導 Artistic Adviser 劉兆銘 LAU Siu-ming MH

場刊翻譯 House Programme Translators 馮杏美 FUNG Hang-mai

學術指導及編劇 Academic Adviser and Playwright 曾柱昭 Gerard CC TSANG

主要演員 Leading Performers 梁儉豐 Kenny LEUNG 唐婭 TANG Ya 唐志文 TONG Chi-man+

編導及編舞 Director and Choreographer 陳磊 CHEN Lei, Felix 助理編舞 Assistant Choreographer 李艾琳 LEE Eileen 製作統籌 Production Co-ordinator 劉定國 LAU Ting-kwok 造型及服裝設計 Image & Costume Designer 傅渶傑 FU Ying-kit, Jadeson 丘小鋇 YAU Siu-pui, Luise+ 燈光設計 Lighting Designer 陳佩儀 CHAN Pui-yee, Claudia 數碼影像設計 Digital Image Designer 成博民 SHING Pok-man 音樂統籌 Music Co-ordinator 陳磊 CHEN Lei, Felix 道具設計 Props Design 羅艷君 LAW Yim-kwan 舞台監督 Stage Manager 胡潤龍 WU Yan-lung 執行舞台監督 Deputy Stage Manager 孔稜斯 Carmen HUNG 助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manager 麥建忠 MAK Kin Chung 張凱泓 Ivan CHEUNG 電腦燈程式員 Moving Light Operator 黃子健 Billy WONG

特邀演員 Guest Performers 伍詠豪 NG Wing-ho** 陳映熹 CHAN Ying-hei** 周子恩 CHOW Tsz-yan** 舞蹈團體 Performing Groups# 曉舞蹈 Dynamic Dawn 星榆舞蹈團 Starwave Production 韵情舞坊 Kidance 香港紫荊花舞蹈團 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association 秘書處 Secretariat 羅廖耀芝 Virginia LO LIU Yiu-chee 温雄 WAN Hung 陳志芬 CHAN Chi-fan, Fanny 陳佩珊 CHAN Pui-shan, Samantha 王愷靖 WONG Hoi-ching, Tiffany* +

承蒙香港舞蹈團允許 With kind permission of Hong Kong Dance Company

* 香港藝術發展局藝術行政實習生

Hong Kong Arts Development Council Arts Administration Intern


按出場次序排列 In the order of appearance


Graduated from the Chinese Dance Department at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 11

主要演員 Main Performers 梁儉豐 Kenny LEUNG 舞者梁儉豐畢業於香港演藝術學院,主修中國舞。其後赴台灣進修舞蹈表演碩士課程。畢業後與多 位編舞家合作,到世界各地巡迴演出。2014年回港發展,曾獲《紫荊盃舞蹈大賽》獨舞組金獎, 並代表香港舞蹈總會前往東京,在聯合國教科文組織屬下國際舞蹈委員會主辦的研討會擔任表演嘉 賓。梁致力開發身體及表演的可能性,透過與不同界別的藝術家交流,打破藝術界限。曾應香港藝 術節、西九文化區,以及馬來西亞DPAC藝術節委約發表個人作品。2021年3月夥拍戲劇演員陳瑋 聰和街舞舞者陳伯顯成立Common Ground,致力於跨界創作和實驗劇場觀演模式。個人主要創作 包括《身體印記 II:眾觀》展覽式劇場、《戰鬥圖騰》鬥舞劇場、《風的悲鳴聲》,以及《身體印 記:後殖民的青鳥》。 Hong Kong independent choreographer and dancer Kenny LEUNG graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Chinese Dance. He pursued further studies and obtained a Master’s degree in contemporary dance performance in Taiwan. Upon his return to Hong Kong in 2014, he won the gold award in the solo session of the Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships. He represented the Hong Kong Dance Federation as a guest performer in a conference in Tokyo organized by UNESCO-CID. A keen explorer of infinite possibilities of performance and physical movements, Kenny has worked and toured extensively with a number of Hong Kong and international choreographers, and collaborated with artists from different fields. In March 2021, he founded Common Ground with actor Anson CHAN and street dancer Rain CHAN to explore the possibilities of performing arts and a meta-theatre through cross-disciplinary creative productions. His most notable choreography projects include Body Codes II: Performscape, The Battle, The Lament of the Wind and Body Codes: Post-Colonial Blue Birds.

唐婭 TANG Ya 唐婭以優異成績畢業於北京舞蹈學院,曾任杭州歌舞團主要演員。於2010 至2019 年擔任香港舞蹈 團首席演員,為該團歷史上任期最長的首席演員之一。主要作品包括:《倩女.幽魂》飾演聶小 倩 (2015、2017、2018)、《踏歌行》擔任領舞及雙人舞舞者 (2015、2018) 及《白蛇》飾演白蛇 (2017)。 曾代表香港和內地藝術界出訪美國、英國、加拿大、法國、日本、新加坡、蒙古、朝鮮、台灣各地 演出。在香港回歸十五週年慶典中,為國家領導人和特區行政長官等人士演出。2017年獲中央電視 新聞頻道邀請拍攝《融在香港》專題片,是香港藝術界別代表。 唐婭曾獲「2018年十大傑出新香港青年」、「2016年香港舞蹈年獎傑出女舞蹈員演出」及「2011 年香港藝術發展局頒發藝術新秀獎(舞蹈)」等榮譽。目前是自由舞者,也是中國民族民間舞蹈等級考試考官。 TANG graduated from Beijing Dance Academy with excellent results. She was a lead of Hangzhou Song and Dance Troupe. From 2010 to 2019 she had been a principal dancer of the Hong Kong Dance Company, and was one of the principal dancers that have the longest term of office. Her major roles included: Nie Xiaoqian of L’Amour Immortel (2015, 2017, 2018), Lead and Pas de deux dancer of Dream of the Past: Ancient Chinese Court Dances (2015, 2018) and Lady White of Lady White of West Lake (2017). TANG has represented the arts circles of Hong Kong and the Mainland to perform in the States, UK, Canada, France, Japan, Singapore, Mongolia, Chaoxian and Taiwan. She has also performed before the national leader and the Chief Executive of the HKSAR in the ceremony celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR. In 2017, invited by CCTV-13, she took part in the TV special Integration into Hong Kong acting as the representative of the Hong Kong arts circle. TANG is the awardee of Ten Outstanding New Young Persons of Hong Kong 2018 and the winner of the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2016 for Outstanding Performance by Female Dancer and the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2011 Award for Young Artist. She is currently a freelance dancer and examiner of the Chinese Folk Dance Graded Examinations.


唐志文+ TONG Chi-man+ 2015年以一級榮譽畢業於香港演藝學院,主修中國舞。在校其間連續三年獲得「春天舞台製 作獎學金」、「滙豐銀行外地交流獎學金」、「區永熙藝術教育獎學金」等。畢業後更獲得香 港藝術發展局資助之「藝術人才培訓計劃」,隨即加入香港舞蹈團,並參與許多演出,作品包 括《花木蘭》(香港重演及澳洲巡演)、《十二生肖大冒險之冰雪奇熊》、《倩女.幽魂》、 《踏歌行》、《風雲》中飾演戲寶、《緣起敦煌》中飾演樂舞之神、《中華英雄》中飾無情、 《白蛇》。 2019年榮獲香港藝術發展局獎學金入讀香港中文大學文化及管理學系碩士課程並於2021年以優異 成績畢業。 TONG Chi-man graduated with a Bachelor’s degree with first class honours in Chinese Dance at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 2015. He has received numerous scholarships including the Spring-time Stage Productions Scholarship for three consecutive years, as well as HSBC Mainland China Exchange Scholarship and William Au Arts Education Scholarship. TONG joined the Hong Kong Dance Company under the support of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Artistic Internship Scheme. He has performed in The Legend of Mulan, Magical Adventures of Baby Polar Bear and The 12 Zodiac Animals, L’Amour Immortel, Dream of the Past: Ancient Chinese Court Dances, Storm Clouds (re-run), Chinese Hero: A Lone Exile and Dunhuang Reflections (re-run). He was awarded a Local Arts Administration Scholarship by the Arts Development Council in 2019 for his study of the Master of Arts and Cultural Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and graduated with Merit in 2021.


承蒙香港舞蹈團允許 With kind permission of Hong Kong Dance Company


特邀演員 Guest Performers 伍詠豪** NG Wing-ho** SKINNY畢業於香港演藝學院,主修中國舞。2011年獲香港舞蹈總會及中華人民共和國國家民族事 務委員會邀請到北京國家話劇院演出《火鳥》獲國家文化部頒發演員獎,憑《武人》於《紫荊盃 舞蹈大賽2018》奪得銅獎及《紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽2018》奪得最後五強;演出作品包括《緣起敦 煌》(獲2016年舞蹈年獎最傑出獨立製作提名),《男生 - 男再生》(獲舞蹈年獎2016 - 最傑出獨立 製作)受香港藝術節之邀請,擔任第46屆及第47屆駐節藝術家計劃排練助理,並於《舞城遊蹤》、 《國際青年舞蹈節2018》及《國際青年舞蹈節2019》擔任排練助理。2018年及2019年受香港舞蹈 總會及民政事務署之邀請,擔任國慶酒會開幕演出《緣起敦煌》飾演靈鳥,及於廣州大劇院飾演金 剛。2019年受上海舞蹈中心之邀請,為獨舞作品《回聲摺疊》擔任舞者。2021年於大館委約作品 《回聲二:人為景觀》擔任排練助理。 SKINNY graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) with a Bachelor in Fine Arts (Hons) in Dance, majoring in Chinese Dance. He also received many scholarships during his studies due to his outstanding performance in school. Some include the Jackie Chan Charitable scholarship, Disney scholarship, the APA Alumni Society scholarship and the William Au Arts Education scholarship. He was invited by the Hong Kong Dance Federation and the National Culture Department to go to Beijing to perform Phoenix and was subsequently awarded the Outstanding Dancer award.

陳映熹** CHAN Ying-hei** 2018年畢業於香港演藝學院,主修中國舞。在校期間曾獲得新光中國青年藝術文化獎學金及區永𤋮 藝術教育奬 學金。2016年她曾代表香港前往北京參加第五屆全國少數民族文藝會演。近期演出及作 品包括《緣起敦煌》、《金山戰鼓》及於《梁祝》飾演祝英台等。2018年憑獨舞《刑》獲得紫荊盃 單項賽銀獎。 CHAN Ying Hei was graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2018, majoring in Chinese Dance. She has received numerous scholarships, included the Sunbeam Chinese Opera Cultural Scholarship and the William Au Arts Education Scholarship. In 2016, she has previously toured to Beijing for the 5th Minorities Art Festival of China. She has been participated in different performance, included Dunhuang Reflections and The Butterfly Lovers. She has won Silver Award in Bauhinia Cup Championships (Solo, Duo & Trio) in 2018.


周子恩** CHOW Tsz-yan** 周氏畢業於香港演藝學院,主修中國舞,現致力於舞蹈教育。在校期間周氏多次獲頒獎學金,包括 演藝學院友誼社獎學金,舞蹈學院學術獎學金等,在校期間演出《黃土·黃河》飾大地之母,同時 多次代表學院到外地交流。周氏屢次參與紫荊盃舞蹈大賽並榮獲銀獎及銅獎,近期演出有香港舞蹈 團《媽祖》及《倩女幽魂》、《緣起敦煌》、「此岸-彼岸」《恆河經變》擔任雙人舞等等。 CHOW Tsz Yan, Juliana graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts majoring in Chinese Dance. She is committed to dance education. During her studies, she performed major role in Yellow Earth Yellow River. She was also awarded several scholarships such as The Society of APA Scholarship, Academic Studies (Dance) Faculty Scholarships. Juliana participated in various competitions and performances, such as participating in the Bauhinia Cup Dance Competition, awarded silver and bronze awards. Her recent performances include the Hong Kong Dance Company Mazu the Sea Goddes and L’Amour Immortel, Dunhuang Reflections, Ganges Legends.

畢業於香港演藝學院中國舞系 Graduated from the Chinese Dance Department at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts



舞蹈團體 Performing Groups 曉舞蹈 Dynamic Dawn 舞蹈於2003年創立,致力推廣中國舞蹈文化,藉著舞蹈教育啟發兒童的創作和思考,培育舞蹈人才,發揚中國舞蹈藝術的精髓。 本團以北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試課程為基礎,令學習更全面和有系統;設有中國舞基本功訓練、身體協調和靈活性訓練、關 節柔軟度及音樂節拍感訓練,以及各種民族民間舞蹈組合訓練。歷年來經由本團保送參加考試之人數眾多,成績超卓。 本團更會安排學生參與公開舞蹈演出及比賽,獲取寶貴的舞台經驗,提高舞蹈水平;藉此培養學生自信心及群體合作性,同時也 能讓家長一同分享學生努力的學習成果。曉舞蹈之導師更為多間中、小學及幼稚園編排舞蹈,參加香港學校舞蹈節及各區公開舞 蹈比賽,屢獲佳績。 Established in 2003, Dynamic Dawn Studio aims at inspiring children’s creativity through dance education and developing the quintessence of Chinese dance. Dance lessons are designed in a comprehensive and systematic way based on the syllabus of the Beijing Dance Academy (BDA) Chinese Dance Graded Examination. Students not only learn basic Chinese dance technique and dance sequences but also have training on body coordination, flexibility, agility and rhythm. Over these years students sitting for the BDA examination have achieved remarkable results. Dynamic Dawn Studio often provides chances for the students to compete and perform so as to increase their stage experience, self-confidence and cooperation; what is more, to let parents share their children’s learning achievements. The instructors of Dynamic Dawn Studio also make choreographies for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools so that they can enter the Schools Dance Festival and dance competitions of various districts.

《金剛護法》 陳善琳 CHAN Sin-lam* 龍馥鎧 LUNG Fuk-hoi, Vanessa 葉丹娜 YIP Tan-na 楊穎琳 YEUNG Wing-lam 李卓盈 LI Cheuk-ying 錢愷欣 GEE Hoi-yan 龍汶芷 LUNG Man-tsz 梁芝彥 LEUNG Chi-yin, Gigi 黃騰瑤 WONG Tang-yiu 劉軒怡 LAU Hin-yee 何曉兒 HO Hiu-yi 陳映伶 CHAN Ying-ling

《蓮生不染》 呂晞瑤 LUI Kirsten Hei-yiu 李欣熹 LEE Yan-hei 陳旖琪 CHAN Yee-ki 楊穎琳 YEUNG Wing-lam 李珈熹 LEE Ka-hei 方子慧 FONG Tsz-wai 余子曼 YU Tsz-man 陸芷嶠 LUK Tsz-kiu 佘惠宜 SHEA Wai-yi, Jolie 陳韻堯 CHAN Isabella 梁嫻 LEUNG Han 張瑋庭 CHANG Wei-ting

李俊凝 LI Junning 江芷瑤 KONG Tsz-yiu 林嘉琪 LAM Ka-ki 楊欣穎 YEUNG Yan-wing 衛曉嵐 WAI Hiu Nam-naomi 潘葦熹 POON Wai-hei 黃子晴 WONG Tsz-ching 劉軒怡 LAU Hin-yee 楊詩驊 YEUNG Sze-wah, Sera 楊思珮 YEUNG Sze-pui 黃騰瑤 WONG Tang-yiu 陳映伶 CHAN Ying-ling

《極樂世界》 陳善琳 CHAN Sin-lam 龍馥鎧 LUNG Fuk-hoi, Vanessa 龍汶芷 LUNG Man-tsz 黃騰瑤 WONG Tang-yiu 葉丹娜 YIP Tan-na 陳映伶 CHAN Ying-ling 李卓盈 LI Cheuk-ying 錢愷欣 GEE Hoi-yan

星榆舞蹈團 Starwave Production 由青年舞蹈愛好者組成之非牟利術團體。由中國舞蹈家協會會員,現任香港舞蹈總會執委員副主席李艾琳擔任團長,前中國舞蹈 家協會理事鄭偉容女土任藝術總監,廣州歌舞劇院董事長史前進任名譽顧問。自1996年成立至今,經常獲邀到本港及地各大型活 動擔任演出團體,包括2008馬術奧運開場演出,第七界全國中學生運動會開幕式(廣州),第二屆至第五屆全國少數民族文藝會演 (北京)及新加坡國際青年藝術節(新加坡)等。舞團在國內外的公開賽中獲獎甚多,包括香港紫荊盃舞蹈大賽全塲大獎,加拿大素里 區舞蹈比賽金獎,2014文化中國全球華人才藝(舞蹈)大賽銀獎等。而舞團曾與廣州歌舞團合作的原創舞劇《紅梅再世》和《掠影 紅樓》,及獨立製作的跨媒體舞蹈詩《源.圓》和《香江畫圖》均獲好評。 The Starwave Production is a subsidiary performance group of the Starwave Dancing Academy founded in 1996. Since then it has been actively participating in various local dance functions including the Equestrian Olympic Games 2008, the Opening Ceremony of the 7th National Secondary School Sports Games of China, the 2nd - 5th Minority Arts Festival in Beijing and the Singapore International Festival of Arts in Singapore etc. In addition, Starwave Production has obtained brilliant results in various open dance competitions such as the overall championship in Hong Kong Bauhinia Cup Dance Competition and Canada Surrey Dance Contest. The dance troupe and Guangzhou Song and Dance Troupe collaborated to create the dance dramas Reincarnation of the Red Plum and A Glimpse of the Red Chamber; they also independently created the multimedia dance poems Genesis and Home, which were well received by the audience.

《絲路同心》及《極樂世界》 關朗笙 KWAN Rochelle* 鄧嘉瑜 TANG Ka-yu* 林敏儀 LAM Man-yee* 黎彥曦 LAI Yin-hei, Hilarie* 梁琬婷 LEUNG Yuen-ting 16

林靖嵐 LAM Ching-nam Jasmine 黃曼晴 WONG Man-ching Stephanie 彭曉煊 PANG Hiu-suen Crystal 宋思瑩 SUNG Priscilla Sze-ying 周樂怡 CHOW Lok-yee, Ashley

梁芷琦 LEUNG Tsz-kei 歐陽梓晴 AU YEUNG Tsz-ching 陳蔚欣 CHAN Wei-yan, Sharon 朱映霖 CHU Ying-lam, Jackelyn

韵情舞坊 Kidance 韵情舞坊於2003年由梁其芬女仕創立,目的在推廣及發揚中國舞蹈藝術及培訓舞蹈人材。舞坊的宗旨及目標是培養年輕人對舞蹈 藝術的興趣,從參與及學習過程中獲得愉悅、享受及滿足感,並使舞蹈藝術得以薪火相傳,藉以保存和延續我國民族的優良傳統 文化。藉著推廣「北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試」課程,及聘有資深及專業的導師授教,學員在舞蹈世界內尋找樂趣,培養氣質及建立自信。 導師會透過有系統及生動的舞蹈教學方法,啟發學員天聰潛能,使學員對音樂感應、舞蹈藝術、個人氣質及品格得以完善的發展 及成長,更從學習舞蹈中培養團體精神、互助意識及增強自信心,同時誘發其創造力、想像力,加強兒童及青少年對傳統文化的 認知,及改善與他人的溝通能力。 Kidance was set up by Miss LEUNG Ki-fun, May in 2003 with the mission to promote the art of Chinese dance and the top priority is to train up young talents in dance. It aims to arouse and develop students’ interest in dance; enjoy the happiness and satisfaction through participating and learning in class while at the same time to pass on the good tradition and custom to our next generation. It conducts courses leading to Chinese Dance Graded Examinations held by Beijing Dance Academy. Experienced and professional instructors are employed to teach in classes. Students are encouraged to develop their musical sense, techniques, coordination, self-confidence and artistic temperament, to sharpen their communication skill, imagination, creativity mind and broaden their perspectives as well.

《歧路亡靈》 徐浠林 CHUI Hei-lam* 袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk 何詠詩 HO Wing-sze 關敏琪 KWAN Man-ki, Megan 陳詠嵐 CHAN Wing-nam

林恩如 LAM Yan-yu Cherub 雷洱月 LUI Yi-yuet 周曉思 Biagtan Jane Khata Billosillo 魏祉娟 NGAI Tsz-kuen

《法相莊嚴》 周子恩 CHOW Tsz-yan* 梁可怡 LEUNG Ho-yee 沈庭鈺 SHUM Ting-yuk 方旨彤 FONG Tsz-tung 蔡明慧 CHOI Ming-wai

黃樂宜 HUANG Lok-yi 莊澤芸 CHONG Chak-wan 莊菀琛 CHONG Yuen-sum 陳思睿 CHAN Sze-yui, Michelle

香港紫荊花舞蹈團 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association 香港紫荊花舞蹈團成立於一九九六年,宗旨為培養本地青年舞蹈家參與並發揚舞蹈,藉以修養品德及提高生活情操,以推動香港 中國舞蹈發展,並促進本港與外地舞蹈及文化上的交流。舞蹈團曾多次參與各項大型舞蹈比賽,於《紫荊盃舞蹈大賽》、《全國 少數民族文藝會演》、《全港舞蹈比賽》等,屢獲獎項。舞蹈團致力推廣舞蹈發展及與外地舞蹈文化交流,曾參與上海世界博 覽會的演出。香港舞蹈總會舉辦之《舞蹈博覽》及總會製作的大型舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》,舞蹈團均有參加演出。舞蹈團亦與多個 內地團體合作作交流演出,如新疆藝術學院、貴州大學藝術學院舞蹈系、廈門演藝職業學院、上海戲劇學院舞蹈學院等,深獲 好評。 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association was established in 1996. It is to foster local young dancers to participate the art of dance, so as to enhance their character developments and the way of life. The association has participated in various dance competitions and won numerous awards in the Bauhinia Cup and The Open Dance Contest. The association has also performed in The Hong Kong Dance Expo and the dance poem Dunhuang Reflections produced by the HKDF. In order to promote the development of Chinese dance in Hong Kong, the association has organised different dance and cultural exchange programmes. A showcase was organized in the Shanghai World Expo. The association also cooperated with a number of mainland groups to perform performances, such as the Xinjiang, Guizhou, Xiamen and Shanghai.

《伎樂天女》 林凱儀 LIM Kay* 陳穎琳 CHAN Wing-lam, Iris 林靜嫻 LAM Ching-han, Betty 劉智穎 LAU Chi-wing, Cynthia *領舞 Lead Dancers

劉煒煒 LAU Wai-wai 潘健莉 POON Kin-lee Lily 岑嘉瑩 SHAM Ka-ying 蕭幗敏 SIU Kwok-man, Amy

孫佩盈 SOON Pui-ying, Pamela 王悅齡 WONG Yuet-ling, Melody 阮秀蕙 YUEN Sau-wai, Elsa 容灝晴 YUNG Ho-ching

音樂表 Music List 序幕 I Prologue

(四) 弘美 I (IV) Beauty

Tibet Nada Himalaya 2 作曲 Composer : Deuter

《 不一定 —— 水先後古清風樂》 作曲 Composer : 竇唯 Dou Wei 發行 Publisher : 上海音像公司 Shanghai Audio and Video Company

(一) 顯真 I ( I ) Virtue 《一個假想的中國之旅》 作曲 / 編曲 Composer / Arrangement : 天堂呼吸 《天幻簫音》 The Heavenly Sound of Xiao 作曲 / 編曲 Composer / Arrangement : 張維良 Zhang Weiliang

(二) 趨善 I ( II ) Benevolence 中國阮咸樂團《風華國韻》 Chinese Orchestra’s First Music Album of Ruan, China Ruan Orchestra

《龍鼓》 作曲 Composer : 劉三藏 Liu San Cang 發行 Publisher : 九洲音像出版公司 Jiuzhou Audio and Video Publishing Company

(五) 歸淨 I ( V ) Purity 《天幻簫音》The Heavenly Sound of Xiao 作曲 / 編曲 Composer / Arrangement : 張維良 Zhang Weiliang 《琵琶新語》New Talks of Pipa 作曲 / 編曲 Composer / Arrangement : 趙聰 Zhao Cong

《香》 Kaori 演奏 Performed by : 菅井愛里 出品 Released by : Pacific Moon [Alleg]

民樂交響曲《大敦煌》 The Great Dun Huang, Traditional Chinese Orchestral Music

《天幻簫音》 The Heavenly Sound of Xiao 作曲 / 編曲 Composer / Arrangement : 張維良 Zhang Weiliang

尾聲 I Epilogue

(三) 慈悲 I ( III ) Mercy

民樂交響曲《大敦煌》 The Great Dun Huang, Traditional Chinese Orchestral Music

《天幻簫音》The Heavenly Sound of Xiao 作曲 / 編曲 Composer / Arrangement : 張維良 Zhang Weiliang 《敦煌夢》Dream of San Dunhuang 作曲 / 編曲 Composer / Arrangement : 黃安倫 An-lun Huang 演奏 Performed by : 莫斯科俄羅斯愛樂管弦樂團 Russian Philharmonic Orchestra of Moscow 出品 Released by : 龍音製作有限公司 ROI Productions Ltd.

謝幕 I Curtain Call 《天幻簫音》The Heavenly Sound of Xiao 作曲 / 編曲 Composer / Arrangement : 張維良 Zhang Weiliang 《琵琶新語》 作曲 / 編曲 Composer / Arrangement : 趙聰

鳴謝 Acknowledgements 承蒙下列機構及人士支持及協助,特此致謝! We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks the following people and organizations for their kind support:

《緣起敦煌》票務資助計劃捐助人/機構 “Dunhuang Reflections” Ticket Fund Donors

鳴謝 Acknowledgements

區永熙 SBS 太平紳士 (金鑽贊助)


AU Weng-hei, SBS, JP (Premium Sponsorship)

寶蓮禪寺 (金贊助) Po Lin Monastery (Gold Sponsorship)

Hong Kong Dance Company

新城知訊台 Metro Info

奧褔兒童音樂國際教育機構丁健華總監 (銀贊助) Carl Orff Kids Music International Education Institute Director TING Kin-wa (Silver Sponsorship)

大覺福行中心 (銅贊助)

媒體伙伴 Media Partners

The Centre for Spiritual Progress to Great Awakening (Bronze Sponsorship)




Buddhist Compassion

Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund Limited

Buddhist Door



Dr. TSUI Yee-wan, Linda

Art for good life

陳燿陽先生 Mr. Johnson CHAN

鄭曉萍博士 Dr. CHENG Hiu-ping

參與演出及製作之院校團體、編導、演員、工作人員及義工,以及大量購票的團體/人士。 All performing teams, teachers, staff, volunteers and bulk purchase organizations/individuals who have assisted in the productions.


With the Compliments of 區永熙SBS 太平紳士 中華文化藝術基金會 全國政協委員 會長兼董事局主席 AU Weng-hei, SBS, JP

The Chinese Culture and Arts Foundation Member of C.P.P.C.C. President,

Chairman of Board of Directors, HKDF



With the Compliments of


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