Cine Fan Summer International Film Festival 2018

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未來的未來 Mirai

(Mirai no Mirai) 導演:細田守 日本 2018 98分鐘 中文字幕 聲演:上白石萌歌、黑木華、星野源、麻生久美子

Dir: Mamoru Hosoda Japan 2018 98min Voice Cast: Kamishiraishi Moka, Kuroki Haru, Hoshino Gen, Aso Kumiko

細田守自言野心之作,再度穿越時空、延續探討生 命、家庭和成長,施展魔法更揮灑自如。四歲男孩 小君愛撒嬌,擔心剛出生的妹妹「未來」會奪去父 母對他的寵愛。正當他處於新身份的困惑與對妹妹 的埋怨中,眼前突然出現的高中女生竟稱呼他為哥 哥!來自未來已長大的妹妹,以及化身金毛犬的王 子殿下帶領哥哥穿越時空,展開一場場奇妙大冒 險,體驗前所未見的世界。細田守以一個普通家庭 的簡約設計,交織出生命傳承,體現世上沒有比家 人更親密的聯繫。破天荒成為首部在康城影展世界 首映的日本動畫,繪出無限的未來。

An ambitious exploration of the circle of life via a single family, Hosoda solidifies all his spellbinding elements – time leap, futuristic fantasy and familial affection into this magnificent tale, which centers on a 4-yearold boy who feels threatened by the arrival of a baby sister, Mirai. Things then turn magical when Mirai shows up as a teenage girl from the future, and takes him to a series of surprising adventures. Premiered in the Cannes Film Festival, Mirai affirms Hosoda as one of the most influential animation directors of our time.

2018 康城影展導演雙週 2018 安錫國際動畫電影節

2018 Cannes Film Festival, Directors' Fortnight 2018 Annecy International Animation Film Festival

導演將出席與觀眾見面 The director will meet the audience

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細田守 大師班 Master Class with Mamoru Hosoda

少年的祈禱 The Prayer (La prière)

柏林 影帝

導演:西迪克卡恩 法國 2018 107分鐘

2018 柏林影展最佳男主角銀熊獎 Dir: Cédric Kahn France 2018 107min Cast: Anthony Bajon, Damien Chapelle, Alex Brendemühl

Addicted, the shy Thomas washes up in a religious sanctuary at the French Alps. While prayers and hard labor seem fail to kick his drug habit, the romantic encounter with the beautiful daughter of a charitable family invigorates his rehabilitation. In captivating cinematography of majestic landscapes and weathered faces, Cédric Kahn’s Berlin competition entry explores the crude uphill battle faced by junkies on the path to recovery. A poignant character study of an addict transforming from a lost vagrant into an atoning altar boy – a true believer, or if Catholicism simply another form of addiction? 2018 Berlin International Film Festival, Silver Bear for Best Actor


避亂入深山,日暮時見有。吸毒少年湯瑪為改過自 新,被送到偏僻的山區,在神父和院友陪伴下,過着 深居簡出、辛勤刻苦的生活。幸好在那裡,除了祈禱 和苦行,還有同伴信守的友誼,和附近一個守護天使 般的女孩之善誘。作者導演西迪克卡恩以高超冷峻的 手法,刻畫人世間心亂無藥可醫。湯瑪慢慢在黑暗中 找到方向,但毒是癮,祈禱是癮,私奔般的戀愛也是 癮,信者皆可得救?重建人格說到底只是一重隱喻, 安東尼巴尚演活擁抱自由意志的祈禱少年,一舉躍登 柏林影帝寶座。

18.8 Sat 六

時間 Time 7:30pm 放映《未來的未來》

Screening of Mirai 9:10pm


Post-screening Q&A 地點 Venue The Grand Cinema

19.8 Sun 日

時間 Time 7:45pm 放映《怪物之子》

Screening of The Boy and the Beast 9:45-10:45pm


Master Class with Mamoru Hosoda 地點 Venue 大館賽馬會立方 Tai Kwun JC Cube

25/8 21:45 AC 28/8 19:30 GC

主持 袁建滔 Moderator Toe Yuen 19/8 17:45 MP . 23/8 21:45 GC Admission by ticket 憑票入場


日、粵語主講 9} Conducted in Japanese and Cantonese

日本動畫的未來,少不了細田守的名字。 自小綻放動畫天分,滿腔熱誠投考吉卜力卻遭宮 崎駿婉拒,只因其慧眼洞悉千里馬外闖更能盡展 所長。其後應邀籌備《哈爾移動城堡》(2004) 期間陷入人生低潮,卻原來祝福早已暗藏失意 裏。逆境自強,憑天賦才華、堅毅意志、與在東 映動畫時期打下的紮實根基,細田將困頓磨難化 為靈感與動力,2005年執導首部動畫長片《ONE PIECE祭典男爵與神秘島》,以清新畫風打響名 堂。翌年的《穿越時空的少女》(2006)更技驚 四座,薈萃科幻與純愛的創新手法令影片屢獲殊 榮,奠定他在日本動畫界的地位。 穿越時空、虛擬世界的奇思幻想成為細田動畫的 標記;精緻畫面、細膩故事與突破傳統的 事風 格,更是自成一派的美學。不過他的魔幻魅力遠

遠不止於此:由《夏日大作戰》(2009)裏的家 族聯繫、《狼的孩子雨和雪》(2012)及《怪物 之子》(2015)裏的父母之愛,以至新作《未來 的未來》(2018)裏的手足之情,真摯情感滲透 着角色的成長歷程,也貫穿了細田動畫人生的高 低起跌。由備受冷眼到如今成為享譽國際的「新 世代日本動畫大師」,細田將自己一路走來挫折 與奮鬥的體驗,銘刻於每部動畫之中,凝聚沉厚 感染力,讓人動容之餘,亦煥發勇氣與鬥志。 每部作品中,總有一片積雨雲。他說,積雨雲令 天空更有生氣,人在夏天更易蛻變成長。走出陰 霾,成立「地圖工作室」,在動畫界自創新天, 細田守穿越的未來世界,充滿奇蹟與希望。 最新作品《未來的未來》見第二頁。 ©2015 THE BOY AND THE BEAST FILM PARTNERS

What does the future hold for Japanese animation? Mamoru Hosoda perhaps offers an answer. He is the acclaimed director who creates “Mirai” (meaning: the future) – literally, it’s his latest anime which champions an unparalleled achievement for being the first Japanese animated work ever to receive a world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival; in a broader vision, it represents the promise of a new hope for the Japanese tradition of hand-drawn animation. Hailed as the next Miyazaki Hayao, Hosoda has carved out a unique identity for animation that combines realistic settings with futuristic stories. His path to success is not a straight line, though. Missing opportunities at Studio Ghibli and dropping out of the production of Howl's Moving Castle (2004) turned out to be blessings in disguise; the door to an unknown magical world is already opening up for him. Life’s tough experiences are transformed into inspiration and motivation, leading to his directional debut feature anime, One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island (2005). His most acclaimed work, The Girl Who Leapt

Through Time (2006), awes audiences and critics alike for its creative mix of sci-fi and puppy love in a contemporary twist, and places him under global attention as one of Japan’s leading anime directors. While keeping alive the fundamentals of animation as an art, Hosoda creates his own distinctive brand of whimsical fantasy and imaginative adventure. Summer Wars (2009), as well as Wolf Children (2012) and The Boy and the Beast (2015) – both produced under his own animation house, Studio Chizu – further establish his signature style: a strong sense of family ties and friendships, and the growth to greater maturity through perseverance. Highly symbolic of his own life’s path, the way his characters overcome difficulties to reach final vindication offers audiences hope and courage beyond mere entertainment. “I’m striving to do better from one movie to the next,” Hosoda said when talking about Mirai . For a talented director who is adamant in blazing a new path, we can expect more amazing surprises to come in the future. See p.2 for his latest film Mirai.


15.8 19:30 GC




14.8 19:30 GC

Summer Wars

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

(Sama uozu)

(Toki o Kakeru Shojo)


©2006 TOKIKAKE Film Partners

日本 2009 115分鐘 中文字幕 聲演:神木隆之介、櫻庭奈奈美、谷村美月、富司純子 日本 2006 98分鐘 中文字幕 聲演:仲里依紗、石田卓也、板倉光隆、原沙知繪 比《你的名字》(2016)早十年,細田守的動畫電 影代表作,為時空科幻的青春純愛故事,帶來耳目一 新的驚喜。改編筒井康隆小說,高中女生真琴與死 黨三人無憂無慮迎接暑假,真琴無意間獲得跳躍時 空的能力,恣意享受穿梭過去與現在。一跳,挽救同 窗避過意外;另一躍,卻逃逸了青澀的愛情。在似懂 非懂、患得患失之際,時間不等人,初戀瞬間成了回 憶。她終於發現,穿越時空,並非要改變過去,而是 要創造未來。細田守以躍動鏡頭、靈活跳接與揮灑色 彩,穿越少女成長心路,在燦爛的歡笑聲中,隱泛着 感傷的淚光。

2007 安錫國際動畫電影節動畫長片特別獎 2007 日本電影金像獎最佳動畫 Japan 2006 98min Voice Cast: Naka Riisa, Ishida Takuya, Hara Sachie

A romantic fantasy that puts Hosoda into the limelight of international attention. Based on a 1965 novel, Hosoda infuses a creative treat of imaginative flights and painterly visuals, transforming the coming-of-age story into an openhearted fable. Accidentally acquiring the power to travel back in time, a high school girl enthusiastically uses it to satisfy frivolous desires and prevent an unexpected love confession from her dude friend. When her power is gone, she finally realizes that time leaping is not about changing the past, but the future. 2007 Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Special Distinction 2007 Japan Academy Film Prize, Best Animation Film {


數學超群的高中生健二被暗戀的學姐夏希哄騙,要他 冒充男友回鄉為祖母慶生。因偶然解破一道數列奇 題,健二被誤會是入侵網絡「OZ」的駭客,導致虛 擬與現實世界大混亂。他與夏希一家必須全力作戰, 阻止人工智能系統毀滅世界的陰謀。細田首部原創動 畫,以天馬行空的想像及超卓的動畫技術,建構猶如 大觀園的虛擬世界,色彩斑爛萬物亂舞,謀略設計令 人目眩神迷;現實世界同樣神采飛揚,大家族廿多個 人物活潑生猛,濃厚親情更是畫龍點睛。傳統與科幻 的完美結合,當年橫掃日本動畫大獎,更震撼國際影 壇。

2009 羅迦諾國際電影節競賽片 2010 日本電影金像獎最佳動畫 Japan 2009 115min Voice Cast: Kamiki Ryunosuke, Sakuraba Nanami, Tanimura Mitsuki, Fuji Sumiko

Getting a “summer job” from his secret crush Natsuki to come to her family’s ancestral home, math genius Kenji unexpectedly becomes a prime suspect in a criminal hack that turns the digital network “Oz” and the real world into chaos. To save the world from destruction, Kenji must join hands with Natsuki’s family to launch a war against a rogue AI. More than extravagant animation of the virtual reality that is over-the-top eccentric and whimsical, emotional nuances of family ties are the true magic spells of Hosoda’s first original anime. 2009 Locarno International Film Festival, In Competition 2010 Japan Academy Film Prize, Best Animation Film

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The Boy and the Beast (Bakemono no Ko)

Wolf Children (Okami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki)


日本 2012 118分鐘 中文字幕 聲演:宮崎葵、大澤隆夫、菅原文太 細田守最富詩意的感人之作。在大學邂逅狼人的阿 花,不惜一切與他結婚,生下可愛姐弟雪和雨。狼 人意外去世,阿花為隱藏身份,搬到鄉間居住與世隔 絕,過着自給自足的生活。雪和雨日漸成長,矛盾個 性浮現,人路與狼道之間,該何去何從?細田取材家 鄉自然景致繪成美如莫奈的風景畫,將對亡母的思念 寄寓阿花身上,以四時晴雨風雪映照母親獨力守衛孩 子的心情跌宕。自身成長經歷轉化為生命的奇蹟,感 懷親恩比天還高。細緻的手繪影像、魔幻的童話色 彩,融合留白與靜默的沉澱,成就感染力非凡的動畫 精品。

2013 日本電影金像獎最佳動畫 Japan 2012 118min Voice Cast: Miyazaki Aoi, Osawa Takao, Sugawara Bunta

One of Hosoda’s most movingly poetic and beautiful animations, the fairy tale opens with the romance between college student Hana and a mysterious wolfman. After he dies, Hana moves to the mountains and struggles to raise her werewolf kids – Yuki and Ame, who have to find their own identities and places in the world. In memory of his mother, Hosoda invests this family story with profound emotion of parental devotion, in lyrical hand-drawn visuals juxtaposed with silent imagery. Joyful and fascinating, yet an underlying sense of melancholy lingers. 2013 Japan Academy Film Prize, Best Animation Film




16.8 19:30 GC

日本 2015 120分鐘 中文字幕 聲演:役所廣司、宮崎葵、染谷將太 孤獨少年九太渴望變強,陰差陽錯入了怪物界的「澀 天街」,成了武功高強但粗魯暴躁怪物熊徹的徒弟。 師徒衝突不斷火花四濺,父子情卻慢慢萌生,展開共 同成長學習歲月。正當九太重返人間與生父重遇之 際,怪物界發生巨變,更威脅人類世界。面臨危機, 九太與熊徹兩顆心合而為一,令不可思議的奇蹟發 生。怪物造型千奇百趣,星級聲演陣容令角色活靈活 現;冒險情節與打鬥場面妙趣橫生,鯨魚風暴的超現 實幻象出神入化,父子深情更是治癒心靈。創作潛力 爆發的巔峰作,令細田守升格為動畫界一代宗師。

2016 日本電影金像獎最佳動畫 2015 聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節最佳電影提名 Japan 2015 120min Voice Cast: Yakusho Koji, Miyazaki Aoi, Sometani Shōta

Accidentally ventures into the Beast Kingdom, the lonely boy Kyuta is taken in as an apprentice by the powerful but hotheaded warrior beast Kumatetsu. Despite their constant strife, the fiercely pair soon develop a father-son relationship, and unite in the fight against a monster who devastates the human world. In an impressive mix of hand-drawn and CGI animation, Hosoda’s action-adventure boosts the wildest imagination with his fantastic world of beast and his versatility of playful fights, and most captivatingly, an unsentimental love of surrogate familial communities. 2016 Japan Academy Film Prize, Best Animation Film 2015 San Sebastián International Film Festival, Golden Seashell Nominee 導演細田守將出席大師班,主持袁建滔

粵、日語主講 Master Class with director Mamoru Hosoda Moderator: Toe Yuen Conducted in Cantonese and Japanese

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