The 44th Hong Kong International Film Festival

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首映禮 Galas

世界首映 World Premiere

開幕電影 Opening Film

世界首映 World Premiere



Keep Rolling

Little Big Women

導演 Dir: 文念中 Man Lim-chung 粵語 Cantonese  2020  111min

導演 Dir: 許承傑 Joseph Hsu 國語 Mandarin  2020  124min 演員 Cast: 陳淑芳 Chen Shu-Fang, 謝盈萱 Hsieh Ying-Xuan, 徐若瑄 Vivian Hsu, 孫可芳 Sun Ke-Fang

她生於遼寧,長於澳門,受教於香港,其後負笈倫敦,左右逢源於中華文化和 西方文學。終於,她許身了電影。處女作便開闢了香港新浪潮,於商業與藝術、 類型與文藝之間遊走,一直關懷小人物,不斷探索自己和這座城市的漂泊狀態。 從早年獲獎無數到跌入谷底,從不放棄忠於創作的機會。這次她當主角,著名 美術指導文念中首執導筒,回顧四十載的光影生涯,零距離捕捉她親和地道、 急躁論盡的真性情,亦看到她與母親的感情牽絆。對電影和香港始終一片赤誠, 人生客路永沒平,千言萬語道不盡,只許鞍華。 One of Hong Kong's most influential filmmakers, Ann Hui, becomes a “star” for the first time in Man Lim-chung's directorial debut. A forerunner of the New Wave, Hui’s tumultuous, forty-year career is an unequivocal testimony to her unyielding dedication to filmmaking, and her expedition into the metamorphic city. This biopic probes into the acclaimed director’s idiosyncratic world, where we witness her rashness and goofiness, as well as her humanistic concerns for the everyday nobodies which make her films so moving.

閉幕電影 Closing Film

世界首映 World Premiere

靠一味蝦捲賣到街知巷聞的單親媽媽,獨自撫養三個女兒長大成人。笑迎七十 大壽前夕,卻傳來丈夫離世噩耗。本已多年不相往還,一則死訊,令前塵舊事 湧上心頭。丈夫晚伴的身影晃現,靈堂成了恩怨愛恨的角力場,母女間難以明 言的情感糾結,一併百味紛陳。將祖母經歷化為感人劇本,許承傑首部長片何 止是單一家庭的春風斜照,更是幾代女性煙雨平生的集體回憶。多位重量級女 演員坐鎮,眉梢眼角的情感暗湧百轉千迴;放下妄執,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 Conceived from his grandmother’s real-life story, Joseph Hsu’s debut feature is a quietly devastating yet heartwarming story about a family of women, struggling in their relationships and marriages. On her 70th birthday, a successful single mother receives the shocking news of her estranged husband’s death. Entangled in bittersweet memory, she also has to deal with the intricate emotions of her three daughters, and the sudden appearance of the husband’s lover. Will she get the closure she has longed for all her life?

隆重首映 Gala Premiere



The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese

No.7 Cherry Lane (Director's Cut)

導演 Dir: 行定勳 Yukisada Isao 日本 Japan  2020  131min 演員 Cast: 大倉忠義 Ohkura Tadayoshi, 成田凌 Narita Ryo, 吉田志織 Yoshida Shiori

導演 Dir: 楊凡 Yonfan 國語 Mandarin/粵語 Cantonese/法語 French  2019  125min 聲演 Cast: 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang, 趙薇 Zhao Wei, 林德信 Alex Lam

廣告才子恭一出軌,妻子委託私家偵探小涉調查。小涉是迷戀恭一七年的學弟, 以守口如瓶換取肌膚之親。恭一離婚後,小涉對他百般照顧,更搬來小居室日夕 相對,欲拒還迎與欲斷難斷,伴隨乍洩的春光,但恭一身邊的女人仍然換個不停。 感情沒有曲直,一起要許多福氣。行定勳( 《紅的告別式》,40 屆)改編人氣 BL 漫畫《窮途鼠的芝士夢》,純粹地探討情之根本。大倉忠義和成田凌完美演繹攻守 互換的交纏。愛可否改變人的本性?可以,「深愛的那人,成為一切的例外」。

籌備及製作歷時超過七年,千錘百鍊的慾望、追求與失落交錯成一幅妖嬈淒美 的百相圖。六十年代欣欣向榮的香港,面對六七暴動,危機暗湧,由台灣漂泊 到香港的虞太太及女兒美玲同時愛上英文補習老師子明,三角關係在時代的襯 托下尤見欷歔。楊凡改編自己三個短篇小說,透過多種畫風且意象豐富的手繪 動畫、中西合璧之配樂,呈現曾經美好而被遺忘的時光。中港台幕前幕後星級 陣容聲音演出,勇奪威尼斯影展最佳劇本獎。

One of Japan’s most prominent filmmakers of romantic dramas, Yukisada Isao (River's Edge, 42nd) branches out into new territory in this story of a philandering husband who faces an unusual proposition from a former classmate. Kyoichi’s chronic indecisiveness steers him into numerous affairs, until his wife hires a private investigator. But the detective agrees to keep the affairs secret, in exchange for a night of intimacy. What unfolds is a journey of tentative experimentation, and perhaps an explanation for a life plagued by lingering dissatisfaction.

Hong Kong cinema legend Yonfan makes his first foray into animation with this richly evocative and seductive nostalgia trip into the Hong Kong of his youth. Set in 1967, the film follows a university student caught between the affections of his young new tutee and her elegant mother. Featuring a unique 2D hand-drawn aesthetic, this gorgeously rendered love letter to the crossroads of art and lust captures Hong Kong during its most promising, and most tumultuous, eras. Best Screenplay winner at Venice.

首映禮 Galas | 星光盛宴 GAL A PRESENTATION

開幕電影 Opening Film

首映禮 Galas | 星光盛宴 GAL A PRESENTATION

隆重首映 Gala Premiere

世界首映 World Premiere

隆重首映 Gala Premiere

世界首映 World Premiere





導演 Dir: 陳志文 Glenn Chan 粵語 Cantonese  2020  90min 演員 Cast: 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 姜皓文 Philip Keung, 謝君豪 Tse Kwan-ho, 袁富華 Ben Yuen

導演 Dir: 洪榮杰 Kit Hung 粵語 Cantonese/英語 English  2020  107min 演員 Cast: 林耀聲 Sing Lam, Stefan Kollmus, 曾國祥 Derek Tsang, 陳惠敏 Chan Wai-man

一名社工殺死家人後跳樓自殺不遂,精神科法醫徐曉靜(鄧麗欣飾)發現他潛 意識裏有把聲音教唆他大開殺戒。接二連三的謀殺奇案發生,探員阿發(姜皓 文飾)和靜展開追查,懷疑與星級精神科醫生仁重光(謝君豪飾)有關。上帝 已死,世道淪落,善惡對決,但人最不能面對的,始終是自己心裏面的鬼。三 位主角外,導演陳志文找來袁富華、凌文龍、余香凝、蔡瀚億和張建聲助陣, 位位演技爆發,成就一部結合犯罪心理和哲學宗教的高密度驚慄片。

來自香港的男同志攝影師,青春正盛,卻不幸患上罕見癌病,前往瑞士動手術, 一邊與病魔搏鬥,一邊跟外籍男友情海翻波。父親偏心哥哥,不願接納他的同 志身份,更令他孤立無援。手術後須在腹部留下「造口」,身為同志又是造口 人,面對疊加起來的社會偏見,重新振作需要更大氣力。本是已故藝術家李志 超的半自傳電影,他因癌病復發無法實現,劇本交到洪榮杰(《無聲風鈴》,33 屆)手中。林耀聲全情投入演出,把箇中矛盾掙扎表露無遺。

With the mystical power to delve into people’s subconscious, Ching, a psychiatrist, discovers that a social worker is compelled by an inner voice to kill his family and commit suicide. Suspecting his former psychiatrist, Ching collaborates with a cop to investigate, which leads to a revelation from her own traumatized past, and casts a doubt over her motivation. In his first bigscreen adventure, Glenn Chan delivers an exceptional psychological crime thriller that explores the dichotomy of good and evil lurking in our shadows.

The final screenplay by the late cultural icon Julian Lee is finally brought to life by director Kit Hung (Soundless Wind Chime, 33rd). Based on Lee’s own fight with cancer, the film follows an emotionally harrowing journey endured by young gay photographer Alex, after he is diagnosed with peritoneal cancer. Abandoned by his brother and his on-again, off-again lover, Alex is forced to face his mortality and the loss of his sexual identity through sheer resilience. A devastating, but ultimately hopeful story of survival and resolve.

隆重首映 Gala Premiere

隆重首映 Gala Premiere

©Homegreen Films




Dear Tenant

導演 Dir: 蔡明亮 Tsai Ming-Liang 無對白 No dialogue  2020  127min 演員 Cast: 李康生 Lee Kang-Sheng, 亞儂弘尚希 Anong Houngheuangsy

導演 Dir: 鄭有傑 Cheng Yu-Chieh 國語 Mandarin  2020  106min 演員 Cast: 莫子儀 Mo Tzu-Yi, 陳淑芳 Chen Shu-Fang, 白潤音 Bai Run-Yin

窗外滂沱大雨,風動,樹動,靜坐沙發上的李康生,身未動,而心,是動不動? 遠山、浮雲,在安靜的凝視中默然流動,頸肩背上的痛,如影隨形。另一天空 下,亞儂燒鍋、洗菜、吃飯,生活雲淡風輕。一與零在香港酒店相碰,時間不動, 身心卻同時騷動;音樂盒的叮嚀,在遠方熙攘街頭,依然聲如銀鈴。蔡明亮的 手工製作電影,沒有劇本,拍攝期間遇上來自寮國的亞儂,信手把其生活融入 作品,千個日子沉澱,是見山還是山的境界了。柏林影展泰迪熊特別表揚。

鋼琴教師健一是住在頂樓的房客,不只照顧患病的房東婆婆,還收養了她九歲 男孫悠宇。婆婆突然去世,悠宇的叔叔從大陸趕回來,認定母親的死另有內情, 報警把健一拘捕。在警官調查下,健一的同志身份曝光,他的傷痛和思念亦無 法再隱藏。楊雅喆協力監製,鄭有傑(《陽陽》,33 屆)透過抽絲剝繭的敘事, 從親情角度拍同志題材,慢慢揭開無法割捨的感情羈絆。已故藝人吳朋奉遺作。 莫子儀細膩演繹內斂壓抑的情感,奪台北電影獎最佳男主角。

Rain pours. Trees sway. Lee sits still on his sofa, watching the days go by, with the pain in his neck and back lingering. Under a different sky, Anong lives a life no less ordinary, spending his days alone. Love transpires in an encounter between the two men, as gentle caresses soothe the pain and loneliness in each of them. Tsai Ming-Liang’s (Your Face, 43rd) experimental feature extends the boundaries of abstract realism, distilling his subtle cinematic language into its purest form. Teddy Award Special Mention, Berlinale.

Cheng Yu-Chieh (Yang Yang, 33rd), the director of award-winning television series Days We Stare at the Sun (2010), returns to filmmaking with this heartrending and gripping mystery drama. Chien-yi has been taking care of his landlady, Mrs. Chou, and her grandson for the past five years. When Mrs. Chou dies under mysterious circumstances, her son suspects foul play. As secrets about Chien-yi’s life come to the surface, the devastating truth gets further out of reach. Best Actor, Taipei Film Awards.


影迷嘉年華 Cinephile Paradise

©Roy Andersson Film Production • Studio 24


影迷嘉年華 Cinephile Paradise | 星光盛宴 GAL A PRESENTATION

About Endlessness

我不是醫神 Charlatan

(Om det oändliga)

( arlatán)

導演 Dir: 羅伊安德遜 Roy Andersson 瑞典 Sweden/德國 Germany/挪威 Norway  2019  76min 演員 Cast: Martin Serner, Jessica Louthander, Tatiana Delaunay, Anders Hellström

導演 Dir: 安妮茜嘉賀蘭 Agnieszka Holland 捷克 Czech Republic/愛爾蘭 Ireland/波蘭 Poland/斯洛伐克 Slovakia  2020  117min 演員 Cast: Josef Trojan, Ivan Trojan, Juraj Loj

一雙戀人在雲端浮過飽受戰火蹂躪的科隆;一位牧師失去了信仰,夢魘中背負 十字架被人鞭打;一列殘兵在暴風雪中走向西伯利亞戰俘營……俯視蒼穹下的 眾生,恍如天使之音絮絮呢喃,透悟凡人的迷失、哀愁、懼惑。羅伊安德遜(39 屆焦點導演)在金獅獎傑作《鴿子在樹上反思存在意義》的塵世冷漠,於時間 碎片中幽幽延綿至孤寂蒼涼的無盡;少女在咖啡館外翩翩起舞、父親在雨中俯 身為女兒繫鞋帶的一瞬,卻凝住了人間美麗的永恆。威尼斯影展最佳導演獎。

捷共總書記薩波托斯基一命嗚呼,舉國哀悼。當年獲許為捷克斯洛伐克最偉大 自然療法聖手的米高拉錫失去了他的保護天使,開始從權力頂峰下滑。擅長從 尿液看出病原的他,憑着醫技、眼光及處世之術先後得到納粹及共黨庇護,排 長龍求診者封之為神,仇家則直指其為江湖郎中、階級敵人。真人真事改編, 穿梭於他被清算的過程及其回憶之間,緩緩揭開箇中隱秘、禁戀與遺恨,毋須 心理分析解說,自有深沉的影像暗示,更見拒為爭議作註腳的放下及寬容。

The poignant contemplation of human life in A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence (39th) is elegantly distilled in this infinite tragicomedy, for which Roy Andersson was awarded Best Director at Venice. Opening with a Chagallesque couple flying over war-torn Cologne, inconsequential dreamlike moments follow, guided by an angelic voice murmuring observations on life’s ennui and human foibles. Simultaneously a lament and an ode of lost souls, the film is achingly beautiful with a profound humanity.

Throughout the first half of the twentieth century, Jan Mikolášek established himself as a herbalist and faith healer to some of the most powerful figures in the former Czechoslovakia. Celebrities, Nazi officers, and even Communist president Antonín Zápotocký were among his most esteemed patients. Agnieszka Holland’s beautifully lensed biopic casts Czech star Ivan Trojan and his son Josef as her troubled protagonist, vividly embodying Mikolášek’s public struggles, darker, sadistic compulsions, and his secret romance.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

©Pablo Larraín

DAU. 娜塔莎之劫


DAU. Natasha


導演 Dir: 伊亞哥沙諾夫斯基 Ilya Khrzhanovskiy, 葉卡塔蓮娜奧雅桃 Jekaterina Oertel 德國 Germany/烏克蘭 Ukraine/英國 UK/俄羅斯 Russia  2020  145min 演員 Cast: Natasha Berezhnaya, Vladimir Azhippo, Olga Shkabarnya, Luc Bigé

導演 Dir: 柏比路拉林 Pablo Larraín 智利 Chile  2019  107min 演員 Cast: Mariana Di Girolamo, Gael García Bernal, Paola Giannini

DAU 是重量級科學家名字縮寫,以他之名衍生大型科研聖地。DAU 計劃重提舊 事起訖期達 15 年之久,全力展現 1952 年蘇聯盛世時空,還原歷史感受,建築、 美術、生活細節嚴謹重建,全部人物有根有據有歷史收場。娜塔莎是食堂女侍 長,大家姐身份睇實奧嘉,怎料觸地雷的卻是自己,與法國科學家路克的肉體 關係被國安入罪勾結外國勢力,手尾長的盤問身心交瘁。娜塔莎貝莉絲娜雅真 性在場,裸身承受羞辱透現微光,戳破世間謊言。柏林影展突出藝術貢獻獎。

熾焰般的美麗,令男女都被吸進她的太陽系,圍繞其軌跡旋轉;灼熱的率性, 令身邊人如同神話中的伊卡洛斯,羽翼熔化墜落。舞者愛瑪因養子縱火傷人, 被迫放棄撫養卻為此深受煎熬,與編舞家丈夫勢成水火,愛恨烈焰亦燒到養子 的新家庭。柏比路拉林(《流亡詩人聶魯達》,41 屆)繼《第一夫人:積琪蓮甘 迺迪》(2016)後再為女性鑄像,任不受拘束的靈魂在攝人影像下自由躍動,將 舊有價值焚燒殆盡,浴火重生。入選威尼斯影展競賽單元。

Since 2006, director Ilya Khrzhanovsky has constructed an alternate world in the Ukraine, where citizens, scientists and actors have not only recreated a 1950s Soviet research center but have lived and worked in it, on and off screen. Distilled from this formidable project, this feature follows two working women entrapped in the system, cafeteria workers who interact with scientists and foreign visitors as well without grasping the operations of this sinister behemoth. Outstanding Artistic Contribution, Berlinale.

From the metaphysical dialogue of Neruda (41st) to the lyrical portrait of Jackie (2016), Larraín continues his experimentalism in this psychological thriller that is, simultaneously, a visually expressionistic hymn to female liberation. Taking “playing with fire” to new extremes, the stylised drama fixates on Ema, a reggaeton dancer of ferocious beauty and indomitable free will, as she sets out on an odyssey to resolve a problematic adoption, which throws her artistic life and her marriage into crisis. In competition, Venice Film Festival.



Marghe and Her Mother

An Officer and a Spy

導演 Dir: 慕森麥馬巴夫 Mohsen Makhmalbaf 意大利 Italy/英國 UK  2019  101min 演員 Cast: Ylenia Galtieri, Margherita Pantaleo, Raffaella Gallo

導演 Dir: 波蘭斯基 Roman Polanski 法國 France/意大利 Italy 2019 132min 演員 Cast: Jean Dujardin, Louis Garrel, Emmanuelle Seigner, Grégory Gadebois

男友走了,錢也沒了,年輕單親媽媽與好姊妹急於找工作,那知遇着兩個以拍 戲為名卻另有企圖的光棍。為求賺快錢,她將六歲女兒交託修道院老婦,四人 合作偷狗騙財,卻陰溝裏翻船……滲着意大利明媚春光的溫潤,以現代母女隔 空呼應《單車竊賊》(1948)的戰後父子,社會低下階層的困頓竟無二致。伊朗 大師級導演麥馬巴夫繼《總統大人着草了》(39 屆)後再以童眼看世界,早慧 女孩對世情似懂非懂,卻道破了愛情、宗教與人性的虛妄。

反間諜偵查轉入案中案,揭發匪夷所思的政治腐敗,竟似螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在後, 一回神隨時被危機反噬。波蘭斯基籌備七年,把德雷福斯事件搬上銀幕,當年 法籍猶太軍官被枉判間諜罪,引發反猶浪潮,歷史真實比任何驚慄片更形恐怖; 無論自誇怎樣政治正確如何理性澄明的人,當心靈暗角被侵犯,恐懼和偏見被 釋放,竟也露出連自己也害怕的歧視毒牙,仗勢凌人。到頭來控訴了的,又豈 能以一場誤會混漫過去?威尼斯影展評審團大獎得主。

Struggling with both financial and romantic travails, a young single mother has to leave her six-year-old daughter in a convent while she searches for work, only to be drawn into a maelstrom of crime after she is tricked by two men who steal puppies for ransom. With a moral link to Italian neorealism, Makhmalbaf’s (The President, 39th) empathetic lens continues its exploration of poverty and social issues through the eyes of a hilariously insolent girl, who shatters the illusion of love, religion and human dignity.

Controversial filmmaker Roman Polanski shores up his position as one of Europe’s greatest living auteurs with this long-gestating retelling of France’s infamous Dreyfus Affair. Infusing the story of a Jewish soldier wrongly convicted of treason with an ample helping of political prescience, this feisty courtroom epic centers on Picquart, the head of counter-espionage who discovered the real culprit, and exposed systemic antisemitism within the French military and society at large. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Venice.

©Jean-Claude Lother

情獸迷宮 Only the Animals

天涯比鄰星 (Seules les Bêtes)


導演 Dir: 多米尼克摩爾 Dominik Moll 法國 France/德國 Germany  2019  116min 演員 Cast: Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Denis Ménochet, Laure Calamy, Damien Bonnard

導演 Dir: 艾麗斯溫奴古 Alice Winocour 法國 France/德國 Germany  2019  107min 演員 Cast: Eva Green, Zélie Boulant-Lemesle, Matt Dillon

暴風雪過後,法國小鎮一名女子下落不明。兩女三男有意無意間捲入兇案謎陣, 各自成為真相全貌的一塊拼圖。獨男因母親去世難以釋懷、夫妻貌合神離而發 展婚外情及同性戀,一舉一動掀起蝴蝶效應,震盪遠至非洲網上情緣騙案。從 五個人物出發,潛進前後不一的錯亂時空,揭示自我擁抱的零碎現實,將層層 疊疊的秘密逐一剖開。誰是兇手最後揭盅,然而深藏各人心底的寂寞虛空,又 如何能輕易解破?威尼斯影展威尼斯日開幕電影。

描寫太空人,不一定是科幻片。艾麗斯溫奴古另闢蹊徑,由伊娃格蓮飾演單親 媽媽,獨力照顧七歲女兒,而她亦是歐洲太空總署唯一入選的女太空人,既要 應付艱苦訓練,還要應付男人堆裏的性別偏見。媽媽離家上太空,執行為期一 年太空任務,亦意味要與女兒分離,家庭與事業不能兼顧,心裏感到焦慮和內 疚。坂本龍一配樂,太空人訓練中心實地取景,然而重點還是教人動容的親情, 縱使遙遙分隔,天涯若比鄰。聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節評審團特別獎。

Beginning with a woman vanishing from a rural French town during a snowstorm, the story jumps back and forth in time, to unveil and deepen the layers of mystery. Chopped into a Rashomon-style narrative, where the whole truth remains elusive, Moll crafts a smart whodunit from the entangled web of an African cyber-scam, in which five strangers each play an integral part in the puzzle. Even after the identity of the murderer is revealed, a mystery remains: how far would someone go to escape loneliness?

After Ad Astra (2019) and First Man (2018), Winocour provides a refreshingly female-centric alternative to space adventures. Chosen for a year-long mission on the International Space Station, Sarah must contend with male colleagues who doubt her abilities, and her extended separation from her young daughter. This heartfelt story of a woman torn between her professional ambitions and personal obligations cleverly weaves a delicate balance between mind and heart. San Sebastián, Special Prize of the Jury.

影迷嘉年華 Cinephile Paradise | 星光盛宴 GAL A PRESENTATION


影迷嘉年華 Cinephile Paradise | 星光盛宴 GAL A PRESENTATION

©2019 Radical Chic LLC. All Rights Reserved

©Schramm Film





導演 Dir: 班尼狄安得魯斯 Benedict Andrews 美國 USA/英國UK  2019  102min 演員 Cast: Kristen Stewart, Anthony Mackie, Jack O'Connell, Margaret Qualley

導演 Dir: 基斯頓柏索 Christian Petzold 德國 Germany/法國 France  2020  90min 演員 Cast: Paula Beer, Franz Rogowski, Maryam Zaree, Jacob Matschenz

她是法國新浪潮女神,被高達選為女主角,《斷了氣》(1960)短髮造型成為經 典時尚。珍茜寶一生亦是傳奇,私底下她是黑豹黨支持者,聲援美國黑人民權 運動,並與黑豹黨成員互生情愫,因此被 FBI 盯上,被跟蹤被竊聽。班尼狄安 得魯斯(《再一次禁戀》,2016)改編珍茜寶生平故事,以政治驚慄類型,重提 其悲劇命運。姬絲汀史超域在《鬼魅時尚》(41 屆)後繼續挑戰自我,徹底代 入角色,由艷光四射到精神崩潰,被譽為從影以來最佳演出。

根據古老傳說,美麗水精靈來自森林湖泊,一旦被所愛拋棄,必須將負心人殺 死,從此回到水中。烏丁娜在博物館工作,本來如魚得水,負責導賞講解柏林 城市發展史。男友移情別戀,她頓成涸轍之魚,此時巧遇維修水底渦輪的潛水 員,可會重拾生機?基斯頓柏索延續《時空中轉站》(42 屆)與男女主角的合 作火花,將神話故事注入現代色彩。建於沼澤地的柏林,拆與建的歷史滄桑, 對照愛情的生滅。寶娜比爾的空靈氣質猶如水精靈附體,榮膺柏林影后。

Star of Jean-Luc Godard’s Breathless (1960), American actress Jean Seberg remains one of the French New Wave’s most enduring icons. But Seberg lived a troubled life, plagued by her relationship with civil rights activist Hakim Jamal, and support of the Black Panthers which saw her targeted by the FBI. Kristen Stewart, an equally enigmatic gamine, is effortlessly captivating in Benedict Andrews’ compassionate retelling of the tragically tormented waif.

Beholden to a legend retold throughout European folklore, Undine is compelled to murder any man who betrays her. When we meet her, the man she loves leaves her for another woman, thus propelling writer-director Christian Petzold into the as-yet untested waters of fantasy and humor for his latest gift to discerning cinephiles. Reunited with his stars from Transit (42nd), with Paula Beer as the eponymous water nymph and Franz Rogowski as a potential romantic salvation, Undine proves as bewitching as it is, inevitably, politically barbed.

©2020 The Phone of the Wind Film Partners

風之電話亭 Voices in the Wind

Jeonwonsa Film Co. Production

出走的女人 (Kaze No Denwa)

The Woman Who Ran

(Domangchin Yeoja)

導演 Dir: 諏訪敦彥 Suwa Nobuhiro 日本 Japan  2020  139min 演員 Cast: Motola世理奈 Serena Motola, 西島秀俊 Nishijima Hidetoshi

導演 Dir: 洪常秀 Hong Sang-soo 南韓 South Korea  2020  77min 演員 Cast: 金珉禧 Kim Min-hee, 徐永嬅 Seo Young-hwa, 宋宣美 Song Seon-mi, 金璽碧 Kim Sae-byuk

日本岩手縣大槌町,有一座「風之電話亭」,人們拿起聽筒,向彼岸之親人訴說 思念。鬱鬱寡歡的高中女生,是 311 海嘯生還者,父母和弟弟均告失蹤。一趟 回鄉公路旅程,讓她在途中遇上不同的人,包括倖存的福島核電廠工人。諏訪 敦彥(《獅子徹夜安眠》,41 屆)以紀實手法探視劫後傷痕,也觸及原爆記憶與 日本境內庫爾德難民困境。《少女邂逅》(42 屆)的 Motola 世理奈,在漫漫旅 程中撿拾心靈碎片,慰新一代孤寂靈魂。獲柏林影展新世代單元特別表揚。

已婚五年的她,趁丈夫出差,剪了短髮,獨自出門探望老朋友。先在首爾市郊 造訪離婚恢復單身的女性友人,邊吃烤肉邊閒話家常;再到年輕時好姊妹家中 小聚,聽對方分享邂逅鄰居的事;最後在電影中心不期而遇,碰見曾經結下嫌 隙的女子。而置身門外的男人,總是自以為是,連公雞也只懂欺負母雞。洪常 秀(《江邊旅館》,43 屆)透過繆思金珉禧串起故事,以三段久別重逢,走出男 性中心的秩序,帶出韓國女性不同處境與心境,獲柏林影展最佳導演獎。

Setting the scene around a real disconnected “wind phone” that allows mourners to “call” lost loves, Suwa (The Lion Sleeps Tonight, 41st) delves into the mental scars of the 2011 earthquake in Japan through the story of one teenage girl’s long road to closure during a conciliating homecoming journey. Winner of a Special Mention in the Berlinale Generation section, this quietly cathartic road drama sensitively uncovers intricate social layers, and captures the wounded souls in a traumatized Japan.

What do women want? Many films – especially those directed by men – have posed superficial answers, but Hong Sang-soo’s thoughtful films let women talk to one another, explore their own lives and the men who hit on them. Three interconnected conversations between Gamhee and her diverse friends, skillfully anchored by Hong’s muse, Kim Min-hee, draw us into subtle yet meaningful worlds, where alternative choices are real life trajectories on which these women reflect. Best Director, Berlinale.


新秀電影競賽(華語) Young Cinema Competition(Chinese Language)

新秀電影競賽(華語) Young Cinema Competition(Chinese Language) | 火鳥大獎 FIREBIRD AWARDS

世界首映 World Premiere



All About ING

Be Alive Just Like You

導演 Dir: 黃梓 Huang Zi 粵語 Cantonese/普通話 Putonghua  2019  106min 演員 Cast: 高翰文 Ko Hon-man, 彭杏英 Pang Hang-ying, 薛立賢 Sit Lap-yin

導演 Dir: 賴孟傑 Lai Meng-Jie 國語 Mandarin  2020  92min 演員 Cast: 鄭人碩 Rexen Cheng, 邱偲琹 Chiu Ssu-Chin, 喜翔 King Jieh-Wen

母親慕伶得知丈夫患癌,極力隱瞞病情,獨自扛起家庭重擔。兒子一鳴想逃離 家的束縛,收到美國大學取錄通知書,卻不敢告訴父母。父親偉明漸漸意識到 命不久矣,偕妻兒回鄉掃墓,竟在迷霧中重遇久違的親人。一家三口的故事, 由寫實開始,慢慢滲入超現實色彩,交織着反叛的青春心事、親情的糾結與牽 掛。廣州土生土長的新導演黃梓以廣州為背景的粵語首作,找來香港資深舞台 劇演員高翰文、彭杏英演出,還有年輕一輩的顧定軒、郭爾君助陣。

成為殺手需要三個條件:一個委託,一個目標,一個報酬。單親少女認為人活 着也需要三個理由,但活着太苦,既要照顧失智母親,又要顧店養家,還要被 迫出賣身體。輪椅男缺乏自信,與老爸相依為命,渴望異性的溫柔,卻連召妓 也被嫌棄,只能躲在殘廁自慰。同是天涯淪落人,可否相濡以沫?親愛的殺手, 可否殺掉痛苦根源?童星出身的邱偲琹,演活悲慘人物,突破過往形象。近年 挑戰不同角色的鄭人碩,飾演下肢癱瘓的弱勢力量,再顯演技實力。

Family patriarch Weiming has been admitted to hospital for an illness, but his wife, Muling, will do everything in her power to prevent him from knowing his real diagnosis. Meanwhile, their son, Yiming, has been accepted to a university in the US, but he also decides to keep it a secret as he ruminates on his future. Huang Zi’s poignant and delicate semi-autobiographical debut is a beautifully observed portrait of how one ordinary family faces mortality and the fear of uncertainties.

Six is a disabled man, who spends his days peddling lottery tickets and snacks on the streets. When he is introduced to Noodle, a lonely young woman working in a run-down stationery shop, their mutually shared desperation for connection leads to an unusual bond. Raw and empathetic, this gritty romance offers an audacious exploration into the sexual desires of the disabled, shining a light on the silent outcasts who are defenseless against the cruelty of the real world.



The Cloud in Her Room

Damp Season

導演 Dir: 鄭陸心源 Zheng Lu Xinyuan 普通話 Putonghua  2020  101min 演員 Cast: 金晶 Jin Jing, 陳軸 Chen Zhou, 劉丹 Liu Dan

導演 Dir: 高鳴 Gao Ming 普通話 Putonghua/粵語 Cantonese  2020  107min 演員 Cast: 黃宇聰 Huang Yucong, 陳宣宇 Chen Xuanyu, 梁龍 Liang Long, 林子熙 Phoebe Lin

疏離異化的時代,梅雨潮濕的杭州,女大學生趙木子在熟悉又陌生的城市裏, 抽煙、做愛、在浴缸裏探索身體、在酒吧裏聽男人唱走調的《一生所愛》。父親 再婚,母親蜜運,酒吧老闆似曾相識,男友若即若離,她在沉溺中尋找自處的 方式。新銳導演鄭陸心源首部長片,透過黑白攝影捕捉細膩情感,把恰如私人 日記的親密呢喃,融合實驗性的敘事與影像,以不拘一格的手法,將現實與夢 境無縫接合,挖掘新世代的聲音。獲鹿特丹電影節老虎大獎。

曾經的樂園已荒廢,小東從前是小舞台上的美猴王,如今只能當保安。小女友 昔日是台下看他表演的售票員,現於花店打工,遇上家住豪宅、身份迷離的龍 老師。小東則碰見神秘的園園,她當過舞蹈員,帶着金魚來湖邊放生。回南天, 所有感情都是潮濕的,孫悟空墮落凡塵成了小丑,每個人都像囚困在自己的魚 缸。高鳴曾以紀錄片《排骨》(2005)生動呈現盜版影碟小販的生活,首部劇情 長片透過南方城市的氣候特徵,描繪夢想破滅後的情感暗流。

Muzi returns to Hangzhou for another Lunar New Year, but this is hardly a warm homecoming. Visiting her old family home, seeing her divorced parents and meeting a bar owner, Muzi observes the perpetually changing landscape surrounding this shell of a place she once knew. Experimental in its narrative form, Zheng Lu Xinyuan’s stunning autobiographical debut is a hypnotic and entrancing visual collage about urban alienation in contemporary China. Winner of the Tiger Award at Rotterdam.

Gao Ming’s first fictional feature explores the melancholy and uncertainty facing young people as they transition into adulthood. At a deserted Shenzhen waterpark, Dong, a young security guard, dreams of becoming an actor and playing the Monkey King on stage. Meanwhile his girlfriend Juan, delivers and arranges flowers, but hopes one day to open her own florist. As the encroaching dampness of spring bleeds into every pore, these two wandering souls slowly drift apart, discovering a vague promise of a hopeful future in the arms of other people.




Summer Is the Coldest Season

導演 Dir: 洪榮杰 Kit Hung 粵語 Cantonese/英語 English  2020  107min 演員 Cast: 林耀聲 Sing Lam, Stefan Kollmus, 曾國祥 Derek Tsang, 陳惠敏 Chan Wai-man

導演 Dir: 周筍 Zhou Sun 普通話 Putonghua  2019  100min 演員 Cast: 鄧恩熙 Deng Enxi, 李感 Li Gan, 吳國華 Wu Guohua

來自香港的男同志攝影師,青春正盛,卻不幸患上罕見癌病,前往瑞士動手術, 一邊與病魔搏鬥,一邊跟外籍男友情海翻波。父親偏心哥哥,不願接納他的同 志身份,更令他孤立無援。手術後須在腹部留下「造口」,身為同志又是造口 人,面對疊加起來的社會偏見,重新振作需要更大氣力。本是已故藝術家李志 超的半自傳電影,他因癌病復發無法實現,劇本交到洪榮杰(《無聲風鈴》,33 屆)手中。林耀聲全情投入演出,把箇中矛盾掙扎表露無遺。

少年的你,總是心事重重,如果命運能選擇,可否活得更坦白?兩年前母親遇 害,令佳禾與父親的生活從此偏離正軌。從摔跤隊退役的父親,到屠房運送牛 肉謀生,父女隔膜漸生。佳禾失去母親,變得內向不合群。偶然遇見工讀學校 釋放出來的少年犯于鐳,面對這個與她母親之死有直接關聯的人,佳禾想要報 仇,但愈接近于鐳,愈令她陷入前所未有的矛盾。學習油畫出身的周筍,利用 4:3 銀幕比例突顯壓迫感,混合少年犯罪與少女成長,聚焦青春傷痕。

The final screenplay by the late cultural icon Julian Lee is finally brought to life by director Kit Hung (Soundless Wind Chime, 33rd). Based on Lee’s own fight with cancer, the film follows an emotionally harrowing journey endured by young gay photographer Alex, after he is diagnosed with peritoneal cancer. Abandoned by his brother and his on-again, off-again lover, Alex is forced to face his mortality and the loss of his sexual identity through sheer resilience. A devastating, but ultimately hopeful story of survival and resolve.

Director Zhou Sun tells an uncompromising coming-of-age story about vengeance and redemption in her quietly suspenseful directorial debut. Adolescence is tough on 13-year-old Jiahe. Bullied at school because of her father’s job as a delivery courier for a slaughterhouse, she also learns that Yu Lei, the young man involved in her mother’s death, has been released early from the reformatory. Jiahe secretly plans to get revenge on Yu Lei, but is caught in a moral dilemma when she begins to get close to him...



Wild Swords

Wisdom Tooth

導演 Dir: 李雲波 Li Yunbo 普通話 Putonghua  2019  92min 演員 Cast: 張曉晨 Zhang Xiaochen, 劉泳希 Liu Yongxi, 隋栐良 Sui Yongliang, 上白 Shang Bai

導演 Dir: 梁鳴 Liang Ming 普通話 Putonghua  2019  104min 演員 Cast: 呂星辰 Lv Xingchen, 吳曉亮 Wu Xiaoliang, 王佳佳 Wang Jiajia

由眾籌開始,找來馮小剛監製,企圖把武俠復仇拍出推理懸疑,混合美國西部 片與日本武士片影響,透過一宗懸案三個版本的羅生門,慢慢揭露滅門真相。 身兼影評人的李雲波曾以獨立小品《呼吸正常》(2016)初試啼聲,這次挑戰類 型片。江湖兩大門派勢成水火,無名門突遭血洗,唐門繼承人亦遇刺,涉嫌行 兇的張未然下落不明。當中又牽涉小師妹與兩師兄弟的情感糾纏。數年後,神 秘人委託押鏢,護送獨行大盜上路,此人與張未然似有關聯,引來連場殺機。

北方邊境漁港,少女谷溪與哥哥相依為命。油田洩漏,海水染污,哥哥面臨失 業。谷溪一邊爭取社會認可的身份,一邊試着接受哥哥的新女友。寒冬來臨, 三人關係隨着氣溫驟降變得危險且曖昧。發炎的智慧齒、一具海上浮屍、一盒 錄音帶,令谷溪的美好年華墮入殘酷的成人世界。朗讀作家黃碧雲的小說,恰 是少女成長的註腳。師承婁燁,梁鳴首部長片借犯罪元素窺探青春的暗湧。入 選鹿特丹電影節,奪平遙國際電影展費穆榮譽最佳導演。

The Nameless Sect and the Tang-men Sect had been in a violent feud for generations, but the future of the feuding clans ended at the hands of a notorious assassin named Chang. Years later, Kuo, the only man tied to Chang, is captured by a mysterious man who is desperate to find Chang. Over the course of a dangerous journey, the truth about the clan murders is slowly revealed. Produced by filmmaker Feng Xiaogang, the latest film by screenwriter and film critic Li Yunbo is a bold, visually arresting new take on the wuxia genre.

In an icy northern town, Gu Xi shares a close relationship with her halfbrother, Gu Liang. About to become unemployed, and feeling threatened by the arrival of Gu Liang’s new girlfriend, Gu Xi tries desperately to hold onto her way of life. A fascinating hybrid of genres – a ménage-a-trois romance, crime thriller, and neorealist social drama – anchored by intriguing and finely-observed characters, the directorial debut from actor Liang Ming is a sublime coming-of-age tale, made with confidence and maturity.

新秀電影競賽(華語) Young Cinema Competition(Chinese Language) | 火鳥大獎 FIREBIRD AWARDS

世界首映 World Premiere


新秀電影競賽(世界) Young Cinema Competition(World)

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


暗道復仇 Los Conductos


導演 Dir: 尼達沙伊化 Nader Saeivar 伊朗 Iran  2020  90min 演員 Cast: Bakhtiyar Panjeei, Sevil Shirgi, Naser Hashemi, Hadi Eftekharzadeh

導演 Dir: 卡美路雷斯特里普 Camilo Restrepo 哥倫比亞 Columbia/法國 France/巴西 Brazil  2020  70min 演員 Cast: Luis Felipe Lozano, Fernando Úsuga Higuíta, Camilo Restrepo

一輛神秘汽車,令平靜社區無風起浪。庫爾德裔教師巴氏,偕妻兒搬來新社區, 同時照顧患病老父。連日停泊路邊的車,令人心惶惶,居民開始猜疑,難道是 國安人員秘密監視?專制政權最懂得利用群眾恐懼管治百姓。矛頭逐漸指向巴 氏,有人認定是他招惹國安,謠言紛飛,人際信任崩潰瓦解。尼達沙伊化曾與 約化巴納希合編《伊朗三面戲劇人生》(2018),二人再度聯手編劇,藉小社區 湧起的疑雲,反映打壓異己的社會如何令無辜者陷入困局。

賓奇在 T 恤工廠幹活,和同事不是很合得來,夢魘困擾,難免靠藥物鎮靜一下。 他好像在躲避某些人,過去總不放過他。其實一切不枉,他就是殺了所屬邪教 教主的暗道刺客,失去了信仰,到最後只能擁抱暴力的記憶。雷斯特里普初執 導筒,即展示無比自信的影像駕馭能力,儘管依靠旁白帶動劇情,片首卻來一 招自我解構,整整十一分鐘不發一言,大抵面對無孔不入的不義建制,沉默是 雙刃利劍,在反抗與被壓碎之間,僅餘一線。奪柏林影展首部劇情片大獎。

Fear and paranoia spread through an ordinary Iranian town, when the residents notice two mysterious strangers, who park their car in the same spot each day and sit there for hours at a time. Believed to be National Security agents, suspicion soon falls on Bakhitar, a Kurdish teacher, and the son of a controversial political figure. Co-written by Jafar Panahi, Nader Saeivar’s debut feature film is a chilling depiction of life under a totalitarian regime, where poisonous seeds of guilt and victimhood can fester within all of us.

A once-indoctrinated disciple of a religious sect, Pinky is now running for his life. Working at a T-shirt factory, he scrambles to put his life in order, but remains haunted by memories of the murderous acts that led him there. Freely based on a true story, Los Conductos questions the instrumentalization of religion, and the links this forges with violence, especially in the countries, impoverished neighborhoods, where predatory churches have sprung up just as quickly as the state has abandoned them.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

©Komplizen Film

灰盡塵哀 Dust and Ashes

放逐驚魂 (Tuhk ja tolm)

導演 Dir: 朴熙權 Park Hee-kwon 南韓 South Korea  2019  78min 演員 Cast: 安逍遙 Ahn So-yo, 李剛志 Lee Kang-ji

塵歸塵,土歸土。少女海秀每日為口奔馳,相依為命的母親忽然自殺,剎那間 把她拋進死胡同,連殮葬儀式都要求助於黑市。弟弟對殘酷現實選擇逃避。海 秀則咬緊牙關與成人世界的江湖老道周旋,點滴承受人生重擔。非要寄生上流, 只求腳踏實地也舉步為艱,人生就註定是沒有回音的無聲吶喊。朴熙權首次執 導長片,平實冷冽的鏡頭、簡約對白及對邊緣族群的關懷媲美戴丹兄弟,刻劃 基層年輕一代的絕望與困苦擲地有聲。入選塔林黑夜電影節首部劇情長片競賽。 Park Hee-kwon casts a frustrated gaze over the daily social injustices faced by the struggling underclass in contemporary Korea. Overworked and underpaid, Hae-su is left to fend for herself and her rebellious teenage brother, after her mother commits suicide. She must also convince the insurance company that her mother died of natural causes in order to collect the payout. Carefully infusing his social critique with the essence of a crime thriller, Park delivers a raw yet captivating debut.



導演 Dir: 韋沙莫連拿 Visar Morina 德國 Germany/比利時 Belgium/科索沃 Kosovo  2020  121min 演員 Cast: Mišel Mati evi , Sandra Hüller, Rainer Bock, Thomas Mraz

門口被掛上死老鼠,人生危機一觸即發。製藥工程師生於科索沃,移居德國過 着中產生活。但他總是聞到空氣中的異樣,覺察到無處不在的排外歧視,每個 眼神、手勢、玩笑,彷彿都是證據。同事間似有排擠,夫妻關係轉差,敵意挑 釁好像來自四方八面,他的世界逐漸失序,到底是誰在迫害誰?韋沙莫連拿 (《流離父子》,40 屆)第二作,似向米高漢尼卡借鏡,借助懸疑驚慄元素,以 緊貼角色的運鏡,挖出內心焦慮,透視當代移民的身份認同難題。 After discovering a dead rat at his door, Xhafer suspects he is the subject of a racially-motivated hate campaign. An Albanian engineer working in Germany, he becomes obsessed with singling out indications of prejudice and persecution in his daily life. His German wife believes he is imagining things, but Xhafer’s paranoia builds to suffocating levels. Writer-director Morina (Babai, 40th) creates a measured, slyly sinister portrait of the modern immigrant experience, where the smallest suggestion can be perceived as an unprovoked attack.

新秀電影競賽(世界) Young Cinema Competition(World) | 火鳥大獎 FIREBIRD AWARDS

The Alien

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

新秀電影競賽(世界) Young Cinema Competition(World) | 火鳥大獎 FIREBIRD AWARDS

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



Kala Azar

Piedra Sola

導演 Dir: 珍妮絲拉法 Janis Rafa 荷蘭 The Netherlands/希臘 Greece  2020  91min 演員 Cast: Pinelopi Tsilika, Dimitris Lalos, Michelle Valley, Tassos Rafailidis

導演 Dir: 阿歷恩曹塔納夫 Alejandro Telémaco Tarraf 阿根廷 Argentina/墨西哥 Mexico/卡塔爾 Qatar/英國 UK  2020  72min 演員 Cast: Lucia Bautista, Maykol Tolaba, Rubén Tolaba, Rosa Romas

棲居城市邊陲的情侶,為寵物安排善終安葬。然而總有動物伏屍路上,他們不 忍坐視,也開始收集被車撞死的生靈,將遺體火化。荒園之中,情人像動物一 樣追求奔放自由,享受肉體之歡,回歸原始自然,直至有天,他們自己開車也 不慎撞倒了路上的動物……黑熱病威脅性命,但對動物而言,人類文明可能比 疾病更致命。活躍於視藝創作的珍妮絲拉法首拍長片,把鏡頭瞄準人與動物的 身體,拍出別具一格之作。最後向農場群雞奏樂,極盡諷刺意味。

禿鷹雄據的阿根廷高地,牧民一家離群索居,翻山越嶺,靠賣羊駝毛肉刻苦過 活。牲口突然被襲死亡,卻不見山獅影蹤。古老習俗囑咐,為求共存必須殺生 奉獻。通靈亦告之,山獅無影無形,存於火,也活於記憶。不竭追尋,找着的 是猛獸、遠祖,還是自身的陰影?以安第斯山脈天地靈氣為首部長片傾注嵐光, 塔納夫安排當地原住民演回自己,深邃眼神透視大地母親的嚴苛。神話、民族、 現實的玄奧與悲酷,在山巒氳氤間融為一體,雕鏤成美得淒然的影像詩。

Penelope and Dimitris drive, collect and cremate deceased pets, returning with their ashes. They also remove and destroy the carcasses of roadkill left along the roadways of an unspecified Southern European city. This delicate balance between life and death, humans and animals, the natural and the urban world is shattered when, one day, they too hit an animal with their car. Writer-director Janis Rafa’s debut feature is a stark contemplation of loss, mortality, and our self-elected status as both groundskeeper and gravedigger to the living things around us.

In the northern highlands of Argentina, an indigenous herder and his family’s meager life is threatened when his flock of llama is terrorized by an invisible puma, to which he has to make an offering. While tracking the predator, he confronts his ancestors, the shapeshifting creature, and himself, in a series of enigmatic encounters. Inspired by the Andean cosmovision, Tarraf’s debut feature is an honest, sympathetic portrait of a culture bound to an unforgiving mother nature, lyrically infused with myth, ethnography, and mysticism.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

牧羊女七章 The Shepherdess and the Seven Songs

逆葬重生 (Laila aur sat geet)

導演 Dir: 佩舒彭德拉辛格 Pushpendra Singh 印度 India  2020  98min 演員 Cast: Navjot Randhawa, Sadakkit Bijran, Shahnawaz Bhat, Ranjit Khajuria, Mohammed Yasin

牧羊女麗娜生於喀什米爾遊牧部落,婚姻不由自主,嫁了個懦弱丈夫。巡警和 森林守衛都覬覦她的美色,虎視眈眈,想擁她入懷。丈夫卻懵然不知,也不敢 挑戰特權階級。麗娜必須憑個人機智,與不斷纏繞她的森林守衛周旋,更渴望 能像蛇一樣蛻皮重生,拋開身份束縛。佩舒彭德拉辛格(《迷失愛與痛的邊緣》, 42 屆)以絕美影像,從民間傳說提煉美學風格,聆聽其中的女性聲音,並透過 七首歌,勾勒麗娜由結婚、遷徙,到尋求解脫的七段人生歷程。 Set against the contemporary backdrop of conflict-ravaged Kashmir and inspired by the poetry of 14th century mystic Lalleshwari, Singh’s sophomore feature follows the plight of a beautiful nomad, who marries into a remote hilltop tribe, only to attract the attention of the local police chief. Infusing traditional folklore with the music and cinematic grammar of classical Indian cinema, the unfolding story of romance and ritual underlines one woman’s desire and determination to remain the mistress of her own fate.

This Is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection 導演 Dir: 林蒙亨耶利米摩西斯 Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese 萊索托 Lesotho/南非 South Africa/意大利 Italy  2019  120min 演員 Cast: Mary Twala Mhlongo, Jerry Mofokeng Wa Makhetha, Makhaola Ndebele

耄耋寡婦,在家鄉苦苦守候,盼大去之前再見兒子一面,傳來卻是他在南非煤 礦意外遇難的消息。世上已無親無故,老婦只寄望辦好自己的葬禮,在天上與 家人重聚。可惜唯一心願,卻可能被推土機摧毀:土地要讓路興建儲水庫。面 對祖先墓園被褻瀆,她決定負隅頑抗,在最後歲月,誓為生命、家族及土地挽 回尊嚴。辛丹斯得獎作,首部全在萊索托拍攝的電影,導演重返出生地,以祖 母事蹟為故鄉送上莊嚴驪歌,在夢幻中細看民族靈魂百折不撓的亮光。 After learning of her son’s accidental death, an old widow ties up her worldly affairs and arranges her own funeral. Her plans are disrupted when the village must make way for the construction of a reservoir, and she rekindles her lust for life, vowing to defend the ancestral cemetery and preserve her own dignity. Returning to his home country, Mosese imbues the first feature to be filmed entirely in Lesotho with the texture of his grandmother’s story, and a lyrical sobriety about the resilience of the human spirit.


紀錄片競賽 Documentary Competition

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

紀錄片競賽 Documentary Competition | 火鳥大獎 FIREBIRD AWARDS

©Manifest Film



Acasa, My Home

Born to Be

導演 Dir: 拉杜佐尼朱克 Radu Ciorniciuc 羅馬尼亞 Romania/芬蘭 Finland/德國 Germany  2020  85min

導演 Dir: 坦妮亞薛比安露 Tania Cypriano 美國 USA  2019  93min

布加勒斯特自然生態公園三角洲地帶,住了個吉卜賽家庭,九個孩子野地奔跑, 湖中嬉戲,與大自然共舞。但政府要規管,爸爸設法周旋,爭取原地居留,當 局卻只想趕快把他們安置在城市,讓小孩入學,把他們納入「正軌」。離開熟悉 環境,一切都要重新適應,家庭關係亦將徹底改變。記者出身的佐尼朱克,首 次拍攝紀錄片,近距離觀察吉卜賽家庭的遭遇,面對鐵板一塊的城市發展邏輯, 對大眾習以為常的價值觀提出疑問。辛丹斯電影節世界紀錄片最佳攝影獎。

紐約把變性手術納入醫療保障,西奈山醫院即成立跨性別整形外科中心。本想 當音樂家的丁醫生,拉得一手演奏級大提琴,棄樂從醫,為不接受自己原生性 別的人們進行性別重置。不只改變性徵,同樣照顧心靈。薛比安露攜着攝影機, 近距離紀錄跨性別者的希望與痛,給他們敞開心扉。老皇后談到地下整形時代 害人不淺,風華正茂的則擺脫不了憂鬱之心。或許丁醫生是被時代選中,要成 為良醫益友,並為十四歲少年忐忑焦灼的諮詢來電,送上耐心解答。

The appeal of civilised society is called into question in Radu Ciorniciuc’s heartbreaking new film, winner of the Best Cinematography award for World Cinema - Documentary at Sundance. Two parents and their nine children live rough on a patch of abandoned scrubland in Bucharest. Urban renewal is now encroaching on their idyllic enclave, in the form of bureaucrats, construction crews, and social workers, determined to insert them into the system, even if it means inflicting irreparable harm on the family.

Under the leadership of revered plastic surgeon Dr. Jess Ting, Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery has become a home for gender confirmation procedures for transgender patients. Cypriano’s compassionate documentary follows Ting’s own story and transformation, breaking ground in a new field of medicine, and fighting to ensure world class health care is available to the entire LGBTQIA+ community. Her camera gives voice to those in search of their authentic selves, and sheds light on the ever-evolving complexities of gender, identity and human rights.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



i -Documentary of the Journalist-

Little Girl

導演 Dir: 森達也 Mori Tatsuya 日本 Japan  2019  113min

導演 Dir: 薩巴斯蒂安李夫施治 Sebastien Lifshitz 法國 France 2020 85min

日本官方開記招,只視作例行公事,偏偏有一人窮追不捨,要求官員講人話。 《東京新聞》記者望月衣塑子以打爛沙盆問到篤的求真態度,追究填海工程忽視 污染,跟進伊藤詩織遭性侵案,質疑政府高層利益輸送。其故事曾被改編成電 影《逆權公僕》 (2019),引起社會迴響。森達也(《我在真理教的日子》,23 屆) 找來望月衣塑子本人,紀錄她如何在父權社會挑戰貪腐高牆,在強調集體和服 從的社會,堅持「我」的獨立思考,維護傳媒作為第四權監察政府的責任。 Mochizuki Isoko, the Tokyo Shimbun reporter who provided the inspiration for last year’s The Journalist, becomes the subject of a probing documentary from Mori Tatsuya. Adapted from Mochizuki’s own book, the film tails the “problematic” journo, whose relentless investigations and refusal to toethe-line have earned her an official rebuke from the government. Mochizuki tackles a number of hot button issues, but Mori’s scathing exposé is less interested with the stories themselves as it is with an establishment that brazenly obstructs press freedoms.

(Petite fille)

四歲小兒對母親說,長大了我要做女孩。母親起初當他鬧着玩,但他用行動和決 心說服了她:性別認同意識不可等閒視之,而是生死大事。性別不再依生物基因 決定,人定固可勝天,政治正確更是王道。從不得不面對異數的母親披露心聲開 始,到醫生與心理輔導角度、當事人與友人的交流、努力爭取穿裙子上學跳芭蕾 等,處處透視爭取接納、化民易俗的艱辛,並不輸於任何硬仗。鏡頭捕捉一家人 並肩面對各種變性挑戰的苦與樂,如人飲水,觀眾竟可感應冷暖而知。 In this spiritual continuation to his 2013 award-winning documentary, Bambi, Sebastien Lifshitz once again explores the struggles of living with gender dysphoria and the oppressive nature of gender norms. Seven-year-old Sasha was born a boy, but she has known that she is a girl since the age of three. Her parents have accepted Sasha for who she is, but are worried whether her peers and the other adults in her life can do the same. Empathetic and captivating, the film quietly observes Sasha in her everyday life as her parents fight for their daughter’s right to be herself.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

©Marcelina Cravat


畫家愛上賊 The Painter and the Thief

(Quand on sait)

導演 Dir: 艾曼奴卡佩林 Emmanuel Cappellin 法國 France  2020 104min

導演 Dir: 本杰明李 Benjamin Ree 挪威 Norway  2020  106min

末日風暴一再吹起,大家都說地球先生病重了。北冰洋融化、臭氧層穿洞、全 球暖化、雨林大火……人類是地球上最該消失的物種,但即使真有一個按鈕給 你滅世,似乎已經太遲。大抵無力感確是當代標籤,於是艾曼奴卡佩林情願回 歸個人,走訪的科學研究人員口吐警世之言,然避世與游世之間,始終有大片 灰色地帶。忠於個人情懷的拍攝,到頭來成就了一部結合詩與論述、抒情與紀 錄的光影實驗。如果淪喪終究不免,我們可有一條較好的道路前行?

移居挪威的捷克女畫家獲畫廊通知,她有兩幅作品被偷走了。防盜錄像鎖定是 紋身癮君子。法庭上她問對方為何犯案,一句「全因你畫得漂亮」,引發畫家為 他造像的衝動;一段不可思議的友誼從此展開。本杰明李追隨畫家行蹤,一一 穿越關於凝視與繆思的神話謬想。在人性交流的節骨眼,冷不防還碰及各種階 級與社會矛盾。假如真有美學的政治,未必要通過繁複的論辯,只須垂注線條 構成的當下便是。辛丹斯電影節世界紀錄片創意敘事評審團大獎得主。

Climate change is no longer merely a threat to our planet and our way of life, but an inevitability that must be confronted and accepted. Traversing the globe by container ship, Cappellin meets with some of the world’s foremost climate scientists, experts cursed with the “toxic knowledge” of Earth’s imminent fate. What does one do with that information? His film seeks out beauty amidst the decay, explores the importance of “collapse awareness” and suggests that what we are all hurtling towards may not be the end, but an opportunity to begin again, and build a new, better world together.

Two paintings by Czech artist Barbora Kysilkova are stolen from a gallery in Oslo. When the thief, Karl Bertil-Nordland, is caught, Barbora asks Bertil if he would sit for her next painting. The offer sparks a long-lasting friendship as Barbora learns that there is far more to the tortured Bertil than his criminal record. Benjamin Ree’s moving and illuminating documentary tells an incredible true story of empathy, compassion and finding a muse in unexpected places. Winner of the Special Jury Award for Creative Storytelling in the Sundance Film Festival’s World Cinema Documentary competition.

©TINAM IncSutor KolonkoNFB



This Is Not a Movie


導演 Dir: 張僑勇 Yung Chang 加拿大 Canada/德國 Germany  2019  108min

導演 Dir: 想田和弘 Soda Kazuhiro 日本 Japan/美國 USA  2020  128min

(Seishin O)

充斥假新聞的後真相年代,維護真理變成每個人的責任,何況是憑報道黎巴嫩 內戰成名、三度走訪拉登、七奪英國新聞獎年度最佳外國記者大獎、一生傳奇 的中東戰地記者羅拔菲斯克?際此世道,究竟該不該有客觀中立的新聞報道? 資訊爆炸,如何辨別消息真偽?報道新聞和見證歷史的距離又在哪裏?張僑勇 (《沿江而上》,32 屆)進入看似冷靜無人的真理國度,卻在樂觀的悲觀主義者 羅拔菲斯克帶領下,透視資訊出入之處,原來處處皆人情,無一不感通。

《完全精神手冊》(33 屆)的山本昌知醫生,半世紀無間斷聆聽病人心聲,轉眼 已屆退休之年。一別十二載,想田和弘再把攝影機放到岡山精神科診療所的會 客室,靜觀老醫生對患者的臨別贈言:放開慾求,對生命感恩。樸實而敏銳的 鏡頭,從病人的依依不捨,捕捉醫患之間的信任與尊重,也看到山本知行合一 的實踐。黑白舊片段偶爾閃回,當年為家庭默默付出的太太,如今已是佝僂的 婆婆。記憶或許歸零,在生命漸漸殞落時,手依然相牽,莫失莫忘。

For more than three decades, award-winning journalist Robert Fisk has personified the gold standard of Middle Eastern coverage, while reflecting thoughtfully on wider issues of international relations. Before that, he had probed the Northern Ireland troubles, and revolutions in Portugal and Iran. Fisk interviewed Osama Bin Laden several times, and has reported on-site from war zones ranging from Afghanistan to Algeria, most recently the conflicts in Syria. His reporting has proved insightful, but also controversial, issues that director Yung Chang tackles in this timely documentary.

Twelve years after Mental (33rd), Soda returns to the Chorale Okayama mental health clinic, to quietly observe the retiring doctor, as he bids farewell to his patients. “Place yourself at zero, and be thankful to your life” is the therapeutic code Dr. Yamamoto Masatomo has lived by for half a century, while dedicating his life to helping people cope with their mental struggles. The maverick documentarian captures the gestures of trust and respect between the doctor and his patients, painting a portrait of genuine warmth with beguiling grace.

紀錄片競賽 Documentary Competition | 火鳥大獎 FIREBIRD AWARDS

Once You Know



國際短片競賽 Short Film Competition

國際短片競賽節目(一) Short Film Competition Programme I

Anticipating a gift from a returning villager, a young mother undergoes a humbling journey in Bare Trees in the Mist (Rajan Kathet). In an effort to sell a car for scrap, a high school girl develops an unusual bond with her relief driver in 99’s (Lee Hong-rae). In the fluid animation of Genius Loci (Adrien Merigeau), a young loner plots her own path through urban chaos. All Cats Are Grey in the Dark (Lasse Linder) studies the mystical connection between humans and their feline friends. The glory and tragedy of the Mekong River are poignantly contemplated in the real and imaginary worlds of Becoming Alluvium (Thao Nguyen Phan). A little girl discovers the power of an ID photo in Summer Ball (Cíntia Domit Bittar). Total: 99min.

國際短片競賽節目(二) Short Film Competition Programme II 為照料兒子意外受槍傷的朋友,孤獨女子在《傷口發燒》(智利)發現愛與痛的 微妙糾纏。到精神病院探望母親不果,少年在《出口指示之間的人生》 (奧地利) 蹓躂街頭,面對自身恐懼與盼望。《有一些,要記住》(瑞典),動物布偶在六 個處境觀察生命磨難,唱出人類哀歌。泰王有令,《動物園搬遷前奏》(泰國), 動物與遊客在最後開放日告別。《邊關之門》(法國/摩洛哥)俯視水貨客在劇 場建設的邊境關卡,如何走私貨物,並與海關衝突。《雁南飛》(中國/美國) 的策馬少女從大漠老家進城賀父親生日,卻發現他已另結新歡。全長 95 分鐘。 Through healing her son’s injured friend, a lonely woman discovers the cryptic connection between pain and pleasure in Austral Fever (Thomas Woodroffe). Instead of visiting his mentally-ill mother, a young man drifting through Life Between the Exit Signs (Nicolas Pinadeus) confronts his own fears and longings. In Something to Remember (Niki Lindroth von Bahr), animal puppets lament human challenges in a melancholic lullaby. Prelude of the Moving Zoo (Sorayos Prapapan) offers a humorous look at the iconic spot on its last day. Bab Sebta (Randa Maroufi) casts a bird’s eye view of intense goods trafficking via a theatrical reconstruction of the Spain-Morocco border. In Heading South (Yuan Yuan), a Mongolian girl visiting her father is surprised by a new member of the family. Total: 95min.

國際短片競賽節目(三) Short Film Competition Programme III 夜歸少女《拼車》 (中國),與兩個維吾爾青年同行,下車後維族音樂仍揮之不去。 難民兩兄弟分隔異地,兄向《親愛的祖》(法國/希臘)遙遙傳話,獨困雅典的弟 弟可會聽見?小熊渴望被情緒不穩的母親接納,換來持續受傷,唯有《不斷遺忘》 (日本),如常喝一口湯。透過拍攝去了解《傢俬匠》(古巴)父親,老爸反過來 以鏡頭打破與導演兒子的隔閡。冰川融化,氣候變暖的影響《日積月累》(秘魯/ 德國),安第斯山脈原住民如何抵抗?數百《浪浪》(加拿大/摩洛哥)收容所內 無所事事,等待被領養,境況與難民何其相似?全長 102 分鐘。 A Chinese girl becomes annoyed by two young Uyghur men sharing her ride, chatting and singing in their native language in The Elephant in the Car (Ikram Nurmehmet). In Dear Joel (Thanasis Trouboukis), two refugee brothers try to communicate across the ocean. A teddy bear hoping to earn his mother’s love gets repeatedly hurt in Keep Forgetting (Shibata Takahiro). The camera becomes a means of emotional connection when a son films his father in The Furniture Maker (David Avilés). Aggregate States of Matters (Rosa Barba) pivots on the impact of climate change on the Andes. Hundreds of Mutts (Halima Ouardiri) jostling together inside a red clay shelter reflects the plight of refugees. Total: 102min.

國際短片競賽 Short Film Competition | 火鳥大獎 FIREBIRD AWARDS


以為回鄉鄰居帶來禮物,年輕母親不惜長途跋涉,在《霧中枯樹》(尼泊爾)經 歷卑屈心路。高中女生召來中年婦為她駕車到劏車場變賣,在《99’s》(南韓) 衍生出一段微妙關係。《守護神》(法國)的孤寂異鄉客,在靈動畫風中窺見都 市混亂,於紛擾中摸索前路。貓奴與愛貓形影不離,在《人貓兩難分》(瑞士) 為主子傳宗接代仆心仆命。湄公河的美麗與哀愁,照在《土歸土》(越南/西班 牙)如真似幻的影像裏,反思沉重過去。小女孩仿傚母親為老祖母拍證件照, 勾起她《夏日舞會》(巴西)的回憶,也保留永存心中的笑容。全長 99 分鐘。


大師級 The Masters

©KG Productions


Adults in the Room

The Cordillera of Dreams

導演 Dir: 哥斯達加華斯 Costa-Gavras 法國 France/希臘 Greece  2019  124min 演員 Cast: Christos Loulis, Ulrich Tukur, Alexandros Bourdoumis, Daan Schuurmans

導演 Dir: 柏德烈西奧古茲曼 Patricio Guzmán 智利 Chile/法國 France  2019  84min

擅拍政治題材的哥斯達加華斯,在名作《大風暴》(1969)後,終於回到家鄉希 臘,這次拍的不是政治暗殺,而是債務危機。國家負債纍纍,人民處於水深火 熱中,新政府上台,當務之急是解決經濟困局。經濟學家揚尼斯出任財政部長, 在談判桌上大戰歐盟、國際貨幣基金組織及歐洲央行組成的「三頭馬車」。大敵 當前,揚尼斯儼然是現代的希臘悲劇英雄。哥斯達加華斯拍出政治博弈的兇險 狡詐,最後一幕更是畫龍點睛,文明古國始終逃不過任人舞的命運。 Adapted from the political memoirs of Yanis Varoufakis, who served as Greece’s Minister of Finance, Costa-Gavras (Z, 1969) recounts his country’s economic collapse in 2015. Facing bankruptcy on a national scale, the newly elected government wrestles to renegotiate their financial package with a wholly unsympathetic European Union. Costa-Gavras injects these closeddoor negotiations with a palpable sense of tension, while Greece’s fight for independence draws numerous contemporary parallels.

(La Cordillera de los sueños)

聳壑凌霄的安第斯山脈,如今成了地鐵站內無人在意的裝飾壁畫。經濟發展的 急速步伐踐踏着歷史足跡,崇山卻不為所動,在智利大地屹立千萬年,默然見 證皮諾切特暴政的殘酷真相。多少生命無聲殞落,斷石裂痕一一刻銘,還有 攝影記者柏保羅薩拉斯廿七年無間斷為歷史紀錄。古茲曼繼《星空塵土》(35 屆)、《深海光年》(40 屆)後,再以巍峨山脈雕鏤家國的悲愴影像詩,激憤的 風吹越群山,念誦着對這土地愛得深沉。康城最佳紀錄片金眼睛獎。 After exploring the Atacama Desert in Nostalgia for the Light (35th), and the deep ocean in The Pearl Button (40th), Guzmán turns to the majestic cordillera of the Andes to complete his trilogy of meditation on Chile’s history. Stunningly beautiful yet sublimely heartrending, this deeply personal film essay transports us, through breathtaking landscapes and fellow documentarian Pablo Salas’ own archival footage, into the country’s troubled past under Pinochet’s repressive regime. It is a dark period, fashioned from the suffering and bravery of the Chileans. Golden Eye Award, Cannes.

©Homegreen Films




Devil Between the Legs

導演 Dir: 蔡明亮 Tsai Ming-Liang 無對白 No dialogue  2020  127min 演員 Cast: 李康生 Lee Kang-Sheng, 亞儂弘尚希 Anong Houngheuangsy

導演 Dir: 奧圖魯利普斯坦 Arturo Ripstein 墨西哥 Mexico/西班牙 Spain  2019  145min 演員 Cast: Sylvia Pasquel, Alejandro Suárez, Greta Cervantes

窗外滂沱大雨,風動,樹動,靜坐沙發上的李康生,身未動,而心,是動不動? 遠山、浮雲,在安靜的凝視中默然流動,頸肩背上的痛,如影隨形。另一天空 下,亞儂燒鍋、洗菜、吃飯,生活雲淡風輕。一與零在香港酒店相碰,時間不動, 身心卻同時騷動;音樂盒的叮嚀,在遠方熙攘街頭,依然聲如銀鈴。蔡明亮的 手工製作電影,沒有劇本,拍攝期間遇上來自寮國的亞儂,信手把其生活融入 作品,千個日子沉澱,是見山還是山的境界了。柏林影展泰迪熊特別表揚。

色衰愛弛,慾望卻不肯老去;記憶衰退,妒忌仍未許忘掉。她依舊沉默,在探 戈的試探中尋覓愛與被愛的感覺;他繼續怒憤,在情婦懷裏渴求妻子的慰藉。 老夫妻由互相深愛變為彼此折磨,困於各自的孤寂。女兒已離巢遠去,留下只 有年輕女傭,打理家居之時,試圖理順兩個被心魔磨蝕的生命。墨西哥大師利 普斯坦以冷峻且溫柔的黑白光影,探進垂暮情慾與執迷的幽微地帶,伴着《藍 天使》(1930)的悠揚樂韻,讓愛與痛在皮囊的皺摺間,深邈迴盪。

Rain pours. Trees sway. Lee sits still on his sofa, watching the days go by, with the pain in his neck and back lingering. Under a different sky, Anong lives a life no less ordinary, spending his days alone. Love transpires in an encounter between the two men, as gentle caresses soothe the pain and loneliness in each of them. Tsai Ming-Liang’s (Your Face, 43rd) experimental feature extends the boundaries of abstract realism, distilling his subtle cinematic language into its purest form. Teddy Award Special Mention, Berlinale.

Youth is gone, all that remains is her lust. Love is lost, but he survives on his jealousy. An elderly couple have been together for decades, sharing memories, resentments and demons, until a young maid, witnessing their routine of destroying each other, takes matters into her own hands. Shot in silvery black-and-white, and accompanied by the poignant resonance of “Falling in Love Again”, Ripstein’s eerily beautiful story takes a deep dive into geriatric sex, riddled with insights into human desire stripped bare.

(El Diablo entre las Piernas)

大師級 The Masters | 大師與作者 MASTERS & AUTEURS


大師級 The Masters | 大師與作者 MASTERS & AUTEURS

©Lav Diaz




The Halt

It Must Be Heaven

(Ang Hupa)

導演 Dir: 拉夫狄亞茲 Lav Diaz 菲律賓 The Philippines  2019  282min 演員 Cast: Joel Lamangan, Piolo Pascual, Shaina Magdayao, Pinky Amador

導演 Dir: 伊利亞蘇里曼 Elia Suleiman 法國 France/卡塔爾 Qatar/德國 Germany/加拿大 Canada  2019  97min 演員 Cast: Elia Suleiman, Tarik Kopti, Kareem Ghneim, Gael García Bernal

2034 年火山爆發,蔽日遮天,國家被黑暗吞噬。極權總統以航拍機監控全民,散 播疫症謠言製造恐懼;母親幽靈卻揮之不去,穿起花裙詭異喃喃自語。在惡魔陰 影下,士兵密謀刺殺總統,國防部長為正義抗命;歷史教師自甘淪為妓女,嗜血 入魔是離奇也是隱喻,陰差陽錯令兩名特種部隊女軍官決裂。國家暗露曙光,權 力陰魂卻猶在遠近。拉夫狄亞茲延續《惡魔的季節》(42 屆)的無光歲月,以闇 黑科幻的末世景象,直照當下法西斯巨蠧的天昏地暗,召喚菲律賓失落的國魂。

蘇里曼(《這事不能說太細》,34 屆)的荒誕和戲謔只此一家,說他是巴勒斯坦 的積葵大地或者羅伊安德遜,都不夠準確。沉靜寡言的導演,到巴黎和紐約尋 找拍片資金,一直碰壁,卻目睹歐美社會光怪陸離。身處西方世界,驚見巴勒 斯坦的影子,民眾陀槍,警察圍捕天使,以為擁有自由,可以隨時走樣。招牌 固定鏡頭冷眼觀察,刻意減省對白,看似漫不經意,都是精心設計,不時爆發 意想不到的幽默與諷刺。康城影展特別表揚,兼獲國際影評人聯盟獎。

A futuristic dystopia in the year 2034, as darkness reigns across the country in the aftermath of a catastrophe, the paranoid president consolidates his regime with an omnipresent army of drones and the perception of epidemic horror. Under his phantasmagoric shadow, everyone lives in hypnotic existential predicament. Blending science fiction and horror, Diaz, after Season of the Devil (42nd), continues his exploration into “the cataclysm of the Filipino soul”, a lament over his homeland's bleak political reality.

Ever the curious observer of life’s surreal minutiae, Suleiman examines the everyday experiences of the modern Palestinian, and received a Special Mention at Cannes for his delicate mosaic of observations and ruminations in Nazareth, Paris and New York. Likened to the great Buster Keaton for his stone-faced onscreen demeanor, it is perhaps this unassuming approach that allows the filmmaker to cut to the heart of the immigrant experience, particularly for a people with nowhere to call home.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere





導演 Dir: 基斯蒂培訏 Cristi Puiu 羅馬尼亞 Romania/塞爾維亞 Serbia/瑞士 Switzerland  2020  200min 演員 Cast: Agathe Bosch, Frédéric Schulz-Richard, Diana Sakalauskaité, Ugo Broussot

導演 Dir: 布里楊文杜沙 Brillante Mendoza 菲律賓 The Philippines  2019  124min 演員 Cast: Judy Ann Santos, Allen Dizon, Yuna Tangog

羅馬尼亞新浪潮悍將培訏(《耐人尋味的追悼晚餐》,41 屆)再向高難度挑戰。 大地主的華麗莊園,請來客人留宿,屋外冰天雪地,室內討論熾熱。在飲飲食 食之間,是連場對話,辯論宗教、戰爭、道德與死亡,觀點開始劇烈碰撞。仍 是培訏的招牌長鏡頭,幾年前他取材俄國哲學家索洛維約夫的文本,以即興方 式演繹成《三個道德練習》(38 屆),這次忠於原作,重構時代氛圍,考究人物 談吐方式,鑽研服裝佈景細節,徹底回到文本的過去式時態。

相傳棉蘭老島曾有巨龍肆虐,拉賈和蘇萊曼兩兄弟為了拯救島民,先後踏上屠 龍的征途。小女孩艾莎一邊聽着母親講述屠龍傳說,一邊努力與腦癌搏鬥,但 願聽到戰勝惡龍的結局。她的父親正在棉蘭老島的戰事裏擔任軍醫,置身槍林 彈雨,不知戰火何時止息。文杜沙(《毒戰黑警》,43 屆)貫徹寫實風格,這次 觸及菲律賓的動盪政局,以政府軍與游擊隊的武裝衝突為背景,結合童真的蠟 筆動畫,虛實對照,以慈悲面對現世殘酷。

A landowner, a politician, a countess, a general and his wife congregate within a vast mansion estate to muse upon life’s weightiest questions in Cristi Puiu’s 200-minute beast of a movie. Adapted from nineteenth century Russian mystic philosopher Vladimir Solovyov’s book War, Progress and the End of History: Three Conversations Including a Short Tale of the Antichrist, Puiu relocates the action to the misty Transylvanian mountains for a series of intellectually elevated discussions on death, war, and morality, which escalate from civil debate to personal, all-out attacks.

As the civil conflict on the Philippine island of Mindanao rages on, a young Muslim mother accompanies her terminally ill daughter to the House of Hope, all while her husband, an army medic, is fighting hundreds of miles away. Surrounded by imminent death on all sides and struggling to find a glimmer of hope, the plight of one isolated woman mirrors the fate of an entire desperate nation. Her seemingly small and insignificant battle is given equal weight and resonance in Mendoza’s beautifully realized drama.

原一男繼續疾走 Hara Kazuo Continues to Probe



Minamata Mandala

Reiwa Uprising

導演 Dir: 原一男 Hara Kazuo 日本 Japan  2020  371min

導演 Dir: 原一男 Hara Kazuo 日本 Japan  2019  248min

In 1932, the Chisso company began producing acetaldehyde by Minamata Bay; 20 years later the first cases of neurological damage caused by methyl mercury runoff were identified among residents. This beginning of a lengthy litany of suffering and death is revealed but not resolved 60 years on. Following the massive documentation of the community and its tragedy by Tsuchimoto Noriaki, master documentarian Hara Kazuo probes the lingering pain of this industrial crime and government failure, forcing us to watch at length to a horror the life of Minamata’s citizens, from birth to death.

《石棉村大訴訟》(42 屆)控訴政府的街頭,變為日本國會的競選戰線。日本紀 錄片猛將原一男以四個半小時篇幅,把鏡頭對準女裝打扮的東京大學教授安富 步。十個素人加入演員山本太郎成立的新政黨「令和新選組」,爭奪參議會議 席。「異端」候選人各有訴求,以音樂、舞蹈甚至帶着馬匹走到東京街頭宣傳 政綱,既有群眾支持亦有保安驅趕。主流媒體鮮有報導下,二百萬張選票破天 荒將肌肉萎縮和腦麻痺患者送進議會,望為積弊重重的社會帶來改變。 The streets taken by protesters in Sennan Asbestos Disaster (42nd) become the battleground for Reiwa Shinsengumi, a new political party competing for seats in Japan’s Upper House. Documentarian Hara Kazuo follows Yasutomi Ayumi, a cross-dressing candidate, who is also a Tokyo University professor, as s/he and nine marginalized contenders embark on a national campaign, with music, dancing and even horses, in an effort to change the exploitative system. Defying expectations, two disabled candidates won seats in Japan’s parliament for the first time. The rest is not only history, but the future.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



The Tango of the Widower and Its Distorting Mirror

Vitalina Varela

(El Tango del Viudo y Su Espejo Deformante)

導演 Dir: 柏度哥斯達 Pedro Costa 葡萄牙 Portugal  2019  124min 演員 Cast: Vitalina Varela, Ventura, Manuel Tavares Almeida

導演 Dir: 拉烏盧易茲 Raúl Ruiz, 華拉莉雅莎美安杜 Valeria Sarmiento 智利 Chile  2020  70min 演員 Cast: Rubén Sotoconil, Claudia Paz, Luis Alarcón

塵封半世紀,拉烏盧易茲廿七歲拍成的首作在他去世九年後橫空出土,與遺作 《夜夢三巡》(37 屆)輪迴對照。妻子突然自殺身亡,鰥夫教授被亡魂纏繞,假 髮在屋內如幽靈遊走,人在街頭似鬼魅穿梭;夜夜難眠心緒不寧,終自行了斷。 身故後夢魘如鏡像倒行,時空迷幻逆轉,回溯至妻子喪生之時,魔鬼面容浮現, 暴露死亡真相。盧易茲當年被迫流亡未及完成作品,今由長年合作的剪接師兼 遺孀補遺實現,以讀唇重構對白,伴以迷離配樂,讓大師初心重現人間。 Half a century on Raúl Ruiz’s (Night Across the Street, 37th) debut feature, made when he was 27 and never finished, is finally rediscovered and reconstructed by his long-time collaborator and widow Valeria Sarmiento. This enchanting, nightmarish fantasy centers on a widower, whose life is turned upside down by his wife’s suicide. In a mystical reflection moving backwards in time, the devil himself appears to unveil the truth of her death.

漆黑將一切湮沒於死寂,柏度哥斯達從深邃晦暗凝視靈魂孤絕,由女演員維塔 利娜在陰翳光影裏重演自身傷痛經歷,以幽光獨照眼眸裏的深沉悲哀,每格畫 面震撼如卡拉瓦喬油畫。丈夫杳無音訊,她在西非島國守候三十載,終能踏足 里斯本,卻已來不及參加丈夫葬禮。在破落蝸居追撫亡夫身影,從頹垣與故友 回憶裏窺見剝落的殖民歷史傷痕,而生命的一絲曙光,只存於故鄉夢迴裏。繼 《馬.錢》(39 屆)後再下一城,獲羅迦諾電影節金豹獎及最佳女主角獎。 A revelation in darkness, Pedro Costa (Horse Money, 39th) conjures dreamlike visions of post-colonial neglect and yearning through Vitalina Varela, a Cape Verde woman who takes us on a poignant journey through her real-life experiences. Arriving in Lisbon after her estranged husband’s funeral, she is left with nothing but his crumbling dwelling, and memories from bitter and fallen men. Costa’s empathetic portrait is a lyrical vision of somber people losing their faith in the shadows. Golden Leopard and Best Actress winner at Locarno.

大師級 The Masters | 大師與作者 MASTERS & AUTEURS

水俁病遺害日本,窒素公司與政府想一次過斷尾賠償從此結案脫身。原一男 14 年來主要埋首兩部民族傷痕巨構,《石棉村大訴訟》(42 屆)已堪稱史詩級,這 部抽絲剝繭檢視水俁病今昔之作更是直入殿堂,「糾正醫療理論」、「時光流逝」 及「苦難之神」三大章行動紀實,規模媲美小川紳介《牧野村千年物語》。原 一男不但伴隨務實學者,推翻名醫 1977 年的判斷基準,又潛入海床查看水銀濃 度,最重要是伴隨病患鬥士打拼,見證人性光輝精彩活着。

(Reiwa Ikki)


作者風 Auteurs

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere






導演 Dir: 萬瑪才旦 Pema Tseden 藏語 Tibetan  2019  103min 演員 Cast: 索朗旺姆 Sonan Wangmo, 金巴 Jinpa, 楊秀措 Yangshik Tso

導演 Dir: 潘禮德 Rithy Panh 法國 France/柬埔寨 Cambodia  2020  88min 舞踏演出 Buto Artist: Bion  聲演 Cast: André Wilms, Rebecca Marder

藏民達傑牧羊為生,妻子卓嘎到鎮上診所取得避孕套,卻被兩個小兒子當成氣 球玩。卓嘎的妹妹已出家為尼,偶遇初戀情人,塵心未斷。卓嘎一家的經很難 念,在深信靈魂不滅、轉生不息的藏地上,如何解決現實生存與心靈依歸的抉 擇?萬瑪才旦(《撞死了一隻羊》,43 屆)回到最拿手的寫實風格,以情感脈絡 豐富的劇本,探討女性困境與命運自主。紅與白氣球巧妙象徵生死和輪迴,只 有萬瑪才旦才能把西藏的道德故事說得如此靈性和世俗。東京 FILMeX 大獎。

無所逃於天地之間,從赤柬殺戮到納粹大屠殺、廣島原爆,歷史從未過去,記 憶與遺忘之戰默然開展。一幀幀親人舊照、一具具可怖殘骸、一個個凋弊生命, 在三聯畫面裏交錯重疊;必須一遍又一遍細看,因邪惡根深柢固,永劫輪迴。 倖存者夢囈般呢喃着:未知死,焉知生?慘白舞者浮過追憶冥河,超渡受苦亡 靈。潘禮德從《無名孤塚》(43 屆)的個人沉重放眼跨民族的苦難,以哀慟淒 美的影像詩,叮囑在世者戰爭從來不遠,就在眼前。柏林影展最佳紀錄片。

Completing a trilogy of film that began with Tharlo (40th), Tibetan director Pema Tseden explores the clash between spiritual beliefs and pragmatism, as well as the lives of women on the Tibetan plains in the 1990s. When two kids mistake their parents’ condom for a toy, they trigger a series of events that sees two sisters face serious life-and-death choices. More grounded than Jinpa (43rd), Tseden’s dreamy take on sex, and all its untended consequences, is captured with a surprisingly playful tone. Grand Prize, Tokyo FILMeX.

From Cambodian genocide to Nazi Holocaust and the bombing of Hiroshima, Rithy Panh (Graves Without a Name, 43rd) extends his profound journey of remembrance in the wake of global atrocities in this Berlinale documentary award winner. Archival war footage, alongside photographs of loved ones, and harrowing emaciated corpses, replicate and shuffle in triplicate, compounding the sorrow of human suffering. Sombre, poetic French narration and Japanese Butoh dance cast a sobering meditative light over the impact of war.

©3B Productions

少女貞德 Joan of Arc

拉姆與嘎貝 (Jeanne)

Lhamo and Skalbe

導演 Dir: 般奴杜蒙 Bruno Dumont 法國 France  2019  138min 演員 Cast: Lise Leplat Prudhomme, Jean-François Causeret, Daniel Dienne

導演 Dir: 松太加 Sonthar Gyal 藏語 Tibetan  2019  111min 演員 Cast: 索郎尼馬 Sonam Nyima, 德姬 Dekyid, 賽卻加 Sechok Gyal

當年英格烈褒曼及米娜祖華域芝超齡飾演真實生命不過十九歲的貞德,是無奈 妥協。般奴杜蒙心中另有所圖,選上女童莉絲,先以後現代 MV 風味的《聖女 貞德的童年》(42 屆)載歌載舞好好熱身,沉澱兩年後,是時候策馬上戰場了。 杜蒙心中還是追隨德萊葉、布烈遜、利維特,運鏡及演出風格恪守簡約一系, 以二元理念表現原作者貝璣筆下的童真真相。小貞德披甲在華麗大教堂跟法國 朝廷建制成年男人雄辯,是歷史寫照,也是詩人式獨具慧眼的靈氣透視。

劇團女伶拉姆跟戀人嘎貝註冊結婚,始發現男方已婚,雖然當年婚事沒成,但 法律上仍然有效。嘎貝必須找回悔婚的措雅,正式離婚,才可迎娶拉姆,但他 發現措雅已出家為尼。劇團演出《格薩爾王傳》,拉姆演墮入地獄的妻子,演到 救贖的重頭戲竟突然停電。面對婚姻,拉姆惴惴不安,而她跟嘎貝一樣,也隱 藏了不為人知的往事。松太加(《河》,40 屆)藉着拉姆戲裏戲外雙重角色,思 考藏族女性命運。聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節競賽電影。

The legend of Joan of Arc’s youthful heroism lives on in Dumont’s sequel to his own Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc (42nd), which chronicles the trial and subsequent execution of the French warrior, who successfully led armies against the English in 1430, upon receiving visions from God. Reprising her role, Prudhomme's steely performance accentuates the innocent, single-minded determination of the would-be martyr, while Dumont gleefully highlights the pompous absurdity of ecclesiastical self-importance.

Lhamo is the most beautiful woman in her village in rural Tibet, and intends to marry Skalbe. But when it is revealed that her beloved is already married, Skalbe sets out on a journey to track down his former flame and put right the dark secret from his past. Evoking the mythological exploits of the Tibetan opera Epic of King Gesar, director Sonthar Gyal paints a complex portrait of a cultural landscape, where age-old traditions and spiritual callings must now contend with the bureaucracy of the modern world. In Competition, San Sebastián.

作者風 Auteurs | 大師與作者 MASTERS & AUTEURS


作者風 Auteurs | 大師與作者 MASTERS & AUTEURS




State Funeral

導演 Dir: 阿爾拔塞拉 Albert Serra 法國 France/西班牙 Spain/葡萄牙 Portugal  2019  132min 演員 Cast: Helmut Berger, Marc Susini, Iliana Zabeth, Laura Poulvet

導演 Dir: 沙基羅斯尼薩 Sergei Loznitsa 荷蘭 The Netherlands/立陶宛 Lithuania  2019  135min

被法國宮廷放逐的好色貴胄,勾搭普魯士擁抱自由主義的公爵,欲在彼邦將放 蕩思想落地開花,更重要是覓地繼續荒淫遊戲以度等待之虛無。暗黑叢林人欲 橫流,明目張膽的性愛性虐,在幽微月色下繪飾洛可可的頹靡。同一題材,塞 拉先放於舞台劇及博物館展覽,再以電影獨有魔幻語言展現情慾的闇黑張狂。 將《路易十四的最後時刻》(41 屆)的臨終寢室換上漢密保加的慾望號馬車, 透着高貴而糜爛的氣息,凝視人性荒唐。康城「某種觀點」特別評審團獎。 Exiled from the court of Louis XVI, an ensemble of louche aristocrats enlists the Duke of Walchen from Germany into their philosophical movement of libertinage. In an amorphous night of woodland cruising to live out their sexual fantasies, Serra’s (The Death of Louis XIV, 41st) erotic images focus on an interplay between exhibitionism and voyeurism, conjuring consummate sensuality and contemplation on the human quest for transgression. Special Jury Prize, Un Certain Regard, Cannes.

(Gosudarstvennyye Pokhorony)

大獨裁者史太林蒙馬克思寵召,蘇聯註定要全民哀悼,無人倖免。國家級葬禮 背後,是一場又一場意識形態戰爭,何止不是請客吃飯,簡直生死攸關。羅斯 尼薩(《莫斯科大審判》,43 屆)搜集了大量相關的官方紀錄片段,剪輯成逾兩 小時直接影像,透過回溯,重新提示歷史的荒謬、人性的警惕。東歐領導人前 來奔喪,彷彿無限重複的接機場面;那似實還虛,似假亦真的垂淚悲慟,幾疑 是令人腦洞大開的搞作。沒有關公災難的政治控制,原來不爭朝夕。 In March 1953, the population of the Soviet Union flocked to honor the death of their controversial leader, Joseph Stalin. Assembled from beautifully restored archival footage, Loznitsa (The Trial, 43rd) observes this ostentatious display of mass mourning with a clinical detachment, allowing the images to paint a complicated portrait of a nation reeling from years of tyrannical rule. At a time when a number of world leaders are cementing their own autocratic positions of power, State Funeral is a chilling examination of the cult of personality.

©Vlad Cioplea




The Whistlers

導演 Dir: 張作驥 Chang Tso-Chi 國語 Mandarin/閩南話 Minnan/粵語 Cantonese  2019  116min 演員 Cast: 呂雪鳳 Lv Hsueh-Feng, 張曉雄 Zhang Xiao-Xiong, 李夢 Li Meng, 李英銓 Li Ying-Chuan

導演 Dir: 康尼流波蘭布爾 Corneliu Porumboiu 羅馬尼亞 Romania/法國 France/德國 Germany  2019  98min 演員 Cast: Vlad Ivanov, Catrinel Marlon, Rodica Lazar, Antonio Buil

這個夏天,小男孩阿全經歷了超乎想像的家庭風暴。從監獄假釋回家的母親, 想找回當年要她頂罪的男友,發現對方已移情別戀。外公被診斷患上失智症, 卻忘不了昔日軍中舊愛。為家庭燃盡青春的外婆,滿腔苦水,陷入崩潰邊緣。 潮濕的記憶爬滿石牆,已逝的舊情如巨浪突襲,當曾經擁有的回憶不再,人生 會否更美好?張作驥(《醉.生夢死》,39 屆)把他照料失智母親的經驗融入創 作,呂雪鳳在菜市場的六分鐘獨白堪稱演技大爆發。

警探一面奉命調查匪黨利用床褥走私黑錢,一面接黑幫大佬柯打到加那利群島 從監獄揪出大鱷叛徒。為避過同僚嚴密監視,他必須學會土著古老傳統的哨音 傳話作秘密溝通。手口皆忙,吹哨、食兩家茶禮,兼想獨吞火辣義嫂。胃口更 大的是導演波蘭布爾(《搵家寶》,40 屆),枱面是黑色犯罪驚慄片格局,懸疑 刺激加冷幽默,時序錯亂、劇情扭轉再扭轉;枱底是羅馬尼亞新浪潮的冷峻荒 謬,辛辣諷刺獨裁年代的貪腐遺毒,透現人性執念及慾望,黑中更黑。

After a six-year stint in prison, a woman returns home to face a young son she barely knows, a father suffering from dementia, and a mother with the thankless job of carrying the burden of her memories. For his first feature film since the acclaimed Thanatos, Drunk (39th), director Chang Tso-Chi draws from his own experiences to craft a quietly devastating portrait of a family afflicted by past sins, in a perceptive and melancholic observation of inter-generational dynamics.

After the quixotic adventure in The Treasure (40th), Porumboiu ventures into noirish crime thriller territory. A cop double-crosses both police and gangsters, only to become entangled in a labyrinth involving mattresses full of dirty money, a drug lord’s beautiful girlfriend, and an ancient coded language of whistling. The suspense, twists and deadpan musings of this nifty drama are underlined with Romanian New Wave’s bone-dry black comedy, satirizing corruption in post-Ceausescu society.

(La Gomera)


香港電影面面觀 2019-20 Hong Kong Panorama 2019-20

香港電影面面觀 Hong Kong Panorama 2019-20 | 華語電影 PAN-CHINESE CINEMA



Bamboo Theatre

Better Days

導演 Dir: 卓翔 Cheuk Cheung 粵語 Cantonese  2019  76min

導演 Dir: 曾國祥 Derek Kwok-cheung Tsang 普通話 Putonghua  2019  135min 演員 Cast: 周冬雨 Zhou Dongyu, 易烊千璽 Jackson Yee, 尹昉 Yin Fang, 黃覺 Huang Jue

說粵劇從搭棚說起,卓翔走出既定歷史式陳述,對非物質文化遺產格物致知風 雅頌,揚棄解說,遠望近觀展現結構美。竹棚縱貫延連,臨崖而建不自詡鬼斧 神工,搭遍鄉鎮社區才是默默使命,幕後幕前按序順時分工,有情有約氣味磨 合聲色上台。天光戲是毋忘初衷神來之筆,搭棚師傅老倌新秀樂師幫工以至街 坊戲迷,裏裏外外年復年撐起香港民俗風情小宇宙。明明是婉約通俗調,用巴 哈大提琴樂曲點綴,竟也氣息相通,同時見證香港核心價值與靈活拼搏精神。 For over a century, local villages have invited Chinese opera troupes to perform during festivities. These performances are held inside makeshift bamboo sheds built in front of village temples as a way of paying tribute to the gods. In his third documentary on Cantonese opera, director Cheuk Cheung takes a detailed behind-the-scenes look at this longstanding tradition. Recognized as a Film of Merit by the Hong Kong Film Critics Society, and nominated for Best Documentary at the Golden Horse Awards and Best New Director at the Hong Kong Film Awards.

在下墮的身影,人們看見飛翔的希望,但在希望實現之前,還要喝下多少殘酷 現實的苦杯,擁抱幾許失序的悲涼?一宗弄出人命的校園欺凌,引發錯綜複雜 的人際衝突。在大人有意無意視而不見,甚至暗中成全的食子文化暗角裏,少 年們為了自保彼此傷害;有人在暴力中相濡以沫,有人在人生規劃的關口俯首 認命。世代間的終極對立令成長付上慘重代價。周冬雨停不了的淚眼、易烊千 璽的狂情本色、一個可供雙面解讀的故事,獲香港電影金像獎八項大獎。 Following Soulmate (2016), actor-turned-director Derek Tsang makes a major leap with his second solo directorial effort. Based on the novel Young and Beautiful by Jiu Yuexi, this unflinching and poignant youth drama follows a straight-A student, who is targeted by vicious bullies following a classmate’s suicide, and a small-time hoodlum, who becomes her unlikely protector. One of the most acclaimed Chinese films of the year, bagging eight prizes at the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards.



Beyond the Dream

i’m livin’ it

導演 Dir: 周冠威 Kiwi Chow 粵語 Cantonese  2019  119min 演員 Cast: 劉俊謙 Lau Chun-him, 蔡思韵 Cecilia Choi, 鮑起靜 Nina Paw

導演 Dir: 黃慶勳 Wong Hing-fan 粵語 Cantonese  2019  114min 演員 Cast: 郭富城 Aaron Kwok, 楊千嬅 Miriam Yeung, 張達明 Cheung Tak-ming, 劉雅瑟 Cya Liu

藉思覺失調直探現代人的內心失落,真愛總是求不得,輔導者能醫不自醫,擁 抱的只是夢幻泡影,輕鐵貫穿眾生的孤獨,浮光映照幻愛的殘酷。周冠威延續 短片《樓上傳來的歌聲》,以一段如幻似真、曲折懸疑的三角關係,梳理當下城 市中的鬱結與創傷。蔡思韵一人分飾兩角,一面是清麗脫俗的美好形象,一面 是攻於心計的暗黑個性。劉俊謙飾演善良戇直的小學教師,把強烈而複雜的情 感掌握得絲絲入扣。獲香港電影評論學會大獎最佳男、女演員獎。

本是陌路人,卻親如家人,24 小時快餐店成了他們的棲身地。有人無家可歸, 有人有家歸不得,成為「麥難民」各有原因。落魄潦倒的中年漢原來昔日是金 融才俊,卻落得流落街頭,遇見終日沉迷打機、離家出走的青年,授予生存之 道。互相扶持的,還有艷陽天歌廳的駐場歌女、獨自帶着小女兒的新移民媽媽、 不敢回家的傷心老伯……黃慶勳首部長片關懷貧窮線下的一群,展現社會底層 眾生相。張達明憑此片榮獲香港電影金像獎最佳男配角。

Lok was in a loving relationship with Yan, but it fell apart after his schizophrenia relapsed. Just as Lok believes he has recovered, he meets Yip Nam, a psychological counselor who looks exactly like Yan. In addition to winning both acting prizes at the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards, this hauntingly beautiful love story and empathetic exploration into the mind of the mentally ill also earned six nominations at this year’s Hong Kong Film Awards, including Best Director and Best Screenplay.

Every night across Hong Kong, 24-hour fast food joints serve as shelters for those with no home to go back to. Wong Hing-fan reveals the plight of these "McRefugees" in his moving directorial debut. One-time financial wizard Bowen uses his street smarts to help his fellow fast food refugees make ends meet, forming a familial bond with each other as they face the harsh reality of poverty. Cheung Tat-ming took home the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actor.


My Prince Edward

Suk Suk

導演 Dir: 黃綺琳 Norris Wong 粵語 Cantonese/普通話 Putonghua  2019  93min 演員 Cast: 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 朱栢康 Chu Pak-hong, 鮑起靜 Nina Paw

導演 Dir: 楊曜愷 Ray Yeung 粵語 Cantonese  2019  92min 演員 Cast: 太保 Tai Bo, 袁富華 Ben Yuen, 區嘉雯 Patra Au, 盧鎮業 Lo Chun-yip

位於太子的金都,是一站式婚禮服務主題商場。購物和結婚可以一站式,那麼人 生呢?張莉芳任職婚紗店,三十出頭,與婚禮攝影師男友 Edward 同居多年,人 人都覺都 Edward 是她的王子,但她自覺像反肚的龜,逆來順受,一次年少輕狂 更成了今天的結婚絆腳石,簡單選擇變成女性難題。黃綺琳首部長片窺探婚姻制 度與傳統價值觀對現代女性的影響,以貼地對白與輕喜劇節奏帶出感情衝突,還 觸及中港兩地差異,擲下香港電影金像獎新晉導演及最佳原創電影音樂兩獎。

黃昏之戀是微風細雨,心底則是慾望翻騰。阿柏是的士司機,結婚四十載,育 有一子一女,看上去是幸福家庭模樣。海叔是已退休的單親爸爸,與兒子一家 同住,跟隨他們上教會,卻未能打開心扉「走出衣櫃」。兩個男人相逢恨晚,今 世難得遇上,只怕來生不能再會。靈感來自《男男正傳:香港年長男同志口述 史》,楊曜愷以鏡頭凝視被社會長期忽略的群體,太保憑收放自如的演技榮膺香 港電影金像獎影帝,區嘉雯亦勇奪最佳女配角。入選柏林影展面面觀單元。

Fong, a clerk in a Prince Edward bridal shop, finally receives an anticipated marriage proposal from longtime boyfriend Edward. But when it’s revealed that Fong has a past relationship left unsettled, can their marriage succeed? Writer-director Norris Wong won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best New Director for her directorial debut feature, an intelligent contemplation on marriage and freedom that sharply reflects Hong Kong society and its thorny relationship with the mainland.

Director Ray Yeung relates a little-seen slice of Hong Kong life in this remarkably sensitive gay romance. When 70-year-old taxi driver Pak meets 65-year-old divorcee Hoi, there’s an instant attraction. But as initial desire gives way to prolonged yearning, the two weigh their newfound love against the families they have built, while hiding their true sexuality. Veteran actor Tai Bo was named Best Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards for his performance of nuance and delicacy, while Patra Au took the Best Supporting Actress Award.

香港電影面面觀 Hong Kong Panorama 2019-20 | 華語電影 PAN-CHINESE CINEMA



焦點影人  許冠文 Michael Hui, Filmmaker in Focus 許冠文絕對是近半世紀港產喜劇的開山祖師,由電視節目《雙星報喜》(1971-72)開始,他創出了貼近大眾生活的高密 度喜劇節奏,往後更透過他創作的電影發揚光大,引領七、八十年代港產喜劇的蓬勃發展。他自編自導自演的電影,從 《鬼馬雙星》到《摩登保鑣》,連續五次成為年度賣座冠軍,並三度刷新香港票房紀錄。以香港為家,從社會現實發掘喜 劇材料,針砭時弊,戲謔諧仿,笑盡人生百態,又經常諷刺苛刻老闆剝削下屬,為打工仔女吐一口烏氣。不只以對白搞笑, 更善用場景及身體語言製造笑料,突破語言界限。影響所及,令諧趣功夫片和時裝動作喜劇如雨後春筍,也徹底改變了 香港喜劇電影的面貌。 Michael Hui is a living legend, Hong Kong’s very own King of Comedy for nearly half a century. In a career that began on television with the popular Hui Brothers Show (1971-72), he created his unique brand of humor and deadpan comic timing, which extended into his films, inadvertently kicking off the comedy boom in Hong Kong cinema during the seventies and eighties. From Games Gamblers Play to Security Unlimited, in which Hui juggled directing, writing and acting duties, his films repeatedly broke box-office records. Hui has dazzled and entertained generations of Hong Kong audiences with his character-driven satires, combined with a splash of slapstick, alongside a uniquely Cantonese sensibility. Beyond outrageous laughs, his roaring comedies offer an acerbic look at the changing society and integrated local culture, in particular the social exploitation that resonates loudly with the working class. His distinguished tapestry of inventive jokes and performance art has inspired countless kung-fu and action comedies, leaving an enduring legacy that transformed the history of Hong Kong cinema.



The Warlord

Games Gamblers Play

導演 Dir: 李翰祥 Li Han-hsiang 國語 Mandarin  1972  92min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 胡錦 Hu Chin, 宗華 Tsung Hua, 狄娜 Tina Ti, 何莉莉 Lily Ho

導演 Dir: 許冠文 Michael Hui 粵語 Cantonese  1974  108min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 許冠傑 Sam Hui, 許冠英 Ricky Hui, 丁珮 Betty Ting Pei

《雙星報喜》電視趣劇深入民心,許冠文的喜劇才華獲李翰祥賞識,首度挑戰大 銀幕演出。背景為民初軍閥割據時期,以「狗肉將軍」張宗昌為藍本,穿插大 砲祈雨、派兵盜墓等情節,嬉笑怒罵掌權者的腐敗荒唐。怪招審案獨行獨斷, 卻歪打正着,流露民間智慧。揮軍節節領先,竟在天九牌局輸掉戰役,行事草 率兒戲。許冠文以光頭造型,把禍國殃民的烏龍軍閥,演繹得既可惡又可愛。 他亦由此領略電影奧妙,為日後喜劇創作大放異彩奠下基礎。

許冠文首次銀幕上自編自導,夥拍許冠傑演出,發揮《雙星報喜》成功模式, 以明快喜劇節奏征服觀眾,即打破開埠票房紀錄。影片諷刺當時社會普遍存在 的賭仔心態,尾段更赴葡京賭場實地取景。文哥與阿傑嗜賭成性,在監倉以賭 會友,出獄後合作贏大錢,卻招惹惡霸被追殺。許冠文曾在電視台策劃校際問 答比賽,戲中就利用有獎問答遊戲作搞笑情節。許冠傑創作的電影歌曲街知巷 聞,幕後還有吳宇森和洪金寶拔刀相助,可謂高手雲集。

Already a popular television star, Michael Hui made his film debut in this rowdy Shaw Brothers satire. Directed by Li Han-hsiang, one of Shaw’s most famous directors of opulent costume epics, the film centers on warlord Pang Ta-fu, who encounters endless shenanigans while ruling over Shantung province in early 20th century China. Primarily a dark satire on amoral authoritarianism, the film still tackles serious themes, and provides Hui with ample room to give a memorably broad and side-splitting performance.

Michael Hui wrote and directed his first film, starring himself and his brother, singer Sam Hui. This smash hit established the Hui Brothers as box office draws, while reigniting local interest in Cantonese-language cinema. Playing off Hong Kong’s passion for gambling, the film stars the brothers as ex-cons scamming for money using cards, mahjong and other get-richquick schemes. With his self-effacing everyman performance, Hui laid the foundation for future iconic screen appearances.



The Last Message

The Private Eyes

導演 Dir: 許冠文 Michael Hui 粵語 Cantonese  1975  99min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 許冠傑 Sam Hui, 喬宏 Roy Chiao

導演 Dir: 許冠文 Michael Hui 粵語 Cantonese  1976  97min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 許冠傑 Sam Hui, 許冠英 Ricky Hui

精神病院猶如社會縮影,光怪陸離,有人愛吃鈔票,有人臨死仍在記掛恒生指 數。雜工阿添練精學懶,從死去病人身上盜取金牙。風流男護士貪婪投機,也 盼望不勞而獲。二人發現新來病人可能擁有價值連城的古玩,馬上財迷心竅, 夢想一朝發達,在其死後不惜問米招魂、針灸屍體,甚至出動腦電波機器,查 探寶藏下落。許冠文自編自導第二作,極盡黑色幽默,引人發笑之餘,亦借瘋 人世界的貪嗔痴,以辛辣嘲諷,揭示人性醜陋,戲謔荒謬世情。

堪稱港產喜劇經典,不只本地賣座,更紅到日本。開場的跟蹤戲,純粹利用身 體語言製造笑料,已在銳意加強視覺上的喜劇感。廚房大戰的場面設計為人津 津樂道,戲院打劫一幕引起熱議,錯摸橋段令人捧腹不已,雞體操更是神來之 筆。許冠文飾演孤寒刻薄的私家偵探社社長,表面精明,但查案時常撞板。許 冠傑飾演身手敏捷的下屬,卻備受老闆剝削。還有許冠英飾演呆頭呆腦但惹人 喜愛的「雞泡」角色。連二弟許冠武也客串了水床酒店一幕。

The second consecutive hit from writer-director-star Michael Hui finds him and brother Sam as sanitarium employees looking to strike it rich. The two encounter a series of misadventures when they meet a patient who may be the key to a hidden fortune. An even bigger hit than Games Gamblers Play, The Last Message showcases the Hui Brothers’ crowd-pleasing formula, with non-stop comedy set pieces, scathing local satire, Michael as a deadpan everyman, and Sam adding lady-killer charm and catchy Canto-pop tunes.

The Hui Brothers formula was perfected in this classic comedy. Writerdirector Michael Hui combines sight gags, social satire, and creative action (choreographed by Sammo Hung) for this chart-topping blockbuster about a miserly private detective who teams up with a martial artist and a hapless office drone. More than just a great Hui Brothers movie, The Private Eyes is a progenitor of the exhilarating, creative, and wildly entertaining spectacles that would later characterize Hong Kong popular cinema.

焦點影人  許冠文 Michael Hui, Filmmaker in Focus | 華語電影 PAN-CHINESE CINEMA

Licensed by Celestial Picture Limited. All rights reserved.

焦點影人  許冠文 Michael Hui, Filmmaker in Focus | 華語電影 PAN-CHINESE CINEMA



Security Unlimited

Chicken and Duck Talk

導演 Dir: 許冠文 Michael Hui 粵語 Cantonese  1981  92min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 許冠傑 Sam Hui, 許冠英 Ricky Hui

導演 Dir: 高志森 Clifton Ko 粵語 Cantonese  1988  98min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 許冠英 Ricky Hui, 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang

《賣身契》(1978)票房及口碑不如預期,許冠文總結經驗,拍出集大成之作, 亦開創了香港賀歲片先河。護衛公司主管愛充大頭鬼,老闆兒子從外國學成歸 來,假扮新人應徵,乘機視察公司運作。試驗跳傘有驚無險,學車口訣笑破肚 皮。許氏兄弟各司其職:許冠文演尖酸主管;許冠傑演有勇有謀下屬;許冠英 演色盲護衛員,邂逅偷渡少女;許冠武則在幕後協力。許冠文不只搞笑,也拍 出小人物的人情味,更憑本片獲封首屆香港電影金像獎影帝。

許冠文自編自演,再演刻薄老闆,並非故技重施,而是有話要說。本片是他與 嘉禾結束賓主關係後,以出品人身份投資拍攝的首部電影。老許記是傳統燒鴨 店,老闆思想守舊,為人吝嗇,漠視員工加薪訴求。然而時代轉變,美式炸雞 店來勢洶洶,老許記面對競爭,只好設法轉型,卻鬧出連番笑話。影片拍出逆 境中的自嘲與反省,還安排許冠英飾演跳槽員工,展開一場雞鴨大戰。偷師鬥 法、碗蓋老鼠,充分表現許氏喜劇的精準節奏與獨到創意。

The three Hui Brothers ended their impressive streak of collaborations with Security Unlimited, their final film together for nearly a decade, and yet another top-earning blockbuster. Writer-director Michael Hui again satirizes local Hong Kong life in this action-comedy, in which he stars as the leader of a screwball security team, with Sam Hui as his suave assistant, and Ricky Hui as a hapless new recruit. Michael Hui was crowned Best Actor at the inaugural Hong Kong Film Awards for his virtuoso comic performance.

Along with director Clifton Ko, Michael Hui co-wrote and also stars in this uproarious comedy about a penny-pinching restaurateur. Already preoccupied with shifty employees and nagging health inspectors, vintage bistro owner Hui must tap into his most conniving instincts when a rival fast food restaurant opens nearby. The film’s incisive look at local life is honest and even heartwarming. Michael and Ricky Hui fighting while dressed as a giant fowl remains one of the most rollicking scenes in Hong Kong cinema.



Front Page

The Magic Touch

導演 Dir: 陳欣健 Philip Chan 粵語 Cantonese  1990  96min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 許冠傑 Sam Hui, 許冠英 Ricky Hui

導演 Dir: 許冠文 Michael Hui 粵語 Cantonese  1992  100min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 黎明 Leon Lai, 許冠英 Ricky Hui

許氏兄弟銀幕上再度聚首,來一趟《半斤八両》摩登變奏。八卦周刊為求銷路 不擇手段,娛樂狗仔隊揭人隱私大受歡迎,正經報導乏人問津,老許的雜誌社 追不上潮流,面臨倒閉危機。為了自救,把心一橫同流合污,鎖定即將嫁入豪 門的娛樂圈玉女,不惜扮鬼扮馬,捏造新聞。調侃整容隆胸,諷刺社會歪風之 餘,依然不忘勵志自強,強調未來要靠自己創造。許冠文的劇本保持時代觸覺, 更拿《賭神》(1989)的隱形液晶體顯影眼鏡來大開玩笑。

許冠文再執導筒,且獨具慧眼,找來當時剛完成首個棟篤笑的黃子華聯合編劇 及演出。在香港面臨九七人心惶惶之際,不少人以迷信尋求安慰,但摸骨神算 其實是神棍,得罪了稅務局長,被稅局派員調查漏稅。意外受了腦震盪,卻啟 發了神算異能,真的可以透過摸骨預見未來。黎明飾演的稅局調查員想利用他 的超能力,協助調查黑幫頭目犯罪證據,卻因此身陷險境。後巷救人詼諧,妙 計摸骨惹笑。許冠文對黎明的角色多番規勸,但不說教,突顯患難真情。

Michael Hui wrote and starred in this comedy that reunited him with brothers Sam and Ricky for the first time since 1981’s Security Unlimited. The three show off their renowned onscreen chemistry as employees at a tabloid newspaper; Michael is the chief editor, who works with a martial arts teacher to manufacture a juicy scoop involving a famously chaste starlet. Hui affirms his social conscience with this satirical take on the entertainment news scene, delivering topical barbs alongside his trademark raucous laughs.

The most recent film to be directed and written by, and also star Michael Hui, The Magic Touch casts the legendary comedian as Hui, a phony fortune teller who sustains a head injury and gains the power to really see a person’s future. Now blessed with supernatural abilities, Hui teams with a lazy tax inspector to pursue a corrupt businessman. Michael Hui’s comic timing and everyman persona carry this winning comedy, which would go on to become the highest-grossing film of Hui’s career.


Always on My Mind


導演 Dir: 張之亮 Jacob Cheung 粵語 Cantonese  1993  100min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 蕭芳芳 Josephine Siao, 陳少霞 Cherie Chan

導演 Dir: 鍾孟宏 Chung Mong-Hong 國語 Mandarin  2016  112min 演員 Cast: 許冠文 Michael Hui, 納豆 Na Dow, 戴立忍 Leon Dai

許氏公司出品,UFO 攝製。許冠文飾演電視新聞部老臣子,人到中年,兒子失 戀令他煩惱,女兒拍拖令他焦躁,不幸被診斷患癌,又盲打誤撞制服了歹徒, 因此贏得高收視,成為電視台搖錢樹。他亦乘機賺快錢,對外宣佈時日無多, 卻對家人隱瞞真相。他在新聞報道隨便加入個人意見,竟大受歡迎,電視台還 為他直播生日會。許冠文這次不只是冷面笑匠,還有更多幽默與溫情,笑中有 淚。尾段三分鐘自白,批判群眾盲目相信傳媒,尤其語重心長。

喜劇泰斗罕有地演非喜劇角色,把小人物的孤獨與辛酸,拿捏得爐火純青。替 黑幫走私毒品的納豆,登上老許的計程車,一直向南走,但前路凶險,竟遇上 連串意想不到的事。老許本是香港人,移居台灣二十年,失意落泊,一臉風霜。 吃不到的小籠包,折射着人生的荒誕與無奈。一路不順風,萍水相逢的兩人, 卻發展出父子般的感情。鍾孟宏(《陽光普照》,2019)糅合黑色幽默與冷暴力, 在一趟悲喜交集的公路旅程中,慢慢滲出黯淡裏的微光。

Michael Hui delivers one of his most accomplished performances in this dramedy about an opportunistic news anchor who is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Throwing caution to the wind, he makes waves as an honest newsman, earning growing ratings and the adulation of his family (including Josephine Siao, as his devoted wife), who still don’t know that he is close to the end. Part family drama and part social satire, this Jacob Cheung-directed gem features Hui’s most poignant screen appearance.

A slow-burn crime drama from award-winning filmmaker Chung MongHong, Godspeed represents a triumphant departure for star Michael Hui. The legendary comedian plays Hong Kong émigré and taxi driver Old Xu, who is hired by a drug mule to ferry a shipment across Taiwan. Chung’s subversive genre film presents a familiar Michael Hui character, yet makes him a beacon of humanity in a pitch-black, unforgiving world. Hui was nominated for numerous awards for his deeply resonant performance.

焦點影人  許冠文 Michael Hui, Filmmaker in Focus | 華語電影 PAN-CHINESE CINEMA



環球視野 Global Vision




導演 Dir: 華倫廷華斯恩諾維治 Valentyn Vasyanovych 烏克蘭 Ukraine  2019  108min 演員 Cast: Andriy Rymaruk, Liudmyla Bileka, Vasyl Antoniak

導演 Dir: 基巴文當加費路 Kleber Mendonça Filho, 胡里安盧當尼勒斯 Juliano Dornelles 巴西 Brazil/法國 France 2019 131min 演員 Cast: Sônia Braga, Udo Kier, Bárbara Colen, Thomás Aquino

2025 年,與俄羅斯戰爭結束一年後,烏克蘭剩下是荒蕪土地與污染水源。回到 現實生活的軍人,面對同袍自殺、工廠倒閉,只能在荒野狂射人形標靶發洩。 走進地雷陣區域,他因緣際會協助女義工挖掘軍人遺體,讓死者安息之餘,也 是為自己「完成戰爭」。華斯恩諾維治冷眼靜觀戰後生態及人道災難,剖開戰 禍中腐朽的殘骸。嚴酷且淒美的景象,令人震懾。過去已像亞特蘭提斯消失, 漆黑中感光的體溫,又能否為未來透亮?威尼斯影展地平線最佳影片。

巴西小村落在衛星地圖上突然消失,怪事接踵而至:神秘電單車闖入,一家三 口離奇被殺,還有不明物體在上空盤旋。村民嗅到血雨腥風,發現一群白人優 越主義的僱傭兵來到展開殺戮遊戲。在南美民族風中吹起西部片的萬里狂沙和 《七俠四義》式的誓保家園,激蕩驚慄片的懸疑節奏,將世界濃縮入魔幻寫實空 間,在低氣壓中暴露資源掠奪、政治貪腐、全球化侵蝕的惡業。費路繼《不遷 不拆水瓶座》(41 屆)後,再拍出奇詭社會寓言。獲康城評審團獎。

In 2025, a year after war has ended, Ukraine is left devastated by toxic pollution. A former soldier suffering from PTSD finds an unexpected way to cope with his new reality – supporting a volunteer team that exhumes combatants’ bodies from mass graves and “completes their war.” Sensitively observed and meticulously crafted, Vasyanovych’s Orizzonti Best Film winner at Venice is a strikingly austere and bleak vision that dissects a decomposing near future, yet offers a ray of hope for humanity.

Uncharted on any map, the Brazilian village of Bacurau suddenly comes under threat. Roaring motorcycles, flying saucers, and a gang of heavily-armed American mercenaries arrive for a grisly human safari, but are greeted by the fearsome resistance of the spirited villagers. Loaded with Western symbolism and riffs on local folklore, woven into magical realism, this thriller is densely layered with cynical political allegory, a kinship shared with Aquarius (41st), Filho’s previous social parable. Winner of the Cannes Jury Prize.





Castle of Dreams

(Ghasr-e Shirin)

導演 Dir: 康特米爾巴拉哥夫 Kantemir Balagov 俄羅斯 Russia  2019  137min 演員 Cast: Viktoria Miroshnichenko, Vasilisa Perelygina, Andrey Bykov

導演 Dir: 雷沙美卡尼米 Reza Mirkarimi 伊朗 Iran  2019  85min 演員 Cast: Hamed Behdad, Zhila Shahi, Azadeh Nobahari, Nioosha Alipour

火紅艷綠,潑散戰後灰劫頹垣的列寧格勒,渲染苟延殘喘的蒼白眾生相。一個 個殘破壓抑的靈魂在醫院飄蕩,高瘦沉鬱的護士伊雅患上創傷後遺症,在昏厥 困頓中尚存一絲嫩綠生機;嬌小熱情的瑪莎剛從前線退役,渴望開展新生卻獨 剩狼藉殘紅。兩人在亂世中相依,試圖在荒蕪中尋覓出路,沿途卻是闇黑的人 性荒原。透溢諾貝爾得獎作《戰爭沒有女人的臉》的靈光,俄羅斯新生代導演 巴拉哥夫的強烈影像風格光芒四射,勇奪康城「某種觀點」最佳導演獎。

小兄妹遭逢家庭變故,母親垂危,闊別多年、剛剛出獄的父親現身,他卻只想 取回汽車,不得已才把子女接走。一路上,妹妹天真爛漫,哥哥則默默觀察, 途中遇見身份成謎的女子,父母關係通過細密推敲的對白逐步揭盅。母親曾說 父親擁有夢幻堡壘,最終可會抵達?一對小演員尤其搶鏡,美卡尼米(《今天無 悔》,39 屆)充分發揮兒童題材及公路片優點,透過孩童目光,暴露成人世界 的醜陋與謊言。在上海電影節奪得最佳影片、導演、男演員三項大獎。

In post-war Leningrad, a depressive nurse and her impetuous friend, newly returned from the frontline, form an intense bond, as they struggle to survive and make a doomed attempt to find a glimmer of hope in a world starved of humanity. Inspired by Svetlana Alexievich’s book The Unwomanly Face of War, Balagov proves his remarkable talent with this bleak, yet ferocious sophomore effort crafted in painterly compositions. Best Director Award, Un Certain Regard, Cannes.

Winner of Best Feature Film and Best Director at the Shanghai International Film Festival, Mirkarimi’s latest tale of contemporary Iranian family misfortune begins as Jalal, freshly released from prison, attempts to abscond with his sickly wife’s car. The prognosis is not good, and his sisterin-law refuses to let Jalal leave unless he takes his two estranged young children with him. The drama that subsequently unfolds addresses reluctant responsibility, and the uncertain future of the entire Iranian nation.

環球視野 Global Vision | 世界電影 WORLD CINEMA


亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



環球視野 Global Vision | 世界電影 WORLD CINEMA

Corpus Christi

(Bo e Cia o)

Endless Night

(Longa noite)

導演 Dir: 楊高馬薩 Jan Komasa 波蘭 Poland/法國 France  2019 115min 演員 Cast: Bartosz Bielenia, Aleksandra Konieczna, Eliza Rycembel, Tomasz Zi tek

導演 Dir: 艾萊安西索卡察菲路 Eloy Enciso Cachafeiro 西班牙 Spain  2019  90min 演員 Cast: Verónica Quintela, Manuel Pumares, Suso Meilán

教導所的暴風少年,假釋期間被派往鄉郊鋸木廠,陰差陽錯下竟假扮神父。替 信徒告解要上網求救,反傳統佈道風格卻深得人心,為因車禍而陰霾密佈的小 鎮居民化解怨恨。完全投入角色之際遇上昔日共犯,真實身份隨時被揭穿…… 波蘭導演高馬薩以沉鬱且躁動的鏡頭,借真人真事對亂世下的信仰與良知、罪 孽與寬恕提出連串叩問,與保羅舒里達《牧師的最後誘惑》(2018 夏日國際電 影節)壓抑孤絕的氛圍冷鏡互照。獲提名奧斯卡最佳國際電影。

西班牙內戰結束,安蘇走在回鄉路上。沿途所見,勝者未嘗為王,敗者更在抑 鬱與耽憶間,向未來投擲無主生命。戰爭改變人際關係,新政更在預示獨裁降 臨。卡察菲路(《山林深處有人家》,41 屆)從真實政治犯的回憶錄與獄中書信 汲取靈感,借助非職業演員,重塑佛朗哥年代。語言、權力、信念,通通在重 整社會秩序的慾望裏交織互滲,終究在無情的現代化齒輪轉動下,粉碎一切守 護價值的努力。長夜迢遙,生活的質感一再磨蝕,行者註定走入虛無。

Released from a detention center, a juvenile convict poses as a priest in order to hide from his past in a small Polish town, where he becomes an unlikely vessel of comfort, providing spiritual leadership to a community locked in grief following a tragic car accident. Polish filmmaker Komasa unfurls a real-life event into this Oscar-nominated moral drama, delving into the inner struggle of his character and prostrating before questions concerning faith, conscience and redemption.

It is the 1970s, the final years of Franco’s fascist dictatorship that gripped Spain for decades. Employing non-professional actors, and piecing together excerpts from letters and memoirs from political prisoners of the time, writer-director Cachafeiro (Arraianos, 41st) fashions a quietly haunting and mesmerizing portrait of a country shell-shocked by political upheaval. At once a precisioncrafted period reconstruction, and a timeless cautionary fable, Endless Night is a stirring story of unwavering resilience amongst the poor and the powerless.



The Fever

Ghost Tropic

(A Febre)

導演 Dir: 瑪雅達琳 Maya Da-Rin 巴西 Brazil/法國 France/德國 Germany  2019  99min 演員 Cast: Regis Myrupu, Rosa Peixoto, Johnatan Sodré, Kaisaro Jussara Brito

導演 Dir: 巴斯德夫斯 Bas Devos 比利時 Belgium  2019  84min 演員 Cast: Saadia Bentaïeb, Maaike Neuville, Stefan Gota, Cedric Luvuezo

求生本能植根於世代居住的土地,然而當賈斯蒂諾遷出了亞馬遜叢林,嘗試在 城市落地生根,卻如擱淺的魚。中年的他當上貨櫃碼頭保安,妻子離世後,跟 女兒一起生活。女兒是診所護士,正計劃到首都學醫。他捨不得女兒離家,但 還是默默接受,可是突如其來的發燒,莫名其妙地燒灼他的身心,阿彼察邦式 的超現實異象更令他困擾不已。瑪雅達琳首部劇情長片,揭示亞馬遜原住民面 對的歧視及文化衝擊,獲羅迦諾電影節國際影評人聯盟獎及最佳男演員獎。

中年清潔女工卡迪亞好心替工加班,因為太累,在最後一班地車睡着了,醒來 已是尾站,只好走路回家。途經醫院、加油站、便利店,有露宿漢、醫護、流 浪狗、夜之一族沿路相隨,見識布魯塞爾深夜日常。43 屆新秀電影競賽(世界) 最佳導演巴斯德夫斯(《下一站,地獄》)繼續簡約路線,完成了這部夜行故事。 看似風格一轉,打破自我成規,以溫柔寫實釋放暗黑能量,其實依然是對死亡 的沉溺想像,鏡頭靜謐空靈,不安感卻縈繞不散。

For her first fictional feature, documentarian Maya Da-Rin casts her overtly political gaze on the plight of migrant workers in her native Brazil. A bold rejection of traditional cinematic grammar, Da-Rin tells the story of Justino, a 45-year-old tribesman forced into the city to work as security guard at a container port. When his daughter accepts a place at medical school, Justino suddenly becomes sick and fixated by reports of a mysterious creature, as his investigations draw him deeper back into the jungle.

When Khadija, a Muslim woman, falls asleep on the last subway and misses her stop, she is left with no alternative but to walk home alone through the streets of Brussels. Devos (Hellhole, Best Director, Young Cinema Competition (World) at the 43rd) takes us on a magical jaunt through an intriguing cityscape, as Khadija enjoys fleeting encounters with other night owls, and performs selfless acts of generosity. The result is a refreshingly heartwarming portrait of migrants, the working class, and city life.



The Horse Thieves. Roads of Time

Light for the Youth

導演 Dir: 耶蘭努爾穆汗別托夫 Yerlan Nurmukhambetov, 竹葉理沙 Lisa Takeba 哈薩克 Kazakhstan/日本 Japan  2019  83min 演員 Cast: Moriyama Mirai, Samal Yeslyamova, Madi Menaidarov

導演 Dir: 申秀媛 Shin Su-won 南韓 South Korea  2019  114min 演員 Cast: 金𧙖廷 Kim Ho-jeong, 丁夏潭 Jeong Ha-dam, 尹燦榮 Yoon Chan-young

哈薩克遼闊草原上,十歲男孩經歷了不一樣的夏天。他愛繪畫,夢想長大後可 以不受管束。牧馬的父親到市集賣馬,一去不返;素未謀面的陌生叔叔,竟有 着至親感覺。竹葉理沙(《春子超常現象研究所》,39 屆)與努爾穆汗別托夫展 開一次跨國合作,外來視角拍出壯麗山河,內在尋覓漂泊大地的純潔靈魂,同 時描畫男孩的成長與轉變。森山未來完全融入中亞草原世界,《小傢伙》 (43 屆) 康城影后莎瑪葉斯利亞莫娃更表現壓場功力。釜山電影節開幕電影。

溫文青年每日返工就是全天候致電債仔,溫馨提示立即還錢。公司天台巧遇女 上司,難得跨越從屬藩籬,在令人窒息的刻板日常中互相扶持。女上司的女兒 主修哲學,求職屢被奚落。青年上門收數,意外引發不可收拾的悲劇,考驗自 身,直指人性。如果黑白是良知,青年在俗世洪流又可如何自持?黑暗盡頭可 會有光明?曾當教師的申秀媛,繼《冥王星保衛戰》(37 屆)後再度聚焦韓國 新一代的迷惘與無奈,側寫病態社會的冷漠與淪落。

The Kazakh steppes form the spectacular setting for an intimate tale of tragedy and revenge that befalls an unsuspecting family. After heading into town to sell his horses, Ondasyn is brutally slain by a band of horse thieves. This shocking act of violence leaves his wife and 10-year-old son in despair, until a former flame, Kairat, reappears on the scene. This slow-burn, almost evasively plotted drama divulges its secrets cautiously, whispered on the winds that haunt its vast, unspoiled emptiness.

What are we willing to sacrifice in our pursuit of success? Se-yeon is a manager at the call center of a debt collection agency, continually pressured by the higher-ups to deliver results. When a collection attempt gone wrong leads to a young employee’s disappearance, Se-yeon is forced to rethink her ambitions. The latest film by director Shin Su-won (Pluto, 37th) is a sobering psychological drama that exposes the harsh realities faced by white-collar workers in South Korea.

foto di Francesca Errichiello



Martin Eden

Moonlit Winter

導演 Dir: 彼得馬切羅 Pietro Marcello 意大利 Italy/法國 France  2019  129min 演員 Cast: Luca Marinelli, Jessica Cressy, Denise Sardisco, Vincenzo Nemolato

導演 Dir: 任大炯 Lim Dae-hyung 南韓 South Korea  2019  106min 演員 Cast: 金喜愛 Kim Hee-ae, 中村優子 Nakamura Yuko, 金素慧 Kim So-hye

將傑克倫敦的半自傳由二十世紀美國搬到意大利,導演馬切羅以如幻似真的詩 意筆觸,借窮水手變身名作家的翻天覆地人生歷程,道盡創作艱辛、階級偏見 與政治迷思。出身貧寒的馬田伊頓愛慕上流千金,奮發讀書寫作,遇上左翼知 識份子思想啟蒙而名成利就,無奈與愛人的隔閡、對社會的絕望日深,終令他 走上不歸路。以 16 米厘菲林拍攝,褪色回憶片段隔空交錯,反照現實生活失落 的質感,與自由靈魂的幻滅。盧卡馬里內利憑本片榮膺威尼斯影帝。

突如其來的情書,喚起一段忘不掉的心跳回憶。憑韓劇《夫妻的世界》大熱的 資深演員金喜愛飾演已為人母的允熙,與高中生女兒相依為命。一封寄自北海 道的信,意外讓女兒發現母親埋藏多年的秘密。為了令母親釋懷,女兒決定與 母同遊,尋訪她那段塵封的過去。兩母女在途上,不但修補了彼此關係,同時 照見各自情愛段落。韓國新晉導演任大炯第二作,細膩刻劃女同情誼的美麗與 哀愁。今生不再的愛,在小樽漫天風雪下更見遺憾。釜山電影節閉幕電影。

Transposing Jack London’s quasi-autobiography to 20th century Naples, Marcello traces the personal journey of Martin Eden, from unskilled sailor to acclaimed writer. Awarded Best Actor at Venice, Luca Marinelli stars as the embittered hero, whose struggle is ensnared by his classist prejudices, political musings, and intense disappointment with the life he created. The resulting narrative is reflected in Marcello’s own lyrical vision, through gorgeously textured 16mm cinematography.

Sae-bom is a high school student living with her recently-divorced, and perpetually melancholic, mother, Yun-hee. When Sae-bom comes across a letter addressed to Yun-hee from a mysterious stranger in Japan, she hatches a plan to uncover the secret history behind it. Lim Dae-hyung’s mother-daughter drama is an emotional journey of reconciliation and acceptance that tackles weighty issues with tenderness, subtlety and grace. Closing film of the 2019 Busan International Film Festival.


環球視野 Global Vision | 世界電影 WORLD CINEMA


環球視野 Global Vision | 世界電影 WORLD CINEMA




The Painted Bird

導演 Dir: 阿宏卡弗克 Arun Karthick 印度 India/荷蘭 The Netherlands  2020  78min 演員 Cast: Koumarane Valavane, Sudha Ranganathan, Yasmin Rahman, Sabari

導演 Dir: 華克拉夫馬哈爾 Václav Marhoul 捷克 Czech Republic/烏克蘭 Ukraine/斯洛伐克 Slovak Republic  2019  169min 演員 Cast: Petr Kotlár, Udo Kier, Lech Dyblik, Stellan Skarsgård, Harvey Keitel

歷史天使的翅膀張起,時代罡風吹襲彷彿永不改變的種姓社會角落。穆斯林長 老帶着低智兒子,生活固然捉襟見肘,在印度教極端民族主義文化包圍下,旁 人拿他作出氣袋,日常呼吸每一口空氣都差點吃不消。但他仍努力活出尊嚴, 抽空給妻子寫情信,想像出國工作換取美好將來。工作的衣料店是色彩有序的 溫柔之日常,現實卻是殘酷的暴力蓄勢待發。導演卡弗克以連環特寫和重視前 後景對比的風格影像,充分闡明何謂易碎的絕對:白雲低壓,碧血滲人。

假如蒼茫的顏色總令人不忍卒睹,那麼真正的成長可是把殘酷和淒酸,一次又 一次吞進肚裏,不惜日後喪失自我?改編波蘭自殺作家澤西高辛斯基同名遭禁 小說,導演馬哈爾透過細膩的黑白菲林影像,推動歷史從虛構中走出來,自行 說話。沒有名字的男孩在大戰蹂躪的東歐城鎮流浪,見證各種暴力過剩、人性 陷墮,終於明白歧視有因緣,槍打出頭鳥,不能讓人知道他怎樣與別不同。安 排角色口吐斯拉夫共通語,喻意明確。獲威尼斯影展聯合國兒童基金會大獎。

The southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu bursts with ethnic tensions, Nasir works as a clerk in a textile store, living a gentle family life. A Muslim, he endures Hindu nationalist rhetoric blaring on the market’s loudspeakers, or discussed, shamelessly, in the workplace. Following The Strange Case of Shiva (2015), Arun Karthick crafts a haunting, humanist work. A character study focusing on the minutiae of the everyday, it highlights what we all stand to lose in the face of senseless violence, hate, and the resurgence of mob mentality.

A brutal, unflinching adaptation of Jerzy Kosi ski’s 1965 novel, Václav Marhoul’s black-and-white tour de force is the first film ever made in the Interslavic language. The Painted Bird tells the story of a young Jewish boy, forced to fend for himself in a hostile, East European hellscape during World War II. Drawing enthusiastic comparisons to Tarkovsky’s Ivan’s Childhood and Klimov’s Come and See, Marhoul’s searing juxtaposition of horror and beauty explodes in one of the year’s most powerful films.

(Nabarvené Ptá e)

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere





導演 Dir: 卡洛西朗尼 Carlo Sironi 意大利 Italy/波蘭 Poland  2019  100min 演員 Cast: Sandra Drzymalska, Claudio Segaluscio, Barbara Ronchi, Bruno Buzzi

導演 Dir: 馬勒絲慕哈瑪迪 Mahnaz Mohammadi 伊朗 Iran  2019  102min 演員 Cast: Raha Khodayari, Mahan Nasiri, Reza Behboodi, Shiva Ordooie

一個打算賣掉腹中小孩的移民少女,一個終日沉迷角子機的寡言少男,為了金 錢假裝伴侶,務求將嬰兒合法過繼給少男不育的叔叔。兩人共處一室卻形同陌 路,只想拿到錢後各行各路。可是孩子早產,需要母乳哺育,嬰兒的啼哭彷彿 喚起慈愛天性,偽裝的親情可會弄假成真?西朗尼首部長片沉穩冷靜,省去多 餘對白,不動聲色卻準確捕捉情感的微妙轉變,善用銀幕比例凸顯寂寞與局促, 在偏冷色調下,細細發現人間尚有一線溫煦的微光。

不幸面對工廠裁員,寡婦麗娜要解決財困,照顧患病幼女,唯一出路是接受巴 士司機求婚,代價卻是放棄十二歲兒子,該如何抉擇?鏡頭一轉,孩子被安排 在聾啞學校寄宿,獨自面對無語無聲的世界,是等待母親接回家,還是得自覓 出路?柏林金熊獎大導拉穌羅夫萬鈞之重劇本加持,慕哈瑪迪把女性困境的真 實面貌細緻呈現,別出心裁的結構通過母子不同角度,揭開僵化法規、陳腐觀 念以至世俗偏見加諸婦孺的沉重黑紗,以創作對極權作最有力反抗。

Fabio hires his directionless slacker nephew, Ermanno, to watch over Lena, a young pregnant Polish woman. He is to pose as the father of her unborn baby so that Fabio can adopt it, thus evading Italy’s anti-surrogacy law. The fake couple soon find themselves developing parental instincts that they never thought they had. A slow-burn melodrama bathed in a cool blue sheen, Sironi's assured feature debut is a wistful and tender look at the anxiety, anticipation, and life-changing effects of impending parenthood.

A secured future, or a family together? A widow in Iran faces an impossible choice when she is laid off. A solution to her financial hardship emerges in the form of a marriage proposal, but with one condition: her 12-year-old son must leave. Told from both the mother’s and the son’s perspectives, and anchored by a powerful screenplay from Golden Bear winner Mohammad Rasoulof, Mohammadi’s fiction-feature debut is a candid glimpse of a heartbreaking reality, and the struggle of women against stale social norms.


©Le-Moindre Geste-Altamar Films

The Unknown Saint

家暴裁決 (Le Miracle du Saint Inconnu)


導演 Dir: 阿拉艾甸阿廉 Alaa Eddine Aljem 摩洛哥 Morocco/法國 France/卡塔爾 Qatar  2019  100min 演員 Cast: Younes Bouab, Salah Bensalah, Bouchaib Essamak

導演 Dir: 雷蒙里比古鐵雷斯 Raymund Ribay Gutierrez 菲律賓 The Philippines/法國 France  2019  126min 演員 Cast: Max Eigenmann, Kristoffer King, Jorden Suan

賊仔被追捕,選了個靚山丘埋贓款,墳石為記。以為出獄取回鈔票可以歎世界, 豈料埋贓之地被誤作無名聖人塚,善信絡繹不絕。賊仔只好伺機「盜墓」,過 得了忠勇毅看更,卻過不了他的狗。埋贓算是壞心做「好」事,俗人求神得神, 賊仔看盡村中半桶水虔誠男的三尖八角。阿拉艾甸阿廉首部長片表面是博君一 粲破迷信小品,道貌岸然冷面風格,實則主動出擊,在行為因果與處境寓言之 間,巧妙帶出民粹的神化:那高攀大我無我的普世自愚風光。

丈夫醉酒回家施虐,血流披面的妻子抱着受傷女兒,逃到街上求援。她要控告 他,可是菲律賓的訴訟程序冗長,受害人的權益得不到充分保障。家暴令她遍 體鱗傷,法庭上的困獸鬥使她身心交瘁,曾經自衛更令她漸處下風,一紙判決 能否彰顯公義?菲律賓新銳導演古鐵雷斯,師承文杜沙的寫實風格,將得獎短 片《審判》(43 屆)發展成首部長片,以手搖跟拍鏡頭,直探社會底層,控訴 司法制度官僚僵化。獲威尼斯影展地平線單元評審團特別獎。

Moments before he is apprehended by the police, a thief buries his stolen loot in an unmarked grave in the desert. Years later, released from prison, he discovers that a shrine to an “Unknown Saint” has been erected over the grave, and a small community has sprung up around it. For his debut feature, writer-director Aljem evokes the deadpan wit of the Coen Brothers, spinning his nifty premise into a delightfully eccentric story of faith and commercialism, populated by a marvelous menagerie of oddball caricatures.

Joy, a bloodied and battered mother, seeks justice after her drunken husband assaults her and their young daughter. Expanding on his Cannes-selected short film, Judgement (43rd), Gutierrez crafts a harrowing and immersive procedural, which throws the viewer headfirst into the labyrinthine and often absurd bureaucracy required for Joy to prove her case. In keeping with producer Mendoza’s whirlwind style of cinéma vérité, this legal drama provides a powerful window into the shortcomings of the Filipino judicial system.

環球視野 Global Vision | 世界電影 WORLD CINEMA



真的假不了 Reality Bites 影人影事 Filmmakers and Filmmaking

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


家以何安 Confucian Dream

(Le Regard de Charles)

導演 Dir: 查爾阿茲納弗 Charles Aznavour, 麥克迪多明尼高 Marc di Domenico 法國 France  2019  75min

導演 Dir: 李米傑 Li Mijie 普通話 Putonghua  2019  83min

法國抒情歌王查爾阿茲納弗 94 歲高齡辭世,熱愛音樂的他主演過杜魯福的《射 殺鋼琴師》,更酷愛拍片。他曾為 Edith Piaf 寫歌,獲贈攝影機,從此拍上癮。 超 8 米厘、16 米厘,不停拍,到處拍。麥克迪多明尼高有幸一睹珍藏,剪輯成 阿茲納弗的影像日記,帶領觀眾走入菲林的時光隧道,由 1948 到 1982,甜蜜、 苦澀、遠遊在在紀錄,最珍貴的卻是那擁抱生命的法式豁達,也觸及父輩因種 族屠殺由亞美尼亞輾轉逃到巴黎的往事,曇花一現的更有他眼中的舊時香港。

誦讀《論語》真能填補信仰真空?超燕發現高學歷和穩定工作,並無法解決生 活中的困惑,渴望從儒家文化尋找安慰和答案,也想兒子能在孔子教誨裏獲益。 於是每天清晨六點,她跟四歲兒子就在誦讀經文,還把兒子送去國學夏令營。 可是她對傳統文化的狂熱沉迷,令夫妻矛盾日益加深。李米傑從國學熱潮切入, 記錄一個家庭經歷的動盪。超燕愈想透過儒家思想令家庭和諧,愈把自己的家 推向破裂邊緣。捷克卡羅維法利電影節紀錄片競賽評審團特別獎。

“I film, therefore I exist”. Charles Aznavour, dubbed the “French Frank Sinatra”, was one of the world’s most prolific, and enduringly popular singers. The star of Truffaut’s Shoot the Piano Player was also an avid amateur filmmaker, shooting everything he did wherever he went for years, and director Marc di Domenico faithfully edited this footage together. Narrated in his own words, as recited by Romain Duris, the result is a unique document on the artist himself, providing unparalleled access to the entertainer of the century and coincidentally, a rare glimpse of old Hong Kong.

After being branded feudalistic and counter-revolutionary, Confucianism has been making a comeback across China as a form of alternative education. To find spiritual fulfillment in a rapidly modernizing society, Chaoyan, a young mother with a steady job, has turned to studying Confucianism. However, her insistence on teaching its ideas to her young son creates an irreparable rift in her family. This documentary from the producers of Academy Award winner American Factory (2019) documents how the age-old clash between tradition and modernity tears an ordinary family apart.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

©Martin Miseré

現代舞尊簡寧漢 3D


Cunningham 3D

I Am Not Alone

導演 Dir: 雅娜高芙根 Alla Kovgan 德國 Germany/法國 France/美國 USA  2019  92min

導演 Dir: 加連何凡尼西安 Garin Hovannisian 亞美尼亞 Armenia/美國 USA  2019  92min

延續雲溫達斯在《翩娜(3D)》(35屆)的舞蹈影像革命,高芙根運用數碼科 技,立體呈現殿堂級編舞家梅西簡寧漢以足尖躍出現代舞前所未見的維度。獨立 但非獨行,簡寧漢不止在舞蹈空間上拓展極端自由,他與作曲家兼親密伴侶John Cage及視覺藝術家Robert Rauschenberg的合作,更是跳脫藝術界別的樊籠。不 拘紀錄章法,以舊照、珍貴演出與重新編排的《夏日時空》及《雨林》等十四部 代表作,拼貼出簡寧漢對舞蹈的非凡視野,值百年誕辰向一代大師致敬。

何以為信念從沒退後?二百公里苦行,亞美尼亞反對派領袖帕辛揚一步一腳印, 由最初幾十人響應,變成數十萬人逼爆廣場,自發堵路以至每晚在家敲煲煲罉 罉抗議,be water 遍地開花,終令企圖以總理身份永續權力的前總統薩爾克相 在四十日後下台。何凡尼西安緊貼雙方陣營的論述與衝突,見證亞美尼亞人民 和理非革命的足跡,前總統在鏡頭前直認自己錯了,更儼如天方夜譚實現。澎 湃力量一如《佔領廣場》(39 屆),挺身而出的凡人,創造了歷史神話。

On the centenary of his birth, legendary American choreographer Merce Cunningham is celebrated in this 3D documentary that explores his creative vision in a dynamic cinematic experiment. Weaving together archival footage with newly staged performances of his seminal works, including “Summerspace” and “Rainforest”, Kovgan’s tribute takes a visceral journey into his world. Through his collaborations with composer-and-life partner John Cage and visual artist Robert Rauschenberg, Cunningham devoted his life to the rapturous power of dance, rediscovering utterly human passion.

From one man’s cross-country walk, to huge demonstrations of resistance, and acts of civil disobedience, the Armenian people “who had forgotten how to dream” show the world how nonviolent revolution can succeed in 40 days. Chronicling the movement through front-line reportage and new interviews, Hovannisian’s captivating documentary follows opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan as he galvanizes his fellow citizens in a power struggle that took down Armenia’s authoritarian regime. An inspiring portrait of civilian-led rebellion that complements Maidan (39th) and Winter on Fire (2015).

真的假不了 Reality Bites | 紀錄片 DOCUMENTARIES

Aznavour by Charles

影人影事 Filmmakers and Filmmaking | 紀錄片 DOCUMENTARIES | 真的假不了 Reality Bites



The Kingmaker

No Smoking

導演 Dir: 羅蘭格林菲特 Lauren Greenfield 美國 USA  2019  100min

導演 Dir: 佐渡岳利 Sado Taketoshi 日本 Japan  2019  95min

獨自莫憑欄,無限江山?對菲律賓前第一夫人艾美黛來說,遺憾太浪費時間, 一切還看他朝!當我們還停留在她遺下三千對鞋,與獨裁者丈夫馬可斯倉惶去 國的記憶時,她早重返政壇多年,推兒子上位,借與近兩任總統的關係,企圖 恢復家族名譽及權力。依然相信自己風華絕代的九旬老婦,鏡頭前述說委屈, 重構歷史:馬可斯是英雄,他們沒有貪污……導演巧妙引入辯證紀錄片的方法, 由觀眾逐步發現訪談內容的荒誕,儼然暗黑童話,為後真相年代的上佳示例。

在日本做 YMO 迷,甚至做坂本龍一迷是應份的,但做細野晴臣迷才顯得你「細緻 有嘢」。佐渡岳利當然是細野迷,懂得現在式穿插回顧,雙線演繹這日本樂壇教 父級人物;識走訪橫尾忠則,他見證過好友的生死關頭;又曉找另一個超級細野 迷星野源作旁白,捕捉粉絲心得。還找來又一個鐵粉小山田圭吾亮相。更在美國 巡迴演出路上,拍到即興不高調的 YMO「復合」,拍到細野音樂入形入髓一煙在 手。《坂本龍一:CODA》原來是個序,現在就要看這部濃郁煙味的。

“Perception is real. The truth is not”. Lauren Greenfield (The Queen of Versailles, Generation Wealth) has made affluence her topic of choice. What begins as a straightforward portrait of Imelda Marcos, former first lady of the Philippines, soon transforms into a gripping portrait of the legacy of the Marcos dictatorship and the myriad ways wealth can distort the truth, erase history, and foster tyranny. From Imelda’s garish lifestyle, to the crucial role she and the Marcos dynasty played in establishing Rodrigo Duterte’s power, here is a chilling document of our post-truth era.

Quit smoking? No way. Hosono Haruomi, the pioneering Japanese musician who has influenced generations with his innovative synth-pop stylings, won’t turn his back on the “purple smoke” that rocks his melodic sensibilities and shaped the pop culture of the 20th century. On his 50th anniversary in the music industry, the forecast architect and founding member of Yellow Magic Orchestra is celebrated in an invigorating documentary which provides fans with an all-access pass to his first solo US tour, and pokes the embers of his career through his friends and collaborators.



Andrey Tarkovsky. A Cinema Prayer

Fellini of the Spirits

(Andrej Tarkovskij. Il Cinema come Preghiera)

導演 Dir: 安瑟瑪德露莉奧 Anselma Dell'Olio 意大利 Italy  2020  90min

導演 Dir: 安德烈 A.塔可夫斯基 Andrey A. Tarkovsky 意大利 Italy/俄羅斯 Russia/瑞典 Sweden  2019  97min

想要深入了解塔可夫斯基的創作歷程,最好是由他親自剖白了。本片由他兒子 執導,找來塔可夫斯基生前珍貴錄音,由畢業短片《壓路機與小提琴》初露鋒 芒,一直談到流放海外拍攝遺作《犧牲》。電影創作外,也透露對部份作品的 詮釋,談到對藝術與生命的思索對神靈和信仰的堅定,並憶述個人成長經歷。 由童年說起,回首光陰不再的明亮日子,念念不忘籬笆上等候丈夫的母親背影, 而長期缺席的詩人父親,對他的電影和人生都留下了深遠影響。 The brief life and transformative power of Russian master Andrey Tarkovsky is recalled in this powerful elegy compiled by his own son. Weaving audio recordings from Tarkovsky himself and readings of his works by his father (the poet Arseny Tarkovsky), together with clips from his films, and archival footage from the locations that shaped both the master and his works, this powerful evocation offers new insights into a towering figure in cinema.

「我的生活就是拍電影,那是我,那是我的生命。」為紀念費里尼誕生百周年, 曾參與《珍姐與佛烈》製作的德露莉奧,就以電影探進大師的魔幻人生。詭譎 奇趣的夢幻想像,原來深受心理學家伯恩哈德的影響,對占星玄學、心靈感應 的着迷啟發無數創作靈感。從檔案發掘出大量罕見資料及珍貴片段,找來一眾 好友、拍檔細說故人鮮為人知的點滴,還有兩位奧斯卡金像導演威廉佛烈金及 戴米恩查素娓娓道來獨一無二的「情感真實」,重塑大師靈性的生命寫照。 Produced for the centenary of Federico Fellini’s birth, Dell'Olio offers an insightful reconstruction of the master’s rapport with the spiritual and the supernatural. Drawing from unseen archival materials and film clips, the documentary delves into Fellini’s fascinating and mystical vision, inspired by Jungian psychoanalysis, as well as his lifelong passion for esoterica and astrology. It’s an unprecedented and intimate portrait of the great filmmaker, as told through a chorus of voices, ranging from close friends and collaborators to Oscar-winning directors like William Friedkin and Damien Chazelle.

世界首映 World Premiere

©PictureLux - The Hollywood Archive - Alamy Stock Photo


Keep Rolling

Kubrick by Kubrick

導演 Dir: 文念中 Man Lim-chung 粵語 Cantonese  2020  111min

導演 Dir: 格哥利門羅 Grégory Monro 法國 France  2020  73min

她生於遼寧,長於澳門,受教於香港,其後負笈倫敦,左右逢源於中華文化和 西方文學。終於,她許身了電影。處女作便開闢了香港新浪潮,於商業與藝術、 類型與文藝之間遊走,一直關懷小人物,不斷探索自己和這座城市的漂泊狀態。 從早年獲獎無數到跌入谷底,從不放棄忠於創作的機會。這次她當主角,著名 美術指導文念中首執導筒,回顧四十載的光影生涯,零距離捕捉她親和地道、 急躁論盡的真性情,亦看到她與母親的感情牽絆。對電影和香港始終一片赤誠, 人生客路永沒平,千言萬語道不盡,只許鞍華。

寇比力克是完美主義者及控制狂,平生不愛受訪,不愛高談闊論自我分析。法 國資深影評人兼電影月刊《Positif》編輯米修西蒙,卻有幸跟他做過四次訪談, 並且是一見如故的坦率對話。由《2001 太空漫遊》最後的神秘房間開始,導演 門羅透過極為珍貴的訪談錄音,為神級大師卸下神秘面紗,當中連他成為導演 前擔任雜誌攝影師的往事都有提及。輔以積尼高遜、馬康麥杜維、彼得斯拉、 湯告魯斯等人當年訪問片段作補充。寇比力克影迷必看。

One of Hong Kong's most influential filmmakers, Ann Hui, becomes a “star” for the first time in Man Lim-chung's directorial debut. A forerunner of the New Wave, Hui’s tumultuous, forty-year career is an unequivocal testimony to her unyielding dedication to filmmaking, and her expedition into the metamorphic city. This biopic probes into the acclaimed director’s idiosyncratic world, where we witness her rashness and goofiness, as well as her humanistic concerns for the everyday nobodies which make her films so moving.

(Kubrick par Kubrick)

In just 13 films, crafted over five decades, Stanley Kubrick created and lovingly polished a true diadem of cinematic gems – films that shocked, challenged and delighted us, changing our perspective on the past and future, exacting the best and beyond from actors and collaborators. Monro’s piercing documentary uses the recording of Positif editor Michel Ciment's interview with Kubrick as a starting point, interweaved with telling accounts by friends and collaborators; together, these fascinating materials help us appreciate anew one of the true masters of modern cinema.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound

Peckinpah Suite

導演 Dir: 蜜芝高斯婷 Midge Costin 美國 USA  2019  94min

導演Dir: 帕度岡薩雷貝蒙迪斯 Pedro González Bermúdez 西班牙 Spain  2019  70min

如何令侏羅紀恐龍栩栩如生?如何令鏡頭下的戰爭場面更震撼逼真?又如何令 觀眾潛行夢境虛實難分?聲音不可或缺,卻易受忽略。蜜芝高斯婷是荷里活知 名音效師,請來一眾同業現身說法,還有佐治魯卡斯、史提芬史匹堡、芭芭拉 史翠珊、李安、大衛連治等電影創作人分享經驗。大量引例說明,由默片的現 場伴奏談起,包羅對白剪接、後期配音、特殊聲效、擬音、環境音效、配樂等 各個範疇,回顧技術如何屢次革新,稱得上是認識電影音效的最佳入門課。

一趟尋找之旅,女兒在父親去世 35 年後,終於首次踏足他度過最後歲月之地。 利文斯頓默里酒店 322 號房,又稱為畢京柏套房,著名導演森畢京柏晚年曾居 於此。美國大導以暴力美學見稱,生前嚴重酗酒,更出現妄想症狀,總覺被人 追殺。他的墨西哥女兒露碧達,如今是電影服裝造型指導,透過這次遲來的尋 父旅程,重認亡父踏過的足跡,嘗試了解這個小時候若即若離的鐵漢身影,發 現他鮮為人知的一面,以女兒的陰柔感性,擁抱畢京柏的陽剛美。

While the arrival of talkies revolutionized film less than a century ago, so long as we can hear, do we ever really think about “sound”? Working with the masters of Hollywood sound design behind such films as Apocalypse Now, Star Wars, and Saving Private Ryan, director Midge Costin, head of the Sound Department at the University of Southern California, guides us into these foundations of the cinematic experience, the sonic immersions which shape our engagement and appreciation of even the most stunningly visual examples of global cinema. You will never hear movies the same way again.

The life and work of the fearsomely controversial American filmmaker Sam Peckinpah is explored through the eyes of his daughter Lupita, who travels for the first time from her home in Mexico to the small town of Bozeman, Montana, where he spent the final years of his life. Director of such influential classics as The Wild Bunch and Straw Dogs, Peckinpah exuded an image of a no-nonsense, anti-authoritarian tough guy, a persona mirrored in many of his films. 35 years after his death, Lupita attempts to finally connect with the father she never knew.

影人影事 Filmmakers and Filmmaking | 紀錄片 DOCUMENTARIES


導演 Dir: 棚田由紀 Tanada Yuki 日本 Japan  2020  123min 演員 Cast: 高橋一生 Takahashi Issey, 蒼井優 Aoi Yu

哲雄美術大學畢業,加入性愛娃娃製造廠當設計師。要做出令人愛不釋 手、安慰巴打的靈慾伴侶,匠人精神要有,實摸經驗亦不可或缺。找來 模特兒園子,一掂鍾情,相戀閃婚。十年過去,看似完美的一對,借 愛之名,各有難於啟齒的秘密。每對夫婦都有自己的婚姻故事,謊言 與秘密的盡頭,愛未必重來,但可以轉身,留住那份最初的浪漫也夠 廝守餘生。已為人妻的蒼井優再作新嘗試,多場羞羞的重頭戲揮灑自 如,不愧為當今國民女優。


Japanese cinema’s quirky fascination with sex dolls continues in Tanada Yuki’s big-screen romance, adapted from her own bestselling novel. Aoi Yu stars as the innocent, good-hearted Sonoko, who marries the unassuming Tetsuo, unaware that he makes sex dolls for a living. But Sonoko has a secret of her own, one which could threaten their already physically barren marriage. Following the likes of Koreeda Hirokazu’s Air Doll (2009) and Yamazaki Yutaka’s Torso (2009), Romance Doll explores the importance of intimacy in modern society, and the extremes to which some will go to make that connection.

Romance Doll (Romansu Doru)

刻在你心底的名字 Your Name Engraved Herein 導演 Dir.: 柳廣輝 Liu Kuang-Hui 國語 Mandarin/台語 Taiwanese  2020  113min 演員 Cast: 陳昊森 Chen Hao-Sen, 曾敬驊 Tseng Ching-Hua, 邵奕玫 Mimi Shao, 戴立忍 Leon Dai

那一年台灣戒嚴令解除,但沒有開啟自由戀愛的藍色大門。就讀天主 教學校的家漢和柏德在泳池畔初相見,漸漸形影不離,跑到戲院偷海 報、看荷里活片《追鳥》。學妹的出現,催化了二人的曖昧情愫。性 與性向的摸索與擁抱過後,還是不敢呼喚那心底的名字。直至今天同 性婚姻法通過,走過多少彎路,才看到顏色一樣的煙火?多年後的尋 訪和重聚,來到大瀑布下忽爾澄明,回不到的過去,一句「如果有下 次」,他們仍是那對快樂的少年。

Taiwanese heartthrobs Chen Hao-Sen and Tseng Ching-Hua star as high school classmates, who explore their forbidden passion for one another, in the years shortly after the end of the island’s tumultuous Martial Law period. Years later, one of them reminisces about their romance, the persecution they faced, and his relationship with the Catholic priest in whom he confided. A sure-fire hit with fans of BL romances, Liu Kuang-Hui’s powerful interweaving of historical events, heartbreaking performances, and bold LGBTQ representation is destined to hit home with a passionate mainstream audience.


亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

Never Rarely Sometimes Always 導演 Dir: 伊麗莎潔文 Eliza Hittman 美國 USA/英國 UK  2020  101min 演員 Cast: Sidney Flanigan, Talia Ryder, Théodore Pellerin, Ryan Eggold

從不,很少,有時,總是—冷冰冰的問卷選項,背後卻是一言難盡的揪心答案。沉默寡言十七歲小鎮少女, 憑歌寄意,傾吐有人以愛之名逼她就範。面對意外懷孕,孤立無援,陪她穿州過省踏上墮胎旅程的,只有同樣 未成年的表姊。伊麗莎潔文利用淺焦攝影與冷色調,拍出紐約的疏離及危機四伏。也在回應「me too」與反 墮胎爭議,性騷擾無處不在,生育自主非理所當然。不只反映青春無望,更是不動聲色的女性處境殘酷寫 照。奪柏林影展評審團大獎。 Autumn, a stoic, quiet teenager, is a cashier in a rural Pennsylvania supermarket. Faced with an unintended pregnancy and without viable alternatives for termination in her home state, she and her cousin Skylar scrape up some cash, pack a suitcase, and board a bus to New York City. With only a clinic address in hand and nowhere to stay, the two girls bravely venture into the unfamiliar city. Silver Bear Grand Jury Prize, Berlinale.

無定向喪心家庭事件簿 Bad Tales 導演 Dir: 狄諾森佐兄弟 Fabio & Damiano D’Innocenzo 意大利 Italy/瑞士 Switzerland  2020  98min 演員 Cast: Elio Germano, Barbara Chichiarelli, Gabriel Montesi, Max Malatesta

現實根本就是原始版本的格林童話,殘酷而暗黑。炎炎夏日令人抖不過 氣,羅馬市郊小社區看來一切正常,卻似埋下計時炸彈。父母望子女成 才,嚮往中產家庭生活,但希望已落空,冷漠與焦慮像病毒悄悄擴散, 人傳人,爛鬥爛。家快不似家,成人世界的病態與陰暗,孩子們默默接 收,將來可會變成自己討厭的大人?狄諾森佐兄弟聯手編導第二作,以 暗帶諷刺的基調,撕開現代童話的原始底色,揭示眼前世界的荒謬與荒 涼。奪柏林影展最佳劇本獎。


Were any directors more incongruously named than the D’Innocenzo brothers? Following on their cynical coming-ofage-as-accidental-gangsters 2018 flic Boys Cry, they turn their sardonic gaze to the underpinnings of “normal” families outside of Rome. In a steaming summer of sex and duplicity among adults and children, childhood innocence boils away to reveal the turmoils of masculinity shaping men and boys. Not just bad boys or bad tales but a society rotten to its core, filmed with lovingly ironic attention to the sounds and colors of a radiant summer. Where twisted stories nonetheless lurk… and lure us in. Best Screenplay, Berlinale.


我愛午夜長 Midnight Heat


First Love



導演 Dir: 三池崇史 Miike Takashi 日本 Japan  2019  107min 演員 Cast: 窪田正孝 Kubota Masataka, 大森南朋 Omori Nao, 染谷將太 Sometani Shota

導演 Dir: 阿爾拔塞拉 Albert Serra 法國 France/西班牙 Spain/葡萄牙 Portugal  2019  132min 演員 Cast: Helmut Berger, Marc Susini, Iliana Zabeth, Laura Poulvet

東京的一個黑夜,年輕拳手 Leo 挺身相助被威迫的應召少女 Monica,隨即捲入 一名黑警(大森南朋飾)串通一名黑幫反骨仔(染谷將太飾)的黑吃黑大亂局, 殺之不盡的黑道追兵,還有敵對大陸幫的黑玫瑰女殺手和獨臂刀大顯神通,場 場既過火又癲狂。多產的三池老怪終於肯拿出看家本領,以黑到底的幽默,戲 謔近年黑幫片千篇一律的套路。在無仁義的另一邊,有人為初戀至死不渝,以 赤子浪漫單挑霸權暴力。去年康城影展導演雙周最醒腦提神之作。

被法國宮廷放逐的好色貴胄,勾搭普魯士擁抱自由主義的公爵,欲在彼邦將放 蕩思想落地開花,更重要是覓地繼續荒淫遊戲以度等待之虛無。暗黑叢林人欲 橫流,明目張膽的性愛性虐,在幽微月色下繪飾洛可可的頹靡。同一題材,塞 拉先放於舞台劇及博物館展覽,再以電影獨有魔幻語言展現情慾的闇黑張狂。 將《路易十四的最後時刻》(41 屆)的臨終寢室換上漢密保加的慾望號馬車, 透着高貴而糜爛的氣息,凝視人性荒唐。康城「某種觀點」特別評審團獎。

When an aspiring boxer is diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness, he falls into a tailspin, only to cross paths with a drug-addled call girl on the run from her captors. Infatuated at first sight, it proves a long night ahead for the burgeoning love birds, one teeming with deadly yakuza, dirty cops, crazed killers, and a big bag of drugs. Destined to become a midnight classic, strap in for a relentless rollercoaster of bullets, bloodshed, and riotous laughter, as cult favorite Miike unleashes his most unabashedly entertaining movie in years.

Exiled from the court of Louis XVI, an ensemble of louche aristocrats enlists the Duke of Walchen from Germany into their philosophical movement of libertinage, so a haven for their debauched behavior may continue. In an amorphous night of woodland cruising to live out their sexual fantasies, Serra’s (The Death of Louis XIV, 41st) erotic images focus on an interplay between exhibitionism and voyeurism, conjuring consummate sensuality and contemplation on the human quest for transgression.



The Lighthouse

Tezuka’s Barbara

導演 Dir: 羅拔艾格斯 Robert Eggers 美國 USA  2019  109min 演員Cast: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe, Valeriia Karaman

導演 Dir: 手塚真 Tezka Macoto 日本 Japan  2019  100min 演員 Cast: 稻坦吾郎 Inagaki Goro, 二階堂富美 Nikaido Fumi, 澀川清彥 Shibukawa Kiyohiko

燈塔的光導航,也是巨大魅惑。羅拔艾格斯在《巫魍之災》(2015)後,再發掘 紐英倫地區神秘傳聞,直闖人心暗角。燈塔管理員倚老賣老,把新來的助手視 同奴僕,嚴禁他登上塔頂。對美人魚的綺念、海鷗的敵意、困守荒島的窒息感, 漸把人推向迷幻與瘋狂邊緣。復古的 4:3 畫面比例與黑白菲林,凸顯令人驚艷 的影像。威廉迪福和羅拔柏迪臣演技較勁,爆發驚人能量,恰如海神普羅透斯 遇上普羅米修斯,窮山惡水愛恨交纏。獲康城國際影評人聯盟獎。

被譽為手塚治虫最情色短篇連載漫畫,兒子手塚真將背景搬到東京頹廢當下, 大搞時空拼貼,迷魂敘事真人體驗。人氣作家美倉洋介在垃圾堆將橘色頭髮的 芭芭娃撿回家,卻成為他命中註定的一切。芭芭娃是 punk 妹又是文青又是巫女 又是殺手,保護主子使命必達。她可會是洋介下一本奇幻小說的女主角?政治 埋堆、大麻醜聞、落降頭、邪教婚禮、虐殺戀屍任性抵觸,總之,眼下稻桓吾 郎穿越一個又一個人間桎梏,有二階堂富美身軀坦蕩相印,一刻勾魂。

Robert Eggers follows up his 2015 debut The Witch with a psychological nightmare infused with equal parts Herman Melville and H.P. Lovecraft. Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe excel as, respectively, the novice and veteran wickies tasked with the upkeep of a remote lighthouse in 19th century New England. Inevitably the suffocating claustrophobia, harsh conditions, and incessant flatulence take their toll, plunging both men into a maelstrom of hallucinogenic, testosterone-fueled paranoia. FIPRESCI Prize, Cannes.

Tezuka is a jaded novelist, capitalizing on early success, even as the quality of his work declines. He is engaged to a congressman's daughter, but his mind - and his eyes - continue to wander. On discovering a drunken beauty passed out under a bridge, he invites her home, only for the unpredictable Barbara to turn his life upside down. Based on a manga series from the legendary cartoonist Tezuka Osamu (Astro Boy), and adapted by his son, Tezuka’s Barbara is an eccentric love story about a dangerously sexy couple.


我愛午夜長 Midnight Heat | 五光十色 K ALEIDOSCOPE



超人氣動畫 Animation Unlimited



Bombay Rose

Marona's Fantastic Tale

導演 Dir: 吉檀迦利娜瑙 Gitanjali Rao 印度 India/法國 France/英國 UK/卡塔爾 Qatar  2019  96min

導演 Dir: 安加戴美安 Anca Damian 羅馬尼亞 Romania/法國 France  2019  91min

孟買市集幻化為古代宮廷畫,現實的貧困與寶萊塢的夢幻交疊,一朵紅玫瑰串 起故事,獨特畫風描畫出世態風情。信奉印度教的賣花女卡瑪娜正值花樣年華, 為了養家犧牲個人幸福,卻遇上喀什米爾戰爭倖存的穆斯林少年。卡瑪娜的妹 妹認識一位英文教師,原來曾是寶萊塢女星,年輕時有過一段難忘情事。手繪 動畫穿越時空,不只刻劃愛情,也觸及宗教矛盾、童工問題,以及印度女性面 對的困境。威尼斯影展國際影評人周開幕電影。

混種小狗出生時排行第九,把生命奉獻給每位主人,但人類總有各種爛藉口: 雜技員要追尋夢想、地盤工的家人嫌棄、單親女孩長大了有新生活。牠被寵愛 過,也深知好景不常。導演戴美安擅長混合畫風,在《兔子的日落大道》 (36 屆) 和《唐吉訶德闖魔山》(40 屆)後,這次與比利時插畫家班查伊雲斯合作,鮮 艷色彩與靈活線條結合下,每個畫面都令動畫迷垂涎。從乖乖狗視角出發,段 段善良感人旅程,描畫一種無條件的愛。富川動畫電影節最佳動畫長片。

Using traditional hand-painted cell animation, Gitanjali Rao’s vibrant tale of burgeoning romance on the streets of Mumbai promises a heady cocktail of the traditional and modern. A beautiful young garland seller catches the eye of a Muslim flower vendor, but his efforts to woo her are fraught with obstacles and challenges. Meanwhile, the girl’s younger sister meets a new English teacher, who opens her eyes to a world beyond their impoverished livelihood. Bursting with color, music, and hope, Bombay Rose is a joyful, dream-like realization of modern India and its boundless potential.

Lying by the roadside, moments away from shuffling off her mortal coil, Marona the Labrador reflects on her long and eventful life, the three different owners who cared for her to varying degrees, and the unflappable devotion she heaped upon them all. Vibrantly animated in a hallucinatory kaleidoscope of perpetual color, Damian’s beautiful, playful, and uplifting film succeeds as a contemplation on the less than perfect attributes of the human experience, while also celebrating the incomparable bond between owner and the fourlegged friend. Best Animated Feature, Bucheon.

世界動畫精選 — 瘋繼續吹

世界動畫精選 — 任天堂幻想

World Animation – The Madness Goes On

World Animation – Imagine There’s a Heaven

慾求不滿的妻子和喪偶公鹿在《荒唐公寓》(捷克)搞出禍,戲謔挪亞方舟的配種 計劃,嬉笑末世沉淪性福的眾生。《少女愛標本》(克羅地亞),也愛從萬獸的眼 睛和軀殼,透析生與死。《惡臭男女》(法國/拉脫維亞)捉拿體臭人士的新法例 通過,各界衰多口專家你問我答,品味法式幽默。《堅離地號》(克羅地亞)上肚 滿腸肥的貴客,等待與郵輪一起沉淪的關鍵時刻。《熊出沒注意》(法國)的小男 孩向入侵者報復,跳出一段成人禮之舞。《完全變態記》(西班牙/法國)窺看母 子斗室內相愛相殺,兒子要讓心魔擺脫命運,唯有破繭而出。共 81 分鐘。

「笑震震小鎮」系列的新作《狂呼遊樂園》(比利時),牛仔與印第安人組成最 爛玩拍檔,傳統泥膠動畫的癲喪之作。都市人來趟《回氣之旅》(荷蘭),野外 露出唔多自在,停一停啦奴隸獸。《夢狼來了》 (法國)的小孩召喚床下底的狼, 撲向無心睡眠的羊。《澡堂之鯨》(日本)難忘小時候和媽媽去澡堂的小激動, 水和蒸氣交織奇妙物語。《手足去哪兒》(瑞士)的鼻涕蟲在忙碌的昆蟲世界被 嫌手腳慢,不如從血汗工廠回歸自己的主題曲。在《十分鐘的二次元空間》(南 韓),世上最快的狗跑了十二公里,而我和你仍隔着多少距離?共 76 分鐘。

Sh_t Happens (Michaela Mihályi, David Štumpf) in the risograph wonderland of an apartment building. A woman finds the Imbued Life (Ivana Bošnjak, Thomas Johnson) of the animals she lovingly taxidermies in the film rolls she pulls out of their brains. An amateur interviewer investigates the social impact of illegal body odor in Riga’s Lilac (Lizete Upite). A cruise ship of avarice and service come together in celebration of sinking in Arka (Natko Stipanicev). Past bedtime, children, privy to their parents’ secrets, dance together in And Then the Bear (Agnès Patron). A coddled man undergoes Metamorphosis (Carla Pereira & Juanfran Jacinto) to escape his mother’s home. Total: 81min.

A Town Called Panic: The County Fair (Vincent Patar, Stéphane Aubier) sees the iconic trio embarking on a new adventure. A tour bus drops off a row of anxious tourists in Intermission Expedition (Wiep Teeuwisse). As night settles in, children without sleep go with a Sheep, Wolf, and a Cup of Tea... (Marion Lacourt). A woman remembers her first visits to an onsen in Bath House of Whales (Kiyama Mizuki). A parable about capitalism explains Why Slugs Have No Legs (Aline Höchli). A tree, a dog, a woman, and planets practise Movements (Jeong Da-hee) as an artform in this Quizzaine selected short. Total: 76min.

超人氣動畫 Animation Unlimited | 五光十色 K ALEIDOSCOPE

(L'Extraordinaire Voyage de Marona)


詩影像 Poetry in Motion


喀比的前世今生 Krabi, 2562

(O que arde)

導演 Dir: 奧利華歷斯 Oliver Laxe 西班牙 Spain/法國 France/盧森堡 Luxembourg  2019  85min 演員 Cast: Amador Arias, Benedicta Sánchez, Inazio Abrao

導演 Dir: 班利華士 Ben Rivers, 安諾釵舒域察歌邦 Anocha Suwichakornpong 英國 UK/泰國 Thailand  2019  93min 演員 Cast: Siraphun Wattanajinda, Arak Amornsupasiri, Primrin Puarat

阿瑪多出獄,背負燒山罪名,回家與年邁母親同住,村民對他避忌七分,他沉 默寡言冷對輕蔑目光,只與一個寡婦交換眼神。然而又來了一場火,是他惹火 隨身被人嫁禍,抑或火魔法師才是他念念不忘的宿命真身?敘事刻意留白,影 像震撼迷人,奧利華歷斯(《含羞草》,41 屆)回到家鄉取景,對於加利西亞山 林風光,是心存物外意在惋惜的善意?抑或是他翻過二元判斷來到五行生剋, 來一次意念促成事態的神秘經驗?康城「某種觀點」評審團獎。

佛曆 2562 年,即西曆 2019 年,遊人如鯽之地,是泰國南部喀比府。負責電影 勘景的女子尋訪當年父母看過的風景,找到舊戲院,最後卻不知所終。劇組前 來拍廣告,男演員冷不防遇見平行時空裏的史前野人。帕南洞海灘的神話可說 不可考,文明人探頭望進是結界,過去與未來神秘複合。影像詩意靈動見稱的 導演安諾釵(《俗物人間》,34 屆),碰着「前衛眼」常客班利華士,加上梁銘 佳的超 16 米厘攝影,混合當地居民訪談片段,譜出虛實交疊的光影地域志。

Winner of the Jury Prize in Un Certain Regard at Cannes, Oliver Laxe’s third feature sees him return to his homeland of Galicia for a tender story about man’s relationship with his natural surroundings. Released from prison, Amador, a middle-aged arsonist, has no choice but to move in with his decrepit mother, who lives in the countryside. The community is cold and ambivalent to Amador’s return, but the lush greenery and vegetation embrace him without hesitation, that is until sparks begin to fly in the forest once again.

The boundaries between past and present, cinema and reality are blurred, overlapped, and ignored by directors Ben Rivers and Anocha Suwichakornpong in their avant-garde fiction-documentary that centers around the disappearance of a location manager scouting in the popular Thai tourist spot. The film explores how Krabi’s identity is tied simultaneously to its perpetually transient, foreign population, and the mythologies all captured in stunning, tactile detail on antiquated 16mm film.

國際首映 International


©Filmgalerie 451


The Last City

前衛短片專輯 (Die letzte Stadt)

導演 Dir: 漢斯艾密荷斯 Heinz Emigholz 德國 Germany  2020  100min 演員 Cast: John Erdman, Jonathan Perel, Young Sun-han, Dorothy Ko, Susanne Sachsse

漢斯艾密荷斯延續《市街風景 [ 對話篇 ]》(41 屆)的旅程,相同的主角,前世 是導演和臨床心理學家,今生是考古學家和武器設計師。先在內蓋夫沙漠考古 現場碰頭,然後來到以色列城市貝爾舍巴,繼續連場討論。不同人物相繼加入, 先後扮演不同身份,再遊歷到雅典、柏林、香港、聖保羅,談論着戰爭與愛情、 世代衝突,以至宇宙起源。跟前作一樣,不只要留心對話內容,更要注意不停 轉換的背景,五個城市的建築與空間都是不可或缺的角色。 A self-proclaimed architectural film, and spiritual sequel to the director’s own Streetscapes [Dialogue](41st) from 2017, The Last City unfolds as a series of philosophical conversations between pairs of seemingly random strangers debating the nature of love and war, generational conflict, and other cosmological musings. Emigholz jumps from Athens to Berlin, Hong Kong to Sao Paolo, as his performers alternate between roles, pawns in his determined deconstruction of filmic narrative and conventional storytelling.

Avant Garde Shorts Programme 少女《藍》 (德國)私日記,想像身處動物園,淚水經血皆藍色。《樂乘》 (日本) 可與《巡行》(奧地利)併看,身處摩天輪感受機械之律後,遠看發光水輪翻攪 天地浮色。《胸廓》 (奧地利)邀請觀眾走進晶體,品嘗空境自幻。廖沛毅以《訊 號 8》(香港)砌出你最熟悉城市的陌生感。《明月忽照巨石丘》(澳洲)與《冰 川負像》(瑞士)一石一水,一個傾情超 8 米厘菲林一個先進數碼,皆呈現獨特 地景抽象之美。更要加上班利華士《看而下》(英國),有我無我冶遊異色森林 水簾洞。八部短片各自沉思,不約而同上善若水。共 77 分鐘。 The symphonic vistas of When the Moon Suddenly Appeared at Kata Tjuta (Belinda Davis) are challenged by the simians beyond a domestic window in Blue (Ann Oren). We find ourselves inside a Ferris wheel in Amusement Ride (Nishikawa Tomonari), a melting glacier in Aletsch Negative (Laurence Bonvin), and a cinematic wormhole in Thorax (Siegfried A. Fruhauf) before returning to the familiar seen anew in the Hong Kong cityscapes of Signal 8 (Simon Liu). Spinning lights and water again energize Cavalcade (Johann Lurf), while a final narrative turn brings us back into a natural landscape made unnatural in the compelling Look Then Below (Ben Rivers). Total: 77min.

詩影像 Poetry in Motion | 五光十色 K ALEIDOSCOPE

Fire Will Come


修復經典 Restored Classics

©Roy Export SAS



The Cameraman

The Circus

導演 Dir: 愛德華薛域 Edward Sedgwick 美國 USA  1928  68min 演員 Cast: Buster Keaton, Marceline Day, Harold Goodwin

導演 Dir: 差利卓別靈 Charles Chaplin 美國 USA  1928  72min 演員 Cast: Charles Chaplin, Merna Kennedy, Allan Garcia, Harry Crocker

巔峰狀態的基頓,簽約美高梅,儘管片廠掣肘多多,又跟監製勢成水火,然而 把握僅有創作自由,仍成就了示範作。落魄攝影師善良但經常撞板,偶遇秘書 小姐一見傾心。為接近佳人應徵美高梅新聞部,卻把新聞片拍得亂七八糟,跟 心儀對象約會又鬧出連串笑話。還有情敵橫刀奪愛,頭頭碰着黑,但冷面笑匠 勝在跌不死打不傷。飛奔接電話傻得可愛,猴子竟成了最佳拍檔,更遇上華埠 幫派大火併。用攝影機撞碎美高梅玻璃,也許正是打破限制的象徵。

拍攝過程一波三折,依然拍出了經典。鏡房迷宮、扮機械木偶、誤闖獅子籠、 走鋼線同時跟猴子搏鬥,差利以爐火純青喜劇節奏,加上邁向巔峰的創作力, 透過烏龍百出的流浪漢角色,反映世態炎涼,令人捧腹之餘也有淡淡憂愁。窮 到要偷吃小孩手中熱狗的流浪漢,被誤認作扒手,逃到馬戲班,誤打誤撞贏得 喝彩,笨手笨腳成為台柱。默默愛上無良班主的養女,既有奮不顧身的傻勁, 也有成人之美的溫柔。費里尼推崇不意外,更是英瑪褒曼每年生日之選。

In his first feature at MGM, Keaton is on fine form, though he would later regret his move, as the studio wrestled his creative control away. After falling in love with a beautiful newsreel secretary, our hero gets a job as a cameraman, leading to all manners of hilarious hijinks, including a perilous trip to New York’s Chinatown, where he becomes embroiled in a violent Tong War. Beautifully restored to its former glory, this is an unmissable opportunity to experience a late masterpiece from “The Great Stone Face” on the big screen.

The Circus was a tumultuous affair, from a scratched negative to an on-set fire, and Chaplin’s chaotic divorce from Lita Grey, all threatening to halt production. But on screen, it was business as usual for the Little Tramp, who, mistaken for a pickpocket, hides out at the circus. The ringmaster hires him as a clown, only for our diminutive hero to fall for his employer’s step-daughter. Chaplin’s efforts earned him a special Academy Award, for his “versatility and genius in acting, writing, directing and producing”!

©1928 Fox Film Corporation. Renewed 1955 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.



Street Angel

Four Nights of a Dreamer

導演 Dir: 法蘭波西傑 Frank Borzage 美國 USA  1928  102min 演員 Cast: Janet Gaynor, Charles Farrell, Natalie Kingston

導演 Dir: 羅拔布烈遜 Robert Bresson 法國 France/意大利 Italy  1971  82min 演員 Cast: Isabelle Weingarten, Guillaume des Forêts, Jean-Maurice Monnoyer

(Quatre nuits d’un rêveur)

法蘭波西傑憑《七重天》(1927)高奏凱歌後,夢幻組合再創傳奇。珍納姬娜、 查理斯花路分別飾演窮家女與畫家,淒美愛情幾經波折。她因企圖賣淫及搶劫 鋃鐺入獄,幸福險成泡影。妓女與聖母在畫筆下融為一體,道德與宗教規範卻 在華彩裏若隱若現。行雲流水的鏡頭恍如泰納的光影印象緩緩流動,以詩意溶 化現實的淒風苦雨。畫家輕抱愛人依偎船上,碼頭重逢卻相見爭如不見,最終 抱擁破鏡重圓,在拿坡里縷縷迷霧中,悠悠情愫起承轉合,美得教人神迷。

《白夜》是杜斯妥也夫斯基的詩文,也是維斯康堤的耽美浪漫。來到布烈遜手上, 輕輕烘托出愛情的水月鏡花。年輕畫家積葵某夜在橋上救回欲尋死的瑪花,一 段霧水情緣於焉展開。瑪花告知本來約定情人但不見影蹤,積葵聽着聽着,不 知不覺墮入愛河。巴黎夜色是那樣的美,塞納河畔歌聲悠悠,布烈遜的心思總 在那雙手,感情都在指間流動。邂逅、了解、戀上、分手,四個晚上歷遍陰晴 圓缺。看似喜怒不形於色,內心都是激情,既如夢似幻,又極度迷人。

Borzage reunited with stars Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell to repeat the phenomenal success of 7th Heaven (1927). Akin to their previous masterpiece in its intense romanticism and spiritual mise-en-scène, Street Angel showcases the legendary director’s mastery of fusing expressionism with poetic realism. This mesmerizing tale of two star-crossed lovers, armed only with their infatuation for each other, in a struggle against rigid societal conventions and religious hostilities, is an ode to the redemptive power of love.

White Nights, Dostoevsky’s short story once embraced by Visconti in delusional romanticism, is distilled in Bresson’s restrained hands into a beautiful tale of gentle eroticism and electric mystery. The hallucinatory light and color of Paris is transformed into a dreamy landscape for a fragile relationship, between a solitary dreamer and a distraught girl, over four successive nights. Painted with bittersweet emotions, this fascinating classic offers a glimpse of Bresson’s sense of humor and worldly irony.

修復經典 Restored Classics | 五光十色 K ALEIDOSCOPE

image courtesy of Park Circus / Warner Bros



修復經典 Restored Classics | 五光十色 K ALEIDOSCOPE

課室外的選擇題 First Case, Second Case (Ghazieh shekl-e aval, Ghazieh shekl-e dovom)

Flowers of Shanghai

導演 Dir: 基阿魯斯達米 Abbas Kiarostami 伊朗 Iran  1979  48min 演員 Cast: Mehdi Azadbakht, Mohammadreza Barati, Hedayat Matin Daftari

導演 Dir: 侯孝賢 Hou Hsiao-Hsien 滬語 Shanghainese/粵語 Cantonese  1998  113min 演員 Cast: 梁朝偉 Tony Leung Chiu-wai, 羽田美智子 Hada Michiko, 李嘉欣 Michelle Reis

課室中,一個學生在老師背後整古做怪,七個同學齊齊被罰企一周。點算?基 阿魯斯達米溫馨提示,人生可有不同選擇:一人篤灰,或者七人齊上齊落。戲 中戲完了,討論開始:父母、教育家、宗教領袖以至外交官,你讚我彈各自表 態,由忠誠團結、自由反叛,講到文化壓抑、政治抗爭。從課室看世界,操行 問題以小見大,引申出伊斯蘭革命的千頭萬緒。同場放映基氏短片《向老師致 敬》(1977,17 分鐘)及《一個問題兩種解決》(1975,5 分鐘)。共 70 分鐘。

清末十里洋場奢靡墮落的風華,在侯孝賢徐緩有致、淡入淡出的煙障中,掩映 着的人情世故,如斯透透徹徹。上海英租界妓院長三書寓,黛綠嫣紅各有懷抱: 小紅手腕玲瓏、翠鳳遠謀深算、雙珠練達世故,在迎與送、收與放之間各顯本 色。煙花之地本是逢場作戲,只怕恩客醉裏吳音相媚好,可別怪紅粉醒來卻忘 情。抖落廿年風塵,修復版還原電影精緻優雅氣派,在李屏賓暗裏流金的迷醉 光影下,顧盼銅鏡反照的髮簪,那巧究靡嫚的美感,已教人神魂顛倒。

From a simple case of classroom discipline, Kiarostami stages two contrasting outcomes: a student discloses the troublemaker, or seven students refuse to yield. Betrayal or solidarity? Freedom or integrity? Cultural suppression or political rebellion? Differing opinions from parents, educators and religious leaders are spun into an inspiring disclosure of the dilemmas of the Iranian revolution. Screening with Kiarostami shorts Tribute to Teachers (1977, 17min) and Two Solutions for One Problem (1975, 5min).

In the sumptuous world of a 19th century Shanghai brothel, gentlemen congregate to indulge in the pleasures of wine, opium, and the embrace of the elegant “flower girls”, each with her own dreams, desires, and disappointments. In slow fade-ins and fade-outs, Hou Hsiao-Hsien captures the hidden emotions of these courtesans, as they vie for patronage and affection. Saturated with visual extravagance, a lost world is frozen in time, and retrieves its mesmerizing splendor through this new restoration.

Photo by Lin Meng Shan

不散 Goodbye, Dragon Inn

現代啟示錄(終極版) Apocalypse Now: Final Cut

導演 Dir: 蔡明亮 Tsai Ming-Liang 國語 Mandarin  2003  82min 演員 Cast: 李康生 Lee Kang-Sheng, 陳湘琪 Chen Shiang-Chyi, 三田村恭伸 Mitamura Kiyonobu

導演 Dir: 法蘭西斯哥普拉 Francis Ford Coppola 美國 USA  2019  183min 演員 Cast: Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen

老戲院結業前夕,日本青年冒雨跑來想找同道人,碰到一些人,又可能不是人。 女售票員拖着瘸腿在迷宮中穿梭,把半個壽桃像捧着一顆心那樣送往機房,想 見年輕放映師,可又沒見到人。巨大闊銀幕放映《龍門客棧》,俠客英姿颯爽; 空蕩大廳坐着的觀眾,看着銀幕上的自己,老淚縱橫。以頹敗戲院暗通歷史幽 暗長廊,修復後更透現蔡明亮以極簡見豐盈的出神入化,將往昔盛世與今日凋 蔽、殘酷現實與電影幻象微妙連結對照,遺下一闋《留戀》,延綿不斷。

從原版,到重生,再到終極,沉澱四十年,向世界揭示文明崩壞的末日預言, 在當下更見震撼。把康拉德名作《黑暗之心》搬到越戰戰場,剛退下火線的美 國上尉奉命深入叢林,殺滅據地為王、如同着魔的暗黑軍官。夢魘般漫長之旅, 穿越戰爭殘暴與人性陰暗的冥河,墜進不見底的恐懼深淵。哥普拉將重生版再 作剪輯,保留法國家族橡膠園的晚餐對話,使殖民主義幽靈與虛妄戰爭的離魂 交匯,以震懾人心的聲畫完成擺渡者的天命,神作終達完美彼岸。

Chronicling the final night of operations at a rundown Taipei movie theater, Taiwanese master Tsai Ming-Liang brings his plaintive minimalism to a perplexed paean to Chinese-language cinema. During a final screening of King Hu’s Dragon Inn, past cinematic glory mysteriously resonates with contemporary alienation and emotional repression, in this “haunted” place with a rarefied, weird audience - a cruising gay Japanese man, a pair of weeping veteran actors, and a crippled cashier looking nowhere for her love.

Reworked for its 40th anniversary, Coppola’s “definitive” cut of his grandiose epic transcends Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness into an overwhelming sensory experience, built upon the story of a troubled US army officer tasked with tracking down a renegade colonel in the sinister jungles of the Vietnam War. This definitive cut triumphs by reinforcing the psychedelic horror and inhumanity of war, through galvanized hypnotic sound and imagery, calcified into cinematic myth with its phantasmagoric spectacle.


百年費里尼 Fellini 100 今年為意大利電影大師費里尼(1920-1993)誕生百周年,香港國際電影節協會與Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong 攜手合辦,並獲意大利駐香港總領事館的支持,特別呈獻「百年費里尼」節目,讓影迷全情投入費里尼如夢似真的魔幻 世界。 「百年費里尼」將獻映大師執導的全24部電影,包括大量全新修復版本,其中七部經典代表作將在HKIFF44率先登場。 從首獲奧斯卡最佳外語片的《大路》、登峰造極的《露滴牡丹開》及《八部半》,以至極具自傳色彩的《想當年》,費 里尼天馬行空的夢幻、奇詭絢麗的影像令人目眩神迷,自由奔放的創意更啟發無數後來者,令電影世界綻放豐盛異彩。 夢是唯一的現實。費里尼把幻夢寄情於每格菲林之上,留下光影傳奇。其餘17部執導的作品將在電影節發燒友接力登 場,讓百年一夢,延綿不斷。 Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Federico Fellini, HKIFF mounts a full retrospective of his cinematic works, organized in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong, and fully supported by the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong. HKIFFS will showcase all 24 films that the maestro directed, many of which newly digitally restored, in the FELLINI 100 programme. To kick-off, seven of his most celebrated masterpieces will take center stage at HKIFF44. This selection exemplifies his fantastical world, constructed of carnivalesque spectacle, dreamlike imagery and bizarre scenarios. His remaining 17 films will be screened in the Cine Fan repertory programme. Dreams are his only reality. Fellini’s bewildering dreams live on, in a legacy of phantasmagorical works that never ceases to awe and inspire.

Federico Fellini 100 是紀念電影大師費里尼(1920-1993)誕生百周年的巡迴計劃,由Luce Cinecittà的寶娜魯榭蘿及卡米拉歌曼妮籌劃,於世界主要博物館及電影機構舉行。除特別註 明外,所有影片由Luce Cinecittà、博洛尼亞電影資料館及意大利電影實驗中心數碼修復。 Federico Fellini 100 is part of the Federico Fellini 100 Tour, a series of centennial tributes to Federico Fellini (1920-1993), which will travel to major museums and film institutions worldwide, coordinated by Paola Ruggiero and Camilla Cormanni from Luce Cinecittà. All films (unless noted) have been digitally restored by Luce Cinecittà, Cineteca di Bologna and Cineteca Nazionale.

合辦 Co-organizer

全力支持 Proudly Supported by

節目夥伴 Festival Partner

百年費里尼 Fellini 100 | 焦點 FOCUS



I Vitelloni

La Strada

導演 Dir: 費里尼 Federico Fellini 意大利 Italy  1953  108min 演員 Cast: Alberto Sordi, Franco Fabrizi, Franco Interlenghi

導演 Dir: 費里尼 Federico Fellini 意大利 Italy  1954  107min 演員 Cast: Anthony Quinn, Giulietta Masina, Richard Basehart

生命中難以忘懷的時光,許是那迷惘混沌,卻又對浮華夢想心嚮往之的青蔥歲月? 費里尼自言避免重看自己拍的電影,唯《浪蕩兒》例外。五個青年在海邊小鎮游 手好閒,情聖奉子成婚卻仍拈花惹草,編劇懷才不遇更險誤中圈套;唯獨最年輕 的決心出走,踏上火車啟程奔向不可知的未來。告別童真眷戀與成長責任之間的 患得患失,費里尼在現實與夢幻的鋼線上找到微妙平衡,確定風格鶴立之地,一 舉摘下威尼斯銀獅獎,亦深深影響了史高西斯的《窮街陋巷》(1973)。

新寫實主義滲入超現實想像,黑白中創造色彩幻覺,費里尼選擇無人走過的路, 光影世界從此不一樣。置身意大利戰後的荒涼,被母親賣掉的笨女孩以笑忘憂, 粗暴江湖賣藝漢自困怒恨,走綱線的傻子甘願為愛犧牲。聖女、罪人、天使墮 落塵世,何嘗不是一樣的寂寞?且借馬戲、巡遊的嬉笑喧鬧聊以慰藉,小丑、 畸零從此相伴費里尼萬里同行,讓繽紛夢幻輕輕化解人生命途的苦澀。首獲奧 斯卡最佳外語片之作,馬仙娜的純真幽默,為亂世留下一道寧謐舒心的風景。

A film of “profound originality” as commended by Bazin, this bleakly funny study of five young men adrift in the wasteland of their seacoast town signified a notable departure of Fellini towards his own distinctive path. The semiautobiographical work of sharply drawn character sketches – skirt chaser, aspiring writer, dubious dreamer – takes a plunge into many of Fellini’s thematic pre-occupations: post-adolescent limbo and life’s responsibilities, marriage and infidelity, provincial nostalgia and city dream.

Blending Italian neorealism with bizarre flights of imagery into wildest fantasy, Fellini made his cinema both magical and wholly unique. In a folktale-like odyssey through postwar Italy, three freighted characters - a sweet naïve girl, a brutal strolling strongman, and a kind-hearted mischievous fool - impart a poetic fable of love and cruelty. The circus and the parades have since become Felliniesque trademarks, while La Strada triumphed as the first of his four Best Foreign Language Film Oscar wins.



Nights of Cabiria

(Le notti di Cabiria)

La Dolce Vita

導演 Dir: 費里尼 Federico Fellini 意大利 Italy/法國 France  1957  118min 演員 Cast: Giulietta Masina, François Périer, Franca Marzi

導演 Dir: 費里尼 Federico Fellini 意大利 Italy/法國 France  1960  175min 演員 Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Anita Ekberg, Anouk Aimée

費里尼曾說,令他最擔憂的角色,就是卡比利亞。她暴躁、驕矜、嘴角的笑總 掛着一絲輕蔑;她善良、執着、眼裏常含淚水,只因愛情失落。這個有着甜蜜 夢想的花街神女,祈求改變卻得不到聖母憐憫,一次又一次被騙。馬仙娜的雨 傘,就像差利的手杖,總以幽默與溫柔支撐着心底希望。以妓女、聖女、愛妻 混合體之姿,馬仙娜首登康城影后寶座;三十六年後,費里尼獲頒奧斯卡終身 成就獎的舞台下,那個哭中帶笑的卡比利亞,依然令人牽掛。

擺明車馬諷刺上流社會聲色犬馬的糜爛浮誇,那知影片面世即被全球觀眾爭相 膜拜,康城還頒來金棕櫚加冕,令費里尼與馬斯杜安尼頓成鎂光燈下名人,登 上影史不朽殿堂,順帶將自創的「paparazzo」變為跟蹤偷拍的潮流代名詞。費 里尼讓羅馬夜色透亮,行雲流水的鏡頭隨馬斯杜安尼穿梭如實似虛的幻境,交 織出一幅恍如米高安哲羅的現代羅馬浮世繪。從耶穌像飛越青空,到美艷女星 安妮達愛寶許願泉嬉水,意大利的優雅與頹靡,都在流麗光影裏,永恆刻銘。

Giulietta Masina is Cabiria, at times a waiflike prostitute who takes pride in owning a humble house by the sea, at times a tough cookie getting into fights. A sinner seeking redemption from the Virgin Mary, and simultaneously a saint unyieldingly searching for true love. Betrayed time and again, Cabiria’s face retains its indomitable resolve. Masina’s Chaplinesque innocence and comic invention was awarded Best Actress at Cannes, and Fellini advanced towards the consummate visual freedom of La Dolce Vita.

This Oscar-winning Palme d’Or honoree rocketed Fellini and Mastroianni to international stardom in, ironically, a scathing satire of celebrity culture, and an incisive commentary on Rome’s deepening decadence. Leaping from one visual extravaganza to another, the camera accompanies Mastroianni’s tabloid journalist — a paparazzo, a term first coined in this film — as he chases stories and women through the glamor. Anita Ekberg wading into the Trevi Fountain remains the most unforgettable scene.





導演 Dir: 費里尼 Federico Fellini 意大利 Italy/法國 France  1963  138min 演員 Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Anouk Aimée, Claudia Cardinale

導演 Dir: 費里尼 Federico Fellini 意大利 Italy/法國 France  1972  119min 演員 Cast: Peter Gonzales Falcon, Fiona Florence, Pia De Doses

夢見自己窒息,衝破車廂,冉冉飄向天際,卻被扯回地面,跌進真實夢魘。導 演自恐江郎才盡的戲碼,反成就創意登峰造極的影史神級經典。折合拍過七部 半電影後,費里尼來一次半虛半實的對鏡自照,從創作瓶頸與婚姻危機,逃亡 至夢幻避難所,將潛意識壓抑的情慾與恐懼,轉化為歡愉慰藉。精神疲憊的現 實,豐滿妓女的回憶,妻妾成群的狂想,存在與虛無交錯游移;調度、結構、 場面及配樂以無形見有形,若隨意卻入意。夢幻無休無止,魔法才剛開始。

這個羅馬,只屬於費里尼!年輕導演來到美麗之城,俯瞰鬥獸場外熙攘,創造 片廠內的戶外盛宴;觀眾叫囂的劇院、妓女招展的娼館,頹靡、華麗,有如萬 花筒般魅力四射,註定意亂情迷。古老壁畫因建地鐵瞬間灰飛煙滅,宗教莊嚴 聚會變身華麗時裝表演……神秘而奇異的羅馬,成了最令人驚嘆的電影舞台; 在母親放任的懷抱裏,回憶與想像自由翱翔,現實與夢幻互相滲透,現代科技 與遠古文明恣意碰撞。是古都消逝?是新城重生?費里尼的羅馬,是永恆!

Transforming a filmmaker’s creative crisis into a grand epic of profound fascination and imagination, Fellini invented one of cinema’s most recognizable touchstones with his spiritual and artistic musings. An autobiography imbued with dreamlike sequences revolves around a famed director, who is exhausted by his evasions, lies and sensual appetites. Notable for its sublime use of flashbacks and surrealistic touches interwoven with reality, this enduring masterpiece works like magic.

This is Fellini’s Rome, and nobody else’s. In a hallucinatory trip through his memories and delirious consciousness, a young man embraces the urban fantasia as he shoots the bustling cityscape and indulges in the pleasures of the flesh and spirit. From an ecclesiastical fashion show, to ancient frescoes unearthed in a subway, glimpses of a monumental past collide with the decadence of modernism. A sprawling, kaleidoscopic tribute to the Eternal City, Roma proves to be a most extravagant cinematic spectacle.




Fellini of the Spirits

導演 Dir: 費里尼 Federico Fellini 意大利 Italy/法國 France  1973  125min 演員 Cast: Pupella Maggio, Armando Brancia, Magali Noël, Ciccio Ingrassia

導演 Dir: 安瑟瑪德露莉奧 Anselma Dell'Olio 意大利 Italy  2020  90min

塵菌漫天紛飛,懷鄉情思隨風飄蕩。回望青蔥歲月,在三十年代法西斯的張狂 裏,伴隨四季更迭起伏:篝火大會驅去嚴寒,激發青春慾望;性幻想、對獨裁 的膜拜,在炎夏燃燒;家庭喧鬧,隨落葉歸於死別的沉寂;孔雀在飄雪裏驚艷 開屏,暗戀對象卻在春回時嫁人遠去……費里尼半自傳巔峰作,電影與人生合 而為一,回憶、夢幻、諷喻混雜在家鄉里米尼的大觀園,在馬戲團般調度中悲 喜錯落,滲透大師簽名式筆觸。奧斯卡凱旋曲四度高奏,圓滿譜寫影史傳奇。 Lust, sin, and the loss of innocence, all passionately reflected in Fellini’s most personal film. Fueled entirely by nostalgia, this carnivalesque portrait of Rimini during Mussolini’s dictatorship showcases the director’s signature themes of social rituals, sexual fantasies, and political subtexts. From the spring tradition of the burning of the witch, to frenzied fascist worshipping, indelible images fill the colorful dream world of the maestro’s childhood with satire and stylistic playfulness, and the kudos of Oscar accolades.

「我的生活就是拍電影,那是我,那是我的生命。」為紀念費里尼誕生百周年, 曾參與《珍姐與佛烈》製作的德露莉奧,就以電影探進大師的魔幻人生。詭譎 奇趣的夢幻想像,原來深受心理學家伯恩哈德的影響,對占星玄學、心靈感應 的着迷啟發無數創作靈感。從檔案發掘出大量罕見資料及珍貴片段,找來一眾 好友、拍檔細說故人鮮為人知的點滴,還有兩位奧斯卡金像導演威廉佛烈金及 戴米恩查素娓娓道來獨一無二的「情感真實」,重塑大師靈性的生命寫照。 Produced for the centenary of Federico Fellini’s birth, Dell'Olio offers an insightful reconstruction of the master’s rapport with the spiritual and the supernatural. Drawing from unseen archival materials and film clips, the documentary delves into Fellini’s fascinating and mystical vision, inspired by Jungian psychoanalysis, as well as his lifelong passion for esoterica and astrology. It’s an unprecedented and intimate portrait of the great filmmaker, as told through a chorus of voices, ranging from close friends and collaborators to Oscar-winning directors like William Friedkin and Damien Chazelle.

百年費里尼 Fellini 100 | 焦點 FOCUS

Images courtesy of Park Circus/MGM


電影基金會三十周年 30th Anniversary of The Film Foundation 電影基金會由著名導演馬田史高西斯等資深影人於1990年創辦,致力保育電影歷史文化遺產。為慶祝基金會成立三十周 年,香港國際電影節與該會合作呈獻六部修復經典。 基金會與各大資料館及片廠合作推動電影修復工作,除大師經典珍藏外,其「世界電影計劃」亦協助不少國家保育作 品,對電影藝術的傳承貢獻極大。今次精選的傑作跨越時代與地域,當中百年前面世的《折翼蝴蝶》更是難得一見,法 國大師莫里斯托奈影響深遠的詩意影像美學,歷久彌新。從荷里活的《碧血煙花》及《狂流春醒》、分別來自墨西哥和 巴西的社會寫實電影《被遺忘的人》及《街童日記》,以至於冰島拍攝的暗黑驚慄片《女巫歲月》,皆是罕見的傑作, 題材縱深廣闊,放諸當代依然令人眼界大開。 Established in 1990 by Martin Scorsese and other leading filmmakers, The Film Foundation is dedicated to protecting and preserving motion picture history. To celebrate its 30th anniversary, HKIFFS collaborates with the foundation to showcase its new restorations of six rarely-seen classics. Working in partnership with archives and studios, the foundation has helped to restore classic treasures, and lent its support to many countries through its renowned World Cinema Project. The six gems in this HKIFF44 special tribute, ranging from silent classic and Hollywood comedy Western, to Mexican and Brazilian social realism and Icelandic psychological thriller, reflect the foundation’s mission of championing the rich diversity in world cinema. Most notable is the century-old The Broken Butterfly, an American silent masterpiece directed by the pioneering French filmmaker Maurice Tourneur. These timeless works have never lost their fascination, their brilliance continues to inspire and resonate with generations of audiences.

節目夥伴 Festival Partner

折翼蝴蝶 The Broken Butterfly 導演 Dir: 莫里斯托奈 Maurice Tourneur 美國 USA  1919  59min 演員 Cast: Lew Cody, Mary Alden, Pauline Starke

沉睡百年,法國名導莫里斯托奈攝於荷里活默片時代的稀世珍藏,經精心修復 在銀幕上光芒再現。孤女與才華橫溢的鋼琴家一見鍾情,然而情路坎坷,幾度 陰差陽錯。鋼琴家創作出以她為靈感的巔峰作,她卻黯然不知,承受命運苦楚。 托奈以精雕細琢的燈光、構圖、場景,將情緒凝聚於畫面,戀人在樹林的傾心 告白,漫漫枝椏飄蕩着自由空氣,美得出乎世外。人性的高貴與結局的淒美同 樣動人,那低迴真正是恍如隔世。莊重而詩意的影像美學,對後世影響深遠。

碧血煙花 Destry Rides Again 導演 Dir: 佐治馬素 George Marshall 美國 USA  1939  95min 演員 Cast: Marlene Dietrich, James Stewart, Brian Donlevy

美國西部瓶頸鎮,警長調查老千騙局時人間蒸發。新警長請來外援,看似文弱 書生,原來槍法如神,誓要令法治重回正軌。眼見新法官將到任,經營酒館的 匪黨頭目突然發難,惡鬥一觸即發……佐治馬素以爐火純青的場面調度,拍出 亂中有序的連場混戰,將拿手的西部片類型反轉,神經喜感、浪漫、刺激動作 共冶一爐;副警長占士史超域斯文淡定,女伶瑪蓮德烈治潑辣狂野,高唱《The Boys in the Back Room》,性別定型來個戲謔的龍鳳顛倒,堪稱經典。

Image courtesy of Park Circus / Universal

Restored by Universal Pictures in collaboration with The Film Foundation. Special thanks to Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg for their consultation on this restoration.

Primed with slapstick, wisecracks, and action, Marshall’s iconic western transforms a straight-shooting cowboy hero into a sheriff craving law and order. In the roiling chaos of a saloon, where men stop fighting and cheating only when the “real boss” performs her enchanting number, the cool marshal tames the lawless town with his wit and jokes, and finally his gun. Flawless performances from James Stewart and Marlene Dietrich chart an amusing gender role reversal, against the stereotypes of the genre.

被遺忘的人 Los Olvidados

(a.k.a. The Young and the Damned)

導演 Dir: 布紐爾 Luis Buñuel 墨西哥 Mexico  1950  81min 演員 Cast: Alfonso Mejía, Roberto Cobo, Estela Inda, Miguel Inglan

一把冷刀割開墨西哥貧民區的殘酷現實,放出的瘀血滲着意大利新寫實主義, 血脈裏仍是布紐爾的超現實詩意,令影片超凡入聖。一群童黨欺侮老弱傷殘, 偷竊搶劫無惡不作;為人父母的亦弊病纏身,不是酗酒逃避現實,就是埋首工 作冷待孩兒。被亂棒虐打的小雞喻意昭昭,在殺人幫兇男孩渴求母愛、嗜肉慾 望、被欺凌而恐懼的夢魘裏,貧困悲苦的壓抑更活脫浮現,成了影史上最驚心 動魄的幻象,亦令布紐爾在爭議聲中榮膺康城最佳導演。

Restored by The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project at L’Immagine Ritrovata in collaboration with Fundación Televisa, Televisa, Cineteca Nacional Mexico, and Filmoteca de la UNAM. Restoration funding provided by The Material World Foundation. Print courtesy of the Academy Film Archive.

Buñuel’s crude vision of juvenile crime, and the marginal lives of children in a Mexico City slum, is steadfast in its realism, yet operatic in its tragedy. A stunning dream sequence is imbued with flourishes of surreal, transcendental insight into the emotional turmoil of a street kid, revealing his fear of violence, craving for sustenance, and desire for a mother’s love. The film’s controlled passion sets it apart from the genre, as Buñuel’s poetic departure from reality captivates with its horror at the world’s cruelty.

電影基金會三十周年 30th Anniversary of The Film Foundation | 焦點 FOCUS

Restored in 2019 by The Film Foundation at L’Immagine Ritrovata laboratory in association with La Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé. Restoration funding provided by Louis XIII Cognac. Print courtesy of the Academy Film Archive.

A hidden gem that has remained largely unseen for an entire century since its release, Tourneur’s silent classic is restored to its former glory. This hauntingly moving tale of love and loss follows a young composer, who finds his inspiration in a wild girl, only for their love to end tragically when he is convinced to pursue success. Tourneur’s stylized mastery of lighting, design and atmosphere sparks deep feelings of sympathy and tender pathos, while the film’s visual beauty would leave a lasting influence on Hollywood cinema.

狂流春醒 Wild River 導演 Dir: 伊力卡山 Elia Kazan 美國 USA  1960  110min 演員 Cast: Montgomery Clift, Lee Remick, Jo Van Fleet

背景是大蕭條時期,羅斯福推新政復甦經濟。田納西河谷洪水為患,政府獲授 權收地建水壩。孟甘穆利奇里夫飾演河谷管理局職員,負責監督工程,並要遊 說不肯賣地的老太太遷出家園。勸告失敗,老太太的守寡孫女卻與他燃起戀火。 CinemaScope 闊銀幕拍攝,伊力卡山後期代表作,卻一直受忽視。故事由兩部 小說改編而成,觸及政策法令與個人權利、社會發展與保留傳統的永恆矛盾。 卡山這次不只強調方法演技的戲劇張力,更精心經營影像,拍出抒情之美。

©1960 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

電影基金會三十周年 30th Anniversary of The Film Foundation | 焦點 FOCUS

Restored by the Academy Film Archive and Twentieth Century Fox with funding provided by The Film Foundation.

A Tennessee Valley Authority representative battling rural Southerners to make way for a hydroelectric dam might not sound like the trappings of classic cinema, but under the impeccable direction of Elia Kazan, Wild River is transformed into a riveting matinee melodrama. Montgomery Clift plays the corporate suit tasked with ousting Jo Van Fleet’s elderly landowner from her home, clashing with locals, stirring up racial tensions, and sweeping Lee Remick off her feet, all in the name of national progress.

街童日記 Pixote 導演 Dir: 赫特巴班高 Héctor Babenco 巴西 Brazil 1981 128min 演員 Cast: Fernando Ramos da Silva, Jorge Julião, Gilberto Moura

上承布紐爾《被遺忘的人》,下啟美拿里斯《無主之城》,巴班高的羅迦諾銀 豹獎傑作,從新寫實主義跳脫而出,以浮躁鏡頭揭示巴西社會底層的冷酷與絕 望。聖保羅貧民窟的街童,暴露在毒品、暴力、性愛泛濫的天空下,只能罪罪 相抵適者生存。流浪男童因謀殺案被送進少年感化所,面對更弱肉強食的世界; 越獄逃亡出走里約熱內盧,卻走往更深冷的地獄……比劇本更殘酷的現實,是 十一歲男主角六年後在街頭被警察槍斃,令影片更添悲劇色彩。

Restored by The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project and Cineteca di Bologna at L’Immagine Ritrovata in association with HB Filmes, Cinemateca Brasileira, and JLS Facilitações Sonoras. Restoration funded by the George Lucas Family Foundation.

Buñuel’s Los Olvidados inspired Babenco, whose Locarno Silver Leopard winner similarly shows the unbearably harsh lives of abandoned children in São Paulo. In the spirit of neorealism, Pixote is enshrined in shockingly lyrical images that capture everyday insanity. This social exposé comes vividly to life through the extraordinary performances of non-professional slum youngsters. In a painful foreshadowing, the protagonist, Ramos da Silva, was shot dead by police six years later.

女巫歲月 The Juniper Tree 導演 Dir: 妮茲卡基恩 Nietzchka Keene 冰島 Iceland  1990  79min 演員 Cast: Björk Guðmundsdóttir, Bryndis Petra Bragadóttir, Valdimar Örn Flygenring

改編自格林童話,原是繼母殺兒分屍再煮給家人吃的暗黑故事,美國導演妮茲 卡基恩把場景移師冰島,在冰火兩極的大地,喚醒對女性貶抑的迷思。母親施 巫術被殺害,姊姊為與妹妹求存,施法令鰥夫與她組織新家庭,可惜他兒子無 法接受新媽媽,終釀成悲劇。簡約冷冽的黑白攝影透現英瑪褒曼的空靈,融合 古老詩歌、民間傳說及宗教禱文,後母恐懼及巫術迷信交加錯落,平靜卻透心 寒。二十出頭的冰島天后 Björk 初登銀幕,純真夢幻的演繹,令人着迷。

Restored by the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation.

Drawing her inspiration from the Brothers Grimm's macabre tale, Keene conjured an ethereal psychological horror film, shot against Iceland’s striking landscape and starring Björk in her enchanting film debut. Two sisters cast a spell on a widower, in a desperate bid to form a new family and secure their survival. But the magic fails to entrance his young son, who rejects his replacement mother. Lyrical and fraught as the pagan myth, Keene’s parable hides a secret message questioning society’s latent gynophobia.


意大利電影之旅 Journey Through Italian Cinema: Restorations from Cineteca di Bologna 香港國際電影節協會與意大利博洛尼亞電影資料館訂立長期合作協議,致力推廣及保存電影文化遺產。資料館是電影保 育權威之一,珍藏逾萬部電影的菲林及底片拷貝,彌足珍貴。 本屆電影節選映該館修復的六部橫跨半世紀傑作。意大利新寫實主義電影享譽全球,是次選映三位代表導演的傑作,從 先驅羅塞里尼的揭竿之作《不設防城市》,以至奧米詩意寫實的《初出茅廬》及第昔達的短片集,皆可見大師以寫實手 法和敏銳觀察呈現社會現實。 意大利電影創意血脈相承,影響力無遠弗屆。基度碧倫尼的默片《神曲幻遊》,如夢似真的地獄景象開創視覺效果新 風;馬可法拉利的閨房喜劇《枕邊女皇蜂》及貝托魯奇的懸疑驚慄劇《蜘蛛策略》,對當代社會道德的尖銳批判,教人 刮目相看。 HKIFFS has entered into a long-term collaboration with Italy’s world-renowned Cineteca di Bologna to promote film conservation. With a collection of thousands of films in its archive, Cineteca di Bologna is one of the most recognized centers for preserving world cinematic heritage. This year's HKIFF presents some of Cineteca di Bologna’s remarkable collection of restored film classics in a specially curated programme. The six timeless classics in this selection represent the boundless creativity of Italian cinema. From the fascinating silent masterpiece Maciste in Hell, to the revolutionary style of Italian Neorealism, spearheaded by Roberto Rossellini’s Rome, Open City and anchored by Ermanno Olmi’s Il Posto and the short documentaries by Vittorio De Seta, these bold adventures in filmmaking left an enduring influence on generations of aspiring filmmakers. Inheriting their audacious spirit, Marco Ferreri and Bernardo Bertolucci ventured into satirical comedy and suspense thriller to articulate their critical commentary on religion, morality and society.

節目夥伴 Festival Partner

神曲幻遊 Maciste in Hell

(Maciste all’Inferno)

導演 Dir: 基度碧倫尼 Guido Brignone 意大利 Italy  1925  95min 演員 Cast: Bartolomeo Pagano, Elena Sangro, Umberto Guarracino, Mario Saio

意大利電影之旅 Journey Through Italian Cinema: Restorations from Cineteca di Bologna | 焦點 FOCUS

但丁《神曲》為藍本,傳奇男星巴托羅密歐帕迦諾飾演勇闖地獄的大力士馬西 斯特,他在十五年間於廿七部電影演繹長壽系列的同一角色,成為影壇佳話。 基度碧倫尼執導的版本,將中古背景改為十九世紀,馬西斯特因打退企圖操縱 人間的撒旦使者,被拉進地獄面對種種試煉。運用多重曝光、反拍鏡頭等當代 創新視覺效果,以豐富想像繪出逼真震撼的地獄景象,猙獰鬼怪、噴火龍造型 蔚為奇觀。如夢似真的影像更啟發費里尼投身電影創作,譜寫意大利影史傳奇。 Brignone transfigured Dante’s vision of Hell into a grandiose cinematic spectacle of fantasy and imagination. Legendary actor Pagano plays a strongman, who descends into the inferno in order to restore order, a role he reprised 27 times in this long-running film series. The enthralling contrasts between the realistic scenes on Earth and the surrealist ones in Hell, huge cast of demons, and terrifying dragon, fashioned from the most state of the art special effects of the day, all inspired Fellini to get into the movies.

不設防城市 Rome, Open City

(Roma città aperta)

導演 Dir: 羅塞里尼 Roberto Rossellini 意大利 Italy  1945  103min 演員 Cast: Anna Magnani, Aldo Fabrizi, Marcello Pagliero

被譽為意大利新寫實主義揭竿之作。先驅羅塞里尼在二戰末期,於納粹佔領的 羅馬實景拍攝,以四處搜羅的菲林,拍出烽火中貼近真實的生命面貌。俐落鏡 頭對準地下反抗軍英勇抗暴事蹟,織入樸實逼真的庶民群像:義無反顧的神父、 出賣愛人的舞女、負隅頑抗的孩童……安娜夢茵兒為愛不顧危險,眾目睽睽下, 奮身追車中彈的震撼一幕,為歷史真相留下見證。紀實風格滲透濃厚戲劇張力 與真摯感情,在頹垣敗瓦中,平地一聲雷,為時代與影史奠下里程碑。 A world cinema landmark that launched the revolutionary style of Italian neorealism, Rossellini’s thrilling drama, simultaneously realistic and melodramatic, has left a trace on every film movement since. Shot amid the ruins of Rome during World War II, the story of brave resistance leaders struggling against the Nazi occupation is a shockingly authentic experience, galvanized by newsreel-style cinematography. The infamous torture and execution scenes have lost none of their monumental impact today.

第昔達短片集 10 Shorts by Vittorio De Seta 導演 Dir: 維多利奧第昔達 Vittorio De Seta 意大利 Italy  1954-59  114min

以現實詩意,將意大利未受文明污染的傳統文化,鮮活刻記於繽紛光影。西西 里、薩丁島的碧海藍天,漁民捕魚、農民收割汲汲忙忙,第昔達以短短十分鐘, 呈現近乎宗教儀式的莊嚴,展現人與自然共生的禮讚。短片包括:《捕劍魚的 季節》(54)、《火之島》(54)、《西西里的復活節》(55)、《硫磺礦》(55)、 《漁民》 (55)、《金黃寓言》 (55)、《巴巴加的一天》 (58)、《捕魚》 (58)、《奧 戈索洛牧羊人》(58)及《被遺忘的》(59)。 Graced with an amusing sense of poetry, De Seta’s vivid, colorful documentary shorts depict the daily lives and traditional culture of fishermen, shepherds, and miners in postwar Sicily and Sardinia. Each about 10 minutes in duration, these concise works bring out the sanctity of communal rites, and man’s dynamic relationships with nature. Titles include The Swordfish Season (1954), Islands of Fire (1954), Easter in Sicily (1955), Sulphur Mines (1955), Peasants of the Sea (1955), Golden Parable (1955), A Day in Barbagia (1958), Fishing (1958), Shepherds of Orgosolo (1958), and The Forgotten (1959).

初出茅廬 Il Posto 導演 Dir: 艾曼諾奧米 Ermanno Olmi 意大利 Italy  1961  93min 演員 Cast: Sandro Panseri, Loredana Detto, Tullio Kezich, Mara Revel

A poetic-realist masterpiece about a young man who leaves home to start his first job in Milan, Olmi imbued his characters with a sense of intimacy that surpassed the neorealist canon. The strange sensation of standing in a room filled with rival candidates; the stolen glances at alienated office workers; the romantic charge from the sharing of a coffee spoon… Through his hero’s curious eyes, Olmi presents a keenly observed milieu of postwar Italian society, and simultaneously a poignant portrait of urbanites.

枕邊女皇蜂 The Conjugal Bed

(L’ape regina)

導演 Dir: 馬可法拉利 Marco Ferreri 意大利 Italy/法國 France  1963  90 min 演員 Cast: Ugo Tognazzi, Marina Vlady, Walter Giller

夢寐以求娶得貌美虔誠兼守身如玉的嬌妻,男人四十的阿方索日日沉醉溫柔鄉。 床上翻雲覆雨,夫妻角色亦暗中翻天覆地;枕邊人變身女皇蜂,小工蜂只得密 密侍奉,精竭力疲,完成播種使命後,落得油盡燈枯。馬可法拉利的閨房喜劇, 以恰如布紐爾的幽默戲謔筆觸,調侃婚姻道德失衡,極盡諷刺傳宗接代的迂腐 思想。當年一出即被禁映,導演及製片更差點因「違反公德」入獄。烏戈唐納 斯傳神演繹小男人要命的愛與痛,瑪麗娜維拉迪更獲康城影后殊榮。 All would envy Alfonso, a 40-year-old man, when he marries a beautiful and religious virgin. But soon he faces the grim fate of a worker bee, whose sole mission is to fulfill his queen’s sexual desires and quest for motherhood. A satirical Buñuelian grotesquerie that was censored upon release, Ferreri’s first Italian feature pokes wicked fun at the eternal battle between the sexes, while offering a critical commentary on the matriarchal complex and religious formalities. Marina Vlady was named Best Actress at Cannes.

蜘蛛策略 The Spider’s Stratagem

(Strategia del ragno)

導演 Dir: 貝托魯奇 Bernardo Bertolucci 意大利 Italy  1970  100min 演員 Cast: Giulio Brogi, Alida Valli, Pippo Campanini

沒有英雄的時代是可嘆的;需要英雄的時代,更是可悲。一個反法西斯英雄, 暗殺墨索里尼的計劃雖無疾而終,但以身殉道,小鎮人人以他為榮。遺腹子獲 邀回鄉出席紀念儀式,父親當年情婦叮囑他要查明真兇。一頭栽進蜘蛛網絡, 從父親三位戰友透露的一絲一縷,發現不容揭露的真相。與《同流者》同年橫 空出世,貝托魯奇將波赫士小說轉化,在攝影大師史托拉盧迷離鏡頭下,透過 父子兩代繼承與背離的懸疑劇情,尖銳批判法西斯社會蒙混不清的道德觀。 Through his tragic death, an anti-Fascist figure is transformed into the legendary hero of a provincial Italian town. Returning for his honoring ceremony, his son becomes entwined in a web of mysteries and ambiguities as he gradually discovers the truth behind his father’s myth. A continuation of his classic The Conformist, Bertolucci transposes Jorge Luis Borges' short story, orchestrating the high tragedy of a thrilling theatrical play into a dazzling microcosm of human society filled with lies and delusion.

意大利電影之旅 Journey Through Italian Cinema: Restorations from Cineteca di Bologna | 焦點 FOCUS

鄉村小子來到大城市求職,艱辛挫折林林總總,奧米娓娓道來,少了點新寫實 主義的樸拙苦澀,卻多了脈脈詩意的溫柔,連史高西斯亦在《狂牛》致敬。從 初出茅廬的目光看大千世界,面試場地與卡夫卡超現實空間看來無異,同事在 辦公室的千奇百怪,原來只道是尋常。兩個職場新丁在城市穿梭,透過櫥窗倒 照,窺見戰後意大利經濟復甦的繁榮表象。把情感溶於小小濃縮咖啡杯內,一 支共用茶匙,分享初萌愛意;與人物心靈感受契合,女主角亦成了奧米愛妻。

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