2015-16 HNIB News Issue #1 - Junior Hockey Preview

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he Eastern Hockey League does not hide its mission, posting it prominently on the league’s home page. It states, in part: “The EHL is committed to developing and producing studentathletes with aspirations of advancing to collegiate and/or professional hockey.” Now in its fourth season as a stand-alone entity, the EHL is now the first USA Hockey-sanctioned Junior league to employ team performance criteria, formalizing what has been its overarching goal since it spun off from the Metropolitan Junior Hockey League in 2003-04 as the Atlantic Junior Hockey League. In an email to Hockey Night In Boston, EHL Director of Hockey Operations Mark Kumpel wrote: “I have been on the USAH Junior Council for over 20 years, and I have not come across an initiative as creative as this. It is a fair equitable document that does have consequences if a program under performs and rewards for their efforts when goals are reached.” Kumpel explained the performance criteria’s three primary goals: 1. “Our main goal in the Eastern Hockey League is to help our players move on to the next step. It is our job to provide them with great coaching and guidance in order to help them reach their goals.” 2. “Create an environment that is conducive to development of the player both on and off the ice. Our programs provide professional on ice hockey training, off ice regimens to improve strength and conditioning and a nurturing atmosphere to help the player mature and grow into the best person/athlete possible. The Performance Criteria is designed to ensure that our programs provide every player an environment that they can succeed in.” 3. “The EHL experience should be the first and last stop a player

Eastern Hockey League Adopts Team Performance Criteria

VERMONT LUMBERJACKS forward Brad Reitter (25) waits for shot in front of Philadelphia Revolution goalie Zach Skop during recent action at EHL Premier’s Showcase held over Columbus Day Weekend in Hudson, NH. Revolution won this one, 2-0. (Photo courtesy EHL)

North, South Divisions Each Have 9 Teams needs before he makes the jump to his collegiate career. The EHL Performance Criteria takes wins and losses out of the equation. It highlights development and advancement. Yes, everybody wants to win. But in junior hockey what is important is receiving a great experience and the achieving the ultimate goal, a school that fits the athletes abilities and desired educational path.” The EHL Performance Criteria is calculated by tracking both players that move on to college and those who return to the program for continued development. “[Player advancement] keeps our teams focused on the main goal. Coaches must be proactive in helping the athlete move on,” Kumpel explained. “Nothing

says more about confidence in a program than successful college placements and loyalty returned by its athletes.” GOING GLOBAL Forty-four international players dot the rosters of the league’s 18 Premier and eight Elite teams. Included are 14 Swedes, eight Russians and four Canadians; two players each from Latvia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Norway and Switzerland; and one apiece from the Czech Republic, Austria, Serbia, Finland, Spain, New Zealand, England and France. While Kumpel considers that number to be average, he envisions an international influx in the coming years.

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

(Continued On Page 18)


HNIB News • Volume 32 - Number 1 HNIB NEWS Staff -PuBlISHEr EmErItuS-

-Staff WrItErS-

lance lofaro (1946-2014)

Gary demopoulos Kevin doyle michael fornabaio Jon turner Yardley dom Nicastro Nathan fournier fran Sipek

-EdItorGary demopoulos

-SalES/advErtISINGGary demopoulos Jamie Callery

-GraPHICS/SCHEdulESGary demopoulos Jamie Callery Kevin doyle

hnIB news 795 Turnpike St. no. Andover, MA 01845 978-682-2425 hockeynight@comcast.net www.hnibnews.com Twitter: @hnIBonline.com Printed at Gannett Offset nOrwOOd, Ma

2015/16 PUBLICATION DATES • november 5 - Jr. hockey Overview • november 24 - Prep School Preview • December 9 - new england/nJ hS Preview • December 16 - Massachusetts hS Preview • December 21 - Coaches Directory/Arena Guide • July- Boys Summer Showcase Magazine • August - Girls Summer Showcase Magazine

On The COver

* Cover photo Courtesy of eastern hoCkey League

4 neWS Issues • 3 Magazines


3 4 5-12 13-19 20-22 24-25 26-27 28-30 30-31

Jr. Wolfpack  forward  Tom DeFelice  bears  down  on  Northern Cyclones  goalie  Joe  Lissak  during recent  EHL  action  at  Cyclones Arena.  (Below  left)  Delaney Guimont  of  the  Bosotn  Jr. Shamrocks  stick  checks  Kelly Rowswell of Balmoral Hall School in a recent Junior Womens Hockey League  showcase  game  at Merrimack College.

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- INDEX EHL Lead-In HNIB News Staff EHL Premier North EHL Premier South EHL Elite Division NEWJHL Womens Shamrocks Girls Story JWHL North Division JWHL South Division

Hockey Night In Boston 2016 Summer Festivals/Showcases For more infomation, go to www.hnibonline.com

NOVEmBEr 4, 2015 | HOCkEy NIgHT IN BOSTON NEwS | HNIBnews.com


Bandits Off To Fast Start BOSTON BANDITS The first-place Bandits got off to an 10-1-2 start, suffering their only regulation loss to the Vermont Lumberjacks on Oct. 17. Coach Todd Stirling’s squad swept the three Philadelphia teams at the Columbus Day Showcase and had opened an early six-point bulge by the end of October. Rangy Eduards Tralmaks, a native of Latvia, has already netted three game-winners and owns the team scoring lead (19 pts) just ahead of forward Nate Chase (17 pts). Scott Donahue (11 points), Tim Larocque (6 goals), Gordy Harwood (5-4-9), Ryan O’Donnell (6 goals) and Chaise Howard (5-3-8) are all key contributors to a potent group of forwards. Ryan Barnes, David Hopfer, Cody Braga and Hadan Jordan form the nucleus of a stout defense that has helped the Bandits build a plus-28 differential. Lead goalie Kenny Graham owns a 1.85 goals against average and .938 save pct. and has a shutout to his credit.

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kEnny GraHam

Eduards Tralmaks

Walpole Express Solid In All Areas WALPOLE EXPRESS The Express have established themselves in the season’s first month via victories against both Conference leaders – the Bandits and the Philadelphia Revolution – as well as a pair of wins against the New Hampshire Jr. Monarchs. If coach Jon Lounsbury’s club lacks anything at this point, it might be consistency. A balanced attack features forwards Joe Hall (6-12-18), Eric Lipa (5-12-17), Dan Eruzione (4-8-12) and Tim Thurnau (4-5-8) as well as defensemen Zach Feldman (3-8-11) and Samuel Topham (3-5-8). Forwards Michael Ferraro, James Varney and Cody Rorick as well as defenseman Kyle Moss add depth. In total, 11 players already have scored multiple goals.

Connor Rodericks (2.45/.932) has seen the bulk of the action in goal. Bryan Holmberg is the backup.

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November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

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DErEk nEal

lukE BEnnEtt

connor powEll

sylas kalyan

JamEs Davis

cory king

Monarchs Show They Will Be Here For Long Haul NH. JR. MONARCHS After dropping their first two games of the season, coach Ryan Frew’s team seemed to find traction with a four-game win streak during which it erupted for 29 goals. However, the Monarchs have won three out of four and sit eight points off the pace being set by the Bandits. The Monarchs spread the wealth on offense and are third in the Premier North Division in goals with 48. Forwards Luke Bennett (8-7-15), Derek Neal (4-10-14), Connor Powell (6-7-13), Sean Patrick O’Leary (4-6-10),

Derek Britner (4-6-10) and Hunter Laslo (4-6-10) have all achieved double figures. Connor Jewett have nine points apiece. Cory King has been a contributor. Four goalies have seen action with Josh Reinstein (1.62/.907/1 SO) seemingly settling in as the first option. Ryan Romeo, Ross Delabruere, Sylas Kalyan and Neil Maietta man the defense, along with James Zachary Davis and newcomer Sean O’Brien, acquired recently in a deal with the New England Wolves.

Always Strong Northern Cyclones In Good Position Strong Defensive Play Has Been Key To Team’s Solid Start

Jack Barton

JarroD Fitzpatrick


nolan rEDlEr

JoE lissak

BlakE Brazil

chris Dumont

DrakE longakEr

Eric rogorzEnski

NORTHERN CYCLONES The Cyclones had played fewer games (nine) than all but one teams through the season’s first month. With at least two and as many as five games in hand on all but one team in the North, coach Bill Flanagan’s club is well positioned for a major pre-holiday move. The Cyclones’ goaltenders have been next to unbeatable, yielding a cumulative total of 13 goals. Joe Lissak (1.29/.950) and Evan Cline (1.38/.954) both have a shutout in the books and Drennan Atherton allowed just one goal in his two starts. Chris Dumont, Joe Griffin, Shawn O’Meara and Drake Longaker comprise the core of an active defense. The forwards have been scoring at will, helping the Cyclones fashion a league best differential of plus-33. Jarrod Fitzpatrick (6-14-20), Nolan Redler (8-7-15), Blake Brazil (6-4-10), Jack Barton and Eric Rogorzenski lead the attack.

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

EHL PrEmiEr NortH DivisioN

New Coach DeCaprio Has Jr. Rangers In Mix BOSTON JR. RANGERS The Rangers opened the season with back-to-back wins against the Monarchs and Cyclones. While coach Rich DeCaprio’s crew doesn’t score much its defensive approach can frustrate opponents and a grinding, tightchecking style has seen seven of 10 games decided by two or fewer goals. Goalies Brendan Cytulik (2.62/.937) and Sean Kuhn (2.64/.922) have both provided solid work in the cage.

Six-foot, four-inch defenseman Dante Fiori anchors the back line and also is second in team scoring with 10 points. Kolby Vegara, Tim Biddle and Charley Salk are mainstays on defense, along with John Moritz and Alex Hreib. Brycon Johnson (8-3-11) leads a balanced forward group that includes Aleksandr Makarov (8 points), Eriks Zohovz (8 points), Jared McCracken (6 points), Connor Rubin (6 points), Michael Cacciato and Zachary Pard.

Brendan cytulik Jr. rangers goalie

Follow the action all season long at hnibnews.com





Brycon Johnson

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November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

EHL PREMIER NORTH DIVISION VALLEY JR. WARRIORS After winning three of four to start the season, the Jr. Warriors endured a six-game losing streak before defeating the Jr. Rangers on Oct. 18, 4-2. During their slide, the Warriors were shut out three times and netted just five goals. Improved offensive output is a must moving forward. Garrett McGowan and Kazakhstan native Rustem Smakov are splitting time in goal, posting nearly identical numbers. Top defensemen are Cole Crawford, Evan Nyhus, Grant Wellinger and Drew DiGeronimo. Matt Wiesner (7-7-14), Matt Bernot (6-4-10), native Swede Henning Dahlberg (4-6-10), Chris Mayer, Garrett Gintoli (3 goals) and Zack Cote have been the most consistent forwards.

Matt wiesner

Valley Warriors Look Ready To Make A Serious Run

Train Where The Pros Train

Matt bernot


henninG dahlberG

Cole Crawford

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Garrett Gintoli November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Defense-Minded Vermont Lumberjacks Capable Of Beating Any Opponent

In addition to providing pr viding a great great education, Cardigan responds to the developmental needs of boys through a distinctive program that fosters their intellectual, physical, ph ysical, emotional, and spiritual spir itual growth. gr wth. It is through this approach, centered around the School’s six core values, that Cardigan molds boys into responsib responsible esponsible esponsib le young oung men. men

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VERMONT LUMBERJACKS They may sit in the lower third of the Conference at this early juncture, but the Lumberjacks have not been an easy draw to date. A 5-4 home win against Walpole and a 4-3 come-from behind road win against the Boston Bandits are proof of that. Coach Doc DelCastillo likes the overall make-up of this club, citing team speed and work ethic as its primary attributes. He says the goal moving forward is to continue to “grow and develop” while improving overall offensive output. Captain James McDonald (75-12), Brad Reitter (4-10-14), Parker Richards (2-5-7) have emerged as the top forwards, complemented by Domenick Kuziak (3-6-9), Patrick Farnan and Dawson Quint. Defenseman Markuss Komuls (4-13-17), a native of Latvia, has dazzled. Axel Hallin, who hails from Sweden, has also excelled on the back line. Henry Butler (2.73/.900/1 SO) is solid in goal.

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

Brad reitter Vermont LumBerjacks


Future Is Bright For East Coast Wizards

JaMes McdoNald verMoNt luMberJacKs

c.J. GriNNell Wizards

chris KaNaMiNe Wizards

taNNer otts Wizards

EAST COAST WIZARDS The Wizards will look to build of their strong showing at the league’s Columbus Day Showcase where they picked up 2-1 wins against both the New York Bobcats and the Connecticut Oilers. “I really like our team and the progress we have made the past couple weeks. It’s exciting to see guys buying into team concepts and having success playing together,” says

Pete orlaNdella Wizards

GleNN WisWell Wizards

daKota delbridGe Wizards

coach Freddy Meyer. Team captain C.J. Grinnell (5-5-10) powers the offense, joined by Assistant Captain Chris Kanamine, Glenn Wiswell, Connor Demore, Pat Daley and Vaughan Kavanaugh at forward. Assistant Captain Tanner Otts, Pete Orlandella and Nick White anchor the defense while Dakota Delbridge, Will Ribas and Drew Foley have all seen time between the pipes.

heNry butler verMoNt luMberJacKs

MarKus KoMuls verMoNt luMberJacKs

ryaN duNN Ne Wolves

aNdreW lee Ne Wolves

Nicolas chaoush Ne Wolves

Karl WriGht Ne Wolves

MaxWell KeNt Ne Wolves

Garrett Mello Ne Wolves

NE Wolves Look To Turn Things Around NEW ENGLAND WOLVES Since defeating the Jr. Warriors in their season opener, the Wolves have struggled mightily. Offense has been difficult to generate and goaltenders Garrett Mello and Kurt Gutting have faced a combined total of 440 shots – just about 40 per game – thus far. Forwards Ryan Dunn, Andrew Lee, Zachary Sullivan,

ParKer richards verMoNt luMberJacKs

Nicolas Chaoush, Tai Finberg and Jake Saxe have accounted for the Wolves’ 16 goals, led by Dunn, Sullivan, Chaoush and Lee with three each. Newcomer Chris Peter, acquired from the Monarchs organization, will help up front. Karl Wright and Maxwell Kent lead the defense for coach Steve Jacobs.

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hnibnews.com 11


chaySe priMeau reVolution

aaron MaGuyon reVolution

bryce WitMan reVolution

branDon SpoGnarDi reVolution

JoSh Suboyu reVolution

connor bechtel Jr. Wolfpack

Revolution, Wolfpack Rolling Early

Dean zerby reVolution

Mike coSentino reVolution

DaVe MelaraGni reVolution

PHILADELPHIA REVOLUTION The Revolution have made the most of a heavy early schedule, blending youth and veteran leadership while getting off to a solid start under former NHL standout Keith Primeau. The Revs have recorded the program’s first-ever weekend sweep of the rival Junior Flyers along with a first weekend shutout of the Connecticut Oilers (2-0 and 3-0). The offense is driven by forwards Chayse Primeau (10-6-16), Aaron Maguyon (6-9-16), Bryce Witman (6-6-12), assistant captains Dean Zerby and Nick Keck, Guy Roby and Richie McCarthy. Captain Brandon Spognardi, assistant captain Josh Soboyu and Dave Melaragni form the core of the defense in front of goalies Mike Cosentino (2.21 gaa, .935 save pct., 1 SO) and Cayden Primeau (0.33/.991/1 SO). “Defensively (we’re) playing much better but must continue to bring down shots against totals in order to have second-half success. (We have) strong offensive ability with three solid scoring lines with a fourth line capable of contributing. Once firing on all cylinders, we will be tough to beat,” coach Primeau said. HARTFORD JR. WOLFPACK Sound defense has been the key for the Wolfpack, who allowed just 30 goals while winning eight of their first 10 games. With four games in hand on the Revolution, they are in great shape to make a major pre-holiday move as their schedule picks up. The deep and well-balanced forward unit features Connor Bechtel (7-9-16), Machlan Sawden (78-13), Doc Gentzler (3-9-12), Shane Visnick (7 goals), Thomas DeFelice (8 points), Colin Valentine (4 goals) and Nicholas Gray (3 goals). Primary goalie Kyle Carducci has a solid 2.93/.913/1 SO slash line while Michael Dion provides relief. Native Swede Klas Tegnemyr, Max Blitz and Kevin McDonald form the core of the defense.

keVin McDonalD Jr. Wolfpack

Machlan SaWDen Jr. Wolfpack

Doc Gentzler Jr. Wolfpack

Shane ViSnick Jr. Wolfpack

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

toM Defelice Jr. Wolfpack

kyle carDucci Jr. Wolfpack

Max blitz Jr. Wolfpack



NJ Rockets Getting It Done Offensively

nJ rockeTs Forward anThony delgaizo is oFF To a greaT sTarT.

NEW JERSEY ROCKETS The high-powered Rockets are the league’s highest-scoring team, averaging a tick more than 5.5 goals per game through their first 11 games. They have also allowed 36 goals, including 11 in recent back-to-back losses to the Oilers and NY Applecore. Donny Flynn (8-18-26) is the league’s scoring leader while Anthony DelGaizo leads the league in goals (12) to form the a top one-two punch. Douglas Elgstam (7-12-19), Michael Lindberg (8-4-12) and Phillip Elgstam (4-5-9) add to the abundant firepower.


Cushing Olympians, including Meghan Duggan ‘06, 2-time Olympic silver medalist and captain of the 2014 U.S. Women’s Olympic Hockey team


Approximate number of Cushing boys’ and girls’ hockey players who have gone on to play Division I hockey in college

48 24 25

Flynn, DelGaizo Solid 1-2 Punch

donny Flynn

douglas elgsTam

Timothy Huxen (1 SO) and Cam Newman (3.22/.921) split time in goal. Top defensemen include Alec Mono, Haytham Oeid, Marc DelGaizo and Jeremy Briscoe, instrumental during a four-game winning streak that saw the Rockets outscore opponents by a 22-5 count.

Cushing athletes who have been drafted or gone pro

NEPSAC championships in the past 17 years, in 6 sports

Average number of Cushing athletes each year who go on to play in college

alec mono

hayTham oeid

With rigorous programs in academics, athletics, and the arts, Cushing is an independent, coeducational boarding school for students in grades 9-12 and post graduates, and is located one hour west of Boston.



michael lindberg

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

TimoThy huxen



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Interesting Season On Tap For NY Bobcats NEW YORK BOBCATS The Bobcats have yet to lose two straight and own a solid plus-19 differential through 11 games and are another team that could make an early move. The Bobcats have a three-game winning streak heading into late October before falling to the Oilers. They rank among the league’s better defensive clubs. Goalie Patrick Cavanaugh (1.22/.954/1SO) has allowed just seven goals

corey kenneDy

patrick cavanaugH

BranDon ratHWell

in an otherworldly start to his season. He shares time with Brandon Rathwell. Defenseman Charles Barber (4-6-10) plays a strong two-way game and is joined in the back by Randy Wolf, Sean Leonard and William Thorpe. Corey Kennedy (16 points) and Kenneth McLean (5-7-12) drive the forward unit, assisted by Thomas Dunn (5-5-10), Glenn Florczak, Nicolas Yzaguirre (5 goals), Jackson Shanely and Rob Delury.

cHarles BarBer

ranDy Wolf

nicolas yzaguirre

tHoMas Dunn

Oilers Rounding Into Shape CONNECTICUT OILERS Under the guidance of coach Eric Lind, the Oilers have moved beyond the disappointing end to last season and are focused on what lies ahead, which includes incorporating an infusion of players from both their USHL affiliate the Cedar Rapid RoughRiders and Cedar Rapids’ affiliated teams in Colorado into the framework of the Oilers’ organization. Assistant captain Marc Happy and captain Alex Wilkinson rank among the league’s top defensemen. The highly regarded Happy already has 10 power play assists while Wilkinson, who led EHL defensemen with seven power play goals last year, had a hat trick and two PPGs in the season opener. Drew Lennon adds the depth on defense. Goalie Michael Tilford won 17 games with 2.36/.924 numbers last year. Rookie Mac Vail has won all three of his starts. Forwards Christian LaCroix (6-11-17), Walker Harris (8-7-15), Todd Jackson (8 goals), Jeff Thompson (7 goals) and assistant captain Phil Kreuser lead the offense.

cHristian lacroix


Marc Happy

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

alex Wilkinson

Walker Harris


miTch ossowsKi

sam Kany

JonaThan waring

paveL miKhasenoK

ausTin KeLLy

oLeg poTemKin

DayLan Lipanovich

Tim higginboTham

Philadelphia Little Flyers Ready To Turn It On PHILADELPHIA LITTLE FLYERS Last year’s regular-season champions are just getting started. With multiple games in hand on all but two teams in the conference – including four on the Revolution – the Little Flyers have a lot of room for upward mobility. Their lockdown defense allowed a conference low 14 goals through their first seven games, and 25 through their first 10 tilts.

michaeL TiLforD

phiL Krueser Jeff Thompson connecTicuT oiLers

Primary goalie Sam Kany (1.91/.911/1SO) has been rock solid for coach Rocky Russo’s club. Jonathan Waring (3-3-6), Daylan Lipanovich (2-2-4) and Evan Heidt have emerged as steady two-way defensemen. Pavel Mikhasenok (4-12-16) of Ekaterinburg, Russia and Mitch Ossowski (10 goals) power the offensive attack. Austin Kelly (13 points), Tyler Pietrowski (3-6-9), St. Petersburg, Russia native Oleg Potemkin (54-9) and Tim Higginbotham (6 goals) complete a well-balanced top six forward group

Drew Lennon

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November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Junior Flyers Strong On D PHILADELPHIA JR. FLYERS The Junior Flyers also hold multiple games in hand. Coach Jerry Domish’s club overcame a tough opening weekend by taking five of six points at the Columbus Day Showcase before sweeping the Connecticut Nighthawks the following weekend. Tyler Williams, Evan Williams, Jack O’Neil and Sean Castagna have been stalwarts on the back line. Aaron Gittings (2.24) gets the bulk of the work in goal with Ashton Opperman (.912) in a complementary role. The offense has yet to find itself. Captains Joshua Larson (4 goals) and Justin Plumhoff, Nils Markgren of Stockholm, Sweden (5 goals), Trey Decker and Chris Caldwell are the top options. Forward Keegan Richie and defenseman Jace Burton (currently inactive) are also captains. “Our defensive core is by far the best group I have ever had,” Domish said. “We get plenty of [scoring] opportunities but need to work on finishing. I really like team and I feel they can finish as high as they want. They could make this a very special season.”


Josh lArsoN Philly Jr. Flyers

tyler willliAms Philly Jr. Flyers

AAroN gittiNgs Philly Jr. Flyers

JustiN PlumoFF Philly Jr. Flyers

Nils mArgreN Philly Jr. Flyers

trey Decker Philly Jr. Flyers

Expansion Nighthawks Hope to Challenge CONNECTICUT NIGHTHAWKS After surprising the Revolution in their season opener, 32, the Nighthawks endured a seven-game losing streak before besting the Jr. Rangers, 3-2. The Nighthawks have dropped their last five as they have yielded a league-high 68 goals.

QuiNN ryAN NighthAwks

Alex Doyle NighthAwks

tristAN gooDwiN NighthAwks

Forwards Quinn Ryan (5-4-9), Ivan Yuryev (3-4-7), Alex Doyle (6 points) and Tristan Goodwin (4 goals) are enjoying productive campaigns. Blaine Minatra, Dominic De La Guardia and Alex Estoch lead the defense while Jonathan Bustard and Benjamin Auerbach get equal time in goal.

BlAiNe miNAtrA NighthAwks

Dom DelAguArDiA NighthAwks

Alex estoch NighthAwks

EHL Boasts Several Top International Players (Continued From Page 3)

“Our coaching staffs have done a great job recruiting in our country over the past few seasons, and this year, I saw a significant improvement in their networking abilities to attract international players,” he said. “[The] international players have helped teams improve their overall skill and talent levels, and in turn helped attract more scouts to frequent EHL events. The game is changing for the better, and our coaches work hard to stay ahead of the curve. I am impressed with the knowledge of our coaches and the extensive networks they have to recruit,” Kumpel said. The EHL’s Director of Hockey Operations added, “I believe that over the next couple of season the number (of

international players) will be up. Then I would expect a drop somewhere in 2019-2020 That is when the USAH ADM model players will start to become of age to play in the Junior ranks. I believe in this Initiative by USAH. Training the mind and the body at younger ages to be skilled and creative will really vault the USA-born player past our international friends.” In the Premier Division, Eduards Tralmarks of the Boston Bandits via Latvia ranks fourth in scoring with 19 points, including three game-winning goals. The Vermont Lumberjacks’ Markuss Komuls of Latvia is ninth in scoring with 17 points. And the Little Flyers’ Pavel Mikhasenok of Russia was tied for fifth with 12 assists.

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


Applecore Strives To Gain On-The-Job Experience NEW YORK APPLECORE Coach Lou Santini’s young club is off to a slow start. Santini said NYA will rely on its skating to remain competitive while gaining experience on the fly. Captain Kevin Forsman and assistant captain Noah Wild, both forwards, and assistant captain Chris Pearson on defense return as the team’s leaders. Ethan Rist and Brian Birbrayer are key forwards while Oskar Stromberg and Jan Prokop add to the defense. Goalie Tim Sestak (.906) has seen most of the early work in goal. “We are looking to improve our younger players and to [helping move] our veteran players off to college,” said Santini.

Tim sesTaK NY applecore

KeviN ForsmaN NY applecore

Noah Wild NY applecore

Real People, Real Learning, Real World.

chris pearsoN NY applecore

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See us make it real. Inquire at W WorcesterAcademy.org orcesterAcademy.org or call 508.459.5841 to schedule a campus visit. November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Inaugural EHL Elite Debuts With 8 Clubs

JaMes Pelton

Joe nutting

adrian sJoqvist

Johan gustavsson

devin sadovnick

ethan hoMitz

Potent Scoring Attack Key For Monarchs Thus Far JR. MONARCHS Buoyed by the league’s most potent attack – through 15 games, the Monarchs were humming along at 5.0 goals per game – New Hampshire had nudged its way into first place. James Pelton (11-12-23) ranked amongst the league leaders in both goals and points through October. Adrian Sjoqvist leads the league with 14 assists while Joe Nutting (7-10-16), Ethan Homitz (10-5-15), Cam Neary (13 points) and Jimmy Perry (11 points) add to the attack. This group is more than capable of keeping the offense going after Chris Peters, who was leading the Elite Division is scoring, was recently dealt to the New England Wolves Premier squad. Devin Sadovnick (2.23 gaa, .925 save pct., 2 SO) is off to a stellar start in goal. Aaron Brickman (3.00/.909/1SO) is a strong second option. Johann Gustavsson, Seth Lawrence, Mathew Bloomer and Bradley Sargent make up the core of a sound defense.

caM cordio

eric Wright

Mark indelicato

Brad arvanitis

Walpole Express Start Fast WALPOLE EXPRESS The Express, who have started off 10-3-0, have matched the Monarchs stride for stride. They held two games in hand on the league leaders through games of Oct. 25. Six-foot, three-inch 205-pound power forward Cam Cordio (11-7-18) and Eric Wright (7-6-13) have emerged as the primary options at forward. They get support from Mike Wise (9 points), Logan Stark (9 points), Jared Balzarini (8 points), Ryan Gilboy (6 goals) and Peter Hereu. Aaron Forman, Nick Oliver and Mark Indelicato have been steady performers on the back line. Goaltending is split between Bradley Arvanitis (2.45/.937/1 SO) and Ray Feeley, who has won each of his five starts.

Jr. Rangers Boast Stingy Defense BOSTON JR. RANGERS The Rangers are just getting started. They too own games in hand on the leaders and already shown themselves to be a team that will bear watching and stellar on defense, building a plus-27 differential while surrendering just 13 goals. Six-foot, four-inch Mike Paglucca (1.20/.947/1 SO) and 6-2 Harrison Vangellow (1.33/.957/1SO) are off to equally flashy starts in goal. Brendan Horgas, Daniel Gunning, Jared Bernis and Damien Dangueuger have been solid on defense. (Continued On Page 21)


NovEmbEr 4, 2015 | HockEy NigHt iN boStoN NEWS | HNibnews.com


With Only 1 Regulation Loss, Bandits In Good Shape BOSTON BANDITS The Bandits arrived at Halloween Weekend with multiple games in hand on the two leaders and well positioned to make a pre-Thanksgiving statement. They have been playing sound two-way hockey, evidenced by their plus-15 differential. Goaltender Christian Cellini (1.83/.940/1 SO) has been outstanding in a lead role, unbeaten (4-0-2) through his first six starts. Brendan Sullivan provides back-up. Top defensemen include Mick Deaver (4 goals), Curry White, Shawn Sullivan and Blake Chapman. Andrea Maino (5-9-14) – from Bolzano, Italy and a product of the Ontario Hockey Academy – leads the offense along with Riley Kraemer (7-5-12) and P.J. Vinci (5-6-11). Rodahn Evans and Victor Lombardi are also off to productive starts.

Cyclones Can, Will Improve

ricky Beckwith

dAn dAsilvA

nick ciArAvellA

NORTHERN CYCLONES There is plenty of room – and time – for improvement by the Cyclones, who were outscored by 13 goals through their first seven games but have played fewer games than all but one other team. Forwards Ricky Beckwith (34-7), Nick Ciavarella, John FineLease, Shane Noviello, Jeff Eppright and Brian Dee (3 goals) have shown the potential for a productive offense in the early going. Kriz Onizua, Matt Moscati, Stuart Shanley and Phil Garcia form the top four on defense. Dan Desilva gets most of the work in goal while Jason Blier picked up a win in his only start.

AndreA MAino

riley krAeMer

PAt vinci

curry white

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MAtt MoscAti

Forwards Mike McPherson (11-11-22) and Nikita Kuznetsov (69-15) of St. Petersburg, Russia are off to fast starts. Jonny Andrews (73-10), Jason Smith, Luke Klecker, and Brendan Boyle add to a balanced attack.

Steve Jacobs, General Manager | Jon Fontas, Director of Player Development Mike McPherson

Jonny Andrews


November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Jr. Warriors Look To Turn Things Around VALLEY JR. WARRIORS Lodged in the middle of the pack, the Warriors followed a rugged 0-70 stretch with a three-game winning streak that should help settle things heading into November. The forward unit shows promise behind the trio of Brendan Hussey (710-17), Sean Crowley (5-8-13) and Richard Cincotta (5-5-10), Adam Czarnecki (8 points), Ivan Mikhailov (7 points) and Peter Menzies (6 goals) add to the mix. The Warriors still need to sort things out in the defensive end. Andrew Yvars (3.54/.900/1SO) is solid as the primary goalie. Kevin Rodgers, Kyle Copp, Nick Caputo and Bruno Machado are top defensemen.

BrENdaN HussEy

ricky ciNcotta

Nick caputo

kEviN rodgErs

NE Wolves Finding Way

ZaNdEr allEN NE WolvEs

Brody Mcdougal NE WolvEs

NEW ENGLAND WOLVES They’re doing it again. Zander Allen (7-7-14) and Kyle Carignan (6-7-13), who lit up New Hampshire Division Two hockey the previous two years at Spaulding High School, have emerged as the Wolves’ premier weapons through 11 games. Native Muscovite Mikhail Astakhov, Ryan Padden, Zachary Allard and Andrew D’Amour add depth up front. Shawn Sullivan and Brody McDougal man the defense in front of goalies Ben Bragg and Noah Stock.

Lumberjacks Need To Tighten Up On The Blue Line VERMONT LUMBERJACKS The early season has been a challenge for the Lumberjacks, who have experienced particular problems on defense while being outscored by a wide margin thus far. Defenseman Ethan Bartlett (65-11) has been a bright spot and leads the team in scoring. Cameron Russell, David Rosales, Zeberiah Scheffler and Andrew Bechard are top forwards while defenseman Nick Cramer has three goals. Chris Mattone (.893 pct.) gets the bulk of the work among three goalies.


November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

david rosalEs luMBErjacks

caMEroN russEll luMBErjacks


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Year 2 Of NEWJHL Is Off And Running

Girls Junior League Comprised Of Six Franchises

T Meghan kraus cyclones

erica d’errico cyclones

kirsten iwanski cyclones

katie Maccuaig cyclones

By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News

he New England Womens Junior Hockey League made its debut for the 2014-2015 season with six franchises, and those same six teams are well underway for the NEWJHL’s second season. The idea for the NEWHJL was spawned when a group of Northeast-based junior hockey team owners/managers, all of whom have successful organizations on the mens side, joined forces to launch a new junior hockey league for girls. The league was designed “to offer increased opportunities for teenage girls to play competitive hockey with the intent of moving into the college ranks.” The NEWJHL adheres to USA Hockey rules and standards of excellence, while paralleling many USA Hockey Junior operating standards. All six organizations in the league – the Northern Cyclones (Hudson, NH), East Coast Wizards (Bedford, MA), New Jersey Rockets (Newark, NJ), Hartford Jr. Wolfpack (Cromwell, CT), Walpole Express (Walpole, MA) and Boston Bandits (Bridgewater, MA) – have mens teams in the Eastern Hockey League. Last year’s inaugural title was won by the Northern Cyclones and the team has pretty much picked up where it has left on this season, going undefeated in league play in the early going. And that despite having many new faces, as coach Joe Flanagan reports his team has 14 new players on the roster, returning only four from last winter’s title team. One returner is forward Erica D’Errico, who scored 61 points last winter in leading the Cyclones to the NEWJHL title, earning league MVP honors in the process. D’Errico, who has missed some games with injury this season, has committed to the University of Connecticut. Senior Meghan Kraus (from Bellingham, WA) is also back. She led the league in goals last season. Junior Katie MacCuaig is another key forward to watch. Team captain Kirsten Iwanski (Marquette, MI) anchors the blue line. Other keys on defense are Maddie Truax and Hannah Kiraly (Glendale, AZ) in front of solid goalies Jill Moffatt and Kayla Rios. “I think we have more depth this year, and good team speed,” Flanagan said. “I think we will get some more consistent scoring throughout our lines.” (Continued On Page 25)

Jean-Marie Padden nJ rockets


alexa Parigi nJ rockets

NOvember 4, 2015 | HOCkey NiGHt iN bOStON NewS | HNibnews.com

Jordi naidrich nJ rockets

annika asPlundh nJ rockets


Kailey JacoBs Walpole express

syDney harris Walpole express

Meg gilBriDe Walpole express

Jess olivieri Walpole express

rachel peacocK east coast WizarDs

NJ Rockets, Wizards Have Stepped Up Early (Continued From Page 24)

Right on the heels of the Cyclones are the New Jersey Rockets, who won seven of their first eight league games. “We played real well at the end of last year and are a lot stronger,” said Rockets coach Mark Hurle. “We have a couple more polished kids on the team this year.” Offensively, the Rockets are led by junior Jean-Marie Padden, who notched 11 points in those first seven games. Other forwards to keep an eye on are Alexa Parigi (9 pts) and Jordan Naidach (4 goals). Sarah Martoni has 3 goals. Amanda Peterson is the cornerstone of the Rockets defensive unit, one of several returners from last year. In goal, Annika Asplundh won her first six starts. New Jersey was scheduled to host the Cyclones for a pair of games as this publication went to press. The Walpole Express have turned things over to new head coach Danielle Doherty, a former player at Boston College. “I see us getting stronger as a team and as individuals as the season progresses,” she said. “I believe my team can challenge for the league title.” Senior Kailey Jacobs has propelled the Express offense in the early going. “She is a very fast, hard-working player who has a knack for finding the back of the net,” Doherty said. Other keys up front so far have been Meg Gilbride and Julia Nagel. Defensive standouts have been post-grad Sydney Harris (Pueblo, CO) and Lauren White. The Express are blessed with a pair of solid netminders in post-grad Helen Cooney (Doylestown, PA) and returner Jess Olivieri. The East Coast Wizards were 3-2-0 in league play heading into the weekend where they will

host a pair of games. Veteran coach Paul Kennedy’s team dropped a one-goal decision to Walpole in last year’s quarterfinals. Offensive leaders project to be tri-captains Maddie Davis (Edmonds, WA) and Rachel Peacock, both returners from last winter’s squad. A lot is expected of newcomer Allie Damren, who captained the Express last season. Defensively, returner Reid Nichols is a leader. A couple of new players –tri-captain Olivia Villani (Pittsburgh) and Julia Radcliffe (Anchorage) – will be strong additions to the blue line. The Wizards feature a solid trio of goaltenders in French National team member Talide Pousse, Boston College commit Molly Barrow, and North Carolina native Delany Gill.

Despite the slow start to the season, the future looks bright for the Hartford Jr. Wolfpack, who welcomed 12 new players to the program. Junior defenseman Catherine Lawrence, a returning blue liner, is already getting looks from college scouts and is a strong skater with an excellent shot for associate coaches Craig Millard and Jason Olson. Nicole Demers is another strong rearguard. New goalie Victoria Lahey has taken over the number one spot between the pipes after Edy Moritz moved on to UMass-Boston. Up front, scoring will need to come from the likes of returning senior Mary Kate Thompson, and newcomers Anyas Morin and Erin Persico. The Boston Bandits will be looking to improve as the season progresses. The team has lost three one-goal games already on the young season. Coach Steve Molind hopes to get solid production up front from senior Ari Soldano, postgrad Siobhan Murtagh, junior Marissa Massaro and sophomore Kiki Doucette. On the blue line, post-grad Amanda Giles is off to a nice start of the season, with post-grad Erin Smith helping out. The goaltending duties have been split between junior Carrington Nevard (Washington) and senior Amanda Jarzemba (New Mexico).

MaDDie Davis Molly BarroW allie DaMren catherine laWrence Mary Kate thoMpson east coast WizarDs east coast WizarDs east coast WizarDs Jr. WolfpacK Jr. WolfpacK

victoria lahey Jr. WolfpacK

ari solDano Boston BanDits

KiKi Doucette Boston BanDits

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

aManDa giles Boston BanDits

sioBhan Murtagh Boston BanDits


GIRLS JR. HOCKEY FEATURE By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News he Boston Shamrocks hosted the first Junior Womens Hockey League showcase of the season in mid-October, where the South Division teams squared off against their North Division rivals. Although they dropped four of five games (the North Division of the JWHL is comprised entirely of Canadian squads), the Shamrocks were in every game and had leads in two of them, which bodes well as they open up November with divisional play. “I think it is a testament to the teams in the league,” said Shamrocks coach Josh Hechter, now in his sixth year at the helm of the club. “We play 60-minute games and if you make mistakes, other teams will make you pay. The Canadian teams love the opportunity to play in Boston in front of all those scouts. We need to work on playing a complete game.” The Shamrocks opened up JWHL divisional play with a game at NAHA as this publication went to press, and this weekend take on the Washington Pride and the Canadian International Hockey Academy (CIHA) at a division showcase at Union College. The team should be right in the mix as it fights for a Division title.


Boston Shamrocks Armed, Ready To Compete For JWHL South Title

SHAMROCKS DEFENSEMAN Delaney Guimont tries to pock check puck away from Balmoral Hall’s Kelly Rowswell during JWHL Showcase game held at Merrimack College. (Photo by Jamie Callery)

“We should do well,” Hechter said. “NAHA is always difficult for us; we were able to beat them twice last year. Washington played us hard last year. Colorado is getting better. And CIHA is an awesome addition to the league.” This year’s Shamrocks are younger than past squads, but still possess no less than six Divison I committed players on the roster already in forwards Jessie Jacques (Maine), Kathleen McHugh (Providence), Ali O’Leary (Vermont) and Michaela Boyle (Clarkson), defenseman Aly Peper (Harvard) and goalie Kia Castonguay (Clarkson). “It’s awesome for the program,” Hechter said. “This is the first time we’ve had this many kids on the team at the same time committed to Division I programs. It’s great for the kids and really exciting for the families of the kids.” The 2015-16 Shamrocks strength KATHLEEN MCHUGH of the Boston Shamrocks is thwarted on the doorstep here by Balmoroal Hall goaltender Corinne lies up front and in goal, while the Schroeder in game won by Balmoral, 6-4.


(Photo by Jamie Callery) NovemBeR 4, 2015 | HoCkey NigHT iN BoSToN NeWS | HNiBnews.com

(Continued On Page 27)


New Defense Starting To Gel For Shamrocks the puck. With time and space she is incredible.” The team is ready for what should be a busy November. “Things are a bit different this year. Our strength had

been defense, but this year or strength is up front and in goal,” Hechter said. “It presents different challenges. We have to play great team hockey for as close to 60 minutes as we can. It should be a fun year.”

NEWCOMER AMANDA CONWAY is adjusting to JWHL play.

(Continued From Page 26)

the team is going through a bit of a rebuilding process on defense. Five new players man the back line, so the leadership of veteran defensemen like Peper and thirdyear Shamrock Jenna Abeyta has been crucial. “It’s definitely been an adjustment for the new kids,” Hechter said. “They are getting better every week. They are becoming more accustomed to the speed and physical play of the league.” Junior goalie Castonguay has seen the majority of time in goal for the Shamrocks and “has been phenomenal” so far. Solid goaltending is key as the new defensive crew gets acclimated to the JWHL. Two of the premier players in Mass. HS Hockey this past winter – Reading’s Ali O’Leary and Methuen’s Amanda Conway – have joined the Shamrocks lineup and have fit in right away. “They have been awesome additions,” Hechter said. “Ali has been offered and accepted to Vermont, so obviously she has transitioned well. Amanda is so talented with November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com




ow in its ninth season of operation, the Junior Womens Hockey League (JWHL) has established itself as one of the premier girls hockey leagues in North America, with franchises located in both the United States and Canada. The JWHL was the first “junior” style league in North America for girls hockey, founded by Washington Pride director Kush Sidhu and Bill Driscoll of the North American Hockey Academy, both of whom have teams in the league. It was formed to serve as stage to allow elite teams to unite and compete at the highest level for girls. This season, the JWHL is comprised of 11 teams, six in the North Division and five in the South Division. Seven of the league’s 11 clubs are in Canada and JWHL teams are a mixture of Clubs, Sports Schools, Traditional Schools and Academies.

JWHL Embarks On Its Ninth Season

Loop Comprised Of 11 Franchises In US, Canada The North Division is made up of all Canada-based teams and includes Athol Murray College of Notre Dame (Saskatchewan), Balmoral Hall (Manitoba), Warner Hockey School (Alberta), The Edge School (Alberta), the Pacific Steelers (British Columbia) and the Okanagan Hockey Academy (British Columbia). The South Division boasts the North American Hockey Academy (Stowe, VT), the Washington Pride (Bethesda, MD), the Boston Shamrocks (Wilmington, MA), the Colorado Selects (Littleton, CO) and the expansion Canadian International Hockey Academy (Ontario). Each team will play teams in their own division three times, and teams in the other division twice during the season. The

codie cross Warner

deLaney ross Warner

Kennedy Ganser Warner

majority of league games are played in weekend showcases to cut down on travel. Some of the venues include the University of Minnesota, Providence, Brown, Union, RPI and Merrimack College. The Warner Hockey School, the defending North Division and JWHL champions, went an impressive 3-0-1 to start the 2015-2016 season at the first Showcase at Merrimack College. Warner returns 11 players from that championship club, and welcomes 13 new skaters to the program. It will have a young squad, with three ninth-graders and four tenth-graders on the roster. As of now, the team’s only committed player is senior defenseman Codie Cross, who will continue her career at Northeastern University. Cross and seniors Aislynn Nachtegaele and Lindsey Weech anchor the defense for coach Mikko Makela, a veteran of 423 NHL games, primarily with the New York Islanders. Offensively, Delaney Ross has exploded out of the gate with a line of 13-3-16. Youngster McKenzie Hewett has six goals, while Kennedy Ganser and Kiera Dietrich are key forwards as well. (Continued On Page 29)

ryLeiGh houston BaLmoraL haLL

KeLLi roWsWeLL BaLmoraL haLL

emiLy middaGh BaLmoraL haLL

nicoLe WhiteseLL BaLmoraL haLL

chLoe Puddifant edGe schooL

amanda mcLeod edGe schooL

Kirsten chamBerLin

Lauren BoWman edGe schooL


edGe schooL

Lindsey Weech Warner

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


Warner, Balmoral Hall Off To Great Starts In North (Continued From Page 28)

OliviA knOwles OkAnAgAn

Alex gulstene OkAnAgAn

Warner’s goaltending has been split between Morgan Lindstein and Cassidy McEwen. Located in Winnipeg, the Balmoral Hall School won all four its games at the Merrimack Showcase, scoring 25 goals in the process. Senior Ryleigh Houston, who has committed to the University of North Dakota, already has 22 points. Syracuse-bound Kelli Rowswell (14 pts) and Tori Stebnitsky (16 pts) also drive the offense for the Blazers. Forward/Defenseman Emily Middagh, a member of Team Manitoba along with Houston and Rowswell, is committed to Potsdam State. Kaitlin Howarth is another key defenseman, while Corinne Schroeder also sees time between the pipes. “We are looking for our Team Manitoba players to provide much of the firepower,” said coach Gerry Wilson. “The younger players are adapting quickly to the pace of play and the physical style of the JWHL.” Calgary’s Edge School won three of its first four

games, then went 2-0-2 at a North Division showcase. Edge likes to play a strong defensive game, winning those three games in Boston while scoring just seven goals in those four games. We are looking forward to a great, competitive season in the JWHL,” said Edge School coach Carla MacLeod. “We have 11 returning players that were a big part of our Bronze Medal win last season. Our team looks to compete at both ends of the arena, while working hard to push the pace in every game.” Claire Stewart has scored four goals to lead the team in scoring in the early going. Other key operatives up front will be 2015 Team Alberta members Chloe Puddifant, Amanda McLeod ( 4goals, committed to Penn State) and Lauren Bowman (committed to McGill), along with underclassmen Jane Jacobs and Megan Wilson (7 pts), and senior Tessa Lowry. In goal, Kirsten Chamberlin and Emily Severson have both excelled between the pipes. (Continued On Page 30)

AlyssA mcmillAn OkAnAgAn

Alex Rempe OkAnAgAn

Junior Women’s Hockey League 2015-16 Directory NORTH AMERICAN HOCKEY ACADEMY 3430 Mountain Road, PO Box 1197, Stowe, VT 05672 Phone: 802-253-1590 Head Coach: Bill Driscoll e-mail: billdris@winter-hawks.org Web: www.winter-hawks.org

ATHOL MURRAY COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME Box 100, Wilcox, SK S0G-5E0 Phone: 306-732-1241 Head Coach: Janice Rumpel e-mail: j.rumpel@notredame.ca Web: www.notredame.ca

WASHINGTON PRIDE 10005 Dickens Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-257-8966 Head Coach: Kush Sidhu e-mail: ksidhu35@mac.com Web: www.pridehockey.com

BOSTON SHAMROCKS 190 Main St., Wilmington, MA 01887 Phone: 781-864-7676 Head Coach: Josh Hechter e-mail: josh@bostonshamrocks.net http://www.bostonshamrocks.net

PACIFIC STEELERS #154-3650 Mount Seymour Parkway P.O. Box 30058 Parkgate North Vancouver, B.C. V7H-2Y0 Head Coach: Jeff Eaton e-mail: jeff@pacificsteelers.ca Web: pacificsteelers.ca

THE EDGE SCHOOL 33055 Township Road 250, Calgary, AB T3Z-1L4 Phone: 403-246-6432, ext. 441 Head Coach: Carla MacLeod e-mail: cmacleod@ilearn.edgeschool. com Web: www.edgeschool.com

WARNER HOCKEY SCHOOL Box 150, 409 3rd Ave., Warner AB T0K-2L0 Phone: 403-642-3931 Head Coach: Mikko Makela e-mail: mikko.makela@horizon.ab.ca Web: www.warnerhockeyschool.com

BALMORAL HALL SCHOOL 630 Westminster Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3C-3S1 Phone: 204-960-8100 Head Coach: Gerry Wilson e-mail: gwilson@balmoralhall.com Web: www.balmoralhall.com

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

OKANAGAN HOCKEY ACADEMY Suite 201, 853 Eckhardt Ave. West, Penticton, BC V2A-9C4 Phone: 250-809-5318 Head Coach: Jim Fetter e-mail: jimfetter@okanaganhockey.com Web: okanaganhockey.com COLORADO SELECT PO Box 270196, Littleton, CO 80127 Phone: 214-435-4978 Head Coach: Karen Rickard e-mail: karen.rickard@csgha.com Web: www.coloradogirlshockey.com CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY ACADEMY 8710 County Road 17, Rockland, ON K4K 1T2 Phone: 613-266-4718 Director of Hockey: Guy Girouard e-mail: ggirouard@cihacademy.com Web: www.cihacademy.com/page



Kirsten martin PaCifiC steelers

leona sim PaCifiC steelers

Whitney dove PaCifiC steelers

Cassidy Bell PaCifiC steelers

Okanagan Returns 10 Players (Continued From Page 29)

The Okanagan Hockey Academy has split its first 11 games of the season (5-5-1). The team will be seasoned, returning 10 skaters, with two players – Minnesota-bound defenseman Olivia Knowles (Canada) and goalie Alex Gulstene (USA) – U-18 National Team members for their respective countries. Alex Rempe (10 pts), has committed to Brown University and is a stalwart on offense. Sister Stephanie Rempe, also going to Brown, is a key on the blue line for coach Jim Fetter. Veteran Alyssa McMillan (a North Dakota commit) was second in scoring for Okanagan last winter and will be a key offensively, as will youngster Miranda Gaudet (team-leading 11 points on the young season). Cyan Roepcke and Mikayla Capelle must be watched as well. A deep blue line corp also includes the likes of Chloe Cook, an agile blueliner, and young Kailee Skinner, who plays with veteran composure already. Joining Gulstene in the goaltender rotation is returning netminder Aurore Beaulieu. Athol Murray College of Notre Dame is another North Division team off to a great start, winning its first five games (outscoring opponents by a 25-7 margin) en route to a 8-2 start..

The Hounds have been clicking offensively, led by Jetta Derenoski (18 pts) and junior Nara Elia (six goals). Post-graduate Jaycee Gebhard (15 pts) and Sophia Shirley (13 pts) have been keys as well for coach Janice Rumpel. Anna Shepherd has been a catalyst on defense. Jessica O’Leary and Victoria Bourassa have been solid in goal for the Hounds. The Pacific Steelers from North Vancouver, BC will most definitely be the mix in the North Division. Lindenwood University-bound forward Kirsten Martin has been an offensive leader thus far for coach Jeff Eaton. Leona Sim, headed for UConn, and Maddison Devlin are also off to good starts up front. Olivia Ramos has committed to McGill University in Quebec. The Steelers defense features a pair of commits in Whitney Dove, headed for Providence College, and offensive-minded Cassidy Bell, who will go to McGill University as well. Goalie Morgan Skinner will move on to Lindenwood University as well. “We have an older team this season with a stronger skill set than we have had in recent years giving us a great opportunity to be a very competitive team in the JWHL this season,” said Steelers assistant coach Dayna Birch.

• South Division • North American Hockey Acad. Ready For Another Title Run South Division teams didn’t fare that well as a whole against their North Division counterparts at the Merrimack Showcase, but will head this weekend for some divisional play at RPI. The North American Hockey Academy (NAHA) will be a tough opponent in the South Division. Coach Bill Driscoll has a deep and talented team and hopes to make another run to the league championship it has won six times in the JWHL’s eight years. No less than 10 Divison I commits will be a plus. Wisconsin-commit Delaney Drake leads NAHA White in scoring in the early going, and is a part of an impressive offensive group that also includes Paige Lewis (Cornell), captain Carlee Turner (UNH), Bailey Bennett (Vermont), Megan Hayes (RPI), Maegan Beres (Boston College) and Hayley Lunny (Providence). On the blue line, Caroline Ross (Boston College), Skylar Podvey (Ohio State) and Sam Benoit will be stalwarts in front of goaltenders Jenna Pieva and Emme Ostrander. (Continued On Page 31)

Carlee turner naha


delaney draKe naha

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

Caroline ross naha

Paige leWis naha


veronIka Pettey PrIde

maggIe mclaughlIn PrIde

gIanna melonI PrIde

madISon Farrand PrIde

chrISSy colIzza cIh acad.

Sydney lInnIk cIh acad.

alex SaWyer cIh acad.

nIcole dunbar cIh acad.

Lot of New Faces For Pride, Colorado Shamrocks Will Be In The Mix; League Welcomes CIH (Continued From Page 30)

Although its early-season record may not show it, the Washington Pride believes it is on the right track to a successful season. The Pride has 10 new players this winter, including Sierra Semmel, a post-grad from Maine, and Anna Kublina from Latvia. Junior Veronika Pettey has picked up where she left off last season, when she was the Pride’s top scorer, leading the offense in the early going, and senior Maggie McLaughlin, the leading scorer so far this winter with 22 pts (including non-league tilts). Madison Farrand will be a key forward, while freshmen Julia Blitz and Mollie Dalbey are already seeing significant minutes. Joining Kublina on the blue line are post-grad Zoey Pellewitz and Breea Kobernick. Yale commit Gianna Meloni will be the backbone in goal for the Pride and coach Kush Sidhu. A newcomer to the league, the Canadian International Hockey Academy is ready for the challenges the JWHL brings. The team has a solid mix of returning and new players to the program who are working well together. Chrissy Colizza is the team’s point leader thus far, while Kayla Trujillo has scored three goals on the young season. Forward Nicole Dunbar has committed to UNH, while Keisha Dicaire is a player to watch up front as well. Defensemen Sydney Linnick and Alex Sawyer are highly-regarded, while Taylor Elias will be the key in goal for CIH, which is in Ontario.

aly PePer ShamrockS

mIchaela boyle ShamrockS

kathleen mchugh ShamrockS

JeSSIe JacqueS ShamrockS

The Boston Shamrocks dropped four of their opening five league games against North Division opponents but were competitive in each tilt, which gives the club some confidence heading into this weekend’s Showcase with South Division clubs. Newcomer Amanda Conway has led the club in league play with four goals, while Clarkson recruit Michaela Boyle and Providence recruit Kathleen McHugh have been involved in the scoring as well. Veteran Jessie Jacques, committed to Maine, has been a solid contributor. Harvard University commit Aly Peper keys the blue line for coach Josh Hechter. New junior defenseman Jenna Abeyta from Colorado has chipped in with three league points on the young season. Senior goalie Kia Castonguay is also a Clarkson University recruit. With only two returning players, this season will be a work in progress for the Colorado Selects, who will be young. Coach Karen Rickard will rely heavily on the veteran leadership of captain Nicole Watson, who rejoins Colorado after taking last year off, and assistant captains Lexi Martinez and Morgan McIver. Senior defenseman Madison Maloney leads the team in scoring in the early going. “The best part about this team is that they are a bunch of fighters,” Rickard said. “With players on the team from South Dakota, California, Georgia and Arizona, they’ve all had to really fight to get where they are. They work hard in practice every day and want so badly to get to the next level.”

nIcole WatSon colorado

lexI martInez colorado

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

morgan mcIver colorado

Jenna abeyta ShamrockS



veronIka Pettey PrIde

maggIe mclaughlIn PrIde

gIanna melonI PrIde

madISon Farrand PrIde

chrISSy colIzza cIh acad.

Sydney lInnIk cIh acad.

alex SaWyer cIh acad.

nIcole dunbar cIh acad.

Lot of New Faces For Pride, Colorado Shamrocks Will Be In The Mix; League Welcomes CIH (Continued From Page 30)

Although its early-season record may not show it, the Washington Pride believes it is on the right track to a successful season. The Pride has 10 new players this winter, including Sierra Semmel, a post-grad from Maine, and Anna Kublina from Latvia. Junior Veronika Pettey has picked up where she left off last season, when she was the Pride’s top scorer, leading the offense in the early going, and senior Maggie McLaughlin, the leading scorer so far this winter with 22 pts (including non-league tilts). Madison Farrand will be a key forward, while freshmen Julia Blitz and Mollie Dalbey are already seeing significant minutes. Joining Kublina on the blue line are post-grad Zoey Pellewitz and Breea Kobernick. Yale commit Gianna Meloni will be the backbone in goal for the Pride and coach Kush Sidhu. A newcomer to the league, the Canadian International Hockey Academy is ready for the challenges the JWHL brings. The team has a solid mix of returning and new players to the program who are working well together. Chrissy Colizza is the team’s point leader thus far, while Kayla Trujillo has scored three goals on the young season. Forward Nicole Dunbar has committed to UNH, while Keisha Dicaire is a player to watch up front as well. Defensemen Sydney Linnick and Alex Sawyer are highly-regarded, while Taylor Elias will be the key in goal for CIH, which is in Ontario.

aly PePer ShamrockS

mIchaela boyle ShamrockS

kathleen mchugh ShamrockS

JeSSIe JacqueS ShamrockS

The Boston Shamrocks dropped four of their opening five league games against North Division opponents but were competitive in each tilt, which gives the club some confidence heading into this weekend’s Showcase with South Division clubs. Newcomer Amanda Conway has led the club in league play with four goals, while Clarkson recruit Michaela Boyle and Providence recruit Kathleen McHugh have been involved in the scoring as well. Veteran Jessie Jacques, committed to Maine, has been a solid contributor. Harvard University commit Aly Peper keys the blue line for coach Josh Hechter. New junior defenseman Jenna Abeyta from Colorado has chipped in with three league points on the young season. Senior goalie Kia Castonguay is also a Clarkson University recruit. With only two returning players, this season will be a work in progress for the Colorado Selects, who will be young. Coach Karen Rickard will rely heavily on the veteran leadership of captain Nicole Watson, who rejoins Colorado after taking last year off, and assistant captains Lexi Martinez and Morgan McIver. Senior defenseman Madison Maloney leads the team in scoring in the early going. “The best part about this team is that they are a bunch of fighters,” Rickard said. “With players on the team from South Dakota, California, Georgia and Arizona, they’ve all had to really fight to get where they are. They work hard in practice every day and want so badly to get to the next level.”

nIcole WatSon colorado

lexI martInez colorado

November 4, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

morgan mcIver colorado

Jenna abeyta ShamrockS


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