Guidelines for HKMUN Resolutions

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Guidelines for HKMUN Resolutions Formatting: 

All resolutions are to be submitted in Times New Roman 12 point font in justified text.

Do not number the lines or pages

Do not bold anything

Use single-line spacing with 0 point line spacing before and after each paragraph (refer to screenshot), with a line space between each clause

Acronyms and abbreviations should be written out in full the first time they are used

Preambulatory clauses are not numbered.

Sub-clauses begin with a., b., c., etc. Sub-sub-clauses begin with i., ii., iii., etc.

Resolutions should be submitted to a chairperson before the deadline

The preferred word processor is Microsoft Word

Sample Resolution as follows:

Each operative clause is numbered.

FORUM: The Historical General Assembly

Comment [Lucien1]: Specific committ

QUESTION OF: Atomic Energy


MAIN SUBMITTER: The United States of America CO SUBMITTERS: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French

Comment [Lucien2]: Full name of country of that time period.

Republic SIGNATORIES: The Republic of China, the Kingdom of Norway, the Imperial State of Iran, Commonwealth of the Philippines, Czechoslovakia

Comment [Lucien3]: The time period

1946 – hence the Iran represented here was ruled by the Pahlavi dynasty. Comment [Lucien4]: Two line spaces


here. Comment [Lucien5]: Capitalized.

Taking into account that the Quebec Agreement of 1943 was not able to successfully prevent atomic energy from being used for non-peaceful purposes,

Comment [Lucien6]: Single line space after

Recognizing the benefits of utilizing nuclear energy to slow depletion of nonrenewable energy

Comment [Lucien7]: Preambulatory

sources such as fossil fuels,

clauses begin with the present participle They should be italicized.

Bearing in mind the grave consequences which the world witnessed as a result of atomic energy being used as weapons at the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of

Comment [Lucien8]: Can refer to past UN/international treatises.

World War Two;

Comment [Lucien9]: Each intermediat

1. Encourages the expansive development of atomic energy solely for peaceful and beneficial purposes, such as but not limited to: a.

Comment [Lucien10]: Please spell out

dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, natural gas and coal, for applications such as but


not limited to:

Comment [Lucien11]: Preambulatory

electricity and other energy production needs,


fuel for means of transport such as aviation,


methods of disinfection and treatment of diseases, the advancement of atomic energy to further enhance and propel scientific

i. ii.

clauses end with a semicolon.

Comment [Lucien12]: Operative claus begin with present tense active verbs.

investigations on atomic energy in the direction of results such as but not limited

Comment [Lucien13]: Common


terminology to denote a list.

improved methods to efficiently convert atomic energy into forms that can be

Comment [Lucien14]: Use a colon to

utilized by humans,

start a list

further developed nuclear enhancement projects so as to limit the safety hazards posed by the development of atomic energy,



the usage of atomic energy as an alternative energy source, in contrast to already



preambulatory clause uses a comma at t

Comment [Lucien15]: Sub-clauses and sub-sub-clauses are not capitalized.

improve the efficiency of the nuclear energy itself after conversion, limiting the resources permitted to yield efficient energy forms of human utility,

Comment [Lucien16]: Each item in th list is followed by a comma.


the establishment of programs to assist specific developing countries in planning and building the capability to manage their own nuclear energy development and its usage in a safe and purely peacefully beneficial manner;

Comment [Lucien17]: Intermediate clauses end with a semicolon.

2. Proposes the strengthening of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commissions to uphold and regulate the safety of atomic energy by making recommendations accordingly with

Comment [Lucien18]: Line space afte

each preambulatory and operative claus

operations such as but not limited to: a.

extending between all nations the exchange of basic scientific knowledge for peaceful purposes,


monitoring the extent and areas of the development of atomic energy to ensure that its use is only restricted to peaceful purposes, by means such as but not limited to: i.

examining the nuclear energy technologies and directions of progress in individual nations through investigations conducted by the United Nations


Atomic Energy Commission, and providing detailed biannual reports on any

Comment [Lucien19]: Do refer to

suspicious advancements in any noted countries,

established committees, commissions, e

acting, enquiring, and investigating in a swift manner upon the discovery of

It is also possible to establish a commiss

any potentially non-peaceful uses of nuclear energy with the deployment of

as a result of the resolution.

the protection and monitoring agency.

Comment [Lucien20]: End the resolut with a full stop.

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