詩韻流芳 Eternal Charms of Poetry

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Eternal Charms of Poetry

舞蹈教育提升計劃之編創傳承課程 2024-25 匯報演出

Emerging Choreographers’ Showcase for the Dance Education Enhancement Scheme on Choreography Inheritance 2024-25

8.3.2025 7:30pm 9.3.2025 2:30pm


Sheung Wan Civic Centre Theatre (5/F)

1. 觀眾必須憑票入場,每票只限一人。除非門票註明不設劃位,否則觀眾必須對號入座。

2. 場地管理人員有權不讓遲到者及中途離場者入場,並有權決定遲到者及中途離場者入場的時間及安 排。

3. 觀眾入場前必須關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置,以免影響表演者和其他觀眾。

4. 除非獲得管理人員事先批准,觀眾不得在場內攝影、錄音、錄影或作影視轉播。

5. 觀眾不得攜帶任何可能影響節目進行或對場內觀眾造成騷擾或不便的物品進場。

6. 衣履不整,恕不招待。

7. 嚴禁在場內吸煙或飲食。

1. Admission by tickets only. Each ticket admits only one person. Unless the ticket lays down for free seating, audience members must take the allocated seats as printed on the tickets.

2. The venue management may exercise the right to refuse admission of latecomers and readmission of audience members who have left during a performance to decide when and how to admit/readmit them into the Theatre.

3. Audience members must switch off their mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices before entering the Theatre to avoid causing disturbance to the performers or other audience members.

4. Audience members are not allowed to conduct activities of photography, audio/video recording or broadcasting in the Theatre unless with prior permission given by the management staff.

5. Audience members are not allowed to bring into the Theatre any article that may disturb the performance or cause inconvenience to other audience members.

6. The venue management may exercise the right to refuse entry to anyone who is ineptly dressed.

7. Smoking, eating or drinking in the Theatre is prohibited.




作為香港舞蹈總會的會長暨【舞蹈教育提升計劃】的主要贊助人,歡迎各位蒞臨觀賞《詩韻流芳》 的演出,支持舞總為培育新晉青年編舞所舉辦的第三期計劃匯報展演。

編導課程獲得本港多個專業舞團和院校的支持,包括:香港演藝學院、香港舞蹈團和城市當代舞蹈 團等;更蒙北京舞蹈學院創意學院的全面支持,派出學院著名編導張建民教授,來港主持課程,以 及批准古典舞系學生參加演出,舞總同人銘感於心。期待在兩地緊密合作精神的前提下,把香港的 舞蹈文化素質教育,提升至更高的層面。

《十四五規劃綱要》明確支持香港發展成為中外文化藝術交流中心,在香港政府全方位打造以文化 藝術為媒的運作下,本港正邁向中外文化對話中心。這一屆的學員能夠順利完成為期六個月的基本 課程,將獲舞總推薦參加聯合國教科文組織屬下的『國際舞蹈委員會』,並獲得該會發出認可的證書。 計劃的成功舉行,實蒙

香港藝術發展局配對計劃的撥款支持。在培訓的過程中,凝聚了業界各位專 家的悉心教導,分享經驗的同時,發掘學員的潛質。本人對青年編導課程培訓的導師、參加演出的 舞蹈團體和同學,表示衷心的感謝!


Being the president of Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF) and the major patron of the Dance Education Enhancement Scheme, I would like to bid a warm welcome to each of you who are present at the performance of Eternal Charms of Poetry and give support to the third emerging choreographers' showcase organized by the HKDF.

The choreography course is supported by several professional dance companies and schools, including The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Dance Company, and City Contemporary Dance Company. The School of Creative Studies of Beijing Dance Academy also offers complete support by sending its eminent choreographer Prof. ZHANG Jianmin to hose the course and students of the Classical Dance Department to perform in Hong Kong, for which the HKDF owes a debt of gratitude. It is hoped that under the premise of close cooperation between Beijing and Hong Kong, the suzhi (quality) education of dance culture of Hong Kong will reach an even higher level.

The "Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025)" has expressed clear support for Hong Kong to develop into an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange. Under the Government of HKSAR's comprehensive build of culture and arts as the medium for exchange, Hong Kong is heading towards an East-meets-West centre for cultural dialogue. This year the students who successfully complete the basic course of six months will be recommended by the HKDF to join the International Dance Council under UNESCO and awarded a membership confirmation by the Council.

Thanks must be given to Hong Kong Arts Development Council for its subsidy under the Matching Fund Scheme, otherwise the Enhancement Scheme could not have been successfully implemented. During the training process, experts from the dance field taught wholeheartedly, sharing their experience with the students as well as exploring their potential. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the instructors, participating dance groups and dancers of the choreography course.

On behalf of the HKDF, please allow me to extend my deepest congratulations on the launch of the Scheme here. I wish the Emerging Choreographers' Showcase a great success!

Introduction of Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund 香港舞蹈總會發展基金

Introduction of Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund

香港舞蹈總會在過去四十年,得到政府機構及社會熱心人士支持,透過匯演平台及各項活動支持民間 舞蹈發展,讓舞蹈老師們獲得發揮機會。可是,資源的緊絀亦限制了其發展規模和貢獻。因此,舞總在 2016年成立『香港舞蹈總會發展基金有限公司』(下稱『舞總基金』),申請成為直屬香港舞蹈總會監管的 慈善組織。其發展目標是透過各項不同性質的舞蹈公益及教育活動,提升新一代舞蹈學員的文化素質 及對社會的承擔。主要的活動人士與香港舞蹈總會相同。

希望藉著這個慈善組織,能夠獲得更多熱愛舞蹈文化人士的捐獻,以期進一步支持和推動香港各類的 舞蹈教育活動、舖設舞台的演創機會、對國內及海外的院校進行文化交流工作,惠及香港市民。

舞總基金於2019和2022年成功舉辦了兩屆「舞蹈教育提升計劃 -- 編創傳承」,透過一系列的課程和演出 活動連結資深和新晉編舞,讓資深導師總結經驗,帶領並培育有意在編導方向發展的年青人。計劃大獲 好評,參與的新晉編舞獲益良多。其創編的節目各有特色,成效可見。

舞總基金亦曾支持多個項目,包括:2017年『一帶一路敦煌文化藝術交流之旅』、《緣起敦煌》於本港及粵 港澳大灣區多次重演;『世界舞蹈日』、『紫荊盃舞蹈大賽』、『香港街舞公開賽』等。近年更頒發多個獎學 金,鼓勵優秀舞者提升個人水平。

Over the past forty years, under the auspices of government departments and ardent donors, Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF) has supported community dance development by providing dance teachers with performance platforms and various activities for making full use of their potential. But the tight resources have hampered its development and achievement, resulting in the need for inception of Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund Limited (HKDF Fund) in 2016. The HKDF Fund is directly monitored by the HKDF. It targets at enhancing new generation’s cultural qualities and social responsibilities through different kinds of charitable and educational activities in dance; and its major participants are in sync with those of the HKDF.

It is the HKDF’s wish to obtain donations from dance lovers via this charitable organization and thereby further support and promote educational activities in dance, offer opportunities for stage performances and creations, and encourage cultural exchanges with the mainland and overseas academies, bringing benefits to Hong Kong citizens.

In 2019 the HKDF Fund launched a‘Dance Education Enhancement Scheme on Choreography Inheritance’successfully. It was the first time that the HKDF organized a course which brought experienced and emerging choreographers together by means of a series of lessons and a dance showcase so that experienced mentors could lead and nurture young dancers whose direction of development was choreography with their experiences. The scheme was highly acclaimed. The emerging choreographers learned a lot, and their creative works of individual characteristics demonstrated its effectiveness.

The HKDF Fund has supported events including 'One Belt One Road Dunhuang Cultural and Artistic Exchange' of 2017, the re-runs of DunhuangReflections in Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area, 'World Dance Day' , 'Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships', and 'Hong Kong Street Dance Championships'. In recent years it has also awarded scholarships to outstanding dancers to encourage them to improve their personal levels.

組織架構 Structure

董事局成員 Board of Directors

區永熙先生 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

吳劍玲女士 Ms NG Kim-ling

梁其芬女士 Ms LEUNG Ki-fun, May

盧翠棠女士 Ms LO Chui-tong

公司秘書 Company Secretary

温 雄先生 Mr WAN Hung

會員 Member


Hong Kong Dance Federation Ltd.

義務核數師 Hon. Auditor

忻瑞流會計師行 Francis S. L. Yan & Co

法律顧問 Hon. Legal Advisor

范凱傑先生MH Mr FAN Hoi-kit, Alex, MH

of Hong Kong Dance Federation

香港舞蹈總會 簡介

Introduction of Hong Kong Dance Federation

香港舞蹈總會(下稱『舞總』)於1978年10 月成立,並於2000 年改為有限公司,是本港第一個非牟利多元 舞蹈社團。創會成員 為舞蹈界舉足輕重的人士,包括:陳寶珠、黎海寧、劉兆銘、吳世勳、鄧孟妮、鄭亞清、 黃藝諳及郭世毅等。建會以來,一直以推 動香港舞蹈發展為己任,積極保育、拓展本地的多元舞蹈文化。 現有團體會員260個、個人會員及會友超過4,450 人。

舞總向來積極推廣舞蹈文化回饋社會,2024年獲社聯頒發《同心展關懷15+》獎勵。現為聯合國教育、科 學和文化組織轄下的國際舞蹈委員會(UNESCO-CID)會員及國際舞蹈組織(IDO)正式會員和香港地區 代表。

總會工作以舞蹈教育為主,承辦了北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試達35載、澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會 (CSTD)的多元舞蹈考級課程達20年。除了舞蹈教師培訓及考試外、同時建立演出平台 – 《香港舞蹈博 覽》、《紫荊盃舞蹈大賽》以及《世界舞蹈日》、《國際青少年舞蹈營》等,多元工作惠及不同的舞者要求,積 極參與社區活動。近年,製作之大型舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》多次獲邀到北京參加國家級藝術節演出;在粵港 澳大灣區交流計劃支持下,前往中山及廣州作文化交流;2021 年於香港文化中心大劇院作第九度公演, 廣獲好評。2023年疫後,更成功主辦【中華文化舞蹈節】包括:《非遺之舞》研討會、大型舞劇《水不揚波》和 《香港舞蹈博覽》等,為界內掀起一番熱潮。

展望未來,舞總將延續其建立舞蹈平台的角色,開發各式各樣惠及不同需要人士的舞蹈課程;聯絡海 內、外的舞蹈同業,提升整體藝術演出水平;並透過豐富的社區文藝活動,積極履行社會責任,發揮舞蹈 對人民生活的影響力,貢獻社會。

Hong Kong Dance Federation Limited (HKDF), established in October 1978 and incorporated as a limited company in 2000, is the first non-profit multifaceted dance organization in Hong Kong. All founder members were acclaimed personages in the dance society, including Pearl CHAN, Helen LAI, LAU Siu-ming, NG Sai-fun, Tania TANG and the late CHENG Ya-ching, WONG Ngai-yum and Stephen KWOK. It has always aimed at pushing forward Hong Kong’s dance development, actively preserving heritage and promoting local cultural diversity in dance. At present the HKDF boasts a total membership of 260 group members and more than 4,450 individual and associate members.

In 2024 the HKDF was awarded the Caring Organization 15+ Logo in recognition of its dedication and efforts in dance promotion and making contributions to the society. It is currently a member of the International Dance Council, an umbrella organization under UNESCO for all genres of dance, and a member and HK representative of the International Dance Organization.

Working mainly on dance education, the HKDF has been undertaking the Beijing Dance Academy Syllabus for Chinese Dance Graded Examinations and the Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing Examination Syllabus for 35 and 20 years respectively. Apart from examinations and teachers’training, it also provides platforms for performance --- Hong Kong Dance Expo, Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships, World Dance Day, International Dance Camp for Youth and the like, takes on various jobs meeting the demands of dancers, and participates in community activities positively. The recent production of the grand dance poem DunhuangReflections has been invited to perform at national art festivals in Beijing a number of times. Supported by the Greater Bay Area Exchange Scheme, the dance poem was staged in Zhongshan and Guangzhou for cultural exchange. Its 8th re-run at the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in 2021 won great acclaim as well. In 2023 after the pandemic, the HKDF successfully hosted the Chinese Culture & Dance Festival that included Dance as Intangible Cultural Heritage - Symposium, the grand dance drama Turbulent Waves and Hong Kong Dance Expo, setting off a rush in the dance circle.

Looking ahead, the HKDF will continue to build platforms for dance exchange and development, launch diverse dance courses catering for people’s needs, explore new horizons in dance performances through collaborations and exchanges with dance practitioners from home and abroad, and to fulfill its social responsibilities by enriching community cultural activities and giving full play to the influence of dance on people’s lives.

委員會架構 The Council & Committee

榮譽會長 Honorary President

霍震霆 大紫荊勳賢GBS太平紳士

Mr FOK Tsun-ting, Timothy, GBM, GBS, JP

吳朱蓮芬 BBS太平紳士 Mrs NG Chu Lien-fan, BBS, JP

會長 President

區永熙 SBS太平紳士 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

副會長 Vice President

劉兆銘先生 MH Mr LAU Siu-ming, MH

董事局 Board of Directors

區永熙SBS太平紳士 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

劉兆銘先生 MH Mr LAU Siu-ming, MH

羅廖耀芝女士Mrs LO LIU Yiu-chee, Virginia

冼 源先生 Mr SIN Yuen

崔綺雲博士 Dr TSUI Yee-wan, Linda

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

吳劍玲女士 Ms NG Kim-ling

劉佩雄先生 Mr LAU Pui-hung

劉定國先生 Mr LAU Ting-kwok

梁其芬女士 Ms LEUNG Ki-fun, May

藝術總監 Artistic Director

冼 源先生 Mr SIN Yuen

行政總監 Executive Director

羅廖耀芝女士 Mrs LO LIU Yiu-chee, Virginia

教育總監 Education Director

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

製作總監 Production Director

劉佩雄先生 Mr LAU Pui-hung

外展總監 Outreach Director

劉定國先生 Mr LAU Ting-kwok

營運總監 Executive Director - Operations

温 雄先生 Mr WAN Hung

顧問 Advisors

鍾金寶女士 Mrs Campbell, Joan, MBE

毛 妹太平紳士 Mrs LIAO, Christine (Mao Mei), JP

吳世勳先生 Mr NG Sai-fun

吳湘霞女士 Ms NG Sheung-ha

盛培琪女士 Ms SHENG Pei-qi

鄧孟妮女士 Ms TANG, Tania

高春貴先生 Mr KO Chun-kwai

曾柱昭先生 Mr TSANG CC, Gerard

韋 柰先生 Mr WEI Nai

薛菁華女士 Ms SIT Ching-wa

廖春慧女士 Ms LIU Chun-wai

陳李藹倫女士SBS Mrs CHAN, Helen, SBS

義務法律顧問 Hon. Legal Advisor

范凱傑先生 MH Mr FAN Hoi-kit, Alex MH

義務會計師 Hon. Accountant

忻瑞流會計師行 Francis S. L. Yan & Co.

理事會 Council

執行委員會 Executive Committee

主席 Chairperson

梁其芬女士 Ms LEUNG Ki-fun, May

副主席 Vice Chairpersons

吳雪梅女士 Ms NG Suet-mui, Violet

李艾琳女士 Ms LEE, Eileen

石成初先生 Mr SEK Sing-chor

義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer

盧翠棠女士 Ms LO Chui-tong

義務秘書 Hon. Secretary

吳翠雲女士 Ms NG Tsui-wan

楊志榖先生 Mr YEUNG Chi-kuk

執行委員 Executive Committee Members

陳 磊先生 Mr CHEN Lei, Felix

莊陳波先生 Mr CHONG Chan-po

秦懿欣女士 Ms CHUN, Ulian

周曉雯女士 Ms CHOW Hiu-man

馮杏美女士 Ms FUNG Hang-mai

林貴文先生 Mr LAM Kwai-man

伍禮言先生 Mr NG Lai-yin, Sean

曾金全先生 Mr TSANG Kam-chuen

理事 Committee Members

區世傑先生 Mr AU Sai-kit

陳紀賢女士 Ms CHAN Kay-yin, Grace

鄭麗芬女士 Ms CHENG Lai-fun, Terry

張家欣女士 Ms CHEUNG Ka-yan, Mabel

趙浩然先生 Mr CHIU, Ho-yin, Rex

周佩瑜博士 Dr CHOW Pui-yu, Lina

何祖宜女士 Ms HO, Joey

郭偉傑先生 Mr KWOK Wai-kit

林萬娃女士 Ms LAM Man-wa

劉文鳳女士 Ms LAU Man-fung

劉碧琪女士 Ms LAU Pik-ki, Becky

梁結文女士 Ms LEUNG Kit-man, Venessa

梁美嘉女士 Ms LEUNG Mei-kar

麥雪亮女士 Ms MAK, Lowintry

丁志敏女士 Ms TING Chi-man

曾金星先生 Mr TSANG Kam-sing

曾雪麗女士 Ms TSANG Lili S. L.

童小紅女士 Ms TUNG Siu-hung

黃日芝女士 Ms WONG Yat-chee

胡錦明先生 Mr WU Kam-ming

楊君儒先生 Mr YEUNG Kwan-yu

香港舞蹈總會發展基金公司(下稱『舞總基金』)分別於2019年及2022年成功舉辦「舞蹈教育提 升計劃」進修平台 -《編創傳承》。課程為香港新一代的年青編舞提供一系列的編導進修階梯和技術 支援。在專家團隊的指導下,已經有25位舞者獲支持編創個人作品,由其所屬團體舞者演出,成績 斐然,得到界內、社會人士的認同。

汲取往年的經驗,舞總基金開辦第三屆《編創傳承計劃》時調整了課程內容,並招募新一批年青新 進編舞。透過一個完整的舞蹈編創學習過程,旨為香港培育更多編舞人才。

課程得到北京舞蹈學院創意學院編導系張建民教授的鼎力支持,擔任該課程首席導師。課程同時邀 請了多位業界資深舞蹈家和舞台藝術家擔任課程導師,為學員講解並分析不同舞種的編創特點。同 時課程也連結資深和新進舞者,讓資深導師總結經驗,輔導新進舞者創作一台優秀的作品,讓學員 的新思維可以在舞台上展現。

過往一年,學員透過一系列與舞蹈編創相關的多元課程及排演活動,在資深導師指導及培育下,聯 合創作了這一台優秀的作品《詩韻流芳》—以中國詩詞為主題,選取詩詞展開創作。相信有意在編 導方面發展的年青人,能夠吸收編舞經驗和不同領域的知識,擴闊視野。希望是次課程能提升並啟 發學員的編創思維,使她們於未來的編舞路途上可以學以致用,編創更多高水平的舞蹈節目。

Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund Limited (HKDF Fund) launched the 'Dance Education Enhancement Scheme on Choreography Inheritance' twice successfully in 2019 & 2022. The Scheme furnished the new generation of young choreographers with a series of advanced studies and technical support on choreography. Under the guidance of the expert team, 25 young choreographers presented their choreographic works in the showcase Eternal Charms of the Silk Road & Eternal Charm of 24 Solar Terms with the dancers of their troupes. The performance was brilliant and well-received with high acclaim in the dance field and society.

Having gained experience from the past, the HKDF Fund organized the third 'Scheme on Choreography Inheritance', adjusting the contents of the course and recruiting a new batch of emerging choreographers, with the purpose of nurturing more choreographers in Hong Kong through a complete process of choreography learning.

Mr ZHANG Jianmin, Professor of the Department of Choreography of School of Creative Studies of Beijing Dance Academy, has always been supportive in the course and has once again consented to be the chief instructor. Experienced dance experts and stage artists are also invited to be course instructors to explain and analyze to participants the choreography features of different kinds of dance. Experienced dance educators also serve as mentors to share their professional expertise and experience to assist them to realize their thoughts and dreams on stage.

In this post-pandemic period, lessons and rehearsals have resumed to normality and, Eternal Charms of Poetry, a performance with poems as inspirations of creation is ready for the stage. It is believed that the young participants intending to develop their careers in choreography have absorbed knowledge in dance composition and various domains to broaden their horizons. It is hoped that the course has inspired and enhanced their innovative thinking and they can apply what they have learned to the creation of dance pieces of a high level along their choreographic path in future.


Course Contents


Choreography Practice 1


Introduction to Dance Composition 1


Poetry Interpretation


Script Writing

佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Design


Choreography and Analysis of Works 1


Introduction to Dance Composition 2


Choreography Practice 2


Stage and Lighting Application


Choreography and Analysis of Works 2


Choreography Practice 3


Choreography and Analysis of Works 3

音樂與舞蹈 Music and Dance


New Stage Technology


Choreography Practice 4

導師 Instructors

張建民ZHANG Jianmin

吳雪梅 NG Suet-mui, Violet

温紹武 WAN Siu-mo

曾柱昭 Gerard CC TSANG

温俊詩 WUN, Mable

陳基琼 CHAN, Eve

吳雪梅 NG Suet-mui, Violet

張建民ZHANG Jianmin

賴詠珊 LAI Wing-shan, Bie

楊雲濤YANG Yuntao

張建民ZHANG Jianmin

黃狄文WONG, Dominic

韋柰WEI Nai

成博民SHING Pok-man / 盧榮 LO Wing

張建民ZHANG Jianmin

自2019年的《絲韻流芳》,2022年的《節韻流芳》,到今年3月全新的《詩韻流芳》,這項舞蹈 教育提升計劃之編創傳承實驗課程,從首席課程導師張建民授課開始,直到年青編舞學員們的舞蹈 創作實驗作品的公演,突顯了這項計劃的系統性、實用性和舞蹈教育提升計劃的前瞻性。它已成為 一項“流芳”的系列,既展現了中華文化流芳異彩, 也顯示了青年編舞者們的美好藝術年華。

中國古代樂舞發展的頂盛時代,尤以唐代樂舞輝煌異彩,而這些樂舞在唐詩裡留下了生動形象的記 載。當我們身處文化和科技發達的新時代,從古代 詩詞中,尋求心動的靈感,用舞蹈藝術形象去表 達詩詞中的情思、意境以及詩人們的情懷,都證明了舞和詩之間的緊密關係。我想我們首先要有一 顆詩心,當你進入到詩詞的意境中,方可以舞蹈描繪出它的深刻內涵和真實情感。


From Eternal Charms of the Silk Road of 2019 and Eternal Charms of the 24 Solar Terms of 2022 to the brand-new Eternal Charms of Poetry of March this year, also from the teaching of Chief Instructor Prof. ZHANG Jianmin to the exhibition of experimental creative works of young student choreographers, the experimental programme of Dance Enhancement Scheme on Choreography Inheritance has accentuated its systematic, practical and forward-looking qualities. It has become a series of “Eternal Charms”, displaying not only the eternal splendour of Chinese culture but also the artistic beauty of emerging choreographers.

The golden age of the development of ancient Chinese music and dance was particularly glorious in the Tang dynasty. Vivid images of music and dance were recorded in Tang poetry. Being in a new era of advanced culture and technology, we look for touching inspirations from ancient poetry and express its emotions and artistic conceptions together with the feelings of poets by means of artistic images of dance. This exactly shows the close relationship between dance and poetry. I think we must first have a heart for poetry. As you get into the artistic conception of a poem, you may then depict its deep connotations and real feelings through dance.

I wish all of you young choreographers being able to move the audience with your poetic dances!


畢業於北京舞蹈學院首屆本科班,曾兩度赴美國休斯頓芭蕾舞團進修芭蕾編舞,師從美國芭蕾舞大 師本.史帝文森。現為北京舞蹈學院創意學院編導系教授。優秀作品涵蓋古今中外,榮獲國家級獎 項無數。其編著有《中國雙人舞編導教程》。張氏曾獲得國務院政府特殊津貼;於1992年來港擔任 香港舞蹈總會精英舞蹈團舞劇『大話西遊』編導及演員;並為張藝謀電影『十面埋伏』創作“長袖 擊鼓舞",獲得國際電影界和舞蹈界的廣泛讚譽。2024年7月翻譯復建明代朱載堉《天下太平字舞》, 使距今400年的明代樂舞藉由張建民研究翻譯復現于世。

Prof. ZHANG, one of the first batch of Bachelor degree graduates of Beijing Dance Academy (BDA), is currently Professor of the Department of Choreography at the School of Creative Studies of the BDA. He has furthered his studies in choreography twice at Houston Ballet in the States under the American ballet master Ben Stevenson OBE. His wide-ranged repertoire, covering themes ancient and modern, Chinese and Foreign, has received numerous national awards. He is the author of "Chinese Pas de Deux Choreography Course", and a recipient of the Special Government Allowances of the State Council. In 1992 Prof. ZHANG was the choreographer and dancer of the dance drama Western Pilgrimage for the Hong Kong Dance Federation Elite Dance Company. The Long-sleevedDrumDance that he choreographed for ZHANG Yimou's film HouseofFlyingDaggers has also won him critical acclaim in the international film circle and dance field. In July 2024 he translated and restored Tianxia taiping zi wu (Dance of the characters 'The world at peace') written by ZHU Zaiyu in the Ming dynasty. Music and Dance of the Ming dynasty thus reappears after 400 years because of his research and translation.


個班舞蹈創編的選材很寬,雖說限定在《詩韻流芳》的總體架構之下,每個編導的選題都有自己的 切題視角。《采蓮》的選題能够有效的調動編導對詩情畫意的美學追求做最直接的情思意趣的表達。

《木蘭辭》有兼具女兒情和剛武精神的舞蹈氣質。《雲盡》有對中國詩情氣韵的描繪寄情山水。邊 塞詩的分類又以新的視角表達寄情在草原的人情風物和《那達慕》的游牧民族的熱情。而《破曉之羽》 又以現代詩的視角展現了現代人的精神風貌。《蓑》雖說采用了蘇軾的詩,可從表現視角來看有從 現代的視角切入的,《竹石傲骨》採用街舞素材表現鄭板橋的竹石,編舞上有個性。《茫》以舞蹈 表現先秦舞風的淳樸。《玄.機》表現古代才女的精神境界。《春色如畫》構思中對沙畫和舞蹈的 互為依存也顯示了編導對總體的構圖和舞蹈的綜合把控方面的用心。因此可以說這個班的選材是自 由而灑脫的,編舞能力有所提高。開場舞我做了一點啓示性的編舞提示。同學們能接棒傳承,正好 也切合該項目的選題編舞傳承。每次和同學們授課可以說是教學相長。

Jottings after the Choreography Course

While teaching the course of three modules, I found that the students could well follow my teaching progress and demands, enabling the latter to become figurative. The selection of dance materials for choreography of this class is very wide. Despite being confined to the general structure of Eternal Charms of Poetry, the topic that each choreographer chose was from her own viewpoint.

The topic Lotus enables the choreographer to convey emotional interest directly by effective adjustments on the pursuance of poetic and picturesque aesthetics. Mulan Ci comprises the dance quality of both maiden’s love and martial spirit, Silver Lining describes China’s poetic charm and feelings for the landscape.

Revelry, through which the genre of frontier poetry is conveyed from a new angle, depicts the human emotions and scenery of grasslands and the passion of nomads at Naadam. Wings of Dawn shows modern people’s spiritual outlook from the perspective of modern poetry. As to The Cloak of Eternal Flow, although SU Shi’s poem is used, the rendering of the dance shows the cutting in of a modern perspective. The Resolute Spirit of Bamboo and Stone, in which materials of street dance are used to interpret ZHENG Banqiao’s poem “Bamboo and Stone”, displays individuality in choreography.

Lost in Phantasm is a dance demonstrating the simple dance style of Pre-Qin Dynasty. Xuan Ji exhibits the spiritual realm of ancient talented women. The conception of A Canvas of Spring, expressing the interdependence of sand painting and dance, indicates the choreographer’s diligence on the overall composition and comprehensive control of the dance. As a result, it can be said that the materials selected by the students of this class are free and easy, and their choreography ability has improved. They could take over and inherit the choreographic hints which I gave them in the prologue; this matches just right with the theme of the project -Choreography Inheritance. It can be said that every time I taught, teaching and learning went hand in hand.

吳雪梅NG Suet-mui, Violet 藝術統籌、課程導師
Artistic Co-ordinator, Course Instructor

資深芭蕾舞蹈教育家及排練指導,現任 VCI 舞團藝術總監、亞洲舞蹈家協進會藝術總監、香港舞蹈總 會執行委員會副主席、澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會考官、毛妹芭蕾舞學校校長、香港藝術發展局審批員、

IDO 國際舞蹈組織及本地評判、中國舞蹈家協會及 CID 國際舞蹈委員會會員。

吳老師於香港芭蕾舞學院受訓練期間,考獲香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學金。除教學外,她 亦積極參與藝術及學術活動和年青老師培訓工作。她也是RAD-CBTS及CSTD教師輔導講師、香港專 業教育學院(沙田)兒童藝術教育專業證書 - 幼兒舞蹈教育訓練客席講師。

Senior ballet dance educator and rehearsal instructor, Violet is now the Artistic Director of VCI and Asian Dance Association, Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee of Hong Kong Dance Federation, Examiner of CSTD (Australia), Principal of Christine Liao School of Ballet, Examiner of HKADC, Adjudicator of The International Dance Organization (IDO) and local dance competitions, a member of China Dancers Association and The International Dance Council CID, UNESCO.

While having training at the Hong Kong Academy of Ballet, she was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Trust Scholarship. She is currently a mentor for RAD-CBTS and CSTD as well as a lecturer of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) Professional Certificate in Children's Art Education - Children Dance course.

Artistic Co-ordinator's Note

我很榮幸獲邀擔任第三期的教育傳承項目《詩韻流芳》藝術統籌一職,成為承先啟後的使者。這項 目是以培育及傳承理念為核心價值,令新生代的年青舞者能通過這培訓課程,有機會藉著這個平台, 進一步了解不單是舞步編創的元素,更能對整個舞台製作有進一步的認識。


在課程中每個階段都能詳細規劃,與導師們、舞台製作團隊相互緊扣,整合和調整,冀能令每一位 編創學員的個人作品於舞台上發放異彩。

感謝《舞蹈教育提升計劃2024-25》各項課程導師,他們的解說由淺入深,大大地增加了學員對所選 詩詞的理解以及對編創結構、音樂選材、服裝、道具和舞台效果方面的認識,令她們能夠更透徹地 把理論與實踐互相配合。這亦是我們的目標和所期待的結果。讓我們一起合力延續這份深遠的傳承 理念!

學員們學習認真、堅持不懈。她們互相提點,編排了不同風格的劇目。期待《詩韻流芳》今天為大 家帶來一個愉快的晚上!

I am honoured to be invited to serve as the Artistic Co-ordinator for the third phase of the educational heritage project "Eternal Charms of Poetry", becoming a bridge between the past and the future. This project focuses on the core values of nurturing and heritage, allowing young dancers of the new generation to gain further understanding not only of the elements of choreography but also of the entire stage production through the training programme.

With accumulated experience in dance education and choreography, I hope to infuse this creative project with nourishing elements as the Artistic Co-ordinator. Each stage of the course is meticulously planned, closely coordinated with the instructors and stage production team, integrated and adjusted to ensure each student's individual work shines brilliantly on stage.

I extend my gratitude to the course instructors of the "Dance Education Enhancement Scheme 2024-25" for their detailed and progressive explanations, which have allowed the students to advance meticulously in all aspects, from deeper understanding of selected poetry to the knowledge of choreography structure, music selection, costumes, props , and stage effects. This thorough integration of theory and practice is both our goal and what we aspire to achieve. Let's work together to continue this profound heritage concept!

The students are filled with a spirit of persistence and serious learning. They help each other and have choreographed dances in various styles. We look forward to "Eternal Charms of Poetry" bringing everyone an enjoyable evening!

韋柰 WEI Nai

課程導師 Course Instructor

韋柰先生從小受到外公(著名紅學家俞平伯先生)及家庭薰陶,涉獵的藝術 範疇廣泛,並提煉對各門藝術之真知灼見及精闢見解。多年來從事鋼琴教育 和藝術教育管理工作,並著有多部文學作品,包括《布衣本色‧俞平伯身邊 的人和事》、《我的外祖父俞平伯》、《舊時月色:俞平伯身邊的人和事》等。

韋氏是首屆中國舞「全國藝術院校桃李杯」舞蹈邀請賽發起者之一,並擔任 第一、二屆組委會主席;更曾獲頒文化部「桃李杯」終身成就獎。他對於後 輩的培育不遺餘力,為歷任北京舞蹈學院鋼琴教研室主任、北京舞蹈學院中 國舞/中國民族舞劇系副主任,同時出任廈門演藝學院常務副院長,貢獻良多。


Mr WEI has been engaged in piano education, arts education and arts management for many years. Being the grandson of the eminent writer YU Pingbo, he has written many literary works, including My Grandfather Yu Pingbo and Old Moon

WEI was one of the initiators of the first National Art Schools Tao Li Cup Dance Competition of Chinese dance and Chairman of the 1 st and 2 nd Organizing Committee, and has been granted the Tao Li Cup Lifetime Achievement Award by the Ministry of Culture. He has spared no effort in fostering younger generations and made great contribution to arts education. He has served as Head of the Piano Teaching and Research Section of Beijing Dance Academy (BDA), Deputy Head of the Department of Chinese Dance/Chinese Ethnic Dance Drama of the BDA, and Executive Associate Dean of The Xiamen Academy for Performing Arts.

At present WEI is Examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Advisor of Hong Kong Dance Federation.

陳基琼 CHAN, Eve

課程導師 Course Instructor

陳基琼現為香港演藝學院芭蕾舞系講師。早年於吳湘霞芭蕾舞學校學習古典 芭蕾舞,2001年香港演藝學院畢業後,曾為香港芭蕾舞團領舞演員,並在古 典和現代劇目中擔任重要角色。2010年,陳氏獲頒香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信 託基金獎學金,遠赴紐約州立大學帕切斯學院修讀編舞碩士課程,並同時於 其舞蹈學院任教芭蕾及足尖技巧課程及於該校藝術學院任教芭蕾舞入門課程。 2010到2021年期間,陳氏在紐約從事編舞和教學。2013年獲美國Mystic Ballet芭蕾舞團聘任為舞團導師,在2015至2021期間陳氏擔任美國康涅狄 格芭蕾舞團舞團導師及駐團編舞。陳氏在香港芭蕾舞團期間便開始了她的編 舞工作。2007年,她被前藝術總監約翰 ‧ 米漢任命為編舞實習生。她的委託 作品包括為香港芭蕾舞團、康涅狄格芭蕾舞團、米斯蒂克芭蕾舞團、紐約州 立大學舞蹈學院和香港演藝舞蹈學院創作。

Eve CHAN is currently Lecturer of Ballet at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She started her ballet training at Ng Sheung Ha School of Ballet in Hong Kong. After graduating from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 2001, she performed with Hong Kong Ballet as Demi-soloist and took on multiple leading roles in the company’s classical and contemporary repertoires. In 2010, Eve received a full scholarship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club for her Master’s Degree at SUNY Purchase, USA, where she taught Ballet and Pointe classes at the Conservatory of Dance and Introduction to Ballet classes through the School of Arts. From 2010 to 2021, Eve was a choreographer and teaching artist based in New York. In 2013 she was appointed as the Ballet Mistress with Mystic Ballet, and from 2015 to 2021 she was the ballet mistress and resident choreographer with Connecticut Ballet, USA. Eve started her choreographic career while she was with the Hong Kong Ballet. In 2007, she was appointed as the choreographic apprentice by the former artistic director, John Meehan. Commissioned works include creations for Hong Kong Ballet, Connecticut Ballet, Mystic Ballet, Conservatory of Dance at SUNY Purchase, and the HKAPA.


課程導師 Course Instructor

香港大學文學士,主修中國美術史及考古學,並獲香港大學管理學文憑及英 國曼徹斯特大學博物館學文憑。曾任香港歷史博物館副館長、新界博物館館 長、香港藝術館總館長、康文署助理署長(文博)、香港舞蹈團行政總監。

曾氏為編劇家,已出版香港歷史背景舞台劇:《逝海》、《遷界》和《1894 太平山之疫》。編創作品包括香港舞蹈團舞劇《清明上河圖》、《花木蘭》、 《三國風流》和《遷界》及兒童舞劇《快樂皇子》。近期作品有香港舞蹈總 會大型舞劇《緣起敦煌》(2015),香港話劇團大型音樂劇《1894太平山之疫》 (2016)及古代佛學舞台劇《恒河經變》(2019)。編劇作品入選上海戲劇學院 規劃建設教材<中國話劇名著選讀>。

B.A. (HKU) in Chinese Art & Archaeology, Dip. M.S.(HKU) and Dip. Museo. (Manchester). Former Assistant Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of History, Curator of New Territories Museums, Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Assistant Director (Heritage & Museums) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and Executive Director of the Hong Kong Dance Company.

Gerard is an experienced playwright who has published plays about Hong Kong history including Ebb, Evacuation Order, and 1894HongKongPlague His dance drama scripts include Qingming Riverside, Mulan, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Evacuation Order and a children’s dance drama The Happy Prince, all performed by the Hong Kong Dance Company. Recent works include the grand dance poem DunhuangReflections commissioned by the Hong Kong Dance Federation in 2015, the grand musical 1894 Hong Kong Plague performed by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre in 2016, and the classic Buddhist drama Ganges Legends of 2019 which was selected into the textbook “Selected readings in Chinese stage play masterpieces” planned and developed by Shanghai Theatre Academy.

温紹武 WAN Siu-mo

課程導師 Course Instructor

現任香港中文大學教育學院兼任講師、香港教育大學客座講師、香港電台第五 台「長進課程:美詩誦」節目主持。歷任中學中國語文科及中國文學科主任、 香港教育局中學中國語文教育卓師工作室組長、香港教育局課程發展議會中國 語文教育委員會委員、香港考試及評核局香港中學文憑考試中國文學科科目委 員會委員。曾獲行政長官卓越教學奬(中國語文教育學習領域)、香港教育工 作者聯會優秀教師選舉優秀教師獎(教學組)、優秀教師選舉優秀教師獎(教 育管理組)、香港大學電子學習發展實驗室國際傑出電子教學獎(中國語文教 學銀獎)、博文教育第一屆全港中小學教案設計比賽最佳師生互動獎。曾主持 電台節目《燈火闌珊處》、《箋上行》、《亦師亦友》及《尋尋覓覓》,並著 有《亦師亦友》及《尋尋覓覓》兩本散文集。

Mr WAN is currently a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Education of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a guest lecturer at the Education University of Hong Kong, and a guest host of the Growth Course program on Radio 5 of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). He has served as the head of the Chinese Language and Literature Department in secondary schools, the team leader of the “CEATE Awardees Workshop for Chinese Language Education in Secondary School” of Education Bureau, a member of the Chinese Language Education Committee of the Curriculum Development Council of Education Bureau, a member of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination Chinese Literature Subject Committee of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. He has won the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence (Chinese Language Education Key Learning Area), the Outstanding Teacher Award (Teaching Group) and the Outstanding Teacher Award (Education Management Group) awarded by the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers, the International Outstanding e-Learning Awards (Silver Award for Chinese Language Teaching) presented by e-Learning Development Laboratory, the University of Hong Kong, and the Best Teacher-Student Interaction Award in the First Hong Kong Primary and Secondary School Lesson Plan Design Competition organized by the Broad Learning Education. He has hosted the radio programs "Where the Lights Dim", "Writings on Paper", "Both Teacher and Friend" and "Searching", and has written two essay collections, "Both Teacher and Friend" and "Searching".

黃狄文 WONG, Dominic

課程導師 Course Instructor

黃狄文先生為現任城市當代舞蹈團副藝術總監。他曾任亞洲電視節目主持及 演員,及後入讀香港演藝學院現代舞系。1996年畢業後加入CCDC為舞者, 2016年擢升為副藝術總監。2001年及2013年分別憑《Plaza X 與異變街道》 及《畸人說夢》的演出獲頒香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚男舞蹈員」。黃氏為 00合創辦成員之一,亦曾為00合、霹靂啪勒身體劇場及東邊現代舞團編舞。 2003年於CCDC《失驚無神夢驚魂》中發表《男人炒飯》,其鬼馬抵死之風 格大受好評,並獲邀於翌年首屆廣東現代舞週上演。其眾多作品中《忽》及 《別》首演後分別獲邀於第六屆及第九屆廣東現代舞週中上演。《忽》及《下》 分別於2008及2009年獲南華早報評選為「全年最佳舞蹈」;《拼途》獲香 港舞蹈年獎2017「傑出中型場地舞蹈製作」獎。

Dominic is the Associate Artistic Director of City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC). He was a TV artist for Asia Television Company from 1990 to 1992. He then studied modern dance at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and joined CCDC upon his graduation in 1996. He was promoted as Associate Artistic Director in 2016. He received 2001 and 2013 Hong Kong Dance Awards “Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer” for his performance in Plaza X and The Comedy of K respectively. He is a founding member of the Zero Zero Ensemble. Dominic’s choreographic work Men’s Chop Suey (All of A Sudden, 2003) was invited to rerun in the 1st Guangdong Modern Dance Festival. He also choreographed widely for other dance companies including Zero Zero Ensemble, BiLiBaLa Physical Theatre and E-Side Modern Dance Company. Of the numerous pieces he created Xtremely Four Seasons and Blind Chance were invited to rerun in the 6th and 9th Guangdong Modern Dance Festival. Xtremely Four Seasons and What’s Next? were both hailed by South China Morning Post as one of the “Best Dances” in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Travelogue was awarded the Outstanding Medium Venue Production at the 19th Hong Kong Dance Awards.

盧榮 LO Wing

課程導師 Course Instructor

畢業於香港城市大學,獲頒創意媒體藝術碩士學位,為www.ohlo.hk 創辦人 及香港演藝學院客席講師。盧氏為香港多媒體創作人,曾參與的香港舞台及 演唱會影像創作逾30個;多年來從事廣告、劇場、電影及剪接工作。曾合作 單位包括珠海 Club Cubic、ViuTV、鄭中基演唱會、徐小鳳演唱會、藝君子劇 團、香港話劇團、中英劇團、香港藝術節及7A班戲劇組等。他的錄像作品曾 獲第十四屆北京大學生電影節「評委會大獎」及第十屆ifva比賽公開組「特 別表揚」獎。

Having graduated from City University of Hong Kong with a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media, LO Wing is the founder of www. ohlo.hk and a guest lecturer at HKAPA. An experienced film editor, LO has worked in advertising, theatre and film. He has created more than 30 video designs for theatres and concerts as a multimedia artist. He has also worked for Club Cubic Zhuhai, ViuTV, Ronald Cheng Concert, Paula Tsui Concert, Artocrite Theater, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Chung Ying Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Class 7A Drama Group, and so on. LO's videos have won the Jury Award at the 14th Beijing College Student Film Festival and Special Mention at the 10th ifva Awards.

楊雲濤 YANG Yuntao, MH

課程導師 Course Instructor

楊雲濤畢業於中央民族學院(今中央民族大學)舞蹈系。2002年加入香港舞蹈 團擔任首席舞蹈員,2007年出任助理藝術總監,2013年出任藝術總監。

楊氏為香港舞蹈團編創了不少作品,包括《蘭亭.祭姪》(獲頒2013香港舞蹈 年獎「最值得表揚舞蹈製作」)、《花木蘭》(獲頒2014香港舞蹈年獎「最值 得表揚舞蹈製作」及「最值得表揚群舞演出」)、《風雲》(獲頒三項2015香 港舞蹈年獎)、《倩女.幽魂》(獲頒三項2016香港舞蹈年獎)、《紫玉成煙》(獲 頒2019香港舞蹈年獎「傑出中型場地舞蹈製作」)及《凝》(獲頒2022香港 舞蹈年獎「傑出網上製作」,當中選段〈靜聽松風〉於2023年榮獲全國性舞評 獎第十三屆中國舞蹈「荷花獎」當代舞獎)。2018年楊氏更主導一個歷時三年 的「中國舞蹈與中國武術之交互研究與成果呈現計劃」,開展藝術探索。 楊氏於2003及2006年兩度獲頒香港舞蹈年獎,另獲香港藝術發展局頒發香港 藝術發展獎2009「年度最佳藝術家獎(舞蹈)」。於2023年獲香港特別行政 區政府行政長官頒授榮譽勳章,以表揚楊氏多年來對舞蹈創作、推廣中國舞、 培育舞蹈人才等方面的良多貢獻。

Graduated from the Dance Faculty of Minzu University of China, YANG Yuntao is an accomplished dancer and choreographer. He joined Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC) as Principal Dancer in 2002 and became Assistant Artistic Director in 2007. He has been Artistic Director since November 2013.

YANG has choreographed numerous dance pieces for the HKDC. His awardwinning choreographic works include: SpringRitual‧Eulogy, granted the Hong Kong Dance Awards (HKDA) 2013 for Outstanding Achievement in Production; TheLegendofMulan, granted the HKDA 2014 for Outstanding Production and Outstanding Ensemble Performance; Storm Clouds, granted the HKDA 2015 for three awards including Outstanding Achievement in Production; L’Amour Immortel, granted the HKDA 2016 for three awards; Waiting Heart, granted the HKDA 2019 for Outstanding Medium Venue Production; and Convergence, granted the HKDA 2022 for Outstanding Online Production. Whispers of the Pines, a highly acclaimed excerpt from Convergence, also won the 13th China Dance Lotus Awards for Contemporary Dance in 2023, which is China’s most prestigious national dance awards. YANG has also spearheaded a three-year interdisciplinary Research Study on Chinese Martial Arts and Chinese Dance, and has continued with this endeavour since 2018.

YANG has won the HKDA in 2003 and 2006 for his outstanding dance performance, and the Best Artist (Dance) at the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2009. In 2023, YANG has been awarded the Medal of Honour by the Chief Executive of the Government of HKSAR in recognition of his contributions to the dance sector, years of devotion in creating and promoting Chinese dance and nurturing dance talents.

成博民 SHING Pok-man


Digital Image Designer, Course Instructor


現為影像設計師及影像導演。曾合作藝團包括香港舞蹈總會、香港舞蹈團、 香港芭蕾舞蹈團、進念.二十面體、香港話劇團、香港藝術節、無極樂團及 前進進戲劇工作坊等。成氏近年成立多媒體工作室「春秋大夢Daaimung」, 連結跨界創作。曾參與多個演唱會及主題公園之影像設計。

Mr SHING graduated from School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is a self-taught media artist. SHING has worked with many companies and organisations on different video projects. He has been involved in many theatre productions, concerts, live performances, theme parks video visuals, etc. He has collaborated with Hong Kong Dance Federation, Hong Kong Dance Company, Hong Kong Ballet, Zuni Icosahedron, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Wuji Ensemble, and On and On Theatre Studio. SHING is also the founder and creative director of the multimedia group Daaimung, one of the few Hong Kong-based creative studios covering a broad spectrum of interactive media and video production services -- including projection mapping, motion graphics, video projections for concerts and live events, production for film and TV, etc.

温俊詩 WUN, Mable


Set Designer, Costume Consultant, Course Instructor

畢業於香港演藝學院,獲取藝術學士學位。其後於香港教育學院修讀視覺藝 術教育,獲教師教育文憑,以及於香港中文大學攻讀視覺文化研究,並獲碩 士學位。除舞台設計外,對於不同範疇工作都抱有濃厚興趣:,包括藝術教 育和社區藝術活動。近期作品包括舞台劇《你好,打劫!》的佈景設計、舞 台劇《戰將無雙》的服裝設計、香港兒童音樂劇團的《Plan D》和《揹著希望 數星星》的佈景設計以及香港話劇團黑盒劇場的《霜遇》服裝設計。此外, 她還參與了在香港藝術節@大舘中為《飛魚》負責佈景和服裝設計和香港《渣 打藝趣嘉年華》中擔任巡遊服裝製作導師等等。

Having graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, Mable studied Visual Arts Education at the Hong Kong Education University, obtaining a Teaching Diploma, and pursued Visual Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, earning a Master's degree. In addition to stage design, she has a strong interest in various fields, including art education and community art activities. Her recent works include stage set design for the play "The Robbery", costume design for the play "Legend," set design for the Hong Kong Children's Musical Theatre productions "Plan D" and "Under the star, we dream," and costume design for the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre's Black Box Theatre production "Winter." Furthermore, she has also been involved in set and costume design for "Flight of fishes" at the Hong Kong Arts Festival@Tai Kwun and also served as a costume instructor for the "Standard Chartered Arts in the Park".

賴詠珊 LAI

Wing-shan, Bie 燈光設計、課程導師

Lighting Designer, Course Instructor

參與各個舞蹈藝術節,擔任燈光設計及技術統籌。包括香港比舞2025及 2022、愛丁堡藝穗節2024及2023、橫濱國際表演藝術會2020、布里斯班 當代舞蹈節2019、斯德哥爾摩藝穗節2018、衛武營開幕季臺灣舞蹈平台 2018:畢業於香港演藝學院,主修舞台燈光設計。曾參與近期燈光設計作品 包括:大館品嘗藝術《夜漫 漫》、陳裕恆、星期三劇社會《Best Regards》、 香港藝術節2024「聚焦當代阿拉伯」系列《回》&《寂靜的形狀》、香港教 育大學《我不是霍金》(重演)、不加鎖舞踊館《品品》、前進進戲劇工作坊《在 新的一天,我們繼續往理想前進》及《2021 誰殺了大象》等。

Acting as lighting designer and technique co-ordinator, Bie has participated in different art festivals including Hong Kong Dance Exchange (2025, 2022), Edinburgh Festival Fringe (2024, 2023), YPAM 2020, Festival of Contemporary Dance Brisbane 2019, Stockholm Fringe Festival 2018, and Weiwuying Taiwan Dance Platform 2018. Bie holds a BFA in Lighting Design from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Her recent lighting design works include: Awake Awhile of The Hearth, Tai Kwun; Best Regards of CHAN Yuhang and The WASTED; Arab Arts Focus – Resonance and The Contours of Silence, HKAF 2024; A Kid Story (Re-run) of The EdUHK; Six Mouths of Unlock Dancing Plaza; On A New Day and Who Killed the Elephant 2021 of On & On Theatre Workshop.

張兆鴻 CHEUNG Siu-hung, Ben

音樂創作及統籌 Composer & Music Co-ordinator

張兆鴻是本地作曲人及音樂監製,從1992年起已為本地流行曲歌手作曲、編 曲,包括:譚詠麟、梅艷芳、鄭伊健、梁詠琪、陳奕迅、倫永亮、陳慧嫻等。 他也一直為電影創作音樂;《向左走向右走》、《大事件》、《⿓鳳鬥》、《狗 咬狗》、《四非》、《我的老婆是明星》、《神探大戰》都有他的原創作品。 張氏為舞台劇和音樂劇作曲及監製的作品多不勝數,當中包括:《徘徊在纏 綿時份》、《遇上1941的女孩》、《紅》、《邊城》、《新傾城之戀》、《童 話天地》、《東方.絲路》、《⿓鳳茶樓》、《快樂王子》及《冰雪奇熊》。

A local composer and music director who has composed and arranged songs for local singers including Alan TAM, Anita MUI, Ekin CHENG, Gigi LEUNG, Eason CHAN, Anthony LUN and Priscilla CHAN since 1992。 Ben has been engaged in composing music for films: Turn Left Turn Right, Breaking News, Yesterday Once More, Dog Bite Dog, Guilty, My Wife Is A Super Star, Detective vs Sleuths all have his original works. The music pieces of dramas and musicals for which he acted as the music composer and director are numerous: Lingeringinthelingeringtime, Family1941Girl, Red, The Border Town, LoveInAFallenCity, Childhood Wonderland, TheEnchantingOrient, DimSumAdventure@LungFungTeahouse, TheHappyPrince, and Magical AdventuresofBabyPolarBear, to name a few.


Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Classical Dance Department

特邀演出 Guest Performance


專教育向大學教育的轉型與提升,構建起較為完整的學科架構和系統的知識與技能。經幾代人的不 懈努力,形成了體驗中華民族主體思想和審美風格的表演、創作、教學和理論探索的學科體系。

舞蹈表演旨在培訓具有良好道德風範和較高文化素養、具備一定的舞蹈審美能力、鑑賞能力和創作 能力的舞蹈表演高端人才。今次【舞蹈教育提升計劃之編創傳承課程2024-25】匯報演出-詩韻流芳 特別邀請了四位中國古典舞系的本科生:孫心愛、彭若萱、楊廣森和陳家齊,演繹張建民老師作品。 他們都有豐富的表演基礎和舞台經驗,具有舞蹈教學能力。

After many years of changes and professionalisation, “Subject of Chinese Classical Dance” was officially named “Department of Chinese Classical Dance” in 2001. This has achieved the transformation and elevation from Specialized Secondary School to University education, working for a more complete subject structure and systematic knowledge and technique. The unremitting efforts of several generations have shaped a system of discipline in performance, creativity, teaching and theory exploration that reflects the main thoughts of Chinese nation and the style of aesthetics.

The aim of dance performance is to cultivate good moral style and higher cultural literacy in highend dance performing talents, enabling them to possess a certain ability in dance aesthetics, appreciation and creation. In the Emerging Choreographers' Showcase of Eternal Charms of Poetry for the Dance Education Enhancement Scheme on Choreography Inheritance 2024-25, four undergraduates from the Department of Chinese Classical Dance, SUN Xinai, PENG Nuoxuan, YANG Guangsen and CHEN Jiaqi, will perform two choreographies of Professor ZHANG Jianmin. They all have strong performance foundation and stage experiences as well as dance teaching potentials.

孫心愛 SUN Xinai

楊廣森 YANG Guangsen

陳家齊 CHEN Jiaqi

彭若萱 PENG Nuoxuan






Instructors & Participants



Instructors & Participants




Instructors & Participants


作品展演晚會率先由今屆的十三位年輕編創學員擔任演出,通過舞蹈展示她們精湛的技藝、藝術性 和合作精神。隨後,她們編導的10個精彩舞蹈作品將依次呈現在舞台上。

The performance showcase gala will kick off with performance by the thirteen young choreographers, showcasing their exquisite artistry – both their artistic and collaborative abilities through the medium of dance. Following this, their ten beautifully choreographed dance pieces will be successively presented on stage.

特邀演出:北京舞蹈學院中國古典舞系 - 雙人舞《鳳凰臺上憶吹簫》

Guest Performance: Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Classical Dance Department Reminiscing the Flute Play on the Phoenix Terrace (Duet)

張建民 ZHANG Jianmin

鳳凰台在今陝西咸陽,是古時候秦穆公的女兒弄玉和華山上仙界來的青年簫史相親相愛的故事發生 地。這則愛情故事的結局是完美的。他們在鳳凰臺上成婚吹簫合舞,乘著黃⿓和鳳凰飛向仙界,成為 一對神仙俠侶。仙界壁畫中每每都有一副玉女的畫像,玉女指的就是弄玉。而簫史乘著黃⿓玉女乘 著風凰飛升的畫面,則成為民間乘⿓快婿的最早出處。他們的結合是良宵之夜,又是洞房花燭之夜, 則成為金榜題名時,洞房花燭夜的良宵的歷史出處。預示著和美愛情結局並寓意美好。這則舞蹈其 中的行禮的動作來自於朱載堉《樂律全書》的舞譜記載。作者翻譯古譜,並據此舖展編舞而成一幅 古雅而瑰麗的活的畫卷。

The Phoenix Terrace, located in the present Xianyang, Shaanxi, is where the ancient love story of Nong Yu, daughter of Duke Mu of Qin, and Xiao Shi, a young lad from the fairyland of Mount Hua, took place. Their love story had a happy ending. They wed on the Phoenix Terrace playing the flute and dancing together, and then flew to the fairyland on a yellow dragon and a phoenix, making a fairy couple. There is often a teenage girl’s portrait in fairyland murals; the teenage girl denotes Nong Yu. The picture of Xiao Shi and Nong Yu riding the yellow dragon and phoenix to the sky was the earliest source of the folk idiom “dragon-riding son-in-law” (ideal son-in-law). They got married on a pleasant night, which was also a candle-lit night in the bridal chamber. The historical sources of “The time when one was admitted in the imperial examination” and “The pleasant night, the candle-lit night in the bridal chamber” hence came into being, auguring love with harmonious endings and good connotations. The curtsy movements of this dance originate from the dance scores recorded in ZHU Zaiyu’s book Yuelü quanshu (The whole book on musical tuning). ZHU translated ancient music scores and made choreography accordingly, creating a vivid picture scroll of classic elegance and magnificence.

音樂:選自楊致儉演奏古琴曲《鳳凰臺上憶吹簫》,以及鄧偉標作曲的二胡協奏曲《情殤》節選 Music: Guqin piece Reminiscing the Flute Play on the Phoenix Terrace played by YANG Zhijian, and excerpt from Erhu concerto Love Elegy composed by DENG Weibiao

韵情舞坊 - 《木蘭辭》

袁穎玉 Kidance - Mulan Ci YUEN Wing-yuk

節錄自《木蘭辭》 佚名 「唧唧復唧唧,木蘭當戶織。」 「軍書十二卷,卷卷有爺名。」 「願為市鞍馬,從此替爺征。」


A girl named Hua Mulan heroically joined the army on her father’s behalf in the Northern and Southern Dynasties as her father was too old and there was no male member in the family available to fight for the country.


苗徽舞集-《那達慕》 許桐、鄧瑋茵

The Sprout - Revelry HUI Tung, TANG Wai-yan

節錄自《涼州館中與諸判官夜集》 岑參 「彎彎月出掛城頭,城頭月出照涼州。」


In the fields of endless green, where the horizon meets the sun, our hearts run wild and free. We dance and play as one. Here, every soul is unconfined, and every heart is bold.

童學舞 - 《破曉之羽》

許冬儀 Studentdancing – Wings of Dawn HUA Tung-yee, Mavis

節錄自《十四首素歌》 - 失眠之歌

翟永明 「在天亮前漿洗衣物 盲目地在黑暗中回憶過去 它龐大的體積 它不可捉摸的」

透過舞蹈表現出女性或母親女性在面對社會壓力時的韌性與力量,並激勵更多女性追求自我,實現 個人價值,以及強調女性存在的根本意義在於主動創造而非被動接受這一主題。

Facing social pressure, women and mothers are resilient and strong. They pursue self-realization and personal value, emphasizing that the fundamental meaning of women's existence lies in active creation rather than passive acceptance.

Violet Creation International 《春色如畫》

曾沛瑜 A Canvas of Spring TSANG Pui-yu





陽光與花朵呈現初春萬物復蘇的生機景象,燕子與水鳥相映成趣,展現自然的和諧美態。詩人融入 花海共舞,象徵希望與生命的延續。芭蕾舞結合了沙畫來描繪春日的詩意與自然之美。

Sunrise and flowers present the vibrancy of early spring, while swallows and waterbirds complement each other, showcasing the harmony of nature. The poet dances among blooming flowers, symbolizing hope and the continuity of life. This piece combines ballet and sand painting to depict the poetic beauty and vitality of spring.

美諾諦詩舞蹈⼯作坊 - 《茫》 姚珈汶 Melodies Dance Studio - Lost in Phantasm

IU Ka-man 節錄自《詩經 ‧ 秦風 ‧ 蒹葭》 佚名 「蒹葭蒼蒼,白露為霜。所謂伊人,在水一方。」 「溯洄從之,道阻且長。溯游從之,宛在水中央。」


The poet's desire and pursuit of love is a testimony of his search for beauty and bittersweetness.

特邀演出:北京舞蹈學院中國古典舞系 - 四人舞《步端珪璋》

Guest Performance: Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Classical Dance Department

Bu Duan Gui Zhang (Pas de Quater)

張建民ZHANG Jianmin


樂舞為二佾舞隊。凡事紛繁複雜和廣袤都有其精微之處,而中國禮儀文化則立足於精微個輻射至廣 泛。則相當於周禮在初衷發端的時刻立足規矩。編者在翻譯古譜舞蹈的時候發覺了這個發端的起點, 最終舞蹈造型和書法字體的相關聯。編舞將禮儀文化和書法字體聯繫了起來。因此編創的舞作名稱為 《步端珪璋》。珪璋是商周朝代的禮器,寓意法度和規矩。而舞蹈的最初的舞步行止間寓意要吻合“步 躔”,傳說太陽的射線投照在赤道上一步一步的刻度行走稱作日躔。作品中運用了人體造型是一個 字體,是青銅器的銘文凸顯古意。

This piece of work is inspired by the valuable ideas of traditional etiquette culture. Dan, Duke of Zhou of the Western Zhou dynasty established etiquette and made music, compiling the Music and Dance of the first three dynasties (Xia, Shang and Zhou). The formation of the Music and Dance of scholars was Er Yi (2 rows of 8 people). All things that are complicated and vast have their subtlety. China’s etiquette culture was built on subtlety before being widely radiated, just like the Rites of Zhou which was based on rules at the very beginning. While translating ancient music scores and dances, the choreographer discovered the starting point for this beginning and the relation between the final dance design and characters of calligraphy. He linked the etiquette culture and the calligraphy characters together. The name of the creative work is thus called Bu Duan Gui Zhang. Gui Zhang are ritual vessels of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, having the connotation of law and rules. The steps (Bu) at the beginning (Duan) of this dance whether in motion or stop have the implication of matching the “step equation”. There is a saying that the move of the step-bystep scale of the solar rays shining on the equator is called “solar equation”. In this dance piece, body shape is used to convey a character, which is the inscription on bronze vessels accentuating the interest and charm of antique taste.


Composer: WANG Wei - ChinaCapriccio

香港紫荊花舞蹈團 - 《采蓮》

劉瀛瀅 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association - Lotus LAU Ying-ying


王昌齡 荷葉羅裙一色裁,芙蓉向臉兩邊開。


少女泛舟於蓮池,水波蕩漾映照着她的容顏。撥開層層荷葉,她與蓮花互相比美,一時分不清誰更美。 蓮影深留少女心中,如夢如煙,久久不逝。

Amidst the ripples and sheen lotus leaves, her grace be seen. Dawn breaks but the beauty of the lotus lingers on, a fleeting memory, though forever gone.

元朗舞蹈團 - 《竹石傲骨》

梁慧妍 Yuen Long Dance Troupe - The Resolute Spirit of Bamboo and Stone LEUNG Wai-yin 《竹石》

鄭燮 咬定青山不放鬆,立根原在破岩中。


竹子雖然柔弱,但韌力卻能夠抵抗風雨,面對困難時堅定不屈的精神讓人感受到對正義和真理的追 求,以及對抗惡勢力的決心。

Although bamboo looks weak, its flexibility can withstand wind and rain. The spirit of steadfast resilience in the face of difficulties and the determination to fight against evil forces allow people to pursue justice and truth.




Channy Stage Arts Workshop – Xuan Ji CHUNG Mo-ying, CHEUN Kai-wai


魚玄機 「雲峰滿目放春晴,歷歷銀鈎指下生。



In ancient society, women were often covered with layers of traditional shackles that were not what they desired.

好⽪藝創 - 《蓑》

之華 Houpe Arts Community - The Cloak of Eternal Flow CHAU, Soraya









The rain cape is more than just a protective garment; it serves as a vortex of spiritual resonance, guiding individuals to a higher plane of consciousness.


關朗笙、蔡靜雯 Starwave Production - Silver Lining KWAN Rochelle, CHOY Ching-man


焦郁 「白雲升遠岫,搖曳入晴空。



White clouds rise from the distant mountains, swaying gently as they drift into the clear blue sky. How I long to be like the clouds, carried by the wind, unbound and free, embracing a tranquil life until the end.

由左至右 From Left to Right:

梁慧妍 LEUNG Wai-yin

蔡靜雯 CHOY Ching-man

曾沛瑜 TSANG Pui-yu

關朗笙 KWAN, Rochelle

袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk

姚珈汶 IU Ka-man

由左至右 From Left to Right:

鍾慕瑩 CHUNG Mo-ying

鄧瑋茵 TANG Wai-yan

劉瀛瀅 LAU Ying-ying

許冬儀 HUA Tung-yee, Mavis

曾佳蔚 CHEUN Kai-wai

許 桐 HUI Tung

之 華 CHAU, Soraya

Mentors' & Choreographers' Biography

梁其芬 LEUNG Ki-fun, May 指導老師 Mentor

現任香港舞蹈總會執行委員會主席,香港藝術發展局審批員。從事舞蹈教學40 餘年,先後創辦了儂情舞集、韵情舞坊及韵情舞集。多年來帶領學生參與不同 舞蹈比賽,屢獲佳績;亦曾任多屆《全港公開舞蹈比賽》及《學校舞蹈比賽》 評判。

May is currently Chairperson of the Hong Kong Dance Federation Executive Committee and Examiner of HKADC. She has been a dance teacher for more than 40 years and has set up Forever Dance Troupe, Kidance and Kidance Troupe. Her works have won a lot of awards in various dance competitions and she has been an adjudicator for the Open Dance Contest and Schools Dance Festival for many years.

袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk 編舞 Choreographer

熱愛舞蹈,自幼在韵情舞坊習舞,多次參與本地舞蹈 大型製作,曾去廣州及斯洛伐克作舞蹈交流;現任韵 情舞坊舞蹈教師。曾於小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽中以《鹿. 災》及《祥⿓獻珠》獲優異成績。

Wing-yuk is fond of dancing and is a student of Kidance since her childhood. She has performed in a range of large-scale local dance productions and toured to Guangzhou and Slovakia for dance and cultural exchange; she is currently a dance instructor in Kidance. Her dance pieces "Deersaster" and “Auspicious Dragon Presenting Pearl” won excellent results in the Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships.


LEUNG Ching-yiu

指導老師 Mentor

梁老師自幼接受中國舞蹈及體操訓練,演出經驗豐富,不時到中國著名舞蹈學 府 – 北京舞蹈學院進修。於二零一一年從澳洲阿德雷德大學畢業回港後,隨即 加入苗徽舞集擔任兒童中國舞班導師。現為苗徽舞集主席,期望將中國舞蹈文 化宣揚海外。

Yoyo LEUNG started her Chinese dance and gymnastics training from a young age. She has very extensive experience in performances and has regular training at the famous Beijing Dance Academy. After graduating from the University of Adelaide in 2011, she joined The Sprout as the instructor of Children's Chinese Dance programme. Being the current chairperson of The Sprout, she is planning to promote Chinese dance culture all over the globe in the future.

許桐 HUI Tung 編舞 Choreographer

許桐從小學參加中國舞校隊,在中學時期加入苗徽舞集接受考級培訓,並作為舞者累積表演劇目和 各種比賽經驗。曾赴澳洲演出及交流。完成北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試後,仍選擇繼續學習,亦 不時擔任學校講師和導師,活躍於舞蹈活動,期望宣揚中國舞蹈藝術。

Tung began participating in Chinese dance school team in elementary school. During middle school, she joined The Sprout for training, in which she accumulated valuable experience as a dancer through performances and competitions, including opportunities to perform and exchange in Australia. She completed the Chinese Dance Graded Examinations of Beijing Dance Academy. She chose to continue her studies, and serves as a lecturer and teacher at school to promote the art of dance.

鄧瑋茵 TANG Wai-yan 編舞 Choreographer


完成北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試後,加入了苗徽舞集,擔任兒童中國舞班導師,致力於推廣舞蹈 藝術。

From a young age, Wai Yan received training in Chinese dance, accumulating extensive experience in performances and competitions. She has showcased her talent in cultural exchanges in Australia. Upon completion of the Chinese Dance Graded Examinations of the Beijing Dance Academy, she joined The Sprout as a teacher for children's Chinese dance classes, and is dedicated to promoting the art of dance.

葉麗兒 YIP Lai-yee, Cally 指導老師 Mentor

2007年畢業於香港演藝學院當代舞系,並獲得藝術(榮譽)學士學位。在校期 間,曾代表學院遠赴柏斯、巴黎、柏林、布魯塞爾作演出,並屢次獲取成⿓慈 善獎學金及香港大學婦女協會獎學金。畢業後與不同藝團合作,如東邊舞蹈團、 多空間、眾劇團、浪人劇場、唯獨舞台等,亦曾為陳慧琳、郭富城、古巨基作 演唱會伴舞。更致力於藝術教育工作,範圍包括大中小學、幼稚園,甚至長者, 深信藝術教育能開啟思維及改變生命。近年參與的創作包括城大藝術節 “Fame”、 “Grease”、“Chicago”、 “Rent”音樂劇、「耶穌在廟街」音樂行動劇、賽馬會「音 語來回」及「暮齡自在」舞蹈教育計劃、「如花如水如母」藝術行動研究計劃。 個人舞蹈創作包括:《人半》、《近而遠、遠而近》、《藝造》、《由聆開始》 及《Inner Symphony》。

Cally YIP graduated from the HKAPA in 2007 with a Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts (Honours) majoring in Contemporary Dance. She represented the Academy in tours to Perth, Paris, Berlin and Brussels, and she was awarded the Jackie Chan Charitable Scholarship and the Hong Kong Association of University Women Scholarship. Upon graduation, YIP performed with or choreographed for various organisations including the Hong Kong Dance Alliance, Passoverdance, E-side Dance Company, Y-space, TNT theatre, Theatre Ronin, The Only Stage and Goodnews Communication International. She also performed in concerts of Aaron Kwok, Kelly Chen and Leo Ku. An advocate of dance education, she has taught contemporary dance, jazz dance, children’s dance and choreography in various schools and organisations. These years, she has participated in choreography for the “Fame”, “Grease”, “Chicago”, “Rent” musical performances of The City University of Hong Kong Arts Festival, the “Jesus In Temple Street” musical performances, the Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme and “Move with Silver Flow” Dance and Well-being Project, and “As Flower, As Water, As Mother” Arts Research Programme.

許冬儀 HUA Tung-yee, Mavis 編舞 Choreographer 自幼接受中國舞蹈及爵士舞蹈訓練,大學畢業後 便朝舞蹈教學方面發展,並於2019年成立舞室STUDENTDANCING。

Mavis has been trained in Chinese dance and jazz dance since a young age. After graduating from university, she pursued a career in dance education and established STUDENTDANCING in 2019.

吳雪梅 NG Suet-mui, Violet 指導老師 Mentor 請參閱第12頁「藝術統籌簡介」。

Please refer to P.12 "Biography "Artistic Co-ordinator".

曾沛瑜 TSANG Pui-yu 編舞 Choreographer

曾沛瑜自3歲開始習舞,連續6年榮獲「香港舞蹈發展基金」送出獎學金及澳 洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會(CSTD)頒發之獎學金。2011年11月考得英國皇家芭蕾 舞學院Solo Seal (獨舞獎章) ,並於同年10月前往南非開普敦參加Adeline Genee International Ballet Competition,吸取國際賽事經驗。習舞期間,曾沛 瑜獲得無數獎項,包括「第十四屆亞太區舞蹈大賽」芭蕾舞雙人舞冠軍、「袋 鼠盃舞蹈比賽」、「全港公開舞蹈比賽」,並在海外地區-澳洲「西澳洲劇舞 節比賽」、泰國「亞太平洋舞蹈大賽」等芭蕾舞項目中取得多項金獎的驕人成 績。

Barbie started practising ballet at the age of 3. She has been awarded scholarship from Hong Kong Dance Foundation for 6 consecutive years and CSTD scholarship. In October 2011, Barbie participated in the Adeline Genee International Ballet Competition in Cape Town, South Africa. Later in the same year, Barbie was awarded Solo Seal Award by Royal Academy of Dance (London). Being an active participant in both local and international competitions, Barbie has received numerous awards, including Champion in Classical Ballet Pas de Deux in The 14th Asia Pacific Dance Competition, and Gold Medals in The 13th Asia Pacific Dance Competition-Bangkok, Kangaroo Cup Dance Competitions, Western Australia Dance Festival-Perth, The 39th Hong Kong Dance Contest, etc.

姚曦玥 IU Hei-yuet, Melody 指導老師 Mentor

生於香港,2008年成立美諾諦詩舞蹈工作坊, 直致力透過舞蹈藝術培育學生 的健康成長。姚氏從少於毛妹芭蕾舞學校習舞,期後在中國舞蹈上發展,並對 舞蹈教育有濃厚興趣,同時考獲多個課程的教師資格,包括北京舞蹈學院中國 舞等級考試,中國民族民

間舞蹈等級,澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會等級考試,及香 港體操總會藝術體操希望從不同範疇上獲得更多知識教育學生。姚氏 直活躍 於舞蹈教育及編創舞蹈,曾於學校舞蹈節多次獲得優等獎項及編舞獎項,亦曾 為學校贏得中國舞組團體獎。

Born in Hong Kong, Ms IU founded Melodies Dance Studio in 2008. She has been dedicated to nurturing students' healthy growth through the art of dance. Ms IU began her dance training at Christine Liao Ballet School and later developed her skills in Chinese dance. With a deep passion for dance education, she has obtained teacher’s qualifications of Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Examinations Syllabus, Chinese Folk Dance Graded Examinations, CSTD Examinations, and The Gymnastics Association of Hong Kong Artistic Gymnastics. She aims to acquire more knowledge from various fields to better educate her students.

Ms IU has been actively involved in dance education and choreography. Her studio and students have won numerous awards, including honours awards and choreography awards at the Schools Dance Festival competitions. Under her guidance, the school has also won the group award in other Chinese dance competitions.

姚珈汶 IU Ka-man 編舞 Choreographer

生 於香港,2014畢業於香港演藝學院舞蹈系,並獲中國舞 榮譽學士,主修表演及編舞。在學期間曾獲得匯豐國內交流 獎學金及成⿓慈善基金獎學金。姚氏亦活躍於舞蹈教育及活 動,曾多次參與紫荊杯舞蹈大賽、精英盃中國舞比賽、舞蹈 日、香港舞蹈博覽、香港舞蹈節及屯門藝術節。亦曾多次為 節慶場合編舞,包括新春國際匯演之夜、TVB萬眾同心公益 金、國慶文藝晚會、廟宇文化節、文武二帝巡遊等。姚氏現 為自由身舞者及導師,她期望向大眾宣揚舞蹈,推廣中國舞。

Born in Hong Kong, Ka-man graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2014 with Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours), majoring in Chinese Dance and choreography. During her studies, she was awarded the HSBC Mainland Exchange Scholarship and the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation Scholarship. Ka-man began her dance career after graduation. She has participated in numerous competitions and events such as the Bauhinia Cup Dance Competition, Elite Cup Chinese Dance Competition, Dance Day, Hong Kong Dance Expo, Hong Kong Dance Festival, Tuen Mun Arts Festival, and more. She has also choreographed for festive occasions including Cathay Pacific International Chinese New Year Night Parade, Community Chest Charity Show, The People's Republic of China National Day Celebration, Temple Cultural Festival, parade of the gods of literature and martial arts, etc. Ka-man is currently working as a freelance dancer and dance instructor, aiming to promote Chinese dance to the public.

Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association

陸恩美 LUK Yun-mee 指導老師 Mentor

香港舞蹈總會前執行委員會主席、現任董事及教育總監、香港紫荊花舞蹈團團 長、香港中西區兒童舞蹈團團長、北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試課程(香港) 委員會委員、香港學校舞蹈節及各區舞蹈比賽評判、IDO國際舞蹈組織國際評 判。陸老師醉心舞蹈教育工作,致力培育新一代舞者,更將舞蹈外展至社區, 讓更多人愛上舞蹈藝術。

Former Chairperson, Ms LUK is currently Board Director and Education Director of Hong Kong Dance Federation, Director of Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association, Director of Central and Western District Children Dancing Troupe, and Adjudicator of the Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival and dance competitions of various districts as well as Judge of International Dance Organization. She is engrossed in dance education, by nurturing the next generation and outreaching to the community so that more people have the opportunity to get into performing arts.

劉瀛瀅 LAU Ying-ying 編舞 Choreographer 瀛瀅自幼習舞,其後畢業於香港演藝學院,主修中國舞。期間參與了舞劇《緣 起敦煌》的多次演出,歌舞劇《恆河經變》等。除演出外更多次以舞者及編舞 老師的身份參加紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽、全港公開舞蹈比賽、校際舞蹈節等舞蹈 比賽,並取得優異的成績。

Ying-ying graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Chinese Dance. In the past few years, she participated in several performances and competitions, like the "Dunhuang Reflections" in Hong Kong and Beijing, “Ganges Legends”, The 5th Minorities Art Festival of China, the Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships, the Open Dance Contest Dance, etc.

Mentors' & Choreographers' Biography

劉佩雄先生 LAU Pui-hung 指導老師 Mentor

劉佩雄先生是前影視舞蹈編導兼主要演員,前香港舞蹈總會主席。現任舞總董 事兼製作總監、屯門文藝協進會舞蹈藝術發展委員會主席兼藝術總監、元朗舞 蹈團藝術總監兼舞蹈編導、香港新界舞蹈團主席兼藝術總監及編導、香港學校 舞蹈節及各區舞蹈比賽評判。五十年來一直為香港舞蹈事業培訓大批人才,作 出重大貢獻。曾獲得“傑出藝術家獎”(舞蹈)及獲得兩次“舞蹈藝術家終身成就獎”, 並獲屯門傑出貢獻獎。

Mr LAU Pui-hung is a former dance director and principal dancer for films and television, and former chairman of Hong Kong Dance Federation. He is currently Board Member and Production Director of the Dance Federation, Chairman and Artistic Director of the Dance Arts Development Committee of the Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association, Artistic Director and Choreographer of the Yuen Long Dance Troupe, Chairman, Artistic Director and Choreographer of the Hong Kong New Territories Dance Troupe, and an adjudicator for the Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival and various districts’ dance competitions. Over the past fifty years, he has made significant contributions to nurturing a large number of talents in Hong Kong's dance community. He has received the "Award for Outstanding Artist" (Dance) and the "Lifetime Achievement Award for Dance Artist" twice. He has also been honored with the Tuen Mun Outstanding Contribution Award.

梁慧妍LEUNG Wai-yin

編舞 Choreographer

投身舞蹈教育行業逾十年,擁有多年舞台演出 經驗,並獲得多個金獎獎項及證書。2024年6 月在意大利比賽群舞Folk Dance獲得全場第二 名及最佳編舞獎。2021年創辦Native Studio, 教授爵士舞、現代舞及中國舞。她已考獲 CSTD、ATOD及APDA爵士舞教師專業資格。

LEUNG Wai-yin has been dedicated to dance education for over ten years, possessing extensive stage performance experience and having won multiple gold medals and certificates. In June 2024, she achieved second place overall and the Best Choreography Award in the Folk Dance competition in Italy. In 2021, she founded Native Studio, specializing in jazz dance, modern dance, and Chinese dance. She has obtained professional qualifications as a jazz dance teacher from CSTD, ATOD, and APDA.

陳紀賢 CHAN Kay-yin, Grace 指導老師 Mentor

陳氏畢業於香港大學商業管理學理學士,亦為香港演藝學院舞蹈碩士(主修舞 蹈科學).。她是春蕾舞台藝術工作坊的創辦人(2008年)、香港舞蹈醫學及科學 學會委員、國際舞蹈醫學及科學學會會員、DWC Asia Company的創辦人、舞 蹈世界盃亞洲區外圍賽的主辦、香港藝術發展局評審員(舞蹈);取得北京舞蹈 學院中國舞等級考試(1-13級)導師資格,有超過二十年的推薦學生考試經驗。

Ms CHAN is a BSc graduate in Business Administration of the University of Hong Kong, Master of Dance majoring in Dance Science of the Academy for Performing Arts, Founder of Channy Stage Arts Workshop (2008), Member of Hong Kong Association of Dance Medicine and Science and that of International Association of Dance Medicine and Science, Founder of DWC Asia Company, Organizer of Dance World Cup Asia Qualifying Match, Examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council (Dance), Qualified Teacher of the Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Graded Examinations (Grades 1-13), having 20 years' experience in entering candidates into examinations.

鍾慕瑩 CHUNG Mo-ying 編舞 Choreographer

慕瑩自幼學習中國舞,並曾學習拉丁舞。對舞蹈有濃厚興趣,積極參與海內外的不同舞蹈比賽並獲得 獎項,包括《紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2022》公開組中國舞群舞金獎等,也熱衷參加舞蹈文化交流活動,如《緣 聚清遠中華情2019》文化藝術交流活動等,現時繼續增進個人的編舞技能。

Mo-ying has learned Chinese dance and Latin dance since childhood. She actively participates in various dance competitions and dance cultural exchange activities, such as the Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2022 and the Qingyuan Cultural and Art Exchange Event 2019. She is honing her choreography skills, ever-evolving in her dance pursuits.

曾佳蔚 CHEUN Kai-wai 編舞 Choreographer

自幼學習中國舞、芭蕾舞及現代舞,現就讀香港演藝學院,專注於中國舞及熱衷於編舞。曾為香港 舞蹈團少年組及GYDP program的學生。曾參加過國際性的舞蹈比賽,也有獲取獎狀。喜歡透過舞 蹈傳達情感與故事。

Currently a student at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Kai Wai has been learning Chinese dance, ballet, and modern dance since young, but is now focusing on Chinese dance and passionate about choreography. She studied with the Hong Kong Dance Company as part of the youth group and the GYDP program and participated in international dance competitions, receiving many awards. She now enjoys conveying emotions and stories through dance.

Mentors' & Choreographers' Biography

莊陳波 CHONG Chan-po 指導老師 Mentor La P en V 優之舞藝術總監及編舞。創作作品包括《夢雨》、《天問》、《初雪 ‧ 赤心》、《雲霧深處》、《板畫 ‧ 人生》、《不死的祭禮》、《異舞 ‧

迴聲》 及《結…緣》等。曾參加多個國際藝術節,包括2013及2015年捷克帕爾杜比 采舉行之國際爵士舞蹈節,以及2016年紐約Wave Rising Series舞蹈節。《不 死的祭禮》於2019年「相約北京藝術節」中展演,並於「賽馬會藝壇新勢力 2020 / 2021」中重演。《異舞 ‧ 迴聲》2024年11月參加由康樂及文化事務署、 廣東現代舞團及太空間Livehouse合辦的第二十一屆廣東現代舞周之演出,同 時亦為第四屆粵港澳大灣區文化藝術節之巡演節目之一。

CHONG is the Artistic Director and choreographer of La P en V Innovative Dance Platform. His choreographic works include Illusions in the Rain, BeyondFate, Naked Soul, DeepintheMist, ImprintofLife, Au-delàduTemps, Sans voix‧Cent voies and Serendipity. CHONG and La P en V Innovative Dance Platform took part in numerous international festivals, including the International Festival Jazz Dance Open 2013 and 2015 at Pardubice of the Czech Republic and the Wave Rising Series Dance Festival 2016 in New York. Au-delà du Temps participated in Meet in Beijing Arts Festival 2019 and was presented in JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power in 2020/2021. San voix‧Cent Voies was invited to participate in the 21st Guangdong Dance Festival in Nov 2024. This production was co-presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Guangdong Modern Dance Company and Tai Space (Guangzhou) and it was also one of the touring programmes of the 4th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Culture and Arts Festival.

之華 CHAU, Soraya 編舞 Choreographer


現為 自 由身舞台劇演員、編舞、舞者及歌 手。她的個 人音 樂劇與形體劇場演出《人魚的聲音》獲得了阿德萊德藝穗節 Adelaide Tour Ready Award 大 獎,並於2023年獲邀於阿德 萊德藝穗節及2024年愛丁堡藝穗節演出。«主流媒體»《Glem Adelaide》讚揚她的表演為「迷人的形體敘事技巧與她清澈的嗓 音相得益彰,完美平衡」。

之華曾於英國及⾹港參予不同舞台演出。近年主要演出包括上海烏 鎮戲劇節雙 人 形體舞蹈《在身體裡溯溪》(2015)、⾹港國際編舞節 《Logical or not》及《Catarsis》(2016及2017)、Art's Options《 石 頭記之現代教獄》(2016)、真證傳播音樂劇《馬丁路德》(2017)、《聲 驅:光、影像和空間》舞蹈展演(2021)及《聲.光.牧⽺少年》(2023)。

Soraya CHAU is a graduate of the London School of Musical Theatre and the Central School of Speech and Drama. She is an experienced theatre actress, choreographer, dancer and singer based in Hong Kong. Her solo musical and physical theatre performance Voices of a Siren won the Adelaide Tour Ready Award and went on to represent Hong Kong at the Adelaide Fringe Festival in 2023 and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2024. Glem Adelaide praised her performance, stating, "Soraya’s enchanting physical storytelling and her clear voice balance each other magnificently."

Her recent credits in Hong Kong include: the dance performance of Sounding Bodies: Light, Image, and Empty Spaces (2021), the musical Papa, Can you hear me sing? (2019), the play Everlasting regrets (2018) of HK and China tour, the musical Martin Luther (2017), dances Catarsis (2017) and Logical or not (2016) at Hong Kong International Choreography Festival, and River within Body, a duet dance piece at 2015 Shanghai Wuzen Theatre Arts Festival.

李艾琳 LEE Eileen 指導老師 Mentor

李老師是中國舞蹈家協會會員、香港舞蹈總會執行委員會副主席、香港舞蹈團 董事、星榆舞蹈學校校長及香港藝術發展局審批員(舞蹈)。曾獲中國舞蹈家協 會及中國文學藝術界聯合會授予最佳編導獎。近年逾30多個作品於國內外獲 編舞獎,包括:《白髮魔女》、《殤》、《歡樂的鼓兒敲起來》、《心相》、 《Keepalive》及《Under Her Skin》。

Eileen is a member of Chinese Dancers Association, Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee of Hong Kong Dance Federation, Board Member of Hong Kong Dance Company, Principal of Starwave Dancing Academy and Examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Recently she was awarded "The Best Choreographer Award" by the Chinese Dancers Association and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. She has more than 30 winning choreographies, including The Bride with White Hair, Mourning, Joyful Drum Beats, Complexions, Keepalive and Under Her Skin.

關朗笙 KWAN Rochelle 編舞 Choreographer

從小接受包括芭蕾舞、中國舞、現代舞等多種舞蹈訓練。曾於小紫荊作品賽中獲獎的舞蹈《天空》及 《童樂》擔任助理編舞。現於星榆舞蹈學校擔任舞蹈老師及助理編導。近期作品包括群舞《⿓謠》、 《軌.織》,以及獨舞《自畫像》和《粒子》。

KWAN began her training in Ballet, Chinese Dance and Modern Dance at a young age. She is the assistant choreographer of the award-winning Sky and My Little Crane in the Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships. She is currently working as a dance instructor and assistant choreographer at Starwave Dancing Academy. Her recent works include group dances The Ballade of the Dragon (2023) and Interwoven (2022), as well as solos Portrait (2023) and Particle (2021).

蔡靜雯 CHOY Ching-man 編舞 Choreographer 從小於星榆舞蹈學校接受中國舞、現代舞等舞蹈訓練,多次隨星榆舞蹈團到北京、深圳、新加坡等地 參與多項演出與比賽,並獲得優秀成績。近期演出包括大型舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》和 《⿓謠》。

CHOY began her training in Chinese Dance and Modern dance at a young age. She performed and competed in Beijing, Shenzhen and Singapore as a member of Starwave Production, and attained exceptional good results. Her recent performances include Grand Dance Poem Dunhuang Reflections and The Ballad of the Dragon.

Mentors' & Choreographers' Biography

韵情舞坊 Kidance

韵情舞坊於2003年由梁其芬女士創立,目的在推廣及發揚中國舞蹈藝術及培訓舞蹈人材。希望年輕 人從參與及學習舞蹈過程中獲得愉悅及滿足感,並使舞蹈藝術得以薪火相傳。藉著推廣「北京舞蹈 學院中國舞等級考試」課程和聘請資深及專業的導師授教、透過有系統及生動的舞蹈教學法,啟發 學員的潛能、創造力和想像力,使學員的音樂感應、舞蹈藝術、個人氣質及品格得到完善的發展及 成長,對傳統文化加深認知,與他人溝通的能力也得以改善。

Kidance was set up by Ms LEUNG Ki-fun in 2003 to promote the art of Chinese dance, to train up young talents in dance, and to pass on the culture, traditions and customs of China. It conducts courses leading to Chinese Dance Graded Examinations held by Beijing Dance Academy. Experienced and professional instructors help students develop their musical sense, techniques, coordination, self‐confidence and artistic temperament.

方晶晶 FANG Ching-ching, Mika

王子心 WANG Zixin

沈庭鈺 SHUM Ting-yuk

林穎姿 LIN Yingzi, Gigi

洪煒童 ANG Wai-tung

洪潁彤 HUNG Wing-tung


胡麗旋 WOO Lai-shuen

温芷裳 WAN Tsz-sheung

雷樂儀 LUI Lok-yee

廖子蕎 LIU Ammi

蔡依君 TSOI Yee-kwan

Performance Majors of Beijing Dance Academy Classical Dance Department 2023

孫心愛 SUN Xinai

苗徽舞集 The Sprout

楊廣森 YANG Guangsen

由劉如徽女士於 1998 年創立的苗徽舞集,致力推動本地舞蹈文化教育,以培育新苗為宗旨。每年保送學 生參加由香港舞蹈總會及香港考試及評核局聯合主辦之「北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試」及「澳洲聯邦舞 蹈教師協會爵士舞考試」,亦參與各類大小型演出、比賽及海外交流,讓學員除實踐舞蹈知識外,還有良 好身心發展及德育培養。

The Sprout was founded by Ms Rita LAU in 1998 with the aim of promoting Chinese traditional dance to the community, especially to the younger generation. To encourage aesthetic growth and boast their spirit, students of The Sprout participate in the BDA Chinese Dance Graded Examinations and CSTD Modern Jazz Examination every year. They are also active in local and overseas performances and competitions.

王卓恩 WONG Cheuk-yan, Danielle

王德榆 WONG Thalia

余若昕 YU Yeuk-yan, Joyce

張海琳 CHEUNG Hoi-lam

許 桐 HUI Tung

麥思澄 MAK Sze-ching


黃穎晴 WONG Wing-ching

楊慧心 YEUNG Wai-sum

鄧瑋茵 TANG Wai-yan

鍾昕琳 CHUNG Yan-lam

鍾晞琳 CHUNG Hei-lam

譚鈺妍 TAM Yuk-yin

成立於2019年,主要提供爵士舞、芭蕾舞及中國舞的課程,希望透過愉快及專業的舞蹈教育,培養 學生舞蹈方面的興趣,亦能發展出良好之個人品德。

Studentdancing was established in 2019 with the primary goal of promoting jazz, ballet, and Chinese dance. The aim is to cultivate students' interest in dance while fostering good personal character development through enjoyable and professional dance education.

朱潔瑩 CHU Kit-ying, Kitty

宋佩欣 SUNG Pui-yan

林芷琪 LAM Tsz-ki, Polly

高施駿 KO Sze-chun

陳詠鏇 CHAN Beatrice

陳雅妍 CHAN Nga-yin

羅善寧 LAW Sean-ling, Jocelyn

蘇心兒 SO Zinnie

Violet Creation International

VCI 舞團由吳雪梅女士於1992年成立 。一直以來致力於舞蹈藝術創作的培訓,並讓團員參與社區不 同類型文化活動表演。為舞蹈藝術卓越的推廣提供了一個理想的平台。

Since its establishment in 1992 by Ms Violet NG, VCI has been committed to dance art training and promoting the development of dance activities, and has actively participated in cultural performances in the community, creating an ideal platform for the promotion of artistic culture and dance excellence.

鍾 雪 CHUNG, Snow (沙畫藝術家 Sand Painting Artist)

何卓鴒 HO Cheuk-ling

李佩樺 LI Pui-wa

李穎喬 LEE Wing-Kiu, Kristy

招慧心 CHIU Ashley

林天穎 LAM Candace

張芷柔 CHEUNG Tsz-yau, Raziya

張芷瑩 CHEUNG Tsz-ying, Kasey

郭泳津 KWOK Wing-chun, Obe

馮寶瑩FUNG Po-ying

黃日晴WONG Charis

黃冬怡WONG Tung-yi

劉盈君 LAU Ying-kwan

蔣京霈 JIANG King-pui

鄭恩樂 CHENG Bernice

盧芷叡 LO Tsz-yui

謝汶君 TSE Man-kwan

美諾諦詩舞蹈⼯作坊 Melodies Dance Studio

美諾諦詩舞蹈工作坊於2008年成立,提供多元化的舞蹈課程及活動,透過舞蹈藝術培育學生的健康 成長,更積極參與多個公開比賽和國際比賽,如新加坡舞蹈節(獲得金獎及卓越成就獎)、世界盃舞 蹈比賽外圍賽(獲得冠軍)等;工作坊更獲邀參與各類大型演出,如新春國際匯演之夜、香港同胞慶 祝中華人民共和國成立74周年文藝晚會、星光熠熠耀保良、萬眾同心公益金等。

Melodies Dance Studio was founded in 2008. It is dedicated to fostering the development and growth of students through the art of dance, providing them with diverse dance lessons and activities. Moreover, they have been actively participating and awarded in many open competitions and international competitions such as Gold Award and Outstanding Achievement Award at the Singapore International Dance Festival, Dance World Cup Gold Award in the qualifying round, and even got invited to participate in all kinds of events such as Cathay International Chinese New Year Night Parade, The People’s Republic of China National Day Celebration, Gala Spectacular, Community Chest Charity Show and so on.

何沛霖 HO Pui-lam

林卓瑤 LAM Cheuk-yiu, Cherrie

林美佐 LAM Mei-cho

孫潁潼 SUN Wing-tung

馬梓澄 MA Tsz-ching


張婉儀 CHEUNG Yuen-yee

黎若晞 LAI York-hei

謝依倩 TSE Yee-sin

韓嘉敏 HON Ka-man

Performance Majors of Beijing Dance Academy Classical Dance Department 2023

孫心愛 SUN Xinai

陳家齊 CHEN Jiaqi

彭若萱 PENG Nuoxuan

楊廣森 YANG Guangsen

香港紫荊花舞蹈團 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association

成立於1996年,宗旨為培養本地青年舞蹈家參與並發揚舞蹈,藉以修養品德及提高生活情操。推動香港 中國舞蹈發展之餘,促進本港與外地舞蹈文化上的交流。舞蹈團曾多次參與各項大型舞蹈比賽,亦與多個 內地團體合作交流演出。

Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association was established in 1996 to foster local young dancers to participate in the art of dance and to enhance their character development and way of life. The Association has participated in various dance competitions and won numerous awards. In addition to promoting the development of Chinese dance in Hong Kong, it has organised different dance and cultural exchange programmes.

何栢宜 HO Pak-yi

何蘊純 HO Wan-shun

何鑫芯 HO Kam-sum

陳沛穎 CHAN Pui-wing

陳彦妤 CHEN Yin-ue

鄭雅雯 CHENG Nga-man

鄭穎瞳 CHENG Wing-tung

黎曉螢 LAI Hiu-ying

元朗舞蹈團 Yuen Long Dance Troupe

元朗舞蹈團是元朗區文藝協進會屬下表演藝團之一,舞團由舞蹈主任李惠芳校長及劉佩雄藝術總監 負責組織統籌工作,舞蹈班有38班,每年舉行周年匯演同時組織每年舞蹈比賽,推廣元朗區舞蹈發 展,培養大批舞蹈人才。

The Yuen Long Dance Troupe is one of the performing arts troupes under the Yuen Long District Arts Advancement Association. The troupe's organization and coordination work is managed by Dance Director Principal LI Wai-fong and Artistic Director Mr LAU Pui-hung. The dance classes include 38 groups. The Troupe organizes annual performance and annual dance competition to promote the development of dance in the Yuen Long district and to nurture dance talents.

左惠珠 CHO Wai-chu

余曦文 YU Hei-man

李思敏 LEE Sze-man

宗曉彤 CHUNG Hiu-tung

梁慧妍 LEUNG Wai-yin

陳家琦 CHAN Ka-ki

陳藴聰 CHAN Wan-chung, Ruby

熊敏兒 HUNG Man-Yi

蕭婉貽 SIU Yuen-yee, Vickie

繆海婷 MOW Hoi-ting

春蕾舞台藝術⼯作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop

春蕾舞台藝術工作坊一直抱着的信念是舞蹈是情感思想的表達方式,所以讓同學接觸和學習不同的 舞蹈種類,配合現今社會的多元性及全面性的環境,通過學習舞蹈的美學和經驗,培養學生的藝術 人生。學生也會到海外參加舞蹈比賽及參觀,使他們真正理解當地的文化及風俗。

“Dancing is the expression of emotion and thought.” It is the belief at Channy Stage Arts Workshop to enable students to explore and learn different genres of dance so that they can cohere with the multiple and diversified environment of the community nowadays. It is hoped that students can learn and adopt the art and beauty of dance in their life. Apart from dancing at school, our students will go abroad for different dance competitions and visits to experience the culture of other countries.

王采彥 WANG Tsoi-yin, Amy

岑苡僑 SHAM Yi-kiu

沈希曈 SHUM Hei-tong

林舸�� LAM Ho-kiu

高旖暉 GAO Yihui

好⽪藝創 Houpe Arts Community

程嘉盈 CHENG Jiaying

葉鎧瑩 YIP Hoi-ying

廖文樂 LIU, Isaac

謝康喬 TSE Hong-kiu

蘇倬霖 SO Cheuk-lam

好⽪藝創為⾹港的多媒體表演藝術團體,匯聚來自戲劇、舞蹈、多媒體及視覺藝術等不同領域的藝 術家,以推動創新和跨界合作而聞名。該團體在全球多個重要藝術節上獲得廣泛關注,包括:⾹港 不貧窮藝術節(2021年)、⾹港Art Options 女人節(2021年)、阿德萊德藝穗節(2023年)、⾹ 港新概念藝術節(2023年)、愛丁堡藝穗節(2024年)及⾹港藝穗節(2025年)。好⽪藝創致力 於突破藝術界限,通過其創新的作品持續啟發和連結不同觀眾。

Houpe Arts Community is a dynamic performing arts collective based in Hong Kong, uniting artists from diverse disciplines including theatre, dance, multimedia, and visual arts. Renowned for fostering innovative and interdisciplinary collaborations, the company has captivated audiences at major arts festivals worldwide, including Hong Kong Let’s Be Together Arts Festival (2021), Hong Kong Arts Option Women’s Festival (2021), Adelaide Fringe Festival (2023), Hong Kong Ideation Art Festival (2023), Edinburgh Fringe Festival (2024) and Hong Kong Fringe Festival (2025, To Be Confirmed). With a commitment to pushing artistic boundaries, Houpe Arts Community continues to inspire and connect through their groundbreaking work.

之 華 CHAU, Soraya (伴奏 Musician)

陳永晴 TAN, Maggie (伴奏 Musician)

周思穎 CHOW Sze-wing, Annabelle

林施旖 LIN, Shelly

林燕玲 LAM, Ivy

張妙妙 CHEUNG Mil-mil

陳卓喬 CHAN, Kylie

紫 炫 NG, Erika

鄧立桁 TANG Lap-hang

黎嘉雯 LAI, Amy

譚家敏 TAM, Carmen HE, Christine

星榆舞蹈團 Starwave Production

由青年舞蹈愛好者組成之非牟利藝術團體。自1996年成立至今,經常獲邀參加本港及各地大型活動, 包括2008馬術奧運開場演出、第二屆至第五屆全國少數民族文藝會演(北京)及新加坡國際青年藝 術節(新加坡)等。舞團在國內外的公開賽中獲獎甚多,包括香港紫荊盃舞蹈大賽全場大獎、加拿大 素里區舞蹈比賽金獎、2014文化中國全球華人才藝(舞蹈)大賽銀獎等。本團亦參與香港舞蹈總會 主辦的大型原創舞蹈詩《歲月香江》及《緣起敦煌》的編舞及演出。舞團曾與廣州歌舞團合作原創 舞劇《紅梅再世》和《掠影紅樓》,並獨立製作跨媒體舞蹈詩《源.圓》和《香江畫圖》,均獲好評。

Starwave Production, a non-profit organization, is a subsidiary performance group of the Starwave Dancing Academy founded in 1996. Since then it has participated actively in various events local and abroad including the Equestrian Olympic Games 2008, the 2nd - 5th National Minorities Art Festival in Beijing and the Singapore International Festival of Arts in Singapore. Starwave Production has obtained brilliant results in various open dance competitions such as Hong Kong Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships (Overall Champion) and Canada Surrey Dance Contest. In recent years, the troupe has participated in the choreography and performance of two largescale original dance poems, As Time Goes By and Dunhuang Reflections, presented by Hong Kong Dance Federation. The troupe and Guangzhou Song and Dance Troupe have collaborated to create the dance dramas Reincarnation of the Red Plum and A Glimpse of the Red Chamber; it has also independently created the multimedia dance poems Genesis and Home.

余曉曈 YU Hiu-tung, Meagan

徐易彤 CHUE Yik-tung

梁琬婷 LEUNG Yuen-ting

陳文懿 CHAN Man-yi

陳邦霖 CHAN Pong-lam

陳栩君 CHAN Hui-gwan, Gwenda

蔡靜雯 CHOY Ching-man

黎彥曦 LAI Yin-hei, Hilarie

羅筠曉 LO Kwan-hiu, Koki

關朗笙 KWAN Rochelle

贊助人 Patron

區永熙 AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

藝術總監 Artistic Director

冼 源 SIN Yuen

藝術顧問 Artistic Consultant

劉兆銘 LAU Siu-ming, MH

首席課程導師 Chief Instructor

張建民 ZHANG Jianmin*

藝術統籌 Artistic Co-ordinator

吳雪梅 NG Suet-mui, Violet

創作委員 Creative Committee

劉佩雄 LAU Pui-hung

陸恩美 LUK Yun-mee

劉定國 LAU Ting-kwok

李艾琳 LEE, Eileen

梁其芬 LEUNG Ki-fun, May

吳雪梅 NG Suet-mui, Violet

石成初 SHEK Sing-chor

課程導師 Course Instructors#

成博民 SHING Pok-man

吳雪梅 NG Suet-mui, Violet

韋 柰 WEI Nai

陳基琼 CHAN, Eve^

曾柱昭 Gerard CC TSANG

温俊詩 WUN, Mable

温紹武 WAN Siu-mo

黃狄文WONG, Dominic +

楊雲濤 YANG Yuntao, MH

盧 榮 LO Wing

賴詠珊 LAI Wing-shan, Bie

指導老師 Mentors#

吳雪梅 NG Suet-mui, Violet

李艾琳 LEE, Eileen

姚曦玥 IU Hei-yuet, Melody

梁其芬 LEUNG Ki-fun, May

梁政嬈 LEUNG Ching-yiu

莊陳波 CHONG Chan-po

陳紀賢 CHAN Kay-yin, Grace

陸恩美 LUK Yun-mee

葉麗兒 YIP Lai-yee, Cally

劉佩雄 LAU Pui-hung

編舞 Choreographers# 之 華 CHAU, Soraya

姚珈汶 IU Ka-man

袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk

梁慧妍 LEUNG Wai-yin

許冬儀 HUA Tung-yee, Mavis

許 桐 HUI Tung

曾沛瑜 TSANG Pui-yu

曾佳蔚 CHEUN Kai-wai

劉瀛瀅 LAU Ying-ying

蔡靜雯 CHOY Ching-man

鄧瑋茵 TANG Wai-yan

鍾慕瑩 CHUNG Mo-ying

關朗笙 KWAN, Rochelle

特邀演出 Guest Performance@


Beijing Dance Academy

Chinese Classical Dance Department

楊廣森YANG Guangsen

陳家齊CHEN Jiaqi

孫心愛SUN Xinai

彭若萱PENG Ruoxuan

演出團體 Performing Groups#

Violet Creation International

元朗舞蹈團 Yuen Long Dance Troupe

好⽪藝創Houpe Arts Community

星榆舞蹈團Starwave Production

春蕾舞台藝術工作坊Channy Stage Arts Workshop

美諾諦詩舞蹈工作坊Melodies Dance Studio

苗徽舞集The Sprout

香港紫荊花舞蹈團 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association


韵情舞坊 Kidance

音樂創作及統籌 Composer & Music Co-ordinator

張兆鴻 CHEUNG Siu-hung, Ben

佈景設計Set Designer

温俊詩 WUN, Mable

服裝顧問 Costume Consultant

温俊詩 WUN, Mable

燈光設計 Lighting Designer

賴詠珊 LAI Wing-shan, Bie

數碼影像設計 Digital Image Designer

成博民 SHING Pok-man

監製 Producer

梁其芬 LEUNG Ki-fun, May

攝影 Photographer

S2 Production

場刊編輯及翻譯House Programme Editors & Translators

馮杏美 FUNG Hang-mai

楊志穀 YEUNG Chi-kuk

宣傳刊物設計及製作Promotion Materials Design & Production PlasticOn Design

行政總監 Executive Director

羅廖耀芝 LO LIU Yiu-chee, Virginia

行政總監(營運) Executive Director-Operations

温 雄 WAN Hung

秘書處 Secretariat

王愷靖 WONG Hoi-ching, Tiffany

余慧敏 YU Wai-man, Mandy

陳珮芝 CHAN Pui-chi

車卓濱 Cha Cheuk-bun, Archbold

源嘉偉 YUAN Jiawei”

* 承蒙北京舞蹈學院創意學院允許With kind permission of Beijing Dance Academy School of Creative Studies

^ 承蒙香港演藝學院舞蹈學院允許 With kind permission of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

+ 承蒙城市當代舞蹈團允許With kind permission of City Contemporary Dance Company

承蒙香港舞蹈團允許 With kind permission of Hong Kong Dance Company

@ 承蒙北京舞蹈學院中國古典舞系允許 With kind permission of Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Classical Dance Department

“ 香港藝術發展局藝術行政實習生Hong Kong Arts Development Council Arts Administration Intern

# 按筆劃排列In Chinese stroke order



We wish to thank the following people and organizations for their kind support:


Hong Kong Arts Development Council “Matching Fund” Scheme

區永熙 AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP









韋 柰








盧 榮












Beijing Dance Academy School of Creative Studies

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

City Contemporary Dance Company

Hong Kong Dance Company

Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Classical Dance Department

Beijing Yi Feng Lan Wu Dao

SHING Pok-man

NG Suet-mui, Violet


ZHANG Jianmin*

CHAN, Eve^


WUN, Mable

WAN Siu-mo

WONG, Dominic +

YANG Yuntao, MH

LO Wing

LAI Wing-shan, Bie

NG Suet-mui, Violet

LEE, Eileen

IU Hei-yuet, Melody

LEUNG Ki-fun, May

LEUNG Ching-yiu

CHONG Chan-po

CHAN Kay-yin, Grace

LUK Yun-mee

YIP Lai-yee, Cally

LAU Pui-hung

Violet Creation International










Yuen Long Dance Troupe

Houpe Arts Community

Starwave Production

Channy Stage Arts Workshop

Melodies Dance Studio

The Sprout

Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association Studentdancing Kidance

所有參與演出之演員及工作人員 All performers and those who have assisted in the production.

* 承蒙北京舞蹈學院創意學院允許With kind permission of Beijing Dance Academy School of Creative Studies

^ 承蒙香港演藝學院舞蹈學院允許 With kind permission of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

+ 承蒙城市當代舞蹈團允許With kind permission of City Contemporary Dance Company

承蒙香港舞蹈團允許 With kind permission of Hong Kong Dance Company

(排名不分先後In No Particular Order)

With the Compliments of




Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Graded Examinations

春季及秋季學生考試課程及教師課程 Spring & Autumn Students’ Examinations & Teachers’ Course

趣學堂” 幼兒舞蹈課程

Move For Fun” Dance Syllabus for Early Childhood

Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing 夏季及冬季學生考試課程及教師課程 Summer & Winter Students’ Examinations & Teachers’ Course


袋鼠盃舞蹈比賽2025 Kangaroo Cup Dance

20.4.2025-11.5.2025 世界舞蹈日2025 World Dance Day 2025 7-13.7.2025

Dance Competition 2025

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