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配套活動 Extension Activities


International Dance Master "Zero Distance" With You

舞蹈大師班 Dance Master Class


(A) 當代舞 Contemporary Dance

時間Time: 09:45am

地點Venue: 葵青劇院舞蹈室Dance Studio, Kwai Tsing Theatre

(B) 中國蒙古族舞 – Mongolian Dance

時間Time: 12:00nn

地點Venue: 葵青劇院舞蹈室Dance Studio, Kwai Tsing Theatre

(C) 芭蕾舞 Ballet

時間Time: 07:30pm

地點Venue: 香港文化中心GR3排演室

Rehearsal Room GR3, Hong Kong Cultural Centre


International Choreography Master Symposium


香港的舞蹈專業發展起步較遲,六十年代至今,民間舞蹈學習大部份限於模仿,令舞蹈編導 缺乏獨立思考,沒有創意和創新。大會希望通過紫荊盃舞蹈專家評判們的經驗,展示了國內 外最新、最流行的編舞理念和方法,啟發香港青年編舞對日後作品加深要求。難得聚頭的編 舞家匯聚,是一次難得的學習和交流機會。

時間Time: 01:00pm

地點Venue: 香港文化中心行政大樓四樓會議室(一) AC 1, Level 4, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

詳情及報名 Details & Enrolment


The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts & Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund Collaborating Partnership


Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships GYPD Scholarships


凡於2024年9月年滿11歲至13歲的參加者,並於《小紫荊盃》單項賽事獲得金、銀、銅獎,均可獲大會推薦參加「香港演 藝學院 - 青年精英舞蹈課程〝種籽計劃〞」(GYDP-SEED Programme)之甄選。甄選將於香港演藝學院舉行,取錄名額共5個 學位。成功被錄取者可獲由香港舞蹈總會發展基金有限公司(舞總基金) 提供該年度課程獎學金HK$6,000。大會將個別通知 合符年齡的勝出者參加甄選。甄選結果以香港演藝學院公佈為準。

This year, the Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships offers special scholarships to the winners, hoping to discover and nurture more potential young dancers. Winners (Gold, Silver, Bronze) aged 11 to 13 in September 2024 from each dance disciplines of the “Junior Bauhinia Cup” are recommended to join the audition of (GYDP) Seed Programme operates by School of Dance, HKAPA. The audition will be held in HKAPA. Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund will confer one year scholarship for the five successful candidates to study in the GYDP Seed Programme. The committee will notify the suitable candidates after the competition to participate in the audition. The audition result will be announced by HKAPA.

Introduction of Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund

香港舞蹈總會在過去四十年,得到政府機構及社會熱心人士支持,透過匯演平台及各項活動支持民間舞蹈發展,讓舞蹈老 師們獲得發揮機會。可是,資源的緊絀亦限制了其發展規模和貢獻。因此,舞總在2016年成立『香港舞蹈總會發展基金有限 公司』(下稱『舞總基金』),申請成為直屬香港舞蹈總會監管的慈善組織。其發展目標是透過各項不同性質的舞蹈公益及教育 活動,提升新一代舞蹈學員的文化素質及對社會的承擔。主要的活動人士與香港舞蹈總會相同。

希望藉著這個慈善組織,能夠獲得更多熱愛舞蹈文化人士的捐獻,以期進一步支持和推動香港各類的舞蹈教育活動、舖設 舞台的演創機會、對國內及海外的院校進行文化交流工作,惠及香港市民。


編創傳承」,透過一系列的課程和演出活動連結資深和新 晉編舞,讓資深導師總結經驗,帶領並培育有意在編導方向發展的年青人。計劃大獲好評,參與的新晉編舞獲益良多。其創 編的節目各有特色,成效可見。

舞總基金亦曾支持多個項目,包括:2017年『一帶一路敦煌文化藝術交流之旅』、《緣起敦煌》於本港及粵港澳大灣區多次重 演;『世界舞蹈日』、『紫荊盃舞蹈大賽』、『香港街舞公開賽』等。近年更頒發多個獎學金,鼓勵優秀舞者提升個人水平。

Over the past forty years, under the auspices of government departments and ardent donors, Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF) has supported community dance development by providing dance teachers with performance platforms and various activities for making full use of their potential. But the tight resources have hampered its development and achievement, resulting in the need for the inception of Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund Limited (HKDF Fund) in 2016. The HKDF Fund is directly monitored by the HKDF. It targets at enhancing new generation’s cultural qualities and social responsibilities through different kinds of charitable and educational activities in dance; and its major participants are in sync with those of the HKDF.

It is the HKDF’s wish to obtain donations from dance lovers via this charitable organization and thereby further support and promote educational activities in dance, offer opportunities for stage performances and creations, and encourage cultural exchanges with the mainland and overseas academies, bringing benefits to Hong Kong citizens.

The HKDF Fund launched a‘Dance Education Enhancement Scheme on Choreography Inheritance’respectively in 2019 and 2022. The two courses brought experienced and emerging choreographers together by means of a series of lessons and a dance showcase so that experienced mentors could lead and nurture young dancers whose direction of development was choreography with their experiences. The schemes were highly acclaimed. The emerging choreographers learned a lot, and their creative works of individual characteristics demonstrated their effectiveness.

The HKDF Fund has supported events including‘One Belt One Road Dunhuang Cultural and Artistic Exchange’ of 2017, the re-runs of Dunhuang Reflections in Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area, World Dance Day, Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships, and Hong Kong Street Dance Championships. In recent years it has also awarded scholarships to outstanding dancers to encourage them to improve their personal levels.


Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund


The Council & Committee

董事局成員 Board of Directors

區永熙SBS太平紳士 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

吳劍玲女士 Ms NG Kim-ling

梁其芬女士 Ms LEUNG Ki-fun, May

盧翠棠女士 Ms LO Chui-tong

公司秘書 Company Secretary

温 雄先生 Mr WAN Hung

會員 Member


Hong Kong Dance Federation Ltd.

義務會計師 Hon. Accountant

忻瑞流會計師行 Francis S. L. Yan & Co

義務法律顧問 Hon. Legal Advisor

范凱傑先生MH Mr FAN Hoi-kit, Alex, MH

Introduction of Hong Kong Dance Federation

香港舞蹈總會(下稱『舞總』)於1978年10 月成立,並於2000 年改為有限公司,是本港第一個非牟利多元舞蹈社團。創會成員 為舞蹈界舉足輕重的人士,包括:陳寶珠、黎海寧、劉兆銘、吳世勳、鄧孟妮、鄭亞清、黃藝諳及郭世毅等。建會以來,一直以推 動香港舞蹈發展為己任,積極保育、拓展本地的多元舞蹈文化。現有團體會員260個、個人會員及會友超過4,450 人。

舞總向來積極推廣舞蹈文化回饋社會,2024年獲社聯頒發《同心展關懷15+》獎勵。現為聯合國教育、科學和文化組織轄下的 國際舞蹈委員會(UNESCO-CID)會員及國際舞蹈組織(IDO)正式會員和香港地區代表。

總會工作以舞蹈教育為主,承辦了北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試達35載、澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會(CSTD)的多元舞蹈考級 課程達20年。除了舞蹈教師培訓及考試外、同時建立演出平台 – 《香港舞蹈博覽》、《紫荊盃舞蹈大賽》以及《世界舞蹈日》、《 國際青少年舞蹈營》等,多元工作惠及不同的舞者要求,積極參與社區活動。近年,製作之大型舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》多次獲邀 到北京參加國家級藝術節演出;在粵港澳大灣區交流計劃支持下,前往中山及廣州作文化交流;2021 年於香港文化中心大 劇院作第九度公演,廣獲好評。

2023年疫後,更成功主辦【中華文化舞蹈節】包括:《非遺之舞》研討會、大型舞劇《水不揚波》 和《香港舞蹈博覽》等,為界內掀起一番熱潮。

展望未來,舞總將延續其建立舞蹈平台的角色,開發各式各樣惠及不同需要人士的舞蹈課程;聯絡海內、外的舞蹈同業,提 升整體藝術演出水平;並透過豐富的社區文藝活動,積極履行社會責任,發揮舞蹈對人民生活的影響力,貢獻社會。

Hong Kong Dance Federation Limited (HKDF), established in October 1978 and incorporated as a limited company in 2000, is the first non-profit multifaceted dance organization in Hong Kong. All founder members were acclaimed personages in the dance society, including Pearl CHAN, Helen LAI, LAU Siu-ming, NG Sai-fun, Tania TANG and the late CHENG Ya-ching, WONG Ngai-yum and Stephen KWOK. It has always aimed at pushing forward Hong Kong’s dance development, actively preserving heritage and promoting local cultural diversity in dance. At present the HKDF boasts a total membership of 260 group members and more than 4,450 individual and associate members.

In 2024 the HKDF was awarded the Caring Organization 15+ Logo in recognition of its dedication and efforts in dance promotion and making contributions to the society. It is currently a member of the International Dance Council, an umbrella organization under UNESCO for all genres of dance, and a member and HK representative of the International Dance Organization.

Working mainly on dance education, the HKDF has been undertaking the Beijing Dance Academy Syllabus for Chinese Dance Graded Examinations and the Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing Examination Syllabus for 35 and 20 years respectively. Apart from examinations and teachers’training, it also provides platforms for performance Hong Kong Dance Expo, Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships, World Dance Day, International Dance Camp for Youth and the like, takes on various jobs meeting the demands of dancers, and participates in community activities positively. The recent production of the grand dance poem Dunhuang Reflections has been invited to perform at national art festivals in Beijing a number of times. Supported by the Greater Bay Area Exchange Scheme, the dance poem was staged in Zhongshan and Guangzhou for cultural exchange. Its 8th rerun at the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in 2021 won great acclaim as well. In 2023 after the pandemic, the HKDF successfully hosted the Chinese Culture & Dance Festival that included Dance as Intangible Cultural Heritage - Symposium, the grand dance drama Turbulent Waves and Hong Kong Dance Expo, setting off a rush in the dance circle.

Looking ahead, the HKDF will continue to build platforms for dance exchange and development, launch diverse dance courses catering for people’s needs, explore new horizons in dance performances through collaborations and exchanges with dance practitioners from home and abroad, and to fulfil its social responsibilities by enriching community cultural activities and giving full play to the influence of dance on people’s lives.

董事局 Board of Directors


The Council & Committee

榮譽會長 Honorary President


Mr FOK Tsun-ting, Timothy, GBM, GBS, JP

吳朱蓮芬BBS太平紳士 Mrs NG Chu Lien-fan, BBS, JP

會長 President

區永熙SBS太平紳士 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

副會長 Vice President

劉兆銘先生 MH Mr LAU Siu-ming, MH

區永熙SBS太平紳士 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

劉兆銘先生 MH Mr LAU Siu-ming, MH

羅廖耀芝女士Mrs LO LIU Yiu-chee, Virginia

冼 源先生 Mr SIN Yuen

鄭偉容女士 Ms CHENG Wai-yung

崔綺雲女士 Dr TSUI Yee-wan, Linda

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

吳劍玲女士 Ms NG Kim-ling

劉佩雄先生 Mr LAU Pui-hung

劉定國先生 Mr LAU Ting-kwok

梁其芬女士 Ms LEUNG Ki-fun, May

名譽主席 Hon. Chairperson

鄭偉容女士 Ms CHENG Wai-yung

藝術總監 Artisic Director

冼 源先生 Mr SIN Yuen

行政總監 Executive Director

羅廖耀芝女士 Mrs LO LIU Yiu-chee, Virginia

教育總監 Education Director

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

製作總監 Production Director

劉佩雄先生 Mr LAU Pui-hung

外展總監 Outreach Director

劉定國先生 Mr LAU Ting-kwok

營運總監 Executive Director - Operations

温 雄先生 Mr WAN Hung

顧問 Advisor

鍾金寶女士 Mrs Campbell, Joan, MBE

毛 妹太平紳士 Mrs LIAO, Christine (Mao Mei), JP

吳世勳先生 Mr NG Sai-fun

吳湘霞女士 Ms NG Sheung-ha

盛培琪女士 Ms SHENG Pei-qi

鄧孟妮女士 Ms TANG, Tania

高春貴先生 Mr KO Chun-kwai

曾柱昭先生 Mr TSANG CC, Gerard

韋 柰先生 Mr WEI Nai

薛菁華女士 Ms SIT Ching-wa

廖春慧女士 Ms LIU Chun-wai

陳李藹倫女士SBS Mrs CHAN, Helen, SBS

義務法律顧問 Hon. Legal Advisor

范凱傑先生 MH Mr FAN Hoi-kit, Alex MH

義務會計師 Hon. Accountant

忻瑞流會計師行 Francis S. L. Yan & Co.

理事會 Council

執行委員會 Executive Committee

主席 Chairperson

梁其芬女士 Ms LEUNG Ki-fun, May

副主席 Vice Chairperson

吳雪梅女士 Ms NG Suet-mui, Violet

李艾琳女士 Ms LEE, Eileen

石成初先生 Mr SEK Sing-chor

義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer

盧翠棠女士 Ms LO Chui-tong

義務秘書 Hon. Secretary

吳翠雲女士 Ms NG Tsui-wan

楊志榖先生 Mr YEUNG Chi-kuk

執行委員 Executive Committee Member

陳 磊先生 Mr CHEN Lei, Felix

莊陳波先生 Mr CHONG Chan-po

秦懿欣女士 Ms CHUN, Ulian

馮杏美女士 Ms FUNG Hang-mai

林貴文先生 Mr LAM Kwai-man

伍禮言先生 Mr NG Lai-yin, Sean

石成初先生 Mr SEK Sing-chor

曾金全先生 Mr TSANG Kam-chuen

理事 Council Member

區世傑先生 Mr AU Sai-kit

陳紀賢女士 Ms CHAN Kay-yin, Grace

鄭麗芬女士 Ms CHENG Lai-fun, Terry

張家欣女士 Ms CHEUNG Ka-yan, Mabel

趙浩然先生 Mr CHIU, Ho-yin, Rex

周佩瑜女士 Dr CHOW Pui-yu, Lina

何祖宜女士 Ms HO, Joey

郭偉傑先生 Mr KWOK Wai-kit

林萬娃女士 Ms LAM Man-wa

劉文鳳女士 Ms LAU Man-fung

劉碧琪女士 Ms LAU Pik-ki, Becky

梁結文女士 Ms LEUNG Kit-man, Venessa

梁美嘉女士 Ms LEUNG Mei-kar

麥雪亮女士 Ms MAK, Lowintry

丁志敏女士 Ms TING Chi-man

曾金星先生 Mr TSANG Kam-sing

曾雪麗女士 Ms TSANG Lili S. L.

童小紅女士 Ms TUNG Siu-hung

黃日芝女士 Ms WONG Yat-chee

胡錦明先生 Mr WU Kam-ming

楊君儒先生 Mr YEUNG Kwan-yu


Beijing Dance Academy

Chinese Dance Graded Examinations


Spring & Autumn Students’ Examinations & Teachers’ Course

“趣學堂” 幼兒舞蹈課程

“Move For Fun” Dance Syllabus for Early Childhood


Kangaroo Cup Dance Competition 2025


Hong Kong Dance Expo 2025

澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會CSTD Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing


Summer & Winter Students’ Examinations & Teachers’ Course

國際青少年舞蹈營2025 International Dance Camp for Youth 2025 世界舞蹈日2025 World Dance Day 2025

舞蹈教育提升計劃之編創傳承課程 2024-25 《詩韻流芳》 Dance Education Enhancement Scheme on Choreography Inheritance 2024-25 “Eternal Charms of Poetry”


北京舞蹈學院「中國舞等級考試」課程 Beijing Dance Academy – Chinese Dance Examination Syllabus

課程由北京舞蹈學院研發,自1988年開展,建立了中國舞蹈的規範及評級標準,亦是首個獲國家 文化部認可全國社會藝術水準跨省考級機構,同時在香港、澳門、臺灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、印 尼、紐西蘭、日本、美國、加拿大等國家和地區也設立了考區。

香港舞蹈總會自1989年開始,與北京舞蹈學院同步推出上述課程,每年安排於春季及秋季期間進 行考核。35年來,參與考試的人數超過十萬人次。課程經過多次修改,現由舞總負責管理香港區 《中國舞等級考試教材》(1—13級)的教師培訓、學生考試和舉行配套的展演及比賽活動,考 試行政工作由香港考試及評核局代辦,由北京舞蹈學院委派考官主持考試。2018年11月舉辦《

The COMDANCE global community is made up of teachers and studios around the world who work as a global family.

Joining Comdance is a great launching pad for a journey in dance. It might be a journey of selfdiscovery, a journey to other places in the world, or the start of a career.


“Comdance provides my students with a great technical foundation.” - Lauren Rowe

“COMDANCE plays a huge part in the May Downs School, instilling skills from an early age. This foundation becomes a stepping stone, enabling them to progress into becoming fully qualified teachers and quality performers.” - Thomas Lacey

陳基琼女士 Ms CHAN, Eve

陳基琼現為香港演藝學院芭蕾舞系講師。早年於吳湘霞芭蕾舞學校學習古典芭蕾舞,2001年香港演藝學院畢業後,曾為 香港芭蕾舞團領舞演員,並在古典和現代劇目中擔任重要角色。2010年,陳氏獲頒香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學 金,遠赴紐約州立大學帕切斯學院修讀編舞碩士課程,並同時於其舞蹈學院任教芭蕾及足尖技巧課程及於該校藝術學院 任教芭蕾舞入門課程。2010到2021年期間,陳氏在紐約從事編舞和教學。2013年獲美國Mystic Ballet芭蕾舞團聘任為舞 團導師,在2015至2021期間陳氏擔任美國康涅狄格芭蕾舞團舞團導師及駐團編舞。陳氏在香港芭蕾舞團期間便開始了她 的編舞工作。2007年,她被前藝術總監約翰·米漢任命為編舞實習生。她的委託作品包括為香港芭蕾舞團、康涅狄格芭蕾 舞團、米斯蒂克芭蕾舞團、紐約州立大學舞蹈學院和香港演藝舞蹈學院創作等。

Eve Chan is currently Lecturer of Ballet at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She started her ballet training at Ng Sheung Ha School of Ballet in Hong Kong. After graduating from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 2001, she performed with Hong Kong Ballet as Demi-soloist and took on multiple leading roles in the company’s classical and contemporary repertoires. In 2010, Eve received a full scholarship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club for her Master’s Degree at SUNY Purchase, USA, where she taught Ballet and Pointe classes at the Conservatory of Dance and Introduction to Ballet classes through the School of Arts. From 2010 to 2021, Eve was a choreographer and teaching artist based in New York. In 2013 she was appointed as the Ballet Mistress with Mystic Ballet, and from 2015 to 2021 she was the ballet mistress and resident choreographer with Connecticut Ballet, USA. Eve started her choreographic career while she was with the Hong Kong Ballet. In 2007, she was appointed as the choreographic apprentice by the former artistic director, John Meehan. Commissioned works include creations for Hong Kong Ballet, Connecticut Ballet, Mystic Ballet, Conservatory of Dance at SUNY Purchase, and the HKAPA,etc.

陳紹傑先生 Mr CHAN Siu-kit, Billy

1988年畢業於香港演藝學院,主修中國舞。同年獲香港演藝學院頒發「舞蹈學院院長獎學金」。曾於香港舞蹈團擔任獨舞及 領舞十年;之後致力舞蹈教育工作。現任演藝學院客席講師,教授中國古典舞技巧及毯子功,並為香港浸會大學舞蹈學會教 師。1999年成立陳紹傑舞蹈概念(BCDC),專注培訓年輕一代的舞者,力臻普及舞蹈及提升流行街舞的水平。陳氏曾獲無數 最佳編舞奬項,也是學校舞蹈節及香港動漫電玩節舞蹈大賽的評判。

Majoring in Chinese dance, Billy was a graduate and winner of Dean of Dance Prize of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). He had been a lead and solo dancer at the Hong Kong Dance Company for ten years before dedicating himself to dance education. He is currently a guest tutor with the HKAPA teaching Chinese Classical Dance techniques and mat-work acrobatics and a dance instructor of the Hong Kong Baptist University Dance Society. To nurture the younger generation, he set up Billy Chan Dance Concepts in 1999, actively devoting to the popularization of dance and the promotion of street dance. Billy has won numerous best choreography awards, and is an adjudicator for the Schools Dance Festival and the ACGHK – Dance Power.

陳頴業先生 Mr CHAN Wing-yip

陳頴業先生是專業街舞導師及文化推廣人,也是香港街舞發展聯盟的創會委員及主席(2018-2021)。其舞團Asylum多次贏 得編舞賽冠軍,亦於Battle比賽多次獲得優良成績,包括:2018澳門Dance Hood Hiphop 1on1冠軍及2019 The Queen of Disco 4on4冠軍。陳氏於2012至2014年參與香港海洋公園的十月全城哈佬喂演出之編舞工作;其風格創新另類,奪得最佳 演出節目獎。他亦為大專及中學編排街舞及爵士舞參加比賽,成績卓越。陳氏活躍於不同的街舞比賽活動,曾於港台韓等地 擔任比賽評審,包括台灣College High、韓國IDO國際賽、香港Underground Stage及香港街舞公開賽。現時陳氏除參與商 業演出、劇場及藝術創作外,也從事非牟利機構青少年藝術教育,參與敎育、策劃及行政管理工作,致力推廣舞蹈文化,提升 其正面價值。

Yip is a professional street dance instructor, choreographer, freestyle dancer and versatile performer. He is one of the founders of Hong Kong Street Dance Development Alliance, and was Chairman from 2018 to 2021. His dance crew Asylum has won lots of awards in dance competitions and battles, including Champion of Macau Dance Hood Hiphop 1on1 in 2018 and Champion of The Queen of Disco 4on4 in 2019.Between 2012 and 2014, Yip worked as a Dance Choreographer in Hong Kong Ocean Park Halloween Event. With his unique style, he won the Best Show Award. He also created street and jazz dances for colleges and secondary schools to enter competitions; the results were outstanding.Yip participates in numerous street dance competitions, and has been adjudicator in dance events in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea, e.g. Taiwan College High, Korea IDO competitions, HK Underground Stage and HK Street Dance Championships.At present Yip is not only active in commercial shows, theatre creations and performances, but he is also keen on promoting arts education for nonprofit organizations, educating and planning dance activities for teenagers positively.

陳俊夫先生 Mr CHAN, Maximilian

陳俊夫先生2013年畢業於香港演藝學院舞蹈學院,主修中國舞。在學期間曾獲傑出舞蹈演員獎,亦獲多項獎學金,更獲美 國舞蹈節獎學金赴美接受訓練及演出。陳氏多才多藝,除中國舞外,亦精通街舞,包括爵士和嘻哈。他的演出獨具風格,曾多 次獲邀參與各式各樣的表演,當中包括香港舞蹈年獎頒獎禮、香港舞蹈團《夢西遊》、香港東亞運動會開幕演出,以及劇場舞 蹈和演唱會。2011年陳氏與志同道合的舞者組成舞蹈組合「WATS」,參加各大型比賽,屢獲殊榮。陳氏近年致力編排不同類 型的舞蹈及培育年輕舞者,獲得不少嘉許。透過與專業及高質素的編舞家合作,創造個人的編舞風格。2020年他與黃得生 開設B01 Dance Complex,讓新一代舞者有舞蹈平台可以發揮所長。

Maximilian graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Chinese Dance in 2013. He received the Outstanding Performer Awards and a number of scholarships, including the American Dance Festival scholarship to study in the US.As an all-round dancer, Max is good at street dancing, jazz and hip hop in addition to Chinese dance. With his unique dance style, he performed in a variety of performances, including the Hong Kong Dance Award Presentation Ceremony, Journey to the Wild West by Hong Kong Dance Company, Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Game Opening, and theatre dance work and concerts. In 2011, he formed the dance crew WATS with other dancers. They participated in various competitions and won the Champion and the Best Choreography Award in Hong Kong’s Best Dance Crew and Dance Power Competition 2011 and 2015.Max has transitioned into a well-rounded choreographer in recent years. He has won multiple awards choreographing and training undergrad dance crews, also working alongside professional and high level choreographers to attain experience and create his own choreographic style. He started B01 Dance Complex with Ocean WONG in 2020 in order to train new age dancers.

莊陳波先生 Mr CHONG Chan-po

莊陳波先生畢業於香港演藝學院中國舞系後,加入香港舞蹈團並主演多部舞劇如《玉卿嫂》、《誘僧》及《魚美人》等,期間兼 任舞團訓練導師、排練助理及統籌。曾於香港演藝學院任教及作客席編舞。現為城市當代舞蹈團舞蹈中心導師。2008年成 立La P en V優之舞,為該團之藝術總監及編舞。於2013及2015年以新編現代中國舞《初雪…赤心》及《夢雨》兩度榮獲在捷 克帕爾杜比采舉行的國際爵士舞蹈節最高榮譽的「評委獎」及「觀眾獎」。舞團亦曾獲香港藝術發展局資助參加2015首爾表 演藝術博覽會及2016德國杜塞爾多夫舉行的國際當代舞蹈博覽會Internationale Tanzmesse NRW。莊氏有多個出色的 編創作品,包括《板畫.人生》,當中的舞段〈脈動〉於2016年獲WHITE WAVE邀請參加美國紐約2016 Wave Rising Series舞 蹈節;以及《不死的祭禮》,於2019年獲邀參演第十九屆相約北京藝術節,並於次年應邀參加賽馬會藝壇新勢力2020/2021 之演出。

Mr CHONG graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), majoring in Chinese Dance. Upon graduation, he joined the Hong Kong Dance Company and played major roles as lead dancer in various fulllength dance drama productions, including JadeLove, Temptationofa Monkand MaidoftheSea. He also served as Training Master, Assistant Rehearsal Master and Coordinator. He has been a lecturer and guest choreographer at the HKAPA. He is currently dance instructor of City Contemporary Dance Company Dance Centre.CHONG founded La P en V Innovative Dance Platform in 2008 and is the company’s Artistic Director and Choreographer. His contemporary Chinese dances, Naked Soul (2013) and Illusions in the Rain (2015), have won the highest honour Jury Prize and Audience Prize in the International Festival Jazz Dance Open held in Pardubice, Czech Republic. La P en V was also supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council to participate in the PAMS 2015 in Seoul and the Internationale Tanzmesse NRW 2016 in Dusseldorf. CHONG has a number of remarkable dance pieces, including Imprint of Life, the excerpt Pulse of which being invited to take part in the 2016 Wave Rising Series Dance Festival in New York, and Au-delà duTemps presented in the 19th MEET IN BEIJING Arts Festival 2019 and JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power 2020/2021.

秦懿欣女士 Ms CHUN,


秦女士是英國皇家芭蕾舞學院考試官、秦懿欣芭蕾舞學院校長及英國皇家舞蹈教師協會歐洲民族舞暫准教師。擁有英國 皇家芭蕾舞學院高級教師文憑和香港演藝學院(舞蹈)碩士學位。目前是香港藝術發展局審批員、賽馬會創意藝術中心藝評 員、香港學校舞蹈節評判、IDO國際舞蹈協會國際評判。曾被列入《香港傑出舞蹈藝術家名錄》並入選中國優秀兒童歌舞工 作者。

Ulian is Examiner of the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), Principal of Ulian Chun Academy of Dance and Associate of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (National Dance). She has not only got an Advanced Teacher’s Diploma from the RAD but also a degree of Master of Arts in Dance from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She is currently an examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, an art critic of Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, an adjudicator of the Schools Dance Festival, and an IDO Licensed International Adjudicator. She has been listed in the“Hong Kong Dance Hall of Fame”and awarded as China’s Best Children Dance Educator.

愛迪.古士文先生 Mr Eddie De Guzman

1971-1982年在香港電視廣播有限公司擔任舞蹈排練導師及部門主管。1971-2003年期間主導及編排綜合節目、慈善晚 會,為著名演藝界歌星之演唱會排舞。2009至今在澳門教授現代舞、爵士舞、Hip Hop、現代芭蕾舞演繹課程。

In 1971-1982 Eddie worked for HKTVB as a choreographer and later the head of the dance department. In 19712003 he participated in and choreographed numerous variety shows, charity shows and concerts of major pop artists. From 2009 to now he has been supported by Macau No Coração, helping with the Youth Development in cultural arts, giving them lessons in Modern Dance, Jazz, Hip Hop and Modern Classical Ballet and Dance Interpretation.

韓國耀先生 Mr HON Kwok-yiu

畢業於北京舞蹈學院首屆教育系大專班,獲文學學士學位,並留任大學部表演系、教育系主課導師。同年,加入中國舞蹈家 協會教育學會。曾參與編寫北京舞蹈學院教材《中國古典舞基訓》及《中國古典舞身韻》,並出任香港演藝學院客席講師、香 港舞蹈團客席導師;現任香港舞蹈總會評判組成員、香港學校舞蹈節評判、凌空越藝術中心總監及元朗文藝協進會導師及 編導。

After graduating with a BA degree from the first higher education course of the Education Department of Beijing Dance Academy (BDA), Mr HON became a tutor at the Performance Department and Education Department of the Undergraduate Faculty of the BDA and a member of the Education Society of the Chinese Dancers Association. He was co-author of two textbooks of the BDA, namely Basic Technique Training of Chinese Classical Dance and Body Charm of Chinese Classical Dance, guest tutor at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and guest instructor at Hong Kong Dance Company. Currently he is Adjudicator of Hong Kong Dance Federation and the Schools Dance Festival, Director of Danson Art Center, and Instructor and Choreographer of Yuen Long Arts Promotion Association.

高春貴先生 Mr KO Chun-kwai

1965年以優異成績畢業於北京舞蹈學院,後任職中央芭蕾舞團演員兼任演員隊負責人。1980年加入香港芭蕾舞團,曾擔任 首席舞蹈員及排練導師。1986年至2005年轉任香港演藝學院講師。負責教授芭蕾舞、雙人舞、變奏等課程,亦曾創作編排多 個舞蹈作品。其間應邀赴日本、韓國、菲律賓、美國、台灣等地大學、舞團任教。曾任本港多個舞蹈比賽的評判、香港藝術發展 局的藝評人、評審員。現爲香港舞蹈總會顧問。

After graduating from Beijing Dance Academy in 1965 with honours, Mr KO had been actor and person-in-charge of the actor team in the National Ballet of China. He joined Hong Kong Ballet in 1980, taking up the posts of principal dancer and repetiteur. Between 1986 and 2005, he had become tutor in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, giving courses in ballet, duet and variation, choreographing dance works, and teaching at universities and dance troupes in Japan, Korea, the Philippines, the USA and Taiwan. He has been adjudicator of lots of competitions as well as art critic and examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Mr Ko is currently the advisor of HKDF.

郭偉傑先生 Mr KWOK Wai-kit, Ken

郭偉傑先生香港踢躂舞王,畢業於香港演藝學院舞蹈學院,主修音樂劇舞蹈。在校期間獲成龍獎學金,並考取英國皇家舞蹈 教師協會踢躂舞高級(榮譽)證書,更獲獎學金赴美參加美國舞蹈節。於2001至2004年期間為香港舞蹈團全職舞者,出演多 部作品;及後再獲獎學金前往法國Off Jazz Dance Center進修,回港後積極鑽研踢躂舞。在2005至2007年間,郭氏更考取 澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會踢躂舞導師證書及踢躂舞導師文憑。郭氏現為R&T (Rhythm & Tempo) 藝術總監,至今已編演大量 作品。近年作品有《拍拍大排檔》、《足音達人之 I 瘋 ing》、《踢躂颷城》、《踏・傳承》、《踢躂花木板》及《狂人止步》等,同時他亦 與R&T團隊創辦了香港踢躂節。

Ken, king of tap dance in Hong Kong, graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts School of Dance, majoring in Musical Theatre Dance. During his study, he was awarded Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation Scholarship and attained the ISTD Advanced Tap Certificate with Honours, and was later awarded a scholarship to participate in the American Dance Festival. From 2001 to 2004, he joined the Hong Kong Dance Company as a full-time dancer, performing in many of its well-known productions. He then received a scholarship to further his studies at the Off Jazz Dance Center in France. Ken has focused on tap dance after coming back to Hong Kong. Between 2005 and 2007, he also attained Teacher’s Certificate and Teacher’s Diploma in Tapping from Australia’s Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing (CSTD).Since being the Artistic Director of R&T (Rhythm & Tempo), Ken has created many great pieces. His recent works include Sidewalk Café, Crazy forTechnology, TapBuilding, PayItForward, MubanATapDancingJourneyand OfficeMadMan. He, moreover, founded Hong Kong Tap Festival (HKTF) in 2010 with his R&T team, which has become an annual dance feast now.

黎德威先生 Mr LAI Tak-wai

黎德威先生於2005年為雲門舞集舞者,其後加入城市當代舞蹈團成為駐團舞者。2014年憑《尋找大觀園》獲頒香港舞蹈年獎 「最值得表揚男舞蹈員演出」。現為獨立編舞、自由身舞者及舞蹈教師。編舞作品包括:《夜未眠》、《身分‧分身》、《逆轉》之〈 一霎〉及《發現號》之〈眩〉。2017年,黎氏發表長篇獨舞《So Low》,2018年獲頒香港舞蹈年獎「傑出編舞」。

A full-time dancer at Cloud Gate Dance Theatre (2005) and City Contemporary Dance Company (2008-2014), Mr LAI was awarded the“Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer”with In Search of the Grand View Garden by Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2014. He is currently an independent choreographer, dancer and dance instructor. His choreographic works include Sleepless, Substitute, Timeline in It’s My Turn and Overwhelming in Eureka. His full-length solo work So Low premiered in 2017 and received the“Outstanding Choreography”of Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2018.

劉佩雄先生 Mr LAU Pui-hung

劉佩雄先生是前影視舞蹈編導兼主要演員,前香港舞蹈總會主席。現任舞總董事、屯門文藝協進會舞蹈藝術發展委員會主 席兼藝術總監、元朗舞蹈團藝術總監兼舞蹈編導、香港新界舞蹈團主席兼藝術總監及編導、香港學校舞蹈節及各區舞蹈比 賽評判。五十年來一直為香港舞蹈事業培訓大批人才,作出重大貢獻。曾獲得“傑出藝術家獎”(舞蹈)及獲得兩次“舞蹈藝術 家終身成就獎”。

Former dance director and principal dancer for films and TV and chairperson of Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF), Mr LAU is currently Board Director of the HKDF, Chairman and Art Director of the Dance Development Committee of Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association, Art Director and Choreographer of Yuen Long Dance Troupe, Chairman, Art Director and Choreographer of the Hong Kong New Territories Dance Troupe, and Adjudicator of the Schools Dance Festival and dance competitions of various districts of Hong Kong. Engaging in the cultivation of dance talents for fifty years, he has been granted the Award for Outstanding Artist (Dance) and the Life Achievement Award for Dance Artist twice.

劉燕玲女士 Ms LAU, Stella

劉燕玲現為香港演藝學院芭蕾舞副教授及青年精英舞蹈課程及外展組長。劉氏肆業於香港芭蕾舞學院,曾兩度獲頒香港賽 馬會音樂舞蹈信託基金獎學金,其後加入香港芭蕾舞團,成為該團首位土生土長之首席舞蹈員,主演各古典及現代芭蕾舞 劇目,並隨團遠赴海外演出。

劉氏其後往香港演藝學院深造,先後完成舞蹈藝術學士 (榮譽) 及碩士課程,並獲頒一級榮譽 及舞蹈學院院長獎。劉氏在過去二十五年除專注高等教育外,亦積極參與推動本土舞蹈發展。她曾應邀到本港大專院校,藝 術機構及康文署主持講座,大師班和工作坊。 劉氏以其藝術成就於2003年被列入< 香港舞蹈名人錄>,並於2015年獲民政 事務局局長嘉許計畫,以及獲頒城市達人,以表揚劉氏對本港文化藝術發展所作出的傑出貢獻。劉氏為前任香港舞蹈聯盟 主席,現任康樂及文化事務署演藝專責委員會(藝術節)主席及世界舞蹈聯盟亞太分會副總裁。

Stella Lau is currently Associate Professor of Ballet and Leader of Gifted Young Dancer Programme and Outreach of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She graduated from the Hong Kong Academy of Ballet and was awarded twice the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund Scholarship. Lau began her performing career with the Hong Kong Ballet and was the first homegrown principal dancer. She has extensive performing experience in both classical and contemporary works in Hong Kong and overseas. Lau obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) and Master of Fine Arts Degree in Dance Programme at the Academy where she was awarded First-class Honours in 1997 and Dean of Dance Prize in 2010. Besides focusing on higher education for the past 25 years, Lau is also committed to the development of dance in the community at large. She hosts public talks, lectures and workshops on dance appreciation. She was showcased in the Hong Kong Dance Hall of Fame, was awarded the Secretary for Home Affairs’Commendation Scheme and City Contemporary Dance Laureate for her outstanding contribution to the development of arts and culture in Hong Kong. Lau was Chairperson of the Hong Kong Dance Alliance and currently serves as the Chairperson of the Art Form Sub-committee (Festivals) of Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Vice-president of the World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific.

劉定國先生 Mr LAU Ting-kwok

本港資深西方民族舞導師,歷屆校際及區際舞蹈評判,對推動土風舞工作不遺餘力,曾於2003年獲英國皇家舞蹈教師協會 頒贈Isabel Haxell Trophy嘉許。現任香港舞蹈總會董事兼外展總監、香港藝術發展局藝術顧問及評審員。

Mr LAU is a distinguished educator of Western Folk Dance in Hong Kong and has been dance adjudicator in Schools Dance Festivals as well as dance competitions in all districts for over 40 years. He was awarded the Isabel Haxell Trophy by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) in 2003. At present he is Board of Director & Outreach Director of the Hong Kong Dance Federation and Artistic Advisor & Examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC).

李志強先生 Mr LEE, Cary

李志強先生為香港演藝學院舞蹈系首屆畢業生,其後於1988年至1991年在城市當代舞蹈團擔任全職舞蹈員。自1992年起 擔任香港演藝學院現代舞系講師,教授現代舞技巧、排練課、雙人舞、接觸即興課等。2007年離任後成為自由身工作者。

Cary graduated from the School of Dance of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 1988, majoring in Modern Dance. After graduation, he joined the City Contemporary Dance Company as a full-time dancer. He was a lecturer in the School of Dance of the HKAPA between 1992 and 2007. He is now a freelance dance teacher.

梁美嘉女士 Ms LEUNG Mei-kar, Eve

梁美嘉女士於1998年畢業於香港演藝學院舞蹈學院,主修音樂劇舞蹈。曾為香港演藝學院(演藝進修學院)兒童舞蹈課程顧 問及導師(踢躂舞,爵士舞)。於2001-2003參與美國以及加拿大兩地多個音樂劇團及舞蹈團之演出及製作。現為R&T踢躂舞 團、香港兒童合唱團之舞蹈教師。於2020年及2022年分別擔任動戲‧童迷香港藝術計劃《無人是孤島》之編舞及導師,以及 《我們的導聽徒說》之導師。梁氏於2019年完成於香港大學之表達藝術治療碩士課程並成為表達藝術治療師(ANZACATA), 同年在香港大學更獲得羅吳翹英夫人紀念獎。梁氏運用舞蹈/動作,音樂及視覺藝術作為心理治療過程中的藝術媒體,並應 用於不同的社會群組包括視障學童,自閉症兒童,有特殊教育需要之少年及長者。梁氏為R&T踢躂舞團創辦人之一。R&T曾 多次應邀參與台北踢踏節《Tap Together》之演出。梁氏協助策劃第一至十屆香港踢躂舞節並且為匯演之主要舞蹈員。

Eve is a performer, teacher and choreographer graduating from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1998 majoring in Musical Theatre Dance. She was a consultant for children dance program and instructor of Tap and Jazz at EXCEL of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Eve had performed for Music Theatre of Wichita and Fulton Opera in the U.S.and worked with Nexis Drama and Tap Troupe in Toronto from 2001 to 2003. She is currently a dance tutor at R&T (Rhythm & Tempo) Tap Company and The Hong Kong Children’s Choir. She was one of the choreographers and tutors in No Man is an Island, and tutor in M&M Pilot Project at É LAN Lost Child Project HK in 2020 & and 2022 respectively. In 2019, she graduated from The University of Hong Kong with a master’s degree of Expressive Arts Therapy and was awarded the Madam Lo Ng Kiu Ying Anita Memorial Prize. She is currently an Expressive Arts Therapist, registered with the Australian and New Zealand Arts Therapy Association. By applying expressive arts which are dance/movement, music and visual arts in the therapeutic process, Eve has worked with various populations at non-government organizationsand schools. R&T, of which Eve is a founder, has been invited to perform in Taipei Tap Festival“Tap Together”in the past years. Eve has also been one of the coordinators and the main tapper for the 1st to 10th Hong Kong Tap Festival since 2009.

李咏靜女士 Ms LI Yongjing

李咏靜女士是位傑出的舞蹈藝術家及具有豐富經驗的教育工作者和編舞,現為香港演藝學院現代舞講師及研究生導 師。2002年以優異成績畢業於香港演藝學院,主修現代舞;於2008年獲學院頒發首屆舞蹈碩士學位並獲頒全額獎學金。畢 業後,旋即受到香港城市當代舞蹈團的邀請於廣東舞蹈學校現代舞大專班任教。於2004年受到新加坡Odyssey舞蹈劇場 的邀請加入舞團任駐團藝術家。李氏的表演一直備受讚賞,近年多次獲邀到歐亞國家演出。2001年她曾以一個學生的身份 憑澳洲編舞Csaba Buday作品《Interiors》中的突破性演出而獲頒發香港舞蹈年獎,及後於2012年再憑自編自跳雙人舞 作品《瞳》獲頒發香港舞蹈年獎最值得表揚獨立舞蹈。2013年李氏受聘爲香港演藝學院全職現代舞講師,多次參與舞蹈學 院學士學位和碩士學位課程的改革及檢討工作;2014年開始兼任研究生導師;2007-2019年間她還擔任學院的應用學習 課程「舞出新機 - 舞蹈藝術」的班主任和課程統籌。李氏具有二十年的現代舞教學經驗,曾在多個現代舞團及院校舉辦大師 班及授課,其中包括城市當代舞蹈團、香港浸會大學、廣東現代舞蹈團和韓國釜山國立大學等。她近年的主要編舞作品包括 《留住這一刻》、《Move to Heaven》及長篇作品《嗜夜者》等,《嗜夜者》更入圍2019香港舞蹈年獎傑出小型場地舞蹈制作。

Jing is a distinguished dance artist and experienced educator and choreographer. She is currently Lecturer of Contemporary Dance and MFA advisor at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). Jing graduated from the HKAPA with Distinction in 2002, majoring in Modern Dance. She received full scholarships to continue her study and was awarded Master of Fine Arts in Dance in 2008. After graduation, Jing was immediately invited by the Hong Kong City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) to teach the Modern Dance Diploma Programme at the Guangdong Dance School. In 2004, she was invited by Odyssey Dance Theatre in Singapore to join the company as an Artist in Residence. Jing’s outstanding performances have received unanimous recognition. She is regularly invited to perform around the world. When she was still an APA student, she received the Hong Kong Dance Award in 2001 for her exceptional performance in Interiors by Australian choreographer Csaba Buday, and later in 2012 with her choreography and performance in a duet The Moment I Saw It received the Outstanding Independent Dance of the Hong Kong Dance Award. In 2013, Jing was appointed as a full-time Contemporary Dance Lecturer at the HKAPA, participating in the curriculum reform and review of the School’s BFA and MFA programmes many times. Since 2014, she has served as an MFA Advisor. From 2007 to 2019, she also served as the main teacher and course coordinator of the HKAPA Applied Learning Course“Taking a Chance on Dance”. Jing has 20 years of experience teaching modern dance. She has taught master classes and lectured at dance companies and institutions, including the CCDC, Hong Kong Baptist University, Guangdong Modern Dance Company, and Pusan National University in Korea. Her recent choreographic works include Moment, Move to Heaven, and fulllength work Creature of the Night Creature of the Night was shortlisted for Hong Kong Dance Award 2019 for Outstanding Small Venue Production.

廖春慧女士 Ms LIU Chun-wai, Surianty

出生於印尼,自幼隨名師習蘇門答臘舞、峇厘舞、芭蕾舞及馬來舞。移居香港後創立香港、印尼及廣州(少年)東南亞舞蹈團, 擔任三團團長及藝術總監。數十年來致力研究、創作及推廣東南亞舞蹈,並經常在中、港及東南亞各地作專題講座、示範及 演出。歷任香港學校舞蹈節東方舞主席評判,亦曾受聘為第十屆亞洲藝術節顧問。2016年獲印尼總統佐科威頒發文化勳 章“藝術大師獎”,以表揚她在傳承東南亞舞蹈的貢獻。

Born in Indonesia, Ms LIU studied Sumatran Dance, Bali Dance, Ballet and Malay Dance under famous gurus since childhood. After moving to Hong Kong, she founded the South East Asia Dance Troupe in HK, Indonesia, and Guangzhou as President and Artistic Director. Over the past decades, she has devoted to the research, creation and promotion of Southeast Asian dance, actively providing seminars, workshops and performances in Hong Kong, China and Southeast Asian countries. She has been Chief Adjudicator of Oriental Dance at the Schools Dance Festival and was Advisor of the 10th Asia Arts Festival. In 2016 she was granted the Satyalancana Cultural Medal“Mastro Award”by President Joko Widodo of the Republic of Indonesia for her contribution to preserving and developing Southeast Asian dance.

龍世儀女士 Ms LOONG, Shirley

龍世儀女士八歲開始學習芭蕾舞,畢業於加拿大多倫多國家芭蕾舞學校,其後進入德國斯圖加特約翰格蘭專上舞蹈學院深 造。90年代加入香港芭蕾舞團成為舞蹈員,曾演繹多個獨舞及主要角色。2005年再次為舞團效力,擔任教育及外展部總監, 並領導所有舞蹈教育活動及講座。教育方面,龍氏是英國皇家舞蹈學院註冊芭蕾舞教師,擁有二十多年教學經驗,經常應邀 出席舞蹈界比賽及獎學金遴選作評審,亦是香港體育學院競技體操隊芭蕾舞教練。


Shirley first started learning ballet at the age of eight, graduated at the National Ballet School of Canada and further studied at John Cranko Ballettschule in Stuttgart, Germany. Shirley joined Hong Kong Ballet as a dance artist in 1990’s, performing many solo pieces and principal roles. She rejoined the company in 2005 as Director of Education and Outreach Department, leading all the dance education activities and lectures. A registered ballet teacher of the Royal Academy of Dance for 20 years, Shirley is often invited to be the adjudicator for dance competitions and scholarship auditions. She also teaches the artistic gymnastics team of Hong Kong Sports Institute. Shirley is currently Executive Director of Hong Kong Dance Alliance, Chairperson of the Performing Arts Profession International Mediation Committee, and Assessor in Dance for Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

凱特•路易絲•麥克米倫女士 Ms Kate Louise McMillan 凱特 伊文思是Rhee Gold’s Dance Life、雜技藝術、空中藝術、柔軟度訓練及國際舞蹈頂尖教師,深受學生歡迎。她深信, 安全的舞蹈訓練至為重要,務求幫助及教導新一代的舞蹈員及教師好好掌握安全的訓練方法。凱特從兩歲開始便跟隨瑪麗 亞 申卡斯學習各類舞蹈,考獲英國皇家舞蹈學院及Comdance芭蕾舞、爵士舞、踢躂舞和劇場舞蹈證書。她是昆士蘭科技 大學心理學學士,持有表演藝術四級證書及一系列教學資格,包括:現代爵士舞、踢躂舞、古典及劇場舞蹈、芭蕾舞教學、雜 技藝術、學前雜技舞蹈、空中藝術、柔軟度訓練等證書;她也是雜技舞蹈比賽認可評判。凱特認為,每個人都是獨立的個體, 有各自獨特的地方,她希望能夠幫助學生及教師安全地進行舞蹈、雜技及空中藝術的訓練,達到各人學習的目標。她也利用 自己在醫療科學方面的知識,把舞蹈員怎樣可以避免受傷、擁有健康的身體及更長的壽命置於演藝行業的最前沿。凱特目 前在世界各地教授雜技藝術、空中藝術、柔軟度訓練課程,並擔任雜技藝術、空中藝術和Comdance評判。

Kate Evans is a highly sought after educator in the international dance, acrobatic and aerial industry. Featured as a master teacher for Rhee Gold’s Dance Life, Acrobatic Arts, Aerial Arts and Alixa Flexibility, she believes in promoting safe dance practice and empowering and educating the future generation of dancers and teachers alike. Kate commenced her training at the age of 2 under the guidance of Maria Shanks in all genres of performing arts, completing examinations in ballet (RAD), jazz, tap, theatrical and ballet (Comdance). Following this she attained her Certificate IV in Performing Arts at Brent Street Studios (Sydney) whilst also completing a Bachelor of Psychology at QUT. With an appreciation of individuality and uniqueness Kate’s mission is to empower students and teachers alike to achieve their goals and facilitate safe dance, acro and aerial practice. With a background in Medical Science, Kate uses her knowledge from this field to bring injury prevention, whole body health and longevity of the dancer to the forefront of the performing arts industry. Kate’s passion for providing equal opportunity, extensive and educated training led her to pursue an array of teaching qualifications including: Comdance Diploma’s in Modern Jazz, Tap, Classical and Theatrical; RAD Certificate in Ballet Teaching, Acrobatic Arts; Module 1, 2 and 3, AcroDance Pre-School, AcroDance Certified Competition Adjudicator and Aerial Arts, Alixa Flexibility: Module 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 as well as many other certifications. Kate is now honoured to share her wealth of knowledge and inspire teachers and students globally as a course conductor for Acrobatic Arts, Aerial Arts and Alixa Flexibility and examiner for Acrobatic Arts, Aerial Arts and Comdance.

阮日廣先生 Mr NGUYEN, Anh Ngoc

阮日廣先生以榮譽等級畢業於越南舞蹈學院。1998年獲香港演藝學院全額獎學金。曾在多個世界知名的舞蹈團擔任舞蹈 員,包括英國韋恩‧麥克格雷戈爾 - 蘭登舞蹈團。阮氏於2002年開始職業編舞家生涯,獲得過不少獎項,包括:2005年英國 邦妮‧伯德新創作獎、2008年英國藝評人全國舞蹈獎之“焦點男舞蹈員(現代舞)獎”、2015年香港舞蹈年獎之“傑出編舞獎”。 自2018年以來擔任香港演藝學院舞蹈學院講師。

Anh graduated with honours from the Vietnamese Dance College and received a full scholarship from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (APA) in 1998. He is Former Dancer of Wayne McGregor - Random Dance. Besides dancing and teaching throughout U.K. and internationally, Anh has established as a choreographer since 2002. He has won many prizes including the UK New Choreography Award of Bonnie Bird in 2005, the Spotlight Award, Male Artist (Modern) of the Critics’Circle National Dance Awards in 2008 and the Outstanding Choreography Award of the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2015. Anh is the lecturer in Dance in HKAPA since 2018.

敏廸•貝蒂女士 Ms Mandy Petty

敏廸於英格蘭埃普瑟姆萊恩音樂劇學院接受舞蹈訓練。居港四十多年,一直教授爵士舞和踢踏舞,曾任香港演藝學院舞蹈 學院全職及兼任導師。目前是演藝進修學院音樂劇課程統籌,並為不同的藝術團體教舞及編舞。敏廸是備受讚譽的音樂劇 編創人,為香港演藝學院、The Hong Kong Singers編創的作品多不勝數,包括聯創作品:42街、為你瘋狂和窈窕淑女。她近 年也擔任The Hong Kong Singers 的團長及編舞兩個職位,編創劇目包括:平步青雲、玫瑰皇后、修女也瘋狂等。敏廸是英 國皇家舞蹈教師協會高級院士及考官、本地及國際舞蹈考試和比賽的考官及評判。2024年4月獲香港舞蹈聯盟頒發「終身 成就獎」,表揚她為舞蹈界作出的貢獻。

Mandy Petty received her Musical Theatre training at Laine Theatre Arts in Epsom, England, one of the leading Musical Theatre schools in the UK today. Her career as a leading jazz and tap dance teacher in Hong Kong has spanned over 40 years, including full-time and part-time work as a teacher at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) School of Dance. She is currently the co-ordinator of the EXCEL Musical Theatre programmes and active as a freelance teacher and choreographer within the wider Hong Kong arts community. Her credits as a choreographer for Musical Theatre productions are extensive and include numerous shows for the HKAPA and Hong Kong Singers, including joint ventures, namely 42nd Street, Crazy for You and My Fair Lady. In recent years, Mandy has also taken on the role of both Director and Choreographer for The Hong Kong Singers. Productions include How to SucceedinBusinessWithoutReallyTrying; Gypsy; and SisterAct Mandy Petty is also a Fellow & Examiner for the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing and examines and adjudicates locally and internationally. In April 2024, Mandy received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Hong Kong Dance Alliance for her services to dance in Hong Kong.

龐俊達先生 Mr PONG, Louis

龐俊達先生早於2003年開始接觸街舞,擁有15年街舞教學經驗。合作之藝人包括許廷鏗、姜濤、江熚生、王智德、Tsoul、KC 等等,並出演於MV <Rebound>、MV <Get Silly>、<Mirror Feel the Passion Concert 2024> 之中。除此之外,亦為不同公 司、社區舞蹈計劃、跳舞學校、大中小學、幼稚園作編舞及表演,多不勝數。多年來個人或團隊組別均獲獎無數,曾擔任多個 本地賽事評審,亦多次代表香港參與國際賽事,分別於韓國、日本、澳洲、新加坡等地奪取獎項,2018年獲邀成為國際賽事 <WORLD DANCE GAME>評審團隊之一。現為香港街舞發展總會主席,主要籌備本地大型賽事<香港街舞公開賽>,為年輕 舞者提供比賽平台,希望藉此能促進業界交流,讓更多人看見街舞世代。

Louis started street dancing in 2003 and has taught street dancing for 15 years. He has worked with different artists including Alfred HUI, KEUNG To, Anson KONG, Alton WONG, Tsoul and KC, and has performed in the MVs Rebound and GetSillyas well as MirrorFeelthePassionConcert2024 He also creates dances and performs for companies, community dance projects, dancing schools, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. Louis and his troupe have won lots of awards not only in Hong Kong but also in Korea, Japan, Australia and Singapore. They have been Adjudicator for local events and were invited to be one of the adjudicators of the international event‘World Dance Game’in 2018. Being the current chairman of the Hong Kong Street Dance Development Association, Louis is engaged in the organization of the local competition‘Hong Kong Street Dance Championships’with the aim to provide a competition platform for young dancers, to promote exchange and to broaden people’s perception of the era of street dance.

石成初先生 Mr SEK Sing-chor

石成初先生是前無線電視舞蹈主任及高級舞蹈編導,範疇包括中國古典舞、民間舞、東方民族舞、爵士舞及現代舞,期間 亦兼任藝員訓練中心校長。離開無線後,曾出任西樵山國藝影視城節目演出部指導/策劃。石氏為現任香港舞蹈總會執行 委員會副主席、全港公開舞蹈比賽藝術總監、香港舞蹈演藝人協會永遠名譽會長、香港藝術發展局舞蹈小組顧問及審批 員、SDM爵士舞學院顧問及紫荊藝薈團長;並且持有IDO國際舞蹈組織國際舞蹈評判牌照。

Mr SEK is former Dance Director and Senior Choreographer of TVB composing Chinese classical and folk dance, oriental dance, Jazz and modern dance. During his employment, he had been Principal of the Artiste Training Centre concurrently. He also worked as Programme Director/Planner for the Xiqiao National Arts Studio between 2013 and 2015. At present Mr SEK is Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee of Hong Kong Dance Federation, Artistic Director of the Hong Kong Open Dance Contest, Life Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Dance Performing Artistes Association, Arts Advisor and Examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Consultant of SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie and Director of Bauhinia Art Assembly. He is also an International Judge of the International Dance Organization (IDO).

冼源先生 Mr SIN Yuen

冼源先生早期就讀於北京舞蹈學院。畢業後加入武漢歌舞劇院任主要演員,後任武漢歌舞團副團長。1981年定居香港,曾 任香港舞蹈團基訓及排練導師、香港藝術發展局藝術顧問及審批員、香港演藝學院舞蹈學院顧問及兼職講師。2003年被甄 選列入《香港傑出舞蹈藝術家名錄》,積極參與舞蹈藝術評論工作。現為香港舞蹈總會董事兼藝術總監、中國舞蹈家協會顧 問、中國舞蹈家協會香港會員分會主席、澳門舞蹈協會藝術顧問、蓓蕾舞蹈社名譽顧問及香港兒童合唱團名譽舞蹈顧問。

Mr SIN trained at the Beijing Dance Academy, he joined and played the leading role in Wuhan Singing and Dancing Institute after his graduation and subsequently became the Vice-President. He settled in Hong Kong in 1981 and took up the posts of tutor and Technique Instructor rehearsal master in Hong Kong Dance Company、arts advisors and examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council、advisor & part-time tutor of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2003, he was listed in the《Hong Kong Dance Hall of Fame》. Mr SIN is current Board of Directors cum Artistic Director of Hong Kong Dance Federation, Advisor of the Chinese Dancers Association, Chairman of the Chinese Dancers Association Hong Kong Branch, Artistic Advisor of Macau Dance Association, Honorary Advisor of Budlet Folk Dance Club and Honorary Adviser (Dance) of the Hong Kong Children’s Choir.

曾金星先生 Mr TSANG Kam-sing

曾金星先生1984年畢業於第四屆無線電視舞蹈藝員訓練班。1986年加入市政局香港舞蹈團為全職演員;1997年兼任外展 及教育工作,並於2001年全職擔任外展及教育工作,致力推廣及發展中國舞蹈及其文化。曾氏於香港舞蹈團作品有:《團員 創作》〝緣起〞、《舞影流韻》〝極樂〞、〝黃士謠〞等;而參與舞蹈博覽演出的作品包括〝苗女〞、〝破界〞、〝呼喚〞。曾氏創作之作品 多次獲本地、國內及國際舞蹈大賽的獎項。作品《千世》於捷克布拉格舞蹈大賽2009年中獲全場大獎;《奕決》及《凝風》分別 於巴塞隆娜舞蹈大賽2007年中獲最佳風格獎及民族舞蹈獎冠軍;《破界》於2004年榮獲第二屆香港紫荊盃舞蹈大賽四洲全 場大獎、創作金獎及表演銀獎,並在廈門第六屆全國舞蹈比賽獲群舞組優秀創作及表演獎….

Mr TSANG graduated from the dance training programme of Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) in 1984. In 1986, he joined Hong Kong Dance Company of the Urban Council as a dancer and was also a programme officer of the Outreach Education Unit since 1997. In 2001, TSANG became an Outreach and Education Department staff and aspired to promote and popularize Chinese dance and its culture. His major choreographic works include: Destiny, ThePureLand, TheSongoftheYellowEarth, TheMiaoLassie, Breakthrough, and Seek. TSANG has won numerous local and international awards with his pieces, including AThousandLives, which won the Grand Prize of the New Prague Dance Festival 2009; TheBesiegement and Cohere that acquired the Characteristic 1st Award and the 1st Award in the Folk Category in the Barcelona Dance Award 2007; and Break Through, which won the“Bauhinia Cup Four Seas Overall Championship”,“Gold Award for Originality”, and the“Sliver Award for Performance”at the Bauhinia Cup Hong Kong Dance Championships 2004 as well as the“Outstanding Choreography Prize”and “Outstanding Performance Prize”in the 6th National Dance Competition in China in the same year.


Mr Dominic WONG

黃狄文先生現任城市當代舞蹈團副藝術總監。黃氏曾任亞洲電視節目主持及演員,及後入讀香港演藝學院現代舞系。1996 年畢業後加入CCDC為舞者,2016年擢升為副藝術總監。2001年及2013年分別憑《PlazaX與異變街道》及《畸人說夢》的演 出獲頒香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚男舞蹈員」。黃氏為00合創辦成員之一,亦曾為00合、霹靂啪勒身體劇場及東邊現代舞 團編舞。2003年於CCDC《失驚無神夢驚魂》中發表《男人炒飯》,其鬼馬抵死之風格大受好評,並獲邀於翌年首屆廣東現代 舞週上演。其眾多作品中《忽》及《別》首演後分別獲邀於第六屆及第九屆廣東現代舞週中上演。《忽》及《下》分別於2008及 2009年獲南華早報評選為「全年最佳舞蹈」;《拼途》獲香港舞蹈年獎2017「傑出中型場地舞蹈製作獎」。

Dominic is the Associate Artistic Director at City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC). Dominic was a TV artist for Asia Television Company from 1990 to 1992. He then studied modern dance at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and joined CCDC upon his graduation in 1996. He was promoted as Associate Artistic Director in 2016. He received 2001 and 2013 Hong Kong Dance Awards“Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer”for his performance in Plaza X and TheComedy of K respectively. He is a founding member of the Zero Zero Ensemble. Dominic’s choreographic work Men’sChopSuey(AllofASudden, 2003) was invited to rerun in the 1st Guangdong Modern Dance Festival. He also choreographed widely for other dance companies including Zero Zero Ensemble, BiLiBaLa Physical Theatre and E-Side Modern Dance Company. Of the numerous pieces he created XtremelyFour Seasons and Blind Chance were invited to rerun in the 6th and 9th Guangdong Modern Dance Festival. Xtremely Four Seasons and What’s Next? were both hailed by South China Morning Post as one of the“Best Dances”in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Travelogue was awarded the Outstanding Medium Venue Production at the 19th Hong Kong Dance Awards.


Ms XIE Yin

2002年加入香港舞蹈團擔任首席舞蹈員,並於2021年晉升為助理藝術總監。憑聯合編創作品分別於2006及2009年獲香港 舞蹈年獎。擔任香港舞蹈團多個大型舞劇之聯合編舞及藝術統籌。曾獲香港演藝學院邀請創作《踪跡之雨喻》及為香港芭蕾 舞團創作《末日‧重生》〈蓮花〉,2020年演出音樂劇《一水南天》主角徐老海,同年參與何必。館「如花。如水。如母」之藝行研 究員。2023年參與演出曾文通靜觀劇場「八步瑜珈」。現為自由工作者。

Ms XIE joined Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC) in 2002 as Principal Dancer and was promoted to Assistant Artistic Director in 2021. Ms XIE won the Hong Kong Dance Awards for her co-choreographic works in 2006 and 2009. She was the artistic coordinator and choreographer of several productions for the HKDC. She was invited by The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts to create And the Thunder Sings, and choreographed Lotus (excerpted from The Beginning of the End) for the Hong Kong Ballet. In 2020, she performed the principal role in the musical A Tale of the Southern Sky and became the researcher with Ho Bit Goon in As Flower, as Water, as Mother. In 2023, she participated in Ashtanga, production by Theatrical Meditation Production by Tsang Mantung. Ms XIE is now a freelance artist

鄢小强先生 Mr YAN Xiaoqiang

鄢小强先生現任香港演藝學院中國舞講師和舞蹈藝術碩士導師。畢業於北京舞蹈學院中國古典舞系和研究生部,先後獲得 本科和碩士學位。之後加入北京當代芭蕾舞團,與多位中外知名舞蹈編導合作,並在全球多個頂尖級藝術節和劇院進行巡 演。鄢氏同時一直積極進行舞蹈創作與藝術推廣,致力於中國傳統美學在當代語境下的藝術表達。最近更以與香港康樂及 文化事務署合作的 6 集網絡藝術教育節目【中國舞101】《舞動中》在第 24 屆香港舞蹈年獎中入 圍“傑出網絡製作”。

Mr YAN currently works as Lecturer of Chinese Dance and MFA advisor at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He graduated from Beijing Dance Academy with a B.A. degree, majoring in Chinese Classical Dance and a M.A. degree, researching on the Theory and Practice of Dance Performance. As a founding dancer of Beijing Dance Theater, Mr YAN has been performing in top festivals and theatres in collaboration with renowned choreographers worldwide. He is also an active choreographer and arts promoter, focusing on the re-interpretation of Chinese traditional aesthetics in the contemporary context. His latest project【Chinese Dance101】’Dynamics of Chinese Dance’ , a 6-episode online program collaborated with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong Government, has been shortlisted for the Outstanding Online Production in the 24th Hong Kong Dance Awards.

Ms Hyeon-ah, YOO

Ms YOO, holder of a master’s in Performing Arts Management of Sangmyung University Graduate School, is the CEO of Yoo Dance Studio, Chief of KDO K-POP Dance Division, and Director of Veterans Dance Arts Association. She is a professional dance judge of Jazz, Street and K-POP and has been Judge at the National Dance Competition for the National Assembly Speaker’s Award since 2019. She obtained the IDO International Judge Certification (Street Dance Division) in 2023, and is an IDO International Judge currently.

余碧艷女士 Ms YU Pik-yim

余碧艷女士是香港演藝學院中國舞系高級講師、T&Y創作坊藝術總監。畢業於香港演藝學院,後獲獎學金赴北京舞蹈學院 深造,主修中國民族民間舞。1991年加入香港舞蹈團為全職舞者。2005年完成澳洲昆士蘭科技大學舞蹈教育碩士課程。編 舞作品屢獲本地、國內及國際舞蹈大賽的獎項。2007年憑《雨夜》獲香港舞蹈聯盟頒發「舞蹈家年獎」;作品《奕決》、《凝風》及 《千世》,亦分別於2007及2009年在西班牙和捷克的舞蹈大賽中獲得冠軍及全場大獎。余氏曾獲邀參與香港舞蹈團、香港 演藝學院戲劇學院及中國戲曲課程等擔任客席編舞,她也是香港藝術發展局審批員及本地舞蹈比賽評判。

Ms YU is Senior Lecturer (Chinese Dance) of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) besides being the Artistic Director of T&Y Creative Arts. After graduation from the HKAPA, she was awarded a scholarship to further her studies at Beijing Dance Academy, majoring in Chinese folk dance. She had been a professional dancer with Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC) from 1991 to 1999. In 2005, she completed a Master’s Degree of Creative Industry (Dance Teaching) at the Queensland University of Technology. YU’s choreographic works were remarkable: Once in the SecretNight was granted the Hong Kong Dance Alliance - Hong Kong Dance Award 2007; TheBesiegement and Cohere respectively received the Characteristic 1st Award and 1st Award in the Folk Category in the Barcelona Dance Award 2007 in Spain; also, The Snow and Thousand Lives won the Grand Prix at the 2009 New Prague Dance Festival Competition. YU has been invited by the HKDC, the School of Drama of the HKAPA and its Chinese Opera Programme as guest choreographer. She is also Examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Adjudicator of local dance competitions.

1.8.2024 (四 Thur) 15:00


小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 幼童組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Toddlers – Solo, Duo, Trio

BS-101 花舞小孩 Flower Dance Kids


Dance Synopsis:Children dance playfully among the flowers, their innocent hearts captivated by the beauty of nature.


陳芯妤 CHAN Sum-yu, Stellar

黃襄悅 WONG Sheung-yuet

WONG Sheung-yau

BS-102 雨過天晴 Not to Cry under the Rain

舞蹈簡介:漫漫成長路,縰使每個人都會經歷各種苦痛:有失去,有遺憾,有眷戀……但只要在過程中學懂適應和處理情緒, 走過去了,我們就一定能成就更堅強的自己。

雨後 抬頭凝望天空 即使没有彩虹,也定然是晴空一碧~~ 同樣地,思念、迷惘之後……即使沒有結果,也必然孕育出更清澈純粹的情感。

Dance Synopsis:On the journey of growth, each person will inevitably expeience various pains: loss, regret and longing... However , as long as we learn to adapt and mange our emotions during the process, we will undoubtedly become stronger versions of ourselves.

After the rain, lift your head and gaze at the sky. Even without a rainbow , surely it will be a clear sky. Similarly, after longing and confusion, it will inevitably give birth to purer and more genuine emotions.


談可曈 TAM Ho-tung

BS-103 快樂女孩 Happy Girl

邵佳晴 SIU Scarlett


Dance Synopsis:What a happy time for a little girl receiving surprise gift on her birthday!


趙芯滺 CHIU Sum-yau

BS-104 Lovely Springtime

Dance Synopsis:Sun shines, flowers bloom, let’s dance! Spring is on!


孔心榆 HUNG Sun-yu

BS-105 木偶奇遇記 Pinocchoi


Dance Synopsis:This dance is based on a Disney movie - Pinocchoi.

Our performer is playing the role of Pinocchoi and she is trying to perform a musical to make a living.


黃彩茹 WONG Choi-yu

BS-106 我的快樂之旅 My Joyful Dancing Journey

舞蹈簡介:一個陽光小女孩,喜歡到不同地方遊歷;有一次,她發現了一個很香、色彩繽紛的小花籃,小女孩被深深吸引着, 熱切地拿起它,更翩翩起舞,留下快樂足跡。

Dance Synopsis:A sunny little girl likes travelling to different places. Once, she found a very fragrant and colourful flower basket. The little girl was deeply attracted and eagerly picked it up to dance with joy, leaving a happy footprint.


曾曉靖 TSANG Hiu-ching, Hilary


BS-107 Christmas Elves


潘果熹 POON Gwo-hei, Dorian

曾傲言 TSANG Ngo-yin

BS-108 青鳥 Bluebird of Happiness

孔心榆 HUNG Sum-yu


Dance Synopsis:With hope, the bluebird moves forward bravely and flies from the smail cage to the vast sky. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

呂芯語 LUI Sum-yu

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 兒童組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Children – Solo, Duo, Trio

BS-201 嘩!糖果屋!Secret Candy House


Dance Synopsis:A little curious and gluttonous girl discovered a candy house. What is happening towards them? Let’s see!


張芷齊 CHEUNG Tsz-chai

BS-202 奇幻玩具店 Night@The Toy Shop

舞蹈簡介:玩具店的老闆在每天關舖前也會打掃和執整一下才離開。有一天晚上,他在打掃時,突然聽到奇怪的聲音,心裏 很驚訝,假裝自己聽錯了。再看一看,為什麼玩具會跳舞的呢? 老闆被有生命的玩具公仔嚇破膽,更暈倒。。。

玩具公仔把老闆弄醒了,更邀請他一起共舞。老闆定了神,知道她們是沒有惡意,並願意接受「它們」的邀請,一起共舞,渡過 了一個愉快的晚上。

Dance Synopsis:The owner of the toy store cleans and tidies up before closing every night. One night, when he was cleaning, he heard a strange voice suddenly. He was astonished and pretended to hear it wrong. Take a look again! Why do toys dance? The boss was scared by the living toy dolls and fainted... The toy dolls woke the boss up and invited him to dance together. The boss calmed down and knew that they were not malicious, and was willing to accept the invitation. They danced together and spent a pleasant night.


黎卓欣 LAI Cheuk-yan

梁遠星 LEUNG Neptunus

BS-203 翠絲 Jessie

談諾昕 TAM Nok-yan, Elisa


Dance Synopsis:The performance is based on a character of a Disney Movie“ Toy Story”. Performer is playing a role of an abandoned toy, she miss the passed days with her owner.


鄧苑沁 TANG Yuen-tsam

BS-204 小松鼠 Squirrel Dance

舞蹈簡介:從漫長的冬眠後有兩隻小松鼠蘇醒了,每逢春天的到臨代表新一年的開始,小松鼠們為此興奮舞蹈著,開啟牠們 新一年的旅程。

Dance Synopsis:Two little squirrels woke up after a long hibernation. The arrival of spring represents the beginning of a new year. The little squirrels dance excitedly and start their journey of the new year.


劉晏礽 LAU An-ying, Elli

BS-205 維也納之舞 Vienna Waltz

呂星霖 LUI Sing-lam

舞蹈簡介:初來到維也納這個音樂之都,從這裏的聲音和景物都能夠感受到音樂文化的氣息,不知不覺間翩翩起舞起來! Dance Synopsis:A girl first reached Vienna, listening to the sounds of the world capital of music, the girl started dancing happily.


張芷瑩 CHEUNG Tsz-ying, Kasey

BS-206 雨後翩翩 Vibrancy after Rain


Dance Synopsis:Sunshine after rain, birds and flowers blossom. Everything dancing in the wonderful nature vibrantly


盧芷穎 LO Tsz-wing

BS-207 閃爍仙子 Twinkle Fairies


Dance Synopsis:The beautiful flower fairy, dressed up to celebrate the blooming of flowers, attended the ball and danced happily.


黃雪傲 WONG Suet-ngo

BS-208 嗡嗡嗡 Busy Buzzy Bees

舞蹈簡介:勇敢、勤奮、聰明的小蜜蜂,不怕危險、不怕困難,為了收集花粉,不斷地飛行、努力工作。但遇到美味可口的蜜糖, 抵不住誘惑,更發生了一連串的調皮事件。

Dance Synopsis:Buzz buzz buzz...

The brave, diligent and smart little bees are not afraid of any dangers and difficulties. They keep flying and working hard to collect the pollen. While they met the delicious honey, they cannot resist the temptation and a series of naughty incidents happened.


陳其妤 CHAN Kei-yu

張芷齊 CHEUNG Tsz-chai

BS-209 小丑雙子星 Twins Clowns

舞蹈簡介:呀~Hello 大家好!我們是小丑雙子星!我們帶給你快樂,帶給你興奮,帶給你樂趣。我們就是你最快樂的好朋友, 來一起跳舞吧!

Dance Synopsis:Yeah~Hello everyone! We are the Twins Clown! We bring you happiness, we bring you excitement, we bring you a lot of fun. We are your happiest friends, come and dance with us!


王梓霏 WONG Tsz-fay

BS-210 秘密花園 Wonderland



邱爾雅 YAU Yi-nga

BS-211 藍色的幻想 Blue Fantasy

黃祉媛 WONG Tsz-wun

陳述惠 CHAN Shut-wai, Grace

舞蹈簡介:藍色是天空的顏色,藍色是大海的顏色。有人覺得藍色代表憂鬱,有人覺得藍色代表冰冷。我在藍色的世界起舞, 感受藍色的平和和動感。

Dance Synopsis:Blue is the color of the sky, blue is the color of the sea. Some people think blue represents melancholy, while others think blue represents coldness. I dance in the blue world and feel the peace and movement of blue.


區涴晴 AU Yuen-ching

BS-212 Flame of love


盧曉妤 LO Hiu-yu

BS-213 可愛的小女孩 Cute Little Girl

盧曉蔚 LO Hiu-wai

舞蹈簡介:從小愛美的小女孩,手上總是拿著一面小鏡子。 她左顧右盼,樂此不疲地看著鏡子裡的自己。

每天看著鏡子裡的 自己,女孩夢想著成為一個優雅美麗的小公主。

Dance Synopsis:The little girl who loves beauty since she was young always holds a small mirror in her hand. She looks left and right, never tired of looking at herself in the mirror. Every day, looking at herself in the mirror, the girl dreams of becoming an elegant and beautiful little princess.


林天穎 LAM Candace

BS-214 Peter Pan

舞蹈簡介:小飛俠自由自在地生活於天空上,可惜突然被惡人入侵所打破。幸好小飛俠英勇無比終於擊退惡人,回復空間的 平靜

Dance Synopsis:Peter Pan lived freely in the sky, but unfortunately it was suddenly interrupted by Captain Hook. Fortunately, Peter Pan was so brave that he finally defeated the villain and restored peace to the space.


歐綵帷 AU Choi-wai

BS-215 長髮公主 Rapunzel


Dance Synopsis:The dance is based on the Disney Movie“Tangled”, our student is playing the role of Rapunzel and showing her dream to leave the tower through dancing.


林恩悅 LIN Yan-yuet

BS-216 妙舞翩翩 Graceful of Dance


Dance Synopsis:Dancing with friends can be a truly enjoyable experience. When you take the time to relax and let yourself be fascinated by the music and movement, the experience becomes even more rewarding.


區鏏澄 AU Valerie Serene

BS-217 小魔女夢飛翔 Little Witch Dreams of Flying

彭栩敏 PANG Hui-man, Valerie


Dance Synopsis:The little witch KiKi is eager to grow up, hoping to become a qualified witch one day can use magic to fly on a broomstick.


徐子淇 CHUI Tsz-ki, Oona

BS-218 北美小藍鳥 Blue Bird

舞蹈簡介:在遼闊的北美森林裡,小藍鳥正經歷著成長的旅程。這段舞蹈講述了它們中從初生到展翅高飛的故事。小藍鳥在 森林中跳躍、歌唱,學習如何在自然界中生存和飛翔。通過優美的舞姿和生動的表現將帶領觀眾進入這個充滿希望和夢想 的世界,見證小藍鳥的勇氣與成長。

Dance Synopsis:In the vast North American forest, the little bluebird is experiencing a journey of growth. This dance tells the story of one of them from birth to flight. Little bluebirds jump and sing in the forest, learning how to survive and fly in nature. Through graceful dance and vivid performance, the audience will be led into this world full of hopes and dreams, and witness the courage and growth of the little blue bird.


程玥月 CHING Yuet-yuet

BS-219 活潑松鼠 Lively Squirrel


Dance Synopsis:The little squirrel was playing in the forest and was accidentally trapped by a branch.It escapes, and the squirrel jumps to the top of the tree to greet the sunshine and freedom.


陸書雅 LUK Shu-nga

BS-220 Mermaid


劉安霖 LAU On-lam

BS-221 小偵探尋寶之旅 The Treasure Hunt of Little Detective

舞蹈簡介:一個可愛的小偵探收到一封匿名信件,希望小偵探可以幫忙尋找失去的寶藏。小偵探展開神秘又刺激的尋寶之 旅。

Dance Synopsis:A little cutie detective received an anonymous letter, hoping that the little detective could help find the lost treasures. He embarked on a mysterious and exciting treasure hunt.


梁遠星 LEUNG Neptunus

BS-222 聖誕禮物 My Christmas Present

舞蹈簡介:聖誕節是我最喜愛的節日,因為可以在聖誕樹下選出自己最心儀的禮物。有一份聖誕禮物,我覺得是最特別的, 是我最喜愛的芭蕾舞王子——胡桃夾子。興奮的心情讓我抱着「他」翩翩起舞。

Dance Synopsis:Christmas is my favourite festival as i can choose my favourite gift under the Christmas tree. Among all these gifts, the most special one for me is the Prince Nutcracker, who can dance very well. When I see “him”, I feel excited and I start dancing with“him”in my arms.


黎卓欣 LAI Cheuk-yan

BS-223 Queens of Hearts


倪梓喬 NGAI Tsz-kiu

BS-224 小紅帽 A Little Red Riding Hood

舞蹈簡介:小紅帽(英語:Little Red Riding Hood)是關於一個年輕女孩「小紅帽」和一隻大灰狼的歐洲童話故事:天真無邪 的小紅帽,獨自一人穿越幽暗的森林,她毫無戒心地向路上與她搭訕的大野狼。她毫無戒心地向路上與她搭訕的大野狼透 露了她要到森林深處的外婆家,結果大野狼披著外婆的慈祥外衣,以逸待勞地躺在外婆的床上,等到了無辜的小紅帽,然後 一口把她吞進肚裡,一直等到獵人來了,打開大野狼的肚子,才救出了小紅帽。

Dance Synopsis:Little Red Riding Hood is a European Fairy tale about a young girland a big bad wolf 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

黃凱瞪 WONG Hoi-ching, Abby

BS-225 夢之色彩 The Color of Dream


Dance Synopsis:The imaginative painter worked hard to find the most beautiful color in his dream, and finally discovered that the most magical color in the world is… 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

紀爾蕎 KAI Yi-kiu

BS-226 名偵探福爾摩斯 The Sherlock Holmes 舞蹈簡介:福爾摩斯是一名十九世紀英國著名偵探,擅長透過觀察細節尋找蛛絲馬跡解決疑難案件。他頭腦精密、眼光銳 利,極為聰敏。如果大家有疑難,找他就對了!

Dance Synopsis:Sherlock Holmes was a famous British detective in the 19th century who was good at looking for clues to solve difficult cases by observing details. He has a sophisticated mind, sharp vision, and is extremely smart. If you have any questions, just ask her!


王梓霏 WONG Tsz-fay

BS-227 紅舞鞋 The Red Shoes


Dance Synopsis:In Andersen’s fairy tale“The Red Shoes”, the little girl puts on the red shoes and dances nonstop and cannot stop.


黃祉媛 WONG Tsz-wun

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 兒童組 – 群舞

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Children – Group

BG-501 Happy Gold Miners

Dance Synopsis:Gold miners are collecting gold nuggets, gems, and hidden treasures, who is the expert ?


鄭希婷 CHENG Hei-ting, Hailey

李芷柔 LEE Tsz-yau

蕭詠恩 SIU Wing-yan

林睿蕊 LAM Yui-yui

BG-502 五星級大廚 Rataouille


Dance Synopsis:Five Chef are working together to make a delicious cake. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

黃彩茹 WONG Choi-yu

陳梓桐 CHAN Tsz-tung

梁嘉家 LEUNG Ga-ga

BG-503 首航初體驗 Enjoy the Flight


林晞悅 LIN Hei-yuet

潘雅瑜 POON Nga-yu, Arianna

Dance Synopsis:What will encounter when first aboard flight?


邱爾雅 YAU Yi-nga

黃琇渝 WONG Sau-yu

鄧仟羚 TANG Chin-ling

譚康翹 TAM Hong-kiu

賴海恩 LAI Hoi-yan

陳述恩 CHAN Shut-yan, Hannah

陳述惠 CHAN Shut-wai, Grace

BG-504 仲夏之舞 Mid Summer Dance

陳滙婷 CHAN Wui-ting

盧曉妤 LO Hiu-yu

盧曉蔚 LO Hiu-wai

黎芷橦 LAI Tsz-tung

曾元圓 ZENG Yuen-yuen

楊穎潼 YEUNG Wing-tung


Dance Synopsis:In mid-summer, children enjoy dancing and share their happiness while being under the bright sun.


劉紫蕎 LAU Tsz-kiu

區鏏澄 AU Valerie Serene

彭栩敏 PANG Hui-man, Valerie

何沛瑤 HO Pui-yiu

鍾熙忻 CHUNG Hei-yan, Hannah

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 少年組 – 群舞 Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships Teenagers – Group

BG-601 春暖花開 Blossom

楊孝妍 YEUNG Hao-yin, Janis

陳品澂 CHAN Pan-ching, Scarlett

呂心語 LUI Sum-yu

丁芷蕾 TING Tsz-lui

周蕙雪 CHOW Wai-suet


Dance Synopsis:The breeze is blowing and the drizzle is falling. Spring is here... ! The scene of everything coming back to life is as beautiful as a painting, and it also brings joy and vitality to the earth.


黃梓瑩 WONG Tsz-ying

何雅妍 HO Nga-yin

黃樂妍 WONG Lok-yin

廖梓瑜 LIU Tsz-yu, Yuli

陳思霖 CHAN Sze-lam


女孩們 Girls

凌菱 LING Ling

黃雅柔 WONG Nga-yau

譚敏芊 TAM Man-chin

陳楚蕎 CHAN Cho-kiu

李佩樺 LI Pui-wa


Dance Synopsis:Girls, girls. You are beautiful and fragrant flowers, you are the ever-changing weather. Remember to grow together and support each other.


區涴晴 AU Yuen-ching

黃雪傲 WONG Suet-ngo

紀爾蕎 KAI Yi-kiu

吳佩霖 NG Pui-lam

鍾皓頤 CHUNG Ho-yee

鄧芷翹 TANG Tsz-kiu

文芊曈 MAN Chin-tung

文芊悠 MAN Chin-yau

李芊曈 LI Chin-tung

莫沛霖 MOK Pui-lam,Grace

趙卓欣 CHIU Cheuk-yan

BG-603 Birthday Party


趙晞婷 CHIU Hei-ting

徐思晴 CHUI Sze-ching

梁凱喬 LEUNG Hoi-kiu, Hailey

BG-604 生命原是美!Life is Beautiful

鍾司朗 CHUNG Sharon

莫芷晴 MOK Tsz-ching

舞蹈簡介:人生生命原是美!縱有挫敗,生命總有盼望;路途盡管崎嶇,我們且繼續前行,放下心底枷鎖,路上互相扶持,美好 的生活仍在等着我們。躺卧在大自然,共融同行,生命原是美!

Dance Synopsis:Even if there are setbacks in life, there is always hope in life; even if the road is bumpy, we continue to move forward, let go of the shackles in our hearts, support each other on the road, and a better life is still waiting for us. Lying in nature, walking together, life is beautiful!


李穎喬 LEE Wing-kiu, Kristy

蔣京霈 JIANG King-pui

盧芷叡 LO Tsz-yui

何卓鴒 HO Cheuk-ling, Chloe

陸書雅 LUK Shu-nga

吳沁柔 NG Valerie

1.8.2024 (四 Thur) 19:30


小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 少年組 – 獨舞 – 指定劇目

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships Teenagers – Solo – Repertoire

BS-301A Paquita Variation


趙晞婷 CHIU Hei-ting

BS-302A Harlequinade Variation


何卓鴒 HO Cheuk-ling, Chloe

彭嘉名 PANG Ka-ming

張芷瑩 CHEUNG Tsz-ying, Kasey

黎悅琳 LI Yuet-lam, Alyssa

馮寶瑩 FUNG Po-ying

劉炘燃 LIU Xinran

林天穎 LAM Candace

BS-303A 睡美人- 弗洛琳公主(藍鳥 Sleeping Beauty-Princess Florine (Blue bird)


鄧曉晴 TANG Hiu-ching

BS-304A Le Corsaire Act 3 Medora Variation


盧芷叡 LO Tsz-yui

BS-305A Le Corsaire - 3rd Odalisque Variation


張凱喬 CHEUNG Hattie Hoi-kiu

BS-306A Giselle Variation


鍾司朗 CHUNG Sharon

BS-307A Variation from La Fille Mal Gardée


梁瀞文 LEUNG Haley

BS-308A Le Corsaire Odalisque Variation


劉雪茵 LAU Suet-yan

BS-309A Talisman Variation


蔣京霈 JIANG King-pui

BS-310A 睡美人- 弗洛琳公主(藍鳥)Sleeping Beauty-Princess Florine (Blue bird)


張思若 CHEUNG Sze-yeuk

BS-311A Bluebird Variation


徐思晴 CHUI Sze-ching

BS-312A Medora Variation


馮寶瑩 FUNG Po-ying

BS-313A 「威廉退爾」變奏“William Tell”Variation


周樂兒 CHOW Lok-yi

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 少年組 – 獨舞 – 新編舞蹈

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships Teenagers – Solo – Choreography Piece

BS-301B Pleasan Summer Day


趙晞婷 CHIU Hei-ting

BS-302B 畫出彩虹 Painting the Rainbow


Dance Synopsis:Everything in life is full of color. Appreciating and savoring it will naturally bring hope and strength.


何卓鴒 HO Cheuk-ling, Chloe

BS-303B 望 Hope

舞蹈簡介:我回望這片土地,這裡的人和事,這裡雖然有成長的無奈和痛苦,但我必須鼓起勇氣走下去,希望可以帶著笑容 去忘記痛苦。

Dance Synopsis:In this land, although there is helplessness and pain in growing up, I must muster the courage to go on, hoping to forget the pain with a smile.


鄧曉晴 TANG Hiu-ching

BS-304B 出路? Way Out?


Dance Synopsis:In face of the social, academic expectation and pressure, will the teens find a way out from disarray?


盧芷叡 LO Tsz-yui

BS-305B 歡樂馬戲團 Ecstatic Ringmaster


Dance Synopsis:An ecstatic ringmaster is debuting her first performance in the circus. Despite the nerves, there is an unmistakable buzz in the air of the anticipation of bringing a joyful presentation of entertainment as if gathering up the audience for a fun-filled show.


張凱喬 CHEUNG Hattie Hoi-kiu

BS-306B Spring Blossom


鍾司朗 CHUNG Sharon

BS-307B Flowers Dance


梁瀞文 LEUNG Haley

BS-308B 曾經 Once

舞蹈簡介:回憶總能讓人重回那些美好的時光,也能推人墜下無盡的深淵。這到底是在放下的路上 還是陷入於欺騙自我的 輪迴中?

Dance Synopsis:Memories bring people back to those good times but also lead people to fall into the endless abyss. Have you really let go? Or just trapping in the cycle of self-deception?


劉雪茵 LAU Suet-yan

BS-309B 絮語飛花 Whispering Petals Aflight


Dance Synopsis:In a flowery garden, the girl dance with delicate grace, her movements just like petals carried by a gentle breeze. The dance unfolds like a mesmerizing tale !


蔣京霈 JIANG King-pui

BS-310B Fly Me to the Moon


Dance Synopsis:There is a Chinese legend about a woman named Chang’e who looked at the bright full moon and imagined flying to the moon.


張思若 CHEUNG Sze-yeuk

BS-311B Delightful Picnic


徐思晴 CHUI Sze-ching

BS-312B 心中城堡 Castle in My Heart


Dance Synopsis:Even if I fall into darkness, as long as I keep groping forward, I believe I will reach the castle in my heart!


馮寶瑩 FUNG Po-ying

BS-313B 海盜 Pirate



她和她的船員們在海上航行時遭遇風暴,隨後漂流到了一個異國他鄉。同伴被邪惡的奴隸販子囚禁。她決定不顧一切代價 拯救同伴。在一系列驚險的冒險中,他勇敢地對抗敵人,最終成功解救同伴。通過華麗的舞蹈和音樂表達了真摯的勇氣。

Dance Synopsis:”Pirates”tells a story full of adventure.

While sailing at sea, she and her crew encountered a storm and drifted to a foreign land. The companions are imprisoned by evil slavers. She decided to save her companions at all costs. In a series of thrilling adventures, he bravely fought against his enemies and finally succeeded in rescuing his companions. True courage is expressed through gorgeous dance and music.


周樂兒 CHOW Lok-yi

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 獨舞 – 指定劇目

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Solo – Repertoire

BS-401A Grand Pas Classique


黃冬怡 WONG Tung-yi

BS-402A The Awakening of Flora Variation


李心怡 LEE Sum-yi

BS-403A 柏吉蒂 Paquita Variation


林靖淳 LAM Ching-shun

BS-404A Paquita Variation


張芷柔 CHEUNG Tsz-yin, Raziya

BS-405A Giselle Variation


莫芷晴 MOK Tsz-ching

BS-406A Gamzatti Variation


尹靖文 WAN Ching-man, Charmaine

BS-407A 威尼斯狂歡節 Satanella Variation


王悅曈 WONG Yuet-tung, Jasmine

BS-408A Giselle Variation


梁穎姍 LEUNG Wing-shan, Goretti

BS-409A Paquita Variation 2

舞蹈員Dancer(s):招慧心 CHIU Ashley

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 獨舞 – 新編舞蹈

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Solo – Choreography Piece

BS-401B 擇.光 Let There Be Light


每個人都有無盡的慾望,有時甚至會被貪慾蒙蔽雙眼,逐漸失去了自我。如果我們能夠打破枷鎖,不被世俗的名 利所束縛,或許我們的生命會重拾光芒。

Dance Synopsis:Everyone has endless desires, and sometimes even be blinded by greed, gradually losing their sense of self. If we can break free from the shackles and not be bound by fame and fortune, perhaps our lives will regain luster.


黃冬怡 WONG Tung-yi

BS-402B 佛羅倫斯的夏天 Summer in Florence

舞蹈簡介:火焰的太陽照亮著佛羅倫斯,向人們宣告夏天的到臨,隨著輕快的音樂而熱烈舞蹈,熱烈的舞蹈為佛羅倫斯增添 上温度。

Dance Synopsis:The flaming sun illuminates Florence, announcing the arrival of summer to people. People dance enthusiastically to the brisk music, and the enthusiastic dance adds warmth to Florence.


李心怡 LEE Sum-yi

BS-403B Bumble Sugar


Dance Synopsis:The season of Nutcracker is over, Sugar Plum can finally take a vacation.


林靖淳 LAM Ching-shun

BS-404B 夢 Dream


Dance Synopsis:A girl dancing happily in a dream. Everything looks so real in the dream, It’s like memories and

it like dreaming. It is a dream with happy memories!


張芷柔 CHEUNG Tsz-yin, Raziya

BS-405B Relaxing Summer

舞蹈員Dancer(s):莫芷晴 MOK Tsz-ching

BS-406B 去遠方 Go the Distance


Dance Synopsis:Embrace the arduous journey, even when the path ahead appears daunting or fraught with uncertainty. Believe me, you will evolve.


尹靖文 WAN Ching-man, Charmaine

BS-407B 消失的時間 The Vanished Time


Dance Synopsis:If you could travel in time, where would you go?


王悅曈 WONG Yuet-tung, Jasmine

BS-408B 一念 In Between Live and Death 舞蹈簡介:源於佛教:滅者涅槃也。造業受生死之果,謂之流轉,而修道證涅槃,謂之還滅。正理論九曰:「生死止息,是還滅 義。」俱舍頌疏根品一曰:「言還滅者,生死止息,名為還滅。取涅槃得,為還滅體。」


Dance Synopsis:“You can go to heaven on a split-second decision. You can go to hell on a split-second decision.” Heaven and hell is only within a flash of thought,whether to make things better or worse is up to each person.


梁穎姍 LEUNG Wing-shan, Goretti

BS-409B Silent or Silenced?

Dance Synopsis:“Silent or Silenced?”explores the anguish of the oppressed. The yearning to express oneself freely, juxtaposed with the grim reality of systematic suppression, serves as a microcosm of modern society, conveying the profound internal struggle of the silenced.

Despite all, glimmers of resilience emerge, representing the indomitable human spirit that refuses to be extinguished. Hence the question, are we silent or silenced? Is there a chance to break the silence?


招慧心 CHIU Ashley

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 群舞

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Group

BG-701 冰仙子 Les Patineurs

舞蹈簡介:女孩們歡天喜地在冰上滑行起舞,嘗試不同花式舞步滑行,有驚險的、有完美的及不同旋轉的舞步滑行演繹,過 了開心愉快的一天。

Dance Synopsis:The girls happily skating and dancing on the ice, tried different fancy dance steps, and had a thrilling, perfect and different pirouette dance steps. They had a happy day.


敖溢希 NGO Yat-hei

梁芷榕 LEUNG Tsz-yung 簡琸琳 KAN Cheuk-lam

蔡灝欣 CHOI Ho-yan, Sherry 黎樂晞 LAI Lok-hei, Constance 董敏樂 TUNG Man-lok

BG-702 遐想 Reveries

舞蹈簡介:進入一種華麗又夢幻的想像,舞蹈不再是舞蹈,我們如在夢境中舞動,視覺和身體的另類境界,有著快板和從容 優雅的交錯,古典和現代的衝擊!

Dance Synopsis:In the modern world, we are entering into a classical and dreamy imagination, dance is no longer a dance, interweaving movement, making art, and creating joy, we are dancing in our dreams, and in another state of the world.


詹舒惠 CHAN Shu-hui

陳穎思 CHAN Wing-sze

金希貞 HEE Jung-kim

許嘉倩 HUI Ka-sin

廖紀芸 LIU Kei-wan

吳詠珊 NG Wing-shan

BG-703 華麗舞會 Walz


陳頌玥 CHAN Hung-yuet

陳洛霖 CHAN Lok-lam

黃曼喬 WONG Man-kiu

章露文 Addison ZHANG Lu-wen

張曉晴 ZHANG Xiao-qing

Dance Synopsis:Four nobles are going to a gorgeous party.

舞蹈員Dancer(s):羅綽攸 LAW Cheuk-yau, Asta

張桂揚 ZHANG Kwai-yeung

曾伯僖 TSANG Pak-hei

周樂兒 CHOW Lok-yi

2.8.2024 (五 Fri) 10:00

爵士舞及街舞 Jazz & Street Dance

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 幼童組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships Toddlers – Solo, Duo, Trio

JS-101 Dolls Dance


Dance Synopsis:Suddenly my body seems to be able to move, come and dance together!


曹寶娜 CHO Perla Po-na

JS-102 噢!唏!噢!OH EY OH!

胡卓伶 WU Cheuk-ling

舞蹈簡介:三個小女孩精力充沛,活潑可愛,充滿正能量,「OH EY OH!」是她們獨特的口號,每當遇到困難或挫折時,都會邊 跳邊大叫:「OH EY OH!」再配合充滿活力的舞步,為身邊每一個人打打氣,給予大家繼續向前的動力!

Dance Synopsis:Three lively girls with lots of energy and a positive attitude have a special phrase,‘OH EY OH!’ Whenever they face difficulties, they cheer themselves up by shouting this phrase while dancing enthusiastically. They use this chant to encourage others and keep everyone motivated to push through challenges.


黃薈潼 WONG Wui-tung

吳心語 NG Sum-yu

JS-103 第一回合! Round 1 fight !


Dance Synopsis:When the game is in full swing, no one can stop me!!!


湯心媃 TONG Sum-yau

JS-104 Hit The Top

舞蹈簡介:此舞蹈想呈現一位小小女拳手成為舞台皇者的故事。每一次的練習、每一刻的打鬥、每一場比賽去表達出小小女 拳手要成為The Top of The World 的夢想。「小小的背影 乘載著巨大的夢想!」

Dance Synopsis:This dance tells the story of a little female boxer who became the top of the stage. Every practice, every fight, every battle expresses she has got a dream of becoming The Top of The World.

舞蹈員Dancer(s):楊悦兒 YEUNG Yue-yi

JS-105 Cutie


Dance Synopsis:The cute little girl is full of confidence and very cute in every gesture. Have you ever been cute by her?


林苡晴 LAM Yi-ching, Geneva

JS-106 可愛小寶 Little Cutie


Dance Synopsis:I’m full of energy and strength. Let’s create amazing joyful experiences.


梁洪姿 LEUNG Agnes

JS-107 喲!這就是我想要的舞台!Yo! I’ll Tell You What I Want!


小女孩躍躍欲試在舞台上激情起舞。當她真正踏上舞台,感受著燈光璀璨,伴隨著音樂展開華麗的舞步時,心裡 激動地呼喊著:「喲!這就是我想要的舞台!」

Dance Synopsis:The little girl was very excited to dance on stage. She felt happy under the bright lights and enjoyed dancing to the music. She excitedly exclaims,‘Yo! This is the stage that I want!!’


麥凱褀 MAK Hoi-ki

劉芊攸 LAU Chin-yau

JS-108 活力小男生 Uptown Funk


Dance Synopsis:Music on, Let’s Dance! 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

吳竣熙 NG Chun-Hei, Jaydan

JS-109 舞蹈戰士 Dance Warrior



Dance Synopsis:Dance like a warrior

Strong power and confident is her weapon


賴盈敏 LAI Ying-man

JS-110 Racing Girls


Dance Synopsis:Three little racing girls are working hard to cheer for all the racing players, hoping that they can bring a passionate and exciting event.


張允妍 CHEUNG Wan-yin

錢約霏 CHIN Yeuk-fei

JS-111 Singing in the Rain


Dance Synopsis:It’s raining!Come and dance with me in the rain!


傅昕嵐 FU Yan-laam, Hilary

王愷洛 WONG Hoi-lok

JS-112 Lollipop

鄧芷宸 TANG Tsz-sen


Dance Synopsis:Children can’t eat too many candies, but candies are so attractive. Will they be discovered if they eat secretly this time?


林思澄 Jane LAM

JS-113 Let Me Entertain You

邱頌琂 YAU Chung-yin


Dance Synopsis:Let me bring you a happy time, please enjoy my performance!


曹寶娜 CHO Perla Po-na

JS-114 小小小妮子 Awesome As I Want To Be


Dance Synopsis:The little girl is very happy for her first time.


林芷妮 LAM Tsz-ni

JS-115 小小芭比 Barbie Girl

舞蹈簡介:我終於可以穿着一身漂亮的服裝,扮演Barbie Girl,展示我最喜愛的舞蹈。

Dance Synopsis:Finally, I can wear a beautiful costume and play as a Barbie Girl, to show my favorite dance.


黃鈞圓 WONG Kwan-yuen

藍凱晴 LAM Hoi-ching

JS-116 實驗一下!Time Warp


Dance Synopsis:Be careful! The little scientist is doing a new experiment. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

李伽埼 LEE Ka-kei

JS-117 請告訴我們魔法密語是甚麼? Hey! Give us the Magic Word!


魔法密語原來不只是一句咒語,更要配合奇特趣怪的舞步!小女孩們透過不同獨特的舞步,想要找出魔法密語的 神奇魅力,過程十分滑稽並充滿歡樂。

Dance Synopsis:The magic spell turns out to be more than just words; it involves funny dance moves! They are having a great time exploring the magical charm of the spell through their dance. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

陳鈺曦 CHAN Yuk-hei, Cora

JS-118 “孖妹”駕到! Ay Mama Mia!


小女孩們要當上台上的明星。她們要以默契和精湛技巧征服每一位觀眾。當音樂響起時,整個舞台 都因她們的存在而閃耀著活力,更讓觀眾感受到兩人之間獨特的連結和默契。

Dance Synopsis:Twins are here! Two little girls want to be stars on stage. They plan to impress everyone with their teamwork and amazing skills. When the music begins, their presence makes the stage shine with energy, showing the special bonding between them.


李尉瑜 LI Wai-yu, Leila

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 兒童組 – 群舞

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships Children – Group

JG-510 無敵破壞王 Super Little“Destroyer”


高梓翹 KO Tsz-kiu

每位小朋友在爸爸媽媽心目中都是一位可愛的「小小破壞王」,孩子們時而「吵鬧」丶時而「大叫」丶時而「搗蛋」,當 一群「小小破壞王」都聚集在一起跳舞玩樂吵鬧時,變成了「無敵破壞王」,場面實在讓人哭笑不得!

Dance Synopsis:”Every child is a cute little“”Destroyer””in the eyes of their parents, sometimes being noisy, shouting, or mischievous. When they all gather together to dance and play, it’s truly a mix of laughter and tears! Parents cherish these moments of chaos and joy, as they witness the playful and lively nature of their children. It’s a heartwarming sight to see the little ones having fun and creating memories.”


黃薈潼 Wong Wui-tung

林玥澄 LAM Yuet-ching

梁梓慧 LEUNG Tsz-wai

謝佳恩 TSE Kai-yan

李希然 LEE Hei-yin

唐浠彤 TONG Hei-tung

劉若恩 LAU Yeuk-yan

林心柔 LAM Sum-yau

馬洛妍 MA Lok-yin

JG-502 I Am The Best

Dance Synopsis:I am the best.


趙蔚瑜 JOUR Wai-yu

邱奕彤 KIEW Yik-tung, Ginny

李梓悅 LI Tsz-yuet

劉安弦 LAU On-yin, Hera

張琛玥 CHEUNG Sum-yuet

劉芊攸 LAU Chin-yau

温天柔 WAN Tin-yau, Allie

陳紀悠 CHAN Ki-yau, Jasmine

吳心語 NG Sum-yu

梁頌培 LEUNG Chung-pui

梁巽嵐 LEUNG Shun-laam

余凱珈 YU Elizabeth Hoi-ka

莊芷淇 CHUANG Tsz-ki

JG-503 毁滅!M.A.D!!


Dance Synopsis:Break the rules!


黃睿祈 WONG Yui-ki

倪詠芯 NGAI Wing-sum

伍芯滺 NG Sum-yau

陳靖希 CHAN Ching-hei

黃樂童 WONG Lok-tung

JG-504 舞俠 The Swordsman


區沛瑩 AU Pui-ying, Sandy


姚芷柔 YIU Tsz-yau

黃榛 WONG Chun

湯心媃 TONG Sum-yau


Dance Synopsis:Every autumn, as the full moon cast its silvery glow over the tranquil waters, the swordsman gather to celebrate through dance.


何婷 HO Ting

杜桓茵 TO Wun-yan

周卓翹 CHOW Cheuk-kiu

江芍柔 KONG Audrey

劉希然 LAU Hei-yin

JG-505 變形金剛 Transformers

李樂悠 LEE Lok-yau

郭芯言 KWOK Sum-yin

翁靖嵐 YUNG Ching-laam

劉凱晴 Mohamed Rameez, Shaima Begam



Dance Synopsis:A team of united Transformers faces a tough attack from other planet, they stick together and never give up. They support each other, work as a team, and show that teamwork can overcome any obstacle. No matter how hard things get, they can overcome it together. Their strong bond helps them stay determined and achieve success!


吳卓楹 NG Cheuk-ying

陳潁瑜 CHAN Wing-yu

邱海悦 YAU Hoi-yuet

趙芷悠 CHIU Tsz-yau

賴依蔓 LAI Yee-man

黃睿晴 WONG Yui-ching, Katie

梁卓珈 LEUNG Cheuk-ka

JG-506 Motorbike Club


徐喜兒 CHUI Hilary

馮楒澈 FUNG Sze-chit

麥楹晞 MAK Ying-hei

何楚鋒 HO Chor-fung, Jarvis

麥凱褀 MAK Hoi-ki

劉美辰 LAU Mei-sen

Dance Synopsis:This exciting jazz dance inspired by tough motorbike club members, with dancers exude strength and resilience. Their movements are bold and powerful, echoing the unity and camaraderie of riding together. The choreography embodies a sense of toughness and determination, with each step reflecting the strength and endurance of these resilient dancers.


CHEN Chin-yuet, Camilla

CHIU Cheuk-kiu, Ashley

CHIU Cheuk-lam, Bryony

LEE Taylor Calleigh

LEUNG Tsz-ching

LI Hau-yuet

LO Yuet-tung

SUEN Chin-nga

TANG Hoi-lam

TONG Yi-ching, Ivana

WONG Moo-ji, Melanie

WONG Pui-yin

JG-507 Bang The World

舞蹈簡介:「打破常規 突破自己」,每人都要尋找屬於自己的舞台和世界。Let’s Bang The World Together!

Dance Synopsis:”Break the routine and break through yourself”, everyone has to find their own stage and world. Let’s Bang The World Together!


楊悦兒 YEUNG Yue-yi

李鎧綸 LEE Hoi-lun, Narissa

蕭彩頤 SIU Choi-yee

李千珩 LEE Chin-hang, Cherise

王佩司 WONG Pui-sze

林由心 LAM Yau-sum

劉懿葶 LAU Yi-ting

蕭彥婷 SIU Yin-ting

蔡雨澄 CHAI Yu-ching

郭曦瞳 KOK Hei-tung

陳藴晞 CHAN Wan-hei

JG-508 舞祀 Witchcraft

葉采兒 IP Choi-yee

曾心 TSANG Sum

饒千睿 JAO Chin-yui

莊卓喬 CHONG Cheuk-kiu

陳梓昕 CHAN Tsz-yan

劉穎芝 LAU Wing-chi, Karina

梁仟願 LEUNG Chin-yuen, Bianca

鄧月晴 TANG Yuet-ching, Malva

黎曉澄 LAI Hiu-ching

區悦晞 AU Yuet-hei

郭曦晴 KWOK Hei-ching

舞蹈簡介:日月無光 血月遮天 ,風雨欲來 , 巫天當立, 各懷鬼胎。

Dance Synopsis:The sun and moon have no light, the blood moon covers the sky, storm is about to come, and the shamans in the sky are standing, each with their own evil intentions.


林潤琪 LAM Yun-ki

單芊瑤 SIN Chin-yiu

馮千殷 FUNG Chin-yan

葉晞翹 YIP Hei-kiu

鄧胤攸 TANG Yan-yau

黃敏瑜 WONG Man-yu

凌梓澄 LING Tsz-ching, Ava

黃梓晴 WONG Tsz-ching

陳妤欣 CHAN Ue-yan

JG-509 歡樂的海底世界 Happy Underwater World


李凱婷 LI Hoi-ting

何悦 HO Yuet

黃偕齡 WONG Kai-ling

楊倩盈 YEUNG Sin-ying

吳子陽 NG Tsz-yeung

鄒雨希 CHAU Yu-hei

周曉盈 CHAU Hiu-ying

曹亦斯 CHO Yik-sze, Paisley

海洋孕育出各種千奇百怪的生物,各有各自的移動軌跡,一群小魚兒圍繞這些生物游來游去,優哉游哉的生活在 海底世界。

Dance Synopsis:The ocean has given birth to all kinds of strange creatures, each with its own movement trajectory. A group of small fish swim around these creatures, living leisurely in the underwater world.


吳嘉文 NG Ka-man

黃康晴 WONG Hong-ching

李恩翹 LEE Yan-kiu

簡溫雅 KAN Wan-nga, Clara

黃梓旻 WONG Tsz-man

郭葆 KWOK Bo, Gavi

陳泓芝 CHAN Wang-chi

李東頤 LEE Tung-yee, Donni

李津敏 LI Jin-man

吳欣瞳 NG Yan-tung

嚴奕荇 YIM Yik-hang, Khloe

莊曉璇 CHONG Hiu-shuen

何嘉嵐 HO Ka-nam

簡卓希 KAN Cheuk-hei

謝頌加 TSE Chung-ka

麥安凝 MAK On-ying, Hailey

廖予昕 LIU Yu-yan

何珮昀 HO Pui-wan

盧婧萓 LO Ching-yee, Kaitlyn

梁憫心 LEUNG Man-sum, Ruhamah

JG-501 隆重登場 Focus On Me!

舞蹈簡介:登登登登!每人心目中都係一個夢想,小女孩們的夢想是踏上舞台,盡情跳舞!終於來到了這一刻,現在這舞台是 屬於我們的,大家準備好了嗎? Music!

Dance Synopsis:Everyone has a dream in their heart. For little girls, it’s to be on stage dancing! Finally, that moment has come. Now, this stage is ours. Are you all ready? Music!


張曦文 CHEUNG Hei-man

湯智雅 TONG Kaia

江宛宜 KONG Yuen-yi

陳姿澄 CHAN Gi-ching

岑楓穎 SHUM Fung-wing

曾紫晴 TSANG Tsz-ching

JG-511 Ponytail

黎芷彤 LAI Tsz-tung

莫森喬 MOK Sum-kiu

李尉瑜 LI Wai-yu, Leila

嚴奕喬 YIM Yik-kiu, Kaysie

張芯晞 CHEUNG Sum-hei


Dance Synopsis:The little girl plays games and dances with her friends! Finally, I found out that this was a dream!


黃泳霖 WONG Wing-lam

江杺頤 KONG Sum-yee

劉諾兒 LAU Nok-yee

蘇昊月 SO O-yuet

譚芷晴 TAM Tsz-ching, Melanie

JG-512 沙之皇后 Queen of Sand

吳紫楹 NG Tsz-ying

胡卓伶 WU Cheuk-ling

鍾愷瀅 CHUNG Hoi-ying

池麥棋 CHI Mak-ki, Maggie

駱姿彤 LOK Chi-tung

舞蹈簡介:在沙之王國中,充滿了奇幻和神秘,一群沙之皇后齊心合力,守護住屬於彼此的王國,即將帶領大家進入一個充 滿神秘色彩的世界,感受到埃及王國背後的神秘力量。

Dance Synopsis:Queen of sand will guide everyone into a magical world through their powerful dance, revealing the mysterious energy behind their movements in the Kingdom of Sands.


黃芷柔 WONG Tsz-yau

徐熙童 TSUI Hei-tung, Hazel

戴希如 TAI Hei-yu, Kassity

朱芷澄 CHU Tsz-ching

李蕊晴 LEE Yui-ching

李靜然 LEE Ching-yin

陳鈺曦 CHAN Yuk-hei, Cora

關泳霖 KUAN Wing-lam

林芷萱 LAM Tsz-huen

JG-513 Why So Serious

呂佩芝 LUI Pui-chi, Jasmine

高梓翹 KO Tsz-kiu

黎芊滺 LAI Chin-yau

翁芷瑜 YUNG Tsz-yu

余宛澄 YU Yuen-ching

岑熙妍 SHUM Hei-yin, Una

黃頌伊 WONG Chung-yi

李芊蔚 LI Chin-wai

洪悦恩 HUNG Yuet-yan

舞蹈簡介:Are you Ready? 你準備好被一班精靈古怪的joker們逆襲未?

Dance Synopsis:Are you Ready? Are you ready to be attacked by a group of weird jokers? Wahahaha!


歐綵帷 AU Choi-wai

陳希恩 CHAN Hei-yan

鄭栢姸 CHENG Megan

張芊玥 CHEUNG Gladys

蔡梓瑜 CHOI Emma Chee-yu

蔡雙如 CHOI Sheung-yu

何沁蔚 HO Tsam-wai

郭鎧晴 KWOK Hoi-ching, Adela

林蔚晴 LAM Wai-ching, Genesis

羅子晴 LAW Tsz-ching

黎善恰 LAI Sin-yee

李愷霖 LEE Hoi-lam

盧巧妍 LO Hao-yin

盧天悅 LO Tin-yuet, Karina

馬浠銅 MA Hei-tung

馬梓涵 MA Tsz-ham, Kalea

文鎧澄 MAN Hoi-ching

貝玥融 PUI Yuet-yung

蕭玥樺 SIU Yuet-wa

謝紫悠 TSE Tsz-yau

汪晴浠 WONG Ching-hei

黃詩喬 WONG Sze-kiu

余芊蔚 YU Chin-wai

JG-514 青春舞魂 Youthful Dance Souls

舞蹈簡介:這個舞蹈表演由14位8-11歲的小朋友組成,他們雖然外表可愛、細細粒,但在跳舞時卻展現出自信的一面,兼具 可愛與型格的魅力。

Dance Synopsis:This dance performance consists of 14 children aged 8 to 11 years old. Although they look petite and cute, they exude confidence and charm when dancing. A perfect combination of cuteness and coolness, the young dancers hope to infect the audience’s hearts with their energetic and confident dance steps, and bring a dynamic and charming performance to the audience.


彭程 PANG Ching-owen

林樂澄 LAM Lok-ching, Angel

林承恩 Sheldon Rumjahn

陳俐雅 CHAN Leia

黎梓童 LAI Tsz-tung, Hana

黎梓瑜 LAI Tsz-yu, Casa

JG-515 Pirates !

簡琪欣 KAN Ki-yan, Cherie

黎芊泳 LAI Chin-wing, Cassie

龐卓琳 Hayley, Cheuk-lam PONG

彭可臻 PANG Jade

高子蕎 KO Tsz-kiu, Mia

鍾斯澄 CHUNG Sze-ching, Kristy


Dance Synopsis:The Litte Pirates face the attacking from others. They try their best to overcome. They win finally! Teamwork makes Dream works!!


黃穎桐 WONG Wing-tung, Alena

蔡俙妍 CHOI Hei-yin

蔡俙姄 CHOI Hei-man

雲思睿 WAN Sze-yui, Abbie

JG-516 躍動小新星 I Like to Move It

廖暟嘉 LIU Olga

蔡樂霖 CHOI Lok-lam

歐陽晞瑜 AU YEUNG Hei-yu


Dance Synopsis:We like to move, to jump , to turn. Could you feel our power?


雷奈涵 LUI Noi-ham

曾芊淳 TSENG Tsin-shun

蔡梓蕎 CHOY Tsz-kiu

黃鈞圓 WONG Kwan-yuen

林心蕾 LAM Sum-lui

歐陽芊羽 AU YEUNG Chin-yu

2.8.2024 (五 Fri) 14:30

爵士舞及街舞 Jazz & Street Dance

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 兒童組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Children – Solo, Duo, Trio

JS-201 傻豹姊妹 Pink Panther


吳竣熙 NG Chun-hei, Jaydan

文君蕎 MAN Kwan-kiu

盧彥蕎 LO Yin-kiu

呂幸豫 LUI Theia Amazon

羅蕊桐 LAW Yui-tung

楊淏麟 YEUNG Ho-lun

Dance Synopsis:A panther sister is coming, what they are going to do?


潘樂時 POON Lok-sze

鄧樂彤 TANG Lok-tung

JS-202 如果我可以控制全世界...! When I Rule The World

舞蹈簡介:「如果我可以控制全世界.…..我希望洋娃娃可以和我談天說地丶希望無時無刻都有很多很多零食在我面前丶希 望......我可以一直在這個舞台上跳舞!」相信在座每一位曾經都天馬行空地想像過自己可以控制世間萬物,如果你有可以控 制全世界,你最想做什麼呢?

Dance Synopsis:When I Rule The World... I wish dolls could talk to me, I hope there are always lots of snacks in front of me, and I wish... I could dance on stage all the time!”Have you ever imagined what you would do if you could rule everything in the world? What would you choose to do?


賴依蔓 LAI Yee-man

JS-203 指令 Instructions


這個舞蹈,是講述一個女孩很自由奔放,是一隻帥氣的舞,舞蹈動作豐富,十分狂野,讓我們一起來感 受小朋友乾淨俐落的舞步吧。

Dance Synopsis:The dance“Instruction”is about a girl who is very free and unrestrained. It is a unique dance with affluent and wild dance moves. Let us experience the clean and neat dance steps of the children.


黃敏瑜 WONG Man-yu

JS-204 動感小女孩 Dynamic girl

舞蹈簡介:愉快的小女孩在輕快的旋律下, 舞出動感真我,享受自己跳舞帶來的幸福 !

Dance Synopsis:The happy little girl dances her dynamic self to the brisk melody and enjoys the happiness brought by her dancing!


曾芊晴 TSANG Chin-ching

JS-206 來自加州小女孩 California Girl

舞蹈簡介:Hello!我們是來自加州的小女孩,最喜歡在炎炎夏日載歌載舞,散發着陽光和活潑的感覺,她們輕快的舞步,配 合著自由、無拘無束的生活態度,帶領大家感受加州的熱情和活力。

Dance Synopsis:Hello! We are California girls. We love dancing and singing in the hot summer days, spreading sunshine and a lively feeling. Their cheerful dance moves, show the enthusiasm and energy of California.


李靜然 LEE Ching-yin

JS-207 祭祀 Ritual

黎芊滺 LAI Chin-yau


Dance Synopsis:Ritual is about hoping to have the power to change certain people who are lack of wisdom and sense, often blinded by dazzling and extravagant life. Gold cannot buy you wisdom and make you a wiser person. We ritualize and ask for the power to transmute people’s minds, to become a more sensible person.


江芍柔 KONG Audrey

JS-208 邪惡的美麗 The Villain 舞蹈簡介:她是邪惡的象徵,美貌是她的一切 這舞蹈是她邪惡的美麗宣言

劉希然 LAU Hei-yin

Dance Synopsis:‘’Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all’’ She is the queen, a wicked and beautiful queen.


歐奕言 AU Yik-yin

JS-209 舞動小妞兒 Moves Like Jagger


Dance Synopsis:Dance with your heart and your body will follow.


區莃林 AU Hei-lam, Ashley

JS-210 火車去那兒 Get On the Train

舞蹈簡介:隆隆,隆隆,是時候登上火車去冒險了。我們走吧 是時候登上火車去冒險了。出發。

Dance Synopsis:Choo Choo, Choo Choo. Time to get on the train and go for the adventure. Let’s Go. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

林芷瑜 LAM Tsz-yu

JS-211 Super Lady

舞蹈簡介:《Super Lady》是一隻充滿活力和魅力的舞蹈,這舞蹈運用街舞元素,展現了女子的力量和自信。舞者以優雅的姿 態和技巧,展示了舞蹈技巧和身體控制能力。

Dance Synopsis:”Super Lady”is a dance full of energy and charm. This dance uses hip hop and jazz funk elements to show the strength and confidence of lady 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

周嘉慧 CHOW Ka-wai, Iris

JS-212 你好!外星人Abby! Hi! E.T. Abby! 舞蹈簡介:你好!我是來自外太空的E.T. Abby! 一次機遇我的太空船降落地球,好高興同各位人類見面,今次地球之旅非常 愉快滿足!

Dance Synopsis:Hi! I am E.T. Abby from Space! Once upon a time, my UFO was landed on the earth. Nice to meet every humans in the world. What a Wonderful journey in the earth!


蔡樂霖 CHOI Lok-lam

JS-214 一步一步向前進 Marching Forward


Dance Synopsis:Let’s Start with a small goal and move towards the big goals step by step.


曾倩桓 Karly TSANG

JS-215 80’s Wonderland

舞蹈簡介:來跟我一起穿越時光,進入那個充滿活力和夢幻的八零時代,隨著音樂的節拍跳躍舞動,享受一場狂歡的奇幻之 旅吧!

Dance Synopsis:Come and join me on a journey of time travel! Entering the vibrant and fantasy world of the 80s. Dancing and moving with the rhythm of music and enjoying the wonderful experience!


賈詠童 Jahangir Malik Jennifer

JS-216 Hit Me With a Hot Note!


Dance Synopsis:Follow the music, follow the beat, follow the hot notes! Let’s Dance with me! Watch me bounce!


陳曉瞳 CHAN Hiu-tung

JS-217 巫 Rotten To The Core


Dance Synopsis:Let’s dance in the dark with us!


彭靖嵐 PANG Ching-laam

JS-218 Go Get It!

陳頌熹 CHAN Megan Chung-hei

舞蹈簡介:調皮搗蛋的小丑女,閒時喜歡於城市中遊蕩,不論在任何地方同時間都是人群中的焦點,你又能被她吸引嗎? Dance Synopsis:The mischievous Harley Quinn likes to wander around the city in her free time. She is the spotlight of the crowd no matter where she is . Are you be attracted by her?


蔡梓瑜 CHOI Emma Chee-yu

JS-219 歡迎來到金光璀璨的世界! Welcome to the Material World!

舞蹈簡介:歡迎來到金光璀璨的世界! 奢華與繁華交織,女孩們都魅力四射,閃閃發光。她們配合著華麗自信的舞步,吸引著 所有目光,更令所有人為她們狂歡!

Dance Synopsis:Welcome to the Material world! The girls are shining and charming, dazzling everyone with their confident and fancy dance moves, making everyone celebrate for them!


黃芷柔 WONG Tsz-yau

翁芷瑜 YUNG Tsz-yu

JS-220 Oh Me! Oh My! Oh You!


呂康琳 LUI Hong-lam

JS-221 Fab and Fancy Girls

岑熙妍 SHUM Hei-yin, Una

黃芊悅 WONG Chin-yuet

Dance Synopsis:We are fab and fancy girls which have the same passion, dancing. We are not here just to perform but to showcase our talent to everyone. Serving you a unique, happy and great piece. We are the fad and fsncy girls and we are ready to rock on stage.


姜希雅 KIANG Hei-nga

竹中明日香 TAKENAKA Asuka

JS-222 美妙的音符 Hit Me with a Hot Note


Dance Synopsis:Every beating note is like a shooting star, sending the melody zooming through the galaxy!


黃以斐 WONG Yee-fei, Evie

JS-223 Trolls Wanna Have Fun

舞蹈簡介:我們是好姊妹,我們是trolls ! 我們愛一起跳舞、歡笑、歌唱。和我們一起享受當下!

Dance Synopsis:We are sisters and we are trolls. We love dancing, laughing and singing together. Let’s have fun together!


廖暟嘉 LIU Olga

JS-224 Black Cat


李紫澄 LEE Tsz-ching

貓女郎生活於黑暗當中,她儆惡懲姦、嫉惡如仇。她對付敵人的時候行雲流水,連串動作有如在熱舞中的舞者一 樣

Dance Synopsis:The cat girl lives in the darkness, she punishes evil and hates evil with hatred. When she deals with her enemies, she moves smoothly and smoothly, just like a beaitful dancer . 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

郭凱茵 KWOK Hoi-yan, Alyssa

JS-225 統領女王 Run the World


Dance Synopsis:Who run the world? Girls!


葉卓藍 IP Cheuk-nam

鄧灝宜 TANG Ho-yi

JS-226 All For You

黃靖嵐 WONG Ching-laam

舞蹈簡介:選擇All for you這首歌希望能夠帶領觀眾欣賞我在台上充滿自信的表演。同時亦感謝台下每一位觀眾對我的欣 賞。

Dance Synopsis:


黃凱梨 WONG Hoi-lei

伍思瑜 NG Sze-yu

JS-227 最活潑女孩 The Nicest Kid in Town


Dance Synopsis:I am the nicest kid in town! 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

吳芷畇 PANG Wing-sum, Hayley

JS-228 就像磁石般吸引着我 Just Like a Magnet 舞蹈簡介:小女孩擁有自信的笑容和活力,總是讓人無法抗拒的。她相信舞蹈有一種魔力,是可以令人快樂和抒發情感,亦 能夠散發出像磁石般強烈的吸引力,吸引着每一個人的目光!

Dance Synopsis:The little girl has a confident smile and energy that people can’t resist. She believes that dancing has a special power to make people happy, express emotions, and draw everyone’s attention just like a magnet!


徐喜兒 CHUI Hilary

JS-229 成長中的一頁 When I Grow Up

舞蹈簡介:時間過得太快了, 我們要好好享受每一秒。

Dance Synopsis:I wish I could freeze the time , because time is going too fast . Let’s enjoy every moment.


莫千慧 MOK Chin-wai

JS-230 和.扇 Ichi! Ni! San!

舞蹈簡介:1!2!3! 起舞吧! 日本小女孩,拿著扇子起舞來!

Dance Synopsis:Ichi! Ni! San! Let’s dance!

A Japanese girl dancing with her fan!


馮俙雅 FUNG Hei-nga, Helia

JS-231 秘.密 You’re My Little Secret


Dance Synopsis:Find your most beautiful self under the mysterious mask.


黃泳霖 WONG Wing-lam

JS-232 心中的小戰士 Choose Your Fighter!


每個人心中都有一位小戰士,儘管面對挑戰和逆境,他都會在心中支持你,從不退縮。心靈的力量超乎想像,為人 們帶來希望和勇氣。小女孩用舞步呼喚出心中的小戰士,激勵大家勇敢面對迎面而來的困難!

Dance Synopsis:In everyone’s heart, there is a little fighter who never gives up, even when facing challenges. This inner strength brings hope and courage to people. A young girl uses dance to call upon her inner warrior, inspiring everyone to bravely face difficulties.


麥楹晞 MAK Ying-hei

JS-233 Telephone Lover


電話仍需要接駁的年代,接線生有著不可或缺的任務。年輕貌美的電話接線生,每日需要幫助不同的電話接駁, 在繁忙的電話室中穿梭,猶如優雅的舞蹈員一樣,接駁著世界以及人與人的關係

Dance Synopsis:In an era when telephones still needed to be connected, operators had an indispensable task. The young and beautiful telephone operator needs to help with different phone calls every day. She shuttles in the busy phone room like an elegant dancer, connecting the world and the relationships between people.


張芊玥 CHEUNG Gladys

JS-234 搖擺吧!Vive Le Swing

舞蹈簡介:一起搖擺! 一起舞吧!

Dance Synopsis:Let’s dance and swing together! Vive le Swing!


劉祉言 LAU Tsz-yin

吳芷畇 WU Chih-yun

JS-235 Cool Girl



梁紫晴 LEUNG Tsz-ching

JS-236 Dear Future Husband


彭穎心 PAN Wing-sum, Hayley

Dance Synopsis:Honey, here’s a few things you need to know if you want to be my one and only.


葉卓藍 IP Cheuk-nam

JS-237 當世界扭曲時... You’re Twisted

舞蹈簡介:當萬物扭曲時,一切變得不一樣,而當時間凝固在一瞬間,人們陷入困境,不斷掙扎,唯有她擁有獨特的能力,能 夠穿越扭曲的現實,尋找解答。她勇於面對挑戰,引領他人走出困境。

Dance Synopsis:When everything gets twisted and time freezes, people face difficulties. Only she has a special ability to navigate through the distorted reality and find solutions. She courageously tackles challenges and leads others out of their problems.


邱海悦 YAU Hoi-yuet

JS-238 World On A String

Dance Synopsis:A classic jazz dance choreographed with the intention to captivate the audience with the melodic music and moves to match. The dance moves are designed to exude happiness and a sense of being on cloud nine. Each step and gesture in the choreography is carefully crafted to convey this exuberant feeling, ensuring that the audience is swept away in a whirlwind of positivity and elation.


CHIU Cheuk-yu, Tansey

JS-239 生日 Birthday

舞蹈簡介:講述一名小女孩慶祝生日,她邀請很多小朋友來他的生日派對,一起快樂地玩耍,一起吃很多不同的食物,一起 切蛋糕,讓我們一起來感受小朋友開心的舞步吧。

Dance Synopsis:The dance“Birthday”is about a little girl celebrating her birthday. She invited many children to her birthday party, played happily together, ate many different foods together, and cut cakes together. Let’s experience the happy dance steps of the children together.


葉晞翹 YIP Hei-kiu

JS-240 Love Shack

Dance Synopsis:The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together…everyone is dancing. Come and dance together!


江杺頤 KONG Sum-yee

JS-241 Make‘Em Laugh

Dance Synopsis:A slapstick jazz duo inspired by the iconic scene in‘Singing In The Rain’played by Gene Kelly & Donald O’Connor. With playful play fights, comical falls, and a touch of silliness, their dance routines are sure to evoke laughter. Despite the humour, their performances are filled with impressive technique, showcasing the duo’s skill and artistry in an entertaining manner.


CHIU Cheuk-lam, Bryony

JS-242 最佳拍檔 Yes,Yes,We Can!


CHIU Cheuk-kiu, Ashley

最佳拍檔並非永不吵架,而是吵架後仍然選擇相信彼此,當遇到困難和挑戰時,他們總是彼此信任,共同克服障 礙。一個人力量即使再大,亦不及倆人的力量來得強!「YES YES!WE CAN!」是他們創造出來鼓勵彼此的口號,亦展現了二人 之間的默契和信念。

Dance Synopsis:The best partners are not the ones who never fight, but those who still trust each other after an argument. When they face difficulties, they rely on each other to overcome challenges. Together, they are stronger than when alone. Their motto“YES YES! WE CAN!”shows their mutual support and faith in each other. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

趙芷悠 CHIU Tsz-yau

JS-243 公主派對 Rain On Me

舞蹈簡介:Rain on me這個舞蹈,是講述一名可愛公主的日常生活,早上會起床刷牙梳洗,會和自己心愛的寵物一起跳舞, 會播種淋花,然後去派對玩耍,讓我們一起來感受小朋友愉快的舞步吧。

Dance Synopsis:The dance“Rain on me”tells the daily life of a lovely princess. She gets up in the morning and brushes her teeth, dances with her beloved pet, sows seeds and showers flowers, and then goes to a party to play. Let’s experience the happy dance steps of the children together!


梓澄 LING Tsz-ching, Ava JS-244 動起來!Mix It Up!


Dance Synopsis:A little boy who loves pop dance and street dance performs his favorite songs 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

張智信 CHEUNG Chee-shun

JS-245 Let’s Get Weird All Night


Dance Synopsis:In a bustling city known for its vibrant nightlife, two dancers decides to throw an all-night jazz dance party called“Let’s Get Weird All Night.”


李樂悠 LEE Lok-yau

JS-246 Material Girls

郭芯言 KWOK Sum-yin

Dance Synopsis:The jazz duo’s performance, inspired by Marilyn Monroe’s iconic role in‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’, captures a sense of confidence and charisma. Their dance not only showcases their technical skill but also exudes a unique blend of personality and style. Just like Monroe’s performance, the duo’s routine is a powerful expression of self-assuredness and artistry on stage.


LI Hau-yuet

JS-247 光芒四射! Gentlemen!

LEE Taylor Calleigh


Dance Synopsis:Two dancing queens are immersed in their own world. Dancing wildly and showcasing their charms.


劉珈瑄 LAU Ka-huen

翁靖嵐 YUNG Ching-laam

JS-248 耶!終於來到星期五了!Friday I Will Be Over You!


吳卓楹 NG Cheuk-ying

JS-249 相信一切是美好的!Gonna Be Great!


黃睿晴 WONG Yui-ching, Katie

JS-250 Tell Him That I Care

梁卓珈 LEUNG Cheuk-ka

Dance Synopsis:An upbeat jazz dance solo about shouting from the rooftops that you love someone. The choreography reflects high energy and dynamic movements to convey the joy of expressing love openly and boldly. Incorporating sharp and spirited movements can showcase the exhilaration of celebrating every aspect of a person you adore.

舞蹈員Dancer(s): LO Yuet-tung

JS-251 Hey Yo!

舞蹈簡介:一對熱愛節拍的小女孩,整日沉醉在強勁的節拍當中,他們跟著節拍舞動身體,將歡樂氣氛感染每一位,希望將 舞蹈的歡樂帶給在塲的每一位。

Dance Synopsis:A pair of friends who love beats and they are immersed in the strong beats all day long. Move their body to infect everyone with the joyful atmosphere, hoping to bring the joy of dance to everyone here.


羅子晴 LAW TSZ-ching

JS-252 舞在雨中 Dancing in the Rain


Dance Synopsis:Don’t waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.


黃婉桐 WONG Yuen-tung, Annis

JS-253 海洋幻想曲 Beyond the Sea


Dance Synopsis:Somewhere beyond the sea lies our hope, love, and aspirations.


詹日希 CHIM Nikki

林卓曈 LAM Cheuk-tung, Rykiel

JS-254 笑容的力量 I Feel Good to Smile

舞蹈簡介:笑容,帶給別人無限的正能量, 是最美麗的。

黃以斐 WONG Yee-fei, Evie

Dance Synopsis:Smile is the beauty of the soul,giving us the positive power.


謝汶希 TSE Man-hei, Hailey

JS-255 Naughty!


Dance Synopsis:Even if you’re little, you can do a lot. Nobody but me is going to change my story! Sometimes you have to be little bit naughty!


彭采悠 PANG Choi-yau

JS-256 Smooth Criminal

Dance Synopsis:A Jazz dance solo inspired by Michael Jackson’s eclectic dance moves and iconic style. By incorporating jazz technique and clean lines, the dancer can entertain the audience with dynamic movements and precise execution. Emulating Jackson’s iconic style adds flair and excitement to the performance, creating a visually striking and engaging experience for the viewers.


FONG Ho-ho

JS-257 閃閃發光 Shine in My Eyes


Dance Synopsis:Her eyes shine brighter than the sun. the sparkle in my face and the passion in my heart.


陳祉企 CHAN Tsz-kei, Hailey

JS-258 跳吧! 舞吧! Shake Your Tail Feather

舞蹈簡介:跳吧! 舞吧!

Dance Synopsis:Let’s dance! Let’s shake your tail feathers!


吳芷畇 WU Chih-yun

JS-259 我是籃球員!Basketball Jam


Dance Synopsis:The little basketball player expresses her love for basketball.


陳汶希 CHAN Man-hei

JS-260 開場吧! Hollywood Wiz

舞蹈簡介:夠鐘啦! 開場啦!

Dance Synopsis:Let’s the show begin!


劉祉言 LAU Tsz-yin

JS-261 吓?貓貓在那兒… What? The Cat in the…

舞蹈簡介:你估下我在哪裏? 喵~喵~

Dance Synopsis:Guess Where am I? Meow ~ Meow ~


林筠喬 LAM Kwan-kiu

JS-262 時候 Times


Dance Synopsis:The heron and the clam clash in a confrontation, engaging in a fierce competition where they strive for dominance. They eventually reach a decisive battle, but in the end, both sides suffer losses, leading to mutual harm.


嚴芷晴 YIM Tsz-ching

JS-263 活力小男孩 Rocking Stars

朱驪遐 CHU Lai-ha

舞蹈簡介:ABC,123,Do-re mi。你們一起唱起來,讓我舞出活力動感。

Dance Synopsis:ABC, 123, Do-re mi. Come On, sing for me, and let’s me show you my moves.


呂俊羲 Max LUI

JS-264 特工A Agent A



Dance Synopsis:Turn, Cross, Jump, Escape……With great agility and unusual strength, can Agent A eventually complete the mission by bypassing all infrared lasers and traps?


陳梓蕊 CHAN Tsz-yui

JS-265 喵!!吼!! Meow OR Roar!!




Dance Synopsis:Meow ~ Meow Meow~ Meow ~ MEOW !!!!!!

Editor: From a Cat


鄭婼心 ZHENG Grace

2.8.2024 (五 Fri) 19:30

爵士舞及街舞 Jazz & Street Dance

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 單項

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Solo, Duo, Trio

JS-401 Just Watch Me Now


洪靖昕 HUNG Ching-yan

JS-402 Money Money

舞蹈簡介:第一次世界大戰結束過後,富豪們藉著紙醉金迷的夜總會生活而逃避戰爭所帶來的悲痛。戰後百物騰貴,舞蹈員 用黑色幽默來諷刺金錢同埋人性

Dance Synopsis:After the end of WWI, the wealthy escaped the sorrow caused by the war by living in a luxurious nightclub. After the war, everything became more expensive. Dancers used black humor to satirize money and humanity.


譚梓盈 TAM Tsz-ying

JS-403 甄選日 I Hope I Get It


鄧藹琳 TANG Oi-lam

Dance Synopsis:Today is the audition day! I hope I get it!


葉鎧桐 IP Hoi-tung, Agnes

黃筱媛 WONG Siu-wun

JS-404 瘋人院 Mad House

蔡知恩 CHOI Venice Chi-yan


Dance Synopsis:In a world that lacks understanding, our lives are journeys of madness, and the whole world, is a mad house.


李巧津 LI Hau-chun

張豫玥 CHEUNG Yu-yuet, Jamie

JS-405 變臉表演者 Hey Pachuco!


岑青霖 SHUM Ching-lam, Fei Fei

Dance Synopsis:The performer is pulling out all the stops to perform in Broadway. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

趙穎芊 CHIU Wing-chin

JS-406 Toxic

Dance Synopsis:Tempted. Obsessed. Xhausted. Irrational. Crazed.


盧珈霖 LO Ka-lam

JS-407 Come Follow The Band


Dance Synopsis:The musician takes the stage, the music start playing, and let the musician bring joy to everyone.


何希彤 HO Hei-tung

JS-408 I Luv him


李月瑤 LEE Vanice

JS-409 Emergency


李珀陶 LEE Pak-to

JS-410 在舞台上閃耀 Shine On Stage

盧子晴 LO Tze-ching

舞蹈簡介:下定決心,努力追尋自己的舞台,深信最終能成為舞台上熠熠閃亮的一顆星 Dance Synopsis:Make up your mind and work hard to pursue your own stage, firmly believing that you can eventually become a shining star on the stage.


岑青霖 SHUM Ching-lam, Fei Fei

JS-411 Stay Away

舞蹈簡介:傲慢獨立的女強人,散發著一股生人勿近的自信,型格又冷艷,不理會任何俗世的眼光,活出自我 Dance Synopsis:She is an arrogant and independent strong woman who exudes a sense of self-confidence and is cool in style. She ignores any worldly opinions and lives her life.


張豫玥 CHEUNG Yu-yuet, Jamie

JS-412 Seven Nation Army 舞蹈簡介:耀眼、感性,充滿著難以抗拒的自信和驕傲!

Dance Synopsis:Don’t gossip, this is legit. Watch my groove, and you can’t take it away from me!


曹汶慧 CHO Man-wai

JS-413 Reckless & Sweet

Dance Synopsis:A hip hop duo with a strong sense of style creating a mesmerizing performance. By working together to match their vibes they can captivate audiences with their synchronized energy and creativity.


LEUNG Lok-kwan, Madelaine Isabel CHAN

JS-414 可能全世界最似貓的我 Possibly The Most Cat-like in the World, is Me

舞蹈簡介:可能啫!~ 喵!

Dance Synopsis:Just May be ~ Meow!


陸曉悅 LUK Hiu-yuet, Edna

JS-415 Mad Hatter



Dance Synopsis:Maybe I’m crazy in the eyes of others, but after seeing my ability, I should be as shiny as I am. As there is JUST a fine line between genius and madness.


梁穎姍 LEUNG Wing-shan, Goretti

JS-416 七國聯軍 Seven Nation Army


Dance Synopsis:I’m gonna fight’em off, a seven nation army couldn’t hold me back.


黃筱媛 WONG Siu-wun

JS-417 我=你 Falling into You



Dance Synopsis:I want to tangle with you , and feel all of you . your breath your skin your hands your heart , your everything.


Chloe LIU

JS-418 Sweet Dreams

舞蹈簡介:曾經我們都為自己編織過美好的夢想,拼盡全力都想達到,我們經歷過一次次跌低再一次次爬起身,今日的你是 否已達到心中所想?

Dance Synopsis:We have all woven beautiful dreams for ourselves in the past, and have strived with all our might to achieve them. We have experienced countless falls and risen up again each time. Have you now reached the goals that you had in your heart?


李芯蕾 LI Sum-lui

JS-419 lame


要保持好一段關係就像一場博弈,互相制衡又相互扶持。有的時候做主導,有的時候是服從。你又能拿捏得到嗎? Dance Synopsis:Maintaining a good relationship is like a game, with mutual checks and balances and mutual support. Sometimes you are the leader, sometimes you are the submissive. Can you figure it out?


鄭茜家 CHENG Sin-ka

JS-420 Tango

舞蹈簡介:探戈的魅力在於它充滿激情的身姿和音樂的切合,隨時隨地即興表演一段solo,展示她的熱情奔放! Dance Synopsis:Beauty, passion, the blood flows and this is how to tango!


姚僖霖 YIU Hei-lam

JS-421 Make It Look Easy


何��言 HO Pik-yin, Catarina

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 少年組 – 群舞 Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships Teenagers – Group

JG-601 Size


青春少女的心思永遠讓人捉摸不透,只有她們自己才能完整填寫出人生路程! Dance Synopsis:Find the right one, and keep searching until you find the perfect fit.


周卓瑜 CHAU Amber Cheuk-yue

蔡安喬 CHOI On-kiu

鄧菀瑩 TANG Yuen-ying

黃子淇 WONG Tsz-ki, Hilary

葉艾詩 YIP Ngai-sze

JG-602 繁星 Twilight Crew



毛啟嵐 MO Kai-nam

毛啟悅 MO Kai-yuet

楊信翹 YEUNG Shun-kiu

譚可靖 TAM Ho-ching

梁饒舜 LEUNG Yiu-shun

陳康帝 CHAN Conti Hong-tai

鍾晴 CHUNG Ching

唐福禧 TONG Fuk-hei

JG-603 節奏:角度 Rhythm Nation

謝柏倫 TSE Pak-lun

謝紫悠 TSE Tze-yau

謝可嵐 TSE Ho-nam

李唯捷 LI Wai-chit

黎祐驊 LAI Yau-wa

陳仰翹 CHAN Yeung-kiu

張殷霆 Quentin CHEUNG

薛灝琳 SIT Ho-lum

舞蹈簡介:我最喜歡 Rhythm Nation 特色之處,鮮明的制服和完美的團隊能量。你呢 ?

Dance Synopsis:What I loved most about Rhythm Nation’were the uniforms and the perfect group energy What about you ?


黃妍愫 WONG Bella Yin-so

李樂程 Calypso Cassiopee Crystal Perreux

區桸堯 AU Hei-yiu, Kayley

甘天慧 KAM Tin-wai

黃婉桐 WONG Yuen-tung, Annis

鄭婼心 ZHENG Grace

陳祉企 CHAN Tsz-kei, Hailey

鄺嘉蕎 KWONG Ka-kiu

JG-604 小伙伴 Buddy Crew



謝柏倫 TSE Pak-lun

謝紫悠 Tse Tze-yau

李唯捷 LI Wai-chit

陳康帝 CHAN Conti Hong-tai

賴柏霖 LAI Pak-lam

JG-607 和平後的世界 Peaceful World

李祉柔 LEE Tsz-yau

鄺泳心 KWONG Wing-sum

布心妍 PO Sum-yin

李巧意 LEE Hau-yi

陳泳詩 CHAN Wing-sze, Grace

洪日希 HUNG Yat-hei

余安琪 YU On-ki, Anki

譚諾謙 TAM Nok-him, Logan

黃建榮 WONG Kin-wing

吳晞兒 NG Hei-yi

柯奕佟 Or Yik-tung

舞蹈簡介:隊伍今次比賽歌曲元素為嘻哈舞蹈及編舞。當中的參賽者透過舞蹈及是次音樂表達出戰爭後的一種和平,音樂 一開始表達一種大家內心混亂的世界,最後透過舞蹈的配合,例如圍出一個大圓圈表達一個世界的和平。

Dance Synopsis:The team’s song for this competition incorporates elements of hip-hop dance and choreography. The participants express a sense of peace after war through dance and music. The music begins by portraying a world of inner chaos within everyone, and eventually, through the coordination of dance, such as forming a large. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

李卓藍 LI Cheuk-nam, Max

林泯軒 LAM Man-hin, Marcus

吳雨晴 NG Yu-ching, Summer

黃祉翹 WONG Tsz-kiu, Kate

關詠曦 KWAN Wing-hei, Angie

許樂施 HUI Jocelyn Lok-sze

龔靖怡 KUNG Ching-yi, Emily

張釗銘 ZHANG Chiu-ming, Benson 鄭幸知 CHENG Hang-chi, Ashley

鄧卓凝 TANG Cheuk-ying, Vanessa

葉曉澄 YIP Hiu-chang, Jeanie

JG-606 On Broadway

Dance Synopsis:A Broadway-inspired jazz dance you could imagine being in the west end! Showcasing classic jazz technique, lines, and style. The dancers move gracefully across the stage, embodying the spirit of the golden era of jazz. The choreography seamlessly blends intricate footwork with smooth, sweeping movements, transporting the audience to a bygone era of sophistication and charm.


CHEN Tsz-yiu, Alicia

CHIU Cheuk-yu, Tansey

FONG Ho-ho

HAU Ching-yiu, Keira

HUNG Mat-yui, Juliette

LAW Yik-huen, Charlize

NG Yin-yu

SHIN Hoi-yin

WONG Chung-nga

XIA Leyu

XIA Xiaoyu

YEUNG Hoi-yi

JG-605 非主流後現代未確認進行式 Alternative Postmodernism Unknown Progressive

舞蹈簡介:對於未來所有未發生的事情,我們都充滿着一顆既期待又好奇的心情,這種不確性很像帶給我們很多的可能性。 Dance Synopsis:We are full of expectations and curiosity about everything that has not happened in the future. This uncertainty is like triggering many possibilities for us.


何恭儀 HO Luna Kung-yee

尹子睿 WAN Tsz-yui

施灝軒 Jaden SZE Ho-hin

吳采霖 NG Choi-lam, Charlene

周靖恩 CHOW Ching-yan, Hanna

JG-608 音樂表演家 Musical Performer


潘晞彤 POON Hei-tung, Samantha

卓曉悠 CHEUK Hiu-yau, Abby

莊紫悠 CHONG Tsz-yau

石雨芊 SHEK Yu-chin

馮芷晴 Fung Tsz Ching Sasa

今次比賽歌曲元素為嘻哈舞蹈及編舞。當中的參賽者透過舞蹈及是次音樂表達出一種自由和解放感 透 過音樂盡情享受舞台 彰顯他們對生活的熱情及自由,亦呈現他們自信的一面。

Dance Synopsis:Spades The elements of the songs in this competition are hip-hop dance and choreography. The contestants express a sense of freedom and liberation through dance and this music, enjoy the stage through music, highlight their passion for life and freedom, and also show their confident side.


黃己殷 WONG Kei-yan, Yannis

溫珈熙 WAN Ka-hei, Kaci

李思瞳 LEE Hannah Stone

吳家歡 NG Ka-foon, Felix

JG-609 70’s Fight

吳家樂 NG Ka-lok, Mars

鄧卓凝 TANG Cheuk-ying, Vanessa

翁美善 YEUN Mei-sin, Macy

龔靖怡 KUNG Ching-yi, Emily

舞蹈簡介:70年代,一個充滿間諜的年代,是敵是友根本分不清。在愉快的氣氛掩飾下,要分清楚誰是敵人,誰是隊友 Dance Synopsis:The 1970s was an era full of spies, and it was impossible to tell whether they were friends or foes. Under the cover of a pleasant atmosphere, it is necessary to distinguish who is the enemy and who is a teammate


鍾卓犖 CHUNG Cheuk-lok, Charisse

何梖昕 HO Pui-yan

康晴希 HONG Ching-hei, Hayley

關韵澄 KWAN Wan-ching

林泳心 LAM Wing-sum

羅睿睿 LAW Yui-yui, Milana

梁可彤 LEUNG Ho-tung, Inez

梁昕皓 LEUNG Yan-ho

黃苡庭 WONG Yi-ting

JG-610 Mi Gente

舞蹈簡介:Mi gente西班牙文解作人們的意思,而紅色令人有份熱情、熱血的感覺;一班舞者透過紅色絲巾及舞蹈,配合不同 體態點燃出人們於團隊中熱情之心。


梁雅雯 LEUNG Nga-man

梁楚喬 LEUNG Cho-kiu

黃芷暄 WONG Tsz-huen

馮煒庭 FUNG Wai-ting

朱家寧 CHU Ka-ning

梁楚妍 LEUNG Cho-yin

羅晞允 LO Hei-wan

JG-611 舞 精英 Dance Elite

黃筠婷 WONG Kwan-ting

梁彥澄 LEUNG Yin-ching

張昊頤 ZHANG Ho-yi

賴曉曈 Audrey LAI

柯卓言 OR Cheuk-yin

鄧詠熹 TANG Wing-hei



吳洛晴 NG Lok-ching

鄭萃汶 CHENG Sui-man

梁詠嵐 LEUNG Wing-laam

李森宜 LEE Sum-yi

何芷霏 HO Tsz-fei

成宛霖 SHING Yuen-lam

張緻芯 CHEUNG Chi-sum

曾濼潼 TSANG Lok-tung

JG-612 It Don’t Mean a Thing 舞蹈簡介:女孩們樣子優美但性格輕佻,內心卻有著成為舞蹈家的夢想,只要聽到音樂便會不自覺地搖擺身體,再配合強勁 的節奏,讓女孩們沉醉在跳舞的世界中。

Dance Synopsis:It don’t mean a thing’has a graceful and frivolous style. That rhythm is a vital ingredient that transforms simple music into something truly captivating.


張恩悦 CHEUNG Yan-yuet

李穎桐 LEI Wing-tung

翁汶淨 YUNG Man-ching

藍嵐 NAM Nam

余芷藴 YU Tsz-wan

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 群舞

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Group

JG-701 舞動.時光.追憶 Nostalgia

林子羽 LAM Tsz-yu

廖曉彤 LIU Hiu-tung, Aily

張程舫 CHEUNG Ching-fong

鄭燊悅 CHENG Sun-yuet, Evelyn

舞蹈簡介:一支以8、90年代廣東歌曲作為主題的舞蹈,在現代化的時代不被時間所束縛限制,在我們熱愛的舞蹈中回味當 年的風情滋味!

Dance Synopsis:A dance themed around Cantonese songs from the 80s and 90s, not bound by time in this modern era, allowing us to reminisce the charm and flavor of that era in our beloved dance!


羅安琪 LAW On-ki

鄭煒 CHENG Wai

丘芷琳 YAU Tsz-lam

陳曉晴 CHAN Hiu-ching

朱曼琦 CHU Man-ki

文綽遙 MAN Cheuk-yiu

卓湤洳 CHEUK Si-yu, Cara

伍芷晴 NG Tsz-ching

譚穎軒 TAM Wing-hin

岑祖恩 SHAM Cho-yan

林志謙 LAM Chi-him

蔡幸宜 CHOI Hang-yi, Chloe

JG-702 Don’t Stop Me Now

Dance Synopsis:The jazz dance celebrates Freddie Mercury and his iconic style. This dance promises clean lines, technique, and performance quality. With constant dynamic changes and impressive choreography, the audience can expect a captivating performance that truly captures the essence of the legendary musician.


CHAN Tsz-ling

Charlotte Emma LIM

Charmaine Elise LIM

CHEUNG Sze-bo, Sybil

Jiayue DANG

KAN Hiu-lam

JG-703 美杜莎 Medusa

LEONG Hoi-lam, Vianna POON Chung-kiu

TSOI Ching-lam, Jeanna WONG YIK-lam, Evelyn

Woodbury Sophia Elizabeth

YEUNG Hoi-yi

舞蹈簡介:蛇,平素給人冷酷無情的感覺,同時也是妖媚多姿的美麗生靈,妖豔之下,總帶著女皇般的高貴與雍容。透過此舞 蹈,化身為蛇,展示力與美。

Dance Synopsis:Snake gives people a cold and ruthless feeling but is also a beautiful creature with charm and grace. Through this dance, dancers showcase the power and beauty of the snake.


馮考覬 FUNG Hau-ki, Kiki

陳芷瑩 CHAN Tsz-ying

保子凝 Coey PO Sze-ying

黃詠詩 WONG Wing-sze, Ransy

JG-704 Mademoiselle

黃充彌 WONG Chung-ni

李祈恩 LEE Ki-yan

許洛桐 HUI Lok-tung

舞蹈簡介:充滿法國氣息的高雅,神秘又美麗。輕型優雅的舞姿,千變萬化的隊形,浪漫氣氛滿溢,Bonjour mademoiselle!

Dance Synopsis:Full of French elegance, mystery and beauty. Light and elegant dance, ever-changing formations, full of romantic atmosphere, Bonjour mademoiselle!


陳可兒 CHAN Ho-yi

陳芷翹 CHAN Tsz-kiu

鄭茜家 CHENG Sin-ka

張豫玥 CHEUNG Yu-yuet, Jamie

梁昕蕎 LEUNG Yan-kiu

JG-705 Too Original


李芷霖 LEE Tsz-lam

陳以澄 CHAN Yee-ching

蔡卓豫 CHOI Cheuk-yu

JG-709 木蘭 The Fighters


李善璽 LI Shan-xi

盧逸希 LO Yat-hei, Tiffany

吳凱琳 NG Hoi-lam

鄧藹琳 TANG Oi-lam

楊善言 YEUNG Sin-yin, Faith

鐘芯怡 CHUNG Sum-yee, Belle

鄭凱遙 CHENG Hoi-yiu

何思澄 HO Sze-ching

雖然許多師妹未能與我們一起上台,然而我們也未能做得很好,但是我們會像木兰出戰那般,擁有鬥志、堅強,以及 勇氣,成為師妹的榜樣

Dance Synopsis:It is regretful that most of you cannot attend. We may not be perfect, but we battle!Fight!like Mulan - tough, strong and brave. Be the one you will be proud of.


徐綺婷 TSUI Yee-ting

丘靖誼 YAU Ching-yi

鄭莉方 CHENG Lee-fong, Vivian

周思盈 CHAU Sze-ying

李嘉儀 LI Ka-yee

梁伊汶 LEUNG Yi-man

趙芷儀 CHIU Tsz-yee

張曼姿 CHEUNG Zoe

吳晨昕 WU Chen-xin

JG-707 Sing Sing Sing

舞蹈簡介:著名爵士舞‘Bob Fosse’風格混合流行的舞蹈原素。舞者的活力充沛,魅力四射,感染每一位觀眾。

Dance Synopsis:The famous jazz dance‘Bob Fosse’style mixes popular dance elements. The dancers are energetic and charming, the infectious power to every audiences.


陸曉悅 LUK Hiu-yuet, Edna

劉琛兒 Chloe LIU

李樂程 Calypso Cassiopee Crystal Perreux

林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying

譚晴 TAM Ching

甄欣 YAN Yan, Joyce

JG-708 滋事者 Trouble Makers


Dance Synopsis:Look out! The trouble Makers are here!


黃筱媛 WONG Siu-wun

鄧可瑩 TANG Ho-ying

冼旻慧 SIN Man-wai

葉鎧桐 IP Hoi-tung, Agnes

孫佩賢 SUN Pui-yin

陳幗元 CHAN Kwok-yuen

陳幗方 CHAN Kwok-fong

孫泳斐 SUN Wing-fei

JG-706 Bezerk

陳芷君 CHAN Tsz-kwan

鄭巧澄 CHENG Hau-ching

黃紫穎 WONG Tsz-wing

杜芷欣 TO Tsz-yan

蘇巧賢 SO Hau-yin

葉曉晴 YIP Hiu-ching

蔡知恩 CHOI Venice Chi-yan

吳芷橋 NG Tsz-kiu

鄭朗蕎 CHENG Long-kiu

黃筱晴 WONG Siu-ching

梁晞雯 LEUNG Hei-man

劉祉言 LAU Tsz-yin

彭穎心 PANG Wing-sum, Hayley

Dance Synopsis:The synergy within the team fosters creativity and allows for a diverse range of styles and techniques to be incorporated. Each member brings their unique strengths to the table, resulting in a dynamic and engaging performance that captivates the audience. This collaborative spirit not only enhances the overall choreography but also strengthens the bond between team members, leading to a more cohesive and synchronized performance on stage.


CHENG Ho-chi

Isabel CHAN

Jasmine Ashley Manalo Nizal

Jiayue DANG

JG-710 我們的,1980’s Our 1980’s

LEUNG Lok-kwan, Madelaine

WONG Ching-kiu

WONG Yik-lam, Evelyn

舞蹈簡介:句句都是時光,句句都是追憶!下一站的我們不忘初心方得始終,堅持用最初的心,一起走出更遠的路! Dance Synopsis:Every step is filled with memories! We will arrive at our next destination, but we mustn’t forget our long road to success!


周卓瑜 CHAU Amber Cheuk-yue

鄭凱恩 CHENG Hoi-yan, Ruby

張紫霖 CHEUNG Tsz-lam

張紫韻 CHEUNG Tsz-wan

張日然 CHEUNG Yat-yin, Jeannie

詹日希 CHIM Nikki

曹汶慧 CHO Man-wai

蔡安喬 CHOI On-kiu

周綽珩 CHOW Cheuk-hang

周翠妮 CHOW Cui-ni, Trinity

周恩娜 CHOW Enna Levina

高芷澄 KO Tsz-ching

林卓曈 LAM Cheuk-tung, Rykiel

林願琪 LAM Yuen-kei, Iris

李樂軒 LEE Lok-hin

梁卓嵐 LEUNG Cheuk-lam

梁樂心 LEUNG Lok-sum

敖溢希 NGO Yat-hei

潘芓貽 PUN Tsz-yi, Jolie

蕭洛婷 SIEW Lok-ting

鄧菀瑩 TANG Yuen-ying

徐樂宜 TSUI Jasmine Lok-yee

黃晞渝 WONG Madelyn Hei-yu

黃子淇 WONG Tsz-ki, Hilary

黃以斐 WONG Yee-fei, Evie

葉艾詩 YIP Ngai-sze

姚僖霖 YIU Hei-lam

3.8.2024 (六 Sat) 10:00

爵士舞及街舞 Jazz & Street Dance

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 少年組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships Teenagers – Solo, Duo, Trio

JS-301 Broken Heels

Dance Synopsis:Dancing to upbeat jazz music is a fantastic way to celebrate friendship and girlhood. The lively rhythm and energetic movements can bring a sense of joy and camaraderie among friends. Expect vibrant and dynamic moves to keep you entertained along with all of the personality!


LAW Yik-huen, Charlize HUNG Mat-yui, Juliette

JS-302 Feel it Still


翁汶淨 YUNG Man-ching

廖曉彤 LIU Hiu-tung, Aily

JS-303 你值得? Deserve


Dance Synopsis:You, deserve me?


葉鎧桐 IP Hoi-tung, Agnes

JS-304 Footloose

鄭燊悅 CHENG Sun-yuet, Evely

Dance Synopsis:This Jazz Duo is inspired by the movie‘Footloose’where dancing is prohibited and the act of dancing becomes a symbol of defiance and liberation. Through dance, the characters express their joy, unity, and the spirit of rebellion against oppressive rules. The communal act of dancing serves as a powerful display of the human desire for connection, expression, and the celebration of life’s moments of happiness and elation.


Aidan TAM Charmaine Elise LIM

JS-305 Black Car


Dance Synopsis:Come and join us. The danger is just beyond the horizon. Can you feel it?


張紫霖 CHEUNG Tsz-lam

周綽珩 CHOW Cheuk-hang

JS-306 Razzle, Dazzle


徐樂宜 TSUI Jasmine Lok-yee

Dance Synopsis:Your attention please… look here, look there, cast your eyes on my spectacle!


黃梓晴 WONG Sofia

JS-307 Ain’t That A Kick in the Head


Dance Synopsis:Shock and surprise strike me! It’s just another life lesson… I’ll show you what I’m made of!


周翠妮 CHOW Cui-ni, Trinity

JS-308 Mama!


Dance Synopsis:Don’t take us for fools, we’re confident… We’re going to tell your Mama about this! 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

張紫韻 CHEUNG Tsz-wan

JS-309 La Jazz Hot


黃子淇 WONG Tsz-ki, Hilary

她以優美的舞蹈配上最喜愛的爵士音樂,陶醉於輕快的節奏當中,在舞台上發光發亮,這就是她一直嚮往的時 刻。

Dance Synopsis:With her beautiful dance and her favorite jazz music, she was intoxicated by the brisk rhythm and shined on the stage. This is the moment she has been yearning for.


何紫翹 HO Tsz-kiu, Claire

JS-310 我是機械人 I am a Robort 舞蹈簡介:跟隨音樂節奏舞動,化身一個機械人

Dance Synopsis:Dance to the rhythm of the music become a robot


蘇鍵朗 SO Kin-long, Jason

JS-311 Elvis

Dance Synopsis:A jazz dance solo inspired by Elvis and his iconic music and dance moves. By not following others and showcasing individuality with confidence and style, the performance can truly stand out. Embracing the spirit of Elvis while adding personal flair creates a mesmerizing and unforgettable experience for both the dancer and the audience.


Aidan TAM

JS-312 飛鷹族 The Tribe of Eagle 舞蹈簡介:鷹是族人對自由,雄心及豪邁的象徵!我們是飛鷹族!

Dance Synopsis:Eagle is our tribe symbol as freedom, be strong and passionate! We are the tribe of eagle!


陳幗方 CHAN Kwok-fong 陳幗元 CHAN Kwok-yuen

孫佩賢 SUN Pui-yin

JS-313 It Don’t Mean A Thing 舞蹈簡介:經典百老匯式音樂配上爵士舞步, 舞蹈員為表演呈上技巧和強烈感情表達, 帶出百老匯爵士的氣氛等經典動作, 不浮誇但充滿活力,考驗舞蹈的舞台表現和實力。

Dance Synopsis:classic Broadway showcase with jazz technique, bringing the audience a classy jazzy style with the onstage performance. Not over exaggerated but letting all feelings flow in the dance.


蔡雅如 CHOI Nga-yu

JS-314 叫我時尚女王 Call Me Cruella

舞蹈簡介:時尚女王 庫伊拉,決心成為時尚之巔。

蔡雅同 CHOI Nga-tong

Dance Synopsis:The fashion queen Cruella is determined to be the top of fashion.


林向晴 LAM Heung-ching

JS-315 That’s Not My Name


Dance Synopsis:Despite numerous challenges, she is determined to stand out from others and captivate the audience with her power and style.


韓紫恩 HON Tsz-yan

JS-316 Little Secret


Dance Synopsis:Do you wanna hear my little secret? Follow my rhythm and dance with me.


梁樂心 LEUNG Lok-sum

JS-317 Get Down


Dance Synopsis:A 90s big hit number . When the music plays, what images do you recall?


何峻軒 HO Owen

JS-328 Cinema Italiano


劉淑晴 LAU Shuk-ching, Sophie

JS-319 伊甸之園 Garden of Eden


Dance Synopsis:One beautiful evening, in the garden of Eden, a snake came walking in the twilight, and it has a little secret want to share with you...


吳芷橋 NG Tsz-kiu

JS-320 舞到頂尖 Bop to the Top


Dance Synopsis:Keep moving, keep dancing, don’t ever stop, bop to the top!


黃筱晴 WONG Siu-ching

JS-321 Thunderstruck

鄭朗蕎 CHENG Long-kiu

Dance Synopsis:Get ready to witness an explosive fusion of energy and passion as the dancer brings the intense beats of hard rock to life through their dynamic jazz moves. The combination of the fiery music with the intricate and expressive movements of jazz dance promises to create a performance that is both electrifying and captivating. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

KAN Hiu-lam

JS-322 Roxie

舞蹈簡介:充滿幻想和瘋狂的女主角, 在經典百老匯健舞曲下為自己, 為她的觀眾上演一隻全為她的個人爵士舞。融合經典 和時尚, 技巧及感情豐富的表演。

Dance Synopsis:Fantasy and madness dance by a class song Roxie from the Broadway playlist. Roxie performing this dance to herself, to all her audiences with her dreams come true.


梁嘉津 LEUNG Ka-chun, Candace

JS-323 Shine


Dance Synopsis:This show represents about how confidence and be the way you are through dance steps that strong and powerful as this sentences said“YOU SHINE LIKE A STAR”


鄭悅恩 Pollard Mairead Aine

JS-324 我們的糖果店 Candy Store


Dance Synopsis:Be powerful like Heathers? Or go back to your friend and be nobody?


林向晴 LAM Heung-ching

陳珮加 CHEN Pei-jia

JS-325 Satan’s Lil Lamb

Dance Synopsis:A confident performance, filled with style, clean lines, and jazz technique, captivates the audience with its precision and flair. The dancer’s movements are sharp and defined, showcasing a mastery of technique and a deep understanding of the music. This type of performance exudes confidence and charisma, drawing the audience in with each elegant step and dynamic turn.


Charlotte Emma LIM

JS-326 閃耀的光芒 The Luminary



Dance Synopsis:Dance from my heart and let my passion shine through 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

洪日希 HUNG Yat-hei

JS-327 MJ Girls


Dance Synopsis:Michael Jackson is the king of pop , and this work is a tribute to a generation of classics 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

李善璽 LI Shan-xi

盧逸希 LO Yat-hei, Tiffany

JS-340 Big Time


陳雪芯 CHEN Suet-sum, Angel

JS-329 Le Jazz

吳凱琳 NG Hoi-lam


Dance Synopsis:This show getting start with slow movement and get a bit faster at last. Movements represent how classy of the jazz dance were 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

姚巧彤 YIU Kirsten Gwyneth

JS-330 Mink, Schmink


Dance Synopsis:Materialism… maybe I’m in it for more than that! I’ll take it all!


周卓瑜 CHAU Amber Cheuk-yue

JS-331 Bop to the Top


黃婥霖 WONG Cheuk-lam

JS-332 Gents Glamor


Dance Synopsis:The elegant gentleman dances gracefully to the gentle music of jazz music, and every movement exudes a strong sense of black and white film.


梁昕皓 LEUNG Yan-ho

JS-333 愛情是? Stuff Like That There

舞蹈簡介:想著愛, 感受著愛, 就是想試著愛!

Dance Synopsis:I think of love, wanna feel the love! I just want stuff like that there!


孫泳斐 SUN Wing-fei

JS-334 熱情如我 Bailar


Dance Synopsis:Let’s move! Let’s dance!


蔡知恩 CHOI Venice Chi-yan

JS-335 Girl Like Me


李宓娗 LI Fuk-ting

JS-336 I Move On

Dance Synopsis:A musical theatre jazz-inspired number from the movie“Chicago”embodying the essence of glamour, style, and showmanship. The choreography is dynamic and the music is lively and captivating. It is a fusion of energy, talent, and theatricality that brings the stage to life, captivating audiences with its dazzling performance.


LEONG Hoi-lam, Vianna

JS-337 颯 Hot-rider


Dance Synopsis:I ride with my beauty and power. I believed that if I ride fast enough, my loneliness and sorrow couldn’t catch up to me.


歐陽曉瞳 Hilary AU YEUNG

JS-338 Poolside Party

舞蹈簡介:夏日的清涼泳池畔,三位充滿活力的女孩揮灑著青春的熱情,隨著輕快活潑的音樂盡情舞動身體, 將熱情洋溢的夏日氣氛表現得淋漓盡致。讓我們一起沉浸在這場”Poolside Party”的歡快節拍中吧!

Dance Synopsis:On the cool poolside and on a hot summer day, three energetic girls are bursting with youthful passion, dancing their bodies freely to the upbeat and lively music. They have captured the essence of the passionate summer atmosphere perfectly. Let’s immerse ourselves in the cheerful beats of this“Poolside Party” together!


曾博晞 TSANG Pok-hei, Chloe 黃佳盈 WONG Gai-ying

JS-339 Steppin’To The Bad Side

周卓彤 CHAU Cheuk-tung, Charlotte

Dance Synopsis:A high-energy jazz dance that combines style, technique, and a showcase of various skills is a dynamic and captivating performance. With intricate choreography, sharp movements, and expressive flair, this dance style embodies the essence of jazz music through its rhythmic interpretation and theatrical presentation. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

Charlotte Emma LIM

JS-341 Something’s Got a Hold On Me


Dance Synopsis:This is a new feeling, and it’s got me good. Take it on, push through it, and even embrace it!


蕭洛婷 SIEW Lok-ting

JS-342 London


陳雪芯 CHEN Suet-sum, Angel

劉淑晴 LAU Shuk-ching, Sophie

3.8.2024 (六 Sat) 14:30

當代舞 Contemporary Dance

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 幼童及兒童組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Toddlers & Children – Solo, Duo, Trio

CS-201 講你知…… Just Tell You……

舞蹈簡介:Um… 準備好…

Dance Synopsis:Well… Get Ready…


林蔚晴 LAM Wai-ching, Genesis

CS-202 Pouvoir


Dance Synopsis:It’s always after stumbling to understand- perseverance is the only way to tackle problems and go through obstacles.


楊凱兒 YEUNG Hoi-yi

CS-203 Somewhere

舞蹈簡介:在這幾年內,朋友們再次離開我們到別的國家生活。我們將對朋友的思念寫在紙飛機上,希望把她對朋友的愛傳 遞給遠方的他和她。


江杺頤 KONG Sun-yee

CS-204 靛藍兒童 Indigo Child


Dance Synopsis:Look at the world with the child’s eye – It is very beautiful.


林心蕾 LAM Sum-lui

CS-205 花木蘭 Mulan

舞蹈簡介:我,花木蘭,雖然未能成為家族的榮耀,但是我願意聆聽自己嘅聲音,為自己家園接受挑戰,我相信我可以!我準 備好了!

Dance Synopsis:Me, Mulan cannot be the family honor, but I willing to face the chanllenge for my home. I believe I can! I am who I am! Mulan, Ready!


吳漪霖 NG Yi-lam

CS-206 I/O On/Off


Dance Synopsis:Pause, Breathe. Rewind, Roll. Fast Forward, Run. Music on, Dance Off. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

林筠喬 LAM Kwan-kiu

CS-207 一個美麗的世界 A Beautiful World


Dance Synopsis:Look at the world with the child‘s eyes - it’s very beautiful. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

陳楚喬 CHAN Cho-kiu Abbie Amber

CS-208 我的旅行日誌 The Journey


Dance Synopsis:The Journey of thousand miles begin with a single step.


倪紫晴 NGAI Tsz-ching

CS-209 不日上映 Release Soon


Dance Synopsis:Please switch off your mobile device. The Movie is about to start.


區莃林 AU Hei-lam, Ashley

CS-210 向前走… Moving Forward

舞蹈簡介:即使前方充滿荊棘,害怕也要勇往直前。哪怕面對恐懼,激勵自己不斷向前…向前… 無懼挑戰成就更好的自己。

Dance Synopsis:Although there are many difficulties and obstacles ahead of the path, I won’t be fear, I will keep moving forward with self motivation, prepare and get ready to take the challenge.


郭凱茵 KWOK Hoi-yan, Alyssa

CS-211 歡迎光臨動物園 One Day in the ZOO


Dance Synopsis:Mommy said: ”Come Come , take a photo with the Giraffe.” 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

陸曉穎 LUK Hiu-wing, Elena

CS-212 十萬個為甚麼? I Wonder Why?


Dance Synopsis:Why? Why? Tell me Why? x 99999 times WHY?


陳祉企 CHAN Tsz-kei, Hailey

CS-213 八號風球.現正懸掛 Typhoon No.8 Is Hoisted


Dance Synopsis:whoosh…whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh whoosh


周逸 CHAU Yat

CS-214 前進,不後退 River


Dance Synopsis:Always look forward in everything, just like a river, only move forward, never backward, I will always lead you.


曹寶妮 CHO Perlie Po-ni

CS-215 仍在 Always


Dance Synopsis:You are the light of the moon, and helping me to run out of the darkness.


曾雪瑤 Tsang Suet-yiu

CS-216 風吹葉動 Leaf in the Wind



黃妍愫 WONG Yin-so, Bella

CS-217 會過去的.... It Will Be Pass.....



Dance Synopsis:As soon as possible, put away the sad eyes and sad faces.

Abandon the sadness in your heart.


蔡伊晴 CHOY Yi-Ching

CS-218 就是我 This is Me


Dance Synopsis:Being yourself is an honor, and nobody can hurt you because of your imperfect.


劉玥芃 LAU Yuet-fung

CS-219 開心時刻Pizza Day It’s Pizza O’clock


Dance Synopsis:Ding! Time’s Up! Fresh out from the Oven!


黃婉桐 WONG Yuen-tung, Annis

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 少年組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Teenagers – Solo, Duo, Trio

CS-301 對抗 Rival


Dance Synopsis:We want to escape reality, but can’t do anything


吳芷橋 Ng Tsz-kiu

孫佩賢 SUN Pui-yin

CS-302 Snowing

陳幗元 CHAN Kwok-yuen


Dance Synopsis:Take your time to admire the beauty of nature and the snowflakes as they silently cover the landscape.


黃梓晴 WONG Sofia

CS-303 變奏3.0 Variation 3.0


Dance Synopsis:We can’t change the world immediately, but we can let you clap for us now.


李樂程 Calypso Cassiopee Crystal Perreux

洪日希 HUNG Yat-hei

CS-304 放:下 Strung Out

區桸堯 AU Hei-yiu, Kayley


Dance Synopsis:Physically, Mentally, Emotionally TIRED. Learn to rest, NOT QUIT.


杜芷欣 TO Tsz-yan

CS-305 囚 Hostage


Dance Synopsis:The world suddenly becomes dark! Release the inner fear in the struggle, and hope for salvation in the despair.


梁倩楠 LEUNG Sin-nam

CS-306 Breathe


Dance Synopsis:Is the current silent or active? External stimulation activates the flow of electric current, with ups and downs, fast and slow. Have you been electrocuted?


石曉姸 SHEK Hiu-yin

CS-307 Move Your body


Dance Synopsis:Really want to get rid of the shadow, but who can do it? Can you tell who is the master and who is the shadow?


莊悦 CHONG Yoslene

CS-308 再.試 Try Again

霍俞樺 FOK Yu-wah, Leanna


Dance Synopsis:

Life is like a game. Failure is just a small spectrum. Try again, and move forward with a more steadfast spirit.


陳芷君 CHAN Tsz -kwan, Carey

CS-309 啟 Unfolding


Dance Synopsis:Graphic fosters from one space to another. It is from pulling, contraction, static and resume to the original point.


歐陽曉瞳 Hilary AU YEUNG

CS-310 Voice in the Mirror


像跟我對答一樣……是幻覺,還是有另一個現實在對 面?還是我才是那幻覺?

Dance Synopsis:In the bathroom, while washing off the disguise, a whisper from the mirror is heard, as if engaging in a conversation. It questions the reality, blurring the lines between illusion and truth, leaving the protagonist in a state of uncertainty and self-reflection.


李巧津 LI Hau-chun

CS-311 請勿打擾•我 Do Not Disturb, Me

舞蹈簡介:係,係,好,知道…..um 等等. 先給我一點喘息空間。噓!

Dance Synopsis:Yes, Yes, Ok, Will do……Um, wait wait, please give me a break, Shhhhhh!


洪日希 HUNG Yat-hei

CS-312 Jericho

Dance Synopsis:A contemporary dance piece using fluid movements to create shapes and moments on stage. The dancers’graceful transitions between different poses and sequences captivate the audience’s attention. Each movement flows seamlessly into the next, conveying a sense of continuity and harmony throughout the performance. The dynamic choreography showcases the dancers’versatility and expressiveness, bringing the piece to life with a sense of fluidity and artistry that mesmerizes the viewers.


CHAN Tsz-ling

CS-313 倖存者 Survive


Dance Synopsis:Come on! Hitting me will only make me grow. Even if I am hurt physically and mentally, I will survive strong!


張子潁 CHEUNG Tsz-wing

CS-314 邊緣 Edge


Dance Synopsis:What am I but an edge


陳幗元 CHAN Kwok-yuen

CS-315 Hallelujah

Dance Synopsis:A contemporary dance piece about finding peace, the movements are executed with thoughtfulness. The dancers convey a sense of calm and introspection through their graceful and deliberate gestures. The choreography reflects the journey towards inner tranquility, with each movement carefully crafted to evoke a sense of serenity and self-discovery. The dancers’expressions and body language exude a deep sense of contemplation and emotional depth, inviting the audience to share in the introspective experience of seeking inner peace through movement.


Charlotte Emma LIM

CS-316 倒流 Backflow



仿佛一切會瞬間消失 像河面流過的倒影,像虛構 沉甸甸的彩色玻璃球

Dance Synopsis:My heart, the dark drawer

Every time I suddenly pull it out, it’s enough to make me nervous It seems like everything will disappear in an instant

Like a reflection flowing through the river, like a fiction

A heavy colored glass ball


藍嵐 NAM Nam

CS-317 Reconciliation

舞蹈簡介:眼睛是靈魂之窗,失明令到人失去方向感,絕望又無力。在黑暗當中重新尋找自我,以及生存的方法。跟迷失自 我,重新找回自己的感覺一樣。

Dance Synopsis:Eyes are the windows to the soul. Blindness makes people lose their sense of direction, despair and powerlessness. Rediscover yourself and the way to survive in the darkness. It’s the same feeling as losing yourself and finding yourself again.


梁啟明 LEUNG Kai-ming

CS-318 冷戰後 Stone Cold


Dance Synopsis:You’re dancing with her, while I’m staring at my phone.


甄欣 YAN Yan, Joyce

CS-319 Overdose

舞蹈簡介:我試著用最平靜的聲線 說出那壓抑已久的感受 可惜到最後還是掩飾不了心中的難過

在最一次擁抱後好好道別吧 學會放手


Dance Synopsis:Trying to use the calmest voice to share the feelings that been suppressed for long. Yet, still can’t hide the sadness in my heart.

Let go after the warmest hugging……goodbye stranger.


鄧唯 TANG Wei

CS-320 活著 Alive



Dance Synopsis:Survival and breathing may seem simple, but in reality, everyone has their difficulties and struggles, experiencing constant ups and downs. We must strive to maintain courage and hope to the best of our abilities.


梁煦悠 LEUNG Hui-yau

CS-321 袋之希望 A Little Bag of Hopes


Dance Synopsis:Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together.


李樂程 Calypso Cassiopee Crystal Perreux

CS-322 聽.弦 I Heard a Sound


Dance Synopsis:As soon as I hear a sound , it always suggests a mood to me.


區桸堯 Kayley AU

CS-323 敢,不敢 Dare to Be


Dance Synopsis:As time goes by, have you ever be who you want to be?


鄭巧澄 CHENG Hau-ching

CS-324 敢.愛 Brave to Love


Dance Synopsis:Coincidences, are always many in life. And there may be a moment when two parallel lines meet. How long can this moment last, relying on how brave we can, to fight, to maintain.


劉雪茵 LAU Suet-yan

CS-325 再見公公會再見 Goodbye Grandpa


Dance Synopsis:My Dearest Grandpa, Bye Bye, I will miss you forever.


林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 兒童及少年組 – 群舞

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Children & Teenagers – Group

CG-601 一齊來砌砌雪人 Do You Wanna Build a Snowman


Dance Synopsis:Little Snowmen is having fun in the snow.


黃研竣 WONG Brooklyn Yin-chun

呂允豫 LUI Themis, Amazon

郭頌心 KWOK Chung-sum

林筠喬 LAM Kwan-kiu

麥凱喬 MAK Hoi-kiu

林愷瀅 LAM Hoi-ying, Kristy

李心語 LI sum-yu

CG-602 Dog Days Are Over


麥智略 MAK Chi-leuk, Morris

李晞妤 LEE Hei-yu

陳研郗 CHAN Yin-hei, Heydon

王蔚嘉 WONG Wai-ka

林心蕾 LAM Sum-lui

許睿桐 XU Yui-tung

梁心語 LEUNG Sum-yu

Dance Synopsis:The contemporary dance, set to the tune of“Dog Days Are Over,”tells the story of a isolated youth struggling. Through expressive movement, the dancer embodies the struggle to overcome her sadness and find hope. Ultimately, the transformative power of love and support from loved ones lifts the lead character from a state of deep despair to embarking on a journey towards emotional liberation.


陳卓生 CHAN Cheuk-sang

周卓彤 CHAU Cheuk-tung, Charlotte

曾博晞 TSANG Pok-hei, Chloe

周卓穎 CHAU Cheuk-wing, Karena

何悅儀 HO Yuet-yee, Corrine

黃佳盈 WONG Gai-ying

姜希雅 KIANG Hei-nga

郭晞彤 KWOK Hei-tung, Summer

李汶檉 LEE Man-ching

劉若詩 LAU Yeuk-sze

郭晞妤 KWOK Hei-ue, Hailey

楊涴雅 YEUNG Yuen-nga

鄒紫琳 CHOW Tsz-lam

羅浠婷 LAW Hei-ting

許樂媛 HUI Lok-wun

陳俙澄 CHAN Hei-ching

周樂霖 CHOW Lok-lam

周婥瑤 CHOW Cheuk-yiu

鄧芷淇 TANG Tsz-ki, Chloe

黃詩晴 WONG Sze-ching

郭珈嘉 KWOK Ka-ka

郭芓慧 KWOK Tsz-wai

李思慧 LEE Sze-wai

吳非霏 NG Fei-fei

江紫悠 KONG Tsz-yau

陳懿瞳 CHAN Yee-tung

CG-603 我心中尚未崩壞的部份 The UNbroken Part of Me


本人何曉嵐2007年於演藝學院畢業,熱愛爵士舞,也喜歡當代舞我的元素,另為香港馬戲團創辦人和表演者,曾 於演藝學院中,於現代舞的訓練上受了周佩韻老師的教導,另在於爵士舞上得到Mohammad 老師的啟蒙,多年來間,一直 訓練自己在舞蹈教學上的能力和作為爵士舞老師的專業,一直以為會和自己走在一起16年的先生走下去。。。然後突然有一 天,有一天,他離開了她。。。

感覺自己的生活一團糟,床上滿是垃圾,哭過用過的紙巾,屋中因無力整理而堆疊的廢物。。。學生成了她最大走下去的支 柱,每次回到教室都強忍收起眼淚,直到有一天,她於教室大喊左出黎.....

學生把她從廢墟拉了出來。。。在最差的時候總有人會成為你不崩壞,不瓦解的原因。這首歌是在何曉嵐將於2024年9月前離 開香港,前往國外大學進修表演前,她的學生陪著她創作的其中一個舞曲。

感謝遇上cath wong這一首‘我心中尚未崩壞的部份‘。由4/5位,由8歲至11歲的學生創作的爵士舞fusion當代舞的作品。 Dance Synopsis:The Unbroken Part of Me


黃加晴 WONG Ka-ching

何尚凝 HO Sheung-ying

葉康翹 Kara Kamryn Yap

馮巧悠 FUNG Hau-yau

Harris Elsie Jia-Li

CG-604 決·刻 Critical Moments


Dance Synopsis:At the most critical times , your silence sends the loudest and clearest message.


陸曉穎 LUK Hiu-wing, Elena

胡立言 WU Lap-yin

黃妍愫 WONG Bella Yin-so

陳楚喬 CHAN Cho-kiu, Abbie amber

陳泳詩 CHAN Wing-sze, Grace

李樂程 Calypso Cassiopee Crystal Perreux

區桸堯 AU Hei-yiu, Kayley

3.8.2024 (六 Sat) 19:30

當代舞 Contemporary Dance

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 單項

黃婉桐 WONG Yuen-tung, Annis

周逸 CHAU Yat

蔡宇晴 TSOI Yu-ching

洪日希 HUNG Yat-hei

程心 CHING Aurora

謝詠欣 TSE wing-yan

梁晰儒 LEUNG Sik-yu, Chloe

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Solo, Duo, Trio

CS-401 墨 Dark Clouds

舞蹈簡介:黑雲翻墨未遮山,白雨跳珠亂船 - 蘇軾

Dance Synopsis:As the black ink-like clouds roll over and approach the mountains, pearls of white rain cascade and scatter passing boats.


李樂軒 LEE Lok-hin

CS-402 遺 Desolation



Dance Synopsis:What is the heavy burden of the futility of existence and loneliness of a soul adrift in an abyss of despair, desolation, torment and emptiness...?


賴嘉琦 LAI Ka-ki, Christina

CS-403 芙蓉荓蒂 Hibiscus Flower


Dance Synopsis:Green shoots upwards towards the clouds and the moon, eventually two flowers bloom and reflect one another.


張日然 CHEUNG Yat-yin, Jeannie

CS-404 靈魂之窗 Window of the Soul


梁卓嵐 LEUNG Cheuk-lam



Dance Synopsis:Blinded and disoriented by doubts and setbacks, I listen to my inner voice, hold tight to my beliefs, and strive to move forward. I find a silver lining in the midst of despair, and discover the uniqueness of my existence.


盧珈霖 LO Ka-lam


妳 + 我 Between - You + Me


在平行的世界,能否與妳,再重寫 ?!

Dance Synopsis:If so , should everything be or can be rewritten ?!


魏晴 NGAI Ching

CS-406 第二人格 Me (s)


Dance Synopsis:A lifelong dissembler , always playing the“ you ”in another ’s eye. Yet are “ you ”the true you ?


廖文樂 LIU Isaac

CS-407 人生階段的非實驗性展演之所有嘢都整定 The Experimental Life 3.0



Dance Synopsis:In the laboratory, non-experimental experiments are conducted one by one. “Everything is predetermined”may be an excuse, but it is also a reality.


陳芷蕎 CHAN Tsz-kiu

CS-408 Reflection

翁凱熙 YUNG Hoi-hei


Dance Synopsis:Mulan joins the army on her father’s behalf. Deep down in her heart, does she hope she can be a son or a daughter?


劉晉希 LAU Chun-hei

CS-409 雨中綻放 Blossom in the Rain







Dance Synopsis:When rain turns into a river, just flow.


葉曉晴 YIP Hiu-ching

CS-410 紅綠燈

Dance Synopsis:A person is only as good as the things she loves and the light she chooses.


麥嘉希 MAK Ka-hei

黃凱瞳 WONG Hoi-tung, Kristie

CS-411 在波浪中颠簸 Bumping in the Waves

舞蹈簡介:能經歷波浪中顛簸的能力者, 定能走到最遠。

龔言澄 KUNG Yin-ching

Dance Synopsis:Those who can experience the turbulence in the waves will be able to go as far as possible.


黃浠桐 WONG Hei-tung

CS-412 息 Breathe


Dance Synopsis:Breathe yourself,find yourself


馮翊雪 FUNG Yik-suet, Chloe

CS-413 心魔 Devil in your Heart


Dance Synopsis:Inner demons can always exist or appear suddenly. Will you defeat them or be swallowed by them?


郭琇筠 KWOK Sau-kwan

CS-414 有些事我還未跟你說 If I haven’t told you yet 舞蹈簡介:有些說話我未曾跟你說. 有些說話埋在心裡, 但今天選擇對你說出來。

‘If I haven’t told you yet’ 誠意邀請您,


Dance Synopsis:Somethings I never said . Somethings I choose to hide in my heart . But today I will give a speech and say it out.

‘If I haven’t told you yet’ Sincerely invite you

3rd August, 7:30pm , Yuen Long Theatre


劉琛兒 Chloe LIU

CS-415 進 Back for Forth 舞蹈簡介:前進吧,為自己的心找一個家

Dance Synopsis:Be who you want to be, keep moving!


謝欣彤 TSE Yan-tung, Bernice

CS-416 此刻 In the Embrace of Now

舞蹈簡介:也許人總是這樣, 越遠的看得越清晰, 越近的卻往往會遺漏,

與其等失去後才痛惜, 不如感受此刻印記

Dance Synopsis:The farther we look, the clearer it becomes. The closer we get, the more we tend to overlook.

Instead of waiting to regret after losing, it’s better to embrace the imprints of the present moment.


麥梓瑩 MAK Tsz-ying

黃曉瑩 WONG Hiu-ying

S-418 Survivor

陸曉悅 LUK Hiu-yuet, Edna

舞蹈簡介:困在囚牢當中的戰伕飽受折磨不斷尋找脫離的方法。在逃走的過程中處處受阻,最終仍是逃不出魔掌 Dance Synopsis:The soldiers trapped in the prison were tortured and constantly looking for ways to escape. In the process of escaping, she was blocked at every turn, but in the end she still couldn’t escape from the clutches of the devil.


鄭茜家 CHENG Sin-ka

CS-419 黯夜 Dark Night

舞蹈簡介:誰悄悄地在我們身邊圍上了道道緊閉的大門,迷失於通往最初起點的重重關卡中,快要忘了手裡其實也握著一 束不知道通往哪裡的鑰匙......

Dance Synopsis:Who unknowingly touches the closed doors around us, gets lost in the many checkpoints leading to the original starting point, and is about to hold in his hand a bunch of entrances that lead to unknown places...


岑青霖 SHUM Ching-lam, Fei Fei

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 群舞

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Group

CG-701 實驗性作品: 1001100 Experimental work: 1001100


Dance Synopsis:Clicking one button can change the world, and a signal can do thousands of things for you. Can you imagine what the world will become?


陸曉悅 LUK Hiu-yuet, Edna

劉琛兒 Chloe LIU

林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying

甄欣 YAN Yan, Joyce

CG-702 Tree of Life

駱晞藍 LOCK Hei-nam

杜芷欣 TO Tsz-yan

葉曉晴 YIP Hiu-ching

龍家惠 Nugteren Madalena Isabella


Dance Synopsis:The earth breeds endless life, and the tree of life undergoes the baptism of the four seasons throughout the year, showing the beauty of different forms. Week after week, everything is renewed.


莊悦 CHONG Yoslene

霍俞樺 FOK Yu-wah, Leanna

馮梓殷 FUNG Tsz-yan

郭凱茵 KWOK Hoi-yan, Alyssa

林泳彤 LAM Wing-tung

劉晉希 LAU Chun-hei

梁啟明 LEUNG Kai-ming

CG-703 漸漸......







Dance Synopsis:Time gradually becomes blurry...

Even if...

Gradually forgetting the taste of laughter.

Gradually forgetting one’s dreams.

Gradually forgetting one’s own existence.

Still, one must strive and blossom with all their might.


柯泳妃 KE Yong-fei

黃芷瑤 WONG Tsz-yiu

洪日希 HUNG Yat-hei

譚晴 TAM Ching

羅安霖 LAW On-lam, Anna

張愷晴 CHEUNG Hoi-ching

麥梓瑩 MAK Tsz-ying

黃曉瑩 WONG Hiu-ying

李芷蕎 LI Tsz-kiu

孫靖琳 SUEN Ching-lam, Charlotte

倪曼欣 NGAI Man-yan

石曉姸 SHEK Hiu-yin

蘇彩螢 SO Choi-ying

孫啓恩 SUEN Kai-yan, Karina

譚梓盈 TAM Tsz-ying

楊可瑩 YEUNG Ho-ying, Chloe

李洱蓁 LEE Yee-tsun

陸曉悅 LUK Hiu-yuet, Edna

黎伊桐 LAI Yi-tung

李莃晴 LEE Hei-ching, Hayley

潘曉彤 POON Hiu-tung

張早藍 CHEUNG Cho-lam

黃耀均 WONG Yiu-kwan

陳嬈 CHAN Yiu

孔懿雅 HUNG Yee-nga, Elvia

陳敏澄 CHAN Man-ching

CG-704 蘭子 Mulan


Dance Synopsis:the women aren’t willing to be left behind the men


郭家穎 KWOK Ka-wing

陳奕彤 CHAN Yik-tung

何頌忻 HO Chung-yan, Joan

李洛殷 LEE Lok-yan, Gladys

李韋樂 LEE Wai-lok

黃晧明 WONG Ho-ming

陳慧紅 CHAN Wai-hung

CG-705 越(中國當代舞)


霍泳棋 FOK Wing-ki

陳蔚嵐 CHAN Wai-lam

羅信君 LAW Shun-kwan

伍梓游 NG Tsz-yau

曾紀雯 TSANG Kei-man

陳浩天 CHAN Ho-tin

黃俊穎 WONG Jenny Chun-wing

Dance Synopsis:The frosty morning moon, the sinking sun blood-red ; again, leaping, conquering once more.


黃巧晴 WONG Hau-ching

魏晴 NGAI Ching

麥嘉希 MAK Ka-hei

黃凱瞳 WONG Hoi-tung, Kristie

柯慧翹 OR Evana Wai-kiu

李心瑗 LEE Sum-wun

樊羲澄 FAN Hei-ching

關雅謠 KWAN Nga-yiu, Natalie

龔言澄 KUNG Yin-ching

黃凱琳 WONG Hoi-lam

CG-706 信念 Belief

高子凈 KO Tsz-ching, Megan

梁思齊 LEUNG Sze-chai

林芊欣 LAM Chin-yan

林姿綽 LAM Chi-cheuk

謝心翹 TSE Sum-kiu

陳曉倩 CHAN Hiu-sin, Shannon

陳思琪 CHAN Sze-ki

駱穎彤 LOK Wing-tung, Savannah

李芷瑩 LEE Tsz-ying

舞蹈簡介:人生充滿起伏,身邊永遠都有無形的手來保護和引導,讓你變得更堅強和平靜,堅韌前行,勇敢地面對未知的旅 程。

Dance Synopsis:Life is a journey with ups and downs. But there are always friends to protect and guide you, making you stronger and bravely facing the journey with resilience.


張日然 CHEUNG Yat-yin, Jeannie

曹汶慧 CHO Man-wai

周綽珩 CHOW Cheuk-hang

周翠妮 CHOW Cui-ni, Trinity

高芷澄 KO, Tsz-ching

林願琪 LAM Yuen-kei, Iris

劉倬妍 LAU Cheuk-yin, Cherry

CG-707 你與我們 U & Us


Dance Synopsis:This is about“US”with a capital“U”.


陸曉悅 LUK Hiu-yuet, Edna

劉琛兒 Chloe LIU

林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying

李樂軒 LEE, Lok-hin

梁卓嵐 LEUNG Cheuk-lam

敖溢希 NGO Yat-hei

蕭洛婷 SIEW Lok-ting

徐樂宜 TSUI Jasmine Lok-yee

黃晞渝 WONG Madelyn Hei-yu

甄欣 YAN Yan, Joyce

葉曉晴 YIP Hiu-ching

CG-708 滄浪盧魚現 When the Mermaid Comes





Dance Synopsis:Our lives are legends.

We come from ______, we are ______.

Can we still be at peace with the world?

The piece is about the Tankas’history, and the question of our identity.


鄭穎欣 CHENG Wing-yan, Priscilla

CG-709 焦.慮 Anxiety Disorder


所有人都會經歷過擔心,驚恐或者焦慮這些精神狀態. 但如果這些狀態以每周五天怎至是七天的頻率,並且無原 因的出現,你會有什麼感受?

就算看似正常的平凡人,內心都有機會在經歷這些下一秒就能把他們擊垮的情緒…. 讓我們凡事都保持同理心,不要成為 這些情緒的幫兇。

Dance Synopsis:

Everyone experiences worry, panic and anxiety. But how do you feel if these occur every day in a week without a reason?

People looks like normal may also collapse within a second due to sudden emotional attack. In order to avoid these inner emotion attacks and become a victim, we should remain empathetic.


楊皓雯 YEUNG Ho-man

劉雪茵 LAU Suet-yan

陳沛瑤 CHAN Pui-yiu

鄭子晴 CHENG Tsz-ching

CG-710 在此日期前03.08.24 Best Before 03.08.24

歐陽曉瞳 Hilary AU YEUNG

梁煦悠 LEUNG Hui-yau

王曉冰 WONG Hiu-ping

李巧津 LI Hau-chun


Dance Synopsis:“All encounters in life are reunions after long times apart.“ - <The Grandmaster>


王偉權 WONG Wai-kuen

吳頌茹 NG Chung-yu

周芯悅 CHAU Sum-yuet

李希雪 LEE Hei-suet, Snowy

陳穎琳 CHAN Wing-lam

陳芷君 CHAN Tsz-kwan

CG-711 漂 Drift

劉琛兒 Chloe LIU

林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying

甄欣 YAN Yan, Joyce

葉曉晴 YIP Hiu-ching

龍家惠 Nugteren Madalena Isabella

舞蹈簡介:在漂泊中,看似不盡相同的軌跡終會有交匯之處。我還是漂泊者嗎? Dance Synopsis:In wanderlust, seemingly disparate trajectories eventually converge. Am I still a drifter?


賴嘉琦 LAI Ka-ki, Christina

陳若羚 CHAN Yeuk-ling

陳韻堯 CHAN Isabella

彭洛鍶 PANG Lok-sze

曾啟瑀 TSANG Kai-yu

鄧正希 TANG Ching-hei, Justin

CG-712 The Show Must Go On


Dance Synopsis:A contemporary piece exploring the social dynamic of influencers and followers. A minority resist but ultimately succumb to the hypnotisng outside forces, reflecting our current social landscape.


CHAN Tsz-ling

Charlotte Emma LIM

Charmaine Elise LIM

CHEUNG Sze-bo, Sybil

Jiayue DANG

KAN Hiu-lam

CG-713 心動 Heart beat


LEONG Hoi-lam, Vianna

POON Chung-kiu

TSOI Ching-lam, Jeanna WONG Yik-lam, Evelyn Woodbury Sophia Elizabeth YEUNG Hoi-yi

Dance Synopsis:Have you ever listened to your own heartbeat?


曹寶妮 CHO Perlie Po-ni

張子潁 CHEUNG Tsz-wing

郭琇筠 KWOK Sau-kwan

陳家慧 CHAN Ka-wai

梁嘉津 LEUNG Ka-chun, Candace

袁晞姸 YUEN Hei-yin

梁倩楠 LEUNG Sin-nam

麥銳言 MAK Yui-yin

4.8.2024 (日 Sun) 10:00

公開舞 Open Dance

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 幼童及兒童組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Toddlers & Children – Solo, Duo, Trio

OS-201 描繪我的聚光點 Tracing My Spotlight


Dance Synopsis:Are you willing to share with me, the results of my efforts? 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

陳泳詩 CHAN Wing-sze, Grace

OS-202 Rescue

Dance Synopsis:This choreography is giving a vibe of enthusiasm of lending a hand to people who are badly need help; Scarlett is a girl who wants not only to give positivity around her, but also selflessly sharing her ability to help. The choreographer focused more on the connection of the music to the body and gave a much more refined and detailed steps that would best fit on the technique of the dancer.


江婈 KONG Ling, Scarlett

OS-203 Show off 舞蹈簡介:一位光芒四射的舞台明星,為了人生另一夢想,決定放棄明星的光環。但不論她怎樣掩飾,仍然在人群當中閃閃 發光,她仍然彷彿有著自帶亮光燈的效果,不論走到哪裏一眼就能認出她。

Dance Synopsis:A radiant stage star decided to give up the halo of stardom for another dream in life. But no matter how she conceals it, she still shines in the crowd. She still seems to have the effect of her own bright light, and she can be recognized at a glance no matter where she goes.


林蔚晴 LAM Wai-ching, Genesis

OS-204 我不會長大!I Won’t Grow Up !


Dance Synopsis:He loves freedom. He loves flying in the sky. He has lots of dreams and passions. He won’t grow up forever. He is Peter Pan!


黃穎桐 WONG Wing-tung, Alena

OS-205 Listen

Dance Synopsis:This lyrical dance is about listening to your heart and following what you know is right. Each step, each gesture conveys the internal struggle and eventual triumph of aligning with one’s true self. The fluidity of the dance mirrors the ebb and flow of emotions, capturing the essence of inner strength and courage as the music builds.

舞蹈員Dancer(s): FONG Ho-ho

OS-206 機遇 Opportunity


Dance Synopsis:Opportunity is a gift of time and fate. It silently rings out to those who desire success!


黃以斐 WONG Yee-fei

OS-207 我的幻想世界 Small Small World

舞蹈簡介:在一個小小的房間裏,小孩子幻想着未來各種志願和夢想,和兩個心愛的公仔朋友一起玩耍和聊天。孩子舉起手 模擬飛行,舞動著輕快的步伐,展現對世界的喜悅和無憂無慮的心情。

Dance Synopsis:The little girl imagine various aspirations and dreams for the future, playing and chatting with her beloved toy friends. She raise her hands, simulating flight, and move with light and lively steps, showcaseing her joy and carefree sprit towards the world.


林希童 LAM Hei-tung

OS-208 Rise Up

Dance Synopsis:A girl who’s never been thinking of giving up on her dreams; and this dreams are fueled by the love of her mother and the people who believes in her capabilities. She never stops reaching and she always want to find lights into whenever she goes or situations she may in.

Movement patterns are flow, accent and distortion; and this combination is what the choreographer’s intuition in dance. Rise up was created through the theme of“not giving up to something.”


王芊幸 WONG Chin-hang, Cherelle

OS-209 You’ve Got a Friend in Me

舞蹈簡介:調皮搗蛋的妹妹,每一天都想姐姐能夠陪伴玩耍,但係種種原因,妹妹經常獨自一人。面對的房間,孤獨的感覺尤 然而生

Dance Synopsis:Anna wants to play with Elsa every day, but due to various reasons, she is often alone. Facing the room, the feeling of loneliness arises


羅子晴 LAW Tsz-ching

OS-210 阿拉伯肚皮舞鼓舞 Drum Solo


節奏輕快的阿拉伯肚皮舞鼓舞,以身體分離技巧配合層次鮮明的中東鼓節奏。當舞者的動作與音樂之結合,那細 膩的程度往往讓人感到目不轉睛,是一種熱情激昂、歡樂、具活力的阿拉伯舞蹈演出。

Dance Synopsis:Arabic belly dancing involves using body separation techniques and distinct layers of Middle Eastern drum rhythms. To work with the brisk rhythm, the dancer creates clear movement and emphasizes fluidity, grace, and intricate hip and torso movements. When the dancer’s movements are combined with the music, their delicate and precise execution often mesmerizes the audience. It is a passionate, joyful and dynamic performance that showcases the beauty of Arabic dance.


吳依娜 NG Yee-na

OS-211 Shine on Stage




何悅同 HO Yuet-tung

OS-212 I See The Light

舞蹈簡介:在窗外眺望着星空,我渴望星星在黑夜中閃耀一般,在舞台展現自己的光芒。我看見了夢想的未來,因為我找到 了我所熱愛的事物。

Dance Synopsis:Gazing at the stars through the window, I yearn to shine on the stage just like the stars sparkle in the night sky. I see the future of my dreams because I have found something I love.


林雅雯 LAM Nga-man

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 少年組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Teenagers – Solo, Duo, Trio

OS-301 離別 Lost without You


Dance Synopsis:I find strength by myself, I can grow and take on challenges. Watch me grow!


張凱喬 CHEUNG Hattie Hoi-kiu

OS-302 永不放棄的心 I Won’t Give Up


Dance Synopsis:No matter how challenging the path ahead and treacherous the terrain, I will bravely will myself to the destination!


蔡安蕎 CHOI On-koi

OS-303 Hey Pachuco

Dance Synopsis:This Musical Theatre dance is a burst of high energy and entertainment. Lots of wow moments, captivating audiences with dynamic choreography and clean lines. You could imagine this dance being on a Broadway stage!


Charmaine Elise LIM

OS-304 我的女孩 My Girls



Dance Synopsis:My girls, you have grown up quietly as I watch with a mother’s expectations. When you lower your head, you may see a sea of problems, however when you raise your head, you will see the future. Walk with your head held high!


周翠妮 CHOW Cui-ni, Tiffany 梁樂心 LEUNG Lok-sum

OS-305 Tell Me Why

Dance Synopsis:This emotive lyrical dance embodies the struggles and frustrations of questioning the world’s problems and why they persist. Through their movements, they express the deep-rooted emotions of confusion and despair towards the state of society. Each step and gesture is a powerful plea for change, a poignant reflection of the yearning for a better world. The dancer’s performance resonates with the audience, evoking a shared sense of longing for a brighter future amidst the darkness of current realities.


Aidan TAM

OS-306 I Want to be A Rockette


Dance Synopsis:Let me chase my dreams, to be a star, limitless in possibilities!


蕭洛婷 SIEW Lok-ting

OS-307 Liability

Dance Synopsis:An emotive lyrical dance piece conveying the feeling of always bearing the weight of thinking you are the root cause of issues. Through fluid movements and subtle gestures, the dancer embodies the internal struggle and self-blame that comes with this perception. The choreograph explores the complexities of emotions, drawing the audience into the dancer’s introspective journey.


Kan Hiu-lam

OS-308 Rise Up


Dance Synopsis:Lyrical style with slow movements. The meaning of this show is to show that even how many times the failure come, we still can rise and getting stronger


鄭悅恩 Pollard Mairead Aine

OS-309 沈默 Silence

舞蹈簡介:當世界變得吵雜,我調節情緒,直到我最終體會到... 沈默。

Dance Synopsis:When the world becomes noisy, I regulate my emotions until I finally capture… silence.


葉艾詩 YIP Ngai-sze

OS-310 Beautiful Things

舞蹈簡介:姐妹是一種超越時空的感覺,即使隔着天涯海角,不論是喜悦還是悲傷,也能相伴左右走過一生。無論出現何種 困難,姐妹都能相互扶持,攜手前行,永不感到孤單和寂寞。

Dance Synopsis:Sisters are a feeling that transcends time and space. Even if separated by vast distances, whether in joy or sorrow, they can always be by each other’s side throughout life’s journey. No matter what difficulties arise, sisters can rely on and support one another, walking hand in hand, never feeling alone or lonely.


高善頤 KO Sin-yee

OS-311 在那一瞬間 One Moment in Time

高僖頤 KO Hay-yee

舞蹈簡介:那一剎的心動,如春風拂過湖面. 心靈交匯,世界彷彿靜止. 美好,從這一瞬間開始蔓延!

Dance Synopsis:My heartbeat was like a gentle spring breeze blowing across the lake. In the calm surroundings, I notice beauty spreading towards the horizon.


黃晞渝 WONG Madelyn Hei-yu

OS-312 A Cover is not the Book

舞蹈簡介:俗語說:凡事不要看表面,眼見未為真。書的封面很美,但封面不代表書!不要憑封面去判斷一本書!不要用看見 的事物判斷一個人/事!

Dance Synopsis:The saying“never judge a book by its cover”, the outward appearance of something is not an indication of its value or worth. For a cover is nice, But a cover is not the book! Don’t judge based only on what you see on the outside!


曾煦林 TSANG Hui-lam

OS-313 Snake

Dance Synopsis:An acro dance portraying the character of a snake, movements flowing seamlessly like the slithering of a serpent. By linking acro movements with technical precision, the dancer can truly embody the fluidity and mesmerizing allure of a snake in a captivating and dynamic routine.


LEONG Hoi-lam, Vianna

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 單項

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Solo, Duo, Trio

OS-401 不可能的愛 Al Gharam El Moustahil


Dance Synopsis:Pop song belly dance from Arabic.


俞小姐 YUE Tjoe Mey, Kennis

OS-402 Questions

Dance Synopsis:An expressive lyrical dance piece connecting the audience to the dancer’s inner struggles. Through fluid movements and emotive expressions, the dancer conveys a sense of questioning and uncertainty about their future. This vulnerability allows the audience to empathize with the dancer’s journey of self-discovery and introspection, creating a profound emotional connection between the performer and the viewers.


Jiayue DANG

OS-403 I Have Nothing


Dance Synopsis:Life is like love, full of ups and downs and various challenges.


李樂軒 LEE Lok-hin

OS-404 Tito 開場舞Tito Mejense



鄭婉詩 CHENG Yuen-sze, Cal

OS-405 為什麼? What Do You Mean?


Dance Synopsis:The Love and the Loath caught up in a soundless relationship.


龍家惠 Nugteren Madalena Isabella

OS-406 She Use To Be Mine


Dance Synopsis:We all face challenges, but our spirit remains strong, and we make it through.


姚僖霖 YIU Hei-lam

OS-407 絢麗印度 Exquisite India


Dance Synopsis:A beautiful, vibrant and passionate Indian girl dances with youth and vitality.


梁詩晴 LEUNG Sze-ching

OS-408 He’s a Dream

Dance Synopsis:An acro routine filled with style and confidence. Blending strong, precise acro movements with a touch of flair and passion, the performance conveys not just technical skill but also performance quality. This combination of technique and showmanship creates a mesmerizing display that can leave a lasting impression on the audience, including the one you are trying to impress.


TSOI Ching-lam, Jeanna

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 兒童及少年組 – 群舞

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Children & Teenagers – Group

OG-601 不戰爭.願和平 Peace NO War

舞蹈簡介:你有沒有想過我們? 您是否曾經停下來注意到所有死於戰爭的兒童?

Dance Synopsis:Did you ever thinking about us ? Did you ever stop to notice all the children dead from war?


區莃林 AU Hei-lam, Ashley

黃晞純 WONG Hei-shun

鄧穎妍 TANG Wing-yin

林芷瑜 LAM Tsz-yu

甄悦希 YAN Jyut-hei, Heyi

曾倩桓 TSANG Karly

謝汶希 Tse Man-hei, Hailey

莫千慧 MOK Chin-wai

呂俊羲 LUI Max

黃星嵐 Ervin Huynh

程云 CHING Ariel

黃柏慧 WONG Pak-wai, Sophia

OG-602 羅拉 Survivor

蔡日朗 TSOI Yat-long

黃妍愫 WONG Bella Yin-so

陳楚喬 CHAN Cho-kiu Abbie Amber

林筠喬 LAM Kwan-kiu

陶智雅 TO Chi-nga, Ella

倪紫晴 NGAI Tsz-ching

胡逸晴 WU Yat-ching

楊悅廷 YEUNG Yuet-ting, Mona

黃琬庭 WONG Yuen-ting

李樂瑤 LEE Lok-yiu

李予謙 LEE Yu-him

舞蹈簡介:我們是一群尋夢想的女孩,為了追逐夢想,我們遇到不少的難關,為了闖過難關,我們互相合作協助大家跨越難 關觸踫夢想。

Dance Synopsis:We are a group of girls chasing dreams. In order to chase our dreams, we encountered many difficulties. In order to overcome the difficulties, we cooperated with each other to help everyone overcome the difficulties and reach their dreams.


陶苡莉 TO I-lee

謝善彤 TSE Sin-tung

呂羨伶 LUI Shin-ling

劉欣廷 LAU Felicity

OG-603 紙飛機的夢 A Paper Airplane’s Dream

舞蹈簡介:再讓我慢一點長大 讓妳繼續指引我前方的路


黎祉希 LAI Tsz-hei

蔡緗縈 TSAI Hsiang-ying

顧昕喬 KOO Yilez

Dance Synopsis:Following your guidance and direction, I can grow up slowly and gradually by taking a tour of the sky through high clouds and low clouds.


陳曉琳 CHAN Hiu-lam

鍾咏言 CHUNG Wing-yin

盧相如 LO Sheung-yu, Charli

張文樂 CHEUNG Man-lok

蔡伊晴 CHOY Yi-ching

梁菁琳 LEUNG Ching-lam

霍卉喬 FOK Wai-kiu

張凱晴 CHEUNG Hoi-ching

陳梓蕊 CHAN Tsz-yui

曾浚鎬 TSANG Tsun-ho

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 群舞

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Group

OG-701 秘.族 The Mystery Clan

舞蹈簡介:遠古的叢林裡,住著一個神秘的部落,有人說他們是神殿神像的化身,有人說他們是會飛的族群, 有人說他們會 變成巨人!就讓我們一起探索下吧!

Dance Synopsis:There is a mystery clan living in the ancient jungle. Some people said they are the statue of the temple, some people said they know how to fly in the air, some people said they can transform to a big giant! Let’s go for a adventure with them and we will know!


黃筱媛 WONG Siu-wun

劉祉呈 LAU Tsz-ching

許鎧婷 HUI Hoi-ting

葉鎧桐 IP Hoi-tung, Agnes

孫佩賢 SUN Pui-yin

陳幗元 CHAN Kwok-yuen

陳幗方 CHAN Kwok-fong

孫泳斐 SUN Wing-fei

蔡知恩 CHOI Venice Chi-yan

張曦允 CHEUNG Hei-wan, Annette

潘妏妮 PUN Isabella

黃筱晴 WONG Siu-ching

OG-702 羅馬尼亞舞 Romanian Dance

梁晞雯 LEUNG Hei-man

劉祉言 LAU Tsz-yin

彭穎心 PANG Wing-sum, Hayley

鍾芊羽 CHUNG Zendaya

姚沅希 YIU Yuen-hei

張依娜 CHEUNG Yi-na, Bernice

黃悅沂 WONG Yuet-yee, Gracelyn

梁卓伶 LEUNG Cheuk-ling

洪茜柔 HUNG Sin-yau

廖姿然 LIU Chi-yin

陳頌熹 CHAN Megan Chung-hei

許茗芯 HUI Ming-sum


Dance Synopsis:This dance orginates from central Romania and is a traditional women’s dance. Girls sing and dance at the same praising Romania as a beautiful country.


徐詠盈 TSUI Wing-ying, Gladys

陳昭妍 CHAN Chiu-in, Jenny

容敏 YUNG Min, Maggie

施敏俐 SZE Minny

鄧慧嵐 TANG Wai-laam, Tracy

李宛蔚 LEE Nicole

廖頌欣 LIU Chung-yan, Etta

梁詠茵 LEUNG Wing-yan, Polly

陳詠欣 CHAN Wing-yan, Fiona

吳翠瑩 NG Chui-ying, Emily

區凱慧 Au Hoi-wai, Mary

何嘉珩 HO Ka-hang, Vivian

OG-703 象神萬歲 Ganpati BappaMorya!

郭詠琪 KWOK Wing-ki, Cathy

葉匡堯 YIP Hong-yiu, Janice

周泳德 CHOW Wing-tak, Serina

張泳筠 CHEUNG Wing-kwan, Emily

胡貝因 WOO Pui-yan, Patsy

徐芍琳 CHUI Cheuk-lam, Candice

李念縈 LI Lin-ying, Catherine

林婉彤 LAM Yuen-tung, Cherrie

林靖盈 LAM Ching-ying, Jenny

梁凱欣 LEUNG Hoi-yan, Ruby

梁凱盈 LEUNG Hoi-ying, Karen

鍾舒翎 CHUNG Shu-ling, Michelle

舞蹈簡介:祈求象神賜予我們擁有無窮力量與智慧!勇敢堅毅地面對所有困難和內心恐懼 成為人生強者。

Dance Synopsis:Pray to Elephant God to grant us infinite strength and wisdom! Be brave and perseverant to face all difficulties and inner fears and become a strong person in life.


蔡澂暉 TSOI Ching-fai

王苡恩 WONG Yi-yan

林映呈 LAM Ying-ching

林穎彤 LAM Wing-tung

區淑瑩 OU Shu-ying

陳沅芝 CHAN Yuan-chi

江瀾 KONG Lan


鄧衍錞 TANG Hin-shun

蔣茜晴 JIANG Sin-ching, Germaine

陸霆晞 LUK Ting-hei, Julie

蔣又嘉 CHIANG Yau-ka

駱紫盈 LOK Tsz-ying

曹悅 CAO Yue

張祺潔 CHEUNG Ki-kit

��瑋琳 NING Wai-lam

4.8.2024 (日 Sun) 14:30

中國舞 Chinese Dance

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 兒童組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Children – Solo, Duo, Trio

CHS-201 覓 Feathers of Destiny

舞蹈簡介:春回寂靜遼闊的草原,孤獨的風拂動着草叢。南歸的鳥兒馭風而舞,盤旋俯衝,尋覓着記憶中的百花盛放,萬馬奔 騰......

Dance Synopsis:Spring is back to the vast grassland. Lonely breeze waves the grass. A bird coming back from the south dances in the wind,hovering, up and down, recalling the flowers in blossom, the galloping horses......


李晞兒 LI Xier

CHS-214 霧中花 Flower in Mist


Dance Synopsis:At the dawn, a fair young lady danced gracefully in the morning mist, enjoying the joy of freedom.


梁傲雪 LEUNG Ngo-suet, Ashley

CHS-203 孫悟空 Sun Ng Kong


大家好!花果山水簾洞美猴王齊天大聖孫悟空出場啦!打妖精,使乜驚呀! 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

李依澄 LEE Yi-ching

CHS-204 探春 Heralding Spring


Dance Synopsis:Scent of spring beneath my feet, Gliding through the grove bathed in the morning light, Awakened by the rooster’s call, Dancing with the dawn.


馬薏喬 MA Hailey Katelynn

CHS-205 熾 Blaze


Dance Synopsis:The little phoenix is reborn from nirvana, expressing its respect and love for life with fire-like enthusiasm.


謝汶希 TSE Man-hei, Hailey

CHS-206 小鬼戲髯 Playful Lad


Dance Synopsis:On the stage, he was recalling his original intention at that time…

舞蹈員Dancer(s):周逸 CHAU Yat

CHS-207 春花望露 Spring Drops


Dance Synopsis:The spring flower is looking forward to the dewdrops. When the flower blooms, it will be extremely beautiful.


陳楚喬 CHAN Cho-kiu, Abbie Amber

CHS-208 小娃娃 Dangle Dollies

舞蹈簡介:兩個住在竹櫥窗的娃娃姊妹,趁着晚上關店的時間四處遊玩。忘形得直至快要天亮時,趕急地回到自己的位置, 假裝一切都没有發生。

Dance Synopsis:Two window display dangle dollies take advantage of the closing time to play around in the evening. They played excitedly and go wild of joy until almost dawn.They hurriedly return to their places and pretend that nothing had happened.


楊凱兒 YEUNG Hoi-yi

CHS-209 靈麟 Linglin

楊悦兒 YEUNG Yue-yi


開頭手臂的流動到起腰乃至高潮部分起身技巧描繪一條魚兒的誕生,對自己翅膀的好奇以及對外面世界的嚮往。魚是大自 然的靈動之物,流水潺潺,紅鱗舞動展現出魚兒的靈動和自由。

第二次音樂的變奏,意在魚兒在成長過程中經歷風雨以及人類帶來的傷害,曲風悲緩呼籲人類愛護海洋,攜手守護海洋的 美麗和生機!

Dance Synopsis:”Linglin”is a dance with classical dance elements, using fans from Jiaozhou Yangge as props. The flow of the starting arm to the waist and even the climax, as well as the technique of getting up, depict the birth of a fish, the curiosity about its own wings, and the longing for the outside world. Fish are the dynamic creatures of nature, with flowing water and red scales dancing, showcasing the agility and freedom of fish.

The second variation of the music is intended for the fish to experience wind, rain, and the harm caused by humans during their growth process. The gentle melody calls on humanity to love the ocean and work together to protect its beauty and vitality!


李晞兒 LI Hei-yi

CHS-210 獅童 My Lovely Lion


Dance Synopsis:The dance piece takes the theme of the lion dance, which has a symbolic meaning of auspiciousness and good fortune. It is a form of Chinese folk culture that combines martial arts, dance, and music. The dance piece uses a lively and lighthearted approach to depict the interaction between a young girl and a lifelike lion puppet. It utilizes lions of different sizes to showcase the intangible cultural heritage of Guangdong.


黃靖桓 WONG Hazel

CHS-21 草原夢 Dream of the Prairie

舞蹈簡介:一個蒙古小女孩幻想在草原上騎馬奔馳,在跌倒的一刻,驚覺草原已經消失了。她凝視着在家鄉的山丘,眺望遠 方的老鷹,意識到要珍惜和留住眼前美好的時光。作品表達對家鄉和自然的眷戀,以及對時光流逝的思考。

Dance Synopsis:A young Mongolian girl gallops on a horse through a fantastical prairie, but awakens to find the grasslands have vanished when she falls. Gazing at the mountains of her homeland and the distant eagle, she realizes the importance of cherishing and preserving the beauty of the present moment.


鄭惠云 CHENG Wai-wan

CHS-212 Glowing Pearl


Dance Synopsis:The little fish found a night pearl in the deep sea. While playing happily, she encountered a strong wind and huge waves. Can Xiao Yuer finally bring the Night Pearl home safely?


蔡雙如 CHOI Sheung-yu

CHS-213 漫遊茉莉園 Jasmine Garden


Dance Synopsis:Amidst the fragrant blooms of the jasmine garden, a little girl strolls on a summer night. She contemplates picking flowers but hesitates, deciding instead to dance with butterfiles, savouring the present moment.


黃祖怡 HUANG Cho-yi

CHS-202 花.花兒 Lunar Delight



Dance Synopsis:A little girl stands in the midst of a floral sea, resembling a blossoming peony, exuding vibrant beauty. Surrounded by a profusion of flowers, her dance is flowing and agile, akin to a butterfly fluttering among the blossoms, dancing gracefully.


劉子墨 LAU Tsz-mak

CHS-215 一條大河 Everflow


Dance Synopsis:The drums and bells resound, and the Huai River flows turbulently.

“A wide river with rolling waves, the wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both banks.”This song praises the unchanging hometown river, touching the hearts of generation after generation.


牛澤源 NIU Ze-yuan

CHS-216 娃娃的劍 Doll’s Sword


Dance Synopsis:The little girl is playing with sword, connecting with her spirit, giving it life, like a little knight girl in a drama movie.


黃琬庭 WONG Yuen-ting

CHS-217 籠•縛 Caged Bound


Dance Synopsis:Chinese poetry:“The days are so short, but a hundred years of suffering are easy to fill.”Life is short; years are fleeting, so seize the time to pursue eternity and beautiful wishes.

舞蹈員Dancer(s):黃妍愫 WONG Bella Yin So

CHS-218 盎然 Blossom

舞蹈簡介:成長的過程由羞澀、好奇,到自信、綻放,就好像散落大地的種子,從破土發芽到生長開花,在適應的過程中,感受 陽光,散發芬芳,煥發新的活力。

Dance Synopsis:Every mighty oak was once a seedling. Within reach of the sun’s warm kisses and the cool caresses of the wind, let’s bloom with fragrance and blessings,


呂允豫 LUI Themis Amazon

CHS-219 木偶戲 Pupperty Dance


Dance Synopsis:The cute little puppet is given life. Seize the short and precious opportunity to enjoy the passion and freedom of life.


甄悦希 Heyi Yan

CHS-220 小俏 Beauty of Spring

舞蹈簡介:當春天回歸大地,奼紫嫣紅的盛景令人心醉神迷。小姑娘情不自禁地手持花傘,載歌載舞,猶如一朵綻放的花朵, 讚美著這繁花似錦的季節。花傘舞,作為一種源自唐宋時期的漢族民間舞蹈,以其獨特魅力深受人們喜愛。

Dance Synopsis:When spring returns to the earth, the colorful scenery is enchanting. The little girl couldn’t help but hold the flower umbrella, singing and dancing, like a blooming flower, praising the blooming season. The Flower Umbrella Dance, as a Han folk dance originating from the Tang and Song Dynasties, is deeply loved by people for its unique charm.


翁婧恩 YUNG Ching-yan

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 少年組 - 單項

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Teenagers – Solo, Duo, Trio

CHS-314 意韻濃情 The Affection of Dance


Dance Synopsis:Dance with the music, graceful with wonderful rhymes. Dance with heart and break through yourself. Spread your wings and fly toward your dreams!


許樂瑩 HUI Lok-ying

梁傲雪 LEUNG Ngo-suet, Ashley

CHS-302 扇影 Shadow



Dance Synopsis:Applying for the rhythm of the fan to express inner emotions.


霍希玹 FOK Heather

CHS-303 青蔥歲月 The Green Year


Dance Synopsis:At this time, the sky is already bright,and the morning sun shines on the fields after the rain,and the fields are verdant.May you live a fierce life and not be burdened by the gaze of others.


張紫韻 CHEUNG Tsz-wan

CHS-304 約定 Promise


Dance Synopsis:Just like a pair of octagonal scarvers, they can twist together to create beautiful flower. We as a food friend that even separated, we can watch over each other and provide support.


黃以晴 WONG Yee-ching

CHS-305 葉影飄舞 Dancing Leaves


Dance Synopsis:Trees are like the source of life, giving birth to green leaves and beautiful flowers. Passionate, hopeful, praying for love and peace.


李樂程 Calypso Cassiopee Crystal Perreux

CHS-306 Flying Apsaras


Dance Synopsis:Dunhuang Feixian often brings people a mysterious and beautiful feeling, let us go to the mysterious country like murals.


陳可兒 CHAN Ho-yi

李晞兒 LI Xi-er

CHS-307 醉花鏡月 Enchanted


Dance Synopsis:The bright moon shines for miles around, the clear moon light flows like water. A young girl lies by the lakeside, using her fan as a mirror.

The moon’s light shifts the flower’s shadows, as she becomes intoxicated by the scene.


方凱彤 FONG Ingrid Carissa

CHS-308 篆影悠然 Tranquil Rhythms


Dance Synopsis:The invisible music turns into tangible notes, showing the classical charm and deep connotation in the dance, leisurely and contentedly.


林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying

CHS-309 竹林深處




柳士博 LIU Shi-bo

CHS-310 古道的風 The Wind of the Ancient Path


Dance Synopsis:Stepping on the stoney road with breezy wind. The wind bells are ringing out with clicking tap. She is ambling on the ancient path…. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):

鄧唯 TANG Wei

CHS-311 新彊小姑娘 The Lovely Little Girl in Xinjiang 舞蹈簡介:新疆小姑娘,活潑可爱,像陽光下盛開的花朵。

Dance Synopsis:The lovely little girl in Xinjiang, like a flower blooming in the sun.


黃婉慈 WONG Yuen-chi, Brittney

CHS-312 初晴 Dawn



梁倩楠 LEUNG Sin-nam

CHS-313 紅玉丹心 Hongyu’s Loyal Heart


Dance Synopsis:The women who fight in the war to protect the country, they are not inferior to men. Although she is a lady, she is a hero too.


陳家慧 CHAN Ka-wai

CHS-301 月映池塘 Reflection

舞蹈簡介:皓月映池塘,景色如畫,人月影共舞,恬靜寫意,在悠然時光裡走進夢境中! 古典的小姑娘,一轉身,一揮袖,散發空靈之美。

Dance Synopsis:The moon’s bright reflection glow on the pond and forms a beautiful landscape. Dancing with the moon and shadow in tranquility. Inadvertently, dancing into dreams. The graceful young lady waves and turns. Her dance moves provoke intangible beauty.


許樂瑩 HUI Lok-ying

小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 兒童及少年組 – 群舞

Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships

Children & Teenagers – Group

CHG-601 煙火 Firework


Dance Synopsis:The festival has arrived, with colorful fireworks all around. Children appreciate and celebrate the arrival of the festival with excitement and joy.


潘梓榆 POON Tsz-yu

張千悦 CHEUNG Chin-yuet, Ella

温嘉瑩 WAN Ka-ying

楊旨晴 YEUNG Tsz-ching

楊旨允 YEUNG Tsz-wan

王雨晨 WONG Yu-sen

伍乙甯 NG Yuet-ning

温芷悠 WAN Tsz-yau

張靖妍 CHEUNG Ching-yin, Yan

黃翊雯 WONG Yik-man, Mana

陳澔怡 CHAN Ho-yee, Allary

CHG-602 踏踏,苗家的水 Splashing Through the Waters

鄧渼縈 TANG Emily Mei-ying

李曉玥 LEE Hiu-yuet

凌君瑤 LING Kwan-yiu

高惠君 KO Wai-kwan

馬懿琳 MA Yi-lam

謝依霖 TSE Yee-lam, Paige

張紫希 CHEUNG Tsz-hei

趙海瑩 CHIU Hoi-ying

趙凱悠 CHIU Hoi-yau

蔡恩翹 TSOI Yan-kiu

舞蹈簡介:苗家的女兒, 苗家的水, 我們拿著板凳在大山裏歌唱。踏踏!聲音繚繞的, 要一起唱到山外去!

Dance Synopsis:Miao maidens, Miao streams.

We sit and sing amidst the ancient peaks. Thud, thud! Stomping feet and soaring melodies.

We carry our song outwards, beyond the towering mountains.


林倩敏 LAM Seen-mun, Serena

林倩婷 LAM Seen-ting, Sophia

鄭芷雯 CHENG Tsz-man

范文曦 FAN Wenxi

馬可悠 MA Ho-yau

黃皓澄 WONG Ho-ching, Isabel

黃麗頤 WONG Lai-yi

黃詩晴 WONG Sze-ching

徐��汶 CHUI Hei-man

CHG-603 花兒朶朶 Girls with Flowers

李卓嵐 LEE Rene

黃諾懿 WONG Nok-yi

楊曉璇 YUENG Hiu-shuen, Tiffany

何曉琳 HO Sabrina

屈詩淇 WAT Sze-kei

陳倬嫣 CHAN Cheuk-yin

謝因洳 TSE Yan-yu, Bianca

鄒芷彤 CHOW Tsz-tung

鄭海霖 CHENG Hoi-lam


Dance Synopsis:Where the sunshine, rain and dew, and redbuds bloom, girls are like flowers.


張宸玥 CHEUNG Sen-yuet

張浠姸 CHEUNG Hei-yi, Hailey

莊希怡 CHONG Hei-yi, Hailey

郭靄霖 KWOK Oi-lam

陳倩媺 CHAN Sin-mei

陳梓瑩 CHAN Tsz-ying

陳頌之 CHAN Chung-chi, Scarlett

黃樂潼 WONG Lok-tung, Betsy

歐子芊 AU Tsz-chin, Charlotte

謝晞妍 TSE Hei-yin

龔殷薴 KUNG Yan-ning

余嘉嘉 YU Ka-ka

CHG-604 祥龍獻珠 Auspicious Dragons Presenting Pearl

舞蹈簡介:祥龍們喜獲大珍珠,個個希望親自送出給眾人,在互相較量後,祥龍們變身合體,歷經長途跋涉,終於一齊送出, 祝眾人平安幸福。

Dance Synopsis:A large pearl is obtained by a group of auspicious dragons, and all of them hoped to be the one from the crowd who presents the pearl to the people. The dragons assembled after rounds of combats, and began their journey as one to present the pearl, sending peacefulness and blessings to the world.


施怡琳 SZE Yi-lam

廖子蕎 LIU Ammi

李文婭 LI Angelayaya

林穎姿 LIN Ying-zi, Gigi

劉芯萍 LAU Angelinga Sumping

蔡依君 TSOI Yee-kwan

王暟彤 WONG Hoi-tung

曹茵甯 CHO Yan-ning

陳紀旻 CHAN Kei-man, Kate

CHG-605 夢迴

任愷澄 YAM Hoi-ching

任愷瑜 YAM Hoi-yue

林恩平 LAM Yan-ping

王子心 WANG Zixin

吳紫盈 NG Tsz-ying

洪潁彤 HUNG Wing-tung

陸芷悠 LUK Tsz-yau

賈詠童 Jahangir Malik Jennifer


舞蹈員 Dancer(s):

梁傲雪 LEUNG Ngo-suet, Ashley

李晞兒 LI Xi-er

林舸���� LAM Zita Ho-kiu

高旖暉 GAO Yi-hui Zhong

陳子昕 CHAN Tsz-yan

許樂瑩 HUI Lok-ying

岑苡僑 SHAM Yi-kiu

沈希曈 SHUM Hei-tong

陳康晴 CHAN Hong-ching

李宛怡 LI Yuen-yi

馮梓熒 FUNG Tsz-ying

陳雅雯 CHAN Nga-man

區樂兒 AU Lok-yee

余恩予 YU Yan-yu

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 單項

林樂心 LAM Lok-sum

謝穎 TSE Wing

何梓琪 HE Ziqi, Nikki

阮詠怡 YAUN Wing-yi

劉昕橋 LAU Yan-kiu

盧庭雅 LO Ting-nga

朱清圓 ZHU Qingyuan

楊佩琪 YEUNG Pui-ki

翁婧恩 YUNG Ching-yan

劉子墨 LAU Tsz-mak

張琬婧 CHEUNG Yuen-jing

屠靜姝 TU Jing-shu

陳海悅 CHAN Hoi-yuet

陳晞悅 CHAN Hei-yuet

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Solo, Duo, Trio

CHS-401 立身 Jianghu


立身、行己。有人的地方,就有江湖。在這個被規範和社會化的世界中,我們是否能夠找到屬於自己的一片天空 呢?努力去保持自己的獨特性,我要追尋自我定位,勇敢地接受挑戰。

Dance Synopsis:Wherever there are people, there is a world of strife. In this regulated and socialized world, can we find our own piece of sky? I will endeavor to maintain my uniqueness, seek my own identity, and bravely accept challenges.


何希彤 HO Hei-tung

CHS-402 故鄉 Homeland


Dance Synopsis:Cherish and miss the wide plain grassland in Mongolia, and long for the unrestrained feeling of galloping on the grassland.


錢慧芯 CHIN Wai-sum

CHS-403 通嘎拉嘎 多蘭 Mongolian Girls

舞蹈簡介:水象徵女性,剛柔並濟,寓意呈祥。舞蹈用盅碗代表生活,叮叮噹噹如水般清澈明亮。蒙古的女人似水溫柔流淌, 像跳躍的寶勒爾(水晶),用多蘭(温暖)和海日(愛)孕育生活,日出而作,日入而息,自由而吉祥。

Dance Synopsis:Female resembles water. Water can be both gentle and powerful. The dance uses bowls and small wine jars to create sounds of ding-dong just like clear water. Mongolian female laughs like crystal. They have warmth and love to enrich life. They work from dawn till dusk with freedom and luck.


李嘉慧 LEI Ka-wai

楊明善 YEUNG Ming-sin

CHS-404 春之頌 Ode on the Spring

陳永貞 CHEN Wing-ching, Belinda


Dance Synopsis:Spring is in the air, like a lively rhythm, let our spirits bloom.


黃巧晴 WONG Hau-ching

CHS-405 雁 · 南飛 The Goose Flying South

舞蹈簡介:雁南飛, 雁南飛






Dance Synopsis:The geese are flying south.

The geese are screaming and my heart is breaking.

Today I haven’t left yet.

I already look for the return in spring.

Don’t be heart-broken by this longing.

Let’s wait for the return of the spring.


黃曉珊 WONG Hiu-shan

CHS-406 貴妃醉酒 The Drunken Beauty

柯慧翹 OR Evana Wai-kiu

舞蹈簡介:唐明皇寵妃楊玉環與明皇約在百花亭赴筵,久候明皇爽約不到,貴妃羞怒交加,獨飲致醉,移步不穩,自嘲貴妃 醉。

Dance Synopsis:Yang Yuhuan, the favorite concubine of Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty, made a date with Emperor Ming to meet at the Baihua Pavilion. After waiting for a long time, Emperor Ming didn’t show up. The concubine feels ashamed and angry. She drank alone until drunk. Then, she moved forward unsteadily and laughed herself as a drunken concubine.


李若菁 LI Yeuk-ching

CHS-407 一紙折扇 Turn over a New Leaf


作品代入瑜亮情結,以一紙折扇說其關係,道其選擇,二人爭奪主導,相互角逐,卻又惺惺相惜。在動作語彙的交織,展現二 人關係中複雜的權力博弈與情感糾葛。

Dance Synopsis:The well-known phrase“God, since thou made Zhou Yu, why did thou also create Zhuge Liang?” is often followed by the line“Without you, how can I leave with peace of mind?”which truly show the broadmindedness of Zhou Yu’s character. The work explores the intricate relationship between Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang, using a paper fan as a symbol to represent their connection and convey their choices. The two individuals have a deep mutual understanding and respect for each other, exemplifying the bond between heroes.


王偉權 WONG Wai-kuen

楊宇宸 YANG Yuchen

4.8.2024 (日 Sun) 19:30

Chinese Dance

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 - 單項 Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Solo, Duo, Trio

CHS-408 逸舟 The Boundless Poet





Dance Synopsis:The lyrical poet’s boundless talent and brilliance have astonished the artistic realm. With his masterful brushwork, he has crafted timeless works that reverberate through the ages. Amidst the vast artistic ocean, he navigates like a swift boat, surging forth with unbridled passion and creativity.


鄧思寧 TANG Celine Laurelle

CHS-409 玲瓏豆蔻


Dance Synopsis:A cute and radiant girl is in search of her dreams and eagerly anticipates the future she longs for. 舞蹈員Dancer(s):吳天盈 NG Tin-ying, Rosemond

CHS-410 盤瑤祭鼓 Drum of Sacrifice

舞蹈簡介:遠古的聲音,千年的迴響,隆隆的鼓聲,如篝火般閃爍,如祭奠般升騰,陣陣揚起,迴盪在山間。少年神秘而深邃的 眼神,望向深遠的天空,彷彿在與世界的另一端交流。

Dance Synopsis:The ancient voice echoes of times long past.

The rumbling drum beats flicker like a blaze, rising like a sacrificial offering while resounding through the hills. His gaze is upon the profound distant sky, as if communicating with the other end of the world.

舞蹈員Dancer(s):廖文樂 LIU Isaac

CHS-411 憶“兰花”Memory“LAN HUA”


Dance Synopsis:”If there is a thought, along the banks of the Huai River. The sound of flower drums resounds, reenacting‘LAN HUA’”.


朱美澄 CHU Mei-ching

CHS-412 嘆歌 Longing for...

舞蹈簡介:我拿著斗笠遠眺, 你與我離得如此近, 恍眼間卻又已遠去。漁女唱著嘆歌, 我在水的一方, 等你。

Dance Synopsis:With the rain hat in hand, I gaze into the distance, you are near yet already far. The fishing maiden’s lament echoes my solitude while waiting on the water’s edge. I stand alone, watching, hoping for the return of my love across the divide.


容淑怡 YUNG Shuk-yi

CHS-413 龍摩爺的祭歌 Sutra of the Holy Land

舞蹈簡介:神明聚集的聖地, 牛頭散溢的靈氣。

扶乩, 問卜。

在司崗里走出來的阿佤人們, 哼吟呼喊著那永恒不滅的祭歌。

Dance Synopsis:All saints land, buffalo skeleton retains an aura of mystery. Fortune telling, planchette writing. Indigenous of the Wa Tribe coming from the grottoes, humming with the inextinguishable Sutra.


李昭緯 LEE Chiu-wai

杨宇宸 YANG Yuchen

黃靖潼 WONG Ching-tung

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 – 群舞

Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships - Group

CHG-701 絲路胡旋夢 Silk Road Dream

舞蹈簡介:在敦煌的樂舞世界裡,還有一枚滄海遺珠,那就是“胡旋舞”,這種源自中亞地區的胡旋舞,在唐代樂舞之風的洗 禮與融匯,獲得廣泛的流行和推崇。舞蹈即在這如夢似幻的想像中展開。

Dance Synopsis:In the world of music and dance in Dunhuang, there is another hidden pearl, that is, the“Hu Xuan Dance”. This Hu Xuan Dance, which originated from Central Asia, became widely popular after being baptized and integrated with the music and dance styles of the Tang Dynasty. and admiration. The dance unfolds in this dreamlike imagination---------


任曉雯 REN Xiao-wen

盧嘉麗 LO Ka-lai

蕭倩儀 SIO Sin-i

馮冬梅 FUNG Tung-mui, Jennie

梁美君 LEUNG Mei-kwan

陳朗婷 CHAN Long-ting

李艷林 LI Yim-lam

CHG-702 尋 Sign


梁思穎 LEUNG Sze-wing, Vivian

盧頴萱 LO Wing-huen

張碧琴 CHEUNG Pik-kam

蘇雅婷 SO Nga-ting, Bernadette

陳芷若 CHAN Tsz-yeuk

胡嘉穎 WU Ka-wing, Wingkie

經歷種種際遇與別離,在那迷茫的方向中,神聖的教誨,喚起了內心的渴望,引導著靈魂去探尋足跡。透過翻閱那 生命冊,重捷往昔的故事,憶起那珍貴的往事,得以窺探前生的蹤跡。

Dance Synopsis:The sacred teachings awakened the desire within, guiding the soul to explore its footsteps. By flipping through the book of life, recapturing stories of the past, recalling those precious memories, one can glimpse the traces of a previous life.


梁芝彥 LEUNG Chi-yin, Gigi

吳靜文 NG Ching-man

陳善·琳 CHAN Sin-lam

劉珈懿 LAU Ka-yi

黃嘉瑩 WONG Ka-ying

陳韻堯 CHAN Isabella

葉丹娜 YIP Tan-na

鄺綽怡 KWONG Cheuk-yi

CHG-703 竹跡 Remembrance of Bamboo





蔡曉嵐 CHOI Hiu-nam

馮煒珊 FUNG Wai-shan

陳映熹 CHAN Ying-hei

陳映伶 CHAN Ying-ling

張瑋庭 CHANG Wei-ting

陸芷嶠 LUK Tsz-kiu

江芷瑤 KONG Jessie

Dance Synopsis:We weather challenge and root for each other. Though great things in life can end sometimes, to rows of bamboo and rustling leaves we belong. Stand together, fall together, rise together.


梁可怡 LEUNG Ho-yee

莊澤芸 CHONG Chak-wan

何詠詩 HO Wing-sze

雷洱月 LUI Yi-yuet

黃樂宜 HUANG Lok-yi

袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk

周子恩 CHOW Tsz-yan

周曉思 Biagtan Jane Khara Billosillo

李珮雯 LI Pui-man

關敏琪 KWAN Megan Man-ki

孫潔茵 SUEN Kit-yan

郭澄曦 KWOK Ching-hei

莊菀琛 CHONG Yuen-sum

沈庭鈺 SHUM Ting-yuk

黃靖殷 WONG Ching-yan

陳思睿 CHAN Sze-yui, Michelle

容汶鑫 YUNG Man-yam, Audrey

柯靜雯 KE Ching-man

CHG-704 海拾月


Dance Synopsis:


鍾慕瑩 CHUNG Mo-ying

曾佳蔚 CHEUN Kai-wai

程嘉盈 CHENG Jiaying

黃思熒 WONG Sze-ying

葉鎧瑩 YIP Hoi-ying

陳雅滺 CHAN Nga-yau, Anya

黃昱詩 HUANG Yushi


袖漾水韻 The River Flows

區婥瑩 AU Cheuk-ying, Charlotte

李晞兒 LI Xier

許樂瑩 HUI Lok-ying

黃頌惠 WONG Chung-wai

袁奕彤 YUEN Yik-tung

曾樂凝 TSANG Lok-ying


Dance Synopsis:When the blue sleeves are raised, a rhythm stretches from the performers’arms to the fabric’s edge, rippling a wave, illustrating the rivers’silhouettes.


陳善瀅 CHAN Sin-ying

李駿晞 LI Chun-hei

洪滿龍 HUNG Mun-lung

戴詠儀 TAI Wing-yee

詹逸雯 CHIM Yat-man

方凱程 FONG Hoi-ching

陳楚琪 CHAN Chor-ki

金霖 KUM Lam

雷祖懿 LUI Jo-yee, Rachel

CHG-706 風沙渡 Going through the Sandstorm

陳琬兒 CHAN Yuen-yee

鄧嘉嘉 TANG Ka-ka, Kaly

陳韻如 CHAN Wan-yu

龍佩紜 LOONG Pui-wan

鍾珮詩 CHUNG Pui-sze

吳婉嫻 NG Yuen-han

陳依敏 CHAN Yee-man

麥雪兒 MAK Suet-yi

鄭文淑 CHENG Man-shuk


Dance Synopsis:Across the vast desert, the endless sky dances with swirling sands. Through long and winding roads, we stride together for thousands of miles.


陳彥彤 CHEN Yin-tung

張曉琳 CHEUNG Hiu-lam

陳嘉如 CHAN Ka-yu

余日藍 YU Yat-nam

梁心瑜 LEUNG Sum-yu

李若耶 LI Yeuk-yeh

何宝瑤 HO Po-yiu

梁素琳 LEUNG So-lam

李洛儀 LEE Lok-yee

CHG-707 再見.茉莉 Goodbye. Jasmine

林靖潼 LIM Ching-tung

梁詩晴 LEUNG Sze-ching

康韻瑜 KANG Wan-yu

林倩瀅 LIN Sin-ying

李咏柔 LI Wing-yau

成小林 CHEUNG Siu-lam

張梓洮 ZHANG Zitao

熊伯恩 XIONG Boen


Dance Synopsis:The white jasmine was placed on the windowsill by me. I will never forget the smell when the wind blew.


梁慧妍 LEUNG Wai-yin

李思敏 LEE Sze-man

熊敏兒 HUNG Man-yi

陳家琦 CHAN Ka-ki

左惠珠 CHO Wai-chu

胡錦明 WU Kam-ming

余㬢文 YU Hei-man

鐘鎧汶 CHUNG Hoi-man

陳蘊聰 CHAN Wan-chung, Ruby

CHG-708 此刻 In This Instant


Dance Synopsis:In this moment, happiness surges like a spring. Gazing at the present, seeking a moment of the soul.


徐浠林 CHUI Hei-lam

賴欣欣 LAI Yan-yan

黎凱瀛 LAI Hoi-ying

陳心姸 CHAN Sum-yin

李韻琦 LI Wan-kei

鄧曉泳 TANG Hiu-wing

CHG-709 春暖花開 Spring Blossoms

林藹宜 LAM Oi-yi

温雅如 WAN Nga-yu

潘曉欣 PUN Hiu-yan

唐海美 TONG Hai-my, Kelly

林秀婷 LAM Sau-ting

舞蹈簡介:初春時節,溫暖的陽光降臨,大地漸漸煥發生機。四位舞者如嬌俏綻放的花朵,在微風中輕盈起舞,盡情展現青春活 力與美好憧憬。


陳姿樺 CHAN Chi-wah

吳天盈 NG Tin-ying, Rosemond

CHG-710 紅棉飄絮 Red Kapok Fluff

黃雅珺 WONG Nga-kwan

黃惠喬 WONG Wai-kiu

舞蹈簡介:茂盛的木棉樹,從落葉到花開,木棉花盛開到凋落,最後成熟的果實,爆發出白色的棉絮,如雪花片片散落在草地 上。舞蹈運用絲巾,舞岀以上一幕幕美麗的景色。

Dance Synopsis:The kapok tree reaches its blooming season. It blossoms and withers, giving way to ripe fruits, releasing airy white fluff, resembling snowflakes on the grass. Silk scarves in the air, unfolding one enchanting scene after another.


李馥姿 LI Fuk-chi

蔡欣蓓 CHOI Yan-pui

江洛琪 JIANG Lok-ki

陳美姸 CHEN Mei-yin

鄧茗洋 TANG Ming-yeung

郭欣玥 GUO Elaine

曾小靜 ZENG Siu-ching

岳楚凝 YUE Cho-ying

鄭心怡 CHANG Xin-yi

鍾卓琳 CHUNG Cheuk-lam, Natalie

施雅雯 SZE Nga-man

CHG-711 空......無 Emptiness

陳韋彤 CHAN Wai-tung

鍾焯霖 CHUNG Cheuk-lam

鄭楚楚 ZHENG Chu-chu, Lisa

張晞楠 CHEUNG Hei-nam

劉妍婷 LIU Carrie

黃梓燕 WONG Tsz-yin, Tiffany

梁珺嵐 LEUNG Kwan-nam, Hazel

朱敏萱 ZHU Merry

何芊衡 HO Chin-hang

鄭依騏 CHEUNG Yee-ki

舞蹈簡介:世間萬物,自因緣聚合而生,皆在微妙的行蘊之中成長、老化,直到死亡,又再歸於空無,過程從未歇息……… Dance Synopsis:Everything in the mundane world comes together for a reason. They follow the subtle rule of activities, growing, ageing and dissipating, before reverting to the state of emptiness. It is a never-ending process.


蘇鈺婷 SO Yuk-ting

冼家傑 SIN Ka-kit

黃德如 WONG Tak-yu

梁應紳 LEUNG Ying-san

彭綺琳 PANG Yee-lam

馬奕麟 MA Yik-lun

羅文湛 LO Man-cam, Lawrence

鄭心怡 CHENG Sum-yi

吳欣怡 NG Yan-yi

彭彩文 PANG Choi-man

江穎欣 KONG WIing-yan

何思珩 HO Sze-hang

CHG-712 霜 Frost


Dance Synopsis:Frost and snow are flying, is it snow spots? Is it tear stains? The summer suddenly passed the winter season, could it be


蔣舒 CHANG Shu

廖寶珠 LIU Po-chu, Monse

劉潔冰 LAU Kit-ping

林育娟 LAM Yuk-kuen

CHG-713 四季 Four Seasons

張岊 CHEUNG Chit

廖綺芬 LIU Yee-fun

方桂英 FONG Kwai-ying, Anny

舞蹈簡介:五彩斑斕的天空,花開花謝的腳下。長鼓咚咚激起一片片浪花,打出一片片彩虹!是多彩多姿的世界!是絢爛無比 的空間!春夏秋冬,四季如歌。

Dance Synopsis:Under the brilliant and twinkling sky, Flowers blossom and fade away. Drums are a-beating, stirring up pieces of snowflakes and rainbows to paint! What a beautiful world! What a colorful and boundless space! Like songs, the four seasons are.


陳沛穎 CHAN Pui-wing

鄭穎曈 CHENG Wing-tung

鍾舒翎 CHUNG Shu-ling

何上君 HO Sheung-kwan

許澄芝 HUI Ching-chi, Ceclie

郭詠瑩 KWOK Wing-ying, Joanne

劉智穎 LAU Chi-wing, Cynthia

劉子敏 LAU Tsz-man, Yvonne

劉慧怡 LAU Wai-yi

CHG-714 那人 The One

黎曉螢 LAI Hiu-ying, Bianca

李維茵 LEE Wai-yan

潘建莉 POON Kin-lee, Lily

蕭幗敏 SIU Kwok-man, Amy

岑嘉瑩 SHAM Ka-ying

王衍婷 WONG Hin-ting

胡慧敏 WU Wai-man, Janet

阮秀蕙 YUEN Sau-wai, Elsa

容灝晴 YUNG Ho-ching


Dance Synopsis:On a long life journey, there may be someone who you want to care about and wait for. What an amazing thing!


方愛琳 FONG Oi-lam

魏玉欣 NGAI Yuk-yan

陳樂欣 CHAN Lok-yan

容汶鑫 YUNG Man-yam, Audrey

周子恩 CHOW Tsz-yan

郭杞泓 KWOK Kei-wang

莊澤芸 CHONG Chak-wan

梁可怡 LEUNG Ho-yee

CHG-715 秋.心 Autumny Sorrow

鄭麗芬 CHENG Lai-fun, Terry

唐芷澄 TONG Tsz-ching

袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk

蘇潔明 SO Kit-ming

黃樂宜 HUANG Lok-yi

簡淑賢 KAN Shuk-yin

羅雅麗 LAW Nga-la

舞蹈簡介:尋尋覓覓,人生的無常和歲月的滄桑,我們只能在這個瞬間,靜靜地等待,等待著下一個秋天的到來! Dance Synopsis:Depicting the scene of autumn and heart-wrenching loneliness, the dance passes on the vicissitude and uncertainty of life. Now what we can do is to silently wait for the next autumn to arrive!


余柏儀 YU Pak-yee

陳樂靖 CHAN Lok-ching

陳穎琪 CHAN Wing-ki

潘靜鎔 PUN Ching-yung

杜天晴 TO Tin-ching

吳晶華 NG Ching-wa

湯巧彤 TONG Hau-tung

盧心瑜 LO Sum-yu

郭樂揚 GUO Le-yang

郭樂然 GUO Le-ran

陳以心 CHAN Issy

盧穎詩 LO Wing-sze

馬佳寧 MA Kai-ling

余欣晴 YU Yan-ching

余卓熹 YU Cheuk-hei

趙爾納 CHIU Yi-nap

譚雪誼 TAM Suet-yi

CHG-716 月 Blue Moon



Dance Synopsis:The slender crescent moon gradually becomes full and round, as if woven into a fan. Whether it’s a faint shadow or a full moon, who in this world is gazing?


韓嘉敏 HON Ka-man

伍麗瑩 NG Lai-ying, Rebecca

黃藹婷 WONG Oi-ting

馬梓澄 MA Tsz-ching

林卓瑤 LAM Cheuk-yiu, Cherrie

謝依倩 TSE Yee-sin

孫潁潼 SUN Wing-tung

李一平 LEE Yat-ping

林美佐 LAM Mei-cho

林子熙 LAM Tsz-hei

曾嘉穎 TSANG Ka-wing

羅嘉儀 LAW Ka-yee

郭均儀 KWOK Kwan-yee

鄭湘怡 ZHENG Sheung-yi

李佩珈 LEE Pui-ka

楊曉臻 YEUNG Hilton

薛詠藍 SIT Wing-lam

李芷欣 LI Tsz-yan

袁晞姸 YUEN Hei-yin

CHG-717 何處著地何為家 Wherever You Land, You Call Home


Dance Synopsis:On this day, a seed floated in the air, fell to the ground and took root. That day, the fruits here flew away and people came and went. Wherever you land, you call home.


鍾鎧汶 CHUNG Hoi-man, June

梁慧妍 LEUNG Wai-yin

熊敏兒 HUNG Man-yi

左惠珠 CHO Wai-chu

蔡雅彤 CHOI Nga-tung

余曦文 YU Hei-man

CHG-718 日出東方 When Sunrise in the East


梁凱鈴 LEUNG Hoi-ling

陳蘊聰 CHAN Wan-chung, Ruby

李鍶敏 LEE Sze-man

李凱琳 LEE Hoi-lam

陳芷瑶 CHAN Tsz-yiu

郭曉潼 KWOK Hiu-tung

Dance Synopsis:When the sun rises in the east, I alone remain; when the moon shines upon the earth, I wander proudly.


胡錦明 WU Kam-ming

黎雅詩 LAI Nga-sze, Christine

黃梓瑜 WONG Tsz-yu

蔡希晴 CHOI Hei-ching

蔡凱晴 TSOI Hoi-ching

譚凱情 TAM Alva


製作人員表 Production Team List


Chairperson: AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP



Vice Chairperson: 劉定國

CHENG Wai-yung, LAU Siu-ming MH, LUK Yun-mee, NG Kim-ling, TSUI Yee-wan, Linda, LAU Pui-hung, LAU Ting-kwok



Advisers: 鄧孟妮、曾柱昭、韋柰、薜菁華、陳李藹倫SBS

CAMPBELL Joan, MBE, KO Chun-kwai, LIAO Christine, LIU Chun-wai, NG Sheung-ha, SHEUNG Peiqi, TANG, Tania, TSANG CC, Gerald, WEI Nai, SIT Ching-wa, CHAN, Helen, SBS



Artistic Director: SIN Yuen



Producer: LEUNG Ki-fun, May



Programme Director: LO Chui-tong



Competition Coordinator: LEE, Eileen, NG Suet-mui, Violet, CHEN Lei, Felix



Front Stage Supervisor: TSANG Kam-chuen, YEUNG Chi-kuk



Back Stage Supervisor: NG Tsui-wan , CHOW Hiu-man, NG Lai-yin, Sean, TING Chi-man



Editor: FUNG Hang-mai


Promotion Materials Design & Production: PlasticOn Design



Stage Manager: CHAN Pui-yee, Claudia

攝影: Mak & Paper Design & Photography Photography:


Stage Videotaping: G production


羅廖耀芝、温雄、王愷靖、陳麗冰、方若潼、陳珮芝、嚴紫紅、 Secretariats:


LO LIU Yiu-chee, Virginia, WAN Hung, WONG Hoi-ching, Tiffany, CHAN Lai-ping, Anna, FONG York-tung, CHAN Pui-chi, YIM Tsz-hung, Emily, SO Yin-shan, Susan*



We wish to thank the following people and organizations for their kind support:

贊助人 Patron

區永熙先生SBS太平紳士 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

資助 Supported by

香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council

合作夥伴 Collaborating Partner

香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

評審委員 Adjudicators

陳基琼女士 Ms CHAN, Eve

陳紹傑先生 Mr CHAN Siu-kit, Billy

陳頴業先生 Mr CHAN Wing-yip

陳俊夫先生 Mr CHAN, Maximilian

莊陳波先生 Mr CHONG Chan-po

秦懿欣女士 Ms CHUN, Ulian

愛迪.古士文先生 Mr Eddie De Guzman

高成明先生 Mr GAO Chengming

哈斯敖登教授 Prof. HA Siaodeng

韓國耀先生 Mr HON Kwok-yiu

高春貴先生 Mr KO Chun-kwai

郭偉傑先生 Mr KWOK Wai-kit, Ken

賴秀峰教授 Prof. LAI Shiowfun

黎德威先生 Mr LAI Tak-wai

劉佩雄先生 Mr LAU Pui-hung

劉燕玲女士 Ms LAU, Stella

劉定國先生 Mr LAU Ting-kwok

李志強先生 Mr LEE, Cary

李艾琳女士 Ms LEE, Eileen

梁美嘉女士 Ms LEUNG Mei-kar, Eve

李恆達先生 Mr LI Hengda

李咏靜女士 Ms LI Yongjing

廖春慧女士 Ms LIU Chun-wai

劉迎宏先生 Mr LIU Yinghong

龍世儀女士 Ms LOONG, Shirley

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

凱特 路易絲 麥克米倫女士 Ms Kate Louise McMillan

江東教授 Prof. JIANG Dong

吳雪梅女士 Ms NG Suet-mui, Violet

阮日廣先生 Mr NGUYEN, Anh Ngoc

敏廸 貝蒂女士 Ms Mandy PETTY

龐俊達先生 Mr PONG, Louis

石成初先生 Mr SEK Sing-chor

盛培琪教授 Prof. SHENG Peiqi

冼源先生 Mr SIN Yuen

曾金星先生 Mr TSANG Kam-sing

黃狄文先生 Mr Dominic WONG

吳報釧女士 Ms WU, Sylvia

謝茵女士 Ms XIE Yin

鄢小強先生 Mr YAN Xiaoqiang

楊雲濤先生MH Mr YANG Yuntao, MH

Ms YOO Hyeon-ah

余碧艷女士 Ms YU Pik-yim

趙柏鈞教授 Prof. ZHAO Bojun

張潤華先生 Mr ZHENG Runhua

張建民教授 Prof. ZHANG Jianmin

張曉雄教授 Prof. ZHANG Xiaoxiong

大師班導師 Master Class Teachers

陳基琼女士 Ms CHAN, Eve

哈斯敖登教授 Prof. HA Siaodeng

張曉雄教授 Prof. ZHANG Xiaoxiong

座談會主講 Symposium Speakers

高成明先生 Mr GAO Chengming

哈斯敖登教授 Prof. HA Siaodeng

江東教授 Prof. Jiang Dong

賴秀峰教授 Prof. LAI Shiowfun

李恆達先生 Mr LI Hengda

盛培琪女士 Ms SHENG Peiqi

楊雲濤先生MH Mr YANG Yuntao MH

趙柏鈞教授 Prof. ZHAO Bojan

張潤華先生 Mr ZHENG Runhua

張建民教授 Prof. ZHANG Jianmin

張曉雄教授 Prof. ZHANG Xiaoxiong

鄢小強先生 Mr YAN Xiaoqiang (主持人 Moderator)

所有參與團體、舞蹈演員、編導及工作人員All participating groups, dancers, teachers and assisting members (按英文姓氏排序 In alphabetical order of surname)

趙柏鈞先生 Mr ZHAO Bojun

趙柏鈞先生是新加坡表演藝術協會主席、新加坡維多利亞舞蹈學院院長、國立印度尼西亞大學客座教授及新加坡教育部西 部地區舞蹈教師培訓首席教官。他在中國藝術研究院研究生院取得舞蹈學博士學位。曾多次獲邀往大學及大型會議作主講 嘉賓,包括中國-東盟舞蹈教育高峰論壇。他也是新加坡國際青少年舞蹈節及國際舞蹈研討會總策劃、新加坡《舞蹈藝術》期 刊主要創辦人、馬來西亞全國舞蹈比賽評委、馬來西亞全國校際舞蹈比賽評委、新加坡華人中秋亮燈慶典開幕式大型表演 總導演、新加坡華人新年亮燈慶典開幕式大型表演總導演、以及亞細安舞蹈節開幕式總編導。

Mr ZHAO is currently the Chairman of Performing Arts Association of Singapore and Dean of Victoria Dance School Singapore. He obtained his PhD in Dance Studies at the Dance Research Institute, Chinese National Academy of Arts. He has been invited to various universities and conferences to deliver speeches, including University of Indonesia, and China - ASEAN Summit in Dance Education. He is also the chief curator of Singapore International Youth Dance Festival and International Dance Symposium, one of the founders of Dance Arts periodic, judge in national major dance competitions, and director of various national-wide festivals.


Mr ZHANG Renhua

原廣州市文化廣電旅遊局二級巡視員一級演員。1972年入職廣州歌舞團。1986年北京舞蹈學院中國舞系表演專業畢業留 北京舞蹈學院青年舞團。1995年任廣州歌舞團團長。2004年任廣州市文化局黨委委員、副局長。2009年任廣州市文化廣電 新聞出版局黨委委員、副局長。2020年任廣州市文化廣電旅遊局二級巡視員。張氏參加過不同的舞蹈比賽,獲獎無數。當中 包括第八屆中宣部“五個一工程獎”、第九屆中國“文華獎”表演獎和第二屆“荷花獎”評委會特別獎。他是國務院特殊津貼獲 得者、廣東省“五一勞動獎章”獲得者。先後獲得廣州市傑出青年、廣州市優秀專家學者及全國文藝系統先進工作者等榮譽 稱號。張氏曾擔任全國舞蹈比賽、中國舞“荷花獎”、中國舞“桃李杯”、國家舞臺藝術精品工程評委,以及廣東省第八、九屆政 協委員和廣州市第十至十三屆政協委員。

Mr ZHANG was originally Class-II Counselor and Class-I Dancer of the Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Administration of Guangzhou Municipality (CRTTA).He joined Guangzhou Song and Dance Ensemble in 1972. When studying in Beijing Dance Academy (BDA), he was a Chinese Dance major. Upon graduation in 1986, he stayed in the youth dance troupe of the BDA. He was Head of Guangzhou Song and Dance Ensemble in 1995. In 2004 he acted as Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director-general of the Culture Administration of Guangzhou Municipality. In 2009 he was appointed to the Culture, Radio, Film, Television & Public Press Bureau of Guangzhou Municipality taking up the same post. And in 2020 he served as Class-II Counselor of the CRTTA. Mr ZHANG has won plenty of awards in different dance competitions, including the‘Five First Projects Award’, the‘Wenhua Award’, and the Special Award from the judging panel of the 2nd‘Lotus Award’competition. He is the recipient of the Special Government Allowances of the State Council as well as the May 1st Labour Medal of Guangdong Province. Honourable titles,‘Guangzhou Outstanding Youth’,‘Guangzhou Quality Expert and Scholar’and‘Advanced Worker of the National Literary System’, were also bestowed on him. Mr ZHANG has been Adjudicator in various competitions, namely the National Dance Competition,‘Lotus Award’,‘Taoli Cup’, and Works of Excellence on the Nation’s Stage. He was also Member of the 8th and 9th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) of Guangdong and that of the 10th to 13th CPPCC of Guangzhou.

張建民教授 Prof. ZHANG Jianmin

畢業於北京舞蹈學院首屆本科班,曾兩度赴美國休斯頓芭蕾舞團進修芭蕾編舞,師從美國芭蕾舞大師本-史帝文森。現為北 京舞蹈學院創意學院編導系教授。優秀作品涵蓋古今中外,榮獲國家級獎項無數。其編著有《中國雙人舞編導教程》。張氏曾 獲得國務院政府特殊津貼;於1992年來港擔任香港舞蹈總會精英舞蹈團舞劇『大話西遊』編導及演員;並為張藝謀電影『十 面埋伏』創作“長袖擊鼓舞",獲得國際電影界和舞蹈界的廣泛讚譽。

ZHANG, one of the first batch of Bachelor degree graduates of the Beijing Dance Academy (BDA), is currently Professor of the Department of Choreography at the School of Creative Studies of the BDA. He has furthered his studies in choreography twice at Houston Ballet in the States under the American ballet master Ben Stevenson OBE. His wide-ranged repertoire, covering themes ancient and modern, Chinese and Foreign, has received numerous national awards. He is the author of Chinese“Pas de Deux”Choreography Course, and a recipient of the Special Government Allowances of the State Council. In 1992 ZHANG was the choreographer and dancer of the dance drama Western Pilgrimage for the Hong Kong Dance Federation Elite Dance Company. The Long-sleeved Drum Dance that he choreographed for ZHANG Yimou’s film House of Flying Daggers has also won him critical acclaim in the international film circle and dance field.

張曉雄教授 Prof. ZHANG Xiaoxiong

出生柬埔寨,1982年畢業於暨南大學歷史系。曾任澳大利亞國家舞蹈劇場主要舞者,獲報評“最佳男舞者”(1989)與“最 佳編舞”(1996)。1991年收錄《澳洲亞裔名人錄》。1996年受聘北藝大,兩任舞蹈系主任(2015-2022)、北藝大副教務長 (2018-19)。曾任台北越界舞團、焦點舞團藝術總監,並創辦張曉雄舞蹈劇場。三十年間以獨特的當代教學系統影響澳洲 與華文地區,育人無數,門生遍佈國際舞壇。其創作能量充沛,舞蹈作品逾百齣,屢受邀演於國際重要藝術節。2021年獲中 國文藝獎章,以表彰其舞蹈教育貢獻。其主演張作驥之電影《那個我最親愛的陌生人》為第56屆金馬獎開幕片,並榮獲意大 利亞洲電影節最佳影片(2021)。

Born in Cambodia, Prof. ZHANG Xiao-Xiong graduated from Jinan University with a degree in History in 1982. He had danced with the Australian Dance Theatre from 1987–1992. He was awarded“Best Male Dancer”in 1989 and “Best Choreographer”in 1996. He was featured in the“Australian Asian WHO’S WHO”in 1991. He was appointed as the Chairman of the Dance Department at the National Taipei University of Arts (2015-2022) and the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs (2018-2019). Prof. ZHANG has also served as the Artistic Director of Taipei Crossover Dance Company and Focus Dance Company. Over the past three decades, he has influenced the Australian and Chinesespeaking regions with his unique contemporary teaching system, nurturing numerous talents with his students making a mark in the international dance scene. With a prolific creative output, Prof. ZHANG has choreographed over a hundred dance works, many of which have been featured at major international arts festivals. In 2021, he was honored with the Chinese Literary and Artistic Award for his contributions to dance education. His leading role in Tsochi CHANG’s film“SYNAPSES”was the opening film at the 56th Golden Horse Awards and won the Best Film at the Italian Asian Film Festival in 2021.

黃狄文先生 Mr Dominic WONG

黃狄文先生現任城市當代舞蹈團副藝術總監。黃氏曾任亞洲電視節目主持及演員,及後入讀香港演藝學院現代舞系。1996 年畢業後加入CCDC為舞者,2016年擢升為副藝術總監。2001年及2013年分別憑《PlazaX與異變街道》及《畸人說夢》的演 出獲頒香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚男舞蹈員」。黃氏為00合創辦成員之一,亦曾為00合、霹靂啪勒身體劇場及東邊現代舞 團編舞。2003年於CCDC《失驚無神夢驚魂》中發表《男人炒飯》,其鬼馬抵死之風格大受好評,並獲邀於翌年首屆廣東現代 舞週上演。其眾多作品中《忽》及《別》首演後分別獲邀於第六屆及第九屆廣東現代舞週中上演。《忽》及《下》分別於2008及 2009年獲南華早報評選為「全年最佳舞蹈」;《拼途》獲香港舞蹈年獎2017「傑出中型場地舞蹈製作獎」。

Dominic is the Associate Artistic Director at City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC). Dominic was a TV artist for Asia Television Company from 1990 to 1992. He then studied modern dance at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and joined CCDC upon his graduation in 1996. He was promoted as Associate Artistic Director in 2016. He received 2001 and 2013 Hong Kong Dance Awards“Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer”for his performance in Plaza X and TheComedy of K respectively. He is a founding member of the Zero Zero Ensemble. Dominic’s choreographic work Men’sChopSuey(AllofASudden, 2003) was invited to rerun in the 1st Guangdong Modern Dance Festival. He also choreographed widely for other dance companies including Zero Zero Ensemble, BiLiBaLa Physical Theatre and E-Side Modern Dance Company. Of the numerous pieces he created XtremelyFour Seasons and Blind Chance were invited to rerun in the 6th and 9th Guangdong Modern Dance Festival. Xtremely Four Seasons and What’s Next? were both hailed by South China Morning Post as one of the“Best Dances”in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Travelogue was awarded the Outstanding Medium Venue Production at the 19th Hong Kong Dance Awards.

吳報釧女士 Ms WU, Sylvia

吳報釧女士於1970年修畢英國皇家舞蹈學院導師訓練課程,並考獲獨舞獎章,99年成為高級考官。回港後開辦舞蹈學校並 為本地電視台擔任舞蹈導師及編舞。她活躍於本地及海外舞蹈界,曾於多個芭蕾舞劇擔任主要角色。她曾加入西德的舞蹈 團為舞者,其後於1981年獲邀為城市當代舞蹈團舞蹈員及成為該團的排舞導師。吳氏曾於多個舞團及舞蹈學院包括香港 演藝學院擔任客席導師。現於本地及海外擔任自由身舞蹈教學工作,同時為不同的舞蹈比賽擔任評判。

Sylvia graduated from the Teacher’s Training Course of the Royal Academy of Dance, England in 1970. She attained the Solo Seal Award shortly thereafter. She was appointed as a major examiner in 1999. Upon her return to Hong Kong, she started her own school and worked for local TV stations as teacher and choreographer. She danced extensively both in Hong Kong and abroad taking principal roles. In 1981, after dancing with Hagen Dance Theatre in West Germany, she joined City Contemporary Dance Company where she later became its Ballet Mistress. Sylvia has been a guest teacher for several dance companies and dance schools including The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She currently teaches and coaches in Hong Kong and overseas on freelance basis and acts as adjudicator in dance competitions.

楊雲濤先生MH Mr YANG Yuntao, MH

楊雲濤畢業於中央民族學院(今中央民族大學)舞蹈系,曾加入廣東現代舞團、北京現代舞團及城市當代舞蹈團。2002年 加入香港舞蹈團擔任首席舞蹈員,2007年出任助理藝術總監,2013年出任藝術總監。楊氏為香港舞蹈團編創多個作品,包 括《蘭亭.祭姪》(獲頒2013香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚舞蹈製作」;2013年於北京和台北巡演)、《花木蘭》(獲頒2014香港 舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚舞蹈製作」及「最值得表揚群舞演出」,分別於2015、 2017及2019年於紐約、悉尼、倫敦及明斯克巡 演)、《風雲》(獲頒三項2015香港舞蹈年獎)、《梁祝.傳說》(2016年於首爾演出)、《倩女.幽魂》(獲頒三項2016香港舞蹈年 獎,2017年於北京及廣州,2018年於台北,2019年於上海及杭州演出)、《紫玉成煙》(獲頒2019香港舞蹈年獎「傑出中型場 地舞蹈製作」)及《凝》(獲頒2022香港舞蹈年獎「傑出網上製作」,當中選段〈靜聽松風〉更於2023年榮獲全國性舞評獎第十 三屆中國舞蹈「荷花獎」當代舞獎)。其他作品包括《三國風流》、《在那遙遠的地方》、《紅樓.夢三闋》之〈白〉、《中華英雄》、《觀 自在》之〈初心〉、《白蛇》、《弦舞》、《山水》及《一個人的哪吒》等,並主導一個歷時三年的「中國舞蹈與中國武術之交互研究與 成果呈現計劃」。楊氏於2003及2006年兩度獲頒香港舞蹈年獎,另獲香港藝術發展局頒發香港藝術發展獎2009「年度最佳 藝術家獎(舞蹈)」。於2023年獲香港特別行政區政府行政長官頒授榮譽勳章,以表揚楊氏多年來對舞蹈創作、推廣中國舞、 培育舞蹈人才等方面的良多貢獻。

Graduated from the Dance Faculty of Minzu University of China, Yang Yuntao is an accomplished dancer and choreographer. He joined Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC) in 2002 as Principal Dancer and became the Company’s Assistant Artistic Director from 2007. He has been its Artistic Director since November 2013. Yang has choreographed for numerous dance companies. His award-winning choreography for HKDC includes: Spring Ritual·Eulogy, winner of Outstanding Achievement in Production at the 15th Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2013 and presented in Beijing and Taipei in 2013; The Legend of Mulan, winner of Outstanding Production and Outstanding Ensemble Performance at the 16th Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2014 and presented in New York, Sydney, London and Minsk in 2015, 2017 and 2019 respectively; Storm Clouds, winner of three awards including Outstanding Achievement in Production at the 17th Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2015; The Butterfly Lovers, presented in Seoul in 2016; L’Amour Immortel, winner of three awards at the 18th Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2016, presented in Beijing and Guangzhou in 2017, Taipei in 2018, Shanghai and Hangzhou in 2019; Waiting Heart, winner of Outstanding Medium Venue Production at the 21st Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2019; and Convergence, winner of Outstanding Online Production at the 23rd Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2022. The top-notch excerpt from Convergence, Whispers of the Pines, has also won the 13th China Dance Lotus Awards (Contemporary Dance) in 2023, which is the most prestigious national awards for dancing in China. Yang has also spearheaded a three-year interdisciplinary Research Study on Chinese Martial Arts and Chinese Dance, and has continued with this endeavour since 2018. Yang has won Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2003 and 2006 for his outstanding dance performance, and the Best Artist (Dance) at the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2009. In 2023, Yang has been awarded the Medal of Honour by the Chief Executive of the Government of HKSAR in recognition of his contributions to the dance sector, years of devotion in creating and promoting Chinese dance and nurturing dance talents.


Ms NG Suet-mui, Violet

資深芭蕾舞蹈教育家及排練指導,現任 VCI

舞團藝術總監、香港舞蹈總會執行委員會副主席、澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會考官、 毛妹芭蕾舞學校校長、香港藝術發展局審批員、IDO 國際舞蹈組織及本地評判、中國舞蹈家協會及 CID 國際舞蹈委員會會 員。吳老師於香港芭蕾舞學院受訓練期間,考獲香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學金。除教學外,她亦積極參與藝術及學 術活動和年青老師培訓工作。她也是RAD-CBTS及CSTD教師輔導講師、香港專業教育學院(沙田)兒童藝術教育專業證書幼兒舞蹈教育訓練客席講師。

Senior ballet dance educator and rehearsal instructor, Violet is now the Artistic Director of VCI, Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee of Hong Kong Dance Federation, Examiner of CSTD (Australia), Examiner of HKADC, Principal of Christine Liao School of Ballet, Adjudicator of The International Dance Organization (IDO), a member of China Dancers Association and The International Dance Council CID, UNESCO. While having training at the Hong Kong Academy of Ballet, she was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Trust Scholarship. She is currently a mentor for RAD-CBTS and CSTD as well as a lecturer of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) Professional Certificate in Children’s Art Education - Children Dance course.

敏廸•貝蒂女士 Ms Mandy Petty

敏廸於英格蘭埃普瑟姆萊恩音樂劇學院接受舞蹈訓練。居港四十多年,一直教授爵士舞和踢踏舞,曾任香港演藝學院舞蹈 學院全職及兼任導師。目前是演藝進修學院音樂劇課程統籌,並為不同的藝術團體教舞及編舞。敏廸是備受讚譽的音樂劇 編創人,為香港演藝學院、The Hong Kong Singers編創的作品多不勝數,包括聯創作品:42街、為你瘋狂和窈窕淑女。她近 年也擔任The Hong Kong Singers 的團長及編舞兩個職位,編創劇目包括:平步青雲、玫瑰皇后、修女也瘋狂等。敏廸是英 國皇家舞蹈教師協會高級院士及考官、本地及國際舞蹈考試和比賽的考官及評判。2024年4月獲香港舞蹈聯盟頒發「終身 成就獎」,表揚她為舞蹈界作出的貢獻。

Mandy Petty received her Musical Theatre training at Laine Theatre Arts in Epsom, England, one of the leading Musical Theatre schools in the UK today. Her career as a leading jazz and tap dance teacher in Hong Kong has spanned over 40 years, including full-time and part-time work as a teacher at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) School of Dance. She is currently the co-ordinator of the EXCEL Musical Theatre programmes and active as a freelance teacher and choreographer within the wider Hong Kong arts community. Her credits as a choreographer for Musical Theatre productions are extensive and include numerous shows for the HKAPA and Hong Kong Singers, including joint ventures, namely 42nd Street, Crazy for You and My Fair Lady. In recent years, Mandy has also taken on the role of both Director and Choreographer for The Hong Kong Singers. Productions include How to SucceedinBusinessWithoutReallyTrying; Gypsy; and SisterAct. Mandy Petty is also a Fellow & Examiner for the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing and examines and adjudicates locally and internationally. In April 2024, Mandy received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Hong Kong Dance Alliance for her services to dance in Hong Kong.

盛培琪教授 Prof. SHENG Peiqi

畢業於北京舞蹈學院教育系,主修中國古典舞,獲文學學士學位,留校任教。曾擔任多項演出製作的編導及統籌,作品及表 演獲獎無數。曾出版《中國舞袖舞基礎教程》錄像,並任《中國古典舞身韵》教材分卷编委。現任香港演藝學院舞蹈學院教授, 中國舞系主任,碩士導師。

Ms Sheng was graduated from the Education Department of Beijing Dance Academy majoring in Chinese Dance. Having received her Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts, she taught in the Academy. She has been dancer, choreographer and coordinator in a number of large-scale activities and has won lots of prizes. Her publications include Videoof ChineseLong Sleeve DanceElementary Level and Chinese Classical Dance Shen Yun At present she is Professor, Head of Chinese Dance of the School of Dance, and Master Student Supervisor of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

冼源先生 Mr SIN Yuen

冼源先生早期就讀於北京舞蹈學院。畢業後加入武漢歌舞劇院任主要演員,後任武漢歌舞團副團長。1981年定居香港,曾 任香港舞蹈團基訓及排練導師、香港藝術發展局藝術顧問及審批員、香港演藝學院舞蹈學院顧問及兼職講師。2003年被甄 選列入《香港傑出舞蹈藝術家名錄》,積極參與舞蹈藝術評論工作。現為香港舞蹈總會董事兼藝術總監、中國舞蹈家協會顧 問、中國舞蹈家協會香港會員分會主席、澳門舞蹈協會藝術顧問、蓓蕾舞蹈社名譽顧問及香港兒童合唱團名譽舞蹈顧問。

Mr SIN trained at the Beijing Dance Academy, he joined and played the leading role in Wuhan Singing and Dancing Institute after his graduation and subsequently became the Vice-President. He settled in Hong Kong in 1981 and took up the posts of tutor and Technique Instructor rehearsal master in Hong Kong Dance Company、arts advisors and examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council、advisor & part-time tutor of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2003, he was listed in the《Hong Kong Dance Hall of Fame》. Mr SIN is current Board of Directors cum Artistic Director of Hong Kong Dance Federation, Advisor of the Chinese Dancers Association, Chairman of the Chinese Dancers Association Hong Kong Branch, Artistic Advisor of Macau Dance Association, Honorary Advisor of Budlet Folk Dance Club and Honorary Adviser (Dance) of the Hong Kong Children’s Choir.

劉迎宏先生 Mr LIU Yinghong

劉迎宏先生是國家一級演員、導演、澳門文化傳播大使、澳門舞蹈總會會長、濠江舞蹈團團長及香港舞蹈團前首席舞蹈演 員。作品《根之雕》獲《荷花獎》全國舞蹈比賽表演金獎;參演舞劇《霸王別姬》之劉邦奪得全國《荷花獎》(舞蹈詩舞劇)比賽 最佳男主角;作品《清明上河圖》、《塵埃落定》獲香港舞蹈年獎,並獲得柏林國際舞蹈大賽及維也納國際舞蹈大賽最佳編舞 獎;澳門原創舞蹈影像《啓航

荔枝碗》導演、本影像獲日本國際舞蹈大賽金獎。劉氏是2019年澳門回歸祖國20週年晚會導 演;2021年編創的大型音樂舞劇《弟子規》被國家文化和旅遊部評定為“內地與港澳文化和旅遊交流”重點項目全國五大優 秀案例;2022年他擔任大型當代雜技劇《化 蝶》執行導演,作品得到國家藝術基金2022年度傳播交流推廣巡演資助項目, 並獲得“五個一工程獎”及第十七屆文華表演獎等多個獎項;2022年編創的大型原創音樂劇《星辰大海‧冼星海》獲得國家 藝術基金立項;該劇於2023 年7月- 9月上演 15 場,並即將啟動全國巡演計劃。

Mr LIU is National Class-I Dancer and Director, Macao Cultural Ambassador, Chairman of Macao Dance General Association, Director of Hou Kong Dance Group, and former principal dancer of Hong Kong Dance Company. Mr LIU was granted the Performance Gold Award in the‘Lotus Award’National Dance Competition for his dance work Root Carving. His role as Liu Bang in Farewell My Concubine won him the Best Actor Award in the‘Lotus Award’National Dance Competition (Dance Drama Division). His works QingmingRiversideand RedPoppiesalso won him the Hong Kong Dance Award as well as the Best Choreography Award in Berlin International Dance Competition and Vienna International Dance Competition. The Macao original dance film SetSail ‧LaiChiVun, of which Mr LIU was the director, also received the Gold award in the Japan International Dance Competition. Mr LIU was director of the Evening Show of the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Macao’s Return to the Motherland (2019). His grand musical Dizi Gui was judged by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as one of the five national excellent cases of major exchange projects of‘culture and tourism between China, Hong Kong and Macao’(2021). The large-scale contemporary acrobatic drama The Butterfly Lovers, for which he served as the executive director, was granted the China National Arts Fund as a cultural exchange tour project of 2022, the‘Five First Projects Award’ and the 17th Wenhua Performance Award. His other grand original musical Xingchen Dahai XianXinghai, a setup project of the China National Arts Fund, is going to be on tour in China after 15 performances in 2023.

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

現為香港舞蹈總會董事及教育總監、香港紫荊花舞蹈團及香港中西區兒童舞蹈團團長、北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試課程 香港區考試委員會委員、香港學校舞蹈節及各區舞蹈比賽評判、IDO國際舞蹈組織國際評判。她是香港舞蹈總會“趣學堂” 課程主要撰寫人及舞蹈交流團策劃人;曾獲邀擔任香港演藝學院舞蹈碩士課程評審員及香港藝術發展局藝評人。

Ms LUK is Board Director and Education Director of Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF), Director of Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association and Central and Western District Children Dancing Troupe, a member of the HK Examination Committee of the Chinese Dance Graded Examination of Beijing Dance Academy, an adjudicator of the Schools Dance Festival and dance competitions of various districts of Hong Kong, and an IDO Licensed International Adjudicator. She is the lead author of the programme Move for Fun and the planner of dance exchange programmes of the HKDF, and has been invited as an assessor of the Master of Fine Arts in Dance Programme of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and an examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

江東教授 Prof. JIANG Dong

舞蹈學博士,中國藝術研究院舞蹈研究所原副所長,研究員,博導,國務院學位委員會學科評議組成員,研究方向:現當代 中國舞蹈發展研究、外國民族舞蹈文化研究、非遺公約文本研究,舞蹈評論與舞劇編劇。自幼正規系統學習舞蹈藝術,後攻 讀中國藝術研究院舞蹈學碩士、博士學位,迄今從事舞蹈理論與評論工作逾30多年,著述逾百萬字,主要著作:《江東舞蹈 文集》(四卷)、《弱水一瓢——舞理的尋覓與所得》、《印度舞蹈通論》《舞人紀·綽約舞芳華》等20余本,曾榮獲第二屆“啄木鳥 杯”中國文藝評論優秀作品獎、文化部科技大獎等。舞劇編劇作品如《泥人的事》《庫布其》《大道記憶》《李白》《天之路》《楊靖 宇》等均獲國家藝術基金。積極參與國際文化交流,足跡踏遍五大洲,曾赴非洲任文化外交官。

Prof. JIANG Dong, Doctor of Dance, is Former Deputy Director of the Dance Research Institute of Chinese National Academy of Arts, Researcher, Supervisor of PhD candidates, and Member of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council of China. His research directions are: Modern and Contemporary Research in the Development of Chinese Dance, Research in the Cultures of Foreign National Dances, Research in the Text of Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, Dance Criticism, and Playwriting of Dance Drama. Prof. JIANG started studying the art of dance in a formal and systematic way at an early age. He then received his master’s and doctor’s degrees from the Chinese National Academy of Arts. He has been engaged in the work of dance theory and criticism for over 30 years, and has written 20 odd books of more than one million words, including Jiang Dong’s Essays on Dance (4 Volumes), Ruo Shui Yi Piao, An Introduction to Indian Dance, and Wu Ren Ji. He was the winner of the Excellent Works Award of China Literature and Art Criticism at the Second ‘Woodpecker Cup’and the Science and Technology Award of the Ministry of Culture. The dance dramas of which he was the playwright, such as Figurines Thing, Li Bai, Yang Jingyu, etc. were also granted the China National Arts Fund. Prof. JIANG actively participates in international cultural exchanges. He has travelled all over the five continents, and has been the Cultural Diplomat in Africa.

Ms Hyeon-ah, YOO

Ms YOO, holder of a master’s in Performing Arts Management of Sangmyung University Graduate School, is the CEO of Yoo Dance Studio, Chief of KDO K-POP Dance Division, and Director of Veterans Dance Arts Association. She is a professional dance judge of Jazz, Street and K-POP and has been Judge at the National Dance Competition for the National Assembly Speaker’s Award since 2019. She obtained the IDO International Judge Certification (Street Dance Division) in 2023, and is an IDO International Judge currently.

賴秀峰教授 Prof. LAI Shiowfun

賴秀峰教授是西班牙皇家高等藝術學院舞蹈碩士。現任中華舞蹈學會理事長、中華民國舞蹈學會榮譽理事長及中國文藝學 會監事。自幼追隨蔡瑞月及江明珠老師習舞,曾赴西班牙求學。賴氏先後任教於中國文化大學、國立台灣藝術大學、國立台 灣體育大學、華岡藝校、台南科技大學等舞蹈科系,並出任中國電視公司舞蹈顧問。她擔任「舞躍大地舞蹈創作比賽」製作人 兼藝術總監逾16年。在從事舞蹈教育四十年間,獲獎無數。

Ms LAI holds a Master of Arts in Dance from Royal Spanish Higher Academy of Arts. She is now Director of Chung Hwa Dance Association, Director of The National Dance Association of R.O.C Supervisor of The Society of Chinese Arts. Ms LAI started her studies under the supervision of her teachers Ms TSAI Jui-yueh and Ms CHIANG Ming-chu before furthering her studies in Spain. She has taught in the Dance Faculty of various institutes, including the Chinese Culture University, National Taiwan University of Arts, National Taiwan Sport University, Taipei Hwa Kang Arts School and Tainan University of Technology. She has been the Dance Advisor of China Television Company, Ltd., and the Project and Artistic Director of Taiwan Creative Dance Competition for over 16 years. During her 40 years’career in dance education, she has won numerous awards.

李艾琳女士 Ms LEE, Eileen

李老師是中國舞蹈家協會會員、香港舞蹈總會執行委員會副主席、香港舞蹈團董事、星榆舞蹈學校校長及香港藝術發展局 審批員(舞蹈)。曾獲中國舞蹈家協會及中國文學藝術界聯合會授予最佳編導獎。近年逾30多個作品於國内外獲編舞獎,包 括:《白髮魔女》、《殤》、《歡樂的鼓兒敲起來》、《心相》、《Keepalive》及《Under Her Skin》。曾參與編導的節目包括:大型舞 蹈詩「緣起敦煌」,「歲月香江」,「香江畫圖」,「紅梅再世」; 1992年西班牙世界交通博覽中的加拿大館影片,第七屆全國中學 生運動會開幕式舞蹈「朝陽之歌」及苐29屆馬術奧運開場式舞蹈等。

Eileen is a member of Chinese Dancers Association, Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee of Hong Kong Dance Federation, Board Member of Hong Kong Dance Company, Principal of Starwave Dancing Academy and Examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Recently she was awarded“The Best Choreographer Award”by the Chinese Dancers Association and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. She has more than 30 winning choreographies, including The Bride with White Hair, Mourning, Joyful Drum Beats, Complexions, Keepalive and Under Her Skin. She has participated in choreographing and directing programs including: largescale dance poems Dunhuang Relections, As Time Goes By, Home ‧Hong Kong, Red Plum Regeneration; the Canadian Pavilion video at the World Transport Expo 92 in Spain, the opening ceremony of the 7th National High School Games Song of the Sun, the 29th session Equestrian Olympic opening dance, etc.

李恆達先生 Mr LI Hengda

李恆達先生是旅美藝術家、中國「國家一級演員」、中華人民共和國國務院僑務辦公室專家諮詢委員會委員、美國亞洲表演 藝術劇院藝術總監、恆達舞蹈學院院長、西雅圖華星藝術團團長及美國中西部大學舞蹈研究院院長、教授、博士生導師。 李氏畢業於北京舞蹈學院,於華盛頓大學舞蹈系取得碩士學位。李氏是一位多才多藝的舞蹈員,演出的舞蹈種類包括中國 和芭蕾舞劇、現代舞及其他經典的作品。編創的舞蹈作品不可勝數,當中包括:作為編劇及總導演的舞劇《梁山伯與祝英 台》、雜技劇《金小丑的夢》及作為執行導演在拉斯維加斯編創的駐場秀《熊貓》及舞蹈《海之歌》等。李氏曾獲聯合國教科文 組織頒發“李恆達大師傑出舞蹈藝術家獎”(2018)、“西雅圖市長藝術獎”(2012)及華盛頓州藝術委員會頒發“傑出藝術家 獎”(2011)。擔任評委工作的賽事包括:《中美舞林冠軍爭霸賽》、《中國好舞蹈》及第十三屆中國舞《荷花杯》。

Mr LI, a National Class-I Dancer of China, is an artist living in the United States (US). He is Member of the Advisory Committee of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, Artistic Director of the American Asian Performing Arts Theatre, President of Hengda Dance Academy, Director of Seattle Huaxing Art Troupe, and Dean, Professor and Supervisor of PhD candidates of the Dance Research Institute of Midwestern University of the US.Mr LI graduated from Beijing Dance Academy and is Master of Fine Arts in Dance from the University of Washington. He is a versatile dancer who can perform various genres of dances like Chinese and ballet dramas, modern dance and classical works. The dance works choreographed by him are numerous, including the dance drama The Butterfly Lovers for which he served as the playwright and chief director, the acrobatic drama The Dream of the Golden Clown, as well as the resident show Panda and the dance Song of the Ocean in Las Vegas for which he was the executive director. Mr LI was the winner of the UNESCO Excellence in Dance Arts Award and a Master of his craft (2018), the Mayor’s Arts Award of Seattle (2012), and the Artist Trust Fellowship Award for Performing Arts of Washington (2011). The dance events in which he acted as an adjudicator include: Super Born Dancer Tonight, So You Think You Can Dance, and The 13th Lotus Cup Chinese Dance Competition.

陳頴業先生 Mr CHAN Wing-yip

陳頴業先生是專業街舞導師及文化推廣人,也是香港街舞發展聯盟的創會委員及主席(2018-2021)。其舞團Asylum多次贏 得編舞賽冠軍,亦於Battle比賽多次獲得優良成績,包括:2018澳門Dance Hood Hiphop 1on1冠軍及2019 The Queen of Disco 4on4冠軍。陳氏於2012至2014年參與香港海洋公園的十月全城哈佬喂演出之編舞工作;其風格創新另類,奪得最佳 演出節目獎。他亦為大專及中學編排街舞及爵士舞參加比賽,成績卓越。陳氏活躍於不同的街舞比賽活動,曾於港台韓等地 擔任比賽評審,包括台灣College High、韓國IDO國際賽、香港Underground Stage及香港街舞公開賽。現時陳氏除參與商 業演出、劇場及藝術創作外,也從事非牟利機構青少年藝術教育,參與敎育、策劃及行政管理工作,致力推廣舞蹈文化,提升 其正面價值。

Yip is a professional street dance instructor, choreographer, freestyle dancer and versatile performer. He is one of the founders of Hong Kong Street Dance Development Alliance, and was Chairman from 2018 to 2021. His dance crew Asylum has won lots of awards in dance competitions and battles, including Champion of Macau Dance Hood Hiphop 1on1 in 2018 and Champion of The Queen of Disco 4on4 in 2019.Between 2012 and 2014, Yip worked as a Dance Choreographer in Hong Kong Ocean Park Halloween Event. With his unique style, he won the Best Show Award. He also created street and jazz dances for colleges and secondary schools to enter competitions; the results were outstanding.Yip participates in numerous street dance competitions, and has been adjudicator in dance events in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea, e.g. Taiwan College High, Korea IDO competitions, HK Underground Stage and HK Street Dance Championships.At present Yip is not only active in commercial shows, theatre creations and performances, but he is also keen on promoting arts education for nonprofit organizations, educating and planning dance activities for teenagers positively.

秦懿欣女士 Ms CHUN, Ulian

秦女士是英國皇家芭蕾舞學院考試官、秦懿欣芭蕾舞學院校長及英國皇家舞蹈教師協會歐洲民族舞暫准教師。擁有英國 皇家芭蕾舞學院高級教師文憑和香港演藝學院(舞蹈)碩士學位。目前是香港藝術發展局審批員、賽馬會創意藝術中心藝評 員、香港學校舞蹈節評判、IDO國際舞蹈協會國際評判。曾被列入《香港傑出舞蹈藝術家名錄》並入選中國優秀兒童歌舞工 作者。

Ulian is Examiner of the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), Principal of Ulian Chun Academy of Dance and Associate of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (National Dance). She has not only got an Advanced Teacher’s Diploma from the RAD but also a degree of Master of Arts in Dance from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She is currently an examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, an art critic of Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, an adjudicator of the Schools Dance Festival, and an IDO Licensed International Adjudicator. She has been listed in the“Hong Kong Dance Hall of Fame”and awarded as China’s Best Children Dance Educator.

哈斯敖登教授 Prof. HA Siaodeng

哈斯敖登教授,蒙古族,中央民族大學舞蹈學院副院長、教授、碩士研究生導師、教授委員會委員,國家一級演員、國家一級 編導,獲頒2020年度文化和旅遊部“優秀專家”稱號、俄羅斯布里亞特蒙古共和國文化藝術大學“終身教授”稱號。教授從藝 三十年,表演、創作的舞蹈作品榮獲國際級、國家級、省部級獎項及榮譽共六十多項。她的學術論文《“一帶一路”背景下蒙古 族舞蹈文化與創作交流》於2023年3月在北京舞蹈學院學報發表;科研、教學專案包括:新文科理念下民族舞蹈拔尖人才培 養模式改革與實踐、國家一流課程 蒙古族舞蹈等。她也是2020-2023年國家藝術基金項目評委專家。

Prof. HA Siaodeng, of Mongol nationality, is Associate Dean, Professor, Supervisor of master’s candidates, and Member of the Professor Committee of School of Dance, Minzu University of China. She is also a National Class-I Dancer and Choreographer, being granted the titles of‘Excellent Expert’of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2020 and‘Tenured Professor’of the University of Culture and Arts of the Republic of Buryatia of Russia. Engaged in the dance field for 30 years, Prof. HA has won over sixty awards and honours of provincial, national and international levels for performance and choreography. Her research paper, Cultural and Creative Exchange of MongolianDance under“The Belt and Road”Initiative, was published in the journal of Beijing Dance Academy in March 2023; and her research and teaching projects include: Innovation and Practice of the Training Mode of Topnotch Talents of National Dance in the Context of New Liberal Arts, and National First-class Program Mongolian Dance. Between 2020 and 2023 she has become Expert Adjudicator of the China National Arts Fund projects.

高成明先生 Mr GAO Chengming

畢業於北京舞蹈學院教育系古典舞專業,國家一級編導。曾先後擔任香港演藝學院導師、雲南藝術學院客席教授、北京舞蹈 學院中國舞系副主任、最具國際知名度之廣東現代實驗舞團藝術總監、團長,廣東省藝術研究所研究員、廣東省舞蹈家協會 副主席;2013 -2016年任澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校校長。代表作品包括:《梁山伯與祝英台》、《舊故事》、《氣斷烏江》、《金扇》、《 劍指》,舞劇《夢白》、《聲、色、形》、《孔雀》及《海上花》等。作品先後獲白俄羅斯國際現代舞大賽金獎、日本明古屋國際現代舞 大賽金獎,、法國現代舞大賽金獎,、全國舞蹈比賽金獎、中國舞蹈荷花杯金獎(二次)。多次擔任國內外大型舞蹈比賽盛世評 委,現任中國舞蹈家協會理事,廣東舞蹈家協會顧問。

A classical dance major graduating from the Education Faculty of Beijing Dance Academy (BDA), Mr GAO is a National Class-I Choreographer. He had been Principal of the School of Dance of Conservatory De Macao between 2013 and 2016, Tutor at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Guest Professor at Yunnan Arts University, and Deputy Director of the Department of Chinese Dance of the BDA. He was also Artistic Director/Manager of the notable Guangdong Modern Dance Company, Researcher of Guangdong Arts Research Institute, and Vicechairman of Guangdong Dancers Association. His representative works have won numerous gold awards not only in China but also in Belarus, Japan and France. At present Mr GAO is Council Member of the Chinese Dancers Association, Advisor of Guangdong Dancers Association, and Adjudicator of big dance competitions of China and other countries.


Bauhinia International Dance Grand Prix 2022 (Online)


Finals Programme Details

21.8.2024 (三 Wed) 20:15

爵士舞及街舞 Jazz & Street Dance

I-JS-201 Smile

I-JS-202 Eastern Fairytale

I-JS-203 Abu

22.8.2024 (四 Thur) 10:00


I-BS-203 Dance with Bells

I-BS-303A Fairy Doll Variation

I-BS-303B Scorpion

22.8.2024 (四 Thur) 14:30

當代舞 Contemporary Dance

I-CS-203 Titanium

I-CS-204 Movement of Time

I-CS-205 Welcome Home

I-CS-207 Following a Dream

I-CS-301 情緒分子 Molecules of Emotion

I-CS-306 活著 Alive

I-CS-402 尋 In the Night

22.8.2024 (四 Thur) 19:30 中國舞 Chinese Dance

I-CHS-202 俏妞嬉絹舞花間 Playing in the Garden I-CHS-203 小俏皮 Nancy

I-CHS-204 火娃兒 Fire Doll

I-CHS-206 佤巫女 Witch

I-CHS-207 飛天 Flying Angels

I-CHS-301 雲端上的夢 Dreams on the Clouds

I-CHS-303 花木蘭 Mulan

I-CHS-305 裁羅拈綫盼紅妝 Bride

I-CHS-307 花語 Language Flowers

I-CHS-308 潁水河畔 The Riverside by Ying River

I-CHS-310 征戰 A Dual Duel

I-CHS-311 傣妹 Dai Girl

I-CHS-402 阿姆 My Mom

23.8.2024 (五 Fri) 10:00

公開舞 Open Dance

I-OPS-201 Shake the Room

I-OPS-202 Russian Beauty

I-OPS-203 Be Brave

I-JG-501 自由-複合 Free-Complex

I-JG-502 Bathing Beauties

I-BS-306A Coppella

I-BS-306B 光 Light

I-BG-501 Russian Dance

I-CS-403 滿月升起 Fullmoon

I-CS-406 風‧訴 The story of the Wind

I-CS-407 箏 ZENG

I-CS-409 芸芸 Weed

I-CS-410 椅子上的小世界 The Small World on the Chair

I-CG-603 皮皮不可以 Pippi Can’t Do That

I-CG-701 We Insist

I-CHS-404 月影.曇心 Epiphyllum Reflected on the Lake I-CHS-405 殘荷 Whispers of the Wizened Lotus

I-CHS-406 頂家 Girl Led Path

I-CHS-408 狐逸隱 The Original Fox

I-CHS-409 尕喇朵 Ga La Duo

I-CHS-410 月夜吟 Moon Night Chanting

I-CHS-413 漾 Yang

I-CHG-601 小格格 Qing Dynasty Princess

I-CHG-602 Chinese Dance

I-CHG-701 雲破天青 The Clouds are Blue

I-CHG-702 皎月橫塘 Bright Moon Across the Pond

I-CHG-703 歡 Joyous

I-OPG-601 Kalinka

I-OPG-602 澄稻之香 Cheng Dao Zhi Xiang


The winners of local "Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2024" will represent Hong Kong to compete in the "Bauhinia International Dance Grand Prix 2024 - Finals"

紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽為國際舞蹈組織 (IDO)特許賽事。

Bauhinia International Dance Grand Prix is a "Licensed Event" by the International Dance Organization (IDO).

《紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2024》得獎作品將獲邀參加《紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽2024》,賽事將於 2024年8月21-23日進行:

The winners of Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2024 will represent Hong Kong to compete in the Bauhinia International Dance Grand Prix 2024 on 21-23 August 2024 in the following ways:


Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships (Local Entries)

紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽 線上初賽 Bauhinia International Dance Grand Prix Preliminary Round (Online)

每個組別金獎及由評判選出的節目將晉級國際賽決賽 Gold Awardees and selected pieces by the judge panel of local entries will advance to Grand Prix - Finals

各組賽事獲評分最高的9個節目依次排列可入圍國際賽決 賽。入圍決賽作品分數須至少達85分或以上。

The dances in each category are ranked in order with their scores can be shortlisted for the Finals. The maximum of 9 dances can be shortlisted in each category. The finalists must score 85 or above.

紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽 決賽 Bauhinia International Dance Grand Prix Finals

大會將個別通知各入圍團體。The committee will notify the finalists individually.

場地規則 House Rules

為免影響演出,請把手機調至靜音狀態,並且關掉其他響鬧或發光的裝置。為了讓演出者不受 干擾,讓觀眾獲得愉快的觀演體驗,整場演出嚴禁拍照、錄音或錄像。感謝您的配合。

To avoid disturbance, please set your mobile phone on silent mode and switch off other beeping or light emitting devices. To ensure an undistracted performance by artists and an enjoyable experience for the audience, photo-taking, audio or video recording is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.



We wish to thank the following people and organizations for their kind support:

贊助人 Patron

區永熙先生SBS太平紳士 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

資助 Supported by

香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council

合作夥伴 Collaborating Partner

香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

國際支持單位 Worldwide Supporting Organizations





美國亞洲表演藝術劇院 American Asian Performing Arts Theater

Chinese Dancers Association Hong Kong Memeber Branch 中國舞蹈家協會香港會員分會


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